12006 March 01

I walked to the west, into the small room of the lab building. I was thinking about $A389. He had played some kind of joke on the others by putting the meat in the freezers. I walked around the small room with white wooden shelves along all of the walls. I wanted to check the freezers here to see if i could find the body. $A389 had hidden the body somewhere so that we could pull it out at $G4 and use it as a joke. I opened the large white chest freezer which was in the center of the room and looked around the contents for the body. Most of the freezer was filled with white boxes, but there were a few oddly shaped objects wrapped in aluminium foil. I wondered if $A389’s body had been chopped up into pieces. I had expected to see a larger bundle with the whole body. I closed the freezer and wondered where else i could look. There seemed to be a stand up refrigerator against the east wall, just to the north of the exit door, which was at the southern end of the wall. It seemed like there should be several versions of the body in the freezer. We would take one out later as a joke. I thought about this as i walked out the door of the building. It seemed warm out, but there was no grass growing yet on the damp ground. The small white building from which i had exited seemed run down. It was a cinderblock structure, and i had exited from the southern end of the western wall. The building to the north was a little wider, stretching to the east farther than the section that i had exited from. There was a large parking lot to the east. There seemed to be a hill curving around the north and east sides of the parking lot. A large pine tree stood just outside the door, to the north of the path from the door. It spread out in front of the white wall of the building which ran to the north of it. I thought about the bodies and realized that i had helped kill someone. I knew that this was a bad thing, but i did not feel bad about it. I remembered that i had had dreams about killing people and hiding the bodies. These dreams always bothered me, but, now that i actually had killed someone, i did not seem as upset about it. I walked toward the thinning lower branches of the pine as i thought about this. I imagined telling my mother that there was nothing so bad in what i had done. I then turned to the east and wandered out into the parking lot. The trees along the eastern side of the lot seemed leafless. It was cloudy, but the sun seemed bright. My car was in the center of the lot, and i thought about it and the bodies. I then circled to the north as i thought, wandering to the northwestern side of the lot, where the other car was. The other car belonged to $F45, and it was small and gray. This had something to do with the bodies that we had in the freezers. I then looked up to the east and noticed that there was a large tinted window on the second floor of the building. I was still standing near the tree, thinking about where the bodies could be. I did not want to be seen by anyone, in case they might relate me to the missing bodies. I moved toward the wall, wondering if $A389 was still in the lab on the other side of the window. I thought that i could see him talking to someone inside, but i was not sure. I walked to the bottom of the wall and raised myself to the window. Blocking the reflecting light with my left hand, i peered into the lower right corner of the dark window. I spotted a blonde young man standing near the window. He was talking to someone who had his back to me. The second man seemed to be a janitor. I quickly dropped from the window, hoping that the blond man did not see me. I thought about the bodies and realized that people would be after me. I moved quickly to the north, looking out over the city. There were four smoke trails rising from the city, all making sharp turns toward me. I realized that these were the missiles that were fired at me when i was flying over the area. It had something to do with people not wanting me to fly. I hopped over the piece of furniture, which seemed to be the tall tan building which his the starting point of the missiles. As i landed on the floor of the small room, i noticed the cardboard box of bottles. My mother had bought the bottles of gin for something i was doing. She wanted to show her affection by buying them for me. I looked at the bottles and noticed that they had rounded tops which came to a dull point, like a pointed bullet. The caps on the bottles were silver, and they looked similar to the tops of the missiles. I thought that they were related to the missiles some way. I felt mischievous and thought that i should fly the bottles to the place where the run of $G4 would start. I grabbed two of the bottles, thinking that i could not carry the whole box as i flew because the friction of the air would burn the box up. The shape of the top of the bottles was aerodynamic enough that the individual bottles could make it. Holding one bottle in each arm, i jumped into the air and flew to the south. This was part of the joke. I knew my travel through the air would be spotted on radar and that it would make people panic. That was why the missiles were launched. I could speed over the city and make people think that i was a missile. I then realized that i did not want to soar too high right off. I was leaving from my grandmother’s house, and i thought that if i soared up too soon, they would be able to focus in on the area to find out where i had come from. I flew to the east, toward the center of the city. Once there, i would rise high enough to be detected on radar. I could not see the ground as i flew, but i imagined that i would be passing a small airport, and i hoped that they would not pick me up too early. I then imagined i was soaring out of the atmosphere and arching back down to Earth. I would be protected from the re-entry burn because i was Superman. I just had to turn my body so that the bottles were protected. I could then fly down on $P6, where the others were. I pictured the city coming into view. I then landed in the room of the house. It was a large bedroom, and seemed to be just across the driveway from where i had started. I wondered if my mother could see me in the bedroom through the window in the western wall. I took the bottles out of my jacket and placed the first on the shelf to the east. I then pullout the second, noticing that the liquid in the bottle was cloudy. I swung the square bottle, watching the lime in the half bottle of cloudy alcohol sway from side to side. I realized that this was the bottle of gin that we had used during a $G4 run in the past. I looked at the round brown cap, noticing that it was cracked. Some of the gin had leaked out. I would not be able to use that bottle. It should have been thrown out after the last run. I looked at the second bottle, noticing that it had already been open as well. I wondered where my mother had gotten the bottles.

12006 March 06

I stepped out of the driver’s side of the car and walked to the south, around the back of the car. My mother had gotten out of the passenger’s side of the car, and she asked me to take care of our bags. I looked to the east to see the dark-red soft-side luggage sitting on the black cart. I went to grab the cart, but two young children in dark-blue winter parkas started pushing the cart to the west, past me and toward the station. Their mother, a large dark-skinned woman in quilted parka, followed them. I grabbed the handles of the cart and started pushing to the west, afraid that the children would take the cart. I followed them into the doors of the station and through the entrance lobby. The station seemed modern, with a polished floor and dull grey walls and ceiling. Everything seemed clean, though a little worn. I started to feel strange about the situation. The children believed the bags were theirs, and i was afraid that they would take the bags to the wrong train. I had to be careful of them. I then started to wonder if the bags were really ours. There was something wrong with this situation. As we came to one of the gates, a porter asked the children for the bags, and they started to steer the cart to the north, toward the waiting train. I felt that this was wrong, but i was no longer sure that the dark-coloured bags of luggage were ours. I did not remember taking the luggage out of the car, and i thought that my mother was mistaken in telling me that this was our luggage. I turned to the south, where the dark-skinned woman was standing. I felt frustrated as i asked her if these were really her bags. She reacted as though my question was uncalled for, telling me that the bags were definitely hers. I let go of the cart, disappointed and uncomfortable with the situation. I walked back to the east. As i passed through the open doorway which separated the platforms from another section of the building, i noticed the long line of people waiting to have their bags processed. I was annoyed that i would have to wait in the long line again. I felt that i had wasted my time watching the bags when i was not ever sure they were ours. I felt annoyed with my mother for having me take them in. I felt that i had to confront her. I spotted $K3 and $K1 walking along the northern side of the line of waiting people. Some of my other relatives were walking with my mother. I asked her where our bags were. She seemed surprised, saying that she thought that they were on the cart. I could tell that she was not sure, so i asked her whether she ever took them out of the trunk. If she did not remember removing them from the trunk, then she might not have actually done it. I felt that she was getting confused with her age. She became worried and admitted that she did not remember getting the bags from the car. Frustrated, i walked past them and to the east, back out toward the car. I was angry that i would have to go through the entire process again.

I felt frustrated that i would have to do this again as i walked down the corridor to the west. The corridor was narrow, and there seemed to be a lot of external light coming from somewhere. I stopped and looked at the north wall. The wall was made of glass, and there was a dense forest just outside. Thin trees and reeds grew out of the dark-brown damp ground. $A396 was lying on the ground, just outside of one of the windows. She was wearing a bathing suit and seemed to be sun bathing. I watched my right hand grab the handle of the sliding glass door just to the west of her and pull it open. I told her about the situation, expressing my frustration with what was going on. She seemed to understand, and instructed me to continue with what i was doing. I let the glass door close and turned back to the west to continue down the corridor. The corridor was tube shaped, and had a clear glass ceiling and upper walls. I was looking down a steep stairwell, which seemed to be as escalator. I was moving down, thought staying at the same position as $A396. I then noticed that there was brown murky water filling the tube at the bottom of the stairs. The area had been flooded. I had to warn $A396 about the water before we descended into it. I hurriedly pulled open the glass door and told her about the water. She propped herself up on her right elbow and looked at me. I told her that the area was filling with water. She looked to the west just as the water reached us. I turned to the east and ran up the stairs, watching the water surround $A396. I remembered that the slope i was trying to ascend was moving down into the water, and i thought that it would be very hard to make it back to the top. I could see the light of the corridor at the top of the tunnel. I turned back to the west and found myself standing on the top of the tunnel entrance. There was a pool of water to the west of me with a wide ocean beyond. The mouth to the tunnel seemed to be a square wall made of cement, with rounded corners. I looked down into the pool, thinking about the crisis. I did not know what to do. I then looked to the west, noticing that there was a larger man-made pool with people swimming in it. The water of the southern pool was blue and clear. I seemed to be on a small mound which bordered the northern edge of the pool. There was a large building to the southwest, running along the western edge of the large pool. It was tan with a low flat roof of dark-brown tiles. It had no windows, and it seemed to be a pump house for the pools. A bald man swam to the edge of the pool below me, and i noticed the clarity of the blue water. I thought that it was chlorinated and was probably cleaner than the water in the small pool to the west of me. I started to look back to the pool to the west, where several other people were swimming. I noticed that there was a low wall separating the two pools, just below the surface of the water. I had thought the small pool was muddy, but it was really clean water, and, since the two pools were connected, it would be chlorinated as well. I looked again and noticed that there were two short thin walls under the water, separated by about half a metre. People were swimming in both pools. I looked out to the large blue ocean. I felt that i had to do something, but i did not know what.

12006 March 07

To the northeast of me, on the wooden bridge, the men were carrying the tall stacks of plastic milk crates. The men were dressed in ragged clothing and seemed to be poor workers. The crates were pale-pink and were stacked well over the heads of the men. The men had very dark skin, and i felt that their employers were treating them poorly. The light-skinned men were commanding the dark-skinned men, and i realized that the workers were actually slaves. The workers were told to dump the crates over the edge of the bridge. I was watching one of the dark-skinned men. I knew that he was new to this place. He was wearing a thin dark button-up shirt which had been tattered and worn. I felt some connection with him as he turned to the west to dump his crates over the side. The other dark-skinned men with him spoke in laughter, as though enjoying the new man’s uncertainty with the situation. I knew that they were dumping the crates in the water so that the water would carry them down stream. The new man did not understand the process, so he was confused. One of the older men told him that it would be better than carrying the crates all the way down stream. The dark-skinned me turned to the west and started walking down a path which ran perpendicular to the wooden bridge, through an area of dense vegetation. I walked with them, feeling that i was the one confused about what was happening. I felt that i had been watching this action in a movie. I knew the plot, but i followed along anyway. I knew the reason the crates were put in the river, but i acted as though i did not. We came to the small white house on the south side of the road, and i walked into the front door. There was a short corridor which let all the way through the small house and came out in the back yard. I walked through it and came to the top of the stairs which led down the hill at the end of the short back yard. The wooden stairs descended between heavy overgrown weeds. There was a thin metal pipe railing on the western side of the stairwell, and there seemed to be some kind of roof over the stairs, as though the stairs passed through the ground. I knew that they led down to the river, where we were to pick up the crates. I was the new man, and the others were having me go down the stairs first. I started down the stairs, but realized that it was covered with cobwebs and dust. I backed up from the two steps that i had descended and brushed some webs off of my chest. A thick branch, which seemed to be a thick vine, had fallen over my left shoulder. I grabbed the end of the vine and started to use it to clear the spider webs from the stairs in front of me. I felt annoyed that the others were making me do this alone. I kept swinging the stick through the webs, but i could not seem to clear enough of them. I focused on several fat spiders which were still hanging on the webs. I was annoyed that the others were making me clear the path while they stood behind me, in the building. After swinging for a few minutes, i realized how dirty i was getting and stepped back from the stairs, climbing back up two steps to get to the top. I looked down at my white shirt and realized that it was spotted with dust and webs. I thought that i would have to change my clothes before i went to the event. I turned back to the north and walked back through the building. I had only taken a few steps before i was back on the other side of the building. I turned back to the west and opened the white wooden door, walking through. I walked down the narrow stairway and into the basement of the building. I realized that i had done this action before, and it seemed like this scene was repetitive. I had to get to the river, so i walked across the small room of the basement to the far wall, where there were two small windows in the center of the damp cinder-block wall. The windows were covered with slatted shutters, and there was a dirty screen across the opening. The light from outside illuminated the room, and i could see the muddy water of the river rolling in rapids just outside the window. At first, i though that the river might be flooding, but then i thought that there should be nothing out of place in this situation; the river must always be a muddy raging river. I had to get through the window to get to the river in time to catch the crates as they came by, but i realized that the windows were too small. This was part of the denigration of my job. I had to struggle just to get it done. I opened the shutter on the right, but did not think that i could fit through the window without ruining my clothing. I thought that this was intentionally too difficult, and i felt annoyed with the others for making things this way. I was only put in these degrading conditions because i had dark skin. I looked out the window, noticing a tall tree standing right at the edge of the rushing water. It seemed that we were on the north side of a turn in the river, where the river curved from the southeast to the southwest. The shore was lined with green reeds and thick bushes, which parted in the center of my view, providing access to the water. I could see a tan dirt road running across the view, just in front of me. There was a dark skinned man walking from the west. He was wearing old shorts and an unbuttoned shirt, and his skin seemed loose and sagging. He paused to look at me as i stared at the scene. The pink crates were starting to float to the shore in front of me, and i thought that i had to start gathering them.

12006 March 09

I turned to the east, facing the wall of objects near me. I spoke to $Z, who seemed to be to the north of me. I told him about the use of apples as a symbol. The apple was used to represent Eve and the introduction of intelligence in humans, but it was the same symbol as the apple of chaos. Awareness brought the chaos to humans. The uses of the symbol were all connected. Christians thought of the chaos as evil, but others held it as natural. There was some thread of truth in all of the stories that i was trying to relate to $Z.

Something was happening around me. I walked into the room of the old building. The old wooden floor of the room was unpolished, and the walls seemed dull. To the north, out the windows, the others were doing something in the streets. I picked up the rifle as someone moved on the western side of the room. The metal tip of the barrel of the gun did not seem straight. The rifle was old and poorly crafted, but i lifted it to waist level and shot the person in the back of the head. The person was sitting in one of the pews on the northern side of the room. There were two people on the bench, both facing west. I felt that i had to shoot them before something happened. I turned the gun to point at the one on the northern end of the bench, but realized that there was already a hole in the dull aluminium trim along the top of the back of the bench. Someone had already shot this person. There was a tall wooden wall on the southern side of the pews which divided the room in half. The polished wooden pews extended from the wall, which did not reach all the way to the ceiling. More pews extended from the southern side of the wall as well. I stepped around the eastern end of the wall and pointed the gun down the aisle, to the west. There was a set of pews extending from the southern wall, and a woman was sitting at the northern end of one of these pews, an the front of the room, to the west. She stood up as i aimed the gun at her. I tried to fire, but my gun did not shoot. I realized that i was out of ammunition. The woman lifted her rifle toward me. I jumped back to the north, hiding behind the central wall of the room as she fired. I had to get out of here. I turned to the east and ran toward the stairs. The stairs descended from the southern side of the room, running along the eastern wall to the lower floor. There was a decorative wooden railing around the stairway. I hopped over the railing near the southern side of the stairs, thinking that i could land near the top of the stairs and run down before the woman could get a clear shot of me.

12006 March 12

I walked to the west, down the street of the small city. This place seemed to be a foreign land. I was here visiting someone. I turned back to the west on the suburban street. I was now to the north of the main street. The buildings around me were residential, and the streets curved between them. It seemed that i had been wandering around for a while, and i thought that i should head back to the house where i was staying. As i headed to the west, i noticed that it was snowing. The snow was in small dry flakes, but there seemed to be a lot of it. I felt that i should probably get out of the streets so that oncoming cars did not hit me. I walked into the entrance door of the apartment and turned to the east. The entrance door was in the center of the southern wall. The walls of the room seemed light brown, and everything felt warm here. This was $F4’s house. I was staying with him for a while. I turned to the west, saying something to $F4 and the other person, who were standing in the northwestern section of the room. A telephone rang, and $F4 answered. It was for me. I held up my cell phone and spoke to the person, who seemed to be my mother. I had been traveling a long way, and my mother did not know what time it was here. She said it was late where she was. I corrected her, saying that i had not been here for a few days. It was morning here, and i had just arrived. She was surprised to hear that i had just arrived, so i told her that it was Wednesday here. I had crossed the International Date Line on my way here, so i had missed a day in travel. It seemed that i was in Australia, and i wondered why $F4 had an apartment here. I felt tired and said that i would need to get some sleep from my flight so that i could be refreshed for my vacation.

12006 March 13

I stood on the side of the road, facing north. The city busses were pulling up to the curb from the west. They were off-white and modern. The area around me seemed flat, and there was a lot of snow falling. I had to find the right bus to get back home. I read the route numbers on one of the busses as it passed me. It seemed to be Route 60. I then looked at the next one to see that it was Route 62. I thought that it was the right bus, but i knew that i was looking for Route 65. I felt concerned that i might have missed the correct bus. I looked at the Route 62 again, trying to convince myself that it was not the correct bus.

I stood on the side of the driveway, facing north. I had just gotten off of a bus which had come from the east. I seemed to be standing to the north of a large shopping plaza. The main road seemed to be to the north, on the other side of a parking lot. I thought that $P12 was just to the east on the main road. It was snowing.

12006 March 18

I left the other and headed to the southeast, across the large parking lot. There were only a few cars parked in the lot, and i had to get somewhere, or i had to get away from where i had come. The man with me seemed to be a superhero. He stayed to the west as i walked across the lot. I then spotted the silhouette of a man stepping out of his car to the south of me, about fourty metres away. He lifted a gun and pointed it north. The man who was getting in a car to the east of me ducked, and i crouched and started running to the east. I had to get out of the way before the man started shooting. I ran to the north, through the door of the building and into the entrance hall of the small apartment. The superhero followed me into the building. The walls of the apartment seemed dull yellow. I looked around at the things here. I then looked back to the door. There was a large bear wandering in from the bright outside. I felt frightened, knowing that the bear could be dangerous. I moved to the east, into one of the other rooms of the house, closing the door behind me. I wanted to get out of site from the bear before it got angry and attacked me. I was now in a long narrow room which seemed to be a kitchen. I was to the east of the main hall. The superhero was no longer with me, and i knew that he had left the apartment and closed the main door so that the bear could not get out. It seemed as though i had been in the kitchen for a while, though. I walked to the east, opening a door to the north of the kitchen. I had thought that he bear had left the house, but i opened the door to find the bear standing on the other side. I suddenly felt that i had done the wrong thing. I ran back into the kitchen, closing the door behind me. I felt fearful now, and was mad at myself for not getting out of the house earlier. I knew that the bear would eventually find its way into the kitchen, where i had been hiding. I wondered why i had come back into this building. I ran to the door in the center of the western wall of the kitchen and opened it, hoping that the bear would be occupied at the other door that i had opened. I came out into the hallway near the exit door. I turned to the south to open the exit door and run out of the house, but i realized that the round brass knob on the door had been crushed. The bear had bitten into it trying to escape. I became worried and moved back into the kitchen, closing the door behind me. I thought of the man who had come into the building with me. I seemed to be his sidekick. He had escaped earlier, and i was mad at myself for not going with him. There was a small window in the southern wall of the kitchen. The kitchen was a narrow corridor with counters on the eastern and western walls. I was worried that i had done something wrong. I did not know whether i could get out of the small window or not. If seemed as though it would be very difficult, and i thought that the bear might get here before then.

I flew back to the west, across the college campus. The land around me seemed to be open, with few structures, and the tan ground seemed to be dry. I saw the large red building to the north of the path over which i was flying. I knew that the others were in the building. I thought that the building was an old chapel of the campus. It seemed to be three or four stories tall, with a peaked roof and gothic trimming around the edges. I then realized that there was smoke coming from the top of the building. The chapel was on fire. There was a large black hole in the northeastern section of the roof where small orange flames emerged. I flew down to the ground in front of the building. There was a smaller grey building attached to the western side of the older building. It seemed to be a newer addition. I ran to the north, into the westerns section of the building to find the others. I was upstairs, in an old wooden corridor which ran north to south. The others were in the long hall near me. I tried to tell them about the fire in the attached building, but they did not seem concerned. I knew that there were firemen fighting the fire to the east of us, so i tried to act calm with the others. I thought that there was still time to escape the building if the fire started spreading to this building. We moved down the corridor to the south. The eastern wall of the corridor was shorter than the western wall because the roof made the ceiling above us slant. There was a small window in the eastern wall which seemed to be in a small gable. The walls and floor were all made of thin wooden boards. The stain or shellac on the boards seemed to have worn off with age. Someone opened the door on the western wall of the hall, and we walked into a small storage room. There were deep shelves on all walls of the room. I looked at the shelves to the south of us, noticing all of the Halloween decorations and costumes. This was where the office stored its seasonal decorations. I remembered being in this place some time in the past, and i told the others that i had been here before. I thought that it might have been when i worked for $P135. I then noticed the small area on the middle shelf which was covered with sparkling green and silver hats and headbands. They were costumes for Saint Patrick’s Day. My attention was then drawn by some noise to the east of us, out in the hall. I thought that the firefighters must have come into the corridor just to the north of the room. I thought that there was a doorway there to the other building. I did not mention this to the others in the room because i knew that they did not want to hear about the danger. I walked out into the hall, noticing the smoke that was now drifting near the ceiling. The others were starting to come out of the room with me. I flew down the hall to the south, thinking that i should leave the building. I came into an area which opened up several stories above me. I seemed to be in a tall curved stairwell, but the ceiling above me was made of decorative cross beams and curved ornamentation. I flew up toward the ceiling, noticing that the decorative holes in the ceiling actually led up to higher levels of the building. I flew into one of the holes, but realized that the cone shaped funnel above the hole became too small for me to pass through. I would not be able to get out this way. I back down and looked around at the complicated loops of wood running across the ceiling. I did not have time to weave my way through them, though i thought it might be fun to explore them. I felt that i had to get out of the building, but i did not know where to go. I then decided that i could simply fly down the stairwell to the east. I should be able to get out of the building from there. I thought about the fire, wondering it was now.

12006 March 21

I stopped just to the east of the house, looking to the south, across the foreign landscape. My mother was standing to the west of me, just outside the door of the single-level tan stucco house. We seemed to be in Australia. I felt comfortable here, but i wanted to do something. My mother told me how much she loved the landscape. I looked to the south with her, seeing the flat dry plain stretching out to the south. The horizon in the distance seemed hazy, but i thought that there were really tall mountains hidden in the clouds. There seemed to be a wide low city to the east of us, with more tall mountains beyond. The ground to the south and southeast was covered with small red berries, which looked like cranberries. There was a man in a blue denim jacket to the south of us who was seemed uncomfortable by our conversation. He looked over his shoulder at us as he walked along the eastern wall of the house. My mother told me that she would love to live here all year long. I felt strange here. There was something out of place in the conversation. I told my mother that she would probably not be able to stand this place for too long. It was out in the desert, and there would be nothing for her to do. I reminded her that we were far from civilization, saying that she would get bored after a while. She told me that she would really like to stay here, moving close to me as she spoke. I backed across the stone patio, looking down at the ground now. I asked my mother how she could really like this place, reminding her that this place has many poisonous insects. I knew that she would never like living with all of the insects. As i looked down at the ground near my feet, i realized that i was standing on a small pile of red wood chips. My feet were bare, which, i realized, was not a good idea. I crouched down and looked at all of the bugs crawling on the ground, wondering if any of them were actually dangerous. I would have to step off of the wood pile and get my shoes. My mother’s shadow fell just to the west of the pile as she stood to the southwest of where i was. I could see many tiny bugs crawling around on the ground. Some of them were small tan or grey spiders, and others were red bugs which looked like beetles. I then spotted a large white spider to the southeast of the pile and pointed it out to my mother. The spiced had blue and black shapes on its back. I thought that it might be poisonous, but there was also something interesting in it.

12006 March 22

I moved to the south as the other man followed me. This was part of a movie. The other man was young and somewhat attractive, and i was acting the part of the second young man. My character had dark hair, and the man was blonde. He was trying to attack me because he did not know the situation. I fell to the ground in the are a which seemed like a garage. I was aware of the man’s sister standing to the northeast of me as the man moved to the west. I struck him in the side. He recoiled a little. I thought that i was in a better position to beat him, but this was a family movie, so i was only supposed to hit him until he stopped being aggressive with me. He said “ow” as i hit his right ribs with the golf club that i picked up from the ground. There was some humour is this scene, and i would become great friends with this man. I felt a strong camaraderie with him, and realized that the plot of this story was very interesting. I thought that it could make a good story, but then i realized that it was too close to the Disney movie. The two young men of the story would take the car and travel somewhere to do something adventurous. Their parents would be concerned for them because the boys would be trying to do something in the area where the hurricane was about to hit. I thought that the sister of the one man would be the younger smarter sister.

12006 March 26

I stopped what i was doing because something had interrupted me. I turned back to the east, where i had been mowing the lawn. My parents were to the west of me, in the yard of their house. I started the red push mower and started mowing the small patch of grass to the south of the house, which seemed to be my house. The grass was on a hill which sloped down to the north-northeast. I pushed the lawn mower up the hill, to the southeast. As i pushed the lawn mower to the east, across the south side of the small brown house, the lawn seemed larger. The hill now sloped to the northeast, and i pushed the mower around the southeast corner of he lawn and started heading toward the house. The grass seemed very tall, and i was aware that there was something planted in a row just to the east of me. It seemed to be a flower garden. I thought that this was the first part of the lawn that i had done, and i wondered whether i would want to do the entire back yard of my parents’ house. I turned the mower to the west, pushing it through a rough area of tall weeds. I felt tired and thought that i would just mow the side yard of the house. My parents did not want me mowing the entire yard at the moment. I turned the mower around the small patches of grass to the east, realizing that the stone edging outlined curved areas of the lawn. The area to the east was actually a golf course. The house to the north of me was now much smaller and seemed more like a long brown cabin. There was also a house to the southwest of me. I looked to the southeast, across the golf course. I remembered working her long ago. I would have to mow a lot of the grass around the course. I pushed the mower to the south, around the curving rock edging which surrounded the raised gardens to the east of the green. I then realized that $X3 was following me. I turned to the northwest to see him jogging toward me. I knew that i had to pay attention to him and take care of him. This annoyed me slightly because i had to finish the lawn. I decided that i should keep $X3 in the house. I turned to the west to take him into the house. I stopped the mower on the eastern edge of the small cement patio near the golf course. There was a white modern building to the west of the patio which seemed to be a hotel. I slid the glass door to the south and led $X3 into the small hotel room. The bed was just inside the door, against the south wall. I then realized that $X3 had walked across the room and walked into the closet. I felt annoyed. He was sick and could not see well. I walked around the bed. The closet doors were thin white pieces of wood which slid to the south. I reached into the southern part of the closet to help $X3 get out. I felt bad for him, knowing that he was too sick to take care of himself and would not be able to get out of the closet on his own.