12000 March 02

I held the small white mouse in my right hand. It seemed that the mouse was human in some respects. I had taken it from the house, and needed a place to keep it. There was something special about the mouse, but i had to put it in a place that it could not escape from. I tried to hold it without hurting it, but i was worried that it might bite me. It started to squirm. I walked bast the brown paper bag that was on the table near me, thinking that the mouse could easily escape from the box. I had to put it someplace that it could not get out of. It was large for a mouse, and seemed more like a small kitten. I put the mouse into the shallow cardboard box that was on the table to my right, but realized that the walls of the box were not tall enough to prevent the mouse from escaping. I needed a taller box so that the mouse would not get away. I started to feel anxious about putting the mouse somewhere. I had to get him out of my hand. The mouse then seemed to be very human, and i thought that it could be the mouse from the movie Stewart Little. I felt as though i had to put it down right away.

I watched the small red airplane pass in front of me. I was inside of the airplane. It had a rounded fuselage which looked more like a blimp thank a plant. The wings were attached to the plane from the top of the fuselage and were oddly shaped. The entire plane looked as though it were a toy. It was a bright red, with no signs of wear. There were pontoons handing from the ends of the wings. I knew that the plane could land on water if it had to. I was inside the airplane, watching the forest pass under me. My father was flying. I wondered whether he would be able to land the plane. I knew that neither of us knew how to fly. The sun seemed to be setting to the left as the plane turned around and headed back towards the edge of the lake, where we had started the flight. I thought that we really should not have flown the plane because we would now have to land it. The trees below us seemed to be tall thin pines. We seemed to be over an area of wild forest, though i knew that the cabin was near. I wondered whether we would be able to land on the water of the lake safely. We passed low over the tops of the trees as we approached the cabin at the edge of the lake. The sky seemed slightly red and clear. I was floating over the ground near the roof of the cabin. The cabin was large and made of unfinished wood logs. It had a greenish roof and seemed very clean. I had my guitar in my left hand as i floated away from the cabin and started to descend to the ground. The plane passed in front of me as it flew over the cabin. I was surprised at first that i was able to fly, but started to descend slowly. I hoped that i could maintain the levitation and not fall all of the sudden. I felt as though i had gotten into this position, but might not be able to descend slowly if i broke my sense of safety. I started to drift away from the cabin, towards the small red shed that was across the dry lawn of the house. The shed was made of wood, and sat on the lake shore, with it’s entrance facing away from the lake. There was a steep hill on its backside which dropped suddenly to the water. There was a tree growing on the left side of the shed that provided shade. I played my guitar, thinking that the music could keep me elevated longer. I landed on the ground near the shed. The ground seemed very soft, as though covered with pine needles. the other person watched me as i walked around the ground. It seemed that the other person was still in the plane. I wandered towards the house, noticing the five-leafed flower designs on one of the mounds of dirt near the house. I realized that they were a thick rubbery plastic. They were tan, and had been planted in the ground as part of decoration. I pushed one of them with my left toe as i looked at them. The ground moved easily around them. I thought that they must have been put there by the fancy hotel which owned the land. I was still aware of someone watching me as i moved, but i felt peaceful and did not pay attention to them.

12000 March 04

I walked into my parents’ bedroom in their house. I was looking for the dog. I knew that it was around. I walked into the back part of the bedroom and came out into a room that was on the north side of the house. I was lying on the large bed with the thin white dog in front of me. I pet its side. I had been worried about it, but the dog seemed to be fine. The dog had very short stiff hair and was thin, like a greyhound. It raised its head to look at me. I was lying behind it. I then stood up, thinking that i should take the dog out for a while. I walked back across my parents’ house. When i reached the room in the middle of the second floor, i looked out the window to the south. There was a small fenced in yard outside, and it seemed that there was a tree handing over the window to the east. As i looked out the window, it seemed that i was facing west. I quickly noticed a black bird sitting on the top of the tall chain-link fence on the other side of the yard. I also noticed that there was a man in a tan trench coat on the outside of the fence. He seemed to be following the bird. The bird moved from the west side of the fence to the south side and back. The man followed it. I thought that the bird might be tagged as part of a study. I could not see any of the white tags on its body, though. The bird jumped off of the fence suddenly and swooped across the yard. It flew into one of the windows on the south side of the room that i was in. I could barely see it fly across the room. I noticed that the man started after it. I walked across the room to the south, which now seemed like the east. I was on the second floor of my parents’ house. The man then stepped from the doorway on the south side of the hall. He said that he was looking for the bird. I looked to the north to see if i could spot the bird in the room. I then looked at the man, who was standing to the northeast of me. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could tell that he was slightly fat. He seemed heavy, and had curly hair across his chest and down his torso. The hair on his head seemed black with traces of grey. It was short and he had a bushy mustache. He looked to the west as he waved his thin button-down shirt in the air. He was looking for the bird. He was then holding the black bird. I looked at the crow as he held it. I noticed that the bird had two large white tags on wither side of its head. I had not noticed them before. I then remembered that i had seen this bird before in the yard. The man held the bird close to my face, demonstrating it to me. The bird struggled a little, and i did not want it that close to me. I called it a crow and looked at its eyes. I pushed it away as the man showed it to me, though. I walked to the north, where the dog had left the house. I then wondered where the dog had gone. I seemed to be distracted. Someone came up to me from the east and started talking to me as i stood on the back porch of my parents’ house. I wondered where the dog had gone.

I walked across the parking lot to the southwest. There was a large white building to the south of me. I seemed to be on the back side of the building. It was sunny outside, and there was green grass on the ground. It still seemed somewhat cold, though. The parking lot was thin and stretched between the large building and the main road. It was separated from the main road by a patch of grass. I looked over the side of the building. One of the sections was square, with vertical lines in the cement wall. Everything was white. I knew that the building was part of a church. I remembered that the other people were part of the church, but i did not feel like i belonged to it. I was inside of the building in a room which seemed like a recreation room. It seemed like the basement of the church. I wondered whether i should be here. I thought that i should leave before anyone found me here. The floor of the room seemed to be cement, with a thin green carpet covering it. The walls were plain and there were chairs scattered around the edges of the room. I then heard movement from the floor above me. I knew that the woman was about to leave the church. She would be coming down through the lower room where i was. I walked out of the recreation room and into the adjoining garage. The garage seemed to be a place where cars were serviced. It was to the east of the room, and had a door on the north wall which led outside. I felt as though i should run quickly outside before the woman found me, but i did not. I imagined myself running out of the back door of the building before the woman came. I then started talking to the others who were in the room. I felt uncomfortable, but thought that i should pretend that i belonged here. I walked back into the main section of the recreation room and headed towards the table which ran along the west wall. It had food on it. I thought that i should eat with the others. I picked up a piece of food from one of the plates on the table. I felt as though i were only here for the food and wondered whether the people in the room were bothered. I looked around for something to put the food on, but there was nothing in sight. I was standing on the west side of the table, facing east. I noticed a piece of paper towel on the table to my left, but i remembered that there were plates. I asked aloud if there were plates as i moved around the north end of the table and into the center of the room. I then noticed that there were small plates on the other table in the center of the room, to the south. I walked over to them and picked up one of the large purple paper plates. I then noticed that there was some food on it. It seemed that someone had used it for a brownie. I flipped through the plates and noticed that several had the same markings on them. The woman stood to the southeast of me as i flipped through the plates. She seemed concerned and that i was disrupting their party. She felt as though i was not part of this church and was not aware that the plates were always like that. I thought that someone must have picked up the plates from a previous event, not aware that they had already been used. I placed the purple plates back down on the table and looked for the small white plates. I then decided that i should leave this place. I walked back to the west and came into the small hotel room. My parents were with me, but left quickly to the east to get their things ready. I remembered that i had been staying in this room for a short time. I felt uncomfortable here. Something was not right. The place seemed familiar, but i knew that i was not fully welcome here. I thought that i should pack my things. I then noticed the small plant on the counter to the south. The counter seemed to divide the main part of the hotel room from the kitchen. The plant seemed dry. I remembered that i had taken it with us, but i had forgotten to water it. I poured some water into the small square pot. I then remembered that i had another plant which i had left on the window sill to the north. I walked to the large window and pulled open the heavy drapes. They seemed dark in colour. I thought that the plant should be totally dehydrated. I noticed, however, that the tiny triangular vase was still filled with water, even though the plant on top was brown. I picked up the vase and looked at it. I noticed that the roots of the plant were still green. I wondered whether it would re-grow. I pulled the dry brown leaves from the top of the very tiny vase and brought the vase into the room. I thought that i would try to re-grow it.

12000 March 05

It was dark out. I walked back from the town with my mother. It seemed as though we had just come from some event and were returning to my house. There were buildings around us and trees lining the streets. We walked to the east, up the slope of the street. We seemed to be walking down the center of the street. This place seemed like $P30. I knew that my house was to the northeast of us. I thought about the lecture as i looked over the sky ahead of us. It was partially obscured by the dark leaves of the huge tree on the left side of the road. I wondered whether we would be approaching the university. It seemed that there were things happening there that were mysterious. I then noticed a dark grey object appear from around the tree. It looked like an extraterrestrial saucer. It had a round wide bottom with a short cylinder on top. It curved to the right and swooped in a circle back towards the east until it was behind the tree again. I noticed the detail on the underside of the craft and thought that i had finally seen an extraterrestrial field-propulsion craft. I then wondered whether the craft was real. It was moving as though suspended on a string from above. I looked to the left side of the tree, expecting to see the craft complete its circular path just over the tree line, but it did not appear. I wondered whether the disc was real. I then started to worry that we might be in danger from the place. I looked around the sky but did not see any other lights. My mother became nervous and wanted to get to my house quickly. I wrapped my right arm in her left and walked down the road. We then turned to the north, following a trail which wandered down into the gorge. I knew that this trail would cut over the hill on the north side of $P3 and come out near my house. We walked down the dark trail, heading down hill towards the dim lamp posts. There seemed to be a blue emergency light in the center of the trail near the bottom of the hill. It was on a black post and had a yellow metal phone box under it. We came out of the woods on the other side of the gorge, near a house. My mother said that the trail had headed in the wrong direction. We turned left and headed west. I knew that it was the easiest route, but my mother knew that my house was still to the northeast. She thought that we should have turned the other way. I knew that the trail did not reconnect to the road for quite some time in the other direction, however. I thought that we could follow the trail to the west, up a short driveway and come out on the main road which ran along the top of the hill. The driveway curved to the north to meet the main road, which ran east-to-west and had an intersection with a road that ran to the north. We could take the road to the north for a short while before turning to the east again and heading up the steep hill. We were heading to the house just up the hill. As we came to the driveway on the west, however, my mother said that we had to head east. She turned to the southeast and started down a steep hill to the trail which ran east along the creek. I told her that she was heading the wrong direction, but she did not want to listen. I knew that we could be on the main road in a little while if we went west. I was aggravated that my mother would not listen, but i knew that she would have to return to the driveway if i did not follow. There was a house directly to the south of us. I watched her climb down the steep dirt slope as i walked to the house. I was then in the kitchen of the house. I thought that i had to find something, but i knew that i should not be in the house. I wondered when my mother would return from the basement. I knew that she would knock on the white door on the east wall of the kitchen. I had to get some things organized in the house. I did not want the people who owned the house to know that i was there. I started to collect my things, but realized that they were scattered all over the floor. I was worried that the people who lived in the house would wake up. I then heard a soft meow at the white door. The cat had returned. I knew that it was my mother. I hurriedly gathered my things. I seemed very disorganized as i moved into the living room of the house. There was a set of stairs which ascended to the east on the south wall. I could hear the owners of the house snoring from upstairs. I tried not to make any noise as i gathered my things. I made sure not to leave any traces that i had been in the house, but i wondered whether they had heard me and called the police. I picked up my things, but realized that i could not carry them all at once. I then noticed a plastic bag on the blue cushioned chair to the west of me. It had a pair of brown corduroy pants and a red, blue, and white plaid shirt rolled up in it. I thought that i could dump out the clothing and simply take the bag. I did not think that the man would miss the bag. I walked across the room with the two small bags in my hand. Looked at all of the things that i had scattered across the floor. I wondered how i was going to pick all of them up. I had to leave before they woke up. I felt very panicked as i gather some of the small items from the floor. Just when i thought i had gathered everything, i noticed that there were some more things of mine. I could not leave any trace that i had been in the room. I stood up with several things when i noticed that there was still a map on the floor. I bent over to pick it up, dropping the small items that i had gathered in my hand. I wondered why i did not put the small items in a larger plastic bag. I lifted the map with my left hand. It was wrinkled and partially folded. It was folded so that only a single horizontal fold was left. I had to fold it vertically, though, to make it fit in my pocket. As i lifted it, though, it rustled. I was worried that it would make too much noise. I had to get out of the room. The map was too wrinkled to fold quietly. I heard some snoring again and decided that i should simply leave. I fretted that i did not have all of my things together.

I spoke to the other person about my apartment. I remembered walking into the kitchen of the apartment with a bag of groceries. The place seemed dirty, and the kitchen was small, with a room to the east and a room to the northeast. There was a round table on the northwest corner of the room which as covered with paper grocery bags. The walls seemed a dingy yellow. The other person mentioned that his roommate always left his groceries in the center of the table. I remembered bringing in a bag and finding no place to put it. There seemed to be a dirty sink and counter along the south wall. I knew that the sink was full of dirty dishes. An old white refrigerator stood between the doorways on the east wall. I lived with the other person, who seemed to be one of $G3. I lived with him on the southeast side of the town. We talked about our apartment. I pictured my bedroom, which was on the southeast corner of the house. My bed was covered with a dull yellow bed spread which matched the dingy walls. The bed was along the east wall on the north side of the room. There seemed to be an small, old, wooden desk across from it which was lightly stained. I told the person that i had started keeping food in my room because the other roommate always bought so many things. I then realized that i had moved out of the apartment a while ago. I had moved into my house. I told the other person “I have to get the rest of my things out of the apartment.” I wondered what i still had in the apartment and wondered how i could move them into the house. I thought that they would take up more room in the house. I pictured the basement apartment as i moved through it. It seemed very nostalgic, and i remembered living there with the other two people. I then wondered how i could have lived there. I remembered living in a different apartment before i moved into the house. I tried to remember when i had lived with the two people. It seemed to be a long time ago, but i could remember it. I also still had things in my room and it seemed that i was paying rent. I wondered how both timelines could be true. Something was not correct.

12000 March 06

I grabbed $F10 around the waist and dragged him to the ground. I felt good and we were enjoying ourselves. I thought that it had been a long time since i had been able to do something athletic with someone else. He wrestled with me, wrapping his right arm under my left shoulder and pulling me down. I wanted to be more aggressive, but felt unsure. Something seemed wrong.

I had moved into the new house. I walked around the wide front porch of my new house, looking at the high arching ceiling. I thought that this place seemed rather large. As i walked through the large living room in the center of the house, i wondered why i had moved to this place. I remembered that i had just moved into a new house not too long ago. It seemed strange that i would have moved out of it so soon and moved here. The room i was in seemed very open, with very high ceilings. The walls were pale yellow and seemed to be made of vertical wood boards. What little furnishings were in the room were against the walls. The place reminded me of a southern manor with wide open spaces in the middle of the rooms. I thought that my mother actually liked this new house, I walked out the back door of the house, onto the back porch. The air seemed warm and the din light diffuse. I wondered at the house as i looked it over. I could not understand why i had moved from my last house. I then wondered how i would be able to pay for the new house. I was still paying for the last one. As i walked around the outside of the house, i noticed that there were icicles hanging from the edge of the porch roof. I thought that i should take them down before they cause water to back up on the roof. I knocked a few of the icicles down as i walked to the edge of the porch, which aligned with the end of the house. I seemed to be on the east side of the house, but i felt as though the orientation of the building was changing. I realized that i did not know exactly where i was. It felt as though i were in Florida, or some other near-tropical state. The air seemed warm and i thought that the ground would be sandy and flat. I was vaguely aware of other tall city buildings around me as i moved off of the porch and to the side of the house. I turned to look at the eastern edge of the house. There was a large icicle handing down the side of the pale yellow house. It was hanging to the left of what seemed to be a brick chimney. As i looked at the ice, i noticed that it was catching on some ornamental stone on the outside of the house. There was a fake pillar which ran along the stucco exterior of the house. The pillar had a flourish in the center of it which seemed to be nicely carved. I thought that the ice would ruin the decorations, so i tried to pull it off. As i removed the ice, i realized that it was covering a large wooden clock. The face of the clock was white and was surrounded by polished wood etchings. I wondered whether the clock would be damaged by the large amount of ice that had formed from the edge of the room. I then backed away from the house and walked to the east. I had been on the west side of the house and was now heading around the front, the north side. There seemed to be tall office buildings or hotels in the area around the house. I seemed to be downtown. I wondered whether it was a better place to live than my old house. I realized that i would not have to deal with electrical noise like my old house had. as i came around to the front of the house i noticed that it had a very large porch. The heavy roof over the porch was supported by large round greek columns. There seemed to be many flourished in the architecture. The roof was supported by arches from the tops of the columns and seemed to be two or three stories above my head. I wondered how i was able to afford such an expensive house. As i stood in the driveway looking over the house, i started to wonder about the city. I thought that it must be downtown $P14, even though there were palm trees to the west of me. there was a road running on the west side of the house which separated the rough grass of the small yard from the large white hotel across the street. I turned to the north to see the thick green plants that were growing in front of the house. They separated the small loop of a driveway from the side road. I then looked down the main road to the north. I could see the hills above the town where i used to have my house. the buildings on the main road were tan and pink and reminded me of Key West. My mother then seemed to be in front of the house with me, standing to the southeast of me. I could not figure out why i would have moved from my old house. I knew that i would not be able to afford a new mortgage. The situation seemed very strange.

12000 March 07

I sat at the table with other $G3. The table was small and round and seemed like a white cafe table. There were three other people at the table with me, and it seemed as though we were having a meeting. $A59 sat across the table from me. He started the conversation about what was going on at $P19. He then looked at me to continue the sentence. I knew that i was more familiar with the topics of $P19, but felt uneasy having to talk. I told the others what was happening at $P19. I used the word news. As i spoke, i thought that there was another topic which i should be telling them about. I finished about the news and continued to speak. $A59 started to say something, but referred the others to me as i spoke. I told them all o knew about the place. It then seemed that we were sitting at the edge of a room which had many people in it. They were all $G3. It seemed that we were sitting outside, between some tall plain grey city buildings. The others then started speaking. I tried to think of something. I pictured the country in my head. I could see a map which seemed to be North America. The west side of the region was yellow. There was a second country to the east which was red and almost square. It had a rounded northwest corner and a rectangular niche removed from the southeast corner. It was surrounded by a green area to the southeast which was another country. I then started to wonder where this area was. It was so familiar, but i knew that it could not be North America. It did not make sense. There was no such country in North America. The United States and Canada were the only two countries in the region that i was looking at. Something was wrong with what i was thinking. I decided that i must be thinking of someplace else, but i did not know where. I stood up and walked around the east side of the table, to my right. The others in the room were talking. It seemed that the meeting was still going on. I walked to the west, into the kitchen as the man spoke to the crowd. I realized that the man speaking was the chef. The kitchen was narrow, with a long metal counter on the south wall. There seemed to be a dish machine in the center of the counter. I noticed that there were packets of frozen meat sitting out on the counter to the north. It looked like ground beef, but i wondered whether it might be ground turkey. I then looked to the southeast, on the corner of the counter. There did not seem to be a wall between the dining room, where the people where, and the kitchen. There were several whole chickens on the silver counter which were wrapped in clear plastic bags. The skin was pimpled as i looked closely at them. I wondered what the chef was going to cook for dinner. I noticed a hole in the top of one of the chickens. As i looked closer, i noticed that there was a white and red plastic thermometer in the hole. I wondered whether the chef would cook the chicken enough to be safe. It seemed somewhat unsanitary. I then remembered the countries. I tried to focus on the red borders. It seemed so familiar, but i knew that it could no be where i had thought that it was. I wondered suddenly whether it was on another continent. I tried to place it in the center of Africa. It seemed to fit, but i felt that it was much better in North America. I wondered whether the concept of the country was from the future. I knew that i had seen it before, and it seemed so real. I was sure that it had come from someplace other than a dream, but i could not decide where. I wanted to figure out where it was.

12000 March 08

I was in the locker room, which seemed to be in the back of $P7. I was changing into my gym clothes. I thought that i would go work out for a while. I then noticed the other man walking along the row of red lockers. I greeted him and we started talking. I recognized him. He was one of the wrestlers on the college team. There was another person with him. We talked for a few minutes as i finished putting on my shorts and shoes. He then mentioned the man who always roamed the locker room looking at people. I laughed at the joke as i tied my right shoe. As i stood up, he asked me about $G1. He said that i must be in shape for running. I told him that i did not run that often any more. I said that i had not run in about a month. I then felt as though i wanted to go running with the others. I knew that $G1 would come to the small room where we were to warm up for their run. It seemed as thought the wrestler was going to run with them. A tall thin man then walked into the room from the left. He was wearing light blue long tights and a dark blue sweat shirt. The wrestler referred to the man by name and joked that he would go running with him. We knew that the man was a very fast runner. The man walked over to the couch, which was in front of me, against the back wall of the room, and sat down. The wrestler was sitting to his left. I said that i could run with the man and then added “for about a block”. I felt slightly uneasy with the conversation, but i felt as though i wanted to relate to the other people. I thought that i would go running with them. I wondered whether i would be in shape to do so.

12000 March 10

The large american car pulled off the side of the road in front of my parents’ house. I watched as the woman driving the car pulled into the lawn of the house. She asked me for directions to someplace. I knew where she wanted to go and told her that she would have to travel west on the road. The road seemed very flat and had farming fields on all sides. The grass of the fields was dry, as though it were late autumn. There seemed to be hills to the southwest. I followed the car as started to pull back from the center of the lawn. I wondered whether it would get stuck in the dirt on the lawn. It seemed damp out, and i thought that the ground might be wet. The car drove across the street to the field on the other side. I thought that the driver was not controlling the car too well. She was simply supposed to back into the road but had over-shot. I felt slightly uncomfortable about the driver, thinking that he was going to get stuck on the side of the road. I was then inn the back seat of the car. The car pulled out of the field and started down the road to the west. I had been telling the people in the car where to go. It seemed as though they were unfamiliar with the area. There was a man driving the car and a woman in the passenger’s seat. The car seemed like a large american automobile from the mid-seventies. I suddenly realized that i should not be riding with the other people. I asked thought that they would let me out of the car as soon as they knew where they wanted to go, but we kept heading down the road. I started to feel frustrated with them. I asked them if they would pull over, but they did not seem to notice what i said. There was a young man sitting to my left in the back seat. I then noticed that there was an intersection ahead of us where a road turned off of the one that we were on and headed to the northwest. There was an old red barn on the corner just before the turn. The people were going to turn right and continue on the other road. I did not want to travel any further with them and felt angry that they would not stop the car. As they started to make the turn i demanded that they stop the car. I felt as though i should become violent to let them know what i wanted. The car pulled over to the side of the road just past the intersection. I looked at the man in the back seat of the car. I felt as though i knew him and wanted to talk to him. Instead, i hurried out of the car and turned to head back down the road. The ground under me was dry and covered with small stones. I started to jog back towards the house, thinking about how far the house now was. I did not feel like walking the entire distance. As i started to jog, however, i felt the ground hitting my feet through the soles of my shoes. I realized that i was wearing an old pair of sneakers. The cushioning had worn out under them, and they were relatively flat. It would hurt to jog all the way back on them. I felt disappointed and annoyed.

12000 March 11

I joined the others as we walked down the road which led through the wooded area. I seemed to be walked with my mother. My father trailed behind us. There was a man leading us as we walked east. The road seemed more like a gravel path and i felt as though we were following the man on a hunt. We came to the end of the path, where it met with another gravel path that was running north to south. The small irish setter ran around us on the path from the south and headed to the west again. I knew that it was the tracking dog. The other dog, a small long-haired grey animal, stayed right next to the man as he walked. I thought that the grey dog was supposed to stay with the man and lead him to the tracking dog. I looked back up the trail to the west to see the tracking dog stopped on the south side of the path. There was a small grassy area on the south side of the path where the dog sat. It was facing us, and there was a small animal on the ground in front of it. The small grey dog started to lead the man back towards the other dog. I thought that the grey dog had better hearing than the human hunters, so it would be able track the lead dog from a great distance while the lead dog went to capture the prey. As we approached the irish setter, i noticed that there was a squirrel lying on its back in front of it. The dog must have found it. I wondered why the squirrel was laying so still. I thought that the dog must have its paw on top of it. I walked around to the north side of the dog and looked over the squirrel. The animal was not really a squirrel, but a raccoon. I realized that the raccoon was injured. The dog must have attacked it. It moved slowly, as though trying to sit up. I could see small marks across its face and grey chest. I suddenly felt bad for the animal. I realized that there was nothing the people could do for it. The dog was not supposed to have attacked it. The injuries were an accident. The man walked around to the head of the animal and lifted it. The animal acted with human motions, as though trying to focus its consciousness. It moved its arms, trying to grasp something in the air. I felt as though we should do something for the animal, but i knew that there was nothing to do. My parents, who had been standing behind me, started to back down the trail to the west. The man started to stand up from the animal. The raccoon reached out for the man, as if pleading for help. I felt sad that we were not going to help it. I wondered why the raccoon did not try to bite the man. I thought that it was still a wild animal and should act out instinctively. I started to feel very upset for the animal, but continued to leave with the others. The dogs wandered around us as we walked away. I was upset and walked into the bottom corridor of the house. I turned to the north and headed up the stairs. I had to get the rest of my things together .It seemed as though we had been staying here but were packing to go. The second floor was narrow and there was a blue bed along the south wall. I started to gather clothing as my father walked up the stairs.

12000 March 13

I left the small house in the suburban area and started to drive through the neighbourhood. The roads were narrow, and all of the houses seemed tightly packed. They were all single level houses, making the area feel like a Florida planned community. I followed the small paved road as it looped into one of the housing areas. It seemed nothing more than a driveway, but it passed through several houses. This place seemed like it was the community around my new home. I felt new to this place. I moved down the road to the north, passing the thick vegetation which was growing on the left side of the road. The vegetation seemed tropical, with wide leaves and thick green stems. The sun was bright and somewhat diffuse, and the air seemed very warm. I turned to the left to head down the small driveway towards the tall tan building which was a hotel. It had a car port off this front which was supported by two round columns at the front. There seemed to be red flowers on wither side of the entrance and a bellhop in a white jacket walking towards the door from the left. I turned around in the car port and rode by bicycle back down the road. I turned right onto the main road and headed back towards the house. I then started to wonder where the other man who was on the bicycle had gone. I remembered that i had just passed him as i was riding, but i could not see where he was. I found myself near the pale green house again. I seemed to be in the back yard of the house, to the west of it. I rode my bicycle to the north, thinking that i should head out to look for the man. I knew that he must be in the neighbourhood somewhere. I then notice a man walking in the opposite direction from me. He walked calmly, but there was a swarm of bees hovering around his head. I was shocked at the site and wondered what had happened. I thought that he had broken into a nest and had angered the bees. I looked around and noticed several bees flying through the air. I thought that i should get out of the area before i got stung. I looked to the north to see an elderly couple driving by in a large american car. The car seemed to be late sixties in style and was light blue. There were bees swarming around the heads of the people in the car. There seemed to be bees everywhere. I felt scared and ran back to the house, which was to the southeast of me. I ran into the house from the south and closed the door behind me. I did not want the bees to get in. I felt panicked. I looked across the long open room, which ran east to west. The walls of the room seemed pale green, and the floor was dark. I closed all of the doors in the house to make sure that the bees would not come in. I wondered whether they would be able to squeeze through the cracks, however. I knew that they would swarm around the neighbourhood. I ran to the window on the west end of the room and looked out. I could see bees covering the glass. I felt scared and wondered what i could do to keep them from coming into the house. I knew that they would eventually start to come in under the door.

12000 March 14

I was on the east end of the shopping mall. The corridor in which i was walking seemed to lead to the outside of the building. There was a small diner on the south side of the corridor, just before the mall entrance. I walked into the diner and headed east. The entrance was on the west side of the north wall and led directly into an area which seemed to be counter service only. The diner was divided by a protruding wall from the south which seemed to enclose the kitchen or dish area. To the east was a dining room. The west wall of the dining room was slanted so that it led away to the southeast. I spotted $F5 at the second booth along the west wall of the dining area. He was with $F23. They sat across from each other, with $F5 in the seat on the south side. I said hello to them and thought that it was interesting to see them again. $F5 did not really seem interested in talking. He seemed rather evasive and blunt. I felt uncomfortable and started to feel that he did not want me around. The waiter then walked over to the table from the center of the room. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt. I realized that it was $A192. He brought $F5 some food and then handed me a menu. I looked it over but realized that it was only a dessert menu. $A192 mentioned that it was near closing time and i realized that the regular kitchen must be closed already, so they were only serving the desserts. I said that i did not want anything from the restaurant and said that i would have to go somewhere else to eat a dinner. It did seem late in the evening, though, and i wondered why i would be eating so late. $F5 kept looking at the table under him and did not say much to me. I felt uncomfortable because he was avoiding talking to me. He then got up to leave. He said that he had to get somewhere. I acknowledged him and thought that i should be heading out as well. $F5 hurried out of the restaurant and down the hall. I stood up and left the restaurant. I remembered that i would have to go back through the mall to get to my car. As i exited the restaurant, though, i heard a loud bell. The mall had closed and a large metal gate lowered over the entrance. There were a few people standing around on the sidewalk just outside of the door. I thought that i would have to walk around the outside of the mall until i got to my car. I thought that i could fly around the parking lot as i started to walk to the south. I swam through the air, pulling the wind past me with a breast stroke. I floated over the parking lot as i moved along the east side of the building. I switched my movements to a crawl stroke, but realized that i could move faster if i pulled t the air. I rounded the southeastern corner of the mall and started to the west. I was concentrating on my swim stroke. As i stated to cross a small section of the parking lot i realized that there was a small grove of trees to the south. They separated the small parking lot from another parking lot which was at a lower level. I remembered that i had parked my car in that lower lot. I looked back at the lot as i headed to the west. I could now see it below the grassy hill on the south side of the trees. I had gone past my car and now turned around and started to head to the south. I carefully floated over the tall green trees. I felt as though i should be careful not to get caught on the branches. I was then aware that the people back at the east entrance to the mall might be watching me. I wondered whether i should have been flying in public.

I was standing in front of the large decrepit house which was in the middle of the suburban area. I seemed to live in the house. It was wooden, and the yellow paint of the siding had been scraped off of most of the boards, leaving only minor streaks of yellow and black. My father was standing in front of me as i spoke to him. We then noticed that the small white house next door had black smoke drifting out of the roof. The house was at the bottom of a short grassy hill from where we were. Our large yellow house seemed to be facing southwest, even though there was only a short distance of lawn between our house and the single-level white house just below us. We both thought that there might be a fire in the other house and ran down the hill to investigate. There was an entrance door on the north corner of the white house which was on the southwest side of the small entranceway. My father entered the door and walked into the furnace room. I thought that he would be checking to make sure that the furnace was not on fire. I looked to the southeast, down the corridor which ran along the outside of the house. There was a set of steps which seemed to lead into the basement ahead of me. I looked into the darkness of the area, wondering whether i would be able to see anything. I suddenly wondered whether the neighbour’s dog was in the house. I thought that we should help it get out. My father came out of the door and said that there was nothing in the furnace room. He then walked down the stairs to check the other section of the basement. I walked to the right and came out in the kitchen, which seemed to be in the south corner of the house. The kitchen was which and rather small. It was open to the southwest, into the area in which i was standing, which seemed like a dining room. There was a counter top on the northeast wall with a sink in the center of it. The cupboards seemed to be made of stained wood. The southwest wall of the kitchen had some tall cupboards and closets on it, and the northeast wall had a refrigerator on the near end with a white stove next to it. Everything seemed very clean and well kept, and it appeared as though there were cloyingly sweet trinkets on shelves and table tops. I immediately noticed that the white stove was smoking, and that the smoke was traveling along the ceiling to a small vent, where it was being sucked out of the room. I thought that the vent must lead directly outside. I walked over to the stove and opened the oven with my right hand. There was a dark cast-iron kettle inside. I realized that there was really nothing wrong with the smoke and decided that i should leave before the owners of the house returned. They would not want me to be here. I hurriedly started to collect my things from the dining room table. I had to get out before the older couple returned. I then realized that i had scattered my things all over the kitchen. I tried to collect them all, but did not seem to be able to hold all of them. I ran over to the stove to turn the burners back off, but the controls did not seem to be working properly. I turned the large black knobs on the front of the stove, but the blue flames did not go out. I turned the black knob all the way back to the off position, thinking that i could reset the pilot light of the burners. They all turned back on, though. I thought that there must be some trick to them, but i did not know how to use them. I left them on low and ran back to the dining room table to grab the rest of my things. I thought that i had to leave no trace that i had been in the house. Then i heard the older couple coming back to the house. They were outside the kitchen door. It seemed that i had heard a car approach. I picked up the large folded maps in my arms and started out of the room. I realized that there was music playing. I had left the stereo on in the house. I decided that i did not have time to go back into the house to turn it off so i continued out the back door as the people were coming in the front. I could hear the song that was playing. It was an Aerosmith song. I ran out the back of the small house and up the old wooden stairs to the large house on the hill. The house was run down and unkempt, but it was where i lived. My father was repairing it. I walked across the porch which was along the back side of the house. I then noticed the set of shoes on the porch with springs attached to the bottoms of them. I tried them on. I wanted to act as though i had been doing something. then one of out neighbours arrived. He was $A29. He stood next to my father on the porch and watched as i tried out the spring shoes. He mentioned that the shoes were interesting and asked me whether i could jump up to the ceiling. I looked up to see the ceiling of the porch very far above us. It was a few stories up. I thought that it would be very hard to jump that high, even with the springs. The ceiling was made of slats of wood which had been stripped of their paint and looked worn and old. $A29 spoke with my father for a moment. I then mentioned the fire to him, saying that there had been smoke coming out of his house.

12000 March 18

I walked along the south wall of the cafeteria. There was a large crowd of people eating in the very narrow room. The room seemed white. The south wall was covered with tall shelves, which seemed to contain food items. I climbed into one of the wooden shelves as someone in the room spoke. The woman seemed somewhat heavy and was wearing a formal white dress. She seemed to be the queen. I moved to the back of the small cubicle hole in the shelf when i realized that the front shelf was tipping away from the wall. I grabbed onto the second set of shelves, but the weight of the first set seemed to be too far forward. Both sets started to fall. As they fell, i thought that i should move my feet so that they were not poking through the shelves. If i landed with them on the underside, the shelves might land on them. I tried to maneuver through the shelves to get out of their way as they fell. Everything seemed to be moving very slowly. There was something strange with the situation. It seemed to be frozen in time as i thought about it.

I drove down the road with the other person. He seemed to be $Z. Something seemed strange about where we were. We drove to the northwest, along the dirt road which ran along the ocean. I looked behind be and could see the mushroom cloud of the small explosion. I remembered that there had been a bomb near one of the cities. It was a terrorist attack. I could see part of the missile rising out of the top of the orange cloud, arching in a trail of grey smoke until it fell back into the cloud. I did not seem too concerned about the event, as though i were watching it on television. I then turned to look forward. $Z was driving the truck. He seemed familiar, as though he were a close friend, but i could not tell who he was. I then noticed that there were several small vehicles parked on the road in front of us. The road seemed to be blocked off. There was an intersection ahead of us, in the middle of the flat, dirt-covered plain. There seemed to be short, dry grass on wither side of the road, and the air seemed very warm and dry. There were several cars stopped just in front of the intersection with the passengers wandering around. They seemed confused. As we approached the intersection, i noticed that there was a chain-link fence closed across the road. I realized that the military base in the area had been blocked off. I wondered whether something had happened. I knew that the read was a common route of transport across the desert, and i wondered how we could travel around the base. I then started to wonder what was wrong. I walked with $Z around the stopped cars at the intersection. I realized that the other vehicles near us were all minivans. They were orange with yellow roofs and had a green stripe along the midsection. They seemed to be parked in various positions along the road, as though they had simply been scattered. I started to walk away from the base. I thought that we should get out of the area. Something did not seem right. $Z walked with me. He was leading a dog with a leash. He seemed, for a moment, like $A243. We walked away from the entrance to the base. Something was happening, though, and i felt that we should hide. The area around us seemed forested, and there was a wooden shack to the north. $Z and i walked into the shack as the troops approached. I thought that we should hide. As soon as we were inside, though, i realized that this place was a small bunker. It was only big enough for a single person, but had a small wooden toilets on the east side of the room. I looked at the toilet as i stood with the entrance door behind me, to the south. $Z stood on the east side of the room, looking west at the toilet. He then walked to the east, into the hidden section of the room. I followed him, realizing that the apartment was much larger than it had seemed. All of the surfaces were covered with unfinished plywood. The other room seemed to wrap around the smaller room, running along the east side before opening up into a larger bedroom on the north. I looked to the south as i heard the people approaching from the outside. $Z crouched in the southeast corner of the room, his golden retriever sitting along the wall to the north of him. I pet the dog’s head, telling $Z that i liked dogs. I thought, for a moment, that if i could get to know the dog, $Z might be more interested in me. I the turned my attention to the people who came into the room. Two men entered the room. I walked casually near them as they looked over the living quarters. They did not expect anyone to be in the room. They then left, and i told $Z that i would be going out with them. I asked $Z to come, but he did not seem interested. He was $F10. $F10 said that he wanted to stay in the room and rest. I was disappointed that he did not want to come outside. As i walked out of the house, i realized that there were several people walking from the military base on the west to where we were. I realized that they had come in the small orange vans. They were the special people who were chosen to stay in the small camp. Something had happened to the world. I then remembered the bomb explosion that i had seen. I realized that these people were chosen by the government to survive the catastrophe. I felt uneasy and wondered when they would catch me. The people all seemed very young as they walked into the encampment. Several of them talked as they passed me. Then one walked up to me. I thought that he was going to catch me for being in the camp. He spoke to me as if i were one of them, and then asked me where my identification card was. I remembered that all of them were wearing badges on their shirts to identify them as part of the project. He said that i should get one. I realized that they thought that i was part of the project. I told the man that i did not have my photograph badge. I then told him the $F10 did not get one either. He said that we should be sure to get some. He walked away. I started to walk to the south, down the stairs, where there seemed to be a room where some of the others were gathering. I thought that all of the people would have been specially picked for their skills. I knew that they were each skilled in special areas of science and education. I thought that i could tell the people that i was an astrophysicist. I remembered that $F10 was an engineer. I thought that we probably knew enough about science to mislead the others for a time. I wished that $F10 had come out with me. The man near me then said that i had better get a photographed badge soon. I thought that we could simply get one done and become part of the protected community. I wandered to the east, down the wide stairs and through the small dining area. Someone asked me what i studied. I told them that i had studied astrophysics. I then mentioned that $F10 had studied some kind of engineering. I referred to him as a geek. I thought that i could get something to eat. I wondered whether we would be out of place here. As i moved to the east, though, i noticed that there were people running towards us from over the rounded green hills. They were shouting. They were people from the general population who were trying to attach the compound for food. I then heard the gun fire as the military soldiers defended the compound. I felt uneasy. I knew that i did not belong here, but did not want to be part of the people outside. I walked back into the eating area and looked at the cupboard on the east side of the area. It was full of food. I opened several of the drawers to see what was there. I noticed that there were several bags of potato chips along with other supplies. I wondered what we should do. I wanted $F10 to be out with me rather than sleeping in the room. I started to wander back to the room.

12000 March 19

I was in the back room of my parents’ house. I looked out a window on the north side of the room. There was a storm coming. I knew that it was a tornado. I told my parents that we had to hide in the basement of the house. I looked out the north window of the basement. I could only see grey clouds in the sky over the tree line. There was something obscuring my view as i looked. I wondered where the funnel cloud was. I then backed away from the window and looked around the basement. I thought that we should get to a corner of the house were it was safe. I remembered that there was a certain corner in which people were supposed to hide. I thought that it was the northwest corner. I thought about the north west corner of the basement and thought that it would not be safe. There was a large door on the west wall of the basement which would not be safe. I thought that we should crouch down along the north wall. It then seemed that the top part of the wall was exposed to the outside. I thought that the window on the top part of the wall would be dangerous to be near. My father seemed concerned and i realized the that the situation seemed serious. I then started to feel that i did not want the house to actually be hit by a tornado. I looked out the window again but did not see the tornado. I wondered where it went. I realized that it had passed by the house. I looked to the east. There was a small map on a counter which had a red streak running vertically down the center of it. I realized that it was a type of weather map. The red lines marked areas of danger. I noticed that there were small grey funnels on the map which showed where the tornadoes were. There was one to the west of the house. It had passed by us. I looked out the back side of the house again. I knew that there were more tornadoes coming. I looked at the map to see that a few of the funnels seemed to be heading in our direction. I realized that one of them was heading right for us. I said that we would have to hide. We moved to the northeast corner of the basement, where my grandmother was already crouching. I noticed that the corner was made of glass windows, however. I told them that it would not be safe to kneel near the glass. The storm would simply break through the window. My grandmother stood up, confused. I wondered what we should do. I could not think of another place to go. I looked out the window to the north to see the thin funnel cloud moving towards us. It seemed thin and i wondered whether it would be very dangerous. I could not think of what to do.

12000 March 22

I walked around the east side of the large building. I seemed to be heading away from the college campus as i headed around the northeast corner of the building. The building was new and was being constructed. It seemed that the building used to be a parking garage, but was not being redesigned. I looked through the girders of the outer wall to see the underside of the first floor, which only covered the south half of the building. The floor was mostly removed. There was a yellow back hoe on the south side of the first floor of the cubical structure. The machine was tearing up the remainder of the cement floor. My father was walking with me. He said that the floor of the building was lead. I looked at the underside of the cement floor to see a smooth grey metal. I could not remember what it was like before the construction had started. I just remembered that it had been a parking garage. I started to walk to the northwest, following the wooden wall which was to the west of me. It was a curved surface and seemed to be made of thin slats of wood that were widely spaced. I climbed along the outside of the wall as i moved to the north. I then realized that the wall was actually the outside of an old hotel. The wall was tattered and had several pieces of debris and clear plastic sheeting hanging from it. I seemed to be quite high in the air as i stepped around one of the vertical columns between balconies. The building was on fire. I remembered climbing along the outside of the building before. I was following the other person over the outside of the balconies. We were playing in the abandoned structure. I wondered where i had remembered this scene from before. I then started to float away from the wall and into the center of the large round room. The walls suddenly seemed white as i pushed away from them. There was still construction debris handing from the shattered walls, but i knew that i could get safely away from the fire. As i hovered in the center of the room, i looked to the north to see $F11 clinging to the north wall. I thought about staying aloft and wondered how i would be able to do it. I felt unsure of my ability to fly. I moved towards $F11, wondering what he would say of my ability to fly. I knew that strange things always annoyed him. I offered him a drink in jest as i passed by him. I pushed off of the north wall and floated back to the center. I then started to picture the room as if it were a cartoon. The walls became very white and there was a crude ladder against the north wall on which $F11 was standing. The ladder was drawn with black outline and filled in with a solid tan colour. There was then a white pouch of coins dangling in front of me. I could see a large cartoon coin roll out of the bag and bounce down the ladder. The action then repeated itself. The money reversed and started going back into the bag.

12000 March 24

I walked down the road in front of my parents’ house. It seemed like a warm day, with grey clouds in the sky. It was somewhat hazy. I started to walk to the east on the road when two cars passed me from the west. They were driving parallel to each other. The one closest to me was a small sports car. It was dark red, but seemed to have pink highlights. The back end of the car suddenly started to sway to the right. It then swayed back to the left. I realized that there was a blue van coming the other way, and the sports car was in its way. The sports car spun around to the right as the van swerved in the same direction. They collided with each other. I suddenly felt concerned about the accident. I thought that we should notify the police. I looked again down the road to see the man from the pink corvette-like sports car standing behind his car as it faced south on the road. There was another man standing on the other side of the car. the blue truck was to the south, on the side of the road. It was facing to the east. I walked down the road to the east, past the neighbours’ house, thinking that i should have the neighbours call someone. I then thought that the people at the accident would not want the police involved. I felt as though i should call them anyway. I felt like defying the people from the accident and doing what i was supposed to do. I walked up to the wooden porch which was on the front of the neighbours’ house. A young girl came out the front door of the house. I told her to call the police. I then turned back to the street. I seemed unable to focus on something. There was a long limousine on the city street in front of me. We seemed to be in front of $P55. There were people sitting on the street. I spoke to them about the car. I felt as though i were doing something important.

12000 March 25

I sat on the top of the bus as it moved down the road to the southeast. There seemed to be someone following me. The road seemed to be in the suburb of a large city. It had two lanes in both directions, with a grassy median separating the roads. The pavement seemed to be cement. It seemed old, as though it were separating from age. There were a few cars approaching us in the opposite lane. The sky was grey, but it seemed warm and bright. There were green grass and weeds growing in front of the green trees on wither side of the road. The road curved to the left. It seemed that i was driving the bus. I held onto the wheel, which was on the top of the bus. It was black. I tried to control the bus, but it did not respond well to motions. I wondered whether i was headed in the correct direction. Something seemed wrong. I then decided that i would need to turn around. I was not sure that the bus could be turned on the road, though. I thought that i would have to get off at the next exit and get back on in the other direction. I hoped that i did not travel too far out of the city. I felt nervous about the person who was following me. I steered the bus down the winding highway, trying to keep it going slowly. It kept speeding up, and i worried that i would not be able to control it. The road then curved to the north and started to run along the side of a steep hill. The hill was to the west and had a rocky, cliff-like slope. I then noticed that there was an over pass ahead with exits on both sides. I thought that i would pull off of the road and turn around. I wondered whether the person behind me would follow me off of the exit. The exit led to the right, into what looked like a rest area. There was an old building on the grassy strip which ran between the main highway and the exit ramp. I watched the old building as i passed. It was made out of stone, and had fancy ornamentation. I found the building attractive, and was interested in its architecture. The stone on the outside of the building was a reddish yellow and seemed to be laid in very thin slabs. There were dark horizontal stripes on the square column which was off of the back of the building, near me. The stripes were formed from the aging mortar between the stones. As i drove along the east side of the building, i noticed an old porch or alcove that was hidden under a stone archway. There were square columns holding up the high ceiling over the entry way. The entry looked unused, as though it had not been opened in many years. The ground around it was dirt., I thought that this side of the building must not be used any more. The building reminded me of something that might have been built at the beginning of the nineteen hundreds. It seemed like part of a fancy vacation area, but was not unused. There were some black cast-iron gates on the top part of the archway. As i passed, i could see the old arching doorway inside. It had patterned glass windows over the top of it. I continued down the front of the building. I thought that i would have to get to the other side of the building to get back on the road. I wondered whether the man was still following me. I felt interested in the building, though, and wanted to look it over some more. I was inside of it now, and moved to the southwest. I was in a large open room with very high ceilings. It seemed like a formal dining room. The walls were yellow, and there was polished wood trim along the ceiling and chair rail. There seemed to be a waiter in a black tuxedo watching me as i crossed the room. I thought that i could head out the back door of the building and get back onto the highway. The man still seemed to be following me. There was a door in the west wall of the dining room. I walked out of it and onto the small grassy lawn. I was standing between the building and the highway. Something seemed strange about the situation. I seemed to feel comfortable in the old building and was unsure whether i should go back onto the highway.

12000 March 26

I was in the small apartment which seemed to be in a foreign country. The room seemed to have very plain walls with no decorations. It seemed dingy, and there were tattered cloths hanging in various places. I felt as though this was in the poor section of a city in India. $A101 was on the west end of the room. I felt as though this were a special place and that i was here to listen to $A101. It seemed as though he was teaching something. I knew that this was a class, but i was unsure what i was supposed to study. It seemed as though we were reaching the end of the class period and i knew that i would have to have a conference with $A101. I was worried that i was not prepared. I knew that i was very good in the subject and that i should not have to worry, but something made me feel agitated. I waited in the main part of the apartment as some of the others walked in and out of the room. Then i was talking to $A101. He wondered why i had to have a conference with him. He told me that i should be able to do everything myself and that i do not really need his discuss my course work. I felt strange and knew that he was dying. I felt bad as i got up to leave the room. I thought that i would have to go back home, but then i realized that i was in a different country. I thought that i should travel home, but i wondered why i had come to such a distant place. I started to wonder how i would make it home. It seemed that i was very from the center of the city. I stepped out of the building and looked to the southwest, down the street. It seemed that i was on a hill overlooking a large flat city. The air seemed hazy and the light was pale green over the city buildings. I knew that this was a main city in India. I started down the dirt trail which ran along the edge of the hill. It seemed like a long way to get to the center of town where i could get an airplane home. I felt impatient and wondered why i had come here. I felt very out of place.

12000 March 27

I was in the car with my father. He was driving down the dark road to the east. It seemed to be late at night, and it was foggy out. There were city lights around us. We seemed to be traveling on a highway which led through the center of a small city. The buildings around us seemed residential. It seemed as though we were in a foreign land. I then thought that this place was London. In wondered why we had not been out to sight see. It seemed as though we had been staying in someplace that was secluded from the rest of the city. I started to feel as though i should be restless and wanted to look around the city before we had to leave. I looked to the south as we drove to the east. There was a large wooden fort which ran along the side of the road. The walls were made of vertical wooden poles and seemed to be striped with black and white. The walls seemed somewhat low, as though the battlements were being viewed from quite a distance away. I thought that this place might be impressive. It was an old castle in the middle of the city. I then thought that the castle seemed somewhat modern. I thought that there should be older ruins in the city. I hoped that we could see the palace in the center of town. It seemed that we were now driving on the northeast side of town. I wondered whether the palace was near. It seemed that all of the houses that we had been passing were small. I thought that there must be a section of London with larger mansions and palaces. The highway curved to the west as it rounded the north side of the city. It felt strange to be here. I wondered why i had come to this city if i was not going to see the sights. I felt as though i was here to do something, but i could not remember what i was to be doing. I talked to the other as i stood in the small room of the apartment. We were still in a foreign land. I looked at the animals which were sitting across the table from me. They seemed real, but the green parrot was able to talk. I knew that it was able to do more than repeat words. This parrot was able to think. It could do simple logic. The other parrot, which sat to the left of the first, could not do the same things. I knew that the dog on the other side of the table from me was able to talk as well. It sat in one of the chairs and said something to someone at the table. I thought that this must be a scene from a children’s movie. The events were funny, but not realistic. It was not realistic to see the lips of the dog moving as it spoke and gestured like a human. The situation was not real.

I was running with $G4 across the snow-covered land. There was a large body of frozen water ahead of us with a woman standing on top of it. I thought that the ice on the water might be too thin for the woman to stand on. I knew that there was a hole in the ice near her. As i approached the small pond, something fell into the water. I was worried about it. The woman called out from the top of the ice. She was looking for her dog. I knew that the dog had fallen into the hole in the ice. I walked up to the side of the pond, which seemed raised from the ground. There was a wall of ice in front of me. The woman was standing on the top of it. The wall seemed to be holding in the water of the pond. I thought that it was strange that the edge of the pond had frozen in a vertical position. I wondered whether i could reach the dog from the side of the pond. I was having trouble focusing on the area around em. The images seemed very distorted. I wondered how the ice could have frozen on the side of the pond. I then heard the dog barking from within the ice in front of me. The woman in the red winter coat seemed to be looking down at the dog just above me on the ice platform. I thought that it would be easier to drill through the side of the ice to get the dog. I then thought that the water level on the other side of the ice must be lower than the top surface of the ice, otherwise the dog would be submerged and unable to bark. I then realized that the water could not be that much lower. Something did not make sense to me. I looked over the top of the ice to see the roof of a red car which mostly submerged into the ice. It must have fallen through. I was on top of the ice, looking down into the car. I did not understand what had happened. I wondered how the car could have gotten into the ice without sinking father. The woman was worried about the animal. I leaned into the sunroof of the car to see if i could find the animal before the water started pouring into the car. Something seemed strange about the circumstances. I then spotted the small brown rabbit under the front passenger’s seat. It ran from the seat to safety under the dashboard heater. I quickly grabbed it before we both got wet. I knew that the water would be very cold. The small animal was someone’s pet. It squirmed in my hand, but did not try to bite me. I walked into the front of the light green house, where the animals would be safe.

12000 March 29

I carried the duffel bag over my left shoulder as i walked across the wooden sidewalk. I seemed to be near the large dock. I was getting ready to leave on a large ship. I felt somewhat happy about the event, as though i were taking a vacation for a while. I stopped in front of the bench that was on the south wall of the small room. The room seemed to be part of a bus station. The plain walls were a bluish cream. The bench was made of wooden cross boards supported by a curved wrought-iron frame. The frame was painted green. I looked around the office. It seemed like the main place for booking a ticket on the boat. I was apprehensive, though, and wondered whether i was in the correct place. There did not seem to be anyone else from the cruise there. I felt as though i were with the students again. I wondered whether it was the correct place to be. I wondered whether there was another room that i should be in. Then some of the students wandered into the room. They were carrying luggage with them, as though they were heading on the ship as well. I felt nervous. I picked up my bags from the bench. I thought about the vacation that i was taking. It seemed as though someone else were paying for it. I then looked down at the ticket in my hand. It looked like an airline ticket and had a name on it with some numbers. I noticed the rectangular dinner table on the west side of the room. There were several such tables in the room. I thought that i was supposed to sit at one of the tables. It seemed that the people organizing the tour were keeping track of us like school children at camp. I tried to match up the number on my ticket with one of the cards in the center of one of the tables. The tables were covered with white table cloths and had blue signs in the center. The signs seemed to be made of folded printer paper. The table seemed crudely set, as though it were part of a summer-camp dining room. I put my bags down on the north corner of the east side of the table that was on the southwest side of the room. The table was not aligned with the walls of the room, which now seemed to be missing. I felt as though i were in a large cabin or cottage. I felt unsure about the tour. I was still not sure that i was in the correct place, and now i felt that the tour was not what i had expected. There was now a table on the north wall of the room where several people were sitting down. I looked over the blue card with my name on it. The card had been placed in front of a chair. A woman walked over to the chair on my left and sat down. She had long frizzy red hair and was wearing a loose-fitting white button-up shirt. She seemed like a hiker. I moved my bags closer to my seat, feeling unsure of the place. I the noticed the white card in the center of our table, near the vase of yellow and white wild flowers. The card said “Farm Detail”. I wondered if we were expected to work. It seemed that the organizers had placed people at different tables, forming work groups to run the camp. I wondered whether this was correct. I felt as though this should be a vacation and did not want to be a part of a work group.

12000 March 31

I sat in the chair in the center of the small room. There seemed to be a circular space around the chair which was purpose left clean. I felt uncomfortable here. I was supposed to have the operation, but i was unsure and did not want the doctors to operate on me. I sat in the large black leather chair as someone placed a smelling rag over my face from the right. I felt dizzy and closed my eyes. I seemed to be unclear about my surroundings, but i felt as though i should not have the operation. I felt uncomfortable in my abdomen and knew that the doctors were going to operate there. There seemed to be something wrong there. I then started to wonder whether i was in the operation. I felt as though my chest were open. I looked down to my chest and could see a large empty cavity where my abdomen should be. I then noticed the long tract of my intestines hanging from my abdomen. I lifted them up to look at. I was surprised that i did not feel any pain. I then became unsure whether i was really looking at my intestines. It did not seem logical. I thought that i might still be under sedation. The doctor then sedated me a second time. I felt as though i had lost consciousness for a while but then woke up. I felt woozy as i walked around the south side of the room. $Z was with me as i thought about the operation. It did not seem correct. I felt bad about having it. I did not want anyone to operate on me. I paced around the room, wondering whether i would recover quickly. I seemed to be using something for support. $Z listened as i spoke. I wondered whether my stomach was empty. It did not feel good. I tried to think what i could do, but nothing came to mind. I felt depressed.

I walked down the road in front of my parents’ house. There was a large tree lying across the road near the neighbours’ house. I thought that it could cause an accident if the cars did not see it. There was a car coming from the west. It was a small car and stopped abruptly as the driver noticed the tree. I then saw the large tractor-trailer swerving around the back of the car. It could not stop in time and drove into the tree. The tree lurched forward as the truck struck it. I wondered whether the truck would be able to clear the road of the tree. It did not, but it was able to move the tree at an angle to the road. There was a car coming from the east. I wondered whether it would be able to stop in time.