11996 March 01

I was out hiking in the forest. I walked down the road with the thicket field to the right. I had originally come from a side road that turned right from the road i was on at the end of the field. I was heading back. The new-growth woods were rich and green. I went back down the road off to the side and followed the right angle corner to the left. I pushed the two bicycles in front of me as i went. One of them had larger tires than the other. I really should have gotten two bicycles of the same size so that they would be easier to roll. I decided that i should hold the larger one with both hands so that it would be a little more stable. I ran into $A163 in the hall. He asked me where i was going. I told him about a very peaceful place. I said that it was in the woods off of an old dirt road. It was a special place. $A163 said that he knew of a couple of special places in the woods. I thought about the circular opening in the trees where i found it very peaceful. $F12 knew where there was one as well. It was near where i had gone. I took them into the woods to show them the special places where i had gone. We were not on the trail i was on before. I was unsure of the way. We walked toward the right-angle corner on the road by the field. I followed the dirt road into the woods. It was slightly overgrown. I followed the old dirt road into the woods. There was something spiritual around here. I came out onto an old road, which was gravel paved. I had not seen this road before. Then i came across a small driveway off of the road. There were a couple of cars parked there. I recognized them. They were my parents’ old cars. The red Rabbit was there. I thought that my parents had leased the car. I wondered if they were supposed to return it. I opened up the driver’s door and looked inside. There were several things of ours in there. We must have left them there when the car was taken. I started to take some of the stuff out. Then i decided that i should just drive the car back to my parents’ house. I went to the back of the Beetle and closed the flap over the engine. Someone must have siphoned gas from the car as it was sitting there. It could have been the people who vandalized it before. I got in the car and backed it onto the country road. It drove uneasily. It must be low on gas. I drove down the rutty road. There was an old run-down house on the right side of the road. The yard to the house went up steeply from the road and then leveled off. There was an old twisted locus tree in front. The car kept stuttering because it was low on gas. I coasted as much as possible toward the down. I came to the intersection of the main road in the town. I looked up and down the main road for a gas station. To the right was an old run-down gas station. The white paint on the outside of the building was chipping. The station itself was closed. I looked to the left to see a sign in front of a small store. I drove in, wondering if the tall cylinder was a gas pump. As i got closer, i realized that tit was a pump for soda syrup. The price was too expensive for gas. It was 14.98. I turned to $F31 and started talking to him. I told him about the end of the world coming soon. I could see the ground collapsing. There was a scepter in the center of the commotion. It was a golden wand, with a red top. It caused great destruction to the land. I could see it falling into the molten crater in the earth. I floated up into the air to escape the cataclysm. Then i realized that the extraterrestrials had me. They took me so that i would be saved from the destruction.

$Z had a large moth in a glass case. I looked it over as he moved the case around. The moth was about two and a half decis in body length, and had sensor “feathers” on its belly to feel the vibration around it. $Z pet the belly of the moth and told me that i could do the same. I was uneasy of the creature.

11996 March 02

I was on a small bus. I was trying to train some people how to drive it. Several members of $G3 were there. I tried to explain as we worked in the office.

11996 March 03

I sneaked around the outside of the house. It was dark outside, and it had just rained. I walked along the back of the house and then hurried down the path along the long side. There were a couple puddles on the path that i jumped over. $Z had been with me, but did not follow me around the front of the house. He headed off into the woods. I came to the wooden slab steps that led up to the porch or deck. I hopped over a puddle near the bottom step and ran up the stairs. I wandered around the house, wondering who was around. I ran down the long dark corridor in the basement. At the end, i turned around. Someone came down the stone stairs. I asked who was around. They did not know if anybody knew that we were here. I started back down the corridor. Then i noticed someone at the top of the stairs. It was $A266. He was still in a small wooden chair. I waved to him. He smiled and nodded. I continued down the corridor.

11996 March 04

I was water skiing over the water. I was using a large sheet of plastic to catch the wind. It propelled me across the water. I thought about how easy it was to sail on the skis. I was surprised at how easily i was skiing. I walked across the room. There was a wrestling match going on. $F4 and $F7 were there. Then the announcement came that they had been thrown off of the Princeton team. We were all disappointed. I had to get to the regular tournament. It was in Watson Hall. I knew where that was, even though i was not that familiar with the campus. It was on the other side of campus from where we were. I walked across the room and into the bathroom of my grandmother’s house. I stood in front of the sink. There was music playing out in the other room. It was one of my songs. I was unsure about it at first, but then i decided that i really liked the beat. It was somewhat funky. I listened to the drum beat. It was almost like a disco beat, but it had the heavier sound of grunge-funk. I would have to remember this beat so that i could reproduce it. I walked out of the bathroom and over to the stove. There was a cast-iron skillet on the stove. It was a number ten. I placed a smaller number six into it with some water. It was to get some humidity in the room. Then i walked up the hill by $P104. I came to the lower southwest corner of $P87. There were some other students gathered there. I stretched out at the edge of the pavement. I put my right foot on the hill and stretched my hamstrings. Then i saw a kid roller-sledding down the paths. It looked a lot like skateboarding, but they were on old red sleds with wheels. They moved very fast. I moved to the ground and started doing some pushups for a warm up.

11996 March 06

There was a group of people sitting at the table. They were acquaintances of mine. It was some kind of quiz show or party game. They each had yellow cards stuck to their foreheads. A yellow piece of yarn spread out to each of the cards from the center of the head of the table. Then the yarn was pulled by the man at the head of the table. Everyone tried to answer the question. $A307 answered something about a glove. The correct answer had something to do with alcohol. $A307 explained how her answer was related to the real answer. She bragged about how she was actually correct. I walked down the hall and up the side of the auditorium in $P7. I was on the south side of the auditorium, where several other people were gathered. They were looking into the room at what was going on. I started thinking about christmas designs. It must be the right season. I thought about placing christmas decorations up on the web-page headers at $G2. I imagined the green and red leaf designs of holly on the white box of the main page head. I walked toward the main hall. I stopped farther down the side of the auditorium, where others were gathered. Someone started talking about Russian religion. I was interested and listened. The man talking mentioned the name of a Russian god. I wondered were the name had come from. I asked him if he knew the origins of the name. I wondered if it was Eskimo. I told him about the europeans coming into the country across the Baltic Sea. I also mentioned the Eskimo immigrants. I liked telling others what i knew. The man just listened. He was not really interested in what i had to say. I walked back up the hall and started talking to $A242. Then we started to wrestle each other. I got him down. I had my right arm over the back of his neck and my left arm looked on his right leg. I could hold him in the cradle and flip him over to pin him. Then i lost my grip and his leg got free. I grabbed him again and relocked my hands. I pushed his head down and rolled him over. I was in control and would have a pin.

I walked into the back section of the music store. $F10 was with me. I looked over the counters. I was not in a good mood. There were CDs on the shelf to the right. I looked through them, hoping to find something interesting. There was nothing interesting on the shelf. I thought that i should go to the used-CD store while i was down here. To my left, there was a computer set up where the stalls opened up to make the width of the store wider. Several people were gathered around it, playing games. Then i noticed the police officer wandering in the store. I wondered if they were after me. I got the feeling that they found me suspicious. I watched them for a moment and they seemed to be after one of the other people in the room. I wandered away. I walked through the archway on the left side of the room and into the side section of the store. There was a counter along the right wall as i entered, and instruments hanging from the left wall. There was a twelve-string semiacoustic guitar handing from the wall. I lifted it off of the hook, which held the head well above me. It was a nice guitar. I played it for a while. It had great sound. The double strings had a very cool effect when distorted. I liked the way it played. I stopped and decided that i should put it back up on the wall. Then i noticed that the neck was cracked. The clerk came in and walked behind the counter. I could not hang the guitar back up on the wall because of the crack in the neck. I told the clerk that i was sorry, because i felt that i had damaged it. He shrugged. He did not seem too worried that the guitar had been broken. I tried again to put it back up, but the neck was falling of. I could not get it over the hook. The guitar looked rather crude and was made of an old worn-finished wood. It looked like it had been crudely carved from a piece of lumber. I could not hang it back up on the rack. The other clerk came by with a ladder. We placed the ladder against the cliff and he walked up. I handed him the guitar once he was on top of the rock. I lifted the ladder from the rock in jest. The clerk smiled at me, and i placed the ladder back across the hill. There was a thick forest around us. The clerk climbed down the granite boulder without the ladder. I walked up the hill through the woods. There was a clearing and manicured lawn on the top. It opened up into a field to the left. There were people running over the hilltop field, playing games. Then i saw a frisbee sail up over the crest of the slope and land on the grass. The people at the bottom of the hill had thrown it and accidentally tossed it up here. There were a couple of other frisbees that had been tossed up the hill. I grabbed the green one and started to toss it down the hill. It was dark olive green, and i thought that it could be a garbage-can lid. I threw it back down the hill. It dropped very quickly and did not make it down the hill. Then i noticed the baseball player on the diamond at the bottom of the hill. He threw a baseball toward me. It made it all of the way up the hill and flew past me. I thought that he might have been aiming for me. Then the others ran across the hill. They were playing frisbee with a couple of dogs. One of the dogs was jumping around. It had long reddish hair, like a retriever or setter. The people threw the orange-glow frisbee and the dog caught it. I liked this dog, but the other dog ran alongside and pulled the frisbee out of the retriever’s mouth. He was always being overpowering. He was always taking things from the other dogs. The other dogs tried to get the frisbee, but they could not.

I woke up in the apartment. I got out of the bed in the dark room. No one else was there. It was very early in the morning, and all of the others had been out all night. I was mad at them for going out and not telling me about it. They just left me here. I wandered around the apartment. There was no one upstairs on the side of the building. The stairs were against the eastern wall. That was where the guys slept. I floated to the northern side of the house, through the dimly lighted corridor. That was the girls’ side of the house. This is where $A476 stayed. I floated up the stairs a little way. I wanted to see if anyone was asleep upstairs, but i was hesitant to go up because i might wake them up. I floated up to the turn at the first landing. I could hear snoring upstairs. The girls were home. I went back into the middle room of the first floor. Then i heard some of the men come in. I did not want them to see me because i was mad at them. I hid in the bathroom on the east side of the middle room. They could not see me move around because there was no light in the middle room. I decided that the bathroom was not a good place to hide, so i ran back across the room and into a closet on the southern wall, just past the entrance to the boys’ side of the house. $F10 was with the men who came back. I did not want him to find me. He walked into the middle room and over to the closet. I was mad at him. I started to wrestle him in the hall outside. I wrapped my arms around his torso as he reached for my legs. I trapped one of his arms and squeezed. Then i lifted him up and held him there. He was trapped and upside down. The other person walked around us, watching. $F10 reached for something with his left hand. I squeezed him some more. I could see him strain against me. Hi shirt was off, and i could see the blood vessels stain over his muscles. I looked up at the other person. It was $A118. I asked him if he wanted me to take him on as well. He declined.

11996 March 13

I was in the hotel room, sitting on the bed. There was a large window on the east wall of the room. I was on the second twin bed against the western wall. My parents were in the room. The walls were plain white, and something in the room was bright red. There was a lot of light in the room. The window was rectangular and did not seem to have any frame. The sky was a light pink on the horizon. It was early morning and the sun was about to rise. The morning haze was various shades of red. Then i saw the airplane coming in. It approached from the right side of the window. We were right next to the airport, and the plane was coming in for a landing. I thought that it was a beautiful picture. I watched the large jet as it crossed to the left, toward the edge of the runway. I moved toward the window. Then the plane came to a stop over the end of the runway. It hovered for a moment. Something was wrong. I could see the nose of the space shuttle rotate toward me from the left. Then the plane crashed to the ground all at once. It exploded into flames and started to burn on the runway. I told my parents that the space shuttle had just crashed. I had to get a picture of it. I ran back into the room to find my camera. The grey camera bag was sitting on the floor by the wall. I quickly tried to find my camera. It was not in the bag. Then i found it, but i had the wrong lens on it.

I was in the basement of the house. The landlord was there. He was an elderly man, and he walked slowly, with a limp. He unlocked the door to the inside room of the basement. I had a key to the door as well, but he opened it. We walked in. The other tenants were with us. The room inside was cluttered with furniture from other tenants. The apartment had not been cleaned in a while. The old man started talking about his cat. He was very upset and about to cry. I mentioned that the outside door on the other side of the room had been left open. The cat could have gone outside. He said that his cat went looking for a rabbit and got hit by a car. I felt for him. We walked out of the door and into the garden. There were several people around the garden weeding and planting. $A47 was weeding with two other people under some trees to the right. He was younger and wearing a denim vest. There was a man weeding next to him and a girl in a long light-blue dress on the other side of him. The boy was tan and was not wearing a shirt. He had a necklace of coloured plastic bottles. $A47 looked at them for a moment. They were some kind of awards. I looked to the wooden benches on the right side of the cinder path. They were made of horizontal slabs of composted wood with spaces between them. There was an old bush stretching across the back of the bench. It had a thick trunk and thin branches, like a vine. There were no leaves on it because it was too early in the Spring. The old man reminisced about the old bushes. He remembered them from a long time ago.

11996 March 14

I walked into the restaurant. The side of the restaurant looked like a fast-food place. It was long and narrow and decorated with reddish wall paper. I was there to have dinner with $F14. I watched myself walk down the narrow corridor with the booths on the left. I approached and sat in one of the big booths. It felt nice to be eating in such style. It seemed very romantic. I was excited to be doing this. I sat in the end of the booth and waited for my date to come. Some people sat in the booth next to us. There were two many people in their party for them all to fit into the small booth. I hoped that they did not want to switch booths. Then a girl with the party sat at the far edge of our booth. The cushions in our booth were dark grey. I was disappointed that $F19 let the girl sit there. We ate out dinner and then left. I hung out by the side of the creek with the others. The shallow stream flowed under us. I sat on some rocks along the opposite bank from the others. The water was only a metre or so wide and a couple of decis deep. Then i noticed the letter with the yellow ribbon on it in the water below my feet. I picked it up. It said that the poppies shall be free. I did not understand what it meant. The others could not figure it out either. Then i noticed the yellow flowers growing along the shore of the shallow water. I recognized them. Then i realized what the letter was about. Someone had gone across the countryside and sprinkled hemp seeds in the wild. Now they were growing out of control. I told the others what the letter meant. Then i noticed the office door to the left. It was open slightly. $A175 had heard us talking and came out to inspect the plants. I told him about the letter and what had happened. He said that he knew. He had known of the infestation for a while. He showed me a book on the subject which he had written. I looked through the book. It listed several contributors to the book. $A269 was credited with making the illustrations. I walked into the library stacks to the left and looked for the book on the shelf. I found it. It was printed in 1991. There were a couple of other books with it on the shelf. They were all wrapped together. One of the books in a light-brown cover was full of blank pages. It was the blank receipts. Another had printing information. It told when the book had been repaired. The cover had been fixed at one point.

I walked down the street of the city. There were tall buildings on both sides. I was looking for a bank. None of them seemed to be open. I could use the Key Bank across the street, but i could also go to almost any other bank. The Key Bank across the street was closed. I walked farther down the street, watching the stone grey buildings on my left for an open bank. All of them seemed closed. There were some lighted signs on the building a little farther along. I headed toward them. There were a couple places open in the side of the hall. The neon lights over the doors signified different societies. They were all private lodges. I would not be able to get into any of them. I looked toward the conference room on the right side of the hall. A couple of people were filing in. They were dressed up. Bouncers stood outside of the doors to the various lodges. They were all private clubs of different brotherhoods. I was not dressed appropriately to be here. I walked back down the hall. I walked through the doorway where all of the people were standing and into the next room of the hall. I was on my way out. As i passed through the second room of the hall, i bumped an old polished mahogany table on the left. The table was standing in the center of the room. The table fell over and one of the legs came off of it. A woman, who was standing by one of the doors in the hall, came over to inspect us. I apologized and told her that i could fix the table. I asked her if she had any glue. Another man was standing next to me. We talked as we tried to fix the table. He mentioned that he liked the old building that we were in. I looked around again. There was a window across the left wall of the hall. I looked out and could see the city outside. It was twilight out, and it looked hazy, as if it had been raining. I looked down. The floor i was standing on ended just before the window. The neb building was built around older houses. They simply encased the old buildings in the new. The other man asked why they did something like that. I did not know, but i told him that they do it a lot. He pointed out the nice storefronts in the hall. I could see the fronts of the old brownstone buildings on the right side of the hall. Then the woman came back. She said that they had no glue.

I was on a plane. We just landed at an airport and were pulling around. I had just come from $P14. I got off at $P6. I started walking away from the bus when i realized that i forgot my baggage. I walked back on the bus. The female bus driver smiled and let me climb back on. I grabbed my guitar and duffel bag. I walked across the parking lot and into the terminal. I went through the front door and around the wooden counter in the center of the room. I told the person on the other side that i had a reservation for two to $P6. I was in $P85 at the moment. I needed to get a connecting flight. The man did not understand. I argued with him. He did not seem to think i could make the flight. He went to check some things. I thought that i did not really need the connecting flight. The mall was just on the other side of the airport, and it would be easy enough to walk there and grab a city bus to $P6. I talked to the man behind the counter again. I told him that i had made the reservations for the tickets i had. I said that i had made them with a girl that was here. I mentioned her name. The others at the counter rolled their eyes. They were not pleased with that girl, and they complained about her. The boy fooled around with the tickets. Then i noticed that he had a mark on his forehead. It looked like a scar, and it was shaped like the city cross. I looked closer as he moved around, trying to fix my tickets. He actually had an extra set of eyes etched above his regular eyes. I did not know what the symbols were for. I continued waiting for my tickets.

11996 March 16

There was going to be a party tonight. I had to get everything ready. I walked to the edge of the water with the bicycles. I had to get them to the other side of the pond. I could not get wet. There were two wires that stretched across the lake. I tried to walk the bicycles across them, but it was too difficult. I looked up the steep grass hill on the other side, where the wire ran. I had to find a way across. I walked back to the center of the cluttered white kitchen. Over the table was hatch in the ceiling. I wondered if i could crawl up into it and sneak over the top of the water. I stood up on the chair and tried to open the panel. There was stuff on the other side. I pulled some of the white papers from the hatch and looked at them. I would not be able to get through. The woman and the boy had been helping me clean up for the party later in the evening. I went back to the bicycles at the edge of the water. The bikes were hanging from the handlebars. There was a rope from the bikes going across the water. I was going to pull them across. Then i noticed the boy walking out to the other side of the water. He wanted to try to bring them across. He thought that he would be helping. I was disappointed with his attempt. I knew that he would get the bikes stuck on the other side. I tried to stop him, but he started pulling the bikes across. Then they came off of the wire and fell into the water. The bikes were lost. Then i noticed that two of the guests were there. I went back to the kitchen to greet them. One was an old thin woman with a grey perm. She wore a loose flowery dress. The other was a young girl. The older woman was named Esther.

I followed $G4 down the trail that ran up the center of the wooded ravine. The ground was damp and the air cool. The trees had small green leaves on them. We ran across the stream and up the hill. $G4 was getting ahead of me. I was paying attention to the sides. We ran up the side of a field. There were narrow strips of grass between fenced off areas. The fenced off areas were private property, and we would not be able to run on them. I read the sign by one of the patches. It said that the land was owned by $P52. They had land everywhere. Then i ran over the next hill, after $G4. I could see many of the small patches of land with the grass strips between them. I could see marks from $G4 all over the open hillside. There were Xs all over the place. The trail must get very confusing from her. They were trying to have everyone run around in circles for a while. Then i heard someone yelling, letting know that they had found the trail. I looked in the direction of the sound. I could see the group of $G4 just on the other side of a building. They were standing around but started to run off on the correct trail. I could not keep up with them. I walked back by the fence. My parents were with me. I should have brought them back to the lodge. We were out hiking in $P24. I walked around on the inside of the fence. There was a power-transfer station inside of the fence with me. I walked around the outside of the coarse gravel on the ground. I was careful not to rub against any of the transformers. I was afraid that i might get a shock. I came to the other side, where the wall was. There was a space at the bottom of the wall through which i could crawl. I hoped that my parents would not mind following. I had climbed up through the hole earlier. It was not too high off of the ground, but i knew that my mother would not like jumping down. My grandfather already jumped down to the forest level below. I hoped that he did not get hurt. I jumped down and started to walk through the lower halls of the lodge. I came up the stairs and into the front entry room. The walls were made from vertical pieces of wood that were coarsely finished and stained. Several things hung from the walls as decorations. Then the owners came down. It was $A189 and his parents. They now owned the place. I apologized for intruding in their house. I told them about all of the tunnels that meet under the house. This place used to be empty, and the tunnels were used for travelers. I guessed that we could not hang out in the house anymore.

11996 March 17

I was in the living room of the house. There was a man and a woman standing in the sliding glass door at the back of the room. They were arguing. I was sitting on a couch, facing the front of the room. There was a television in front of me. I was worried that the man would start hitting the woman again. Then $A218 was there. He got up from the couch and started talking to the angry couple. I thought that he should not interfere. He started talking to the woman in a demanding voice. He said that she should not have to put up with this. He demanded that she stand up for herself. The man kept yelling at her too. I disapproved of $A218’s interference.

11996 March 19

I was with $G4. We were running up the ramp in the parking garage. Then i was in $A48’s class. I sat in one of the chairs facing the blackboard. I got up and looked at the pie graph drawn on the blackboard. It was labeled with the letters theta, phi, a, and b, and was part of a complex problem. The problem was called “same plane nebulance”. The pie chart was divided into five sections. The section with the phi in it was on the right side, and seemed to be about a quarter of the circle area. The area below it, which was unlabeled, seemed to be a little less than a quarter. The rest of the pie chart, which was on the right side with its top part slanting more to the left, was almost evenly divided into the last three pieces. The top was theta, the middle was a, and the bottom was b.

I climbed up the grey tar-shingled roof of my grandmother’s garage. I pulled myself up over the first awning of the garage. There was someone already up there. He talked to me for a moment. Then we ran into the female parking attendant. She had just rented a new apartment. It was on the sixth floor of the building, and she lived there with her siamese cat.

I was on the bus on my way home. I started talking to one of the boys next to me. He had ragged hair and dressed like a high-school student in the late seventies. He had a pile of records in his lap. I started talking to him about them. I remembered all of them from when they first came out. He had a couple Emerson, Lake, and Palmers albums. He showed me Brain Salad Surgery. I told him that their best album was Tarkus. He had that too, but i remembered the cover being different. Then he started to get board with me. I looked out the window at the snow. Then i realized that the frequency shift was going to occur soon. I though about the fields of Earth’s poles switching. The compasses should point south.

I walked with $A14. I was supposed to go to Japan with him. I felt strange about it. I did not understand why i would be going to Japan. I walked by the tennis court. I would have to start packing. There was a girl playing tennis.

11996 March 20

I was lying on the bed with my feet hanging off of the edge. $A438 was wandering around the room. He was wearing a plaid blazer, and he was drunk. He wandered around the room talking and chuckling. I talked with him for a few minutes. Then he walked over to the bed and lay down across me. I tried to tell him that he was lying on top of me, but he kept talking and joking. He was too drunk to understand. I managed to slide out from under him, and he fell asleep. I wandered into the next room, where the main part of the restaurant was. My mother was sitting at one of the tables. The round tables had white linens on them. We were in Japan. It felt strange to be in this country. I had a handful of mushrooms. They were from the warmer parts of Japan. I showed them to my mother. She was not interested. I compared the white blob of growth in my hand with the aquarium specimens on the shelf. The blob was pulsating as if it were alive. I realized that it was too cold in the room for the plant to survive. I wondered what i should do with it. It started to beat irregularly. I had to get it back into a warm environment with a lot of humidity. I should place it in one of the terrariums under the sun lamps. I walked back to my mother at the table. She wanted to wander around the palace to sightsee. We got up and wandered around the divider, toward the exhibit hall. I wondered if it would be all right for us to simply wander around. We came to the hall where the museum-like exhibits were. There were small booths with sets in them depicting various cultures. The one on the end was uninteresting to me. Here was a bar all the way to the left of the long narrow room. The first booth was the left most. I moved to the next. The light on the first booth went out. I realized that the lights were on automatic switches. I thought that they might give you a certain time at each booth. I wanted to take a picture of the second booth. It was a scene of occidental culture. I found it interesting. I noted that there was writing on the back wall of the booth. It looked similar to Ziodeq. I tried to line up the booth in my camera, but i could not see through the viewfinder. I was trying to hurry before the light went out, but i could not see the image in my camera. There was something wrong. I looked to my right to see my mother wandering down the hall toward the door.

11996 March 21

I was outside the building. $A493 was there. There was an old woman by the door of the cabin. She was mad at $A493. She hit him and started yelling at him. $A493 ran into the yard, but the woman came after him.

11996 March 22

I was in the car in the city. The area was more like a dense suburb, with brightly coloured buildings and many trees. I had been attacked earlier. I turned down the road on the right and headed down the hill. The brakes of the car did not work that well. I told the other person in the car with me. We walked into the mall and walked down the hall. $F11 was with me.

11996 March 24

I was at the festival, outside on the grassy park. I had a small owl in my hand. It was a baby, and was very still. It looked and felt like a stuffed doll to me. It was about two decis tall and one deci in diameter. It sat very still as i moved it around to show it to the bird experts at the fair. I wondered if it would be all right when it grew up. It was so quiet now. Then another man had a fully grown owl. It was white, like the one i was holding. It flapped its wings and leaned toward me. The small owl i was holding still did not move. The man brought the big owl away, and i walked around some more. Then i noticed that the small owl was moving toward me. It started to play with me. It had a large grey and black beak. It kept trying to snap at me. I tried to avoid getting pinched by the beak.

I was at $P7. I walked down the hall on the south side of the second floor. People were not all in uniform. Some were wearing denims and some had the old striped pants on. Some were in jackets and tie. I sat in the classroom, watching people walk by. I was wearing a pair of striped pants. I noticed that a couple of people in front of me also had striped pants on. It was still accepted as part of the uniform. Then i noticed that one of the boys walking by, who looked like a younger $A184, was wearing a black tee shirt. The uniforms were not as strict anymore. Then i realized that i was supposed to be taking a test. I felt like i had just woken from a daydream. I looked over the paper and the question on the board. I thought that it might be easier to answer the question since i was older now. The essay was to define “differentiation”. I realized that it was a relative definition, and tat i was only supposed to answer it in a specific way. I started writing down my answer on the blue sheet of paper. It felt strange to write. I knew that my handwriting must have changed since then. I tried to make my letters as neat as possible. Then i realized that i was spacing out the words on the paper rather awkwardly. The teacher called time-up. I stopped writing and looked at the paper. There were several open spaces where i had spaced out the words. There was a dense block in the middle right of the paper where there was normally spaced type. Another was in the upper-left-hand corner. On the other sections of the paper, i had written the words and left much space between them.

I was driving down the road, heading east. I came to the T in the road, and a man got in. He was speaking to someone else at the corner. I did not really know him, but i was giving him a ride. I took a left at the corner and headed for the campus. The campus was to the northeast. I told the man that i was heading toward $P52. He mistook the reply and though that i said i was $P52. He joked about the misinterpretation, but he was not really sure it was a misinterpretation. He told me his name and i said nothing more about mine. I let him think that my name was $P52. We pulled off into the drive on the right, which ran parallel to the main road in front of the campus buildings. I walked with the other person east, into the main section of the store. The store was fairly empty and looked as though they were going out of business. A sales woman helped the other man in the back part of the store. They used to sell hiking and other sporting equipment here. The other talked to the woman. I had something heavy in my hand. It hung like a jacket, but might have been floor mats. I hoped that the store owners would not mind me carrying them. I hoped that they did not think that i was going to take them. I folded them back up into the white plastic bag. I put the bag under my arm and started to head out. I reminded $Z that he left his box on the counter and not to forget it. The box was open, and i could see the multicoloured rolls of string inside. It was rock-climbing equipment. I walked out of the store and into the mall. There was a large opening at the other end of the mall and a store to my left. To my right, the main section of the mall stretched away. Then i heard one of the young boys around mention a roller coaster ride. I saw the small train on a round track in the open space in front of me. The mall seemed to be old and dingy. The tiles on the floor were tan and light brown. Then i remembered the train. I looked to the store on the left to see an arcade. I realized that i had been in this mall before. It was a place i had come with $F1 which i was little. The walls were square and tall. I walked down the hall where the science booths were set up. I remembered the basins full of water for games. I always remembered the water being dingy and spoiled from all the little children dipping into it, but the bins looked clean this time. It felt strange to me here. I kept seeing things that i remembered.

11996 March 25

I was riding a motorcycle over the bridge at $P3. The bridge was closed when i got there. Something had happened. There were scientists at the scene cleaning up. The police blocked traffic. I watched as the news report covered the scene. Then they switched to a picture of Batman in front of an old church. It was the Batman from the old television show. I walked past the television in the window and headed on.

I was on the bus with the rest of the team. We were riding home from somewhere. They started talking about the pretzels in the bag. Someone said that i had hogged all of them. Some of the others agreed, and they teased me about it. I was upset that they had said that i had hogged all of the pretzels. I just sat quietly on the bus and ignored them. Then one of the others realized that i was upset. He said that he was sorry that he had accused me of taking the pretzels. I did not mind. I helped unload the stuff from the bus. I grabbed the front end of a metal rack, which looked like a clothes rack, and helped someone carry it from the bus. We brought the rack up the large round set of stairs under the overhang of the building. It was dark and the place looked a little run down. I placed the metal tray down at the top of the stairs. I thought that i had to get some sleep. I would be running a race early the next morning. I opened the metal container and looked at the food inside. The top was trying, so i stirred it. I pulled the greenish stew toward me and gathered it at the lower end of the tray. Then i scooped up a large spoonful with the large serving spoon and put it on a plate. It had chunks of meat in it, and an oily green sauce. I scooped up some more for the next person in line. I was at a place similar to $P138, and i was serving customers. Then one of the girls that came up to the glass counter asked me if they had any lemons. I was working on putting some food on a plate. I dabbed a little extra on and handed it to someone. I looked around the counter for some lemons, but could not find any. I told the girl that we probably did not have any. I told her that we had limes, as i noticed the limes across the aisle on the juice counter. She wanted to make lemonade. I knew she had one slice in her glass, but id did not know where she could get more.

11996 March 26

I was driving down the road toward the west-northwest. It was dark outside. The party must have ended by now. Then i saw the red liquid on the road ahead. It was punch from the festival. The people must have just gotten out of the festival. Then i saw some drunken people wandering down the dark road. I dodged them in my car and headed on into town. Then there were more people. They wandered dazed down the road. I was worried that i might hit one of them. There were some men sleeping on the road. Two were blocking the road, and i was not sure that i could squeeze by. I drove slowly through them. The one on the let rolled over and gave me enough room to squeeze by. I came to the corner of the town. It was morning and light out. I waited at the corner for a few moments to try to figure out what to do. I had to get some sleep. I looked in the rear-view mirror to make sure that no one was behind me. No cars were coming. I pulled the blanket over me as i shifted position in the front seat of the car. Then i pulled around the corner to the right. There was an old house on the corner, up a short hill from the road. It was a goldenrod colour and had a large front porch with thin round banisters. $G3 were hanging around in the house. I walked downstairs, into the restaurant. I talked to several members of $G3 there.

11996 March 27

I walked up the stairs and into the upstairs apartment. There were several members of $G3 there. They were part of a secret society, and they were initiating me into the organization. I felt rather strange to be there, but i would put up with all of the fuss. I kneeled on the yellow cushion on the floor of the kitchen. They sat behind a long table watching me. The kitchen was a little run down. They started reading me my rights under the society. I sat still and listened. I noticed that $A1 and $A58 were there. I listened quietly and agreed to the terms. Then they got up from the table and started wandering around the kitchen. I noticed someone getting a glass of water from the sink on the south wall. It looked like $A505. I realized that it was one of the younger brothers in the family. I walked back across the kitchen to the north wall of the narrow room. Some people walked through a set of pulled curtains. The curtains were golden yellow. A woman urgently told me not to look at the curtains. I was not to see what was behind the curtain. I turned to face the other wall. I bumped into the door behind me. It opened slightly. I quickly pulled it shut. They did not want me to see the secretive stuff inside. Then the woman in the kitchen told me to go upstairs and choose a room for myself. I felt like it was a command. I quickly walked out of the kitchen and rounded the corner. I walked up the steep narrow staircase. There would be a list at the top of the stairs of open rooms. I just had to sign in my name. I walked across the tennis courts just outside of $P54. I heard someone shouting in the distance. The others who were waiting with me did not hear the voice. Then i heard it again. Someone was yelling “Help”. I thought that we should go to help them. The others were not quite sure. The voice was coming from the left, down in the gorge. I thought of having a sword to defend people. It was a special weapon that had spiritual power.

11996 March 28

I was in the playground. I climbed up the slide and sat on top of it. It was dark and eerie out. The other children had been going down the slide with me. I was hesitant to go down the slide. It felt unsafe. I was not scared, but i felt that i should not go down the slid. I went down anyway, and nothing happened. I repeated the experience several times. It was not right to go down the slide, but i had to. There were some kids on the swings near me. I walked down the street. It seemed like $P88, by my grandmother’s house. The other children walked down the street with me. $K5 was with us. She had a small dog that kept running out into the road. She tried to stop it. She was worried that it would get hit by a car. One car came down the street and passed very close to it. The dog moved out of the way in time. I watched it as it walked into a narrow side street across the road we were on. $K5 was worried about the dog and tried to call it back. There was another dog just ahead of $K5’s dog. It was large and black with brown paws. $K5’s dog was like a beagle, with brown patches and a terrier face, and was small. $K5’s dog stood up on its front paws and urinated toward the other dog. It had a habit of urinating at things. The other dog ran away.