12002 March 01

I was in the back seat of the truck as we drove to the south, down the country road. My father was in the passenger’s seat, and $A73 was driving. We seemed to be heading toward my parents’ house. It was evening, and the sun had already set, but there was still light in the sky. I could see a sharp corner in the road, where the road turned to the west. We did not slow down for the corner. Instead, we drove across the side yard of a house and into the forest of thin trees on the side of the road. The house was to the east of us. I felt distressed and asked $A73 what he was doing. He said that he was simply driving through the woods. I thought that the small trees would easily break in front of the truck. I realized that the large green truck was not slowed by the trees in the forest, but i worried that we might hit a larger tree. $A73 then made a comment about the wire across the way. I looked out the front window, but could not see anything but trees. I then realized that we were on the lawn of a house. It seemed that the house was set in from the main road to the west. I thought that there was a long driveway leading back to the house from the road. The grassy lawn around the house was wide, and we drove on the east side of the house, turning slightly to the southeast. I thought that the wire to which $A73 was referring was the clothes line from the house. I could not see it in the darkening yard. I wondered how we were going to get to my parents’ house. I knew that we were heading in the correct direction, but i did not feel safe going through the woods. I then noticed that there was a power line crossing our path. It ran east to west, and seemed to have a line of thick undergrowth around it. I realized that there was a road under the lines. As we approached the road, we turned to the east, coming to the road at a shallow angle. We crashed through the trees and came out onto the road. I was worried that we might run into a car as we came onto the road, but, fortunately, there were no cars around. As we started deriving to the east, i looked back and noticed a white car down the road, to the west. It had its headlights on. For a moment, i thought that it might be the police. It might make a good story if the police had spotted us crashing through the forest in the car. I looked again at the white car behind us and noticed that there were two other cars following it. They all seemed to be from the fifties r sixties. They were large and rounded. I then looked ahead of us to see the lawn of a large farmhouse approaching. The house seemed to be to the south. There was a large red two-story barn with a tin silo on the northeast corner of it. The field to the north of the barn was covered with dried corn husks. We started driving over the field. I then realized that i was looking out the back window of the car. I turned around to see my father driving the black car. I realized that the car was like a Volkswagen Passat. I looked out the back window of the car again. It was now dark enough that i could not really see what was behind us. The taillights were not as bright as the headlights would have been. I told my father that he should turn the car around and drive forward. I wondered why we were going in reverse. I then noticed the rounded hood of the black car and thought that the trees might damage the front end of the car. We were going backward to prevent the car from being seriously damage. I then saw the darkness of the forest approaching. We were heading back into the woods at the end of the field. The silhouette of trees against the dark sky was ragged, as thought the trees were pines. I then noticed that one of the trees was taller than the rest. We were heading just to the right of it. I winced and made a noise as if we were going to hit the tree anyway. I warned my father that there was a large tree in our way. We passed into the woods, and everything seemed dark. I started to feel uncomfortable. I did not want to be here. I rolled over on the bed. It was too dark to see. There were then others in the room. I sat up and started talking to someone. I sat up on the east side of the bed. There was a wall near me. This place seemed run down. The sheets on the bed were bundled up, as though i had been tossing around in my sleep. I heard the rest of my family coming. I looked out the old wooden-cased window on the south wall. It had no curtains. I wrapped the sheets around my waist. I suddenly thought that i was no in shape, and felt slightly embarrassed about the lack of detail on my stomach. I could see the crude wooden stairs on the outside of the building, just beyond the window. They came up from the east, running along the building like a fire escape. Some of my family members walked up the stairs and past the window. Then i saw $A10 walked to the top of the stairs. He paused in front of the window. He was wearing only a pair of blue running shorts. I looked at his chest and torso. He was still in very good shape. I felt embarrassed again for not being in as good a shape myself. $A10 looked at me through the window. He must have noticed that i was staring at him. He backed away and paused near the railing of the balcony. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist, but i could see his legs through the separation of the towel. His legs were still nicely proportioned. I backed into the room and sat back down on the bed. I felt upset and depressed. I thought that i should simply go back to bed. I remembered that i had been sleeping. I then wondered why i was not wearing anything. I usually wore long underwear to bed to keep me warm. I thought that i should put it on before i went back to sleep. I must have been getting ready to get out of bed and get dressed. I felt confused. I stood up and walked to the east, into the next room. Someone commented that there would be more adults at this family get together. I still did not feel amused with the party. I started to feel uneasy and started to pace in the room. I was very unhappy about being here. I walked across the street to the east and into the large stone building. We seemed to be in the middle of a small city, and the stone building was really a monument of some kind. It was rounded and hollow in the middle. I thought that the corner across the street from the house was a park, and the stone structure was an amphitheatre. The stone dome faced the southwest, toward the corner of the streets. There seemed to be a paved courtyard on the corner where people could watch the shows in the theatre. I started to climb the stairs of the small tower. I thought about a story as i climbed. This building would be a good place from which to shoot the political person. I thought hat i could use a rifle to kill the politician and then flee the building. Since i was special, i might even be able to fly off of the building to escape. I wondered whether this plot would work. I stopped at the top of the stairs. The stone dome ended just in front of me. The roof above me was made of stone, but it was carved into a laced pattern. This building seemed very old. I crawled closer to the edge of the dome under me. The edge of the floor seemed to be broken off. I was now lying down on my stomach, looking over the edge of the dome. I could see the square tan stones of the courtyard below. It seemed to be a long way down. I noticed that there were thin lines over the top of the stones which looked like part of a maze. They were really the guide lines where the different sections of the crowd would stand for a show. I then remembered that i had felt very desperate once before. I thought that i could simply jump off of the roof. It would be a very random way of killing myself. I knew that i should not do it, thought, but i felt that it would be an interesting way to die. I then started to wonder whether the rest of the edge would break under me. I was afraid that it might crumble with my weight. I back away from the edge. I then noticed $K20 standing on the ground below me and to the west. She did not seem that far away. She asked me about something that was happening. I felt good that someone was asking me questions. She asked me about my music, and i told her that i was still playing. She nodded and started pacing back to the north. She seemed to be analyzing my responses. She asked me whether i found the music to be a challenge. I said that it was not a challenge to write the music, but that it was sometimes a challenge to play. I told her that i had a concept of the kind of music that i wanted to do in my head. I was not able to produce it on tape, though. I lacked the instruments needed to get the sound. I told her that i liked noise, literally. I tried to explain what i meant, but i felt that she did not really understand. I played with the white object in my lap as i spoke. It was made of white plastic and seemed to be a triangular telescoping cup. I felt strange about discussing my concept of music with $A20. I did not think that she would understand what i meant.

12002 March 02

I started to say something as i walked to the exercise machine on the south end of the east wall of the building. I was facing west, into the large open room. There were several others in the room with me. I could see several rows of black exercise bikes on the white floor of the room. I spotted a large cloud to the west, however, which stopped me before i could get my sentence out. The west wall of the building was missing, and i could see the wide countryside. There was a patch of farming field with forests around it. We seemed to be on the second floor of the old abandoned cement building. I looked at the grey cloud in the sky and noticed that it was forming a vertical ribbon. I told the others that it was a tornado. We had to find cover. I felt panicked as i told them it was headed toward us. It seemed like a very small tornado. I thought that the tornadoes in this section of the country were not really that strong. I knew that we still had to find shelter. I looked at the wall which ran through the center of the room from the south wall. The half wall was damaged, as though it had been penetrated by gun fire. Several of the others crouched down on the east side of the wall. I ran over to the wall and crouched down at well. There was a single wooden beam holding the end of the wall to the ceiling. It seemed that there used to be a large glass window over the top of the wall, but it was not gone. I slid my right arm through a hole in the wall so that i could have something to grab on to. The wind blew into the building, picking up dust and debris. I ducked my head so as not to get anything into my eyes. After the small twister had passed, i stood up. I knew that the tornadoes around here would not do much damage. I then noticed that there was a second tornado coming from the west-southwest. It seemed a little bit larger. I told the others to hide again. I ran to the east side of the building. I now seemed to be on the bottom floor of the building. I looked to the south, noticing a corridor which ran between the house and the ground to the east. There seemed to be an apartment to the southwest of me. The space behind the apartment was just below ground level and seemed to have a white roof over it. I thought that i could hide there. The others still seemed to be in the room to the west. The wind started to blow through the building. I thought that the second tornado must already be upon us.

12002 March 03

I rode my bicycle to the south, out of the plaza. This place seemed to be $P114. I turned to the east on the main street and started biking down the road. I was surprised to find myself on a bicycle. I thought that i had been walking. It seemed partly dark out, as though it was a very cloudy near twilight. The road was surrounded by thick woods. It made a small dip between the hills and started up the other side. This place did not look familiar to me. I thought that i should be able to see the doctors’ offices on the other side of the hill. I wondered whether i was still in the same place. I knew that there was some sort of shift here. I was in the past, but i might have been in another country. I felt confused and turned to the north. I drove down the dark narrow side road. I thought that this must be another country. There were old plaster houses on either side of the street. The street ended shortly on another street, which ran to the west. I stopped at the corner and pulled my bicycle to the east side of the road. There seemed to be a dirt parking space there. I put down the kickstand and started to dismount. I then noticed a group of young school women walking out of the building on the corner, across the street from me. They were wearing robes and seemed to be indian. I thought that i must be in India, or some other country in Central Asia. I felt out of place here. They spoke among themselves, and i thought that i would not be able to understand them. I felt defensive and tried not to draw attention to myself. One of the women then called to me. I tried not to notice. There was something dangerous about this situation. I did not want them to know that i was from a different country. One of them then started speaking English. I looked to the north, trying not to be interested in them. I then noticed a large white building just on the other side of the some old houses. It was the plaza i had come from. I looked back to the southeast to see the corner of a white and light-blue stucco building. It was the office building where the doctors were. I had not moved to a different country after all. I was still where i had started. I had simply not traveled down the main road enough to the east to his the buildings that i had been looking for. I would have to get back on my bicycle and ride farther to the east.

12002 March 04

I stopped at the border gate. I was in my car, heading to the west. I had been here for a while. This place was a foreign country. I thought that it might be Italy, but it seemed more like Mexico. I had to get through the border gate again. I was thinking about something. I did not know whether i would be able to do it. I then decided that it was warm and sunny here. There seemed to be a beach to the southwest of where i was stopped. I decided that i really wanted to just hang around on the beach and enjoy the sun for a while. I then remembered that i did not like being in the sun for too long a period of time. The white metal pole of the border gate lifted in front of me, and i drove my small car around the corner and to the north. There was an old white stone building on the corner, very close to the road. This place seemed like old Europe. I rounded the corner and walked down the street to the south. I turned to the west and walked into the small door of the old building. This was my hotel. As i came into the front of the building, however, i realized that i did not recognize this place. I must have walked into the wrong building. I turned around and walked to the north, out of the building and down the front stairs outside. I then noticed a sign which pointed to one of the old hotels in this area. It was just to the east of where i was. I looked at the large tutor-style building. It had letters in fancy script on the front. The name started with a B. I looked at the building out of which i had just come. It was the same style of building, with dark brown beams and white plaster. The name on the hotel to the west started with a T, and was written in all-lowercase cursive. I realized that these were the expensive hotels in the area. I had been to them before, but they were not where i was staying. I remembered that my hotel was farther to the east, on another street. I had mistakenly come here.

12002 March 06

I seemed to be in the city. I was on the second floor of the large building. The building seemed to be made of tan sandstone. I walked to the east as i looked to the north. I was in an outdoor corridor. There was a thick stone railing with fat round banisters holding it up. The roof above was held by large stone pillars which spread into arches near the ceiling. I could see the old brick office building to the north. There was only a narrow alley between the office building and the one in which i was walking. I had just finished a conversation with someone. They had walked to the west as i came into this corridor. I glanced down, over the edge of the railing, at a woman on the street below. She was dressed in a black robe. My previous conversation had something to do with her and the person with her. I looked to the east again and continued walking. Someone was speaking. Then it seemed that someone passed me as they walked to the edge to look over the railing. I turned to the south. There was something special about this place. The person was talking to someone on the street. I felt that this place was part of a temple in the city. I started to float over the floor. The floor had been covered with large stone tiles in a grid pattern. As i soared near the ceiling, however, i could see that the floor had square holes carved into it in a grid pattern. The holes were about a metre in width, and led down to the next level. It seemed like quite a distance to fall. I felt the energy in this place as i glided just under the ceiling. I wondered how i had not managed to fall through one of the holes when i was walking. I knew that i was doing something special by flying over the carved stone of this sacred place. I landed just to the south, in a corridor which led to the interior of the building. There was a room off to the east. I walked in. There sere stones on the floor and on mounds on the floor. This was a special place. I knew that one of the stones could do something special. I opened my mouth and hummed aloud. I knew that the sound was the key to the stones. I looked around at the room. The rocks came in many shapes and sizes. Some of them were crystals, and some looked like volcanic pumice. Nothing seemed to be happening, so i took a deep breath and hummed again. I knew that the sound would have to resonate in my throat. Nothing seemed to be happening. I knew that one of the rocks should react to the noise. The humming sound was important. I tried to make my voice louder, looking around at all of the rocks. I spotted a patch of silver on the west side of a shallow mound on the floor. There were several dark rocks on it. I moved close to them, listening to the hum grow louder. The hum was resonating in the room, but nothing was happening. I thought that the silver might melt on one of the rocks, but nothing happened. I then thought that i should feel a weightless sensation. I felt slightly disappointed. I hummed louder, realizing that the room was filling with the sound, bit none of the rocks moved. I wondered what was wrong. I stood up and looked around the small room. I was now in an apartment. The room was crowded with furnishings and piles of stuff. There seemed to be a pile of clothing on the small kitchen table against the north wall. I knew that this apartment belonged to $A242. He would be back soon. I walked to the east, past the small countertop which protruded from the north wall. There seemed to be a sink along the north wall just past the counter. There seemed to be a bedroom to the east. The bedroom was dark. I turned back to the west and started walking to the door of the room. I suddenly felt very good to be with $A242. I remembered that he was in good shape, and felt interested in him. I looked down at some of the things piled on the floor along the south wall as i crossed the kitchen area. It seemed that there was a humming noise in my head. My left foot knocked over an empty cardboard bag, exposing a pair of black sparring gloves underneath. I remembered that $A242 practiced martial arts. I wondered whether i could practice with him. I then remembered the pattern of holes in the floor outside. I seemed to have left the apartment and walked into the corridor to the south of the square holes. I could see a small obelisk in the center of the pattern of holes. It had writing on the side. The writing seemed to be Ziodex. I suddenly realized that the special stone was not in the room. It was outside. It was a trick. I should have hummed to the pylon on the terrace. It would have made me float into the air. I felt happy that i had figured out the trick to this place.

12002 March 07

I walked the length of the train car, listening to the others complain. They were upset about something. I moved to the west, thinking that i had to use the toilet. I knew that i was not supposed to do so in a station. I remembered that the train would scatter the waste over the ground as the train moved. I sat down on the silver bowl. Someone on the long bench along the north wall scolded me. The floor of the room seemed to be golden tan, but it was really the colour of the grass in the field. I stood to the south of the train tracks, looking to the east, across the wide field and the blue sky. The white train was just to the north of me. It appeared to me moving very fast, but neither the ground nor the train moved with respect to me. I felt as though i did not want to hear the others argue, so i turned to the east and started walking across the field. The others were now to the south of me. There was a large farm house to the southeast. I stopped in the middle of the field and walked to the farm house. I walked onto the door on the east and into the large room, which seemed very much like the field. The others were talking about television-wrestling moves. I could see the picture of the man in a headlock. The man on top had a figure-four leg lock on the other man’s head. Someone asked about the move. I said that the man on top could apply pressure simply by leaning back. I walked back out into the field and got into the bed. I seemed to be in a barn. The bed was made of hay bails. Someone said something as i lied down. It was dark. I heard something thump to the ground as i adjusted the sheets. I realized that there must have been something on the bed as i got into it. I kicked my feet under the sheets and i heard a few more thuds. I thought that there were barn mice on the bed. I strained to see in the dark as i kicked my feet again. I cold make out the brown furry shapes of the mice as they scampered over the red, white, and blue striped sheet and onto the floor.

12002 March 10

I was in the back yard of the suburban house. It was a warm sunny day, though the sky was hazy with clouds. It seemed to be late in the day, near sunset. There were very few trees in the area, and the land around us seemed flat. This place was a housing development. I looked to the east as i spoke to the other person. There was a tiny red flash of light in the sky. It looked like a firework in the distance. A second flash then occurred. Something seemed strange about the flashes. I watched one of them and noticed that a small glowing ember was left in the center after the long red tendrils faded. The small ember fluttered through the air. It flew like a butterfly, drifting toward us. I felt curious about the bugs but knew that they were not safe. The person who had been standing to the south of me turned and ran back into the house. He thought that the bugs were dangerous. I knew that they were dangerous as well, but i knew that we should not show fear in front of them. A few more small sparkling red bugs appeared in the air to the east of us. I could see that some of them were larger than others. They did not seem to be of the same species. I called to the others, telling them to come outside. I started walking to the east. There was something wrong here. This was part of an invasion. I knew that we had to remain calm. The bugs would not be able to invade our planet all at once. I thought that we would need help in killing them. I knew that humans were susceptible to the attack of the bugs, but i knew that the animals in the area would not be. We would need the help of the animals. Fortunately, this area happened to house a zoo. All of the animals should have been in their shacks for the evening, but i knew that i could arouse them and get them to fight the insects. I ran to the west and opened the wooden door of the old shed. This was where the lions were housed. I walked into the small room, closing the door behind me so that the invaders would not see what i was up to. I could see several small cages along the west wall of the shack. There were lions sleeping in them. I suddenly realized that i did not know how to control the lions. They were in cages because they might be dangerous to someone who did not know how to handle them. I noticed that there were several lion cubs asleep on the floor. The mother lion was sleeping on the floor on the north side of the shack. I thought that she must be tame enough to be left out of the cage. She had to protect her cubs. I decided that someone else would have to let the animals out of the cages. I wondered who i could find to release them. It had to be someone who could relate to them well enough to not get attacked and eaten by them. I started to open the door of the shed. Someone was entering. It was Alf. He was much shorter than i and covered with tan fur. He was the person who could get the lions out of their cages. I thought hat he would be able to reason with the animals and get them to help us against the insects. I ran outside of the shed. I could see the small insects fluttering everywhere in the sky. I knew that i could not act afraid of them. I smiled and pretended that i did not know that the insects were a danger. They would not know that i was plotting against them.

I was in the back yard of $F10’s house. $F10 came out of the house and asked us what had happened to his dog. I remembered when i was sleeping a little while ago. I remembered hearing someone opening the door to let the dog out. I had thought that it was $F10. Thee young woman said that she had let the dog out to urinate. $F10 was worried about the dog. It was not in the yard. We thought that it must have wandered off into the neighbourhood. We walked out the driveway, to the front of the house. I could se $F10 starting to jog off to the southwest. He was wearing dull red sweat pants and a brownish sweat jacket. I walked after him. We could both search for the dog in the suburban housing development. The street to the south slowly turned to the west. A few houses after the corner, i stopped in front of a house. There was a small boy playing in the yard. The young woman with me stopped to talk with the boy. I stopped as well and said hello to the boy. He seemed very friendly. There was a woman and a man standing to the east of us in their front yard. They were walking about something. The woman glanced over at us as we said hello to the boy. I wondered whether she would be suspicious of us. I knew that she did not recognize me, and she might consider me a dangerous stranger to the boy. She ended her conversation with the man, smiling brightly, and started to walk toward us. I stood up from the boy and said hello to her. I then asked her whether she had seen a dog running around the neighbourhood. I started to describe the dog when i turned to the north. $X9 sprinted out from between the houses. I told the woman that this was the dog for which we were looking. She seemed upset, as though she did not like the dog. I talked to the dog to get it to come over to us. The woman hurriedly picked up the young boy and walked him over to her yard. I thought the action was strange, but i ignored it. I pet the dog on the head and spoke to it cheerfully.

12002 March 11

I turned north, onto the long road which headed slightly down the hill and rode my bicycle toward my house. I could see the road ahead as it stretched through the suburban houses, climbing up the hill on the other side of the small depression. There was a woman standing on the west side of the corner as i turned. She was standing in front of what seemed to be a store. I rode down and road, letting myself glide as i headed down the hill. I then realized that i was sitting on the bicycle sideways. Both of my legs were off the left side of the bicycle. This seemed to be a safe way of riding the bicycle around the corner. I remembered that i used to be able to ride the bicycle normally before. It seemed that it had been a very long time since i had rode this bike. Cautiously, i swung my right leg over the back of the bicycle and tried to ride normally. I turned to the west, into the driveway of the house. This house seemed to be $P19, and the cement driveway ran along the north side of it. The driveway went steeple up hill just past the house. I slowed my bicycle to a stop near the cement retaining wall. The wall was to the southwest of me, making a sharp corner to the south and west. I tried to keep my balance as i watched the small lanky tan dog in front of me turn around. I had been riding with it. I backed the bicycle up and started to walk to the west, down the sidewalk, toward the house. As i passed my old yellow car, i realized that $X3 was sitting in the back of it. I felt sudden concern, wondering how long he had been in the car. I thought it must have been a very long time. I opened the hatch back of the car and let him out. I then realized that he had defecated on the floor of the car. I felt mad with him, but did not say anything. He hopped out of the car. I looked at the piece of feces which was on the floor of the car. It had been dropped on my black umbrella, and had fallen to wither side. I started to pick up the umbrella, to get it out of the way, when i thought that $X3 might have urinated in the same spot as well. I then noticed something to the left as i reached for the umbrella. I looked down to the floor of the car to see $X10 curled up in the foot well of the passenger’s seat. She seemed frightened. I wondered what she was doing here. I then started to wonder how $X3 had gotten here. I looked up. The car was in the driveway of my grandmother’s house, facing north. My mother was just walking around the front side of the car as i asked her about the animals. She did not know how they had gotten here either. She continued to walk to the back door of the house. She said that my grandmother might have brought them out to the car. I protested, reminding my mother that the animals had come from my parents’ house in $P6. My mother shrugged, not knowing what to say. I followed her to the north end of the house, thinking that the animals were somehow duplicated. As i opened the back door, i saw $X10 trying to sneak out. I put my hand on her head and pushed her back into the house. My mother made a comment about this being the second $X10. I remembered the duplicity of the car and said that this should be the third. The one in the car was already a double of a double, and this one was the original.

12002 March 13

I was standing in front of the large pile of junk at the dump. Captain Janeway was talking to someone else from the show just in front of the pile. She pointed out several pieces of debris on the pile. They were from the old ship. Now that the show was over, all of the set designs had been thrown away. Janeway pilled a large black object from the front of the pile and arranged it on the center of a piece of plywood. She told the other person that it was her desk. I wondered whether she would be saving it. It seemed like a good things to keep. The other man seemed to be Chicote. I pushed something toward the pile as the two of them started pulling some more things out. I thought that we could save some of the more useful stuff from the ship. I could tell that Janeway was sentimental about some of the furnishings.

12002 March 14

I walked to the east, across the basement of the building. The room seemed fairly large, but had no furnishings in it. There were round metal poles in rows which ran east to west. It seemed that there was a stairway leading to the upper floors of the house in the southwest corner of the room. There was a dull orange carpet in the room. I started to collect the things on the floor. I was getting ready to leave. Some of the other people around me were talking about something. I continued to the east, out into the dirt driveway of the house. The area around us seemed to b forested. There was green growth in the dirt of the driveway and on the shallow hill which rose to the north. $F10 was with me. He said something to $K21, who seemed upset. There was a man sitting just to the east of $K21. They were both facing north as they discussed something. I knew that $F10 and $K21 were in love with each other. I knew that this was problematic because the other man with $K21 was her husband. I knew that $F10 and $K21 had known each other for only a short time. I knew that $F10 would not dedicate himself to her on such a short acquaintance. The man with $K21 was upset, but said very little. He sat with his head down. He finally asked what $K21 was going to do about the situation. She said that he was uncertain. She did not know what to do. She then said something to $F10, asking him whether he was really interested in her. It seemed that she wanted to know his feelings. If he said that he would love her, then it seemed that she would give up her husband for him. I felt suddenly disturbed. This was not a good situation. I thought that they should never have gotten themselves into this situation. I knew that the man must be very upset, even if $F10 said that he did not want $K21. $F10 thought about $K21’s question for only a moment before he shrugged and told the man to clean his things out of the house. I could not believe what was occurring. This situation seemed very wrong. I was surprised to hear $F10 being so callous to the feelings of others. The man stood up and started to walk away, to the east. We were now in a large gymnasium, and there were bleachers on the south wall. I felt sorry for the man and wondered how $F10 could have so blatantly told him to leave. This situation did not seem right. I did not understand why these people were acting like they did.

12002 March 15

I walked to the south side of the dining room of my parents’ house and turned off the lamp which was on the table in front of the window. I was getting ready to go to bed for the night. As the light went out, i could see a man sitting in a car in front of the house. His face was illuminated enough so that i could tell that he was looking at our house. After the light went out, he drove away to the west in his large mid seventies American car. I felt suddenly distressed. I knew that the man had been watching the house. I told my parents, who had been asleep. I knew that the man had been parked in front of the house before. He was watching the house to see when all of the lights went out. I turned on some of the lights in the house. I thought that the man might notice and come back. I wanted to show the others his car in front of the house. I walked to the back door of the house and looked out. I could see the neighbours walking across the lawn toward our house. I opened the door and told them about the man in the car. My parents were not convinced that i had seen anything special. I stepped off the back porch of the house as the children walked in. I then remembered that $A29 had been with the kids. I wondered whether he would still be upset. I knew that he was going to leave the state, but i did not know whether he had done so yet. I turned back to the house and noticed that he was standing on the porch, holding the door open for the children. I thought that my mother might actually be able to talk to him. I walked back inside the house and told everyone about the car. I still felt upset and wanted to do something. I thought that the man might come back if he noticed that the lights were on. I looked out the front window of the house. I was on the second floor of the house, looking down at the car on the road in front of the house. There were several cars pulled onto the front lawn of the house. I thought that the people had come back. I felt that there was something wrong. I was then floating out over the front yard. I could see that there were many people rushing toward the few cars on the lawn. I felt confused. The men who were now flooding over the lawn seemed to be police. At first, i thought that they were going to arrest the people who had been watching us, but then i started to feel cautious of them. The police were dressed in black uniforms with spherical helmets. I thought that i had to stop them from capturing the others. The police were really “men in black”. I thought hat i should swoop in and try to stop them. I knew that i had weapons on my arm which could distract the men in black. I swooped down near the west end of the house, yelling at the men to release their prisoners. I then realized that the men in black would see me flying. They would want to capture me as well because of my ability. I swooped back up near the roof of the house. I wondered what i should do.

12002 March 16

The three of us walked the sidewalks of the small city. There was something out of place. Something was changing in time. I knew that we were able to shift backward in time for small moments. The ground seemed clean in a small area of the sidewalk. The grass was short and green in this area. I knew that it was a place where someone had jumped back in time. They had lived in reverse for a short moment, making the area clean. I thought that we were able to live backward in time for a short period and make things clean. The clean areas were the moments in time where we lived both backward and forward. We started to move forward in time again, but something was wrong. The reality was now different than it should have been. We did not make this change. I told the others that we could not have made this change. There must be someone else who can move through time. We felt suddenly concerned. We had to figure out what went wrong in time and fix it. We came to the corner off the city block and continued to the east, crossing the street to the sidewalk on the other side. The sidewalk was tan, and had a ramp with grooves cut horizontally in it for traction. I thought that there were other incarnations who could be involved. I knew that Chronos, the incarnation of time, had the power to move backward in time. “We need the help of the other incarnations”, i said as we reached the sidewalk on the other side. I was walking between the other two people. I felt strange about asking Chronos for help, so i considered what other incarnations might be able to help us. I thought of Gea, the incarnation of nature. I wondered who could help us correct this situation.

I was in the middle of the large city. This place seemed run down. The buildings around be were broken and old. The walls seemed to be made o bricks, and there did not seem to be any ceiling. I walked to the west, across the small lot. The ground was covered with weeds and debris. The others were already sitting at the long conference table for the meeting. $A300 was on the west side of the conference table, running the meeting. It felt tedious to be here. $A300 mentioned that there was a problem with java. I sat down at the western end of the east side of the table. I was late to the meeting, but i did not really feel concerned about it. $A300 said that the problem with java was causing difficulties with what they were trying to do. I told them about a problem with java that i had discovered. I said that the new installation of java should have been 5.0, but, after the program was installed, it thought that it was version 3.5. $A300 interrupted me before i could finish the description. I continued to talk, knowing that $A300 would speak whatever he thought regardless of the others in the room. As i finished, $A300 suddenly realized that i had said something about the problem. He asked me what i had said. I felt annoyed with him and said what i had discovered about the problem. I then said that i was probably wrong in a self-demeaning tone. I explained the problem again, giving more detail. $A300 then started talking about something else to the other at the table. I felt uncomfortable here. I gazed out to the west, at the trees that were growing along the edge of the dirty lot. They seemed to have leaves, but i could still see the thin twisted branches. I was actually looking out through a door. I was in the old school building. $A300 was talking to someone in one of the offices on the south side of the white hall. The double wooden doors to the west swung open, as i saw the trees outside again. I then noticed that there was a boy sitting on the ground on the north side of the hall, just outside the door. He was wearing a white and red uniform and had a snare drum in his lap. As the door swung open again, i could see other children sitting on the stairs outside the school. They were waiting for the bus. They were the school marching band. The doors no longer seemed to be there, and i could see the band members. There was something strange about this situation. This place felt very familiar, but i started to feel uncomfortable here. I wanted to be a part of this place again, but i knew that i could not.

12002 March 18

The other person spoke to me as i stood at the eastern end of the mall. The place seemed to be in ruins, debris strewn across the stone floor. I looked at the table to the east of me and noticed the two Shogun Warriors standing on the table. They were old figures and were incomplete. I had brought them here to sell them, but i realized that no one was going to buy them now. I would have to take them back through the mall to my car. I frowned at the idea. I felt uncomfortable carrying the toys through the mall. I said something to the other person as i looked to my right, at the two toy robots on the table. They both looked incomplete. The yellow one on the right, which seemed to be Gaiking, was missing most of the detailing on the torso, making the robot seem very plain. The red one next to it also seemed to be missing all of its colourful trimmings. I grabbed the two toys by the legs and started to walk to the west. I was then standing behind myself, watching myself carry the two robots in my left hand as i walked over the debris in the corridor. The robots hung up side down and swung as i moved my arms.

12002 March 19

I walked down the hall to the north. I was in the large building, which seemed to be a police station. The stone floor of the building shined with the light from outside. There was a set of steps going up to the second floor. The hall was wide and very tall. The others had just mentioned something to me, and i started to feel uncomfortable. I could not trust the people around me. I lifted the stenographic pad in my left hand and started to write something with the pen in my right hand. I had to be careful. I could not let the other inspectors know that i was suspicious of them. They would be after me. I pretended to write something standard in my notebook, but i was really making a note to myself. I was afraid that the others might be after me. I had to warn someone. I then thought of a quote from the X-Files. I started to write “Trust no one”, but i abbreviated it to “TNO”, which i wrote in the upper right-hand corner of the tablet. I felt that there was a man watching me to my right. He seemed to be wearing a tan trench coat and dark glasses.

We were at the castle in the middle of the swampy area. The land around us was flat and covered with thick grey fog. The southern face of the castle was open. I ran into the western side of the castle to hide. There was a tyrannosaur after us. I pulled the large wooden door of the castle closed, hoping that the dinosaur would not be able to get in. I knew that the tyrannosaur would be able to break down the door, though. I felt tense and anxious. I peered out the door to see that the tyrannosaur was chasing someone else up the small hill, into the eastern side of the castle. I could only see the back part of its body as it charged into the castle. I thought that it would not be able to make it all the way into the other side of the castle because the door on the other side was too small. As it was occupied with the others, i wondered whether we could shot at it. I was now moving over the lawn in front of the castle. I could see the tail of the tyrannosaur as it tried to break into the castle. A group of others had come out of he castle from the west side to look at the dinosaur. I then noticed a single person on top of the castle. He stood on the parapet with a rifle, shooting down at the tyrannosaur. The tyrannosaur backed out of the castle and roared at the man on the roof. I realized that the animal would not be able to reach the roof. I thought that many people could stand on the roof to shoot at the dinosaur. They would be safe there, and could kill the tyrannosaur so that it would do no further damage. I then walked into the room on the east side of the castle. I felt suddenly trapped. There were not enough places to hide here. I panicked as i frantically searched the room for a good hiding spot. There was a small closet in the northwest corner of the room, but it did not have a door over it. I wondered what i could. I was then in the western room of the castle. The wood room was bare of features. I could not find a place to hide. I opened the door of the closet in the northeast corner of the room. It was too small for me to fit in. I had to find a place to hide before the tyrannosaur came back. I felt tense and scared.

12002 March 23

I was sitting at the table in the small room with the others. I looked down at the coins in front of me, on the table. I picked up a quarter from the table and looked it over. I had thought that it might have been a special quarter, but i realized that it was a regular quarter with an eagle on the back of it. As i placed it down on the table, however, i noticed that one of the other coins was a fifty-cent piece. I knew that it would be a rare coin, so i picked it up to look at it. I then noticed that some of the other coins on the table seemed strange. They were not like coins i had seen before. I picked one of them up and looked it over. It was almost square, with rounded corners. The top and bottom edges of the coin were aligned with the printing, but the left and right sides were slanted slightly to the right. The coin was about the size of a quarter and was the colour of dull brass. The picture on the coin was shiner and silver, as though it was stamped in a different metal. I realized that these quarters had pictures representing the different states. I had never seen coins like them before, and i thought that they must be something special. I started to pick up all of the oddly shaped coins from the table. I thought that i should collect them. I then started to feel that the pile of coins on the table was not mine to take. They belonged to the woman to the left of me. I continued to pick them up anyway, feeling that i should not be taking them. I thought that i should stop collecting them, but i did not. Then the woman looked over at the coins in my hand. They were from her pile on the table. She had been playing poker with the others at the table. I showed her the coins and told her that they were not regular coins. I tried not to act nervous so that she would not know what i had been thinking. I did not want her to think that i had considered keeping the coins.

12002 March 24

I walked up the hill to where the others were gathered. There was a small house to the north of us. The house seemed to be surrounded by water. There was a small lake to the northeast. The water seemed very still, as though it was early in the morning. There was a waterfall to the west, which ran down the center of a deep gorge. I could see the mist from the water rising out of the gorge. The country around us seemed to be covered with thick green trees. I said something to no one in particular, and someone replied. I mentioned that the water was flowing from the lake into the gorge. This fact seemed strange because the level of water in the lake seemed higher than the water in the gorge. The two bodies of water were so close to each other, yet they did not seem connected. There was something strange about the arrangement. I walked closer to the gorge to get a better look. I could see the stream of water falling over the tan rocks of the waterfall. I pointed out the strangeness to the others. I then turned to the northeast and walked toward the water of the lake. There was a short stone wall separating the flagstone-paved visitors’ area from the lake. As i walked along the north side of the wall, i realized that the water of the lake must be higher than normal. The water was very still, so i could easily see the flagstones on the north side of the wall. Most of the stones were covered with a very thin layer of water, as if it had just rained and the water was from a puddle. I looked up to see that the water was part of the lake. I felt strange for being on this side of the stone wall. I turned around and walked into the small room to the west and picked up the telephone from the north wall. I already knew that it was my mother on the telephone. I spoke to her as i looked back to the east, at $A186 and $A187. My mother then asked me something, and i walked to the east, across the large main room of the house and into the smaller room to the southeast. I came into an unfinished room which seemed like a garage. There was someone else there to whom i was talking. As i spoke, i glanced out the window to the east. I could see the others walking around outside. I turned to the west and placed something on the wall of the small room. I then turned to the west and walked back to the telephone, suddenly wondering why i had stopped talking to the person on the other end. I picked up the telephone and started talking to the person again. They asked me what i had been doing. I told them what i had done, but i felt a little bit uncertain about it. I knew that i was describing the correct details, but it still seemed like a vague truth. My relatives, who were not sitting in the living room to the east, laughed at what i had said. I realized that they thought that i was trying to make up stories for the person on the phone. I felt as though they were ridiculing me. I tried to ignore them as i continued to talk on the telephone. I felt upset and mad at them. I spoke for a few minutes on the telephone and then turned to the east and started walking back across the long narrow room. The room was now empty of furnishings, and the brick walls were painted white. I remembered this place. It used to be $P55. I said something to the woman who was standing in the middle of the room, leaning on a crate. $A298 turned to look at me. Her eyes were watery, and i could tell that she was still very upset that this theatre had closed. I looked around at the redecorating being done in the room. This was the kitchen. The walls were being repainted by my relatives. I knew that they were going to be covered with bright colourful designs. $K22 was in the middle of the room, dabbing a paint brush in a tray of white paint. I said hello to her stopped to look around the room. There was something exciting about the new decorations of the room. I turned back to the west and looked at the blue and green bricks on the south wall. There was a section of wall which formed a ledge. The ledge ran the entire length of the south wall before taking a step up on the west. The small section of the ledge, which was a step higher than the rest, was only a metre or so long. Just after it, to the west, the brick filled the space to the ceiling. There now seemed to be steps leading out of the room to the west. The whole room was painted white, but the ledge had been covered over with a shinny blue coat of paint. Some of the bricks under the step were painted green. To the west, there were more colours of yellow and red. I thought that the room looked very good in these colours. It felt refreshing to see the new design. I wanted to paint a room of my house in a similar style. One of my cousins then mocked me from the east. I turned around to look at them. There were two of them, and they seemed to be twins. They had been painting the room. They said something demeaning to me, and i felt bad. I looked to the south. They had been painting the walls of the room in the decorative designs, and i could now see a blue face print on the window in the south wall. It was in blue paint, and i thought that one of my cousins might have just done it. They told me that i was not allowed to use this room. They said that i was not good enough. I ignored them, but felt upset by their comments. I walked to the west, looking over the nice decorations on the walls and trying to act as though i was not upset. I wanted to do similar decorations in my house, and i wondered in which room i could do them. I thought that i could decorate the small bedroom on the west side of the second floor with these designs.

12002 March 25

I spoke to the other person about the fields. I could visualize the tan fields of grain as though i was hovering over them. I told the person to the west of me, who was sitting on the large yellow bed near me, the seven was missing. This felt like a realization to me. The node representing seven was not present in the field. I could see a lump of small hills hovering over the field. They were pale green and ghostly. They were some kind of signal which represented the number seven. I knew that the number eight was represented. I said to the other person, “I wonder why seven is missing.” I stood up and walked to the east. I felt suddenly removed from the setting i had just been in, as though something had changed too quickly and i had been unaware. I was in the small courtyard in the middle of the tall city buildings. There seemed to be a street tot he south of me, but the building to the south seemed close enough that there would be no room for a street. There was a raised structure in the middle of the open area. The ground around me was paved with small reddish tan stones. The raised area was dark, almost black, and seemed to be made out of metal. It was smooth and featureless, with no shine of reflected light. The raised platform was broken into small narrow triangular sections. One long triangle was on the south side of a path, and the larger section was to the north. There were several people sitting in various places on the objects. I felt as though i had to distance myself from the conversation that i had just come from. I walked to the eastern end of the platform on the north and sat down, facing south. I looked down at the ground for a moment. Suddenly, someone leaned against me from the left. I looked to see who it was, and realized that it was someone that i knew. I felt suddenly pleased to see them. $F7 was sitting to the east of me, and his brother, who looked very much like him, was leaning his head on my shoulder. $F7’s brother then let his head fall into my lap. I put my hand on his shoulder and spoke to $F7. We then started joking with the brother. He was now lying on the black platform to the west of me. $F7 was just beyond him. We both grabbed him and held him down, his hands over his head. We had wrestled with each other before. I then lanced back into the bedroom, to the northwest of us. My grandmother was still sitting on the large bed, where she had been when i was talking to her a little while ago. She looked disapprovingly at us. I knew that she was uncomfortable with our rough play, but i did not feel like stopping. I was having too much fun.

12002 March 26

I stood up from the table in the small restaurant and headed to the south, toward the bar. I had just finished my meal and had asked the waiter to wrap up the rest of my food. I then realized that i had not yet paid the bill. I stopped in the doorway between the two rooms of the restaurant. I wondered what the waiter might think if she returned and found me missing. I decided that my coat and things were still at the long rectangular wooden table. The table seemed to be covered with a dull yellow table cloth, which seemed to be made from a heavy ribbed cotton material. I turned and continued into the long narrow room to the south. The bar ran along the west wall, its counter coming to the center of the room. I would be visiting some friends once i left here, and i thought that i should buy some alcohol for them. I told the bartender that i would like something. He stepped back from the bar and went to get it. I then decided that i might like some red wine. I asked the bartender what red wines they had. He told me one. I asked him whether it was a good wine. He walked to the shelf at the north end of the bar and started to look at their selection. I told him that i was looking for a pinot noir or merlot. I then wondered whether it would sound as though i was simply naming the popular types of wine. The bartender picked up a small bottle, which was already open. The bottle was made of clear glass, with decorative gold metal curled over the surface like vines. It was only partly full, and i wondered whether i should really buy a bottle of wine which had already been opened. I then decided that it might be better to buy a partial bottle of wine. I did not think that i could drink a full bottle. I remembered the check in the other room. As the bartender got something for me behind the bar, i walked back to the north. The table had been cleaned of dirty dishes, and i could see my long jacket hanging on the back of a chair, which was on the north side of the table. I walked around to the north side of the table and collected my things. There was a plastic shopping bag on the floor. It was yellow and blue. As i picked it up, i thought that this was my second load of stuff. I had already taken an arm full of things out to a booth in the bar. I felt rushed and wanted to get all of my things together. I thought that i could pay the bill out in the bar, at the cash register. I tossed my tan trench coat over my left arm and grabbed the last of the bags. I carried them into the next room, walking past the bar, and dropped them on the north bench of a booth on the west wall. As i passed the bar, i noticed the bartender placing some of the things that i had ordered on the bar. I thought that i could pay for my food when i paid for the stuff on the bar. I then looked down at the things on the bench. I opened my black nylon briefcase and started to pack some of my clothes into it. I knew that my computer would also have to go into the case, but it was not sitting on the table. I felt rushed as i placed some of my things into my bag. I placed a folded shirt into the bottom of the bag and then tried to fir the small white hand-held hair dryer into the bag. I thought that it should fit in the space left around the shirt. I then wondered how i was going to fit my computer into the bag. Someone then walked up to the right of me. I turned to see $A334 standing next to me. There was a woman in a black evening gown holding on to his left arm. He was dressed in a dinner jacket. He asked me a question about my stuff. I felt suddenly nervous with him there. I answered him as i continued to pack.

12002 March 28

I carried my things onto the large boat. There had been a disaster, and everyone was being evacuated from the area. My parents were walking behind me as i carried my second load of bags onto the boat. I had already dropped a load of my bags on the ship. I thought that i was probably taking more things than the others were allowed to take. I knew that this ship was for the emergency and thought that i really should be taking only the essentials, but i was happy that i could sneak more of my things on. I picked a few books out of a shelf on the west wall of the room. I grabbed a book, which seemed like an old textbook of mine, along with a small light-blue paperback book. I turned to the east and walked back toward the security gate. There were a few guards at the gate, scanning the bags of a woman who was trying to pass. I looked down at the paperback book as i approached. It said something about love in the title. I remembered buying the book in a grocery store with $F21. I looked at the black-and-white design on the cover as i walked through the gate. I was at the west end of the hall, where i turned to the north and walked into the last cabin on the hall. This place seemed like a hotel room, but i knew that it was my cabin on the ship. There was a counter on the north wall of the cabin, just across from the door. It was made of black stone and had a white oval sink with silver faucets in it. I walked over to the sink and started to wash my hands. The lights in the cabin flickered, and i could hear the buzzing sound of something shorting out. There also thought that i could hear an alarm in the hall of the ship. For a moment, i felt worried, but then i heard the sound of giggling from the room to the east. I realized that the other two were laughing at me. The light simply did not work properly, so i switched them off and finished washing my hands. I felt annoyed with the others for their foolishness. They continued to giggle, however. I watched myself dry my hands with the towel, looking at myself from the wall on the north side of the sink. I watched my expression mock the giggling of the other two, making a very stupid face. I watched as i reached for the switch and turned the light back on for a moment, continuing to mock the laughter with my dumb grin. I then turned and walked as myself into the room where the others were. $F18 and $F7 walked from the room to the east in to the center of the kitchen. $F18 walked to the south of me and stopped on the eastern side of the white oval kitchen table. I heard a sudden clicking sound from the room. I looked to the south wall and saw only shelves. There was a set of metal-mesh baskets handing on the east side of the counter. $F7 pulled out the metal-frame chair on the east side of the table and sat down. I heard the clicking again and looked down at the large white box in the center of the table. The box seemed to be a storage bin for bagels. I told $F18 that there was an animal in the box. As i approached the box, i looked it over, listening for the clicking sound. I knew that it was the sound of bats. The clear plastic box was fogged in the top section, but i could see where the legs supported the undersides. The bottom of the box sloped down to the east. I looked at the west end of the box, where the slope met the side, and noticed a red liquid dripping from the box. I knew that it was blood. I told $F18 that the bats inside of the box were defecating onto the table. I then noticed that i could see through part of the top part of the box. I could see the small furry bats inside. They were curled into small brown balls, and i could see their bodies expanding as they rapidly breathed.

I had two tan dogs with me as i walked to the east, across the grassy lawn. The dogs were medium sized, and i was supposed to take care of them. Something did not seem correct, however. I thought that i was supposed to get the chihuahuas. I walked around the corner of the building and stated walking to the west, across the park. My dogs were running around in the park ahead of me. I remembered that i had dalmations. One of the dogs ran up to me as i approached the front door of the house. The dog ran into the house ahead of me, and i started to feel uncertain that i could take care of the dog. I wondered why i had the dogs. The younger dog was the one who had run into the house. The dog outside was very old. I wondered if i should go to get him, but i could see the other dog from the neighbourhood. It was a german shepard, and i knew that it was very mean. I was scared of it. I walked into the back of the large wooden house. This was my new house, and i was still in the process of moving into it. The inside of the house was still somewhat dirty from the previous owners. I climbed through a small hole the plaster wall and came into a small laundry room off of the kitchen. I stopped and pushed a small section of plaster back over the opening so that no one else would know how to get into the house without a key. I walked into the center of the large room. The floors were made of finished wood, but there was dust and debris all over it. I would have to finish cleaning up. I then noticed a small piece of wood on the floor. I looked at it closely and noticed that it was a hammer from a piano. I looked around and noticed several other pieces of the same piano on the ground. I felt upset that the previous owners had destroyed a piano. I thought that it would have been better if they simply left it in the house. I would have liked to use it. I then saw the dogs running through the room in front of me. I wondered how they had gotten into the house. I looked out the window to the right of me and saw that the dogs had chewed through the unpainted picket fence around the yard. I was angry at the dogs for destroying part of my new house. The dark dog was trotting through the room near me. I scolded it and hit it over the muzzle, telling it not to chew through the fence. I was back out in the yard of the house, standing near the damaged fence. My parents were standing near me. Several other dogs were running around the yard. There was also a small golden-retriever puppy running around the yard. I watched the small dog play as i moved to the west, along the south shore of the water. I called the name of the small dog. I wanted to bring it back to the house, but it would not listen to me. I felt frustrated. I then thought that my voice was not authoritative enough. I had to speak in lower tones. I thought about my voice as i called the dog’s name. I thought that it was the deep voice from the swamp. It sounded rough and resonant. I said “I am speaking in a very low voice.” I then noticed the wall to the north of me, at the west end of the lake. There was a black-and-white cat on the top of the wall with a small kitten. I worried that the dogs might bother them, but i thought that they should be safe. I felt confused, as though i could not concentrate. I turned around and walked back into the house, trying to remember what i was trying to do.

12002 March 29

I was riding across the lake in a small dug-out boat with my father. We paddled slowly to the south, heading away from the north shore, where we had started. The lake was very calm, but i felt cautious of something. It was day out, but the light seemed dim, as though the sky was covered with grey clouds. As we came near the shore on the western side of the lake, i started to feel that we should head back. There was something that was making me uncomfortable. I wanted to get to the shore, so i stepped over the side of the boat and sunk up to my chest in the water. As soon as i got in, i realized that the water was very cold. I should not have jumped in. I looked back at the small boat. It was starting to fill with water. I could not go back to the boat anymore. I mentioned the problem to $A29, who was standing no the southeast of me. I was standing with $A29 and $A26 in front of their old house. The large wooden house stood empty and quiet to the south of us. The house stood on the edge of a lake, with the rocky shore curving around the north and east sides of the property. I thought that i had been here before, even though the place seemed unfamiliar to me. We walked into the house. They had come to collect a few of their belongings that they had left behind when they moved out. I looked at the pile of items on the cement floor of the basement. I spotted a small white and yellow watercycle in the middle of the floor. I wondered why they would have left something like that behind. We were then near the water again, looking at the watercycle. I seemed to be hovering over the water as i watched $A26 sitting on the watercycle. $A29 then tried to get onto the watercycle as well. $A26 complained that he craft was not stable with two, but $A29 dismissed him. The cycle wobbled an $A29 stepped on, and $A26 rolled off one side and into the water. He disappeared below the surface of the water, and i thought that he was down for quite some time. I started to worry about him. When he finally came up, he was on the other side of the small channel to the east, on the other island. I turned to the south and ran down the street. I thought that i could go to the other part of the island where $A26 was and pull him out of the water. I drove down the narrow street between the small wooden cottages on the island. I wanted to turn to the east and get out, but i did not want to stop my car in front of the house. I thought that someone would be suspicious of me. I turned around and headed back to the share. I felt confused, not knowing where i was. I reached the shore and looked out over the calm lake water. I knew that i was on $P26, but i did not know where on the lake i was. I decided to look around for $P115. I should be able to see it over the tree like of the surrounding forests. I thought knew where it should be, but i could not see its peak. I told the others near me that i was looking for landmarks, but the sky seemed to be scattered with low-hanging clouds. There was a pink haze above the trees on the eastern shore. I then spotted a large dark pyramid to the north, on a peninsula which jutted out from the north shore. I recognized this place and rode around to the west side of the island to tell the others. I said that we were on the island group in the middle of the lake. We had to cross the water to the east to get back to the mainland. We walked along the east shore of the island, looking across the small channel. The current was moving very quickly, and i thought that it might be dangerous to swim. The water was about half a meter below us, at the bottom of a short rocky cliff. I thought that we should all be able to make it across the water, but we would all have to be careful of the current. I climbed over the railing, carrying $X9. I would have to take the dog across the water. As i climbed down the shore to the edge of the water, i told the others not to get in yet. I wanted to see just how fast the current was traveling. As i put my foot in the water, i cautioned the others about the bad current again. I then saw $A26 moving to the south of me. He hopped off the shore and landed in the water. I felt suddenly concerned for him. $A29 ran around the shore to the south, where the short chain-link fence was. He felt panicked about $A26 in the water and was trying to get closer to him. I watched $A26 dog paddle in the water, but he was moving around in a circle. He was trying to swim to the east shore, but the current turned him around. I thought that there must be a whirlpool in the water. I tossed the dog back to the shore and started carefully toward $A26, but he was dragged under water. I felt panicked and wandered what to do. I waited for a moment, but he did not surface. We could not go in after him, and i started to worry.

I felt very distant as i walked along the south shore of $P97. I felt very distracted. I wanted to do something, but i did not know what. I thought that i should fly because i knew that it would make me fell better. I stopped on the trail under the leafless trees. There was an elderly couple camping to the west of the trail. I thought that i could awe them by starting to fly where they could see me. I strained to rise and slowly floated from the ground. I glided over the tops of the mostly leafless autumn trees. I felt more peaceful. I was on my way home, but i decided that i should take the long way. I wanted to enjoy my flight. I thought that i could fly over the campus to the south of me and swoop down near the buildings. I flew to the southwest, over some of the gothic buildings of the college campus. There was a grassy hill to the west of me, with a long stone building running across the top of it. Swooped down near the north end of the grey stone building and glided over the bright green lawn. There were not that many people on the campus at the moment, but i spotted a couple walking on a path which ran from the southeast to the northwest, around the north end of the quadrangle. There seemed to be another long grey stone building on the north end of the quadrangle. I landed on the western edge of the quadrangle, at the top of a very steep hill. A scenic valley stretched out to the northwest of me, with shallow hills on the opposite side. There was a river or a lake running down the center of the valley. I then noticed the clouds which were just starting to descend over the valley, blocking the view. The clouds moved slowly, without changing shape, reminding me of the auroras. I felt saddened by the clouds, thinking that they would block my view as i flew. I watched as the large fluffy clouds fell toward the valley floor. I then noticed that there were wires attached to the tops of the clouds. The clouds were being lowered on purpose. I knew suddenly that this was a dream, but i did not want to open my eyes and end it yet. I felt defiant as the cloud landed abruptly in the valley, the support wires slackening slightly. The man on the stone wall to the right of me then said something. He asked me why i was not at work. I felt suddenly disappointed. I could not stay here any longer.

12002 March 30

We walked back to the large house. We walked into the entrance on the east side of the house and walked to the west, down the shiny stone corridor. The walls of the hall were made of grey stone that had been brightly polished. There were a few steps leading up to the corridor. The corridor was empty of all furnishings. It seemed very plain, with no trim and sharp edges on all of the corners. This house belonged to one of my relatives. It seemed that we had just come back from a funeral. As i walked down the corridor, i looked around at some of the pictures that were hanging on the walls. This place had belonged to my great grandparents. I felt somewhat exhausted from the funeral. I thought that there were many expensive things in the house and that, one day, i would have to take care of them. This idea did not please me. I did not know what i would do with all of the fancy things. We turned to the south, into the main entrance corridor of the house. I could not see a door on the south wall, but i knew that one was there. My grandfather was now with me, along with my mother and my grandmother. My grandfather seemed very tired, and i felt concerned about him. The entrance hall was two stories high, with white ceilings and polished walls. There were a few large portraits on the east wall of the hall, and a door in the south end of the west wall. It seemed that the main entrance to the house was through the doorway and to the south. My grandmother was sitting in a chair on the north wall of the hall. We were staying in this house for a time, but i did not feel comfortable here. I was then on the second floor of the house, just above the entrance door. This seemed like the hallway on the second floor of my parents’ house. I could see the flight of stairs up to the third floor. I felt agitated, but i did not know what to do. My mother told me that my grandfather was sleeping in the master bedroom, which, i knew, was to the east of me. She told me not to wake him, and i felt annoyed with her for patronizing me. There were some other relatives in the house. They were here for the funeral. I was then outside of the old house. I was to the east of the house, near the large tree. I noticed that one of the branches an the bottom of the tree was broken. The branch faced to the south, and was cracked about a metre from the main trunk. I could tell that the others were to the north, but they were heading back to the house. I had to fix the branch on the tree before the others returned. I did not want them to think that we were not taking care of the house. I lifted the end of the branch and tried to get it to stay in place on the tree. It seemed to be a nice spring day, and the lawn rolled to the north and east. I walked to the west, around the north side of the house. I looked over the brick exterior of the house. It was well maintained, and i thought that it was a very nice house. As i rounded the west side, i noticed the yellow trim details around the windows and roof. There were several deep-green pine shrubs growing around the edges of the house, and there was a well manicured flower garden on the north end of the west side of the house. I looked to the west, noticing the nice house next door. It had nice iron railings around the edges of its gardens. I looked back to my new house, which used to be my relatives’ house. There was a nice brick path winding through the gardens to the door. I thought that this place looked very picturesque.

12002 March 31

I grabbed my small blue duffel bag by the red handles and lifted it out of the car. The other person stood to the right of me. I had been traveling with him, but was now leaving to travel on my own. I walked to the northwest, across the dry red ground of the desert area and toward the long low hotel building. This pace was on the rim of the Grand Canyon. I had been here before once before. I thought that i should be able to get a hotel room here for the night. I hoped that they were not booked. I did not think that they would be this time of year and felt fairly confident that i would have no trouble finding a room. I looked at the sky to the west and noticed that the sun was just setting. I would not be able to see the sun set for too much longer. I walked into the door of the building, noticing that the bag i was carrying felt rather heavy. I swung it over my left should to make it easier to carry. I stopped in the middle of the corridor near the main office. There was a small white hand-written sign on the office door which said to knock on the window across the hall for service. I thought that it must be after hours. I turned around to the south side of the hall and saw a large metal door. It was the office door, and i knocked on it. I then remembered that the instructions said to go to the window. I looked to the west, just down the hall, to see a service window with chicken-wire glass over it. I started toward the window just as the latch of the room clicked open. I looked back at the door to see a woman turning toward me. She was dressed in a business suit and a knee-length skirt. I knew that she worked here and, from the expression on her face, that she had just been leaving and was surprised to see me standing in front of the door. I told her that i was looking for someone to make a reservation. I motioned to the window and said that i would go there. She glanced back into the office and asked someone a question. She then said that the man who does reservations would be right back. I felt anxious to go out and se the canyon before the sun set and it got too dark. I told her that i was going to come back and try again later. I said that i wanted to see the canyon. She told me that it would be nice for me to wander around the rim. I turned and walked back out of the building, thinking that my bag was actually rather heavy. I did not want to carry it with me. I thought that i could leave it in the car, but decided that i did not want to go all the way back to the car. I walked to the west again, toward the rise where other tourists were walking. I could see the rocky hill rising to the west, just beyond the rise. I knew that, once i climbed the rise, i could see the rocks of the cliff to the west much better. I remembered this from before. As i started to climb, i remembered that the canyon was rally to the north of where i was. I could no see into the main canyon from this rise. I continued to climb anyway. I started to feel tired. The climb was very hard, even though the slope was not that steep. I felt as though i was not able to make it. I wanted to drop my bag and rest, but i had to get to the top. There was someone climbing right behind me. As i made it to the top, i let myself drop to my knees. I thought that i could meditate here for a moment. The meditation would make it seem that i was enjoying the area rather than that i was exhausted by the climb.

I walked to the southeast, across the parking lot. I had been with the other people, but was now trying to leave this place. There was a small light-blue building on the south side of the parking lot. I walked into the front door and said something, but there was no one in the room inside. The room was empty of furnishings, but it still seemed like an office. I was standing on the steps of the stairs outside, one step lower than the level of the floor inside. As i turned to head back out of the building, a young boy walked into the building. There was something special about him. He said that he was from another country. He seemed to be speaking with an accent, and i thought that he might be canadian. I turned to walk out the door, and he said something to me. There was something strange about him. I replied with an irish accent, thinking that he might think that i was a foreigner as well. I then noticed that the child was deformed. As he spoke to me in his accent, i noticed that he had no feet or hands. I could see the rounded ends of his limbs where the skin had grown into bulbs. His face also seemed to be deformed, as though he had no facial features at all. I felt as though i had to get moving, so i left the building. I turned form the office on the south wall and started to walk back through the store. This place was a large toy store. I glanced to the northwest, at some of the large blue and black boxes and action figures that were stacked at the end of one of the aisles. I turned to the east, to head back out of the store. As i started to walk to the south of one of the aisles, i notice a display of statues at the end of the aisle. Some of the statuettes were of Star Wars characters. I noticed a statue of Darth Vader with a red light sabre held vertically. I remembered that $F10 collected similar statuettes, and i felt like getting some for myself. I walked over to the case and looked at the tall statues. The Darth Vader statue stood with the light sabre on the left side, with the tip pointing over his head. There were several other characters on the shelf around it. I then notice a smaller version of the statue with a very tall red point on top. I pulled it from the wooden shelves to the right of the main display and looked it over. The face on the statue was whit with black lines in a radial pattern. The figure was wearing an old brown cloak. I realized that this was not a statue of Darth Vader. It was a character from some other book. The brown cloak on the figure was parted in the center, and i could see the white robes underneath. The robed were decorated with blue and gold lines what made patterns. I rolled the statue over and looked at the patterns which continued on the bottom. This was a wizard of some kind. The red point on the top of the statue was not really a light sabre, but part of the wizard’s pointy hat. The sides of the spire were brown to match the cloak, but the center was red. I placed the doll back on the shelf, but could not get it to fit as it had before. The point on top seemed too tall. It bent under the shelf above as i placed the statuette back on the shelf.