12008 March 02

I followed the others to the south, passing through the swing set that was on the southern end of the grassy area. The sunlight seemed low in the northwestern sky, as though it was evening. There was a division to the south of us, like a gorge or stream. I stopped as i reached the edge of the deep gorge. The walls of the cliffs seemed smooth and vertical. They dropped almost parallel to each other. On the southern side of the gorge was a set of decorative terraces. This was a scene from a movie that i had seen before. The terraces were yellow and shaped like large flowers. The bottoms of the terraces were wide flat bowls, with indents at regular intervals, like a pumpkin. Wire chairs and tables were set in the center of each terrace forming a cafe area. The terraces were stacked vertically, forming two or three cylindrical shapes on the side of the cliff. The top of the uppermost terrace was covered with a dull yellow roof that started to curve in the same manner as the bottom, but curved up in the center to form a tall convex cone that looked like an inverted tubular flower pedal. David Niven was standing on the upper terrace on the eastern side of the cafe structure. There was a woman near him, but he was waiting for her. This was a romantic part of the film where they were to meet. The woman moved around the front part of the terrace, closer to me. This had something to do with meeting a long lost love, and i felt as though this movie was something special. I walked to the south, over the thin bridge that crossed the gorge and into the cafe. This was part of the university. I felt that this place was similar to $P9. There was something special happening here, but i could not determine what. I moved to the east a little, heading across the grass toward $P97. I then turned to the north. There seemed to be a large stone building to the northwest of me, and cement path that ran north-northeast near me. I walked along the side of the path, on the grass, thinking about what was happening. I suddenly realized that i did not have to keep track of everything. There was something special in this thought, and i looked vaguely at the trees to the northeast of me, which ran along the eastern side of the grassy area on which i was walking. I realized that everything i was doing was trying to control things, and i could simply release control. I did not have to keep things, like the maps i had made of the area. I had been keeping track of information that i simply did not have to keep track of. This thought was a revelation, and i felt suddenly enlightened. I stopped in the middle of the field and thought about this catharsis. I felt that i had found a very important answer.

I rode by bicycle down the suburban street, heading to the north. It seemed a little dark out, but i was still able to see very well. There seemed to be a hill to the west of me, with few houses on it. Most of the hill was covered with leafless trees and dry weeds, all of which seemed very dark in the low light. The road turned to the west, and the streetlights seemed to be glowing dully in the evening. Small houses lined the northern side of the street. I was still having trouble pedaling my bicycle. It felt that i was putting a lot of effort into pushing the pedals down. My legs felt tired, and i was getting frustrated that this was not easier. I wondered if i was out of shape. The hill to the south of me disappeared and i found myself in the downtown area of a small town. The main buildings seemed to be to the north of me, but i had to head west. I stopped at the intersection, hoping that it would be easier to bike here on the flat ground. As i started across the street, though, my legs still felt tired, and it took a lot of effort to keep moving. I was looking for the small bicycle shop that i remembered being on this side of town. It was on the northern side of the road, in a small building. I could not remember exactly where, but i thought that i would recognize it when i passed it. I headed down the street, but did not see it. I turned around on one of the streets, thinking that i must have gone past it on the wrong block. I was heading back to the east, on the southern side of the street. I stopped for the light at one the intersections. I looked to the northeast as i waited for the light. I could see the small shops on the northern side of the street, and i thought that one of them must be the store that i was looking for, but it did not seem to be there any more. I wondered if it had closed, or if i was simply on the wrong block. The light turned green, and i did not feel like straining to pedal again. I then realized that i could simply shift the bicycle down into a lower gear. I wondered why i did not do this earlier when i was having trouble. I headed to the east, but could not figure out where the shop was. I decided that it was on the block to the north of where i was. I came to the small house that was on the eastern side of the block. This had something to do with $F12. His two brothers lived here. I said hello to $F35 as i walked into the room of the house. I was facing west, and $F35 was to the west of me. The other man walked in. He was the middle brother, and there seemed to be some trouble concerning him. I hoped that he was all right, and was distress to hear about the trouble he was having. I had not spoken to him that much before, and i was happy to see that he was safe now. I said hello to him as he walked into the room from the west. I realized that he was closer to my age than $F12, and i wondered if i should get to know him better. I felt interested in him and wanted to talk to him more. I hoped that he would be interested in getting to know me as well.

I walked to the west, across the driveway of my parents’ house and into the back yard of the house. The garage ran to the north of me and seemed to be a long building. It had glass windows on the southern wall, and i thought that there was an apartment there. Something had happened, and i was staying in this apartment for a while. I was here for the day, anyway. Someone to the south of me said that i should get used to being in the apartment because i would be spending the entire day there tomorrow. I felt that it had something to do with my birthday, and there would be a bunch of people showing up. I stepped to the west, walking across the front room of the small apartment. There were windows to the south and west of me, and there were several other people wandering around the room. I felt a little uncomfortable here.

I looked at the objects on the short round wooden table to the south of me. I was at my grandmother’s house, in her living room. The others were in the kitchen to the north of me, getting ready to leave. This had something to do with a hospital. I noticed the brass objects on the table and picked one up. It was not quite right. It had the body and neck of a giraffe, but the head of the animal had been replaced by a set of airplane wings. Someone had taken the head off and replaced it with something else. I looked around at the other brass figures on the table. I then noticed the arrows of a weather vane attached to the top of something else on the table. I picked up the long object and looked at the brass strew that held the top of the object onto the body. $K1 walked into the room to the north of me. I asked her if there was a screwdriver around somewhere. I then noticed that the arrows on the weather vane had been broken. The silvery metal arrows were missing one of the directions, which seemed to be south. I could see the rough metal jagged edge where the arrow had broken off. I then showed $K1 the giraffe, telling her that the heads of the objects had been rearranged as a joke. I said that $K2 must have done it.

12008 March 03

$Z drove me down the curving country road to the east as it winded through the hilly forested area. The trees around me seemed green with leaves, and the tan soil seemed sandy. We passed a few people that were standing on the southern side of the road. I felt cautious of them and told $Z not to stop. We passed them and the buildings that they were standing near. I was looking for the trail head where the run for $G4 had started, which was ahead on the southern side of the road. Just as we passed the buildings, i noticed the old cement bridge ahead of us, right before the road curved out of sight to the southeast. The bridge seemed worn, with green fungus growing on the cement walls. The bridge was a simple deck with plain short cement walls on either side. The supporting pillars seemed to be rectangular columns. I told $Z that the trail was just on the other side of the bridge. I was surprised that we had reached here so quickly. I did not think it was that close to the houses we had just passed. The car pulled over to the southern side of the road. When i got out of the car, it was parked in a dirt pull-off on the northern side of the road, still facing to the east. There seemed to be a dirt trail leading off from the road to the east-northeast. $Z and i started walking to the west, but i stopped to open the rear driver’s door of the car so i could look for something. I pulled the green bent-head flashlight out of the car and started to the west again, to follow $Z. The two people who had been walking down the road passed by us just then, and the older man in the group asked us if we had our flashlights. I told them that i did, but the older man snickered at me as if i was being naive. He said that is should carry a knife. I did not answer him, but i mentioned to $Z that i should probably get a knife. I took the two knives i had just purchased from the counter of the store and walked to the west. The store was an old general store with bare wood walls. I pulled out the knives and swung them through the air to the south of me. It felt very easy to use them, and i realized that i would not be able to handle weapons so well if they were not knives. The knives themselves allowed me to invoke some special skills, but i was aware that they were dangerous. I considered using fake knives, but, as i swung them in the air to the south of me, i realized that i was not comfortable with them and that i was performing the forms awkwardly. I could not fight with the dull blades. I looked down at the black scabbards as i tried to put the curved blades of the knives away. I was still holding the white plastic bag that the knives had come in. It was in my left, behind the black fake-leather scabbard. I tried to tip one of the knives into the scabbard, but the curved tip of the knife would not easily slide into the scabbard. I tried several times to put the tip of the short sword into the scabbard, but i could not get the curved tip into the opening. I looked at it closely as i tried to put the silver blade of the sword in. I was standing in the doorway of an old building, which seemed to be a barn. The large door to the east was open, and the old general store where i had bought the knives seemed to be in the next building to the east, which was only a few metres from the open door of the barn. Finally, the swords slipped into the scabbards. I put the two sheathed swords back into the plastic bad so i could continue walking with $Z.

I was standing on the eastern side of the large open room. I was working construction, but i was not quite sure what to do. The floor of the room seemed to have been dug up, and was now mostly covered with dirt. There were three or four construction workers in denims and plaid shirts scattered across the floor. I asked someone what i should be doing, knowing that i would soon be leaving here. The other person, who seemed like a foreman, said that he was uncertain what part i should work on. I felt as though i should not be starting anything big here. He turned to the southwest and headed out of eth room. I headed to the north, where some of the others were digging up the floor. I did not really feel that i was part of this construction crew. There were two men in orange hardhats looking down at an area of the ground: one was standing on the western side of the area and the other was crouching down on the eastern side. The one standing seemed to be leaning on the wooden handle of a shovel or spade. Someone said that they would be able to attach the lines to the mounts on the floor. I wondered where the mounts on the floor had come from and i turned to look. I realized that the crew had dug up some of the old silvery seams in the floor, where the material underneath had been folded over and riveted or nailed together. These were areas where they could attach the eyehooks easily. I thought about this as i walked to the south, exiting through the door in the western end of the southern wall. As i pushed the door open, i realized that there was someone standing just behind it. She moved to the west as the door swung open, and i could see her through the round glass window in the top of the door. She was $A261. I was surprised to see her here, unaware that she had come back into town. I said hello to her as i let the door close. She seemed shy but said hello back to me. We chatted for a moment, and i noticed that she seemed thinner. I told her that she looked good, but stopped before i mentioned that i thought she had lost some weight. I thought that might not be a good thing to say, so i told her that i liked the new colour of her hair, which was now dark brown. I remembered that she usually had blond hair or hair coloured in unnatural reds or blues. Her hair now seemed long and straight, and her face seemed much thinner as she smiled. I talked to her for a moment about her natural hair colour, thinking than this was not the real colour. I then remembered that i had never seen her hair when it was not dyed or bleached. She said that this was the natural colour of her hair as we started to the west, into the large wooden gymnasium. There were other people gathered there. I noticed that $A261 was wearing a bright red dress, which seemed to be more of a costume than a dress. The others in the gymnasium were also wearing billowing costumes, which reminded me of mock Arabian costumes from a harem scene. There were several people reclined on the floor, and everyone seemed to be facing south, as though listening to someone talk. I walked to the southwest of the crowd, looking at them. I noticed that $A461 was reclined on the floor in the center of a few young women. He was wearing a costume like the others, but his seemed to have bright green pants and a purple or red shirt that had yellow scales near the waist. These costumes looked like the clothes of a sultan from a movie set. The design had something to do with Shiva. Then i remembered that Shiva was a chaotic aspect of God. I tried to remember which aspect of got was which. I though about the main aspects of God: Shiva, Vishnu, and Kali. They were all the same, but viewed from a different perspective.

I looked over the sign that was on the paved ground to the northeast of me. I was painting the sign with $A261, but i felt a little frustrated with the way it was being painted. I looked up to see the white cement-block building to the northeast. It seemed to be a repair garage, and i knew that $A313 was in the shop and that she was in charge of what we were doing. I looked back down at the white sign, which had large dirty-bronze scripted letters on it. I was painting around the edges of the letters, but i did not feel happy with the job. I made a mistake with the paint, slopping a little outside the lines of the letter and getting the paint in the space in the center of the letter, which seemed to be an R. The space in the letter was shaped like a teardrop. I passed the brush over the space again, thinking that i would just have to scrape the black paint off the brass background behind the black letter. I then painted the top of the letter again, but it seemed very messy. I moved around to the western side of the sign. $A261 was to the east of me as i painted the top of the letter again, but i slopped the black paint into the center of the R. I was frustrated, but decided that i would clean out the space later. I looked up to the east, across the length of the sign. There was a man crouched to the northeast of the sign. He lifted up the eastern part of the sign to show us. I noticed the small models of buildings that had been attached to the center of the sign. There were a deci or so tall, and looked like tall thin skyscrapers. I was confused as to why they had attached a model of the center of the city to the sign. It seemed that it would make the sign hard to hang, so i asked the others about it. I then looked to the west, where the construction workers were tearing up the floor of the room. I stood on the eastern side of the room as the construction workers dug into the floor of the long room. One of the workers then talked about attaching the things to the floor. I remembered this from before, thinking that the workers were trying to attach something to the seams of the old floor, which was below the floor that the workers had ripped up. I thought about Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. They were all aspects of the same thing, as though looking at the same thing from different perspectives. Brahma was an aspect of the One, as was Vishnu and Shiva. Kali was an aspect of Shiva. There was something significant in the relations and the progression of the different aspects as they related to the One.

12008 March 04

I was heading home, traveling down the long road, heading southeast. I was walking on the southern side of the road, though i seemed to be traveling fast enough that i could have been in a car. The road ran through the country, and i thought that i had not been this way in a very long time. It seemed to lead to my parents’ house, but it was the back way, the way that we rarely traveled because it went around the western side of the mountain. It seemed to be more scenic, and i looked over the shoulder of the road to the east. The land dropped off steeply on the eastern side of the road, and there was a narrow valley between the road and the rough rocks of the short range of dark-red rocks to the east. There seemed to be a layer of brown haze in the bottom of the valley, and i told $Z that there was wonderful lightning down in the valley, but it would be easier to see if it was clear. I looked ahead as i walked down the southwestern side of the road, starting to stray a little from the road. I had been following the gravel ditch along the side of the road, but it was really a creekbed. I stepped over the rocks of the creek, which had very little water in it. It was daytime now, and i looked down at the water as i stepped through it. I intended on following the creek most of the way home. I had thought about doing that for a long time, but had never actually done it. It did seem like a long walk to the house, but it seemed like a nice day and i felt good about it. The creek bed was then narrower, and seemed to be little more than a gully. The rocks on the bottom were large and rough, as though they were crushed grading. The creek turned to the southeast, slanting away from the road, which was now heading east. The creek headed across the cut grass lawn of the white house to the south of me. The house was surrounded by several thin young trees, but it seemed to be an older house. I was conscious that i was walking on the property and wondered if the people in the house knew i was here. I did not want to upset anyone. I then noticed that the creek narrowed again and ended just to the east of the yard, where the grass had started to grow tall and thick with weeds. The stream was flowing out from a small hole in the ground, which i took to be a culvert. It must have been diverted underground from someplace to the east. I stood in the small grove of sumac trees, and the sun seemed to be casting shadows through the leaves overhead. I could not easily follow the creek any further, and i considered just going back to the road. I turned to the northeast and headed back to the road. When i reached the road, i started walking north, away from the crowd. The fair i had been attending seemed to be to the southwest of me, on the western side of the road, and i had left the crowd of people gathered by the road, to the south of me. There was a rounded green hill to the east, on the other side of the road, and the land sloped down on the western side of the road toward a wide low building, which seemed like a school. I stopped on the top of the hill on the western side of the road, where the others were sitting. They were spread down the short slope toward the building, facing west. They were relaxed as they talked to each other. I felt that i should leave here and head home. I stepped to the west, into the main room of the small yellow house, which seemed to be a mobile home. I turned to the north once inside, heading down the eastern wall of the long white room. The room seemed to have very little furnishings, and the walls and floor seemed dirty and worn. I stopped near a small table that was against the eastern wall, just to the north of the large picture window. I pulled the small group of photographs out of the white envelope and looked at them. Some of them seemed hazy, as though they were very out of focus. I knew that they related to the woman who owned the house. The young girl surprised me as she stood to the south of me and asked me why i was here. I was standing near the table, which was now against the western wall. The girl seemed to have come through the doorway in the southern end of the western wall. Before i could answer her, i realized that the house was moving. I leaned to catch my balance as the house swayed down the road. I remembered that the house was a bus or camper, and then i realized that i should have been driving the bus. I wondered what the older woman in the back room of the house was doing and what she thought about my presence. I started heading to the south, where i thought the front of the bus was. The girl said that the bus was going the wrong way, and i realized it was heading south of the road. It should have been heading north, and i thought that it should have been turned around as we left the fair. The bus swerved a little, and i wondered how it was staying on the road with no one driving. We were heading back to the southeast, toward the fair again. We should not have been heading back that way.

I looked at the small white envelope full of papers, getting ready to throw it out. I wanted to look through the papers to see what was there before i actually tossed anything out. I noticed a small stack of photographs in the envelope, which i though should be saved. I pulled one of the photographs out and looked at it. The photographs were square, as if from an instamatic camera, and the small one on top was blurry, with shades of brown and tan. I remembered thinking that i should save this picture for use in artistic works. I would not be able to use it as a photograph, but i could do something with the blurred design. I then remembered having these pictures in the house before. I was in the living roof of the house looking through them. The woman was drunk in the back room, and she was not taking care of her daughter, who had come to talk to me.

12008 March 05

I moved to the east, down the paved driveway that curved slightly to the southeast as it crossed through the open park area. The entrance to the green area seemed to be just to the west of me, and there was a steep forested hill to the south. This place seemed like $P29. I had just left the others near the cars on the southern side of the drive. I had to get to someplace, and i was walking to the east along the grass that was to the south of the drive. There was a line of thin young trees running along a shallow mound that ran parallel to the drive for a way. It was just after sunset, and the sky was just starting to turn red. I had to get to someplace, but i felt that i could not let the others see were i was heading. I walked carefully over the glass, trying not to be seen by people. I looked at the large house on the hill to the southeast. The road seemed to run to the north of the house, which was a large off-white mansion with thin columns running over the large window on the northwestern wall of the lower floor. I was then aware of a car approaching from the west. I felt that i had to hide from it. I could not let it see me. I quickly ran around to the southern side of one of the thicker trees to get out of sight of the car. The area around me was now wilder, and the grass was no longer cut, but grew rough with weeds. I moved quickly from one tree to another, trying to hide from the truck on the other side of the creek. The creek was running to the north of the line of trees. There seemed to be a dirt road on the opposite side of the creek. The truck passed me, but seemed to do so slowly, even though it was moving much faster than i was. I watched it pass behind the tall dry weeds in the treeless woods to the northwest. I was then looking west across a dry wooded area. There seemed to be many dirt trails running through the trees of the area, and i thought that the creek rounded the southern side of the rounded dirt area. The truck had entered the area from the west, heading toward me as i moved along the eastern side of the area. I was wary of the truck as it turned to the north and headed toward the other exit to the dirt area. The area seemed lower than the water, as though it should be swampy or damp itself, but it seemed to be dry or frozen. I decided that i should take action, so i quickly moved to the side of the old beat-up truck and hopped onto the back of the passenger’s side. I would ride it out of this area. As we approached the urban intersection to the north, however, i realized that the truck was pulling into the center lane of the road. I thought that it was turning to the left, which is the wrong direction for me. The truck then stopped in the center of the lane, and i wondered if it might be heading straight, to the north. There was a steep hill to the north with apartment buildings on both sides of the road. I hopped off of the side of the truck while it was paused at the light. I was in the middle of the road, so i had to be careful of traffic coming from the south, behind the truck. I looked down the right lane of the road. There was a large rusted tan delivery van stopped just to the east of us. It beeped as i walked in front of it and looked around the other side for more cars coming up to the intersection from the south. I quickly jogged to the curb on the southern side of the street and started walking hurriedly to the east. I felt that i had to get out of sight of this area before people reported me as jumping from the truck. The street seemed to end only a short distance ahead of me, rounding into a cul-de-sac. There seemed to be street heading up the steep hill to the north just before the end of the road. The end of the road was now to the north of me as i walked along the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. There was a staircase just beyond the cul-de-sac that climbed the hill, and i could take it to the next street up. I would be away from the people at the intersection there. As i approached the cul-de-sac, however, i noticed that there was a police car parked a few metres up the hillside. I wondered if they had seen me jump from the truck in the intersection. I continued on, hoping that i did not look too suspicious as i hurried to the north. There was a tall brick building at the end of the street, and the cul-de-sac was a cobblestone courtyard in front of it. A line of poles separated the northern part of the courtyard from the cul-de-sac, and the white police car with the orange stripe down the side was now sitting on the northern side of the brightly coloured metal poles, facing west. I purposely did not look at the police car as i passed, starting up the long flight of cement stairs that ran up the hill to the west of the brick buildings. The brick buildings had storefronts on the bottom level, and i was now inside the store of the western-most building, starting up the stairs that ascended to the north along the western wall. The store was dimly lighted, and there seemed to be a counter against the northern wall. The walls were dark and seemed to have clothing or fabrics hanging from them. The woman on the stairs ahead of me stopped, so i had to stop as well. She was talking to the man just up the stairs from her, who seemed to be the store’s owner. The woman told the man that she was looking for work and had to get to someplace. The man from the shop started explaining something to her, and she listened intently. He had short black hair and was wearing a dark suit. His skin seemed medium toned, as though he was central asian. The woman had chin-length frizzy blond hair and was wearing a dark business suit and skirt with a bright white shirt. As i passed the woman on the west, continuing up the stairs, the man, who was standing to the east of the stairs now, asked the woman something in Spanish. She did not seem to understand the question, but i recognized what he was asking. I thought about replying to the man as if he had asked me the question, but i knew that he was trying to see whether the woman could understand him. I thought the language should really be called “Espanyol” as well, rather than “Spanish”. I came to the top of the stairs and found myself in a run down room with pale green walls. There seemed to be light coming in through tinted glass in the ceiling and northern walls. This place looked like a crude beach diner with dingy age-stained walls. The owner of the restaurant was standing just to the east of me, wearing a white apron over a white T-shirt. He was shorter than i and had a boxy southern-european face. He said something to me as he turned and wandered to the east, toward the kitchen. I felt a little uncomfortable here, but the owner seemed to like me, so i was going to be treated well. I looked around at the small square room that i was in. There was a single square table in the center of the room, which was covered with a white tablecloth. The stairs seemed to be out the door in the western end of the northern wall, to the northwest, and the door in the northern end of the eastern wall led toward the kitchen. I had seen a dining area to the north, in the long room that ran from the top of the stairs. The eating booths ran along the northern wall, under the wide green-tinted windows. Everything there seemed to be damp with rain and humidity, and the outside light was dim because of the overhanging wooden awning outside. I looked around the small room to see that the southern wall had some shelves and cupboards that were crowded with trinkets and junk. There was a door in the eastern end of the southern wall that seemed to lead into another dining room at the front of the building. I then noticed a cartoon drawing on the southern wall. It was done on white paper and was signed by the artist. I realized that it was a famous cartoon character, who looked like a simply line drawing of a head and face with a small thin simplified body. I realized that it was the work of the cartoonist who was sitting on the western side of the round white table in the room with me. We were both receiving special treatment in this special dining room, and i felt a little out of place. I said hello to the cartoonist and pointed out his cartoon, asking him if it was really his. He nodded. I then noticed another drawing by the same cartoonist on the western wall, but i realized that this one was of the man who had been talking to us, the owner of the restaurant. I said something about the drawing as i sat down at the table to wait for the ruddy man who owned this place to come back with some food. The man in the dirty white apron appeared to the north of me and put plates on the table. I did not remember ordering anything, but the man handed me a white plate with a large meatball sub on it. I took the plate and put it down in front of me on the table. I was sitting on the southeast side of the table. The man said that the food was “on the house” and then turned to leave. I wondered why i was being treated so specially. I thanked the man, using formal language in a wordy sentence. The man stopped and turned around to look at me. I suddenly felt that i had been too formal and wondered if the man might think that i was being facetious. The man looked at me curiously and said that i was being too nice. He did not seem offended as he turned to head back to the north. A woman was then standing at the top of the stairs in the northwestern corner of the room. She asked about a job. It was the same woman from the shop. I remembered her from the hotel where i had been staying. She had been on the stairs in the main lobby talking to the matre’d. I walked past her, heading to the west. As i drove down the street in the suburban area, i thought that i had to head back home. I seemed to be on a tall hill on the northern side of town. As i approached the intersection with the other main road, i started thinking about the whale. I knew that it was really spelled “wale”, and it had something to do with driving. It was a metaphor. I was like a dolphin, but the car was more like a whale. I then thought that i was confusing terminology, and i wondered if dolphins and whales were really related. The land around me seemed very open, with low house and few trees. I thought that i would only be taking two streets to get home. Once i turned south at the corner, i could head all the way across the valley on the other road and be home. I turned the corner and started heading south, down the slope of the hill toward the wide valley. I seemed to be on the southwestern slope of the hill, and i could see the long road stretching out across the hazy tan and brown valley, where the main part of the city was. My home seemed to be on the hill to the south of the city, and it seemed as though i could see the road running across the valley and up the hill on the other side. I wondered if my mother wanted me to call her on my cell phone. It seemed that she would need a call. I headed down the road, thinking that i would be heading straight from here, but the road turned suddenly to the east, and then back to the south. I could hear my tires squeal as i rounded the tight corner, feeling that i was going a little too fast for the turn. At the bottom of the hill, the road turned again to the southeast, and i tensed as i turned the car around the corner, noticing the yellow and black arrow signs in front of me. I tried to remember if this was the correct way to head home. I remembered seeing signs before where the highway turned off from the road. I would have to follow a certain road, and i remembered that i should follow the green signs for the route. The route number was on the small square sign, and it seemed to end in the digit six. At first, i thought that it was Route 16, but then, and i rounded a corner and started heading to the east again, under the overpass, i noticed the blue and red sign for Route 76. Ahead of me i could see the road curve to the southwest and go under an overpass. The overpass continued over the top of the road, as though the road were going into a tunnel. I rode my bicycle into the tunnel, which headed to the east. There was a group of people biking in front of me, and i was annoyed that they were going so slowly. They all seemed to be dressed in dark-blue business or school suits. I was right behind an oriental woman on a blue bike, which matched the blue three-speed bicycles of the rest of her group. She shifted position on her seat suddenly, and i realized that i had accidentally gotten too close to her. My front tire scraped her back. I backed off a little and tried to pass her on the right, but there was not enough room between her and the cement wall of the corridor. I was a little frustrated traveling so slowly, so i stayed to the right, waiting to pass. The tunnel then opened to the north into a small lounge area. The tunnel actually had a jog to the north, as if the two tunnels met side by side, forming a small rectangular room where the tunnels touched. The lounge was in the northwestern corner of the tunnel and had black fake-leather chairs forming a border and a few rows. As we neared the lounge, there was space on the right of the bikers, so i passed the woman and started to accelerate. There was a man near the front of the group, however, who was swaying to the right, and he blocked me from passing the entire group. I was annoyed with him and stayed on the right of the group, trying to pass when there was an opening. I felt that the man was intentionally cutting me off so that i could not pass their group. I knew that he was not going to hit me, but i slowed down and let him cut in front of me. I followed the group down the dim cement corridor until we reached the next corner. As we started to round this corner, i realized that there was an opening again, so i started to accelerate to pass the others. The older oriental man with the thinning black hair again tried to turn in front of me, but i ignored him, allowing him to collide into my side. I was ready for him, so i was not affected by the collision, but the man did not seem to expect it and rebounded back to the south, turning in front of the group of bikers. The bikers hit him and they crashed in the center of the tunnel. I continued on, as though i had not noticed. I rounded a corner to the north and was again heading down the long tunnel to the east. I suddenly realized that i needed to find my exit from this place. I looked at the green or blue signs that were hanging from the ceiling. Several doorways led off to the south of the tunnel, but they did not seem to be my exit, although they did look familiar. I wondered if i had traveled too far. I rounded the corner and was now traveling north, looking for exits to the east. This did seem too far, so i thought that i should get off at the next exit. I was now in an open area, traveling under a long roof. This place seemed to be a courtyard in a small city park. To the east of me was an ornate wooden structure with a large gate in it. The structure was carved into ribbons of wood that formed a square frame around the large red wooden door and continued as a low wall to both the north and south. The design seemed oriental, and the wood was darkly stained. They ground on both sides of the gate was covered with ashen stone. There was a thin courtyard to the east of the gate, and a large building just beyond. The large white building seemed european in design, like something in tudor or bavarian style. It had darkly stained beams and seemed to have a tall square central tower in the center of two wings. To the north of me seemed to be a short hill leading out of the park. I pulled off to the eastern side of the road on which i was traveling so that i could exit the highway through the gate with the large open red doors. I had just gone past the large gate, so i had to turn around to head back through it. As i approached the gate, however, i noticed that the brown wood platform at the base of the gate was about a metre or so above the ground level. There was a set of stairs leading up to it to the south of me, but i did not think that i could take my bicycle up the stairs. I looked through the gate and noticed the path continuing to the northeast, up the hill that was to the east of us. It crossed to the northeastern corner of the park, where it met up with the paved drive that exited the park. The driveway was the next exit from the path that i had been riding on, and it seemed to run across the face of the short hill on the northern edge of the park and then up the taller slope to the east, where it passed through a tall metal gate and ended on the main road at the top of the hill. The main road ran north to south along the eastern side of the park area. I realized that i could simply have gone to the next exit to leave by bicycle. I turned to the north, noticing that i was now on a dirt trail off of the main path, and that there was a creek separating the path i was on from the main path to the west. The creek came out of a culvert in the hill to the northeast and curved to the south. There were thin leafless trees on the hill, so i could not simply ride up the slope. I followed the dirt path to the north, hoping that it connected with the next exit, but i saw that it ended at the creek, just before the exit. The exit ran along the northern side of the creek. I was then aware that the bikers whom i had passed in the tunnel would soon be coming from the south, and i wanted to be out of sight before they came into the park. I was worried that they might be angry with me for causing them to crash. I stopped at the bank of the stream, annoyed that there was no way across the narrow stream. To the north of me, i could see the black metal bars of a gate to the park. There was a city street running along the northern side of the park, and just beyond it was a row of brick apartment building. A man entered the park through the gate and crossed the stream in front of me. He passed me on the east. The people from the south were getting closer, and i had to do something. I looked down the tunnel to the south to see the people in the brown school uniforms on the blue bicycles rounding the corner. They were sure to see me here. I looked through my pockets for a map of the area. I turned the map over in my hands several times, trying to orient it before i opened it up. As i looked at it, thought, i realized that it was an older map. It was not the one i had intended to get out. I folded it back up and looked for the newer version, which i pulled out of my left-hand jacked pocket. I was facing west, and the dark-skinned man to the west of me seemed concerned, cautioning me. He said that i should not let the people holding us see the map. I did not understand his concern and asked him why. He had been leaning forward to tell me this, and now stood back, shaking his head as though he was afraid to say more. We were being held by the people from the south, who seemed to be government authorities. The agents questioned us, but i only felt annoyed by the situation. I then wondered if my mother would try to telephone me to find out where i was. I felt that she would and that this would force the men to release me. There was a large window to the west of us, and i could see the agents questioning the man at the black upright piano, which was against the southern wall of the small booth beyond the windows. The man played something on the piano. I was annoyed and wanted to leave. I felt like telling the government agents that i really did not like Bush, which i knew would anger them. I felt that they could not really do anything to me, so i wanted to annoy them. As i thought about this, i glanced to the north and noticed the toys sitting on the shelf in the northern wall. They seemed to be Star Wars toys, and the main gray object was a model of the Millennium Falcon. As i looked closer at the toys, i realized that it was not really a Star Wars toy. The sticker over the top of the toy had another name to it. I realized that someone had repurposed the toys by putting stickers over the top of them that had nothing to do with Star Wars. There was a large white sticker over the top of the Millennium Falcon that had the name of the play set. The toys were held into a wide black box that had a molded plastic lid. I looked around at the other pieces to the play set, noticing that they were all characters from Star Wars, but that they had all been renamed for this toy. I thought that this could be collectable since it was rather rare for toys to be repurposed like this. I pulled on some of the new labels, trying to figure out what was beneath some of them. I thought about pointing out the oddity to $Z, who seemed to be to the west of me, but my attention was drawn by the people in the window to the west. A woman was standing in front of the piano now. She was slender, with curly chin-length brown hair. She was wearing a dark-brown uniform that reminded me of something from World War II. She smiled widely to the man at the piano, complimenting the singer to the west of her. Her words of praise seemed forced and nervous, as though she was trying to placate the people who were holding us. The agents were standing in a line to the south of the piano as the woman moved near the piano player and continued talking flowingly of the agents and the way they sang. She said that the man played very nicely, but then she highlighted the female agent’s talents, saying that she had an amazing voice, the best she had heard. The female agent was the lead agent, and was standing in the center of the line of agents, who now seemed to be humanoid but not human creatures. The short male agent on the eastern end of the line had a long oval light-blue face with no hair on his egg-shaped head. The lead agent had bright red skin and looked like a stereotyped devil, with curled horns on the sides of her head. She smiled politely at the woman who was complimenting them. The lead agent had a black diamond in the center of her forehead. The woman complimented the agents again, saying that the lead agent had the best voice she had ever heard. Her compliments were just pleading.

The others mentioned the woman as i stood on the lower roof of the house, looking to the north, at the stairs than ran up the western side of the roof, to the west of the large gable. I could see the names of the people being discussed in front of me. They were written on something to the northeast, which seemed to be a paper close to me, but also seemed to be the vertical surface of a step on the roof. The woman was a dame, but they mentioned that she was too fat to be considered for such popularity. I was offended by the statement, thinking that it was unfair that the men were being considered no matter what they looked like but the women were being considered only if they looked attractive. I felt that the women were being judged too heavily on their looks and not enough on their talent. I finished changing my clothes in the bedroom and turned to head down the stairs on the western side of the room. There seemed to be a metal catwalk crossing the roof, just above the gable. It ended on the eastern side of the house, where the bedroom was. I reached the bottom of the stairs, but realized that i had forgotten my pants. There was a large white pool in the lower roof, but, as i reached the bottom of the stairs, i realized that the water from the pool was covering the bottom steps. I started to descend into the water, but then realized that there was an electrical outlet on the western side of the stairs, attached to the gray metal handrail. I had to plug something into the round socket, but i was unsure about doing it while i was in the water. I hesitated, unsure what to do. I did not want to go back up the stairs, so i had to do something. I looked at the outlet, thinking that i was supposed to plug my penis into the socket. I thought that i could put it in and then let go of it in case it started to short, but i realized that i would not be able to detach my penis, and i felt very uncomfortable about putting it into the socket while i was standing in the water. I jumped onto the black shingles of the lower roof and headed to the southeast, to the pool. I then remembered that i had forgotten to put my bathing suit shorts on. I turned to head back to the stairs when i noticed that there were two people sitting on the sill of the gable’s window. I felt suddenly awkward, realizing that they were seeing me naked. I hoped that they would not be offended by seeing my penis. The young skinny man commented to the younger boy on the windowsill. I felt that i should explain to them that i had forgotten my shorts and was not just walking around naked. I headed up the stairs to the bedroom. I then started back down the stairs, which now ended on the ground at the back of the house. I stopped when i realized that there were people standing on the path leading from the house. The path led to the lake to the south, and the two older men standing there were holding instruments as though they were getting ready to play. I ran back up stairs and grabbed my instrument. I headed back down the path to the southwest, passing the two men at the intersection of the two paths. They were standing where the path from the northeast met the stone path that ran between the house and the lake to the south of the house. I tried to act casually, as though i did not notice that they were getting ready to play. As i passed, i noticed that the dark-skinned man with gray hair on the east, who was wearing brown pants and a white shirt, was holding a mandolin. The shorter rounder man on the east with a round face and thinning white hair, who was wearing tan pants and a white shirt with its sleeves rolled up, was holding a banjo. They were the rich people who owned the house and the dock on the lake. I was a neighbour from the house to the east, but i used the dock as well. I thought that they were the Walkers from the television show. I heard instrument picking as i past them, and i thought that i was making it, but then i wondered if it was really coming from the men. I thought about this as i headed down the path, listening to the sounds. I could not tell who was playing, but it sounded nice. I followed the round stones of the path all the way down to the shore of the lake. Near the water, the path turned to the east before curving back to the south, at the entrance to the dock. I knew that i could walk straight to the south-southeast to reach the dock, but i would be crossing over the thin grass and rocky shore of the lake. I wondered if i should be doing that. I thought about which way to go as i played my guitar. I then turned around to see that the men were headed back up the path to the north, toward the house. I played my guitar anyway, turning down he corridor to the west. I was following $G4. The hall had white walls, and the wood trim around the doorways and windows was thick and painted dark-brown. There seemed to be a large opening in the south side of the wall where small mailboxes were. Across from them, on the northern wall, was a small room with wooden bars over the service window between the room and the hall. This was a very old place, and i thought that this room was the old post office. $G4 moved around the hall a bit, but did not go anywhere. We had to wait for something before we could have our meeting. I felt that we had to decide something, but i was getting impatient standing around in the hall. I looked to the west, down the old corridor, which seemed to be in the basement of the building. The exit to the building was at the eastern end of the corridor, in the southern wall, just behind us. Light from outside came into the hall near us. A group of people in dark suits came in from the outside door, and we backed up against the walls to let them pass. They seemed like the presidential candidates, and we had to wait for them to pass before we could move again. The people that were leading the candidates through the hall looked at us suspiciously as they passed, keeping us against the wall and out of the candidates’ way. Finally, we were able to head down the hall to the west. We came into a room and i sat down on the large pastel-coloured couch that was against the southern wall. I made an awkward grunt as i sat, and some of the others wondered what was wrong. I pretended that i had gotten stuck in the cushions of the couch. The man to the west of me then explained that the thick pink and yellow cushions were actually very soft and it was easy to sink into them. I tried to move, but realized that i could not sit forward enough to lift my weight from the couch. The cushions were too spongy and made it hard to push myself up from the couch. I made a joke out of it, pushing on the pink, white, and orange pillow under me. We then started talking. We had several things that we had to discuss.

12008 March 06

I stood on the college campus, just to the southwest of the large gray stone building with the rest of the large crowd. The crowd had gathered for the big event. As i moved slowly through the crowd, i could hear them discussing the event. There was a man to the northwest of the crowd who was announcing how the event would take place. This was like a holiday celebration, but it would be made into a game. The man explained the rules, making it sound like a scavenger hunt. I felt that it was more like First Night celebrations where people would be able to tour local establishments. The man explained how the event would work, and the crowd was facing him, listening to the instructions. I was with some other people and glanced around at the other people in the area. I thought that we would have to go out and collect certain things, and i looked down at the brochure of the event that we had been given. The brochure looked like a small catalog and was filled with pictures of products that you could buy, such and shirts and food items. All of the products seemed to be related to $P165. I thought that we would have to visit the designated areas around town and sample the products that were there. We would then have to collect something to show that we had been there. The crowd started to disperse, and i headed to the southwest with $F45. In a moment, it was dark out, and $F45 and i were following the large round woman across the cut grass of the field toward the car. There was a line of trees on the southern side of the field, and i felt that the cars might be parked just on the other side somewhere. There were only a few other people crossing the field to the east of us, and it seemed that most of the others had already left to go to the designated areas and get started. I started to jog to catch up with $F45 and the woman, but i realized that the woman was walking much slower than either of us, so i started jogging loops around her to keep myself in motion. She was wearing blue jeans and a gray hooded sweatshirt, and she waddled as she walked. I then realized that there was another man following us. He seemed to be tagging along with us, and i was annoyed with him for doing so, but i did not object. I knew the others would give in to him and give him a ride as well. It seemed to take a while to get to the car, so i kept running in circles on the grass. We then stepped to the south, into the pub, which was one of the shops on the list. The pub seemed to be in $P30. It did not seem that crowded, though it was full of people who were sitting at tables along the eastern wall or standing by the bar to the west. The place was dark, and it did not seem festive enough to be part of the event. Several people motioned us to the south of the room, where i noticed a round table with small bags of chips and food on it. Several candies were scattered on the surface of the table, and there seemed to be a bowl of pretzels. They were all simple snack foods, nothing fancy. I took one of the thick pretzels, as did $F45, and walked to the south to a clear table. I looked around the bar and noticed that no one else from the holiday event seemed to be here. Maybe there were very few people coming to the event because it was the first year that the competition was run. I then remembered that we were supposed to bring stuff back from the sites that we visited, so there was something at this pub that we were supposed to take with us. I also thought that we only had a certain amount of time to go to as many sites as possible, so we should not hang around here too long. I asked the others if we had stayed too long already, since it seemed that we had been here a while. $F45 said that the others in the competition will be partying at the better places, and i realized that the richer people would not come here because they would all have ignored the competition simply to hang out at the fashionable places. I wondered if we should order drinks here. I wondered what we should do as i looked around at the items hanging on the wooden walls in the southern side of the bar. There seemed to be a red T-shirt hanging in the center of the southern wall, on a bare-wood beam. They had something to do with the competition. There was also a counter to the north with several items on it. I wondered if they were part of the contest. This place was a store. I noticed the purple silky jackets folded on the counter to the north. None of these items were free giveaways for the event, so i thought that we really do not get much out of participating in the event. I looked to the south as $F45 drove the car down the long country road. I mentioned the event as we drove. It was dark out, and i could only see the tall thin leafless trees on the sides of the road. We then came to a small cement bridge. I was telling him something about the event as we crossed it, but i was distracted by the large amount of water flowing under the bridge. I looked to the west to see the muddy water rushing out from under the bridge. It seemed to be high, and i told $F45 that it had been raining for a while. I then noticed that the water was overflowing the banks on the southern side of the bridge. As we drove off of the bridge, i noticed that the water was flowing onto the road ahead of us. I told $F45 to be careful as we started closing the water, which was flowing down the center of the road ahead of us. I could now see houses in the trees on either side of the road, and i wondered if their yards were flooding. We traveled down the road for a ways, over the flowing water. I looked to the west to see that the water was starting to flow into the wide front yards of the houses here. I was a little worried about it, but, as we turned west into a driveway, i noticed that we had passed all of the water. This driveway had something to do with the event. The driveway ran to the southwest, behind a small house, which seemed like a prefab home. The driveway was gravel, and i felt a little uncomfortable about this place. $F45 asked if this was the place where they were selling trees. The drive way rounded at the end, and i could see small pots around the edges of the gravel turnaround. There was not much there, and i was skeptical of this place. As we reached the end of the driveway, a disheveled man in a dirty tank top stepped out of the door to the house, holding the screen door open as he paused on the porch to see who we were. I was not sure this was the correct place, and i did not feel comfortable here. I wandered to the west, across the yard. There was and old barn to the northwest, which seemed to have something to do with what the man was selling. We paced around the yard, but this place seemed to be very familiar to me. I walked around the western side of the large red barn, which had cinderblock walls on the back side. It looked like an old factory, and i remembered being here before. I wandered down the western side of the building, heading to the south. The western wall of the building slanted slightly to the east. There also seemed to be a large red barn to the south of it now. The cinderblock wall to the east of me was old, and parts of it were crumbling. There was still something nice about the place. It was a nice old factory, and it had a nice feel to it. I wanted to find a place like this to make a home out of. I wanted to find an old factory to remodel into a house. As i wandered around on the inside of the building, across the hay-covered floor, i noticed that there were several other people wandering around as well. I thought that they were all here because of the event.

12008 March 08

I walked into the front of the apartment building with $A460. We came here looking for something, but we knew that we were not supposed to be here. I felt uncomfortable in the apartment building. I walked up the stairs, heading to the south. The stairs ended on a wide flat landing. There was a doorway on the western end of the white southern wall that led to the rooms of the building. Another flight of stairs continued up to the east of us, and there was a glass wall with a doorway in it on the eastern end of the southern wall. I looked through the glass door, noticing that there was a small hall with three doors off of it. The door to the east had black letters on the white frosted window saying that it was a clinic. This was not what we were looking for. $A460 turned to the west and headed down the corridor, into the apartments as i paused for a moment to consider the clinic. Everything seemed to be closed here, but there was something uncomfortable about this place. We needed to get something from the building, so we headed to the west, down the long corridor. There were doors on both the north and south walls that led into apartments. This is where the students stayed, and i felt nervous being here. I did not want to be spotted here because i felt that the students might be hostiles to us, so i tried to pretend that we belonged here. $A460 was to the west, looking for something. A group of students came out of one of the rooms to the west of me and headed down the corridor toward me. I was uncomfortable and tried to make it seem that i was not snooping around the building. I had to make it look like i knew where i was going. The tall man in the brown jacket joked about something as he led the students down the hall. There were about five or six of them: mostly men with one or two women. This place seemed like a freshman dorm. I wandered to the east, glancing around at the door of the clinic as the group approached me. I had to look like i belonged here, even though the clinic was closed and there was nowhere on this end of the corridor that i could actually go. I glanced at the students, noticing that the man in the brow jacket had a rifle with him. They were going outside to shoot at things. I had a shotgun myself. It was my great grandfather’s rusted gun, but it would not shoot. I could not let the students see it, or they might try to make trouble, so i tried to hide it along the side of my body that was not facing the students. I decided that i needed to put it into my car. $A460 and i left the building, but the students were coming out with us. We would not be able to get away from them so easily. We paused at the bottom of the stone steps at the front of the building, allowing the students to walk past us. To our dismay, they turned to the east, which was the direction that we had to go to get back to our car. We wanted to separate ourselves from them, but they happened to be going the same way as us. I knew that our car was to the south, on the back side of the small block. We walked around the apartment building and started west down the street on the other side of the block. This seemed like a residential neighbourhood, with brick apartment buildings on the southern side of the block and smaller house with long yards on the back side of the block, where we now were. There were short streets running off to the south, with small houses on them. I stopped near our car, which was parked on the southern side of the street, facing east. The students were just to the north of us, in the yard of an empty lot. The lot was surrounded with a short wooden picket fence that did not seem to have any paint on it. I waited by the back of the car so that i could open the truck and hide the gun i had, but $A460 had stopped in the front yard of a house to the east. I looked at her standing near a tall old tree in the front of the yard and thought that she must have had to urinate. I tried to act casually, glancing to the south. There was a wide grassy park to the south of us, on the other side of a short chain-link fence. I wondered if $A460 would be out of sight from the people in the park if she urinated on the tree where she was. I was glad that there was no one in the park, but then i noticed a woman walking a furry golden retriever across the grass. I looked to the south again to see that $A460 was moving around to the southern side of a small garden plot in the front yard of one of the house directly to the south of me. The garden was to the east of the small brick house. At first, i though that $A460 was still urinating, but i realized that she was planting flowers in the garden. She seemed very upset as she pulled the small clumps of flowers out of the black plastic growing tray in her hand and put them in the dark soil of the garden. She moved to the west, planting several plants in the ground, but she seemed stressed and upset with each one. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that the flowers were running down. I realized that they were all wilting as she planted them. She was worried about this. I told her than the flowers were dying. I said that they would need to be watered after they were planted. I knew that we could not stay here, though, so we would not be able to water them for several days while they take root. I opened the trunk of the car while no one was looking and dropped the shotgun in. I then closed the trunk, wary of the students, who were shooting at something to the north of them in the small lot.

12008 March 11

I moved through the open space as the man talked to me. The room around us was filled with colourful objects that seemed to be floating all around. It seemed that we were on a platform floating in the middle of the vast chamber, but i knew that the entire room was projecting the illusion of floating objects. We seemed to float to the west, and i looked at the dark purples and reds that formed the backdrop of the room as images appeared on floating screens to the north of us. I noticed that some of the images were from Star Trek. They were special effects used in the later series. The screens all around us then filled up with similar imagery from all series of the show. The man was showing me his technology, and i found it interesting.

I looked down at the white sheet of paper that i was trying to figure something out on. I was trying to do matrix calculus, but i could not remember enough of the math to figure out how to do the matrix. There were several numbers filled in around the grid, as though it was a sudoku puzzle, but i could not remember how to fill in the open spaces. I looked at a row of empty spaces just below the middle of the grid, which seemed to be about seven by seven. I knew that there were two important spaces to this row, one two spaces in from the left and another three spaces in from the right, but i could not remember the numbers that went there. I felt that if i could get these numbers, the answer for the entire matrix might come to me. I felt frustrated because i could not remember enough calculus to solve the matrix. I knew that i should be able to calculate each empty space from the equations in the spaces at the top of the matrix, but i had no idea where to start with the equations. I felt that this really should be easy, but i just could not do it. Disappointed, i spoke to the man about it. He was sitting just to the north of me, wearing what seemed to be a brown sports coat over a T-shirt. He asked me to see my work, but i felt embarrassed. I did not have it with me anyway because i had left it somewhere else, feeling that it had been a little while since i was working on it. I felt distressed about the problem. The man seemed unconcerned with my situation and said that the numbers were seven and two. I suddenly remembered this from before. The important numbers on the bottom of the matrix were the seven and the two. This would make the series of numbers in the row 7421. I pictured this number in my head, feeling happier that i now had a place to continue the work from. I looked at the number again, feeling that it really should have five digits rather than four. I wondered if there could be a three in the number instead of a two. I wanted to figure this out, but i did not know how to work with the numbers to coordinate the correct answer. I started to head to the north, down the dirt road. I was then riding my bicycle down the road. It was dark out, but the road was illuminated. I was heading to the west, but the tires of my bicycle suddenly froze. I tried to pedal, but the front tire would not move. I looked down at the wheel and noticed that the tire was loose on the rim. Something had happened to the tire. I bent over to see if i could fix it. As i did, a car passed me on the south, traveling down the dirt road to the west.

I stood in the back yard of my parents’ house with several of my relatives. I was looking to the northeast, at the clouds moving over the tops of the trees. The clouds seemed dense and white, and i thought that they might be snow clouds. There was a hill to the east of the house. There was snow covering the grassy field on the southern face of the hill, and dark leafless woods covering the northern half. As the clouds passed over the hill top, i thought that they might have dropped their snow at the higher elevations. The sun was currently shining on the hill, but, as the clouds passed, shadows moved over the top of the hill. It looked very nice. I then looked to the north, at the tall red cliffs on the opposite side of the field that was to the north of my parents’ yard. There was a nice pattern of sunlight falling down the strata of the cliffs, and the clouds formed contrasting patterns on the rocks. There was a place where the strata seemed to form a downward loop. As the sun shown down this section of the cliff, i realized that it looked quite beautiful. The rest of the cliff was dimmed by clouds, but the red rock glowed in the narrow sliver of sunlight that was shining on the curved section in the western side of the cliff. I did not have my camera with me, but i wished that i did. $F47 commented on the cliffs, saying that they were nice. He was standing to the east of me. As i watched the cliffs, the colours started to fade. The sun was going behind the clouds again. I thought that they faded much too quickly, but i started to notice the rock texture of the cliff. I had never noticed how nice they were before. My father mentioned the sandstone rocks of the cliffs as we watched them for a moment. I looked over them, thinking that there was something very familiar about them. I was very interested in them and thought that i should go explore them. I suddenly wondered why i had never been to the cliffs before when they had been near my parents’ house all these years. There was a special feeling about the cliffs that made them appeal to me. I looked at the texture of the rocks as the others talked near me. I moved to the north a little, thinking that i should fly to the cliffs. My relatives were leaving the small grassy fenced-in area that we had been standing in. They were hading out through the gate, which was in the eastern side of the tall darkly stained wooden plank fence. One of the women from the group lagged behind as i admired the cliffs, trying to float. She crouched down to do something near the ground. I realized that she was moving rocks around the grass, putting them into a wide circle around me. She dropped several rocks in a large arch on the western side of the square fenced-in yard as i hovered a little in the center. I was aware that i had a piece of wood in my right hand and was holding something else significant in my left. I raised my arms and thought about flying. I was not sure how to do it, but i believed that i could. I looked at the woman, who had placed several shiny rocks close together on the eastern side of the circle, completing the ring. She was performing some kind of ceremony here. I closed my eyes and focused on the sensation until i started to feel light. I imagined the surprise the woman might experience if she saw me floating. I then wondered if i was actually floating. I felt a sensation spreading over by body, and i started to feel light, as if i was falling slightly, but i could not tell if i was actually flying or not because i still had my eyes closed. I did not want to open them because i was concentrating on the feeling. I then heard people talking around me. I wondered if i was flying and if they were concerned about it. I then looked to the north to see my father standing near the large metal grill, which was to the east of the garage. He was facing the grill, facing north, and there was a young boy to the east of him. He closed the lid of the grill after checking some food and then said something to the boy. I noticed motion to the north, on the opposite side of the field. There were a couple people there, pulling an old car out of the woods in the northwestern corner of the field. They were trying to clear all of the old abandoned cars out of the wooded area to the north of the field. A large light-blue car, which looked like something from the 11960s, rolled out of the woods as the men pushed it. It rolled down to the center of the small field, which was now no more than a narrow yard. The young boy was in the center of the field, and i was worried that the car would run into him. A man ran from the back of the car and hopped into the driver’s door to stop it before it hit the boy. The boy stood near the car after it had stopped. I suddenly realized that the perspective was off here. The boy was really standing near the grill to the south of the field, and the car was still near the northwest corner, but all of the distances in the field seemed to be compressed. The two men pulled the car to the center of the field, turning it to the east. I asked my father what they were doing, thinking that they were dragging the car over my father’s land. I then thought that they were the new neighbours, who happened to own the land just to the north of the field. They had bought the land from my father, but my father had never cleared the old cars from the junkyard. The old neighbours, who had sold my father the land, had left the cars there. The shorter of the two men walked around the front of the car. He was wearing dark-blue pants and something short-sleeved on top that seemed to have two vertical red stripes down the front. At first, i thought that he had nice proportions, but then though that he was really out of shape. The two men walked around the car, trying to pull it off of the field. I knew that there were several more cars in the woods that they would have to clear out.

12008 March 12

I got into my car and started backing it out of the parking space, but i was aware that there were several other cars around me, and i could not easily maneuver. I seemed to be parked against the eastern wall of my parents’ garage. The entrance to the garage was to the south of me, but it seemed to be blocked by several other cars: a blue one on the east and a large tan one in the middle. I looked in my rearview mirror to watch the cars behind me, which were parked against the northern wall of the room. It seemed that i had enough space between one of the cars to back up. I pulled back into the space, and then i noticed that there was an opening on the western side of the large wide garage door where i could drive my car out of the building. As i backed toward the wall, though ,i heard a noise. I looked into the rearview mirror to see the dark-red door of an Avanti behind me. I hoped that i did not scratch the car. I was now far enough from it that i would not hit it, so i backed up a little further, hearing a crunching as i hit something against the back wall. I felt frustrated with the situation and pulled forward and out of the garage. I got out of my car and walked back to the north to see if i had scratched the red car. I did not see any damage to the car, but i noticed that the red wooden cabinet to the west of the car had a long curved scratch on the eastern side. I then noticed the metal casing of the electric saw on the floor at the bottom of the cabinet. That was what i had driven over. I inspected the cabinet a little more, noticing that the red paint had been scraped off of it in several places. The small metal structure to the west of the cabinet also had some scratches on it, which seemed to be long-term wear from something rubbing against it. The western-most front leg of the red set of shelves was bent out, and seemed to be heavily scuffed. I wondered if my father would care that the cabinet was scratched. The damage looked more like friction wear from time rather than a collision. I turned and headed to the south, moving from the road and onto the wide paved driveway to the north of the house. I drove the car into the driveway. The house seemed fairly modern, with a garage on the bottom level and the single floor of the house above. The garage was on the western side of the house, and the eastern side of the lower floor seemed to be underground. I had been staying here with the other people, but i knew that my family would be arriving soon. I looked in the rearview mirror of my car to see that they were pulling into the driveway behind me. It seemed early for them to be here, and i was surprised that they were here so soon. I had pulled my car into the open garage door, but i realized that i should take it out so that the owner of the house could put his car back in. I backed up the driveway a little, allowing my relatives to pull in to the west of me as i moved off to the east. I then realized that there were several cars pulling into the driveway behind me. I was surprised that so many of my family members had shown up. I thought that they would actually be staying with me, but i realized that i had never told the person that i was staying with. Since it was his house, i probably should have told him. I felt annoyed with the situation and headed for the door on the lower level of the house. I thought that i would take my family in to the lower floor of the house and then not let them wander around much. I walked into the small room of the house, which seemed to be a kitchen/dining area. We entered through a doorway in the center of the western wall. The doorway was set into the western wall a little, forming a short corridor to the main part of the room. A small square table sat against the eastern wall, and there seemed to be counters on the western and southern walls. I told my relatives to stay here as i continued to the east, though the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. As i started through the doorway, i turned to the west, now on the western side of the kitchen. I pointed to a door in the northern wall of the corridor that led to the west from the room. I showed my family that the room was a bathroom. I then continued to the east, down the corridor out of the kitchen. I was aware of one of my relatives, who seemed to be $K2, pacing around in the small white lining room to east. I opened the white slatted wooden door on the north side of the hall. The doorway looked like it led to a closet, but it really headed up a flight of stairs to the bedroom. I hoped that my family did not notice the stairs so that they would stay on the lower level. I walked to the west, into the large bedroom. There seemed to be a bed on the southern side of the room, against the western wall, but the master bedroom was to the west. On the northern side of the room, there were two doors in a small alcove. I knocked on the closed door to the west, but nobody answered. I waited for a moment, listening for sounds, but decided that the man who owned the house was not home. I noticed the closed door to the east as well and wondered if the other person staying here was at home. I thought i could hear movement within that room, but i was not sure. I turned to head back to the west, but noticed my grandmother walking down the hall toward me. I was annoyed that she had come up to the second floor. She said that she came up to use the bathroom, which i knew was through the northwestern door on the alcove. I told her that there was a bathroom downstairs and tried to get her to leave the room. She seemed surprised and turned around to head back downstairs. As we walked across the wooden floor, i noticed that there was a seam in the center of the floor, running east to west under us. It sank as i stepped on it, and i thought that the boards of the floor were loose. I stepped several times, noticing that the floor bounced as we walked on it. Before we could reach the stairs to go down, i noticed that $K18 was also wandering around in the large upstairs room to the east. She had come from a room to the north and wandered into the long open room where the floor was loose. I felt frustrated with them and told them to get downstairs. I felt that they needed to get out of the upstairs. I thought that they would all have to sleep downstairs. I knew that it would not be comfortable for them, but i could not think of anything else to do.

I walked away from he church, heading back to my grandmother’s house. I crossed the street, heading northeast, toward $P1. The church service had just let out, and there were many people walking with me from the church. I passed through the crowd as they walked to their cars on the street. I then noticed that there was a line of people on the eastern side of the street. They were in queue along the sidewalk, facing south, and they were waiting to go into the church for the next service. I was surprised at how many people were there, and i was glad that i had gone to the earlier mass so i would not have to wait in line for the crowded one. I stopped near the end of the line, which was on the corner of $P1, and looked around for something. The people in the queue were dressed in long jackets, and it seemed chilly but clear outside. It seemed like Autumn. I started to head home when i spotted my relatives coming down the sidewalk toward me from the east. They had not been in the earlier service, so they would have to wait for this one. They were bundled up in their winter jackets, and one of them seemed to be putting on their jacket as they approached. The jacket seemed to be a puffy red parka. I asked my mother where they had been. I was disappointed that they were not in the service with me. I felt upset, and told my mother i had come to the service that she had told me to come to. I was annoyed that they did not show up when they told me to. I let them stand in the line, feeling angry with the as i walked into the driveway of my grandmother’s house on the northern side of the street. I then noticed the children gathered around something near the steps that led into the side door of the house. There seemed to be an object on the ground on the southern side of the small cement stoop, but i could not see what it was because the children were blocking my view. As i approached, the children started to leave, and i could see that there was a dead cat leaning against the wall of the house. It seemed stiff, with its legs out in front of it and its head propped up in the corner between the house and white cement steps. It was a large orange tabby, and i realized that it was my mother’s cat. I felt upset and wondered who had killed the cat. Someone then asked where the kittens were. I turned to the south, noticing someone inspecting a white plastic bag that was leaning against the white picket fence that ran from the southeastern corner of the house and down the western side of the driveway. $K3 lifted the mouth of one of the bags and felt around in it. My mother felt around in another, and i saw the orange kitten’s head slide out the bottom of the paper bag. The mouth of the bag had been on the bottom, and it opened up to expose two dead kittens. They were large and furry, and looked more like lion cubs. I felt very upset as i looked at the animals. Someone then said that the boy had done it. I looked down at the boy who was to the southeast of me, standing near the plastic bags with the others. He had long straight blond hair and a round face. He was smiling happily as the others found the kittens because he was the one who had killed them. I was appalled at his pleasure and felt that he should be punished for what he did. I looked around for a moment, trying to think of what to do. I then thought that we should find the boy’s home and tell his parents what he had done. I looked around, but i could no longer see the boy. He had left a little while ago, while we were dealing with the cats. I walked down the driveway to the south and crossed the street, thinking that the boy had walked up the street to the east. I hoped to see him walking away, but i could not see where he went. I crossed the street and headed slightly to the west. The house on the opposite corner had a large group of people gathered in the back yard, and i wondered if the boy was there. I stepped into the yard, which was shaded by many thick trees. It was a bright summer day, and there were many children running around the yard in shorts and T-shirts. The party seemed to be a children’s birthday party. There was a tall chain-link fence around all sides but the north side of the yard, and i started to watch the guests to see if i could spot the boy. I did not see him in the crowd. I was then aware that there were many people moving in the street to the west of the house, on the other side of a line of hedges. The church crowd was still letting out and heading to their cars. A young blond boy was then standing to the south of me. He was from the party, and he told me that they had told the man to move his car. I realized that he was talking about someone from the church who had parked on their property. I told him that i was actually looking for a boy, but he did not seem interested. I looked through the crowd, noticing a line of children standing against the fence to the south. I moved to get a clear view of them and looked at all of the children there. None of them was the boy. I turned back to the north and walked to the corner of the two streets. Two woman walked from the north, crossing $P1 and continuing past me to the south. They were chatting with each other as they passed. They seemed young and were dressed in scant summer clothing. I looked down $P1, to the east, but could not see the boy. I then looked up, thinking that i should fly into the air to get a better view of the surrounding area. I crouched as if to jump but hesitated. Some people approached the corner to the south of me, and i felt uneasy flying near them. I wondered what they would think of me flying. After they passed to the north, i jumped into the air and floated to the east, down the street. I looked down through the dense leaf-cover of the trees at the street below, but i did not see the boy. I then noticed the power lines in front of me. I was flying low enough to have to either pass under them or over them. I decided to go over them so that i could simply look down for the boy and not have to watch where i was going. I was suddenly very high, and i realized that i was still passing just over the black power lines. There was a tall utility pole to the northeast of me with a line that crossed the street to the east of me. As i passed over the line, i realized how high i really was, and i was surprised that the poles were so tall. I looked down, thinking that i was a couple hundred metres from the ground. I was uneasy with the height, but thought that i would not fall. I had to be confident in my ability to fly. I looked down at the small city below me, noticing that the blocks were very small. I then realized that i had flown too far to the east. I was now over the center of the city and not near the neighbourhood where my grandmother’s house was. I turned back to the west until i could see the blocks that i was familiar with. I was a little high up to spot anything specific, but i felt that i could maintain this height and search the back yards as well. I would be able to see all around the area for the boy.

12008 March 13

I turned and headed down the corridor to the south, toward the bathroom. I stopped and looked to the east, where the door of the bathroom was. I was standing in the center of the bathroom, which was a square room with lightly stained wooden walls and a white tile floor. Two older men appeared in the doorway to the room, which was more of an opening in the wall. The wall had two shorter sections on either side of the white door that were wide and looked like wooden benches. The men mentioned that they would need to use the urinal as well. I walked over to the small round toilet bowel that was standing in the center of the floor, just to the south of the door. It was roughly octagon shaped with rounded corners and did not have a back or seat. It was mostly filled with water, and i knew that this was the urinal. Is seemed strange, but i stood to the north of it and unzipped my pants as the men entered. The tall man with combed white hair and a gray business suit walked to the center of the room and turned to watch me as he waited for the urinal. I felt awkward urinating into the bowl, thinking that it would splash on the water in the bowel and get on my legs.

12008 March 14

I turned the car to the east, driving around the block that the large building was on. I was looking for a place to park, but i was also trying to follow the others who were walking down the sidewalk to the south of me. I followed them up the short street to the north, through the suburban area where the buildings were close to the road, but the roads still seemed rather wide open. It was night out, but everything was well lighted by the streetlights. The intersection on the eastern side of the block seemed triangular. The streets on the northern and southern sides of the block almost merged here, but there was a short north-to-south street connecting them. I watched the others as they started to cross through the intersection on the eastern side of the block, and i turned my car back to the west, turning down the northern street to head back along the side of the building. I would have to park in the parking lot on the western side of the building, which seemed to be a fraternity house. The house was rather modern in style, and had a few smaller buildings that seemed like shops to the east of it, on the short street. I did not want to park in the lot near the house, but i felt that i had no choice. I turned to the south, into the lot, and drove down the western side. The lot was narrow and uneven, interrupted by corners of the building and lampposts. I pulled up along the western edge of the lot as the other person commented about the parking spaces here. I looked at the building to the east, thinking that i should still be able to park here because i was an alumnus of the fraternity. It felt odd to be back, though, as though it had been a long time. I stepped off of the bus, which was parked along the southern side of the western edge of the lot, facing north. Just to the west of me was a short white chain fence separating the lot from the sidewalk. The street was just beyond the sidewalk, and there was something about this area of the city that felt commercial. I felt that i had to get my things and leave the bus. I looked to the west, down the length of the bus, toward the back of the bus. There were still a few people sitting on the bus. They seemed like high school students, and they were mockingly hostile toward me. They made mock-disgusted faces at me, and i felt suddenly disliked here. I ignored them and steeped out the south side of the bus. I then started flying toward the back of the bus. I was looking for someone who had been traveling with me. I rounded the back of the bus and looked back to the east. I could see through the glass roof of the bus, where i noticed the others still sitting. I then realized that they would be able to see me fly, and i wondered if they would be amazed at what i could do. I then realized that i did not have to look around the bus while i was on it because i could simply have flyed over it and looked down through the roof. I then turned my attention back to the west. I was standing to the north of the bus, on the sidewalk on the northern side of the road. The bus had stopped to let us off, and it was facing to the west. I looked down the road to the west, which seemed to be $P86. We were somewhere near the eastern end of the street, and there were open fields to the north. I could see my grandmother walking down the northern side of the street, heading away from me. She was wearing an orangish-red dress with something white and flowered around her neck. She had already taken her bag and started to walk home. I felt annoyed with her because she could no wait for me. She was impatient and had to do things her way. I would have to pick up the rest of her bags from the bus and walk after her. I was frustrated as i stepped back up the steps of the bus and started gathering her red bags. I tried to figure out if i had all of the bags, but i could no quite remember. I looked at the red duffel bag that had been on the floor, thinking that it was one of my gym bags. It was too big, so it must have been one of my grandmother’s bags. There were too many bags to easily carry, so i started shuffling them around to see how i could manage them. I then realized that one of the suitcases to the south of me was mostly empty, so put the black fake-leather purse in the suitcase. I looked around again to make sure i had everything. I then started carrying the bags to the west, following my grandmother, annoyed that she would not wait up for me.

12008 March 15

I ran into the room to the west to hide. The other two people followed me. I stopped against the western wall of the room, looking back to the east to see the man entering the room from the hallway, which really seemed to be a brick alleyway. He seemed to be the warden here, and he was a cruel man. He was teasing us by pretending that he was not interested in us. He moved just inside the door, a little to the north, and started doing something with the guard that had followed him. He sat down on a chair, looking at a paper, as though he was unaware of us. I was sitting on the ground, and i backed against the tall chair-link fence that ran across the western side of the small lot. The fence bent out a little as i leaned on it, and i realized that the bottom of the fence was not attached to the ground. I leaned back and pushed the lower part of the fence up so that i could slip out into the north-to-south alley behind it. I alerted the others to this and the warden was suddenly on his feet. I ran to the south, down the corridor. There was a white string that had been attached to me. It hung down the brick wall on the eastern side of the alleyway. It detached from me, but it was curved in the direction that i was running. It would tell the guards which direction i had come, but i did not care. I ran into the city, which was to the south of me. There was something strange about this city. It had changed quite a bit, and i felt that it was some kind of futuristic city. I headed through the crowd of people in the shopping center. This place was a store, and the wall just to the east of me seemed to have merchandise hanging from it. There were plexiglas walls in the center of the store, and i realized that they formed a sort of maze. The others and i were running from the north, but we got stuck in a dead end of the maze. This was both humourous and symbolic. I looked at the main character standing in the glass maze, his hand pressed against the glass in front of him. He was wearing a dark-gray jacket. I thought that i should end this part of the story here. It would make this part of the story very short, but i felt that this was the perfect place to stop writing. There was something very poetic in the symbology of the main character trapped in the glass maze. I would have to write the rest of the story in a different section. This felt like a very good story. The main characters were trying to escape the city by heading to the south. There was also some kind of time shifting happening in the story. This was the second part of the story, and it took place many years after the first part, but the main character was unaware that he had traveled forward in time. I watched the man push through the crowd as he hurried to the south. This city used to be a domed city when the man was first here. I thought that the domed city was created to protect the inhabitants from the bad atmosphere outside, so i would have to set the first part of the book in the future. The next part, that i was now watching, must be a thousand or so years ahead of that. The dome had been taken down, and the city was allowed to expand into the surrounding area. The man did not know this, and he would be discovering this soon as he ran. I looked to the southwest, noticing that there was a drop off to the west of where i was. The city here looked clean and new, and all of the white and tan surfaces seemed sparkling. I noticed that there was a short wall to the west of me, which separated the paved ground that i was on from the lower area to the west. I could see that the wall curved very slightly to the southwest. This must be the old wall of the city, before the dome was taken down. A set of stairs passed through the short wall to a terrace. The terrace seemed to run to the southwest, along the inside of the curved wall. The man would realize that this was part of the old city as soon as he started running along the terraces. The dome had been forgotten by all of the people in the modern city, but the man would recognize this area, and he had been here when the dome was still on the city. He would recognize the significance of this area of the city. I wanted to write this story down, because i felt that it was a great story. I thought about the area, realizing that the city would have expanded outside the dome. There was a street that ran directly to the south, and i knew that house would have been built running to the south, across the flat land. I headed down the road, but turned to the west, walking into the front door of the old cabin, which was on the western side of the city street. Someone waited outside the cabin as i walked in. The boy had climbed up to the second level of the cabin and entered there. He was going to come down to the first level to open the main door, but i had a special power and was able to open the old wooden door. As i stepped into the living room of the cabin, a door opened to the west. It was the boy, sneaking back into the main room to open the door. I had surprised him before, and i thought that i should do it again. The door to the west was still closed, but i knew that the boy would be coming through it soon, so i moved to the south, through the dark living room. The room seemed crowded with furnishings, as though it was a store. I held the wooden staff with the wide curved head as i stood against the western wall, looking to the north, at the door. When the boy opened it, i thought that i would tap him with the old wooden cane. The cane seemed to be special in some way, and i knew that it would startle the boy to be touched with it. The cane was a thin pole of wood with a long curved piece attached to the top. The curved piece was slightly off center, so that the pole connected clone to the high end of the curve. The end then curved downward in a somewhat parabolic arch before curving back away from the main shaft at the bottom. The curved piece was thicker than the shaft, and was rounded and smooth. It also seemed to be wrapped with tan linen or tape. I considered it an egyptian staff as i held it up to the north of me, waiting for the boy to come through the door. The door opened a little, and the boy looked through. I had left the front door of the cabin open, so i thought that the boy was now a little confused. He had expected the door to be closed because he had come down to open it. I should have closed the door after i came into the room. As the boy walked slowly across the room, i considered reaching out to touch him with the staff.

I walked up the gravel road, heading north. I could see the junction ahead of me, where the other dirt road ran off to the east. This place seemed like $P22, and i was heading to the east to get to my grandfather’s cottage. As i jogged up the road, heading toward the man, who was standing near the intersection, i noticed that there was a line of clothing strung just on the other side of a thin tree line to the east of me. I looked at the clothes as i passed. They looked like children’s clothing, most in gray or blue. I realized that many of the clothes had the red and blue design of a Cubs logo. I had seen several other clothes like this before near the water to the south. Someone in this area must have been a Cubs fan. I mentioned this to the man near the intersection. There seemed to be a ditch under the line of clothes, just off the dirt road. It was filled with fine dark-gray crushed stone.

12008 March 16

$F45 and i were on the large airplane, traveling to the east. $F45 was telling me where we could fly to. I knew that we were flying over the Atlantic, and someone said that we were heading for Paris. This was not our intended destination. Something had happened and our flight had been diverted. It seemed that we were trying to go someplace in Central America or South America. $F45 then said that we could get a flight back to Jamaica, and i felt that we had been trying to get there anyway. I realized that we could simply spend some time in Jamaica, and i suggested this to $F45. He then mentioned that we should get a flight back to Puerto Rico. I sat down in the chair, facing east, looking down and my black backpack and wondering if we had our passports. I then realized that we must have them if we were heading to Europe. I mentioned this to $F45, saying that we would need our passports. He asked why, and i told him that Puerto Rico was part of the United States, so we would have to go back through the heavy security. He agreed.

12008 March 17

I moved around in the northern end of the room, which seemed to be the kitchen of $P19. The older members of $G3 were coming back to this place, and people were preparing dinner. I felt confused as i moved some things around. There was someone standing to the south of me, at the southern end of the large wooden table that was in the center of the room. I put something on the metal counter against the north wall, not sure what to do next. I felt out of place here, thinking that i should no longer be hanging around here. I did something with the food that was on the grill to the north of me, thinking that $A116 was preparing the main meal to the south of me. I picked up something from the eastern side of the room, which now seemed to be a bedroom. The other person was moving around near the western wall of the room. I was aware that the older people were starting to gather to the southwest of me. I said something to the woman who was to the northeast of me. She was standing in front of a lawn chair in the driveway of my parents’ house. It was still raining lightly, but i did not seem to mind. There was a man in shorts and a T-shirt to the northeast of me, sitting in a second lawn chair. I commented on the rain, and the woman said that it would still be falling. She walked to the west to get something from the porch. I looked to the north, realizing suddenly that the view to the north was covered with white fog. I could see the bushes at the top of the driveway, but the sky and view beyond was white and cloudy. I wondered if it was rain coming. I said something about the rain again, but then i heard the sound of heavy rain. I told the woman and man that it was about to rain heavily. I turned and started walking to the porch, but was unsure about the rain. I could see a heavy stream of rain pass over my shoulder as i headed to the southwest, toward the porch. After it passed, i stopped and turned back toward the woman and man. I commented that that might be the downpour and that it was rather insignificant. I could still hear the downpour, though, and i noticed that the rain was getting heavier to the north of us. I stepped onto the porch as the heavy rain started to fall. I looked back out, but all i could see was heavy white rain in the driveway. The drops seemed to be very large, and i could no longer see the man or woman to the northeast of me. I was amazed at how heavy the drops looked as they fell to the south near me and to the north in the driveway. There must have been a heavy wind blowing them over the yard. After a moment, the downpour stopped, and i stepped back out onto the driveway. There was suddenly no rain. The woman headed back toward the porch, and i looked up to the south, noticing that the sky was clear blue. I turned around, noticing that all of the sky was clear blue. I pointed this out to the others, realizing that the sun, which was high to the southeast of me, was rather bright. I let it warm me, but realized that i was still wearing a knit hat on my head. I wondered if i should take off the hat to let the sun dry my hair, but i decided that the sun was too bright right now and might burn my scalp. I decided that i could take off my shirt and let the sun warm me for a while.

12008 March 18

I walked to the east, into the narrow room of the large white house with blue spots. This was $F34’s house, and it seemed to be set into the side of a cliff. I was excided by the idea of having a house that hung down the side of the cliff. I thought that the house was very narrow, with all of the rooms stacked on top of one another. I moved through the rooms of the house, looking at the design. The furnished rooms seemed clean and well kept, and the furnishings seemed dark in contrast to the off-white walls. I headed to the northeast, into a larger room. I was surprised that the room was so large. I did not think that it could be stacked on top of a narrow building if it was this large. I then realized that the rooms in the house were spread out horizontally. The house was actually very wide and could not be stacked in a vertical design. I started walking down a wide corridor, thinking that this place was actually very spacious. I ran around the eastern side of the large building, realizing that the wide white corridor ran around the entire outside of the house. I was excited about the house and thought that it would be a great place to live. I ran down the corridor on the eastern side of the house, heading north. The hall was white, with a blue carpeted floor and tall blue and indigo stained glass windows on the outside wall, to the east. The panes of glass seemed to run all the way from the ceiling to the floor. This place seemed very nice as i rounded the corner and started running down the northern corridor, heading to the west. I looked at the tall glass windows on this side of the corridor, thinking that, if we lived here, we would be able to let our cats run through the outside corridors without having to go outside. This was like an outside porch. I was then aware of the man talking to $F34. They mentioned the time when the roof of the house had a leak and $F34 had to replace the carpeting in the hall. I looked down at the blue carpeting under me. The carpet was a dusty blue, with pale-yellow lines and crescents on it, making it seem like a celestial map. As i started to round the corner at the western end of the corridor, where the hall turned to the south, into the eastern end of the large living room, which as one step down from the level of the hall, i noticed that the blue of the carpeting was faded just a the top of the stairs. This was where the water damage had occurred. The place now seemed a little worn, but i felt that it could still make a nice house. I stopped just inside the room as the others talked. Someone mentioned the view of the gorge, and i said something in reply. I turned around and walked back to the corridor, to the northern wall just outside of the room. I remembered that there was a view of the gorge here, but i could not see it. Instead, i noticed that someone had painted red and orange swirls on the wall just above the handrail on the outside of the corridor. This was where i should be able to look over the rail to see down into the gorge, but there was a wall above the rail, and someone had painted a gorge scene on it. The scene was spotted with red and orange swirls of lava thought. Looking down, i noticed that the lava pattern was drawn on the floor as well. It was quite intricate, but i mentioned that it was not that realistic. I complained that there had not been lava in the gorge for quite some time. When we were in the gorge before, there was no lava. I then thought about the way the house hangs over the gorge. I still thought that it would run vertically down the side of the cliff, but the floor plan suggested that it was a flat white building at the top of the cliff. I pictured the flat white building on the side of the cliff, thinking that there must be a stairwell on the side of the building i was on to allow people to walk up or down through the corridor. I decided that there must be two stairwells next to each other, one to allow people to walk up and the other at an opposite diagonal to allow people to go down. This did not make sense. The orientation of the building was flat, so the building could not be on the side of a cliff. The man then mentioned the gorge again, saying that it was the place where $F34 hand started the story. I thought about this, and i felt suddenly engaged in the conversation. I remembered being in the gorge a long time ago. $F34 and i were farther up the gorge, to the east, where it was narrower and farther upstream. It seemed longer ago than now, and i remembered the dramatic story. It was the story that started the Stargate series on television. $F34 and i had accidentally opened a gate in the bottom of the gorge. I thought about the show, but kept trying to think about what happened to $F34 and i in the gorge. I tried to explain it to the man, but images of the show kept getting described. The show had the first gate discovered, and that was what we had done in the gorge. Then the show continued with another story line based on what actually happened with us. The man was then to the west of me, leaning on the handrail and looking over he balcony and down into the gorge. It was dark out, as it was when $F34 and i had been in the gorge. I described to the man how we had gotten stuck in the gorge when something happened. By accident, i had activated the gate. I then pictured the round metal object from the television show and the way it opens. I thought that this was not quite right. It was too sensational. The real gate looked like shimmering water, but it did not quite have the special effects of the gate in the show. I tried to remember how it would have looked to be more realistic. I knew that there was no metal ring around it that dialed. Something had happened in the gorge before that had caused us to activate the gate. I imagined telling the people about the gate, thinking that they would translate this into the story behind the movie. They would have to figure out where the first gate went, but i knew that the real gate went someplace specific that was not Abidos. I focused on our story, and i saw myself and $F34 in the gorge. Something had happened, and she was injured. She had broken her foot, and i was helping her limp out of the gorge. We were to the east of me, in the narrow part of the gorge. I watched myself support $F34 under her shoulder as she limped past me, heading down the gorge to the west. There was something to the east in the gorge that seemed red. It drew my attention, and i knew that it was the gate we had accidentally activated. I looked to the west to see myself and $F34 limping down the rocky creek. The gorge walls were shallower to the west, and the gorge opened up into a dark forest. There were lights in a field to the west that seemed to be from fire engines and ambulances. They were here to help us, and to respond to the strange thing that we had started in the gorge.

I started pedaling my bicycle to the west, across the parking lot at the bottom of the hill. I seemed to be on the campus of $P52. It seemed to be in the afternoon, and i felt that i had to head home. I had trouble pedaling right away. As i tried to get the bicycle going, i was aware of a car to the southwest of me, pulling out of the parking lot and heading to the west. I turned my bicycle up the steep hill to the north. I thought that it might be harder to get the bicycle going once i was on the hill, but i did not have to struggle too much. I was suddenly at the top of the hill, to the west of a large stone building. I looked up as i started to pedal to the west, across the parking lot at the bottom of the hill. There was a cement walkway leading up the slope to the northwest. It had green grass growing through the pavement at the bottom of the path. It was summer, and i decided that the grounds crew had not cut the grass in a while because the students were gone. I rode up the path, noticing that the grass was growing over the path on either side. I was then aware of the orange grounds-crew truck moving to the west of me as i headed north over the top of the hill. I thought that they would be out to trim the grounds. Ahead of me, the bushes on either side of the path crowded in over the cement walkway. The leaves were thick and seemed to be dark green with hues of red. I could not follow the path straight, so i swerved to the north and took the path which ran parallel to the one i was on. I was heading west, across the open area of the college campus. There seemed to be three paths running parallel to each other, with two rows of bushes separating the paths. The bushes had grown so thick that they were crowding over the central path. I moved down the northern path, heading to the west, but realized that the area ahead of me was still crowded with obstacles. There were people walking on the path now, and, beyond them, i could see that the road across campus had been torn up for construction. There seemed to be tennis courts far ahead to the north of the road. I felt crowded on the southernmost path, and turned suddenly to the north, crossing over the curb of the dirt median, where several young trees were growing. I felt unsafe as i hopped over the curb, but i did not feel as much of an impact as i thought that i would from the bump. I moved over to the path on the northern side of the wide boulevard, but the area ahead of me was still torn up. The road under me turned to dirt, and i could see the construction equipment moving in the center of the boulevard ahead. There were several men in white T-shirts and orange vests and hardhats wandering around. I suddenly wondered if this area was supposed to be closed off. A man walked in front of me, and he seemed to be doing something to block off the area. I then heard him talking to the other person about the area. Something seemed to be wrong, and i listened to their conversation as i swerved into the open dirt area to the north of the road and to the east of the tennis courts, which were behind a tall chain-link fence. The two construction workers were talking about the problem, but neither of them actually stated what it was. I thought that they should actually be keeping this problem quite, but they were too young to understand what was really happening. I circled my bicycle in the dirt area, trying to stay within listening range of the two but trying not to make it seem that i was listening to their conversation. The two kept talking, but they never really said what the problem was. I circled them as they moved. There was a large building to the north of me, at the edge of the dirt parking lot, and a second just to the west of the first. I followed the other two into the building to the west, which seemed to be my apartment building. We came into the main floor. I felt a little uncomfortable here, thinking that i should not really be here. There was a man at a counter to the north as we entered. I nodded to him and continued walking, following the others around a corner to the east and then to the north again. The corridors were not well lighted. As we passed down a short hallway, i noticed that there was a short stairway leading up to the west and one leading down to the east. $A68 was standing at the top of the stairs to the west, and he greeted me. He was wearing a pair of white shorts and no shirt. I noticed that he looked out of shape and was starting to get a little pudgy around the waist. The others did not like $A68, but i felt that he was a nice person and i did not want to disregard him. I looked to the north, noticing that $A82 and the other man had opened the door at the end of the hall and stepped out the back of the building, into a small alcove. I spoke to $A68, but tried to follow the others. $A68 followed me, and i felt a little uncomfortable about it. I tried to catch up with the others, but they had started playing with the door on the western side of the alcove. I felt that they were breaking into the door, and i did not feel comfortable about vandalizing the building. I made a comment to them as $A68 followed me out of the door on the southern side of the small square courtyard in the center of the building. The other two opened the dark-green metal door and pulled it closed behind them. They had pulled the U-shaped locking bolt off of the door so that the door could not be opened from the courtyard. I was annoyed with them, thinking that they were trying to lock us out. I turned to head back to the south, but $A68 had already let the door close behind him. I realized that he had a U-shaped bolt in his hand, though, so we would be able to open the southern door with no trouble. I took the long piece of metal and stuck one into the round hole of the lock. The bolt had a thick metal threaded piece on the end, which fit into the lock and turned opened the door. I walked back into the corridor to the south and turned to head to the west. I passed through the tight maintenance hallways of the building, passing the counter, which was on the northern side of the corridor. I greeted the man there, but tried not to say too much to him. I did not want to draw attention to the fact that i was wandering around the building when i was not supposed to be. He asked me about the key to my apartment. I held up the key in my hand, saying that i could not get the key to my door to work. The key had a number on it, but i could not remember where my apartment was in the building. It seemed that i had not been here in a long time. There was something new about this place, but it was someplace that i had been neglecting. I felt uncomfortable and was not sure that i could convince the man that i was not up to something suspicious.

12008 March 19

I moved around on the gravel area of the playground or park. I was about to leave when i heard someone singing to the north of me. I recognized the voice as it started singing a Led Zeppelin song. I realized that Robert Plant was doing a show here and was singing of his old Led Zeppelin songs. I started to the north, feeling excited to see the show. I liked rock music, and thought that this would be one concert that i could get excited about seeing. I started gliding over the ground as i headed to the north, flying up the center of the white crushed-stone path in the center of the park. I could see a crowd gathered on the western side of the path, listening to the show. I flew around the side of them, wondering where to sit. I then realized that i could fly over the top of the people and land on the red metal bars at the top of the swing set. I landed on the pole so that i was lying on my chest across the pole, i pushed my feet against the vertical poles at the eastern end of the swing set to keep myself balanced. I also reached down and grabbed on to the top part of the chain of the swing that was directly under me. Looking down to the ground, which seemed to be four or five metres below me, i could see the top of the young woman who was swinging slowly on the swing. She was wearing a white dress and was facing south, toward the show. I looked to the south, where the man was performing his songs on the grass in front of the crowd. I looked down a few times, trying to make sure my balance was okay. I felt a little uneasy on top of the swings. The man finished a song and looked around at the crowd, smiling. He then noticed i was on top of the swings, above the others. I wondered if he would think it interesting that i was so high up. I thought about balancing again, but i heard someone calling me. I looked down. The swing under me was now oriented so that it was swinging from east to west. The woman on the swing now seemed to be $K5. I floated down to the ground to see what she wanted. My relatives were calling me from the north, and they seemed to be upset about something. I started to feel tense, feeling that they expected me to do something that i was unaware of. $F18 seemed to be coming toward us from the north. I turned to the north and moved around the northern wall of the room, which seemed to be a porch. The wall of the room was crude, made of unpainted plywood and covered with dirty objects. The room seemed to have walls on all four sides, but there seemed to be no roof. The doorway to the rest of the house was to the south. I moved something around on the counter that was against the northern wall. I felt frustrated, knowing that my relatives have already left for the ski resort. My grandmother seemed to be in the room directly to the south of me, cleaning something up. I was annoyed and walked to the south, coming into the bedroom on the southern side of the suite. This was the bedroom where some of my relatives were staying. The room was illuminated by the dim light coming in through the windows in the southern wall. There was a dresser against the eastern wall, just inside the door. I was annoyed to find that there was a puddle of coffee on the dresses. The puddle was running off of the dresser and collecting on the floor. At first, i thought my relatives might have left a coffee pot running, but then i noticed that the coffee was dripping from the ceiling. I looked up to see a large stain on the ceiling of the room, with several areas of collecting drops forming. The apartment upstairs must have left their coffee pot running. The rest of the room seemed empty of furnishings, and i knew that my relatives were already out at the ski resort. I would have to report this second thing to the management of the resort that we were staying at. I turned to the north and headed down the hall, toward the front lobby of the hotel. I would have to tell them about both the coffee problem and the other thing. I could see the large lobby opening in front of me as i thought about this, but i turned back to the north, thinking that i had already notified the management. I would now have to wait around in the room until the maintenance people came. I wanted to head out to join my family at the ski resort. I moved around in the northern room, which seemed to be a crude outdoor deck. I was doing something on the counter to the north, which had to do with fixing the problems with the apartment. I heard my relatives coming in to the south of me. They entered the apartment in the other room, through the western side of the suite. I was upset that they were back, because that meant that i had missed getting out and doing something. I would now not be able to leave. $K3 and $K1 seemed to be in the apartment to the south. My relatives seemed disappointed with me for still being here, which made me feel even worse. I felt that i should simply leave the resort, even if they got mad at me for not spending time with them.

12008 March 20

I moved to the north, through the crowd of people in the lecture room. This seemed to be a conference. Most of the chairs were facing to the north, toward the small stage, but no one had started speaking yet. I moved through the crowd, which seemed to be standing, and sat in one of the chairs on the western end of a row of seats. The seats seemed to be the first row in a section, but there was another section of chairs between the row and the stage. $A462 was sitting in the chair to the east of me. I greeted him, and we talked for a few minutes. I seemed to have $X14 in my lap. I was holding the cat so that he did not escape. I looked around at the crowd, wondering whom else i would run into at this conference. I looked to the southeast from my seat. The man to the southeast of me was now someone tall with curly hair. He noticed $A412 coming into the door of the room, which was on the southern end of the eastern wall. He pointed him out and made a negative comment. I did not disagree with his negative feelings, but i said that $A412 was a nice man but a strict man to work for. I added that his personality was difficult to deal with because it was conflicted between work and social. The man did not seem to like $A412 at all. I moved through the crowd, heading to the east. Most of the people were standing, even though there seemed to be seats all through the room. I had to get something, and i felt that i had to hold onto the cat in my arms. I was surprised at how relaxed the cat was. I walked back around the room and came to the center again. The chairs now seemed to be facing west, and i was looking for the chair i had been sitting in. I considered that someone might have already taken it to sit next to $A462. I could not find where i was. The cat in my arms then started to squirm. I tried to keep in still, but $X14 would not stay still. It had stayed still for several lectures already. I felt as though i had been at this conference for a few days already. I then wondered where $X12 had been all that time. I tried to hold the cat, but he kept squirming. I moved him to the counter that was against the northwestern wall and put the cat down. I then noticed that i had a large green cat carrier on the counter to the east of me. $X12 sat quietly in the carrier, looking up at me. He had been quiet through the entire conference, but i could not keep $X14 still. The woman behind the counter, who seemed to be dressed in a hotel uniform, looked at me skeptically. I knew that she and the man to the west of her were concerned about what i was doing with the cats. I explained to the woman that i would put the cats in my car during the lecture. I knew that i would not be able to leave them there for the next several days of the conference, so i thought that i would have to leave. The woman asked what kind of car i had, and i knew that she wanted to check on the cats while i was in the lecture. She wanted to make sure that i was not abusing them. I told her that i had a red Audi Passat. I then though about it and realized that my car was not an Audi. I told her that i was mistaken, saying that Audi did not make the Passat, but she did not seem to be paying attention to me. She was writing something down on the counter in front of her. I started to tell her that my car was really a Volkswagen, but she did not give me a chance. I then mentioned that i did not have an Audi, but then said that both cars have the same body. I said that the Audi calls their version something that starts with an A, and then i added that i could not remember the name of my car. I walked to the southeast with both of the cats. I put the green carrier in the back seat of the car and tossed $X14 next to it. I then closed the door. As soon as the door was closed, i realized that i had not opened the window to let air in. I also had left the key in the ignition and turned so that the power was on in the car. I would have to open the door to roll the window down a little, but i could not let $X14 escape. I felt frustrated and quickly opened the door and got into the car. I looked into the back seat, noticing that both of the cats were in the same bag. I had accidentally dropped $X14 into the large canvas bag, but the cats were not fighting with each other as i had expected. I looked to the north of me, looking at the window as i pressed the button to roll it down. I only wanted it down a little, but it looked as though it was not down that much at all. There was a blue pad on the inside of the window, however, and i realized that the window would probably seem to be open more from the outside that it appeared to be open on the inside. If the people checked on my car, then they would see the window was open more than it looked like from the inside. I tried to move it so that it was open only a little. I stepped out of the car, making sure that the cats did not escape, but i felt suddenly frustrated because i had left the keys in the car again and would have to reopen the door. I looked in the back seat to see that the cats were okay. They were still not fighting. I then turned to the west and walked back into the room where the lecture was. The place seemed confusing. I kept thinking that i could not leave the cats in the car for the next few days. The conference would last at least another few days, and i worried that i would have to do something else with the cats.

12008 March 21

I looked to the northeast, across the back of the small two-story house. The house had faded dark-green siding, and there were a few windows looking out into the back yard, where i was. I was aware of the screened window just to the north of me, on the smaller section of the house, which protruded to the east. The shorter section was set back from the main body of the house by only a few decis. The house seemed to be on the southern side of $P1, and i felt that there was a road just to the west of me that intersected $P1. I looked at the flowers that were just starting to bloom in the gardens on the southern side of the house. A mound of raised dark soil stretched from the eastern end of the southern wall of the house, reaching to the east-southeast. It was covered with newly grown flowers. I looked at the blues and faded purples, thinking that the garden was very nice. I knew that it would grow more once the weather got warmer, but it was nice to come out here and watch it grow. I felt that i had left work to come here to admire the Spring. I looked around at the house, thinking that this was $A412’s house. I did not think that he was home, so i stood on the stone walkway in the garden behind the house, looking at the flowers that were coming up. They all seemed short, and i kept thinking that they would only get taller and more beautiful as the season got warmer. I started to feel out of place here, thinking that this was not my house, so i probably should not stay here too long. I also felt that i should get back to work. I started to leave when i became aware of the sound of a television inside the house. I looked at the screen on the window to the north of me. I could not see anyone in the window, but i could hear a television talking inside. I wondered if $A412 was home. I did not want to meet him, and i started to feel uncomfortable here. I walked to the west, around the western side of the house. I wondered if the people inside could see me out the windows. I was afraid that they would get angry with me. I started walking down the street on the northern side of the house. As i passed eastern end, i noticed that there were people on the front porch of the house, which was facing east. There were several people gathered there, and none of them looked like $A412. I suddenly wondered if $A412 still owned this house. I felt nervous as i walked past the house, crossing the street which was to the east of the house, and continuing down $P1, which ran along the northern side of the house. As i reach the other side of the crossing street, i looked back at the porch of the green house. The people on the porch were watching me casually, as though they were wondering what i was doing. I then noticed the woman on the southern side of the porch. She had just come out of the house to serve something to the dark-haired people who were sitting on chairs around the porch. They all seemed like a family, but the woman looked somewhat familiar. She had short brown hair, which seemed to be grayed or slightly bleached. She was wearing a white and yellow dress with an apron over the top. I wondered if she was $A412’s wife. I hoped that she did not recognize me as i continued down the street to the east.

The man stood close to me, to the southwest of me as he spoke. We had been talking about something, but i was suddenly distracted by the people coming from the east. I was standing on the northern side of a dirt road, apparently leaning on something to the north of me. The man was standing very close to me, just to the southwest. Both of us were watching the runners come down the dirt road. This was the head of a large group of runners, who seemed to be running a race. I continued to speak to the man as i focused on the lead runner approaching us. The runner was wearing gray shorts and a white tank top. I noticed that he was very detailed, especially on his legs. There were lines of muscle running up and down his quads as he ran. I watched him pass, followed by another detailed runner. I was then aware that the man was still standing very close to me. He was actually leaning against me as the runners went past, and i wondered if he would be able to tell that i was sexually aroused by the nice muscle detail of the runners. I wondered if i was getting an erection from watching the runners. I did not seem to have one, but i wondered if i would. I knew that the man leaning against me might feel an erection growing if i had one. I felt a little nervous about this, but i turned to watch the race anyway. The people were now on bicycles, and they were coming down the dirt road from the east. Instead of passing us, the leader turned to the south and headed down another dirt road. The man on the first bicycle had red hair and thick arm muscles. He strained to accelerate his bicycle up the dirt trail, and i could tell that he was in very good shape. I thought that he was quite attractive, and i suddenly realized that he looked a lot like $A433. He headed to the south, followed closely by a few other racers. I felt interested in the race and wanted to follow. I knew that i could not compete with the others, but i wanted to join the run anyway. $Z and i walked to the north, along the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. We started to jog in the back of the pack, but we had to cross through the line of the leaders. The leaders were running into the opening of the building to the east, which seemed to be a parking garage. We let a few of them pass before we crossed the line and headed up the shallow hill to the north. Then we hit another line of runners. There were the people already coming out of the parking garage. We paused to let a few of them pass, but there did not seem to be any breaks in the line. I looked to the east, watching the people come out of the tunnel, looking for a gap in the line of runners that we could pass through. A few gaps showed up, but they were not large enough for us to jog through. I noticed a gap before a man in a yellow tank top, and i started to head through it, but realized that it was not wide enough to allow us to pass, so i stepped back onto the curb to the south of me. I thought that we could simply start running with these people, even though that would be cutting into the front of the race. After a little while, we did find a break that we could pass through. We went to the north, but turned into the building to follow the rest of the runners. I started running with the others, thinking that we were headed around the large block near $P7. This race ran a simple loop, but there were a few obstacles to it. I knew that i was not that fast anymore, but i felt very good about keeping up with the others. I was surprised at how fast i was now moving without feeling worn. I followed the others up the stairs of the square stairwell. The stairs wound clockwise as they rose, with a flight of stairs on each side of the well. The well was small, and the people seemed to be crowding up it. I reached the top, jumping over the large metal I-beam that crossed the top of the stairwell and hopping over the black railing around the upper rim. It seemed to be the only way out of the stairwell and onto the cement floor of the upper level. The room at the top was small, with passageways heading off in all directions. This building seemed to be an old abandoned factory. I hopped over the railing to the west and turned to the south to head around the southern side of the stairwell. $A463 was in front of me, but she was moving slowly. I jogged behind her, but wanted to pass. We were then in a stairwell to the south, jogging back down a narrow set of stairs. This set seemed to be temporary, made of metal poles that were hooked together like scaffolding. As we rounded the southern end of one of the flights, heading counterclockwise to get down, i asked $A463 if she would mind if i passed her. Before she could answer, i had grabbed onto one of the metal cross bars and hopped over the side of the stairs, jumping down to the next level, which happened to be the cement floor at the bottom of the stairs. She said that i could pass her, but then stopped in surprise as she realized what i had done. I continued running to the north, out of the stairwell.

12008 March 22

I started to the east, down the grassy path between the thick growth of bushes and trees. It felt like a warm summer day, and all of the vegetation was thick with leaves. The women were walking slower than i was, so i started to float over them. They commented on my flying as i passed them. I was then aware that there was a tree ahead in the center of the pathway. The path went under the wide branches of the tree, but i curved to the south, to avoid flying into the branches. As i looked to the east to try to get back on the bath, i noticed more and more branches in front of me. I would have to be careful to not fly into them. I swerved a little to avoid the thickest part of the trees. I was aware of the women still walking under me somewhere. I then looked down through the branches to see if i could find an opening that led back to the path. I decided that i it would be easier to fly at the level of the path so that i could stay below the branches. I passed several trees, trying to move around the leaves and branches that reached from the north, in the path of my flight. Then i noticed an opening in the trees where i could see the bright green grass of the path again. I tried to swoop down through the opening. I started down the path again, thinking that i had to head for the mall to the east. I had been traveling with the other person, and we had stopped at the fast-food restaurant on the southern side of the road. We separated for a little while, and i was now heading back to the east, down a small access road between the larger shopping plaza and the small one where the restaurant was. It was time for me and the other person to meet up again, and i was concerned that we might be running a little late. We had to get together and head somewhere. I held my cell phone to my right ear, trying to call $A459. I felt a little concerned that he had not contacted me yet. I would tell him that i had wandered over to the large mall to look around while he wandered somewhere near the restaurant. He had the car, and i knew that we needed to head to the airport soon. I had not dialed the phone yet, but i kept thinking about where $A459 had gone. I thought about telling him that i was now back at the Burger King, even though i was still heading there. As i passed through the small shopping plaza and noticed that the restaurant was still to the east a little, separated from the plaza by a small rounded grassy hill, i realized that i was farther to the west that i had thought. I walked into the restaurant, thinking that i would tell $A459 that i was here and ready for him. I then started to feel that he might have left me behind. I was a little worried, because i knew that we had to be someplace. I started speaking to $A14, who was to the north of me. He was getting something for me so that i could leave. I looked at the clock on the northern wall of the room to the east of me. It seemed to be a little before noon, and i was nervous about missing my flight. I knew that we had to be at the airport early, but i could not remember when the flight was. I said something to $A464, who was standing in the kitchen to the southeast of me. I seemed to be standing on the eastern side of the garage of the small house. $A14 had gone to the south to get something for me. $A464 walked to the door of the kitchen to hand me something. I then looked to the south. There seemed to be an opening in the cement floor where stairs went down, but it seemed that $A14 had stepped up into the hole in the ceiling where the attic was. I walked up to the hole in the ceiling, looking up for $A14. Before i could enter the hole, he stepped down, carrying something. He spoke to me, and i felt a little uncomfortable here. I knew that i would have to be leaving soon, and i felt strange about being in their house. I felt as though i had not really been invited here and that they were helping me at that instant. I wondered where my ride was. I really had to go.

12008 March 23

The men came from the south of us, across the darkened living room of the house. At first, i was not afraid of them. The man near me started speaking as he stood just to the south of me, and i felt interested in him for a moment. Then he had a knife, and he told us to move to the north. $F4 was across from me, to the west, and there was a man near him as well. $F4, the man to the north of me, and myself all seemed very young, as though we were still in high school. The men forced us to the north, into the small room with the bunk beds on either wall. The man in the dark-red sweater kept threatening me with the long silver knife, which seemed a little like a scalpel. I felt uncertain and a little scared as the man waved the scalpel around near me, telling me to do something. I pretended to be frightened and started to weep a little. The others watched. The man then started waving the scalpel around in the air, and i knew that he was not paying as much attention to me. I grabbed his arm, where the scalpel was, and pulled the man to the ground. He stabbed me in the right thigh, but i did not pay much attention because i knew that it was not a dangerous area to be stabbed. I held the man’s left arm in my hands as i steeped down on him with my left foot. I felt tense, and told the others to get help, but they just sat there, confused. I then realized that the man on the ground was gasping. I looked down to see that i was stepping on his throat. I did not want to step too hard because it could crush his windpipe. I yelled at the others to help me out, but they seemed too shocked to know what to do. I then started to feel uncertain and scared.

I walked down the hallway to the south, mentioning something to the other person, who was to the north of me. I had just come from the gym, and i was heading back to the locker room. I stopped in front of the doorway to the east, noticing that the other man was not following me, as though i was not headed in the correct direction. I looked into the locker room to the east and noticed that it had been blocked off. A row of lockers extended from the southern wall of the room, about a metre or so in front of the door. They met another row running from the western wall, just a little north of the doorway, forming a small rectangular area near the door and preventing me from heading into the main locker room. I stepped back out into the hall and headed north, after the other person. There was another entrance on the northern end of the locker room. I stepped into the locker room, noticing that most of the lockers had been removed. Something was wrong. I moved to the southeastern end of the locker room, where my locker was, but i could see that the tall lockers that had been against the southern wall were no longer there. I felt disappointed that they had removed the lockers. I then realized that it had only been an hour or so since i had changed into my gym clothes. I stepped out of the room and then came back in, noticing that there were fewer lockers in the room still. The row of lockers, which should have been against the southern wall, was replaced with a low set of metal baskets, which were crudely stacked against the wall. I thought that the workers here must have taken all of the clothes out of the lockers and put them somewhere. There was a stack of metal baskets in the center of the room, on one of the raised surfaces where the lockers had been mounted. I looked through the baskets, noticing that they contained only gym clothing. These had been in the lockers. There was a large cardboard box on the floor as well, but it did not seem to contain any of my things. I had been working out in the gym, so my street clothes were in my locker. I thought that the people who run the gym must have seen them and knew that they belonged to someone here, so the clothes must have been saved somewhere. I wondered if they had found my wallet in my pants and found out who i was. Maybe my clothes were being kept at the issue counter. I moved to the south, noticing that there was a wide cubby facing east that had been filled with items found in the locker room. I started looking through the lost and found, thinking that there might be something interesting there. The cubby was filled with gym bags of various sizes. I did not need any more duffel bags because i knew that i had many at home that i was not using, but i noticed that one of the bags on the shelf looked like a canvas shopping bag. It was red and seemed to have the name of a store on it. I thought that i should take this bag to put other things in. I started pulling the bag from the shelf, trying to separate it from the other bags that had been stuffed into layers on the shelf. I thought it would be a good idea to use this bag for shopping so that i did not have to use plastic bags.

I moved around the southeastern section of the room. This place seemed to be a locker room, but it was also very much like a cafeteria. There were several square pillars near the southern wall near us. I looked to the southwest, into the small dressing room. I noticed several objects on the floor there. They were the only things in the room that were not white. I then turned around and noticed the people to the north. We seemed to be children in a school cafeteria. The long room of the cafeteria stretched out to the west of us, and there was a group of young adults with me and a group clustered just to the north of us. All of us seemed to be high school age, and it felt as though we were playing some sort of aggressive game. I worried that the people to the north would start throwing things at us, but i felt a little safe knowing that it was just a game. I then noticed that there was a small missile launcher on one of the tables. One of the people from the north fired one of the missiles, which looked like a portable sidewinder rocket. The rockets were all white, with a red ring around the tip. The missile shot up into the air. I felt suddenly panicked, realizing that the missile was an actual explosive. I yelled a warning to the others with me and ran around one of the large cement pillars, hoping that i would be protected from the blast if i stood on the southern side of the pillar. I still feared that the missile would explode to the east of me and i would be within the shrapnel range. I expected it to come down, but it never did. Someone mentioned that it went way over our heads and landed somewhere to the south. I realized that these rockets were more like shoulder missiles, so they would fly fairly straight toward a target and did not need to be shot up like a ballistic. I felt relieved that the missile had missed us and walked around the western side of the column to tell the others that we really should not be playing with such dangerous weapons. I was not really sure that the others even knew that these devices were dangerous. Before i could say anything, though, the white box that was the missile launcher turned down horizontally and aimed directly at the southeastern corner of the room. They fired a missile, and it shot to the south of where i was, and i pressed against the white cement column to get out of the way of the blast, but i knew that the concussion of the explosion might injure me as well. I closed my eyes, ready for the blast, but i did not notice anything. I thought that the explosive had gone off, but i was not really sure. Something seemed strange and obscure. I walked around to the east, trying to figure out what had happened. The air seemed misty, and i thought that one of the missiles had gone off, but nothing in the room seemed damaged. I looked to the southeast, into the corridor that ran from the southern wall of the room to the east. I spotted the red tip of an unexploded missile on the ground, just around the corner of the hallway. I backed up to see the missile lying against the northern wall of the corridor. It must have bounced off of the walls without detonating. It was still dangerous to be near here, so i started to back away. As i did, the girl from the north ran past me and into the hallway. She was still playing with the bomb. I could not stop her, so i ran behind the column again, afraid that she would set it off. Something seemed to happen, but i could not tell what. The air was still hazy and i seemed disoriented. I thought that the bomb had gone off and i did not remember it. I looked around and noticed that all of the people were missing. It seemed that some time had passed since the bomb had exploded, and i thought that i must have been unconscious. I wandered to the west, out of the building and across the lawn. The large white building stood to the north of me, and i had come out of a door in short southern wing, to the east. There were people standing on the edge of the grassy area in front of the building. There seemed to be a driveway just to the west of them. The people standing there were training to be soldiers, but did not appear to be from the military at the moment. They seemed to be wearing civilian clothing. There were only four or five people standing at attention, facing north-northwest. They did not appear to be in any type of formation, but instead seemed to be randomly placed near each other. The commander stood to the north of them, giving them orders in a stern voice. I knew that i should be paying attention to what he was saying, but i felt confused and dizzy. I had been injured in the blast, and could not focus on what i was doing at the moment. I wanted to tell the officer that there was something wrong, but i was not able to say it. I stood for a moment at the edge of the group, trying to do something, but i could not focus. I closed my eyes and noticed a strange radiating pattern of lines. The lines were on a creamy tan background and seemed to be darker shades of the background. Small dots ran along the line at irregular intervals. The lines on the outside of the pattern seemed to have the same space between them as the lines near the center, even though they were all radiating from a central point. I looked at the pattern, thinking that it seemed very artificial and man made, but i knew that it was like seeing stars after being hit on the head. It had something to do with my injury. I turned back to the west, trying to focus on the guard. He was commanding his troops, and i felt that i should be listening to him. He then turned his attention on me, and i felt suddenly nervous, thinking that i was not doing what i was supposed to be doing. I could not tell him about the bomb, so i turned back to the east, but fell over onto the grassy slope of the mound that was at the center of the grassy median in front of the building. I felt that i had passed out, which should alert the troops that something was wrong. I hoped that they would see my condition and realize something about the bomb. I felt dazed for a little while, but then opened my eyes and started to stand up. Nothing happened, and i started to feel that something was wrong again. I looked around to the west. The troops were gone now. I then stumbled back to the east, around the southern side of the tall white barrier. The front of the large white building was now covered with scaffolding and white plastic sheeting, as though it was under construction. I looked around the circular drive in front of the building, but there was no one there. Time must have shifted again. I wondered whether i was unconscious on the ground for that long a time. I could not believe that the troops had simply left me there. I must have jumped to a future time after everyone had cleared out of the area. Everything around me seemed quiet and disturbing. The grounds were very clean, as though the construction was moving along efficiently. I then noticed a single person sitting on a seat high on the front of the marble building. I thought that i should get his attention, but i still felt dazed from the blast and could not stand properly. I was distressed, and had to do something, but i could not focus on what was happening.

12008 March 24

I sat on the western side of the classroom as the teacher started to lecture at the board. The board was in the center of the southern wall of the room, and the teacher moved from the eastern side of the board to the center to point to some illustrations and explain them. It had something to do with science, and i thought that it was a very good lecture, but i noticed that many of the other students were not paying attention. It was very loud in the classroom, and, as i looked to the east, across the classroom, i could see that many of the students were chatting among themselves. There seemed to be two rows of seats running across the width of the room. I was sitting in the back row, against the northern wall. To the east of me, i noticed a few boys chatting in the same row. They were sitting in front of one of the large windows in the northern wall. I felt that this situation was not good, especially since there was someone here who was watching the teacher lecture. The person would be judging the teacher. I looked to the south and noticed that the classroom was actually U shaped. The chalkboard was in the center of the U, which meant that the lower parts of the U, which extended to the south, were in front of the board. I could see two rows of chairs to the south of me, one against each wall of the western wing of the classroom. The blackboard was behind the students, so they sat impartial to the lecture. A girl in a dark jacket sat on the eastern side of the wing in the front row. She was writing something on her desk as she glanced casually to the south, at the empty wall ahead of her. On the western side of the room, a rough-looking boy in a tan or gray shirt was turned around to face the chalkboard, even though he could not see it through the wall. He was chatting with someone else. This classroom seemed very disorganized and out of control, but it seemed very natural to the teacher.

I started walking north, down the side of the road and into the dirt parking lot to the east. I had been with a group of people, but everyone was starting to disband. Someone was following just behind me, on the east, but i was not paying too much attention to them, other than mentioning something now and again. As i started across the muddy dirt of the parking lot, i tried to avoid some of the mud puddles, but then i noticed something on the ground. It was a black plastic box with a silver face and a round black dial on it. I thought that it must have been dropped by someone from the tour bus that was here. I wondered if they would come back to get it. There seemed to be a building to the southeast of us, that we had just come out of, which was a tourist stop, and i thought i could bring the remote back there. I then noticed a larger object on the ground to the north. I bent over to pick it up, aware that the other person had continued past me to the north, where their car was. The second object was an old polaroid camera. I looked at the front of it, wondering if it was interesting enough to put in my collection of old cameras. I realized that it was pretty plain, though. I then had the idea to take a picture with the camera to see how it worked. $A66 had already gotten into her car to the north of me, but i wanted to get a picture of her. I looked through the viewfinder of the camera, but could not really see clearly. I thought that i would not really get a good picture of her because the car was facing away from me, but i felt that this was the best time to take the picture. I pressed the button as i looked at the blurry image of the large blue station wagon to the northeast of me. I knew that $A66 would notice the flash and know that i was taking a picture of her. She backed the car up as i turned the camera over to watch the picture roll out from the front of the camera. I pulled the picture off of the camera, noticing a faint reddish image forming in places on the white paper. $A66 said something from the car, which was now to the south of me. I thought that it would be nice to have a picture of her face. She smiled at me as she spoke out the window of the car. She had long silvery blond hair and still had a young attractive round face. She smiled at me as i showed the unexposed picture to her. She then backed out of the dirt parking lot and drove off to the south. I looked at the exposed photograph, noticing that there was a lot of writing on the right-hand side. The photograph looked like a postcard, with the picture on the left. I then noticed that the column of black letters in the center of the right panel listed the name and address of the owner of the camera. The address was in some town that started with a P and seemed to have two s in a row in the center. The town seemed to be in Wisconsin, or maybe Michigan. I knew that it might be closer to where i lived than here, so i thought i would take the camera home and then write to the person on the card. I turned to the north and headed into the house, walking down the entrance hall from the front door. A man walked to the east of me. I told him about the camera and showed him the card. He seemed to be $F16. He pointed out to me that the town on the card was just down the road. He motioned to the west as he said this. I told him that i had not realized that and then asked him if i should simply leave the camera in the souvenir shop here.

12008 March 26

I was watching the scene to the southwest, where a man was moving to roll a ball down the wooden lane of a bowling alley. The lanes were made of light coloured wood, and everything seemed tan or off-white. The man rolled the ball down the alloy, but something crossed the lane and the ball went into the gutter. A woman was crouching near the front of the scene, looking up at the camera. This scene was on a television, which was on the wall to the south of us. The camera then moved around the bowling alley, and i could see other places in the room. I suddenly recognized something against the back wall of the room, behind the people who were bowling. There was a slanted surface that looked like a bowling game. It was polished and had pegs and holes across the surface. I recognized the place, and thought that i had been to this bowling alley before. I stated this to the others in the room, but then i felt that the short-bowl game be common in other bowling alleys. I looked at the white clean wall to the south as the camera panned around a little. There was a double glass door to the west of the short-bowl board, and several other arcade games to the east, along the wall. I could picture the bowling alley that i had been in before, but i was not sure if this was the right one. $A465, who was standing to the west of me, did not seem to believe that i had been to that place before, and he asked me what the name of the place was. I said that it was something like “Bowling Emporium”. I tried to remember, but could only recall that words like “emporium” and “bowl” were in the title. I tried to focus on the name, but could not remember it. $A465 nodded in agreement, and said that i was correct with the name. I thought about it, but still felt unsure. I then said that i remembered an arcade to the west of the bowling alley. Both the alley and the arcade were on the northern side of a road. I continued thinking about the name of the bowling alley, but could not remember exactly what it was.

I had been talking with the others, but as now headed down the slight slope of the long country road, heading to the west-northwest. The road was dirt, and i was traveling in the tan pick-up truck. The other person was driving. The land around us was covered with dry yellow cut field grass and lined with ashen-brown lines of leafless trees. It seemed damp out, but the sky was bright and light-gray. I was then outside the truck, talking to the other person in the driver’s seat. There was a car coming from the east, and we were both aware of it. It seemed that i had tried to push the truck. It started moving slowly to the west again, and i was still outside of it as the red car drove past. Both of us felt wary of the car, as though it could pose a danger to us. We turned to the south, following the corner of the road. The other car seemed to have continued to the west, turning off on the other road. After a few minutes, however, the other car drove past us again. I looked at the Mustang, which was dark red with black running boards. It stopped in the parking lot of the pub just to the south of us. We were heading there as well. I looked at the car, noticing that it seemed very new. I told $Z that it might not be the car that had passed us earlier. It did not quite seem the same.

I leaned back against the desk, which was against the eastern wall on the southern side of the room. The southern part of the room seemed rather narrow, and my parents were sitting in chairs on the western side of the room, facing me. The professor came from the north and handed me the test paper. I looked at the packet of white paper, noticing the red marks on the front. I could see several grades written over the front cover, but i could not make out with was mine. I thought that i had done really well on the test, but i saw several Cs and Ds in the center of the paper. I hoped that one of the Bs was mine. I flipped through the papers, noticing that i had answered several of the multiple-choice questions wrong. I read a few of the questions in the center of the paper, realizing that i had done something wrong. I then flipped to the front of the packet and noticed that there was a large number 27 written in red ink within a circle on the upper left side of the paper. It was my grade. I had failed the philosophy exam. I noticed a faint F to the right of the number, which seemed to be written on one of the lower levels of paper. I looked at the questions again, noticing that i had answered the first one wrong. I felt very bad, folding my test so that no one else could read the grade. I stood up and started to the northwest, toward the door. $F4 was standing to the northeast of me as i moved. He asked me what was wrong, but i did not answer him. I was upset and did not want to talk to anyone. I walked outside, where the grass to the west was green, and i headed up the wooden stairs that were built into the hillside to the north. I thought about the first question on the test. It had asked the statements were true. I had answered true, but, as i thought about the question, i realized that it made a statement could not be verified. It made a statement that could be true, but could not be easily determined without further questions. I felt upset as i continued to the north.

12008 March 28

I woke up in the large room, where everyone was sleeping and walked to the west. It seemed as though i had been sleeping against the western wall of the large room with a few other people, and that i had left the room to the south, walked down the corridor to the west and come into the bathroom. I entered the bathroom from the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. The bathroom seemed to be right next to the room where we were sleeping. I walked along the northern wall and stopped at the last stall to urinate. As i did so, i suddenly realized that i was urinating in the western most of three sinks. I should not have been doing that. I then thought i heard someone else moving and thought that i should move to a urinal. I looked around the bathroom. I expected a urinal to be on the western wall, behind me, but there was nothing there. I did notice the urinal across the room from me, on the eastern wall. The entrance door to the bathroom was down a short corridor on the southern side of the room, and the urinal was in the center of the eastern wall, separated from the corridor by a short dividing wall. There seemed to be two or three toilet stalls on the northern wall, and a short corridor to the east on the northern side of the bathroom. I quickly moved over to the urinal in case the other person came into the bathroom. I finished urinating there. No one entered the room. I quickly walked back over to the sink and turned on the water to wash my hands. I let the water run from the faucet to wash the urine down. There were two faucets on the sink, and i thought the shorter white one on the right was hot water. I turned it on, thinking that it would sanitize the sink more. I washed my hands, realizing that it was rather dark in the room. As i came into the room, the lights were off. I walked from the door to the sink on the western end of the southern wall, thinking that i could turn on the lights near the sink before the door closed. There was a white plastic panel above the sink that seemed to be a light switch. I pressed it as the door closed, but no lights came on. I realized that the light from the glass window at the top of the door was enough to illuminate the room, but i still tried to turn on the lights. There was a small white switch just to my right, on the western wall, just above the top edge of the white tiles. I pressed it, but nothing happened. None of the light switches in the room seemed to work. I wondered if the power was off intentionally. I left the room and headed back to the large lecture room to get some more sleep. As i entered the large auditorium, however, i noticed that the lights were on and people were starting to wake up. I had been sleeping across a chair in the center of the room with $F4. I walked down the western side of the room, noticing the people on the stage to the north standing behind the podium, ready to do something. I spotted $F4 and the others in the center of the room. They had already woken up and were sitting in the chairs, facing south. I was disappointed because i wanted to sleep more.

I walked through the doorway or portal in the southern end of the long alley, and i was aware that there seemed to be someone following me. The alley was very bright and clean. Both walls were brick, but they seemed very new. The ground was covered with tan paving stones. The alley ran to the north, and seemed to widen as it approached the street to the north of us. I was aware of two other people to the east of me. One of them was walking very close to me. The fatter man in the dark-blue suit started to move farther away as he walked along the eastern wall of the alley, but the dark-skinned man in the white T-shirt was walking very close to me. I wondered if he was actually following me or just walking very near me. I stayed close to the western wall of the alley as i headed to the north, trying to put some distance between the man and myself. I had a large blue backpack over my shoulder, and i adjusted it as i walked. I started to feel nervous, noticing that the man was still staying close to me. I looked back to the north quickly, noticing that i was wandering to the west and coming very close to the wall. I tried to act calm as i continued to walk, but i focused on where the man was. As i reached the street, i started to turn to the west, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the road, when i noticed that the man was still following me. I decided that i should stop and pretend to turn to the east, as though i was indecisive as to where i needed to go. As i stopped, the man stopped just to the south of me. He reached his hand to the blue backpack that i was carrying, and i could hear him unzipping a zipper on the bag. He was reaching inside to get something. I tried to pull away, but he still had his hand in the bag. I was upset at this.

I headed to the north, into the front yard of the house. I noticed the cars pulling into the driveway to the east of me. A small dark car pulled in, but i watched a second red car as it came down the road from the west and turned into the driveway. It seemed to approach me, and i noticed that $A466 was driving the car. The alumni were coming back to $G3. I walked around the front of the house, which seemed to be $P19. There was a large yellow tent on the wooden deck that stretched out in front of the house. I noticed a few other cars coming from the west, down the road in front of the house. They looked at the house and smiled, and i realized that they were amused by the child toys on the deck in front of the house. I walked around the tent, and felt amused. I started moving around the tent, pushing the small tricycle in front of me, as though i was playing. I felt that i was having fun on the porch as i drove the small metal tricycle back across the front of the yellow tent, heading to the west. Once i reached the western side of the porch, i stepped off the bicycle again, noticing that there were a few other small toys on the wooden deck. There seemed to be a small plastic truck to the west of me and something larger and white to the west of that. I heard the others talking inside. I walked back to the eastern side of the porch and walked into the house through the kitchen door, which seemed to be in the eastern end of the northern wall of the house. I came into the small entry room to the east of the kitchen. A few other people had entered the room from the door in the eastern wall. As i stepped through the door, i recognized $F27 in the center of the room. He was chatting with someone in the center of the room, nodding his head as he smiled widely. He was wearing a dull-black long-sleeve shirt and stood to the south of the person to whom he was talking. He must have come in one of the cars that just pulled into the driveway. I realized that i was wearing a pair of glasses and wondered if they would recognize me. I could say hello and see if they would know who i was after all this time. I started to pass them as i walked to the south, but i noticed that the other person who had come in the door was $A45. He was wearing a red shirt and stood joking with someone near the door in the eastern wall. He noticed me, but did not seem to recognize who i was. I wanted to say hello, but suddenly felt uncomfortable interrupting the conversation. I wanted him to recognize me, but i could not tell if he did. I started to feel uneasy here, so i continued walking toward the door in the southern end of the western wall, which led into the kitchen. I kept looking back at $A45 to see if he knew who i was, but he did not seem to know. I felt bad about this as i walked into the kitchen.

12008 March 29

I moved around in the western side of he house, passing from the northern wind into the southern wing. The house seemed like an old farmhouse, and i felt that it was the house that my father had rebuilt. I stopped in the large central room of the house, talking to someone who seemed to be my father. I had brought several friends to the house, and i was suddenly concerned about where they would wander. I was aware of a set of railroad tracks that ran through the center of the house. I looked around the large room. The northern wall of the room was covered with vertical boards of polished and sealed wood. Most of the house seemed to be of this rustic design. On the eastern end of the northern wall was a large square opening that led into the northern section of the house. The opening looked like a formal archway, but i could see that there was a space between the doorway in this room and the corridor to the north. This was where the railroad tracks ran through the house. I felt that i should warn the people who had come with me that the tracks were actually still in use, so they should not be hanging out on them. I knew that the trains did not come by that often, but it might still be dangerous if they got caught in the tunnel that ran through the center of the house. I then heard the sound of live music from somewhere as i spoke to my father, who was sitting to the north of me in the room. I wandered to the northeast, where there was another opening in the northern wall of the room that led into the tunnel. I stepped into the tunnel and listened for a moment. Looking to the west, i could see that the train tracks were empty down the length of the tunnel. I could see the tracks leading down the wooden tunnel, turning slightly to the north as they passed out of sight. I then started walking down the tracks to the east, following the sound of the bass guitar. At first, i thought that someone might be playing in the tunnel, but then i remembered that the recording studio of the house was just to the north of the tracks, on the eastern side of the building. It was separated from much of the building. I walked into the large open studio, noticing the mixing board on a counter to the north. The room was dimly lighted and the walls were covered with wood. I looked around at the instruments to the east, and then turned back to the west. There was a darkened figure sitting to the west of me, on the southern side of the room. I had walked to the north of him as i came into the room. I realized that it was $A36, and i walked back to say hello to him, noticing the old guitar-like instruments that were hanging from the ceiling near him. He had been playing a bass, and i noticed a large cello resting on a rack to the south. It was nice to have all of these instruments in the studio. I told $A36 that he would have to be careful of the railroad tracks because they were still in use. I started to describe how my father had rebuilt the house from an old farmhouse and barn. The tracks had originally run between the house and the barn, but when by father fixed everything up, he had joined the two buildings. I then heard the sound of a train whistle. I realized that a train was coming from the west. I told $A36 that it was coming and we both looked out the large window opening in the southern wall. He leaned his right arm on the sill as me moved from the west. I was worried that he might get hit by the passing train, but i was not sure how tightly the train fit through the tunnel. A large vehicle then appeared from the eastern side of the window, stopping right in font of us. The train then started to pass from the west. The large vehicle was a bus, and it was painted blue and white like a local city bus. It had stopped in the tunnel to let the train pass. I was surprised that there was enough room for both to fit in the tunnel.

I came to the end of the trail and stopped. It was still snowing, and i thought that i should set up the tent quickly so that i could sleep the night here. I looked around the small clearing. There was a dense bush to the north of me, which i knew had an opening inside of it. I pushed through the tangled branches of the bush to see the clearing. I wondered if it was big enough for me to set up my tent inside. I tried to put together the red and white pop tent, wondering how i was going to assemble it in the bush. I thought that it would be warm in the bushes because i would be surrounded by the snow on the branches and protected from the air. I did something with my tent, looking around at the snow on the ground. The snow was light and fluffy, and it seemed to be a couple deci deep. I knew that more would come, and i thought that it would cover the top of the tent and keep it insulated. I then wondered if it would really snow more during the night. I turned and looked back down the trail to the east. The long straight walking trail stretched through the thick pine forest to the east. I could only see a few scuffs in the snow where my footprints had been. The snow and wind had covered them already. I was not sure if it would snow more, though, so i thought i would have to put the tent in the bushes to keep warm. I was also aware that there were some people to the north of me, and i thought i could stay hidden from them if i sleeped in the bushes. I thought about how i could set up the tent in such a tight space. It might be hard to bend the plastic tent poles into place in such a closed space. I then wondered how i could set up everything in the dark. I would have to hold my flashlight in my mouth as i put the poles together. I then noticed the people to the east of me in blue parkas. They seemed to be a man with short blond hair and a woman with long blond hair. They were the people from the north, and i had hoped to have my tent set up before anyone knew that i would be sleeping here.

I had come from the east and was now turning up the driveway into my parents’ house. I was waiting for people to come with me. They were supposed to drive with me, but i had to come back for them. As i started up the driveway, i noticed that the parking space on the east side of the driveway had flames burning on it. There was a black pick-up truck parked just below the parking space, on the eastern side of the driveway, and there seemed to be a car parked to the north. There was something to the east as well. I looked at the flames as i turned my car around near the space. There were two parallel tracks of dark material on the ground, running north to south. Between them were clumps of dark material that were also on fire. It seemed that these spots were from two vehicles that had been parked one after the other in this space. I wondered if it was oil that had spilled out from the transmission of the cars. There were two people in the driveway, coming from the west. They both had fire extinguishers and were trying to put out the flames in the driveway. As i looked around, however, i noticed that a lot of the ground had small flames burning on it. There was a thin line of fire to the northwest, running up the western side of the driveway. There also seemed to be patches of fire to the east. I then noticed the old cement wall that ran along the eastern side of the driveway. The cement wall was less than a metre tall, but it seemed to have another structure standing on top of it. The cement wall was partly crumbled, but the upper part of the wall is the part that seemed to be in tact. The rounded bottom of the broken cement was glowing orange and blue with flames. Most of the length of the wall was burning with soft flames. I suddenly wondered if there was gas leaking from underground. Many of the flames seemed blue, so i stated that it must be a gas that burns bright. My father was standing in the driveway to the southwest of me, looking over the situation. I said that it could be methane leaks, thinking that methane was a very simple gas and would probably burn hot. I looked around the area, wondering how so much gas could be bubbling up from under the ground. I wandered around the area as my father looked at the cement wall. I was still waiting for the other people to come out of the house.

I was thinking about the dream i had about the expedition. I tried to remember how we had come ashore on the grassy hill in the storm, and i wondered if i had written the dream down. It seemed like it had happened a while ago, and i did not remember writing the story down. I remembered that we had come ashore with a big wave. I moved up the grassy hill, heading north, thinking about how we had come here on the wave. I then looked down, noticing the crest of the wave below me. It seemed still and solid, and then i realized that i was floating over it and it was moving to the north, across the grassy field. I remembered that it had dropped us into the middle of the field. We must have been on a yellow life raft, and i wondered how we had gotten to that point. I then noticed the bushes to the north. They approached quickly and i ran into them as the wave started to retreat. I stood up, thinking that we had come here on a tidal wave in the dream. I thought about the dream, trying to remember what we did. I then remembered that tidal waves came in groups. It was not just a single wave, so there should be several more waves coming. I looked to the southeast to see the tall ocean cliffs along the southern shore of the land. The cliffs were actually steep rolling hillsides of striated rock, covered with green plant growth. The seemed to be fifty or sixty metres high, and they curved gently in and out of the coastline. The ocean water stood at the bottom of the cliffs, and i wondered if it was receding farther than normal. I wondered if the cliffs were usually covered with ocean, but then decided that they were normally above the water because they had grass growing on them. I felt that i should jump off of the cliffs and back into the water to be safe from the next wave, but i then realized that the ocean should still be retreating at the bottom of the cliffs. I was suddenly surprised that the water from the tsunami had made it all the way to the field at the top of the cliff where i was. I looked into the water, thinking that the longer the retreat of the water, the greater the incoming wave would be. I wondered if the water at the bottom of the cliff was actually moving out or not. It seemed to be standing still. As i started at it, however, i started to notice the uneven coral and rocks below the shoreline. The water was forming into puddles on the flat ocean floor as the waves kept pulling out. Something was not quite right about this, but i felt that the next big wave would be coming, and it would be taller than the one that had brought me here. I turned to the north and started to run up the hill to get away from the water. I passed through a line of bushes, thinking that there were several rectangular areas of cut grass on the long hill, all of which were separated by lines of trees and bushes. I remembered that, in the dream, we headed several fields to the north until we came to the mansion where the aristocrats were, but, as i reached the first line of bushes, i spotted the three girls playing by the white house just to the north. I was too close to the house already. The children seemed to be playing in the yard in play clothes from the late 11800c. I backed away from the hedgerow, thinking that this is where we would have to stop heading north. We could not let the children see us. I turned around and thought that i would have to get our things ready. I was in the small room on the northern side of the old house. The house seemed a little run down, but it was freshly painted, as though it was an old apartment. I moved toward the thin outside door in the northern wall. I had to lock it so that the children could not get in. As i reached the door, however, one of the older girls started to open the door. I stopped the door and told her that she could not come into the room. I felt awkward, thinking that i had let her know that i was here even thought the aristocrats should not know about us yet. I pushed the door closed and tried to turn the large key in the square lockbox on the inside of the door. I turned the key, but could not get the latch to catch. The girl moved off to the west to talk with the other children. I watched them through the window for a moment, noting that they were walking to the old general store that was on the western side of the north-to-south dirt street. They did not seem to be interested in why i was here, so i fooled around with the lock for a moment, trying to get the door to stay closed. I could not seem to get it to stay latched. I was not sure that the key was working in the lock or whether the latch was simply not catching on the doorframe. I then started moving around the house to get our things together. We had to be ready to go on the boat ride where we would catch the tsunami to shore. I headed to the north, into the small living room of the old building. I could hear the sound of the stereo playing, and i turned to the east, into the small room to the south where the stereo was. The black boxes of the stereo were sitting on the floor under the white round table that was against the southern wall of the room. I crouched down, thinking that i had been recording a tape for the trip. The radio was playing now, but it did not sound like the correct station. It was playing a familiar classic-rock song, so i did not think it was the college station that i always listened to. There were many rectangular buttons on the black surface of the old stereo, all arranged in rows or columns in several places around the face of the box. I pressed several buttons, realizing that there were letters on each of the buttons. To get the station that i was looking for, i would have to press out the call letters. I looked at the stereo unit to the east, noticing several faded-red rectangular buttons with the correct letters. I started pressing them, and then looked back at the box to the south of me. I tipped the box back so that i could see the buttons more clearly. I started to press one of the lower buttons, but realized that it was the letter X, and i needed the letter B for the last of the call letters. An announcer then came on the station and announced the stations call letters, and i realized that i was already on the correct station. I found the B at the bottom of the panel anyway and pressed it. As i stood up, i wondered why the classic-rock song had been on this station, which was normally a modern rock station. I turned to the north and grabbed a cassette tape from a box and put it into the tape deck and pressed record. I walked back into the south room to pack more things, but i then wondered if i had put a blank tape into the machine, or if i was accidentally recording over a tape that i already had. I hoped that i did not erase a tape that i liked. I walked back into the room were the stereo was and started looking through the black case where the cassette tapes were kept. Most of the tapes in the case were recorded mixes by me, and many of them seemed to have orange markings on the left sides of their spines. I then started to wonder if tapes would be right for our journey. They were pretty old fashioned, and it was possible that no one even had a tape player anymore. I thought that most people would have CDs now, but then i thought that the boat we would be traveling on might actually have an old tape deck, since it did seem to be an older boat. I looked for a blank tape in the case, but could not find any. I then started looking at the tapes that i had mixes on. None of them seemed right for the voyage. I thought that a Led Zeppelin mix might be good, but i could not find it. I then spotted a Queen mix. I considered bringing it along, but then decided that people might be afraid of Queen because their music was considered gay. I put the tape back and looked at several others. I then noticed that several of the cassettes cases in the lower left side of the case were empty. I wondered where the tapes were. I did not have my entire tape collection here, and i though that i would be good if i could grab stuff from the rest of my tapes at home. I wondered what i should do.

12008 March 30

I turned to the east and walked up the steep slope of the black drainage trough. I seemed to be on a green grassy hill to the east of the main buildings of the complex. There also seemed to be a modern building to the south of me, just up a rounded grass hill from where i was. I looked to the west to see the round black drainage pipe that i had just crawled out of. I had been moving through the parking garage before, and was now sneaking out into the grounds of the area. I looked back to the east, up the slope of the drainage trough that ran into the black pipe. I imagined that a flow of water suddenly came down the cement trough. It would wash me back into the pipe, which would be a bad thing. I thought that i could get swept into the underground tunnels of the drainage system. I walked up the trough, watching myself for a moment from the northeast. I watched myself as i stopped to look back down the trough toward the black pipe. The pipe now seemed too small to easily walk through, and i wondered if i actually crawled through it. I then noticed that the trough was rather level. It did not slope down hill as much as i thought it would, and i thought that water in the trench would actually collect in puddles near the top of the hill. I looked around at the grassy hilltop where i was, realizing that the trough actually sloped down slightly to the east. Looking back at the pipe, i realized that drainage water would flow out of the pipe rather than into it. I was then aware that there were people moving to the southwest of me, coming from the building. I also knew that there was a paved path winding through the rolling hills of the park to the north of me. The path ran from the buildings to the west of me and continued to the east. I stepped out of the trough and headed to the south, through the tall dry grass on the hilltop. There was something amazing about the grass. It was golden yellow and stood about a metre tall. The grass grew densely all over the hill, and it seemed soft and wavy, with a furry fan on top. It was some kind of wheat or other grain, and i laid down in the grass, feeling wonderful. There was something special about this place, and i thought about eating some of the seeds from the tops of the plants. I then hoped that i did not damage the plants by lying down in the middle of them. I was then aware of the people moving on the paths both to the south of me and down the hill to the north. Because i was lying down in the tall grass, neither of them should have been able to see me. I told $A14 that this was a good place for him to hide. I thought about my position in the grass as i relaxed, thinking about the people to around me and making sure that they could not see where i was in the grass. I then told $A14 that he would be able to lay down in the grass and be hidden from view. I knew that he was a very busy man, and i knew that the others would constantly harass him for his time. He would want to get away from them and just relax for a little while, so i told him that he could hide here in the grass. I thought that he could sneak out through the parking garage and up through the drainage tunnel, the way i had come. I looked around the parking garage, aware that the people were searching for $A14. I explained that he could go to a certain level of the parking garage to find the drainage pipe. I hoped that the pipe was not so small that he would have to crawl through it to get out. I looked to the south, down the long corridor in the center of the dimly lighted parking garage. The fluorescent lights cast a greenish glow, making the garage look eerie and damp. The cars all seemed to be parked along the eastern side of the corridor, and i knew that the tunnel out was somewhere to the east of me. I was aware of a person on the next level up looking for me. I was $A14. I turned to the north, looking at the signs glued to the cement beams over my head. They were silver, with white engraved sans-serif lettering. Someone mentioned the special floor that i was on. It was not the second floor, as i had thought. Someone said that this floor was not used that much, so the others would not suspect that i would have come out this way. The sign to the north of me, high on the eastern wall, said that i was on the sixth floor of the parking structure. I noticed that there were fewer cars against the western wall here, and i thought that i was supposed to go sit in one for a while. I would eventually make it out to the grassy area where i could be alone for a while, but, for now, i was looking for someplace within the garage.

12008 March 31

I stood up from the table along with most of the people in the room. I was sitting at a rectangular table that ran north to south. It was against the southern wall of the long glass room that seemed to be a cafeteria. I felt that we had been having a meeting in this room, and it was now over. I stood for a moment, watching the people in the center of the room start to leave, while the people on the table around me lingered for a little while. $A299 seemed to be in the center of the room, and i felt that she wanted to talk to our group. Someone across the table from me then mentioned the windows in the ceiling. I looked up to see that several of the panes in the complicated glass roof were open. Our table actually seemed to be in a small nook off the south of the main room. It seemed to be raining a little, and the person wanted to know how we could close the windows. I noticed that there was a dark brown metal bar connecting all of the open windows and thought that it might be a leaver to pull the glass panes closed. I mentioned this to the others, looking now at the open square windows in the eastern wall of the alcove. The squares in the wall were slanted at odd angles, and the panes seemed to pivot from two-thirds or three-quarters of the way across the glass, with the short part inside. There were four square windows on the southern wall, arranged in a square that was tipped up on its side. As someone pulled the metal bar, a metal latching bar moved across all four of the open windows at the same time, starting from the side. I told the others that i was wrong. The bars did not close the windows, they simply locked them once they were closed. We would have to pull each of the windows closed ourselves. I looked up to the ceiling, wondering how we could reach the small triangular windows that were open in the ceiling of the glass roof. The person to the northeast then said something to us, and my attention changed. The person wanted to speak with my ground about the science projects. The person told us that we would be keeping our equipment in boxes. I looked back at my writing tablet, which i had left on the table. I had not been taking notes for the meeting, but i felt that i should write the instructions down just in case the person in charge expected it. The small writing pad had a black cover, which was folded under. I started writing notes, stating that this was about our chemistry class. I wrote out the word “chemistry”, but found that what i had written was too long and spelled incorrectly. There were too many Ys in the center of the word, and there seemed to be one in the middle of the last syllable. I ignored the mistakes and sat at the table listening. The instructor told us to label our boxes. My box had a number five on it, but i realized that we would be combining our storage boxes with the boxes from the other groups, so i wondered if i would be able to use the number twelve instead. People moved to the north, carrying their boxes with them. I thought about what to do for a second.

I sat down on the northwestern side of the small round table in the kitchen of the apartment. I was against the northern wall, and the man put the kettle back on the stove, which was directly to the south of me. He asked me if the name was right, and i looked at the tea, seeing that it was called McDounough. I confirmed the name, but said that it was correct, but that we probably would not be having the festival this year. The man seemed surprised and asked whether $A404 had decided not to hold the festival. I told the man that $A404 was still planning to hold the festival, but that i was unsure whether it would actually come together by then. The man said that he thought $A404 had arranged everything already and asked me to explain as we pulled across the bridge at $P73 and stopped at the traffic light on the southern side. I explained how the festival had gone last year. I said that $A404 had made arrangements for everything to happen, planning to do many things for the show, but that he never really followed up on many of the things. As a result, many of those things were not read for the festival and did not happen, even though the festival did take place. I was concerned that even more things would be dropped this year, especially since i had not heard from him in a very long time. I said this as we turned to the west at the intersection, heading down the southern side of the creek. The man assured me that things might still come together for this year, and i did not argue. I looked ahead as the man turned to the northwest on another road. There was a very steep valley of tan and yellow soil just to the west of the road, separating the road from the road that we were on. I remembered this from before. There seemed to be a house on top of the hill across the narrow valley from us, and the road that we were no seemed to round the steep hill on the northern side of the valley and turn more to the north. This was all very familiar. The woman then started talking about her house. She thought that something was wrong. I had also felt that something had changed abruptly, as if more time had passed than we had realized. She then mentioned that she could not find here tea. I stood up from the western side of the room and moved to the east, where she was talking with the other two women. I asked her to confirm that the tea she was looking for was the tea that she had served me. She seemed to have forgotten that she had served me tea until i mentioned it, but she said yes. I remembered the white box with green and black lettering that the woman had left on the stove, just to the south of the table that i was sitting at. It said “Green Tea” on the front. I asked the woman if she could not find the box on the stove where she had left it. She seemed confused, but admitted finally that the box of tea was not on the stove. I told her that she had left it there when we went out of the apartment. I tried to get here to remember this by reminding her that i had said something about the tea box as it sat on the surface of the stove. She seemed to remember, but i was not really sure. I remembered that the tea had something to do with the name McDowell, and i started to remember labels associated with the box. There was a series of numbers: 38.1, 39.1, and 40.1. I remembered that McDounough 38.1 was the tea on the stove, but i could not remember the significance of this label.