11997 March 01

I was running down the city street with the large group of runners. It was a very sunny day, and the city through which we were running was open. It seemed like we were in a shopping district on the outside of the town. The street was long and had four lanes. There were tall thin trees on either side between the road and the sidewalk. I caught up to the group of runners in front of me and ran with $A10 for a while. Then i realized that my shoe was coming loose. I had to stop to tie them. I bent down to tie my shoes and noticed that they were quite muddy. The rest of the runner continued ahead. I would have to catch up with them later. I tried to tie my shoe quickly, but was having trouble lacing them. It seemed to take me quite a while to get them both tied. I looked up and no longer saw the runners down the long city street. I wondered to where they had gone. I started running down the street after them. The main road curved and there was an intersection with another road. I wondered which way the crew had gone. The woman who was running near me was looking for the other runners as well. We had both been separated from them. I asked her if she knew where they went. We were in a city with which neither of us were familiar, and we would have to meet the rest of the tour group back at our hotel. I could not remember where the hotel was, however. I asked her whether she remembered, but she did not. I thought about the last city through which we had run and tried to figure out where we would be now. It seemed that we were on the West Coast somewhere. I wondered what city was ahead of us and whether we would be able to meet up with the rest of the tour there. I tried to ask someone where we were, but i could not remember any of the city names. I could not remember where we were supposed to head, only that it was farther down the highway to the north. I turned to the left and walked across the small parking lot and into the small craft store. The store seemed dimly lit and was narrow. There were shelves in the middle that were at odd angles to the outside walls. I walked to the front counter of the store to ask someone for directions. I felt strange about being in the air-conditioned store in my shorts and T-shirt. I asked the heavy-set man in which city i was. He said that i was in Ithaca. I was confused, and asked him if it was Ithaca, California. He agreed with me. I then asked him what the next city up the road was and he said that Cortland was next up the coast. I felt lost and confused as i walked out the glass door on the front of the store. I could not understand how i was going to get back with the others as i wandered slowly up the commercial street.

I was at my grandfather’s house on $P12. It was early in the morning, and my mother had dropped me off for the day. I had to change my clothes, and wondered whether my grandfather was awake or not. I had just come out of the shower and wandered into the dining room. I then realized that my grandfather was awake. I could hear him moving upstairs. He then came to the head of the stairs. He was wearing only a white towel around his waist. I had to go outside to get my clothes. I told my grandfather that i would be back soon. I walked out onto the front lawn and back to the airplane, which was sitting in the center of the lawn. I had left my cloths on it. I climbed on top of the plane and started to open the hatch when i noticed the woman watching me from the car on the road. She stared at me as she turned the corner from the housing development to head down the hill. She had frizzy red hair. I stuck my tongue out at her as she drove by. I then walked over to the plane to get my clothes. I then noticed something in the yard to the right as i faced the house. It seemed like the frame of an old automobile, but it was a sign at the corner of the property which listed the names of all of the people who lived there. I was aware of the people in the next house over watching me as i read the signs. The woman and her two daughters were walking down the street and wondered where people lived. I said hello to them as i read the sign. The woman then mentioned that she remembered my grandfather when he used to live in this house. I invited her into the house to meet my grandfather. She was a heavy woman and had short black hair. She seemed somewhat old and wore clothes that fit her age. I walked into the front hall with her and introduced her to my grandfather. He was upset and said that he did not want to speak to anyone. He said that the lady had said that he was stupid. I knew that he was unaware of what he was saying. I was upset that he was incompetent and could not talk to us in a rational way. I told him not to listen to the woman, and that he shouldn’t marry her. I knew that she could not be trusted. We walked out to the porch on the side of the house. My grandfather sat down in one of the chairs on the outside wall of the porch. I then realized that the porch had changed since my grandfather had sold the house. It had white walls and large windows on three sides. Someone must have added the porch on to the existing house. I looked back towards the house and could see where the old sun porch was.

11997 March 03

I was at my parent’s house near then end of the back room. The room was open to the outside. I walked out the end of the room and looked around. There was a pack of wild beagles running around near the back wall of the house. I was outside and i watched the beagles. I was afraid that they would attack. They charged the pen and chased the bison that were in side. I watched as the bison ran away from the walls of the pen and circled over the dirt inside. The beagles would not be able to get into the pen and chase after the bison. Then i realized that there was a young bison walking around outside of the pen. It was a lighter colour than the others. I was worried that the dogs would go after the baby. They headed towards it, and i was worried for the baby bison. The baby ran and hopped back through a hole in the fence. It managed to squeeze through to where its mother was. It would be safe now. I was relieved. Then i saw the baby run excitedly around in the pen and hop back out of the hole in the fence. I was worried again that it would get attacked. I moved towards it to try to help it back into the fence before the dogs got to it. The baby then hopped back towards the fence, but got stuck in the wire mesh. It hung with its legs spread in the center of the fence. It had to get inside the fence to be safe. I moved towards it. The other person also headed towards the baby bison from my left. The mother inside the pen just watched.

11997 March 04

I woke up in the small bedroom on the lower floor of my grandmother’s house. The telephone was ringing. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 12:37. I should not have slept this late. I was supposed to be at work earlier. I had woken up earlier and decided to go back to bed for a short period of time, but i must have overslept. It was well past the time i was supposed to be at work. I only worked in the morning at $G2, and would have to make up the time later in the day. I would be there quite late to get all of my hours in. My mother told me over the phone that i should come to her house. She wanted me to be there by five that evening. I told her that i could not make it, as i would have to work late. I was mad that i had messed up the day by oversleeping. My mother told me that she wanted me home before dark and worried about me being late. I could not make it and told her so. I was upset that everything had gone wrong. I banged the receiver of the phone against the tall dresser to my right in frustration. Then i hung up the phone. I stormed out of the room and onto the front porch. I looked around for a moment before i started to fly. I flew around the west side of the house. I moved slowly through the air. I could see $K8 doing some lawn work in the back lawn. He looked up at me and greeted me. I moved slowly towards him as he talked. I noticed the rough paint job just under the roof of the house to my right. The house had been painted pink. The paint was to match the original colour of the siding, so that it looked like the siding had never worn off. The edge of the paint was rough, though. No one had been able to get to this small section of wall, which slanted inward under a shallow eve of the roof. There was a triangle pattern made of stacked white squares under the eve. It was part of the original decoration. I continued down the side of the house while talking to $K8. He was pulling up a small tree from the ground. He was wearing as pair of tan work pants and a white tank top.

11997 March 05

I looked over the small girl. She had some medical problem with her feel. I looked them over. There was a fungus growing between her toes. The plant grew up like small shoots of asparagus between her toes. I would have to take her to the hospital. I was sick as well and should not be traveling. I told the other that i was too sick to go out and that i would take the girl to the hospital. I picker her up and carried her out the narrow wooden hall. I walked into the front lobby of the hospital. The hotel lobby was very large and had a tan and red oriental rug across the center of the beige tile floor. There was some sort of counter immediately to my left, and the main reception desk across the floor to my left. A man in a tuxedo jacket and white shirt was helping a group of men. The four men stood in front of the counter. They were all very muscular. One of them was wearing a tee shirt. His arms were large as they came out of the sleeves of the shirt. I realized that i was not standing up straight. I tried to walk tall as i passed them and went into the next room. I circled around to the back room. I was supposed to pick up something here. I knew that the men could see me so i made sure to walk with my head up, to make it look like i had some build to me. The next room was large and empty of furnishings. I sat down in the green leather desk chair. I rolled the chair across the floor towards the offices along the back wall. There was a large opening across the room which let light in from outside. I kept my head back against the head rest of the chair as i rolled.

11997 March 06

I was in the hall of the building when i remembered that i had forgotten my book bag in the lecture hall. I did not want to talk to the people who were standing around in the corridor near me. I tried to sneak back into the room. There was a lecture going on in the hall, and i did not want to disturb them by walking in to get my things. I opened the plain, dark-stained, wooden doors slowly and sneaked into the room. I climbed up the left isle of the lecture hall. The professor was lecturing about physics and mathematics. There were several matrix equations on the board. I found my blue winter jacket piled on one of the chairs to the left of the aisle. There were several other coats there as well. There was a tan coat on the floor behind the chair. The people in the lecture hall were all getting up to leave.

11997 March 08

We were carrying things into the side entrance of the theatre. The theatre was a large white building with no features on its flat outside walls. The door was near the left corner of the long side of the building. Something had happened in the theatre, and it made me feel uncomfortable about being there. The investigators were moving the dead bodies back into the building. They were suspended on hooks so that they could be easily moved in and out of the building. The bodies were wrapped in large orangish-red body bags. I was not supposed to be there when they opened the bags to inspect the bodies. It was supposed to be a gruesome sight. I was impartial to what they were doing. I looked over the controls on the automatic crane that moved the body bags. It was a large flat panel. There were several buttons on the panel to control forward and lateral movement along the ceiling. I thought that if i hit one of the buttons, the crane would start forward into the room. There was a body bag waiting to be moved inside on the crane. The bag was hanging behind my head. I knew that if i started the crane, the bag would move forward and pin me between itself and the wall. The idea tempted me. I hit the button for a brief moment to start the bag forward into the room. The man behind me and to my right did not want me playing around with the controls. He thought that it might interfere with the investigation. I was supposed to continue bringing the boxes up to the third floor of the theatre. I carried a box up into the attic, which had exposed rafters and worn wood walls. I thought that people could easily throw rocks through the windows from the outside. It was not a safe place.

11997 March 09

I was riding in the car with the horse in the back seat. It was not being cooperative and kept shifting from side to side, making it hard for me to drive. I was afraid that if i stopped, the horse would fall forward and hit me across the back of the head. I tried to drive, but it kept climbing up into the front seat and standing over me. I was afraid that it would defecate again. Then i realized that i had leaned back into a pile of manure. I got out of the car and led the horse back to the barn. I was upset with it, and wanted to bring it back to where it belonged. I brought it into the barn and walked it into its stall. It was $A74’s horse, and i had been watching it while he was away. There was another horse in the stall near the front of the barn. It watched me as i closed the door on the other horse’s stall. It was a light brown horse with a blonde mane. I wondered what it thought of me bringing in the second horse. I wanted $A74 and $A75 to think that i took good care of their horse while they were gone. I walked the horse outside in the garden. I had to show that it was feeling all right. $A75 watched me as she hoed the dirt under the suspended netting. I walked the horse along the left side of the garden plot, where there was a row of cabbage-like plants. The dog sniffed around the plants. I walked it on another loop around the garden. $A75 smiled at me as i passed. Then the dog started pulling the leash behind me. It had sniffed something out in the mound of snow just beyond the garden. I realized that there was a car partly buried in the snow bank. It must have skidded off of the road during the last storm. It was far enough from the street corner, however, that no one might have noticed it. A small part of the roof of the red car was exposed in the snow as i walked around to the passenger’s side. I could see a body on the passenger’s side of the front seat with a light layer of snow covering it. I hurried around to the passenger’s door of the car and opened it. I brushed off the person and checked for a pulse. He moved suddenly. He was still alive. I told the woman who was with me to go get emergency help. She ran off up the hill. The man was thin and withered away. He had been trapped out here for quite some time. He was oriental as he looked at me. I pulled his left arm up from under the dashboard. It was limp and cold. It must have frozen. I rubbed his skin to try to warm him up. I had to pull him out of the car. I asked him if he felt any discomfort as i supported his neck and slid him from the car. I was worried that he might get injured further in the move. He said that he was all right. I looked him over in the snow. The emergency trucks pulled up on the road to the left, where the snow-covered field dipped down over a sharp bank. I then noticed that there was a blue station wagon underneath the car that i had uncovered. I wondered how many more cars there were buried, and i wondered whether there would be more survivors. I was afraid that there might be someone down there who was not alive. The emergency people started to take care of the situation. I walked down the hall of the emergency trailer with Jean Luc Picard. He was running the operation. The others in the trailer were hooking up the fluorescent lights in the ceiling around the side of the trailer. I thought that the lights might be too bright and asked Picard if it would be a problem. He said not to worry about it. I wandered on, still wondering whether i should be worried.

I was in the hotel room in the tall building. I had a room on one of the upper floors. The fax machine just beyond the partition by the large glass door to the balcony was printing out e-mail. I thought that it should stop, but it kept on printing. I asked one of the men who came up for room service if something was wrong with the machine. It should not be printing everything out. I did not want everyone to see what i had been working on. The man said that it was a simple setting mistake. He shut off the printer. I walked out on the balcony and looked down the side of the building.

11997 March 10

The woman pointed out the thin line that circled the small patch of green leafy ferns. It was a trip wire placed down by the black widow spider. She had her nest within the ferns, and wrapped a line of webbing around the outside to make sure that no one intrudes. I could see the silver thread just under the downward curve of the leaves. It was almost hidden. I was worried about brushing up against the thread. I knew that the female would come out. The woman described how that spider always chooses dark, secluded places for her nest. I knew that this area was full of such nests, and i was worried that someone might stumble over one. I picture the small animal sniffing around at the bottom of the ferns. I wanted it to stop, but it hit the thread. The spider charged out of the darkness under the ferns and bit the animal. The animal whimpered and curled up. I was upset. I had to move away from the area.

11997 March 11

I walked around the white stone of the square plaza, which was encircled by white buildings. The other two were there. They seemed like my parents. I was supposed to be playing my guitar for them. I had the blue guitar strung around my shoulder, and walked with it down to my right. I was frustrated trying to get the things to work right. I was trying to record the CD onto the tape, but it was not working properly. The CD had extended remixes of several REM tunes. I was listening to one as i played around with the box. The sound came from the stereo in the front room of the apartment. I walked to the front room and listened for a moment. Then i noticed that the tape in the player had stopped. It was on the wrong side. I had to flip it over before i could record. I complained to the girl that was there that we would have to listen to the remix again. It was a long song. Then $A30 came into the room. He wanted to announce something, and asked why there was a tape player here. I told him to leave it alone because we were recording onto tape. I walked forward across the kitchen-like room with the counter on the left. I came back to find that the tape box had been unplugged and placed on the other side of the counter, out of the way. I was upset. $A30 had ignored me and did what ever he wanted to again.

I was standing on one side of the square, white courtyard with the shopping plaza around the outside of it. I had my guitar hung over my neck. I walked towards the guitar store, which was on one side of the plaza. The buildings were modern, with a slight decorative look of old Santa Fe architecture. Just as i approached the music store, $F20 walked out with a friend of his. They were on their way out to lunch. I was disappointed that i had missed him. He apologized that he would not get a chance to talk to me and then continued on. I felt ignored and stood outside the store for a while. Then, the courtyard turned suddenly as i imagined what it would look like on the computer screen. I realized that the two buildings on the end could be attached and made into a single hallway. The towers were of an old architectural style, like something from the renaissance. They were from a drawing by Escher. I was trying to picture the Escher drawing as it appeared before me. It appeared as white lines on a black surface in three dimensions. It was one of his two dimensional illusions, and i was transferring it to three-dimensional space. I wondered what it would look like. The tower on the right was his famous drawing of a tower with four pillars on the corner that supported an ever-falling stairway. The pillars were visually interlinked, so that the building would be impossible. I wondered whether it was possible to even create in three dimensions. The computer lines traced out two cubes as the fundamental frame of the image.

11997 March 12

I was with $Z as we traveled along the bridge that ran over the river and down the side of the city, which seemed like it might be Eurivvonerga. There was a large pyramid-shaped building to the right of us. It was white with blue trim, and had the look of a business building. We were on our way to get to someplace. I looked down at the tracks over which we traveled. They were supported by a cement structure. There was only a single track under us, and it was rounded across the top. I realized that it seemed like a train. We had to get off of this train sometime to head in the other direction. We had to get to someplace. I could see the track very closely below us as we moved. It was like a large silver train with a rounded top. A mountain passed close on our left. It was tall and made of jagged ashen brown rocks. The train tracks must have been cut into the side of it. $Z jumped to the left onto another set of tracks. I followed. I found myself running in the opposite direction once i got off. It had to do with the momentum shift. Then i realized that i had hopped on top of another train which was heading towards the tunnel in the mountain. The tunnel was very small and shaped like a pipe. The train was small as well and just fit into the tunnel. I got off of the train and walked along the platform. I had to head to the east to get to where we had to go. The train track that ran along my left was about five decis tall and two decis wide. It was rounded at the top and had seams all over it, like it had been manufactured from several high-tech components that merged to form a smooth surface. X and i turned to the right and headed out along the track that crossed the gorge on the very narrow bridge. Two investigators were waiting on the other side. They were both wearing dark pants and coats with white shirts and sun glasses. They were waiting at the scene. We greeted them and asked them what had been going on. They did not expect us, but realized that we were allowed in the area. Then we noticed the people walking along the edge of the cliff on the opposite side of the gorge. They were in dark investigator clothes as well. I knew that these people were the bad guys. Four of them walked from the right and two from the left. There was a woman leading the way from the right. They were not going to let us escape from the scene. I ran back across the cable, on which we had crossed the gorge, before i could get trapped on the other side. I knew that they would cut the cable and i wanted to be in a position to swing to the free side of the gorge. One of the men cut the large cable of webbing from the rest of the web. I grabbed onto it and swung towards the side of the gorge where the bad guys were standing. There was a small wooden shack hanging over the edge of the gorge. I swung under it and caught the bottom rafters. I watched as Luke Skywalker swung under the wooden shed and grabbed onto one of the boards on the underside of the building. The bad guys started firing at the other people on the far side of the gorge. Luke pulled himself up into the shed where the bad guys could not get to him. They would suspect that he had fallen when they cut the cable. Luke was wearing a grey tank top and grey pants. He could crawl up into the building and hide until the fighting was over. I was back on the far side of the gorge where one of the others had been shot. $Z reached down to the person’s wound and pulled out a bright orange glowing ball of energy. It was a spiritual tool of defense. I wondered why he took it from someone who was injured, as it would make the injured man die. $Z then threw the glowing bolt of energy at three of the men that were standing on the opposite cliff. There was a large explosion with a bright flash and a lot of smoke. It reminded me of television action shows for children. The four men fell off of the cliff and into the large spider web that had been suspended across the gorge. That was the web that i had swung from. Then a large spider jumped out from a dark hiding spot on the cliff wall and attacked the men. It was like a scene from the Power Rangers. The costumes looked too unrealistic. Then the man in front of me was jumped by the large man in the green spider suit. It was supposed to look real. The three bad guys on the other side were standing in a line. They faced the web where the four had fallen, and then turned to see the large green spider attack the man on the other side of the gorge. The bad guy in the middle was wearing a brown monster costume. The three smiled and cheered when they realized that the spider was attacking their enemies. $F10 had swung over the gorge and had crawled up into the back of the soda machine that was perched at the edge of the hall, where the cliff was. I wondered if anyone would know that he was in there. Professor Arturo placed some coins in the machine, but nothing came out. Then Quinn Mallory shoved the dollar bill out of the bottom of the machine. Quinn had been hiding in the machine where no one could get him. The professor bent over and looked down the shoot where the soda cans come out. The door to the machine swung open slowly and we could see Quinn lying on his side, curled up in the back of the machine.

I walked out of the crowded concert hall. There were people hanging around in the hallway outside. I had to get moving. I did not feel comfortable here. A man standing in the hall backed into me, forcing me to back into someone that was behind me. I turned around and apologized to the young girl in the black pee coat. She had a backpack over her shoulder and was talking to some of her female friends. She was annoyed that i bumped into here. I walked down the hall to the left and rounded the corner to the right. The hall widened. I followed the right wall around to the right where the bathroom was. I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. This all felt like some sort of strange dream. There were several other people in the bathroom. Then i woke up on the couch in the back room of my parents’ house. It was early in the morning. I looked out the window to see if i could see the comet, or any stars. It was just starting to turn twilight. I could not see anything. I looked out the window on the back of the house. I could see forest and green morning haze. Then i realized that someone might be out there. I put my hands to the window and tried to peer out. I could not see anyone. I walked to the front of the house and looked out the front kitchen window. There was still no one there, but i could see very large footprints leading off in the snow. I wondered whether they were from the robbers, or whether they were my fathers. I looked out the kitchen door and could see that same set of tracks leading to the car. They looked like large oval boors with springs running across the bottom. I realized that they were probably my father’s prints from when he was wearing the bottoms of the kitchen stools on his feet. The stools had springs on the underside to help them balance.

11997 March 13

I waited at the bus stop on the corner of $P33 and $P34, but the bus was not coming. It was late. I looked at my watch but it did not have the correct time on it. It said that it was only thirteen o’clock. The hand was pointing just past the bottom of the watch. It must have gotten stuck. I fiddled with the knob on the side of the watch to see if it had been pulled out slightly, which would have stopped the hands. The knob was fine. The second hand was turning, so the watch could not have been out of batteries. I wondered whether i had come too early. I thought that it might be only 13:00. I walked north, back down the dimly lit drive towards the office. It was dark out. It could not be so early in the day if it was so dark out. The light from the dark road was a dull orange. I walked around the front of the building. There was a line of hedges running north to south, away from the front of the building. It separated the grass lawn from the docking bay drive into the side of the building. I stopped just behind the short row of pine shrubs. I could hear men talking on the other side. I wondered how i could get the bus. I still did not know whether i had missed it or not. I tried to convince myself that it had not come yet. I walked across the street to the south side and into the small entrance lobby with the large glass windows. The windows faced the street on the north, where i could watch the traffic go by. I asked one of the girls in the room if she knew what the temperature was. She could not seem to understand the question. She told me that it was a measure of the air. I told her that i knew that, but wondered whether she knew what the temperature outside was. The other woman there told me the time. I was annoyed that the woman did not know what i was talking about. She started getting defensive, thinking that i was just bothering her. I kept trying to get her to tell me the temperature, but she only replied by defining the term. I then noticed that Bill Clinton was standing by the window talking to several people. I wondered what he was doing here. I noticed that there was no heightened security around him. I thought that that was strange. Meanwhile, i kept asking the girl what the temperature was. She got frustrated and kept telling me the same answer. I walked past her and out the door, upset that she was so unintelligent. I walked into the classroom and sat down at one of the chairs in the second row from the right wall. It seemed like there were no other walls to the room. There were several other students sitting around the room in the wooden-on-metal-frame arm chairs. I opened up my book and looked through it. It was a large book, and seemed like an atlas. Then the teacher came in. It seemed like $A76, but it was the president, here to give a special lecture. I wondered why he did not have any secret service men with him. He started talking about the book. I looked on the desk in front of me to see the decorative cover of the book about which he was talking. It was a famous book in female literature. The cover was a rough drawing using wide, vertical brush stroked. The image was created in the white space between the lines. The black lines on the blue or pinkish background made the shape of a woman in a long dress. Her left hand was holding onto the wide-rimmed hat that she had on her head. The text on the bottom was also in a roughly stroked design. I thought that the first letter was a T, with an i following it, but they were actually part of the single, decorative letter N which started the title. I had read the book sometime before. I remembered it, but i could not remember what it was about. The teacher told us how important this book was. I started sorting through some of my things. I had to get my stuff. I asked the teacher if i could go and get some things. He said that i could not, because it would make too much noise. I was upset that i could not get my stuff. Then the teacher started wandering out into the field to the north of the classroom. I sat in the row at the left edge of the classroom. The teacher was giving his lecture while roaming in the field. There was a short dirt cliff with dry grass on the top just to my left. $F9 was sitting behind me. He handed me a plastic bag with some crushed ice in it. It is what i wanted to go get. I needed a drink of water. I shuffled the ice and tried to get some in the medium-sized brown paper cup. I knew that this is what the teacher did not want me doing, because the shuffling ice made too much noise. I thought that he could not hear it from where he was and that i could sip on the ice when he came back and he would never know. $F9 also handed me another white plastic bag. I looked in it to see raisin bran cereal. I scooped up some and started eating it. I then placed the plastic bags on the floor and left the room. I knew that this would upset the teacher, but i was not in the mood to care. I walked down the dirt road and turned left onto the small path. I then turned left again onto the other dirt road and headed towards the edge of the fence where the large tree trunk was. They were planning to set something where this tree trunk was. I knew the mobsters would come over to the stump from the class any moment. They would probably ask me what i was doing. I could hear the teachers black car coming around the corner. The stump was on the left side of the road, and the wire fence traveled out of it and into the woods. The leaves on the trees were a dry autumn orange and brown. The mobsters rounded the corner and started heading towards me. I moved around to the far side of the tree and looked over the stump, pretending that i did not see them coming. They would be mad that i had left the class. The car turned onto the dirt road behind me but did not stop. I turned around to look at it and realized that it was $A77 and someone else. They were driving $A77’s new black car. The car was shaped somewhat like an early 80s Audi. They peeled out as they rounded the corned and headed north along the dusty dirt road. Their tires sprayed fine powdered dirt out behind them. I walked south down the other road towards the large house. I entered through the front door and walked across the entryway. There were two rooms on the north wall. A woman was working in the one on the left. I walked through the doorway on the right. There were many rock formations. There was a small still pond that ran off to the right, with ashen brown rock features along the left wall. They were small bulbous features that ran in a line along the ground. I swung at one with the bag that was in my left hand. I hit the top of a small one which had a couple of spikes protruding from the top. The spikes broke off. I then thought that i probably should not be destroying the rocks. Other people should be able to see their beauty. I then noticed that the rocks were actually sculptures. One stood behind the one i broke. It was in the rough shape of a giraffe. I should not have broken the small one. I bent down and tried to fix it. It was a porcelain statue of a small animal. I could not repair it. I placed it on the shelf to my left behind the other tall statue which was the giraffe. The room was full of white porcelain statues which had been brightly painted here and there. I placed the small pieces behind the larger figurine on the shelf but they kept floating to the top of the shelf. They then rolled forward where they could be seen. I had to keep them hidden. The woman from the next room walked through the doorway behind the shelf. I did not let her see the broken figurine. I played with the two pieces until i could get them to balance behind the larger statue. They floated to the top of the shelf and were quite buoyant, but they lodged themselves behind the head of the statute of the human. I then got up and walked out the back side of the house and across the lawn. The lawn had not been cut for a while and was thick. There was a patch of lighter coloured grass to my right. It formed a circle, as if part of a garden. It was much taller and seemed like onion grass. I stepped over it as i hopped across the back lawn to the northwest. I knew that someone might be following me. I did not look back, and hopped towards the woods. I felt unsafe.

11997 March 14

I was sitting on the right side of the small airplane near the back. I was not supposed to be on the plane, but i had to get to Tibet, and this was my only way. The plane was very small, with only seats for thirty or so passengers. The female steward was walking in the aisle, collecting money for the trip from the passengers. She leaned towards a man on the right side of the aisle as they talked. I knew that i did not have the money for the flight, and wondered what they would do when they found out. The ticket would cost two thousand dollars. Then a male steward came over to me and started asking me for the fare. I acted confused. I told him that they already had my money. He was upset, and said that the passengers were all told to have their money ready for the stewards. He said that the other people in the cabin had their money and he did not see any reason why i should be any different. I could not answer him, so i started walking to the right, up the stairs towards the temple. The stairs ran up a ridge on the side of the hill. There was a large open valley to the left, across which i could see white-capped mountains. The old stone stairs had no railings on either side, and led up to the temple. I walked to the temple, where the people from the bus had dropped off their baggage. I had to collect my things from the plane. The bus was getting ready to leave, and i had to be on it. I had to get back. I realized that i had made it into the country. I then wondered whether they would take me back without any money. I could not stay here. I felt very uneasy. I walked through the aisle of luggage bags on the ground. They were arranged in the order that they were taken off of the bus.

11997 March 15

I was out in the middle of the field on top of the large wooden structure. The platform was made of old heavy wooden planks. They were worn and age-darkened. I was stretching out and getting ready to run. The $G1 were stretching with me. $A67 spoke to me for a moment. $F24 was also there. I thought about wrestling in the large wooden ring, but we might get splinters from the shedding boards. I could feel the board under my left hand splintering. I was stretching out my left leg. I was wearing a dark maroon shell on my legs and torso. Then the other guy was there. I thought that he looked attractive. I thought of wrestling him, but we had to stretch. He walked off the edge of the platform with $F24. They then did something just off the edge of the platform. I wanted to know what it was. I could only see part of it. I wondered whether they wrestled. It seemed like they just did some push-ups. I wanted to be part of the fun. I walked off the side of the platform towards them and started to stretch in the grass. I stretched out my hamstrings again. The grass was a bright green and fresh. I got up and walked over to the bus stop. I was feeling left out again. I got onto the bus. I was supposed to get off at the next stop anyway. The bus started moving. I rang the bell but the bus did not slow down for the next stop. I realized that i had gotten on a bus which does not stop at the stop i needed. I was annoyed and anxious that i could not get off. I sat near the back of the bus facing the back door. The driver looked in his mirror at the people on the bus. He was an old man and wondered who was trying to get off. I would have to ride around the full loop of the bus in order to get off. The woman sitting in the seat in front of me was concerned that i had rung the bell but the driver had not stopped. I pulled it again as he stopped at the next stop, but it did not make any noise. It had not turned off from the last time. I was upset that i could not get off where i wanted to. The bus driver walked outside the windows on the left hand side of the bus and looked in. He was looking for the person who had rung the bell. He stood up from his seat and looked back at me. He told me that he did not stop at that location and that i would have to wait until we came around again. He held on to a small wheel that was mounted on top of an axis which came up out of the floor in the center of the front window. He steered the bus with his right hand as he talked to me. He was understanding. I then realized that the woman with the long brown hair and brown leather jacket was leaning back into me from her seat at the table in front of me. I slipped backwards and she lost her balance. I apologized for letting her fall over, but i told her that i had not realized that she was using me for balance. I thought that she was attracted to me. I was interested to know why she was attracted, but i did not want her to become too attached to me.

11997 March 18

I was in the kitchen of my parents’ house. My parents were there, along with some other people. I started floating in the air in the kitchen. It was a natural thing. The girl, who was sitting at the edge of the counter, was watching me. I thought that it was very easy for me to float, and i wondered whether she would think it was unusual. I knew that not everyone could fly. I started to do flips in the air, rotating forward. I was in the dining room when i was doing them. I wanted people to see that i could fly easily. I then started flying in large vertical circles in the middle of the dining room. It seemed for a moment that i was circling out into the back yard as well. The girl marveled at me. She could not believe that i was able to fly like i was. I then started to notice that my pattern of rotation was not consistent. It was not a natural rotation. Something was causing a change in the period of my rotation. I thought about it for a moment and suddenly realized that i was the one causing the changes in the rotation. The girl was amazed at what i was doing. I felt special for being able to control my motion in the air. I then landed on the floor in the dining room. The people then started to talk about the house in which we were. Something seemed wrong with the house. I floated out the back door of the house and up into the air. The back of the house had two floors, and a balcony which cut into the roof on the second floor. The shingle siding on the house was a bluish grey and there was white wooden trim. The balcony on the second floor was all white. I then realized that the door to the balcony was not right. I had been left open. I flew through the door and into the white hall. I then turned around to inspect the door. Someone had broken into the house, and we had not realized it. I looked at the lock on the door and realized that the bolt had been clipped. The chain, which had also been hooked on, had been broken. It was a professional break in. I felt insecure and worried. No one in the house had realized that someone had come into the house during the night while we were sleeping. I felt very uneasy.

I walked into the large lobby of the cinema. I worked for this place. It was a Hoyts cinema. I came back into the building through the side entrance. There were people in red uniforms walking around the lobby. The lobby was a large open area with a dark interior. It was decorated in a dull red with decorative carpets. The decor seemed to be somewhat art deco. The ceiling was a pale white, and had small lights inset along the edges that shone down the walls of the corridor. The regular staff stood in various places in the corridor in their black pants, white shirts, and red vests. I was in here before. I felt suddenly strange about walking through the theatre. I was only wearing denims and a shirt. I wondered whether they would think that i was a stranger who just walked in off of the streets. The cinema was not open yet, so no one who did not work there was supposed to be in the building. Some of the people watched me from the counter on the left side of the lobby. The counter ran along the back wall, ending where the corridor into the cinema started. The counter was dimly lit and had gold trim around its upper edge. It had rounded corners. I walked past the counter and down the carpeted hall. I had to get ready to work here.

11997 March 19

I ran up to my bedroom in my parents’ house. I could see the storm coming out the back window. There was a tornado sweeping across the dry grass of the field in the back yard. I was worried that it would hit the house. I thought that it probably would not, as tornadoes tend to run in straight lines and only destroy what they hit. I had to get some of the stuff out of my room. I could not loose it. Then i ran down stairs. I could see the larger funnel cloud coming towards us from the east. We had to go hide in the basement. We stood against the north wall of the upper end of the basement. I could see the tornado approaching from the window on the east wall. I thought that it probably would not hit us. It could not hit us because i would loose everything that i had been saving in my room. I told my mother to come away from the window. I knew that there might be flying glass. I could see the funnel coming closer, bending and twisting as it moved across the ground. There were large pieces of debris rotating around the outer edge of the cloud. It had picked up pieces of barns and trucks as it had traveled. I kept thinking that it could not hit us. Then there was a crunching noise as the tornado hit the front of the house. We pressed against the back wall to remain safe. The tornado tore off the front of the house. I thought that it would only damage a small part of the house and not damage anything we valued. I could hear the wind above us as paper started to fly around. I kept thinking that we would not loose anything we would not miss. The back door of the basement was then pulled open and the boxes that were stored in the lower part of the cellar started to get sucked out. Papers started to fly on the wind. They were papers that i had been saving in the boxes. I was worried that they would be taken. All of the boxes were swept out from the basement. I could not believe that the tornado had destroyed the house and taken the papers. I felt depressed that such a thing had happened. I walked through he splintered beams and rubble of the house. All of the pieces were scattered across the creek bed to the west. I would have to go out and collect all of the papers. They could not be replaced, so i would have to get them. I realized that the officers who were patrolling the disaster area would think that i was crazy, but i had to get the papers back. I would simply collect them, thinking that they could all be recovered. I walked out to the west to the shore of the creek. I picked up some debris from the shore. The other hashers were there. They were getting ready for a hash run. I looked over the gorge and down into the water. It was cold water. The snow under my feet was also cold because i did not have any shoes on. I was unprepared for hashing. I looked to my left where the creek curved up-stream over the flat rocks. It ran up a shallow waterfall. I could see $A78 climbing up the rocks on the far side of the falls. We had to get ready for the start of the hash. He was climbing up the difficult side. It would be easier to climb up the right side of the falls. I walked out across the flat rocks of the water and looked over the short chain-link fence that surrounded the junk yard. The trail must have gone through here. $A79 called to me from the top of the waterfall, where the rest of the hashers were getting ready to start. He accused me of checking out the trail before we got started. I knew that i was just wandering around though, and that i was feeling depressed and empty.

11997 March 20

I stepped out onto the back porch of my apartment. There were people knocking on the back door to $A16’s house below. A white covered truck was parked parallel to the stairs up to my apartment just outside of $A16’s door. There was another white truck just behind it, hidden around the corner of the house. The lady got out of the truck and started banging on the door. I told her that $A16 was not around. She asked me several questions, and i tried to tell her that someone had been taking care of the horse, and that $A16 had been gone for quite some time. There was a man who had been coming by to feed the horse and cats. Then another truck pulled up into the driveway. There had been many people hanging around the house asking about the horse. This man was named Fred, and he took care of the cats. He had a key to the house. It was grey and raining outside as he pulled his green and tan work jacket over his head and ran through the wet mud towards the back door of the house. He unlocked the door and pulled the screen open. I noticed that the tape, which had been on the door, was lifted off on the outside. I wondered whether he reattached it when he came out. The lady would know that he was here now.

I was in the hotel room in the other place. My mother and grandmother were with me. We were getting ready to go. My mother was wearing a dress which was shaped kind of like a chess piece with a rounded top. I thought that it was a strange russian design, which would suit this country that we were in. They were hurrying me to get out of the room so that we could go places. We had to be someplace. In front of the hotel, my mother approached me. I noticed that the dress she was wearing was a deep purple on the bottom and had a very decorative collar. It was black and deep blue with fine patterns of gold and silver. It looked like a finely crafted Russian lacquer box. She also had a hat on her head of the same pattern. The hat was shaped like an egg, and made her look silly. I tried not to laugh, but i could not help myself. She walked away to talk to my father, who was standing on the other side of the country road. I laughed, but tried not to. Then she walked back towards me. She was mad that i was not hurrying like i was supposed. I realized that the dress looked different now. It was not as outrageous and looked somewhat normal. I wondered how it could have made such a change.

11997 March 21

I was in the small white room in the upper floor of the old building. The room seemed like a dormitory room at an older university. It had white walls and high arching ceilings. I looked up at the ceilings and noticed how nice they looked. There was wood trim which started at the base of the ceiling and ran up the arches to the top. The curves of the ceiling were covered with vertical wood slats that were polished a light brown. I thought that the room looked very attractive and thought that it would make a great office space. I then looked to the widow on my left, which looked out over the quad. The window was set into the curve of the roof and was quite large, letting in a lot of light from the outside. The sky outside seemed a uniform grey.

11997 March 24

I was waiting at the bus stop near the old building in the country. I was going to move from this place. Then i saw $A80, drive up to the old building. He was with a younger boy. He had moved into the area. I felt sorry that i had just moved, as it would have been nice to get to know him. I walked into the front of the building, which was a small reading room with antique decorations and books lining the walls. I turned to the left and walked into the corner of the room. I felt alone and disappointed that i could not get to talk to him. I also felt as though i owed him something. I looked over the magazines that were on the end table in the corner. I felt lonely.

11997 March 25

I wandered over the scrap heaps behind the old abandoned factory. I felt that i probably should not be wandering around here, but i was exploring. I climbed down the side of one of the piles of debris. $A10 followed me down. I walked towards the large warehouse, which was a featureless, dull white building made of cinder blocks. I spoke to my grandfather as i walked. He was not feeling that talkative, and was being rather agitating. I was with my mother and grandfather in the large mall-like structure which seemed like an old warehouse. We walked through the door way and onto the second level of the room. There were many people wandering around the place. My grandfather was arguing with us and would not speak. He followed us, but was mad. I felt sorry for him, and wanted to talk. My mother was upset that he was in such a bad mood. We started to head out into the large room, which was poorly decorated and had many tables of merchandise in the center. There were several tattered cloths hanging from the ceiling, as if the large room were poorly maintained. Then my grandfather started wandering away from us. He headed up the next flight of stairs. We became worried about him, afraid that he might try jumping from the next level. He was suicidal. I followed him up the stairs. The people around the mall started watching in shock. They gathered and watched. I got to the top of the stairs. My grandfather had already climbed up the ladder that disappeared into the small hatch in the ceiling. He must be heading to the roof. I climbed up the red metal ladder. I was uneasy about the height. The lady below me had asked about my uneasiness, and i told her that i was slightly acrophobic. I carefully grabbed onto the floor of the upper level and climbed off of the ladder. I looked back down at the ladder and wondered how i would get back down. It seemed quite a jump to make it back to the ladder. I wondered whether i would have to do it blind. I started to stand up and follow my grandfather. He had wandered out the large door on the side wall to my right. It led out to the roof. I was afraid that he might jump off of the roof. I started to go after him when i saw the small box of tarot cards on the ground just in front of me. I picked up the stack of cards and looked through them. They were decorative, and not of a pattern that i had collected already. I thought that i should keep the pack. I thought that this was an old warehouse and that everything was left here. These cards might actually belong to someone, though. I wanted to take them anyway. Then i noticed that there was a white plastic page on the floor right in front of the hatch to the lower level. It was full of small boxes of the tarot cards. I could come back for one of them after i got my grandfather. I headed towards the large open door on the side of the storage room. There were many objects stored in the top level of the warehouse. I went out onto the large tin roof and looked for my grandfather. He had walked around to the right. I hoped that he had not jumped. I came up to him as he sat on the ground in front of the large cement supporting wall. The wall was worn and had vines dangling over it. There was a hill on top of the wall with a house beyond. Corroded chain link fence came out from either side of the wall. My grandfather sat hunched on a mound of dirt. He seemed very depressed. I approached him, and he looked up at me. He asked me about wrestling. I knew that he had been a wrestler in college. He asked me about my wrestling. I asked him if he was referring to “rough and wrestle”. He said that he was talking about the meet that was going on. I realized that he was referring to the large meet in Romania.

I ran onto the large tank structure that was near the water’s edge. It was some kind of pump system for the city water center. It was coloured a pale yellow, and had a narrow cement deck around the outside. I walked along the deck. My parents were walking with me. They watched as i climbed up onto the deck and started towards the water. I could see a large pipe coming out of the wall and running down the side of the building. It was one of the intake pipes. I had to be careful not to get near anything. There was an opening to my left, between myself and the wall. The pipes disappeared into the casing around the opening and ended. I looked down into the rusted iron semioval-shaped hole. I could see the ends of the pipes, which were sliced at a sharp angle. No water was coming out of them, as i had expected. I could see rust stains down the side of the opening to the shallow reservoir of water at the bottom. I had to be careful not to fall in, or i might get trapped in the suction of the pipes. I stood up and continued down the side of the building towards the edge of the river. The cement dock ended at a large iron barrel, which rose from the water. It was a main intake for the system. I peeked carefully over the edge of the dock to look down into the round intake tube. I could see a low level of water in the bottom. Nothing was running. I was nervous about falling over the edge and into the pipes. I carefully stood back up and turned around. I tried to step down from the platform, but i found that the ice was no longer frozen. It had melted and become thin. I tested it with my foot. It gave way easily, leaving only my foot print. I wondered how i could get back across the pond to safety on shore. I called out for help, but my father was no longer near the shore. Then i noticed the water shifting. The ice was melting and waves started to form. It was gentle at first, but then the water rose in odd shaped spikes. Several towers of water rose a few meters from the waters surface at a time. I had to get off of the platform, but then i realized how strange the water was behaving.

I walked around the field near the barn behind my parents’ house. The man was hooking himself up to a rope on the ground. Then his parasail opened and the wind lifted him into the air like a kite. The sail was a bright red, and fanned out behind him like a delta-wing kite. There were black poles going down the outside of the wings. The man was wearing a black jump suit as he hovered three or four meters above the ground. The entire field to the west was filled with people hovering on the strong wind. I looked to the east into the wind. Then i told $Z that i had a pair of wings which were a little more portable. I could extend them from the clothing that i was wearing. I had silver pipes in my hand which made it easier to hold the wings out. I realized that the poled would have to strap to my forearms to make them easier to hold when the wind hit them. I ran into the barn, thinking about flying on the wind.

11997 March 26

I walked around the store. The woman stood behind the counter, wondering whether she could help me. I looked over the many trinkets that lined the counters. I was looking for magnets. Then i noticed the tray of coin-shaped magnets behind, me on the left. I turned around to look them over. They were all coins that acted like magnets. I picked a couple up to inspect. They clustered together. They had a shiny silver coating, with brightly coloured stripes of reflected light. They looked very much like taggets. They were not exactly what i was looking for. The woman walked to the front of the store, cleaning up some things in the glass cabinet to my right. I then noticed the box of egg shaped magnets on the floor behind the kitchen counter in my parents’ house. I went to pick them up. I remembered that i had ordered them as a child because i had thought that they would be solid magnets shaped like eggs. Instead they were plastic eggs with small magnets in the narrow end. They were meant for refrigerator use. I had never used them. I thought how silly and naive i was to order them.

I walked onto the sun porch of my grandfather’s house on $P12. He did not seem to be home. I looked around and noticed that the place was messy. I felt sorry for him. I knew that he was no longer able to take care of himself. I wandered around the house. I was worried that he might find me there and get mad at me for trying to run his life. I thought that he might still be sleeping upstairs. I wandered around the corner and out into the living room when i heard him moving upstairs. I was worried that he would be upset with me so i tried to walk to the back part of the sun room. I ran into him as i rounded the front corner of the sun room. I was nervous of what he might say. He was cheerful and greeted me. He was dressed in a dark grey suit with a white shirt and light blue tie. He was getting ready for dinner. I was agitated at his insistence that he go to dinner. I knew that he was not fully aware of his actions, and was worried about what he might do. I followed him though the living room. He mentioned that he had started dinner and would have everything ready by the time that the guests arrived. I knew that there were no guests coming, and was worried and irritated that he had started cooking. He should not be cooking; it could be dangerous. I walked into the basement where the stove was. I opened the oven and looked at the meat that he had prepared. There was a roast in a small pot on the stove. It was dry and burning. I turned it off. He had ruined the meal. I did not know how to deal with him. I went back up to the kitchen and cleaned up some things. Then i walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen of my apartment. The stove had been left on all night. I looked into the oven and noticed that the pipes inside had corroded from the intense heat of leaving the oven on all night. They had all warped upward. There was a small cluster of pipes in the center of the oven that curved up link a tongue. I turned off the oven and closed the door. I pulled the door open to see whether the pipes would bend back into place as they cooled. There were small flames still burning along several of the joints on the pipe. Some of the gas must have left a residue. I hoped that the pipes were not leaking because they might cause an explosion. I closed the oven and let it cool. Then i noticed that the entire front end of the stove had warped upward. It was folding up into the wall. I pushed it down, but it would not stay. It acted as if it were spring loaded. I had to put something heavy on the front of it to keep it weighed down so that it cooled in place. I placed a large pot of water on top of it. It was not heavy enough, though. I needed the larger pot. It was in the sink to my left. I walked over to the sink and tried to lift the pot. It was a bowl that was embedded into the counter just to the left of the sink. It was the left-hand basin of the sink, and had soapy water in it. I tried to lift it by prying my finger nails under the lip which prevented it from falling through the hole in the counter. It slipped and water spilled onto the counter and slashed down the hole onto the boxes below. I would have to lift it more carefully.

11997 March 27

I drove the car up to the gate at the entrance to the freeway. I looked into the toll booth to my left, but there was no one there. I reached out to turn the gates on. There was a small yellow switch on the main booth. Nothing happened. I backed out from the booth a little to look up at the lights on the roof overhead. The lane i was in was marked with a red X. The green lane was to my right. I was not in an active lane. I looked over to the toll booth to my right to see that there was a person inside. I decided that the lights had not been turned on when i first came into the lanes. They had turned on since i got there, so i could not have known that i would be in the wrong lane. I pulled out and drove the small car into the lane on my right. The man in the booth handed me a small tan tag for my car. The tag was a small flat box with a short nylon-weave flag under it. It was to be attached to the front nose of the airplane. I reached out and attached it to the left front side of my car, which was shaped like the nose of an airplane. I started to drive forward. I knew that the tags were for aircraft, and that the person in the booth must have mistaken my car for a plane. I wondered whether i should be in this area. It was intended only for planes. I drove around to the left, past the terminal building at the edge of the toll booth row. I hoped that airplanes would not run into me as they passed down the runways. I drove up the hill out of the parking lot from the main terminal. The hill was steep, so i wasn’t moving that fast. I looked around at the people sitting in the cafe of the main terminal. The owners of the establishment were not happy with us. I sat at the table with the other two men. They got up to walk out. The glass entrance way was just in front of us, and the service counter was to the right. The owners watched us as we started to get up. We had not paid our bill. We were going to leave without paying, because the other two men were mad at the owners. They walked out in front of me. I was nervous that the owners would try to stop us. I followed the men out the door. I then realized that i had the deck of red cards in my left hand. We were going to take the cards as well, but i was having second thoughts. I was uncomfortable enough with the idea that we did not pay. As i got out the front of the restaurant, i turned around hesitantly and walked back in. I left the cards and followed the other two out. I followed my mother and father across the parking lot in front of the terminal building. I followed them up the hill and into the hotel room. It was time to sleep for the night.

11997 March 31

I wandered through the stacks of books in the library. It was somewhat dark in the building, and the off-white ceiling hung far overhear. I walked under the balcony where the ceiling was lower, and shaped with cement support beams. I thought about hiding in the library. I could stay here after everyone was gone. I remembered that they had motion sensors here. I wondered whether i could sleep here. If i slept on the floor, i might not set off the motion sensors. I then thought that if i did then i could simply go hide when the lights came on. The lights would wake me. I imagined that i could become transparent. It was like a cloaking field. I could crouch down at the end of the aisle and cloak. The visual distortion would not be noticed that easily by the people. The man came by with a flashlight. I imagined that he would not be able to notice the distortion as he looked. Then i thought that it would be better to be as far from the librarians as possible. The distortion field was more noticeable when i was moving, but i could travel along the opposite side of the library and stay away from them. I crawled under the stairs and hid. The stairs were cement and had a small triangular space below them. I crouched under them as the people moved around in the next room. I thought about staying still. This was a better place to hide as it would not be searched that well. They would only look under the stairs in passing, and would not notice the distortion field. The two sets of stairs rose on either side of me and connected in a point over my head. I noticed that people were watching me as they passed. I realized that i was only day dreaming, and that the students wandering around the library could see me. The space under the stairs was taller now, and had wood on the ceiling. I stood up and walked out.

The secretary handed me several papers. They were part of my job description. I had just gotten a temporary position to make some money since my other job was over. She handed me five small packets of xerographs on a deep blue paper. The title on one said “Type Service 2.0.1”. That was the title of this temporary job. I took the pamphlets and walked over to the man behind the desk. He was on the phone, so i stood near his desk waiting. I had to find out what i was supposed to be doing. I knew that it had to do with web page design. I then decided that i should fill out the blue forms before i spoke to him. I looked over the forms and realized that one was for my main job title, but the other four were job descriptions for the two assignments that i had. I realized that i should read them before i asked the man what i should be doing. I sat down on the red leather chair with a wooden frame and arms. I watched the man in the blue business suit adjust himself in his chair behind his desk at the other end of the small office. He was overweight and had a greasy complexion. I wondered whether he was really the boss here. I supposed that he must be since he had a separate office from the secretary. He did not ask me what i wanted. I was relieved that i could read over the papers before i talked to him.