12011 March 02

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. I had just woken up from the large bed that was against the southern wall and was gathering my things from the floor to the west of the bed. I was rushed because i had to go to catch the bus with the other people. I hurried down the stairs and came out the back door of my grandmother’s house, on the northern side of the house. The others had been worried about catching the bus, but there was a person telling us that the busses would now have a different route. They would not go directly to the college that we were trying to get to, which seemed to be to the southeast of us, on the southeastern side of the urban area. The person, who seemed to be female and stood to the south of us in the driveway, said that the busses would now go to $P14COLLEGE before they went to our college. This seemed inconvenient, and it aggravated the others. I was looking though my things to make sure i had what i needed. I opened my leather wallet and noticed that i did not have my bus card with me. I told the other that i did not have it, and, starting to feel stressed, i ran back into the house. The others would have to walk to the southwest to get the bus. It no longer came to the east of the house. Through the large window in the western wall of the upstairs bedroom, i could see the others crossing the neighbors’ yard to the west, heading for the side street. A small light-blue and white bus was already stopped on the western side of the street to the northwest. $F10 was one of the people in the group. I felt upset and started searching through my things, trying to find my bus pass. I was aware of my mother and my grandmother in the room to the northeast of me, as i frantically looked over the things on the round table in the southwestern corner of the room. I was disappointed, knowing that i would no longer be able to make the bus. I started to feel depressed, thinking that i would not be able to get to class. I put my blue backpack on the table in front of me, and then i realized that i did not have my notebooks for art class in the bag. I had forgotten them as well. I was still rushing, but i felt defeated, thinking that i would never be able to get to the bus before it left. This upset me as i looked back out the window to see the bus on the side street. I had to find my ID for the bus. It was not with the stuff that was on the dresser. Suddenly, i realized that i had not even packed a lunch for the day, and i became even more distraught, thinking that i was going to miss my art class again. I was then standing in front of a small table on the northern side of the room. I had opened up my leather wallet and was pulling things out from it. There was a small slot behind my driver’s license, which seemed to have too much stuff in it. I pulled out some green dollars, and then i realized that my bus pass was in the slot. I pulled it out the bus pass and tried to reorganize the things in the slot. The bus pass should not have been there. I could not find it because it was in the wrong place. I could not see what was in the slot, so i dumped everything out onto the table to the north of me in frustration. There were too many things in the wallet. I started going through the money, and i realized that there were many strange coins in the wallet. I moved some of them to the table on the southern wall, to the west of the bed, where there were more coins. I did not know where all of the coins came from, but i wanted to keep them all. I started collecting them, noticing a few very tiny round coins. They must be of very low values from foreign countries. I thought that they were probably European. I focused on the small ashen-yellow coin with the dark face in the center, trying to figure out what it was. I said something to my mother, who was to the east of me, as i picked it up to put it in my right pants pocket.

I was in the back yard of my parents’ house, where a tall row of plants ran east to west, parallel to the back of the house. A shed seemed to be to the north of us, and the row of tall plants ran in front of it, supported by thin wooden poles. The plants were like bean vines, with thick dark-green leaves and strange reddish pods that looked like elongated bell peppers. I thought about planting more food in the garden, and my mother commented on the fruit that was currently growing on the vines. I looked at one of the strange bulbous fruits, saying that i did not think that they were ripe yet. I turned to the west and started moving across the flat open pasture field. I was floating now, heading to the southwest over the uneven ground of short green grass. I then noticed several pale-brown animals across the southern side of the field. They had seen me and were walking directly toward me, moving in from several directions to the south. I became suddenly cautious of them, worried that they might harm me. I concentrated on hovering higher again to stay above them. The animals slowed as they came underneath me, staring up at me. They looked like young cows, but they also seemed like very small elephants. I turned around, floating to the eastern wall of the large room, where there was a table. I could stand on the table to keep me away from the animals. I landed on the wooden table, turning back to the southwest to see if the animals were still following me. They had turned to walk toward me again, and i was still nervous about them, so i floated up into the air again and headed to the south. A fence seemed to be on the southern side of the field, and i flew over it to stop the animals from trailing after me. As i passed over the fence, it was a large white couch with dark gray patterns on it. I continued to the south, and i told my mother about the animals in the northern part of the room. They had not been fed, and i was worried about them. I then floated back over the couch, moving back to the northeast. $X12 ran under the eastern end of the couch from the south, and appeared on the eastern side. He crept to the north, watching $X12 move under me. I realized that i would have to feed the cats.

12011 March 03

I rode the train to the south, heading away from the urban area. We seemed to be on the southwestern side of the city now, traveling through an area with open fields between old industrial structures. The grass around us was tall and ashen tan. A few small trees stood leafless to the east, and i could see an arching old metal railroad bridge ahead of us. The bridge was an old steel structure with several small archways supporting the main structure, which ran across the horizon to the south of me. I knew that there was a river to the east and southeast of us, and i wondered if the train would cross a bridge over the river. I decided that it probably would not because we would have had to pay an extra fee for crossing the river into the other territory. I watched the area to the south of us as we moved, trying to figure out how we were going to get to where we were headed. $F45 was sitting to the west of me in the small vehicle. I looked ahead at the metal bridge to the south of us. We then started turning off of the railroad tracks and headed to the east. A tall creamy-white cement overpass stood to the east of us. The deck was over our heads, and the support pillar curved outward on the top into a flange that blended in with the bottom of the deck. We seemed to be flying in the helicopter toward the cement pillar. My vision was not focused now, and the column was blurry. I did not want to hit it, so i turned myself to the southeast, turning the helicopter with me. The vehicle seemed to resist, but i forced myself to turn to the southeast. $F45 was still to the right of me as i tried to force the helicopter to head to the southeast, under the bridge and toward the building that was to the south of us now. The building seemed to blend with the architecture of the overpass. The building was two stories tall, and the overpass blended into the roof of it. We headed toward the northeastern corner of the building. A tall enclosed corridor seemed to run along the eastern side of the building. I was still straining to move, so i lifted my head up out of the water. I had been swimming down a channel under the water. The channel ran from the large shallow decorative pool to the north, which was surrounded by white cement walls, to the south, where it passed along the eastern side of the building. $F45 was standing to the east of me now, helping me swim. I put my head back under the water and moved quickly down the water channel to the south. The channel filled the corridor on the eastern side of the building, and we passed through an open black iron gate at the northern side of the building. This place seemed like a prison now, and it seemed strange to me that we were heading down into the secure area without anyone asking us why we were here. I wondered if we were supposed to be in the building. I followed the corridor around a corner, heading to the west. Men sat reclined against the northern and southern walls of the corridor now. They seemed posed in alluring postures. They were wearing dull-blue jumpsuits, but the tops were open so that their torsos were exposed. The men were all very well built, with nice detail on their muscles. I was interested in them, but it seemed strange that they would be here. I swimmed under the water, heading west, passing through the men. There were other people in the corridor now, and i felt a little nervous passing through them. Some of the people seemed to be children, and this place started to feel like a department store. I was following the other person, who could have been $F45, down the aisle in the center of the long narrow room. Some of the people that we passed were children, and it seemed strange to be here. I followed the other person to the western end of the store, passing close to the southern side of a rack of clothing. The other person, who seemed to be $F45, slipped behind the rack, heading to the north between the large dark rack of clothing and the western wall of the store. I started to follow him, but got distracted by some of the people standing around the store. I hoped that they did not mind me crawling through the store. I decided that i should follow him before one of the store workers tried to get me to stop. I looked at the narrow space to the north of me, wondering how the other had slipped between the metal vertical bar of the clothing rack and the white wall of the store. There seemed to be very little space. It would not be easy to get through, but i started crawling anyway. Just as my shoulders passed the vertical bar, i noticed someone to the east of me. The rack of clothing was actually running on the southern side of a changing area, and i could now see into the back of one of the changing rooms. A woman in the room gasped in surprise, leaning away from the western wall and quickly pulling her bra back on. She had been sitting on the floor with her back to the wall. She seemed a little overweigh, and seemed to be wearing something purple over her right shoulder. I quickly backed out of the space, aware that the woman’s loud complaints would draw attention. I did not want to make her feel uncomfortable, but i realized that i should quickly go through the space so that the management did not find me here. I sat still, though, wondering what to do. The managers had come to the woman’s aid, standing to the east of the changing rooms. Both of them were wearing red vests with dark pants. One seemed to be male and the other female. I tried to back fully out of the crawlspace, but my head got stuck. I finally pulled it free and stood up. I started to the east, trying to get out of the area, but the two other people were standing near me. I felt embarrassed about being behind the booths, but i realized that some of the customers thought that i was one of the managers. I was wearing a red shirt that looked like one of the vests, so, rather than be embarrassed, i pretended that i worked here. I tried to act official as i walked to the east and started to the north, around the eastern end of the training rooms. I did not want to get slowed down by the questions of the people around me because i knew that the other managers would know that i did not really work here. I had to get away from them before the people realized that i did not really work here. I quickly headed around the central column and came into the small convenience store to the north of it. I was now heading west across the front of the booth, and i turned to the south, into the small store area. It was separated from the main part of the store by a single step down. A counter ran across the southern wall of the room, and i knew that the exit door was to the east. I paused in the store, thought, looking for $F45. I had to meet back up with him, and i worried about where he was. The walls of the store seemed to be mostly glass windows, and bright light came into the store. I felt nervous here. I had to get out before the management realized that i was the one who had caused the fuss near the changing booths, but i had to find $F45. I felt very nervous and wondered what to do. $F45 then showed up to the east of me, wearing a heavy brown leather flight jacket. I quickly followed him to the exit door, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall. It seemed to be just past the central column that i had rounded earlier. We stepped out of the northern side of the store, onto a large dry dirt street. There were storefronts to the north of us, but we turned to the east, heading for the cars. I hurried to the northeast, crossing the rounded dirt parking lot to the northeast of the store. There were two cars parked along the northeastern side of the lot, and i thought that one of them was mine. I focused on the black car for a moment, noticing the large dent in its rear fender. I was suddenly upset, but then realized that it was not actually my car. Neither of the two cars were mine. I felt confused, and i looked at the car. It had had actually been vandalized. The car was facing west-northwest, and the rear driver’s tire had been removed. The wheel hub was covered with orangish rust, and the ribs of the car, which had been exposed when the fender above the hub was removed, were spotted with the same color rust. I felt confused for a moment, but then i turned back to the south. $F45 was standing near the southwestern end of the lot. He seemed smiled uneasily, letting me know that something was wrong and that he hoped i was not upset. I realized that he was standing above the engine of a car. I realized that my car had been vandalized as well, and they had taken everything from it. There were white ropes running southwest to northeast, passing around the sides of the engine and steering column. They were the framework of the car. Everything had been removed but the frame and the engine parts. $F45 turned the key near the steering column and the engine started up. This was how he proved that it was my car. I was very upset, and i asked him a question about the car. He did not answer me directly. Instead, he said something that simply made me impatient. I became mad with him and demanded that he answer my question. I looked again at the wire frame of the car, becoming upset. I tried to ease myself, thinking that at least there was nothing of any importance in the car for me to loose. I tried to think of what was in it, and i knew that there was nothing that i could not live without. I should call my mother to come pick us up, since we were in the same city as she was. She seemed to be at work, somewhere to the northwest of us, so she would have to come downtown to get us. I was still angry at $F45, though, and wanted an answer to my question. I yelled at him and threatened to leave us here if he did not tell me the answer. I started to feel distraught. I turned back to him, saying that i would not bother to call for help if he did not tell me what i wanted to know. I wanted him to answer honestly. He would not tell me, so i turned to the north and started to walk away angry. After a few steps, i turned back and started scolding him. He finally told me about my car. I felt a little better, and turned back to the northeast to call my mother. I tried to remember her number at work and thought that it would probably take a few hours for her to get off and come for us. I then realized that i did not have my cell phone with me. I was annoyed by this, and i turned to $F45 and asked him for his. He looked in his jacket pocket as i turned back to the northeast and started away.

I was in the grocery store with the other people, and someone was explaining the contest to us. We had to find certain things in the store. Everyone started to separate, and i turned to the south to start the contest. I had to look for products that had discounts. I walked into one of the aisles and looked at the plastic-wrapped trays of cookies on the shelf to the west of me. I quickly noticed that one of the packages had what i was looking for. The cookies had something in them that was not listed on the label. We had to find products with similar contents that did not show up on the labels. I then noticed that there was a solid blue or purple oval in the center of the package of cookies that was not on some of the other packages. It was an older label, and i realized that all of the packages with this label had what i was looking for. I was aware of a few other people to the north of me searching the store. I knew that i had found a group of packages which would get points in the contest, so i started pulling some of the cookie bags from the shelfs. It then started to feel a little strange that so many packages were available in one area. This would get me a lot of points, and i started to wonder why the other people were not as interested. There were some packages of juice on the shelf just to the north, and i pulled one of them out. They seemed to have what i was looking fro as well. The packaging of the juice was colored in bright yellows, oranges, and reds. As i pulled some of the juice things out and started stacking them on the floor, i noticed the bottles of juice stored in the red plastic Coke crates. I remembered that i wanted to collect some of the bottle crates to store things in, and i wondered if i would be able to buy some of them here. I put several more things on the vinyl-tile floor, thinking that i would need something to collect all of my things in. It seemed that i was collecting many points simply by pulling the cookies from the shelf. The packages that had the ingredients i was searching for were marked with the solid color oval in the center, making it easier to pull a large number of them. I thought that i should go to other parts of the store to find a wider range of things, though. I then realized that there were very few people around. I wondered where the other contestants had gone. I looked up to the north. No one was there anymore. The northern end of the store was open, with no shelfs or racks, and no people were there. Where had the others gone? I turned back to the pile of things i had on the floor and started to collect them. I had a shopping cart to the north of me, and i picked up several of the packages and put them into the small metal cart. Something seemed wrong, though, and i started to feel suspicious of what was happening. I walked to the north, into the small room off the northern end of the store. The room had pale green walls that were old and worn. The room seemed to stretch to the northeast, where an entrance to the store funneled people to the north. The floor seemed to slope down slightly in this entryway, and i thought that there might a row of cash registers dividing the store from the entryway. Something seemed cold about the entryway, which was fairly empty now. Only a few people were wandering toward the exit to the north, and they seemed to be bundled in heavy winter wool coats. I kept picking up some of the things that i had in my basket. I wondered what i should do with them. The contestants no longer seemed to be around, and i wondered what i should do with the things i had collected. I crouched down to the ground to pick a few things up and sort the things in my arms. I noticed that i had several dollar bills in my right hand. I then noticed the coins that were no the floor. I started to pick them up, noticing that several of them were strange coins. They did not seem like the local currency, and i was interested in them. I collected them, but was aware of someone standing to the northeast of me. I was near the floor, just to the east of the wide passageway to the south. I collected some of the coins and then turned to the southern wall to pick up the packages i had purchased. They were the packs of cookies and things that i had bought for the contest. The registers had been full of people, but everything was empty now. The man was still watching me from the northeast as i bent over to pick up the plastic bags of stuff. I did not really want the stuff. I had only purchased it because of the contest, but the contest no longer seemed to be happening. I would have to return all of the stuff that i did not want. It seemed an easy thing to do. I had my receipt, in case the man asked about the things i had. I would need it to return the items as well. After grabbing my things, i headed to the northeast, down the corridor formed by the narrowing walls of the room. The corridor curved to the north, and the floor i was on sloped down, forming stairs. I looked down at the stairs as i carefully walked down them. The stairs were curving to the north or northwest, following the curving western wall. To the east of the wide flight of stairs was a drop off. The eastern side of the room was cement, with a flat eastern wall that ran two or more stories tall. The stairs descended to the floor from a higher level to the north. I was careful not to fall off of the stairs, because there was no railing to the east. Several other people were descending with me, and i started to walk on the outside edge of the stairs, balancing on the smooth slope that formed a short rim on the outside of the curving stairs. As i descended to the north, i caught up with two women who had been walking down the stairs ahead of me. They were dressed in formal dresses, and i thought that they must have just come from a prom. As i passed them, they looked at me, and i realized that one of them was $F14. She smiled at me. I said hello to her, looking down at the light-blue dress that she was wearing. It seemed very nice, with frilly patterns across her chest. She looked very attractive, with her curly black hair nicely done and a small amount of glittery makeup on her face. The other woman had shoulder-length red hair and seemed like someone i knew. She had a rounded figure, and her name seemed to be “Carrie”. I spoke to them briefly as they passed to the north. It seemed really good to see $F14 again, and i wanted to talk more, but i felt as though i was interrupting her. I said goodbye as they paused near the doorway in the northern wall of the room. They passed through and i headed to the west. Another corridor, which seemed to be an outside alley, was to the north of the stairs. The stairs had curved to the northwest and ended on the northern side of the building. It was dark out now, and the ground seemed damp. I felt a little more cheerful after seeing $F14. I walked down the northern side of the building, suddenly aware that i was floating slightly along the side of the building. I turned my feet to the south and ran up the side of the building. I could only stay on the side of the building for a few seconds, but i realized that it was still something odd and special. Other people would not be able to fly like i could. I was aware of people to the east, and i headed back toward the building, putting both of my feet up on the brick wall and pretending to dance on the wall for a moment. I fell back down to the ground, but jumped up on the wall again. Someone from the east then shouted for my attention. He seemed upset that i had been dancing on the wall. He was challenging me because i had been dancing in his turf. I felt a little uncomfortable and decided to simply walk away. I headed back to the east, along the northern side of the alley, passing the man. There had been a man watching me from the north, and he simply stood and watched what was happening. I started to feel nervous about the others, and i stayed aware of where they were as i passed the cars that were parked with their front ends against the northern edge of the lot. As i passed the last of the cars on the eastern end of the lot, i realized that the man who yelled had gotten into one of the cars. I looked down at my feet, realizing that i was wearing flip-flops. They were coming off, though. I nervously put them back on, but they did not seem to fit right. I should have been wearing my shoes. I started walking to the east, noticing that there were trees and tall weeds on the eastern side of the lot. The ground there seemed to be sandy, with rounded mounds that the plants grew out of. I wondered if i could run down the trails and hide from the others in the forest. The car with the man then turned toward me. It stopped near me, allowing me to put my shoes back on. I was in its way, so i moved to the east, allowing it to turn to the south and head down the eastern side of the building. I was still suspicious of it and afraid that they would come back for me.

12011 March 04

I was standing on the northern end of the eastern side of the room, looking to the west. There seemed to be a wedding happening in the large cream-white room around me. The northern section of the room was separated from the main chapel by a row of round columns, which seemed to support a balcony on the northern end of the room. A small group of people stood to the west of me, and $F45 was with me in the room. $F39 and $F38 were in the crowd to the west of me, and i said something to them as we waited for the ceremony to start. The main chapel to the south seemed empty, but i saw $F46 turn to the south and start down the main aisle of the room. She was organizing this event. I walked to the west to get to the central aisle, and then i followed some of the others to the south, thinking that i should help set up the room for the ceremony. There were tables on the western side of the room, where a wide aisle crossed the center of the room. People were already setting up food for the reception. I felt a little uncomfortable here, wondering what i should do. The walls of the room now seemed to be pale yellow, and the area seemed like an empty room with a low ceiling. I was standing near the northern side of the room, near the doorway that led into the hallway. I had something to do, but i was not quite sure what it was. I headed to the north, feeling a little uneasy here. There was a large crowd to the west now, down the hall. They were spilling out of the chapel room and into the hallway of the building that i was now standing in. I would join them, but something was distracting me. I looked at the large silver ring that i had found on the ground. I knew that it belonged to $A471. I rolled the large ring over in my hands, thinking that it was the wedding band from $A471. The person to the west was interested in it, and i showed it to him. I did not want to give it up yet, though. It now seemed more like a thick silver bracelet with a pale-yellow clasp on one side. The person to the west wanted to take the ring back to the others, but i held on to it, rolling it over. I looked at the inside rim, trying to find an engraved signature. I expected to find $A471’s name, but instead, i saw the name Laura Schultz. I rolled the ring a little more to see the other name, but the area where the husband’s name would be was blank. I would have to return the ring. $K34 was standing to the west of me in the small room on the eastern end of the building. He extended his hand and told me that he would take the ring back to the people in the party to the west. I gave it to him, upset that i would not be able to return it myself. I then turned to the east and crossed the empty classroom, where we had been standing. I exited the building and started across the dead grass of the damp lawn. Several of my classmates were outside the school, heading back toward the building. I passed them as i crossed the small filed. There was a wooden backstop with mesh net over it to the east, separating the field from a long parking area along the side of a drive. Several cars were parked along the edge of the filed, facing west. A truck came up the drive from the south, and my attention focused on it. I moved out of the way of the truck. I headed to the northeast, again crossing the classroom and leaving the building. As i crossed the field, approaching the line of cars, several people were walking between the cars, heading back to the building. There was a gap between two of the cars where the grassy ground had been worn by a foot path. A woman was riding a blue bicycle across the rough parking lot to the east of me and passed down the path between the cars. I moved to one side to get out of her way. I then noticed the red car coming back into the lot from the south. It was $F46. She was returning from getting something for the event. I did not know what to do, so i turned back to the west and headed back toward the building. I was now on the western side of the line of cars, and i looked down at the pale worn dirt of the path between the cars, where the woman had rode her bike. There were others following me toward the building, and they seemed to be classmates of mine from high school. I wanted to talk to them, and i thought i should tell them how i had found $A471’s ring in the grass of the field to the east.

12011 March 05

I was following the crowd to the north, into the western side of the small quadrangle. Gray brick buildings surrounded the western, northern, and eastern sides of the quadrangle. They were long and only a few stories tall, looking like old colonial buildings. I noticed the small white sign in the window to the west, on the southern end of one of the long academic buildings. The multipane window had a white wooden frame and was blocked by white curtains on the inside. I followed the others to the north a little, where there was a set of stone stairs leading up to a doorway in the building. I looked at the white note on the center pane of the window, which seemed to be a shop window. The note mentioned room “80”. I thought that this was where the lecture was. One of the men walking with me mentioned that he had been in the lecture room with me the last time we were here. I tried to remember as we walked into the building, coming into the long central corridor, which ran to the north. The ceiling of the off-white hallway was very tall, and the building seemed old but well maintained. Most of the people were turning to the north and heading down the hall, but i noticed that there was a metal door in the wall to the west of us. It had a multipane window in the top part with the number eighty written over it. This did not seem like the doorway to a lecture hall, but it was the correct room. The sign in the window had some importance, so i followed several other people into the room. I was surprised to see that the room actually did open up to a fairly large lecture room, sloping down slightly to the west. The ceiling was tall and there were rows of chairs in straight lines facing west. There seemed to be columns on the eastern side of the room supporting a wide balcony. I walked to the center of the room, wondering if the other man was in the room with me. I wanted to find him. I turned to the north and walked into one of the rows of seats, wondering where the man would be.

12011 March 06

I was doing something to the others in the western room of the house, but i felt that we were going to get in trouble. We had to leave this area, so we headed to the east, out of the room. I felt tense, thinking that i should not be in the house. There was a hallway to the east of the room, and the others started down the stairs to the south. A man then started yelling at us from the hallway to the east of the stairs. He was on the second floor, and we were descending to the first. He was angry with us, but i ignored him, pretending that we were justified in being here. The man became angrier, and i felt defiant against him. He then seemed to be $A525, and he was standing on the western side of the stairs, yelling down at us. I knew that ignoring him would make him more angry, and that made me feel more satisfied in the situation. He suddenly confronted me, and i could not simply ignore him. He yelled at me for watching his daughter. I knew that his daughter played Jonnie on Happy Days. I pictured her in my mind as i reached the bottom of the first flight of stairs and started to turn back to the north to head down the other. The man was defensive of his daughter and felt that we were insulting her. I paused for a moment, not hurrying as i moved, and glanced up, thinking in front of the man. I then admitted to the man that i had seen his daughter, and i told him that i disagreed with him. I did not think that his daughter did a terrible job playing the part. I told him that i thought that she did very well. I then corrected myself, saying that she did “very, very well”. The man seemed taken aback by this, but he was pleased that i had thought well of his daughter’s performance. I turned to the north and headed down the sidewalk on the western side of the city street. The buildings around me were gray and dingy, and a large bus passed down the street from the north. I still felt nervous about this place, and became aware of the small boxes that were stacked against the building to the west of me. There were stocked four or five crates high and ran three or for meters along the wall. The gray plastic crates seemed to be cages, with dark-gray and black creatures in them. They were styled to seem gothic and threatening. I imagined that the creatures could reach out through their bars and push me into the street in front of the oncoming bus. I was very uneasy about this situation and started to feel cautious. I looked around, making sure that no one was following me. Something was bothering me, and i started walking cautiously. I backed away from the building a little, getting a better view of it. It seemed like an old theater. The outer wall was dark gray, and there were stone details running up the southeastern corner. They formed square cubes that resembled the cages and they ran in inverted stacks as if they were stacked from the roofline. The cubical stone shapes sloped up from the corner of the building, and i thought that i could easily climb up the shapes to get onto the roof of the building. I jumped up to the roof of the building, floating up the front of the building. I felt that i was doing something that i should not be doing, but i wanted to do it. The roof of the building was peaked, with the top running north to south. As i reached the black tiles of the room, i noticed that there were large white letters spelling out a word. As i floated off the side of the roof, looking at the name, the letters seemed to spell “Darkhoffer”. A man no the north of me commented with amusement that it was the opposite of the name for light. The other name seemed to be associated with a superhero, and i pictured the man in blue tights and white belt, boots, and gloves. He had a mask on that had an opening for his face and hair. I watched the letters on the eastern slope of the roof flash back and forth between the two names for a moment. I then flew over the crest of the roof and landed on the western side. I had done something to anger others, but i felt defiant. I landed on the western side of the roof and reclined, acting as though i had every right to be there. The others started to gather near the peak of the room, to the east of me. They were angry about what i had done, but i did not care. I felt guilty about doing it, but i would defend myself against their accusations.

I headed to the west, down the long snowy slope of the hill. We seemed to be near the northern edge of the hill, and the land to the south of us had trees growing on it. I focused on the snow as i moved down the slope. I was thinking about something as i went, trying to focus on it. The others moved down the hill with me. Everything in the area seemed dirty white or ashen tan. As i reached the bottom, i thought that i should take the T-hook back up the slope. I was on skis now, and i thought about how i could grab on to the hook and let it pull me back up the slope.

12011 March 08

I had been doing something in near the northern side of the room. I had moved from the south, where the others were doing something on the large bed. There seemed to be some kind of gathering here. As i reached the northern side of the room, the man to the north of me became angry with what was happening here. He stopped the event and started lecturing talking to us in a stern tone, telling us how bad it was what had happened. I felt a little bad for doing what i had done. The man then seemed to be a police officer. He was a little rounded in the belly. He had short whitening hair and a round face, and seemed to be wearing a dark blue uniform. He said that he would find out what had happened here, and, looking at me, said that he wanted the notes from the caterers. I realized that i had been writing down what had happened here. I looked down at the pieces of paper in my hands. I felt suddenly nervous, realizing that i had written down what we had planned, and it would show that we were guilty of doing what he had accused us of doing. I did not want to give him the papers, so i started shuffling through them, looking at the pencil writing on them. Most of the pages were full of writing. I did not want to give him the notes that i had taken on a few of the sheets because they would be incriminating, so i tired to figure out how i could get rid of them. I put a few of the sheets on the ground to the east of me as if sorting them. I flipped over one of the papers in my hand, looking at the notes on the back. I would pretend that there were notes that i could not give to them. Since there was writing on both sides of the paper, i could pretend that i would have to keep one side because of what was written on the back side. I felt a little cluttered where i was sitting, so i picked up all of the papers that i had put down and slid to the north, off of the couch. I sank down between the edge of the cushions that i had been sitting on and the short wall to the north of me. The man who seemed to be a police officer moved a little to the west so that he could still see me as i sat on the floor. There was more room here to sort the papers. I put them down on the floor and tried to sort them. I had torn one of the papers into a line, separating pieces of the text. I put a small torn piece on the floor to the east and started reading through some of the other things. I then picked up one of the square cookies from the east and put it on the tray in the plastic bag to the north of me. The tray had several other cookies on it already. All of the cookies were roughly square, with raised edges and a raised shape in the center. Some of them seemed to be frosted on the raised edges. I moved something back to the east and picked up a small piece of cookie. There were several crumbs to the east of me, and i leaned to the east to pick them up. I put them in my mouth and started eating them. I wondered if the man could see me eating them. I thought that the couch to the north of me would block his view. I felt nervous and did not want to show him the papers because i did not want to feel in trouble. I had started crawling to the east a little to grab the crumbs, so i leaned back to the west and sat back down. I could easily eat the cookies to get rid of them, but i knew that i could not simply eat the pieces of paper that had the incriminating stuff written on them. I started to feel a little more at ease, though. The man was no longer to the north of me, and i took the papers to the west, wandering into the next room. The others were there, and i started doing something with the papers.

I glanced at the man standing against the north wall as i was heading to the north. He was saying something to the man to the southeast of him, and he was to the northeast of me. The man leaned to the southwest of him and made a strange face, looking down at the table under him. The other man made a tone of humored disgust, and they both looked down at the object on the table. The object seemed to be a painter’s tray, and it was blue, but it seemed to be flat, like a book. The first man started to walk to the southeast, toward the second man. The second man moved toward the table, looking down at the yellowish glob on the top of the blue object. I realized that the first man had spit onto the ground, and the glob was what had come out. It stuck to the book like a dollop of glue, and the second man stared at it with disgusted fascination.

12011 March 09

I move quickly across the southern end of the area, which seemed to be a clearing cut in a dense forest. The trees around us were dark brown and little light could be seen through them. The ground around us was rough, as though it had been recently cleared of trees. There seemed to be two old wooden cabins in the area, both near the southern edge. The area was mostly square, but the southern side mad a small corner in it, making the eastern side shorter. I stood in the western side but headed northeast, coming to the northwestern corner of the indented area of the forest. The trees to the south of me were thick, with dense green undergrowth sticking out. The edge of the forest looked ragged, with obvious clipped branches and tree limbs. The area was cleared for the cottages, but the plants were encroaching at a fast rate and had to be cut back. I commented to the others about this as i turned my attention back to one of the cottages, which was to the northwest of me. When i moved toward the cottage, though, it was not really there. I was aware of the space under it, which looked like a perfectly square hole dug into the dark-ocher sod. I moved toward the cottage, which was now just a hole under something dark. The spaces in the ground were important, but the others were trying to trap us in the spaces. I could see a woman in the pit under the western cottage, trapped under the flat platform that would be the cottage. I felt upset by this and wondered what i could do. The holes were important, but we could be trapped in them and unable to get out. There seemed to be a window in the southern wall of cottage, and i knew that i could pull the woman though the hole. I then thought that the hole into the pit was a special hole that could not easily be traversed. As the men tried to put us in the holes, i would pull them in with me and then let go of the hole, allowing it to close. The people who were trying to capture us would then be stuck in the holes.

I left my desk and walked to the northern end of the classroom, carrying the test paper in my left hand. When i reached the wooden teacher’s desk, i handed the test to the teacher, who was standing to the north of it. He appeared to be dressed in brown clothing. As i handed over the paper, i could see the large writing on the side facing the teacher. The paper was transparent enough that the blue ink could be seen in reverse. I had written in very large letters a sentence on the full sheet of paper for the test. I suddenly started to feel unsure about the test. I had felt very good about what i had written, and good about the fact that i had finished the test before most of the other students, but now i was starting to feel that i did not put enough effort into the answer. I wandered back through the classroom, still facing north. The other students must have written longer essays for their answer, but i had done mine in as a simple picture with wide brush strokes in blue ink, forming the words of my reply. I felt very nervous about it, thinking that it was not right. I wondered what i should do. The teacher then handed me a small piece of paper with some notes on it. I knew that they related to a song that i had written, and i wondered how the teacher had found the song. The notes on the paper related to a song called “Blowing Smoke Rings”. Some of the notes in the center of the page said “rich, poor”, relating to the fact that the song spoke about the distinction between the rich and the poor. I had to sing the lyrics to the song, and i wondered again how the teacher knew about it. I felt uneasy about singing. I was now near the southern side of the classroom, in a narrow part of the room that ran from the southern part of the main room. The rest of the class was to the north, and they were supposed to sing the back-up for the song. They seemed like the class from Glee, and this seemed like something that i would see on the television show. It seemed suddenly strange to be in this situation.

12011 March 11

I left the construction crew and walked to the west a little, to the dirt road that ran along the western side of the area. I turned back to the others and confirmed that i was supposed to get the truck, which was parked on the road. The land around us was flat and covered with damp grass. The fog in the distance made it seem like early morning in the countryside. I looked up the road, noticing the top of a large dump truck on the western side of the road. I called back to the east, where the other people were still working, and told them that i would be right back. I then started walking up the dirt lane, to the north. I could see the truck in the distance, but, as i approached it down the road, i realized that there were several cars parked in a row along the western side of the road. I passed several of them, noticing that one of them was a small white pick-up truck with a dark house-shaped structure in the bed, which was on the southern side of the truck. As i passed, i wondered if i had seen the top of the structure from the south and thought that it was the top of the dump truck. I had looked to the south before and not seen any cars, so the truck had to be up here somewhere. As i continued down the road, objects rose on both sides. An old stone wall seemed to be on the eastern side, separating the road from a small sheep pasture, and a tall row of dark shrubs rose on the west. The area seemed like a picturesque English countryside, though everything was out of season and dull in color. There also seemed to be something crossing over the road, like an old wooden covered bridge or part of a house. I then noticed the queue of people ahead of me on the road. They were all facing north, and i thought that they were all waiting to pick up their paychecks for the week. I passed through the shadow of the overhead structure and came to the northern end of the road, where the road turned sharply to the west. I had not seen the dump truck and i realized that it was not down the road to the west, which now seemed like a corridor. I wondered if the truck i had seen was really the smaller truck that i had passed. I then wondered where the dump truck would be. I glanced to the west, noticing the counter on the southern wall of the corridor. I was standing at the corner of the corridor, where the road from the south turned down the corridor to the west. A woman stood behind the counter, waiting on the people in the queue. She was the only one working the counter, which, i knew, was why the queue was so long and slow. An older woman in a ragged coat and a dark-red shawl over her head, walked up to the counter as soon as a taller man left. The woman behind the counter seemed impartial. I started to head back to the south, wondering where the truck was. I was crossing through the store, and i decided that i would have to get supplies for lunch. The construction crew would be taking a lunch break soon.

I sat at the round table, facing east. The table seemed to be in the middle of an outdoor cafe area. The ground was white to the south of me. A man sat on the western side of the table, just to the south of me, and he opened up a large newspaper in front of him. I looked at the paper, surprised to see that the writing was in Cyrillic letters. I tried to read some of the larger words on the paper, but could not quite make them out. The headlines over the articles were very large, containing only three or four letters per line. The paper was written in three columns of text, and the type was pale blue. It seemed strange, and the man commented on what he was looking at. The other man to the north of me at the table then placed part of the newspaper down on the table near me. I looked down at it as the man asked me about a certain character that appeared in the lower right corner of the paper. It looked like a large ampersand, with a small loop on top and a large loop forming the main part of the letter. I also noticed that there was a small loop on the bottom right side of the letter, and i knew that this distinguished the sound from an SH sound. The letter looked strange, and i told the man that i thought that it was a short E sound in cursive. There were two similar characters on the page, thought, one right next to the other. They were printed in a dark red ink, and i knew that they could not both be vowels. They seemed strange, and i told the man that i did not know what they meant. I then realized that they were part of an advertisement for something, and i wondered if they meant something special in that context. They could have been symbolic characters representing an idea. I paced to the south, across the kitchen. I was trying to figure out what the characters could mean, and i was discussing the possibilities with myself when i noticed the man to the northwest of me. He was standing near the pale-aquamarine wall of the kitchen, talking on the receiver of the black plastic telephone. He stared at me questioningly, and i realized that i must have been muttering to myself. I turned back to the east, realizing that i had a blue towel wrapped around my waist. I had just showered, and i was now heading back to the north to leave the kitchen. I did not want to disturb the other man my speaking my lines aloud.

12011 March 13

I was in the small library area on the eastern side of the large building. $A14 was with me as we looked through the boxes of documents that were on the gray metal shelves. He opened up the cloth-covered folder and looked at some of the documents. They seemed important, and i knew that we had been looking for them for some time. They were old documents that had been lost. $A14 was to the south of me now, facing west as he looked over one of the manuscripts that had been stored in the archives. The paper was naturally yellow, with punched holes running along the side. It was a print out from an old teletype machine. The text was in heavy black letters that had started to feather with age. The document seemed to have been printed on a long single sheet of paper that was rolled and then folded. $A14 was looking over a section of the document near the top of the paper. He wanted to separate the pages into individual sections, and he started to tear the top sheet off. I was nervous about this, thinking that the sheets should really not be separated. I then remembered that the sheets were printed on both sides, so the back side of the document would be torn between stories if $A14 tore the front side by story. $A14 realized this as he started tearing and stopped.

I leaned back against the northern wall of the room, which seemed dark, like a storage area. There was a large object in the center of the room, just to the south of me, which seemed to be a low bed. The boy was upset, and he rolled off the eastern end of the bed. He was dressed in dark colors, or was not well lighted. I felt bad for him and wanted to comfort him as he crouched near the foot of the bed. He stood up quickly and walked awkwardly along the northern side of the bed, heading west. He squeezed between the wall and me, seeming distraught. As he passed, he seemed like $A7. He walked past me and stopped in the northwestern corner of the room, where $F12 was. They hugged for a moment, but then $A7 backed away and started to unbutton his pants. This action was unexpected and very strange. $A7 looked at $F12 as he loosened his brown corduroy pants and pulled them down a little. I stared at them, wondering what was happening. I was concerned that $A7 was going to try to copulate with $F12. Instead, he turned around and bent over, pushing his buttock toward $F12. He looked over his left shoulder at $F12 as he waited for a moment. His expression seemed concerned, and i wondered why he was being so submissive. I realized that $F12 was going to sodomize $A7. I felt very uncomfortable about this, thinking that they should not be acting this way to each other. $F12 seemed to be taking advantage of $A7, but i knew that this was the relationship that they must have with each other. I looked up because i had turned. I had been crouched against the eastern wall of the room in the northeastern corner, with my arms crossed over my knees. I had my head down in my arms, but was now looking up. $A7 was just standing back up, and he spit on the ground. I realized that he must have fellated $F12. This thought upset me, and i stood up as $A7 headed past me, walking back down the narrow corridor to the east. He then turned south and left the room. I headed to the west, toward $F12, feeling very nervous. He adjusted his clothes and then turned to look at me. He seemed very uneasy, and i realized that he might not want to talk to me now. I walked up the two or three steps to where he was, thinking that i had to use the bathroom to get ready for bed. I walked past $F12 as he avoided my eyes. I felt very uncomfortable.

I ran to the southwest, down the tan and brown corridor in the center of the large building. A man and woman were after us, and i was worried that they would get us. I stopped in the area where the lockers on the northwestern wall extended a little into the hallway. Just to the southwest of the lockers, the hallway opened up into a small room to the northwest, and to the northeast of the lockers, the hall seemed to widen into a shallow area for hanging coats. I had the textbooks from the two people that were after us. These people had some special powers, and they were quite strong, so i was worried about what they would do to us. The other man with me, who was standing to the northeast of me, cautioned me, telling me that i should return the books to the special people. I was upset with them, though, and did not want to give them their books back. It seemed dangerous to allow them to have the special books. I started putting the textbooks into my blue backpack. After the books were in the bag, i put the bag down on the counter in the cubby area, just to the north of me. The bag was obviously overstuffed with books, and i wondered how i would be able to carry it the way it was. It would be difficult putting the bag on my back. I then noticed that i had several other papers in my left hand that i had not put into my backpack. They were letters and magazines from the mail, and they belonged to the others. I backed away from the counter, realizing that i had put the letters into a manila folder. I would give the mail back to the people, but i was still going to keep the textbooks. I did something else with the backpack, and then looked back for the folder. It was no longer on the counter. I wondered if the others had taken it already. I felt annoyed and felt pressured to get out of here. I glanced to the northwest, into the room to the southeast of the cubby area. The room seemed to be a cafeteria, with long tables running across it. Fluorescent light made the room seem yellowish, and i noticed two police officers sitting on the counter at the northwestern end of the room. One of them glanced up at me as i stood in the hallway. I was nervous, wondering if the others had ordered the police to look for me. I then realized that i had the book in my left hand, so i turned to leave the area before the police decided to question me. I was agitated and worried that the people would be after me. I then spotted the woman with special powers approaching me from the northeast. She wore a brown business suit with a skirt. I was angry with these people. As i started to pass her, i threw the folder at her, hitting her in the forehead. She stopped suddenly, surprised that i had done such a thing. As i walked past, i noticed that she was being played by Nicole Kidman, and she stood for a moment with her mouth agape in shock. I did not care what they thought any more, and i stormed past her, heading toward the door.

12011 March 14

I was on the second floor of my parents’ house when i noticed some people walking across the back yard, to the north of the house. There were two men in button-up shirts and brown pants walking to the west across the lawn. People seemed to cross the lawn quite often, even though they were not supposed to. The men wandered out of my vision, but i was still interested in where they were going. I thought that i could see them from the windows in my parents’ bedroom, so i headed to the west to see where they were going. I came to the front door of the house, on the southern side of the house. I opened the front door and looked out to the west, across the front of the house. The two men emerged from the side of the house. I could see them between the house and the leafless lilac bush at the southeastern corner of the house. A small child jogged up to meet the men, and the man in the white shirt extended his right hand and took the child’s left hand. The man then glanced back over his shoulder at me. He now new that i was home, and i worried that he would come to the door and try to talk to me. I turned around and headed back into the house. I was then leaning back against the house, sitting on the slate step of the front porch. $X14 had wandered out of the front door and was standing on the porch to the east of me. I quickly grabbed him and put him in my lap. I did not want the cats to get out because i worried that they might wander away. I sat for a moment with $X14 in my arms, thinking that at least $X12 did not get out because he would not have stayed on the porch. I quickly moved into the house, aware that one of the men was coming toward me. I did not want to talk to the people, and worried that they would try to convince me of something. One of the men was then at the door. I put the cats in the room to the north of me, just to the east of the set of stairs that ran up to the second floor, and closed the door. I did not want the cats getting out. I wondered if any of the cats would be able to sneak down the stairs and get out. I then turned back to the door and pulled it open a crack to talk to the man. He leaned forward, peering through the gap between the door and the doorjamb. The white wooden door was not actually open; it simply bent a little as i pulled on it, leaving the bottom closed but pulling the upper right corner back. The man wanted to talk to me, but i did not want to speak to him. He was wearing a brown coat and matching hat now. He seemed like a solicitor, and i was not interested in talking to him. I apologized for the door and tried to make it seem that i was being nice to him. The door would not open all the way, and i could only see him through the part where the white wooden door bended back. I then turned my attention to the man, hoping that he would leave soon. I was on the front porch, listening to him as he talked. He seemed to be very calm, but i was not paying that much attention to him. I glanced to the west, noticing that there were now several people walking down the road, just starting up the hill of the forested land. The sun was bright, but the trees still seemed leafless, as though it was early Spring. The two men were still walking down the road with the child, but there were more people around them now. I also noticed that there was a wooden wagon being drawn by a horse starting up the hill. These people must be Amish or Mennonite. Two of the people were walking from the west, and were now on the road to the southwest of me. They were dressed in loose clothing, which seemed colorful, though not with bright colors. They reminded me of hippies, but i knew that they were more closely related to the New Age movement. The two men smiled at me as they walked, fooling around in the road. I noticed that both of them had gold chains around their necks with crosses on them. All of these people were part of a cult, and i was wary of them. I wondered where all of these religious cult members were coming from. I glanced to the east, noticing a large crowd descending the hill into the valley now. The seemed to be following another black horse-drawn carriage. I was nervous about them, and felt that i should hide inside the house now. I did not want to get involved with these people and did not want them coming around the house to talk to me. They were a cult, and i knew that they would be a problem.

12011 March 15

I was working for $G6 again, and i was in the office on the eastern end of the large building. The area around me seemed like a very wide corridor, filled with low-walled cubicles. I was nervous about being here, feeling uncomfortable about working with these people again. $A156 was to the west of me, and he chatted with me for a moment. My view was focused on his face, and he seemed much older now, with more wrinkles and thinning hair. I then turned my attention to the people to the east of me. The people in these offices were moving to a new location, and everyone was getting ready to go. I felt stressed here, but it seemed to relax me thinking that the people here would actually be moving. This somehow made my current job here seem easier. $A156 was now to the north of me, chatting with a small group of managers at the end of the room. I spoke to the person to the east of me as i sat on the table in the center of the wide room, which seemed like a corridor. I felt much more relaxed knowing that the people here would not be able to bother me while i did my job because they would be occupied with their move. I would have little work to do, and no one enforcing the work with negative attitudes. I chatted with the other person as i headed down the corridor to the south a little, and then turned to the west, down another corridor of the office building. This corridor seemed to be an actual hallway, with no desks in it, though there did seem to be equipment, file cabinets, and document shelfs along the northern and southern walls. As i spoke to the other person, i realized that i had passed an open office door where $A412 was standing just inside the office, talking to another manager in a dark-blue business suit. I felt suddenly nervous about speaking to $A412. I did now want to see him, and was happy that he was occupied with talking to a manager. I felt uneasy about working here again, and i did not want to talk to anyone who had been here before because it seemed like they might look down on me for coming back here. At the western end of the hall, there was a small area with a round table in the center. The hall opened a little to the north, and there was a group of people waiting outside one of the offices. They were waiting for the office to the northwest, on the eastern wall of the northern side of the room. I stood to the south of them for a moment, noticing that they were all nicely dressed. It seemed odd that they would be in suits and ties in this office, and i wondered if something had changed since i had worked here. The man on the eastern side of the group was very familiar to me. I had worked with him before, and i approached him to ask him why everyone was so fancily dressed. The group was stretched into a roughly oval shape just to the north of the table on the western end of the hall, just to the south of the recess of the northern wall. I then noticed $A569, who was standing on the northern side of the group, facing south. She did not seem to notice me, and she was wearing a brown pin-stripe double-breasted suit with a white shirt underneath. She looked very nice, but it seemed strange to see such nice suits. I turned to the man on the eastern side of the group, who was also wearing a dark pin-strip jacket, and i asked him why everyone was dressed in such nice suits. He seemed offended, saying that the suits were not that unusual. He backed away from me, annoyed, and did not answer my question. I felt confused and upset by the man’s actions. I wondered what was happening here. I turned to the south and headed down the corridor. It was time for me to leave, so i started through the hall in the old building, away from the small conference room. The hall to the south was narrower, and the building now seemed like an old school or office building that had been turned into a shopping mall, with small stores on both sides of the hall. There were doorways into the stores, and large glass windows that looked into each shop. I was not sure that i was ready to leave the building, and walked slowly as i started down the short flight of stairs in the center of the hallway. As i reached the bottom, which was a landing between two short flights, i noticed a guitar hanging on the eastern wall to the southeast of me. The hallway turned slightly to the south, and i was walking down the stairs to the south-southeast. The store to the east, with the large glass window at the top of the hall, must be a guitar store. I looked in the window as i approached the top of the second flight of stairs, trying to see if i could see any other instruments. Several people stood in the store, looking down things in front of them. The store seemed to sell sheet music, but i could see several curved heads of classical string instruments. I had not seen this store before and wondered what else i had been missing in this mall. I stopped at the top of the stairs, reaching out with my right hand to strum the strings of the banjo that was hanging on the eastern wall of the hall. It had a solid body, like an electric guitar, but there seemed to be only four strings, like a standard banjo. The sound was nice, and it still sounded like a banjo. I looked up at the orange head of the instrument, noticing that there were more than four white tuning knobs on the sides of the head. I thought that it might be a five- or six-string banjo, but i was surprised to see that there were eight tuning knobs on the instrument. It must have eight strings. I wondered how it got the resonant banjo sound without having a drumhead under the strings. I examined the body of the instrument, noticing that there were black-trimmed fins sticking up from the body. The fins had square edges on them, as though they were cut from a think sheet of wood, and they were painted the same dark-yellow as the rest of the instrument, but the edges were painted black. The fins must somehow hold up some of the strings, making them resonate in a special way. There were six or seven fins on the surface of the instrument, arranged in a circle. They faced different directions. I also noticed that several of the fins on the right side of the circle had been broken off, leaving only rectangular markings on the body of the guitar that were outlined with black paint. The center of the rectangles had a mottled dark appearance from the glue that had held them on. I was not as interested in the broken instrument, so i continued to the south, walking out of the glass doors and finding myself on the street. The lot on the southern side of the street seemed to be empty, like a parking lot or partially grassy field. To the west was an intersection with the main road, which seemed to be $P196 in $P30. This place was the town of Princeton, and i remembered being here a long time ago with $F4. I should head to the southwest, toward the main road. I looked at the modern gray building on the western side of the main road, just to the south of the intersection. It looked somewhat familiar, and i remembered that i had come to some of the shops in this area with $F4. We had stayed mostly on the northern part of the road, though, so the shops to the south of the intersection would not be as familiar to me. I then remembered that i had eaten at a restaurant with $F4 that was somewhere to the south. It was a nice place, and it seemed to be on an east-to-west street at the southern end of the main road. The restaurant seemed to be only a block or two to the south of me, and i remembered it just to the east of the end of the main road, on the southern side of the street. I also pictured thin white half-pillars on the front of the gray building. Two young men passed me as they came out of the mall to the north of me and headed east. In a moment, they had passed me again, heading west. One of them was on a bicycle, and the other one seemed to be on a skateboard. I felt a little wary of them, thinking that they might cause trouble. I headed to the south, toward the lot, aware of where the boys were near me. I felt that they were trying to bully me. I was then aware that i was not stepping on the ground as often as i should. My feet were actually not even touching the ground as i moved. It suddenly occurred to me that this was something special. Most people were not able to do this. I decided to fold my legs up underneath me so that it was obvious that i was not touching the ground. I tried to think how this was possible. I almost remembered that this should not be possible, but i convinced myself that not touching the ground was possible, but to do it for such a long time was special. By bending my legs up under me, people could see that i was actually floating. I moved down the sidewalk on the western side of the street, which was on the eastern side of the parking lot. The grassy hill sloped down from the lot about three meters to the sidewalk. I glided down the road, aware that one of the teenagers was following me on a bicycle. I did not know whether he was following me intentionally, though, or whether he just happened to be headed in the same direction. One of the boys seemed to pass me, coasting down the shallow hill of the street as he headed to the south, but i was aware that one of them was still following me. I then focused on the small tree in front of me. It was growing out of the grass on the western side of the road, where the sidewalk had been. I was floating over the shoulder of the road, but the wide draping branches of the tree hung in my way. The branches had long eye-shaped leaves on them, and the dark-green foliage seemed to a red or purple hue to it. I swerved out into the street to go around the tree. As i did this, the teenager passed me on his bicycle, moving into the center of the road and turning to the east down one of the side streets. I focused on floating, realizing that this was really flying. This was not normally possible, but i had a special ability. I was surprised that i could actually float, though. I had folded my legs to prove to myself that i was not imagining that i could float. Now that they were definitely not touching the ground, i knew that i was able to float. I thought that i was only able to do this in my dreams, and it surprised me to do this in real life. I knew that i could only do it because i was using so little energy. If i had tried to fly, i would not be able to do it, because that required more effort. I passed through the intersection where the boy had turned off on his bicycle and looked down the residential street ahead. The end of the road was at the end of the next block, at an intersection with another road that ran east-southeast to west-northwest. The street between me and the end of the road was slightly up hill, and i wondered if i would be able to float up the shallow incline. I knew that gliding downhill was easy, but i did not think that i could generate enough energy to float up the hill, even though it rose only a few decis over around one hundred meters. As i moved toward the end of the road, i could feel the strain of floating. It felt harder and harder. I passed across the intersection at the southern end of the street. A large dingy-red stone building stood on the southern side of the road, right in front of me. It seemed to be high on a hill, but it was really up a long set of wide dark-gray stone steps. The building reminded me of a temple, with white column details on the outside. A white marble statue of a traditional Roman or Greek woman was somewhere near the rounded dome on the top of the building. This building was part of Princeton University. I felt the stain building and knew that i could not keep floating, so i started walking up the stairs, feeling exhausted. I thought about how energy was used, and it suddenly occurred to me that i could not float in real life. This was something that i could only do in dreams. As i reached the top of the stairs, i entered a square doorway in the stone wall, coming into a small chamber with crude stone walls. I realized that i was not able to fly, so this must be a dream. I became very upset at this idea, realizing that i was actually dreaming. I wanted to wake up, but i was angry at realizing that this was a dream, so i leaned toward the rock wall on the southern side of the room and hit it with both of my hands. I was focused on a large block of rock that stood out from the rest of the wall. The block was gray, and had horizontal wear marks on it. The edges were uneven from wear, and it seemed very old. I hit it, but nothing happened. I should will myself to wake up, but then i realized that i could stay in the dream and try to change things. If i was aware that it was a dream, i should be able to manipulate it. I was very angry about the dream, though, and could not think of what to do. I turned back to the north, into the center of the room. The doorway in the northern wall was now to the northwest of me. I could not think of what to do in the dream, though, and i suddenly thought that i should make it a sexual fantasy. This seemed strange, but i focused on it. A man entered the small square stone chamber from the doorway to the west. He was dressed rather plain, with a old dark-blue windbreaker that had light-blue thin stripes down the arms. He seemed Indian, and stood with hunched shoulders. I was disappointed with him, thinking that he was not attractive. I decided to continue with the dream, though. Another man was in the doorway, but i moved close to the south of the Indian man and spoke to him suggestively. He was this and out of shape, and he seemed surprised by my interest. He backed away to the northeast a little, but i followed him, speaking very close to his face. He seemed a little uneasy, but he then seemed rather interested in me, aware that i really was making advances toward him. I still felt aggressive, though, and i decided that i really wanted to wrestle him. I grabbed him and pulled him to the south of me. He seemed excited and started to remove his jacket. I then heard someone speaking to the west of me. I turned to see a new man leaning into the doorway. The room i was in was at a higher elevation that the floor to the west, so the man was leaning on the floor of the doorway, which a little below his waist level. He was talking to the other person, who was leaning against the northern side of the doorway. The man in the doorway complained about us, asking the other man what we were doing. As he leaned forward, the light behind him lighted his sides, and i could see that he had some muscle to his upper body. He was wearing a red T-shirt that hid most of his detail, but he seemed thicker on the arms and upper torso than he was around his waist, so i thought that he must have some muscle. He complained about the Indian man and me to the other man, saying that it was sick what we were doing. He was uneasy with two men having close contact. I thought that i should wrestle him instead, since he would be more of a challenge. I grabbed him around the shoulders and pulled him into the room. At the same time, the Indian man grabbed me from behind. The three of us fell onto the ground, and i wondered how i could actually wrestle both people together. This situation did not make much sense. It was not going as i had expected. I then woke up suddenly from the dream. I was lying on my bed, which was against the western wall of the bedroom. I realized that i had pulled the covers back from me and pushed them to the south. $F45 had been sleeping on the bed to the south of me. I was not wearing any clothes as i lay on my left side, with my knees pointing to the north. I realized that i had an erection, and i felt a little uncomfortable lying on the bed outside the covers with an erect penis. I quickly pulled the covers back over me, but $F45 had jumped over me and was now standing on the northern side of the bed. He was surprised to see my erection and wanted to tease me about it. I thought that i should really wake up, because this did not seem to be right.

12011 March 16

I headed to the south, down the eastern side of the long room where the others were sleeping. There were many bunk beds in the room, and the western side of the room seemed to be a grassy field, with trodden yellowing grass. I was staying with this large group of people for the event. The people here seemed to be from $G4. The area was dimly lighted, and it seemed like twilight out. I passed over a few of the bunk beds, trying to get to the southern side of the room. Someone was speaking to the west of me, and i replied to him. He seemed older, and he was dressed in loose sweat pants and a light-colored sweatshirt. I had just woken up, and i was talking with a sight slur because i was pretending to be intoxicated. I said something to the man as i hopped over the northern edge of a large rectangular metal tub. I swam through the water in the tub and then hopped over the southern side into the next tub. As i pushed my way over the edge, i realized that i had pent the southern edge of the tub down. This concerned me because i had not intended to damage the tubs. I hoped that they would not leak. I then moved to the west, out the wide door of the room and into the large field, were the rows of tents were set up. It still seemed early in the morning, and people were not yet awake. I turned to the south, heading into the front hallway of the large building. The walls of the hall seemed off white, and halls ran from the eastern and western ends of the large open area. I sat down in the rolling office chair and started to play. I felt like having fun here, even though the others were a little more serious. A group of people were talking to the north of me. They seemed very serious, but i did not want to pay attention to them. I pushed the chair to the west and let it roll over the floor. I then spun the seat around and pushed it back the other way. I felt disobedient and did not care what the others thought of my actions.

12011 March 17

I was standing to the west of my grandfather’s house on $P12, and my mother was standing to the south of me. We were in the front yard of the house. It was a very sunny day, and i was looking around the grass and shrubs of the yard. I felt somewhat good, and i had just moved into this house. I looked back at the house, which seemed newly painted and bright. It had been redesigned a little, and it seemed very natural to be back here. I realized that i had had many dreams about this house, and i wondered if i had known that i was eventually going to move here. In the dreams, the house had always had some modifications or additions to it, and, now that i was living there, i felt that those changes were actually predictions of what would happen when i moved in. It seemed very strange to be back here, but i was interested in the thought that my dreams predicted this move.

12011 March 18

I had already finished the running part of the race, and was now standing around in the area with several other people. It seemed that i had been here for a while, and i felt tense about the situation. I would still have to ride my bicycle, and then swim up the western shore to the north. It seemed like a long race, but i had been here too long. My mother was with me, and she wanted me to do something, but i wanted to compete in the race. I felt bad, though, thinking about the race. Many of the others had already completed the bicycle part of the race and were now starting the swim. The race was such a long distance that it would take me a long time to finish the bicycle part. I would them have to start the swim very late in the day. I knew that it would be dark when i was in the middle of the swim, and this discouraged me. I did not want to continue the race in the dark. I had delayed too long, and could no longer compete in the race. I was upset and did not know what to do, so i started pacing to the south.

My father and i moved to the western side of the lawn. I looked back at the large hole to the south of the small wooden cabin. The area around us was rectangular, and seemed to be contained within a walled box. The cabin was on the north side, with trees running behind it. Something also ran along the southern side of the yard, which seemed like a row of trees or a wooden fence. The large cone shaped hole was dug into the ground just to the south of the eastern side of the one-level dark-brown cabin. I looked at it as we sat in the truck on the western side of the lawn. The truck was facing west, and i was worried about something relating to the hole. My father backed the truck closer to the hole, and i knew that there was some danger related to the hole. Other workmen seemed to be near the hole. The walls of the conical hole were smooth, as though the ground had been wet when the hole was dug I could see a large piece of the root of the tree still on the southeastern side of the hole. It was thin and curved along the side of he hole, as though it had been shaved off of the trunk. Something was pulling the root part out as we backed toward it. I started to feel afraid and told my father that we should not head back toward the hole, but he had already driven forward into it. The people were trying to load the large knot of tree roots onto the back of the truck, but it seemed too large, and i thought that it might crush the cab of the truck. The back end of the truck seemed to be tipped down into the hole, and the front tires were on the northeastern side. The root was suspended over the cab to the northeast, and i felt that this was very dangerous. We were then on the northeastern side of the hole and seemed to be out of danger. I looked back to the east to see the large wagon of tree trunks standing to the south of the cabin. The trunks were stacked the length of the wagon, from east to west, and some were sticking off the back. The wagon was attached to a large pick-up truck to the west, and the workers were preparing to take the roots of the tree away. The truck started to pull to the west, and i was standing to the south of it now, looking back to the east at the wagon. Something seemed strange about this situation. One of the older construction workers from the truck then mentioned that he had forgotten something. He had forgotten his thermos. I looked back along the southern side of the long trailer and could see the green metal thermos sitting on the ground. The man got out of a rear door on the driver’s side of the truck’s cab and started walking back toward it. I turned to the west and walked along the southern side of the cabin. The front of the building was bear of trees now, and i thought that i should plant lilacs on the southern side of the southwestern corner of the building. It reminded me of my parents’ house. I wondered why the men had cleared all of the bushes away from the house like this. It would have been better to have the lilacs.

I headed into the house with $F45, walking to the north through the door. A large section of the house was to the west of us as we stood to the south of the door. The door led into a hall that ran east and west, and we turned to the west and then south, coming into the large kitchen-like room. I started putting some of the food on the shelf along the northern end of the eastern wall. The wall was pale-green. I then realized that my parents were outside. I could see them through the window in the center of the eastern wall. I knocked on the window to get their attention and then pointed to the door to let them in. My mother noticed me but turned to the south and started around the southern side of the house. She must have thought that i wanted her to go into the front door of the house. She was wearing a pale-tan coat that looked almost like a poncho. My father was wearing a black peacoat. He stayed by the door and i signaled for him to enter. He called to my mother to come after him. I turned back to what i had been doing in the room as they entered from the northeast. They had come to talk about my marriage to $F45. I started putting some things on the shelf to the east as other family members came into the room. $K1 was then to the south of me. She seemed very happy, and she started helping $F45 put some things away. This seemed strange, and i wondered why she was so comfortable with $F45. I thought that she would be opposed to us getting married, but she seemed very interested in $F45. I wondered why she was being so nice to him as they both headed to the west. It seemed very strange.

I was in the back seat of the car, sitting on the driver’s side. We were heading to the southwest, driving out of the large city. Something seemed tense here, and i was concerned about what had happened. We were moving quite fast down the boulevard, which had low buildings on both sides. The buildings seemed to be separated from the wide road by wide sidewalks. The road seemed to have two lanes heading in either direction with a thin cement median separating them. As the road curved to the west, i thought that it was called New York Avenue. One of the others in the car had said something about the name. I then noticed a road heading off to the southeast on the southern side of the curve as we passed under a traffic light. That road seemed to be called Los Angeles Avenue. The man who was driving our car was very angry, and i was worried about how well he was driving as we speeded out of town. We headed to the west until we were no longer in the business well-lighted business of the suburban area. The road was now two lanes, and it curved suddenly to the north, where it ran a short distance before ending at another road. The others were supposed to be following us, but they were still back in the city. I felt that we had left them behind. The car was now standing on the left shoulder of the road, facing north, and i was standing to the south of it. It seemed to be a large american car. The others were standing around the car as someone spoke on a cell phone to the others. I knew that we were going to the man’s house, but he was still back in the city in the other car. Other cars rounded the curve near us and stopped at the light. The road had two lanes, but it all lanes of traffic seemed to be heading the same direction. It was dark here, and there were bushes around us. The headlights of the cars shined on us as they passed around the curve, and i felt that it was dangerous to be parked here because the cars could come too quickly around the curve and not notice us in time. I told the other that i had thought that the house we were going to was to the left, to the northwest of us. I knew that we would have to take a left onto the road where the house was, but i could not remember where that intersection was. $F45 told me that the nearest town was to the east of us on the road. It seemed to be a small country town. The man on the cell phone then told us that we would need to turn to the right at the intersection where we were. I was now listening to the phone, holding it to my left ear as he explained the directions. I was surprised that it was to the east, because i thought that we would have to head to the west. I said that i remembered that we would have to take a left onto the last road. The man tried to explain the roads and the turns, but a loud tractor-trailer rounded the corner and pulled up to the light at the moment. I was having trouble hearing, and i told the man that i could not hear. $F45 was to the west of me, and i thought that he would be frustrated with me for not being able to hear. I imagined getting in an argument over this as i walked to the west to get away from the truck. I felt frustrated too and upset about something, and i sat down on the tall snow bank that had been plowed to the side of the road. I layed down on the bank, annoyed with the situation. The man on the phone said that he was coming, but i knew that we would try to drive on to get to the house.

12011 March 19

I was talking with $F45 about $A585. There was something about him that i wanted to tell $F45. I then thought about why we were talking about $A585.

We had turned to the west on the roadway and started driving down the spiraling ramp. I remembered this as we turned around in the parking structure and started driving back up the ramp. The cement walls were short around us. We headed to the east, to the bottom of the ramp, and then turned to the north, heading into the mouth of the ramp. The ramp seemed to be divided into two lanes that curved counterclockwise as they wound upward. We started driving in the left lane, but, on the eastern side of one of the curves, we had to change lanes. The white lines down the center of the road stopped for a short distance, and there were cars waiting in the western lane as we crossed to the east lane. This seemed rather dangerous: to have cars crossing each other’s lanes. I commented on this to the person to the right of me in the back seat of the car. At the top of the ramp we started driving to the west, across the outer parts of the urban area. We seemed to be on a shallow hill that sloped down to the north. The area was fairly open, with buildings and trees around us. The large brick building on the northern side of the road seemed to be a hospital. We were then stopped just to the west of the hospital, and i was standing on the southern side of the street with the others. I watched the other runners jog from the east. I noticed that some of the women in the group were not wearing shirts, and i could see their breasts. They slowed to a walk near us to cool down a little. They looked like athletes and wore gym shorts with knee-high socks. One of the women with her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail had on dark-blue shorts. The others in my group commented on the shirtless women. I commented to the person to the east of me that it was actually legal in this state. I then wondered if the women were making a statement by being topless. I was standing with $G4 on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I was aware of $F47 to the east of me, holding a plastic cup of beer in his right hand. There were police cars stopping on the northern side of the road, to the northeast of us. Some of the people in this residential area must have called the police because of the shirtless women. I did not think that the police could do anything about the women. As i looked to the northeast at the police cars and the flashing lights, i noticed the people standing with me start to back away from the street, moving into the alley and indents of the buildings to the south of us. They were being cautious of the police because they had cups of beer in their hands and did not want to be accused of anything. I looked back to the northwest, toward the women, but i could not see them anymore.

12011 March 20

I was very uncomfortable about the people around me. I seemed to be in a foreign country, and i was in the company of the bad guys, though they did not know that i was an enemy. I sat on the top of the train car or bus as it moved to the east, down the street. The good guys were to the north, in a wide square of gray stone. A large gun was on the front of the train car, and it was pivoting directly under me. I did not want the gun firing at the troops to the north, but i did not know what to do to stop it. I lay forward on the narrow train, reaching out to the north with my left hand toward the muzzle of the gun. I thought about sticking something in the muzzle, but did not know what. I knew that if i put my hand in the muzzle, it would not stop the large canon from firing. The long metal barrel of the gun pivoted under me, panning to the west as the train started to round a corner, heading northeast. The gun fired, hitting the troops that were the good guys, and i was upset by this. I did not know what to do, so i turned to the west and stared walking across the grassy field. I seemed to be on the top of a hill that rounded down to the northeast and east. A large wide green tree was to the north of me, at the southeastern corner of a patch of forest. I stopped just to the east of the modern silver motorcycle. There was a long shotgun on the side of the motorcycle, and i pulled it off. I turned back to the east, feeling angry and thinking that i would shoot the Nazis that had fired the big gun. I then realized that i would have to wait for the right moment. I could not let the people here know that i was on the other side too soon, or they would simply kill me before i could do anything effective. I looked over the long gun, which seemed to be an automatic rifle. The man to the east of me then asked me if i wanted to shoot the gun. He was trying to convince me that it was a good gun. I stopped, feeling suddenly uncertain, but told him that i would like to try firing at a target. The scruffy man in the shabby green coat smiled and led me to the east. He had another gun resting on his right shoulder. He had fuzzy black hair that stuck out from the sides of his head a little, and he seemed to have a beard and mustache. He grabbed something near the box-shaped structure to the north and pulled it to the south. The structure seemed to be a shed. The other boy with me stood to the north of me, holding his own gun. The man was going to teach both of us to shoot. He pulled the large metal plate from the shed, rolling it to the south. It looked like a large red boxcar with metal walls, and it rolled down the train tracks as the man pulled it to the south. I realized that we were going to shoot at the metal wall. The man pulled something else across the southern side of the area, closing us in a little. We seemed to be in a train yard, and two hobos were sitting on a low platform to the northwest. The man pulled the train cars around us so that people would not see what we were doing. Realizing that we would be shooting at the metal boxcar to the east of us, i turned to the west and headed down the tracks to get away from the car a little. The man and the other boy followed. After walking about a hundred meters or so, i turned around and lifted the rifle to my shoulder, looking down the barrel at the car. The area to the east of me was now recessed into the ground. The land around us was flat and black, but i was standing at the western end of a long cement platform. A set of stairs ran down from the ground level to the cement platform, and slanted cement walls seemed to lean in over the tops of the trench, acting as a railing to people on the top. Metal tracks seemed to run the length of the cement area. I had just positioned my rifle to fire to the east, down the length of the walkway, when i noticed soldiers in pale-green trench coats running down the stairs on the eastern end. I lifted my gun so that i was not aiming at them. They were the Nazis, and they were heading our way. I felt nervous told the man, who was now to the east of me, that the Storm Troopers were coming. He seemed uncomfortable with the approaching soldiers, but did not want me to fire on them. We waited until they came to us, demanding to know why we were here. We did not have time to say anything, though. Someone to the east of the troops announced that the American troops were coming. The Storm Troopers quickly squatted down in the trench, getting out of view of the approaching troops. I looked up, to the northeast. I could see troops in pale-green uniforms marching down the street of the small Bavarian-like town. I seemed to be down in a trench as well, and the street ran along the eastern side of the area. I could see part of an old building to the southeast. The street seemed to run from the south, turning around the trench where i was and continuing to the north along the eastern side of the trench. I could see the men marching over the cement wall along the edge of the upper area. I realized that i should do something, so i aimed my gun at the troops. Before i could fire, though, i noticed the yellow school bus riding alongside the troops. It was to the west of the column of men, blocking my view of the men. There was a small American flag on the black dashboard of the bus. I watched the school bus pass, noticing the small children in the window looking down at me. After the bus passed, i could see more of the troops on the street. I decided to fire at them. I lifted the gun again and shot at the troops. They did not seem to notice, but i knew that i was hitting them. I turned the gun a little to the south, shooting at more of the troops that were coming into my view. I then adjusted the position of the gun, looking back at the troops i had just fired at to see if i was actually hitting them. I could still see the bullets moving through the air. The large brass bullets seemed to have the shells still attached, and they moved toward the troops, hitting them. I did not see the soldiers actually get hit, but i knew that i was hitting them. The soldiers still marched down the street as if they did not notice, but i knew that they were aware that someone was shooting at them. A large flatbed truck then came into view from the south, blocking my view of the soldiers. It had large cylinders of compressed gas on the back of the truck. I knew that the soldiers would start coming for me, so i aimed at the gas and started shooting. I could hear the bullets hitting the metal containers, but the gas did not explode as i had expected. I paused for a moment, realizing that i could hear the hiss of gas coming out of the cans. I fired a few more times, thinking that the bullets would ignite the gas. I then felt the heat on my forehead from the burning gas. I could not see it explode, but i could feel the heat from the expanding gas.

I followed my mother to the west, over the stone path in the wooded garden. Purple flowers grew along the northern side of the path, and i had a white plastic bag of books swinging from my right hand. We were heading to church, but i did not seem at all interested in going. I knew that i used to go to the church all the time when i was young. The church was a large white building with a square tower on the front of it, and it was to the southwest of us, on the southern side of the path. I picked up a stick as we walked, and dragged it along the white fence to the north of us. The fence had white vertical slats with a thin white shelf running across the center. The shelf seemed like a railing on the inside of the fence, but it was very low to the ground: only a meter or so. The entire height of the fence was no more than two meters. The fence ran to the west, but turned to the northwest and then to the west, running around the northern side of a semicircular area of the path. The area was about four meters long, and the fence ran back to the path on the western side. I ran the stick along the railing, which now seemed to be a white metal rain gutter. It had some old decaying leafs in it that had turned black. As we came to the western end of the fence, i thought about the church to the east. I used to protest going when i was young, but i did not really care anymore. We started up a few stone steps on the western side of the rounded area, and the path branched to the southwest, toward the back door of the church, and to the northwest. The stairs rose higher to the northwest, heading up the dark dirt of the small mound in front of us. The mound was part of the gardens, but the ground was bare and the trees were leafless. A few thin birch trees rose from the top of the mound. As my mother started to lead me to the southwest, around the bottom of the mound, i noticed a large picture book sitting on the stone steps to the northwest. I remembered this book from before, and i thought that i would have to remember to take it with me when we were done with church. I then decided to just take it now, so i picked it up and put it into the plastic bag with the rest of my books. I then headed to the southwest, toward the church. The white church was on the southern side of the garden and seemed to be a small wooden building, but there also seemed to be a large stone church on the western side of the garden. The stone wall of this building was old and mossy, with weather worn rounded rocks. There seemed to be something special about the church to the southwest, now. It was and old gothic building, and i thought that it was not really there. It had an eerie feel to it, and i decided that it only flashed into existence when the lightning in the sky illuminated it. I pictured a gray field to the southwest, where the building would appear when the lightning struck. I then looked to the south. I was now standing in the entryway of the large building. The rooms around me were open to each other, and there were square wooden columns holding up the ceiling. I thought that the design of this building was gothic, even though the surfaces were covered with polished wood and brick, looking more northern European.

12011 March 21

I was in the back room of my parents’ house, hurriedly trying to get ready for school. I stood on the eastern side of the northern end of the room, putting things into my school bag. I felt that i was late and worried that i would miss the bus. My father came into the room from the south and sat down in the armchair to the west of me, in front of the window. I wondered why he was not at work already. It seemed strange that he would not be. I asked him about his work, but he did not reply to me. I then thought that i should take my bicycle to school so that i would not have to worry about the bus. This did not seem practical, though, since the school was so far away. I wondered suddenly where my mother was. I had not heard her getting ready to leave. She used to get my things together and drive me to school, but i had not seen her this morning. I quickly grabbed several things from the east of me and headed south, into the dining room. I was then walking to the west, into the laundry room. I carried the tray of dishes to the west and placed them on top of the washing machine and dryer, which were against the southern wall on the western end of the room. I then felt confused, thinking that i should have brought the tray of my breakfast dishes into the kitchen. I was not ready, and i realized that i still had to make my lunch. I then wondered why my mother was not driving me to school. It seemed very strange that she was not around at the moment. I went upstairs to see where she was. I was heading to the north when i reached the top of the stairs in the hallway. As i started to round the northern end of the banister and head down the landing, i noticed that the railing on the second floor was broken. It had been pushed over to the west so that the balusters no longer touched the floor. This seemed very strange. I pushed on the top of the railing, pushing it back to the east. It rotated down until the wooden banister and balusters fell back into position on the floor. Something seemed very strange about this. I walked to the south and then turned to the west, into my parents’ bedroom. I stopped suddenly in the doorway, noticing that the canopy of my parents’ four-post bed had been broken and was lying on the ground, leaning on the southern foot of the bed. The rounded posts were also broken and were leaning in different directions across the bed. It looked as though the posts had been shattered. My mother was still lying in the bed, and i felt suddenly concerned for her. I rushed to the eastern side of the bed to see that she was all right. She seemed weak, and she told me that the bed had gotten caught on a wrench. I understood that this was how one of the posts must have been broken, but i did not understand how the entire bed could have been broken like this. Something seemed wrong. She was lying on her back under the pale-tan covers. Her face was red, and she was shivering. I worried that she had been injured. I looked down at the right side of her body, noticing that it was sticking out from under the covers a little. It seemed red with bruises. “Oh my god.”, i said in panic as i pulled the covers off of her body to see the injuries. The bed must have fallen on her. As she rolled toward me, though, i noticed a large bruise on the back of her right shoulder. I pulled the covers back more to see it. I was looking down on it now, and i could see that it was fan shaped. There were thin red mark running out from a central point toward the center of her back. It looked like a hand print without the palm. I worried that someone had beaten her, and i wondered whether my father had done it.

12011 March 22

We quickly got onto the silver metro train to the east, but then we noticed the sign overhead. It was a black sign with white letters that mentioned the town “Stooli”. This was the town where the museum was that we were going to. I knew that we were in Deutschland, and we had to get onto the other train to go to the museum. It seemed a little strange to switch trains, since we had just gotten onto this one, but i followed $F45 and the others to the southeast, off of the train and toward the other one. They jogged down the long platform to the east, and i noticed the large silver train on the southern side of the cement platform. I then noticed $K29 standing on the platform. She was facing north when she turned to look at me. I was still to the east of her. $F45 continued on to the train, but i felt that something was strange here. I spoke to $K29 for a moment, noticing that $K28 was farther down the platform to the east of me. He was facing south and turned to smile widely at me. I said something to $K29 again, but then realized that the train was getting ready to leave. I had to get onto the train in order to get to the museum. I felt suddenly panicked and i ran toward the train, but it was already pulling away. I had missed it, and i became suddenly upset and angry. I did not know what to do. I could wait for the next train to the museum, but i would have to wait a few hours. The others would not wait for me at the museum, so i would have to find them. I could not call them with my cell phone because the phone did not work in Europe. I felt distressed, not sure what i should do. I started to turn back to $K29, who was to the west of me, but i noticed a small gray shaggy dog on the platform to the east. Its hair seemed to be sheared short, but it had a mop-top cut on its head. The longer hair on its head had strands of white in the curly gray hair. I turned back to $K29, wondering what to do. I felt that i should punish myself by walking to the museum. At first, the museum did not seem that far, but then i thought that it might actually be in another town. I pictured long tan cement monorail tracks supported by square column running from the station. I should be able to follow them through the city. I headed back to the northeast. We had come down a curved escalator to get to this level, and i started running up the ramp to get back to the main part of the station. The ramp was surrounded by tan cement railings, and it curved to the north. Two ramps ran up to the upper level, but both of them seemed to be descending escalators. I started running up the eastern-most one, which was now like a conveyor belt. The woman followed me, curious to see what i was doing. I still felt upset, and i did not care that i was running up a ramp the wrong way, even if someone complained. I stopped near the top of the ramp, though, realizing that i did not even know where i was going. There would be many of the monorail tracks running from the central station, and i did not know which one ran to Stooli. I also did not know how far it was. The situation seemed hopeless, and i could not think of what to do. The woman was near me now, and i turned around on the ramp to talk to her. She seemed young and smiled at me. Someone over the loud speaker in the terminal was telling us to get off of the ramps. I rolled back down the ramp, thinking that i would take the other way to the upper part of the terminal.

12011 March 24

I had to edit the text on the small computer tablet. I kept thinking about how this was done, concentrating on the fact that the text would now be in a single column and would not be part of a layout. It would be different from the PDF document that the text was normally published in. I kept thinking about this, trying to concentrate on the differences. I was then thinking about it again as i faced north, looking at the black tablet in front of me. I ran through this scenario several times, focusing no the fact that the text would be separated from the layout and put in a single column on the tablet. I thought about how i could spread my fingers on the tablet to set the text.

$A261 was sitting at the metal desk to the north of me in the office. I was on the southern side of the room, doing something. $A261 seemed upset about something as she spoke to me. I still did not trust her, but i felt bad for her.

12011 March 25

The old man stood to the south of me, near the eastern side of the southern wall. The man said something derogatory to me, so i turned around and walked to the northwest, across the living room. I was angry with him, but i knew that, if i ignored him, he would be more upset than if i confronted him. I wanted him to be angry that i was ignoring him. I came into the western end of the bedroom, which seemed to be on the second floor of the house. It was dark now, and i had come out of the room to the northeast. A doorway in the eastern wall, just to the north of me, led into the smaller bedroom. I had been staying here, and i knew that three were still two other men asleep in the small bedroom. The room seemed slightly unfinished, and it seemed that i could see light between the horizontal slats in the wall to the northeast. I headed to the west, hoping not to wake anybody in the room. $K25 was on the northern side of the room with his sister. He seemed to have been sleeping behind a dark-colored free-standing bar. He said something to me and seemed to be slightly offensive. I tried to ignore him as i walked past. I knew that his parents had taught him to hate certain things, which is why he was acting so aggressive toward me. He had a toy gun, and he started shooting toward me. I continued to the west, across the center of the room. I felt angry with him, but i did not want to confront him because i knew that it would only make him feel that he was having an effect. I was on the southern side of the room and the kids were following me. I felt very negative toward them, thinking that they had been taught ignorance and were now bigoted. $K1 was then to the southeast of me. She said something to her children, and then showed me something that she had in her hands. She seemed surprisingly cheerful to talk to me. I looked down at the gray plastic thing as she described it. It was a model gun from a science-fiction movie. I was surprised that she would know about the movie and wondered how she had become so nerdy. She used the name for the T-shaped weapon as she handed it to me. It had dull fluorescent-green stripes around the sides of it. I took the plastic gun and looked it over. It seemed rather interesting. I then attached it to my right forearm. It seemed to mount on the top of the forearm. I wondered how it would shoot and i aimed it to the south, away from the room.

12011 March 27

I turned the car down the road and started driving to the west, along the southern side of the large open area. There was grass and a short hill to the south with a small white building on it. The building seemed to be a utility cabin. Two people were following me. I was supposed to pick them up, but i was turning the car around. I drove to the western end of the parking lot, chatting with the woman to the south of me. I circled the car to the north and started back across the parking lot to the east-northeast. The woman stayed to the south of me, even though she seemed to be on the outside of the car now. I stopped the car on the southern side of the parking lot. The drive i had come to the west on was down a short hill to the south of me, and the other two people were directly to the south of us now. I would wait for them to walk up the gravel hill toward the car. The paved parking lot seemed to be very wide, and seemed to stretch to the north of me. It seemed to have multiple levels running up the hill to the northeast, though i seemed to drive smoothly from one level to another without heading up a ramp. I looked back to the west as the woman said something. We had wanted to come to the northeastern corner of the lot because it was the highest part of the parking lot. I could see that there was a cliff to the west of the lot that allowed us to look over a wide hazy valley. The land in the distance was bluish-green and seemed very picturesque. I drove the car a little more to the northeast, trying to get to the highest point in the lot. The woman followed me. As i climbed the side of the hill, i was aware that there were interesting rock formations along the cliff that i was heading up. I moved to the north, passing along a ledge on the side of the steep hill. The brown rocks to had been carved into animal heads. One of them seemed to be a green alligator. The heads were not natural parts of the rocks, but they were one of the attractions to this natural location. I headed up the northern side of the area until i was at the top of the hill. I looked back down to see the other two about halfway up the hill. They had stopped to look at the interesting heads that i had quickly passed. I wanted to go look at the heads, and i turned to the northwest to tell $F14 about them. She was sitting on the rounded grassy ground with her knees up in front of her and her elbows resting on her knees. She did not want to see the things on the cliff because we would have to climb back down. I walked across the top of the steep hill, heading south. I looked over the edge, but could not see anything below. I realized that it was an optical effect of the hill. The hill seemed very steep, but it was actually not as steep as it appeared. There were a few heads near us, and i told this to $F14. I tried to convince her to come look at the two that were at the top of the hill. They were not as nice as the ones below, but i thought that she should look at them anyway. I moved to the edge of the hill and tried to look over. There were a few erosion gullies cut into the top of the hill. I could see two of the brown rock heads through them, but i moved closer to the grassy edge to the south of the gullies. I could not see anything below, and i started to feel very uneasy about being near the edge. I backed away and took a few steps back to the north, toward $F14. I wanted to step out on one of the fingers between the gullies to see the heads. As i walked out, though, i started to feel vertigo. The hill was curved so that i could not see the land below, and i had a feeling that i was getting too close to the edge of a sheer cliff. I stumbled back suddenly, falling on my back. $F14 must have seen me. I lifted my right foot and grabbed the back of my sneaker with my hand, pretending that i had gotten it caught on something. I was looking at the sky, but i could not see much.

12011 March 28

I stood in the northwestern corner of the large room of the hotel. The room was very tall and seemed to be a ballroom, with vertical details on the southern wall. The people were gathered to the south of me, on the western side of the room. There was a metal train track running from the east across the northern side of the room. The track turned sharply to the south on the western side of the room. A tan train with a sloped nose came into the room suddenly and started to round the corner, turning to the south. The train decelerated to a sudden stop, but not before it had turned the corner. I realized that my father was still sleeping on the floor on the western side of the polished wooden floor. He was lying down the center of the railroad tracks, and i was suddenly as the train came to a stop near him. I heard a sudden crack, and i realized that the train had not stopped in time. It ran over his head and crushed it. I quickly ran to the center of the room. The man was lying on the floor, his head sliced into four or five vertical sections. I knew that the metal wheels of the train had sliced the skull like that. I became very upset and thought that i would have to call emergency. I ran to the north, into the corridor of the hotel. I knew that it would do no good to call emergency, because my father was already dead, but i had to call them anyway. The corridor ran east to west, and i ran to the west for a short distance, wondering where i could find a telephone. I could have used my cell phone, but i knew that i did not have it with me. There was a recess in the northern wall, where the corridor widened by about a half meter. I turned to the east, noticing that there was a brown keypad on the eastern section of the northern wall. I quickly dialed 911, but realized that i was in a hotel, so the numbers would not connect to an outside line. The recording on the telephone said something, and i pressed the number-sign key on the lower right side of the telephone. I thought that it would get me to the front desk operator so that i could ask them to get emergency, but, again, i heard a recorded message. I felt frustrated and tried to hang up, but the voice would not stop talking. This was not right, and i felt very agitated. I angrily jabbed at the keys with my left index finger, trying to get the recording to stop, but it would not. It then pressed the star button, hoping that it would connect me to emergency, but nothing happened. I was angry at the pad, and i turned back to the south, looking across the room again. It was morning, and there were people sleeping on the floor of the large room. Two trains came from the east. They were traveling rapidly and seemed to be on the same track at the same time, though they were parallel to each other. Both would have to slow down so as not to hit the people. They abruptly came to a stop, but not before one train started around the corner to the south and the other around a corner, turning north. The train heading south ran over my father, who was sleeping on the ground. This time, it did not just stop over his head. It ran over the length of his body. I was not as upset this time, because i knew that he was already dead from the time before.

I moved to the east, away from the others and found myself in the small back yard of the apartment buildings. The old two-level brick building was to the south and west of me, and the small square yard was fenced in with an old galvanized chain-link fence. The grass was ragged around the edges, growing taller under and through the fence. There seemed to be a short wide tree to the southeast of me, in the corner of the yard. It spread thin leafless branches to the north, covering the eastern part of the yard. A tall thin tree stood to the north of me with a brown trunk. Its branches fanned out as they reached upward, but stayed close to the trunk. The tree seemed to be dead, and part of its tan pulp was exposed. The tree was then tipping to the south, so i pushed it back to the north. It was loose in the ground and kept tipping to the south. I felt that i had broken it and tired to lean it back against the metal fence to the north, but it kept tipping south. Finally, i stepped out of the way and let it fall to the south. It got caught on some wires that ran across the yard from the west. I looked at the lines, realizing that they were braided power lines. The tree was rooted to the southeast of me now, and it was leaning to the south, onto the power lines. I could hear a soft buzzing sound, and i realized that the tree was shorting the electricity. I could not grab the tree to tip it back up because high voltage was running down it into the ground. I realized that i should move away from the root of the tree in case the electricity started traveling through the ground. I bounded to the west, getting away from the tree. I should get help, but i did not know where to go. I looked to the north, through the darkened windows of the apartment in the building to the north. The widows were held in by thick aluminium supports. I thought that i could see people inside, and i knocked on the glass. I then moved to the west again, feeling worried. After going a short way, someone called out something to the east. I looked back to the east, noticing a woman leaning over the short chain-link fence from one of the yards to the north. She mentioned the tree, saying that it was tipped over and should be corrected. I realized that she was trying to reach for the tree to pull it back up, and i yelled at her to stop. I started moving back to the east. I cautioned her not to touch the tree because it was dangerous. A second woman, whom i could not see to the north of the first woman, seemed to understand and told the first woman to move away from the tree. The second woman seemed to be sitting in an aluminium lawn chair on the northern side of the small yard.

The large lecture room slanted down to the south, and i was sitting on the eastern side of the central section of the room, somewhere in the middle of the room. The chairs were dark gray and seemed to be metal framed with cushions. I started moving some things around in front of my seat as the lecturer spoke to the south of us. An iron was in front of me, and i unplugged it so that it could cool down. The iron was black with an aqua chord and top. I put the iron on the cement floor of the room to cool off. I thought that the head would dissipate quicker if the iron was touching the cool floor. I stepped out of the aisle that i had been sitting on the eastern end of and backed down the steps of the aisle a little to pick up something from the floor. A man stepped out of the row to the south of me, thinking that i was trying to do something in his row. I dismissed him and continued looking around on the floor as i started walking back up the stairs to the north. He said that they were not working, and i knew that he was talking about the power outlets near him. The man stepped back into the row and stopped in front of his seat, watching me for a moment. I sat back down in my seat, bending over to pick up the aqua power chord from the iron. I then realized that he had been talking about the power outlets on the ends of the rows of seats. A workman seemed to be standing near the man now, and i decided that the power was out to the lower rows. I continued gathering my things. When i looked up, i was facing west. I was now sitting on the northern side of the classroom, which sloped down to the west, toward the lecturer. The room was much smaller than the other room. There were only six or seven rows of chairs running up to the east, and there did not seem to be any breaks in the rows for aisles. The teacher was talking about the stories that we had to read for class. I felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that i had not yet read the books yet. The male teacher mentioned the story, talking about the fallen tree in the courtyard behind the house. I had an advantage because i had actually seen the tree as it fell against the power lines. I remembered the scene before, and i pictured the woman in the dark sweater leaning over the fence from the north. She was looking to the west, at me as she asked about the tree. I felt bad about not reading the books, but i did know the story. I should have read the other books, though. I leaned forward and continued to pack my things up. The other students were already starting to leave to the classroom through the door in the northern end of the eastern wall. I was then aware of a teacher coming from the west. He turned to the south and walked into the lavatory, which was on the western wall of the southern section of the classroom. The rows of chairs seemed to extend to the south about five or six meters farther than the western side of the room, where the lecturer stood behind a black table. I remembered the male teacher who went to the bathroom from somewhere before. He seemed somewhat attractive, and i watched him as he turned to the west and walked into the lavatory. He was wearing a white sweater that had dark-blue or black rings around the wrists and collar. $F45 was sitting behind me, and i was aware that he was watching the teacher as well. A young man to the north of me started saying something. He was one of the college students here, and he was reading a book aloud. He seemed very interested in the book and wanted me to hear it. I listened to the words that he was speaking as i packed up my bag. He was reading something that sounded Shakespeare. The man moved to the east of me, showing me the pages of the book as he read. I did not recognize the passage. A male teacher then came out of the lavatory and approached us. He was not the same male teacher that i had seen going in, but i felt as though i knew him. He was one of my teachers, and i liked him. I glanced at the pages of the book to the east of me, noticing that Shakespeare was one of the characters in the dialog of the play. This seemed strange because i did not remember any Shakespeare play where he portrayed himself in a dialog. I made a comment about this as the man stopped reading, saying that there was a play on words in the play that had something to do with the character of Shakespeare playing himself. I then looked back to the south, at the teacher, who was my art teacher. I closed the tan textbook on the desk to the south of me, noticing the pictures in the two-column layout. The art teacher was sitting on the chair just to the south of me, and he asked me if he could borrow the book. I closed it again and handed it to him. I then realized that he actually wanted to keep it for a while. I felt a little uneasy letting it go, so i mentioned that he could give it back to me in class. I then started thinking about the art class. I could not remember when the class was. It was a Tuesday class, but it did not seem to meet every Tuesday. I felt confused and asked the teacher if there was a class today. Today was Tuesday, but it did not seem to be the right week for the class. I was uncomfortable, realizing that i was admitting that i was not really paying attention to what i was doing. I was sure that the class was next week, though. The man said that the class was actually on Saturday. I was surprised to hear this, and started to worry that i had been missing the classes on Saturday. It seemed to be past the middle of the semester, and i could have missed many Saturday classes. I was upset by this idea.

12011 March 29

I headed down the hall of the locker room to the west. I was on the northern side of the locker room, with a row of tall pale-tan lockers against the northern wall. A doorway was in the western wall of the room, but i had to round a tight turn to get to it. I entered the next room heading south. The room was to the west of me. It was the weight room, but it was crowded with people, as i had been worried that it would be. I had come at a bad time, when most other people were at the gym. I looked around the room at the students there. I was annoyed, thinking that i would not be able to do a workout here. Disappointed, i turned back to the east and headed back down the hall. The building around me seemed modern, with dark and light details on the walls. After a little while, the hallway opened up to the south into a lobby. I headed to the southeast across the small lobby toward the door. This area was actually a store, but it was empty of merchandise now. I left the building and found myself near $P35. I knew that the main area of $P35 was to the north of me. I headed to the west and then up an alley to the north. After a few steps into the alley, i stopped. The alley was covered with dry grass, and a water channel seemed to be running down the center of it, even though i was standing on the grass in the center. I tried to figure out where i was. I had not done something correctly. I pressed the button, which should move me one block to the north. The streets around me did not seem to change, though. I looked to the east, at the narrow city street. There were no cars or pedestrians on the street, as if it were very early in the morning. I looked back to the south, noticing that i was a few blocks from the end of the alley. I must have shifted by one block but simply did not notice. $P35 was one more block to the north than i had expected. I pressed the button again, watching the intersection of the alley and the street to the southeast of me. It did change as i moved back to the south. I was one block farther south that i had expected, so i pressed the button twice to move two blocks north. I expected to come out on the western side of $P35, where the bridge crossed the narrow canal. The canal ran between two shop buildings to the north, slanting slightly to the northeast. I looked to the east, down the open walkway of $P35.

I sat on the northern side of the store, on the western side of the big wooden rectangular table. The table seemed to fill the entire area of the store. A door led to the street on the western side of the northern wall, and the old wooden door had a large glass window in the center of it. The rest of the northern wall was filled with a three-part picture window at the storefront. $A60 was sitting on the northern end of the western side of the table, and he looked south at me as the others discussed something. The people here seemed to be part of a theater group. I asked them about the conflict between the two theater groups in town. Most of these people seemed to be from $G17. I mentioned that this group was giving conflicts with the other, but i started to feel uncomfortable with my statements, worried that i was overstating the problem. I said that some people in the groups were getting frustrated that the groups were not working well together. The woman at the northern end of the table was interested to know what the problem was, but i was no longer sure that i could describe it. I tried to explain, but i was really just making up excuses. I looked to the northeast, at $A637, who was sitting on the northeastern corner of the table. I was uncomfortable, but i tried to explain the problem, even though it was not as much an issue as i had made it seem.

12011 March 30

I faced north, looking at the people in my new office. I had just started a job here, and i felt a little uncomfortable being here. The office was open, and there were many desks or tables around the small room where people were working. I had come in the entry door in the western end of the southern wall. Booths or enclosed cubicles ran along the northern wall to the north of me, but there were only two or three of them. The northern wall was open space on the eastern side of the room. An overhang covered the darkened area to the east of the cubicles. A tall tan structure of tubular objects was on the eastern side of the room, separating the narrow room to the north with the rest of the large room. My desk was just to the south of the tall structure, which seemed to be heating ducts. I followed the other man to the small table where we both worked and looked at the computer screen there. I was supposed to be doing work for this company, but i was not quite sure what to do. The people around the room seemed to be in blue shirts with ties, and it made me feel uncomfortable to be here with them. I felt unprepared for this job. I then looked at the computer screen, thinking that i had to do something. I imagined that i had a program running that would catch the bad code on the system. The large computer screen was split into four sections, which i had done. I pretended that i was an excellent programmer, and i could watch the bad code in one of the windows while typing in another window on the right side of the screen. I felt that i could impress these people with my programming skills. The window in the upper left side of the screen was pale blue, and it was showing the bad code on the machine. The window on the lower left of the screen was a slightly darker blue, and the two on the right seemed to be black. I thought about the programs, thinking that i would pretend that i was good enough to solve the work problems quickly. I then realized that i was not really that good. This scene was fake, and i would actually have to do something real to fix the problems in the code. I wondered what i should do. I was not quite sure what i was doing with this job, and i felt unsure of being here. I moved around a little in front of the desk, watching the others move around the office. Everyone seemed busy, but they were all smiling and chatting with each other. A meeting was starting in the small room in the northern wall, and $A412 seemed to be there. I felt very confused, not really sure what i was supposed to do in this job. It started to feel strange that i would be here. $F45 was then to the southwest of me. He had come into the building. I was nervous with him here, not quite sure how to introduce him to the rest of the people here. We walked to the northeast, where there was a large cafe area. We now seemed to be in an open restaurant, and the people i was working with were having some sort of party. $F45 was with me on the western side of the restaurant as the others started to leave. I felt somewhat out of place here, and i moved to the north, where the metal cafeteria counter was, to look for something to drink. The others started leaving the party, heading to the south, out the door and into the cars that were parked in the lot to the south of us. The restaurant and the lot did not seem to be separated. I rounded the eastern side of a picnic table and headed toward the soda fountains on the counter to the north of me. Everything was being cleaned up, but i wanted to find something to drink before we left. I then turned to the east and walked along the counter. The counter protruded to the south, into the center of the room. I did not feel like i was part of this crowd, but i did work with them. On the southern end of the counter i noticed a large box of beer resting in front of a soda fountain. It said that it was “4 bottle” something, and it was in a yellow and brown box. I wondered if i should have some of the beer from the party, but then i decided that i would still have to drive home, so i thought that it would not be a good idea. I looked at some of the people to the northeast of me and then back to the beer. The beer had already been packed up and taken, and i felt disappointed. I walked back to the western side of the counter, noticing that there was a tall carton of chocolate milk on the counter. I took the milk, and i noticed that several of the people to the north of me were watching. They seemed to disapprove of me, and i felt uncomfortable here. I put the plastic cap on the brown carton and turned back to the southeast to leave.

12011 March 31

We paused in the middle of the stair-like area on the northern side of the wall. The stairs seemed more like small white steps that were at different levels around the small room. The northern side of the room was separated from us by a white railing with wide white molding on the top, and it was quite a bit lower than where we were now. The steps ran roughly down to the east and west, but did not seem to form flights of stairs. They seemed more like uneven ground that slowly descended. $F4 stopped to the north of me to look at the items in the box on the ground. My parents had given him something from the house, and then they walked off to the south, into the next room. I watched $F4 pick up the item, which looked like a pale-brown coffee maker or mixer. We then turned to the south and followed the others into the room. I was with several people from my high school, and $A42 seemed to be there. We were gathering at someone’s house to hang out. We turned to the west as we entered the long living room. A young person was sitting cross-legged on the floor playing video games on the television to the north. The television was an old CRT screen in a black case, and it seemed to be sitting on the green shag rug of the floor. A long low dark couch was against the southern wall of the room. The room seemed shabby or unkempt. The others headed to the western end of the room and then turned to the south. I paused where the young girl was playing games. The young person seemed to be one of $F4’s brothers, but it also seemed to be a young girl. $F5 was with some of the other people in the room, and i thought that we were sleeping over in this house. I then noticed that there were several DVDs stacked on the floor. They could have been game disks. I turned back to the northeast and looked at the DVD cases on the top of the pile. The red one on the top was from Avatar: the Last Air Bender. I then noticed that the blue one below it was also from the show Avatar. I was interested in the DVDs and crouched down to look at them more closely. The top three DVDs were of Avatar, and i realized that they were for all three seasons of the television show. The other DVDs in the stack also seemed to be animated shows, and i was interested to see them. I mentioned them to the young boy who was playing video games in front of the television. He seemed to be $A358. Glancing at the television screen, i realized that he was playing an old computer game. There was a scene of several figures in white hooded robes on the screen. They stood in a triangle, with one in front and two in the back. The one in the front had her arms raised in anger. The two in the back were in other poses of distress. All three had gold braids as belts and seemed to have gold trimming around the cuffs of their robes. The background of the image was bright green forest. I remembered this game from when i was in high school. It was Avatar. I had purchased the game for my old computer, but had never actually finished it. I remembered the ankh that was used as a symbol for the game, and i mentioned something to the person playing. I was surprised that there was a modern version of this game, and i tried to remember what the old game had looked like. I then noticed $F5 to the south of me, walking through the aisles of the small store. They had mentioned something about “Planet”, and i thought that it was the small cafe to the south of us. I remembered the cafe being on the northern side of a block, at the western end of the street, right near the intersection. I asked the young boy if they were going to have breakfast there, and he said that they were. I mentioned the name of the restaurant as “Food for the Planet”, but the boy said that this was not correct. I then remembered that this was the name of a restaurant somewhere else. I stood up and headed through the aisles of the store, heading south. I followed the others as they headed east, into the long living room of the small house. An older heavy woman sat in the cushioned recliner on the southern wall. The recliner was facing east-northeast, and the woman was sitting sideways on the chair, with one of her legs across the others. The others sat along the southern side of the room, facing to the east, toward the large television. I sad down in front of the chair, but was more interested in the trinkets around the room. The northern wall of the room was filled with shelfs of small colorfully painted watering cans. The cans seemed mostly white, with blue red and yellow flowers painted over them. Red and blue stars or disks on thin springy sticks were stuck into the pots like flowers. Some of the items on the shelfs seemed to be small lamps, and there were a few small square wooden lighthouses. All were pained the same way. They seemed strange, and i focused on some of them for a moment. We seemed to be near the ocean here, and i turned to the north to see the tall rock cliff that rose from the ocean. This was part of the movie. A white lighthouse seemed to be on the top of the cliff, to the northeast of me, and grass grew along the top of the brown rocks of the vertical wall. The black nets were being pulled up the side of the cliff, and there were two people clinging to them: a man and a woman. Patches of bright-green seaweed stuck to the nets here and there, and i watched the people being pulled to the top of the cliff. This was the end of the movie, and it seemed to be a dramatic ending. I was not really sure what had happened before, but this was a good ending to the film. I then turned to the south, where there was a large boat traveling through the water. A woman was suspended off the side of the boat from her ankles. A white rope was tied around her lower legs, and she slowly moved her arms below her head, letting her hair flow through the water as the boat sailed to the east. The black hull of the boat was metal, and the woman seemed to be enjoying the sensation of dragging herself through the water. She was not wearing a shirt, and she covered her breasts with her right arm for a moment, letting her red hair drag in the water. This was the beginning of the movie, and it would explain how the two people in the nets had been rescued at the end of the movie. I watched the woman as she sensually moved her body in the water. She then opened her eyes and looked to the north. An expression of surprise washed over her face, followed by fear. She screamed suddenly, and i knew that she must have seen the body floating in the water to the north of the boat. The body would be wrapped up in the black net. I waited for the camera to show the body in the water, but i was then looking at the crew of the ship on the deck above. A man in a white captain’s hat and a navy-blue sweater leaned forward, looking into a small mounted brass telescope. A man in a white sweater stood in the background, and another man in a white sweater stood just to the northwest of the man in blue, in the foreground. The man in the foreground read out the coordinates, telling the man in blue where he could see the body. The man in blue squinted as he looked through the scope with his left eye. The scope was pointed to the northeast. He commented that he could not quite understand the coordinates that the man had said, so the man in the white had clarified, reciting a short pneumonic that sounded like an old sailor’s poem. It said something about turning the scope to the correct degree north and then adjusting it back a little until the body could be seen. Someone mentioned that the body was in the river now. The scene changed, and i was looking to the south, across a small section of the lake at the tan rocky cliffs. A narrow channel was carved into the cliffs, and the water was moving out from the lake into the river. The woman’s body moved quickly with the current down the water channel. She was wearing a blue knee-length skirt and a red half-sleeve shirt. Her body was floating with arms and legs spread into an X, and she was face up. I was floating to the southwest, watching the body flow quickly with the rushing water of the river. It went over a small waterfall, and i knew that it was heading for the larger falls to the southwest. I mentioned this to the other person as i followed the river channel, thinking that there was a large volume of water rushing through the tan rocks. The rocks were obviously stratified into layers, but they were fairly uniform in color. As i moved to the southwest, following the rushing water of the river, the river became a stream. I was hopping over the flat rocks of the stream, heading to the west. The other person was following me, just to the southeast of me. I talked to them as i hopped from flat rock to flat rock, heading roughly to the west. I felt very happy as we moved. I was aware that the large waterfalls were still to the west of us, and i knew that this small stream would eventually run into them. We would not be able to follow the stream all the way to the waterfalls, but i was happy following it over the beautiful landscape. The stream widened ahead of us, and there was a mound of rocks heading up to the south. A small cascade flowed down over the rocks from the tall hill to the south. The water filtered through the gray rocks there, forming a beautiful set of falls. It then seemed strange to me that the water would be flowing up the rocks. I knew that the stream i had been following did not travel up the waterfalls, so the falls must be flowing into the stream, and the stream must flow to the northwest, around the mound of rocks here. I turned to the south and started climbing up the steep slope of the waterfalls. I was aware that the other person was watching me. The steep slope now seemed to be to the east. The slope seemed to be an old waterfall with no water running down it, and it was now dry. The gray rocks were textured, but not loose. I hopped from side to side, keeping my feet wide on the slightly curved surface so that i could maintain grip. I realized that this cliff was rather steep, and the person behind me would be surprised at how easily i could scale the surface. I made sure to keep my body close to the rocks so that i did not tip backward. I then realized that i had climbed quite high on the rock surface. I was on a wall to the north, and we now seemed to be inside a large cavern. The walls of the cave were dark gray, and the northern wall sloped up to an opening, where weak light shined from above. The water had come down the slope, forming the smooth surface on the rocks. The other person was climbing the rock cliff to the north of me, and he said something as i paused. I looked down to the north, realizing how high i was. I thought that i might not be able to climb down easily, but then i noticed that there was a slanted ledge below me. It was wide enough to stand on and sloped down to the north. The rock was marked with small holes. I started to climb back down, moving to the north as i headed down the ledge. The other person was talking to me from somewhere on the cliff, but i was focusing moving down the steep wall. There was then a loud clang. The other person was below be and to the north. Both of us looked at the northern wall of the cavern. The steep slop met the flat northern wall several meters to the north of me, and i quickly noticed a shiny metal box embedded in the northern wall. It was resting on the steep slope, just below the level that i was climbing at. It was some kind of mining equipment, and it was drilling into the northern wall. The rectangular cut in the northern wall that the box fit into had been chipped out by the box. Both of us were annoyed by the loud noise of the box. I continued to the north, moving faster toward the wall as i descended. I then realized that i had moved into a narrow passage where the ceiling of the chamber was sloping very close to the rock surface that i was climbing on. To my surprise, i realized that i was now in a small oddly shaped tunnel. The tunnel was eye shaped, with a tight space above me where the ceiling met the eastern slope. I headed to the north to get out of the tunnel, but it suddenly occurred to me that the opening to the north might not be wide enough for me to squeeze through. I could see light coming into the tunnel from the west, but i worried that the opening was too narrow for me to get through. I felt suddenly trapped, thinking that the tunnel to the south of me was now closed. I became fearful and wondered how i would get out.