12003 March 02

I walked to the south of the building. I had just left the others inside. There seemed to be something strange about the ground as i walked over it. I thought that the packed dirt in the driveway might not be right. I walked over it, imagining that i could sense the irregularities in the ground. I then thought that i would have to have my shoes off so that i could make direct contact with the ground. I was then barefoot, standing on the northern end of the asphalt driveway behind my house. I walked to the south, feeling the pavement with my feet, focusing on mending the cracks in the surface as i moved. The pavement then ended and the dirt driveway started again. I remembered that the driveway had been packed dirt when i left the house. I would just have to pull the dirt together with my abilities so that the pavement could be placed on top properly. I stopped where the driveway split to head into my garage. I turned to the garage to pass over that section first. I stopped focusing on healing the ground and simply walked to the garage, thinking that i could focus on repairing the cracks on my way back. I walked around for a moment in front of the garage door, noticing the uneven cement of steps which ran from the end of the driveway to the edge of the garage. The northern end of the steps seemed to be missing a chunk of stone, and i wondered how long it had been gone. I concentrated on sealing the cracks in the cement, but i could not replace stone that was missing. I thought about this as i turned back to the west. I was suddenly on the east side of the house, facing south. This was no longer my house, and the driveway was now to the south of the house. To the south, the grassy back yard rose slightly up hill. There was a man pacing through the roughly cut grass. I started to the south, noticing the two large boulders that were on the east side of the hill. They had fallen from the sky and had some significance. I thought that they might be part of the space shuttle. The scene shifted suddenly, and i was in the bus with the others. I sat on the north side of the empty school bus with someone to the east of me. There were a few people across the aisle from me, on the south side of the bus. The bus was facing west. Something small then shattered a window on the south side of the bus and shot to the floor. The woman picked it up and looked at it. It was a piece of metal from the space shuttle. I was reliving the crash of the second shuttle. I remembered how the people had been out in the bus and just happened on the first pieces of debris. A fem more small pieces crashed through the window of the bus, and i told everyone to get down on the floor. After a few moments, we were driving to the west. We turned onto the other dirt road and headed north, back to the main road. I remembered how this had happened before. The bus would turn right on the main road and the large pieces of debris would be just off the road in a field. We came to the intersection with the main road and i looked to the east. There was a small dirt pull-off just to the east of us on the south side of the road. I told the driver to turn right. The bus pulled out slowly, and i realized that it had pulled out in front of cars which were coming from the west. I looked back at the cars, thinking that they would not mind stopping for us because we were in a school bus. We drove a little way to the east, and i looked at the small black truck which was already in the dirt parking area on the south side of the road. There was a thin cloud of black smoke rising from the brush just off the road from the truck. The shuttle section must have started a fire when it crashed. This did not look like the pictures that i remembered from the news reports, though. I then realized that the smoke was really form a small brush fire that the people from the truck were burning. I spotted the large chunks of shuttle debris a little farther to the east, on the eastern edge of an open field. There were two large chunks of burned metal sitting, partly embedded in the ground. The bus did not turn into the parking area near the smoldering pieces, though, and i started to wonder why we were not turning. I then remembered that the people who had originally found the debris did not notice it until they were passing it. We had to repeat history as it happened, so the bus would have to turn around before went into the parking area. We turned to the north, and i walked to the north, across the field toward the impacted rocks. The field had rolling hills, and there was a small dip between where we were walking and the hill top where the shuttle pieces had landed. I looked over the pieces and we walked to the northern edge of the field, where we could cross the gully. I pointed out that several of the rocks had bounced out of the craters after they hit. There was one that was sitting to the south of a rimmed crater. I could see the dark-grey sandy soil in the crater. When we reached the northern end of the field, we cross the gully where it was narrow. The ruins of an old man-made structure could still be seen under the thick green grass. The grass was growing on top of the stone foundation. I thought that the building was the ruins of something very old. There was some kind of fence or rope around the area of the top of the structure, with a sign at the entrance. I read the sign, thinking that the name was rather interesting, considering that it was now the spot of the shuttle crash. This place was something special.

12003 March 03

I asked the others were the camera was, but then turned to the south to see the dog chewing on in under the ice. There was snow on the ground, and the large black labrador had broken a hole in the ice over the narrow stream. He was chewing on the camera under the water. I was afraid that me might break open the disposable camera and ruin the film. I told the others about in. $A343 was standing to the east of the dog, and she suddenly seemed concerned. I bent down and looked through the ice over the drainage ditch. The water was flowing to the north, so i thought that i could see the yellow case of the camera floating by under the ice. I stared through the ice, but was unsure what i could see. There was something small and white floating under the water, but it did not look like the camera. The object disappeared into a small culvert and reappeared on the other side. I wondered whether the camera really had a yellow case as i had thought. I looked carefully at the white object that i had been watching under the ice. As it rotated a little in the water, i realized that it was the white label on the top of a black film canister. The label seemed to have blue letters across it. I got up and ran back to the south, along the west side of the green wooden garage, between the garage and the frozen ditch. I turned to the east and ran into the front of the garage, telling the people inside that i needed a hammer. I grabbed the wooden-handled hammer from the bench and ran back to the water. I need the hammer to crack the ice and get the camera. I ran all the way to the end of the drainage ditch, thinking that i needed to get ahead of the camera. At the north end of the ditch, i there was little water coming out. I lifted the metal grate which covered the top of the ditch and looked up the slope of the ditch, to the south. There was very little water in the gutter, and i could see a black object sitting somewhere up the pipe. I ran back along the east side of the gutter, lifting the tan metal grate from the top to find the film canister. I could not see the canister in the tan metal gutter under the grate, so i moved farther to the south and lifted up some more grates. There was a hole in the bottom of the gutter, where water could drain out. There were several other drainage holes to the south of me, so i would have to get the canister before it fell into one of the holes. As i lifted up the next grate, i could see a mess of drainage pipes coming into the gutter from the west. There was now a hill to the west of me, with something covering the bare dirt where the pipes ran. The gutters were not put together well. I started to thing about the way that everything had been added on to the existing system over the years by the previous owner of the house. This seemed like part of my house. I turned to the northwest, looking out the window on the second floor of the house. Most of the house was is good condition, but this part had not been maintained. I could see a dormer on the west side of the house where the white paint had turned grey and was starting to chip. There was a small ledge under the front of the dormer. There were several old things cluttering the ledge. I thought that i should clean this area. I then focused on the gutter which hung from the edge of the roof. It seemed aged and deteriorating. The gutter seemed flat, with raised edges, and it slanted down to the west. The silver paint on it had faded and worn away, showing the exposed metal. There was a tray under the gutter to catch the water that ran off through the hole in the western end. I then noticed that there was a square notch cut into the front edge of the gutter in the center. It allowed the water to drain from the center of the gutter. I realized that the gutter had been bent so that a small amount of water would pool in the center. This must have been done by ice from the roof. The notch must have been cut by the previous owner to prevent the water from rusting through in the one spot. I could see a small reddish spot were the water had started to eat through the paint to the metal below.

I walked to the western side of the lobby. There were many people moving around in the room, as thought they were coming and going from various places. The walls of the room were dark, and the ceiling was only a few metres high. I spotted $A58 in the crowd. He looked familiar, but i did not know who he was at first. I then saw $A1 next to him and said hello. They greeted me cheerfully. It had been a long time since i had seen either of them. As they spoke me, i thought about a time when someone had told me that they were both killed it the Pan Am 103 bombing. There were other people wandering around the room whom i knew from $P52. I talked to people for a little while before heading across the area to the northwest. I looked out the window on the western side of the room to see the large old brick house. The house was colonial in style, with cupolas on the peaks of the roofs. The three-story house was made of brick, and the house was L-shaped, with the small wing on the south side. There was a courtyard to the north and east of the house. The yard seemed to be abandoned, and was being used as a parking lot far old cars. I thought that it might be nice to fix up the house and live in it, but i knew that i could not afford such a house. I looked over the south wing of the building and noticed that there were stone archway designs along the bottom floor. I remembered seeing them when i had been in to the south of the building. The wood along the roofline of the building had been painted dull yellow, bit was now mostly bare wood. I then noticed something moving in the cupola over the corner of the building. It looked like an empty clothes rack. For a moment, i thought that there was a ghost in the house, but then i realized that the wind was blowing from the west. I did not think that the wind was strong enough to move the metal clothing rack in such a way, but it seemed a more plausible explanation than a ghost. I looked into the other windows of the old house, still considering the ghost, though. There seemed to be someone in a room on the northern end of the second floor of the house. Something then moved in the southern of the building. I looked to a window on the third floor, just under the roofline to see something moving across the room to the south. There was also something on the floor below it, paralleling the motion of the first object. Both tall thin objects headed toward the window and then turned to the south again at the same time. I realized that there must be ghosts in the house. Humans would not be able to coordinate the motion in such a way. The object in the upper room then turned abruptly and crashed through the window. I recognized it as an old-fashioned dial scale. Its metal case was painted green. The scale from the floor below also crashed through the window shortly after. I thought that this was a very unnatural occurrence. My vision shifted, and i was not looking out the window any more. I turned to the west and looked out the window at the house. Something had changed. The house now seemed very plain and no longer had cupolas on top of it. I felt strange and wondered what had happened. I then noticed that the brick wing with the arches was now to the right. I was now in the old house, and the building that i was now looking out on was my house. I looked down into the courtyard to see a few small cars parked along the western edge. The cars looked new. They sat before the windows of the dealership, which was now on the bottom floor of the south wing. The front of the dealership was covered with smooth grey stone and large glass windows. A red sign hung over the front window which identified the place as a seller of Hondas and Hyundais. The courtyard was now part of a large atrium. The roof over the atrium was supported by black I-beams. There also seemed to be a thin blank grey wall on the north side. Time had shifted, and i was here at a slightly later time that i had been before. I remembered the ghosts and realized that i was now in the haunted house. I had to get out before something happened. I turned around, noticing that i was in a hallway of the building. The walls of the hall were brick, and there was a silver elevator at the end of the hall to the north. I turned toward the elevator, but then decided that i should not use the elevator in a haunted house. It might be dangerous. I turned to the south and started down the hall, thinking that there should be a doorway to the stairwell somewhere. I passed a small door with a white label on the west side of the hall. I thought that it might be the stairwell, but i continued past it, heading to the south. There was a second door on the west wall, just past the first. It had a large white square sign on the west side of the door. The red letters at the top of the sign said that this was the Libyan office, and the smaller red letters on the rest of the sign listed the names of the people in the office. This seemed like a diplomatic office. I looked in at the people inside as i walked past. The office inside was divided with white cubicles, and there was a white reception counted just inside the door. A woman in a blue business dress stood on the south side of the counter, shuffling some papers in a manila folder. I felt suddenly as though i should not be in this building. This was no longer the large haunted house. I had shifted to some other place. I had a suspicion that i was in Washington, DC. The corridor jogged to the east slightly before it opened up into a wider office. I did not want the people here to know that i was purposely intruding, so i started to act as though i was confused and frightened by my surroundings. There were objects in my hands as i walked to the south. To the east of me, the room opened into a second office. This office was also labeled with a large white sign with white letters. It also seemed to be a diplomatic office. There was a white counter across the southwest side of the office, separating it from the rest of the corridor in a diagonal from the brick walls. A second office was set into the wall to the west. It had a white counter which was flush with the rest of the wall. At the southern end of the corridor, there was a silver escalator which descended to the east. I stopped in front of it, watching a man in a blue business suit climbing to the top. There was a window just above the escalator which looked down onto a city street. I could see a tan building across the street with two columns in front. There were vertical metal fins running down the column, and the columns were wider at the top than at the bottom. I recognized the building, and knew that i was definitely in Washington. Someone to the west of me was calling for my attention. I pretended not to notice, and leaned over to drop the heavy round weights onto the floor. The weights were black cylinders with bright yellow rubber rings around it. There were yellow straps coming from the wrapping, which i had been holding on to. I had taken the weights from the airport, but could not carry them any more. The man to the west of me then called again, and i looked vacantly toward him, acting unsure and frightened. He was a security guard. He told me not to come with him. I bent over to pick up the weights, but he told me to leave them where they were. The heavy man in the blue business suit stopped just to the south of me, looking at me as thought unsure of what i would do. I motioned to the weights, indicating that i wanted him to take them, and then i turned to the west and started following the security guard down the narrow brick corridor which ran along the front of the building. There was a woman walking with the officer. I felt strange, and thought that something might happen here. I glanced back to the east, listening to the officer talk to me. His voice then stopped in mid sentence, and my view went black. I turned to the west and looked down the empty brick corridor. I had shifted again. The corridor ended just ahead of me, bright sunlight shining in. I stepped out of the building and into a dirty alley at the back of the old crumbling building. This place was an old school. I remembered it from before. I walked to the west, cheerful of the new scenery. It felt like late fall out, though the sun was warm. A street ran to the south of the school, with a rectangular sign to the west of me. The sign was framed in brick, with letters engraved into a white center. I turned to the east, looking at the front of a building on the corner of the next block to the northeast. Metal letters over the doors of the building said that it was a public building in New York City. I had shifted to another large city. There was some significance in the shifting. I thought that it must be important. As i floated to the east, down the main street, i thought about where i could shift to next. I then thought that this experience might not be real. It could be a dream. I thought that i might really be ready to wake up in the morning. I did not want to wake up, though. I felt as though i would have to go to work if i woke up, and i did not want to go to my job. I tried not to focus on waking up, or i knew that i would. I then realized that everything seemed very clear, as though this was not really a dream. I then started to wonder if i was dead. I did not think that i would remember things so detailed if i had died. I looked at the palm of my left hand, noticing how detailed the lines in my hand were. I did not think that this was a dream. I then thought about to where i would shift to next. I thought about Florida, but could not think of a good city to move to. I then imagined that i could shift to Key West. It would be a good place to go, since it was so nice there. I might end up in the ocean if i were to move to the wrong place, though. As i floated through the intersection, i started to imagine that i was swimming in the middle of the ocean. I would have to conserve my energy so that i did not get too cold before the next shift. I turned back to the west and thought about being in a boat. As i climbed into the boat, i thought that i might actually be in the southern United States. This place could me New Orleans, or somewhere in Georgia. I found myself sitting in the middle of a small flower garden, floating in a muddy puddle. The white wire frame of the boat was under me. I lifted it up over my head as the water started to drain away. I then realized that i was just to the east of a small house in the middle of a crowded city street. The house seemed to be a brownstone building, but there was space between it and the other houses. I quickly picked up my boat and the other white object and started out of the small flowerbed, which was on the northeast corner of the house. There was a woman in the window just above me, and i did not want her to catch me in her garden. As i stood up, the house was suddenly to the east of me, and the woman was visible through the large glass entrance door. She had seen me, and was stomping toward the door to yell at me. I would not be able to get away, but, just then, i heard a telephone ring. The woman stopped and turned to get the phone. I had time to get away. I quickly picked up the wire object and ran to the south. I was in a narrow alley with houses crowded on both sides. Stoops extended into the narrow alley. Many of them had flowers on them. My house was near the southern end of the street, on the western side. I knew that the woman would make it out of her house before i had a change to get into my door. I could not let her see me, so i would have to carry the boat past my house and escape down the street. At the end of the alley, i turned to the east. I could hear the woman coming out of her house behind me. As i rounded the corner to the east, however, i was aware that the woman had gone back into her house for something. I quickly turned around and quickly passed the alley again, heading west. I knew that, even if the woman saw me run to the west, i could still make it to the next alley over and run into the back of my house before she would see where i west. I turned to the north, down the back alley, still carrying the boat over my head. I wondered how long it would take to open my back door and get out of site.

12003 March 04

I stood to the north of the school building with a group of students. They were all headed to the south, to the school, but there was a triangular patch of green lawn in the way. The patch was surrounded by sidewalks on all sides. The students were walking to the east, down the main sidewalk, so that they could reach the smaller sidewalk to the school. AI wondered why they did not simply walk across the grass to get to the building, since it was a more direct route. I headed to the lawn, wondering whether it was surrounded by a short chain-link fence. As i passed over it, there seemed to be a fence around it, but the area was now a sandy creek bed. The creek wound back and forth through the sand, making a deep trench where it had eroded the yellow soil. I moved to the southeast oven the creek bed, kicking at the tops of the short sandy cliffs with my feet, trying to knock the sand back into the water. At the east end of the area, there was a rough sandy cliff with a zigzag of darker soil on the top of it. I kicked the edge of the dirt, expecting the top of the cliff to fall into the water, but only the dark streak of dirt fell into the water. I stopped and floated back to get a better look. The greenish-brown streak had actually been a snake that was sunning itself on the rocks. It floated with its narrow head out of the water. I looked closely at the thin head, but then realized that the snake was angered by being pushed into the water. I was too close to the snake, and i backed away quickly as in started for me.

12003 March 06

I drove behind my father as we approached the barn. There was another can pulling in near us with two men in it. I recognized them and had not seen either of them in a long time. The one near me seemed to be $A344. The others were gathered near the barn for the memorial service. As the two men got out of the car, i realized that they had pulled into the spot in front of the barn where i was going to park. I did not know what to do, and i said something to my father. They started to fool around at the front of the barn. I felt confused. They were then climbing on the front of the barn. $A344 was now in the hayloft. He reached down to grab $A45 and swing him across the front of the barn. This felt wrong, so i started walking to the south of the barn. The barn was now an open structure, with only the corner posts and a few vertical beams. I could see the many cats wandering around in the middle of where the old barn had stood. I said something about them to my father as one of the orange tabby cats hopped up onto the near side of the crumbling foundation.

I walked into the small gift shop. I had been traveling with my father to some place. There was a man behind the counter in the center of the room. The counter was white, and had many items on it. I walked to the north of the counter, where there was a small glass jar. I placed some money in the slot in the metal lid and received a small token from the bottom of the jar. I gave the token to my father and went to get another, but i did not have another nickel in my hand. I had two dimes and some pennies. I felt frustrated as my father said something. He then left the room with the others, and i said that i would be right behind. I pulled some money out of my pocket and started to put it in the machine, but i was confused. I could not figure out what i was doing. I looked at the coin in my hand and noticed that it was shaped like a three-pointed star. The woman to the west of me looked at the coin, and i explained that it was a pound sterling. I put it back into my pocket and continued to look. I could not concentrate on what i was doing. I was then reaching into the jar to find a nickel, when i realized that the man behind the counter was looking at me. I explained that i was getting change for the coins in my hand. I felt rushed, knowing that my father had already left and was waiting for me. I opened my wallet to check if i had any other coins in it. I saw the large silver coin but realized that it was a 100 lira piece. I was frustrated and annoyed.

12003 March 11

I entered the large room from the east, joining the others inside. This place almost seemed like a warehouse. There were rows of things on shelves to the east of me as i turned back to the east. $A345 leaned forward and slid a cassette tape into the small black tape player and pressed play. I recognized the song as one of my own, but it did not quite sound right. It was “Blowing Smoke Rings”. I listened to the song, not quite sure whether it was really the song that i had recorded. I knew that it was my song by the distinctive guitar riffs, but it sounded a lot better that the tape that i had made. $A345 must have remixed the tape i made and made the song better. As the chorus came, i realized that there were more voices than i had used. I was disappointed that i could not be the one to make the song good. I felt defensive, thinking that the tapes that i had made were just demo tapes. I could have made them much better had i been in a real studio. I felt upset as i turned back to the west, listening to the song. Everything about it sounded better than what i was able to produce. I started to fly across the room. I wanted to be comforted, but i just started flying to take my mind off of things. I thought that flying would make me feel better. I swooped across the room a few times, grabbing the strings of red and white pennants which were handing along the metal support beams over the gymnasium. The people below me would be impressed at my ability to fly. I drifted to the west, over the people who were playing basketball. I pulled on one of the strings of pennants, trying to draw the attention of the people below me. Someone below me then made a snide comment about the way i was flying over them. They were annoyed with me for interrupting their game. I felt upset.

12003 March 12

I walked with the others to the east, down the paved path. Some of the others were joking around a bout something. I looked at the young man in the red shorts and tank-top. He was nicely built, and i felt interested in him. Someone then tripped him in jest and pushed him to the ground. I chuckled at the stunt for a moment, but then realized that the man was angry about it. The others were picking on him to make him feel bad. I liked the roughhousing, but i did want to upset the man. I watched the man stand up and brush the soot off of his buttocks. His legs were attractively muscled. I moved to the right, around the outside of the group, getting out of the way of the man in the red in case he got mad at the others. I placed my arm around the shoulder of the man in blue as i moved to the back of the group. I spoke to them as we moved across the lot, toward the fence. Someone made a comment about me, picking on me for my age. I realized that the rest of the group were all younger than i. I started to feel out of place here. I floated slightly as i spoke back to the others, but some of them started to ridicule me. I felt hurt, but tried to ignore them. One of the men at the front of the group turned around and said that i could no longer do something athletic. He was oriental, with medium-length black hair. I thought that i could probably still run and swim faster than he could, but i was not as strong, which is what he probably considers a better athlete. I floated ahead of the group, grabbing on to the chain-link fence at the western end of the lot. I could still maneuver well in the air. I looked down at $A346, who was saying something to me about sports. I lifted suddenly into the air and dodged the mud that he was throwing at me. He was trying to hit me, but i was still maneuverable. I flew to the south, out over the street in front of my grandmother’s house, while $A346 moved down to the end of her driveway. He flung some mud at me with the lacrosse stick, and i dodged it easily. I then drifted back to the north, thinking that some kind aerial lacrosse might be interesting. I thought about this as i moved to the east over the back yard. I then thought that it might be very much like quidditch. I looked to the east to see the other person floating with a lacrosse stick. I wondered what a quidditch player might think of someone floating without a broom. The player then ducked as he noticed the large green dumpster moving toward him. The dumpster rotated in the air near his head. I thought more about playing quidditch by simply flying.

12003 March 13

I walked with the other person to the west, across the southern end of the gymnasium. There were cubicle walls dividing the room into small areas, with corridors around the outside walls. There was an open area in the center of the gymnasium with many red wrestling mats in it. I had come here with the other man to wrestle, and we were looking for a mat to use. As we crossed one of the openings in the walls, looking north, into the center of the room, i spotted $A117 at the north end of the gymnasium. He watched us walk by some of the mats. I felt suddenly uncomfortable. I wanted to wrestle the young man, but i was afraid that my inexperience would show if $A117 saw me wrestling. The man with me was skinny and inexperienced, so i could not have the excuse of being challenged. I felt embarrassed to practice where $A117 could see me, so we continued to wander to the west.

12003 March 14

My mother and i dragged the heavy luggage down the street to the intersection. We would have to get onto the bus to head to the airport. We stopped on the northwest corner of the intersection in $P4, to the south of the colonial brick building. I felt anxious and rushed, knowing that we did not have a lot of time to head to the airport. I crossed the street to the south, looking for the correct bus. There was a blue city bus pulling up to the intersection from the south. As i crossed the street, a second bus drove through the intersection from the east. There were no busses heading in the correct direction for us. I turned around and headed back across the street, noticing that my mother was no longer waiting on the corner. I looked for the pile of baggage that we had left on the curb, but only saw my blue duffle bag and my grey duffel bag. I felt suddenly worried, wondering whether my mother had caught a bus and left me. Something seemed wrong. I collected by bags from the street, wondering what to do. Several bussed drove past the curb, and other people were starting to gather near me. A white and blue bus pulled up next to the curb, and i walked over to the door to ask the driver where he was going. I hoped that this was my bus. I started to feel rushed. I asked the driver if he was heading to $P84. That was where i had to go to get the airplane. The driver said that he was not going to $P84. I felt confused and was having trouble concentrating. I did not know where to go. Something seemed wrong. I turned to the north, thinking that i should be doing something. I started across the parking lot. I was heading back to my car to head home. As i came to the center of the parking lot, near the driver’s door of my black car, i spotted someone i knew walking to the west of me, heading north. I thought about $A347. I hoped that i would run into him in this area. I then saw $A347 walking behind the other man. I wanted to go to him and say hello, but i felt somewhat shy. The other man then looked to the south as he walked, looking in my general direction. I waved to him, and he waved back and smiled. I closed my car door, which i had opened, and followed the two to the north end of the lot. I felt that i should say hello before i lost my chance. I approached them as they sat down on either side of the round white cafe table on the outside of the old brick building. I felt very interested in $A347 and wanted to get to know him. I spoke to the others at the table with him, whom i felt more comfortable with. I thought about ways to talk to $A347. The others then entered the building to the north. I started to follow, but stopped at the bottom of the stairs. The stairs ran up, into the building. There seemed to be three sets of stairs. The others took the red stairs on the right, but i looked up the dusty white stairs in center. The middle flight of stairs did not seem to go anyplace. It seemed strange that there was a fake set of stairs that did not go anywhere. I then shook off the distraction and concentrated on following the others. I had to find a way to talk to $A347.

12003 March 15

I moved very quickly to the east, grabbing the other person around the neck with my hands. He was a bad guy, and i was Superman. I felt that he had done something very bad, and there was nothing else that i could do but kill him. It seemed the only logical conclusion. I started to choke him, thinking that Batman and some of the other members of the Justice League were with me. I then looked at the man. He was very attractive, with a well tanned, smooth face and curly blonde hair. I was suddenly behind him, wrapping my left arm around his throat in a sleeper hold. Since i was Superman, i could easily crush his neck with my strength, but i did not think that i should. I squeezed lightly for a few seconds until he started to go unconscious. I then relaxed my grip and let him lean back into me. He was not wearing any shirt, and i could see that his chest was nicely muscled and his smooth skin detailed. He seemed like $A340. I thought that the choking sensation was probably arousing to him, so i reached forward and started to pet his chest with my hands. I rubbed my palms over his nipples, and he tipped his head back, gasping. Once he was conscious enough, i pushed my fists into the sides of his neck until he was unconscious again. I then remembered that i was supposed to kill him. I continued choking him until i was sure that he was dead, but then i realized that i would have to cover up what i had done. I could not let people find out that it was me. I looked to the west, noticing the trees of the woods near me. I thought that i could simply fly away to some other place and then come back on foot after someone had discovered the body. I thought that it was an advantage to have the ability to fly because i could get away from the crime scene without being spotted. Others did not know that i had this ability, so they would see me in some other place far away at about the same time as the murder. I could land and simply jog back to the house where i had left the body propped up against the wall. The body was slumped against the west wall of the small room. The room was empty, and it was shaped like a narrow trapezoid, with the north and south walls of equal length, and the east wall much narrower than the west. The north, east, and south walls were covered with multi-paned glass windows, and the room seemed to be light blue, even though it was dark in the room and outside. I imagined that the police would be able to see the man sitting in the room from the window on the north wall. Someone would spot the man, and think it strange that he was sitting in the dark for such a long time. The police would then watch the house to see if any one returned. I imagined what it would be like as i walked back to the house and let the police spot me entering. I would have to act surprised to see the man sitting in the room. I ran through the scene several times, trying to picture what action i could take that would be most appropriate. Each time i ran through the scene, there seemed to be more and more people in the room. Then i noticed the man that i had killed to the east of me, walking through the crowd. He was not really dead, and i felt uneasy and surprised. The others in the room were talking about how the man was killed. I tried to act natural so that no one suspected that i had killed him. The young woman then started talking about how the man died. She spoke in an exaggerated tone, as if telling the story to children. She then said that the man had been killed, and the crowd gasped. She said that someone had tried to cover up the killing, and the crowd looked around at each other, starting to gossip. I acted aloof, pretending that i was innocently interested in the story. The woman turned to me, casting an accusing glance in my direction as she said something. The others were still asking each other who it could be. I did not let the woman see that i was scared of being discovered. The man was then to the west of me. He seemed delirious, and stared off to his right. I felt suddenly sad for him, feeling a strong relationship to him. He seemed very attractive to me, and i wanted to get to know him. I spoke to him as though i was unaware that he was dead. I touched the skin on the left side of his neck as i spoke, acting surprised that it was cold. I asked him what had happened to him as the others in the room continued to enjoy the party. The decorations looked like something from the 1960s, and the people were dressed like new-age hippies. I started to run around the building, heading to the west. The others suddenly seemed like characters from an old black-and-white television show from the 1950s. They took off in a pack to the east. I ran back into the room after they had left from the south. Something seemed very strange about this place. I then noticed something out the window to the north of me. I looked to see a bear running across the street to the southeast. I suddenly thought that the mother bear was running to protect her cub. I felt scared of the bear, knowing that it would attack anyone who was in its way. I ran to the east, hoping that the party guests had closed the eastern door of the house when they left. As i reached the eastern side of the eastern end of the room and looked through the window, into the next room, i could see the black back of the bear walking though the door and into the house. I had to get out of here. I ran to the west, thinking that i could run up the stairs and lock the door to the other side of the house. I reached the bottom of the stairs, trying to plan what to do.

12003 March 18

I walked to the western edge of the stage to inspect the swinging door at the end of the short wall. The wall extended along the end of the stage from the eastern wall and stood only a metre or so tall. The polished wooden stage was very wide, and the audience sat to the north, in a small room which sloped up to the north. There was going to be a concert. I pulled the swinging door toward me, watching how it pivoted at the end of the wall. The door was rounded on its western edge, forming a half cylinder which was open to the audience. The back of the door was white and seemed to have vertical strips of rounded molding along its surface, creating a pattern. I felt nervous, thinking about how i would make my entrance through the door. The wall was too short to crawl across, so i thought that there would be an extension added to the top of it. One of the other performers, who was standing behind me, said something in an attempt to stop me from worrying, but i was not at ease about the show. I would have to perform, but i had not had enough practice, and i did not think that i could perform my songs well. The other person near me seemed to be B. B. King. It felt strange for me to be playing in a concert with him. I had never performed my songs in concert before. I felt uncertain about the concert. I was not ready to perform, and i wondered why i would be chosen as one of the acts for the show. I looked out across the field to the west, which was to the north of an old stone building. $A42 was standing near me. I felt confused. I should not be doing the show. I was not ready.

12003 March 21

I stepped carefully over the snow-covered ice of the frozen stream, heading to the north. I could see the swift moving water of the stream flowing through a clear spot in the ice ahead of me. I had to be careful to step only on the ice which covered the rocks of the stream. The rocks would support my weight, but i worried that i would fall through the ice which was over the water. I hopped over the flowing water under the ice and landed on the ice-covered rocks on the other side. I slid on something, however, and i seemed to sink to my knees on the ice. I did not break through the ice, but i was having difficulty getting back to my feet as though i had. I turned around to watch the person following me over the ice, still trying to struggle back to my feet. There was a third person still on the shore who had not yet stepped onto the ice. The man right behind me fell suddenly through the ice. I tried to get up to help him, but i could not seem to get back to my feet. It seemed as though my feet were stuck in the ice. I called out for help, yelling to the man still on the shore, who had disappeared from view below the snow bank along the river’s edge. I looked down the stream to the east to see the first man swimming against the flow of the water. He was $F12. There was no ice over the water where he was, but i could see a sheet of ice moving toward him. It would be difficult for him to swim through the ice, and i was still afraid that he might drown. I yelled at him to swim toward the shore, but he continued to swim directly into the current. I felt very worried that something might happen to him. The man from the other shore then jumped into the water and swam to $F12. I was now standing on the river shore where they were swimming, watching the man pull $F12 to shore. There was now another person standing on the rocks in the middle of the stream just to the west. I was too worried about $F12 to pay much attention to him, thought. I then realized that the man pulling $F12 out of the water was another version of me. I watched myself drag the unconscious body of $F12 onto the shore and then stand up. $F12 was wearing a blue and white shirt, and he slipped suddenly back into the small pool of still water at the edge of the stream. I was afraid that he might drown. I watched myself reach back into the water to pull him back up and onto shore. The other man, who had been to the west, was now in the water swimming toward me. The scene seemed confusing, and i tried to focus on what i was doing with $F12. I then realized that the man swimming was another version of $F12. He stood up from the water and walked toward me. “What are you looking at?”, he asked in a somewhat threatening tone. I felt confused, and tried to focus on the people on the opposite shore. I looked at the $F12 approaching me. He was still wed and wearing a white long-sleeve shirt. He was smiling mischievously, and i realized that he wanted to throw me into the water. I tried to concentrate on the others. Something felt wrong. I felt interested in the $F12 near me, and thought it would be fun to resist having him throw me into the water.

12003 March 25

I was late for work, but i did not feel particularly concerned. I stood in the western entrance hall of the building. The smooth off-white walls of the hall were made of fake stone. $A348 walked through a door to the east of me, greeting me as he passed. He joked about the fact that i was late. I purposely acted as though i did not care. I took off my blue backpack and placed it in front of me, on the shelf which ran along the south wall. I could hear $A348 talking to someone just outside the glass door to the west. I stood in the hallway, adjusting something in my hands. The door behind me opened, in the center of the north wall. I turned to see $A52 climb to the top of the stairs and turn to the west. She greeted me unsurely, as though she could not believe that i was actually coming in late. I said hello to her and turned back to my bag, trying to act as though everything was normal. I then wandered why $A52 would be coming up the stairs form the basement of the building. It seemed like a long time since i had worked with her, and i though that there was really nothing she could do about me being late.

12003 March 28

I left the room of the small house and found myself standing on the south side of the crowded room. The room seemed like a gymnasium which had been filled with banquet tables for the large meal. The long rectangular tables were aligned east to west and covered with white table cloths. I could see guards in baggy green uniform standing along the east wall near one of the entrances to the room. I then saw a rectangular flash of reddish light from somewhere on the eastern side of the room. I knew that it had something to do with me. This banquet was for the army, and i had a feeling that these people were with Saddam Hussein. I felt suddenly nervous about being here. I was secretly moving through the crowd, trying to avoid everyone. I realized that the red flash of light had something to do with me. I was taking pictures with an infrared camera. I had goggles which allowed me to see in the infrared. The others did not know i was there because i could only be seen in the infrared. I had to be careful not to walk into anyone else in the room as i moved around. I was here as a spy to get images of those attending the banquet. Slowly, i moved toward the glass doors in the southern wall of the room. The guest of honour seemed to be sitting in front of the doors, and there were people walking in and out of the room through the doors. I stood to the west of the doors, planning to go through them as soon as someone else opened them, but i would have to be careful not to brush against anyone else, or they would know that i was there. I was then in the smaller room to the south. This room was also white with plain walls, but the ceiling was now a normal height. I then noticed the small girl in the room. She was standing to the west of me, looking in my general direction. She had seen me push through the glass doors and knew that i was there. She walked toward me, but i stepped to the side. I then realized that she would be able to hear my footsteps and know where i was. I tried to walk quietly around the room, but she always seemed to know where i was. I was then aware of a man standing on the eastern side of the room, playing pool on the large white pool table. I could not let the girl draw attention to me. If the man suspected that i was there, he would tell the guards. I moved around the room, still trying to evade the girl, but then i finally got frustrated with her. I grabbed her by the shoulders and whispered into her ear, telling her that she could not reveal my position. She seemed to laugh, as though this was a game to her. I let her go, but she came at me again, so i hit her across the chest. She did not seem deterred and came at me again, so i punched her hard on the side of the head. I felt angry with her, but could not go on hitting her or the other in the room would notice. I tried to run away again, this time rounding the southeastern corner of the pool table. I stopped against the eastern wall of the room and looked back to the center. The young girl still knew where i was, and she was coming after me. I ran around her and across the room to the western wall. There was a yellow rope ladder running up the southwestern wall of the room to a small window. I knew that the girl would not be strong enough to follow me up the rope. I would have to leave this place before i got caught, and i started up the rope.

12003 March 31

I turned to the west, to look down at the woman on the street. I was on the hill to the east of the street and had been saying something to my parents when i heard the woman talking in a very loud and irritated voice. There was a large brick building across the city street from us, and another to the north. The street turned a sharp corner between the two buildings and continued to the west. The woman was standing in the street, just to the west of a white car. The car was parked with its nose onto the curb. The car was obviously going to be in the way of traffic. The woman on the street seemed to have come from the car, but she was telling the people in the car to hurry up and get the car out of the road. I then focused on the old dark grey car coming from the south. It seemed appropriate that the car would have to stop in the middle of the road to wait for the white car to get out of the way. The person in the white car would then be able to see how he was blocking traffic. To my surprise, however, the grey car did not stop. It drove into the side of the white car, and then continued pushing the smaller car down the street. The woman who had been yelling at the people in the small car backed up to get out of the way, horrified shock on her face. I felt suddenly concerned about the situation. This was not right, and something about it felt very threatening. I could feel the crowd tense as people crowded toward the street. I started to back up the hill, heading away from the scene, to the east. The people seemed suddenly like angry protesters. My mother was then standing to the west of me. She seemed worried and said that she had lost the keys form her pocket. I remembered that they had fallen out of her pocket once when she was sitting on the beach. I commented that she should wear pants with deeper pockets. I then turned to the east and headed back to the beach, from which we had just come. We had eaten dinner in the restaurant, down the street, to the east of us. The ocean seemed to be to the south of us, and there was a row of small shops running to the east just to the south of us, blocking our view of the sea. I knew started to fly to the east, back toward the restaurant. I pictured the round table in the restaurant at which we had sat. I thought i should check there first for the keys. I flew into the narrow entrance hall of the restaurant and stopped at the small table just to the right of the door. There were already some other people sitting there. They looked up at me curiously as i hovered, looking around on the floor for the keys. Once i realized that the keys were not on the floor, i turned to the east and flew down the narrow corridor to the lower level of the restaurant, where the exit to the beach on the back of the building was. The stairs were steep and turned back on themselves at the south wall of the building. Once i reached the lover level, i paused. I was then out on the beach to the south. I tried to imagine where the keys were. I was then to the north of the shops again, walking to the east. There was an empty lot at the end of the row of stores where we could cut across to beach. I stopped in front of the lot, waiting for my parents to catch up with me. As i looked south, across the lot, my vision seemed dark. I could barely make out the tall spurts of field grass which grew here and there in the yellow sand. It was getting dark, and the sky seemed suddenly cold and dark blue. I could not focus well across the field, and i though that we would no longer be able to find the keys easily.