12009 March 01

I was in the store with the others. They were stealing something from the store, and i was uncomfortable about it. They were to the southeast of me as they took the thing with them. It was red, and seemed to be software. I tried to ignore them. They seemed to be $F1 and $A320. They ran off to the southwest, and i started walking to the east. I then realized that the software had been downloaded to my laptop. The man from the store was questioning me about the theft, but i told him that i did not know anything. I remembered that there might still be a copy on my computer, though, so i would have to delete the copies before anyone looked at my computer. I quickly tried to erase the files while the man was not paying attention to me. Once they were deleted, i thought that i would not be able to have them. I then realized that i did not need them. I was more comfortable now, knowing that there was no evidence linking me to the people.

I was in the red topless car as it traveled down the road to the east. The man who was driving stopped the car suddenly. There was something wrong, and the man seemed mad at me. I thought that i could simply jump out of the car because there was no roof. I could sail on the wind. It would be easier to do when the car was in motion, because the wind would fill the sails under my arms. I looked to the west, seeing the hill that was to the east of us. I knew that the hill ran all the way down into town, so i could easily glide down the length of the hill to get home. I felt excited about this idea, and move up the side of the hill as the car came down under me. The road wound back and forth up the hill, surrounded by cut grass and hedgerows. Some of the hedgerows followed the sides of the road around the curves. I wanted fly down the hill into town. I was happy.

12009 March 02

I suddenly realized that we were traveling through the countryside again. The ground outside was tan and spotted with snow, and the leafless trees were gray. It seemed as though we should be close to the campus, where i would have gotten off of the bus, but i did not recognize where we were. We were traveling north, and i worried that i might have missed my stop. This place did not seem that familiar to me. Someone else on the bus had a similar idea and asked casually where we were. The people started talking about the bus route. We were far from campus, and i wondered if i had missed my stop. I then started to recognize the area. There was an intersection ahead, where the road that we were on ended on an east-to-west road. I thought that the small town would be near the intersection. I told someone that this was $P84. The bus pulled up to the intersection and then started turning to the west. The driver said that they had changed all of the bus routes, and this route was now a little longer. It had an extra loop through the country to pick up more people. As we turned onto the main road, i noticed the shops on the streets of the small country town. This was the town that i had thought that it was. I would have to wait on the bus a little longer to get to the stop where i lived.

I walked up or down the stairs and came to the upper floor of $P55. I had not been here in a long time, and i wanted to see how the building had changed. The walls were now a grayish white. The stairs descended in a square column in the northwest corner of the building. I knew that there was a clock museum downstairs, but the upstairs was relatively empty. I should not be here, so i listened to the people talking on the floor below, making sure that none of them were headed my way. I stood on a platform in the middle of the stairs. I had come down the stairs from the west and stopped on the wooden platform. The stairs seeded to continue down to the north, ending on the upper floor of the building. I looked to the south, over the edge of the platform. There was another set of stairs descending into the lobby of the building on the lower floor, down a long hallway. I could hear people talking in the lobby, and sunlight shined up the stairs from the windows on the southern side of the building. I was nervous being on the platform, because the top of the stairs seemed to be a long way down from where i was. I nervously stepped down the stairs to the east, onto the floor of the upper level. The upper level now seemed to be one large room, stretching to the south. The building was long and narrow, and the room ran the entire length of the building. There was a wall around the stairwell that descended along the western wall, on the northern side of the room, and there seemed to be another box around something on the eastern wall on the southern side of the room. The room was navy-blue, with bright patches of yellow and thick black stripes. A wall extended from the eastern wall, separating the smaller northern section of the room from the main southern part, but it was a relatively short length of wall, so it only suggested a separation of the rooms. The walls seemed to be bright primary colors. Most of the room was navy-blue, but the floor of the central section was yellow. The thick black line ran between the northern side of the yellow block and the blue. The black stripe also ran up the western wall, turning diagonally to the south. Everything seemed freshly painted and clean. It was all very nice. We stared to move to the south across the room, and $F45 whispered something to me. He was being too loud, so i told him to be quiet. I did not want the people downstairs to hear us. He was behind me, and said something again. I urgently whispered back that he had to be quiet. I felt awkward with him here, thinking that he did not understand the situation. I walked to the front of the room. Suddenly, i noticed the large windows in the front wall of the building. The southern wall of the room seemed black, and there were three large windows in them to let the gray light in. These windows had been boarded up when this place was a theater. I then realized that these windows had been at the top of the audience. When this was a theater, the floor of the audience had sloped down steeply toward the stage, which was on the northern side of the theater. Since this floor was level with the windows, they must have rebuilt the third floor of the building. That meant that i was not on the spot where the old stage was. I was one floor above it. I headed back to the north, noticing a set of stairs halfway across the building, in the southern side of a part of the western wall that protruded into the room. I walked out of the stairwell to the south, coming onto the lower floor. This floor was also brightly painted in orange and blue. Most of it seemed orange, but the paints did not seem as glossy as the ones from the upper floor. The color scheme was familiar, and i joked about it being the colors of $G3. The rooms seemed very nice, and were in a similar layout to the floor above. This place almost seemed like a gym, with wide open areas and bright colors. The ceilings were tall and there was a lot of room. I moved to the south and then turned around to head back to the north. There was a double metal door in the pale western wall. The western wall seemed to be made of a different material than the other walls, and it seemed like a recent addition. One of the doors was ajar, and i could see red mats inside. I peeked into the room, realizing that it was a wrestling room. I commented about this to $F45, who was walking with me. I could see some people moving inside, but they were walking around the room, chatting with each other. They were not doing anything interesting, so i continued to the north, commenting about the wrestlers to $F45. I then listened to the sound of the people downstairs. They were still chatting. They had not noticed that we were up here yet and were not coming, so we were still safe. I walked back to the door of the wrestling room. I wanted to look into the room to see if there were any matches going on. There were two men walking across the room. I looked at them, but was unimpressed. They did not seem like wrestlers. They were young men, and they were wearing something similar to wrestling singlets, but they had gym shorts on. They were not that well detailed and did not actually seem like athletes. I thought that they must be recreational wrestlers. They moved to the southern end of the room, and i watched them for a moment as i spoke to $F45, who stayed to the east of me, outside of the room. The men to the south of me suddenly seemed more muscular as they started to fool around with each other. One of them raised his arms as if blocking a basketball shot. There seemed to be a net on the western wall of the room, and they were pretending to play basketball. They now seemed to be very large men, but they still did not look detailed or in shape. I told $F45 that they were not interesting at all and walked out of the room. I headed to the northwest, back to the stairs and into the upper room of the building. I came into the white bedroom on the upper level of the house. This place seemed related to $P19. A third person was supposed to move into the room with me and the other person, but he had not come. I wondered if he would actually move in. It did seem late in the semester, and i decided that there might only be two of us here now. The other person in the room seemed to be $F43. I wondered if the others of $G3 would decided that a third person was not necessary for the room because they might assume that $F43 and i were dating here. I moved to the bed, which was against the western end of the northern wall. It was covered with a white spread. Everything in the room seemed white, and the paint on the walls seemed thick, as though it had been put on over many years. I carried something to the south, where i was going to put it in the white dresser that was set into the center of the southern wall. The ceiling of the room seemed to slant in from the east and west. I opened the top drawer of the dresser, noticing that it was empty. We had been saving it for the third person who was to live in the room, but i decided that no one would come. There was a small door above the dresser, which i though was another form of drawer for the dresser. It looked like a miniature cabinet, and i thought that $F43 was keeping stuff in there. I put something in one of the upper drawers of the dresser and headed to the east. I stopped at the small window in the eastern wall of the room. It looked out over the multifaceted roofs of the house. There seemed to be two dormers outside the window, one on a southern roof and one on a northern roof. They formed a U-shape area around the window that i was looking out. I remembered being in the northern room of one of the dormers a long time ago. It was a storage area that had been forgotten. I moved to the east, across the short roof and into the dormer, looking around the old area. The wooden walls of the small attic space were unfinished, and the room seemed dusty. I was hoping to find something of interest here, but the room was mostly empty. There were only a few things scattered around the floor. I moved to the south, noticing the larger storage room on the southern side of the building. I walked through the small window and into the dormer. This place had been sealed off from the rest of the house and forgotten about. It was to the east of the upstairs bedroom. There were things stored in this attic, and i was more excited to look through them, hoping to find something interesting. The room was long east to west, with a slanted northern ceiling. There was an opening in the western end of the southern wall that led into a larger room. It was also part of the attic and seemed dusty with age. Both rooms had unfinished wooden floors and walls. There were some things stored here, and they interested me. I thought that this was a closet from the room to the west. There was someone from $G3 in the room to the west, but he was unaware that this closet existed. It had been closed off for quite a while. I turned back to the north, noticing that there was a small black cello case lying on the floor. I was excited about it, thinking that i could take the cello with me. I crouched down to the east of the cello and opened the case. The instrument seemed nice. I wanted to keep it, but i was unsure whether i should be taking things out of storage. I picked up the instrument and looked it over. It was a very nice cello. I then tried to put it back into the case, feeling nervous about taking it. I tried to slide it back into the case from the bottom, but something seemed wrong. It did not fit back in the case easily and got stuck. The neck of the instrument fell down into the case, but the back end was getting stuck on something that was across the top of the case, catching the strings near the bridge. I tried to adjust the bottom of the instrument, but it seemed to be coming apart into two sections. As i pulled it up, the brown top of the cello was separating from the black plastic backing. I looked more closely at the instrument, trying to get it back into the case. I then noticed that it was folding at the neck, which it should not have been doing. I realized that the thin wood of the neck had cracked and folded. This was not good. I turned over the instrument, seeing that the upper part of the cello and the neck were made of a thin piece of molded wood. It was very thin, and i thought that it was cheaply made. I did notice a screw that attached this part of the instrument to the main body, though, which meant that the instrument could be fixed. I was not as interested in the instrument now, because it seemed like it was made of poor-quality pieces.

12009 March 03

I turned to the east and looked into the large metal bucket. There were two cats moving around in the bucket, but i realized that they only had one head. The head was in the center of the eastern side of the bucket, and the two bodies curled around the northern and southern sides of the bucket. I realized that the cat was $X12. He looked up at me as he moved toward the center of the bucket. There was something special about him, and i realized that he seemed so fat because his body was made of two cats. As he walked to the west, toward me, i noticed his bodies merging together to form his single gray and white striped body.

12009 March 04

There was something wrong with this area, and i looked at the large white map to the north of me as the others explained. The volcano was in Chicago, and it had erupted, destroying much of the area. I thought that this was a super-cell volcano, and there would be a large explosion associated with it. We were not safe in the area where we were. We were supposed to evacuate to another area. The map showed most of the northeastern United States. There was a thick black line running down from the north, running through Chicago and heading south down the country. It had small jogs in it, and i thought that it was the main highway heading to the south. I told my mother, who was to the east of me, that we were supposed to evacuate to the east. There was a smaller road on the map running to the east-northeast. It ran into New York State. This was the road that we had to take, and i was glad that it ran into areas where we had houses. I pointed out to my mother that we could stop in $P14, which was in the center of the state. She could also drive all the way to $P6, but the road actually seemed to travel into the northern part of the state, near the Adirondacks. I knew that we would have to move quickly or the pyroclastic flow might catch up with us when the volcano fully erupts. We would be safe in the middle of New York, but i wondered if we had to head all the way to the northern part of the state.

I was moving to the east, on the northern side of the city-like area. I was moving down an alley between the two large buildings. It did not seem to be a street where cars went, but i knew that it was well used by pedestrians. I was riding a skateboard, and i felt as though i should not be riding through this area, but i felt defiant. The large flat building to the north of me seemed to be a school. It was a brick building, with simple metal-framed windows. I skated quickly past the front of the building, where a wide set of stairs ran down from the glass entry doors to the wide cement sidewalk on the northern side of the brick street. The building was ahead of me as well, so i turned to the south, following the alley around the corner. I wondered if i was supposed to be moving through this area. No one was supposed to be skateboarding here because it was considered unsafe. There was normally too much pedestrian traffic to make skateboarding safe, but the streets were empty now. I started moving faster, and i thought that i was heading down a hill, even though the land seemed rather flat. It must have been a very shallow hill. The alley ahead of me widened, and the ground was now covered with large square tan paving stones. There were metal columns sticking up through the center of the stores, forming rows in two or three columns. The columns ran to the south. The large white building to the east seemed to be a college building, and i thought that i was on campus now. I swerved around the columns, realizing that it was not safe to weave in and out of the columns moving so fast. I tried to slow down. I then realized that there were other people walking toward me from the southern end of the plaza. I would have to avoid them. Something was wrong, and i worried that i would hit one of the columns before i could slow to a stop.

12009 March 05

I looked at the white map of the forested area, which i held to the north of me. It showed the running trails that we were going to be going on. There were five different trails converging on this part of the map, and the people were gathering around me for a jog. They were setting up for a specific run on the trails. They said that we would be making loops on several of the trails, and i thought that we would go out and return to the same point several times before we completed all of the loops. This would make the run easier because we would be able to skip a loop or two if we started to get tired. $A510 stood to the east of me, and mentioned the Abbot Loop, which went to the north of us, on the western side of the lake. I knew that there was a large lake to the east of us. I looked at the map and then to the southwest. There was an intersection of two roads to the southwest, through the thin woods around us. The forest here was brown and leafless, but it was thick with branches. Through the branches, i could just make out the red traffic light at the intersection. There was a very short path leading from the junction of the trails to the road just to the east of the intersection. I asked the others to clarify this part of the look, asking if it only went back to the intersection of the road. It seemed too short a distance to worry about. $F57 moved to the north of me, talking about the trails. He stressed that we should run only the parts of the trails that we felt comfortable running. The faster runners could do more of the loops, while the people who were not as good at running could only do the shorter loops, or skip loops all together. $A510 started moving to the north, looking out at the trails around us. I thought about the trail. The Abbot Loop trail seemed to be only two miles long, so it was a very short loop, but the trail to the northeast seemed to be six or seven miles. It went up the western side of the lake, and might have gone all the way around the lake. I was not sure that i wanted to do such a long distance. The trail to the southwest was very short, thought, and hardly seemed worth doing. $A510 stressed that the trails to the southwest should be followed “all the way to Stevenson”. I was not quite sure where that was, and i thought that the trail would be followed to the main road, and then followed to the east along the northern side of the road. “Stevenson” seemed like a smaller road that came from the north, connecting to the main road somewhere to the east, but i was not sure. I hoped that it was not too far to the east. I then realized that the others had already gone off to run. I still had to go back to my car and change into my running clothes. It seemed as though they had started out on the longer trail, so i had time to catch up to them. I then thought that i was too far behind them and i would not be able to catch up. I was upset by this, but i realized that the long trail would come back along the road from the southeast. I headed to the south and then turned to the east along the northern side of the road. I would run the trail backward and catch them as they approached. I started jogging to the east, along the asphalt path that ran to the north of the road. It was separated by a wide grassy area. There seemed to be cattails to the north of the trail, and the grass here was green. I then realized that there was a cement sidewalk running along the northern side of the road as well. I wondered if the trail ran along the sidewalk or through the worn path in the weeds to the north of me. I looked to the northeast, noticing the worn path running through a thick area of cattails. I thought that the trail to the north of me was not clear all the way to the east, so i would stay on the sidewalk. I then came to a steep hill near the buildings. The road seemed to curve to the southeast, and the sidewalk followed it, but i knew that the others would come from the east. I headed up the steep grassy hill to the east-northeast. There was a pond at the bottom of the hill, to the northwest of me, and the top of the hill was lined with modern white buildings. They were cement and seemed like apartment buildings. There was one running north to south along the crest of the hill, directly to the east of me, and another running east to west, back from the hill to the north-northeast. The hill curved a little to the northwest, and it seemed very steep. I wondered if the others would be coming down the trail toward me soon. As i struggled to make it up the hill, i noticed some young boys at the top. They were on their way down. I concentrated on jogging up the hill, but i could not seem to keep going. I did not want to run now, and i felt very tired. I started walking in the middle of the hill, looking up at the father and the young boys in the dark brown or black jackets. I wondered what i should do now.

I looked at the brownish area ahead of me, which seemed to be a map of the forest around me. It showed the jogging trails in this place. There was a large lake to the northeast of where we were. It was drawn in blue on the map, and the trails were white. The background of the paper was deep tan. The lake in the center was roughly shaped like a tall house, with five almost straight sides. The trails ran around all sides of the lake and then extended out into the forest in all directions. The map was now like a pen drawing on notebook paper. The trails ran up both sides of the map and continued to the north and south, running parallel. There were also trails to the east and west, running in parallels from the sides of the lake. I realized that all of the lakes in this area were like this. They all had trails that ran around them in similar fashion, and all of the trails interconnected in a strange grid-like pattern. There were too many trails on the map, though, for all of them to connect with other lakes. Some of the trails might not be present around all of the lakes, but they all seemed to be in the same general design. Some of them were simply missing parts of the design. This place seemed to be the Adirondack Forest, and i thought that the trails here only went to other lakes in the area.

I was jogging down the dark road to the north. It was late at night, and i had been out jogging with the others on the long trails. I started moving faster down the eastern side of the road, realizing that i was almost to the intersection where the small rural town was. I had the hood of my sweatshirt up over my head, and the ground around me seemed damp. A car was approaching from behind me, and i watched the lights on the ground to make sure that it was passing me. I felt nervous jogging alone on this road. I came into the town, thinking that i had been jogging after the others on the trails, which looped out and back to this place. I wondered if i should take the long trail and try to follow the others, but then i decided that i would not be able to catch up with them. I was now back in the town, and i should wait for the others. I turned to the east at the intersection with the other road. The road i had been on ended at the east-to-west road. There seemed to be another road running to the north, just to the west of the intersection that i had come into. This place reminded me of $P51. I walked a little way to the east and then turned to the south, into the restaurant that was in the row of storefronts on the southern side of the dark street. The streetlights seemed to be on, and it was damp out, as if i had just rained. I looked around the empty white room of the old restaurant, but the others were not there yet. The walls and cheap metal chairs and tables seemed worn. There was a kitchen to the south, and i was aware of some cooks watching me as i paced around the room. The others had not come back from their run yet, and i wondered whether i should wait in this pizza place. Where would i meet the others? I paced to the southwest corner of the room, thinking that they might still be out on the long trail to the east. I felt a little out of place, realizing that the restaurant owners would be waiting to serve us, but i was the only one there. Some of the others were then around me, and i walked to the north. As i wandered to the east of a large wooden table, i realized that i had a butcher knife in my right hand. I carried the knife to the north as i spoke to the others. $A533 was sitting on a counter along the northern wall, leaning against the long flank of meat that was hanging from the ceiling. I thought that he should probably not be leaning against the meat because people would be eating it once it was cooked. I looked at the knife in my hand, and i realized that i should not be carrying it around. I wondered where i should put it. I then thought that i should not have stopped in the restaurant so early. The others were not back from the long run, and i thought that i should be out jogging more. I told the workers on the southern end of the room that i would be back, and i started to jog to the east, down the southern side of the street. It was dark and foggy out, and i did not really want to run more. I then realized that i still had the knife in my hand. It would not be safe to run with it, so i had to leave it somewhere. I set it down on the cement sidewalk to the south of me, in front of one of the brick buildings. I then realized that it would easily be seen, so i moved it to a short curb, which ran to the north from one of the buildings. The curb seemed to boarder the western side of a set of stairs coming out of the building. There seemed to be a metal pipe railing set into the top of the curb. I started to head to the east again but stopped and went back to the knife, moving it again so that it was not as noticeable. I would pick it back up on my return from the long trail.

12009 March 06

I had been unconscious in the hospital, and i thought that my brainwaves had been very minimal. I had been in a deep sleeping state because of something happening, but the people here thought that i was in a coma. Now they thought that i was dead, and i was just waking up to let them know that i was still alive. I rolled over onto my right side, facing west. The metal hospital bed with white sheets was on the northern wall of the room. I tried to stand up, but i felt very strange. I was still groggy. A male doctor with a rounded face was standing to the south of me. They were going to operate on me for something, but i could not let them do that. I tried to say something to them, but they seemed hesitant of being around me. They did not want to know that i was awake. I pulled the plastic tube out of my mouth. The male doctor in the white lab coat had put it there. It was a form of anesthesia. It smelled somewhat metallic, and i felt dizzy as i stood up. I felt that i had to get out of here to prove that i was okay. These doctors seemed to want to operate, even though they could see that i was alive. I was worried that they would put the anesthesia back into my system. I stumbled to the southern wall of the room, where there was another hospital bed. The doctor and the nurse had disappeared. Something was wrong here, and i had to get out of this room. I had to let people know that i was alive. I looked at the sheet of prescription paper that i was holding in my right hand. It had been lying on the empty bed to the east of me, the bed against the southern wall. There were black words printed across the top of the paper, and a prescription for a sedative was written across the center in sloppy red handwriting. There were two parts to the writing. The main part was large and seemed to say “Rohypnol”. It was scribbled enough that i could not read it clearly. The smaller part was to the left and up a little. It seemed to be the amount to administer. I felt that it was an overdose amount. They thought that i was in a coma and would not come out, so they were going to let me die. I then realized that they were just tranquilizing me, and i thought that they must know that my body is still alive and wanted to keep it alive long enough to remove the useful organs. I looked at the paper again and then put it down on the bed. I walked out the double doors in the southern wall of the room. An older woman was standing outside, dressed in warm brown clothing. She had white plastic glasses on her face and her hair was puffed up a little. She jumped a little as i came out, surprised at my appearance. She was not part of the hospital, and i thought that she was looking for something her. She was leaving this place as well, and i asked her if she knew where the exit was. I joked that i was lost here as well, hoping that she did not realize that i was trying to escape. I looked around the room for doors. I had come into a narrow corridor between two larger operating rooms, and there were cabinet doors on most of the walls. To the east of me was a full-sized door set into a metal frame. I wondered if it would lead out, but the label on it told me that it was a laboratory. I headed to south, into the large open room. The older woman aimlessly followed me. I suddenly noticed the glass windows in wooden frames that composed the western wall of the room. They looked out into a narrow corridor. On the opposite side of the corridor was another set of glass windows. I could see people in white lab coats sitting at armchairs. They were facing east and noticed me as i walked into the room. I hoped that they did not know that i was trying to escape. I tried to act calm and turned away from the classroom. I could not exit to the west because i would be walking right into the classroom of doctors. There were beds in the room, and i walked around them, heading to the east, through a door that was set into the southern end of the eastern wall. I felt nervous and tense and i had to get out of this place. I stepped into a large cafeteria. The room was filled with long wooden tables that ran north to south in the room. I spotted my parents and my grandmother sitting at one of the tables. The seemed startled to see me alive and stood up as i approached. They now had evidence that i was alive, so the hospital would no longer be able to tell them that i was in a coma. I moved toward them, thinking that i still had to get out of here. My grandmother suddenly seemed concerned as i started walking to the north, out of the room. She did not think that i should be walking around and wanted to tell the doctors that i should be in bed. I became suddenly mad at her, thinking that she would get me killed with her concern. I moved to the north, trying to ignore her, but i was very upset. I grabbed a wooden saltshaker from one of the round tables in the center of the room, thinking that i would throw it at her to shut her up. She was standing at the southern end of the table where they had been sitting and was not moving to get the doctor. I felt angry, but did not want to hurt her. Instead, i turned to the north and headed toward the exit door in the northern end of the western wall. There were people after me now, and i heard them come into the cafeteria as i walked through the padded light-blue double doors and into a long pale-blue lobby. I stopped, wondering where i was going. I wanted to get a drink because i felt very thirsty. There was a metal drinking fountain against the southern wall, and i stopped to take a few sips. A nurse then came into the lobby after me, grabbing onto my clothes. She was in a white uniform with a red mark on her hat. I realized that i no longer had to escape because people had seen me alive. They could not pretend that i was dead now. I told the nurse that no one would give me a drink of water, and i leaned over to the fountain to take another drink. I then wondered why i was running toward the door. I felt confused. Everyone knew that i was alive, so there was no reason to rush anymore. I still felt stressed, but i let the nurse lead me back into the cafeteria.

12009 March 08

I was running with $G4, but i had fallen behind. I had to tie my sneakers and had let the others run ahead. I ran to the north, in to the large room of the department store. There were orange marks on the ground, and i was following them, hoping to catch up with the rest of the runners. The marks seemed to be spray painted on the ground, but i knew that it should be some kind of chalk. I tried to follow the marks, but they seemed spread out, and i felt as though i was having difficulty doing so. I searched around the ground and clothes racks for the marks. This store seemed old, as though it was in the past. As i came through an old wooden door with large glass windows in the upper halfs, i spotted people jogging on the northern side of the room. They must be ahead of me on trail. I could see the orange marks leading to a door in the eastern wall, but the runners must be looping back and coming to the north of this room. There was a stairwell out the northern door, and the runners seemed to be following the marks around the stairs. I cut across the room, hoping to shortcut the trail and catch up with them.

12009 March 09

I looked down at the cloudy planet. It seemed to be mostly white, and there was something wrong. I had to leave this place. The planet seemed to be to the north of me, and i had to head to the south now. We were leaving because something had happened to the planet. I felt sad as i watched it go.

I was in the office of $G6. The desk was to the east of me, attached to the eastern wall of the cubical. Things had changed around here, and i felt uncertain with the circumstances. I should not be here, but i did not know what to do. There was a man standing just to the south of me. I looked up at him, talking to him about the problems here. I felt that we should leave, and he seemed sympathetic to the idea. He was $A409.

12009 March 10

I headed to the south, through the forested area. I was on a road that seemed to be running through a neighborhood, but there did not seem to be many houses in sight. It was getting dark, and i was talking to someone about the situation. This place seemed like a camp. As i moved to the east, along the southern shore of the water, it was night, and i could see the water reflecting off of smooth water. I knew that we should have someone working on this dock as a lifeguard, but there had never been anyone here. We were interviewing the man for the job, but i felt like the other person was not telling him everything about the position. We could tell him that he would be able to swim in the water here as much as he wanted. I walked up and down the wooden dock, which projected to the east from the western shore of the lake. There was something strange about the water, and i felt that it was not a great idea to have someone in it at this time. The man walked along with the other person to the west of me, talking about the position. They were then in the water to the west of me as i stood on the dock to the east. This part of the dock ran to the north from the end of the dock i had been on. I noticed something moving in the water to the south. It looked like an alligator, and it was heading for the two people in the water to the west of me. I warned them that something was moving toward them in the water and that it looked like an alligator. The other person said that it did not really look like an alligator because it did not hold its arms above the water like an alligator. This seemed like a strange comment, and i was unsure whether it was true. I then thought that we were too far north to have alligators living in the ponds. The animal disappeared under the dock to the southwest, but it was still approaching. I moved to the south. There was a small cement building to the east of the dock now, and i moved to the southern end of it, looking into the water to the south of the dock. I noticed another figure moving from the southeast. Now that i was closer, i could see that it was a snake. I told the others that the first animal was probably a snake. I then realized that there were several snakes in the water. I looked to the east, to the south of the building. The southern shore of the small island was gravel and sand, and i could see several long thin snakes slithering across it. The snakes came out at night, and most people did not know that they were here. This must be why no one wanted to work in this place. The water was probably filled with snakes. They seemed like long garter snakes, and i felt that they were not dangerous, but that they were everywhere. As i backed up, i wondered suddenly why no one had seen them during the day. I thought that they would leave some remains after the sun came up. I finally decided that the rats would probably eat all of their remains before humans never saw them. This would keep the island free of snake remains and prevent the people from ever knowing that there were so many snakes here.

12009 March 11

I moved around in the tall apartment building, which seemed long east to west and very narrow north to south. The walls seemed pinkish-tan, and i stood in the main hallway of the building, looking into the room to the south of me. I was telling the others that i would pick them up in the boat. I felt that we had to leave this place, and i pictured the small motorboat just off the shore to the south. We seemed to be on the beach by the ocean, and i looked to the south to see the boat moving parallel to the shoreline. I stood in the hallway, explaining to the others in the room how i would pick them up with the boat, which i could see moving back to the east, just off shore. I explained that i would grab them with the hook as they swam off shore. I commented that i would have to keep the boat moving in the water. I then thought about how the long metal hook would drag things behind the boat in the water. This seemed like some clandestine thing that we had to do, and i explained it to the people in the room to the south of me. They seemed to be my relatives. One of them seemed to be $K4. This plan sounded suspicious, but we had to do it. I turned to the west and started walking down the hall of the building. I then stopped in front of another doorway, noticing that the room to the south had water on the floor. Someone had spilled something, and it was running across the linoleum floor to the west. I was annoyed with the people and walked into the room to clean it up before it ruined the house. I looked at the thin puddle of water that had reached toward the western wall of the room, where there was a metal grating in the floor. This grating seemed to be a drain, so it would be good to get the water flowing down the drain. Looking to the east, however, i noticed that there was some solid food in the water. Someone had spilled food over the floor, and it was getting soggy in the water. I was annoyed. I decided to turn up the water on the eastern side of the room, hoping that the increased flow would wash the solid food down the drain. I let more water flow, but the red and green chunks of food did not seem to be moving. I then noticed that the water was starting to pile up to the north of me, in the doorway to the room. I was just adding more water to the room because it could not go down the drain fast enough. Frustrated, i turned the water off and headed to the east, down the corridor of the building. I had to get my things from my room so that i could leave.

12009 March 12

I turned to the east and started pulling the thin wooden rack behind me. I was in the service area of the cafeteria, and i was dragging the rack, which seemed like a wooden TV tray on wheels, behind me. I started to pass a woman, who was to the east of me, but i realized that i should no be dragging the tray out into the dining area to the east. As i passed to the south of the woman, i turned to the north, trying to pull the cart to the east of her so that i could put it by the garbage cans. I had to put it away with the rest of the trays. The woman grabbed the tray. She seemed like someone who worked here, and she was trying to prevent me from taking the cart into the dining room. The central section of the room, where i was, seemed small, with silver counters and stands. There were cash registers there and wood on the lower parts of the walls. There was a large dining room to the east, which opened to the south. There seemed to be another large area opening to the south to the west as well. I was annoyed that the woman would not leave the cart alone. I tried to pull the cart to the north, where the garbage racks were, but she held on. I was finally frustrated with her and let go of the cart, telling her that she could have it and put it away herself. She would be angry with me for not putting the tray away properly. I started walking to the east, ignoring her. I then realized that i was going in the wrong direction to leave. This was the entrance to the cafeteria. The exit was to the west. I turned around and looked at the man who was with me. He seemed confused by the situation, but i knew that he would follow me out of the room. He was $F24.

12009 March 13

I walked with $Z to the north, along the road, which seemed to be to the northeast of $P52. The road seemed lightly traveled, and there were trees to the east of us. There were also trees ahead, and the road curved slightly to the west to go around them. I focused on the tall radio tower ahead of us, which was sticking up over the tops of the dark colorless trees. I looked at the tower just in time to see part of it fall to the west, disappearing behind the tops of the pine trees ahead. I felt suddenly alert and tense, thinking that something had gone wrong. I focused on the second part of the radio tower, which was a tall thin structure supporting a small round ball on top. The thin metal girders of the tower attached to the sides of the ball, and the dark-gray ball started to rotate, the top spinning down toward us. There were horizontal slats in the sphere, and it reminded me of an air-raid siren. I was anxious about it and wondered if it would start howling in emergency. I then realized that the sphere might be some kind of announcement speaker. It seemed old, like something from the fifties, and i thought that it was actually related to the sports stadium, which i knew was behind the trees to the northeast. I worried that the speaker would start sounding, and i felt uneasy and scared of what might happen. We kept walking to the north, and i stared at the tower, worried about what it might do. I could see the rounded top of the stadium now to the northwest, just beyond the old metal tower. I watched the tower as we passed, nervous about what it might broadcast, and i thought about the tower that had fallen. We then came to the end of the path, where it ended on the side of an east-to-west street. The tall brown metal lamppost on the southern side of the road had fallen to the west, and was leaning up against something. A crowd was gathering around it to see what had happened. The man with me pushed through the crowd to get closer to the pole, but the police had already started to cordon off the area. There was a wooden barrier around the base of the lamppost, and i started to walk around the western side of it. The police had pushed the crowd away from the barrier, which had orange construction fencing along the bottom of it. $Z was helping the police push the crowd back, and several other students were helping as well. I walked to the north, down the open corridor formed between the crowd and the barricade. The officer announced to the crowd that no one should have more than one foot on the green rug. I looked down, noticing that there was a green turf rug between the crowd and the barricade. I walked over it to the northwestern side of the barricade. I stopped on the southern side of the street and looked back at the base of the tipping lamppost. The yellow tape and wooden barriers formed a triangular area around the base of the lamp. The police were trying to seal off the area so that people did not get too suspicious about what had happened here. $Z was not following me, and i waited for him for a moment. I then realized that he was now guarding the area and would be staying to help the police. I felt that i was not affected by the police and could wander where i wanted. They would let me into the area, but i was not interested in going. I waited for $Z for a moment.

I came from the east, heading down the northern side of the road and stopping at the front of the small white farm house on the northern side of the road. I had just come from a meeting at work, and i had driven home. It seemed to be morning still, and i knew that i was home earlier than i was supposed. I stopped at this house, which was the house next to my parents’ house, to pick up $X5. She was being watched here while i was at work. I thought that i would stop in to say hello to her before i had to head back into the city for a meeting. I walked up the stairs in the center of the house and onto the large enclosed porch, which ran the width of the house. The house seemed pale yellow or white, and the porch was finished with stained wood. I moved to the west of the main door of the house, dropping some of my stuff on a low table on the southern side of the porch. I seemed to have two bags with me, and i tried to sort them out so that i could easily carry them. I put the small black bag down on the table and tried to figure out how to carry it with my blue backpack. I picked up several things from the table, where my black bag was, and put them into my blue bag. One of the things was a small plastic jar of small objects wrapped in white wax-paper labels. They were candies, and i remembered that they were similar to taffy. I had forgotten that i had them in my bag, and i wondered if they were still good. I thought i could eat them later and started sweeping the crumbs and bits from my bag off of the table. I turned to the door in the northern wall, thinking that i had to hurry to see $X5 so that i could get back to the city for my next meeting. I started sorting through the keys in my hand. There were several brass-colored keys on a small key ring, and i tried to figure out which opened the door. I finally put a key into the door and opened it up. I walked into the large living room of the house, which was decorated in wood and white lacy materials. There were two doorways to the east that led into the other rooms of the house. Everything seemed quiet, and i wondered where $K5 was. I heard a woman to the east, and realized that $A16 was still here. This was her house, and she was watching $K5 while i was gone. I did not really want to talk to $A16, but i wanted to see $K5. $K5 came into the room and hugged me hello. It felt good to see her. I knew that i could not pick her up now because she was still working here. She had a job cleaning this house. I would have to pick her up when i was done with work at the end of the day. An oriental woman came out of the northern doorway in the eastern wall. She was watching $K5, and she told $K5 that he shad to go someplace in the house to do some work. $K5 acknowledged her and hugged me for a moment. I told her that i would be back later when work got out. It felt very good to see her, though. I turned to the south and walked out the front door of the house, coming out onto the stairs of the porch. I suddenly remembered that i had to get to a meeting very soon. The meeting started at ten, but it was only a little before ten now. I would not be able to make it back into the city before the meeting started because it took an hour to drive to the city. I suddenly wondered why i had come all the way home. It took me an hour to get here and i should have stayed for the meeting. I did not account for travel when i planned this trip. I felt upset now, thinking that it was hopeless for me to get to the meeting. I looked to the south, across the field across the street. I could see dark clouds and thought that there might be a storm nearby. I felt very bad and wondered what i should do. I would have to call $A513 and tell her that i would not make the meeting. I felt very disappointed in myself.

12009 March 14

I was to the east of my parents’ house, sitting just to the east of the driveway, on the wooden edge of the roughly triangular garden area. I had been pulling weeds and cleaning up this area, but it seemed that there was a lot more work to do. I felt upset that i had so much to do and i had gotten so little done. My mother was to the east of me, doing something else, and my father seemed to be out in the yard to the east. I still had not finished this small garden area, and i had a lot more area to do. I also had to cut the grass on most of the lawn. It seemed like a lot of work, and i felt depressed about doing it. I stood up and moved a little to the west, looking down at the weeds on the edge of the wooden step to the south of me. The area to the south seemed to be part of a dining room. I cleaned up the dust piles on the northern edge of the floor. I felt anxious. I then turned to the west and looked past the northern side of the house, to the woods at the edge of the yard. I could see $X5 coming out of the woods. She paused for a moment at the edge of the thicket and looked up at me. The yellow light that had illuminated the forest around her then turned off, and i realized that there had been a warm yellow glow shining down through the trees from above. It was strange, and i looked up above the trees to see if i could see the source. The light then turned on again, shining toward us. It was bright, but not blinding. I moved a little so that i could see the source around the thin trunk of the tree that was in front of me. There was a small semicircular light in the sky, and it was shining down toward us. I felt nervous, thinking that this was too strange. The light then started to close, flattening out and then turning into a smiling crescent. It disappeared all together, and i spotted a shape in the sky. It was a smooth metallic disk with a short cylindrical top. It looked like the stereotyped “flying saucer”, and it was partly illuminated by the glow of the yellow light that had just turned off. The ship tipped quickly and darted off to the southwest. It seemed to disappear before it moved too far. I felt that this was an extraterrestrial craft, and i realized that i had actually seen one. I felt suddenly nervous and tense, wondering what would happen next. I told my mother that the craft was alien, and i started to feel scared. I did not know what to do now. I then decided that i had to finish cleaning up this area. I looked to the north, out the window of the dining room. Looking down near the edge of the house, i could see the tall weeds growing in the grass. I would have to mow the lawn as soon as i was finished cleaning up the dirt and weeds from the dining room.

I pulled the large red gym mats to the basement door of my parents’ house. I had left them in the basement and it was time that i had folded them up and put them away properly. I then realized that i had left the other set of mats out on the lawn all winter. I was annoyed that i had done so because i thought that they would be ruined. I walked to the southwest, toward the red and white mats. They were folded in half, but had been lying under the snow all winter. I started folding the red fitted rubber sheet that was on top of them. It was part of the mat. It folded easily into quarters. I then realized that i was not folding the mat, so i tossed the rubber pad into the long cardboard box that was on the ground in front of the basement door and went back to the southwest to get the mat. I looked at the mat, wondering how damaged it had gotten from the weather. The top part did not look so bad. There were only a few small cracks in the top where the surface rubber had worn off. I flipped it open, though and noticed a deep hole in the center of the white part of the mat. Something had eaten into the mat. I looked down the hole, wondering if the animal was still there. I did not want to carry the animal into the basement with the mat. The hole was large enough for a mouse, and i could not tell if it went straight into the mat or if it turned to one side. I then looked at the hole on the opposing part of the mat, where they were folded together. There were several small insects crawling around the surface of the hole, but they seemed too small to have eaten out the hole by themselves. If it were an insect hole, a larger insect would have bored it. The hole on the opposing side was not as deep, and looked, for a moment, like an impression of a sharp rock. I then thought that it looked like a human bite mark. The shape looked like a full set of teeth sunk into the mat. I knew that this was not possible, and, as i looked more closely, i noticed that the hole had been chewed in small adjacent tunnels. The tunnels on the outside of the hole had simply not gone as deep as the ones in the center, giving the impression of ridges on teeth. I looked over the mat, noticing several other holes of the same type. There were several small bugs crawling around one of the holes, and i wondered again if insects did this. I dragged the mat to the back of the house and put in down on top of the box. I remembered taking it out here to use, and then realized that it would have been visible from the road. I thought that it was strange to have wrestled on the mat where people could see. I must have been so caught up in the match that i did not notice the cars going by. The mat seemed to fit into the box in its folded state, but i knew that this could not be possible. I would have to roll it back up to put it away.

I sat on the couch on the southern side of the room, facing north. There were two people sitting to the west of me, one of them seemed to be $F12. The living room of the apartment was small, and $F45 seemed to be sitting across the room from us, in a small cushioned chair in the northwest corner. On the western arm of the chair sat $F10. Some people had just come into the room through the doorway in the center of the southern wall, to the east of the couch, and i felt suddenly uncomfortable with the situation. $F12 had been leaning against me, and i felt very comfortable with him there. I looked back at the young couple that had come in. They were related to $F10, and i thought that they were his parents. I was supposed to be dating $F45, so i wondered if they would be upset that i was so close to $F12 and $F10. $F12 then hugged my left arm affectionately as he leaned toward me. $A535 was just to the west of him on the couch. I looked at $F45 in the opposite chair as i greeted the people who had just arrived. He was slouched into the chair, looking closely at something in his hands. He was wearing a black peacoat. I told the people coming in that he must be occupied with the game he was playing, but i started to feel that he was upset. I called his name, trying to get his attention. He looked up for a moment, but did not say much. He seemed more distracted than upset. I stood up and moved to the northeast with the others as they talked to each other. These people were the parents of my friends, and i felt a little uncomfortable around them. $A536 was to the northwest of me now, and he spoke to the woman, who was someone else’s mother. She asked him how the retirement was going, and he nodded to her, saying that it was going well. I felt very uncomfortable and did not know what to say. I headed back to the west and came into the front room of the building, which seemed to be $P19. The room was painted white and there was a thick wooden doorframe to the north, which seemed to be the main door from the house. The frame was around a cubical breezeway that jutted into the room. I started to the southwest, across the room, but then turned back to the east and started toward the other room. Two boys, who seemed to be in their mid teens, walked out of the room to the east and asked me something. I had been babbling about something and did not quite hear what they had said. I continued to babble as i wandered around the northern side of the round wooden table, past the boys, and into the next room. I then realized that they might think that i was intoxicated on drugs, so i turned around and apologized for walking by them. I said that i was thinking about something and asked what they had said. I stopped at the table, playing with the yellow and black matchbox car that was there. They spoke to me for a moment before heading back to the east, into the kitchen. The doorway to the kitchen was to the north of the doorway i had gone through to get to the other room. I looked through the narrow door of the kitchen as the boys entered. Their mother asked them about what they did with their father. I looked back at the objects on the table as i listened to her. The boys said that their father put them to bed, and the mother seemed concerned. I realized that she was worried that the new father might be abusing the boys, and i hoped that he was not. I then hoped that she did not think that i was trying to take advantage of them simply because i had been talking to them. She became upset and asked how the man had put them to bed. She then started complaining about other things he had done, and i felt as though she were talking about my grandfather. She mentioned the time when he had taught the boys how to swim, and implied that he just pushed them into the water and let them figure out how to swim back. I remembered being on the dock at $P22 and having my grandfather watch me swim from one dock to the other. I felt bad and realized that the woman was simply panicking about a situation she did not understand. She was worrying about things that did not make any sense. She did not trust the now father to the boys. I started walking to the south, down the western side of the room, thinking that the boys should tell their mother that they would not be worrying about these things. I wanted to tell them to just ignore her. She was being overly concerned without any evidence, so there was really nothing that they needed to be aware of. I was annoyed with the woman, and thought that i could tell them that i had ignored my mother when she was like this, but then i remembered that my mother was never this bad. I came to a white cabinet about halfway down the western wall of the room. It was painted the same white as the room and seemed to be embedded into the wall. $F45 was there. I suddenly remembered how nice it was to have $F12 hug me, and i hoped that he still loved me the way that i loved him. I wondered if i could be close to him again. I then hugged $F45, wondering for a moment if he had larger muscles on his arms. I then remembered that $F12 had the larger muscles, but i hugged $F45 anyway. It felt good. We were then reclined to the west, on the couch that was sticking out from the western wall. It was facing south. I hugged $F45 as we lied on the couch, feeling very peaceful.

12009 March 15

I caught a glimpse of the small dead-end road that was to the north of the main road. It was just to the east of the housing area where we had been staying. The housing area seemed to be in an urban setting. There were two small white houses on the northern side of the short road and a cubical metallic white building at the end. The cubical building seemed to be a storage tin, with raised flowers on one side for decoration. It seemed that we were leaving my grandmother’s house, and my mother said that is should go to the shop to get my bicycle repaired. I thought that it needed a new tire. My mother had looked up a shop in the telephone book and told me about it. She showed me the address, and i realized that it was the small white building at the end of the short street. I asked her about it, surprised that the small building was actually a house or shop. It did not seem to have any doors or windows. My parents got in the car, but i walked down the street to the east, up to the edge of the white metal building. There seemed to be a door set into the northern side, and i knocked, but i was already inside. I had a telephone receiver in my right hand and was holding it to my ear. There did not seem to be anyone here, so i was trying to leave a message for the man. I then noticed the list of telephone numbers posted on the northern side of the white refrigerator, which was against the eastern wall, just to the south of the telephone. The piece of paper listed issues of bicycle repair in the left column, with corresponding telephone numbers in the right column. I realized that the man here did not work on all problems of bicycles. I needed a new tire, but that was on the list, indicating that the man would have referred me to someone else. I walked back to the west, telling my parents that the shop was closed and that the man would not have been able to help anyway. I felt awkward here and looked at the housing development to the north of me. My parents were standing by the car, which was parked on the southern side of the housing area. The housing area was a small development of modern houses of a variety of styles. It was lower than the road on which i was standing. My parents were ready to leave, but i felt awkward and tense. Something was not right, and i did not want to leave this area quite yet. It was dark out now, and my parents did not seem ready to leave. They were doing something near the car. I started to walk back down the gravel sidewalk that ran along the southern side of the road, turning into the housing development just to the west of me. I moved very quickly along the path, crossing between houses. I knew that $K1’s house was here somewhere. I remembered running through the yards in this manner before to get to her house. I passed the red wood house with the open glass peak on the front. I started to the northeast, thinking that their house was in this direction. I remembered coming to their house this way before, but i could not find it easily now. I saw the large gray house appear between the others as i swiftly moved down a path. It was not $K1’s, though. Frustrated, i started to fly above the houses, hoping to spot the correct house from the air. I rose quickly over the western side of the oval housing area. I did not see their house among the number of houses crowded into this area. I then remembered that their house was on the northern edge of the area, where the road ran between the housing area and a small gorge. I swooped down along the northern border of the area, heading east. I spotted their house as i approached, but i stopped suddenly when i realized that $K9 was sitting on the front porch. He was slightly reclined in a chair, staring up at the sky. He seemed to be looking in my direction, and i wondered if he had spotted me. I moved around in the northern sky, hoping that he would not notice me or think i was a bird. I did not want him to know that i was spying on their house. I moved to the east a little, but it seemed that he kept staring up into the northern sky and should see me. He then stood up and walked around the western side of the house. He was on a balcony that wrapped around the southern, western, and northern sides of the house. He walked to the deck at the back of the house and sat down there, under the green canvas awning that was stretched over the roof. The canvas seemed to cover most of the roof of the house, and i could not see $K9 at the moment. I hovered low over the awning, wondering what i should do. I could hear conversation below, and listened for a moment. I then remembered that i had wanted to look through the windows of the house to spy on $K1 and her children. I wanted to do something, but i was unable to do it. I did not know what i was doing here, and i decided that i should leave. I headed to the northeast, through the rooms of the house, looking for an open window. I had speeded through the halls here before, and i remembered passing out a wide window in the northern end of the eastern wall of a yellow room in the northwest of the house. I passed into the room, but the window was not open this time. I thought that i should open it, but realized that it was not a window that could be opened. I moved through the halls several more times, coming to windows on the eastern wall. None of them were opened and none of them seemed to open. I started to feel frustrated. I then realized that there was furniture against all of the walls of the house. This place suddenly seemed like a store. There were few windows now, and i was in the southeastern corner of the house. I felt frustrated that i could not get out. The furnishings were dark here, and there seemed to be many grandfather clocks or tall thin cabinets along the walls. There also seemed to be a lot of sofas in the room, as if this were a museum or furniture store. I ran around the house, through the small rooms of furnishings, looking for an open window. There did not seem to be any. In the southeastern corner of the house i stopped, frustrated. I turned to the west, noticing that there was a small black, brown, and white bulldog to the northwest of me. He did not seem concerned about me, but i was worried that he would bark at me and alert the others that i was in the house. I moved nervously to the west, upset and frustrated that i could not find a window to escape through. I then wondered if i could focus my attention on the wall and simply pass through it. I felt desperate. I ran back to the east and focused on the glass doors of a cabinet that was against the eastern wall. I pushed my hands into the door, but they did not pass through. I became very upset and i punched the cabinet a few times, realizing that i could not get out of this place.

I walked out of the small bedroom of my parents’ house and headed to the west, into the central bedroom. My mother was standing strangely on the eastern end of the room, facing south. She seemed to be on her knees, but also standing with her legs bent awkwardly. She was staring blankly to the south, with her mouth slightly agape. Something was wrong. As i came into the room, she was lying on the floor, her body bent into a strange position. I tried to wake her up, but she would not respond. I was very worried about her and felt her neck for a pulse. She was still warm, but she did not respond to my touch. She had just collapsed, and i was worried about her. I carried her to the east, into the small bedroom, placing her on the bed. I tried to wake her, and then ran back to the large bedroom to call emergency on the telephone. The woman on the telephone told me that she would send an ambulance. I did not remember telling her about my mother’s stroke, but she knew what had happened. She then hung up suddenly. Something felt strange about the conversation. I realized that the woman on the telephone did not ask for an address. I walked into the small bedroom to the east. My mother was still on the bed against the eastern wall. I tried to wake her. She was periodically conscious, but she was not looking at me when she talked, or responding to what i was saying. I noticed that the left side of her face was puffy and seemed to be drooping to the side. She must have had a stroke. I was very worried about her and did not know what to do. She then started walking around the room. My grandmother was there, and they walked into the back room of the house. My mother was reclined on the couch against the northern wall of the room. She was dazed but awake. I asked her some questions, and she seemed fine. A dark-skinned woman came into the house from the door in the eastern wall of the room. She was from the ambulance service. She seemed annoyed that my mother was fine. My mother was conscious and walking around, and she did not want to leave the house. The dark-skinned woman in the blue uniform jacket cocked her head in annoyance and turned, walking back out the door. She could not force my mother to go to the hospital. I was worried about my mother and wanted her to got to he hospital. I told her that her face was puffy before, hoping that she would realize that she had had a stroke. I knew that this was something serious, but she did not want to think about it and walked away to the north.

12009 March 16

I headed across the plaza to the northwest. There was a structure over my head, which was supported by thin round marble-like columns. I walked through the columns, coming to the northern side of the plaza. I was in Paris, and i felt that i had to get to the train station to get somewhere. There was a street to the north of me, and the station was just a little to the northeast. I started down the steps on the northern side of the plaza. The steps were shaped into square patterns, and there was a large fountain near the bottom. The fountain was part of the steps, and water was spraying up from the center of some of the square patterns. The square steps where the water was coming out were recessed a little more than the flat steps that people could walk or sit on. They had a curved upper surface to catch the water. I could tell that there were several rows of fountains directly to the north of me, at the bottom of the steps. Water was spraying out of them and falling back onto the steps. I started walking diagonally across the stairs to the northwest, trying to go around them. The northwest corner of the plaza had stairs running down both to the east and to the north. Where they joined, the stairs descended together toward the northwestern corner of the city block. There was an intersection to the northwest of the plaza. On the northern side of the corner of the plaza, there was a triangular pattern of fountains running up the stairs. The fountains were not currently running, so i started walking through them to get to the sidewalk. There was a woman sitting to the west of me, in the middle of the stairs. She was just to the south of the top corner of the triangular pattern. She had been writing on the notebook in her lap, and now she watched me descend the stairs to the northwest. The lower part of the fountains near me started to spray water, and then i noticed that the fountains ahead of me were spraying water as well. I would not be able to walk through the triangular area, so i moved more to the west and descended the stairs to the street corner, where the main roads intersected at the northwestern edge of the plaza. I looked to the north, noticing the traffic driving down the streets. The intersection seemed rather complicated, with a triangular island just off the corner of the city block. There seemed to be a large arch to the north of the intersection, in a park. I still had to get to the station, which was now to the northeast of me. I sat in the car, looking at the roads. I realized that the car could not drive down the road to the northeast because it was a one-way street. It would have to drive to the northwest, through the traffic light, and then turn to the east on the next street up. It seemed that this would take a bit of time, since the car would then have to wait for the red lights. The person in the car to the west of me commented to another person that the traffic light on the eastern part of the intersection was very long. He said that people sometimes had to wait twenty-four hours for the light to change. The light then changed and the cars on that side of the intersection started moving from the northeast down the eastern side of the triangular grassy median. I wondered when we would move to the northwest to get to the main road. The lights then changed again, and the car i was in started backing to the northwest. I realized that they had come into the intersection from the northwest, and were backwards in the line of traffic. There was a driver in a black suit driving the car, and the other seats were filled with people. I worried for a second that the car would keep heading to the northwest and would not turn back toward the station. The car backed around the corner of the intersection, heading to the east a little before stopping on the southern side of the road. They were going to continue to the northwest, but i asked if i could simply get out here. The people in the car chuckled at my words as i stepped out, and i realized that they were probably very polite. The car headed to the west, but i hurried down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, heading to the station to the east. There was a short cement wall to the south with plants growing over the top. I rushed into the station, thinking that it would probably have been quicker if i had walked from the plaza. I stopped by the counter, which was on the southern wall of the modern building, just inside the large glass western wall. The southern wall of the building was gray and seemed to be covered with a metal or shiny plastic material. There were two women standing in front of the counter, both in dark blue uniforms with maroon trimming. They both seemed oriental, with chin-length black hair. The taller woman stood back a little from me, to the southeast. The woman directly to the south of me asked me about my reservation, and i started looking through the bags that i had dropped at my feet for the papers. I had greeted the shorter woman in French, but then realized that she might actually speak French to me. I did not know the language, and i suddenly thought it strange that i was in this country without being able to speak their language. She told me that she could not find my name in the books, and i realized that i had told her my full name. I opened the manila folder and started looking through the papers in it. My grandmother was standing to the west of me. She was not traveling with me, but was making sure that i got on the train safely. The shorter woman was then on the other side of the counter from me, and she showed me a white card that was filled with small black print. I did not understand what i was looking at, and admitted that i did not speak French. She pulled the card back and showed me a book. She said that a student had taken my reservation. I realized that someone had gotten on the train by telling them that he was i. I was annoyed and glanced to the northeast, where a group of younger people were standing in the main hall, chatting. They were dressed in bright clothing and waiting near the top of a set of stairs, which seemed to descend to the platform level. I turned back to the woman for help, but she seemed indifferent, apologizing to me for the inconvenience. She was not going to let me on the train. I asked her to clarify that the student had used my reservation to get onto the train. She told me that i would probably be able to get onto the later train. I felt a little frustrated and asked her why i could not get on this train when i had a reservation. I asked about the student who did get on the train, asking why they did not have him removed. I then realized that there were no seat numbers for the reservations, so they would not be able to know where he was no the train. She told me that i would be on a later train, but i felt that this would disrupt my travel schedule. I did not want to arrive in the other city too late. I was upset and tried to argue with her.

I heard something on the front porch of my house, so i looked out the front window. The curtains were closed, but i could see the postman in a dark-blue uniform bend forward to place something on my steps. He then turned around and walked to the east, back down the walkway. There seemed to be someone else moving to the northeast, near the edge of the lawn. I told $F45 that the postman had dropped off a package. I then noticed that there was a large car parked in the middle of my front lawn, to the east of the house. This seemed strange, so i moved closer to the window to look out the There seemed to be several cars parked on the street as well, which was unusual. I then looked to the north a little, noticing the paper bag on the front steps that the mailman had left. I then noticed a small rounded car just beyond the steps, near the house. I leaned forward to get a better look. The car seemed like a Volkswagen Beetle, but it was more rounded and shorter. It was creamy-tan, with brown fenders over the wheels. It was parked on the lawn with its nose right against the house, just to the west of the front porch. I was upset that these cars were on my lawn. I looked around the lawn, noticing that there were several other cars in strange locations. There was a large green car with yellow trim parked on the road in front of the house, but it was parked at an odd angle. It was facing northwest, with its nose almost over my lawn. A car drove down the road from the north, passing by, and i wondered whether the car had to go around the one that was parked. The shoulder of the road did not seem wide enough for a car to park at a diagonal. I looked down the road to the southeast, noticing that there were cars parked on the eastern side of the road, facing south. Something must be happing nearby. All of the roads were filled with cars. I was annoyed that the cars were on my lawn and thought that i should have them towed. I did not want a tow truck making ruts in my lawn, though. I moved to the north a little, in the basement of my house. The small tan car had parked in front of the outdoor faucet. I reached up into the rafters and turned on the inside valve for the faucet. It had been turned off for the winter. I heard the water rushing out of the faucet outside, and i decided to turn off the inside spigot again. I thought that i probably got water all over the front of the small sports car. I hoped that there was not too much water in the outside faucet. I did not want it to freeze if the temperature dropped again. I turned into the basement and headed to the west, thinking about the faucet on the other side of the room.

12009 March 20

I left the large white hall of the student center through the doorway in the western wall. The doorframe was made of a darkly stained wood. I turned to the south and headed down the narrow stairwell, to the studios on the bottom floor. There were some people doing something to the west of me as i came to the bottom of the stairs. The stairs descended into a relatively open area, with glass walls on all sides. The walls were held up by lightly stained wooden frames and seemed old. The rooms to the east were smaller wooden cubicles with glass windows on the upper halfs. One of these was a recording studio, and i wanted to use the equipment here. As i turned to the east to open a door, however, i realized that i did not have a key to the area. I was a little disappointed as i looked at the wooden counter on the northern wall of the small cubicle. The woman to the west of me, who was working on something with a couple young men, said that she did not have a key either. I would have to call the person running the labs. I walked to the north, now someplace else. I was talking on the telephone to the man who ran the studio labs. I had left my stuff in one of the labs so that i could go call him. He asked me if i was a student in the college, and i realized that i was no longer associated with the school. I wanted to use the recording software that was in the lab, though. I knew that it was the latest version of Pro Tools, which matched the type of software i had on my computer at home. I told the man that i was no longer taking classes, but lied to him and said that i was associated with the university. He told me that he would open the lab. I walked back down the stairs and turned to the east, into the studio area. There were two cubicles on the eastern wall. I saw my notebooks in the one on the north. They were sitting on the eastern end of the counter that was on the northern wall. The manager had been here. He turned on the equipment and left a small laptop computer on top of my notebook. I walked over to the laptop, realizing that it was running Pro Tools, the software that i was familiar with. I knew that it was an older version, but i also knew that the latest version was on the computer to the west. I looked at the mixing board to the north, thinking that it was very complicated. I felt suddenly unsure of what to do. The boards seemed so big, and i did not know what to do to get started. I wanted to use the music equipment, but the task seemed daunting. I was unsure and hesitant to get started.

I moved to the north, across the white tile floor of the small bathroom. There was an old claw-foot tub on the northern wall of the room, in the northwest corner. I moved to the east of it, where there was a large rectangular window in the wall. There was something wrong with the window, and i tried to wipe some of the steam off of it. I had just taken a shower. My grandfather was walking to the west of me, heading south from the tub. He had come from the shower room, but he seemed a little dazed. He was old and having trouble doing things. Someone then asked about the bathroom. I pulled at the window frame, noticing that the wood seemed deformed and bloated around the top and left side of the glass. I could not get the window open, and there seemed to be something wrong with the frame. I explained to the other person that there might be something wrong with the window. I was explaining it at a future time from when i was opening the window. I pulled the side of the window open, but the wood seemed to separate from the glass. I felt bad about the way it was coming apart and tried to fix it. I described the problem to the other person, who seemed disappointed that i had broken the window. I told them that my grandfather had used the shower here, but said that there was nothing wrong with the room.

12009 March 21

I was looking down at the ground around me, and i turned to look to the south. The land was moving under me, and i realized that i was on an airplane. I looked out the window to the north, watching the land pass as we flew to the west-northwest. The land seemed close, and i noticed some bare trees in the forest below us. The trees were fallen and piled along the southern and western edges of the standing green trees as if washed there by water. It seemed suddenly strange that a flood would have come from the southwest and washed the pale white trees into the surrounding patch of forest. Something was strange about the picture, and i suddenly realized that the fallen trees were actually yellow strands of dry grass that had been washed into the surrounding patch of green field grass. We were much closer to the ground than we should be. I thought about this for a minute, imagining that i was telling someone how i knew that there was a problem with the airplane. I realized that we were too close to the ground for the flight to be normal. I looked at the ground again, noticing the patterns where the water had washed small piles of twigs and dry grass into the edges of the taller grass. I turned to the southwest, thinking that something was not right. I was in the wide cabin of an airplane, and i knew that it was flying too low to the ground. The inside of the plane seemed like a lounge, with plain minimal design. The area seemed mostly creamy white with patches of red. The airplane was heading to the east, and i thought that we were flying toward Russia. I remembered traveling this way. I moved to the northern side of the airplane, realizing that i was now outside the cabin and holding on to the wing. The plane was heading west, but turned back to the east. I held on to the wing, thinking that it was strange that i was not blown off. I then realized that i had my arms around the tip of the wing, and my hands were grabbing on to a slight recession on the front of the wing. I was afraid that i was grabbing on to one of the ailerons. This might interfere with the flight and control of the aircraft. I wondered suddenly whether it was my fault that the airplane was flying so low to the ground. I could have been interfering with the controls, causing the airplane to slow down so it could gain more control. I was to the south of the plane now, on the edge of the starboard wing. I moved to the south, ending up in the center of the airplane as it headed east. The aircraft was black and shaped like a triangle. The nose stuck out from the front of the plane a little, and i grabbed the leading edges of the wings on either side of the fuselage. It would be easier for the pilots to control the plane if i was not holding on to the wings. As i wrapped my fingers over the leading edge of the wings, i was aware that the intakes for the engines were just on the other side of the wings from my fingers. I knew that the airplane could now speed up, and i wondered if i would be able to hold on here. The plane seemed to be tipping upward at a fourty-five-degree angle. I could feel the heat of the engines as they started to spin up, and i worried that i would not be able to stay here. I then wondered if the air from the intakes could suck me into the engines. I thought about this as i walked to the west slowly, crossing the dimly lighted airport lounge. We were still heading to eastern Europe, and i thought about this trip. It had been interrupted, but we were now allowed to continue. I spoke to someone to the south of me, talking about the trip. I mentioned that i had studied Russian in college.

12009 March 22

I walked across the old dirt road to the west. Looking to the south, i noticed the old rusted metal bridge that crossed the wide creek. I could not see the water of the creek because it was recessed into the ground, but i looked closely at the two metal U-beams that crossed the creek. There was one beam for each tire of a car. They were rusted, and i could see the blue water as i looked down between them. I looked up to the south to see the small town on the other side of the creek. It was antiquated, and seemed like it did not belong in this time period. I thought that it was somehow a town from the past existing in this place. This dirt road seemed to be $P59. The country around us was filled with light-green trees, and it seemed to be cloudy with bright sunlight shining through. I felt a little awkward here, thinking that the town to the south was something from the past. It interested me, but i was skeptical of it. The old roofless car was then to the south of me on the dirt road. It looked like an old british car from the twenties, with two sets of seats. It had white tires and a silvery surface. There was a woman sitting in the back seat of the car in an old white victorian dress with a lacy white bonnet on her head. The man started driving the car backwards over the iron railings of the bridge. I moved with them, concerned that it was too dangerous to drive the car in reverse over the bridge. I worried that the tires would come off of the tracks. Once on the other side of the bridge, i started moving to the south, down the western side of the street with the others. The town here seemed more modern. It was on a steep hill, and the land seemed to slant down steeply behind the buildings on the western side of the road. There was a small white rundown building on the western side of the street. Our car had driven past it and pulled into a gravel lot just to the south of it. I started walking to the east, looking down at the gravel ground. I was thinking about something. The others headed to the north, to the restaurant.

I walked to the west, across the front of the old diner, which was on the northern side of the road. The parking lot around the diner was gravel, and we had parked to the east of the old silver building. I walked into the restaurant, following the others. $A400 was with us. There was a long counter running east to west from the eastern wall. It divided the eastern half of the restaurant in half, separating the kitchen to the north from a long corridor in front of the counter. The counter was metallic gray and seemed to have a bluish-gray stripe running down the center of it. I headed to the east, toward the bathroom door in the eastern wall. The door was tan, and i walked into it. As i finished in the bathroom, doing something in front of the sinks near the southern wall, i noticed two women walking into the room from the west. I passed them as i headed toward the doors, realizing that they were walking into the wrong bathroom. I turned around to look at them, watching them look around the room curiously. There were several other men in the room. The white wooden stalls to the north seemed to be full, and there was a man in a black trench coat standing in front of the urinal in the eastern wall. A few men were in front of the sinks on the south, also wearing black coats. The women seemed confused. I did not mind that they were in the room, but thought it strange that a place like this would have a unisex bathroom. The women seemed like $G4. I asked them about the women’s room, and they said that they did not know where it was. I stepped out the door of the bathroom and looked at the northern wall just outside. The tan door to the women’s room was there. I pointed it out to the women. One of the women started talking to me as they came back out of the men’s room. She seemed very interested in me, and i thought that she was making passes at me. I felt rather awkward. I did not want to talk to her. I backed away to the south a little. $F13 was to the west of me. He blocked my movement to the west and started pushing me. I grabbed his left leg from the inside with my left arm and pushed him over. We started to wrestle for a moment. He was then standing up to the west of me again. I was amused by the situation, but he seemed stern with me. He pointed out how much i liked him, and implied that i was falling in love with him. I felt awkward in this conversation. I knew that it was true that i was interested in him physically, but it was strange for him to be pointing this out to me. I wondered if he was upset that i found him attractive. He did not seem upset when he talked. He simply seemed to be pointing out a fact that he thought i was trying to hide. I did not understand what was happening.

12009 March 23

I felt upset that $A197 had died. I moved to the west, looking at the piece of notebook paper that the other person was holding. The paper was covered with notes in red pen. The notes were written across the paper, with wide spaces between them. The lines seemed to be chemical equations, with single terms on the left and double terms on the right, one over the other with a line between, like a fraction. I knew that $A197 had written them before he died. The man holding the paper said that they were in $A197’s handwriting, and i commented on how detailed the letters were. The handwriting was very clear, with double lines on some of the letters. I was impressed with the style of the letters and pointed this out to the others. We all knew how smart $A197 was, and i pointed out the detail in the handwriting. I then saw the other paper with the same writing on it to the east.

I stepped out of the car on the southern side of the road and headed north, toward the tall office building. The man met me on the southern side of the building. He was wearing a dark-gray T-shirt and had long graying black hair. He was very familiar. I followed the man into the elevator. He was the man that i was meeting with. I had come here for an interview. The man started asking me questions as he turned to the northwest and pushed the buttons for the elevator. We stood inside the silver compartment as it started to move up. There seemed to be some kind of equipment in the center of the room, and i thought it was a xerograph machine. The man asked me a few questions, and i answered him. I realized that he might not have recognized me. He continued to ask me questions, and i replied in ways that hinted that i was familiar with $G6, which seemed to be the place where this man worked. I asked him about his job, asking if he still did network work. He said that he did, but did not seem to understand that i had known him in the past. I then noticed that the elevator seemed to be suddenly accelerating. I looked at the silver western wall, thinking that we had been ascending for quite some time now, and it seemed strange that we were not near the top of the building by now. I wondered why the elevator was moving up quicker. The man bent over and wrote something down on a piece of paper that he was resting on the large equipment in the center of the elevator car. He asked if it would be okay to confirm my past work history. I told him that he could simply check my records with $G6 for what i had worked on in the past. I then told him that i had worked here before, in case he still did not quite understand. He did not seem to acknowledge what i had said. We headed to the north, out of the elevator and onto the top floor of the building. $A537 was to the west of us, sitting at a desk. I was not aware that he still worked here. He introduced himself as Jim. I wondered if i remembered the name. I would be interviewing with him as well, so i asked him about the job. He said that the food was being readied. I thought that the office was having a small meeting to celebrate something. I felt that they were going to offer me ice cream and cake. I moved around as the other two prepared the office for something. There was a long wooden-top conference table in the western side of the room, and $A537 moved around it. I looked down at the edge of the table to the north of me, which i had been leaning on. I realized that i had been leaning in a syrupy liquid that had dripped from the cake. It looked chocolaty and glossy when i looked down at it, but i had some of it on the palm of my right hand. I had to wash it off, so i walked to the east, into the bathroom. I wanted to get rid of it before the others came to the meeting. I rinsed off my hand in the metallic sink that was in a counter against the southern wall. I was in the bathroom when i realized that $A420 had come into the room. He had been outside in the main room with me earlier, and i suddenly felt awkward, thinking that he might think that i was following him. I liked him and wanted to talk to him, but i had to act uninterested at the moment. As he moved to the west to a urinal, i looked for a sink. I moved to the west a little, using the sink on the southern wall of the room. There was a third man in the room as well, and he and $A420 started to talk. I recognized the third man. He was someone else i liked. I walked back to the other room, and the other two men walked in front of me. They were chatting with each other as i followed them up the steps in the circular stairwell. The stairs ran in straight flights around the walls of the stairwell, spiraling counter-clockwise as it ascended. The other two chatted ahead of me, talking about something. One of them then started singing a song. I remembered the song. I thought that he sang it very well and wanted to sing the song as well, but i felt awkward. As they chatted happily to each other, i remembered that both of them played instruments. I felt bad that i did not have anyone to play instruments with. We turned to the north and reached the landing where the doorway to the floor was. They opened the double metal doors and walked out of the stairwell, to the north. I followed, wishing i could play instruments and sing with them.

12009 March 24

I stepped across the green metal structure that arched across the city street, between the tall apartment buildings. The street ran east to west. The structure looked like a suspension bridge, but it was made out of green metal girders that crisscrossed its surface. The sides of the structure were very high, forming an H with the arch in the center. The arch seemed to be high enough from the street that the cars could easily pass under it, but it was only about half way up the sides of the dark-red brick buildings. I thought that i should pass a wire though the structure for support. I tried to think of how the metal cable would help support the weight of the girders. It ran from the top of the southern tower of the structure, and i pictured it running down to the flat top of the arching cross structure. I then realized that it should not form a bow from tower to tower as it passed through the arch. This would not offer the right kind of support for the tower. I looked at the bridge that crossed the street, thinking that the wire should support the weight of the crossing structure, but it would have to be correct. The inspectors would come to look at the wires if we did them ourselves, and it could not be wrong. I noticed a metal bar crossing the street over the top of the metal structure. It seemed to suspend a streetlight over the center of the road. The light was rectangular and centered in the street. I wanted to run my cable across the street, but realized that the cable of the streetlight would be the same thing. I wondered if i should sling my cable from the top to support the lights. I then grabbed onto the cable and pushed myself away from the bridge, swinging to the west and then to the south. I landed next to $Z on the western side of the southern tower of the structure. I felt suddenly uncomfortable with what i had done, realizing that i could easily have fallen. There were other people securing wire to the structure, and i wondered if we should really be doing this. I moved to the south, through the building. I was on the rooftop of the southern side of the building, with a tall brick wall to the north of me. Several cables ran out of the building and across the roof, to the south. I gathered some of them together and tried to coil them up. There was black tape holding some of the black coaxial cable in a coil. I would have to coil the rest up so that it did not get unruly. The others walked to the north and turned to the east, just inside the darkness of the building. I started to follow them, thinking about being back in college. I bent over to do something with the cable, but was moving to the north. I stepped through the brick wall and came out onto the dark quadrangle of the college campus. There were cement paths crossing the courtyard, and i followed one to the center of the area, still bent over. I was pushing down on the ground with my hands. This seemed like some kind of exercise, and i though that it was running practice. I then realized that i was wearing a towel around my waist. I adjusted it a little before i pushed my hands across the ground again, moving to the north. I stopped where the paths crossed in the center of the quadrangle, feeling strained. I stood up and adjusted the towel, realizing that it had started to slip down my buttocks a little. I tightened it around my waist and started walking upright to the west. A woman, who seemed heavyset, walked into the center of the quadrangle behind me. She had been walking up from behind me. She complained about the fact that my towel had slipped down. She seemed very angry about it, and i felt that she was complaining because she was too prudish. I walked casually away, saying “Freak!” in a loud voice so that she could hear me. I then ignored her and continued heading to the west. I had been out jogging and was now heading back. I came to the western wall of the area, and i now seemed to be inside a building. The walls were red brick, and there seemed to be a dividing wall running east to west to the north of me. There was a black door in the northern wall, on the other side of the short dividing wall, which was also brick. George Bush Junior stood near the door. He told me that it was bad weather outside, but i sayed that it was not that bad as i moved to the door. I then admitted that it would be better if it were not raining outside. The door was open, and i looked outside. It was raining, and the runners were standing just to the east of the door, on the paved walkways that ran to the west, to the north of the door. There was a man in a blue T-shirt stretching out his quads as he stood with the pack of runners. They were ready to start the race. He was tall and skinny, with short black hair and big overhanging teeth. He stood in profile to me as he stretched.

I was in the yard to the east of the house with my father. I had wanted to clean up something on the side of the house, and i bent over and started pulling weeds from the ground. There was a patch of tall weeds in the yard. I backed over them and started pulling some of them up. I remembered being here before. I had lifted the broad leaf on the northern edge of the patch to look at the round stalk of one of the plants. When i did, i had noticed a small mouse curled up against the stalk. I did not want to disturb the mouse now, but i had to pull up the weeds. My father followed me from the north as i stared to pull up the stalks of weeds. I pulled up the large leaf to find a squirrel curled up against the stalk. I was surprised to see it there. I was still expecting the mouse, and i thought that the squirrel must have taken over the nesting place after the mouse left. I moved to the south a little, pulling up weeds in the center of the patch first. I wanted to let the animal wake up on its own and leave before i got to that section of the weeds. I then wondered why the animal was still asleep. It seemed strange that i could get so close to an animal without it waking up and running away. I saw the animal again, noticing that it was more rounded now and seemed much larger than a squirrel. It had pale-gray fur. Its head was tucked under its body. My father then leaned over and started petting the animal. This was unsafe, and i warned my father that this was a wild animal and might attack. My father withdrew his hand suddenly, saying that the animal had bitten him. The black cat became very angry and ran away to the north, across the small bedroom. I could not see it under the furnishings, but i wanted to get it out of the house. My father walked out of the room through the door in the small wall that extended from the western wall of the room, about half way across the room. I closed the door behind him and turned around too look for the wild cat. I then moved to the southern wall of the room, just to the east of the wall that separated the entry corridor from the room. There was a closet in the southern wall, and i closed the door so that the wild cat would not go in and hide among the things there. I wanted to keep the cat out of recessed places so that it would be easier to chase it from the room. I then noticed that $X12 was in the room to the north of me. I quickly moved to him and picked him up from the small bed in the center of the room. I opened the exit door again and put him out in the hall. I did not want him to get in a fight with the other cat. I wondered if i should open the windows so that the wild cat could get out of the room. I wondered where it could be. I then saw $X14 in the room to the east of me. I quickly grabbed him and put him out into the hall as well. I thought that i should close the windows on the western wall of the room so that my cats did not come back in. I pulled down the window just to the north of the exit door. There seemed to be a roof outside of it. I then closed the window on the western end of the northern wall. As i did so, i noticed a large curved gap under the window where the wall of the house had sagged away from the window casing. There were several icicles hanging down across the gap. I was disappointed that the window was already showing signs of falling apart, since it was fairly new. I called into the room to my father, who was outside the room, telling him that the wall had started to sag away from the window already, that the window was already broken. This seemed to be a big problem. I then saw $X14 in the room again. He came from someplace near the northern wall and moved to the south as if he was stalking something. I was worried that he was after the wild cat, so i moved after him. He trotted across the floor and disappeared into the lower shelf of the bookcase that was standing against the southern wall. I heard the sound of a cat fight, and then $X14 ran out from under the bookcase. I grabbed him and carried him to the door of the room. My mother was with me in the room now. I looked at $X14 as carried him to the door. His head was swollen and oddly shaped, and i wondered if he was having an allergic reaction. His black nose was large and bubbled. I then noticed the red spot on the top of his head. It looked like bare skin, and it was swollen and shiny red. As i set him down outside the door, i looked at his strange features. He looked like a cartoon character with several bruises on him. He sat outside the door, looking back at me with the exaggerated features of his face. I closed the door and went back into the room to look for the wild cat. I then noticed $X13 in the room. I was frustrated and told my mother that we had to keep animals out of the room. I wanted to open the windows and chase the black cat out, but i did not know where it was in the room. I then noticed several other animals running through the room. I did not know how they were getting into the room, and i was annoyed that they were. We had to keep them out of the room so that there were no more fights with the wild cat. I wanted to keep our pets safe until i could get the other cat out of the room.

12009 March 25

I was in the center of the room of the house, which seemed to belong to $F35. I had stayed overnight here. I moved to the southern side of the long dark-brown dinner table, which was in the center of the room. Others were around the table. A woman in a fancy dark-yellow dress was sitting on the western end of the table, just to the northwest of me. The man across the table from me seemed to be $F35. It seemed to be morning, but i was eating pizza from the table. I had a slice on the white paper plate in my right hand. Someone then came into the room from the east. I turned to see. They had a large dog with them. I realized that the dog was an afghan hound, with thick tan curly fur running down from its narrow head. I greeted the pet, reaching out my right hand to pet its head as it approached. The dog was happy to see people and started sniffing around the table. It started sniffing my lap, and i decided that i had better move the plate of pizza where the dog could not get to it. I put the paper plate back onto the table. The dog then walked away, and i joked to the woman about what the dog really wanted in my lap. It had only wanted to come over to check me out when it knew that there was a plate of pizza in my lap. The woman recoiled in shock at what i had said, and she seemed horrified. I realized that she must have thought i was making a dirty joke, but i did not understand why she was acting so horrified. I leaned toward her and asked her what was wrong, noticing the expression on her face. She did not say anything, and i started to feel bad. $F35 was to the northeast of me, and i told him that something had happened to the woman. I was not sure what to do. I moved to the west, across the parking lot.

I was in the car with the other person, and i was driving. We were in a city area that seemed to be $P143. The stores seemed to be to the west of us, on the other side of the block. We were in a parking area on the western side of the narrow street, and i drove the car to the west, toward the exit to the parking lot. There was a woman sitting in the passenger’s seat. The car suddenly skidded to the west, and i tried to regain control. As i stopped the car just off of the road, in the entrance to the parking lot, i noticed the police car sitting across the street, to the west of us. I let the car skid across the street a little to the west, hoping that the police would think that it was not my fault. I did not want the police to think that i was drunk. There seemed to be something else moving the car, and i told the woman that there was a strong wind outside. I worried that the wind was strong enough to slide the car across the street. I looked to the south, noticing that there were other things skidding to the west as well. I hoped that the police realized that the wind was causing other things to slide into the street and that it was not just my car. I then wondered if there was a tornado somewhere that was causing the strong winds. I moved to the south, down the center of the street, watching for signs of strong winds. My attention was then drawn to a dark cloud hovering very low over the eastern side of the street. I looked at the black patch of cloud as i approached, spotting two fingers of cloud extending a few meters below the cloud, but still a couple meters from the ground. The fingers leaned toward each other, slightly out of plane from each other, and were spinning around each other, like the beaters of a mixer. I quickly drove past it, hoping that it was not a tornado forming.

I turned back to the south and threw the large white ball down the length of the bowling alley. I was standing in the pin area of the bowling lane. The white ball flew down the entire length of the alley and bounced into the chairs at the other end. A man at the counter in the southern wall looked up at the noise as the white bowling ball crashed through some racks on the floor level of the lanes. I saw the top of a pin bounce away from the crash and realized that i had broken some of the pins when i threw the white ball, which seemed like a cue ball from the bowling game. I realized that i should not have been in the pin area of the lane and started to move back to the south, to get out of the lane. I started dragging myself down the lane on my stomach. I knew that the manager was probably watching, and i thought that, if i dragged myself, it would make it seem that i had a good reason to be in the pin area. As i reached the other side of the alley, i looked around for the white ball that i had thrown. I did not see it. I would need it to continue to play the bowling game, because the ball had something to do with the game. I then realized that i was in a grocery store to the south of the bowling lanes. I walked to the west, farther into the store, pretending that i was looking for someone. I did not want to make it seem that i had no real reason to be here. I walked past the manager’s desk, which was on the southern wall of the store. I could not see anyone i knew, so i started walking back to the east. The eastern end of the store was open on the north. This was the corridor back to the main lobby of the bowling alley. The lanes seemed to run east to west, and the staff desk was on the eastern end of the bowling lanes. Rather than heading back into the alley, i continued to the east, through the glass doors of the store and out into the dark parking lot. People were coming into the store as i exited. I passed another group of people just outside the door, but i continued to the east, toward my car.

12009 March 26

I walked steadily down the long narrow hallway of the airport, heading west-northwest. I was looking for someone, and the others were helping me. I knew that the man had come to the airport to escape, and i felt like we should be able to find him. The corridor ran into a small room where people were standing around, waiting for their flight. The room was rounded, and had a corridor running to the east and to the west. I glanced to the east, noticing that the corridor ended only a little way away. This was where the people would be boarding the airplane. I then looked down the long corridor to the west. It seemed to be at a lower level than us. I could not see the man moving away from us down the corridor, so i though that he must still be in the room with all of these passengers. The others around me started to move out through the crowd, looking for him. I started down the corridor to the west, but stopped. Other passengers were still climbing the stairs to the southeast of me, trying to get into the small room where i was standing. I was in the tail section of a large airplane, and the corridor to the west was the main cabin of the plane. I looked out the oval door to the southeast, realizing that the plane had started to move down the runway. The stairs on the outside of the airplane were being dragged along, and there was a man in a brown coat trying to get off of them and get into the cabin, but i was standing in his way. I had to get out of the airplane. I should not be here. It was a distraction from my hunt for the man in the terminal. I let the man come into the door and started down the stairs. A female steward in a white uniform shirt and blue skirt hurried to the door. The airplane stopped suddenly in the middle of the street. I hurried down the stairs and off of the airplane. I was aware that a city bus had stopped just to the east of the airplane. It was following the airplane and came to a stop just before hitting it. The steward seemed confused about what was happening and was surprised that i was getting off of the airplane. I realized that they might suspect me of some malevolent deed, but i jumped from the bottom of the steps onto the street. The female bus driver to the east beeped her horn urgently, and i realized that she was suddenly concerned about me because i was leaning the aircraft. This was not a normal thing, and they were scared of what i might have done. I ignored them and hurried to the south, between the rows of parked cars. I pulled my brown trench coat tighter and turned to the east, walking down the southern side of the street, which seemed to be $P33. It was dark out, and i wanted to get out of this place quickly before the police showed up. I then watched myself hurry down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, heading west. A police car pulled onto the street ahead of me from the north, its lights flashing in blue and white. I did not want them to see me walking away from the airplane or they might stop me and ask me questions. I flew up into the air so that i was above the branches of the thick deciduous trees that lined the northern side of the street. As the police car approached, i moved to the west, across the front of the trees. I hoped that the police officer did not see me flying overhead. I landed near the end of the block and continued walking to the west, into the corridor on the western side of the intersection. I came into the small television room. There was a television on the western wall of the room, and a man in a chair against the southern wall. The corridor ran smooth with the southern wall of the room, so i turned to the north, into the room. There was someone sitting on the southern end of the old brown cushioned couch that was against the eastern wall of the room. I sat down to the north of them, taking off my jacket. These people seemed like $G3, and i hoped that they would pretend that i had been here for a while. I had not been sitting down for too long before the female police officer came into the room. She asked me to come with her, and i acted as though i had no idea what was happening. She asked me to come with here, and i stood up, acting confused. She then accused me of being a blood stealer. I did not know what the term meant, but started to walk toward her, pretending to have no idea what was happening. The person who had been sitting next to me on the couch started talking about Vim, which seemed to be an imaginary world or culture that had something to do with taking blood. It was part of a fantasy game. He then said the word again as Vex, and i repeated it. This word sounded better. The woman was waiting for me, and the man on the couch joked that the queen wanted blood. I did not quite know what the statements meant.

I walked out the door of the house, heading west. This house seemed to be the one i used to live in at $P2. As i walked out the door, i realized that i could not lock it behind me. I worried that someone might try to come into the house while i was not there. I was renting an apartment here. I turned around and looked at the door. It was a metal screen door, and i knew that it led into a courtyard. I could see the pale green of the grass through the dirty windows in the door. I walked up the three cement steps leading to the door and opened the door, hoping that no one noticed how easily i could get into the apartment without unlocking the door. I pulled the metal screen door closed behind me and tried to think of a way to lock it. The small courtyard here was part of my apartment, and i could not let people wander in or they would be able to get to my apartment. I looked the door over, wondering if there was any way to block it shut from the inside. There was a long thin metal rod that leaned against the left side of the white wooden doorway. It curved slightly, and i wondered if it was intended to be used to brace against the back of the door. I pulled on the metal bar, which pivoted from the bottom, and looked for a place to secure it. The end of the bar curved in and then flattened out, as though it fitted into a brace. There was another black metal fitting on the upper right side of the door, but the long bar did not seem to fit into it well. I thought that this might have been more of a spring mechanism than a way to lock the door. I decided that i could simply pull the bar across the door and brace it behind something to keep the door from opening. I looked to the south to see if there was anything i could use. I noticed that there was a garden hose curled up on the ground just to the south of the door. The western wall of the courtyard recessed to the west, to the south of the door. The western end of the oval blue and white above-ground swimming pool was recessed into the wall, and the metal pipe and faucet sat just off of the northern side of the pool, flush with where the wall would have been. The orange garden hose was curled up to the east of the pipe. I turned to the east and walked into the yard. I remembered this from before, but things seemed much cleaner and more modern now. I remembered the pool from before, but it had been an in-ground pool. The pool was originally filled in, so it must have been put back in place recently. I walked across the grass to the northeast, toward the gap in the white wooden fence. The fence was clean and bright. Everything was different, but very similar to how it had been when i was here before. It had all been recreated. I headed toward the narrow parking lot on the northern side of the fence. I remembered my mother parking her car here. I spotted the tall tree that stood on the northern side of the sidewalk from the parking lot, just to the east of the lot. It was there when i was young as well. I remembered being in the parking lot and swearing at a man a long time ago.

I walked down the stairs to the first floor of $P19 and turned west, into the library. It seemed to be in the morning, and there were people moving around the house. I felt out of place here, as though i did not belong here anymore. I did not want the others to see that i was still hanging around here, so i tried to hide in the library. One of the younger members of $G3 came toward me from the south, i smiled at him as i stepped to the western side of the library. I realized that i was still wearing a blue housecoat and still had a mouth guard in my mouth. I felt slightly embarrassed about it and moved farther into the library to get out of view of the others. I had been sleeping here and staying in one of the rooms, even though i felt that i was too old to be in this place. I realized that i had been staying here long enough that i should be paying rent. I moved to the shelves in the eastern end of the southern wall, looking for a piece of paper. I wanted to write a check for the time that i had stayed here, but i could not find a blank piece of paper. I pulled a piece of paper from the shelf and found a pen near it, but realized that the paper already had writing on it. I looked at the writing and realized that the paper was an old house bill for renting. Charges had been written on it in pencil, but some of them had been erased. I realized that this house bill would be reused in the next month, with the new charges written in where the others had been erased. I needed to find another piece of paper and started to look around the room. I found two manila tickets on one of the shelves in the southern wall, but i could not use them either. I looked around for other things that i could write on. I then heard people moving around in the living room outside, so i moved to the western end of the room, where i would be out of site from the door. To my surprise, people came into the door in the western end of the southern wall of the library. This door was rarely used, and i was surprised to see people walking through it. One of the people seemed like $A223. I felt uncomfortable with the other people, and pretended that i was just wandering around the library, rather than hiding in it.

12009 March 27

I looked at the two red and yellow posters that were hanging on the wall to the west. They were of comic-book characters, with two large faces in the center, surrounded by smaller faces of other characters. I realized that the poster on the left was done in an older style, mimicking comic-book characters from the thirties. The background of the poster seemed to be yellow, and the main character seemed to be red. The shapes of the faces were exaggerated, and i noticed the man in the upper left of the book had a wide jaw and forehead with a narrower cheek section of his face. There was also some detail on his face that seemed like small warts. I then looked at the poster to the right, noticing that it was in a much cleaner and more modern style. I thought that it was a style from the eighties. It had sharper colors and more shading. It seemed to be the exact same scene: just done in a different style. I moved a little to the north and noticed the three pictures to the eats of me, on the northern end of the area. They were of comic-book characters, and they moved as if they were part of a movie. I watched the man in the center. He looked familiar, and i recognized the actor. His face was painted red, and he wore a red hat that seemed to be a Civil War style. He seemed to be speaking earnestly to someone, and he was looking a little to the left in the picture. He nodded his head a few times as he spoke. I then noticed that his hat had tipped back a little, exposing the edge of his dark-blond hair. The makeup did not extend under his hat, and it was noticeable in the picture. As he spoke some more, he pulled down the front of his hat, covering his bare skin near his scalp. I wondered why they would let that be in the movie. It was too obvious for an editor to miss. He was called Red Bee or Red Hornet. I looked at the man in the oddly shaped cone hat to the left, thinking that he was Green Hornet. Something seemed odd about the names. I thought about them, trying to remember who was who.

12009 March 28

I carried the large thing to the southwest, into the building. It was bulky, but did not seem overly heavy to carry. The building was long east to west, and it had a lot of large machines inside. This place seemed like a sawmill. I was a little uncomfortable being here, not quite sure whether i worked here or not. I passed a few people as i entered the building, but i felt as though i had worked here at one point, so it made sense that i was carrying the large things into the building. There was a man operating one of the large pale-green machines to the south of me. I told him that i was bringing in the things and asked where i should put it. I noticed the large round sections of logs in the center of the room. They were three or four meters in diameter and a few meters thick. They seemed to be related to what i was carrying. The man motioned with his arm to the southwest. I walked through the machines, carrying the large brown object. There was a woman working at a saw table near the western end of the hall. I greeted her and asked her if they were cutting logs today. She seemed to misunderstand the question and though that i was asking her about the logs that were being brought in. I told her that i had brought in the large logs. They were large round cross cuts from a big tree. As i looked at some of the ones in the center of the room, to the south of me, i thought that they would make nice tabletops. I was no longer carrying anything, and i was wandering to the west, into one of the smaller rooms of the building. There were people around me, and there seemed to be something wrong. I moved into a narrow corridor that ran east to west. I was on the western end of the building, and there was a wooden door at the western end of the yellow hall, just to the west of me. It had a multipane window in the upper half, and it seemed to lead outside. I spoke to a woman to the northeast of me, listening to her as she explained the problem. People in the building were panicked and did not know what to do. There were many children here, and some of them were infected. This place seemed like a daycare, and there were more children than adults, but some of the children had been infected by the vampires. They were turning into monsters, but they were too young to understand what was happening. They were becoming hungry, but would have to restrain from biting others and spreading the infection. The problem was that the children were too young to understand what was happening to them, so they were wandering around the facility frightened. The adults were trying to control the situation, but they were afraid as well. I thought that the children would try to feed on others because they had a strong hunger to do so. Everyone seemed panicked, and i decided that i should try to get to a safe area of the house. I headed to the east, into the larger room near the front of the house. There was a young boy there in a faded black sweatshirt. He seemed confused and stood slightly hunched, staring at the northern wall. I knew that he was infected, and i knew that we should avoid him. It was not safe here. I walked with the other person to the northwest, into a smaller back room. The walls of the room seemed red with small details of gold or yellow in the wallpaper. A stairway climbed across the eastern wall, ascending to the north. It turned east and doubled back on itself on the other side of a wall. I told the other person that we could go upstairs, remembering that the children were not allowed upstairs. It seemed that many of them would not consider the upstairs as a possibility and would stay downstairs. I told the other person that the upstairs would probably be clear of people, so we should be able to hide out there until it was safe. A woman then came down the stairs. She was scared and running from the children. The children had already been upstairs and were now infesting the entire house. I was disappointed that my plan would not work, and i now started to wonder what we should do. We had to hide somewhere. I looked up at the white ceiling of the room and started to float near it. I decided that we could fly up near the ceiling where the children could not get us, and we could hide there. I was hovering in the southeastern corner of the room as i thought this, and i realized that the children would be able to see me from the ground or from the stairs to the east, so i would have to know when they had spotted me. I was currently facing the red ceiling above me, so i would have to turn around so that i could look down at the room. I seemed to have my arms out to my sides and my legs straight, as if lying on something. I knew that i was floating up toward the ceiling, and i felt as though i was being pressed into the ceiling. I tried to turn over so that i could see the room, but found it very hard to move. I was holding myself up through a special ability to fly, but the force was pushing me against the ceiling, and i could not easily turn around and put my back to the ceiling. The plaster ceiling was very close to me, and i could see where the red paint over the plaster had cracked near the western wall. I was then back on the floor. I looked up at the recess in the ceiling where i had been floating. There was a grid of beams running across the ceiling, all of which was covered by plaster. There was one thick beam running north to south across the center of the room, and smaller beams running perpendicular to the main beam. I had been hiding in the square recess between the beams and the southwestern corner of the room. The recess would have helped hide me from the children some, but they still could have spotted me on the ceiling. I did not feel safe here and headed to the south, flying out of the room. I flew through the rooms of the house, coming back into a corridor that ran east, through the center of the house. I headed to the east, aware of the people in the house around me. I had to hide somewhere until the vampires or zombies were contained. I did not want to get infected. There was a tan wooden door on the northern side of the hall. It was thinner than a normal doorway and had writing on the front in green letters, stating that it was the girls’ bathroom. I passed through the bathroom and started heading east, down the center of the room. I did not think that anyone would be in here at this time, so it would be a safe place to travel. There were wooden stalls on the northern and southern sides of the room. They seemed rustic and reminded me of the stalls at a children’s summer camp. No one would be using these bathrooms right now, so i did not think that too many people would be in here, but i was aware of someone coming from the north. It sounded as though some children might be approaching. I headed to the east, out the front door of the bathrooms, coming back into the large room near the center of the house. The walls seemed dark, and the ceiling was very high. It seemed that the eastern wall of the room was an outside wall of the house, and there seemed to be some large windows in the wall. There were people in the room with me, but they did not seem to be infected. They were adults, and they stood around, dazed. The main hall of the house was to the north of me, through a large open doorway. The front door of the house opened up and a shabby-looking man in a dull green trench coat stomped into the house. The walls of the front hall seemed to have the same black lacquer-box design as the room i was in. The man had a shotgun with him, and i felt nervous about him. He was going to shoot the infected children, but i felt that he would probably just shoot whoever was around. I flew quickly past him, heading to the north. I had to get out of his sight, but i could not seem to fly quickly enough. He turned and fired his shotgun at me. It seemed to have missed. I picked up a chair from the front hall and held it in front of me, blocking the shots as he fired several more times. I had expected him to hit the chair, or at least hit me, but i did not feel anything. It seemed strange that he did not hit me, since the chair covered so little of my body. I tried to get away, but could not seem to fly fast enough into the next room. Something was preventing me from moving quickly. I was then out of the room, and i circled back to the south, coming out into the large room again. I looked out into the entry hall of the house. The front door was closed, and i could not see the shabby man with the gun. The main stairwell of the house seemed to descend to the east, ending four or five meters from the entrance door. They seemed to descend in the center of the hall, but also along the northern wall. I looked around the large room where i was. This place seemed like an office, with several desks positioned around the room. There was a man in a tan shirt to the north of me. He was hiding behind the black curved desk with the gray stone-like countertop. The desk curved from the western end of the wide doorway in the northern wall to the west, forming a little more than a quarter of a circle in the room. I talked to the man about the gunman, wondering where the gunman had gone. I complained about him for being reckless. There was another desk against the eastern wall of the room, between two of the large arched windows. There also seemed to be two desks to the south. I stood to the south of the curved desk, asking the people there what they knew. I wondered what we should do. There was then a man in the front hall of the building. He wore a black combat suit, with equipment strapped to his sides. He had a small black box in his hand, and he pointed it to the south, toward one of the young men who had been standing in the center of the room. The young man was wearing a faded black hooded sweatshirt, and he cringed when the man pointed the box at him. He was in obvious pain. The young man was infected with the disease, and this box that the man in black had caused the infected people pain. It was a way to defeat them. The man with the digital device then aimed it upward, and i looked up at the balcony that ran across the southern wall to see another vampire cringing and collapsing as the effects of the device hid him. I was interested in the commando’s device, and asked him where he got it. It seemed to be a good weapon against the infected vampires. I was then standing back at the center of the room, trying to figure out where the commando had gone. I was to the south of the desk again, and there was a young man standing to the southeast of me. The commando seemed to have gone out the wide door in the northern wall, and i wanted to follow him, but i was distracted by the man near me. He did not say anything to me, but there was something strange about him. He seemed very attractive as he smiled at me. He was not wearing a shirt under his black vest, and i could see that his body was somewhat flabby. His skin was very pale, with freckles down the left side of his abdomen. His arm was fairly plain, with little detail. I wanted to pay attention to the commando, but the young man was occupying my attention. I looked at his face and realized that it was actually very attractive. He had curly black hair that fluffed around his head, but i kept looking at his face, finding it attractive enough to draw my attention away from what was happening in the room. This seemed very strange, and i felt that something was wrong.

12009 March 30

I walked to the east, into the large house, which seemed to be owned by the rich person. I was here with the young man, whose father owned the house. The walls were rich yellow, and the furnishings seemed to be very expensive. I followed the others through the rooms of the house, heading south down a corridor. We turned to the east through a large doorway, coming into a set of rooms, which were separated by a wall extending from the east. The large room to the south seemed to be a living room, and the narrow room on the north seemed to be a partial kitchen. The woman with us walked into the living room and sat down on the couch that was against the eastern wall. A man followed her. The young man who lived here seemed to walk to the east, through the narrow kitchen area, toward the doorway in the eastern wall. I felt that i should follow him and some of the others. I felt uncomfortable here, knowing that i did not belong with the wealthy boy, whom i felt was rather spoiled and temperamental. I had not thought that there would be another room to the east, and was surprised when i walked into the small bedroom, which ran to the south from the doorway. I looked to the southwest, expecting to see a doorway in the southern end of the western wall that would lead back into the living room, but there was none. The furnishings here were meager and did not seem to be in the style of the rich man. He sulked to the southern end of the room and sat down on the small bed that was against the eastern wall. I looked at the mustard-yellow walls, noting that they were the same color as the rest of the house. The furnishings in the room were much less exquisite, though, and i wondered whether the man’s father, who owned the house, had forced his son to live in this small uninteresting room. I had expected the son’s room to be large and nicely furnished, like the rest of the house, but this room seemed very plain. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that the son was still in a bad mood and might act angrily with us. He walked back to the north and left the room. The other man sat in the chair in the southeastern corner of the room, and i the woman with the long frizzy brown hair sat on the couch or bed against the eastern wall. I looked around the room, and i noticed scuff marks on the western side of the southern wall. I realized that a chair had been sitting in front of the wall here and had rubbed against the wall many times in its use. It was missing now and left a large blank spot on the floor. The others looked at me for a moment, so i walked into the spot that the chair had stood and motioned to the walls, telling them that there was a chair here. I looked across the eastern wall of the room, noticing many other scuff marks all over the wall from furnishings that had once been in the room. The man, who had been sitting in the chair in the southwest corner, leaned forward and pointed to a pattern of marks in the center of the wall. He told me that this is where the prince had written his stories long ago. I looked at the center of the wall. There were thick scuff marks on the right side of the area, but i could still see vertical scratches in pencil where writing used to be. These were children’s stories, and there seemed to be outlined rounded letters in the middle of the wall stating the title of the story. The man leaned forward, telling me other things in a whispered voice. We had to be quiet so that the prince did not hear. He would be upset if people mentioned these things aloud. I looked around at the wall, noticing all of the other marks there. The prince had been in this room for a very long time, and it seemed like something that would upset him. He was in a bad mood now, and i felt that he could be dangerous in that kind of mood. The woman on the bed stood up and asked me something as she walked to the southwestern corner of the room. She pulled back a white curtain that had been hanging over the wall, exposing a double set of french doors that looked into the living room. I told the man that i knew there should be a doorway to the living room somewhere here. I followed the woman into the living room, looking around at the nice furnishings. I then followed her to the west, heading out of the living room and down the hall. We came into a cement corridor near a stairwell on the western end of the northern side of the building. The woman opened the black metal door and walked out onto the stony lawn. The land sloped steeply down to the north and west, and there seemed to be tall pine trees on the slopes of the hill. The woman started talking about the prince, telling me that she was unhappy around him. She told me some serious things about him, and i felt uncomfortable. Someone then yelled to us from a window on the corner tower of the building. I looked up to see the prince calling down to us. He wanted to know what we were doing outside. I did not know how to answer him. He then asked my name, implying that there would be a fight. I was confused. I knew that the prince was David, but when i started writing it down on the paper to the south of me, i wrote Gertrude. Maybe that was my name, when i was the prince’s girlfriend. I then thought that it was really his name.

12009 March 31

The others from $G4 were deciding on whether or not they wanted to do the run today. We stood on the western side of a country road. I looked to the west, down a long dirt road that seemed to run across someone’s field. I could see a few people playing basketball in the distance. They seemed to be at a house on the other side of the block, which was large because we were in the country. I wondered if the others wanted to join the game. There were also some people playing something closer to us on the road. As i watched, the people seemed to be much closer. The others talked about the trail that we were supposed to run. The paved road that we were on ran north to south. I could see the long straight road running over the fields and between wooded patches to the south of us. The person who set the trail told us that it was a very simple trail and said that we would be starting at the fire hydrant near here. We would then simply run around the block, since there were so few of us. I imagined that there would be beer on the other side of the block. I looked to the north at the others as they talked. I then turned to the south and drove my car down the road. The others followed. I suddenly realized that we should be near the starting point soon. I noticed a road running off to the east and thought that this was probably the starting point. I pulled my car onto the grass off the western side of the road. There seemed to be a telephone pole in the tall grass in front of me. I could see the yellow plastic shield running up the metal guide wires to the west of the pole. I decided that i wanted to leave enough room for the others to park, so i drove my car around the western side of the pole, on the short wet grass. As i started to round the pole, i spotted the fire hydrant on the side of the road and realized that i was in the correct spot. I had been unsure. I pulled to the south of the hydrant and then started to back toward it, trying to get my car parallel to the road. As i started to straighten out the car, a woman in a dark coat walked down the road close to me. She had moved out into the road to avoid me, and glanced at me with a surprised annoyance. I must have started to back into her and her stroller. I had not seen them on the road. I felt a little oblivious. I tried to reposition my car when i heard my telephone ringing. I hurried to get it out of my pocket, but i as aware that i could not quite see in front of me anymore. I finally pulled the telephone out of my right jacket pocket, but it had stopped ringing. I opened it up and called back, thinking that it was my mother who had called. My father answered the telephone. I suddenly did not know what to say to him. I then realized that i could not see where i was going. I focused my attention to the south, realizing that my car had started to roll. I tried to push on the brakes, but the pedal did not seem to be there. I tried again to stop the car, but it still seemed to be rolling to the south. I was frustrated and annoyed. I turned off the car and put on the emergency brake, hoping that this would stop the car from rolling. I then noticed that i was near the edge of the buildings to the south of us, where there were parking spaces on the side of the street. I drove the car forward a little to get it into one of the spaces. I was then out of my car. I felt confused and delirious. I looked to the north. I could see the others talking through a space between the buildings. They glanced at me as they talked. I wondered if they still wanted to run today. $A326 seemed to be one of them.