11999 March 01

I was in the theatre. We were trying to do a performance, but i did not seem to have the sound correct. I played the CD for the sound effects as i tried to change into my costume. The play was rehearsing on the lower floor of the tall building. I was one floor above it in the large empty room. There was something wrong. The play was not going correctly. I then realized that the music needed to stop. I ran up the flights of stairs to turn off the tape, but it started to play the next song. I felt panicked and tried to stop it. I heard the slow music of the next scene. I then wondered whether it was the correct music for this part of the show. I remembered that it was the song where $A211 sings. I pictured him singing in the room below. I had to turn off the music. I thought that we should probably move the tape player to one of the lower floors where it would be closer to the stage. The director then asked me what was wrong. I told him that it was too far to go to change the music. I felt frustrated and agitated.

I was riding down the road with $F12. We were heading to the northwest. The rolling hills around us were covered with snow. I knew that we were heading back towards $P72. I thought that we had driven from $P72 to the northeast, but were now coming back from a different direction. The black and white road sign on the side of the road said “55”. I thought that it was the road which came north from the highway and ran through $P25. I wondered whether it really was the road about which i was thinking. I then noticed a sign for Route 7 ahead. I remembered that we would turn off onto the other road to get to $P72. I thought that the road to $P72 would be on the left as we drove. We then turned to the left and headed across the large open field. There were some bison wandering through the stream bed which ran along the left side of the path. I then realized that the field was covered with snow. It was not easy to see where the road went. The road curved to the right a little, passing between two steep hills. The steer cut through the narrow pass. I then wondered where the road had gone. I watched the steer walking through the ice of the stream. I thought that we should not travel along the stream because the ice might break. I asked $Z where the trail was. He said that we were on it. He then moved ahead of me, riding on the horse through the snow. I started to speed up the horse i was on, passing the two tall women who were walking through the snow. We came around the side of the hill when i heard the sound of a car to the left. I could see a road above us. I wondered whether the road continued all the way from where we had come. $Z and i came to the road, which came down the hill from behind us. It was paved where we were. I looked up the hill to see that it was paved in that direction as well. I wondered how we could have gotten off trail before. The road passed through some trees ahead before turning to the right and disappearing from sight. I thought that we should have followed the road the entire way.

11999 March 02

I had just come back from running and walked into the large living room. I sat on the couch, which was on the east wall of the room. There was someone else with me. He seemed like a friend of mine. For a moment, i thought that he was $F10. He sat next to me as i lay down on the couch. I was going to sleep for the night. I put my right arm out over his shoulder as he sat next to me. I felt comforted by his presence. He seemed like $F12. There was then a woman in the doorway of the room on the north wall. She seemed disturbed by the fact that i was holding onto $Z as i lay on the bed. I told her that there was nothing unusual about the situation. As she left, i rolled towards $Z and hugged him. He was warm, and i felt very comfortable with him. I felt relaxed and happy.

11999 March 03

I was driving along the dirt road through the forest. I was with $Z, and we were heading towards the cottage at $P26. I knew that there was an intersection ahead of us in the woods. I thought that we would have to take the road to the right. I told $F12, who was with me in the car about the turn. I thought that the road to the left traveled along the shore of the lake. It was very swampy, and i did not think that we would be able to drive through it. We then drove into a clearing. The road seemed to split in the center of the field, forming a rectangle around a large black area of burned ground. The burned ground seemed to be an old camp fire which had gone out, and now formed a mound of ashes. It seemed cold and rainy out, and there were cabins around the sides of the field. We now seemed to be heading north across the field. We had taken to the road to the right. I realized that it was a dead end, but i noticed that the other road continued out of the field on the north side. I mentioned that fact to $Z. I then felt as though we had arrived at the place to which we were going, i wondered what was down the road. The other white tractor trailer, which $Z was driving, passed me on the left as i continued down the road on the left side of the rectangular mound of ash. The road entered the woods ahead of us and i noticed that there was still some snow on the surface of the road. The road seemed to be paved. I walked with $F12 to the end of the road. We came to the large open building. The hall through which we had been walking ended in the room. The room seemed to be part of an old abandoned building. There was something special about the place. I felt very happy and excited to be here. The place seemed to be very special to me, and i was glad that $Z was here with me. I walked into the room. The ceiling was very high, and seemed to be sky blue. There were very large decorative glass bowls handing from the ceiling which covered the lights. There seemed to be a set of stairs in the center of the room as i passed to the left side. I was in wonder as i looked over the features of the room. There seemed to be other people around. I knew that there were cafes and stores around the sides of the room. I wondered whether they were all closing. It seemed to be late. I rounded the room when i came to the large opening in the wall on the left side. It led down to a lower level, where there was a restaurant. There was a small party of people sitting at a table just in side the door on the right side of the cafe. I wondered whether the place was still open. I wanted to get something to eat with $Z. There seemed to be a person on the left side of the cafe who was cleaning up the tables. He seemed to be wearing white. I thought that the place was closing. I was disappointed, but still felt happy to be here.

I was in the room of the building. The man was standing to the right. He had taken the place of the girl. Everything seemed to be in black and white, as if it were an old movie. The young girl seemed to be Shirly Temple. I recognized the man who was taking her place. The woman in the room was trying to control all of the children who were staying in the room. It was part of an orphanage. All of the children were excited to hear the man singing, but the woman thought that it was disruptive, and tried to get them to be quiet. They started to quiet down. They were sitting in beds on the left side of the room. The floor of the room was wood, and seemed stained with age and well worn. There was then the sound of singing from the windows on the left side of the room. The rooms were large and created a strip across the left wall of the room. The children rushed over to the window. I looked out the window and down to the street. I could see the old pickup truck sitting in front of the building. The boy was kneeling on one leg in front of the truck, singing up to the windows. The children in the room ran over to the windows to cheer. I started to float over the truck as i watched. I knew that they were from an old black-and-white movie, but i was unsure as to who they were. I then noticed that $F4 was one of the children in the crowd. I started to glide over the crowd as i moved down the long city street. There was a parade below me, and all of the people were cheering the floats over which i was passing. I looked at the four-or five-level stone buildings which lines the left side of the street as i moved to the west. I knew that the ocean was just on the other side of them. I thought that i should try to get to the shore. I moved down the street, thinking that i could go around the buildings to get to the beach. The buildings seemed old but well kept. I passed down the street, looking for an opening in the buildings through which i could walk. I remembered that the ocean came right up the backs of the brick apartments. There was a small footing of rocks under the building with a thin layer of yellow sand on the outside. I pictured a small rectangular alcove in the shore between two of the buildings. There seemed to be a restaurant on the bottom floor of the one to the west which had a wooden deck that looked out over the sea. The ocean was to the south. I then came to an intersection in the main road of the town. There was a traffic light overhead where the street from the east, which i was on, merged with the one from the northeast to form a wide road that headed off to the west-southwest. On the corner to the south was an old stone building. It was grey and had four large pillars across the front. It seemed plain on the outside, with little decoration and no windows. It seemed like an old city hall or other ceremonial building. There was some importance to it. I flew over the wide stairs which stretched across the front of the building and behind the first of the columns. I passed the large square wooden door and started swerving around the columns. I then passed the building and continued down the road. I decided that i was not going to reach the shore on this road, so i turned around. I wanted to get back to the building and the other part of the street. There was some importance in the building. I walked back down the narrow corridor of the restaurant. The carpeting was red, and there were booth tables on either side. The tables seemed to be made of black polished wood. Several people were at various tables as i walked back down the corridor to the northeast. I started to float, passing waiters. The aisle seemed too narrow for two people to travel. I started to dodge the waiters by rolling in the air over their heads. Several people at the tables started to watch me. I felt as though they all recognized me, but did not know me. I then landed at the end of the corridor, where the stairs led down to the second part of the restaurant. There were only a few stairs which led to the other level. The second level continued on to the east. It was similar to the part that i had just left, but it was crowded with people. I had to get back to the ocean, so i pushed my way into the corridor.

11999 March 04

The bus drove down the highway to the east. It was dark out and seemed to be raining. The air was misty. I felt anxious as we moved carefully down the road. I knew that it was dangerous to drive in this weather and i was worried that the bus might tip over. I seemed to be on the roof of the bus as i watched the pine forest pass by. The bus was traveling down a slight hill in the wooded area. As it rounded a corner to the left, the bus started to tip to the left. It was not balanced properly. I worried that it would fall over on its side, but it wobbled in a tilted position for a few minutes before falling back onto its tires. We had to be careful not to tip it over. I knew that it was not safe to be driving it. I was glad that it did not tip over.

11999 March 05

I ran to the south, across the large empty room of the house. There was a smaller room to the south. I entered the small room through a door in the wall between the rooms. The walls of the rooms were light yellow and had very high ceilings. They seemed to be part of a very large old victorian house. I was running from something and thought that i should hid in the room to the south. The middle room was very bright with sunlight coming in from the window on the east wall, but the room to the south was dark, as though it had no windows. I closed the door behind me and walked into the center of the room. I felt frightened. There was something after me. I then noticed that the window on the east wall of the room was covered with a pink ooze. It was part of the blob. It was invading the area and i had to get out. I thought that i might be safe in the room, but i knew that the blob would be able to seep in through the cracks around the window. I looked around the room and noticed that the blob was already oozing down the walls. I had to get out of the room without getting touched by the blob. I knew that the blob was acidic and would burn me if i touched it. I picked up a wooden dining chair from along the south wall of the room and walked toward the large window in the east end of the south wall. I threw the chair through the window. I thought that i could escape through the hole in the window, but i decided that the blob would be outside of the building waiting. I backed into the center of the room when i found the small sword. I thought that i should cut a hole in the rug and try to go through the floor boards. The blob was sealing off the edges of the room and i had to make a hole to let air into the house. I sliced open the dull green carpeting and pulled it back to expose the large polished planks of the floor. The blob screamed suddenly. It was a high pitched scream and i was startled by it. I then looked up to see that the blob had vanished. I wondered where it had gone. I carefully looked out the broken window on the front wall of the house. I could see the short lawn between the sidewalk and me. The postman was walking toward the house, looking over a hand full of letters as he walked. I ran into the other room and hurriedly told my mother that the blob had escaped with the delivery man. I knew that it had possessed him while he was at the house. I thought that we had to run after it to keep it from escaping. It was dangerous to have on the loose.

I walked through the white corridor of the modern house., The repair man had come to fix something, but i was not in the mood to talk to him. I felt impatient. I had to take a shower and wanted him to leave. He seemed to be taking a long time. I tried to hurry him, but he asked me whether i had an extra drop cloth for him to use. I felt frustrated. I walked to the side wall of the room and picked up the folded white bed sheets. I told him that it was the last one i had. I knew that the sheets had been used the day before when the repair man came.

I looked out the back window of the house. The lawn outside was green and the sky was sunny. The lawn sloped down hill slightly as it ran away from the house. There seemed to be a few flowers growing on it. The land around the lawn seemed flat and open, but i had a sense that this place was part of a suburb. I called to my mother, who was in the center of the yard. She was handing a set of red sheets on the cloths rack in the back yard. I wanted her to know that there was something happening. I then noticed the bright flash in the distance and the white streak of clouds that started to head into the sky. I knew that the shuttle had already taken off. I looked at the ship and could see it very clearly, even though it was quite far away. There was something wrong with the shuttle as it flew across the sky. I knew that my mother was on it. I ran out of the house and to the east. I wanted to get a better look at the shuttle in the sky. It started to pass behind some of the roofs of the nearby houses. I could see inside of its cabin. My mother was in the back yard near the clothes rack. She looked off toward the airport. I tried to point out the shuttle in the sky, but she kept looking at the large planes that were taking off on the runway. She did not know what i had been telling her about. I knew that there was something wrong with the shuttle. I told my mother that there was something wrong with the shuttle as we stood in the back yard of the house. I grabbed her arm and led her to the right so that she could see around the edge of the building. We were on the other side of the yard, where we could see the shuttle in the sky more clearly. I pointed out the shuttle to my mother. She tried to spot the ship, but it was descending into the branches of a tree in the yard. I described to her where it was going. I got annoyed that it had slipped through the trees. I reached out and lifted a branch of the tree so that i could see it again. the tree seemed far away, but i was able to move some of the top branches to clear the view. The shuttle was now too low in the sky to be seen above the houses near us. I ran to the left. We were in the front yard of the small white house. There was a car in the paved driveway to the left. The house was to the right. I hopped up onto the hood of the blue car to see if i could get a better view of the shuttle. I could barely see it above the building. I told my mother to jump up on the car with me, but she did not want to. I looked to the west to try to see the shuttle. I then noticed the train approaching from the distance. It was on the tracks which ran by the back of the house. I leaned over the edge of the car to get a better look but started to lose my balance. I fell backwards and landed on the ground. The car then started to roll across the lawn. It stopped after a few feet. I looked into the sky to try to see the event. I then noticed the hot air balloon which was hovering in the western sky. It approached us as we stood in the middle of the large parking lot. The sky seemed to be red around it. I then noticed that there was a british flag hanging from the side of the white canvas balloon. The balloon circled over us for a moment before settling in the center of the open parking loot to the west of us. The sky seemed dim and i realized that it was dawn where the balloon had landed. We started to walk over to the parking lot. We seemed to be in front of a mall or other commercial building. There seemed to be power lines overhead. I wondered whether it was safe to approach the balloon. It seemed that the people in it might be dangerous. I wondered whether they had anything to do with the previous emergency with the shuttle. The person to my right asked whether the balloon was safe. I said that it could be dangerous and explained that it was “not furry enough to be friendly”.

11999 March 07

I was lying in the bed in the room of $P19. There was something wrong in the room. $F26 was standing near the doorway to the room. He had a gun with him. I thought that he was trying to defend himself against someone, but something did not seem right. I felt unsafe in the room, and wondered where to go. $F26 was looking out the door as if he were waiting for someone. I knew that there was someone outside.

11999 March 08

I sneaked through the open yard near the factory. There was a building to the east of me as i crept through the aisles of equipment which ran along the outside of the white cement building. It seemed as though this was part of a store. I hunched down as i crept so that no one would see me. It was night out, and i was not supposed to be sneaking around here. I knew that i could get access to the equipment, though, because i had worked on it before. I seemed to be at the back end of a department store, sneaking through the aisles of large metal machinery. I wanted to make it to the computer terminal to get something off of the system. I came to the white computer which was at the end of one of the aisles. I seemed to be in an area which was surrounded by a grey cage. I could see the diagonal metal wires of the cage to my north. It was held up inside of thin metal frames. I wondered how i had gotten into the store. I then remembered that i worked here. I heard someone coming. I quickly moved away from the computer and ran down the side of the building. I tried to hide near the short stacks of equipment. I hoped that the security guard would not see me. I then turned around and headed back towards the computer terminal. I rounded several corners as i ran through the maze of wrapped merchandise. I then came to the white computer at the end of one of the aisles. It was low to the ground and seemed to be circled by stacks of machinery. I started typing on the keyboard. I had to do something that i did not want anyone to know about. I then realized that the security guard was standing to the left of me. There was someone else with him. I thought that i had been caught, and i felt scared. I then quickly turned and ran away. I tried to loose the man in the maze of equipment. He was after me. The lights started coming on in the store and i knew that everyone was aware of a break-in. I was frightened and had to make it out of the stock yard. I hurried through the aisles, wondering what to do

11999 March 11

I knew that we had to prepare for the end of the world. Something was going to happen to the west of us. The sky seemed very red as i looked down the road towards the center of the city. I was on the south side of the road in front of the house. I pulled my car into the driveway very fast. My car skid to a stop in front of the garage door. I then was out of my car, walking under the large window of the house. I did not want the people inside to see me. I was worried that the world would end too soon.

11999 March 12

I walked into the kitchen where the others were gathering. We were getting ready to leave. I thought that the people with me had to get to the airport. The man was going to drive. I walked to the chair in the east side of the room. The man was gathering things together. There was a young girl with him. I leaned on the back of the brown chair and found that it folded forward. It was some kind of soft cushion that could unfold into a bed. I felt anxious that the man was leaving, but i tried not to get in his way. I pulled the back of the chair back up and looked to the counter on the north wall. The woman was fixing food for everyone. I thought that people would need to eat before they went. I then thought that i should drive the man to the airport. The man seemed like $A5. I then realized that if i drove him, he would have to come all the way back here to get his car when he returned. I felt as though i should be doing something, but i did not know what. The woman then walked away from the stove on the north wall and started to the south wall. I thought that i should help her do something. She had been feeding all of the people before they left. I felt as though i should help. I followed $A31 to the stove on the west end of the south wall. I thought that it was strange that there were two stoves in the pale green kitchen. She started playing with the sandwiches which were on the counter. There were two plates in front of me as i stood against the west wall. $A31 picked up a large mound of food on a third plate and moved it to the left along the counter. She put it down on the other stove as she told me that she should cook pancakes for everyone. I realized that she had made a very large sandwich with pancakes on wither side. I looked down at the sandwiches below me. One of them seemed like tuna salad on white bread. The crust was cut off the edges of the sandwich and the sandwich was sliced in two diagonally. I thought that she would have to discard the sandwiches if she started to make pancakes. I felt uneasy. I was not relaxed. Something seemed incomplete. I turned around to look at the others in the kitchen. My grandfather then walked towards me. He walked to the refrigerator on the west wall right in front of me and opened it up. He was looking for something, but he did not know what.

11999 March 15

I was at my parents’ house. We were getting ready to leave. I thought that i would be heading back to my home. I thought about driving east. It seemed to be getting late in the day. I seemed to be in a room in the west side of the house. It was mostly empty, save for a table and some chairs. My mother then pointed out the two boxes on the floor. They were filled with mail that i had received at my parents’ address. I wondered why there was so much mail. The box nearest me was small and short, and the other one seemed like a box for office paper. I looked at the piles of mail. There were several large packages in the pile of the first box, with letters scattered in between. I then moved to the second box. My father seemed to be standing near me. I asked rhetorically why there was so much mail here. I reached into the second box and pulled out a small faded blue book. The book was covered with a soft leather cover that was peeling and torn. The book was very old and i realized that it had come from the library. I knew that the library had sent the book to me, even though i was supposed to pick it up at the library. I pulled a larger book from the box. It was shaped like an old photo album and had a dull red spine with a bluish grey cover. I opened it to see that it contained a collection of spines from older books. I realized that all of these books were fragile and rare. I complained to my father that the library had done something stupid. I told him that all of these books were fragile and that they were protected by the library. We had ordered them and were supposed to pick them up at the library. I thought that it was foolish of the library to have sent them to us. I stood up and took the small blue book over to the table to look through. It was a very old book and should not have been sent to us. Then the large bell on the south wall to my left started to ring. It was a fire alarm. I told my father that we would have to leave the library. I was in no hurry, and casually closed the book. I thought that it was probably a simply fire drill. The bell then started ringing faster. We headed to the door on the east wall of the room and entered into the other room. We walked straight across the next room towards the stairs. There were people crowding in front of us to get down the narrow set of stairs. The stairs were black. I thought that there was an easier way to get down. I left my parents and walked to the south, towards the other set of stairs. They were wider and grey. I walked carefully down them. They were very steep, and i was careful as i descended them. I thought that my mother probably would not have wanted to use that set. I then ran into my parents at the bottom of the stairs. I thought that we would have to continue to the east until we were on the lower level of the building. My parents motioned to the south, however. I turned around and realized that we were on the ground level of the parking garage. The south wall of the garage was open, and i could see out across the baseball field outside. We started to walk towards the opening. I then realized that i could smell something strange. I wondered whether it was smoke. I wondered whether there really was a fire in the library. I thought that all of the books that they had sent me would burn. The air outside of the building seemed somewhat hazy as we approached the entrance. I wondered whether it was smoke. There was a team playing on the baseball field which drew my attention. I thought that it must be the college team. They were wearing blue shirts with grey pants. I noticed that the ground of the field was dry, and that the players were kicking up a lot of dust as they walked. It looked like ruddy smoke. I turned and looked back over the building. I seemed to be floating above the level of the roof. I could see the narrow smoke stack on the far side of the building emitting a white stream of smoke. It was a small white tube which came up from the roof. I thought that the heating systems should be off for the summer. I wondered where the smoke was coming from. Then the larger opening to the east of the smoke stack emitted a puff of white smoke. It seemed like a cooling vent, with dark grey sides that curved outward. I thought that the building might actually be on fire. I watched the vents on the roof as i hovered over the crows. I then realized that there was a very large vent to the north of the other two. Streams of white smoke crossed over the opening from small four jets which were placed around its diameter. Then a sudden burst came from it. I could hear the deep sound of the explosion as i felt the vibration move through me. I knew that it was a large rocket engine. It was black, and shaped like a parabolic cone. I thought that they were testing the engine on the roof. The propulsion would push down and they could measure the force the engine exerted. I drifted to the north, watching the engine as i went. I spoke to my parents about the engine, telling them that it would probably go off again. I then saw the small flames around the rim of the cone which would ignite the main fumes. The engine roared as a wave of pressure expanded from it.

11999 March 16

I was in the in the large room with the other people. The room seemed to be part of a public area. It had a dark polished stone floor and no furnishings. The others were standing to the west. They were doing something around a small table. I walked over to the cash machine that was in the center of the floor on the southeast side of the room. I played around with the machine. It started to spill coins all over the floor. I picked up several of the coins. I had a large book on the floor in which i was writing things down. I spread the coins over the pages of the book. I thought that i would collect the coins and put them back into the machine. I then remembered that the machine had been known to lose money. The owners of the machine thought that someone was stealing money from it. I thought that it was simply giving away all o fits money. I walked over to the machine. I had to get some money from it. It started shuffling out dollars, but then cage me a large amount in change. I put the dollars in my pocket and started to count the change. It did not seem correct. There seemed to be less change that i should have. I looked through the quarters and pennies that were in my hand. I realized that the machine simply divided the amount it was giving me into smaller and smaller units. I wondered why there was no camera on the machine. It should have been easy for people to take the change because there was no one watching it. I started to walk away. I looked at the change that i had taken from the floor. It seemed very strange. Several of the coins had holes in them. I started to walk to the north, through the corridor which led from the room. I realized that many of the quarters in my hand were new. They were part of the new design. There was one large quarter which was only a ring of metal. It did not seem like a real quarter to me. I looked at it as i walked. All of the coins were shiny and silver. Some of them had gems in the center of them. I kept looking at the quarter with the hole in the center of it. I wondered whether part f the coin had fallen out of the center. It seemed as though there should be more to it. I could see the pattern on the face of the coin. It seemed to be interrupted by the hole in the center. I decided that it was simply one of the modern designs. I then realized that the coins with gems in them were even newer. The one in the center of my hand had a large aqua-green stone in the center. I thought that i must be in the future. These coins were from farther into the future than i should have been. I walked across the parking lot of the mall. I was still heading to the north. I was supposed to meet my mother, but i was running late. I put the coins into my pocket and headed into the west door of the mall. I remembered that my mother had told me to meet her in the atrium of the mall. I suddenly wondered whether i was in the correct mall. I started down the long hall of the mall. There did not seem to be any stores in the mall. The walls of the central corridor were tan and bare. The corridor turned as slight angles as it went along. I started to float down the corridor, thinking that i would be meeting my mother at the opposite end. It seemed as though i passed through a food court. I then noticed two people walking in the opposite direction from me. I recognized them. The man was $A190 and $A191. They were walking arm-in-arm down the corridor. I paused in the air as i passed them, thinking that i should say hello. I spoke to them briefly before they walked through the doors on north wall. I started to follow them, but i could not pass through the space between the doors. It was interesting to seem them again, and i wanted to say hello. The door seemed to be pinkish tan and seemed to lead into a conference room. I decided that i should not go in and continued down the hall. I came to the end of the hall on the east side of the mall. The hall opened up into a round entry way, which had glass windows on all sides. There were several people sitting around in the entryway. My mother was not here. I wondered where she was. The people around me were rehearsing for a play. I noticed $A60 and $A260 preparing their lines with the actors. I said hello to them as i walked past. I looked out the glass door at the end of the mall. I wondered where my mother was. I started to wonder whether i was in the correct mall. I thought that she might have wanted me to meet her in a different mall. I flew out the side door of the mall and into the parking lot. It was a bright sunny day. I thought that i should go for a bike ride. It seemed too early in the morning, though. I then wondered whether i was actually in shape to go for a bike ride. I thought that i might not be able to keep up a good pace for a long ride. The sun was just coming up in the sky to the east. It rose over the open courtyard. I looked back at the large building behind me. It was formally decorated with banners. It was made of stone and looked victorian. I remembered that this corner of the mall was very fancy. I remembered seeing it from another angle before. I thought that i should walk to the side of the mall to the south. I remembered seeing the old stone part of the mall from there. I walked around the shrubs that were growing in a row from the corner of the building. I walked along the cement sidewalk and down the road. The road led through a suburban area. There were trees on both sides of the road. I found it difficult to ride my bicycle over the uneven stones of the dirt road. This place seemed familiar. I remembered being here before. I was carrying something as i walked up the dirt road. I walked into the large old building. It seemed run down. The building was made of wood which had been stripped of paint by many years of weather. The place was a mine shaft. I felt cautious as i started down the stone stairs of the tunnel. There was a man walking in front of me. He seemed to be leading me down the stairs. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, there was a man drilling into the rock with a jack hammer. He turned off the jackhammer as we approached. The man that i was following then turned to the right and walked into a small wooden shack. I stopped out side of the shack but wondered whether i should have followed him in. I did not feel comfortable here. Something seemed to be wrong. I thought that i should continue down the tunnel. I knew that i would eventually come out on the other side of the hill. As the man came back out of the shack, i mentioned to him that i had worked on construction in the tunnel before. I told him that i used to work with one of the jack hammers. It seemed like a long time ago, and i felt as though i did not want to do it again. I asked the man if i was requested in the tunnel. He shrugged and said that he did not know. He seemed short and had work denims on. He said that the foreman of the crew was with a tour group from China. They were taking a trip around the mine. I wanted to head through the tunnel by myself. I knew that i was familiar enough with the area to go by myself. I thought that i should simply go. I told the man that the state would probably not need me in the mine any more. I felt confused and did not know what to do. I felt as though i should be working here, but i wanted to leave. I wondered if i could get through the tunnel to the other side. I turned to leave.

11999 March 17

I was standing on the porch with the others. It was evening, and the sky was a light blue. We seemed to be facing north, across the open scrub field. We were talking about something when i noticed the strange prism shaped object floating across the sky. It seemed like it was made of crystal, and was made or several triangular plates lined up along a single spine. It shimmered as it passed to the right. I told the others about it. Then i wondered whether it was an alien craft. I thought that alien crafts would have to be round in order to use field propulsion. I realized that field propulsion could be done with a triangular craft. I then followed the others down the city street. I kept looking into the sky for the craft. I then noticed that we were on some sort of trolley. It was a brown platform with poles on each corner which held up a roof. I was riding down the suburban street when i noticed the two women jogging towards us from the other direction. I did not want to run into them. As they approached, i realized that one of them was $F203. She started jogging as again once she noticed that we were heading towards her. As we passed her, she turned around to walk with us. We were in the suburb, and it seemed to be getting dark. She was $F21 as we spoke.

I woke up in the back room of my parents’ house. It was sunny out, and i realized that i should be leaving. I had to get to rehearsal at the theatre. I knew that it would take me an hour to drive in, but i thought that i would make it in time. I opened the back door of the house and started out onto the porch. I then noticed the red airplane which was flying very low to the ground. Its fuselage was short and bulbous, and it had thin wings attached at the top. It made a loud buzzing sound as it started to do a loop. It turned upside down and then dove to the ground. It disappeared below the tree line on the hill. I knew that the ground was pretty much flat, and i thought that the plane was going to crash. I knew that there was not enough space for it to pull up. I expected to hear a crash, but i still heard the engine running. The red plane came up from the horizon and started flying across the bright blue sky again. I then noticed a dark blue car parked on the side of the driveway. My parents had arrived home. They were both getting out of the car. Then my mother, who was on the passenger’s side of the car, asked me why i had not left for the theatre yet. She said that it was already past seven. I looked at my watch, but could not see it. I said, “Don’t tell me that.” I started to feel worried that i had missed rehearsal. I had slept through most of it. I knew that it started at six-thirty, and that it would take me an hour to drive to the theatre. I was nervous and walked up the driveway to the garage. I noticed that the sky was getting dark. I then wondered how it had gotten do dark so soon. I thought that it was light only a few seconds ago when i saw the plane flying. As i approached my car, i realized that the driver’s door was open and that there was a large brown plastic lamp in the front of the car. The lamp had a thick brown post and spread out into thin flat wavy branches on the top. The top faced toward me and i could see that the branches formed a spherical shape on the top of the pole. I thought that it was some kind of holiday decoration. I did not want it to be in my car and wondered why my mother had put it there. I started to wander back down the driveway. I realized that it was very dark already. I could barely see where i was going as i moved along the edge of the bushes on the east side of the driveway. My parents were getting things out of their car. My mother then heard something in the bushes as i moved near them. I could not see clearly. It was very dark, and i could only make out a few shapes. My mother asked my father whether it was a rattlesnake. I thought that they were referring to something in the car, but realized that they might be talking about me as i rustled along the edge of the bushes. I finally turned to the west and headed towards the car.

I was walking through the darkness with the other person. I had to get someplace. It seemed as though i were at $P22. I knew that if we walked along the path by one of the cottages, we could take the short cut to the road. I then came upon Captain Janeway and Ensign Kim. They were talking at the edge of the forest. As i passed them, i realized that they were standing near the head of the trail which led to the road. I turned towards them, asking whether it was the trail to the road. Janeway said that it was as i passed her. I put my right hand on her left shoulder and told her that i would have to leave for a little while. I felt disturbed and told her that there was a minor family crisis that i had to deal with. I then thought that it was strange for me to simply tell her without asking permission. I started down the trail, talking to John Paris. He seemed like a good friend of mine. I spoke with him as we walked. I realized that we had a very long walk. I remembered that the road out to the main highway was eleven miles long. We would be walking for quite a long time. I thought that the forest here was quite dense and could be spooky. It would make for an interesting movie. I thought that i should drive someone through it at night or in the evening. We then started to come to an opening. I could see the trees part ahead, and i started to see some constellations in the sky. $Z was walking to my right. I started to notice the Big Dipper to the southeast of us. I knew that $Z liked to star gaze. I then told him that we had already walked a mile to get here. The main road was another ten miles. It seemed like it would take forever to get there, as we had already spent a lot of time walking the first mile. I wondered how we were going to make it. I thought that we would have to camp out.

11999 March 18

I walked into the room. $A212 walked over to me. He was holding a long exotic fish. It had very fancy fins on either side of its head. Its body seemed like a worm, and it smelled of stale aquarium water. $A212 was cleaning off the fish. I told him of the smell, and he could not understand why it smelled. He then walked back to the other side of the room. I walked up to one of the large tanks and looked in. I could see one of the long fish floating in the water. Then i noticed a very small shark floating in front of it. I thought that the shark might be aggressive and attack the more exotic fish. There was another type of fish which swam in front of the others. It had a very wrinkled head and seemed to have a mouth that was shaped like a small flower. I walked back into the center of the room. There were many animals around me. I then realized that one of the animals was a small polar bear. I knew that polar bears were aggressive, and i was hesitant to get near it. It then lurched forward, grabbing my right arm with its mouth. The woman in the room, who owned the pets, did not seem alarmed. She told the bear to let go, but it did not. I then used the flame thrower which i was holding to burn the bear. It let go, but circled me to try to get a better hold. I imagined firing at it to keep it away. It ran across the room and then started towards me again. I tired firing the flame thrower at it, knowing that it did not like fire. I hoped that there were no more bears around. I could not keep a ring of fire around myself in the snow for very long. I then remember that i had to get something, but i was worried that i would not be able to travel in the snow very well. There was a heavy snow storm outside. I walked back to the building where the other people were gathered. They were in the front hall of the building. An event had just ended, and they had not yet left. I picked up my guitar from the wall near the people. I then turned and walked back out of the building and across the large field. It was very dark out, and i wondered whether i would be able to find my way back. I remembered that i simply had to walk in a loop, the way i had come. I trudged through the deep snow. It seemed difficult to walk. I pictured myself walking to the street on the other end of the field and coming out on the suburban street. I turned left, remembering that i would have to walk around the edge of the sidewalk in a circle to get back to where i came from. I then found myself at the intersection of the two streets. There were tall brick buildings all around me and it seemed very dark. I was having trouble seeing. I could not remember whether this was the street on which i had come. I decided that i should turn here. I thought that i was correct, but i was not sure. I walked down the narrow street. A car then passed me from behind. I could hear its tires moving through the slushy snow on the street. I came to the end of the alley and saw a church in front of me. This did not seem correct. I did not remember this from before. I thought that i had come the wrong way. I tried to picture the route in my head. I knew that i should keep turning to the left and i should make it home. I suddenly wondered whether i had missed a left turn on the way. I might have over shot my house. I stood on the street, watching the crowd walk out of the large stone church. I could not think of where i should go. I tried to picture the directions, but could not. $A212 then walked up to me and said hello.

I walked along the wooden wall of the horse barn. The wall was made of vertical boards which were very rough. There was deep snow on the ground, and i was having difficulty walking. I looked across the field to the left and noticed that there were signs across the field from me. I wondered whether i was heading in the correct direction. I turned around and headed back the way that i had come. I crossed the field and headed toward the sign. There was a row of buildings to the left. I stayed close to them, thinking that i should be sheltered from the wind. The sign was a marker for the trail that i was following. I was glad that the passage was marked. I felt as though i was having difficulty following it. I then noticed the man walking in front of me. He was wearing a blue shirt and seemed to be traveling slower. I wondered whether i should talk to him.

11999 March 19

I knew that the meeting to which i was going was on the fifth floor of the building. I walked up the stairs in the cement stairwell. There were people with me as i climbed the stairs. The building seemed to be an office building. We were having trouble reaching the fifth floor, however. There was no direct way to get to the fifth floor of this building. We opened the door to the stairwell and walked out into the small office. There was a service counter in front of me, and i had come from the back side of it. It seemed as though i was in the reception area. There was a woman behind the desk with me, standing to my left. She thought that we were there as part of the help, since we were behind the desk. She asked us of we would help as she motioned to the pamphlets on the counter with her left hand. The pamphlets were purple, and seemed to have light pink designs on them. I wondered what they were for. I then told the woman that we could not help her as we were trying to find a meeting. I asked if she knew how to get to the fifth floor.

11999 March 20

I was driving in the car. I had been visiting the city up north. It seemed like $P56. I was driving northwest on the street. There was someone in the car with me. I seemed relaxed. It seemed good to be away for a while. I seemed new to this place. We were riding along the top of a hill which overlooked the city. The city seemed to be to out left. The area around us was covered with short dry grass, and it seemed like summer out. I then noticed the tops of the large stone building sticking up from behind the short ridge to our left. It seemed like the ruins of an old church. I then realized that it was a very large cathedral. We were looking over the many complicated spires and square towers of its roof. I thought that this looked like the cathedral in Eurivvonerga. I wondered if this was the building which gave me the idea. I then felt as though i should be getting somewhere. I spoke to $F21 as we drove. I kept looking to the left over the edge at the tops of the church. I thought that i would have to come back sometime to go inside of it. I then noticed that the car was sliding as we started down the hill. The dirt road was dry and red. I thought that we could not slow down the car as we went down the hill. I then noticed that the road ahead of us ended at an ashen orange stucco wall. There was a woman with her children to the left of the wall, on a path which followed the road. We would have to turn right to stay on the road. There was a large triangular area of dirt between the wall and the road where cars had made the turn before. I turned the car abruptly, but we were going to fast for the corner. The car lifted onto one wheel and skidded forward, towards the wall. It eventually sank back to the ground and continued down the road. I pulled up to the front of the large building and stopped the car. I felt a little uncomfortable about visiting this city. $F21 and i got out of the car and walked along the wooden boardwalk that ran along the front of the building. I kept thinking about visiting. I knew that i had a week of vacation coming up, and thought that i could just stay here for that amount of time. I wondered whether $F33 would mind me spending another night in his house. I then thought that it would be rather strange for me to do so, as he had only expected me to stay for a night. I then thought that i had surprised him by showing up. I wanted to stay with $F15 while i was in $P56. I did not think that he had expected me to stay an entire week, however. I walked into the main room of the restaurant with $F21. She wanted to get something to eat. I was distracted and kept trying to figure out why i was in $F56. $F21 wandered off into one of the side rooms as a head waiter came over to the group of people with which i was standing. I was confused. I then realized that i was supposed to be in a play this night. We still had one more night of the performance before the week ended. I realized that i could not go to $F15’s house because i would have to travel back home. I started to wonder how late it was. I did not think that i would make it back on time. I was worried that i would miss the play. I had to tell $F21, but i could not see her.

11999 March 21

I was in the large room in the center of the modern building. The room seemed to be several stories tall, and the walls were blue. There seemed to be support beams running up the walls of the room. I thought that i was in $P19. It seemed as though i had just moved into the room of the house. I was just starting to set my things up. I felt very strange being here, however. I walked the length of the room. There was a creek running through the center of the room. I seemed to be high in the room looking down into the center of the room. The creek tumbled over some of the smoothed rocks of the gorge. I was worried that the water of the creek might flood from time to time. I thought that my things in the room would not be safe. I then walked into the center of the room, where the elevator shaft was. I was with some other people. We got in the very small elevator and started up. The man pressed the button and we rose. I wondered whether we would be going all the way to the top floor. I thought that the elevator might be exposed to the outside on the top floor. I was worried that the height might make me nervous. The elevator did not seem to be moving that fast, though. I thought that we were only going up to the first or second floor, which would not be above the level of the large room. I then pressed the button to get back down. The elevator did not seem to be working properly. There was something wrong. I was worried that it might get stuck. I started to crawl out the roof of the elevator. I could see the broken I-beam that hung over the top of the elevator. It was orange with rust. I wondered why i was able to see it. I thought that it meant that the elevator was broken. I was then in the open parking lot outside of the building. There was a large yellow construction truck near us. Something seemed out of place. I then looked back into the hold in the ground out of which i had been climbing. It was the elevator shaft. I realized that there was a large piece of cardboard which had been placed in the elevator. It was blocking the floor of the elevator. It had something to do with the construction vehicle and the disorganization of the room. The cardboard was leaning against the right wall of the elevator, pressing against the buttons. It was telling the elevator to go down. I realized that it was the cause of the elevator’s malfunction. It was also raising the level of the floor in the elevator. Because the cardboard was caught on the side of the elevator, i was not standing on the floor, and therefore could see out the roof of the blue elevator. That was how i was able to see the beams and wires on the top of the elevator, which i was not supposed to see. I then walked back out over the large room. I started to fly through the open lots. I followed the creek upstream. I knew that it might flood sometime, and i was worried about the water ruining all of the houses along its bank. There was snow on the rough terrain below me as i followed the dirt road between the thick pine trees. The road ran along the east side of the creek, and had several houses along it. I felt unsafe, as thought the coming storm was going to bring destruction to the area. I floated over the road. I then started to head towards the large house. I was holding onto a light piece of black cloth, which was blowing in the wind. It was how i was able to fly. I sailed down towards the house. There was a large gravel parking lot on the southwest side of the house. It seemed to have only a few cars in it. The house was some sort of public shop. I started to float out over the parking lot, i knew that others might see me, but i did not want to stop flying. I knew that it was something special that i could do. I floated through the long rectangular gardens outside of the house. There were other people wandering around. I wondered whether the wind from the coming storm would help me fly better. I thought about the light black fabric that i was holding as i drifted through the open areas. The place seemed like a farmers’ market. I knew that my mother was wandering around in one of the dry gardens. The rectangular courtyards were dry and dead from the winter. I felt happy, but out of place. I then landed ion the open garden near the north end of the complex. There was a room to the east which was exposed to the outside and seemed unfinished. I walked towards it. There was a wall to the north of me. It seemed as though i were in a house which was being reconstructed and had been open to the outside. The house seemed to be made of wood, and has a rustic feel to it. I looked south into the rectangular room as i stood in the doorway on the west end of the north wall. I then noticed the man on the other side of the room. He seemed like someone that i knew. He removed the window from the south end of the east wall and started to walk across the room with it. I could not tell whether he was on the inside or outside of the south wall as he walked to the west. The man who was standing behind me then called out to the man carrying the window, asking him why he was moving the window. The man with the window stopped, as if he was unaware that he was doing anything wrong. I looked at the window on the south end of the east wall and realized that it was a painted window. The scene on the glass was mostly grey, and depicted a religious man kneeling. I thought that the window had to be on that wall so that the morning sun could shine through it. It was the only sun bright enough to illuminate the window. I then noticed the small green object on the ground. It was part of a fountain for the center of the garden. I knelt down and lifted the green bowl from the wrappings of the small wooden crate. I held it in my hands, careful not to break it. I was interested in it. The man behind me looked over my shoulder at the bowl. I knew that it went in the center of the room, which was actually an outside garden. I placed the green bowl back in the wrappings of the crate and stood up. I turned to face the north wall of the room. I had just moved in here, and my things were scattered along the wall. I remembered that the large room to the west had a river running through it. I did not want my things to get wet, which is why i stored them in this room. I then noticed the square hole in the ground which extended under the wall to the north. I looked down and realized that there was a crawl space with some equipment in it. I hoped that none of my things fell into the crawl space. I looked into the opening in the cement floor to see that there was some kind of cylindrical tank on the left side of the opening. I thought that it might be a pump. There were several things cluttered around it. I leaned into the hole to move some of the things near the pump when i noticed that there was a deep hole just in front of the pump. It seemed to be a well. I was glad that none of my things had fallen into that hole. I could get things that were in the crawl space, but not in that hole. Just as i thought that, i reached for a pair of white socks which were sitting on the right side of the pump. They tumbled out of my hands and into the well. I cursed and pulled back, away from the hole. I was annoyed that i had dropped the socks.

11999 March 24

I was waiting out side of my grandmother’s house for the rest of my relatives. They were supposed to gather there so that we could go somewhere. I remembered that $K17 was coming to visit us. She was making a special trip into town, and i wondered whether she knew the way. We had to wait for the others. I thought about $K17 coming in from a long way away. She would need instructions to get here. I thought that i should give her some. $K9 was with us as we walked into the restaurant. I knew that $K17 was coming on a certain day, but i would have to pretend that it was Sunday. There was something special about Sunday.

11999 March 26

I was in the basement room of the fraternity house. All of the brothers were upstairs, but i was getting tired. I decided to rest on the couch. I sat down and pulled the large pillow around me. The pillow seemed to have a slot which ran from one edge to the center. I slid my head into the slot and pulled the pillow around my body. It felt very warm. I closed my eyes. Then i heard the brothers around me. Some of them started to come back to the house. It seemed as though they had food with them. They gathered in the room around me. I did not pay attention to them, but kept my eyes closed and leaned back into the couch. I then opened my eyes when the woman to my left on the couch said something. I replied to her in a low voice. I was groggy. I then noticed that none of the others were in the room. They must have left. I reached over to the table lamp that was near the couch and turned it off. I thought that i would be able to sleep better. I noticed that there was one brother left in the room, but he walked out as i turned off the light. I could hear his foot steps moving through the plant room as i closed my eyes again. He walked across the room and out the back door of the house. I tried to fall asleep.

11999 March 28

I was in the large field with the other people. It seemed to be a small town. There was some type of parade traveling down the dirt road between the farming fields. I felt as though i was being dishonest to the people around me. I had come into the small community and was going to take advantage of the people. I walked to the edge of the dirt road. I had to give a presentation, but i was not really familiar with the celebration. There was a woman standing to my right who was whispering hints to me. I had to make my presentation look good. I was facing east, down the dirt road which ran between the farm fields. There seemed to be green crops in the fields. People were lined up on either side of the dirt road. To the southeast, i could see a small bandstand where the older men were standing. They were the important leaders of the community. I felt a little nervous about the presentation. I started to look through the pictures that i was holding in my hand. I then noticed that there was a picture of the old cement foundation of the bandstand. It had an engraving in it which said that it was built in 1972. I thought that this was not correct. I knew that the bandstand was older than that. Everything that they were celebrating here was traditional and should be older than 1972. I wondered what i should do. I did not seem to have a good topic of conversation.

11999 March 29

I moved carefully through the small vents of the apartment building. I was frightened. I was in our old apartment at $P2. There were people in the main apartment, but i was hiding from them. I wondered whether there were really monsters in the vent system. I remembered that i used to think that there were. I looked through the metal vents at someone who was standing in my old bedroom. I felt cautious. I did not want him to see me.

I walked through the long hall of the office building. I seemed to be in the middle of a large city. This was the building in which i worked. There were doors on both sides of the hall, and the place seemed like an old building. It was part of the subway. I came to the end of the hall and found myself in the center of the main terminal. It was rush house, and the large hallway was crowded with people. I knew that everything would be delayed due to the heavy traffic. I felt uneasy. There was something bothering me. I wondered whether i was worried about being late. I decided that i should quickly get all of my things together. I thought that i should leave the house and get to work. I looked around the small room for my things. I felt upset and did not really want to go to work. $F10 was in the house with me. I wanted to stay and talk with him for a while. He sat down on one of the chairs on the deck outside of the house. He slouched into the chair and swung his left arm over his head to get comfortable. He was wearing shorts and no shirt. I could see that he was still attractively detailed. I felt bad about not going into work, but i wanted to stay and talk with $F10. It had been a long time since i had seen him. I decided that i would stay here.

I was in the old run-down house with $F10. The place seemed familiar, but it was decrepit. We were exploring the place as we walked down the narrow hall with the high ceiling. There was water dripping through the walls and ceilings of the building. It seemed rainy outside and i thought that it was somewhat cold here. $F10 walked in the hall ahead of me. He was wearing a heavy denim jacket over a grey hooded sweatshirt. I looked in the large room to the right. It was a bedroom. I noticed that the walls of the room seemed clear. I could see all of the rooms without having to go into them. It then seemed that the walls were really covered with clear plastic sheeting. They had no plaster left on them, and i could see between the beams. I noticed a small crack in the wood of one of the support beams. This pace seemed sad and worn down. I walked outside with $F10. The others came toward the house and greeted us. We knew them and spoke to them as we all looked over the large house. Someone then spotted a white image in one of the windows of the house. It was a ghost. I told the others that a ghost lived here. I then told them that they should not worry; the ghost was strong, but it was not bad.

11999 March 31

I walked down the country road. There was snow on the ground, and there were people walking near me. I was walking home from someplace. I was annoyed that it had snowed again. I remembered that the ground was clear the night before. I remembered running the night before. I then realized that all of the snow must have fallen over night. I had thought that spring had come at last, but i was now disappointed that i had to deal with snow again. I looked down at my feet as i walked. I could see them slipping on the packed snow of the road. I mentioned to the others that i was having difficulty walking. I then came to the corner. I looked to my left. I could see down the road to my parents’ house. I visualized the brown ground that had been on the corner the night before when i had gone running. I then noticed a red car pulling from the driveway of my parents’ house. It was my mother. She was heading to work for the morning. I thought that i should wave to her as she drove past. I thought that she might be upset that i had been out all night and would now be late for work again. I started to slip on the pavement. I could not make it up the slope to the main road. I leaned forward to catch my balance, but my feet slid down the slope. I tried to climb up the black pavement to the right, but it was still slippery. I waved to my mother as she drove by in the red car, but she did not see me. I was too far down the slope. I kept pulling myself up the slope until i had reached the main road. I turned to the right and started walking. The sun reflected off of the white snow on the hill as i started up. A woman walked past me as i waved my hand in front of my eyes to block some of the glare. I then realized that had turned the wrong way. I was heading away from the house. I turned around and looked down the long slope. The house was now very far away. I had been heading in the wrong direction. I started to walk back. I could see the women walking in front of me. I slipped as i walked down the slope, and caught up to them very quickly. I walked past the three of them and continued down the hill. The hill seemed very bright. There were tall snow banks on either side with icicles hanging down from the top of them as they arched over the road. This road did not seem like the correct road. I started to slide down the hill. I decided that i should just stay low to the ground and skate on the slippery road. I started to pick up speed as i moved down the road. I recognized some of the scenery around me. There was a square modern house on the right side of the road that i remembered. It was on the way to my parents’ house. I then noticed the cave ahead and wondered whether i was heading in the correct direction. As i approached, however, i realized that the road did not go into a tunnel, but ran under a large piece of rock which hung over the road. The rock was flat on the underside and had icicles hanging from it. I slid under the rock and noticed the large flat house on the right side of the road. It was yellow. I knew that i was heading in the correct direction, but i thought that i was not on the same road that i thought i was on. I was farther from my parents’ house that i expected. I started to move faster down the hill. I thought that i should pick my feet up from the ground and glide. I knew that it would be easier than trying to keep pace with my movement. I concentrated on floating, but seemed to have difficulty. I put my left foot down a couple of times to slow myself and maintain my balance. I could see the parked cars on the small-town street ahead. I tried to avoid them, but was cautious not to swerve into the oncoming lane of traffic. I could see a truck coming up the hill towards me. I realized that i was near a college. I wondered how i had drifted so far from home. I then walked across the lower room of my parents’ house. I was going to be late for work. I thought that i was not really interested in going. My parents were in the kitchen as i walked in. My father said that we had to get going and asked whether i would drive my mother in. I thought that she had left, but she was in the kitchen with us. I felt strange, and did not want to go to work. I walked out the back door of the house and looked for my car in the driveway. I could see several cars that were parked. There were two green cars up the driveway from me that i did not recognize. They seemed to be Saabs. I then noticed my red car parked beyond them. It was blocked in. I asked my father which car i should drive as i walked away from the house. He motioned to the pickup truck which was parked on the side of the driveway. The truck was light green. I did not recognize it, and did not really want to drive a truck. Everything seemed strange.