12007 March 04

I sat at the table in the classroom with the test on the black surface in front of me. I was facing south, and the table in front of me seemed to be a lab table, with black cabinets underneath it. I was supposed to take the test along with the rest of the class, but i felt as though i had already answered all of the questions. The person across from me stood up and went to hand in his paper. He seemed to be $A118. I thought that i had been put with him because people considered him to be better at science than i was. Teachers always mix the smart students with the ones who need help so that the learning experience can be learned better. I knew that i was better at science than $A118, however. I remembered that i would be much better at science in the next couple of years and thought that this was probably the class where i started to show the teachers what i could learn. I stood up from the table, remembering that i already had a finished version of the test with me from when i was here before. I looked for it on the table, but suddenly realized that it was not there. I moved my heavy jacket, which had been sitting on the table, just to the west of me, finding the folded light-blue exam book under it with the yellow test paper inside. I was wearing my winter jacket as i picked up the paper and walked it to the northwest, where the teacher’s desk was. The teacher’s desk was a taller lab table in the center of the northern wall. $A87 was sitting on a stool just to the east of the desk. I approached him and suddenly felt awkward, thinking that i should have taken the newer test that i had been given. I felt suddenly unsure and confused. I told $A87 that i did not take the test as i held out the folded paper in my right hand. He seemed annoyed and disappointed as he took the paper, which was in a paperback manual, and started looking at them. I explained to him that i had taken the test before and had not done the modern one. I said that i had already studied this stuff before. I realized that it was not a good excuse not to take the current test. $A87 took the book to the center of his desk and set it down to open the front cover. He looked at the folded test paper, which had already been graded in black ink. I thought that i had gotten a C on the paper in the past. I felt that that grade would look realistic to the teacher. I looked at the test paper as $A87 flipped it over in his hands. I seemed to be looking at the words in pencil very closely, noticing that many were misspelled. I remembered that i was not that good at spelling back then. I wandered around the western side of the desk as $A87 begrudgingly decided that he would accept the old test paper. I felt that something was out of place here and started to feel upset and tense. I walked back to the front of the desk, where i picked up my things from the table, aware that the female teacher was standing to the east of me. This did not feel right and realized that i had knowledge of what was going to happen. I had slipped back in time to this place. I acted as though i was upset and dropped to my knees as if in exhaustion. $A87 stood up from his desk and rounded it to the east, coming from the north of me. The woman approached from the northeast as i picked up the two hardcover books from the table. I felt upset and acted as though i was starting to cry. I told them that something was wrong and that i should not be here. I pulled the two books, one brown and one blue, to my chest as i started to the north, up the hallway that was on the eastern side of the room. The woman followed. I wanted them to know that i was out of place in time, but i could not simply come out and tell them. I wandered up the hallway, aware that the woman was following me. She seemed to be more of a counselor that $A87. I thought that she would follow me to make sure that i was all right. I felt that i had to get to an open space, and i thought that i could go outside. I threw down the two books on the side of the hall, realizing that the blue one was the dictionary i had been using at my office. I had to get out of this place, and i thought about the grassy lawn at the back of the school. I then realized that i was not wearing any shoes or socks. I decided that it would be better for me to go outside barefoot. As i headed down the hall to the west, i remembered that i always had broken skin on my feet when i was young. I did not have that at the moment, and i felt that this would be something that could distinguish my present self from the self that was in this timeline. I came to the end of the hall, remembering this part of $P7 from when i was here. I was now on the western end of the third floor. I turned to the north and walked into the stairwell, which i knew would lead down to the back field of the school. I came most of the way down the first flight of stairs when i realized that there was a low beam across the stairs. It was painted bright yellow and stood less than a metre off of the stairs. I remembered this from somewhere, but thought that it was not here when i had attended school in this place. It would slow me down, and i wondered if the woman would catch up to me as i tried to go under. I leaned back and let my feet go under the beam. As i felt around with my feet for the rest of the stairs, i realized that the stairs had been covered by a wooden slide. I slid under the beam and came to the landing below. I could now see that someone had covered the stairs with a yellow plastic surface, which would allow people to slide under the stairs. I realized that it was much easier to use that the original stairs, where you had to be careful not to catch your feet as you squeezed under the beam. I turned back to the south and started down the other flight, wondering if the woman was following. As i came to the bottom, i found myself in a small crude room that seemed to be carved out of rock. There was a small tunnel heading to the southwest in the upper part of the wall. This felt very familiar, and i knew that i would have to go through the tunnel to get out. I remembered that i had always felt nervous about squeezing through the small space of the first part of the tunnel because i could not see what was beyond, but i knew that i had made it through many times before. Walking down the stairs and going through the tunnel seemed so automatic to me that i thought that i must have done it many times before. I put my arms into the plastic tube that extended from the southwestern wall, wondering when the female teacher would come down the stairs to the east, following me. I tried to squeeze my head into the tunnel, which stretched out as i pushed into it, but this felt awkward. I was still hesitant about going through the space. I tried to move through it a few times, knowing that i had done it before, but eventually realized that i did not have to go through this process anymore. This was not reality and i did not have to go through the motions of pretending that it was. I just wished it to end and walked to the east, heading down the stairs of $P7. As i came to the bottom of the flight, i turned to the south, but felt confused because there was nowhere to go. I turned around and noticed that the second flight descended to the north of me, heading to the west. I looked up at the second floor as i headed down the second flight. I realized that they had redesigned the stairwell of $P7, and i was still used to the old design. I had automatically turned the correct direction for the old stairwell, but had to adjust for the new one. I came into the front hall of $P7, explaining the difference in the stairwell to no one in particular. I had come back in time to be here. I then realized that i had thrown down the blue book in the hallway upstairs. It was the dictionary from my office. I realized that it was evidence that i was from a future time, and i wondered how i could use it to show the teachers who i really was. I thought that they could see the signature in the front from my office, or that they could look up words that would not be in the current dictionary. I thought about looking up words relating to the internet, but realized that i had gotten the dictionary before the internet was popular. I considered how else i could use it to demonstrate my future self.

12007 March 06

I had just woken up in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. It seemed that i was younger and that this was my bedroom again. It was dark out, and i moved around the room, thinking that something was happening. I could hear a sound outside the window to the east, and i thought that someone must have just pulled into the driveway. I looked at the window and noticed a light reflecting on the edges of the drawn shade. I was then aware that there was someone outside the window to the south of the house as well. I felt suddenly concerned, aware that there were people gathering around the house. I moved away from the windows, hoping the people could not see me in the window. I then realized that there were lights on in the room around me. I quickly turned off the wall lamp, which was hanging on the southern wall, just to the east of where i stood. The bed in the room seemed to have its head against the eastern wall and its side near the southern wall. I walked to the north of it to turn off the light on the dresser. I felt frustrated when i noticed that the light in the closet to the west was also on. I quickly moved to it to turn it off. I could not understand why all of the lights were on when i had been asleep. I stopped to listen to the people around the house when i notice that there was still a faint light coming in from the door in the western end of the northern wall. The hall light was on as well. I was annoyed and i walked into the hall to turn it off. I then wondered what the people outside were up to. I looked out a dark window to the east, but could not see anyone clearly. I then turned to the west and looked out a window on the back of the house. I could see down the northern wall of the house as though it was daylight. There were a large number of people moving along the northern wall. They looked like cheap plastic calculators, with bright-green transparent plastic bodies and bright-crimson upper parts. They were trying to break into the house. I looked to the north, into the back room of the house to see my mother sleeping on the sofa against the back wall of the living room. She was unaware of what was happening. I then looked to the west form the southern end of the living room. The large metal door on the back of the house was moving, and i knew that they were trying to break through it. I quickly took out my cell phone and called emergency, walking to the west, across the second floor of the house. I would have to get to the upper floor of the house to get a signal because there was almost no cell-phone signal in the area. As the operator picked up, i told her that there were people coming into our house. She immediately recognized the problem and said that there were several reports of teenagers breaking into houses around the area. She said that the local sheriffs had been notified. I wondered if they would be too busy to help us. I felt anxious as i walked to the north, into the living room of my parents’ house. I looked to the west and noticed that the tan wrinkled metal door was now open. The people had broken in. I looked to the couch against the back wall, but i could not see my mother. I realized that the people must have taken her. I wondered if the operator had reported that the people attacking were not really teenagers. I was upstairs in the bedroom when i thought that i might have been imagining the plastic cubes that attacked the house. I had just woken up, and i thought that i could have imagined that the teenagers were really plastic boxes. I then looked to the east, out the window of the house and into the driveway. There were people gathering there, and i knew that they were the teenagers. I quickly ran up to the bedroom on the third floor, thinking that i should call the police again. I knew that i would not be able to use the house telephone because the people outside would have been smart enough to cut the wires. I knew that the only way i could contact anyone was by using my cell phone. The only problem was that there was no cell-phone service in this area. I moved to the window at the northern end of the third floor, hoping that i could get enough of a signal to make a call. When the operator picked up, i told her that the invaders were here. I was afraid that they might find me in the upper room. I told gave the operator my parents’ address and hoped that help could come soon. I then heard the call end abruptly. At first, i thought that the vandals had cut the line, but then i remembered that i was talking on a cell phone.

12007 March 07

I followed $F45 to the north, up the narrow driveway toward the small cottage. I had never been here before, but i knew that his family owned this small house. We were in the middle of the country, and the sky was gray and damp. The land around us seemed to be mostly new growth, with small patches of tall trees here and there. The land to the west seemed mostly wet thicket, and i was aware of a few tall pine trees to the north of us, near the front of the small building. We walked into the door on the eastern end of the small white shack and come into a dark central room. The ceiling was the underside of the roof and slanted up shallowly to the east. There seemed to be old furnishings in the center of the room, which had been covered with white sheets. I felt a little strange here, aware that there were neighbours in the general area who might not be too friendly. Three were then some other people on the eastern side of the room as $F45 and i looked around. They seemed like farmers, wearing denim jackets and overalls. I felt a little weary of them, but i focused on the cottage around me. I realized that the furnishings here were very nice, and i told $F45 that he was lucky to have a place like this. I felt that we did not really have control over these things, but i felt as though there was the possibility that he could. Someone said something about getting something, and i started moving to the northeast. Everything here seemed very nice, but i felt as though i was intruding on this place. I tried not to act too excited about what was here as i walked to the northeast, toward the other room. There was a square column just a metre from the north wall. It was standing to the east of me as i stood near the northern end of the room. The column was covered with polished wood shelves. It seemed that the ceiling on this part of the house was slanting down to the north slightly. There was also a bookcase on the northern wall. I thought that this place was a lot nicer than it had seemed at first. Through the space between the column and the northern wall, i could see a nicely furnished room just beyond. I walked around the southern end of the column and into the small sitting room. The walls and floor seemed to be made of wood. There was a tan and brown rug in the center of the room which was woven into block patterns. This place was very nice. I was then aware that the neighbours, who had come in after us, were watching us. We could not act too excited about this place. I walked toward the western wall, where there were a couple large clear plastic bins sitting on the floor. The bins were filled with toys. I made the excuse of coming in here to find the toys for the children who were in the cottage with us. I did not want the others to know that i was admiring the entire place and thinking about what to do with it once $F45 takes it over.

12007 March 08

I stood on the sidewalk to the south of the street, watching $F43 get out of her car. She had parked her car along the southern side of the street, facing west. Suddenly, she turned around and started running back to her car. I realized that her small tan car was rolling backward to the east. She must not have set the parking brake. I remembered that this was something she forgot to do from time to time. I felt a little amused at the situation, but i was worried that her car would run into something. I was now facing east as i watched the car roll down the hill to the south as $F43 ran after it. I suddenly realized that the car would roll down the street of the small city until it hit the church at the bottom of the hill. I thought that it was a good thing that people had already come out of church. I was then standing in the northwest corner of the large church. The room was shaped like auditorium, with seats arranged in an almost complete circle around a raised platform in the center of the room. To the south of the platform was the main alter of the church. I watched the car roll down the aisle on the eastern side of the church, wondering if it would run into the altar. I thought that it would miss the altar, but i also thought that the worst thing that the car could do would be to hit the altar. I watched it roll to the east of the raised platform, which was circled with a thick blue railing that seemed to resemble carved stone. The car was heading right for the altar. I watched it emerge from the other side of the circular dais, roll up the couple of stone steps at the base of the altar and bounce off of the dark-gray marble altar. The alter fell apart with the force of the collision. I felt bad that this had happened, but it also seemed like something that was supposed to happen.

12007 March 09

$F45 came into the room in a panic, telling me that a bear had gotten into the cottage. I felt nervous and walked to the east, into the large room of the cottage. I seemed to be standing in a doorway in the center of the western wall of the large room. The doorway was closer to the southern wall of the room, and seemed to be at the top of a short flight of rustic wooden stairs, which ran along the western wall, ascending to the south. The room had crude wooden walls, like a log cabin, and all of the furnishings appeared to be in a similar rustic style. There seemed to be a large gray or white sofa in the center of the room, facing north, with a large white and gray rug in front of it. I looked cautiously around the room for the bear, afraid that it was a brown or black bear. I knew that they could be aggressive when cornered. It seemed very dark in the room, but i did not have any trouble seeing the walls. I thought that the bear must have come in through the outside door, which was in the western wall, just to the south of the stairs to the bedrooms. I stopped near the eastern wall, just to the north of the kitchen doorway. $F45 was standing to the west of me as i leaned forward to get a look into the kitchen. I saw the bear sitting on the dark-gray stone counter top, which was just inside the door. I backed up before it saw me, but then realized that the bear was gray with white ears. It was not a native bear at all. I thought that it was a koala bear and leaned back in to take another look. The koala bear sat on the edge of the island counter, which also seemed to be a dining-room table. I told $F45 that the bear was a koala bear, and he seemed to find it cute. I still wanted the bear out of the house, and thought that we should scare it out of the kitchen and out the door. I wondered if we should leave the door open, though, because that could let more wild animals in while we were trying to get the bear out. I walked around the southern side of the table, trying to get behind the bear, but the bear became weary of us and retreated to the east, into the back of the long kitchen. There were counters at the eastern end of the room where most of the kitchen equipment was. I thought that this cottage was nicely decorated, and felt interested in the place. I stopped near the kitchen counters and turned back to the west, yelling at the small bear, which was running toward me. We had to scare it into running out of the house. I felt nervous about the wild animal being in the house. I then wondered how we could leave the outside door open

12007 March 10

I walked to the south with the other person, showing them the new house that i had just bought. The house seemed to be to the east of us, and we were now standing in the gravel driveway. The lot seemed to be very shallow north to south. It seemed to end just past the house to the east, and extend into a long point to the west. There was a large barn to the south that we were heading into. I thought that the barn would be a good thing to have on the house because it could be used as a garage. We wanted a two-car garage with the house. I thought that $F45 would be happy to have this new house with the extra garage space. I felt excited about this place and walked into the barn to look around. The inside seemed large and well decorated. I had entered through a door that was in the eastern end of the northern wall. The room inside was fairly open to the west, and the walls seemed white. There was a loft running along the eastern end of the southern wall. I said something to $Z as i noticed the ladder that led up to the loft. There seemed to be something like a white sheet hanging over the balcony and down to the floor in front of me. The area of the loft seemed well furnished with couches and a television. I felt that it would be a great place to hang out. I turned around to look to the west, noticing that there was a garage area in the eastern side of the barn. It was separated from the rest of the barn by a thin wall. It seemed that we would be able to fit two cars into this place. As i walked across the cement floor of the garage, i noticed that there were several cars parked along the eastern wall. I wondered if the previous owners were abandoning them here. The small sports car along the back wall seemed expensive, and i felt excited to own this place. I then noticed that some of the cars in the room were only partial cars. The one just to the south of me appeared to be just the outer shell of a yellow car sports car. There also seemed to be a golf cart in the room with several things piled on it. The cart was green, with a white awning over it. I wondered if the previous owner would be leaving all of these cars here. I turned around again and headed back to the west. The room inside opened up to the west into a large dance room. There were tall stained glass windows in the northern and southern walls, making the area look like an old church. The space was bare, and the walls seemed unfinished, showing exposed beams. I walked a little to the west, admiring the art-deco designs of the tall yellow and white stained glass windows. The smaller window in the center of the western wall was round, with a radial design of darker colours. The ceiling of the room seemed crude, and i felt that the barn would actually need some repairs. I turned back to the north and started to head out of the room. As i reached the door, i realized that there was something written on it in what appeared to be charcoal. The writing said “dilili”. I paused a moment before exiting the door, pondering what the statement meant. It seemed important. I then stepped to the west, now outside. There were several structures stretching to the western end of the lawn, and i spoke to $Z as i looked them over. Several of them seemed to be round racks of clothing. I was now inside a large department store or shopping center. The lawn was really an area of carpeted floor where the clothes were. The area extended into a point to the west, with a fence bordering the southern side. I walked to the western point and looked farther to the west, in to the center of the store. I could see an escalator just to the west-northwest of me. I turned around and started heading back toward the house and barn, talking to my mother about this place. She was looking over my new property with me. I felt excited to be here.

12007 March 16

I looked at the reflection of the bodybuilder in the large mirror to the west of me as he posed and flexed for himself. He was well detailed and had large muscles. $F45 was watching him for a moment, and he commented on the man. He said that i would like the bodybuilder because he had so much muscle. I watched the man flex for a moment. I replied, saying that i actually thought that the man had too much muscle. It did not seem appealing to me. I told $F45 that it was really not that attractive.

12007 March 20

I walked around the large basement room of the house. There were many people gathered here, and it seemed as though it was lunch hour. I thought that all of these people were hanging for the last few minutes before they had to return to work. I stepped off of the white wooden stairs, which seemed to descend in the center of the room. I was heading north, looking around at the people in the room. The room seemed open to the outside to the east of me, and there seemed to be a round table just to the northeast, just inside the room. I spotted $A236 in the crowd just to the northeast of me as well, but i felt bad about talking to him. I had told him that i would contact $A374, and i knew he would ask about it, but i had been unable to make contact. I turned to the northwest, pretending that i had not seen $A236 in the crowd. I took only a few steps when i was aware that $A236 might be calling my name. I looked around the room to the south and west of me, pretending that i did not know where the voice was coming from. I looked around and eventually turned around to face $A236. I greeted him. He quickly asked me about $A374, and i told him that i was not able to contact him by telephone. I was honest, and told him that i had tried calling lately but the line had been dropped. $A236 recognized what i was talking about and seemed to show concern. He said that $A374 had been angry, and he told me that he was worried that $A374 was starting to become paranoid and delusional. I felt bad, and wished that i could speak with $A374. $A236 and i talked about the situation for a while, wondering what we could do.

12007 March 24

I was at $P19 for a party. It felt strange to be here still. I had come in the back door with $F27. We walked into the large room from the northeast. The room seemed to be the basement of $P19, but there were rows of folding white chairs set up, facing the southern wall. We moved along the eastern side of the audience as the people gathered for the show, which would be on a stage to the south. The southern wall was covered with a white curtain. A security officer moved from the west, grabbing someone in one of the armchairs at the front of the classroom. The man complained in surprise as the guard tried to pull him from the audience. The man in the front row was $A4, and i knew that he was in trouble again. The police officer was here to arrest him because the police thought that he had drugs in his blue book bag. $A4 was known for causing trouble, and i felt that they were just arresting him because of this, and not because they actually knew that he had done something. I wondered what the police were really after. I then realized that i had the phonograph that i was going to give to $A4. I wondered if the police were after it. I thought that $A4 probably hid a DVD inside the album case. I felt nervous and looked at the discs in the album. There were digital disks in the case, and i knew that they were what the guards were looking for. I quickly hid the album covers under my shirt, hoping that the guards would not notice. I thought that $A4 must have pirated music and saved it on the disks. I said something to the others about it as we stood near the back of the audience. I then realized that the party was now empty. Most of the people had left this house, which seemed to be owned by $F40. I headed to the northwest, up the cement stairs than ran up the grassy hill at the back of the house. I came out on the main road. This area was a very hilly neighbourhood, with many houses perched along the steep slopes. It reminded me of California. I looked around the slightly open neighbourhood, but could not see anyone. The road ran from east to west, sloping down hill steeply to the east. The curbs on the road seemed very high, and i was aware of several cars parked along the side of the road no the east of me. One of them seemed to be a small yellow Beetle. I thought that the others must have all left the party together. I should have been aware that they were leaving and go with them. I felt sad that i did not go with them when they left because i now felt left behind. I looked to the south, through the large single-pane window, to see the red sky of the setting sun. The clouds streaked across the sky and looked very nice. I thought that the others must have gone to watch the sunset at the beach, which seemed to be to the south of the house, in the valley. I walked up the road to the west a little, thinking that i would not be able to make it down to the beach before the sun set. I thought that i could walk over to Sunset Road, which had an overlook of the valley, but i felt depressed in doing so because i knew that i would be doing it alone. I started to walk to the east, across the filed of dry thinly spaced field grass. I seemed to be to the north of the road, in an empty lot to the northeast of the house. There was a pond to the northwest of me. I felt upset that i could not be with the others, but it felt nice to be near the pond. There was something about the area that felt relaxing. I then realized that i was not really paying attention to where i was. This was what had felt nice. I knew that i could be more relaxed my ignoring my surroundings, but i thought that i could not waste my time like that. I then looked down into the small muddy puddle to the south of me as i started to pass it. There were small animals moving in the puddle as i approached. I stopped to look at the dirty water, but the movement stopped. I then noticed a raspy breathing sound. I looked around the edges of the puddle, trying to figure out where the south was coming from. I then noticed i small hole at the top of the puddle. The puddle seemed much smaller now. I thought that the hole was the breathing hole of a small frog. It was a frog that could dive in the mud.

12007 March 26

$F30 was sitting on the couch along the north wall of the small dimly lighted room. I walked from the west and sat down next to him. I felt interested in him, as though i had not seen him in a long time and i wanted to know what he had been up to. He chatted with me, and i teased him about something. I was sitting to the east of him when he laughed at my joke and leaned over to hug me. I felt very good about being here with him.

12007 March 27

I looked out the window of the house, to the south. I was in the second floor bedroom, and it seemed to be late at night. Just as i looked out, the light in the window of the house across the street went out. I felt suddenly suspicious, thinking that the teenager who lived across from us had been watching me. It was dark in the room around me, but i wondered whether i could be seen in the darkness. I stared out the window for a moment, watching the large arched window on the second floor of the other house for a moment. The entire house seemed dark. My eyes were then drawn down to the front door of the house as i caught a lighter gray figure moving to the west from the center of the house. I though that the teenaged boy had sneaked out. I tried to focus on the dark blur, but was unable to spot it directly. I let my vision stray down the road to the west. The other houses on the street were mostly dark. There was one a few houses down on the south side of the street, which had its porch light on. There seemed to be large pine trees growing right in front of the house, which sat very close to the road. The branches of the pines hung in front of the light, casting dark shadows. I then saw the brownish-gray figure pass quickly under the light and hurry down the street to the west. I thought that the young woman was probably sneaking out to a high-school party. I turned back into the room, feeling strange here. I seemed to be out of place in this environment. It was very dark here, and i felt as though i might be out in the open. The man then approached me from the south. It was daylight again, and i seemed to be in a cement plaza. There was a tall wall to the west of me that seemed to be part of a decorative structure. The man told me that i should meet him at the “fortien of three”. I was not sure i knew what he meant, but i told him i understood. I the looked at my watch, thinking that “fortien” meant three-fourths. So the time would be fifteen minutes before three. I looked back at the man, noticing that he was watching me, trying to see if i understood what he meant. I told him that “fortien” meant three-quarters, and said that the time was 14:40. I then thought that i seemed to be off by a few minutes. It should have been 14:45. He reiterated the instructions to meet him here every fortnight. I confirmed that i should meet him at 14:40 every fortnight, which i knew was every two weeks. I felt puzzled about this time, feeling that i did not quite have it correct. I knew that the original statement was before three, and i wondered if fourteen o’clock was the correct time before three. I felt confused, but knew that i had to remember the instructions.

12007 March 30

I walked back into the dark house, heading through the rooms to the west. Something had happened, and i remembered the red digital clock in the other room blinking from the power outage. I then focused on the digital clock that appeared in front of me. It had large white digits, and was blinking near my face. It seemed that there was someone else in the room as well. The numbers from the clock then blinked very brightly, and i had to cover my eyes. I complained to the person about the bright clock, which had startled me. I tried to back away and calm down again.

I was sitting in the small living room of the house when i heard the doorbell ring. I looked up, to the north. There was a black leather couch to the north of me, and someone was sitting on it. The walls of the room were white. The northern wall behind the couch seemed short on the eastern side. It then turned to the north, near the eastern side of the couch before joining the rest of the northern wall a metre or so back from the couch. The main entrance door to the apartment was in eastern-facing section of the wall. $F10 stood up from the couch and headed to the east. I expected him to walk to the exit door to answer it, but, instead, he walked to the door that was in the northern wall to the east of the couch. It was another entrance from the outside. I heard $F10 greet the woman at the door, and i felt annoyed. The woman had been bothering us for a while. I wanted her to go away, but she kept coming over to ask questions.