11998 March 03

I was in the hotel moving quickly through the corridors. The halls were long and very narrow. The place seemed to be a very old building, and it looked somewhat run down. I walked into the elevator at the end of the hall. There were men working on it. I knew that they were installing new elevators. I remembered about the rhinoceros that was chasing me through the halls. I imagined him charging down the hall towards me as the elevator door closed. I realized that he could probably break through the outside doors of the elevator. I thought that the elevator would have to travel up, so that when he broke through the doors he would fall down the empty shaft. I would be safe. I walked out of the elevator on one of the upper floors. There was a repair man to the left as i walked out of the door and into the hall. He was wearing a pair of white overalls with a red tee shirt underneath. He was one of the repairmen who were installing the elevators. I walked down the narrow hall, thinking about the elevators. I looked to the left into a small alcove. I noticed a thin wire coming up from the floor. It was one of the new elevators. I wondered whether the cable would be strong enough to support the entire elevator. There seemed to be something wrapped around the cable from the ceiling. It was dark green and looked like electric tape. I looked down to the floor to see the small hole through which the cable ran. I thought that the elevator must be in a shaft below the floor and rise up through the floor when it comes to this level. I thought that this was a good way to keep the new elevators out of the way. I noticed that there was a tan section of wood around the cable which seemed like a hatch. It was split down the center. It seemed like a ramp which led to the end of the short corridor. I then noticed that the cable was blocking the doorway on the end of the corridor. I thought that it would be in the way of people who walked down the corridor. I realized that the green curtain from the left wall of the corridor was pulled out from the wall and wrapped around the cable. It was a way of disguising the cable. I thought that it was interesting that they could hide the elevator cable in the design of the hall.

I sat down in the chair on the side of the room. I had come from some sort of party. My grandmother was at the party. I sat in the chair and started to talk to the others about the picture. I had been holding a newspaper in my hands, but i had handed it to the man on my left. We talked about the puzzle inside of it, which was part of a famous picture. I looked at the picture as the man passed it to the other man who was sitting in front of me and to the right. He was an elderly man and sat against the right wall of the room, facing the center of the room. He mentioned that the painting was from a very famous person. I remembered that the painting was covered with smooth curves of red and yellow. There seemed to be a horizontal pattern to it. I thought that it was a skyline with an image of a man spread over the left side. I tried to remember the picture as i spoke to the man on my right. He said that it was the painting from the famous man from Australia. I then remembered that the picture was called “Phantasm”. I told the man this. He then agreed with me and mentioned the author’s name. I looked down to the piece of paper in front of me to see the author’s name printed out. It said “Aurthor Henery William”. I got up and walked to the left, into the next room. The man wanted to start the grandfather clock again. I was annoyed with him, and did not think that he was doing it correctly. I knew that the main hands could be set from the clock, but i knew that the second hand had to be run by plugging in the clock. I told the man this, but he did not want to deal with the problem. I was very impatient with him, and thought that he was never doing things correctly. I knew that he always ignored my advice anyway. I walked over to the wall to the left of the clock. The plug for the second hand was hanging over a black box on the wall. I unwrapped the plug and tried to plug it into the wall. Then i looked back to the grandfather clock. I pulled the wooden encasement from the face of the clock and tried to set the hands. I then placed the encasement back, but realized that it would no longer stay on the clock. The screw holes that had held it in were at an angle, and were worn out. I looked at the wood and saw that it was curved. It fit smoothly onto the face of the clock, but would not latch. I thought that it was nice to see old furnishings with curved surfaces, as new clocks would not go through the trouble of making a nice curved surface. The other person then wanted to talk to me. There was something wrong. I looked at the clock and realized that it was just after six. I set the hands on the clock. I was agitated, and the other person kept trying to rush me. I looked at my watch. Something was wrong with the time. It was not correct. My watch said that it was a little after eight. I realized that i would be late for work. It should not be this late. I walked into the other room, following the person. I then looked at the electric clocks on the dresser to the left. They were panel clocks and had two sets of faces. The face on the left kept changing. It said ten thirty at first, but changed to a later time. I noticed that the white face with black letters was on a small column of faces which rotated around the center. The faces kept changing to show other time zones. I was worried about what time it really was. This did not seem to be right. I was worried that i would be late. I then noticed that the clock face on the right was black with white letters and did not change. It said that it was ten after eight. The other person talked to me as he stood on my right, but i kept trying to figure out the clocks. I could not be late.

11998 March 04

I walked down the side of the long grey building. The building had several corners to its side wall, but it ran in generally a straight direction. I remembered this place. It was part of $P53. I remembered that this used to be the old library. I moved down the dark corridor and turned the corner to the left. I headed down a flight of stairs, wondering what had happened to the buildings. They all seemed dark and abandoned. I was on the train heading to New York City. I remembered that i was supposed to meet my parents there. I wondered whether i was supposed to be on the train now, though, or whether i should have waited for them. I looked out the windows of the bus as we entered the suburban area. It was a small town with wide streets. There seemed to be a church to the left. There were houses along the streets. The older woman, who was standing to my right, asked me to where i was headed. Then i noticed my mother, my grandmother, and $K3 out the left window as they walked down the street. I thought that my mother must have gone to visit $K3. I wondered whether i had gotten on the wrong train. I should meet up with them in New York City. I watched them as the bus passed down the street. They turned left and headed around the block. The side street met with the main street at the curve in the main road. The side street made a backwards Y with the main road. I thought that i wanted to go after them, but i knew that i could not get off of the bus. We came to the hotel. All of the passengers were gathered into the small room. I knew that it was part of the tour. I wanted to go find my mother. I thought that it was not far to the corner where i had seen them turn. I knew that some time had passed, but i still wanted to try to go out to find them. I looked into the closet of the room to find my shoes. I saw the pair of grey sandals and considered wearing them. I then walked back across the room. There was a pile of stuff on my bed. It was my luggage. I had placed it on my bed. It seemed disorganized and had several hard objects in it. I noticed my acoustic guitar on the pile. I started to walk past the bed, which was against the east wall of the room, when i noticed $K3 walking across the room. She was reading the book or pamphlet that was in her hand. She sat on my bed. I realized that it was her and said hello. She looked up and smiled. I asked her what she was doing in $P53. I knew that she lived in Florida and thought she might have come up. I asked her about my mother and grandmother. She said that they were walking across the city. I wanted to go with them. I knew that they would be shopping in the center section of town. I then wondered how i would get around the city. I was not familiar with $P53. I thought that i should have gotten a map of the place so that i could navigate. I walked back into the room. I then noticed that all of the other tourists had left. I looked to where my bed had been and noticed that it was missing. There was a tan telephone line coming out of the baseboard where the bed had been. It had a red LED on the end of it which was blinking. Room service had taken the beds for the day. The tour had continued on to New York City. I saw the LED blinking and knew that i had a message. I could not call for it, though, as there were no telephones left in the room. I looked around the room and saw that there were several telephone lines dangling across the floor of the room. Most of them were blinking. The one against the north wall was blinking very fast. It meant that there were several messages for that person. I would have to go to the front desk of the hotel to get my messages. I walked out of the room through the door on the south end of the west wall. There was a short flight of stairs which led north to the dark corridor. I headed across the small hall, thinking that i just had to cross through the door and head down the main stairs to the lobby. I walked through the white door on the north side of the hall. The room on the other side was dark and cluttered. I suddenly realized that this was not a corridor, but someone’s room. I wondered why they had left the door open. I turned to go out, noticing the bathroom to the west. The floor of the bathroom was white, and there were two margarita glasses on the white counter. The floors and counters were covered with what seemed to be clothing. I then saw someone moving in the darkness in the bedroom to the north. I thought that i had probably interrupted a romantic evening. I turned and headed out the door. I walked back across the corridor and through the exit to the south. I thought that i should head into the lobby quickly so that the man from the room did not see me. I turned some corners and started down the white set of stairs to the south. As i started down the stairs, i noticed that there was a large opening on the south wall of the corridor to the west. I thought that it opened up to the main living room of the hotel. I could see an aqua colour through the opening. I walked down the stairs and noticed the entrance to the living room on the right. The room was covered with an aqua carpet and had white furniture. The reception lobby was to my right. I could see the U-shaped counter in the center of the red tile floor. I started towards the desk.

I was lying on the bed. The boy had gotten up and walked into the bathroom. I had been invited over to his house and was sleeping in the bed with him. I remembered that his parents had been in the other bed with us earlier. I thought that the father was suspicious of me. He did not seem to trust me. I walked from the hood of the green Volkswagen Beetle and started across the small yard. I lay down on the other bed where i had been sleeping the night. The boy was in the bathroom to the north of me. He was gathering several things. I thought that i did not want to get out of bed. I had several items on top of the bed with me. I wondered whether the boy could crawl back into bed even if he wanted to. I must have piled them there because i did not want to get back up.

11998 March 05

I was following my grandfather through the halls of the old building. We passed some soldiers as we went. I looked at the soldiers and noticed that they were wearing green and white camouflage uniforms and had very short hair. We crossed a main corridor of the building and turned to the south. I then noticed that my grandfather slipped down a side corridor to the right. I continued on down the main corridor. I wanted to look around. If anyone asked, i could tell them that i was looking for my grandfather, but actually i would be getting information on the place. I then noticed that there were several soldiers ahead of me. I suddenly realized that i had walked into a shower room. The soldiers were wandering around both in uniform and in towels. I tried to act like i was looking for someone. I looked down each corridor and behind me, as if i did not know where my grandfather had gone. I walked across the shower room. The air was steamy, and i wondered whether the soldiers were fit. I then noticed my grandfather walking out of a doorway ahead of me. I realized that he was lost and was confused. I walked up to him and tried to take care of him. I then walked into a room in the center of the building. My grandfather was with me. The place looked like an office. I knew that we should probably not be here, but i wanted to look around. Something did not feel safe. The furnishings of the office were dark, and the walls were a dark bluish grey. There was a desk on the west wall of the room and a couch on the north. The room was longer east to west, and there was a window on the east wall which faced out over the town. I knew that there was going to be an attack. We were hiding in the building because there was going to be a bomb explosion over the city. I hoped that we would be safe here. I looked over some of the furnishings. There seemed to be a chest in the center of the room in which i was interested.

I was standing in front of the large building with the other children. I was very young. We were waiting for the bus to pick us up and take us home. There were several other people hanging around on the street. The old school building stood behind me. It was a large colonial building, with columns and a balcony on the front. It seemed several stories tall. On the west side, to my left as i faced the street, was another building which blocked off the end of the road. There was another large white building to the north side. The city street came in from the east and widened into a parking lot in front of the school. The busses used the widening to turn around in. I wondered where my bus was not here already. The other children were waiting with me for the same bus. We watched a large white bus pull around the parking lot and stop in front of the school. It was not our bus. I was anxious wondering where our bus had gone. It was very late. I then turned around and looked back towards the school. I realized that it was warm outside, and seemed like spring. I knew that we would be able to wait inside for the bus. I picked up the small white duffel bag which had been sitting on the curb near me. It had a long white strap on it that i slung over my shoulder. I then started up the stairs of the building. There was a large glass window on the front of the school. I walked into the front lobby. I thought about the white bag that i had flung over my shoulder. I thought for a moment that i had forgotten it, but then remembered that i had picked it up from the sidewalk. I then walked back outside. There was a small red bus sitting in front of the school. I wondered whether it was my bus. It was very small, and could not hold everyone who was waiting for it. I started to worry that we would not be able to get on the bus. I walked down the stairs as the second bus pulled up. I did not know if this was the correct bus, but everyone i was waiting with had gone from the curb. I worried that they had left already. I walked towards the back of the second bus as the first pulled out. I did not know where the others had gone. There was a group of people sitting on the back of the red bus. I ran over to them, but did not know whether this was the correct bus. I felt lost. The bus then started pulling out from the curb. The bus driver did not think that i wanted to get on because i had walked to the back of the bus and not to the front door. I started to chase after the bus. I realized that there was no one else left at the school. The bus pulled down the street. I still ran after it. I could not catch it. I realized that i would have to walk home, but thought that it was much too far to walk. I would never be able to get there on foot. Then i noticed that the bus came to a stop just down the road. I wondered whether the bus driver had seen me running after him. I again started after the bus, but i kept thinking that i did not really want to catch it. I was still unsure whether it was the correct bus. I did not get too far down the street before the bus pulled away again. I was very upset. I walked back into the building and felt like hitting something. I walked into the front room of the building and looked out the window. I then slipped the bag off of my shoulder and swung it at the counter along the east wall. I was upset, but did not know what to do about it.

I was in the kitchen of my parents’ house. The stained glass light on the ceiling had come down, and i was trying to fix it. The stained glass window that was over the light was hanging down from the ceiling. I realized that the screws that i had used to hang it were not working. I tried to lift it back into place, but it warped as i held it. I then noticed that the chains, which hooked to the corners of the window, were still attached. It was not safe to leave the light hanging from them, but i did not know what to do. I looked at the window and realized that it was only hanging from one of the chains. The other had broken. I was worried about the light. It might fall and hurt someone. I did not know what to do. The screws were no longer holding it, and i needed to fix it. I tried to lift the light up from the counter, but it bent around my hand. I could not get the corners up to the ceiling. My mother was in the kitchen watching me. Then my father walked in. I told him that i could not get the stained glass window back up.

11998 March 06

I walked through the steamy room with the cedar walls. It was on the inside of the church, and seemed to be a sauna. There were people standing around along the walls of the room in white towels. It seemed like a religious thing. I thought that the people in the towels were monks. I then walked out of the room and down the main hall of the cathedral. The wide-open room was pearl white, and had patterns of blue and gold running down the walls and columns. I was with my mother and my grandmother. We seemed to be on some kind of tour. We walked along with the rest of the people as we started to head along the terrace corridor towards the stairs. We headed down the stairs. My mother was walking to my left and my grandmother was in front of us. My grandmother was upset that i did not want to go to the church service. She complained out loud so that the rest of the crowd could hear. She said that she could not believe that i did not want to go to church. Then she accused me of being a pagan. I wondered how she knew that i was interested in paganism. I hoped that the rest of the crowd did not start getting mad with me. I followed my mother down the stairs. We came to the bottom of the platform. There was a wall in front of me. The path went to either side at the bottom of the stairs. I turned to the right and looked over the edge. The white stairs went down to the right at a very steep angle. They seemed to be rails along the far wall that one could climb on like a ladder. I remembered climbing up the steep set of rails on the other side of the platform when we came up. It seemed very easy to climb up the pearly white rails. The rails were round and glossy. Then the woman who had been climbing up the rails on the right side of the platform told us that these rails were for climbing and that we should use the ones on the left for descending. I thought that it would be very hard to descend no mater how we went. I descended in front of the woman any way and started to walk along the lower corridor. I was upset that my grandmother had accused me of things. I walked through the museum. I would not let her words bother me. The man who ran the museum in the monastery then pointed out the large wooden coffin which was on a pedestal. The man said the name of the person within the coffin. I recognized that man’s name. He was a famous surrealist. I looked over the wooden coffin. It was polished wood and had purple, yellow, and red designs dotted over its side. My mother was with me, but i did not think that she knew who the man was.

I was at the wedding in the large place. There were many people gathered in the large room, which had very plain walls. I walked out of the room and into the corridor near the elevators. We were in a mall. The walls of the corridor were flat and were angled away from each other. The corridor was narrower on the west side, near the end of the corridor. There seemed to be a doorway on the west side which led to either an elevator or stairs. I had come in that way. The corridor widened to the east and seemed to open up into the main part of the mall. The walls of the corridor were black and made of a fake marble. There were glass windows on either side of the corridor. I noticed that there were flowers displayed in them. This was done specially for the wedding. I looked over the flowers in the window. There were still several people in the corridor working on them. I thought that they looked fine. There was a woman in the corridor who was fussing over them. There were also a few men who were trying to set up the flowers. The flowers in the display along the north wall were pale pink and yellow and were arranged in vases on a pink silk cloth. They were at different heights in the display. The vase on the right was on top of a box. I then walked towards the door on the north wall. The people were leaving the ceremony. Something had happened. The wedding was breaking up. I knew that something was wrong and started driving to the east. I looked up at the mountains to the east of me. I knew that the house of $A110 and $A132 was just on top of the ridge. I thought that i would have to get to their house. I knew that something was wrong in the valley to the west. Then i felt the ground shake. I knew that there was volcanic activity in the mountains to the east. I would not be able to make it to the house. I turned south and drove my car along the ridge. Then i saw the castle in front of me. The road ran through the courtyard. There were several stone towers with grey walls and blue roofs.

11998 March 07

I was looking at my driver’s license. $A125 did not believe that it was a real identification. I was agitated and did not want to argue with him. He asked to see my license. I looked it over. He told me that it was a fake and went across the room to check it out. The place seemed lighted with a red light. $A133 was standing in front of me. I was upset that $A125 took my license. I was worried that he might cut it up or take it. I wanted it back.

I was moving down the hill very fast. I had just come from someplace and thought that i would have to get back. I seemed to be on roller skates as i moved. I came to the downtown area of the small city and turned right by the shopping district. I knew that i would have to get back up the hill to the event. I only had a little time down here. I then skated down the sidewalk in front of $P55. I then realized that the people inside might be able to see me skate past. I knew that i was not supposed to be here. I had told everyone that i would be at another event. I came to the end of the block and stopped, stepping off of the two metal plates on which i had been skating. I looked back toward the theatre. $A134 stepped out of the theatre and looked at me. He had something in his right hand as he leaned forward out of the doorway, hanging onto the frame with his left hand. He had seen me skate by and came out to see what i was doing. He smiled and wanted to make sure that i did not pass. I walked into the theatre. I then realized that $A15 was in the theatre. I was supposed to be doing something for him. I had forgotten to call him and tell him when i would be available. I walked over to him and asked him whether he had gotten my e-mail message. He thought about it a moment and then said yes. I told him that i was sorry for being late but that i was at a previous event. He was still setting something up. I told him that i would have to go back to the other event for a moment and that i would be back shortly. It seemed that he had not yet begun his production. I then walked over to the other director and started talking to him. He was someone for whom i was working. As i spoke to him, i suddenly remembered that $A15 did not have an e-mail account. He must have simply agreed with me when i asked him. I walked back to the table on the west wall of the room. $A15 was seated behind it. I asked him, “You don’t have an e-mail account, do you?” He said that he did not. I told him that i must have e-mailed someone else. I knew that i did not. I had simply forgotten to mail him. I tried to explain my schedule, but felt very strange.

11998 March 09

I was on the ocean with my parents. I walked toward the water while my parents stayed on the beach. The water seemed calm. Then i noticed the young man who was walking along the beach. He was dressed only in shorts, and i thought that he looked very nice. They were two other men with him. I felt uncomfortable around them. They were all nicely built. I tried not to look like i was watching them. I thought that i should take off my own shirt, but then realized that i had not shaved recently. I did not like the way it looked, and did not want to take off my shirt. I then turned back to face the water. I saw that one of the men was standing in front of me, facing me. He was wearing a pair of blue swimming trunks. I could see that he had a great deal of detail in his chest. I felt very attracted to him, but did not want to feel like i was staring at him. I turned to my left, looking away. I then realized that i had removed my grey tee shirt. I should not have done that. I quickly put it back on.

I was in a narrow corridor in the school. The place seemed like $P7. I walked along the sidewalk, through the halls. It seemed as though i was walking up the bell tower of the school. $F4 spoke to me as we walked. There were people walking in the other direction on the sidewalk. We walked through them. $F5 seemed to be with us. I noticed that there was grass on either side of the cement sidewalk. We turned the corner to the right and started down one side of the stairwell. We seemed to be walking in a loop that ran up the inside of the bell tower. There was an open space to our right around which we were walking. We moved smoothly through the halls on the gliding chairs. The chair seemed to be like a ski lift chair. I then turned the corner and walked into the dark room. My mother was sitting at the counter in the room. I looked over the counter to see the dirty dishes. I had not done them in a little while. There was silverware sitting out on the counter which needed to be washed. Then i noticed the tall cylindrical beaker on the counter. It was filled with a foggy liquid that seemed like soapy water. There was foam floating on the top of it. I asked my mother about the flask. I thought that i had left my beer in the flask, but it now seems to have water in it. I then remembered drinking from the flask earlier. I wondered what had happened to the beer that was in it. I knew that i did not finish it. I picked up the flask and swirled the dirty water in it. I hoped that i had not been drinking the water. Then i noticed the other flask on the bookshelf to my left. That was the flask with beer in it. The beer was a rich dark colour and had tan foam on top. I picked up the second flask and sipped from it.

I was with $F13. He started to push me in jest. I found it amusing and pushed back. I wanted to engage him, but he became very upset with me. I then felt upset that i had upset him. He told me that he did not like being wrestled with. $A125 was there and he spoke about the telephone number. He then handed me the book

11998 March 11

I walked down the white hall of the house. There were several brothers there. I had been talking to someone in the kitchen, but was now walking around the outside of the house, which seemed like a plaza. Then $F15 walked out of the bathroom of the house. He was holding a cube in his hand, which seemed to be made of small bars which were stacked and wrapped with a blue tissue paper. One side of the wrapping was open, and i could see the gold bars within. The cube was about three quarters of a deci on edge, and the bars of gold were stacked about six or seven tall and four wide. $F15 told me that he had won it. I knew that it was part of the prize from the soda-pop bottle. I thought about the black cap from the bottle that $F15 had. He must have found out that he was a winner. Then the other brother walked over to me and started to hand me a second cube of gold. I asked him why he was handing it to me. He said that i had won the second one. I did not think that this was correct. He then told me that the house had received two of the bottles which were prize winners. I did not think that i had won the second. I felt like taking the cube and agreeing with them, but i did not. The brother then asked me whether i had signed up for a soda pop. I thought about checking up for the bottle and realized that all alumni check up in the same area. I could not remember whether i had checked up for a bottle or not. I told him that i did check up for one. I was not sure that i was the winner, however. I did not have a black cap from the bottle with me. I was in the parking lot outside of the small white plaza. $A46 walked from the passenger’s side of the parked car, holding the second cube of gold bars in his hand. We would have to go find the other person to find out who had won the gold. I tried to remember where i had left the other bottle cap. I remembered handing $F15 a bottle and remembered that he left the black metal cap on the counter top in my apartment. We walked toward the plaza, looking for someone who might know where the second bottle cap was. I walked into the store in the plaza, which i thought was the restaurant. I remember being in the oriental restaurant before. I turned around to watch $A46 walk through the door. When i saw the confused expression on his face, i realized that i had walked into the wrong place. I looked around at the pink decor of the store. I was one store down on the mall from where i was supposed to be. I started to head out the door when $F13 walked in. He smiled and waved to someone in the store. I realized that he knew someone behind the counter. I turned back to the door and was ready to head out when i noticed the expression on the other person in the doorway. The person’s mouth was open in amazement. The person said “Look at all of the shoes.” I turned back around and looked into the store. There were rows of leather shoes hanging from the ceiling. They were all shades of leather, from red to tan to brown. I did not think that there were all that many shoes in the store. I knew that the store would have to have a lot of shoes. I walked into the center of the store, looking at all the shoes overhead. I then realized that there were some leather hats hanging from the ceiling as well. The ceiling was raised in the center, as if it had a dome. The hats were arranged in rows around the inside of the dome. I then noticed a black top hat, which seemed rather large. I knew that the hat was very common. It had vertical strips of cloth on the outside of the main hat, which seemed a duller black than the main part of the hat. I thought that the pieces were for support of the hat. I was interested in the hat and wondered whether i should hang around in the store and try some on. I knew that everyone would be trying on the black hat, though. I looked back up at the black hat.

11998 March 12

I turned left into the entrance to the college. The entrance drive had two lanes, and curved right sharply as it left the main road. As i started to drive in, i noticed $F24 rounding the corner to drive out. He was driving a small blue car. I was supposed to meet him here, at $P9, to set a $G4 run. He must have wondered where i was and started to leave. I signaled to him as i passed and pulled into the campus. The road curved back to the left, heading northeast between two long cement buildings. The buildings seemed plain, with glass windows and little trim on the outside. I knew that they were dorm buildings. I pulled into a parking spot in the pull-off area on the right shoulder of the road. There were students walking around at the edge of the long building in front of me. The trees on campus were very green and had late summer leaves on them. I opened the hatch-back trunk of my car and started to get out the flour. $F24 pulled up beside me and started talking. I mixed the flour in the large silver bowl with some coloured drink mix. He said that he would help me set the run. I then tried to pull my bicycle from the trunk of my car. I rode my bicycle down the old dirt road that led east along the back side of campus. The road was long and narrow, and had dry field grass growing on either side. I looked down over the road from the window. I could see the old farm house to the west. It was facing north, with its front on the dirt road. I thought that it was a nice old farm house. It had fancy wood decorations along the front porch, which ran along the entire front of the house. The dirt road ran east to west in front of me as i looked through the window to the south. I seemed to be ten or twelve metres off of the ground as i looked. There was a small dirt road which turned from the long road and headed south. It went up hill slightly before it ended on the main paved road, which also ran east to west. There seemed to be corn fields all around us. I thought about living in the old farm house. It seemed like a nice house, but i was not so sure that i wanted to be that far from the campus. I looked to the south, over the top of the small rise. I could see the towers and buildings of the campus to the southwest. I was on a bus with my parents and we were traveling to the west. We were supposed to go out for dinner. I was unsure that i wanted to be here. Something did not feel right. My grandfather was with us as we walked into the main lobby of the restaurant. I felt very uncomfortable. I was worried about my grandfather. He was not aware of where he was going. The head waiter met us in the main lobby. He was wearing a tuxedo. My parents started to talk to him. I noticed that my grandfather was wandering off into the dining area to the right. I was worried that he would wander into some place that he was not supposed to be. I followed him. I had to get him before he hurt himself. I sat at the table in the dining room. I felt very bored. Nothing seemed to be correct. I was agitated and wanted to leave. I was getting frustrated and i did not feel as though i belonged here. Then my parents got up to go. It seemed odd to me that we were finished with the meal already. My parents led my grandfather out of the restaurant. I decided that i was not quite finished with my food. There were several candies on my plate. I felt very full and did not want them now, but i thought that i should take some for later. I picked up a hand full and started stuffing them into my napkin. I realized that i should not be taking the candies out of the restaurant, but i felt like disobeying. I hurriedly stuffed the small candies into the denim pouch that was my napkin. It looked like a covered shirt pocket. I then started out of the restaurant, trying to hide the pouch. I knew that it was a very fancy napkin and that the restaurant would not want people walking off with it. I tried to hide it under the right side of my jacket as i walked. I passed the head waiter in the main lobby. He saw that i was carrying a napkin and started after my. He leaned forward and tried to grab it from me, but he was talking on the telephone and could not reach. I hurried out the door of the restaurant and circled around to the left. I knew that he would be after me. I ran over to my car and pulled back the covers on the bed. I thought that i should turn my coat inside out so that he would not recognize me. I knew that the inside of my blue coat was tan. I pulled off my hat and tossed it on the bed as i took off my jacket. I thought that i could quickly hop into the bed and pull up the covers before the head waiter arrived. He would not suspect that i was the one who had taken the napkin.

11998 March 13

I was wandering through the densely wooded area. It seemed like a jungle, but i knew that i was on the path between the two houses. It was very warm and humid outside, and seemed like mid-summer. I was walking with $A26 and $A135. There was a rock exposure to the north of us which seemed to be made of horizontal slabs of slate. The rock was very angular and smooth. We walked along the trail which ran along the bottom of the cliff. As we headed back to the house, to the east, i looked at the moist rock face. There were openings in the rock face. I knew that they were entrances to the caves. I told $A135 about the caves and wondered whether we would be able to see into them. I looked into some of the small openings as we passed. I could feel the cold damp air flowing out from them. Then i noticed a rather large opening. The bottom of the opening was at my chest level. I walked up to the entrance and peered in. I could see the red rock at the top of the cavern, which was not that deep. I then realized that the opening was a shaft which went into the ground. I looked down into the blackness below. I could not see the bottom of the cave. I was frightened about falling into the opening. $A135 stood to my left, looking over the edge with me. I then started down the path to the houses. I was on a road which led around the outside of the city. To the north of me was $P6. It seemed like early spring. The sky was grey and it seemed like it might drizzle. I watched the towers of the skyline move through the trees as i drove. I then came to a section where there was a cement embankment on the north side of the road. The river seemed to be on the south side. I knew that it was getting dark, and that this was not a good section of the city to be driving through in the dark. I knew that i would have to start heading into the center of the city. I then saw the overpass coming up in front of me. I wondered whether there might be people hiding under the overpass near the side of the cement embankment. I rode my bicycle down the road. I knew that i would have to turn left into the area under the parking ramp. There would be a set of cement stairs there which would lead up the slope and back to the city. I wondered what my mother would say about traveling in such a dangerous area. I walked into the darkness under the bridges and tried to walk through the green girders. I then realized that the area between the girders was very small. I would have to squeeze through. I climbed up onto the girders and slipped my legs through the opening. I then slipped in. I peeked into the dark house as i started to slide through. I was sneaking into the trailer-style house through the small window in the kitchen. I wondered whether there would be anyone home. I was alert and watched the figures in the darkness of the room. I could see a few edges of counter tops and doorways. I then landed on the floor and started walking. I had to get away. I could hear someone moving in the darkness of the next room. I walked quickly down the road of the trailer park, heading towards the main road, which was to the north. I knew that the caves and the dense woods were to the west of me. I walked down the dirt road, carrying the walking stick in my right hand. I could hear the end of the stick tap loudly on the dirt road as i walked. I then heard someone moving behind me. I kept tapping the stick as i walked, hoping that the sound would keep the man at a distance. I seemed to be limping as i walked, and could not walk very fast. I knew that i really was not injured, but i knew that the man who was following me did not know that. I kept moving down the dirt road towards the main road. The dirt road curved slightly to the left, passing the small wooden shack. I then walked onto the main road, which was paved, and headed west. I could see $P52 ahead of me. I was heading into the campus from the east. I then noticed that there was a red glow in the center of the campus. Something was wrong. I started to pass the tall research building on my right when i saw the lights go out. I knew that there was a fire on campus. I wanted to get closer. I knew that something was wrong. I walked into the back of one of the buildings, thinking that i could walk through the building to get to the other side. I came into a small grey room, which seemed like a truck bay. I walked up the metal stairs which crossed in front of the platform. I walked through the door and into the narrow hall on the other side. I seemed to be in one of the dorms. There was a box of computers stacked up at the near end of the hallway. I realized that all of the students were away on break, and that their stuff would be packed up so that it was secure. I wondered whether the building was on fire, and whether the fire fighters would be clearing out the expensive equipment from the dorm rooms. I continued down the hall until i came into what looked like a laundry area. A few men ran across the hall in front of me. The bottom of the hall was painted red, and there was a laundry cart in the center of the hall. Then $A23 walked towards me. I asked him what was going on. He did not say much. No one seemed to know what the emergency was, but it seemed very serious. I wanted to help out. I walked down the corridor to the left, which led to the other side of the building. I came out into the lobby, where the glass windows looked out towards the other side of the building. I knew that there was a fire outside. Then i noticed that injured people started coming into the building from the glass doors. They seemed to be burned. An emergency crew tried to help them. I looked behind me into the dining room, which was dark and clear. I thought that the people should be brought into there where there was more room. I knew that i could not do anything for them medically. Then one of the people on the floor in front of me grabbed onto my leg. He pleaded with me to help him. He was frantic. I grabbed his wrist and tried to break his grip on my pant legs. One of the female emergency workers came over to assist me. I then started to feel my leg and my hand burning. I realized that the man was covered with acid. I would have to wash it off before it burned my skin. I looked around for a sink. We would need to wash everyone down with water.

11998 March 14

I got off of the bus with my mother and looked along the hillside to the northwest. I could see the apartment buildings along the edge of the mountain. They looked familiar. I was in $P56, and i seemed to remember the buildings from some place before. I vaguely remembered being here with my grandmother at some time when i was younger. I then looked to the southwest, out over the valley. I could see the city below, at the bottom of the hill. The white buildings and apartments spread out down the slope of the hill to the main section of town. I could see the sun glimmering off of the ocean on the other side of the city. This place seemed to be very familiar. I told my mother that i remembered the white apartment buildings from someplace before. I seemed to recognize the way the white balconies hung off of them. I knew that she would not be interested because she did not think that i had any special perception. I tried to point out the buildings to her, thinking that they might have been similar to someplace that we lived when i was young. I pointed to a four-story building along the hill to the west. I then realized that it was not the building that i had seen before. I puzzled at it for a moment. I felt anxious about recognizing the area. This was someplace i should remember. I then followed my mother down the side of the building. I told her that all of these places seemed familiar to me. I knew that we were near the University in $P56. I then realized that i recognized the modern brick building which was to the right of us as we headed east. I wondered whether i had ever been on the campus before. We entered through a metal door on the corner of the building. The door was painted a dark grey. I then realized that i had been here before. I wondered whether this building was part of the field house in which i had seen a wrestling match before. This place seemed very familiar. I followed my mother down the narrow corridor into the main lobby of the building. The lobby was a dark grey and had a polished floor. It seemed to be fan shaped, and narrowed as it entered the corridor into the building. There was light coming from the outside behind me as i walked towards the gymnasium. I remembered being in this place before. People moved through the lobby with their jackets on their arms. They were wandering back and forth from the event. We turned down a corridor to the left. I stopped at the table, which was across the hall. There was a man sitting behind the table checking admission. My mother walked past him. I knew that my father was inside the auditorium. It was some kind of society meeting. My father was part of the society. The man stopped me at the gate and would not let me through. I told him that i was supposed to meet my father, but he would not let me through. I knew that the society was an exclusive male society. My mother was allowed in because women were not considered a threat. I could not go in, however, because i was a man and because i did not belong to the society. I was upset with the man and told him that i wanted to get in. I flew towards him and landed on the table in front of him. He still told me that i would not be able to get in. He then told me that i could watch the events from the monitors in the next room. I asked him how much that would cost. He told me that it would be ten dollars. I did not want to pay to watch the event. I wanted to get in to see my father. He would not let me in. I jumped backward from the table, flipping over in the air. I flew upward. I thought that i would fly back down the hall and sneak in through one of the air vents. Since i could fly, i would be able to get to the vents on the ceiling.

11998 March 15

I was in the arena. I was some kind of security person. The alarm went off suddenly. It was a digital ringing sound. I was supposed to get the people out of the theatre. I asked then to walk to the left. I stood on the floor in front of the bleachers, moving them to their right. Then i noticed one woman who started to run in the other direction. She wanted to get out of the regular door. I told her not to and tried to get her to go back with the others. There was another person with me who was clearing out the people. Then the main security person came into the auditorium. I was in the narrow corridor which ran into the stadium seats. There was a yellow railing and box on the right wall. The man walked over to the box and pressed the red button. The alarm stopped. I looked behind me, across the drive and out to the baseball field just beyond the tree line. That was where the people were standing. That was where we had asked them to go. I thought that it was now safe to ask them to return. I wondered what they were watching, however. They no longer seemed interested in coming back. I spoke with the other security people as we walked down the hall. We were heading through the cement halls of the building. We pushed the machine on the cart. It was an orange object, which seemed to be some kind of tractor. I rode on the top of the cart as the other two wheeled it down the long narrow halls. There were swinging doors in the halls that we passed through. The front end of the cart hit the doors and knocked them open. I worried that the door would swing back and hit the sides of the cart as we passed through. I would have to make sure that my fingers were not in the way. We rounded a corner to the right and bumped through another door. I watched my feet on the front end of the cart. I made sure that they did not get hit by the orange doors. I thought for a moment that it seemed as if we were in a hospital. I wondered why i was laying on the cart as the others wheeled it. The man talked about the machine as he and $Z wheeled it through the hall. He mentioned that the green machine could be programmed to travel on its own. We did not have to push it thought the halls. I acted interested in his conversation, even though i was not really interested. I wondered why we were pushing the machine when it could travel on its own. We rolled into a back corridor that was entirely cement. It was grey and uncoated. The hall sloped downward slightly. I walked behinds the machine as they wheeled it. We stopped just outside of the small office in the lower levels of the building. The office seemed to be a maintenance office. There were windows on the outside walls of the room and the place seemed old. Other security people walked around the office. I then noticed $A37 in the room. He walked over to me and said hello. I sat on top of the cart as the others wheeled it around in the small office. There was a wooden counter to the left which was stained a dark brown. It seemed nicely polished. I then noticed the candy bars on the small rack on the outside of the counter. I knew that they were from the vending machines in the building. I pointed them out to $A37, who said that he knew about them. I then realized that there were small metal sign just below each wrapped snack. The signs had the prices of the candy. I thought that the prices were very low. Then i remembered that it was cheaper here because the maintenance workers did not have to go through the snack machines that were throughout the rest of the building. I noticed a tortilla wrapped around something brown on the center section of the rack. It was not wrapped in plastic. I wondered whether that was good. I then thought that the prices were odd. They were all one cent under a price even by ten. The bag of chips in the center of the rack cost fourty-nine cents, and the bag on the right was seventy-nine cents. The prices were like that because the items were purchased in bulk. I then started talking to $A37 again. I told him about the alarm in the gym. Then $Z disagreed with me. I started to talk to $Z. I realized that the people around us might be dangerous. They were part of two rival gangs who were fighting each other. They had been separated, but came together during the fire alarm. I stood outside of their club house with $F4. The two gangs were arguing. I felt hesitant about breaking it up, as i knew that they would get mad at us. The gangs then started to run out over the playing field. They were going to play out their dispute in a sports game. They were still mad at each other. I tried to get them out on the field to play. One of them picked up a bat, but complained that he could not find the ball. I remembered that it had been hit out over the field during the fire alarm. I then picked up the wooden bat from the ground and saw the ball under it. It was a small golf ball. I grabbed it with my left foot and tried to toss it to the man. I could not throw so well with my foot, however. The ball went up the slope of the roof that was in front of me. It rolled back down and landed on the deck under me. I picked it up again and tossed it to the gang member. The ball bounced over the edge of the balcony and rolled onto the dark grey asphalt tiles of the roof to my left. It then rolled off of the roof and to the ground. The man could not catch it in time. I thought that they would have to climb down from the club house and get it. I then realized that all of the gang members had left. They were all out on the field to the left. $F4 and i were on the platform which was very high off of the ground. It ran around the outside of the club house, which was a small white building. I decided that we should try to climb back down the tree to the ground. The platform seemed unstable. I then remembered that there used to be a ladder to the place and that we should not have gotten rid of it. I tried to climb down through the thin branches of the tree. The tree seemed very complex and had branches everywhere. I then realized that we were not able to get around the trunk of the tree so easily. The ladder ran from the other side of the platform to the ground. I wondered how we had so easily crossed the platform before without getting caught in the tree. We had to get around the tree and back to the other side to get down. I grabbed onto one of the small branches and it fell. It tipped into the window of the tree house. The window shattered. I decided that i was not making any progress trying to climb around the outside of the tree. I could see $F4 still climbing around it. I stepped backward, away from the tree. I bumped into the small coffee table that was on the deck. I looked down at it as i tripped over it. I saw the cheap wood of the table fall apart. I thought that i should have been more careful. One of the legs fell off of the table. I tried to put the table back together. I then thought that there should be chairs underneath the platform. We could use them to climb down to the ground. I then heard the alarm again. I looked down the side of the large stone building. It was dark out, and it seemed as though it had rained recently. The air was somewhat cool. The stone building seemed to be the gymnasium, and it was on my left. There was an open field on the left which had some bleachers in the near corner of it. The cement path, on which i was walking, led past the end of the building and across a small parking area. It then ran along the side of another, larger building. The second building seemed white. I listened to the alarm as i walked down the path. There was something wrong ahead of us. Then i heard the police talking from somewhere. They were rushing towards us. I was part of campus security. $F4 was walking just behind me and to my right. I thought that we would be late to the scene, as the alarm had been going off for some time. Then i saw the people running. They ran out of a door on the back side of the large white building and into the small parking area. They then ran to the east, towards the fields. They stopped as they reached the path. I could see the police officers coming towards them from the north along the path. The two criminals started to put their hands up, thinking that the police had caught them. Something was wrong. I knew that the police did not realize that the people were the crooks. The police rounded the corner of the white building and started to head into the doorway of the white building. The two people then started to relax. The man was wearing blue athletic pants with two yellow stripes down either side. The woman was wearing a red jacket and matching pants. I yelled at them, trying to catch the police’s attention. The police stopped in the doorway and turned to look at me. The woman then lifted her gun and pointed it at me and fired. She seemed very close to me, but i did not feel injured. I fell to the ground and rolled over to the stone wall of the first building. I was not hit, but the girl would think that i was. I lied still, so that she would not fire at me again. The police took cover behind the cars. The woman yelled to the police that she had hit me. I thought that i should get up and run away along the side of the building, but i did not. I looked down the path. $F4 was gone. He had run across the field and hid behind the bleachers. Then the woman started to come toward me. She wanted to make sure that i was dead. I wondered whether she would actually hit me the second time. I realized that she was coming too close to miss.

I got out of my car and walked towards the hotel. The hotel was a two-story white cement building. It had balconies around it. $A139 was standing in front of a car at the edge of the parking lot in front of the building. I walked past him as he started to unload his car. I wanted to get into the hotel. It was a bright summer day and it seemed cool. I stepped over the deep muddy ruts in the grass just over the curb of the lot. The mud was hard and i could step on the ruts without deforming them. I walked into the entrance of the building and turned right. The halls seemed very narrow and it was very crowded. I was trying to get to my aunt’s room. I knew that $K14 was up here at the cottage for the summer. I also knew that $F12’s family was here. They would be staying in some rooms near us. I was excited and hoped that i could get to see $F12. I was glad that their room was close to mine. I turned into the room on the right side of the hall. I then realized that this was not my aunt’s room. This was where $F12’s family was staying. It felt awkward to be here, but i tried to act as though it were natural. I walked through the main room of the apartment and to the left, down the hall, and into the smaller bedrooms. I then passed $A22 in the hall. I did not expect to see him here and greeted him. I realized that this was not my room and wondered where i would be staying. I saw $F12’s mother unpacking her things in the room ahead of me. I started to turn around when i noticed the man in the room to the left. He was wearing a black tank top and was very nicely built. I thought for a moment that he was $A7, but that did not seem correct. He turned to say hello and then went back to unpacking his things. I realized that he had stubble on his back. I thought that it was just like $F12.

11998 March 16

I was waiting for the school bus on the long road which ran down from the mountain. There was a steep rock incline to the west of us as we stood along the side of the road. The road came down from the south, curving along the side of the mountain as it came to us. We were standing in front of a small one-level building which seemed to be made of adobe. The boy, who was standing to my left, was heavy-set and had dark black hair. He seemed to be occidental. The boy with me then realized that he did not have his lunch with him. He turned around and ran back between the buildings. I was worried that he might miss the bus. I thought that i would have to ask the bus to wait for him. I then saw a small vehicle coming down the road. I wondered whether it was the bus. It looked like a bus. I realized that it was a white van. It was not the correct bus. I looked around at the other children who were waiting on the stairs with me. Then i looked up the road and saw the large building moving towards us. It was on the back of a truck and was brown. It was very long and rectangular, and had only one level. It seemed unstable. The large bus scraped the rock cliff on the right side of the road. It then swerved back into its lane, scraping the guardrail on the left side. I realized that it was the correct bus. I wondered where the other boy had gone. I walked down the stairs that led into the housing complex. I watched myself reach the bottom of the stairs and turn to my left, walking to the front door of the adobe house. I walked into the building, which was a large classroom. There were long tables which ran in rows down the center of the long rectangular room. They were filled with children. I felt out of place. There was something not safe here. One of the teachers escorted me to one of the tables. I walked around to the far side of one and sat down. The children seemed to be eating lunch. They seemed to be painting pictures.

11998 March 17

I was in the corridor of the building. There was a set of stairs in front of me that went both up and down. To my left was a doorway which led into another section of the hall. The entrance door was on the left side of the hall to the left. There were $G4 with. They had been following the trail through the building, but were not trying to figure out where to go. I had set the trail, so i could not give them any help. Some of them ran up the stairs, which were on the left side of the stairwell. There was a strip of red tape on the wall over the stairs. It marked part of the trail, but i knew that the trail did not go in that direction. Then i noticed $A137 walking over to the entrance door. I could see a spot of red tape on the floor just under the entrance door. It was the trail mark. He called to the others.

11998 March 18

I was at the airport, on the runway. It was very dark outside, and i was aboard one of the planes. I seemed to be on the outside of the plane. I knew that it was a good seat to have, but i had to get inside of the plane before it took off. I then looked to the right, over the wing. There was a suction vent on the edge of the wing that was starting to open. That meant that the jet engine was about to start. I tried to lean the other way so that i did not get caught in the suction of the vent. I was afraid that if i got too close i would be pulled into the engine. I moved back to the rear section of the aircraft. I grabbed onto the tail fin of the aircraft as the plane moved slowly over the runway. I then realized that the plane was backing up over the runway. I looked behind the plane to see the trees on the edge of the runway getting closer. There was a metal chain link fence at the edge of the runway lawn. The tail of the plane moved back through the trees. I was worried that i would get brushed off of the plane. They must not have known that i was out there. I realized that the trees were pushing me forward along the plane. I was worried about getting pushed in front of the suction vents again. I tried to stay back on the top of the tail wing, but the plane kept backing into the bushes. I thought that i should sue the airlines for not paying attention to what they were doing. It should be obvious that there was someone on the wing of the plane. I thought that i should probably find a lawyer. Then i realized that the people were after me. I could not stay on the airplane. I quickly jumped for the trees and climbed down to the ground. I had to escape into the bushes before the troops came after me. I had to get away from the airport. I moved through the bushes at the edge of the metal fence. It was dark outside, but there seemed to be bright lights shining across the ground. I thought that i should climb over the fences. I knew that i could run away into the open fields on the other side where the troops would not be able to find me. I was scared to jump for the fence, however, as i worried that someone might see me and know where i was. I had to get away, but i had to go at the right time. Then i noticed the soldier in front of me. He was wearing a tan camouflage uniform and seemed to know that i was there. I tried to stay still, so that he would not attack me. I was afraid. Then the other soldiers started to approach. The first soldier started to say something to them, distracting them so that they would not notice me. He sent them into another section of the woods. I was happy that the soldier helped me escape. I quickly ran away from the fence and into the woods.

I walked out of the garage of my parents’ house. I was heading home for the evening. I walked down the driveway and started to walk down the road to the east. It was dark out, and i was having trouble seeing far down the road. Then i noticed that there were people in the neighbours’ driveway. They were talking to $A31, who had just gotten home from work. I rode my bicycle into their driveway as i watched them talk. I then remembered that i had forgotten something at my parents’ house. I turned around and headed back down the road. I drove my bike into the garage and started looking for something. I had left it in the garage.

I was with my mother at my grandmother’s house. We were in the front yard of the house. My mother was much younger than she is at present, and the view seemed off-colour. Everything was faded in such a way that it looked like an old photograph where the reds and blues had not faded as much as the rest of the colours. My mother was talking about something. She seemed to be hinting that she was having a girl. I was surprised. I knew that i had a brother, but i did not know that my mother could have any more children. I was surprised that she was pregnant and wondered how it had happened.

I was in the driveway of my grandmother’s house, and everything seemed hazy, like an old colour movie. $K3 was washing her car at the edge of the driveway. My grandmother’s house seemed newer, as it did when i was young. I watched $K3 as she washed the car. I then remembered that she had gotten divorced. I thought it was strange that she had gotten a divorce. Something did not seem correct in what was happening. I thought that both $K3 and my mother had gotten divorces when they were young and then gotten remarried. It seemed strange.

I was in a gymnasium with a large number of students. They were all very young. We were supposed to be learning some kind of dance. I felt awkward being with the younger children. The room was large, and had a wooden floor. The walls were white. I then noticed that $A62 was teaching the class. I watched him as he tried to direct the children from the side of the room. He walked past us. He was not wearing a shirt, and i noticed that he was still very detailed. I thought that he seemed very young.

11998 March 19

I walked through the basement area of the theatre. I had to get ready for the play. I was acting in it, but i did not have any of my things together. I knew that my act was coming up. The basement was full of boxes and old props. There was a table in the center with things on top of it. I looked around for my script. I had not rehearsed the part that i was supposed to be doing, and i had to find the script before i went on. I did not know what i was supposed to be doing on stage. I then found the small black book on the side of the table. It had an old leather covering and was about the size of a date book. I would have to add my lines into it. I opened it up and looked it over. I noticed that the type on the right-hand page was broken. It seemed to be poorly printed. I could make out a woman’s name, though. I read the name aloud. It was part of my line. I was on stage, sitting across the table from a woman. The woman told me her name and i repeated the name from the book, “Rachel J. Brown”. The audience laughed. It was some kind of joke. I felt nervous because i was unsure of what i was reading. Then the woman continued on. She started another section of the dialogue. I turned the page of my book, but the next page was blank. I looked at the inside of the plastic case. The case was small and black, and had a red velvet lining. It had something to do with the line that i was supposed to say, but i did not know what it was. I then looked to the right side of the case, which was green. There was a small pendant hanging in the middle of the case. It was part of my line, but i could not figure out what it was. I started to ad lib some of the lines. I stood up and said “See you at the office tomorrow.” The woman looked confused, but played along with the scene. I turned and walked off stage to the stage left.

I was in the small family restaurant. It was somewhat dark in the place, and the walls seemed to be a pale orange with dark pink borders. I then realized that there were several monks in the restaurant. They were wearing white cloaks which covered all of their features. They were here to kill someone. I suddenly felt very tense and stood up from my table. I watched as the white cloaked figures moved into the restaurant. I did not know whom they were going to kill, but i could not let them kill anyone. I moved to the center of the restaurant to try to stop them.

11998 March 21

I was packing up things in the apartment. There were many things on the tables and the floor. It seemed very disorganized. Then i realized that i had been recording the television show. I was standing in front of the television, which seemed to be in the center of the room. The television was a small black-and-white set in a black plastic case. The case seemed to be designed in the early eighties, and looked aged. The television was sitting on top of a thin metal stand. I watched the screen as the television show played. I was watching The Andy Griffith Show. I could see Barney on the screen. I then realized that i had recorded at the wrong end of one of the VCR tapes. I thought that i had made a mistake. I looked at the ruler that i was holding across the edge of the television screen. The ruler marked the hours that the show was on. I would have to set the timer to record at the correct time. I realized that i could just record the rest of the show as it is now and then record the beginning when it was on again. I thought about reverting to the original version of the show. I would tape what i missed at a later time. I looked over the ruler. Something seemed unclear to me. I then realized that i had moved the show forward in time by a few hours. I was not recording the proper time of the show. I looked on the screen and noticed that there were two people playing Barney. I had changed the time of the show, and it was causing confusion. Then Opie asked a question. I decided that i would let it record and try to correct it later. I placed the ruler down in front of the television set and started to walk back across the living room of my grandmother’s house. I would have to pack up everything. I then realized that there was something in the living room. There seemed to be several boxes of exotic animals. I was worried that they were not supposed to be here. I looked on the ground and could see a large red spider-like shape near a pile of clothing. It had come out of one of the cardboard packages that had been left on the floor. I looked at it when i realized that it was an emperor scorpion. I quickly backed away as it started to move. I jumped back onto the couch so that it would not sting me. Then i realized that there were several animals on the loose in the room. I was not worried about the large python which was on the floor on the other side of the room, however, as i knew that it would not attack me. I then looked into the small box that was sitting on the edge of the couch. There was a large-eared bat inside. I knew that the bat would not be dangerous to humans, as it ate mostly fruit. I knew that it was not native to this area and wondered how it got here. I walked across the room. I had to get something in which i could trap the scorpion. I walked over to the side of the room, which was the kitchen area. There was a counter that extended from the wall. It was thin and supported by several wooden poles from below. There was a lot of junk on the surface of the counter. I then noticed a living stick which was moving slowly across the counter. I opened the cupboard and noticed that it was full of storage bowls. I was looking for one under which i could trap the scorpion. I found the yellow one and brought it to the middle of the room. The large red scorpion was twitching as it stood in the center of the room. I dropped the bowl on top of it. I would have to get something to seal the bowl so that i could remove the scorpion from the place.

I drove the small go-cart around over the uneven dirt outside the cottage. The cottage seemed to be in the forest. The trees all around were thick and green, and there was a heavy moss on the soft ground. I drove the cart in loops through the narrow trees which were on the ground. I passed under the edge of the cottage as i drove. The cottage seemed grey, and was supported by a thin metal pole. Then i noticed the cedar trunks all around. I tried not to run into them as i drove. They were all over the ground, as if someone had cut down a hedge row of cedar trees. I passed over a few bulbous roots as i drove, but tried not to damage the tree stumps. There was someone else walking around near the cottage. I passed by his legs as i drove. He seemed to be my mother’s father, but i could not tell. He was wearing dark grey pants. I watched the covering of ground ivy as i passed over the surface of the forest ground. The air seemed damp. I then heard the others arguing. I got off of the car on the edge of the street and looked at them. There was a group of people on the other side of the street who were arguing with each other. They seemed to be $G3. I was on the main street of $P30. I had been looking for a place to park my car. I started to cross the street towards the crowd when i heard gun shots. I realized that the students were starting a riot with each other. The crowd started to scatter so that no one would get hit. Then i saw the troops move into the area to calm the rioting. They were firing ion rifles. I felt uncomfortable. I was here with the troops. I started firing my ion rifle at the students. I hit a few of them. I felt bad about firing on people, but it seemed as though i had no choice. I was then aware that i was in danger. I should not stay around the area. I started to run away. I knew that there would be some people who were mad at me. I started driving down the narrow dirt road. I seemed to be in the middle of the country. I knew that i was in Italy. My grandfather was in the car with me. It was dark out, and we were looking for some place. He had a steering column in his hands, which belonged to his ex-wife. I knew that we were traveling in this country for some reason which had to do with the steering column. I then noticed a small green tower on the left side of the road. It seemed like a small road-side shrine. I knew that we were going the correct direction once i saw it. There would be a turn to the right somewhere. I pulled off to the side of the road for a moment as another car passed us from the other direction. We were searching for a woman’s house, which i knew would be on the right side of the road. The road was dirt, and was one lane. We seemed to be traveling rather fast, and the grassy ground around the road was wet, as if it had rained earlier. I knew that there was a large open farm field to the left. The woman’s house for which we were searching was a doctor’s office. We had to get my grandfather there. Something was not right with him.

I was with my father outside of the small cottage. The cottage was very small, and seemed to be right on the edge of the river. The ground was bedrock with a thin covering of grass. I stood at the edge of the rocks with the surf board. I was going to go swimming in the river, but there seemed to be something under the water. I was wary of it, and did not want to get into the water. I pointed it out to my father, but he could not see it through the surface of the water.

I ran with the other towards $P41. We were following the flour marks on the ground. They led over the grass of the parking lot and down the road. There were buildings to our right as we ran after the marks. The other person started to tell me of the race that was being held. We were cautious of the marks, because they were not what they seemed. $Z told me that the marks could be used to tell how much oxygen was around. If we measured the length of the lines, we could determine how much oxygen was in the atmosphere when they were made. As we started to cross the street, i noticed that the next line was very long. It told us that we were not dealing with people from our atmosphere. The texture of the line and the weight of the marking material also could tell us where these people came from. I thought that there was a problem with what we had discovered. I told $Z that there was an old Klingon story of a great warrior. I knew that we had found his old ship and scrolls, but we did not know how to use them. If they were after us, we could be in trouble. They would know how to use the technology that we had, and could use it against us. I knew that the scrolls that we had would tell us how to use the technology, but it did not protect us. I then saw the mark on the ground which was made of orange chalk. The next one was made of yellow chalk. I hoped that the warriors would not be able to follow the marks as we were. I knew that they were after us. We had to get to $F16’s house. I knew that the marks would lead us there.

11998 March 22

I drove down the street in the suburb. There were houses on either side of the road, with short lawns in front of them. There was no sidewalk on the sides of the road. The houses on the right side of the road were at a slightly higher elevation than the road. There seemed to be some trees between the houses. I was looking for one of the houses, but i was not sure which one. I drove past the yellow one, thinking that it might be the one. I was near the end of the street. Then i realized that i was looking for the red house that was set back a little from the road on the corner. I drove my car into the gravel driveway that ran along the left side of the house. I noticed that several of $G4 were already at the house. I walked around to the back of my yellow car and started to remove groceries from the trunk. There seemed to be members of $G4 all around the house. I walked up to the back porch, which was only one step from the ground and made of concrete. The porch was nestled in a corner of the white house and had a roof over it. I started to feel annoyed with $G4. I realized that they had already gone into the house without me. I did not appreciate them wandering around. I was upset that they just walked in and helped themselves to the food. I walked into the back door of the house, which was open. There was a hallway which opened to the right, into the main room. The room was very open and bright. I could see several people standing at the edge of the room with beer cans in their hands. I walked past the room and into the yellow kitchen. I dropped off the bags on the counter, which was an island counter. The walls of the kitchen were covered with white wooden cupboards that seemed older than the rest of the house. There were people in the kitchen as well, hanging around and getting ready for the party. I then walked back into the main room. There was a room off the back end of the living room which seemed to be a den. I looked in and could see $A157 standing behind the desk. She was reading something from the surface of the desk. I was annoyed with her and did not want people going through my things. I walked around to the back of the desk and looked at what was on the desk. I realized my red dream journal was there. She had not been looking at it, but it was still out in the open. I picked up the book and took it with me. I walked out of the room and walked down the hall to the master bedroom. $A36 and his wife were standing in the bedroom. I felt frustrated and walked along the front wall of the bedroom towards the back room. I then realized that there was a room farther down the hall that i had not realized was there. From where i was, it seemed rather run down. I walked toward it. Wondering what could be there. I had never been in that part of the house before. I felt cautious as i walked toward the large room. The room opened up to the left, and seemed only partly finished. I could see beams in the wall. Then i noticed that there were several cats crawling around the room. I wondered where they had come from and who was taking care of them. The place felt eerie. I then noticed that there were more and more cats moving around in the boxes and plastic sheets that were scattered around the room. The place seemed unsanitary. I realized that there was a room off to the right. It seemed like a bathroom, and i could see the edge of a white tub through the doorway. I walked into the room and realized that there was a man lying in the tub. He was somewhat overweight, and his skin was pale yellow. I felt unnerved by the sight. Then the man opened his eyes and jerked suddenly as he realized that i was in the room. I walked out and back into the main room, where all of $G4 were starting to collect. I told them about the old man in the other room. I told them that it was Uncle Fester. As i spoke, the man came out to sit with us. He was wearing a brown robe.

I sneaked into the front lobby of the large office building. The lobby was made of a dark stone, and had tinted glass on the outside and inside walls. The outside walls were tilted inward, as if leaning against the rest of the building. The inside walls seemed to have a slight slant to them as well, though not as much. I floated through the lobby of the building, and landed on the glass inside wall. The wall was made of several panes of glass which were held in place. They were layered like shingles, facing upwards. I stood on a thin ledge that was at the bottom edge of the shingled window. I pulled on one of the plates of glass, but i could not get it to open up. I knew that it rotated horizontally to an open position. I was trying to break into the building, and i felt very clandestine. I then slid one of the plates out of the metal frame that was holding it and dropped it on the stone floor below. It shattered across the lobby. I suddenly felt mischievous. Two security guards entered the lobby from the left side. They were wearing white uniforms. I started to act as though i was insane. I babbled and tossed several more shingles down to the ground. I then started to announce that the other person was at fault for my madness. I said that the person in the office had done something to me. I threw some more plates down to the floor. The security guards then threatened to shoot me. I realized that the whole i had made in the window was large enough for me to get it. I tried to act as though i was unaware of what i was doing. I leaned forward and fell into the room. I quickly got up and ran for the inside door. The office was modern, but had a feel of something from the twenties. The floor was a very dark grey, and there were dim lights along the base of the wall. I ran into the large room outside. It seemed like a large theatre with finely crafted woodwork. The space was open, and there were tables set around the room. The place was empty, but the tables were set. They were all covered with grey table cloths and had dishes set on them. I jumped over a short dividing wall and ran into the restaurant. I quickly slipped under one of the tables. The other people then came into the room looking for me. They started to scatter around the room in search. I was hiding behind the microwave oven on the side of the room. I watched the people as they walked through the room. They talked to each other. Then i noticed the red truck on the side of the room. It was backed up a short driveway against the wall. It seemed that it was there to collect the garbage. A man got out of the truck and started around the front of it. The truck then started to slide forward. The two police officers that were standing near my hiding place pointed out the rolling truck and went to check it out. They thought that i might have something to do with it. The truck driver handed one of the police officers his beer can as he went to fix the truck. The police officer shook the can vigorously. The detective walked over to the group and asked if i had anything to do with the truck’s motion. He thought that i might have sabotaged it. The truck driver was fat, and pushed his beer belly up against the truck. I wondered what would happen when the man opened his can of beer. I thought that it might explode all over the place. Then i started to talk to one of the police officers about the man climbing on the glass. He was mad at the person who had done it. I blamed it on someone else, saying that he was totally insane. I tried to act as though it was not me. The other officer then walked over to the small window on the back of the restaurant. They suspected that the man who was climbing on the glass had escaped through it.

11998 March 23

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. It was dark outside, and my father was lying on the bed. I knew that there was something about to happen. There would be an earthquake. I knew that it would be a major quake, and that it would destroy a lot of the planet. I was worried, and wondered what we should do. I did not want to say anything, though, because i felt that the others would think that i was crazy. I looked out the large west window of the room. I could only see a few of the city lights as they glowed a dim orange. Then i heard the warning sirens going off over the town. I felt that i should tell the others that we were in danger. I told my father that we should go to one of the shelters to be safe from the quake. I then wondered how long we would have to stay in the shelter. I knew that we would not be able to go outside for quite a while after the quake. I felt depressed, and wondered what we should do. I then started to wonder how we really knew how bad the quake would be. I started to feel that i was unsure of what would happen. Then the sirens stopped, and there was silence. $K5 was in the room with us. She seemed worried as well. I looked out the window to the east. It was still very dark, but i could hear people moving around in the city. I knew that they were still crowding for the shelters. They seemed foolish and panicked. I suddenly could not seem to relate to them. My father then rolled over on the bed and tried to go back to sleep. He was annoyed that we had woken him.

I was in the small white dorm room with the other person. The room was square, and had a metal-frame bunk bed on the right wall. On the left wall was a dresser. I was kneeling on the floor, packing things into my duffel bag. I had just graduated from the college, and i would be going some place else. I felt uneasy. I did not know that to do next. I felt lost. I pulled the white uniform shirt out from the bottom drawer of the dresser. I remembered that we used to have to wear these to school. It seemed like a long time ago. I then looked at $F6. He was standing in the center of the room with his back to me as he started to change his shirt. I noticed that his back was very wide, and seemed somewhat muscular. I watched his back move as he put his shirt on. I then started to pack my things again. I kept thinking about the fact that we had graduated. I did not know where i should go next. Then $F6 asked me what i was going to do now. I told him that i did not know. I felt confused.

I walked through the front hall of $P7. There seemed to be a lot of people around. The hall extended into the interior of the school and seemed to come out the back side. There was some construction going on. The walls were an off white on either side. The wall ahead of me seemed to be new, and did not connect to the rest of the building. I then noticed that it was being built over a dirt ground. There were several young students working on the wall. I turned the corner to the left and started walking along the edge of the new wall. I could see the inside of the wall through one of the seams. The wall seemed to be made out of cement with several layers of reinforcement bar running through it. There was some clear plastic sheeting hanging from the top of the wall which drifted gently in the breeze. I realized that the students were building the addition onto the school as part of a pledge project. It was to be the new wing. I talked to $Z as we walked. The wall on our right then ended, and i could see out over the construction area. The ground was dry and covered with rocky soil. There seemed to be several pieces of debris scattered around. I remembered when the school added the science wing. I pictured the old lecture hall that used to be part of the school. Then i walked down the corridor which was the new science wing. There was a wooden case in the center of the hall. I saw $A87 walking down the corridor. I walked past him and continued walking until i was outside of the building. There was a road to the east of me, on the other side of a short lawn. To the north was a parking lot. I turned around to the west to look back at the construction sight. I started to talk to the other people who had gathered there with me. We had come back to look at the place. As i walked around the small group of people, i noticed $A157 standing at the side of the crowd. She smiled and said hello. Then i noticed $F14 standing with the rest of the crowd. I started talking to her. I started to remember things that had happened a long time ago, but they were not clear in my mind. Everything seemed like a memory.

11998 March 25

I was on the small tug boat as we rode over the water. I seemed to be driving the boat by the small green wheel that was in the middle of the deck. There was a cabin in front of me, with a wooden exterior. I thought that the boat was sinking, and that we would have to get out of the water soon. I did not know how to sail the boat, and held onto the small wheel as i drove. The wheel was suspended from a black metal arm which hung down from the ceiling. The arm seemed to have a bend in it. It was attached to the top of the cabin in front of me and pivoted on some unseen axis. There was a white metal dial just behind the wheel with numbers on it. I was trying to keep the black needle on the number 210. I was worried about the boat sinking. I knew that we would not be close enough to the dock. I then looked back at the green dial above the wheel and realized that the needle was no longer pointing to 210. I turned the wheel and tried to adjust it. As the wheel turned, the black arm pivoted to one side. It seemed as if the whole boat tipped with the arm and the wheel. I tried to maintain the heading, but the wheel was very unstable. I kept shifting from one side of the boat to the other with the wheel. I seemed to be in a chair that was fixed in front of the wheel, as if attached to the arm. The wheel seemed very small now, but i kept turning it to try to get it into the correct place. The boat seemed very unstable.

I walked around the side of the small house. There were many bushes and shrubs around the yard. The house was small and white, with horizontal paneling. I then noticed the large red bird that was sitting in the small tree in the front yard. I started to approach the bird. It seemed to be a cardinal, but it was very large. I felt hesitant around it. It had a rounded beak, which was a dull black. The bird seemed very still, and i wondered how close it would let me get to it. I then noticed that its red feathers were dull and water soaked. They seemed all mottled. I wondered how the bird could fly. I thought that it was a very unclean bird. It seemed very dirty and unsafe.

11998 March 26

I was running around the block with the other runners in the suburban area. There seemed to be a fence on the outside of us, and we were running around in the large yard. $F4 was running with me, and the others seemed like part of the cross-country team. I followed the runners counter-clockwise as we ran along the inside of the fence. I then started to feel bad. I slowed down and could not keep up with the other runners. I felt upset. As $A62 approached me, i told him that my knee was bothering me again. I would not be able to continue on the run. I continued walking around the edge of the yard. Then the other runners passed me, lapping me. The lawn seemed grey and dry, as if it were late winter and all of the snow had already melted. I was not happy as i walked, and i started to bounce off of the fence. I reached the corner of the lawn and bounced off of the fence to start heading in the other direction. I could then hear $A62 lecture the runners about something. I knew that he was telling them something about preventing injuries. I did not feel as though i belonged with the others. I turned and started walking back towards the main building, following the stone path across the yard. The yard seemed to be a very large garden, with many different flower beds, each enclosed by a stone walk. I started to hop over the standing stones in the garden, turning as i did so. There were several red bricks sitting on the walkway, which i stepped over as i spun around. I was performing some sort of dance. The others then ran past me and turned left at the end of the path. I then noticed the small clay statues that were lying on the ground at the end of the yard. There was a small wooden shed at the back edge of the yard, which seemed to be for storage. There were many statues of various images lying on the ground around the shed. I looked over the statues. Several of them were of angels, with their wings open behind them. I wanted to pick one of them up for my grandmother. I knew that i was supposed to get one. I picked up one of the small statues, but noticed that it was cracked. It was a neutral yellow, and did not seem to be fired properly. The clay was brittle and breaking. I then realized that the statue was really of Isis. It just looked like an angel to the modern eye. The man at the shed disagreed with me. He said that it was intended to be an angel. I did not see the difference.

11998 March 28

I was in the hall in the building. The place seemed familiar. The house was single level, and had a hallway running down the middle of it. The hall turned to the left ahead of me. I knew that there were two rooms on the north side of the hall. I spoke to $A23 in the hallway. We were talking about doing something in the room down the hall from us. We were in $P40, looking toward my office. I felt very close to $A23, and wanted to hang around with him some more, but there was something wrong. I walked down the hall, turning left along the west side of the building. I passed $A136 in the hall. She was heading toward my office. She seemed annoyed. I realized that it was rather late. I should have left work a while ago. I realized that $A136 was waiting for her husband to pick her up. There was a problem with the tires on their car. I mentioned to her that i would have to start walking home soon. I then noticed the window in my office. There was rain dripping down the outside of it. It must have started to rain. I would not be able to ride my bicycle home. It seemed cold out. I walked back down the hall to the south. I rounded the corner and looked to see whether the offices were still open. I knew that they would not be open, as it was so late. I then noticed that the office on the near end of the hall was shut. There were two blue metal poles propped against the doors from the top of the wall on the other side of the corridor. I looked up at them and wondered what was in the office that required so much security. The door to the office was metal, and the poles were bolted to it from metal brackets. I noticed that there was writing along the side of one of the poles. It looked like black magic marker, and was hand written. The letters were all in capitals and started with “XC”. I thought that they were rough markings from the construction crew who put them in. I then walked back around to the other side of the hall. There was a man there whom i started talking to. I remembered him from before. I liked him and wanted to talk to him some more. I sat down in the chair facing the west wall of the room. The man sat to my right. I spoke to him. I remembered that the man used to watch wrestling with me. I wanted to wrestle with him. I spoke to him as i watched the west end of the building. He leaned over to me and spoke back. I was hesitant to lean on him, but i wanted to do so.

11998 March 29

I walked into the telephone booth and started talking on the telephone. I had been in the restaurant. I looked back across the parking lot towards the building from which i had come as i talked. It was a long narrow parking lot, with buildings on three sides. It seemed to be on the interior of a city block. The building on the end was flat and had a very plain surface. It was dark in colour. To the right was a row of dull orange buildings. They had domes on the top and seemed like part of a cathedral. As i spoke on the telephone, i noticed the farthest orange building start to topple. It then tumbled over into the parking lot. It made no sound. I told the person on the telephone that i had just seen a building fall over. I wondered whether there were any people who might have gotten caught under the building as it fell. I looked away for a moment as i told the person on the telephone what was happening. I then looked back up across the parking lot to see that the second building had fallen as well. The rubble was still settling as i looked at it. I suddenly became worried. I told the person that another building had fallen and that i had to get off of the telephone. I felt as though i had to get out of the glass booth. I dropped the telephone and walked out into the lot. I wondered why the buildings were falling. People were running around, panicked. I thought that there might be an earthquake, but i could not feel the ground moving. I wondered whether it was a very week earthquake that i would not be able to feel but which would make the buildings fall. I looked around me. I was in an open area, away from the buildings. Nothing else could fall on me. I looked overhead to make sure that there were no power lines that could fall on me. I turned to see the large cement structure which was a new building under construction. Work lights were lighted throughout the wall-less floors. I thought that i was too far from it for it to fall on me. I then turned around to see the last of the orange buildings on the end of the row. It was still standing. I noticed that there was a large yellow construction vehicle moving behind it. I realized that the man running the vehicle had gotten angry and was tipping over the buildings. I saw the forklift part of the machine move toward the back side of the orange building. I thought that i should get out of the area. The man might try to kill all of the witnesses. I turned around again. I was standing very close to the new building. I did not know to where i should run. I thought that i could jump down into the basement level of the new building and try to hide. The man might try to tip over the new building, however. I wondered whether i could stand in the near corner of the new building as he toppled it. I wondered whether it would be safe there. I wondered if the debris would fall around be, creating an air pocket to protect me. I then realized that there were other men running around near the new building. They were going to blow it up. I had to get away, but i could not run back across the parking lot. I would have to cross the basement of the new building and try to sneak out the other side. I jumped down into the dirt basement and started to crawl across the ground. There were other people sneaking around. I could not let them see me. They were the ones who were planting the bombs. I started across the basement when i saw someone approaching. I quickly turned to the left and crawled behind a sheet rock wall. I could not let him see me. I moved as far as i could behind the wall and lay on the ground. I would have to sneak out when the area was clear. I then heard someone moving on the other side of the wall from me. The sheet rock was only a few centimetres thick, and i could see it move as the man planted his bomb. I tried to stay perfectly still. I hoped that he could not see me under the wall, where the sandy ground had been dug. I heard him digging in the ground. He was filling up the space under the wall. I tried to shift my body so that he would not see me. I then realized that part of my left leg was under the wall. I tried to lower it into the sand. He was poking into the sand with what sounded like a hand spade. It made it easy for me to move my limbs through the soil. I dropped my leg out of sight, but then realized that my hips were now under the wall and exposed to the ground. I lay motionless, hoping that he could not see me. I looked at my legs to see my blue denims sticking out of the ground. Then i felt the man tapping on the button of my pants. He knew that i was there. I tried not to react. He tapped again. I then tried to get out of the area. I heard him calling to the others on his radio. He told them that there was someone down in the basement.

11998 March 30

I was at the airport in the small town up north. I walked around the outside of the small single-engine airplane. The plane was white. I remembered that i had flown it up to this place before. I had to get back to $P14. $Z was with me. He knew how to fly a plane. I did not have a lot of experience. I walked around the small airport on the paved lot where the small airplanes were kept. I thought that i could probably fly the airplane home, but that i would have to do it by myself. I was not sure that i could fly it by myself. I looked up into the western sky. I could see the sun setting and knew that it would be dark soon. There were reddish clouds on the horizon and i could see stars coming out higher up. I thought that it may not be safe for me to fly in the dark, as it would only be the second time that i had flown. I remembered listening to the tower as i flew up here. I remembered doing just what they had told me to do. They must have told me to change direction and elevation. I spoke to $Z as i walked around the outside of the plane. Something did not seem real. I started to believe that i did not actually fly up here by myself. It did not make sense to me. I then thought that the weather might turn bad. I knew that there had been some strong winds earlier. I was not so sure that i should fly back myself.

I walked into the bathroom of the house. It was a large community bathroom, and there were several other people in there. I walked up to one of the white toilets and started to urinate. I then noticed that there was someone to my left who was being picked on. I looked over to see the boy being lifted off of the ground by the back of his neck by $A138. The boy was thin and wearing a long-sleeved blue plaid shirt and blue denims. His feet swung under him as he dangled in the air. I thought that it was somewhat strange that $A138 was picking on the boy, but felt somewhat left out. I was interested in the physical play. I walked around to the other side of the toilet and lifted the lid. I started to urinate into the toilet. Then $A138 grabbed me from behind. I urinated on the edges of the toilet and then on myself. I thought that this was not a good time for playing. I asked $A138 to hold on for a minute. I would have to clean off the edge of the toilet before the urine dried. I went to get a piece of toilet paper. I then realized that i had not lifted up the second toilet seat before i had gone. I could see the bright yellow stains on the right edge of the seat. I also felt wet on my legs. I cleaned up and walked to the other side of the bathroom. I joked around with $A138 about what he had done. He then wrapped his arms around my head and dragged my to the floor. He jumped on top of me and squeezed my face into his chest. I tried to get out but could not. I was amused by the fake fighting. He then let me up and i wandered out into the hall. I started into the front door of the house when i saw $A138 on the front steps. I said hello to him and joked around. I told him what he had done to me in the bathroom. He smiled and said that he did not remember doing it. I then wondered whether he was going to do it again as we talked.

I got onto the bus in the middle of the city. Everything seemed very confused. I had to wait for the bus on the outside of the small city park, which was a very small block in the center of the tall buildings. There were many people crowding around the area. I looked at the stores around me. They all seemed unfamiliar. I got onto one of the busses on the side street. I had to get to school. I then realized that the bus did not go to the school. I would have to get a transfer from this bus to another. I watched out the front window of the bus as it drove around the corner to the right, where it would stop on the other corner of the park. I thought that i would be riding around the outside of the park all day. I had to get off of one bus and get onto another on the other side of the park. I then realized that this city had many stores around it. I would be able to look through the stores while waiting for the bus. I wondered whether there were any good stores around. I thought that i could look through a comic book store while waiting for the bus. That should expend a good amount of time. I remembered that there were some good stores just down the street from where we had rented a hotel room last time i was here with my parents. I did not have to worry about what i would do with my time. Then i saw the man running away. He ran down the street in front of the stores. I watched him as he ran down the side of the white mall. I thought that we would have to stop him. The power started to fade and i realized that someone had turned it off from the shop to my right. I saw the man turn to the right and duck into a back alley. I knew that he was heading into the service corridor which ran behind the stores. I turned to the right and walked into the electronics store. This is where i had turned off the power. I looked over the items in the store and realized that this was a computer store. There were many CPUs on both walls of the store. They were all off-white and square. I remembered that this time was in the past, and that all of these computers were predicting what CPUs would look like in the future. I looked at them as i walked into the store. I realized that they should probably have been made smaller, as the new computers would get smaller in size. I walked to the back wall of the store and looked for an access panel. I had to get back into the service corridor behind the store. I tried to pull off the small panel under the shelf when i noticed that there was a door in the right corner of the back wall. It must lead into the back office. I opened the white door and walked into the small bathroom. I then walked over to the back wall. The wall was made of thin sheet rock and i knew that i could break through it to get into the back corridor. I hit the wall in one place, but realized that there was a beam behind it. I could see the uneven marks where the nails had been spackled over. I moved to the left and hit the wall again. The sheet rock broke evenly along the beams and fell into the wall. There was a second piece of sheet rock on the other side of the wall that i would have to break as well. I wondered whether it would break as evenly as the first. I thought that it might not since i was pushing outward from the beam. I hit the wall, but felt as though i could not break it. I started to feel weak. I then picked up the bottle of shampoo which was hidden in the wall. I realized that someone had placed the white bottle there as a gift. I looked to the left, in the space between the next set of beams. There was another bottle there as well. Both bottles were white and had blue caps. I pulled the second bottle out, but noticed that it was leaking. I did not want to keep the second bottle. I then noticed that there was a third farther down the wall. There must have been one in between each set of beams. I thought that each store was to get their own. I placed the leaking bottle back into its spot and took one of the others. I thought that i would have to leave some for the other stores. I then walked back across the grass and sat down. I could use the cream from the bottle on my skin. I sat down on the grass. The park was long and narrow and ran between the suburban houses. There was a street to the east. Then a woman walked over to me and sat next to me. She was interested in me and asked if she could rub some of the cream on my back. I was not interested and felt somewhat uneasy. I noticed that $A14 was standing in the doorway with someone else. They had been trying to set me up with the women. A few other women walked over to the blanket that i was sitting upon and started to play with the bottles of cream. They wanted to know whether they could rub it on my legs and back. I did not trust any of them.

11998 March 31

I walked through the double doors of the hospital room. I left the other two waiting in the hall. There was someone in the chair on the left as i walked in. There were three doctors in white smocks standing around him. They were performing some kind of plastic surgery. I knew the person in the chair, and wanted to watch. The doctor on the right side of the chair turned around to look at me. She was austral and somewhat heavy-set with a wide, round face. I felt that i could stand and watch since i knew the person in the chair. I was interested in the operation. I could not see the person in the chair, but i could see a thin plastic tube arching over the person’s left shoulder. The tube was partially filled with a brown liquid. I wondered for a moment whether it was blood. I decided that it was not the correct colour. I looked over the other tubes which ran from the patient to the equipment around them. Then i noticed that large chart which was standing to the left of the doctors. It had several sections of needle graphs in various colours. I realized that this was the needle output for the patient. I did not know what each of the individual curves meant, but i knew that one should be respiration and another heart rate. The white board was a couple metres tall and about a metre and a half wide. I looked over the thin red and orange lines on its surface. They seemed to be drawn out in wave-like patterns. I noticed that there was one which looked like a double-enveloped sin wave. Then i noticed that there was one being drawn as i watched. It was a red graph just below the center of the board on the left side. It traced out a path across the white surface. It seemed to fill up all of the area designated for it rather quickly. I wondered how it would continue. It seemed that they would have to change the paper of the graph soon. Then in turned around. I realized that i had been wandering through the operating room. I was in the back section of the room. I was looking over the chart which was standing in front of me. The room seemed to be a corridor which was crowded with equipment. The room i had been in was long and narrow and ran east to west. The entrance door was on the west side, and i stood in the next room on the east. The room i was in was also long and narrow, but ran north to south, with its north end connecting to the east end of the first room. There was a large metal set of cupboards to my right which were brown. They seemed to contain a lot of equipment. I then turned from the chart in front of me and looked to the left. There was another chart standing on the north side of the doorway to the next room. I noticed that there was a figure of a man sketched out on the paper. The man was wearing a brown suit and had a roughly drawn face. I realized that it was a picture of the doctor. They had gotten the graph to draw out the image as a way for the plastic surgeon to mark his patients’ charts. I looked down the length of the first room to see the male doctor walking towards me. I started to head back into the first room. The doctor walked on the other side of the counter on my right. He told me that it might be a while and asked me whether i wanted to go out to get something to eat. He handed me a blue menu from the local restaurant. I looked at the cover of the menu. It was from a good restaurant. The letters on the front were in red and were outlined with a flourished yellow border. I opened to the first page and noticed that they had pizza. I placed the menu down on top of the large console television that was between the doctor and me. I knew that the restaurant had very good pizza, but i knew that i had pizza at home to make. I did not want to eat so much pizza twice in only a few days. My father was to my right. He was also waiting and would accompany me to the restaurant. I looked through the menu to see what else i could order. I would have liked to order the pizza. I wondered whether they had mexican food. I then thought that mexican food might be just as heavy as pizza. I lifted the light blue menu from the television and walked to the right to find my father. I wanted to know whether he was ready to go. I noticed that he did not have a menu. Then i saw him lift one from the counter. It seemed strange that the hospital would take us out to diner as we waited. I turned to the left and started walking down the road to the restaurant. We were in the car. I sat in the back seat, watching the scenery. We pulled off of a highway. There was a narrow dirt road which ran along the side of the highway. I could see people sleeping on the road ahead of us. It was part of a camp ground. It was where we had left the others. I could see them standing in front of us. The woman was trying to pull her pants back on. I looked out to the right over the grass. There was a river just down a short hill from us. I was with my mother as the boat rode over the water. The men were bringing us around. The waterfront looked very run-down. I could see rotting pylons in the center of the water. I knew that there was a dam just out on the river which allowed the water level to drop around twenty metres. I looked at my mother, who was standing on the boat. She was concerned about something and talked to the doctor who was piloting the boat. I looked to the right along the shore. I could see the rusted steel of an old refinery. I realized that this was a place where oil was processed. I could see an oil pump on the ground to the right and front of us. It was not moving. This place seemed to be non-operational. I then noticed that large machinery on the other side of the land-bridge from us. It was a large cylinder which was suspended over the ground. I could not see the ground, as it was lower in elevation than we were. There were two projections from the bottom of the cylinder which were moving around in a circle. One of the projections was in the center of the cylinder and the other to its side. The second moved around the first as both spun. It was some type of large mixer. I realized that it must be used in the oil refining process. The machinery was dirty and coated with black resin. I then looked ahead of us, down to the end of the land bridge which separated us from the machine tower. I could see the water pouring over a thin wall at the end of the land bridge. That was the dam. The boat then turned to the left and started to circle back. I could see the rotting pylons in the middle of the wharf as we turned. We had to head to the restaurant. My mother asked the man a question and he replied that he sometimes drives the boats all the way up to New York City, but that he did not want to do so now. I thought that we could get to New York City from here by driving the boat northwest up the channel.