12010 March 02

I walked to the north, across the cement floor of the garage. The investigator was with me, and i was showing him the place where the body was buried. He had been looking for the young man, and i knew that i had buried the body a long time ago. I was nervous about showing him the place where the body was, and i had told him only that i had seen the body behind the garage. I had been standing near the northern wall of the garage, on the eastern side of the room. The northern wall seemed to be broken, with an arched piece of crumbling wall still standing in the center of the room. I looked at the top of the old stone wall, which was just behind the piece of wall from the garage. The old stone wall had flat pieces of slate across the top of it. The body was under one of the pieces of slate near the center of the wall. I moved to the center of the room to talk to the investigator. I told him about the body that i had seen, but i started to feel nervous about showing him the body. I worried that i might have left some evidence near the body that would tell them that i had killed the man and buried him behind the garage at my parents’ house. I felt bad about what i had done, but i did not want to tell anyone, knowing that i would probably have to go to jail. I wanted to tell them what i had done, but i did not want to waste eight years of my life in prison, so i decided that i would not say anything. We walked to the western end of the partial wall, and i described to the man what i had seen. I told him that there was a body on the ground behind the garage. I stepped around the side of the broken wall and looked to the east. I could no longer see the body resting on top of the slate stones. There now seemed to be a complete wall on the back of the garage, and there was about a meter between the northern wall of the garage and the broken wall. Between the two walls was a line of uneven slate slabs, which was an old stone wall. The investigator turned away once he realized that the body was not there. I was relieved that i did not have to explain the body anymore, but i was also upset, wondering where the body had gone. I looked at the stone block where i had seen the body. The investigator mentioned the man’s first name. I remembered it. He was someone i used to play with in the area. I looked at the stone slab and could see the last name of the person, as if it was hovering over the stone in faint letters. I said the name as “Weingold”, but the letters seemed to spell “Weinland”. I turned to the south and followed the inspector down the driveway. He talked about the man, mentioning the town that he had come from. I knew that the town was in central New York, somewhere in the Leatherstocking Region. I thought that it was near Cooperstown. The investigator said that it was the town where Elvis was. I was confused by this, thinking that Elvis was from Graceland in Tennessee, not from New York State. I mentioned Cooperstown to the man, asking if the murdered man was from a town near there. I then heard my cell phone ringing. I was surprised by it and tried to get it out of my pocket. Before i could answer it, it had rung twice. I thought that i had missed it the second time, when i had finally opened up the telephone. I thought that i could redial the number that had called, but i simply said hello. A man on the other end said hello. I felt nervous about the voice and asked who it was. He said that his name was Josh. I thought that he might have the wrong number, but then realized that he was the brother of the murdered man. He asked me whether i had the watch that had belonged to his brother. He must have heard that i said something to the investigator. I felt upset and confused about the situation. I did not know what to say about him. I wondered what had been done with the watch.

We walked around the house, which seemed like my grandfather’s house at $P12. The house was nicely decorated, and i was showing the others around. There was something special about the house. We walked into the basement, and i showed them the small cement room. This house had some secrets, and i looked to the north, here a corridor opened in the northern cement wall. It was like an escape passage. I knew that the authorities would invade the house, but we could hide in the secret room here. It would not be easy to find the secret door to this part of the house, but i worried that they would eventually break in. They were government soldiers, and they would take over the house. I stood with the others in a small cement room. We would be trapped in this place as long as the government troops swarmed over the house. I thought that they would eventually find the doorway to this part of this secret room, so there would have to be an escape route. I looked to the north to see a tunnel in the northern wall. It was rather small, but it was lined with cement. My vision panned outward to the north, as if passing through the tunnel, but still viewing the tunnel as an enclosed space from above. The tunnel could end up in and old barn on the other side of the property. I imagined a wooded lot to the north of the house. The leaves had fallen from the trees and formed a rusted carpet on the ground. I passed quickly over the trees and came to the old wooden barn. There would have to be a barn in the garage so that we could escape. I thought that the car would also have to have food in it so that we could easily escape into the countryside. I then thought that the tunnel would have to be blocked some way so that the troops did not find it. I wondered how it could be disguised so that they could not find it. It would be great if there was a cement wall over it, but there would be no way to make a cement wall that was easily movable and not obviously a door. A metal hatch would look suspicious. I wondered if i could disguise a metal door as something that they would not think to look behind. I stood to the north of the small cottage, which was a nicely kept german cottage. The nazi troops would be invading the house to the south, and i had to think of a way to keep them from finding the tunnel to this place. This place had to look like a nice german home. I pictured it as i wooden cottage with fine detail in the trimming. The wide porch on the northern side of the one-story building seemed to have a railing made of many thin vertical slats topped with a roughly hewn stained log. I knew that the Nazis would be coming soon. They would be persistent and would soon figure out where the tunnel between the two houses is. I stood in the doorway of the house, thinking that the Nazis had already come through the tunnel and were in the cottage behind me. I stepped out onto the porch, deciding that their bullets could not injure me. I wondered if they would be able to come after me. I thought that they would be disintegrated as soon as they stepped through the doorway. I was worried about the bullets making it through the door, though, so i quickly moved to the east, hiding behind the large square white column on the eastern side of the porch steps. I could hear the troops rushing out behind me, and i could hear them being vaporized as they passed through the door. I waited behind the column for a moment, staying out of the line of fire. After a few moments, i turned and walked back into the house. Most of the troops had rushed out of the house and disappeared. Some more came toward me as i entered the house. I had to appear to be an older man who lived in this cottage. I knew that i was not, but it would be a better story if i was. I decided that i should be that character, and i pretended that i was. I wondered why the troops did not see me for who i was, but i did not question when they treated me like the old man. I would have to be a stereotyped elder german noble, someone who would be beyond suspicion of anti-nazi sentiments. I would be working against them, but i would have to make it seem that i was a feeble old man who could not possible be the one they were looking for. I turned to the south and headed into the long room. The commander of the troops was there, and he was suspicious of this place. I would have to scold him, as though i did not know what was going on. There was a long wooden table running down the center of the long narrow room. The side walls had shelves, and i thought that they would have to be filled with traditional german memorabilia. The tunnel seemed to enter this room from the southern end of the eastern wall. I looked at the finely polished ornaments on the western shelf. It was surrounded by carved wood trophies. The object that i was looking at must have something to do with german heritage, like something from the First World War. The commander would be confused by my seeming frailty, and would not suspect me of being a powerful man. I could use my abilities to fool them. I then thought that i could easily smuggle people through the tunnel to safety. I imagined hiding jewish refugees in the basement and taking them through the tunnel to someplace safe. I wondered if i could simply open a door in the basement that led to somewhere else, like a magic portal.

12010 March 03

I looked over the list of things as i moved to the west of the small square table. The items were spread out across the table. They seemed to be booklets, but, as i looked at them, they were pictures on a computer screen. There was a window on the right side of the table listing out some text, and there was a white window running down the center of the table that had a grid of colorful pictures across it. The pictures each represented specific issues, and i knew that they were not related to the articles in the other window. I was confused. I had to do the layout of these things, but i was not sure how i could do the layout of the images if they were not related to the articles. I thought about this as i walked across the classroom. The pictures seemed to confuse me. I could not figure out what i was supposed to do with them. I wondered if they should each represent a separate article. I walked to the southwest, to the western side of the table so i could get another look at the images on the table. I could not understand it, so i headed to the east, down the dirt road. I had come from a small room that seemed to be on the beach. This was an ocean-front area, and the thick green vegetation around me seemed to hide many small cottages. I was then to the southeast of the small building that i had been in. The building seemed to be just to the south of the water, with a wooden dock running along the northern side of it. It was in a bay that was open to the west and north. I walked to the west, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the very narrow lane. I turned to the south, into the cottage. $F45 was there, and i talked to him about this place. I mentioned the people that had been jumping into the water off of the dock. I had been watching a young man to the west of the cottage, but i tried to make it seem that i had not been interested in him. I stood on the western side of the table, in the northern side of the small room of the cottage. The walls were made of darkly stained wood, and $F45 stood to the east of the table. I told him about the people i had seen, and i noticed someone jogging toward the cottage through the window in the northern wall. The person was jogging down the sidewalk from the east. The sidewalk seemed to run very close to the northern wall of the cottage. The person seemed rather bulky, though not fat. He or she had a dark-blue hooded sweatshirt, and was wearing the hood up. I could not see the person’s face that well. As the person ran past the window, i thought that it was a woman. As the person jogged to the west of the cottage, she removed her sweatshirt and turned to the north. The sidewalk was actually a wooden dock that bordered the water. The person had a rounded upper back and seemed out of shape. I noticed that there was thick fur on the shoulder blades, so the person must have been a man. The man jumped into the water to the north, and i talked to $F45 about the people who came home to the cottages after work and simply jumped into the water to cool off. It seemed like a nice thing to do.

12010 March 04

I thought about wind blowing through the building, making the cafe or bar a windy place to eat. It would be a tourist attraction to come and eat at the windy bar. I thought about how this could have happened. The building seemed to be an old building, made of riveted steel, like something from the early nineteen hundreds. The steel was dark and i focused on two people sitting at a metal table to the north of me. They were on the western end of the room. The man in the dark-gray suit was sitting on the western side of the table, leaning forward slightly. The woman on the eastern side of the table was wearing a pink dress from the nineteen-twenties with a matching hat. The hat had a wide curving brim. The woman leaned forward over the table, as if very interested in the conversation. I imagined the wind blowing from the east, past the couple. I then wondered why they would allow wind in a bar. It must have been a mistake in construction. It seemed rather chilly here, and i thought that the wind must be rather cold in the winter. People would not intentionally want wind to be blowing through the building, even though this place was famous for the wind blowing through the cafe area. I imagined that the eastern end of the building was a rounded steel-girder structure that unintentionally captured wind. I moved to the eastern end of the long narrow pub. There were several other people with me in the darkened room. Light from the day outside seemed to shin in through the windows, but the room still had a chilly air to it. We had been in this bar a while, and i felt that we should be ready to leave. One of the people with us headed to the east, into the small room at the eastern end of the building. There seemed to be a bar on the eastern wall with some people around it. Everything in the building seemed crisp and chilly. The person who left us walked to the east and then disappeared to the north. I knew that there was an exit on the eastern end of the northern wall, and a second on the eastern end of the southern wall. The person must have left the bar to the north. I walked after him, walking into the eastern room. The others followed me. As i came into the room, the man appeared to the northwest of me. He was $F4. He must have rounded the corner and not left the building. I talked to him and the others for a moment in the room. I then started to move around the area. There was a long narrow counter, which seemed to be light gray, in the center of the room. I had been standing on the northern side of it, talking to $F4, who was to the east of me, but i walked around the western end of the counter and moved to the southern side, still talking to $F4. It felt very good to talk to him. I then noticed that there was some popcorn scattered in a row down the center of the counter, between the large bowls and cylinders on the counter. The objects on the counter all seemed to be various dark shades of gray. I grabbed some of the popcorn and ate it. I felt that we should not be wasting it and i should move it somewhere safe. I continued to talk to $F4 as i grabbed the popcorn with my left hand. It seemed that the party here was over, and we would have to go somewhere else, but it felt good to be here with $F4, talking. It had been a very long time since i had a chance to hang out with him. It seemed to be very early in the morning, and the light in the room was dull. I was still sleepy. $F4 moved to the east, where there was a long narrow bed with its head against the eastern wall. $F4 layed down on the northern side of the bed, pushing the white knit blanket aside. He slept on his right side, facing north. I was still sleepy as well, since it was so early. I thought that i should lay down on the bed as well. I looked at the white covers over $F4’s legs. He had pushed them down and they were not over his torso. I could pull them up over $F4 as he sleeped. It seemed like a parental thing do to, but i felt concern for him. I moved to the southern side of the bed, but did not lay down. I had to get things ready for school. It seemed to be the first day of a new school year, and i felt nervous about being ready. I moved into the center of the room with some of my things. I had my backpack with me on the counter to the north and was packing some things. I realized that i did not have my things quite ready yet, and i felt a little stressed. I quickly moved to the east, into the kitchen to get my lunch ready. I then moved back to the counter. I had a small red plastic cooler with me. It had a white top and handle. I had packed most of my lunch in it, but i still did not seem to have everything ready. I turned to the northern counter, aware that $F4 was still lying on the bed to the east. I took my dull-red nylon wallet out of my pocket and put it on the counter. It seemed to be very full of papers. I opened up the bill section and notice that there was a blue check in it. I had not yet deposited the check at the bank, like i was supposed to. The wallet was torn across the top, and i worried that it would fall apart. I tried to close it, but it seemed to be over filled with things. Part of it also seemed to come detached, and it would not close properly. I simply folded it over and left it on the dresser. I would need the credit card in the wallet to purchase new textbooks for the school year. I then felt stressed again, thinking that i still did not have everything ready. The bus we were riding on then stopped. I stepped off of the bus to the north. $F4 was still lying on the bed at the back of the bus, but he would soon be getting off. I was not quite ready and had to get the rest of my things. I headed to the west, carrying the small white cubical box in my right hand. As i stepped onto the curb, heading west, i accidentally swung my right arm, hitting the box against my right thigh. I lost a grip on it and it flew away to the west. I was on the northern side of the road, and there was an old pick-up truck parked just to the southwest of me. It was facing east on the northern side of the road. It seemed to be late-fifties or early-sixties in style, with rounded fenders. It was dark blue or black and seemed beat up. I stopped suddenly when i realized that i had dropped the box. I seemed to have tossed it toward the truck, but i could not see where it had gone. I was worried about it and looked under the front of the truck for it. I could not see it. I stood to the northeast of the truck and looked for a moment. If my hand had been swinging in a straight arc, then the box would have flung out and hit the front tire of the truck, which was turned slightly toward the curb. The box should have bounced off of the tire and landed on the grass, but i did not see it right away. I looked at the grass again and noticed the white box, which seemed to be a box set of CDs. I bent over to pick it up as my mother approached from the north. I then moved to the passenger’s side of the truck, which was the southern side of the truck. As i got in the truck, my mother was in the driver’s seat. She was wearing a ragged winter jacket and seemed to be driving. I told her that i had to get my things for school and took by backpack from the floor of the passenger’s side. I had too much stuff with me. The cooler of food seemed to be too big, and i still did not have my books with me. I stepped back from the truck and shuffled several of my things in my arms. I had too many things to keep track of, and i felt frustrated. I then turned back to the south. The bus had just let us off on the northern side of the building. The building seemed to be $P7, and many of the students were getting off of the bus. $F4 got off of the bus and walked to the east, where a dark-purple van was waiting. He opened the door on the northern side of the van, which seemed to be a passenger door, even though the van was facing east. He was going to take the van around to the southeastern side of the building, where his house was. It was a special van to take people to anyplace farther than the building to the south of us. The van was a small shuttle. As $F4 stepped into the front seat of the van, i realized that he was not feeling well. I remembered that he had been sweating when he was lying in the bed. I had thought that it was because of the blankets that he had over him. I moved close to him as he approached the van. He said that he was feeling hot, and then he turned to the van to get in. I realized that he was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that his skin was pale and sweaty. I thought that he was simply hot from the blankets, but i noticed that there was a purple vein structure running up his lower spine. It seemed to start from the base of his spine and branched out a few times as it went up his lower back. I immediately thought that he had gotten an infection in a wound. He got into the front seat of the van and hunched over. The bus driver of the van pointed out the vein-like wound on his lower back and suggested that he might have an infection. I was worried about him and walked toward the van to get a better look. I did not know what to do and hoped that he got home safely. I then turned to the west to go and pack more of my things for school. I then realized that the vans seemed to be taking everyone to the school. The yellow school bus must have dropped us off on the northern side of the large fenced in lawn, away from the school. The small purple van was then going to shuttle us to the school building. I did not want to miss it, but i felt that i might because i was still trying to get my things ready. I was in the passenger’s seat of the truck with my mother, getting my things ready.

I had been sleeping in the afternoon on the bed in my bedroom. I decided that i should get up, so i stood up on the eastern side of the bed and walked to the south. As i turned to the west, into the bathroom, i felt suddenly delirious. I was probably having a head rush from standing up too quickly. I was standing to the east of my bed when i passed out and fell to the floor. I had been talking on the telephone to $F45, and i realized that he would think i simply stopped talking. I wondered if he would try to help me. I was groggy, and i realized that i was sleeping. I tried to wake up, but i opened my eyes, lifted my upper body a little, and then passed out again. I could not regain consciousness. I felt worried, but i did want to sleep more. I focused on waking up. I then sat up again. It seemed that i had been on the ground for a while, and i wondered how much time had passed. I still had the telephone in my right hand, and i lifted it to my ear and said hello. I did not hear anything on the other end, and i thought that the line was still connected. I started to move to the west, around the southern side of the bed. I said hello again, not sure if i was still connected to the other end or not. I then heard $F45’s voice. He was still on the telephone. I wondered if he had realized why i had not spoken to him. He might not have known that i had passed out. I told him that i had stood up too quickly.

12010 March 05

I was talking to the others in the dimly lighted building. The area seemed to be foggy or smoky. We were doing something important here. I moved to the east with the others, into one of the other rooms. I felt that we were doing something artistic here, and i told the others about it. I wanted to get something done, but they were planning an invasion. They were getting ready to do a tactical mission. There was something happening to the west, and we all turned to look. Troops with rifles were pushing through the clouds of smoke that were billowing in through the western door of the house. The lights were dramatic: dim with sharp colors. A large man in a green uniform pushed through the smoke, jogging slowly as he held his gun across his chest. They were the local troops, and they had come to help. The troops started passing us to the south. A confident man in uniform walked out of the fog and headed toward us. He had short white hair and a rough rectangular face. He was the leader of the local troops. He seemed grumpy, and he demanded to know whether we had gotten the troops together. He was here to arrest us because we were doing something we should not be doing, but, if we actually had enough troops assembled from other groups, he might lend his support to us. The man to the south of me had tried to convince other groups to join us, but i did not think that he was too successful. As the officer reached us, however, the man to the south of me motioned to the west, where other troops were coming in now. They were some of the troops that we had gathered. They seemed rough and disorganized, and i was a little humored by them. This entire situation seemed strange and out of place. A large man then jogged out of the fog. He seemed bulky, but not muscular. He jogged awkwardly to the west, passing us on the south. The general seemed humored by the troops as well, but seemed to offer his support to the people here anyway. I turned to the east and started walking with the others. I did not feel quite natural here. The man who had been to the south of me then commented on bobsledding. It was a joke about the large man who was running, and meant to imply that the troops we had assembled might not be up to the task. I thought about what was happening here, and the room seemed to be changing. The scene was moving to the west. The man then started talking about what we were doing in this place. He said that “Rushmore” was not good. I knew that this referred to the tank that we had designed. When i looked to the north, i could see the tank turning slowly on a dais. It was shaped like a long black train engine from the fourties. It had red and gold detailing around the front, which was shaped like the face of a man. We had been designing this engine here, but it would not work in battle, so we had scrapped the idea. I continued to the east with the others.

12010 March 06

I walked away from my parents’ house, heading to the southeast across the large field. I was near the southeastern corner of the field now, passing through a line of trees. The field was filled with tall grass and weeds. Some of the green weeds were over my head. The trees seemed to run across the southern and eastern sides of the field, separating the field from two roads. The forested area was about ten or fifteen meters thick, but the southeastern corner of the lot was mostly cleared, with only small saplings and bushes. The trail was mostly overgrown with plants, but i could see where i was heading. A man seemed to have passed me, heading to the northwest. I ignored him when i noticed a woman approaching me from the southwest. As she passed, i noticed that she seemed hesitant of me, and i thought that she was probably worried about getting mugged. I continued toward the road, where my car was still parked, but i remembered that i was actually here to go jogging. I turned around and started jogging to the northwest, down the trail. I was following the woman, though, and i thought that this might worry her. I also realized that i was wearing sandals, which was not good for running. I stopped jogging after a few paces and turned back to the south. I would have to get my running things from my car first. I walked to the car, which was parked along the northern side of the road. There were other cars parked on the side of the road, to the east of mine. As i got into my car, i realized that the passenger’s window had been left open. My mother must have left it open when she got out of the car. I was suddenly upset, realizing that my things were in the car. My computer bag was still on the floor of the car, and my jacket was still on the seat, but i worried that things had been taken out of them. I did not want to start going through them here, though, so i started driving down the dirt road to the west. I was too worried about the bags to drive, though, and tried to pull over to the side of the road. There were cars behind me, though, so i slowed but did not stop. Eventually, the road ended on another road, which came in from the south and turned west. I started driving west on the other road, which was a gravel road. The sun seemed to be shining through the trees from the northwest. I grabbed the plastic case that was on top of my blue backpack and lifted it up. It was light, and, as it opened, i could see that the electric drill that was supposed to be in it had been taken. Someone had been in my car. I pulled over to the side of the road, more worried now. I started to take things out of my bag, but the things i grabbed were not my computer. Someone had put more tool cases in the bag. As i pulled them out, i realized that all of them were empty. None of them were mine. I muttered to myself, saying “Please let my computer be in here.” I turned a corner and started driving to the north. Finally, i pulled my car over to the side of the road and stopped. I pulled the rest of the tool cases from my bag and grabbed the last thing in the bag. It was a black laptop computer. I turned it around in my hands and opened it. It was not my computer, and i was upset. Someone must have swapped my computer for this one, which seemed to be a cheaper computer. I was very upset, and started thinking about the files that i did not have backups of. I felt that everything i had was now lost.

I walked to the west with the others, toward the crowd getting ready for the race. There seemed to be a roadway running north to south ahead of us, and there was some kind of bridge structure to the south. I chatted with $F57 about the run as i looked over the water to the south. The tall cement bridges stretched out over the water, heading east into the fog. I could not see the other shore, but i knew that the bridges were quite long. I commented that the runners could not be running all the way to the other side of the bridge and back, though i did think that they were running a loop on the bridges. As i looked at the bridges, i noticed that some of them seemed to end over the water, as if not yet completed. The runners must be running out to the edge of the bridge and then coming back on another level, or in another lane. I jogged to the south, down the main road. I was in the race now. The road passed under a long cement structure, as if entering a parking garage. The bridges seemed to be connected to the structure above me. I then realized that i was running and did not remember starting the race. It seemed strange that i was suddenly in the race, but i continued jogging. I looked back down the roadway to the north to see many of the other runners following. I felt pretty good and thought that i was keeping up with everyone nicely. We were then under the overpasses, which seemed to be part of the bridges. I turned to the south, following the other runners down the roadway, which seemed to be the northern side of a parking garage. We then turned suddenly to the north, and i started running up the curved ramp. The ramp curved tightly to the west and seemed very steep. I was aware of a group of women running ahead of me, and i thought that i must have passed into the women’s pace. I looked down at the cement ramp as i forced myself to jog up the steep slope. The ground was painted red and had stripes running up the lamp, marking narrow running lanes. As i looked at the stripes, i noticed that they were really lines of bicycles that had been set on the ground. The bicycles had been lain on the ground, but they seemed very narrow, as if they had been distorted into long pole-like shapes. The bicycles had something to do with the women’s run. I looked up as i ran along the southern edge of the ramp. There was a cement wall to the south of me, and i watched the women running in front of me. I was passing some of them as i turned back to the north. It seemed that i had been running for a little bit, but it seemed too soon for the race to be over. I was heading down the long straight path, which seemed to be heading back toward the finish line. I wondered if the race was really over. I started to run faster, thinking that i was very near the finish line. There were a few people standing on the side of the course, to the east of me, but i realized that there was no one running with me any longer. I wondered where the other runners had gone. I continued to speed up, realizing that i actually felt very good. I was surprised that i felt so good near the end of a race. I started sprinting down the long lane that came out of the western end of the northern side of the parking garage and continued down the road. There was a tall building to the west of me. As i ran down the long straight stretch, i realized that there were few other people around. I then noticed that there did not seem to be a finish line here. Looking down as i ran, i noticed that there were steps on the ground with orange marks on them. The steps were made of wood and, at times, seemed to be ramps. The orange blocks were low seemingly rubber curbs that marked the center and edges of the steps. They were there for safety to mark the edges and bumps for the runners. I was not actually near the finish line of the race. I had to continue around the course for a while longer. I started to feel confused, not understanding where the course when. I was now running to the west, down an alley between two tall brick buildings. The street seemed to be for pedestrians only and was covered with brick. The wooden steps were set on top of the brick so that the runners could run on them. I hopped over some of the steps, nervous that this was not the correct way. There was no one else running around me, and i could not tell if i was heading in the right direction. I noticed crude wooden railings made of two-by-fours ahead. They ran parallel to each other, marking out two lanes of the course. I started down the left lane, which was the southern lane, hoping that i was heading in the correct direction. I felt confused and did not know what to do. As i ran, i noticed that there were black arrows on the orange flags that were hanging on the walls ahead of me. Some of the flags were mounted on the wooden structure to the north of me, but there were some on the ground as well. They seemed to form the trail, and there seemed to be many of them in the enclosed space. I realized that the black chevrons were pointing backward on the trail. I was running down the wrong aisle. Frustrated, i turned around and started jogging back up the aisle, between the wooden frames. I was again in the open area, and i was aware of a young man standing to the south. He seemed to be sweeping up something from the street. I felt that he was part of the organizing group for the race. I turned around and started skiing to the west again, this time in the northern lane. I was careful to watch the toes of my skis so that they did not get caught on the wooden posts of the railings. I noticed the dark brown and black swirls on the ground. The black marks seemed to be chevrons pointing out the trail, and i was annoyed that i did not realize that they were marking the proper trail before. I felt very frustrated now and had no idea what i was doing. I glanced over to the south to see the man with the broom putting arrows on the ground in chalk. He was marking the trail that was coming back. He was marking the cement ground to the south of the wooden lanes. I turned suddenly to the north, where there was a long dull-white corridor leading through a building. The hall was narrow, and seemed to have ice frosting over the walls. I tried to turn my skis into the corridor, but i was having difficulty. There did not seem to be any marks in the corridor, and i was not sure whether this was the correct direction to go. I stopped, looking down the aisle than ran into the freezer. It was hard to see the trail, and i was tense and frustrated with the run. I did not know where i was going, so i decided to give up on the trail. I was walking back to the east, somewhere near the finish line. I was disappointed and annoyed with the race. I started walking back to the east, away from the buildings and the long north-to-south road that i had been sprinting on when i had come out of the parking garage. I felt upset and frustrated with the race, and i did not know what to do. I paced back to the west. $F57 was walking around near the finish line ahead of me. He kept glancing in my direction, and i could tell that he was wondering why i had left the race. I felt upset about quitting, but i did not know what else to do. I could not figure out the trail. $F57 said something to me that i did not quite understand. I asked “Waiter?”. He asked me why i had given up on the race, and he seemed to be a little disappointed. I wondered if $F58 was to the south of us. It seemed that she would be in the race as well. $F57 told me that $A70 was monitoring the race from somewhere and had seen that i had dropped out. He then told me that i had “wimped out”. I was upset and complained about the course, saying that i could not figure out where to go. I said that it was not marked well enough and that there was no trail. I felt defensive, and i told $F57 that he should try to figure out the course. He started walking to the north, to where the alley to the west was. I followed him, thinking of reasons that i could not continue. I then remembered that there was a man marking the ground with chalk, so the trail was probably well marked now. I told this to $F57. I was upset and started pacing to the south, along the brick wall of the building to the west. I did not know what to do, and thought that i should continue the race. I felt bad that i had already fallen so far behind, and i was not sure that i wanted to continue. I then realized that i had already taken my running shoes off. I was now barefoot and would not be able to run. I started pacing around the starting area, angry with myself. I could not determine what i should do. I wanted to finish the race, but i felt that it was hopeless. I then started moving to the north again, along the race course. The wooden steps no longer seemed to be on the road. I did not have my shoes on, but i thought that i could simply pretend that i did. The reality would change to match my wishes if i simply ran. This did not make sense to me, but i started running to the north anyway. I turned down the alley and ran into the northern most aisle between the wooden railings. I then turned to the north and ran down the narrow alley between the tall buildings. There did not seem to be any other people around. There was a doorway in the western wall, and i passed through it, running to the north as soon as i got inside. The corridor was very narrow and ran along the outside wall of the house. The walls were dull and seemed to be covered with faded bluish-green wallpaper. I jogged down the hall and turned west at the end. I realized that i was inside a room now. The center of the room was blocked off with mattresses, and i was simply running around the perimeter of the room. I had to squeeze between the mattresses and the northern wall. There was a window in the northern wall with wooden trim. The trim was painted dark-purple to match the drapes that were ganging over the window. I got caught a little on the frame as i squeezed between it and the mattresses, pressing on to the west. I realized that the people who were running the race were probably in the center of the room, surrounded by the mattresses. They were watching the race on monitors. I turned to the south and started down the western wall. The mattresses seemed to get closer to the walls as i went, making it harder to squeeze past. As i turned to the east, down the southern wall, the mattresses became so close to the wall that i was having trouble moving. There was another window in the southern wall, as there had been in the western and northern walls. I tried to squeeze past the frame, which stuck out from the wall a little, but could not get by. I then pushed away from the wall, forcing the mattresses back into the center of the room. The lower part of the mattresses stayed where it was, but the upper part moved inward. This gave me enough room to move. I imagined that the mattresses were being pushed into the central area. The people inside must have been surprised by the shifting mattresses and would probably try to push them back into place. I thought that i could probably crawl over the top of the mattresses to get by. I wondered if that would be legal in this race. I knew that there was a door out on the eastern end of the southern wall, but i was having trouble getting to it. I wondered how i could get past the mattresses.

12010 March 07

I heard the tea whistle, and i walked to the east to turn the tea kettle off. There was a counter running along the northern wall of the narrow room. I passed through a square archway in the wall, which was covered with brown wooden paneling. The house around me seemed run down. There was a stove just to the east of the archway, in the counter on the north. I went to grab the tea kettle, which was on the rear left burner, but i noticed that there was a dirty pot sitting on the front right burner. It appeared that food had been recently made in the pot. I could see remnants of a spaghetti dish with some small pale-yellow pieces in it. I was annoyed. My grandmother had made something in the pot and had left it here. I was angry with her for making something. I then wondered why i would be mad at her. It seemed that i was mad because she had done something that no one expected her to do. This seemed strange. I still felt angry, but i was not sure why i was angry. It did no make sense.

12010 March 08

I was in the living room on the western side of the house, which seemed like $P19. There was some kind of alumni event happening, and people were gathered in the room. I walked to the east, leaving the main room as something seemed to be happening. Several of the men in the room had guns, and they aimed them to the east, at the bluish-green wall of the room. I hurried to the northeast as they started to shoot the guns. I was nervous about this because i knew that the men would start shooting each other. As i continued to the east, i felt that the men were on the floor below me. I had to hurry to get out of this place, but, as i watched the wooden floor pass under me, i worried that the men would start shooting through the ceiling. If they shot upward, they might be able to shoot through the floor and hit me. I had to get out of here because it was too dangerous to be around these people.

I was looking to the south, watching myself and $F45 travel down the southern side of the road. There were businesses on the southern side of the road, and they all seemed to have parking lots to the north of them. We came to a small hotel, which was surrounded by parking lots. The hotel had pinkish-tan stucco walls and red and brown trimming around the windows and central square tower. The tower seemed to be in the center of the northern side of the building, which was the front side. The small building seemed new, but, as i started to drive around the building, always looking to the south, i noticed that it had large cracks in the wall. I was then heading west, passing to the north of the archway that was at the entryway of the hotel parking lot. The arch was to the north of the main building. The hotel now seemed to be crumbling. As i looked at the top of the square arch, i noticed that there were horizontal cracks near the top of the columns, as though the top of the arch had collapsed onto a lower section. I wondered if this was damage from the earthquake. I then looked at the northern face of the hotel, noticing the same crumbling cement. The building was falling apart, and it could have been from disrepair. $F45 and i were staying in this hotel, but i did not quite feel comfortable here. I moved around in the room of the hotel, trying to gather our things. There was a large crowd of people to the west, and they were coming to protest this hotel. We had come from the west, so i had seen the people protesting already. The manager of the hotel was standing behind the reception desk, on the eastern side of the room. I said something to him about leaving, and he commented on the protesters. I then moved to the northeast, coming into the wide empty room. There was a small vehicle in the room, which seemed like a golf cart. This was our electric car. The car was metallic blue and was parked with the front facing the western cement wall. I was hurrying to get things into the car so that we could leave before the protesters came. I backed the car to the east and then tried to drive it to the northeast. We should drive away from here soon.

I walked across the docks to the south, into the large store. This place seemed to be like a house. It was long and narrow with very simple furnishings and pale-blue or pale-green walls, but there were items on the counters and tables that seemed to be for sale. I reached the southern side of the building, where the room opened up to the east. I had to gather some things together so that we could leave. I felt a little stressed about getting out of here in a hurry. My father walked back to the north, toward the exit of the building. I was carrying a small glass bottle of sprite in my left hand. The bottle was shaped like a Coke bottle, but i could see the greenish-yellow liquid inside. I had brought the bottle of soda with me, but i was worried that the people in the store might think that i took the soda from the shelves. I continued walking to the north, hoping that no one asked me about the bottle. My father was waiting for me in the next room, which was a long narrow room in the center of the western side of the house. There seemed to be another room to the west, but i was looking at the table on the western wall. There seemed to be a dark-colored door in the center of the western wall. The long rectangular table was against the western wall, just to the north of the door, and it was covered with items for sale. They seemed to be second-hand utensils. I looked at the knives on the southern end of the table, realizing that i had been looking for the butter knife that i had brought with me. These knives were silver, but had sharp edges and pointed tips. They were not the knives that i was looking for. My father leaned over the table to look at the knives in the silverware rack as well. He was wearing a black peacoat. He picked up one of the knives from the end of the tray and looked at it. It was a butter knife. He told me that he was looking for the knives, but that this was not one of the knives. He put the knife back into the tray. I told him that i had brought a butter knife with me for the peanut butter. The jar that i was carrying in my hand seemed to be a peanut-butter jar. I told my father that i had brought the butter knife, but that it was a short one, not like the ones in the tray here. I said that i did not know where it had gone. We continued to the north and entered the next room. This room had a couch along the northern wall, and the room seemed to be longer east to west. I turned to the west and headed for the exit door. I still wanted to get out of here before the management got upset with me for carrying a jar of peanut butter into the store. I stopped just inside the door without opening it. The wooden inside door was already open, and the screen door was almost closed. I was annoyed that the screen door had been left open, thinking that the cats could have gotten out. I stood just to the north of the door, looking to the southeast at my father. I then saw the cats coming from the east. They were heading for the door. As i saw $X14 approaching, i realized that there was a pen stuck into the right side of his neck. I was upset by this, but i was distracted by $X12, who was walking toward the door. He started to squeeze between the doorframe and the screen door, but i grabbed his tail to prevent him from running out of the house. He complained vocally as i pulled him back into the house by his tail. I then complained to my father as i closed the screen door. I felt that my father did not understand what was going on, and i was annoyed with him. I then looked down at $X14, who was now standing on the edge of the couch, which was just to the east of me. The pen was still through the side of his head, piercing the upper cheek of his right side and sticking backward into his right shoulder. I was upset about this and complained to my father, as if he was responsible for not paying attention to the cats. I bent over and grabbed the cat, looking at the clear-plastic ball-point pen, which seemed to be stabbed into $X14’s right eye. I was frustrated with my father because he did not seem to have noticed that the cat had been stabbed. I was crouching down to pet $X14 carefully, looking at the pen stuck into his head. I told my father to get some alcohol. I wanted to pull the pen out, but i did not want to do it until i could sanitize the area. I held $X14 down so that i could get a better look without him squirming. The pen seemed to be a click pen, and there was a white tip near the cat’s face. There was a small white plastic object attached to the button of the pen that could be rotated around the button. The plastic object had sharp edges and was very close to $X14’s eye. I was worried that it might stab him in the eye, so i rotated the plastic part away from his eye. I felt upset about the cat being stabbed. I looked down at the cat’s jaw, noticing that the tip of the pen was sticking out through the cat’s upper lip. It had been stabbed down through the cheek. I was upset and did not know what to do, so i simply pulled the pen out, thinking that i could disinfect it later. I felt worried for the cat and tried to comfort it.

I got out of bed and walked down the stairs of my house, into the living room. It seemed to be early in the morning, and it was still dim outside. The living room seemed to be mostly empty of furnishing. The walls were white but worn. As i started to the north, along the western wall of the room, i noticed that there was a plant sitting on the floor near the western wall. The plant seemed to be a fern, and it had been tipped over. $X14 had broken the plant because he had not been fed yet. I was angry with him, and stopped to pick up the plant. I tipped the white pot back up. These things had been on top of the piano, but they were sitting on the floor where the piano normally was. The black mantle clock was just to the south of the potted plant. I pulled several of the plant pieces from behind the clock and stuck them back into the pot. I thought that i would make $X14 wait for food while i cleaned up the plant, but i realized that he had already eaten. I was upset with him and very angry as i cleaned up the plant.

12010 March 09

I woke up in my grandmother’s living room. It seemed to be in the morning, and it was still fairly dim outside. I had been sleeping on the black and white pull-out couch, which was against the western wall on the southern side of the room. My mother was in the room with me, and i started talking about something as my mother sat on the couch, which was still pulled out into a bed. I felt awkward here, and i looked around the room, unable to make out much detail. The room seemed strangely dark, as though there was something in the air blocking the light. I felt that there was sunlight coming in the windows in the southern wall of the room, but i could only see a dim glow. I thought about the three of us that had been sitting on the bed on the western side of the room. I moved toward the western wall and sat near the back of the bed, by the back of the couch. My mother and $K3 were sitting on the eastern edge of the couch. Something seemed to be troubling me, and i adjusted the stack of off-white things in my hands. They were shaped like sticks of butter, but seemed to be clay. They had something to do with the bodies that were buried here. I stood up and mentioned to my relatives that i thought that they had found the three of us buried here. It seemed out of place, and i wondered if it was from another timeline. The four or five white sticks that i had in my hands somehow represented the bodies that were buried here. The investigators had found the bodies, and claimed that they were the three of us. I started reading from the paper that i was holding. It had something to do with the investigation of the bodies and was a description of the grave. My mother asked if the descriptions were from her father’s grave. This made more sense. I thought that they could be descriptions or representations of the three of us from the grave of my mother’s father and not really have anything to do with us. I thought about this as i walked to the east, into the next room. I ended up in the empty bedroom on the western side of the house. I seemed to be on the second floor of an old house, with polished wood floors and plain off-white walls. The bare windows in the western wall were dark, but i knew that there was something outside. It was not quite daylight, but i could see the dark silhouette of trees against the deep-blue sky in the west. It was early morning. I tried to look out the window to see what was out there, but i could not see anything. A man was doing something on the northern side of the room. He seemed to be sweeping, but i did not see a broom or mop. He was on his knees on the ground, facing north, and he seemed to be $A5. We were being commanded to do something in this room, and he seemed to be one of the people in charge. There were some other young men with me doing something in the room. This situation seemed strange. The people in charge had told us to do something, and $A5 seemed to be one of them. I did not understand why we were listening to them. I knew that i was young again: maybe high-school age, but i did not know why i would listen to what people told me blindly. I knew that we would not be following such commands when we got older. I then thought that i was too old to be in school again. I walked to the north. There were two closet doors in the northern wall, and i started looking around in the room. Something puzzled me about this situation, and i turned to the other students to ask questions. I then said that it was dark outside and the sun was not up. This did not seem right to me, and i said so. I explained to the people that it was after seven here. I said that the sun would be up at six back home. I knew that we were in the same time zone, and i wondered why there was such a discrepancy as i walked back to the south. One of the young men to the northeast of me asked me about my home, and i said that it was probably in the middle of a time zone, which would account for an earlier sun rise. He guessed that it would be near the beginning of a time zone instead. My home seemed to be to the west of here, and i motioned out the window toward it. I then commented that the sun was not up yet, and said that this did not seem right. Something about this troubled me. $A5, who had been hunched over a mop to the north, straightened up and turned to say something to us. I then noticed the sun peeking over the western horizon. It had just started rising as $A5 had stood up. I looked out the window, squinting in the bright light. Part of the sun was now visible around the side of a tall pine tree. One of the other men asked me about Ithaca, where i had said that i was from. I told him that it was a small town that was mostly known for Cornell University and Ithaca College. He told me that he had not heard of Ithaca College, so i told him that it was big in journalism and news production. I then said that it was also good at gym. The young man walked to the east of me. I thought about what i had just said and corrected myself, saying that it was really physical therapy and sports training. I left the room and headed to the east, heading into the room where the party was. The room seemed rather modern and seemed to be part of a tall large structure, like a small skyscraper. The ceiling was very high, and the dark-gray walls seemed to be made out of polished stone. Something was happening to the north, so i walked to the window to look out. It had to do with the end of the world. I had seen this scene in a movie before, so i knew what was going to happen. The people would be looking out the window and would not realize that something was wrong. I could see out over a small plaza or wide street, with other tall buildings around. There were bright lights in the sky. They were the meteors falling. This movie seemed poorly done, and i told the others that the meteors looked too fake. One of them passed by the window, moving slowly so that we could see the details of the rock. The movie was following the meteor so that the audience could get a good look at it, but i knew that the meteor would have passed by the window by now. As the meteor disappeared to the west, out of view, i looked out into the darkness outside. There was something strange about this event. It seemed out of place here. There was water flooding the city now, and it seemed to be twenty meters or so deep. The waves came in from the west, surrounding the tall buildings. I could see the top of a building floating to the northeast. It looked like part of the World Trade Center towers. I had to get to higher ground, as i had done the last time i saw the movie. I ran back to the south and ended up running up the stairs to the east. The stairs came out through a doorway in the center of the western wall of a wide room. This was where the party was happening, though the room now seemed mostly empty. There were people still celebrating here and there, but they were scattered around the white room. The ceiling was lower here than in the hallway downstairs. I looked to the north, where there was a wide glass window covering most of the wall. The windows had drapes over it, so the people here had not known about the disaster outside. This was the same way that it had happened before. I felt rushed and a little panicked. I walked to the north a little, where there was another doorway just to the north of the one i had entered through. The western wall of the room was bright dark-blue. I walked into the small bathroom as i had done before. I would be hiding here until the water came up through the floor of the room. I remembered this happening before. The bathroom was narrow, at the end of a short corridor. It had a sink against the western end of the southern wall, across from a toilet stall, which was set into the northern wall. Just before the toilet stall was a set of stairs leading down. I stopped at the top of the stairs, wondering what to do. The man had hid in the stall before, but the room flooded anyway. I remembered the water seeping up through the cracks between the floor tiles. I looked down the stairs, thinking that the water would come up them as it rose, giving me advance warning that it was coming. There was a white door at the bottom of the stairs. I started pacing, thinking that the first sign would actually be the bubbling in the toilet from the sewage pipes flooding. I did no know what to do, so i headed back out of the bathroom and into the larger room. The wet spots on the floor were probably already appearing. I looked across the empty blue living room, where the party was. The water should fill the room, but i knew that the people would still be alive after it was over. I wondered why the water would not drown us. If it filled the room to the ceiling, it should drown everyone here. This movie did not make sense. Looking to the north, i noticed a young girl standing on the eastern side of the wide window. The heavy dark drapes were still closed, but the girl pulled them open. I walked toward the window, looking out at the strange blue haze. Some things were floating past the window, and the people were trying to figure out what they were. I thought that they were fish, and the people would figure it out. It would be a dramatic surprise. They still had not yet realized that the building was under water yet. I looked out, seeing the plaza below. There seemed to be a strong current moving from the west. I then noticed bushy green trees moving under us. They were coming from the west, and i realized that the trees were not actually moving. We were in part of the building that was floating to the west. The entire top of the building had broken off and was now floating. This did not seem right. I could picture the building floating, and it seemed to be tipped almost on its side. I wondered why we were still walking on the floor of the room. The people should have noticed the tipping, but they seemed to just be learning that there was water outside. I headed to the east, wondering why we were not tipping. It must be the bad effects of the movie. I then came to a long narrow glass window, which seemed to look down into the main lobby of the building. There were people gathered around something in the lobby. There was a large rock slap lying on the polished stone floor of the entryway, with glass shattered around it. The rock had been in the display case that was against the northern wall, but it had tipped over when the building had tipped. The rock looked like a large slab of dark chipped flint. The people in the lobby were actually walking on the side wall of the lobby. They had known that the building had tipped over. $F58 came from the north and passed behind me. I was standing in the lobby, looking at the shattered display on the floor. The room was mostly to the west of me now, but opened up to the southeast. I stood by the corner, with the shattered case just to the east of me. $F58 came from the north and rounded the corner, walking around me. She smiled and said something to me as she passed. I acknowledged her and looked back at the display. At least this place was on its side like it was supposed to be.

12010 March 10

I was walking to the west with the other people, and it seemed that i would be driving them home. My car was parked on the southern side of the street in this suburban area, which seemed to be on the southern side of $P30. It was facing west. I had not planned on taking them home, so i was trying to think of how i would drive them home. They seemed to be members of $G3, and they seemed to be freshmen or sophomores. Their dormitory was to the north of where we were, and it seemed to be on the other side of the college campus. It seemed awkward for me to offer to drive them, and i did not think that they would accept the ride. I wondered if i should offer. I would have to tell them were to go to get back to their dormitory, however, since i was not sure that they knew exactly where they were. I approached my car from the back, and i told them to get into the car. I had already asked them if they would like a ride. I had not planned on passing their dorm, so i tried to think of how to get there from here. We drove to the north and ended up to the east of the large apartment building. We were walking toward the entrance, which seemed to be in a recess in the center of the building. There were stairs leading up to the entrance, which was a small porch recessed into the building. There was a door on the northern side and a door on the southern side of the porch. I stopped on the porch, looking at the door to the north. There also seemed to be a corridor running into the building on either end of the porch, which now seemed to be an entry hall. I was inside, and the lighting was more yellow. I wondered how we were going to get into the apartment to the north. I knew that there were people inside, so i did not want to intrude on them. I felt awkward here, knowing that i was too old to be hanging out with the students. I headed back to the east, toward the main door to the building. There was a black set of mailboxes on the northern wall of the porch, with open slots for the mail to be dropped in. I checked the mail slot to see if anything was there. I really did not know what to do here. I could then hear people inside the apartment to the north. There was a window just to the northeast, in the wall that extended east, past the porch. I looked to the north, into the window, but i could only see the thin white ruffled curtains. Something strange was happening here, and i was not sure what to do. I headed to the east, across the grass of the front yard. I was no longer in a suburban area. The land to the east of me seemed to be part of a park, with wide grassy areas and rows of tall green trees. It was a bright sunny day. There was a wide parking lot to the east of me, with several cars in it. As i started to cross the northern side of the lot, to get back to my car, i felt that something was wrong. The invaders were coming, and i had seen this scene of the movie before. I stopped suddenly in the middle of the lot, looking up at the large space ship that was floating slowly to the north, over the eastern side of the lot. This was like Space Invaders. The extraterrestrial ship was shooting the cars in the easternmost row of the parking lot. This scene had happened before, but i was not sure what i should do. The space ship looked like a large bulky fighter airplane, with rounded features and wings that bowed down slightly. It bombed the cars as it moved across the lot. I then noticed that a dark mid-sized car was fleeing down the aisle between the eastern most row of cars and the middle row. Some other cars were pulling out of their parking spaces to get away. The bomber was trying to destroy all of the airplanes that were parked in rows in the lot so that the people could not strike back. I looked at the small fighter jets parked in the center row as the bomber blasted some of them. Other planes were burning and fragmented. The bomber glided to the north, shooting at some of the cars in the easternmost row. It then drifted to the north of the row and hovered over the northeastern end of the lot, directly to the east of me. It was almost overhead, and i was a little nervous about it. Someone was to the northwest of me, and he said that the spaceship was confused by the moving cars. It seemed like a robot that was supposed to take out the cars one at a time, but it was getting confused by the moving cars because they were no longer in neat rows like it had expected. It was supposed to shoot every car, but could not figure out how to do it now that some had changed position. This was part of War of the Worlds. I watched as the large ship drift to the southwest and then head west, across the parking lot. It fired at several more of the fighter jets that were on the ground as it passed to the west, heading over the grassy lawn of the park around me. I looked over the ruins of the fighters in the parking lot, wondering what to do. I knew that the tripods would be coming soon. The bomber ship was simply destroying the local defenses so that the tripod walkers could come into the area and take us. We would have to hide before the tripods reached us. They were coming from the south. I felt a little tense and moved to the east, across the open field. This field did not have cut grass and did not seem to be part of the park. There was a line of tall weeds along the eastern side of the grassy area, which seemed to be where a fence ran. I thought that the highway was to the east of the fence, but i could not see it. I layed down in the field, just to the north of a culvert. The culvert ran into a mound of dirt, so i was hidden from the south. The culvert was a black plastic ribbed pipe with a metal flange at the end. The flange curved up on the eastern and western sides, into the sides of the hill. The pipe itself was set back about a meter into the slope of the mound. My head was in the culvert, but the rest of my body was simply lying on the ground in front of the culvert. I hoped that my feet were hidden from the west by the slope of the grassy mound. I seemed to have been lying down for some time, and i looked up periodically to the west to make sure that the tripods were not coming. I could not tell if i could hear them or not. I also seemed to be sleeping from time to time, as though i had been here a while. I forced my eyes open a little and thought i saw the black metal cylindrical shape of the top of one of the tripods. It was facing north and moving very slowly over the tree line. I opened my eyes to get a better look, but i could not see anything in the field to the west of me. There was a line of trees separating the field from the park. They were bushy deciduous trees. I tried to lean back far enough that i would be hidden in the shadow of the culvert. I was now leaning against the mound to the south of me. I seemed to have been here for a long time, though, and i wondered if the danger was past. I still felt anxious and tense. I knew that the tripods were coming and i had to hide from them. I felt nervous and did not know what to do. I was standing again at the northern side of the parking lot, and it seemed that the large space ship had just moved off to the west. I glanced to the south, thinking that i should be able to see the tripods coming over the tops of the trees at any moment now. I told the people to get out of the area, but they were running around in fear to the west of me. They did not know what to do, and i knew that most of them would get caught. $Z was moving with me as i headed to the northeast. There was a small river running along the northern side of the park. I thought that we should have a submarine to hide in. If we had a submarine, then we could simply stay under the surface of the river while the tripods attack. We would have to get supplies ready, thought, otherwise we would not be able to last underwater for such a long period of time. I ran to the river. There was a boathouse to the east of me, but it did not extend out over the water. It was actually about a meter to the south of the water. I moved to the north of the shed, trying to get some supplies ready. I was still thinking about the submarine, even though i knew that it did not exist. I glanced quickly to the south at the bushy trees along the southern side of the park. There seemed to be an old suburban neighborhood to the south of the park. I could hear the rumbling of machines, and i knew that the tripods would be coming. I then saw tank treads moving toward us under the branches of a tree in the middle of the park. It was some kind of crawling machine, and it was coming into the park. It must be coming ahead of the tripods. I quickly ran to the north of the garage, which was the boathouse, to hide from view. I knew that the crawler would attack the crowd of people to the west first. I was worried that it would find me, since there was really no place behind the garage to hide. I felt that i should cross the river, but i really had no way of doing it. There must have been a boat to get across, but i did not have the supplies to put in it right now. I thought that this should have been planned better. I wondered if we could simply go into the water with life jackets on. I then put something large into the water, like a boat. The door on the northern side of the white wooden garage was open, and there was a truck parked inside, with its tailgate pointing out the door. The others helped me get some things out of the back of the truck to put into the boat. We had to get ready to hide. We would have to be prepared if we wanted to stay hidden for a long enough time to elude the tripods. I glanced to the south again, around the western side of the building. There was a tall humanoid creature walking to the west. It was searching the area for something. It seemed like a stop-motion creature, and it had furry goat-like legs and a muscular upper body. Its thick red head looked to the west sternly, and there seemed to be some mechanism attached to the top of its skull. It did not see me, but i knew that it was looking for me. The tripods must have realized that there was someone in the area that they had not converted yet. I ran to the east, down the darkened shore of the river. I had to find a place to hide so that it did not capture me. I found myself in a cement tunnel. I had entered the tunnel from the west. I had then come down a short set of cement steps and was now standing at the northern end of a north-to-south tunnel. There seemed to be a red metal door in the eastern wall of the tunnel, just across from the stairs i had come down. There was also a tunnel running to the east from the northern end of the long corridor. There were people walking through the corridor, and i knew that i had to mix with them so that the guardian could not tell that i had not been captured. If the guardian saw me with others here, he would think that i was simply another citizen. I did not know where to go, thought. The other people in the tunnel were heading in some direction or another, but i did not have anywhere to go. There seemed to be something in the wall to the north of me, but i started to the west, down the short corridor off the northern end of the main tunnel. A man came down the stairs from the west and started to chat with a young man in the corridor. He seemed human, but i knew that he was one of the guardians. I was worried and started to walk to the east. I had to look like i belonged here. I knew that i did not have anyplace to go, though, so i crouched down to fix my socks. This would take up time while the guardian was in the corridor. I knew that i could not stay on the ground for too long, though, or it would look suspicious. I wondered what i should do. The man then approached me and started chatting with me. I tired to act casually. He looked very human now, but i knew that he was still an extraterrestrial. He looked like a stereotype of a military mercenary, with a rugged rectangular face and short blond hair. He then turned to chat with the other man near me, and i moved away to the north. I came out onto the terrace of the building. The river still seemed to be below me, to the north. The terrace was surfaced with cement paving stones and seemed to run between the two tall pink and black apartment buildings. I walked to the northern end of the terrace. The landing spread out to the east and west along the buildings, like a small balcony. I did not know where i should go, so i headed to the northern side of the building to the west. I had to get out of here before the creature came looking for me. I wondered if i could climb up the pink balconies and sneak into one of the apartments here. I was nervous about the height of the balconies, but i knew that i would have to climb up. I remembered this scene from the movie before, and i knew that i the main character had climbed up the balconies to rescue the older women in the apartment. The apartment seemed to be two or three floors above me and was in the northeastern corner of the building. The older women in the apartment here had been killed in the movie, but i felt that they might still be alive this time around. I could hear the women talking above me. They had not been killed yet and i thought that i might still be able to save them. I looked at the long narrow balconies that stretched across the face of the building and wondered how i would climb them. The climb seemed treacherous, but i started pulling myself up onto the balcony just above me. As i reached the first floor, i heard one of the women scream. She must have found the other as the other was being taken over by the extraterrestrials. This would come as a shock. The other woman would already be dead, but i wanted to rescue the one that was alive. I wondered how i would get upstairs to do it, though.

12010 March 14

I was doing something with the papers on the eastern side of the large classroom. It seemed that i was trying to get them into a bag or folder. I then headed to the north. I passed through a doorway and stopped just on the other side. The doorway entered another large classroom through the eastern end of the southern wall of that room. I paused for only a moment because there were some students gathered at the doorway of the room. I passed through them and continued to the north, toward the door on the eastern end of the northern wall. This door seemed to lead to a stairway that would take me down the back side of the building. As i approached the northern door, i noticed the small crowd of students that were standing in it. They were all wearing blue pants or skirts and white shirts. Most of them were also wearing blue V-neck sweaters. They had been looking into the room, but i noticed that, as i started crossing the room, they appeared shocked. They all turned to look into the center of the room, to the southwest. I realized that they had been afraid to cross the room because a class was in progress, and that they were surprised that i had done so. They must have been watching the teacher in the classroom to see what he would do in this situation. I looked to the west when i was halfway across the room. There were students around desks on the westerns side of the room: some seated, some standing. They were all dressed in the same types of clothing, but the teacher was wearing khaki pants with a maroon V-neck sweater. He was standing on the western side of one of the tables in the center of the room, looking down and talking to one of the students, who was on the northern side of the table. I reached the northern door and realized that there were chairs pushed in front of it. I felt a little annoyed and pushed the chairs out of the way so that i could open the door. I felt that i should get out of the room quickly before the teacher became annoyed with me, so i jumped through the small square opening in the center of the door. I then found myself lying on the floor looking up at my legs, which were still in the opening in the door. I tried to pull them through the door, but i seemed to be having difficulty. I decided that i would say that someone grabbed my leg as i tried to head down the stairs. I now was on my back in the stairwell, with the stairs to the north of me. The cement steps seemed to descend to the north along the western wall and then turn back to the south at a landing. My torso was on the eastern side of the landing outside the door, which looked down over the stairs below. I seemed to be wearing shorts because i could see my bare calfs.

12010 March 15

I moved around at the front part of the store, glancing to the north, through the check-out lanes and into the aisles. I felt agitated and sad. I worked here, along with the young man. I paced back and forth across the ends of the check-out counters. The young man came from the east. He seemed socially awkward and uncertain. He had to return a green mug to the store, but he was nervous about doing it. I turned around and started pacing back to the east. I worked here as well, and was wearing the same red apron as the young man, but i felt as though i was not doing much work here. The store did not want me running the registers because i was not young enough, and i did not have much else to do. I thought that the managers were satisfied to let the “old man” wander. I was wearing a short sleeve shirt under the apron, and i was feeling angry with the store about the mug. I paced back to the front of the store, which was on the southwest side of the building. The young man was to the northeast of me, standing in one of the check-out lanes. He was not being waited on, and he was sad about the mug. I told him that he needs to get it fixed, but he did not seem smart enough to know what to do. I was angry and frustrated with the store, and i thought about getting the attention of the other people working by smashing the mug on the floor. The young man started pacing, but the managers seemed to be ignoring him, even though he worked here. He walked to the northwest, carrying the papers with him to show them what he wanted. He then came back to the center of the store, near where i was. I told him take the mug to the manager, who was standing on the northeastern side of the store. I told him to get their attention. I also said that he should break the mug if they do not pay attention to him. He walked away and i thought about smashing the mug. I imagined taking one of the green mugs and tossing it high into one of the aisles, letting it shatter on the floor. The impact would draw people’s attention, and then they would have to pay attention to the young man. I then thought that breaking the mug might not really be a good idea if the man was trying to return it. The man walked off to the southeast, along the front of the store. I turned to the west and walked out over the water. There were boats moored around me in regular lanes. They looked like parked cars. I still felt depressed, and i looked down at the water under me as i walked. I then noticed some dark rock formations to the north of me. I was standing just to the north of a boat, and the rocks were under the water to the north. I could not make out the features on the pot-marked rock, but there was a partial ring of bright red spherical growths. They were clustered on the edges of the northern side of the rock, and i decided that they were corals. They looked interesting, and i wanted to get a better look. I placed something down on the rocks to the west of me. I then walked between the boats to the east, where there was another rock protruding from the surface of the water for me to stand on. I then turned south, stopping at the stern of one of the large sailboats, to the east of the boat. I could see more bright coral in the water to the southeast of me, and i bent over to look at it, but the water started to ripple, making it hard to see through the surface. $K1 then swam from the southern side of the sailboat and over the top of the coral, obscuring my view of the red rocks. I was annoyed with her. She swam to the east, between two of the boats that were moored in this lot. I was annoyed and disappointed, and i decided that i should just get my stuff and head out of here. I could just jump back in the water and swim to shore, but i realized that i was wearing the black sweater that i had on earlier. I wondered how i had worn it here and not gotten it wet. I did not want to get it wet now, but i did not know how to get back into the water without getting it wet. I then started to wonder when i had put it back on. This did not quite make sense. I should have left the sweater in the store when i walked out. I turned back to the north. I had to get my other things from the rocks so that i could leave.

12010 March 16

I had been carrying the bathtub to the east, down the road near the rural town, but i now seemed to be carrying it to the north on the western side of the road, just to the north of $P27. I had been carrying it for a while. I turned to the west and dragged the tub off of the road and into the tall grass of the open field. I was tired of carrying it. Then, i opened my eyes and realized that i was lying in the water in the middle of the tub. I looked to the east to see the cars traveling on the main road. There was a brown station wagon driving north, and i thought that they could see me in the tub. I felt a little uncomfortable here. I started to stand up from the tub, but then i realized that i had forgotten to bring my towel or clean clothes. I was naked in the tub, and i did not quite know what to do. I slipped back down into the water as i watched some of the cars go past. More time seemed to have passed, and i was then tipping the tub over to the west, watching the water spill out onto the cut green grass around me. Once the water was out, i tipped the tub up over my head, so that i was crouched under it. This was a good way of not letting people see me naked. I peered out from under the tub, looking to the southwest and noticing that there were golfers on the golf course near me. They were standing by their cart and were shooting down the fairway. They were shooting to the north, and the center of the fairway seemed to be just to the west of me. I was probably too close to the course, so i stood up and started dragging the white tub out of the golf course. The man from the golf cart started yelling at me. I knew he was angry because i had been on the course, but i felt belligerent and yelled back at him. I realized that i had put on my red nylon-mesh shorts, which i had been running in before i had taken the bath. I thought that they were probably all sweaty from my workout, but they were all i had at the moment. The man angrily scolded me, saying that he would call me a cab. I felt defensive, and told him that i had already called a cab, but it had never showed up. I knew that i had never called for a cab. I dragged the tub behind me with my right hand. It seemed flimsy now that there was no water in it, and i was surprised at how light it was. I pulled the tub to the northeast, moving closer to the road. There was a small area where some maintenance sheds were around the sides of a square clearing. The clearing was surrounded with tall weeds and small trees. This seemed to be a maintenance area of the golf course. I thought that i should call my mother with my cell phone and ask her to come to pick me up. I imagined that she would park my black car on the road to the east. I then wondered how i would get the white tub home in the car. It seemed too big to fit into the car, and i wondered how i could attach it to the roof.

12010 March 17

I headed to the east, back to where the others were. I was walking on the southern side of the street, and i seemed to be just to the north of $P63. Several people from $G3 were with me. I had been hanging out with them, and i felt close to them. We were heading to the house that was on the southern side of the street, just up the shallow hill to the east of us. It seemed that we were on vacation here. Just past the last long building of the campus that we had been walking past, there was an apartment complex of two-story brick building that sprawled out to the southeast. The building nearest us ran mostly north to south. I walked down the path on the western side of the building and then turned to the east, walking between the gap of the building and into the courtyard. The courtyard was surrounded by the buildings. I headed generally to the southeast until i came to the small pale-blue house. It felt good to be with the others in the house. We were staying here for a short time, and it was sunny and warm here. I moved around the small living room of the house as we planned what we were doing. I felt relaxed and enjoyed this place. I was then walking to the west with the others as we headed back down the street that ran along the northern side of the quadrangle. We were then driving on the road, which seemed more like a city street, with shops and restaurants on both sides of the road. There seemed to be lights on the shops. I was sitting in the back seat of the car, but i seemed to be sitting on the floor, between the two other people. I could see the road ahead through the gap in the two front seats. The people in the front of the car discussed where they were going. We were heading to a party that was somewhere to the west. It felt very good to be with these people.

I had been sleeping in the apartment with the people from $G3. It was still dark in the early morning, but i could see around the small dimly lighted room. I was sleeping on a bed in the center of the room. The bed extended to the east of me, where it hit the eastern wall. We were on vacation somewhere, and $F4 was sleeping on the bed next to me. I stared at the pale northern wall for a moment. I then realized that i was actually sleeping on the floor in front of the small bed. I remembered being on the mattress before and thought that i must have come off of the bed. I remembered that the man had been sleeping next to me, but i must have moved from the bed. I thought that it would be better if i was sleeping on the floor and not so close to the man. It would make $F4 feel less uncomfortable. A hand then reached over from the bed, falling across me. I had my right hand across my chest as i lay on my back. The hand grabbed my hand and squeezed it affectionately. I was surprised by the action, but it felt very warm and comforting to have $F4 holding my hand. $F4 then shifted position in bed, reaching out with his other arm as well. He grabbed a hold of my other hand, which had been resting on my left ribs. I was happy to hold his hands while we slept.

I was in the living room at my grandmother’s house. It was very early in the morning, and i had just woken up. I had been sleeping on the pull-out couch, which was against the western wall of the living room. I started to move toward the kitchen door, which was in the northern end of the eastern wall. There was a young man in the living room with me, to the south of me. He started to talk to me, and i turned to the south to talk to him. He seemed very familiar to me. I knew him from somewhere, but he did not seem like a close friend. He seemed thin but nicely built, with short blond hair. I felt very interested in him and wanted to be physically close to him, but i was hesitant to do so in this circumstance. He then abruptly walked up to me and hugged me warmly. It felt good to be hugged, so i hugged him back. He then started squeezing my torso, so i tried to squeeze him back. I did not have a good enough grip around his arms, though to squeeze that tightly. I tried to adjust my hands, but could still not get a good grip on my hands. He kept squeezing me, and i realized that he was having fun trying to make me uncomfortable. I kept trying to grab him so that i could squeeze him back, but we lost our balance and fell over onto the floor. We giggled about it for a moment as he stood back up. I felt a little uncomfortable fooling around with him like this, because i knew that there were people sitting around the table in the kitchen, just in the next room. I felt nervous about them. The young man then moved to the kitchen door and pulled the white vinyl folding divider across the door. He did it in such a way that the people in the kitchen could not see who was doing it, and i thought that the people in the kitchen might get suspicious of what we were doing. I was standing just to the east of the pull-out bed as the man moved to the south of me. I took off by housecoat as he moved to the west of the couch. He seemed to be on the back of the couch now. My grandmother then came into the room. I felt annoyed at her intrusion, but she acted as though she had just come into the room looking for something. She walked over to the northern end of the black and white tweed couch, which was now partially folded back up. She was looking for something and started going through the purse, which was on top of the partially folded mattress of the couch. She pulled some jewelry out of the purse and put it on her right ear. She was wearing a reddish-pink jacket, and the large earring seemed to be the same color, with purple and gold baubles around it. I was nervous with her in the room, but she started talking as if nothing was happening. I was interested in the man, and wanted to wrestle him for fun, but i could not do so with my relatives in the room.

12010 March 18

I walked with the other person as someone mentioned this place. It had something to do with the land doubling over on itself. It was not literal, though. The land simply occupied the same space as another version of the land. It was like having two areas transposed together. This seemed like a story idea that i had, where this place was special because it was a fold in reality. There was a small town here with old wooden buildings. I thought that this place would be called “the borderland” because it was a bridge between two separate realities. This was where the space was warped in such a way that two parallel realities overlapped each other. It was important because it could act as a portal from one side to the other. I focused my attention on a man to the south of me. He seemed to be a circus performer, and he was balancing a tall thin bottle in his right hand. He was supposed to do a trick with the bottle by making the bottle disappear. I watched for a moment as he tossed the bottle into the air. I then started moving to the west, thinking that the bottle would actually disappear in mid air. The man would simply be moving it into another reality, making it seem that the bottle had simply disappeared.

I sat in the back seat in the cab of the truck as it turned to the east and parked in the large parking lot. There was an apartment building to the north of us, and i knew that it was where my grandfather had lived. There was also an apartment building to the west, which matched the one to the north in style. We were coming here to pick up some of his things. My parents had gotten out of the truck, which was parked in one of the rows of the lot. I wondered why we had not parked closer to the house so that we could load stuff onto the truck. My parents were now standing to the northwest of the truck, and the truck started moving to the east. I realized that my mother was driving the truck by remote control. The truck backed up to the west, but it did not turn to the north, down the aisle to get to the curb of the parking lot. It then drove to the east again. I looked out in front of the truck to see that it was driving over shallow mounds of snow in the wide parking lot. My mother was having trouble controlling it. I started to worry that she might crash the truck into something, and i wanted to get out of the truck. I was then standing to the north of the truck, watching it drive along the southern side of the lot. It made a sharp turn, but swerved into a large black truck that was parked on the southern end of one of the aisles. It seemed to stop before it did too much damage to the truck. Our truck had been trying to turn around in the drive on the southern side of the lot, but there was not enough room. It backed up a little, but seemed to have gotten stuck on the large black truck. The black truck tipped to the side a little as our truck tried to pull away. I watched the black truck sway, noticing that it was a tow truck. The bumpers of the two trucks must have gotten stuck together. Then, our truck was able to pull away, but it moved forward again and seemed to have gotten stuck on the bumper of the tow truck again. My father then decided to try to drive the truck. The truck backed away from the tow truck and started backing down the aisle of the parking lot, toward the grassy lawn on the northern side. I walked to the north, looking at the tall brick building, which was actually a house. This was my grandfather’s house at $P12, but it seemed to be part of a row house. We had come to clean out the rest of my grandfather’s things from the house. He had died, but he had left some of his stuff in the house. I realized that there should be someone living in the house at present, so it might seem a little strange that we would be going back to the house to collect things. I walked onto the sidewalk and turned to the east. The house was just ahead on the northern side of the sidewalk. My mother walked ahead of me and to the right. She commented on the new owners of the house, and i glanced at several boxes of things that someone had placed on the curb. I thought that we were here to check the old books before they got tossed. There was a man on the sidewalk to the east of us doing something in another pile of trash on the curb. He moved near the house as we passed, and i glanced into the bins that he had been putting by the street. The bins were stacked on the grassy median between the sidewalk and the curb. The top bin on the western side seemed to be filled with wood trimmings. I realized that one of the pieces had a double curve in it that made it look like half of a violin. I picked up the stained piece of wood as the man watched on from the northwest. I made a noise to indicate that i was interested in the wood, which now seemed to be a thin piece of trim that was curved to look like a violin. The other pieces of trim in the box had similar shapes, and i thought that the man must have been redecorating part of the house with new trim. I put the wood back in the box and continued to the east, following my mother to the north and into the house. The man followed us into the house. There was an entrance corridor just inside the doorway. We walked along the western side of the hallway, which seemed to lead to the first floor, while the man walked on the eastern side, descending the stairs to the basement level. I looked to the west, through the open support beams of the wall, noticing that i could see into the basement. The cement basement looked now, and i thought that it must have been remodeled. The man crossed under us, and i could see him walking to the west, across the northern side of the basement. On the southern side, i noticed that there were cabinets with darkly stained wood trim on the curved edges. This was probably what the man was working on; he was installing the cabinets. This seemed to be the only new part of the house. I looked back to the north as we continued down the corridor, heading upstairs. We then turned down a corridor and started heading east. The other people were living here already, so we had to get the last of my grandfather’s things out.

I was in the living room of the old house with the other people. This had been my grandfather’s house, and we were here to clean out the last of his things. I stood on the western side of the room as a few other people stood on the eastern side. There was a white patterned couch in the center of the room, facing east. A tall coffee table stood to the east of the couch, and there were two people sitting on the couch. A woman was sitting on the northern side of the couch, and she had one of her feet up in the air to the south of her. She seemed to be wearing black short pants with red and white socks. The man to the south of her was showing her how to kick. One of the people on the eastern side of the table encouraged her to kick the short round candle that was in the middle of the coffee table. Finally, she did kick it, and the candle rolled off the table. Her foot swung through to the east and she seemed to roll over. I then heard something shatter on the floor. She had kicked too hard and had knocked something off of the table. I was annoyed at what they were doing and walked around to the south of the table to see what was broken. I looked closely at the things on the table, which now seemed to be an end table to the east of a large cushioned straight chair. There was a small lamp with a domed shade on the northern side of the polished wooden table. I could not see anything else on the table of trinkets that seemed be broken, though. I knew that something had broken, though, so i tried to figure out what it was. I picked up the tall red candle from the floor and put it back onto the table, knowing that it was not the thing that shattered. I then noticed that the pink lamp, which seemed more like a decorative porcelain vase now, was leaning back against the northern wall, ready to fall. It had pink trimming around its keyhole shape and pink flower patterns in the center. I could see vertical cracks running up the center of the porcelain. The person in the chair to the west moved, bumping the table, and the lamp shifted position with the table, but did not fall. I told the others that this was the problem and reached for the lamp. It had been broken, but had not fallen apart. As i tried to lift it, however, it shattered and crumbled to the floor off the northern side of the table. I told the others that i was not sure exactly how expensive the lamp was. I then thought that my mother would have taken all of the expensive things out of the house already, so this vase could not have been that valuable. I bent over and picked up the red pieces from the floor. I looked at the curled piece of material. It looked like a rolled piece of wood, with vertical cracks. The decoration on the outside made it look like it had been painted to be a cone-shaped Santa Claus. This was only the front part of the statue, and it had broken into thin vertical shards. The shards, however, were still weakly attached to each other, allowing the curved section to curl up a little more without breaking. I held it in my hand, knowing that it was no longer worth anything as an antique, but i still felt sentimental toward it. I carried it to the west.

12010 March 19

I moved to the southeast, trying to remember something. There was something very specific that i could not seem to remember, and i started to worry that my memory had been blocked on purpose. The buildings around me were gray and plain. It seemed as though i had done something, but i could not quite remember what it was. Someone had done something to me to prevent me from remembering. I felt very stressed about it, and started to feel defensive. I then started to think that the memory loss was not my fault. I had not actually done anything to block the memory. As i moved, there was a woman moving with me. She seemed very familiar, and i realized that she was an actor from a popular tween show. She moved to the south of me and we continued walking through the maze of gray buildings and cement alleys. She was the one who was actually having the trouble with her memory. She was a brunette, with shoulder-length curly hair. I still felt upset, trying to figure out what had been done to her. She turned to the west, walking down a narrow passage between some of the tall gray objects. I wondered of there was some discontinuity in time, pushing her ahead in time so that she never experienced the time that she did not remember. I then started to worry that she might have been drugged. I started to feel afraid, thinking that someone might have drugged me last night. I worried that might have actually done something bad when i was drugged. I followed the woman to the south, across the darkened pub. The interior was black, but there were bight lights shining through the ceiling, as if the building had skylights. I was nervous about this place, thinking that this was where we might have been drugged. I then noticed that the people were staring at her as she walked by. They seemed nervous of her. She must have done something while drugged that had been blocked from her mind. This was not right. We turned to the southwest and came out into a brighter area. There was a building to the south of us that looked like a large aluminum hanger. We seemed to be near the docks with the water to the south of us, but i could not see it. There was a large sign across the front of the building that said “MAKENZIES” in broken white letters across a blue background. The letters were old and nailed to the blue background, which seemed to be made of plywood. Some of the white letters were cracked with age. There was something wrong with this place, and things were not happening quite as they seemed to be happening. The woman hesitated to the south of me, looking around. There was then a large man to the southwest of us in a dirty white T-shirt and white cook’s hat. He had a white apron spread over his protruding belly. He seemed to be the stereotyped short-order cook, but i knew that he was the owner of the bar. I looked at the sign of the bar again. It was now more modern. The clean white letters spelled out something like “Rouchelle” across a crisp dark-red background. This was an alternate reality, and we should not be here. Something was happening here, and i wished i could remember what went wrong. I walked through the bar, following the woman. Something was out of place, and i was very upset about it. This should not have happened. I then remembered $A283 and thought that he was angry with me about something. I felt bad. The woman was drugged, and something had happened to move her into an alternate reality. I headed to the west and started talking to the others about what really happened. I sat down on the western end of the northern side of a picnic table. Other people were sitting at the table with me. We had just seen the film, which occurred in the alternate reality, and they were discussing what had actually happened. I realized that the change had occurred to a young male actor from the film. He was the center of the action. I remembered the scene from earlier in the movie when he had been riding on his motorcycle. He was to the east of me, driving very fast toward me on the motorcycle. He was wearing blue jeans and a brown leather riding jacket. He had a black helmet over his head. The scene changed suddenly and he was somewhere else doing another scene. I told the people that he was the source of discontinuity in the timeline. I said that he had probably gotten in an accident on his motorcycle. The rest of the movie after him riding was different, so he could have skipped a large amount of time and started an alternate reality. This would explain the break in the timeline of the television show. Several of the people at the table thought about the explanation. They liked the idea and admitted that they had not thought about it. It seemed like an obvious explanation to me, so i felt good that i had noticed something that the others had missed. There was a man standing to the east of us who seemed to be facilitating the discussion we were having. He smiled and nodded in agreement with me, as if he approved of my theory.

I moved to the west, across the small room of the building. This was a cottage, and i seemed to be with a few other people here. The rectangular room was on the western end of the building, and seemed to be the only room on the second floor of this wing. The main part of the building was to the east. Everything around us seemed open and flat, though i could not see beyond the pale-tan walls of the room. This room seemed to have few decorations. Then something was wrong. I moved quickly to the east. There was a bed with its head against the center of the eastern wall. I curled up under the bed because something was happening. The frame of the bed seemed to be wooden, with wide boards around the sides. The earthquake then started. I had known that it would happen, and i was worried about it. I should probably not stay under the bed because the frame was not strong enough to support the ceiling if the house collapsed. I moved to the south of the bed, and the other person was to the north. The ground was violently shaking, and i thought that we should get to a safer part of the house. This house was a cottage, and it seemed to be up north. I hoped that the building would be strong enough to survive the shaking. The quake was the over, and i moved to the east, into the main section of the house. It was darker there because there were fewer windows, but the room was larger and filled with furnishings. The cottage was probably damaged, but it was still standing. I wondered how much the foundation might have cracked. I hoped that there was not too much damage to the cottage, which seemed to be my parents’ cottage. The others came into the large room from the northwest. They had been in the small bedroom with me, but had left to the northeast, whereas i had left through the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. They had a dog with them now. The people were moving around frantically, and i felt that we had to do something. I worried that the cottage might not be safe. I then thought about a wave from the lake to the west. The quake might have caused a tsunami to head for us. I thought that we could go to higher ground, and i pictured the area around us. I was outdoors now. The land was very flat, and the surrounding forest seemed ashen-brown, as though none of the trees had any leaves. The trees filled the land to the north, but there seemed to be a narrow stream between where i was and the northern shore of the lake. I had known this area from before. It seemed to be near my grandfather’s cottage at $P26. The land was too flat here, and i worried that a tsunami would simply wash through the trees and hit us no matter where we were. I then remembered that there was a small area of higher ground to the northeast. I was standing just to the southwest of it. I was on a sandy bank by the shore. This area looked like a gravel wash from a river, and it stretched to the northeast, into the trees. I saw the gravel mound near the end of the wash. This place was very familiar to me, as though i had been here many times before The mound was only three or four meters high, though, so it was not high enough to keep us out of the water if a wave came. I moved to the east end of the shale opening, where the ground was covered with loose stones and sand. I looked to the northwest, where there seemed to be a road running east-to-west to the north of us. The other man was standing to the east of me, on the edge of the shale area. I wondered what we should do. We were then back in the cottage, in a small room at the southern side. The southern wall was covered with windows, and i walked up to them and looked down at the water of the river. The river was not that wide and seemed very small, but i knew that it was part of a larger lake. The river ran very close to the cottage, right under the stone wall that supported the room that i was in. A wave came by from the west, and the water rose suddenly in the narrow river. I backed away from the glass, and i worried that the water would break through the glass here. The room i was in now seemed to be surround by glass. It protruded from the southern side of the cottage on the first floor. I looked back to the north, thinking that i had to get into the cottage before a larger wave came. Before i could move, a wave from the west washed over the top of the glass to the west of me. It did not damage the room, though. I turned to the north again to head into the house, but i noticed a larger wave looming to the west. It seemed very close, but it did not hit us. It almost seemed to have stopped before it reached the house. I ran into the house, still seeing the wave hovering over me from the west. As i got into the center of the house, i was aware of the house being covered by the water. The light from the windows dimmed, and i was moving through a darkened space. Water was dripping in through cracks around the windows and down from the ceiling. I had to get to higher ground, so i ran to the west, toward the bottom of the stairwell that led up. I climbed the stairs to the east until i was near the top. The attic room was small and dark. It seemed unfinished, with exposed wood beams. I looked down the stairs and wondered why the others were not coming with me. I then noticed that $X3 was with me. He was standing on the stairs just below me. I wondered what we should do, worried that the water would crush the house. I then looked down at $X3. He seemed excited about something on the ground under me. I looked down to see a female dog lying between my feet. It must have been the dog that the other people had. I was annoyed at $X3 for getting so excited about the other dog. I was worried about the house and how we would get out of here.

12010 March 20

I was sitting on the western side of a table in the northwestern corner of the small house. I had come from the east as i entered the house. My family was gathered around the table and we were starting to have a meal. I had been thinking about the zeppelin that i wished i could have. It was not that large, and i tried to explain the interior space of it to my parents. There were many windows in the room we were in. The interior of this house seemed cheaply built, as though it was only a temporary structure. I looked around at the pale-blue particleboard walls, trying to compare it with the cabin space of the zeppelin i was trying to explain. The kitchen of the house was on the southern end of the rectangular open room that we were in. I looked to the east to see that there was a corridor or narrow room to the east of the room that we were in, with a door on the northern end of the wall joining the two rooms. The exit door of the cabin seemed to be at the northern end of the corridor. I looked at the size of this house and told my relatives that the main compartment of the zeppelin was about the size of this room, including the kitchen to the south. My grandmother was sitting to the south of me, and my father was sitting across the cheap metal picnic table from me. I was then standing to the north of the table, looking over the house. It was actually a small shed on the northern side of the western edge of the lawn. The yellow, tan, and green grass was damp, as though it was early spring, just after the melting. The western end of the shed seemed to be overhanging a short drop off in the lawn. The drop off was about a deci tall, and there was bare dirt at the bottom of it. I was then sitting at the table again. My father and mother had gotten up from the eastern side of the table, and i stood up from the western side, stepping back to the west a little. I was to the north of the tan tent as it tipped to the west. I had moved too far to the west, moving over the drop off and throwing the tent off balance. The tent seemed to have a soft nylon roof with metal framework. It was surrounded by tan nylon screening. I watched my grandmother sitting at the dining room table as the tent tipped to the west and flipped onto its side. She stayed seated on the bench as it tipped over her. I was surprised and quickly moved to the tent to tip it upright. My father walked around to the western side of the tent and adjusted an old wooden beam under the western edge of the tent. He then asked who had removed the cement block. I realized that i had moved it out of place and said so. The block had prevented the tent from tipping too far to the west by stopping the lower edge from falling over the drop off. As the house tipped back over, i noticed that my grandmother was still sitting at the table. This seemed strange. I would have thought that gravity would not have kept everything on the floor of the house as it tipped. I started talking about the zeppelin again. I then walked to the east a little, now inside the structure. I was inside the western end of the zeppelin, and i was amazed at the construction. I could see some metal girders around the roof. The room i was in seemed to have a lot of controls in it. The western end of the room seemed plain and slightly rounded. There was a large black panel in the center of the eastern wall, which seemed to have control leavers and buttons on it. There was a round nozzle just to the right of the center of the panel. The panel interested me, and i started talking about it to the other person, describing what it was. I talked about the hoses that were on the wall. They looked like thick fire tan canvas fire hoses, but were stiff and straight. They seemed to be stacked along the northern and southern sides of the panel. Corridors ran down the sides of the central machinery, and the control panel was simply on the western end of this central region. There seemed to be a catwalk above the central mechanism, and another catwalk along the northern wall. I looked at the hoses on the panel, telling the other person that they were replicas of an old traditional zeppelin. As i moved across the black panel, however, i realized that the hoses actually did pull out from the round openings on the northern side of the panel. They were real, and could be hooked to the round nozzle on the panel. I thought that the tubes allowed us to hook up the helium balloons. This place was fascinating to me. I started up the metal stairs to the east, climbing into the balloon level of the zeppelin. We were now above the gondola, and i knew that the secondary control room was up here. I walked to the east, leading the other person across the gray catwalks toward the eastern end of the ship. We came into a round room at the end, which i knew must be the control room. To my surprise, there were no windows in the room. I wondered how a pilot could tell what he was doing without being able to see the ground. There were large spaces around the eastern wall, which i though could be windows, but they were blocked off with black pieces of metal. The other person moved to the south of me, looking over the control room. I moved to the north, through the small doorway and into the next room. The corridor led east, into a narrow sleeping room with bunks along the northern and southern walls. The first few bunks were only on the northern wall, and then the next several were on both walls, where the room widened a little. To my surprise, there were people staying in the zeppelin. I immediately thought that they were part of the crew. There was someone sitting on the floor. She seemed to be awkward in her motions, and she seemed to be ragged and dirty. I moved closer, wondering if she was a vagabond who had moved into the ship. She had dark skin, and actually seemed to be enjoying a massage from the man behind her. I then noticed the woman who was reclined in the lower bunk on the northern wall, directly to the north of the woman sitting on the bed. The woman on the bed was wearing sensuous lingerie and was reclined in seductive pose. I looked to the south to see a man sitting on the bed across from her. He was wearing bikini briefs. He was very muscular and was facing west. He seemed to be doing something to a woman who was lying on the bed with him. I looked down and noticed that there was another man on the floor who was wearing only his underwear. He had his hands tied over his head with white rope. They seemed to be tide to the bottom of the bed that the muscled man was sitting on. This was some strange sexual chamber, and i wondered why they were here. I apologized for interrupting them and headed back to the east. I wanted to explore the ship some more.

12010 March 21

I felt very angry and turned away from my family, heading to the north. I stopped after a few steps, looking back to the south. My family was in the blue van, and i could see my mother and my grandmother through the front window. I was angry with my mother for something. It seemed that she had done something that i did not want her to do. I felt enraged, and i smashed the camera i had been carrying in my right hand onto the pavement of the driveway. My mother had gotten me the camera, and i knew that smashing it would express how i felt about what she did. I still felt angry, and i stormed to the north, into the garage of my grandmother’s house. I pressed the button on the western side of the garage door to close the automatic door. I wanted to lock out my mother, because i knew that she would come after me in worry. As the door closed, i headed to the northeast, across the center of the room. There were round clothing racks scattered around the garage, as though it was a thrift store. I headed through them until i reached the northeastern corner of the garage. There was a window in the eastern end of the northern wall, and i thought about going out it before my mother came. I did not want to be found so that she would have to worry about me more. The window to the north of me was open, but i turned to the east instead, where there was another window. I did not feel like jumping down to the ground at the northern side of the garage. I tried sliding the window to the east upward, but it was locked and would not open. I looked back to the window to the north, noticing that it was actually not that far down to the ground from the window. The green grass of the lawn outside was only a meter or so below the level of the window. I jumped out and took a few steps to the north. There was a cement sidewalk running east to west behind the garage. To the north of the sidewalk were houses. They looked like old white two-story houses. I did not know where to go from here, and i turned back to the garage. My mother had just reached the window. She had gotten into the garage quicker than i thought that she would. I was upset, but i turned to the northwest and concentrated on being peaceful. I tipped my head back and extended my arms a little. I concentrated on relaxing and started to float upward. I knew that my mother would be surprised at my ability to float, but i was happy that she would see that i was able to fly, even though i knew that it would upset her. I tipped backward and was floating with my chest up and arms out. I started to drift to the east. I felt very good, even though i still felt stressed and tense. I had to focus on flying in order not to be distracted by the tension. I had my eyes closed, but could feel my head turning to the southeast.

$F45 told me that $X12 had gotten out of the house. I was annoyed, and i felt angry that $F45 had left the door to the house open. I walked to the east, down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. My grandmother’s house was to the northeast of me. As i approached the porch, i could see a cat sitting just outside the door. I felt stressed and walked toward the cat, but it started trotting in the opposite direction. I felt suddenly angry with the cat and called after it. I ran up the steps of the wooden deck that was on the eastern end of the southern side of the house. The cat turned to the north, heading toward the house. I followed it around the deck as the deck turned back to the west. It ended at a short set of stairs. The stairs led to a small alley, which seemed to be in the center of the U-shaped building. The run-down white wooden wall to the north seemed to be part of a trailer home, and there was a beat up aluminium screen door in the center of it. I chased the cat to the door. Without passing through the door, i was inside the house to the south of the door, heading east. I realized that i had simply entered the house without opening a door. This meant that the cat could easily get in and out of the house when it wanted. This was very upsetting to me, and i complained to $F45 about it.

12010 March 22

I flew to the east, over the backyards of the suburban houses. The houses were to the north and south of me, and the yard between them seemed very narrow. I watched the ground go by. I then noticed a large tan camper between two of the houses. I seemed to slow as i passed over it. I thought that the people in the camper must have been arriving home from their winter down south. I passed over the camper again, more slowly, watching people walk from the southern side of the trailer to the house to the south. The camper was parked facing east in the yard. The people walked out of the door of the camper carrying small cardboard boxes. As i started to leave the camper behind, i thought that i heard a voice that i recognized. I slowed down and looked back at the camper, thinking that it might belong to $F45’s parents. I floated backward over the camper. The voice i had heard sounded like $K30’s. I watched the front end of the trailer for a moment as people moved in the yard below me. I then heard $K30’s voice again coming from inside the camper. I looked at the people in the yard, and i noticed $K31 walking to the south, carrying a small box toward the house. He stopped just outside the house to chat with another man, who was to his east. $K31 was wearing a red and white plaid shirt, and he smiled at the man as he spoke. The man was standing to the west of a large black propane grill. The lid of the grill was open. I then saw $K30 walking out of the camper with a few other women. I floated closer to them and said hello. I was not standing on the ground, but i was hovering very close to it as though i was standing. $K30 seemed surprised to see me and said hello in a questioning tone. I chatted for a moment before she walked off to the south. Another woman in a sweater started chatting with me. She seemed very friendly and a little giddy. She had chin length straight dark hair, and she offered me a small shot glass of a pink liquid. The people here were partying, and i started to feel that i was intruding on their summer party. The woman handed me a glass anyway, but i did not feel comfortable taking their drinks. I passed it on to someone to the north of me. I was uncomfortable here, so i said goodbye to the and started to head to the east again. There was a yellow house to the east of the yard, and i remembered walking through it a long time ago. I knew that we should probably not intrude on the other house, but it seemed that we were always crossing through the fence here and then walking into the neighbors’ house to get to the other side. I wondered if i should really do it this time. I then remembered that i could fly now, and i thought that i could simply fly over the top of the neighbors’ house to get to the other side. I started walking up the grassy hill toward the tall fence. The fence actually seemed like a wooden wall. Another man had walked ahead of me, and he climbed the hill and crept through a narrow space in the fence. The space actually seemed to be in the roof. There was an overhang at the top of the wall, which seemed like the roof of an old barn. I knew that it did not extend that far over the lawn, but, as i moved under it, it seemed to be dark, as though i was in a much large building. The other man had crawled through a small opening in the roof, but, as i got close to it, it seemed too small for someone to get through. I looked at the opening. He had pushed up a piece of plywood, which had some yellow fiberglass insulation handing from the underside of it. I pushed the board up and stepped through the fence to the east of me. I was standing on a narrow strip of green grass that ran between the large yellow house to the east and the roof of the barn. I looked over the wood siding of the yellow house. The man ahead of me seemed to have gone to the north, but i looked down the house to the south. There did not seem to be any windows in the large house. As i moved to the south, i suddenly realized that i was on the wide dark roof of the barn. The tar shingles of the roof were worn and crumbling, and the roof seemed very wide to the southwest of me. I walked toward the southern edge of the roof, which seemed to slope to the east and west at a very shallow angle. The southern part of the roof seemed rotten and dangerous. I looked up to the east and started flying. I wanted to get over the yellow house to the east.

I hurried to the north, into the small photo lab. There were counters along the eastern and western walls of the room with photo equipment on them, but i headed to the brown table against the northern wall, where there seemed to be a large plastic bin of water. No one was in the lab, but i could see that there was a photograph soaking in the brown plastic bin on the northern table. I reached to the east and turned on the red light. I knew that the paper was still vulnerable to light, so i did not want to expose it with regular light. The lights blinked on, but they did not seem to be red. They cast a dull gray light, as though everything in the room was in black and white. I looked at the brown boxy equipment to the north, which now looked like a scanner with a white sheet of paper on top of it. I walked up to the brown plastic bin, which was the scanner, and looked into the water to see the black-and-white photo developing inside. I felt rushed, as though i had to get this done. There were four white sheets of paper to the east of the bin, and i picked up two of them. They had sticky strips on the back that allowed me to stick two of them to a brown piece of equipment on the eastern side of the water bin. I tried to do something with the white photograph, but i found that the white pieces of paper were in the way. I adjusted them, sticking two near each other so that i could read the instruction from them. I was frustrated. No matter how i adjusted the papers, the two sets of notes always seemed to be in the way. I was having trouble taking care of the photograph that i wanted to work on. Annoyed, i stuck the notes to another brown tray to the right of the bin, but they still seemed to be in the way. I moved the white notes again, thinking that i should simply attach them to the brown box and get them out of the way. As i moved some of the equipment around, there was a blinding flash of light from the eastern side of the table. I backed up a little, thinking that something must have shorted. The lights over the photograph were still on, so the power did not go off. I wondered what had happened. I worried that there might be a short in the equipment to the east. I looked again at the bright white lamp with the cone-shaped hood. It seemed to be a high-power lamp, but it was still running. I wondered if i had blown a fuse. I quickly turned off the lamp so that it would not use up too much power, but it was still bright around the table, even though the room was still dim. I worried that something was shorting, and i started to feel that i should not have come here. I had sneaked in here. I was worried now and wondered what to do.

I was lying on my stomach, looking to the north at the glass ceiling. I was above the ceiling, which was made of a network of black metal frames and frosted white glass. My father and another man were on the northern side of the ceiling. The glass ceiling seemed to span a large atrium below, even though it only seemed to be a few meters wide where we were. There seemed to be three or four panes of glass across the gap. My father was working with the other man on the northern side of the window, trying to take the glass panes down. He broke a few of the panes along the northern side of the window frame. After he shattered two of the thick frosted panes, i was disappointed to see that the ceiling did not fall down. We were trying to get it down, but it would not fall. My dad seemed disappointed to and moved back, talking with the other man about it. I was a little frustrated, and thought that i would have to start breaking some of the panes on this side of the window to get the glass to fall. I slid back a little so that i was not putting my weight directly on one of the panes. My father then broke a second panel on the other side, but the frame still did not fall. It was still secure with the glass broken. I looked down and noticed that there was frost covering the edges of the glass. I scraped some of the snow from the center of the glass so that i could see what i would be breaking. I hit the glass, but it did not shatter. I then started to feel nervous about breaking the glass. I felt that i was a little too close to it. I worried that, if it fell, i would fall with it. I was still on part of the roof. I felt nervous and carefully moved to the west, to try to get off of the glass panes. I then slide back down the shallow slope of the roof to the south, trying to get onto the solid black parts at the edges of the glass. The roof seemed very wide now, and there was glass both above and below us. There seemed to be a glass roof over our heads that was letting light into the building. I was now standing on a large glass structure inside the glass roof. I looked around carefully, noticing that there was a glass gable to the east, in the center of the roof. It faced south and had glass on all sides. I looked at it as i moved to the south of it. I then realized that i had moved too far east on the roof and worried that the glass might fall under me. I could not break the glass here because it was in the wrong position on the roof, so i moved back to the west. I hit some of the glass panes there, trying to break them and get a section of the roof to fall down.

12010 March 23

I moved to the east, through the rooms on the lower floor of the house. This house was in an older neighborhood of a suburban area. I could see the area around the house. The house seemed to be surrounded by trees, but i knew that they only separated the houses in the area. There were no thick forests here. I move into the doorway of the house, standing at the top of the cement stoop on the center of the eastern side of the house. The stairs led down in front of me to a gravel driveway. Something was very wrong here, and i felt in danger. I stepped out of the house, but then turned back to the west and headed inside. Someone in the house was in trouble. The room inside was mostly tan, as if an old sepia-toned photograph. I turned back to the east suddenly. There was a tall thin man standing in the doorway. He was wearing a dark suit that seemed to be from the twenties. He wore the jacket over a white shirt and thin black tie. There was someone else standing in the northeastern corner of the empty room, and i realized that everyone was in danger. The man in the suit had a pistol in his right hand, and he shot at me. I knew that he had hit me in the chest, and i collapsed to the ground. Even though i had fallen, i was still standing up, and i backed away to the west. I was worried about the others who were in the house with me. I knew that the man would be after them as well. I hoped that the people in the next house to the west had heard the gun shot. They should have, and they probably called the police. I headed to the southeast to get away from the man. I then heard some more gunshots.

I looked at the aluminium plate on the wall to the east of me as the other person checked out something to the southeast. This factory had been abandoned, and we were salvaging the metal plates from the building. The other person seemed to be taking the steel plates, but i thought that we should be collecting the aluminium ones as well. I then left the other person and headed to the west, down the long cement corridor of the building. The southern wall of the corridor seemed to be stone or block, but the northern wall was cinderblock and was broken into short segments. The segments shifted back in short steps to the north as the corridor went west. We were checking for metals in the factory, and i stopped a few times to look at small metal plates on the northern wall. There were many doorways in the northern wall that led into small dark empty rooms. I passed by several of them as the other person checked some of them out. There were yellow sticky notes on the walls in various places. They seemed to be marking the metal plates that we were collecting. I come to a place near the end of the western hall and looked into the small room to the north. The floor of the room was covered with dust and debris, and the ceiling was very high. The room was actually a shaft that went up may floors to the top of the factory. I could not see the top of the shaft in the dark, but i could tell that there were several yellow pieces of paper stuck to the western wall at regular intervals. A metal ladder ascended the center of the western wall, and the notes were in a line to the south of the ladder. They marked the plates that seemed to align with each floor. We had to recycle all of the metal. I then started to notice that it had gotten rather dark in the building. It must be night, and the daylight is no longer seeping into the center of the building. I thought tha we should stop, and i turned back to the east. There was a man still working in the next room on the northern side of the corridor. I could see the artificial light from his lamp shining out of the room. Someone then talked about recycling the zinc. I wondered if they were talking about the plates that i had been seeing. I thought that the plates could have been zinc instead of aluminium, but then i decided that they were aluminium. I asked the people if we were recycling “aluminum” as well. I thought that we should be collecting all of the panels that i had been seeing, and i did not think that the others were. I stepped back to the north, into the tall shaft. I looked at all of the yellow notepapers on the wall above me, and i told the others that there was a lot of aluminium here. I then turned to the east and walked across the cement room in the basement of the house. I had to do something, and i was headed toward the bedroom that was in the northeastern corner of the basement. Its door faced south. I looked in the room. It was mostly empty, and there was a gray metal desk in the center of the northern wall. I had to move some of the things into the room. I thought that i would bring my guitars down here. They had been in storage at my parents’ house. I only had one with me in the small bedroom, which seemed to be the room i was staying in for college, but i felt that i should bring the rest. I turned to the west to get some of the guitars. There was a row of instrument cases along the southern wall of the small storage room. The cases were stacked horizontally across the width of the all, with some of the smaller instruments sitting on top of the heads of the cases. I would only need to bring the working ones into the bedroom. Some of them seemed to have broken strings, and some did not seem to work. As i pulled the tan acoustic guitar from the wall, i noticed the small nylon-string guitar or mandolin. I turned back to the east to carry the instruments across the cement basement. As i reached the northeastern corner of the basement, though, i realized that someone was in the shower room there. The shower was a small square room in the northwestern corner of the basement, and had a doorway facing south in the center of it. The young man moved across the door, and i could see who he was. Another person moved toward the shower from the south, stopping outside the door. He said something to me about the russian man. I told him that the russian man was in the shower. I moved to the south, thinking that the russian man was listening to the radio in Russian. I listened for a moment, but could only hear quiet music. I could not tell what language the radio station was speaking in. I could tell the other man, who was now to the east of me, about it. I then headed to the south, hearing the Russian radio station as i moved. I was outside now, and the cement wall to the north of me seemed to be the outside wall of a small cinderblock shed. The announcer on the radio station was saying something in English. The young man, who had been in the shower, then stepped out of the building, wrapping a towel around his waist. He mentioned something that sounded like “zarishina”. It seemed to be an affectionate term. I thought that it was formed from the word for “sweet”, or from some other similar word. I thought that the word in English actually started with an F. The “ina” ending was then added to the word to make it relate to a person. I thought that the F word in English was a verb, and that the Russian equivalent was used. This was not right, though. The “ina” ending was really a diminutive in Russian. The “i” was added to the verb to make it refer to a person, like someone who would perform the verb, and then the “na” was added to the end to make it imply smallness. The word “ballerina” came to mind. I approached my car, which was parked to the south of me, facing west. There was a man to the west of me. I looked back to the north and could now see the Russian teenager standing outside the shower. She was shirtless and skinny, but he had nice detail on his muscle. He showed off his torso, saying he was hot. He then asked no one in general “Don’t you like my hot body, with my feminine chest?” I thought he was being silly and turned back to the south. I then realized what he had said and that it did not really make any sense. He was standing alone to the east when i looked back at him, ready to question his description of himself. He had his arms down at his sides and was flexing his chest. He was very skinny, and the man to the south of him now seemed to be $F47. The boy kept showing off his skinny body, but he seemed to me joking more than serious. He then bent over backward, sticking his chest in the air. His body flexed and changed shape in strange ways. His chest bone now seemed very pointy and stuck up from his chest, coming to a sharp peak. He seemed to be funny, and i realized that the strange shape of his chest was odd. I asked if that was what he meant by “feminine chest”. I then turned to the west and headed back into the central room on the first floor of the house. The others were waiting to the south of me. I realized that they were all standing in line to enter the room to the west. It was dinner time, and everyone was now being let into the dining room. They were all $G3. $A59 seemed to be standing near me, just to the southeast. I looked at the line to the south, asking about dinner. One of the men in the center of the line seemed to be $A617, and he stood with his mouth open, as if surprised to see me here. $A59 started talking to me seriously before i entered the room. He said that i should light the candle for Ken Woodward. Ken had died, and he was a very old alumni of this place. I agreed, thinking that Ken was actually a founder of $G3. $A59 told me that he was the “protector” of this place. He then turned to the southwest, heading toward the dining room door. I followed him, thinking that “protector” was not actually a position in the group. I wondered if it was simply the older name for “propraetor”. $A59 then told me that Ken had died on September 18th. I would have to say something about him during dinner as part of a memorial ceremony. I thought that i would simply call him a “protector”. I walked into the dining room to find $G3 standing around two oval tables in the center of the room. There were only about ten or twelve people in the room. It was an unusually small dinner, and i thought it was particularly small for an alumni dinner. $G3 had pushed two of the wooden oval tables together in the center of the room because it was so small. I noticed that there were a few people sitting at a separate table, though. The central table must have been full. This situation seemed strange. I wondered what i would say about Ken. He died and old man, but it seemed as though i had met him at some earlier point.

I walked to the east, across the southern side of the bedroom. It was early in the morning, and the light from outside was still dim. A double bed took up most of the space in the room, which seemed to have dull-blue or gray walls. Someone was sleeping on the western side of the bed, which was against the northern wall. I walked to the eastern side of the bed, thinking that i would get my computer, which was on the southeastern corner of the bed. I wanted to start typing for the morning. As i rounded the southeastern corner of the bed, i bumped into my gray laptop, and a computer noise sounded from farther north on the bed. I looked back at the computer on the corner of the bed and realized that $F10’s black keyboard was sitting on the edge of the bed. I must have bumped it when i passed the bed. His computer had turned on. I could see the large boxy section of the computer on the eastern edge of the bed. $F10 stirred a little in bed. I apologized for waking him and said that i had turned on his computer by accident. I sat on the edge of the bed, wondering how to turn his computer off. $F10 should really sleep some more. I noticed that his computer was spread out along the eastern side of the bed. I moved to the south to get my computer. The screen of my laptop was open. I tried to pick it up by the right side of the screen, but the screen seemed to be unhinged from the body of the computer. I was surprised by this and thought that the computer was broken. I moved the screen a little from side to side, realizing that the right hinge of the screen was broken. I was upset that my computer was broken, and i wondered what had happened to it. I did not think that i had landed on the bed that hard. I complained to the others that the computer was broken. I turned to the west. The others were walking toward me from the south, and i was talking to $F10 about this place. We were standing on the grassy lawn now, just to the west of the small brown wooden house. I felt frustrated and was not sure what we should do. This had something to do with the music festival. $F10 stood to the east of me, but i turned to the west to try to push something. We were trying to move a small cart, but it was too close to the large black truck that was parked to the west of us to maneuver easily. I tried to turn the cart more to the west, but the front end of the truck was in the way. I stopped pushing the cart and looked at the old truck. It looked like a pick-up truck from the sixties, with rounded fenders. I then looked across the wide grassy lawn to the south as some more people approached us. The truck seemed to be in the way, and i was frustrated with it. It should be moved, and i told $F10 this. I said that the truck must be moved because it was in the way. Someone then said that the truck would not be moved. I did not like the answer, and i looked to the north at the narrow space between the front of the truck and the northwestern corner of the brown house. The truck was facing the northeast, so the front came very close to the shed. We could not moved the other thing through the crack, and the truck was too close to the shed for us to maneuver it around. I complained that the truck was in the way. I told them that people would be parking their cars to the south for the music festival and would have to walk across the lawn here to get into the festival grounds, which seemed to be to the north of us. I told them that the people would have to squeeze through the narrow gap between the truck and the shed. Three would be crowds of people coming, so the passageway to the west of the building needed to be open. I felt frustrated with these people, but i knew that $F10 had not run the music festival before. This group seemed like $G12. I tried to talk to $F10, to tell him what the festival would be like. He seemed suddenly like $A579. I explained to him how the crowd would be coming from the south and trying to pass through this area. I looked to the south as i explained, thinking that the crowd would be parking in the large field across the street. I looked over the land as tough i was starting to float. The land seemed very picturesque, with a curving shallow stream running from the northeast to the southwest. I moved across the land. I was then heading north over the forested area, thinking that the crowd will be coming from this direction. I started crossing the grassy lawn of the park. I seemed to be following a narrow gravel path along the eastern side of the area. I now seemed to be to the north of the entrance where i had been before. I knew that the crowd would come this way as they walked into the festival grounds. There seemed to be a fenced off area to the north of me now, and i was following the path to the east of it. The area seemed like a stage or outdoor theater. The chain-link fence on the eastern side of the area seemed taller than the meter-and-a-half fence that i had seen on the southern side. It also seemed to have a black material hanging from the western side of it, so that the fence could not be seen through. There were people on the dirt path ahead of me, talking outside the opening in the fence that led into the theater area. As i approached the area where the gate was, i seemed to be walking north in a corridor. The lights here were more yellow, like incandescent lights. There were metal-framed plastic chairs along the walls near the doorway. The wall to the west of me, which separated the theater from the corridor, seemed to be made of tan canvas. Some of them had people sitting in them. I looked through the doorway in the western wall to see a stage on the northern side of the room beyond. There was a crowd sitting around the other three sides of the room, watching the play in the center. It seemed that that the play was just ending. Two of the actors hobbled toward the door, hunching over in mock fear. I recognized them and felt a little envious that they were still acting in this play. They laughed with each other as they stepped out of the theater and into the hall. The young man in the front was $A461, and the older man following him was $A512. They stopped just outside the doorway and started chatting with each other about the play. They joked and giggled about it. They were both wearing fuzzy beards and fake brown wigs. I knew that $A512 had naturally white hair, so the brown made him look younger. I realized that they were talking a little loud. They were still in the doorway, so the audience should still be able to hear them. A woman from the theater looked at them in the doorway and started walking sternly toward them. She seemed to be a directory or stage manager. She scolded them in a hushed voice and tried to get them away from the audience. They were pushing each other and $A512 grabbed the side of $A461’s shirt and tore it off. It came off easily. $A512 laughed and fled to the north, down the corridor. $A461 chased after him, laughing at the joke. $A461 had pulled $A512’s shirt off earlier, so this was “pay back”. As $A461 turned to follow $A512, i noticed a large bandage on his right shoulder blade.

I woke up on the southern side of the bed, which was against the western wall of the small bedroom. $F14 was with me in the room, sitting on the northeastern corner of the bed. It seemed late in the morning, as though i had sleeped for quite a while. $F14 greeted me, and she told me that i had been sleeping. I looked around groggily. I told her that i had gotten up at 4:30 and that i did not get back to sleep for a while after. I had felt tired but remembered that i could not fall asleep. I asked her what time it was, but then i saw the red digital clock to the north of the bed. It said that it was eleven. $F14 had been waiting for me all morning. I felt that i should get going. I told $F14 that someone had been sleeping in the bed with me when i woke up. She asked me if it was she, and i told her that i did not think so. I remembered the man on the northern side of the bed snoring. I told $F14 that it was $A239 because he snored like $A239. $F14 asked how i knew that it was not she, and i made a joke that she snored in gentle wheezes. She chuckled. I got up and moved to the east to get ready. I had go get going. I grabbed my computer things from the dresser against the eastern wall and then turned back into the center of the room. The room was bigger now, and the bed was now on the southern wall. I walked back to the northeastern corner of the bed. A man approached me from the north, greeting me warmly. I spoke to him for a moment, and he was $A577. As i chatted with him, though, he seemed to be $A555, or someone else from $G3. I was glad to see them, though i worried that i could not remember their names. I turned to the east to get something as i chatted with them some more. I then turned back to the west and headed back toward the bed. $A119 was sitting on the edge of the eastern edge of the bed, talking to someone to the south of him. It felt good to have all of these people around, and i was interested in talking to them. I sat near $A119 on the bed and spoke to the person to the south of me. A man then approached from the east. Both $A119 and the man to the east told me the name of the person to the south of me. I recognized him, but had not remembered his name. He seemed very familiar, though. He had a rectangular pale face with short blond hair, and he sat with a slight hunch. He was wearing a light-colored tank top. He was thin, but did not have a lot of detail on his arms. I turned to $A119 to say something but realized that he was not really $A119. He was surprised at this and told him that i had thought that he was $A119. The blond man to the south giggled awkwardly. I apologized in a laugh to the man sitting to the east of me and made a joke about how i could not remember names.

12010 March 25

I walked across the southern side of the basement room, heading west. The room was filled with people, who were mostly standing in the center of the room, around the large mechanical equipment. One of the machines was a washing machine. It seemed dull creamy-green, but i knew that it was broken. Several of the people were upset about this. The people were not gathered here for the machines, though. They seemed to be stuck here for some reason. Several of them were my relatives. I was worried about the washing machine, hoping that it was not irreparable. I crossed the room and walked into the smaller room to the left. This room was not as dark, and there were more washing machines here. The fluorescent lights of the room were all turned on, unlike in the main part of the basement. There were white washers and dryers along the southern wall of the room, and clothes machines back to back in a row down the center. They all seemed to be running fine, and several people were standing around waiting for their clothes to be done. I wondered why the others from the main part of the basement did not come here to do their clothes. I turned around and headed back into the basement. I mentioned the laundry room to the west to some of the people in the main room. They did not seem to respond much. A woman walked over to me from the southeast, though. She was hunched over a little, as though she was afraid of letting the others overhear her question. She quietly asked me about the machines in the other room. She seemed desperate to know about them. I told her that they held smaller loads than the one that was in the main room, but that they worked. She seemed disappointed about the size of the loads, but i did not think that they would use the smaller machines.

I headed to the west, across the small room of the crude library. This was where i worked, and i was just coming to work. It seemed to be early in the morning, and i was opening up the building. The cement walls of the rooms were dull, and the fluorescent lights overhead were dim. I then turned to the south, looking at the gray metal shelves on the walls. The long room to the south of me had tables running east to west on either side of the central aisle. There seemed to be very few books here. I was aware of the older librarians at the entry desk to the northeast of me. I came to the southern wall of the room and opened the wooden boor separating the different sections of the library. The door was in the eastern end of the southern wall. It opened against the eastern wall of the room to the south, just clearing a gray bookshelf to the south, on the eastern wall. There were two or three brown rubber doorstops on the floor where the door came to a rest against the eastern wall. They were used to prop open the door, but the door seemed to be too high off of the ground to use them properly. I tried arranging the three props on the floor, but i could not stack them high enough to wedge them under the end of the door. They did not stack well and fell over. I then noticed a small wooden A-frame sign on the floor between the door and the northern end of the shelf. I picked it up, thinking that i could put it in front of the door. As i picked up the sign, thought, i realized that it was way too light to hold the door open. I tried pushing the door back farther so that i could place the sign at the outer most end of the door, but the door hit the gray cabinets behind it. This would not work. I held the door open with my right hand and looked at the opening near the hinge. I tried sticking the blackboard eraser into the space between the hinges to keep the door open, but the erasers were too soft, and they started to squeeze together as the door swung closed a little. This would not work. I was a little annoyed with it and looked again at the rubber doorstops on the floor. I thought that i could wedge them in the gap between the hinges, but instead, i tried stacking them again under the end of the door. This time, they stacked nicely, and they wedged between the bottom of the door and the floor. Now that the door was finally held open, i headed to the south, into the long cement room. To my surprise, i realized that he heavy metal door in the western wall was already open. Someone was already working in the room, and i could hear typing. I wondered how they had unlocked the room before the library was open. I headed to the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. It seemed to lead to the same small secure room that the person was tying in. I opened the door and looked down the length of the long room. Someone was already working at a desk against the western wall. He or she was sitting at a wooden desk near the southern end of the room, typing on an old typewriter.

12010 March 26

I moved to the northwest, across the large quadrangle between the modern buildings. It was dark out, but the lights from the buildings illuminated the quadrangle. People were gathered on the northern end of the yard, and they were talking about something that had happened. This seemed to be a special event, and i started thinking about it. The event had something to do with the space people. The people in the quadrangle seemed to be regular humans. This had something to do with the story that i had come up with. I walked from the center of the quadrangle, leaving the people and heading north. I was very interested in the story that was told here, and i wondered how i could mix the two stories together. One of the stories seemed to be science fiction, and the other seemed to be fantasy. This was a fantastic story, and i wanted to make it work in a book. I thought about it, deciding that the magic event could have called the science-fiction people here. The first story would have been about magic, and it would end with an event that would have drawn a lot of attention. The space people would have noticed the event and come to investigate. This would start the second part of the story. I headed down the corridor to the north, imagining how the woman from the science-fiction story would talk with the people from Earth. She would try to explain to them how they all were human, even though the space people did not originate on Earth. Both sets of humans would act together to interact with the fantasy part of the story. They would use science to try to figure out what had happened. The people from Earth would still be learning from the more advanced humans from space. I remembered that the pilot of the space ship was special. He had special abilities that could be considered part of the magic, even though they could be investigated scientifically. I was part of the scene now, and i wondered what i should do about the situation. It was dark out, and the ground seemed damp or wet. Bright artificial lights glowed from the south and north. I was driving the large van to the east, across the small asphalt parking lot. There was some kind of cement structure over our heads, which seemed to be an overpass or bridge. I was trying to align the van with something on the structure, but i was having difficulty. I had to be careful, and i felt nervous about the people to the southwest of me. I looked up at the structure, trying to get the van in the right spot. I then climbed over the front of the van, which was facing west, and onto the roof of the vehicle. We had to get this done quickly before we were caught here, so i had to get onto the van to get a better look at what we were doing.

12010 March 27

I moved through the small room of the shop, which i was maintaining. The scenery around me seemed to change as i turned between the shelves and tables of items for sale. This place seemed like a general store. There was a T in the road to the south of me. I had been on the road, heading north, but i was now turning to the east. The land around me was covered with bushy plants that were filled with bright-green leaves. The old narrow road sloped up hill from the intersection as i moved east. I looked around, finding that we were in the car heading to the west. There seemed to be an old small town to the west of us. Just ahead of us was a T intersection, with a narrow road heading to the north, through the opening in the row of tall old stone buildings that lined the northern side of the small street. They seemed like old factories. An old black metal structure of girders arched over the road ahead of us, and i grabbed the edge of the bridge as we started to go under it. I was on the roof of the car, and i pulled on the bridge, trying to get the car to move to the west, under the bridge. The others were talking to the west of me. As the car rolled slowly to the west, i leaden backward to get under the bridge, pushing it over my head. I let go of the bridge and looked at my hands, noticing that i had gotten them greasy from the bridge. I wiped them together to get some of the dirt off, heading to the southwest again, across the small room of the shop. I had to clean up the things here. This place actually seemed like the kitchen of my grandfather’s cottage at $P22. The others were helping me clean up the place, but i still felt frustrated about the situation. I picked up several pieces of dirty silverware from the counter on the western wall and started to put them into the gray plastic trays of the dishwasher, which seemed to against the southern wall, facing west. The other person was helping me with this. I turned again to the west to get more things out of the sink. The sink was filled with dirty dishes, and i was annoyed that others had left them there. They had not done anything to clean their dishes. I felt annoyed and frustrated with them, and i looked to the south. I was now in front of the cottage, and there was someone carrying a box to the west. He was helping me pack up the things in the cottage. A woman helped the man load something to the west as well. I felt distracted and looked to the south, across the narrow stream that ran right in front of the cottage. A wooden walkway had been built along the northern side of the curving stream, and there seemed to be a darkly stained wooden structure over part of the water, making a small sitting area. It was very picturesque, and i knew that i would miss the place once i was gone. For a moment, i thought that the new owners of the cottage had built the sitting area, but i remembered it from before, and would miss it.

We were driving down the rural road, heading east. The road sloped up hill slightly, and there were wooded areas with small open fields around us. I was cautious as i drove, because it was dark out, and there were many people walking down the sides of the road. There seemed to be a carnival in the area. Several small tents were erected on the northern side of the road, but there were large carnival rides to the south. The rides were tall and covered with lights. I glanced at the lights for a moment in the center of the large filed, but i had to concentrate on driving. I focused suddenly on the people who were walking to the east on the southern side of the road. $F45 was in the passenger’s seat of the car, and he was annoyed with the people on the road. They were in the way, and i had to be careful not to hit them. A young dark-skinned boy in a black T-shirt was walking down the road ahead of me. I slowed and carefully passed him. As i continued down the road, i looked to the south to see the large tents and tall rides of the carnival in the middle of a large field. There did not seem to be many people at the festival, but i thought that there would be long lines for the rides. I then remembered that the event here was free and wondered if the rides were free as well. I thought that the festival could still be free, even if the rides were not. I continued down the road until i came to the T intersection. The road sloped up toward the intersection, where a narrow road headed up hill to the south. There were too many people moving around in this area, and i did not feel comfortable here.

12010 March 28

I was in the cluttered room of the small house with my mother. The room was long north to south and seemed to be a kitchen. There was a large multipane window in the western wall, and i was looking out at the short grassy lawn. We seemed to be in an urban area. Thick trees lined the street to the west, and there seemed to be a modern metal and cement building across the street to the west. It was sunny out, and the trees provided shading on the ground. I was then out on the lawn to the west of the house with the dog. The dog was running around on the grass to the west of me. He seemed to be $X18. He wagged his tail happily as he came over to see me with his head held low. I bent over to pet him. As i did so, i noticed that there was a wooden object between my legs. I had been holding in and placed it between my knees so that i could use both hands to pet the dog. My mother then said something to the east of me. I looked back across the small cozy room of the house. Several young children were running around on the southern side of the room. The young boy then seemed surprised as he stood to the south of me, looking out the window of the door in the western wall. He seemed worried as he told me that the dog was outside. I looked out the multipane window in the top of the door to see $X18 running around in the grassy yard. He was on a thin metal chain that was attached to the wooden thing i had been holding on to earlier. I felt annoyed, thinking that the door must have been left opened and the dog must have gotten out. I walked outside to get him, because i did not want him to run into traffic. I felt frustrated with the dog, and i was angry that someone had left the door open. Other dogs ran around in the yard near $X18. I tried to get them, but they would not come close enough to let me grab them. I then realized that most of the dogs seemed to be chained up. They were not allowed to simply run away. There were four or five dogs in the yard, and $X18 was to the west of them, running around happily. The other dogs seemed to be smaller animals. The dog to the northwest of me looked like it was part beagle, and the one to the southwest had long shaggy brown and black hair. Both of them were very short dogs. I then noticed the other small dog wandering between the chained dogs. It was not on a chain, and it wandered to the southwest. I worried that it might walk out into traffic. This house seemed to be on the corner of a city block, and there seemed to be a lot of traffic on the street to the south of us. I started after the dog, but, when it saw me coming, it started running to the south, trying to get away. I rounded a corner of the house, noticing children playing in the yard to the south of me. The dog seemed to be running around with them. I called to the young girl who was in the yard with the children. She seemed to be from the house that i had come from. I called her “Penny” and told her to grab the dog. I was still annoyed. He had the dog on a leash now, so i thought that it should be okay. I started back to the house when i noticed the other people playing to the south of me. The children seemed to be high school age now, and they were playing some kind of game outside of the house. The building to the east of me now seemed to be L-shaped, with a wing extending to the west, blocking the southern part of the lawn. The young boys were playing something like volleyball in the small area in the corner of the building. The entryway that i had come out of extended to the west from the center of the northern wing of the building, forming a small area that was surrounded on three sides by the building. I watched the young men as i opened the door and walked back into the house. A couple of them had their shirts off, and i could tell that they were quite attractive physically. I then noticed that a young man in a blue T-shirt had noticed me looking at them. He had an attractive face with brown hair. He stared at me as i walked back into the door. I tried not to stare at him as i continued into the house. I knew that i was too old to be interested in the men, so i went inside. I paused in the small entryway of the house. The entryway was a small square room only a few meters deep. It had dark wooden walls and a large window in the southern wall. I looked through the window to see the men playing their game. They seemed to be in two rows that ran east to west, facing each other. More of them seemed to have taken off their shirts now, and i realized that many of them had nice detail on their chests and backs. The boy with the brown hair stared at me again through the window. I wondered if he knew something about me. I pretended not to notice as i turned to the east and continued into the house. As i entered the house, i noticed that there were people moving to the south of me. I looked across the small room and noticed someone entered the house from a doorway in the western wall. They entered into the next room to the south, which seemed to be a long narrow room running the length of the room i was in, but on the other side of the southern wall of the room i was in. I could see the young men entering the house through a wooden door with a multipane window in the upper half, and i could see this through the doorway in the western end of the wall between the two rooms. They must have been coming into the room to the south to do something. I crossed the main room of the house. There was another doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. I walked through it and into the long gray room to the south. This seemed like an old worn living room. I had come here to get my guitar, but, to my surprise, it was not there. I had left it leaning against the eastern end of the dark gray couch, which was against the southern wall. I worried that the boys had taken it. I felt annoyed as i walked back to the north. I then turned east, into another small room of the house. My guitar was standing by the door there. My mother must have moved it when the boys started coming into the house. It was in the black thin case now. My mother was to the west of me as i opened the case and looked at the acoustic guitar. She said that she was going to take it to Professor Brown’s. I felt defensive and did not want the guitar taken away. I did not understand why she wanted to take it somewhere. She said that it would be taken in for tuning. This upset me, and i thought that she was angry with me over something. I was angry that she was taking the instrument.

12010 March 29

I stood on the western side of the long sitting room of the institution. My mother had left me in this place, and i was mad at her for doing so. I knew that she felt bad for leaving me here, so i decided not to talk to her to make her feel worse. I walked through a doorway and came into the next room. The walls were creamy orange, and there were fake-leather cushioned chairs in small clusters around the room. I moved to the east, away from the doorway where she had been. I found myself resting on one of the chairs on the northern side of the room. No one else seemed to be around, and i was sitting awkwardly in the chair, facing into the chair but leaning my head to the side, so that it was resting on the back of another chair. I was facing roughly north and was leaning to the west. I realized that i would probably get a stiff neck from sleeping like this, so i shifted position slightly to try to get more comfortable. I curled up a little. A woman entered the room from the west. She seemed to be wearing a white nurse’s uniform, and i knew that she was one of the workers here. I ignored her and continued to sleep on the chair, pretending that i was unaware that she had entered the room. I was still sleeping with my head on the chair to the west of me. The woman was with a few other people now, and she described this place to them. They seemed to be young men who were to stay here. This place seemed like a juvenile detention center. I shifted position on the bed that i was now lying on. The bed seemed to be against the northern wall of the room, and i was lying on the eastern side of the bed. I listened to the woman as she talked to the others about this place. I could see myself lying on the white sheets of the bed under the thin blue wool blanket. I was facing east, away from the others in the room. The woman told the two young men that she was with that they would be sleeping here on the bed with me. I felt uncomfortable about this, not wanting to share the bed. The boys were unhappy about sharing a bed as well. They both seemed rather young, and i seemed out of place with them. I thought that there was actually another couch to the northwest that i could always sleep in, but i did not move. I stayed in the bed, pretending to be asleep as they both got into the western side of the bed. I was worried about them, knowing that they felt displeasure toward me. I was looking at the three people in the bed from slightly above where i was sleeping. I could see myself below me, and i could see the two boys in the bed to the west. They were both shirtless, and i could see that they were both rather skinny but nicely detailed. The detail in their bodies seemed attractive, but i did not want to relate to them, so i ignored them as we slept. The shorter of the young men was lying next to me, and he kept pushing against me. I knew that he was doing this to get me out of the bed. I seemed to fall asleep for a little while, but was woken up periodically as the man pushed me to the east, toward the edge of the bed. I was annoyed with him. I was aware of a woman in the room somewhere to the south, but i tried to get some sleep. The boy kept pushing me through the night, tough. Finally, i pushed him back to get more space on the bed. As i did, though, there was a bright flash in the room. I realized that the woman to the south, who now seemed like a nun, had taken a picture of me pushing the boy. She had purposely waited until i pushed back to take the picture to make it look incriminating. They were trying to get evidence to use against me for counseling. I was annoyed about this and sat up in bed. It was morning, and the young men were still lying under the blue sheets of the bed. I started to wander around the building, feeling frustrated and anxious. I did not want to stay in this place, and i felt that they were coercing me here. I felt protestant, and wanted to do something to let them know that i would not stay here. I walked to the north, up the dirt road outside the buildings. This place seemed to be a large compound around an old hotel or resort. I turned to the east, heading toward one of the fences that surrounded the area. I had rounded the northern end of the modern brick building, which seemed to be the hotel, and started across the narrow parking lot that ran along the eastern side of the building. There were only a few cars parked in the lot. I noticed the wooden rail fence running along the edge of the property. A grassy field of dry yellowing hay seemed to be beyond. I then noticed the heart-shaped wooden signs on brown wooden posts. They were standing at even intervals along the eastern edge of the lot, marking the parking spaces. There were numbers or writing on them, and i wondered if they had been here since this place was a resort or fancy hotel. They were probably a theme of the old place. They did not seem to have anything to do with the modern clinic here. I turned to the north again and started heading along the dirt road. The land around me was covered with tall dry ragged weeds, and there was a large white barn to the northwest. This place seemed to be a farm. The wooden fence ran along the eastern side of the road, separated from the road by a thin strip of crudely cut grass. I started floating down the road, wondering how i could get out of here. I did not want to have anything to do with the clinic anymore. I looked at the large red farm machine on the eastern side of the road. It was running, and i felt cautious of it as it rolled slowly to the south. I moved to the west a little to avoid it. I then looked back to the north. There was a dirt pen to the north of the large white barn, which was now to the west of me. The dirt road headed north, to the east of the barn, and then it made a large curve around the dirt pen and seemed to head back to the south on the western side of the barn. To the north of the road was another muddy pen, with a long low yellow barn stretching along the northern side of the property. Some of the boys from this facility ran the farm as part of their rehabilitation. As i approached the eastern start of the curve in the road, i noticed a large bird on the eastern roof of the yellow barn. It seemed too big to be a regular bird, and, as i looked at it, i realized that it looked more like a pterodactyl than a bird. I focused on the bird, noticing that it actually had feathers across its skin. I headed toward the bird, but it flew to the west, across the roof of the barn, landing on the weathervane that was atop the square cupola of the barn. As i moved closer, it took off again, flying to the southwest. I wanted to fly after it, and realized that i would be able to fly over the land to catch the bird. As i turned to the southwest to head to the western side of the road, i noticed some of the other animals in the pen to the north of the large white barn. The barn had an opening in the northern side, leading into the pen. On the western side of the pen i saw a small white fluffy animal, which i knew was a pig. It had short rounded pink wings sticking up from its back. This was not normal, and i realized that the farm was breeding animals of mythical creations. I passed over the pig as i started down the road to the south. There were tall weeds and bushes to the west. I realized that i could fly pretty fast, but i could not fly fast enough to catch up with the pterodactyl. I turned a little more to the southeast, moving away from the road and back toward the center of the property. To the south of the barn, i started over a long narrow lake. The lake seemed to be in the center of the property. I dipped down and skimmed my hand into the water as i flew. I then decided that i could fly in a dance-like motion, pretending to skip on the surface of the water as i flew. I imagined that the boys in the clinic to the east could see what i was doing. They would think that it was strange, but it could still inspire them because it was a forbidden thing to do, and no one would have expected that i would have been able to do it. I passed low over the water, and then dove into it. I started swimming, but found the motion awkward. I tried to do the crawl stroke, but there was something strange about the way my hands moved through the water. I came to the surface and flipped over, heading back to the north. I found myself at the southern end of a long narrow swimming pool, and i was turning around for another lap. I was aware of a lifeguard to the east, on the southern end of the pool. She would not like that i was swimming here, since i was not supposed to have any freedom in this facility. I was still new here and was supposed to be contained. Only the trusted men got to move around freely. I started floating over the water again, looking around the bluish-green walls of the room. I shifted to the west and started walking along the tiled surface to the west of the pool, on the northern end of the room. There was an exit to the room in the northern end of the western wall, where the wall shifted into the room a little. I reached the doorway in the southern end of the short section of the western wall that was farther into the room than the main section of the wall. As i stepped into the doorway, though, i was aware of some men coming down the stone stairs from above. They were entering the building to go swimming. I wanted to get back outside to fly, but i did not want the men to see me. They might realize that i was not supposed to be outside yet.

12010 March 30

I left the people in the small room as i headed to the north. I had been doing a small production with the people, but we now seemed to be on a break. It was early in the evening or late in the afternoon. I thought that i would be getting dinner with the others somewhere to the north of here later. I would meet up with them there. I started walking to the northeast, down a sidewalk that ran across a small grassy park. There was a road running to the north of me, which seemed to be the main road on this side of the small city. The houses on the northern side of the road seemed to be residential. We were all headed to the mall, which seemed to be to the north of us. The others were getting in their cars, which were parked around the theater. The theater seemed to be a small stone building on the western side of the park. I felt separated from the others who were in the show with me, and i did not want to ride to the mall with them. I would be walking instead. It seemed to be a long way, but it did not seem to be too long to walk. I would need a ride later, when we returned back here for the show, but i thought that i would be able to get a taxi from the mall to get me home. The others would want to meet up at the mall after the show for drinks, but i was weary of driving after drinks. As i crossed the park, i wondered if it would be unsafe to walk here at night. I would have to walk north on the main road, which crossed the highway, to get to the mall. The mall was a large structure on the western side of the north-to-south road, just at the first slope of the shallow northern hill. I looked to the north to see the mall in the distance. I was now walking on the western sidewalk of the long road, heading north. I felt alone here, as though i was not really part of the theater group that i was with.

I was acting in a play with the other people, and the audience was to the west and south of us. I was sitting on the couch, which was against the eastern wall of the small black room, which was the theater. The man i was acting with was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, to the northwest of me. I had to fall off of the couch and land on him as part of the play, but something did not seem do be happening the way i expected it to happen. I rolled forward, but did not land as i was supposed to. I was in a different position than normal, with my face near the man’s abdomen. He said his lines, but seemed disoriented by the difference. I did not try to move or adjust, because i thought that we could simply work around it. I waited for something to happen, but nothing did. I finally realized that the play was over and we should simply get up and let the audience know that the play was over. Both of us stood up, and the audience started clapping for the end of the show. The audience was around us now. I headed north, out of the room and down the narrow stairs to get out of the theater. The corridors in the back stage area were bare cement, with cables and other items hanging from them. We would have to clean up the play area, since the performance was over. I then wondered if the play was actually good. I tried to remember what had happened on stage, but i could not remember the scene i had done. I became upset when i realized that i could not remember acting in the scene at all. It was as if the entire time had passed and i was not there to experience it. I was worried and a little frightening, thinking that there was something wrong with me. I walked to the south, into the small room. There was a play already happening in this room, and i sat in one of the white plastic chairs on the southwestern side of the room. The actors were standing to the north of me, in front of a black frame that was against the western wall. The framed area seemed to be part of the stage, and the actors were in front of it. I had come in late, and tried to take my chair as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the others in the audience. I was having trouble seeing the actors, though. There seemed to be other people in my way, and i kept leaning from side to side to try to get a look at them. $F43 was with me in the theater. She seemed to be sitting just to the east of me. $F42 also seemed to be in the room somewhere, and i thought that he had something to do with this production. Something shifted, though, as if the play had ended or had gone into intermission. Everything seemed to be different, and i was now sitting to the northwest of the stage. The stage seemed to have the same black framed area to the west of the actors, and i was now sitting in a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I was still having trouble seeing the actors through the silhouettes of audience members who were sitting in front of me. I leaned from side to side to try to see the people on stage. Someone in the row in front of me then turned around to look at me. It was $F42. He seemed to be questioning what i was doing here. I felt uncertain and upset. I worried that i did not do the play right. Something was wrong with me, and i felt as though i could not act anymore. I looked down at the ground, upset about this. I was on the western side of the bus as we traveled to the north. The rest of the actors were with me, and i felt bad about being here. I moved up the aisle as the bus started to slow. We were approaching a tight curve to the west. The bus rounded the curb slowly and then turned back to the north. It seemed as though we had been on a multilane highway, but had turned off. We were now on a wide street, just to the west of the highway. Suburban houses seemed to fill the blocks to the west and northwest of us. The woman driver of the bus then complained that the front window was not working properly. I looked out the front window and noticed that frost was forming in the lower left corner. The heaters must not be working. This annoyed me because it meant that we could not drive ahead. I wondered what we should do.

12010 March 31

I moved across the short green grass of the outdoor area, which seemed to have wooden walls to the west of me. I was heading north with $F10. This place seemed to be a festival parking lot. The ground under us now was gravel, and there was a line of cars to the west of us. $F10’s parents were leaving the area, and we wanted to say goodbye to them. $F10’s were ahead of me, but i had to stop to tie my shoes. I did not want to get left behind, so i felt rushed. $F10 was doing something to the south of me. He had not noticed that his parents were leaving. After i finished tying my boots, i hurried to the north. $F10’s parents were already leaving in their car. They had not waited to say goodbye to me, and i was upset about this. The drove slowly over the uneven dirt ground toward the parking lot exit. It seemed to be getting dark now, and the sky was a dull-gray shade of purple. I started to jog alongside the eastern side of the car. They looked at me through the window, but did not stop the car. I thought that they did not recognize me. I felt disappointed and stopped jogging, letting the car continued to the north. I turned back to the south as $F10 ran to the south, away from me. He was heading somewhere to do something. We were now very close to the southern edge of the lot, and he crossed from the lot onto the cut grass and continued jogging to the south-southwest. I was in a small car, and it was rolling to the south slowly. I put on the brakes and stopped as i watched $F10 heading away. Something was happening to the southwest, and $F10 was heading there to check on something. I watched him as he jogged between two cars that were parked facing the southern edge of the lot. I thought that i should turn the car i was driving around, so i pulled forward into the short dirt driveway, just off the southern edge of the lot. There was a very small wooden house to the southeast of me, and the driveway ran along the western side of it. There seemed to be a carport off of the western side of the house with a few old cars in it. The cars had a curved look to them. I tried to stop my car, but it kept rolling into the driveway. I worried that i would hit the car in front of me, so i pulled up the emergency brake from between the two seats. The car still did not stop. I felt a little worried. My car bumped into the rounded small blue car that had been parked on the eastern side of the driveway, under the carport, pushing it to the south. There was a short hill in the grassy lawn just behind the carport, and the blue car, which now had a white roof, suddenly rolled down the slope and across the lawn to the south. I was distressed and did not want people to be upset with me for damaging the car. I tried to back up, but realized that my car was now facing north. I was a little confused. In this position, i could simply drive out of the driveway and not have to worry about maneuvering. I did not understand what was wrong.