12005 March 01

I sat down in the chair at the back of the small cluster of cushioned seats. All of the brown leather chairs were facing southwest, toward the front of the airplane. We were sitting in a long room with a low ceiling. There was space on all sides of the round cluster of chairs. The others sat down in front of me as i listened to the woman to the southeast of me say something. She seemed to be in charge of the area. She was trying to tell us something, but i looked past her to the dark brown oval shape on the southeast wall of the room, which i knew was i window. I could not see anything out of the window, but i felt that the room around us was slanting downward. I thought that i should say something to the steward, but she was talking about something else. She was wearing a long brown dress with a white apron over the front of it. She kept talking and would not let me interrupt her. I thought that, if the room is slanting down, the airplane must have been flying in a downward direction. This did not seem right, so i felt that i should say something. The plane then hit something, and the front wall of the room exploded inward. We were then back in the air, just before the crash, and everything seemed frozen. I looked forward to see a man moving in one of the seats ahead of me. I knew that the nose of the airplane has just hit the ground, but the crash was happening in slow motion. Everyone in the airplane was frozen but the man and i. I looked at him as he stood up from his chair and started to fall forward, into the front wall. He glanced back at me and smiled. He was wearing blue jeans and a blue shirt with white lines over the shoulders and down the sides. He said that he had died several times before, and that he had fifteen more chances to do so. I know that this scene would be repeated until he was able to get out. I thought that i should be altering the circumstances until i was able to escape the crash. I tried to concentrate on the motion, but i was not able to move my body as fast as my thoughts could go. My body still seemed in the timeframe of the crash, even though i was able to perceive events in a faster timeframe. The man tumbled forward as the white front wall of the room bowed inward and started to crumple. I knew that the scene would be started over again for the man, but i had to get out of here as well. I started to feel frustrated and wondered what i could do to escape.

12005 March 02

I looked over the weather map which was hovering to the northeast of me. It was coloured with red on either side. The red seemed to be made up of many little dots over the top of a satellite image of the land below. Just inside the red haze was a yellow haze. I thought that the yellow represented the snow that was falling. I knew that none would fall around the edges of the land because the ocean water would keep the coasts warm. I then wondered why the snow was not falling in the center of the map. This map seemed to be of northern Florida, where the peninsula was at its narrowest. I thought about the warm water keeping the coast warm, but i thought that this would meant that all of the farmland in the center of the state should be yellow with snow. As i thought this, i noticed that the central section of the map became yellow. I knew that it was mostly grazing land, as i found myself looking to the north, across a long marshy pond. The pond was not yet frozen because the water was keeping it warm. Green mossy plants grew across the surface of the water. I was sitting on the southeastern shore of the water, on a thin grass covered levy. I thought that the water level was a little low in the pond. The local farmers must have been using it on their fields. I remembered that there had been a drought in this area. Three was a line of green trees on the western side of the pond. I saw the algae growing in the stagnant water and thought that there should be alligators living in this pond. They would be seeking protection from the cold weather that was coming. I then realized that i was sleeping very close to the water. I looked to the east-southeast, down the length of the green field where i had been sleeping. I pulled back the covers, which was a thick green spread of vegetation which covered the entire field. I lifted the north-northwestern corner of the field and saw a large alligator resting in the trench along the northern edge of the field. He was facing east-southeast, away from me, but his tail was very close to my foot. The grass which had been under the covers was dry and yellow and extended all the way to the trench. On the other side of the trench was a small mound which ran to the east-southeast, along the side of the field. I knew that the alligator was hiding under the covers for heat. They were sleeping while the cold air passed over, but i knew that the heat from my body could wake them up. I worried that they might bite me in my sleep. I then wondered why i would be sleeping in a field. Something seemed unnatural about this situation. I should not be here. I lifted more of the covers and noticed another alligator just to the southeast of me. His head was very near my feet, so i quickly pulled my feet away from his face.

12005 March 04

I walked to the north with my mother. We had just left the car and were heading for the small house. The house seemed to be made of white brick, with black features around the windows and door. It was very early in the morning. I asked my mother if she was sure the people in the house would be up this early. It seemed like it was just before eight o’clock. We stepped up onto the small cement stoop and knocked on the black wooden door. I hoped that we would not be disturbing the people too early. They seemed like people who worked with my mother. A man opened the door and we walked into the house, heading west into the house. Just to the north of us was a kitchen area, separated from the main living space by a brown counter. There seemed to me thin metal poles at the ends of the counter which held up the ceiling. The man seemed to be $A382. He was still in his housecoat as he walked back into the living room and turned to the north. His wife was sitting on a couch which was just on the other side of the counter in the center of the room. There was a television turned on in either the northeast or northwest corner of the house. The northern wall of the living room seemed to have a large glass door in it, and there seemed to be many plants around the edges of the room. This place was dim, but felt comfortable. It seemed strange that we would be having a dinner party so early in the morning, but i ignored the fact. I looked around for a bit as my mother sat on the couch with the woman of the house. They were talking about something, and it seemed as though they had been talking for a little bit. My mother was sitting on the southern end of the back leather sofa, the end nearest me, and the woman was sitting near her. The woman had her left leg folded on the couch and was resting her head in her left hand as she leaned her left elbow into the cushions on the back of the couch. $A382 was sitting on the northern end of the couch. He said something to me, and i realized that it was work related. I made a joke about the four gigabytes, and he laughed. I was aware, however, that the women found the joke tedious and geeky. I ignored them, thinking that they had been talking for a long time, so it should not be so bad if i talked to $A382 for a while. I turned to the east and paced around the room. This place seemed crude in features, but was fairly recently redesigned. I looked to the north, noticing that the bare wood of the floor ended just a metre to the north of me. I seemed to be on the second floor of the reconditioned building. The slanting roof was just over my head, and i could see the dark wood boards on the outside of the rafters. I was on the second floor of the old mill. This building was important for something and had recently been redesigned by a carpenter. I looked at the short square pillar of stone to the northwest of me. It was part of the old chimney. The top of the chimney had been detached when the upper floor of the house was raised. A skull sat on top of the crumbling masonry of the lower section. I remembered that the skull had some significance to the house. Some people had been buried in its construction. I looked to the south to see the red piece of equipment hanging from the wooden beam on the northern end of the room. The walls were open, so that i could see through the studs to the floor below. The roof was lower to the north of the wall studs, but there was enough of an opening between the roof and the floor of the room i was in to see down into the other section of the house. I remembered that the red piece of metal machinery had been on the lower floor as well. The carpenter had taken it apart so that half of it was left in the lower section of the house, but the other half was now on the second floor because of the raising of the roof. I remembered the red rings in the square chute which were left on the lower floor. They must have been supporting braces for the machine when this place was an active mill. The northwestern part of the equipment also seemed to be left on the lower floor. I looked at the equipment which was hanging on the northern side of the beam, just to the north of me, in the top part of the square chute. It looked like a large funnel with no spout on the bottom. I thought about the way it was separated from the lower half so that the house could be expanded. I then turned to the southeast and saw the upper part of the old stone chimney extending down from the ceiling. There were wooden boards around the top piece of the chimney which extended to the floor, as thought someone had started to build a frame around the chimney. I looked up into the chimney and noticed that there was a section of mortar which had a round imprint in it. Thinking about the skull which had been found in the chimney, i looked at the small impression, thinking that something special must have happened in this place long ago to make people preserve these things. I thought about how this building had been redone and how they had found the skeletons buried in the mortar. No one had known that they were there. I turned back to the north and looked down at the people on the lower floor. I then realized that the floor boards under me sagged with my weight. I looked around the room, stepping from board to board, feeling the thin sheets of plywood sag with me. Something seemed very wrong, but i did not seem worried. I moved to the south, turning to the south to see the rest of the attic room. The workmen were trying to fix the floorboards just to the south of me. They must have known that there was a problem. I felt unstable as i stepped back and forth on the boards. I hoped that the construction workers were aware of the problems with the boards in the floor. They were working on the boards to the south, but i did not know whether they were aware that the problem covered the entire floor. I fell down suddenly, landing on the sagging piece of plywood under me. I looked down at the boards and noticed that the plywood was only a half centimetre thick. It was nailed in along the ends, but it was not thick enough to support humans. I looked back to the south to see the construction workers reaching for me, as though to help be back up, but i was lost in thought. I imagined the boards giving way. I thought that i could easily grab onto the cross beams of the floor and hang for a moment over the floor below. It would not be that far to fall, so i could easily drop myself to the floor. I thought about the scene several times, trying to think of how i could get down. I did not feel that there was anything to worry about. This all seemed like a dream. I looked around, feeling that the others were getting ready to go. I was on a street now, in an urban area. Something was wrong, and we had to leave this place. I turned around and looked to the north, up the street. The others were after us, and we had to escape. I felt callus to the situation, as though i was watching it on television. I did not really feel a part of this scene. I knew that we could get away because it seemed natural that we would. We stood just to the east of our car, which was parked facing south, against the eastern side of the street. I thought we had superior weapons to the troops who were trying to capture us, so i knew that we would escape. I turned to the north and pointed the laser weapon up the street. There was a car to the north of us. It seemed to be an old wide pale-blue car from the nineteen fifties which was facing south, but, as i fired the weapon, it was a dark red coup from the nineteen fourties which was facing north. I thought that i would shoot at the gas tank and make the car explode. The explosion would delay our pursuers. As i fired, a man walked in front of the car. I struck him in the back, and his grey tweed jacked burst into flames as he fell to the ground. I kept firing the weapon, aiming for the car. I realized that i could not really hit the gas tank because the car was facing south, with its front facing us. I was aware of the troops moving down the street to the northeast of the car, so i kept the laser going. The car suddenly exploded, as i thought it would. The man to the west of me said that we had to go, but i looked around, thinking that i had to cause more damage to delay the bag guys longer. I noticed a large building to the northeast, just to the east of the car. It was behind the brick building which was on the street, and it seemed to be under construction. I could see the red metal I-beams which supported the structure. The center of the building seemed to be filled with trash, however. I fired the laser at it, hitting a large roll of something which was covered with a blue plastic. The roll looked like a big cylinder which stood on end in the building. I knew that the inside of the roll would ignite and burn, but i would have to melt through the plastic first. I fired the laser until it started the roll on fire. Then i turned to go.

12005 March 08

I sat on the floor in the living room of the house. My relatives were around me. I sat on the northern end of the room, facing southeast. Two of my relatives sat on the large straight-back couch, which was against the east wall. The couch seemed mostly white with large dark floral designs on it. One of the two people on the couch was a rounded woman in a dark jacket, and the other was a man. The woman seemed like $K20, and i knew that the man was her husband. My parents were sitting to the south of me, and it seemed that there were more relatives in the room. The relatives from the couch talked about foreign language. Someone then said something in French. I knew that i could not speak French, but if they asked me, i knew that i could tell them that i did not speak French in French. I listened to them say things in French for a moment as i imagined what i would say if they asked me. I remembered the words: “Je ne parle pa france.” I knew that i could pronounce it properly, which i thought would impress them. Then someone started talking in Deutsch. It was my grandfather. He was sitting to the southeast of me. He spoke with very distinct syllables. He was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, wearing a light-grey V-neck sweater over a white shirt and grey pants. My father’s mother also seemed to be sitting on the floor, just to the west of my grandfather. They spoke for a moment in Deutsch. Then someone asked me a question about my parents. It had to do with how they met. I looked to the southwest to see my parents sitting on the small couch which was against the western wall of the room. They seemed younger, and were watching me for my answer. I thought that i should say something funny in response, since i really did not know the answer to the question, but i realized that what i was going to say might be mistaken as an insult. I was silent for a moment, trying to think of what i should say. I finally told them that they would have to ask my parents.

12005 March 11

I headed down the long narrow hall to the southwest. The cement walls of the corridor where rough and painted white. I was sneaking into this place, and i knew that the guards would be alerted to my entrance. Just ahead of me, the corridor widened abruptly. I knew that there was a guard standing on each side of the corridor, just out of my sight behind the corners in the walls. I stopped just before the widening of the corridor, looking down at the dark-blue pant legs of the men. There was just enough of their outside leg showing that i thought that i could kick them behind the knee and knock them over. I thought about this for a moment, wondering which person to attack first. I then kicked the back of the knee of the man on the right. As he fell into the center of the hall, i grabbed him and started pulled him into the other person. The other guard turned to hit me, but struck the first guard instead, because i was holding the head of the first guard across my chest. I hit the second guard and pushed forward, moving down the hall while holding the first guard in front of me. I was aware that the second guard was not incapacitated. I looked down at the first guard. I was now holding him in a double arm bar. He hunched slightly forward in front of me, his head down. He was east asian, with short black hair. He was wearing a black tank top, and i could see that he had nicely muscled arms and shoulders. The muscles of his shoulders were straining against me. I suddenly felt attracted to him as i pushed him forward. There was a large square metal door at the end of the hall that i push open with my foot. I pushed the man inside, aware that the other guard was still watching me from his spot in the corridor. I thought that i knew the guard that i was holding in my arms, and that this was all just play. I felt excited to get him into the other room where we would be able to wrestle.

I walked to the west. I seemed to be outside, walking along a sidewalk, to the south of a street. It did not seem like winter, but the ground and surrounding objects seemed to be white. I felt that i had to urinate, and i was looking for the lavatory. I crossed the area which seemed to be an intersection, heading to the west. On the southwest corner of the intersection was a large white structure which appeared to be a vinyl tent. There was a small group of people sitting to the north of the tent, around a small square card table, in the middle of the sidewalk. Just past the corner of the tent, i turned to the south, looking into the small white room. There were small white porcelain drinking fountains around the circumference of the rounded room. He fountains were in two rows, the second elevated and set back from the first. For a moment, i considered urinating in one of the fountains, but then thought that there should be a lavatory somewhere nearby. I contemplated what to do for a moment, unable to decide. I turned to the west and continued down the white corridor a few more steps and turned to the south again. There was another small room with a curved southern wall. This one had the same two levels of counter tops as the first room, but there were silver basins set into the counters rather than drinking fountains. I thought that these were for drinking as well, but i realized that there was water flowing in them. I looked at the ones on the western side of the room and thought that they actually looked more like toilets, with black U-shaped seats on them. I then looked back to the eastern side of the southern wall and noticed that the basins were actually urinals. I walked over to one, but then realized that there was no northern wall to the room. The room was just open to the corridor outside, where the older women were sitting around the card table playing a game. I did not feel concerned about them watching and started to urinate into one of the basins. I felt that they could watch if they wanted because i did not feel self conscious about urinating. One of the women stood up, watching me. She was wearing something red and stood slightly hunched. She walked carefully toward me. I felt that she was weary of what i was doing. I thought that the women might make fun of me for urinating in front of them, but i did not care. I liked to think that mentally mature people did not feel uncomfortable doing natural things around each other.

12005 March 13

I said something to $F4 as i rode the bicycle down the country road, heading to the southwest. $F4 was riding on the back of the bicycle, holding on to my shoulders as i pedaled. It seemed that we had come a long way, but i still felt good. I thought that we had been pedaling down hill most of the way. The road ahead curved slightly to the west, and i knew that there was an intersection soon. The road dipped down slightly just before the curve, and there were thick green trees shading the pavement from the sun. The sky seemed clear, as though it was in the middle of summer. I knew that we were heading to my parents’ house, which seemed to be a long way out in the country. I knew that the journey should be mostly up hill, but i felt that we had been traveling on a fairly steady downhill slope. I started to pedal harder as we approached the intersection, knowing that we would have to go up hill again. There seemed to be a hill to the southwest of us which we would have to go around. I knew that there was a road rounding the northern side of the hill. I felt uncertain as to whether i wanted to do all the work to get up hill, but i knew that i would. I was having fun.

12005 March 15

I paced around in the center of the large room. The area around me seemed to be filled with large cardboard boxes, as though it was a warehouse. The metal ceiling was far above me, but there seemed to be some decorative details on it. I looked to the north to see the metal structure which formed an interior wall of the building. The wall ran to the west-northwest from the eastern wall of the building, at an odd angle to the outside walls of the building. There seemed to be a catwalk running along the southern side of the wall about halfway up. The catwalk was made of metal which was painted glossy black. Directly to the north of me was an archway in the wall, through which i could see the decorative room to the north. The archway was under the catwalk, but there was a second archway at the level of the catwalk as well. Through the lower archway, i spotted the woman in the white victorian dress pacing back to the east, passing out of sight beyond the arch. She was a friend of mine, and i knew that we were both being held here. I stepped to the north, admiring the decorations of the room in which the woman was being held. It seemed to be a richly furnished Victorian parlor, with stained wood bookcases on the curving northern and western walls. The red oriental rug in the center of the room covered a wood floor. I looked up through the archway in the upper half of the wall to see a domed tan plaster ceiling with blue floral decorations around the outside rim. There also seemed to be ornately carved light fixtures on the walls. I felt frustrated being held here, and i thought that i should do something. I was aware that the captors were standing on the eastern side of the room to the north. I had to do something. I turned to the east and noticed that the catwalk curved to the south and ran along the eastern wall of the room. The floor of the walk was only at my chest level, and i thought that i could easily escape this room by climbing over the railing. The metal support beams under the walk were exposed, and there was a zigzag line of wire running between the floor of the walk and the wooden hard railing. Several metal poles held up the railing at regular intervals. I did not think that i could climb up and so easily escape, but i grabbed onto one of the poles and pulled myself over the railing. I walked to the north, into the next room. The catwalk seemed to circle the room as well, and i thought that i could sneak in unnoticed, above the captors. I imagined looking down at the woman and signaling to her that i would help her. I had to stay out of sight of the kidnappers, thought. I walked into the room to the north, which seemed to be a small crowded shop. The shelves on the western wall were crowded with equipment, and there was a glass counter in the center of the room with merchandise on it. The room had a green aura to it from the fluorescent light overhead. The captors seemed to be standing just to the east of the glass counter. I felt angry and frustrated at the captors for holding me here, and i had to do something. I could not let the bad guys win. I started picking things up from the counters around me and throwing them. I smashed a few things on the floor, and then grabbed a small bag of something and broke it open. I felt enraged. The room then seemed less crowded and darker. I continued to break things in my rage. I was then aware of lights outside the large window to the east of me. I looked out and noticed a car pulling to a stop in the driveway outside. I had stopped breaking things and was starting to settle down, but now i realized how much damage i had done. I had shattered something on the red oriental rug in the center of the room. I was in the back room of my parents’ house. I felt angry with myself for breaking things, and thought that i would have to clean everything up before my parents come in. I got the vacuum and thought that i would pretend that i broke something. I looked down at the ground to see the tiny pieces of black which had been in the bag that i broke. I had ripped the bag open and threw its contents onto the floor. The bag had been filled with cardamom seeds. My mother came into the house and noticed the mess on the floor to the north of me. I had already gotten the tubular grey vacuum cleaner and had left it on the floor to the south of me. I told my mother that the bag of seeds had broken and spilled over the floor. I hoped that she did not suspect that i had broken the bag in anger. I was upset for feeling bad.

I turned to the north and pushed the shopping cart out of the parking lot of the store and onto the crowded sidewalk of the small town. I seemed to be in the downtown section of the town. The street to the north of me was crowded with cars. It seemed to have a grassy median running down the center, and there seemed to be multiple-level apartment buildings on the northern side of the street. I turned to the east along the sidewalk, but soon realized that i did not know where i was going. I remembered that i had parked my car to the northwest, at the base of the mountain. This town was in the middle of the mountains, and seemed a lot like Park City, Utah. I had to get back to my car, so i turned around and started to head to the northwest, up the shallow hill of the street. The car seemed to be a long way away, and i was not looking forward to walking all the way back to the parking lot at the base of the western mountain. I had no other way of traveling, though, so i just kept walking. I now seemed to me walking on the southern side of the central median, pushing the metal shopping cart through the crowd. The ground under me seemed to be paved with small grey cubical stones. As i passed the entrance to the parking lot, i was aware that a police officer was standing on the southwestern corner of the intersection. I wondered whether he would be suspicious of me pushing the shopping cart up the street. I wondered whether anyone thought that i was stealing it from the store. I moved on up the street until i was in a housing section of the town. I was on the northern sidewalk of the narrow street as i headed northwest. The old wood houses on the street were very close to the sidewalk, but there still seemed to be trees hanging over the street, shading it from the warm summer sun. I realized how nice the climate was here. I felt very good, and i thought that i should tell $F45 that i really enjoyed Park City in the summer time. The road up ahead then seemed to change. The buildings had ended and there was grass on the southern side of the road. I now seemed to be up on a hill on the western side of town. There was a small run-down motel on the northern side of the road. The road here seemed to be gravel, and it curved to the south, just to the west of me. Green trees stood on the outside edge of the curve, to both the west and north of the road. The steep slope of the hill seemed to be just beyond the trees in both directions as well. Someone commented to me as i started to pass the motel. He said that it was a nice day and said something about the shopping cart. I passed him and rounded the western end of the old wood building which was the motel. The place seemed dingy and unkempt. There was a door set into the northern end of the western side of the building. I walked in and down the corridor, still pushing the shopping cart in front of me. The halls inside were poorly lighted, so the light from the door and few small windows cast long shadows across the dirty white walls and worn dark-green plastic carpeting. I walked up the narrow stairs on the northeastern corner of the building, turning clockwise up the three sets of stairs which led to the next floor. I headed back down the hall to the west, thinking about something. This city seemed very nice in the summer, but i felt bothered by something. I looked to the west and noticed the grey clouds on the horizon. Three seemed to be a storm coming in, and i thought that it might rain. I could see streaks from the bottom of the cloud which were extending toward the ground. It seemed like rain, but then i realized that the streaks were very distinct. I looked out the window at the end of the hall, watching the streaks extend to the ground. I felt nervous. The sky was full of tornadoes. I could see them filling up the valley below. I was looking down a very steep hill to the west of the hotel. The storms were headed this way, and i felt that i had to do something. I ran back down the hall to the east and started down the stairs. The stairs were broken into three short flights which rounded the tight corner in a clockwise direction. I had to get to shelter before the storms came. I then realized that the tornadoes would not be able to climb the mountains. The winds up the side of the rock would disrupt the air enough to disperse the funnel clouds, but the storm would still hit. As i headed down the flight to the first floor, heading south, i noticed the small wooden-framed window in the center of the crumbling cement wall to the east. It was not safe to be near the window when the storm hit. I would have to be in the center of a building at he basement level. I then wondered if there was anyplace safe inside this old hotel. The place seemed to be rotting, and i did not think that it was safe. I ran out into the gravel parking lot which was to the west of the building. A woman was sitting on the hood of a small convertible car to the west of me. She seemed very attractive. She had long light-blonde hair and was wearing a white tank top and a pair of short denim shorts. I thought that she was someone famous and that her rich boyfriend was probable inside the hotel at the moment. I warned her about the tornadoes, telling her that they were coming up the side of the mountain from the valley below. It was sunny here, but i assured her that the storm was coming. I then pointed out that the tornadoes would not actually reach us, but the storm which created them would. I turned back to the east and hurried away. I wanted to warn the others in town, in case they did not know that the storm was coming.

12005 March 17

I turned to the east and walked into the room with the other person. I felt that he was going to show me something and that i should follow him. He seemed like $A14, and i thought that i was supposed to do some work for him. I walked into the center of the room, noticing the pale-tan partitioning wall which had been put up along the western side of the room. I remembered that this room used to be bigger, but they had started to subdivide it into cubicles for people to work in. The room used to be a lab, and we were coming here to take care of something which was on the northern side of the room. I mentioned to $A14 that the room was being redesigned as i walked to the north, where there was a small lab counter in the center of the northern section of the room. $A14 had asked me to move the table because he knew that i knew how to do it properly. I stood to the northwest of the boxy counter, looking at the metal pipe which ran across the western edge of the northern side of the black countertop and turned down the western side of the table. The dull-grey metal conduit looked like electrical piping. I started taking some of the things off of the counter as the other students wandered around the counter. I was carrying the stuff to the northwest, into the other room. I returned to the main lab and picked up a few more things from the desk. As i was turning to go, i grabbed the flat metal panel on the oval transition box of the conduit and lifted it off. We would have to take the entire conduit, but removing it would mean that we would be taking apart the plumbing of the room. This metal tube was used as the drain for the sink which was in the middle of the counter. As i lifted the metal cap, i noticed the black rubber seal around the lower part. I thought that opening the pipe would allow the smell from the sewer system back into the house, so i turned quickly to carry what i had in my arms out of the room, mentioning to the others that it would now start to smell. As i returned to the desk, someone said that it did not really smell that much. I wondered why there was not a stronger sewer smell from the pipe, which seemed larger now than it had when i removed the top. I removed a larger section of the pipe, leaving a hole in the floor where the pipe had been. The hole in the floor to the west of the desk was square. I grabbed a few more things off the top of the counter. I looked at the long thin white tube which had been sitting on a measuring scale. It seemed to be a pipette with a glass jar attached to the top, but it also seemed to me a syringe with the needle in a small jar. I looked at it as i picked it up, thinking that the dark green liquid in the bottle was someone’s experiment. I felt as though i recognized it and knew that it was significant. I then heard the students to the south of me as $A14 asked them a question. I looked to see that there were about twenty students in the room, all sitting in metal-framed wooden armchairs. They were facing the large blackboard on the southern wall as $A14 tried to teach from the southeastern side of the room. Some of the students were still standing by their chairs in their heavy coats, as though they had just come into the room. The class was just starting, but one of the students started singing a song in response to a question. I felt that this was disruptive to the class. The rest of the students then started chanting the song, which seemed like a new rock song. I realized that it was the new song by Beck. I did not recognize it, but i thought that it was on his new album. When they stopped, $A14 asked them about the song. He asked one student whether he thought that Beck was good. The student hedged and gave an indirect answer. I thought that i would answer the question directly and thought about what i would say. $A14 then asked a few more students, who all gave vague answers. They did not want to be associated with any particular genre. $A14 had then finished walking through the center of the chairs and came to the back row. He looked at me and asked me what i thought of Beck’s music. I said that i thought that Beck was a really creative artist. Someone then pointed out that Beck sampled the music of other people to make his own music. I realized that this point weakened my argument of creativity, but i still felt that he was creative in that he was taking other things and reusing them in an original way. I walked to the west of the lab counter, which had been moved to western side of the room, and bent over to look at the hole in the floor. The yellow and brown linoleum tiles of the floor had a large hole in the center of them. I could see down into a metal duct in the floor below. There was some dark green slime at the bottom which must have been from the septic system. We had to cover the hole so that the fumes did not get back into the room. I bent over to place the white note pad over the hole, but id did not cover the entire hole. $A14 rounded the northern side of the counter and asked me what i was doing. I pointed out the hole to him and tried to cover part of it with the pad, trying to arrange the pad over one side of the hole so that it did not fall in. He suggested that i use the large red box which was resting against the counter just to the south of the hole. I thought that the cardboard would be large enough to cover the hole, so i pulled it out to cover the hole. $A14 grabbed the top of it, however, and arranged it so that it was standing vertically on the southwestern side of the hole. I realized that he was just blocking off the area where the hole was. It was not what i thought we would do with the box, but i conceded that it would work.

12005 March 18

I walked to the west and started clearing some of the dark-grey soil from the ground. The grey gravel was covering the ground, and i thought that i should clear a rectangular section, exposing the white soil underneath. $F16 was standing just to the northwest of me, to the north of the patch of ground that i was clearing. He said something to me about the ground, and i looked up as i continued to push the grey soil aside. I then grabbed a cubical piece of grey foam from the south side of the cleared area of the garden. The foam crumbled in my hands, and i spread the crumbled material over the line of grey that was left between the patch i cleared and the southern end of the garden. $F16 said something else as he turned and walked to the east, passing me and leaving the garden. I grabbed another piece of foam insulation and crumbled it into the margin of the garden and spread it around over the soil. The new pieces of foam insulation were pink and filled in the spaces on the side of the garden. I had to cover the soil on the sides of the garden to protect it. I then thought that the deer would be able to get into the garden and eat the vegetables that i planted anyway, but then i realized that there was a wall just to the south of me. The land to the south was lower than the garden where i was. I wondered if the deer would be able to jump up onto the terrace where the garden was. I looked to the south. The garden and the rest of the terrace were at the level of the top of the stone wall, but the grass on the other side was about two metres below the wall. It was too low for the deer to jump up into the garden. I considered that they might smell the vegetation in the garden and want to come up, but the wall to the south now seemed to be about three metres tall, so i did not think that the deer could jump up. I looked around, trying to see if the deer could get into the garden from any other places. There was a tall stone wall to the east which held up another level of land. Tall trees stood along the base of the wall. They would prevent the deer from jumping into the garden. I then looked to the north to see a short metal fence along the northern edge of the small area. The fence was made of thin square-grid mesh. The fence was only a metre and a half tall, but there were short stubby trees growing just inside of it. The deer would be deterred from jumping over by the trees. I realized that this garden was actually secure from deer. I would be able to plant food that i wanted.

12005 March 19

I stood in the middle of the classroom as the female teacher said something to the class. She was standing at the front of the room, to the west of me. I was looking down at the wooden flip-top desk in front of me as she tried to make her point by quoting from Theologians. It was her justification for what she was talking about. I felt uncomfortable with the remark and looked up at her. She was wearing a white blouse and had dark chin-length hair. I said something in objection to her statement, reminding her that the book is actually part of the Old Testament, which is actually a Jewish book. This would mean that the original interpretations of Corinthians would have nothing to do with Christianity. I wished that i could quote exact passages which would contradict her, but i could not think of any. I thought that i would simply have to ignore her belies, since they were not based on any facts.

12005 March 31

I walked to the north, through the crowded room of the party. I was at $P70, and i could see $A283 at the northern end of the room, heading toward me. Once he saw me, however, he turned away, as though he did not notice me. I felt upset, but did not want it to show. I knew that i no longer fit into this place and that the people here were not that accepting of me. I was too old for this crowd. I said hello to $A283 as he passed, but he only partially acknowledged me. I turned to the east and headed out of the house. As i stepped out the front door, i looked to the north again to see several of the others from the party standing at the front door. I felt bad that i could not relate to them and turned to the east, heading down the blacktop driveway, toward the road. The driveway sloped down hill slightly as it ran to the east-southeast. There were tall trees to the south of the driveway, and there seemed to be tall trees around the eastern and northern sides of the front yard. The yard was covered with thinning green grass which was growing in dry dirt. The sky seemed grey and dim, as though it was close to sunset. As i reached the middle of the driveway i paused, noticing that the pavement in front of me rose suddenly and then fell back down. There was a thud as it fell back to its normal position, and i realized that this must have been from volcanic activity. The driveway bulged up again and sunk back down again. This time, i realized that there was a puff of steam just to the north of where i was standing. I remembered that there had been a rumbling before which i could not explain. I decided that it must have come from the volcanic activity here. I was interested by the phenomenon. I looked to the northwest to see a small mound of dirt right next driveway. There was a small puff of steam drifting from a hole on the south side of the mound. It was a volcanic vent. I wondered if the others knew about the volcanism in their driveway. I looked to around the yard, noticing another mount with steam emitting from the top at the end of the driveway, just to the north of the driveway. I turned back to the mound near me and bent over to examine the yellowish steam coming out of it. There was a yellow stain around the hole where the steam was coming from, and i knew that it was sulfur. All the signs pointed to volcanic activity. I looked up as a group of people from the party approached my. There were several women in the group who seemed to be wearing black dresses. I told them about the volcanic activity. One of the women thought that it was interesting, and i felt good to have discovered it.

I stepped away from the sidewalk, heading to the northwest, into the street. I had walked through the twisted vines at the edge of the lawn and now had several of them twisted around my left arm. The vines had small prickles on them which clung to my skin. They were small enough that they did not hurt as they gripped my arm, but they made the vines hard to get off. I walked into the center of the street. There was an intersection just to the west where the street ended on another street. I walked into the middle of the intersection as i pulled the vines from my left forearm. They tangled around my right hand, but i decided that, if i was able to get them off of the larger area of my forearm and onto the smaller area of my hand, i would have an easier time removing them from my hand. I pulled the long vines off, noticing that not as many could stick to my hand. Just as i got the last of the vines from my arm and was starting to pull them from my hand. I noticed that there were small brown prickles in my left forearm. I looked at them, noticing that there were small black sacks on the ends of them. I thought that the sacks might have toxins in them to irritate the skin. I decided that i should pull them out of my arm and grabbed them with my right fingers. As i tried to grip them, however, i realized that squeezing the ends with the black bulbs might pump more of the toxin into my skin.