12001 March 02

I drove my car to the south, on the road through $P95. I was headed to my parents’ house. The day seemed cloudy, but bright. I thought that i had taken the weekend off to visit my parents. As i started to leave the town area, i looked down at the gas meter of my cat. I had half a tank of gas. I wondered whether i should stop for gas at the station to the left just before i got on the highway. As i drove over the flat road toward the highway, i thought that i could make it to my parents’ house on a half tank of gas. I also thought that i could get gas closer to my parents’ house. As i approached the station, however, i decided that gas might be more expensive near my parents’ house. I decided that i should get gas here. I turned on my left turn signal and slowed down at the intersection just before the highway overpass. As i slowed, i thought that i had the entire weekend off, which was why i was traveling to my parents’ house. I then remembered that it was next weekend that i had free. I remembered that i was supposed to meet some people on Sunday morning. I felt confused and let up on the brake. I started to drive toward the highway, trying to figure out what i was thinking. I thought that i would have to return from my parents’ house. I knew that it was Saturday morning, and i thought that i would simply have to return by Saturday evening. I then remembered that i was supposed to do several things on Saturday evening. I realized that i would not be able to go to my parents’ house. I thought that i had already traveled an hour from my house and wondered whether i should just drive the rest of the way. I drove past the turn for the highway, trying to think of what i should do. There was a road to the left just past the highway which led up hill into a small community of houses. I turned onto the road, trying to think of what i was doing. The road was narrow, and curved sharply to the left. I followed it up hill and into the small housing area. The houses seemed small, but had very nice lawns with shrubs. It seemed like winter, though, and there was snow on the ground. I turned my car around, thinking that i should start to head back. I suddenly remembered that i was supposed to have someone coming to my house to deliver something. I felt confused and annoyed that i had not know which weekend it was. I stopped my car on the hill, just behind the white delivery truck. I wondered what i should do. I then realized that i was really lying in my bed with my face down. I thought that i had not actually left yet. I felt relieved that i had not wasted the day driving to my parents’ house. I thought that i could simply get up and go meet the delivery person.

12001 March 03

I walked cautiously down the hall to the west, watching for people. We were sneaking through the plain white corridors of the science building. I knew that this place was a lab. The corridor made a ninety-degree turn ahead of us and headed south. We stopped at the corner and cautiously looked to the south. We could not let anyone see us in the building. $Z ran around me as i crouched down just before the corner. He ran down the eastern corridor to the next corner, where the corridor turned back to the east. This place was the western side of $P40. I rounded the corridor myself, thinking that we had to sneak down the corridor and do something. I then noticed that there was a woman to the north of us. She had just come out of the door from the corner office. She was wearing a green dress and seemed to have green skin. There seemed to be a third person with our group who was behind me. He looked at the woman and then back to me, the expression on his face asking me what we should do. $Z then said something from ahead of us. Someone was coming down the other corridor. We had to hide so that they would not know that we were in the building. I thought that we could not be caught here. It seemed as the person coming might be an extraterrestrial. This place seemed like a space station and i thought that the person coming might be a guard. “Act aggressive.” $Z said as i started to run back to the north. I knew that the people here recognized aggression as a normal personality trait. If we were spotted, we would have to act aggressive to make them think we belonged here. The woman seemed frightened as we approached her, though. She turned and ran back into the room, her wide green dress spinning with her. The dress seemed to be covered with small gold loops. I wondered whether she would turn us in. I ran back around the northern corner and crouched down just beyond the corner. We had to hide. I thought that we should run into one of the laboratories. I reached in my right pocket for the keys to the laboratory, but then realized that they were in my black bag. I looked back down the hall to the south, realizing that i had left my bag on the ground near the southern end of the corridor. I felt as though we had to go back to get it. We could not let the man spot it. I then felt out of place here. Something with this situation was wrong. I felt as though we had to get out of this place. I stood up and ran to the east, back down the northern corridor. This place was not real, though. I thought that the green woman was not really an alien. I decided that all of this was a dream. I wondered what it could mean. The woman in green did not seem to make any sense. I thought about how i would describe the dream as i would write it down in my book. I considered how i would describe it as i drove my car down the narrow drive. It seemed as though there was a grass lawn on both sides of the road. I drove to the southwest. I thought about the green woman. The would describe her as green with gold earrings. I then realized that the gold rings were on her dress and not in her ears. I remembered that someone else had described them as ear rings. I decided that i would have to enter both what the person said and what i saw into my dream diary. A car approached me and passed me as i followed the curve of the road to the south. I was on the university’s campus and was looking for a place to park. It was dark out, and there was a large building to the southeast of me. The road split: one section curving on front of the building, and the other curving through a small wooded area to the west. I noticed that there were cars parked along the sides of the road. The traffic was also slow in front of me. I decided that there must be some kind of event happening on campus. I did not want to get involved with the student events. As i approached the intersection, i noticed that there was a traffic guard in the center of the road. I thought that i should act casually and pretend that i was just passing through. I was actually looking for a parking spot, but i did not want to be associated with the people going to the school event. I turned to the west, away from the event. I wanted to find a place to park, but i did not want the guard to see that i was looking for a place to park. I drove down the dirt road which passed through the wooded lot of thin, widely spaced trees. I came to the other side of the lot, where the dirt road ended on the main road through the campus. The road came from the west and curved to the northeast at the intersection. I stopped at the end of the dirt road, thinking that i should have just stopped. I did not want the guard to know that i was looking for parking, so i turned right onto the main road, thinking that i could loop back around and find a parking spot near campus. I then realized that there was something strange with this. I remembered the dream of the extraterrestrials in the campus building and realized that i was not really in my car either. This was all a dream. I thought about it and decided that i should write down the part in the building. I pictured myself driving to the northeast on the campus road, knowing that it was all part of a dream. I thought that i did not really want to describe the part about looking for a parking spot on campus. I thought that it was not really relevant to the part in the building. Something seemed strange. I looked down at the pamphlet in my hand and tried to determine what i should do. I realized that i was reading the play. Someone then asked me a question. I looked to the north to see the director and some of the other cast members. I was sitting on a small couch which was against the west wall of the small room. I asked a question about the plot of the play, but realized that i was acting strange to the others. I was trying to find out about how the play would run, but, as an actor, i was not supposed to be concerned with those things. The director sat in a chair in the northwest corner of the room. He seemed old, and had a thin wrinkled face. His features sagged around his mouth and nose, giving his face a perpetual frown. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, realizing that it was not appropriate of me to be asking such questions as an actor. I remembered that the other directors i had worked with were less formal. I had to act different with this one. I then spotted $A190 sitting in a wooden chair just ion front of the director and a little to the east. He had his head down as he looked as me. I could see that he understood what i was thinking. I thought that he was probably considering what i was thinking. I felt as though i had annoyed the director, and i shifted nervously in my seat, looking over the papers in my hand. $A280 was sitting in a chair on the north side of the room, to the east of $A190. I then realized that i was supposed to be reading something. I looked back down at the script in my hand and tried to find the lines. I seemed to be on the wrong page, so i flipped backwards through the stapled packet of papers. I could not find the correct set of lines. I apologized to the director as i looked for the correct scene. I then looked over the couch to the left of me, trying to decide whether any of the papers on the couch were the correct script. I felt nervous and did not want to displease the director. The director then stood up and walked over to me. I showed him the white pamphlet that i had. It had a fancy rectangular decoration on the front cover which framed the text of the page. The border looked flowery, as though it was the cover of sheet music. I decided that it was not the correct script and hurriedly scanned the couch for the small book that we had been reading. I could not find it. I felt distressed. I did not know where it had gone. I looked to the north as the director shuffled disappointedly through the stack of papers. I noticed that $A190 was looking at something to the south of us. I then remembered that i had left the original book on the xerograph machine. I turned around to see the xerograph machine sitting just to the south of the couch, the script still open under the heavy cover. I told the director where the script was and went to get it.

12001 March 04

I told the other that they could sleep in the extra bed. We walked through the second floor of my parents’ house, heading west. As we passed through the brass bedroom, i started to wonder where they were going to sleep. Something seemed strange . I realized that the only other bedroom was on the third floor of the house. I walked into the hall on the west side of the house and tried to find the others. I could not see them, but it seems as though they had walked into my parents’ bedroom. I tried to direct them upstairs. I walked up the stairs to the third floor. The large room did not seem to have any furnishings. There was a large mattress on the floor in the northwest corner of the room. I thought that the other two people could sleep on the mattress, but i then wondered where i was going to sleep. I decided that i should sleep on the smaller mattress in the southeast corner. The floor of the room seemed to be covered with the two mattresses. I looked down at the wad of green comforter that i had dropped on the floor to the west of the large mattress. The others were getting comfortable on their bed, but i decided that i would want the green blanket for myself. I picked it up and walked to the south. As the others got comfortable on the bed, i laid down on the small mattress and tried to get comfortable. I kept thinking that there was something else i could do. It seemed late at night. I tried to get comfortable under the blankets. I then decided that there was something i should do. I got up and walked across the back room of my parents’ house. It was dark, but the lights in the room were on. They had to be turned off for the night, so i walked into the room to turn them off. There was a tall lamp on a table in the center of the room with a wide lamp shade. I reached under the shade and pulled the metal chord to turn the light off. I then walked to the north end of the room, where the couch was, to turn off a second light. As i turned off the other light, i looked to the east and noticed that one of the windows was open. I knew that it was warm outside, but there seemed to be something wrong with leaving the window open. I walked back to the south, past the open window. I came to the back door of the house and looked out through the screen. I could see three large dogs sitting on the lawn just across the driveway from the house. I thought that they must be the neighbours’ dogs. They seemed to be staring intently at the door. They looked like german shepherds, but were grey and white, like wolves. I looked at them and wondered whether they were aggressive or not. A few of them started growling at me as i stood behind the door. None of them moved forward, but they started growling. I then noticed that there were three more dogs running together by the neighbours’ house. I wondered whether there was some significance to the fact that they were in threes. The three dogs in front of me then seemed to be closer to the door. I remembered that i should not tease them because they might remember it later and bite me. I tried to talk to them, but they started snarl and growl. I closed the large door of the house, wondering whether the dogs could break in. I then through that they might try to tear through the screen door and get into the house. I ran back up to the bedroom on the second floor, wondering whether i should phone animal control and hope they came on time. I thought that i could close the doors on both sides of the both sides of the bedroom before i made the call, just in case the animals did break into the house.

The woman moved to the south. She was going to attach the man who was standing on the southwest corner of the area. I had attacked the woman before with the energy weapon that was strapped to my right forearm, but i had not managed to stop her. I through that she was much more powerful than we were. She had a knife, and was about to stab the man. I pointed my right arm at her and fired the energy weapon again. A red streak shot from the weapon and struck the woman. Her body became covered with a blue aura of branching lightning bolts. She did not stop her attack on the man. I wondered how we would be able to stop her.

12001 March 05

I walked backward to the north, looking out across the country road to the west of me. I was facing southwest, looking at something. It seemed as though i had just been taking pictures of something. I was not heading back to my car. There was a car on the opposite side of the road from me, and it seemed as though there was an intersection just to the southwest. The road that i was next to ended on a second road, which curved from the west to the southeast. The road to the west seemed to go up hill slightly and was hidden from my view by the thick pine forest on the nearby hills. There was a wide swath of grass around the northern road. As i backed up, i noticed a group of scraggly weeds growing over a small culvert on the side of the road. The culvert was only a few decis in diameter and ran parallel to the road, as though allowing water to run under an old driveway. I stared at the dry stalks of the small weeds. They had many fine branches and seemed to be smoking. I knew that they were not burning and decided that the smoke must be from dust that was being blown off in the wind. I watched them for a moment, suddenly aware that there was someone to the west of me, watching me. I thought that i could act interested in the brush, holding my camera in front of me so that the people would know that i was just taking pictures. A thin cloud of dust rose from the plans. There seemed to be a large gravel area to the east side of the road, through which i was backing. The ground was tan and had many small pebbles and crops of dry grass. It seemed to be summer out, and the sky was bright. I turned to the small house, which was to the west, on the other side of the road. It was a one-level house and seemed run down, with black tar paper on some of the outside walls. There was a carport built onto the north side of the house. I could not tell whether there was a car in it or not. As i walked back toward my car, i saw a man walk out of the shadows of the carport. He was wearing a pair of old blue jeans and had a guitar hanging over his bare chest. The guitar was suspended with a strap over his shoulder. The man had been outside before. I realized that he had run inside to take off his shirt. I thought that he had a nice build in his upper body. His skin seemed smooth but was marked with streaks of grime. I felt cautious of him. As i opened the door of my large green car, the man was standing to the east of me. He asked me a question. I placed my things in the back seat of the seventies-style car and turned to look at the man. I felt uncomfortable near him. He had a square jaw and short ragged black hair. He stared at me intently as i replied to him. I glanced down at his arms, noticing that they were very big. He had a lot of muscle on his body. I thought that i should be cautious of him, though his actions did not seem angry or malevolent. I decided that i should try to get away. I was standing the back seat of my car when i realized that it was rolling to the south. I interrupted the man with the excuse that i should stop my car. I apologized for letting it roll as i jumped into the back seat. I thought that i could climb over the front seat and simply drive the car away. As i climbed over the seat, i looked into the rear view mirror to see the man following me. He could not keep up, though. I thought that i should have closed the rear door of the car so that he could not jump in. As i watched the mirror, the man slowed his run to a walk, a large pick-up truck coming to a stop behind him as the dust from my car settled onto the road. I felt that i had to close the back door of the car.

12001 March 07

I was in the middle of the grassy field with a few other people. I did not seem to know any of them, but i was interested in talking to the man who as standing in front of me. He had short red hair, and i remembered him from someplace before. He mentioned something about gymnastics, and i realized that he was $A254. I looked down at his torso and realized that he was very nicely build. He had smooth skin that was nicely shaped over his muscles. He was facing my right as we spoke. He then seemed annoyed with me as he moved his hands through the shirt that he was holding, searching for the sleeve holes. I wanted to talk to him more, but i felt as though he no longer wanted to speak to me. I was interested in him and wanted to get to know him, but i started to feel uneasy.

My mother was unconscious in the chair in front of me. I stood behind the chair. She had been drugged. I knew that it had something to do with the operation. She was unaware what had happened. I thought that we should take her out of this place and bring her back home. I grabbed the back of the chair and tipped it backward. I then started to drag the chair across the floor to the south, out of the long room. My father seemed to be standing to my right as i positioned my mother at the top of the stairs. The stairs led down to the east and had an exit door on the bottom. I knew that we had to get her into a car before she woke up. I wondered whether she would realize what we were doing before we could get her home. I knew that she was unaware of the operation that she had undergone. I started to carefully roll the wheelchair down the flight of stairs. I did not want to make any sudden movements, which might wake my mother. Halfway down the stairs, though, the wheels of the chair bounced, jarring my mother. She rolled her head from her right shoulder to her left. She was waking up. My father and i were in the car. My mother sat in the passenger’s seat. She was waking up and asked where we were. I felt as though we had to come up with a good explanation. I drove the car to the east on the dark city streets. I then realized that i would have to turn the car around and head to the west to get home. It seemed snowy outside, and the dark sky was coloured orange with the reflection of the city lights.

12001 March 08

I bent over the table and started sucking air into my mouth. There were other people in the room around me, watching as i placed my hands dramatically on the corners of the white sheet of paper, which was under my face. I concentrated, thinking that i could lift the paper by thinking about it. The corners of the paper lifted from the table as i touched them. I realized that it probably did not look too spectacular to the others because i might have had something sticky on my fingers. I felt the tension in the back of my head and down my back as i focused on the paper. It started to float under me. I then felt my body lift from the ground. I was floating in the air over the table. I knew that the people in the room would be amazed.

I was driving down the highway to the west with my grandfather. It seemed as though we were heading to $P3. The area around us seemed very flat and open, as though we were in the middle of a very wide valley. The road ahead was blocked with construction signs. I slowed the car and turned to the south. There was a construction worker standing in the middle of the road, just in front of a line of yellow caution tape on orange road cones. I drove down the secondary road, which seemed to lead away from the highway. I thought that this must be a detour. I guessed that the route would lead back to the highway farther to the west. I looked around the road, though, and felt confused. I slowed the car. I thought that i should turn back and find a way to get back onto the highway. I started to make a U-turn, but something felt confusing. My grandfather asked me a question. The car was facing south, but we were on the road to the east of it. I looked to the north, realizing that if i had made a U-turn i could probably have gotten onto the highway and headed west. It seemed that there was an off ramp just past the construction as well as one just before. I asked the large construction worker how we could get back onto the highway. I thought that we were still south of the main road. I wondered whether we could take another road to the west and then get back on the highway later. I looked to the south. The land seemed very flat, with tan dusty ground. In the distance, there was a row of dark-grey jagged peaks. They seemed close, but had small features, as though they were at a distance. My grandfather stated that we could get onto the highway right here. I looked up and saw the underside of the highway overpass. I told him that it was not the interstate that we were looking for. The white underside of the cement bridge arched to the north slightly as it passed over us, spanning the gap between the brown dirt embankments on wither side of the road. The sky around the bridge was deep blue, and it seemed very dry and cool out. I turned back to the north, looking at the construction worker. I started to feel confused. I asked which interstate was above us. I knew that it could not be the one that we were looking for, but i did not remember one to the south. I wondered whether it went to the same place.

12001 March 09

We walked into the small dark building. It seemed like a mechanics’ garage. I was with two other people. It seemed as though we had come here looking for someone. There was a corridor on the east side of the building, which ran between the outside wall and the main section of the garage. We had ended up on the south side of the building. It was very dark, as though no one was around. $A281 walked off to the north. I was at the north end of the corridor, watching myself and someone else stand at the south end. I watched myself approach. There was a doorway on the west wall of the corridor, which led into a small office. I wondered where $A281 had gone. I knew that he was in the office. I called his name but no one answered. I thought that he might have gone into part of the office where he would not be able to hear me. I turned left at the door and walked into the small crowded office. It seemed as though there were many small brown objects cluttering the walls and desks around the room. Items were stacked up all over the place, leaving only a narrow corridor in the center of the room. $Z walked with me as i carefully looked through the room. I felt uneasy here, and shined my flashlight around the room to see if i could spot $A281. There was an opening in the south wall of the office, which led into another section of the office. I called $A281’s name, but no one answered. I felt concerned for him and wondered what had happened to him. I thought that he must have gone wandering around in some other part of the garage. I thought that we should find him. This place felt uncomfortable. I thought that we should get out.

I crept slowly to the east, along the south side of the large dirt parking lot. It seemed quite, and there were many cars in the lot. I knew that there was someone in a car on the north edge of the lot, just in front of the small building. The place seemed like part of a camp. There was a large pine tree on the west side of the lot. The lot was uneven and oddly shaped along its edges, as though it had not been planned out, but simply formed from the available space. I moved carefully across the lot. I did not want the person in the car to see me. I had to look like i belonged here. I pulled my car over to the east side of the lot, looking back at the building, which was not to the west of me. I was aware of the man who was sitting in the large car on the east side of the building. His car was blue and seemed to be seventies in style. It was dark out, but i could see his car in the dim light. I thought that i should stop my car and stay in it for a while. I could not let the man know that i was here. I decided that i could not leave my car and leaned back in my seat. I thought that i should sleep in the car. I was in the passenger’s seat of the car. I looked up at the window to my right and decided that i should leave it open a little. I would need some air over night. I reached across the driver’s seat and opened the window there a little as well. I then realized that the air coming in through the narrow crack was cold. I was only wearing shorts and a tee shirt. I would have to bundle up if i wanted to stay warm. I reached behind me to see if i had left the green comforter in the car. I thought that i might have. I felt a blanket in the back seat and dragged it forward. It was a brown knitted blanket. I covered myself, but decided that it was not enough to keep me warm. I did not want to stay in the car and thought that i should move. I could feel the cold around me lower legs, which were not covered by the blanket. I looked over my head and noticed the window in the back seat of the car. I rolled up the window near me, deciding that i should leave the driver’s window open a little and then open the window on the back. As i looked up, though, i realized that the passenger’s window would let cold air onto my body, but the one in the back seat was right over my head. I decided that it would not work. I sat up and decided to move over near the building to see what the man was up to. I was driving my car around the south end of the parking lot. I had just driven in a loop near the building. I thought that i should quickly roll my car over to the east side of the lot before the man near the building realized that i had been checking on him. I then wondered whether it was wise to leave my parking spot. As i pulled along the grassy edge on the east side of the lot, i hoped that my parking space was still there. I spotted the blue van ahead of me on the road. I remembered that i had been parking behind it. I started to pull my car over, thinking that i could quickly stop and hide, so that the man would not suspect that i had just been near the building .As i approached the van, though, my car did not slow down. It rolled past the van. I looked out the back window to see where i was going. I was now traveling backwards to the north. I concentrated on my feet and realized that i was not pressing down on the brake. My left foot was still somewhere near the accelerator. I quickly moved my foot over to the brake and slowed the car. I had already left the parking lot, though, and was heading down the wide trail through the woods. The leaves were green around me and everything seemed bright. The sky seemed overcast. I continued to move through the woods, turning with the trail to the east. I finally stopped on the other side of the small wooded lot. I looked to the east to see an old white house. There was a dirt driveway running from the north to the near side of the house. I felt uncomfortable here and thought that i had to get back through the woods to the parking lot. I turned around and tried to push the large round disc of cement back across the ground to the parking lot. IT was still sliding to a stop, though, and rolled over a fallen log, coming to a stop in front of me at the edge of the lawn of the old house. I tried to push it back into the woods, but it would not roll over the log so easily. I had a small motorized device in my hand that i was nudging the slab with. I knew that someone was watching me from the house. I wondered whether they thought that i would not be able to move the cement disc with the motor. I decided that i might have to pry the disc from the ground and lift it over the log. I felt annoyed that i would have to expend so much effort to get back to the lot.

The man started talking to me as i tried to head back to the south. I remembered him from a long time ago. He seemed like $A254, but i knew that he was not. I knew that i had met him before and spoke to him. It felt good to see him. He asked whom i knew on the gymnastics team. I remembered that i had met several of the gymnasts before, but could not remember their names. I mentioned $A282, and he nodded in acknowledgment. We walked through the crowd of people in the field. They all seemed to be gymnasts who were warming up. I felt a little excited, thinking that i could meet a few of the gymnasts. The man looked at me questioningly, though, as i tried to explain whom i knew from the gymnastics team. He asked about some of the other people on the team. I told him that i knew $A283. He nodded in acknowledgment as we paused on the southeast edge of the grassy area. He was a little taller than me, and seemed to have round features, as though he were once well built, but was now not as in shape. He had short straight brown hair. He was wearing a white tee shirt and stood with his hands on his hips, mouth slightly agape. There was someone standing to my left who was talking with us. The person to the left mentioned John Tully. I recognized the name, but was not sure who he was. “I think the name is familiar.” i said to the man in the white tee shirt. I said that i did not think that i remembered the man as a gymnast, though. I thought of someone who had lived at $P70 and tried to describe him. I hoped that they would recognize him. I felt as though i had to prove that i knew these people. I described John as tall and thin. I remembered the man from $P70 who was thin but well built. I described him. The man to my left remembered him and described him further to the man in the tee shirt. We then started walking again to the north. The man in the tee shirt was to my right as we walked into the gymnasium. There were many other people gathered there. I hoped that i would get to meet some of the gymnasts. We rounded the thin dividing wall, which was to the east of use and headed in the main area of the gymnasium. I told the man that all of the gymnasts i had known were older. I said that i had not hung around the gymnasts since the team had been broken up. The man hummed in acknowledgment, letting me know that he understood how long ago it was. I knew that i never really knew the gymnasts that well, but i wanted him to think that i had some familiarity with the sport. We walked along the west wall of the gymnasium. There were many people warming up in the room. I spotted quite a few women. I remembered that the university still had a women’s gymnastics team, even though they had gotten rid of the men’s team. The man talked about some of the gymnasts as we walked into the room. I felt excited to see so many people around. We were then sitting on the floor, the man to the southwest of me. There were two young men to the southeast of me who were stretching out on the floor. The one directly to the southeast of me was wearing a white tank top and blue sweat pants. He was joking with his friend, who was to the north-northeast of him. I realized that they were talking about how attractive someone was. I looked at the young man in the white shirt and realized that he was very attractive himself. He was young, but his face was nice. I could also see the muscles on his arms as he reached for his left foot. He had a nice body. I wondered whether he was talking about another man in the gym. The two laughed and giggled as they described the person. I looked to the gymnast who was with me. He smiled at me. I knew that he was homosexual, and i wondered whether the two young men were as well. I then thought i heard the young man in the white shirt refer to the person as “she”. I knew that there were several homosexual gymnasts, and i wondered whether i would meet any in the room. The two men with me then started joking around. We were out in a large field with the other gymnasts. The two young men were still stretching to the southeast, but the man in the white tee shirt who had been with me was standing in front of me. He joked with some of the other gymnasts. He was then sitting on my legs as the other gymnasts started wrestling with each other. I thought they were having fun. The man then started flexing his left buttock, rubbing it into my groin. I realized that he was homosexual and trying to turn me on. I wondered whether i would be able to meet some of the other gymnasts. This situation felt strange.

I walked to the east, along the outside of the large building, which seemed like a mall. Someone had mentioned filling a hollow egg shell. I remembered having an egg shell in my hand. I knew that the suggestion was sexual, though, and wondered whether the person had meant that the hollowed egg must be filled with sperm. I thought that the idea was not pleasant. As i turned to the north to walk toward the building, the woman in the brown dress handed me a hollowed egg. I did not want to hold it, but i took it and carried it in my right hand. I was not going to fill it with anything. I continued to walk to the north, along the eastern edge of the square patio design. The design was formed of a row of bricks which outlines a large area of the cement-tile ground. The bricks were raised about a half metre from the ground, as though forming a flower bed. It seemed like fall out, as though there were no green plants anywhere. The air also seemed somewhat cold. I walked toward the black glass doors of the mall. I came into the area where the other people were gathered. They seemed to be people that i knew. We were in the lower section of a mall, where there were several tables set up in the central corridor. This almost seemed like some sort of social gathering. I walked through the places. Someone handed me a small glass. It was empty, but i dropped the egg shell in it. I also seemed to have a used napkin in my hand, under the glass. I meandered my way through the loosely packed crowd, heading generally to the northwest. I then turned to the northeast and found myself in a small area surrounded by kiosks. There was a rather large straw hut to the east of me with its arched door facing me. It had a roof which blended into the balcony of the second floor of the mall. To the northwest of me was a small round jewelry hut with glass windows on all sides. The floor was smooth stone and there was a lot of light in the room. I was talking to someone, but i decided that i had to throw away the plastic cup and egg shell that i had been carrying around. I looked around the area for a trash can, but could not find one. I started to move through the area when i noticed a black plastic trash can next to a large square support column. The column was to the west of the glass jewelry hut. It was painted light aqua, and was wider north to south. I walked over to the can, $Z walking to my right, and dropped the plastic cup in the trash. For a moment, i contemplated whether i should have dumped out the cola that was in the cup into a sink. I looked into the plastic bag which lined the can and noticed that there were several other cups in the bottom of the bin, with a pool of brown liquid around them. a woman then scolded me. I turned to see a short woman in a grey suit. “Did you dump out that cup?” she demanded. I could not say anything before she told me, in an angry tone, that i should not have placed a cup full of liquid into a the trash bin. I felt defensive and yelled back at her: “Well, maybe if there was a lavatory somewhere in here.” She had already turned back to the east and was starting to storm off. I felt angry with her and turned away myself. I then decided that i should fly away down the mall. I knew that she would be shocked that i was able to fly. I concentrated on levitating and started to lift into the air. I floated up to the second floor of the mall. I knew that she would be outraged that i was doing something which seemed unsafe; people were supposed to take the stairs. I thought that i could fly away before she could say anything. The wall to the east of me was brown and seemed to have some gold decorations on it. The decorations had right angles, and seemed to be a modern interpretation of aztec art. There was a rectangular window at the top of the wall which led into the upper level. I flew through the window and came into a small section of the store. This place seemed to be an old department store. The ceiling was relatively low, and all of the walls were a dingy white. The center of the room was pale green and had several racks and tables cluttered with material. The room was very narrow north to south and ended only a little way to the west. I then spotted $A281 sitting on the south side of a table on the south side of the room. I called to him as i approached. He seemed surprised to see me, but i noticed that there was concern in his expression. I asked him what was wrong as i approached the eastern end of the table. I looked down to see that there were several rolls of fabric to the east of where $A281 was sitting. The rolls were white and had military designs on them. the roll closest to where he was sitting had red and green pictures on it depicting places from the American Civil War. I focused on the second one first, though, which had red and black designs from Nazi Germany. I could see a few black swastikas on the end of the roll. $A281 pushed the rolls to the east with his right arm as he turned to face me. He said that he had done something to a teacher. I realized that he was frightened and walked around to the west of him. I placed my hand on his shoulders and asked what he had said. He said “I hit a professor.” His words were shaken and he was trembling. I sighed comfortingly and moved to hug him. I felt concerned and wanted to comfort him. I tried to tell him that it would be all right, but i did not know what to say. I let him go and spoke to him. As i looked over his black pee coat, i noticed that there were several long white hairs on the front of the jacket. I picked several of the off, thinking that they were from the dog. Doing the action seemed to divert attention from $A281’s problem. I looked to the west to see the end of the store as i flicked the long hair from my finger. I then decided that i would have to get back to the lower level of the mall. When i turned to the east again, $A281 was gone. I started to float to the east, thinking that i could simply go back to the lower level and find $A281 there. As i left the green part of the store, however, i came to a section of the mall where there were several brown walls. The walls were only a metre or so wide and stood in the center of the corridor. They had strips of polished wood on them. I realized that this was not the way back to the main section of the mall. The room to the east ended only four or five metres in front of me. I turned to the west again and realized that i was still in the small museum which was on the end of the mall. The walls were brown and there was a bright clean light shining from somewhere. The room to the west was rectangular, but it had thin walls stretching from the north and south walls. The thin walls were short on the east end, but got longer to the west, slowly closing in on the center of the corridor. The western wall of the room had a large gold and silver sun design on it which looked similar to the mayan sun calendar. I could only see a narrow strip of the design, though, because the side walls were blocking the rest. The resign, however, was repeated on each of the side walls so that the entire design could be seen if one were to step back far enough to the east. The image was a mix of square and rounded shapes in brown, tan, silver, and dull gold. I had to get out of the museum. I thought that i might have to go in some other direction, but i could not remember how i got into this section of the mall. I turned to the east to see a long room, which was bare of furnishings. It had a polished wood floor and brown wood paneling on the lower section of the walls. In the center of the east wall seemed to be a large stone fireplace. Paintings seemed to be hanging on the north and south walls. I then noticed that there was a doorway on the north wall. I thought that i had just come from there, but i started flying toward it. I flew through the door and came into a corridor. I looked to the east, down a long corridor of polished wood. There was a long set of tan wood stairs which descended right in front of me. There was a single landing in the middle of the stairs and a large open room at the bottom. I could see wooden furniture in both the north and south sections of the room. This place was the library, and there seemed to be a wall of green books on the west end of the south section. The east end of the room was open and the long corridor continued for what seemed a long distance. The corridor had a polished stone floor and brightly polished paneling on the walls. This place seemed very fancy and well kept. I flew down the stairs and through the library room. Just past the library, the wood corridor had an intersection, where i turned to the left. I seemed to be moving fast as i flew through the outside doors and came onto the city street. It was grey and dreary outside. this place seemed like Chicago. I thought that i had to fly to the east to get back to the main section of the mall. I wondered why i was outside. I had not left the building when i came from the mall. I came to an intersection in the road where there was a traffic light. All of the buildings around me seemed to be multilevel stone apartments. There were a few trees along the streets, but they were all bare of leaves and seemed grey in the dim light from the cloudy sky. I did not know where to go. I knew that there was a car behind me which was waiting for me to move. I thought that the people on the street probably had not seen someone flying before. I kicked my feet in the air to get moving. I started slowly and then accelerated. As i rounded the corner and started to head north, though, i realized that i was not heading in the correct direction. I paused in the air, wondering where i should go. I felt confused. I turned around and headed back to the intersection. I had to travel east. There were no cars in the intersection, but i was aware that some were coming from the west. I tried to fly above them as i passed into the intersection. I then became aware that there were power lines across the city street. I wondered why i was flying so low. I thought that i should fly above the buildings so that i could see where i was going and get out of the way of the cars and power lines. As i approached the intersection from the north and started to climb into the air, i noticed that the misty grey rain clouds were hovering just above the level of the buildings. I dipped into the clouds and realized that i could not be able to see where i was going. I dipped down again as i turned to the east. I watched the black power lines across the road as i traveled. I was aware of a car behind me. I kicked my legs hard to accelerate, as though i were swimming. I then thought that it was strange that i was using a scissors kick to propel myself in the air. I realized that my motions were very much like swimming. It seemed strange.

12001 March 10

I was in the room with some of my relatives. I felt annoyed and frustrated. Something was uncomfortable about being with my family. The room seemed like the downstairs of my grandmother’s house. There was a table in the north side of it where my grand mother sat. She was facing the east, playing with something on the table. My mother seemed to be in the center of the room, on the east side. Several other people seemed to be in the room as well. Someone asked me something, but i did not know how to respond. I felt annoyed with them and spoke back using inappropriate language. I walked to the southwest, towards the base of the stairs which led to the second floor. Someone asked me a question and i replied, using “fuck” in the middle of the sentence for emphasis. I felt more upset with my family. I was not happy. I swore at them again as i stormed out of the room. I went up stairs where they would not bother me. I felt like i was no longer part of the family. I thought that my family might reject me. I knew that they no longer agreed with how i thought and what i did. I felt upset that they would stop talking to me, but i had to leave. I knew that they would lock me out of the house. I felt depressed and wondered where i would go. I walked around the outside of the house. I thought that i could go to $K5’s apartment. I walked around the side of the large wooden house and came to the smaller yellow house where $K5 lived. There were people playing outside, on the small grass lawn. I thought that she must be having a party. I said hello to some off the people who were hanging around. I hoped that $K5 would let me stay with her for a while. I thought that i could take a shower here.

12001 March 11

I was heading up the steep hill, to the north. There was a large dark-brown pig walking in front of me. There was a harness around the pig’s body with a black leash. I held on to the black leash as the pig charged up the hill. It seemed as though the pig was supposed to be towing me up the hill, but i felt uncomfortable. The pig kept stopping and turning around to face me. I knew that i did not own the pig and that it was angry with me. The pig turned around to face me. It seemed agitated, and i was afraid that it would charge me. I tried to stay out of its way. It then turned back up the hill and started pulling me. I laid down on the ground and started to glide over the snow which was now on the trail. I thought that i must be high enough up the mountain that i had come across the snow. There was a woman to the right of me as i slid past her, up the hill. She asked about the pig, and i told her that it was the way things were done.

12001 March 12

I walked with the other people through the thin woods. It seemed cold out, though there were still green leaves on the trees. The air seemed damp, and i thought that there was a little snow still on the ground. We seemed to be traveling to the southwest, but had stopped to figure out which way we needed to go. I motioned with my left arm to the southeast, toward the slope of a steep hill. The others did not seem enthusiastic about climbing up the steep slope. I felt somewhat hesitant myself, but started running toward the hill. There were some rock outcroppings a little way up the slope which poked out from the tan and grey forest floor. As i reached the hill, i realized that it was a lot steeper than i had thought. I realized why the others did not want to climb it. I grabbed onto the wooden bream which crossed in front of me. The wall on which i was climbing seemed very old, and was made of large wooden beams. The beams were old, worn smooth, and stained a dark brown from time. I looked up. I seemed to be at the top of the wall, where the ceiling started. The room was curved, as though we were in a vary large silo. The roof was peaked, its beams running up from the walls. I looked up, trying to figure out how to climb further. The others watched me from below. I was aware that it was my idea to climb up the wall to get to where we had to go. I wondered whether i would be able to do it. It seemed as though i was stuck. I could not climb any further. I kept looking above me for some place to grab onto, but there were none. The others in the stream near me were talking to each other. I stopped trying to climb the wall and looked around the forested area around me. $G4 were standing in the middle of a shallow stream bed. The edges of the stream were sandy gravel. $A79 was standing across the stream from where i was, to the south of me. I could see the pale green forest behind him as he stood on one leg, with the other bent. He was wearing a pair of blue shorts and a blue long-sleeve shirt. $G4 then started to move to the east. I felt as though it was getting late. I started to run to the east. As i ran down the trail through the woods, i was alone. It was also getting dark out. I strained to see the trail on which i was running, but it had grown dark. I could barely see a faint grey pattern below me where the trail was. I tried to follow it through the woods as i jogged. I then felt a sharp sting against my left leg as i scraped into a bush. I moved a little to the right. I was having trouble focusing on the trail. I knew that the trail would lead me back to the main building. I headed north on the trail, thinking that it would turn to the north-northwest some time. I remembered that the area around me was very flat, with many small trees in the woods. The trail led through the woods and back to the campus. I kept jogging, knowing that i would eventually get back to the buildings. I rounded a corner on the path, straining to see the lighter shade of black that was the path under me. I felt a small shrub scratch my left leg as i drifted off of the trail. I was the on the long stretch of the trail which led back. I came to the building. The area seemed better lighted. The large building seemed like a barn which was well maintained. It was several stories tall and had decorative diagonal cross beams, as though it were Penn Deutsch. The lights in the area were, dim, but i could se the building to the north of me.

We had just entered the building and were standing at the end of the hallway. There was a large glass window to the west of us which seemed to look down into another part of the building. I remembered that all of this had happened before. We would not be able to sneak into the pool area of the building before the alarm went off. We had to be careful that no one noticed that we did not belong here. It then seemed that an alarm was going off. I knew that we were not discovered, but i thought that something else had happened. I wondered whether we had caused it. Lucas, from Sea Quest, was standing in front of me. He was smiling about something as he glanced to the west, through the large window. I knew that the people from the next room over were trying to get out of the building. I looked down into the room, wondering whether i could see people still in the swimming pool. I could see three men in black diving suits swimming across the surface of the water to the southeast. I did not remember being at this position the last time that this happened. I thought that it was interesting to see the men in black suits. I thought that they were looking for the intruder. Lucas turned back toward me and smiled again. I thought that he was probably checking out the women from the pool. we had to get out of the building. I turned to the east, thinking that we should get away. There was a woman with us who had long curly brown hair. I realized that she had come from the pool. She was the danger for which everyone was searching. We had to get her out of the building before the others found her. We came out of the doorway and into the large room, which seemed like a gymnasium. The doorway was on the south wall of the room. There was someone sitting at a table near the door. We stopped to talk to him. I remembered that he was some kind of guard and had to make sure that we were okay. I turned to the east and spotted the woman walking into a second doorway in the south wall. I worried that she would run into trouble. I started after her when i realized that she was coming back into the gymnasium. This version of the events seemed different that the last one. I remembered that the woman was not really human, and did not really understand the situation. We had to get her out of the building. The woman was standing between me and the other woman when she said that her name was Gwendoni Devoni. It seemed like a strange name, and i hoped that the guard did not notice that she was the one everyone was looking for. I thought about her name and wondered whether it was the same as it had been the first time. I thought that i could call her “Gwen”. It would seem less strange. The guard then handed us two tickets. I handed the ticket to the two women. I thought that they could leave the building with the tickets. I motioned them to the east, but the woman with the long brown hair did not seem to understand. I started complaining to the guard that i did not have my ticket, knowing that i had handed my valid ticket to the woman. Once she had escaped with it, the guard would have to check me through security. I knew that i would have no problems. I stayed near the table as i waited for the women to leave. they did not seem to be going fast enough.

12001 March 13

I was in the central room of the fraternity. There were several people around me who were sitting in some of the chairs. They were speaking to each other. I looked to the south, noticing that one of the people was $A279. It felt strange to see him. I knew that he was dead and wondered what he was doing in the room. I then turned to the north to see the man sitting on the couch behind me. It was $A185. I knew that he was dead as well. It seemed strange to be here. I then realized that this was not the correct time for me. I had, somehow, slipped backward through time. I was in the fraternity house the way it was in the past. I felt very strange, and started to walk to the southeast, into the center of the room. Everything seemed clean and new. The couches seemed to form a rectangle in a small alcove to the main room. The alcove was on the north side of the room, with a slightly lower ceiling. The main section of the room seemed to have rich blue carpeting with white walls. As i stepped into the room from the alcove on the north, i was aware of a corridor leading off to both the east and west, its north wall flush with the north wall of the room. I noticed a darkly stained wooden dresser on the south end of the east wall of the living room. It had a mirror hanging on the wall above it. I thought that i should look at myself in the mirror. No one here seemed to notice that i was out of place, so i thought that i might be younger. I walked in front of the mirror and saw that i looked quite a bit younger than i had. I was back in time. I staggered backward slightly, aware that someone was noticing my motion from the alcove. I wondered whether any one would ask. I feigned instability as i walked into the center of the room, confusion on my face. I did not know what to do. I did not belong here, yet i felt as though moving back in time was a good thing. I looked around the living room. It was very clean. I remembered that it was always much cleaner back then, but i did not remember just how clean. Everything seemed new. I spotted the red leather sofa in the center of the room. I then wondered where the grand piano was. I remembered that had been located in a different place before. I looked to the southwest corner of the room, noticing the piano backed into the wall. The golden metal on the stone fireplace on the south wall was just behind it. I remembered that the piano had been too close to the fireplace in the past. We had moved it to keep it from dehydrating. I then remembered that the fireplace used to be painted over. No one knew that there were mirrors above it nor fine woodwork under it. I turned to the north to see the large stone fireplace in the middle of the north wall. It was covered with brick from top to bottom. I knew that the mirrors would soon be uncovered on the top, but it had not yet been done. I felt very unsettled here. I walked to the west and was walking across the green grass of the lawn outside. It was sunny outside and i could see the large above-ground pool in the middle of the back yard. There were flower beds circling the east side of it, with green shrubs leading to taller trees just beyond. Everything seemed so well maintained. I was surprised and disappointed to realized just how much everything had changed. There seemed to be a white garage on the northeast corner of the yard. I walked to the south, looking at the pool and flowers. I passed a second white shed on the southeast corner of the yard and remembered that there was a trail which used to run to the south, down the hill and into the woods. I wondered whether it would be clean. I knew that it had been poorly maintained over the years, but i thought that it might still be clear in this history. I turned to the south east and walked along the north side of the small white shed. There was a narrow set of stone steps which descended the hill between the white wall of the wooden shed and the rising hill of pink and orange flowers to the north. As i descended, i noticed an old cement pond to the northeast, below the flat surface of the main lawn. I remembered that it had been filled in but was not exposed and holding a shallow level of water. I could see green algae growing in the stagnant water. A few dead leaves floated on the surface of the pool. I felt happy to see it, knowing that it had been covered up a long time ago in my time line. I then turned to the south. I felt frustrated with this place. The pond seemed to be within a larger cement structure. The ground was level around the pond, but there was a small cement wall to the south with metal poles planted in it. The tall black metal poles supported a decaying cement room which seemed to have been painted long ago. I ran to the edge of the wall, thinking that i could hop over it to the lower level of the old lawn. As i jumped up onto the wall, i realized that the ground on the other side was much lower than i had remembered. It seemed to be ten or so metres below me. I grabbed onto one of the metal poles with my left hand as i looked over the edge. I was glad that i had not jumped. I realized that i could have damaged my legs. I stood up and ran to the east, thinking that i would have to round the edge of the hill the same way that i had come up. I then wondered how the ground on the other side could slope so much to rise to the level i was at. I did not remember climbing a steep hill. I then seemed to be hovering over the edge of the wall, watching myself run around the eastern end of the embankment and down the steep slope of the suburban road. I remembered this place from before, but it all seemed so distant. There seemed to be someone waiting to the southwest, where the house was. I walked to the northwest, across the living room. Everything was so different. I then remembered that two people were alive again. They were dead in my time. I looked at how clean everything was and felt very out of place. The scene was nostalgic and inviting, but i felt deeply disturbed by it, as though i had an impulse to escape.

12001 March 14

I was moving along the driver’s side of the tractor-trailer as it drove own the long road. The land around us seemed to be flat and open. There was something wrong with the tractor-trailer. I knew that i was driving it, but it was damaged in some way. The road now seemed like a highway as i drove inside the truck. I remembered this event from before. I knew that something was going to happen to the truck. A light started to flash on the dashboard. I knew that it was a warning for a shredded tire. The truck had blown a tire and was going to swerve off the road. I was then outside of the truck again. I was floating behind the truck and to the passenger’s side. The truck pulled to the side of the road. I was then standing in the field to the side of the road. The field was at a slightly lower elevation than the road. I suddenly remembered that the truck was going to drive off the road. I worried that the truck would roll over the side of the road and roll down the hill. The truck slowed to a stop on the shoulder of the road. This did not happen as i had before. Just then, the dirt at the edge of the road started slipping under the tire. The truck tipped into the field and fell onto its side. I was worried and wondered whether we would be able to tip the truck back onto the road.

12001 March 18

I was in the apartment with my mother. The place seemed dark and old. It seemed like the apartment we used to live in at $P2. I walked across the living room, heading northwest. It seemed to be late in the day, and i thought that i had to get something to eat. My mother was doing something in the southwest section of the room. There seemed to be many things stacked in the room, as though the place were an attic. As i reached the kitchen on the west side of the apartment, i seemed to be walking across a parking lot to a smaller building. The buildings around the lot formed a U-shape which faced north, matching the walls of the living room. It seemed that the small building to the west was some kind of restaurant. My grandfather was with us. He did not seem to be i a good mood. I thought that we would have to bring him back home. I left the small restaurant which was on the south side of an old narrow street. The road in the middle of the street was too narrow for a car and was paved with rounded bricks. It was very dark out, but there was a sharp light illuminating the damp ground. I crossed the street to the north, to where my grandfather was. He was not in a good mood. I thought that he was simply tired. He had been at the festival for most of the day. He complained aloud to some of the people around him. I tried not to be bothered by his mood. I started to walk to the south with him, back toward the car. We padded through a long narrow building which seemed very modern. There was an escalator that we took to the lower level, passing several people. The building still seemed rather dark, but the polished surfaces of the stone floor and metal railings could easily be seen. We turned at the bottom of the escalator and started to head down the road to the east. My grandfather complained to several people. I noticed that there was a car driving ahead of me as i headed away from the festival and down the dark country road. There were trees crowding the road from both sides. The place felt pleasant. I then wondered whether i could remember the way back. I stared ahead of us, down the road. I could now see the valley open up around us as though it were day light. I could not make out where the road was in front of us, but i could see a tan trail worn on the rocky side of the mountain. I realized that the trail must be the place where the trail curved around the side of the mountain. I followed it, hoping that i did not get stuck in the dirt. The car tipped to the right as i started driving along the slope of the jagged mountain, following the bumpy road around the curve of mountains that was the northern edge of the valley. The sky was still dark, but i could see the features of the rock very clearly against it.

12001 March 19

I lie on the bed in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. It seemed like early morning. There was a bright glow of sunlight coming from the window on the east wall, seeping around the edges of the vinyl shade. I was lying on my stomach as i turned my head to the right to look at the small clock radio on the table next to the bed. The table was part of the dresser and was made of darkly strained wood. The radio seemed to be playing., I thought that i should turn it off. It had been playing for a long time. My father was walking around in the next room, getting ready to leave for the day. I listened to the man on the radio talking, thinking that the radio no longer should be on. I turned it off and looked to the east, across the front of the house. There seemed to be someone else moving to the east, across the yard outside. I could see the thin leafless trees in the eastern part of the yard. The person seemed to be moving on the other side of them. I was in the front yard, looking to the east. I walked to the north, on the west side of the house. I was aware that the other person was moving to the north on the east side of the house. I had to get out of their view. I walked across the back yard and toward the garage. I thought that i could walk along the western side of the garage and lose them. They would think that i was headed for the field in the back. As i crossed the back yard, i watched for movement in the corner of my eye. I made it to the garage before the other person in the car could drive to the garage. I stopped on the western side of the garage, thinking that i could stop here. The other person would think that i went behind the garage and continue into the large field beyond. I looked to the north. I could see the front of the garage in the reflection of the large mirror. I remembered that there was a large mirror on the front of the garage which faced south. It allowed me to see the front of the garage from where i was standing on the western side of the garage. I moved to the east a little, hiding behind a small protrusion in the garage’s western wall. Someone started to walk from the eastern side of the garage. I thought that i could hide from them. As i watched, i realized that it was $A284. I did not expect to see him here and wondered what had happened to the other person. He then turned to face me and nodded. I realized that he could see me in the mirror the same way that i could see him. I did not want him to get near me. I started climbing onto the roof of the garage when i that i should float away. I knew that the motion of floating would surprise him and keep him away. I Raised my arms out to the side and concentrated on lifting my body. I felt a tension through my upper torso as i lifted from the ground. I pushed down with my arms, as if swimming through the air with a breast stroke. $A284 paused at the southwestern corner of the garage, astonished at the sight. I hovered just over the roof of the garage. I moved my arms to gain some elevation my pushing down on the air. I was aware of $A284 standing below me as i floated to the southwest. I started to rotate my body in the air. I thought that i would have to remain high above him so that he could not get to me. I was then aware that it was very hard to float higher than a certain height. My body rotated so that i was facing up, with my legs to the east. I wondered whether the rotation would impress $A284 from the ground. I then became aware of the ceiling in front of me. I thought that i should stay as close to it as possible. I looked to the east as my feet grazed the rough surface of the white ceiling. I was not comfortable here and rotated over, pulling myself to the south with my arms. I swam through the air into the small blue room at the front of the house. My mother was in the hallway just to the east of me as i crossed the front room. I entered the small blue room, trying to stay as close to the ceiling as possible o that people on the floor could not get to me. The room was small and had only one doorway in the center of the north side. As i floated to the ceiling. I looked at the wood molding which lined the ceiling. It formed a ledge. I looked to the east as i tried to grab onto the ledge with my toes. I wanted to rest my toes on the edge of the molding so that it would be easier to hold my body against the ceiling. I rested my big toes on the blue trim in the northeast corner of the room and pressed my chest into the white ceiling. I had to gain as much elevation as possible.

12001 March 21

I walked to the east, into the large store. The place was dark and lined with instruments. I There was a man standing by the table in the center of the room. He seemed to be busy playing with an instrument that was on the table. I walked around the north side of the room, looking at the stringed instruments. I wondered whether there were any instruments here that might interest me. I then thought that i spotted a banjo handing over my head. I moved to get a better look. The four-stringed instrument was lying on the table in the center of the room. It had a black body and seemed small. As i got closer, i could se that the strings on the instrument were actually very thick. It was an electric bass. Only the two outer strings were still on the instrument. I turned away from the table and walked to the eastern end of the store. All of the instruments here seemed strange. I noticed the guitars hanging in the center of the east wall. They were brightly coloured solid-body guitars, but they had strings which came out from the neck at fourty-five-degree angles, connecting to the sharp triangular arms of the body. I moved a little to the east when i stopped suddenly and looked down at the large bass that was standing at my feel. It seemed to be an old acoustic bass cello. It was brown and worn, like many of the things in the store. My eyes panned across the north wall as the other man started to talk to me. I replied, thinking that i had been here too long. I was on the back porch of the building, facing east. The porch seemed like a kitchen with the east wall open. There was a counter in the center of the room, next to which i was standing. The man was standing on the ground outside, which was on a slightly lower level. There also seemed to be a third person out on the lawn, loading something into a car. The instrument in my hand moved suddenly and i heard it hit the side of the counter. I looked down and realized that the head of the old acoustic guitar had collided with the white linoleum on the side of the counter. I looked at the head and realized that two of the fake-ivory tuners were out of place, higher than the rest. I realized that they had cracked off of their pegs. I looked at it carefully, removing the cracked tuners from the tip of the guitar. I looked at the peg where they had been attached. I mentioned to the other person that i would have to glue them back together. I wondered whether it would work. I liked the sound of the classical guitar, even if it was old and worn.

12001 March 22

I walked over to the large wooden table that was sitting in front of the window on the front of the house. The person next to me asked about security. I did not think that the neighbourhood around the house was unsafe. The man pointed out that most of the houses on the front part of the neighbourhood had just been robbed. I looked out the window to see the road in front of the house. There was a wide intersection directly across from the house with a curving road leading away to the north. Only a few hundred metres beyond, i could see the intersection of that road and the main road. Several cars passed along the main road, where a traffic light hung overhead. It seemed that there were only a few houses at the front of the neighbourhood, and they were not as far away from my house as i had thought they were. I then wondered why my house was not on the main road, as i had thought it was. I told the other two that my house was dark most of the time as i walked back toward the center of the large room. I then realized that i should not continue my though. I was about to say that it was dark because i was not home most of the time. I decided that i did not want the two men to know. They might have something to do with the robberies. I walked to the east, into a different section of the house. I thought that i should get something from upstairs. I looked to the north, up the wooden stairs, which ascended in the center of the room. They were enclosed on both sides by thin wooden walls. The people around me started talking. I tried to collect my things. I felt as though i were with some people in a foreign land. They were tribal, and i did not know their customs. Someone said that we had to get started. I was hesitant about going with them, but i felt as though i had to. The hunters stood up. They were wearing crude clothing and carried spears. We were in the middle of a large grassy field, and the sun seemed to be setting to the west, colouring the sky deep red. I stood up from where i had been crouching in the center of the dirt road, which ran north to south. The people started running to the west. As i stood up, i picked up the small silver object that was on the ground. I then realized that someone else had left an object on the ground. It was shaped like a small airplane, with no tail and swept-back wings. I picked it up and held it out, mentioning that someone had forgotten their object. No one seemed interested, so i dropped the object back on the ground by the trail. I hurried to the west to catch up with the others. It was very dark now, and i felt nervous about where we were going. I felt as though i did not fit in with these people. As i jogged across the cut tan field grass, i thought about what we were doing. The people in front of me slowed suddenly and stopped to listen. I was aware of a sound in the distance. I thought that it must be a lion roaring. We had to be careful of the lions. I turned my flashlight to the north, to see if i could spot anything. I thought that i might be able to see the lion coming. I could see nothing across the wide field. I turned back to the east, just in time to see a small black creature running toward me. I tensed as the creature hopped toward me. It was small, and looked like a furry cat, but it hopped like a fox. It waved its nose in front of me, as though it were happy to see me. I knew that it was a wild animal and that it was simply checking us out. It turned and ran back into the mists that covered the field. I thought that it was some kind of wolf. I looked around the field to the north again to see more of the small black animals running around. I was weary of them, but did not think that they would attack us. The hunting party started to walk to the southeast, while i followed the woman to the southwest. The pointed out something, mentioning that it would be good food. I looked around but did not see anything. I then realized that i could hear birds singing. I looked to the east, up into the air to see a tall leafless tree looming over us through the dense fog. I noticed several small black birds sitting on the branches. They looked like small crows, but i referred to them as “larks”. Several of them flew from one branch to another. I wondered whether they would be shot with the bows and eaten. The woman seemed like $F19, and she walked to the east, down the slope of the hill, and under the branches of the tree. I followed her, wondering whether the birds were attracted to fruit on the tree. If so, then she might be referring to the fruit and not the birds. The appearance of the birds would simply be a sign that the fruit was there. She seemed to be focusing on something other than the birds, though, and i wondered what she had found for food. She then lifted a large turtle over her head. The animal waved its arms slowly in the air as she held it shell-down. The turtle had a brown shell and tan skin on its underside. Its green head moved from side to side as its mouth opened. I realized that $F19 had her hand near the turtle’s mouth. I thought that the turtle might be able to bite her fingers off. I tried to warn her as she placed her hand over the turtle’s mount. I followed her as she walked back to the north, around the east side of the grass hut where the others had gone. I watched the turtle’s mouth, noticing that the skin of $F19’s hand was stretched over the mouth of the turtle. I noticed the turtle opening its mouth, stretching the skin that was covering it. It then bit back down, pinching some of the skin in its beak. I thought that $F19 must be injured by the bite, but she did not stop moving or take note. She turned in front of the hut and lowered the turtle for everyone to see. I looked closely at the mask of skin that was over the turtle’s mouth. I wondered whether the turtle would be able to breath through it. It was not skin, but a rubber sheet. The turtle seemed more like a man, then, his hands reaching for the rubber sheet to pull it from his face. I thought that he should not be allowed to do so, but the others were not holding his arms tight enough. He slipped out and grabbed the piece of rubber with his left hand.

12001 March 23

I was walking to the south west along the edge of the very tall mountain. This place seemed like Tibet, with tall jagged peaks. The rocks were light grey, and protruded from the ground in large prism-shaped outcroppings. There were some men near me who were wearing formal red shirts. They were long shirts, and seemed oriental in style. The shirts had yellow designs on them. I was traveling with this group of people. They were carrying bows and other weapons with them. I knew that these people were hunters. I spoke to them as we walked. It felt strange to be traveling with their group. Then one of them told me his name. He said that he was Ian. He was a wrestler. I was interested in him and asked him about the group. I then noticed that some of the others were joking with each other, pushing each other around. Some of them started to mock wrestle.

I flew to the west, down the main street of the small town. I could see the small store fronts on the wide street. There was a large truck below me. I watched it as i moved. I was then sitting in the front set of a car. I looked to the southwest, over the muddy water of the river. The river was flooding. I knew that it would be dangerous for the town. The water rushed past, heading to the north. I wondered whether the flood waters had washed out the shore of the river. I knew that the highway passed close to the water. I imagined that a truck might get trapped on the highway and then have the highway washed out from under it. I thought that the soil would erode under the road. $A21 said something. He was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car. He told me that his name was Chad.

12001 March 27

I rode my bicycle down the long country road. There were trees on either side, and it seemed like late summer. I thought that i would have to get home before it got too dark. I then noticed another biker on the road ahead of me. I was catching up to him, and i felt somewhat competitive. I wanted to pass him. I sped up and started to cycle by. It did not seem too hard to maintain the faster speed. As i passed him, though, i realized that he was $A176. I slowed down and road next to him so that i could say hello. He was wearing a tight yellow racing shirt. As we spoke, i was aware of some other bicyclists around us. We were riding in a pack. We were being moved to the northeast. I walked to the left of $A176 as we moved down the long corridor. I felt uneasy. The people were herding us to another secure area. I looked to the southeast to see the large grassy sports field which stretched out along the side of the corridor. Everything seemed to be indoors. The people were getting us out of the area, but i felt as though i should not have to go. The person then told us that the fields had been contaminated by old wrestling mats. I looked out over the field to our right as we walked, thinking that the mats must have been buried under the dirt when this area was rebuild. I remembered how the mats decayed over time and wondered whether there was really a danger. This seemed like a cover story. I knew that they really just wanted to keep us out of the area.

I drove the car to the north, down the busy city street. My mother was in the car with me. We were going to the shopping area to pick up my grandmother. I felt uncomfortable with the idea. I wanted to do something else, but i felt that i was expected to do this. I knew that this trip was quite far out of the way from what i wanted to do. I felt frustrated. I was then driving back from where i had been, heading south-southeast down the boulevard. The buildings around be seemed to be old shops and businesses. They were stone buildings and were only a few stories tall. I spotted $A85 standing on the east side of the road. He looked at me as i approached. He was standing with a woman. I wondered whether she was his wife. I said hello and he greeted me in return. It felt good to see him again. He seemed rushed, though, and motioned that he needed to continue down the street. I wondered whether he did not really want to talk. I decided that i should not keep him and continued to the east, heading through the glass door and into the old brick building. I did not want $A85 to think that i had diverted my direction simply to talk to him. The way i parted with him seemed awkward, but i knew that i was not good at social meetings. I looked around the restaurant in which i was standing. I tried to make it seem that i had come in here simply to look for someone. I moved to the north, into the long white room. The place was plain, with round tables which were covered with white tablecloths. There were a few decorations around the room, with come green plants interspersed. I thought that this place was a chinese restaurant. I looked to the east, toward the back of the restaurant. There was a level of the restaurant against the south wall which was raised a metre or so higher than the section in which i was standing. There were several people sitting in various places around the restaurant, and there were a few waiters in white shirts and black dresses moving between the tables. One of the waiters walked over to me and asked if she could help me. I told her that i thought that this place had a deli. I wanted to get a simple sandwich “to go”. I turned around and started to walk back out of the restaurant, but all i saw was a blank white wall. The north wall of the restaurant curved to meet the west wall. This seemed to be the back of the restaurant. There was a tray stand against the back wall. I then remembered that i had been in the next room over. I walked to the north, thinking that i could get back to the other section of the restaurant. I spotted the outside doors in the northwest corner of the room, but they had an alarm on them. I knew that i should not open the doors, but i felt frustrated and did not know how else to leave the place. I walked through the doors and came into a large parking lot on the back side of the building. I thought that i should leave the area before the people in the restaurant call the police. I raised my arms from my sides and started to lift from the ground. I then wondered whether it was secluded enough for me to fly here. I was having a difficult time lifting from the ground. My arms felt heavy. I moved them as fast as i could through the air, but only rose a little. I then noticed that there were people watching me from the building to the southeast. The top floor of the restaurant seemed to be an old run-down brick apartment building. There were people sitting on the wooden balcony. I then thought that the balcony was really a covered fire escape. They looked at me curiously. I thought that i should leave the area quickly.

12001 March 29

There was something occurring, and i felt tense. The person to the east of us would probably attack. This seemed to be part of a story where all of the characters were from the Middle Ages. I thought that this was part of the story of the sword in the stone. I was in a large castle room with dark grey stone walls. The man from the east then moved toward me. He was trying to attack me so that he could get the sword first. I thought that i had a special kind of protection. I was from the future, with respect to these people, and i knew things that they did not. I had some kind of force field which would protect me from them. He swung his sword at me and i blocked it with mine. I then used my technology to shatter his sword. I backed away and looked over the blade of my sword. The sword was made of wax. I knew that it was a special kind of crystalline composite. I could see tiny chips of glass in the wax from the other sword. I would have to clean them out of my sword.

12001 March 30

I rode my bicycle down the suburban street, to the east. It seemed somewhat dark, as though it were late in the evening. There were house to the north of me, but the land on the south side of the road seemed to slope up, as though it were part of a dike. There were a few people in the road ahead of me. I rode past them. I then noticed that there was another person on a bicycle on the north side of the road. I wondered what they were doing there. It seemed as though the bicycle was standing still. It was too dark to distinguish the person, though i had no trouble seeing the road. As i got closer to the bicycle, i realized that there was a squirrel sitting in the seat. It seemed to be playing with something that dangled down to the ground. I wondered whether the squirrel would be riding the bicycle. I knew that i was passing to the south of the squirrel, but i was watching it from the north as i passed. There seemed to be a long orange scarf dangling down the bicycle. The squirrel looked up at me, seeming angry that i was watching it. I felt embarrassed that i had disturbed the squirrel and hoped that it did not get mad at me. I continued down the road to the east. After a little while, i decided to turn around. I had to get back to somewhere. I walked slowly through the dark halls of the old house. I realized that i was in someone else’s house. I tried to glide over the floor, but the small plastic bag on which i had been riding was not working properly. I tried to position it under me, but i could not balance it properly. The plastic bag then started making a farting noise, like a whoopee cushion. I realized that it was the way the bag would float over the ground. I sat on the small plastic sandwich bag as it farted air in a steady rhythm. I then wondered whether the people who owned the house were sleeping up stairs. I thought that the woman would hear the sound and come to investigate. I listened to the pulsing sound of the bag as i scurried across the floor. I seemed to be very low to the ground. I worried that the woman would come down and find me. I thought that i should hurry to the front door and escape outside. I knew that the woman was coming. She was concerned about the noise in the house. I moved swiftly out the front door of the house and jumped over the railing of the porch. I hid for a moment below the dark red wall at the front edge of the porch. The wall seemed to be made of thin spindles under the railing which were very close together. I thought that the woman would look out and not see anything. I then wondered what i would do if she actually came out onto the porch. I thought about the possibilities. I decided to quickly run across the street. I knew that i could not get out of sight before the woman came out onto the porch, but i decided that i could at least look like anyone else who might be on the street. I ran to the west side of the road. As i reached the sidewalk on the other side, i glanced back to see the woman walking out of the front door and onto the porch. She was wearing a yellow dress which seemed made her seem like a house-wife from the fifties. She continued across the porch and down the stairs. I thought that she was coming toward me. I started casually walking down the alley to the west. I kept glancing back to see whether she was still following. He walked casually, but was headed right toward me. There was a tall building to the south of me and a chain-link fence to the north. The fence seemed to be covered with green vegetation. There was a large tree in the center of the alley which spread its huge leaves out overhead. The tall building then ended, and the alley opened up into a small parking lot. There seemed to be several people sitting in chairs around the lot, as though enjoying the day. I glanced back to see that then woman was getting closer. I tried not to notice her. I looked up at the trees, noticing that their branches were full of tropical fruit. The fruit was orange, and looked like a cactus, with bulbous growths all over it. I became fascinated with the fruit. I had not realized that it would grow in this place. I then noticed the yellow fruit on some of the other branches. I glanced back and realized that the woman was very near to me. I stopped and looked fascinated with the fruit. The woman walked to the north of me, passing me. It seemed that she had no interest in me at all. I continued to look at the large green leaves and the fruit.