12013 March 01

I moved to the west, across the long room. I felt nervous. The man to the north of me said something to the rest of the group, who were sitting on the southern side of the room. I was part of this acting group, and we were going to do a play. The man was $A655, and he seemed to be directing the Shakespeare play. I felt suddenly nervous, thinking that the play was actually much sooner than i had expected. I thought that it would be a few months away and that i would have time to read through the lines several times. I realized that i would not get time to go over the play before we had to produce it. This annoyed me, and i thought that i would not be prepared for the play. I paced back to the east, near the others in the room. I worried that i would not have time to memorize my lines. Four or five rows of black chairs ran along the southern wall near the western end of the room. Some of the other cast members were sitting in the chairs. I felt uneasy and did not know what i should do.

12013 March 02

I traveled on the bus to the east, heading down the road through the open country. The land around us was mostly flat. A scruffy field of dry grass ran along the northern side of the narrow road. I watched the bus pull toward me from the west as i stood just to the south of the road, near the intersection. The intersection was just to the northeast of me, and on old run-down farm house was to the north of me, on the northern side of the road. The bus was turning around in the wide intersection of the road, which now seemed to be a dirt road. We had come here to go to the house, which seemed like some kind of camp or retreat. I walked to the north, entering the large parking lot that was to the east of the white farm house. A barn or some other buildings were to the northeast of the dirt lot. Something about this place made me feel a little uneasy. I had come here with the others, but i did not feel comfortable in this place because of the way the retreat was run. I moved to the north in the area of the parking lot. Several people were with me now. I was then aware of an older woman to the east. She seemed to be of some importance to this place. I continued to the north, along the small stream, which curved back and forth in the shallow gully to the east or southeast of me. The apartments were to the west or northwest of me. I tried to pay attention to the woman. I focused on her suddenly. She was lying on the southeastern bank of the stream, leaning over the rounded grass edge with her upper body. She was wearing a pale dress with a large floral pattern, and she had a white wide-rim hat. The hat was a summer hat, with white flowers formed of the same thick fiber that the hat was woven from. It had a rounded cap with a wide rim that curved down at the ends. Someone then mentioned the woman’s name, and i realized that she was Hyacinth from the television show Keeping Up Appearances. This must have been part of the show. I looked at the woman as she casually lay on the ground. I was looking at her from a low angle so that i could only see her shoulders and head. The rest of her body was hidden below the short mound at the edge of the stream. The mound formed a short cliff on the southeastern side of the creek: less than a meter from the shallow water. She was holding a white candlestick phone in her right hand, and was holding the receiver to her left ear with her left hand. She seemed to be dripping water from her face, as though she had fallen into the stream. I remembered her being in the water. It must have been part of the joke. She spoke to someone, and the scene switched suddenly to another older woman. She spoke into the telephone. A third woman leaned over the second woman’s right shoulder, trying to listen in on the conversation. These were the two women that Hyacinth was talking to. I tried to understand what they were talking about, thinking that the plot of the show was probably rather funny. It must have had something to do with Hyacinth falling into the water. The scene changed again, and i was looking to the southwest. This time, the rounded dirt cliff over the stream was now four or five meters above the level of the water, and the stream now seemed more like a creek. The woman in the red dress jumped off the cliff suddenly, rappelling over the edge of the grassy cliff. This surprised me. I watched the woman stop halfway down the cliff, holding on to the tan rope. It seemed very uncharacteristic for the woman to be rappelling down a cliff, but that must have been part of the joke of the scene. The other woman, who was wearing a pale dress, stood at the top. Both of their dresses seemed like “grandmother” dresses from the sixties. The woman in red then let go of the rope and jumped into the stream below. The other woman then jumped from the cliff. I thought that this must be funny, but i found it rather strange. Both women were fully dresses, which must have been part of the humor, but i could not think of this television show as anything but strange. The two women were then sitting on the eastern bank of the water. Their dresses were soaking wet, and they were talking on the telephone again, mentioning Hyacinth’s name. The woman in the lighter dress was lying on her back as she talked. Somehow, this was funny. The woman tipped the candlestick telephone upside down to get the water out of it. Two yellow things fell out of the telephone and drifted down to the water. I could hear Hyacinth’s voice mention the tickets. The women had accidentally dumped the tickets for the event into the water. This was another gag. I could hear Hyacinth’s voice becoming trill in distress when she heard that the tickets had fallen into the water. I started to move to the south, along the western bank of the river. The apartments to the west of me now seemed more modern. The building was made of cement, with balconies on the second level and glass windows that looked out over the small river. I looked to the east, noticing the other people sitting on the water. I spoke to the person with me, saying something about throwing the object into the water. I looked down at the water, but saw the dirt on the eastern shore of the river not that far from me. Several people were squatting down on the eastern bank. One of them was wearing an off-white thawb. He seemed like a young indian boy, and he stared at me as i looked at them. Several of the other people sitting on the dirt bank also seemed to be young. A worn wooden fence stood behind them and seemed to block a neighborhood of poor houses. Litter seemed to be scattered on the dirt shore. I looked again to the southeast, realizing that the river was very narrow here. I would have no trouble throwing the thing to the opposite bank. I looked down into the muddy water, and then back to the north, toward the person with me. I talked about swimming to the other shore, saying it was close enough that it would be easy. I looked back to the other side, noticing the black cat walking to the north, behind the three or four people that were sitting or crouching on the beach. I watched the cat as it walked near the water to the north. Something seemed to be wrong with it. The cat lazily flopped its back legs to one side and started to lay down. The large lanky cat’s black fur seemed to be matted and red on one side. I thought that the cat might be sick. I said something to the other person as we started back to the south, toward the camp. I came into the small room at the southern end of the hallway. A cafeteria counter seemed to be on the southern side of the room, and several people were waiting near it. A boy was in the center of the room, dancing on the wooden floor. He waved his hands in the air as he bounced from foot to foot. He was smiling widely. I joked with him as i moved near him. I started dancing as well, mimicking his motions. I then started to feel uncomfortable, thinking that it would seem odd that i was playing with the boy. I looked at the boy again, and he seemed to be much younger now. I felt uncomfortable and stopped imitating him. His mother was then to the southwest of him, and she called him to her. They headed to the west, and i turned back to the north to head back up the hallway. I then noticed that he had forgotten to take his swimming trunks with him. They were still in the plastic crate that was on the lower shelf of the metal rack that was against the western wall. I pulled the shorts out of the crate. They were knee-length shorts a with faded black waistband. The shorts seemed to be white, but were covered with faded red flowers and intricate gray designs. I draped the shorts over the southern side of the box so that the boy could see them easily when he came back this way. I then headed back up the hallway to the northeast, following $F45. We came into the shower room, and he turned to the west to go into one of the stalls. I moved to the northern side of the room and started to get undressed. I had already taken off all my clothes when i realized that i had forgotten to bring my towel with me. I felt annoyed. I would have to get dressed and go back to the south, to the retreat house to get my towel. As i started to put my clothes back on, someone came in to the door in the southern end of the eastern wall. I walked to the south, out of the room, crossing the grassy ground between the buildings. I was headed back to the main house of this camp. Another person was walking with me. I still felt annoyed, and i was still uneasy at this place. I thought that i had something do to here.

12013 March 04

I was crouching down to the west of the island counter. The island counter seemed to be L-shaped, and part of it ran to the north of me as well. I was in the kitchen of a house, which seemed to be my parents’ house. Something was happing around me, and i stood up slowly and looked to the east. I could see the yard outside the house. I spotted a man to the northeast of where i was. He seemed hispanic, and he was walking toward the house from the northeast. I ducked behind the counter so that he did not see me, but i had noticed that he seemed to look very nice. After a moment, i looked back up to see him. He was now facing north, walking to the northeast of me. He had his arms raised, and his back seemed nicely shaped. I wondered if he had an attractive body. He started walking away from me, and i wanted to see what his chest looked like. I ran to the north, along the western side of the house, trying to stay out of his sight. I rounded the northern end of the house and flew into the air, heading east. I wanted to see what the man wanted. He was now in the grassy yard to the west of the house, and i flew toward him from the south. A young boy was with him now, and they headed to the north, around the northern side of the house. I thought that the man was up to something, and i felt suspicious of him. I followed him around the northern side of the house, flying high above the ground. He was walking with his shoulders held high as he moved to the east. I thought that he was trying to lure me somewhere by seeming attractive. I started to feel hesitant about him as i flew over. I passed a little lower as i passed over his head. I moved to the west now, heading back into the house. I was in the same kitchen that i had been in before, but a woman was now in the room with me. I did not know who she was. She seemed bulky, wing shoulder-length curly hair. She was taking things from the house, and i felt suddenly angry with her. I thought about attacking her. I was to the west of her as she faced me, and i hit her face to make her stop gathering things from the house. I felt aggressive toward her, but then i thought that i should not be so physical or people would accuse me of assaulting her. I wondered how i could get her to stop, but i thought i should grab her hair and pull her away anyway.

12013 March 05

I pulled something out of the pockets of my jacket as i turned around in the darkened space. I looked down at the pockets, which were now pulled out. The lining of the pockets seemed red, or the jacket seemed bright red. I turned to the south, and then to the southwest as i pulled the material from the pockets of my jacket. I was then driving to the northeast, on the narrow road. Others were in the car with me, and i felt anxious. I had to turn around, but we were in a tunnel, and i was not sure that i would easily be able to turn the car around. I pulled the car to the side of the road, feeling frustrated that i had to turn around. The lane of the road seemed very wide, so i made a U-turn in the tunnel. As i started heading back to the southwest, though, i realized that i was driving in the wrong lane. A car appeared ahead of me from the darkness of the tunnel. I moved to the right, letting it pass me on the left. I had made too wide a turn and was not quite back in the correct lane. I felt suddenly tense and nervous. I hoped that police officers had not seen me driving the wrong way on the road. I had to get back into the correct lane before i got in trouble. I swerved to the left, trying to drive in the lane that was closest to the tunnel wall on the left side of the road as i headed southwest.

I was with the high school students on the lawn near the large building. The building seemed to be to the west of us. A paved path ran north to south across the lawn, and a short hill rose to the east of the path. The other man was talking to his boyfriend on the grass to the east of me. I liked both of them, and i felt close to them. I moved near them as they talked. The first man was sitting on the grass, facing west, and his boyfriend was almost sitting in his lap, facing east. The first man made a joke about his boyfriend. I felt happy about the joke, and i leaned in as if to kiss the boyfriend on the left side of his neck. I stopped very close to him. The first man had also leaned in to blow something from his boyfriend’s face. I wondered suddenly why i was so close to them. I liked being close to people, but i thought that it might seem awkward that i was this close to the boyfriend. I was not part of this relationship, so i should probably stay apart. I felt strange, and i looked around at the others in the crowd. They seemed like people i had gone to high school with. I felt uncomfortable here, and i walked to the west to get something.

12013 March 07

I walked with the others to the north, across the center of the college campus. It was gray and seemed rainy out as we walked up the area which seemed like $P192. I spoke with the other people as we walked. I kept thinking about something in this campus area. We then turned to the east and headed down the corridor. Something seemed to be wrong here, but i continued to chat with the others. A gorge seemed to run to the north of us as we walked. We then seemed to be walking down a long tunnel. I knew that this tunnel connected several of the buildings on the college campus. After a while, we came out into a square cement room. The room opened up to the north. I talked with the others as we paused. One of the men continued to the southeast, heading out of the building. I said something to $A241 as i started to leave. $A241 was upset, and i thought that he was going to cry. I felt concerned for him and moved to comfort him, putting my left hand on his shoulder. I knew that he was upset about something that did not happen. It seemed as though he did not get a job or as though a project of his was not accepted. I told him that it would be better, trying to comfort him as i led him to the southeast, out of the building. We seemed to be in a neighborhood, but we soon entered the other building, heading to the north. The others turned to the west at the end of a hallway and crossed a room. I looked to the south, noticed several tables in the center of the room. They were set up as a display table for this gathering. I noticed the stringed instruments on the table, which seemed to be covered with a yellow cloth with intricate white and gold indian designs on it. Several of the decorations seemed religious in nature, and i was interested in them. I looked at a long narrow stringed instrument on a table near the eastern wall of the room. It looked like a sitar with a white body. I then turned to the north to see where the others had gone. Two men, who had come with me, were standing on the set of stairs that ascended to the west, in the center of the room. A crowd of people was moving up and down the stairs, and the men leaned on the southern railing, ready to continue up the stairs. They called to me, saying that they would be two levels up. I acknowledged them and turned my attention back to the south. I wanted to look at the religious exhibits in this library or museum. The people at the tables were teaching information on the different religions here. This room seemed to be mostly eastern religions. The tables in the center of the room seemed to be Hindu, but i thought that Buddhism was also represented here. I then looked around the room, noticing that $F10 was no longer in sight. He must have wandered off somewhere to the south. I felt disappointed by this. I would have to join the others upstairs, so i turned to the west and started down the set of stairs. The stairs now ran in two flights next to each other, the ascending flight on the north and the descending flight on the south. Both ended on the eastern step. I had to stop half way down the flight of stairs in the crowded hallway because the people ahead of me were moving slowly. I felt anxious, wondering where i would go to find the others. I turned to the south, but realized that i was only one floor above where i had been. The others said that they were heading up two flights. I walked to the west, along the southern side of the old stone building, which seemed like a college dormitory. I was looking for someone, but i realized that $F10 was no longer here, and the others were still back in the building on the third floor. I had walked to the western end of the building. Confused, i turned around and looked back along the building. The building seemed bent in the middle, so that the western end ran to the east-southeast. I had to get back to the others. I started jogging back along the building. Realizing that the building was bowed and that i could simply run directly to the western end, where the door was in the western end of the southern side of the building, i stopped following the wall. A short stone wall now ran parallel to the building on the western part. It seemed to separate the green grass from the small patios that seemed to abut the apartment buildings. As i moved close to the southern side of the stone wall, i was aware of the large glass window to the north of me. I hoped that the people inside the apartment did not get mad that i was running across their lawn. I looked down as i ran, noticing a line of small tan plastic plates. I knew that they had something to do with the satellite communications, like television. I started to step on one with my right foot, but hesitated, not wanting to break anything. A black coaxial wire ran from the south into the top of the plate, and i thought a satellite dish was to the southeast of me. I ran back to the eastern end of the building and then turned to the west, heading up the stairs. I had shifted a little to the south, moving into a room on the second floor of the building. A second set of stairs ran up the northern wall of the room, ascending to the west. I looked out into the empty room to the south. I knew that the religious displays would be here. This room was empty, thought. I knew that the displays for Christianity would be on the second floor, but no one seemed to be here. I wondered if the displays were just not interesting. I then remembered that the others said that they would be going up two flights of stairs. I started ascending the second flight, looking at the bare wood rafters and walls to the south. The room looked like an old attic. I then noticed that the bare wooden steps ahead of me were broken. I wondered if this had something to do with the Judeo-Christian displays on the third floor. It seemed somewhat poetic that the Christian displays would be in disrepair from misuse. I then thought that the Muslim display should be in this area because it was of the same religious group. I then wondered whether i could make a statement about the disrepair of the religion, thinking that Muslims might take offense to the statement and become aggressive. At the top of the stairs, i turned to the south, heading into the room. The room looked like a craft room, with a counter along the western wall, and several things here and there that seemed like clay statues or art projects. Diffuse light shined in through the windows on the upper part of the southern wall. A small white table was in the center of the room, and i started to walk around the eastern end of it when i noticed a round brass coin on the eastern side of it. I stopped to look at the coin, realizing that it was actually a thin round plate of brass with a stamped pattern in it. Something about it made me think that it was Greek, and i thought that this had some relation to the religions here. I then thought that Greece would be more closely related to Paganism because of the mythology from Greece, but i knew that Greece had something important to do with Christianity as well. The coin was about four centimeters in diameter, and the stamped pattern seemed to be about three or four millimeters tall. The center of the coin seemed to have a face of a man with curly hair. A ring of laurels ran from the left side of the coin to the bottom of the right side. Something else circled the opposite side from the laurel. I looked more closely at the stamped pattern, realizing that a line of laurels seemed to extend from the right side of the coin across the face. It arched up from the surface of the coin and was not part of the stamped pattern. This seemed interesting to me, and i focused on the figure arching over the coin. It looked like fire, but i thought that it was actually an intricately carved dragon figure formed of a tube of thin etched brass. The scales were formed my holes in the tube, and the mouth seemed to be facing to the left of the coin. The coin was facing me, so the bottom of the coin was facing east-northeast on the table. I moved a little to the south as a man came into the room from the north. He said something about the coin, and i admitted that the arched dragon figure had collapsed onto the coin. It seemed almost cloth-like because it was made of such a thin weave of brass, which seemed like chain mail. The man seemed annoyed, and i tried to explain that i did not cause it to fall. I then said that it could be easily raised again.

I had entered the dusty cement room from the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. The others had to get into the theater. They turned to the east, walking along the gray brick wall of the building. The wall was to the south of them, and we seemed to be in an alley. They stopped at the black metal door in the eastern end of the southern wall. One of the men tried to open the door, but found that it was locked. I felt a little frustrated, wondering what they would do to get into the building. One of the men with them had come out of the door, but it had locked behind them. They stood there for a moment, wondering what they should do. A man then opened the door. He looked worried as he saw the people standing outside. I thought that he must be the stage manager and that he had been worried about the men. He must have been frustrated when they did not show up on time. He walked out into the space, and i wondered suddenly if he would let the door close behind him like the last man did. The man was wearing a tie-dye T-shirt under a black jacket. He said something to the others as he stood near the door. I realized that he had a key on a long red lanyard, so he would not be locked out if the door closed again. The others would be able to get into the building, but i would not be going in with them. I headed to the north, across the dusty cement room. The cement ceiling was only a meter or so above my head, and the bare cement walls seemed dirty. The floor of the room seemed to be dirt. I had to get something on the northern side of the room before i left. A gray sports car was sitting in the center of the room, facing west. I walked past it and did something in the northern part of the room. I would then have to leave through the corridor than ran from the center of the southern wall of the room. I turned to the south and started to head back toward the corridor. The man with the black jacket was still in the southeastern part of the room, and another man was to the south of me. The other man was to the south of the gray car, which was still in the center of the room. The others were leaving, and the man to the southeast turned out the lights in the room. It was dark, but i knew that the car was the only thing between the exit and myself. I walked a few strides across the floor before slowing down. I put out my left hand to feel for the edge of the car. I thought that i would have to walk around the car, to the driver’s side, and then drive it out of the room. I knew that i would be able to find it in the dark because i had seen where it was when the lights went out. A spot light then came on, shining on the southern wall of the room, illuminating the exit. I could now see more easily, so i was not as nervous about where i was going.

12013 March 08

I headed to the north, across the dry landscape of red rocky hills. I seemed to be in Arizona, but i thought that i was really in Colorado. I had been with the others, and i could still hear them talking as i moved quickly over the rocky ground, heading toward the large building to the north. The building seemed wide and round, like a stadium. The others had gathered in this place, and i was heading back to them. Someone was talking about the land, warning about it. I reached the southern side of the area where the people were gathering. The land sloped up in front of me, and i started climbing over the red rock of the hill to get to the north. Someone was saying that people were restricted from wandering on the mountain slope. I realized that i was walking in a place that i should not, but i did not think that anyone would mind because i was trying to get back to the area. I was then on the southern side of the area, looking to the west. Metal bars ran up the side of the steep hill to the west and south of us. I knew that they were intended to keep people from crossing over the forbidden areas of land. I moved to the west, starting up the slope of the hill. The metal bars were only about a half meter from the surface of the rock. They were polished round metal poles, and they ran up the length of the slope. I started to climb over them, thinking that they did not really prevent people from crossing into this area. I tried to figure out why the bars would restrict travel, thinking that people would not be able to cross over the bars. I held on to the bars as i pulled myself up the mountain, thinking that the rails would actually make it easier for someone to limb the steep slope because they provided something to hold on to. I then thought that the slope near the top of the hill was probably more of a cliff, so it would not be as easy to climb, even with the hand rails. I moved a little to the south, across the slope of the dark-red rock. I felt as though i should not be climbing on the rock, but i did not stop. I moved around the area, and then i looked to the south, at $A59. Something special was happening here, and i had said something to $A59 about it. He moved to the south. He was trying to be secretive about something. I followed him into the old church, which was on the southeastern side of the area. The others were still to the west, in the house, which seemed like $P19. $A59 was hiding from them. This seemed to be some kind of game. I turned to the east and started to follow $A59 down the long darkened tunnel. This was part of the underside of the church. I then realized that i could not let the others know where he was. I was the only one who knew his hiding place. I realized that i probably should not be walking through the halls of the church. I looked to the south, down the hallway on the front of the church. The western wall of the corridor seemed to be the front wall of the church. A red carpet seemed to be on the floor of the corridor. I knew that $A59 was to the south, down a set of stairs in the basement of the church, but i could not let the others know this. They were to the north of me now. They had followed me into the church. I tried not to lead them to $A59. Two people came near me, asking me where $A59 was, but i told them that i did not know. I turned to the north and started walking across the open spaces inside the building. They moved to the south to look for $A59, but could not seem to find him. I thought that he must be hidden in one of the dark basement tunnels, and the others simply did not want to search that far. I walked to the northeast, across a small room with wooden walls on the northeastern side of the church. Others were moving around on the northern side of the room, and i felt nervous that i had led them into the church. I did not want them to find $A59 because of me. I moved to the west a little, coming outside the church. It was dark outside now, and the others had moved off to the northeast. They had started searching in another building. I still wanted to head back into the church to talk to $A59, but i worried that others might be watching me. I looked to the west, across the small square, which seemed to be in the middle of a college campus. I looked around the square and did not see any other people here. I wondered if it would be safe for me to head back into the church. I felt nervous, looking in the dark for others who might be watching me. I decided that it was safe, so i jumped into the air, floating in a tall arch to the south. I descended toward the shrubs on the western side of the small wing of the building, which extended from the southern end of the western wall of the church. As i reached the bushes, two other people moved toward me from the west. One of them was $F11. They had been watching me. I felt upset about this. I would not be able to find $A59 and talk to him. I would still have to pretend that i did not know where he was. The others came into the small chapel of the church and started searching for $A59. I had to pretend that i did not know where he was. $F11 was to the east of me now, and he smiled as he said something to me. He was trying to get me to admit where $$A59 was hiding. I could not tell him, and tried to avoid the subject. He finally walked off with the others to search. I headed to the northeast, across the square room with the high ceilings, which seemed to be in the northeastern corner of the building. The walls of the room seemed yellow, and the upper parts of the walls and the ceiling were covered with darkly stained wood. I flew into the air, thinking that i could pretend that i was just flying around when i came to the church. I then thought that i could pretend to walk on the ceiling or walls. This might seem strange to the people searching, and they would wonder how i was able to do it.

I pulled the car off of the northern side of the road. I had been traveling east on the main road of the small town. Telephone poles ran along the side of the road, and a curb bordered the pavement. The ground to the north of me was a field now, thought. The small lot was covered with cut green grass. I was trying to figure out where i should go, so i had to pull over here. I was trying to make the reservations with the resort so that $F45 and i could stay here. I knew that the building might be somewhere to the north, but i thought that i would still be able to park here. I knew that several of the resort buildings were in this area. I drove over the grass, heading to the west a little way. I looked to the north a few times, but could not see the buildings of the resort. I wondered if it was safe for me to park here. I then realized that the area was actually a golf course. A pale-green patch of grass just to the north of me was the green. I had to be careful not to drive on it. I thought that i should be able to park in this area while i looked for the resort. I then thought that i probably should not leave my car here. I worried that it might get towed because it was in a resort lot. I was not sure whether all of the parking spaces here were free. I drove to the west, passing to the south of a thick brown utility pole, which was near the western end of the lot. The street just beyond ran north from the main road. I noticed that the curb on the road to the west had a low spot just to the west of the utility pole. I would be able to drive my car onto the road from there. I recognized this spot, thinking that i had been driving on this part of the grass before. I turned to the north, thinking that i should just got to the main office of the resort, which seemed to be on the northern side of the small village near me. It was only a few blocks away to the north, and i thought that i would be able to park in the lot there. I headed up the road to the north, coming into the large white room. I had entered the room from the eastern end of the southern wall. A service counter was to the west of me, but no one was there. This seemed to be the main lobby of the hotel. I noticed a man standing near a podium to the northeast, and i walked toward him. He was wearing dark clothing. I greeted him and said that we had a reservation here. He smiled and asked if i was someone, mentioning a name. I told him that my reservation would not be under that name. I then told him my name. He crossed the room to the service desk, in the southwestern corner of the room. I followed him. He stood behind the desk, looking up something in a large white book while i waited.

12013 March 09

I sat down on the southern side of the room and started chatting with the others. We had just finished acting in a production, which seemed like it could have been a film. Most of the people were clustered in the eastern end of the room, with a few scattered along the northern wall. The young man to the north of me, who was sitting, facing east, made a comment about part of the film. He was joking, and he made a reference to something as though he had just realized it. I thought it was funny, and i played along with his humor. I responded, agreeing that the idea was surprising. Several of the people standing along the wall to the north of the man looked at us curiously. I smiled and laughed. They did not understand that he had pretended to have just realized something about the film to be funny. I liked the man, and i found him very interesting. I stood up, thinking about the others who did not get the joke. I thought that the humor was too random for them to easily find amusing. I headed to the east and then to the north, coming into a hallway. I had to do something, but i was still thinking of the man in the room. I was interested in him and wanted to chat with him more. He seemed to be someone that i would like as a friend. I then realized that $F4 had been sitting in the northeastern corner of the room. He was a good friend of mine, but i had not chatted with him. I suddenly wondered if i was a different person now. I had been making the non sequitur jokes with the others. These others now seemed to me to be part of the “cool” crowd. I wondered if i had become part of the bully crowd because i was joking more often with them. I felt a little uncomfortable with this idea. I wanted to be friends with $F4, and i hoped that i could chat with him again. I pictured him sitting cross-legged in the corner, talking to some other people. I stepped to the north, out of the small room where i had changed my clothing. I felt a little awkward changing out of costume now, and i wondered if it was a little presumptuous of me. I headed to the east back down the hall. I hoped that i was not part of the bully crowd, and i hoped that i could still talk to $F4 easily.

12013 March 10

I walked away from the car, heading south into the house. It was cloudy but bright outside, and i walked across the small paved surface and into the large modern house, carrying my bags with me. I had a suitcase and something that seemed to be a suit bag over my shoulder. This house belonged to $A14, and i seemed to be staying with him. I came into a small entryway and turned to the east, heading toward the main part of the house. The southern wall of the entryway had an intricate pattern on it that seemed to be made of carved wood. I headed through the kitchen, which opened up to the north of the corridor. A small room to the west of the kitchen, which was separated from the kitchen by a white countertop, seemed to be a dining area. $A464 was cooking something in the over, which was on the eastern wall of the kitchen. The counters in the kitchen were dark, with white tops. A tall black refrigerator seemed to be on the northern end of the eastern wall. $A464 turned to me as i passed down the corridor to the south of the kitchen. I greeted her, feeling suddenly uncomfortable being here. I wondered why i was staying in their house. I was then upstairs, and i turned to the north from the corridor and headed into the bedroom. I thought that i was doing something in the area, which was why $A14 had let me stay at his house. I then thought about $F45. I knew that he would not be able to stay with me. It would seem awkward if he were here. I opened my eyes and sat up. I had been lying on the bed. Someone seemed to be in the corridor to the south of the bedroom. The wide doorway in the bedroom wall was open, with no obvious door. I thought i saw someone move to the west. I then realized that i had been lying on the large bed with the light-gray covers. This was the master bed. It was not the bed i should have been sleeping in. I felt uneasy as i stood up. I moved the large pillows back into place on the bed, having a hard time believing that i had sleeped on the master bed. I should have been in the smaller bedroom to the west. I walked around the southern side of the master bed from the east. A man was then in the hallway outside the room. He seemed to be doing something near the southern wall of the corridor, just outside the door. He was facing the wall and seemed to be pouring himself a drink. He wore a dark suit that seemed somewhat formal. He must have been here for the party. I knew that several other people would be attending. The man looked very familiar as he turned toward me. He was tall, with a thin face and curly hair. At first, i thought that he might be $A141, but he seemed too young. I said hello as i made my way to the west. The man then said something, and he seemed to mention $A141’s name. He was mentioning the name as someone else who might be at the party. I wondered if the man was actually $A141’s brother. I knew that he had an older brother, but i thought that this man could be a younger brother. I came into the bedroom and started to arrange my things. The large bed was against the eastern wall of the room, and i walked to the north of it. I had to get dressed and ready for the party. I turned on the shower, which was a tiled area on the northern side of the bathroom that i was now in. I still felt uncomfortable here, not quite sure what i should be doing. I had moved some of my clothes around in the room, and i was now moving the large inflatable raft out of my way. It had been against the northern wall, in the way of the shower. I moved it to the eastern wall, just to the south of where the shower head came out of the wall. The water would flow over the raft. I felt nervous, not sure that i belonged here. I felt uncomfortable staying at the house, and i thought that i should get ready and go downstairs to attend the party.

12013 March 11

I drove the truck to the north, on the street in the middle of the suburban area. The street was recessed into the land a little, with the western side of the land higher than the east. I turned the truck to the west, into a dirt driveway, which ran to the south of a large red building. The building looked like a barn, but i knew that it was some kind of business. The driveway curved a little around the southern side of the building, and then opened up into a wide parking lot to the southwest. My family seemed to be in the car with me, and we were here to get something. I felt uneasy driving the pick-up truck. As i came to the south of the house, i noticed a large military vehicle approaching me from the west. I slowed, wondering what i should do. The vehicle seemed like a tank. I moved the car to the left, trying to get out of the way of the vehicle. I could see the driver of the tan vehicle, which now seemed more like a Humvee. As i pulled to the left side of the dirt area, i noticed a car that was parked just to the west of me, facing south. I pulled my truck to the eastern side of the car, hoping that the Humvee could get past. However, the man who was driving the Humvee motioned to the space where i had stopped, telling me that he was trying to park the Humvee there. I felt frustrated. I had been trying to turn the truck around, but i did not think that the driveway was wide enough, so i was now just trying to get out of the way. I started to back the truck up, thinking that i might have enough room to turn around if i back it toward the road first. I could not see what was behind me, though, and i worried about hitting other cars that were trying to come into the driveway. I backed up a little, but could not tell where i was going. I then looked in the rearview mirror of my car. I could see a brown car, which seemed to be from the sixties, sitting in the driveway behind me. I felt annoyed, and tried to turn the truck again. I realized that the truck was moving to the side, turning very sharply to the north. I had turned the steering wheel all the way to one side, which allowed the front end of the truck to drift to the north. I would still not be able to make the turn, because a vehicle now seemed to be just to the north of me, but, if i backed up a little, i thought that i might be able to turn around fully. I backed up the truck and tried to turn to the north again. I could see the front wheels of my truck to the west of me. They were now turned so that they were perpendicular to the sides of the vehicle. I tried to get the truck to move to the side, but i did not seem to be giving it enough gas. I realized that it would be difficult for the truck to move when the wheels were turned like this. I tried again. I was then walking to the west, near the western end of the dirt parking lot. I was with another person. My family had gone back to the car, but i was missing something. I was still trying to get to the western end of the lot, but i felt upset. I started walking back to the east, but realized that the car we had been driving was taken. I was not sure what i should do. I said something to the others person as i looked at the blue object in my hand. I did not have my things with me, and i turned back to the southwest to get them, but i did not really want to do anything. I was upset that the car had been taken, and i felt somewhat defeated.

12013 March 13

I read the lines of the play as i turned back to the east to face the others. The man who was sitting cross-legged on the floor facing northwest replied in a flat tone. A third man, who was to the southeast of me, sitting on the western side of a short table, said another line. The man who was sitting near the northern wall of the room, to the north of the table, said another line in the same flat tone. I spoke my line, but realized that the other two did not know their lines as well as i did. They seemed flat and uninteresting. This annoyed me a little as i spoke another line. I moved toward the table, speaking the lines as i read them. The others were now reading the lines from the small stack of cards that was sitting on the northern end of the table. I was still standing up, reading the line from the plastic cards, which looked like large credit cards. They seemed to be in two stacks, which were connected with a plastic loop through three holes on the edge of the card, binding them as if they were in a book. The man sitting on the floor to the north said a line, and i leaned over to read my line form the car. The next plastic card was hard to read, thought. The eastern side of the card was orange, and the western third was white. The text was printed in raised letters on the border of the orange and white sections. I had trouble finding it at first, but then, once i spotted it, i could not quite make out what the lines said. I mentioned how difficult it was to read to the others as i leaned in farther to get a better look. I finally could see something and read the line. The main word in the sentence started with O, and seemed to be “Orlando” or “orchard”. I picked up some of the cards that i had been reading and held them in my hand for a moment. They were dark now. We had finished reading the cards, and the man to the north of the table, who was now kneeling, facing the table, held a short stack of the plastic cards in his hands. Someone to the southwest then said that we should read through the play again. I looked at the stack of cards, realizing that we would have to put them back in order. The man who was seated handed me his stack of gray cards. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that we would have to put all of the cards back into order. I took them into my hand to put the book back together.

12013 March 14

I walked to the west, along the northern side of the small rectangular area. We seemed to be out in the open, descending a set of stairs that ran along the northern side of the area. $F1 was walking with me, just ahead of me. He turned to say something to me, and i replied, talking about the thing to the west of us. I could not see anything in the distance because it was dark out. $F1 turned back to the west and started down the stairs again. His friend, who seemed to be $A320 was descending the stairs ahead of him. I followed them down, mentioning that we could not do something. The stairs led to a white path, which ran to the south along the western side of the rectangular area. The western path was only three or four meters long. As i approached it, i realized that some people were moving around in the dirt area in the center of the area. They seemed like older people, and i was surprised to see them in the dark. An old woman was sitting in a white plastic chair, facing to the south. The old man was still arranging his chair to the west of her. He nodded at us as we walked to the east, down the path that bordered the southern side of the small yard. I came into the room, which seemed to be in a building that was up the hill from the rectangular yard, to the northeast of the yard. I looked to the southwest across the room. I was standing just inside the entry door, which was in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. The room seemed to be a combined kitchen and living room. The kitchen was on the eastern side of the room, separated from the rest of the room by a long counter. I crossed toward the kitchen area, looking to the southwest. I could see the doorway to a bedroom in the western end of the southern wall. The woman stood near the counter, and i told her that i had been in this place before. She lived here, but i remembered that i had lived here earlier. I remembered the layout of the apartment. Everything here seemed very familiar. I then wondered when i would have lived here. I thought about it, but could figure out when i would have lived here. Something did not make sense to me, but i turned to the woman and told her that i had lived here in the past. She seemed surprised. I looked down at the floor in the kitchen area, noticing that it was covered with square wooden tiles that had an odd cross pattern to them. I focused on them. I told the woman that the tiles were not here when i lived here. They must have been put in recently. She seemed to know that they had been installed and said something about them. I looked at them, trying to determine if i recognized them. I then looked up at the woman, who was standing to the west of the southern end of the counter. She was $A656.

I walked to the north, across the eastern side of the house, which was the front of the house. I had just been talking to the others in the house, but i was now heading back to my car, which was parked to the north. I stopped near the northeastern corner of the small quaint house, trying to do something on the ground. I seemed to be digging, but i had my bags with me, and i thought that i just had to finish something before i went to my car. I glanced to the north, seeing the paved driveway that ran from the main road on the east. The driveway ran to the south of a small blue house, widening to the west, where several apartment buildings seemed to be. I realized that i could not see my car in the driveway. I leaned to the west a little, trying to look around the large dumpster which seemed to be on the southern side of the driveway, directly to the north of me. I could still not see my blue car. I took a few paces to the north, suddenly realizing that the driveway was closer to the house to the north than it was to the house that i was in. I must have parked in the wrong driveway. I started to feel annoyed with myself, and i wondered why i had parked in the driveway in the first place. I then noticed a white sign on the northern side of the driveway. I thought that it said that the parking areas were for residents of the apartments only. I walked to the north, thinking that i could come back to finish what i had been doing on the ground later. I worried that my car had been towed, and i thought that i would have to find who had called the towing company so that i could find out where my car was. Once i reached the driveway, i turned to the west, heading toward the apartments. The driveway parking must be for the apartments, so i thought that the people there might know who the tow company was. I walked into the main lobby of the apartments. I was surprised that this was an apartment building. I had thought that it was a set of individual houses with separate entry doors. The room was rectangular, running north to south along the building. The entry door came into the southern end of the eastern wall of the room. The room was dimly lighted, and seemed somewhat dingy. Two or three rectangular columns ran down the center of the room from north to south. A corridor left the northern end of the room flush with the eastern wall, and a stairway was set into the northern end of the eastern wall, ascending to the north. The bottom of the stairs turned to the west, entering the room just to the north of the entry door. I started to the north when i noticed a pale-gray and white violin or viola case leaning against the wall between the bottom of the stairs and the entry door. I grabbed the top of the case and tipped it toward me so that i could get a look at it. It seemed strange that someone would leave an instrument in the hallway, and i imagined that it belonged to a young girl. I tipped it back against the wall, thinking that someone would want it there. A few people came into the lobby from the corridor to the north. They seemed to head to the southwest, across the lobby. I headed to the west, into the interior of the building. I was looking for someone who might know who could have towed my truck. I would have to call the company. I came into a large atrium in the center of the building. The area seemed lush with potted plants, and several island counters were in the center of the room. I walked up to one of the counters, where a man was working, and i asked him about the towing company. He became very angry as i asked questions, and he started speaking at me in a demeaning tone. I felt annoyed with him, so i turned to leave, not listening to him yell at me. I came into the front lobby of the building, which now seemed nicely kept. It looked very much like the atrium, now. Two counters were on the western side of the room, which now seemed to be at a lower level than the eastern end that i was standing on. Large planters with green plants separated the two levels. The small service counter to the southwest had a woman standing behind it; the one to the northwest had several people behind it. It seemed to be a bar. It was still early in the day, so the college students would not be at the bar yet. I walked toward the bar to ask someone there whether they knew the telephone number of the tow company. I felt desperate and wanted to get the number so that i could get my car. A woman stood at the southern end of the bar, and a young man stood next to her. Two other people stood near the northern end of the bar, cleaning glasses. All of them were wearing black and dark gray dress shirts with vests. I thought that the man was rather attractive, so i walked toward him to ask him the question. He did not know the answer, though. Annoyed, i turned back to the southeast and headed toward the exit door. The entryway now seemed to be a small chamber just to the east of the lobby, on the southeastern side of the lobby. I entered the entryway from the opening in the northern end and turned to the east to open the doors. Just as i pushed open the doors, a group of young women tried to push their way into the entryway. I backed up a little to let them through. They seemed giddy as they came through the doorway. They were all skinny and seemed to be well dressed. I nodded to one of the women as she pushed past me, but she seemed to think that i was too old and pulled her head back in mock surprise. I walked out of the building and started heading to the southeast, wondering how i was going to call the tow company. It was dark outside now, and rain lightly was falling. I felt depressed, and i did not know what to do. I stayed close to the building as i walked to the southeast, trying to stay out of the rain. Scaffolding or some other type of construction material seemed to be on the outside of the building. I moved under it, following the tunnel along the side of the building. This tunnel seemed a little like a parking garage, and i thought that some of the residents of the apartment parked their cars here. It was dimly lighted, though, and seemed dirty. As i walked to the southeast down the tunnel, i started to feel uneasy, thinking that someone could be following me through here. I glanced behind me and then looked ahead again. Someone was walking down the tunnel to the southeast of me, walking in the same direction as i was heading. I moved to the south a little to avoid water that was raining down from a gap in the ceiling. This place still seemed to be under construction. I looked at the end of the corridor, seeing the heavy metal I-beams that were holding up the ceiling. I remembered something like this from before. I had seen a video of men working on metal beams. I looked at the screen of my cell phone, watching the video in front of me. The brown I-beams formed patterns on the background gray of the scene. The beams formed a grid, but they shifted position, forming a changing pattern. It looked very nice. I then noticed that the men working on the eastern end of the tunnel ahead of me were also moving beams around. I wanted to take a video of them working. I held up my phone to get a video of the beams moving, but i could not get the image to show on my phone at first. I remembered how the beams moved in the video i had seen, and i hoped that these were as interesting. I looked at the image on my phone as i filmed the scene to the east of me. The gray and brown shapes moved as the men pulled the beams across the rectangular opening of the tunnel. It did not seem as impressive as the scene i had seen before.

I walked down the eastern side of the road, which seemed like $P$ROUTE13. I was passing a familiar area, and $P207 seemed to be to the east of me. I was aware of the tall chain-link fence and brown brick building to the northwest of me. This building seemed to be the sewage treatment plant. I had looked down at the road ahead of me, but then my attention was turned into the sky to the north-northwest of me. I could see the two tall brick smoke stacks towering into the sky from somewhere to the northwest. They seemed to be aligned north to south, but the closest one to me blocked about a quarter of the one behind it. The farther of the two stacks was shorter because of my perspective, and the part of it that i could see was to the right of the forward stack. Both stacks were tapered so that the tops were slightly narrower than the bases. I immediately focused on two black objects in the sky above the smoke stacks. Something seemed very important about the objects. I recognized the silhouettes. The lower object was the International Space Station. I could see the central shape with the two large solar panels on either side. I was not sure what the upper silhouette was, but i felt very concerned about seeing the objects here. I looked down at the road as i walked again, and then looked back up. The two towers were gone now, and only the two dark spots on the sky remained. This time, the upper object was the space station, with the square fins on the sides. As i watched the two objects, i realized that the upper object was actually shaped like a man riding a horse that was in a full gallop. The man seemed to have a cowboy hat on. Something was wrong with these images, and i started to feel concerned. This was an important vision in some way. The upper black spot then started moving noticeable to the east. The eastern part of the sky was cloudy, but the spot moved across an opening in the clouds. The space station was longer now, and i could see the metal structure that formed the central backbone of the station. The motion seemed artificial. The object suddenly bent in the middle and snapped apart. The motion was uneven and looked like stop-action animation. Flames formed around the central section of the space station, and it continued to the east, moving faster into the distance. It did not look real, and i felt that something was very wrong. As it formed a streak across the sky to the northeast of me, i heard a loud boom. I could not believe that the space station had crashed like this. Something was wrong. I heard a man mention the space station. I turned to the southwest. Two men seemed to be across the street from me, but i could not see them clearly because they were obscured by a row of bushes. I called to them, asking them if the object was really the International Space Station. I could not believe that this had just happened. They did not respond right away, and i was not quite sure that they had heard me. I felt that this was some kind of warning of something very wrong happening. I bent over to get something near the ground to the northwest of me. As i did, i realized that the sky was turning dark. Something was happening. I did not understand why the crashing space station would make the sky dark, and i wondered if it had to do with dust particles covering up the sun. The view around me dimmed to a dull gray, and i started to feel uneasy. I then heard a low synthesized tone start to play. It sounded like a brassy chord, and i wondered if it was a trumpet or part of the soundtrack. Everything here seemed significant in some way, and i was very worried about what was happening.

12013 March 15

I stood on the western end of the rectangular, where some of the other men were standing. The men to the east of me were wearing dark-gray clothing. A matching rectangular area was to the south of the one that i was standing on. The people in that area were clothed in light gray. The people in the light gray started to move quickly, swinging their arms in the air. They were getting ready to attack, and i knew that they would be attacking us. This scene had to do with the two areas attacking each other. I was not worried about the others attacking us. I thought that we would be able to stay where we were and remain safe. I focused on a few of the men on the eastern side of the southern area, watching them move. They were swinging staffs around as they practiced their fighting moves. I imagined dodging them as they attacked me. I would simply move out of the way and pull them aside. I knew i had the ability of speed, so i could easily get out of the way. They could not really hurt me. I moved to the east, talking to one of the other people with me. We now seemed to be on the third floor of a house that was like my parents’ house. I could see the others to the north now. They were gathering by the garage, and were now wearing dark clothing. They were getting ready to attack. I told the person to the west of me that we would be safe in the house. They would not be able to break in. I then started walking to the west, finding myself in the basement of my parents’ house. The door on the western end of the basement now seemed opened. I felt concerned, thinking that the bad guys would be able to enter the building from there. I wondered how they had opened the door. As i headed to the west across the basement, $A461 came from the other direction. He had come in through the opened door on the western side of the basement. I asked him how he had opened the door, but he did not answer. I was concerned that the door had been opened so easily. Something had gone wrong.

I walked into the small bedroom of the college apartment from the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. The others were doing something near the western end of the southern wall. A bed seemed to be against the wall there, but the two other men were sitting, facing west. I walked to the bed and reclined, with my head to the south. I chatted with them, but they kept their attention focused on what they were doing to the west. They seemed to be playing a video game. I looked up at the tall wooden cabinet that was to the northeast of me, against the eastern wall of the room. The top of the cabinet was peaked, and it had three or four black triangular areas near the top. Faded gold writing seemed to form the logo for the original Star Wars movies. I then noticed that the top word on the southernmost panel said “triple” at the top. The bottom word seemed to imply that these events had occurred in the same year. I wondered if the words were referring to the original three Star Wars movies. Maybe they were all being shown in the same year. I tired to figure this out.

12013 March 17

I stood on the southern side of the area, facing north. The other actors were standing near me. We were performing in a play, which was just starting. The audience seemed to be to the south of us, in the darkness of the room. The center of the room, to the north of me, was filled with a large structure, which seemed to be a wooden table. The actors were moving around the table, and i remembered being on the northern side of the table a moment ago. The man to the southeast of me said something, and i was supposed to respond. As he spoke, though, i realized that i did not have my script with me. I was supposed to be reading from the script. I stared at the square-wave design on the table in front of me. The design ran across the center of the table from north to south, ending in front of me. We were doing a Shakespeare play, and $A657 finished his line to the southeast of me. I felt very nervous suddenly, realizing that i did not have my script to do the play. I knew most of my lines, but i worried that i would not get all of them correct without the script. I said the lines that i was supposed to say, and the others continued. I felt very frustrated that i did not have my script, and i tried to remember my lines as the others continued their lines. I then looked to the west. $A623 was standing on the side of the stage, looking anxiously at me. I motioned to her to get my script, but she did not know where it was. I was not sure how i should continue. $A657 then leaned toward me from the east, another man leaning with him. He stared at me as he showed me the lines on his script. I read my next set of lines, but knew that i would not be able to read off of everyone’s scripts as we went. I would need my own for some reason. I then thought that my script had notes in it to show all of the lines that i was supposed to respond to. I became agitated and started pacing around the stage. I could not do my lines like this. The others seemed agitated with me, and i was not sure what i should do. I then looked down at the green index cards that were now in my hand. Someone had given them to me. They had lines on them, but they only had the lines of one of the characters. I would also have to know the lines that i would be responding to. I did not want to use the cards. I wanted my own script. I read the lines from the top card, and then tossed the card aside. I seemed to be acting childish, but i did not care because i needed to have my own script. I then wondered if i had left my script on the table to the southeast. I left the stage and walked to the southeastern corner of the room, where a table stood against the eastern wall. Papers were on the southern end of the table, and i started going through them. My script was not here. I knew that the actors were still continuing with the play. It would be harder for them without me there, but i could not continued with my part if i did not have my script. I walked around the northern side of the large set table and went to the locker room. I felt very anxious, hoping that the actors did not get too upset that i was not on stage. I should be there, but i could not continue without my script. I was heading to the west to see if i had left my script in my locker in the locker room. I thought that i had left my script there. I pushed open the wooden door that led into a small lavatory. Toilets were in old wooden stalls against the northern wall. Two people were in the bathroom, and a woman in the western corner of the room was commenting on the fact that i had lost my script. She made a snide remark to the other person, saying that i deserved to have this happen to me. She thought that i had been too self-righteous and that this would be a good lesson for me. I was annoyed with her, but i headed past her and to my locker.

I was to the south of the large building, which seemed to be surfaced with stucco. The building seemed Spanish or Arabian in style, with three or four floors. Columns and archways ran along the first floor, separating a corridor from the outside of the building. The next few levels seemed to have arched windows at regular intervals down the white surface of the building. The floor i was standing near, which was near the top of the building, had long short windows, which looked more like horizontal openings in the side of the building. They seemed to be only a meter or so tall, with slightly shorter ends than middle. I was hanging on to the long eve of the roof, looking at the window. I would use the window to get into the building. I lifted my feet, swinging them to the west and then into the opening of the building. I was then flying around through the corridor of the building. I passed the arched windows as i headed east, and then i turned around to face north. I was with someone else now, and we were inspecting this building. Someone was here, and we had to find out who it was. We were standing to the southeast of the building. I motioned to the building with my head as i spoke to the other person, who was to the west of me. The building i had been in now seemed to be the northern wing of a larger building. I could see the arched openings in the northern building, which ran east to west, parallel to the southern part of the building. The buildings were separated by a space, but they seemed to be connected on the western end by another wing of the building. I commented on the building as we moved through it, inspecting it for intruders. We headed to the west down the darkened corridors. Gray light shined in through the windows, looking like moonlight from a movie set. I glanced down the corridor to the east, but i could not see anyone there. I know that the others were here and that they were trespassing. I turned back to the west to see the man kneeling on the ground. We were now in a well-lighted room with red tapestries hanging from the northern wall. A chest of gold also seemed to be in the room. The man seemed Indian or Arabic. He seemed frightened of us and of the fact that we had captured him. He wore a dark turban over his head, and he said something to us, trying to explain why he was here. He mentioned two other people by name. I recognized the names, but i knew that he was not either of them. We wanted to know who he was, but i worried that he was trying to escape. I felt annoyed with him. As the other person moved a little to the south, i struck the man on the forehead with the pointed end of a mallet. The mallet looked a little like a polo mallet, with a long handle and a long round head, but the head seemed to be shaped more like a hook and less like a T. The end of the staff hit the man in the center of the forehead, causing him to fall backward. This seemed a harsh thing to do, but i felt that it was the right thing to do.

The actors were reading the play to the north of me. I listened as i sat in the chair, facing east. $A658 was trying to remember her line, but she could not remember. She uttered a few broken words, but could not remember the full line. I listened to them talk to the northwest of me as i read the paper in my hand. The white sheet of paper had words written on it. I focused on one word, which seemed to be “Bodgado”. It was written in clear sans-serif letters. The actors started talking about the lines that they had forgotten. I looked up now, noticing the whiteboard hanging on the eastern wall to the northeast of me. The names of the plays that the actors were doing were written in two columns on the board. The columns were formed by several boxes that had words in them. The words were the names of the plays. Some were long plays, written in smaller letters so that they would not be crowded in the space. Plays with short names were written in larger letters. All letters seemed to be written with the same black marker, though, so all of the lines were the same width. I noticed the second name from the bottom on the right column was “Bodgado”. It was the same word that i had seen on the paper. I wondered what the significance of that was.

12013 March 18

I sat in the classroom of the elementary school. I was one of the students. I was facing south, toward the front of the room where the blackboard was. Two brothers were also in the room. They seemed to be twins, and i knew that they were brats. I was annoyed with them. The were standing to the southwest of me, both wearing denim pants. They had rounded heads with strangely rounded foreheads that made them look like dolls. Thin blond hair covered their heads. A tall man was then standing on the southern side of the classroom, in the western corner. He seemed to be athletic, and he wore a red polo shirt. I knew that he was enforcing the rules in the classroom. The two brats stood in front of him now, and they looked up at him anxiously. Someone referred to the two brothers as “Blondies”. I thought that this was their last name. The man, who seemed to be a gym teacher, had taken care of the bullies. I turned and headed east, down the hall. I was now in an airport. I walked on the southern side of the hall, and $K5 was approaching me from the east. I said hello to her and asked her a question. I had just gotten off of an airplane. She was hurrying past me, thought. She smiled as she talked to me, but she said that she was going to Jamaica and hurried to the west, carrying a few heavy bags with her. I continued to the east until i came into the room. I had just been talking to $F4 in the room to the west. I paused for a moment, realizing that i felt dirty. I had been traveling and had not showered, so my skin felt oily. I had gone to the class this way as well. I moved around in the room, thinking that i should change my clothes. I then decided that i really should shower. I took off my white housecoat and hung it on the hook on the eastern wall. The shower stall was to the north of the hook, but someone seemed to be in it. I could use the other stall that seemed to be in the eastern wall, to the south of the hook. I then realized that i had forgotten something that i would need to change. Annoyed, i put my clothes back on and headed to the north. I was outside the cement building now, watching myself push open the metal door to the south of me. I watched myself come out of the building. Two or three young women were sitting on the cement platform that served as a step under the door. They shifted to the west as little to let me pass. They were wearing halter tops and had their hair teased. They seemed to be from the eighties. I walked to my car, which was parked in a spot just to the north of the door. I watched myself from the northwest as walked to the eastern side of the small dark-blue car and stepped into the driver’s seat. I backed the car out of the parking spot, but then wondered why i had done so. I had a very good parking spot because it was right next to the door. I wondered why i had backed the car out of the spot. Something did not make sense. I felt annoyed with myself and thought that i should pull the car into the space. Instead, i turned the car to the east and started driving to the south, down the drive that ran along the eastern side of the building. I slammed on the brakes in frustration, wondering why i had driven the car all the way down here. I felt stupid for taking the car out of the parking spot. I tried to turn it around in the driveway to head back to the spot, but i seemed to be having trouble. I became frustrated and annoyed with myself.

I stood to the south of the large dull-yellow farm house. Several other children were playing on the grass to the south of the house with me. I looked around at the land to the northwest and southwest, only seeing the flat yard around us. I started walking to the north, toward the front door of the house. A young boy was walking to the west of me. He seemed to be $A2. I did not speak to him as i headed toward the house. He was following me inside with a few other boys. As i neared the cement steps at the front of the house, i started coughing. I pretended to have more trouble than normal with the cough, and i bent over to put my hand on the top cement step for support. $A2 asked me about the cough, but i did not answer him. I stood back up after a few moments and opened the screen door of the house. I continued inside, still pretending to cough a little.

12013 March 19

I was standing to the south of the house, which seemed like my house. I stood outside the garage door, shoveling a thin layer of snow from the driveway. The garage to the north of me seemed to be cement, and i had been shoveling some of the snow out of the garage as well. I felt frustrated with the snow because it continued to fall, but i felt that i had to shovel it. $F63 seemed to be in the house. He was visiting because of a family emergency, and i felt worried about him. I turned to the east and headed into the kitchen, which seemed like the kitchen at my parents’ house. The kitchen seemed run down now, and $F63 was doing something on the counter to the east. I walked up behind him as he bent over to pull something from the oven, which was set into the northern side of the counter. I felt a little annoyed with what he was doing, and i was not sure that he should be here, but i felt bad for him, so i did not say anything. He had pulled a pan of something out of the oven. I looked at the oven. He had left the door open, and i hoped that he was not trying to heat the house with the oven. He then told me that he was baking something. I could see a glass baking pan of something on top of the oven. It looked like a cobbler of some type. I then noticed a white fluffy patch on the bottom of the oven. It looked like a large clump of melted marshmallow, and the northern edge was starting to turn brown. I felt annoyed, thinking that the marshmallow would burn to the bottom of the oven. I then looked up to the northeast. A doorway in the eastern wall just to the north of the stove led to a descending flight of stairs. I could see a long streak of the white fluff running down the stairs. I wondered what i should do. I was unhappy with $F63 here, but i was not sure what i should do about it. I walked to the north, into the back room of the house, pacing around. My father was in the back room. He stared at me for a moment, indicating that he wanted to know what i was doing about $F63. I shrugged, motioning to him that i did not have an answer. I knew that it was very close to a holiday, and i thought that it would be uncomfortable to have $F63 in the house during the holiday, which seemed like Christmas. I turned back to the south, finding myself back in the cement garage under my house. The garage faced to the south, and i was shoveling the snow out of it. I looked down at the snow as i pushed some of it out of the way. The temperature had warmed up a little, and the snow had turned to slush. It was easy to push away, but i felt annoyed that it was still snowing. $F63 now seemed to be standing to the east of me, and he seemed upset. I was not sure what i should do. I pushed some of the slush to the south. I wanted to spend some time with $F63, but i felt that i had to get the driveway shoveled. I walked back to the entrance to the garage, frustrated because the large snowflakes were blowing into the garage now. This was why the slush had trailed into the garage. $F63 was upset with me, and i thought that it was because i had not been spending enough time with him. I was not sure what to do, though. I turned back to him, but he was walking quickly to the east. He was leaving because he was mad at me. I felt bad about this, and followed him to the east. I walked along the southern side of my house. The land around us seemed open, and it sloped down to the south slightly. The area around the house seemed to be on a hill with rocky ground. The rocks on the ground seemed to be part of a landscaped dirt rather than natural rocks. I followed $F63 into the small building to the east of us, which seemed to be a garage. The building was unfinished and had plywood on the walls. He turned to the north in the building and passed through an opening in a half wall that divided the interior space of the building in two. I called to him to get him to stop, and i asked him why he would not talk to me. A crowd of people was suddenly moving southward through the room. They pressed through the narrow gap in the short dividing wall. $F63 turned around to say something to me, but i could not hear him above the murmuring of the crowd. I asked him again, but i could still not hear his reply. I felt frustrated and upset. He left the building to the north, and i headed back to the west. I was standing on the southern edge of the western side of the cinderblock garage. The white house where i had come from was to the northwest, separated from the garage by a wide dirt and stone yard. A mound of dirt rose in the center of the hill between the house and garage. I could see the northern end of the dirt driveway running to the road, but i could not see where $F63 had gone. I knew that he was getting into his car on the southern edge of the driveway, however. He was obscured from view by the tall mound of dirt and the scraggly bushes that were growing from it. His red car drove out from behind the dirt pile and to the road. I was upset that he had left, but i did not know what to do about it. I started flying to the west, across the southern side of the large dirt mound. I was heading back to the house, thinking that i should continue shoveling the garage.

12013 March 22

I was riding in the boat as we headed to the west. My grandfather had been driving the boat down the narrow river. It was a bright day, and the sky and water were both dark blue. Someone said that the river that we were on was part of $P26. The boat had a wooden deck with white wooden rails. It seemed to be four or five meters long, and i was sitting on the middle of the deck. My mother was sitting near the white railing to the northwest of me. My grandfather was to the east of me, near the rear of the boat. My grandfather said that we should stop the boat, and he steered the boat over to the northern shore. I looked to the west, down the widening water channel. It seemed that we were in the inlet to the lake, but i also thought that we might be in the river leading up to the inlet. We would have to drive the boat under the bridge at the entrance to the inlet. I did not think that we should be stopping here, because i knew that we would only be heading to the cottage area on the north shore of the lake, which was a only a few kilometers from the inlet. I felt a little annoyed that we were stopping. My mother also seemed uncomfortable. She was sitting in a chair, facing southeast. She said that she did not want to just sit around in the sun. I thought that she did not like doing nothing, but then i remembered that she actually did like resting in the sun. I thought that i might be confusing her for $F45. My mother complained again, saying that she wanted to continued and that she did not want to just sit around here. I felt uncomfortable, but i was not sure what i should do. I finally said that i would pilot the boat down the river to the west. I thought that it would be easy now that we were on the lake. I then thought that we might still be on the river leading into the lake. I said that my grandfather might have to pilot the boat under the bridge at the mouth of the river. I started to take in the lines from the northern side of the boat. I wondered if the river under the bridge would really be tricky. I then noticed a spillway on the river to the west of us. The river seemed to have several short waterfalls to the west. They looked artificial and were shaped like steps. The water descended into a deep trench to the west of us with steps on both sides. I knew that this could not be the case. The troughs must be from waves that were coming down the river toward us. I warned the others that waves would be coming down the river. I moved the boat over to the northern shore, which was now a steep cement wall. I hoped that we could keep the boat near the wall so that it did not get swept away from in the waves. I yelled to the others to hold on to the boat. I felt panicked a little. I then realized that the woman who was sitting behind me was holding her baby over the southern side of the boat. She seemed like $K3. I turned and yelled at her to take the baby into the boat. The baby seemed to be austral, though i could not see it. The woman pulled the baby back into the boat. I then realized that the waves to the west were much taller than the boat. They would easily wash over the top of the boat. I worried that we would be flooded. I then thought about this, wondering where the waves were. They did not seem to come as quickly. Someone to the southeast of me started talking. I was ten aware that $F45 was holding me. He was to the northwest of me, and he had his arms around me. I replied to the person to the southwest, feeling happy now. We were talking cheerfully. I started leaning to the south as $F45 leaned on me. I pretended to slump over, and the man to the south east joked about it. He wanted to take pictures of me on the ground with $F45. I smiled at this, lying on my left side with $F45 laying over my right.

12013 March 23

I had been in the room with the others, on the northeastern side of the building. We were in a place that we had not been in before, and we seemed to be visiting this city. This city seemed like Las Vegas. The people were sitting in the room, facing to the west. They were sitting in metal-frame chairs. The room seemed to be dark red. Something felt wrong here, and i thought that we had to get out. I ran to the south, down the corridor. The others here did not seem alarmed, but i felt that it was not safe here. I turned to the east and ran out the door of the building. The front of the building seemed to be under construction or in a state of collapse. Beams and debris blocked the entrance. I tried to run through the debris, thinking that i should get to the south. I was aware that the others were watching me from the building, and i thought that i had to get away. I thought about changing my shape to get out of the area. I turned into a wolf as i ran over some of the debris. I then realized that i could seem like a werewolf. I would have to transform into something between a wolf and a man. I imagined doing this as i passed the person on the street. My form would startle the people, and maybe they would not follow me.

12013 March 24

I stood to the east of the people, watching them for a moment. The man seemed to be to the south of me, and i was aware of two people sitting on the small sofa to the northwest of me. The room around us seemed very small, with little light, and all of the people seemed crowded together. The man to the south of me was trying to explain something to the people on the couch. He then said that he could explain more easily, moving a little to the east so that the others could see the television screen near the southern wall, which was behind the man. A video started playing, and the man was on the screen, explaining something. He was staring into the camera, and we could only see his head and upper torso. A second man moved into view from the right side of the screen. He had bushy blond hair and seemed rather cute. He moved close to the man who was talking. The man who was talking no longer seemed to have a shirt on, and the blond man seemed to be moving close to his face to kiss him. The scene did not seem to explain what the man was talking about. The man seemed a little uncomfortable now with the scene, and started explaining that this really had nothing to do with sex. The scene then changed, and both men were now naked on the screen. The blond man was lying on a bed, with his head to the right of the screen, and the other man was kneeling over him. The man on top was wearing black leather straps around his legs, and he seemed to be copulating with the man on the bottom. This was part of the humor of the scene. The man was now standing in front of the television, and he turned to look over his left shoulder at it, seemingly embarrassed by the scene that was on the screen. He tried to divert attention from the television, and he explained that the scene was not really what he wanted to show. He started telling another story, and the scene changed again. I knew that this was the back story of what was happening. The man was trying to explain the scenes from the beginning so that they did not seem as embarrassing. I stood, looking to the south across the small square. I was in a market place, and tables were set up all around with items for sale. Off-white linens draped from places overhead. The market seemed to be some place in the Orient. I watched several people walk around. The man who had been telling the story was now to the south of me, wearing a white robe with an off-white turban on his head. He seemed to be $A659. He had a thick black beard now as he looked to the north. The people in the market were upset about something, though, and a struggle seemed to be happening. Someone was throwing food, and several strands of long yellow pasta flew onto the man’s head, catching over the right side of his face. This was supposed to be a funny scene. The video was comic because the man was failing at everything he was doing.

12013 March 25

I faced south as i stood in the middle of the school cafeteria. The room seemed crowded with tables. The rectangular tables were aligned north to south and ran in two rows east to west. My parents had dropped me off here, but i was not quite sure what i should do. I moved a little to the west, feeling that i had forgotten something. This school seemed like a special place. I needed to get something. My parents then handed me a jacket. I held up the dark-gray jacket to the east of me, looking it over. It was an insulated winter jacket, but it seemed rather slender, like it was for a young child or a teenage girl. The shiny material of the jacket had pink reflective marks all over it. They seemed like sequins because the color could only be seen when the light hit them at certain angles, but they were part of the material of the jacket. I turned the jacket around in my hands, convincing myself that it really was not my jacket. I pushed one of the sleeves into the jacket, watching the sleeve extend to the west. Something was in the sleeve. I grabbed the metal object and pulled it out of the end of the sleeve. It was a watch. I showed it to my parents, saying that it was not mine. I then looked at the watch, noticing that it looked old. It had a dial with a flat top and bottom and rounded sides. The bottom of the dial had a gold-colored trapezoidal shape, which looked like a keystone. I mentioned this shape to my father, saying that the watch was expensive. My father took it, saying that we should keep it. I did not think we should. I wanted to find the owner of the watch, and i told him that we should give it back to the owner. I turned to the east and walked between two of the tables to sit down. I sat on the bench of one of the tables to the east of me. I did not feel comfortable here.

I sat on the northern side of the car as we drove to the west. I was talking to the woman to the south of me as i looked out the southern window at the forested landscape that was passing by. The land rose into a low rounded ridge to the south. The land descended from the hill into a narrow valley. The road seemed to be on the northern side of the valley, with the land sloping steeply down to the south of it. A narrow ravine seemed to be just to the south of the road, separating the road from the rolling landscape beyond. I watched the trees of the forest pass, thinking that they looked very pretty. The trees did not seem to have any leafs, but i could see autumn colors on the trees, making the land look orange and brown. I thought that this would be a nice forest to run through. I thought about setting a trail for $G4 here, wondering what it would be like. I then noticed a clearing on the flat area at the bottom of the hill, to the southwest of me. I watched it as we started to pass, commenting on it to the woman to the south of me. The hill sloped down toward us a little, but i could still only see the tops of the trees. The area seemed oval, and i mentioned that it might be a lake in the middle of the forest. It seemed to be only about a hundred meters long and maybe fifty wide. As we moved to the west, though, i could see more of the ground. The land to the west now seemed to be clear, and i could see dry grass on the slope. I noticed a short rocky outcropping that ran north to south, near the northern end of the area. The land to the east of it dropped off steeply, but the land to the west leveled out into the field. I noticed a small square object on the northern edge of the outcrop. I thought that it looked like a grill, and i wondered if it was part of a camping area that might be around the lake. I watched the object as we drove on to the west, wondering if it was really a grill or an oddly shaped rock. I then turned to the east. The car had stopped and everyone was getting out. The people around me now seemed to be $G4. They had gotten out of the cars and now were walking to the east. I felt a little confused, thinking that we should be describing the trail before everyone starts walking out to look for it. I followed the others, asking some people if we should have someone tell us what the trail was like before we headed out. I then realized that i could hear someone yelling. I looked to the north, but could only see part of a field. We were walking to the east from the paved parking lot, starting down the asphalt trail. The land rose up a short steep hill to the north before leveling off on a green field of cut grass. I could hear the sound of people yelling, but i could not see anyone. A small building was on the western side of the field, and i could see a chain-link fence running to the east from it. I thought that a baseball diamond was there, and i thought that the people yelling were probably on the diamond. I could not see any people though because something on the western side of the field seemed to be blocking my view. I spoke to the others as we walked, trying to shift my head to get a clear view of what was on the field. After a few moments, i could see a line of people along the southeastern side of the baseball diamond. They were dressed in white. An older man was walking toward them from the center of the field. He was still yelling at someone, but he seemed to be walking away from the person. A second group of people was in the middle of the field. The man had walked from that group. I noticed a young man in a white uniform moving from the center of the field, following the older man. I realized that two players must have been fighting, and the old man was yelling at one of them. The boy from the center of the field was obviously still angry, and he was pursuing the other boy toward the side of the field. Others move in to keep them apart.

12013 March 26

I was in the cottage with my mother, and i felt a little uncomfortable here. This seemed to be a cottage that my grandfather owned, but i knew that it had been sold a while ago. It felt uncomfortable to be back because i knew that we no longer had any relation to this place. The building seemed to be one story, and it seemed to be long east to west. I headed to the east a little. It seemed to be getting dark outside, and i was aware of people moving around outside the cottage, which seemed to be on the eastern side of a small town. I could see some people moving to the north, along the eastern side of the house. I turned to the west and said something to my mother about us being here. She said that the man said that we could keep the trailer here for now. I knew that we did not belong here, and it seemed suddenly strange that we would have parked our trailer in the cottage. I walked to the north a little and then started back to the west. I was now walking down a corridor, which seemed to run along the northern side of the house. The corridor seemed like an outdoor driveway, with a wooden wall on the north and the house on the south. The wall seemed to be the interior of a barn, and i thought that this was where the man who owned this place would drive his car to park it in the middle of the building. The garage area seemed to be to the west of me. I had not really been down this corridor before, so it seemed unfamiliar. I wondered if the man was going to come back while i was walking down the corridor. I felt uncomfortable about being in the house while he was not here, and i felt that i would have to get out of the corridor before i was discovered. It was dark in the corridor, and i knew that it was now dark outside. I thought that i could slip out the door in the northern wall at the western end of the corridor before the man saw me. I turned to the north, heading out the door. The people from the town were now heading west, past the house. They seemed to be heading to a festival in town.

I stood on the western side of the lounge in the airport. The woman was standing to the south of me as we watched the family stand on the eastern side of the area, very near us. They seemed to be wealthy and well dressed. I focused on the luggage that was stacking on the floor in front of them. The luggage was round, and was stacked with the wider radius boxes on the bottom. All of the bags were pale gray, and they formed a short tower that was about a meter and a quarter tall. Two stacks of luggage sat on the floor near the family. $K1 was standing to the south of me, and she joked about the luggage, saying something demeaning about it to be funny. I felt uncomfortable with her words, thinking that the family might hear. I cautioned her to be quiet or the family might be offended at her words. I felt concerned about what the family might do if we insulted them. I moved a little, turning my attention to the people in the living room to the southwest of me. This is where my relatives were sitting. I then heard the cell phone ringing from the east. I turned to see the woman on the couch, which was against the eastern wall, answer. I could hear $K29’s voice on the telephone. She was trying to plan the upcoming holiday and wanted to know if we could meet on Saturday. I knew that everyone had already made plans for the holiday and that it was a little late to add new ones. I commented to the person on the couch that we would be in $P3 on Saturday. I felt a little annoyed by $K29, thinking that she should have planned in advance. She seemed frustrated, but i knew that there was no longer anything we could do. We would just not be able to get together for the holiday.

I headed to the north, walking up the western side of the street. Others seemed to be to the south of me, but i was not paying attention to them. The area to the west seemed covered with trees, but i knew that we were very close to a city area. A cement wall extended from a tall mound to the west, crossing over part of the path that i was following. The wall was old, and the cement around the top was crumbling. A large tree grew to the northwest of the eastern end of the wall. I jumped up to the side of the wall, which was about a half meter taller than i. I grabbed the top with my hands and pulled myself up. I could not seem to get my weight over the top of the wall, thought. I was a little disappointed by this. I thought that i should have had the strength to pull my upper body over the top of the wall. Frustrated, i moved around to the northern side of the wall, aware of the people to the south. I reached up from the northern side and tried to climb to the top of the wall, which was less than a half meter wide. Again, i was able to pull my body up and reach my arms across the wall, but i could not pull my torso over the top of the wall to get my weight onto the wall. I focused on my arms, straining to pull my weight over the wall. My arms were reached to the south, holding on to the opposite side of the wall. I could feel the torque in my shoulders as i tried to pull my weight up. I then thought that maybe i should have my arms pushing up from under my shoulders. It seemed strange that i was trying to twist my body weight up by using my arms. I thought about this as i backed away from the wall. I felt weaker than i thought i should be, and i turned to the east. A tall wall stood on the eastern side of the road. It seemed like a castle wall, but it was made of old cement. I felt a little uncomfortable here, thinking that i really should not be here. I started to feel nervous. Someone else was with me, but they were moving to the north. I was aware of people watching me from the southwest, and i thought that they would confront me for being here. I looked at the water that filled the trench on the eastern side of the road, in front of the wall. A small pool of water formed where the culvert ran under the road. We had been playing in the water, and the people to the southwest would not like us doing that. I thought that they were coming to capture us. I imagined sinking into the water, thinking that i could control the water. I imagined moving the water, having it pour in an arching stream to the south. I would be able to escape if i let the water carry me to the south. I could pretend that i did not know what was happening so that the others did not think that i was using some special powers. I would also be able to hide in the water so that they would not know exactly who i was. I imagined the water pouring into another puddle on the eastern side of the road, to the south of me. The second puddle also seemed to be near a culvert, and seemed larger than the first. Merging the puddles would be a good idea, because it would mean that i had more water to work with. I walked down the road to the south as i thought about this. I seemed to be on the road that ran along the western side of $P114. I felt happy imagining how i could escape in the water, even though it did seem a little impossible.

12013 March 27

I stood in the southeastern corner of the room, watching things happen around me. This was a special scene. The people were discovering things in the room as they moved around. Something was in the center of the eastern half of the room, and $A608 was looking at it. It seemed to have had a dark blanket over it, but it was now uncovered. I then focused on the man who was sitting in a large chair on the western side of the room. He wore dark clothing and had very pale skin, and he sat casually, facing east. I realized that he was David Bowie. He was a special guest for this event. I mentioned this event to the others as they moved about the room. $A608 said something, and i talked about the scene. David Bowie was then gone from the room, and the object to the northwest of me was covered with the blanket again. The scene had been reset. We were supposed to uncover it again. I turned to the north and started talking with the other people as they ran through the scene again. I then looked down at the water below. I was now standing on the eastern side of a deep narrow gorge. The rock walls on the sides of the gorge were vertical, and the water seemed rather still below. The gorge seemed to end about ten or so meters to the south of me, where the land seemed to open up into a wider body of water. A dog was swimming to the north, down the center of the water. The others had been jumping off of the cliffs and diving into the water. I could not see any people in the water now, though. The dog that was swimming remained under me for a moment. It looked like a setter, with a dark fur. I then noticed several things moving in the water to the south of the dog. I looked at the open area of water to the south of the dog to see three alligators swimming after the dog. I became suddenly upset, worrying that the alligators would attack the dog. I watched them approach the dog from behind. They seemed to nip at the dog, but the dog was only irritated by their presence. I still felt worried that the alligators would attack the dog and drag it under water. I told the person next to me that the dogs should not be in the water. The dogs were simply following the people over the edge of the cliff. They were jumping in the water with the other people. I was afraid that the alligators would get the people in the water, though. Another dog seemed to have jumped over the edge. This dog was smaller and brown. It seemed like a spaniel. I looked to the south a little, where the flat water of the gorge pooled a little. The alligators were heading toward the light-brown dog. The dog seemed confused, paddling toward the eastern shore of the water. It must be trying to get back up the cliff. I knew that it could not make the climb. It would have to head to the north, like the other dogs had. I felt very worried for it, though. The alligators started nipping at the dog’s rear legs. The dog turned and snapped at them, keeping them back a little. The alligators were persistent, though, and continued to come after the dog. They would eventually wear the dog down. I turned to the man, who was standing to the north of me. He seemed like $A$69RICTOR. I told him that the alligators were trying to get the dogs. I looked down again. This time, we were on the western side of the gorge. I was aware of dogs running around on the top of the cliff near us, but i was really worried about the one in the gorge. I told the man that people should not let their dogs jump into the gorge any more. As i looked back down into the gorge, a small furry black and white dog jumped off of the cliff to the south of me. The dog fell only a few meters before it hit a rock ledge, bouncing off and tumbling across the gorge to the eastern side, where it hit a second rock ledge that was just above the water level. The dog then landed in the water. The dog was being reckless, and i worried that it would get hurt in the gorge. I complained to the man as i looked down over the edge, into the water. I was now back on the eastern side of the gorge. I could see the smooth water far below. The gorge was very narrow, with steep cliffs, and the water at the bottom seemed very calm and clear. I could see the waves in the brown mud of the bottom. I had wanted to jump off the cliffs as well, and i told the other person this. He asked why i did not. I told him that the water here was too shallow and that i did not know where the rocks were. I looked down at the water, thinking that it looked picturesque. It was about six or seven meters below me. The rock ledge near the water was just below me and to the north. It was the outcropping that the dog had hit before it went into the water. I did not think that it would be safe to jump from here.

12013 March 28

I turned to the west and walked into the house. I had been looking at the house while i was talking to someone, but now i was alone as i entered the house. $A615 was sitting in the living room of the house, to the southwest of me as i entered the house. I had been talking to some people to the east, but had to come into the house to do something. The house felt chilly, and i realized that $A615 had turned on the cooling. I felt a little annoyed by this, thinking that we really did not need the cooling on. I said something to $A615 about it as i walked farther into the house, heading west. I told him that i do not usually use the cooling when the house was cooler than something else. I turned to the north and looked at the temperature dial on the eastern wall of the room, just to the north of the entry door. I adjusted the dial, turning it clockwise until i heard the cooling turn off. I was then back no the eastern side of the house. $A615 was still sitting in the living room to the west of me. The room i was in adjoined the room to the west on the southwestern corner of the room i was in. The two rooms overlapped a little on the corners so that the northern wall of the room to the west was about two meters to the north of the southern wall of the room to the east, and the western wall of the eastern room was about three or four meters to the west of the eastern wall of the other room. I looked to the north, across the open white room i was in. I could see the kitchen on the northern side of the room. It seemed a little wider than the room i was in, so i could not see the eastern or western ends of the kitchen. I then noticed the archway in the center of the northern wall of the kitchen. I remembered the archway from before. I had been in a living room on the northern side of the house, and i remembered the archway being to the south of me. I thought that the archway must have been a serving window between the kitchen and the dining room. I thought that it would be interesting to turn the room to the north back into a dining room so that we could use the archway. I moved to the north, now able to see some of the sparse furnishings in the northern room through the archway. I realized that the archway had glass shelfs running across it. It would not be possible to walk through the archway anymore, and i felt a little disappointed about this. I crossed the current dining room, which was to the south of the kitchen, and i walked to the archway. It had thick sides, where i could now see shelfs embedded into the wall. The wall seemed thick, and the arch stuck out from the wall on the southern side by half a deci. The surface of the arch seemed to be textured like rough stone, but i could see through it like glass. I looked at the inside of the archway, which was about a meter and a half thick. Shelfs were embedded into the western side, and i could see flowers in vases and other decorative dishes on the shelfs. I could see them through the glass part of the arch as well. The shelfs were glass, and were held up by thin black metal bars. The shelfs across the center of the archway no longer seemed to be in my way, and i walked into the archway, looking at the shelfs to the west. I thought that the shelfs in the center were removed when my parents were here for the holiday. Looking up, i realized that metal racks for wine glasses ran over the ceiling of the arch. This seemed interesting to me, and i felt interested in this place. I looked up at the glass holders, trying to put a wine glass on one of them. I realized that the holders were too far up for me to easily reach. I stretched upward to put one of the glasses back on the racks. I then noticed several thick wine glasses handing on the racks that were sent into the western side of the arch. The glasses were clear, with vertical sides and short stems. They looked like stemmed lowball glasses. I looked up at the other hooks, annoyed that i could not reach some of them.

I crouched down on the southern side of the group. The others were near the ground to the north of me. We were mixing the brown clump of material on the ground. It looked like dung, but i knew that it was somehow related to marijuana. I thought that it might be a distilled form of the plant. I rolled the brown clay-like material in my hands, kneading it. Someone then referred to the mixture as hashish. I thought that we should not be doing anything with this, but i did not stop kneading the clump. The woman to the north of me then stood up, saying something else. We started walking to the north. I dropped a small piece of the clump on the ground, thinking that i would be planting it. As we continued across the field to the north, i dropped several more pieces. We were trying to get the plants to grow in this area. I knew that we should not be planting this kind of crop, but we continued along the western side of the field, and i tossed several small rounded clumps on the ground, knowing that they had seeds in them. We spoke as we walked, but i was not paying much attention to the conversation. I felt somewhat disinterested in the others. I then looked at the pine tree ahead of us. It was growing along the western edge of the field. The trunk was tall and narrow, and the needles looked flat, like a cedar or hemlock. I knew that we should not plant crops underneath pine trees because the trees would make the soil very acidic. This could poison the plants or make them not grow well. We continued to the north, and i looked at the pine tree as we approached it. The ground under it seemed flattened with pine needles. I told the others that we should avoid the pine trees. We turned to the west, heading into a second smaller field. I was aware of the pine branches over our heads as we headed toward the center of the field, where we dropped a few more clumps of material. The others talked casually as we walked slowly to the center of the field. I still felt weary of planting here because we were so close to the pine trees. We then turned to the southeast and started heading back. We had planted several pieces in the middle of this field. It now seemed dark, and i could only see the details of the field in the dim light. As we walked toward the corner of the field, i looked back to the west. A square wooden watch tower was set up on the western side of the field. It looked like a guard tower. I thought that the people in the tower must have been watching the fields for drug use. They would not be able to see us in the dim light, and i hoped that they did not know that we were in the fields. It seemed funny to me that marijuana plants might grow in the middle of the field that they had been watching. They would not ever realize plants were in the field until they saw them. I imagined how surprised they would be.

12013 March 29

I ran to the west, cautious of the gunmen to the east of me. The gorge ran just to the south of me. I seemed to be at $P73, and i was heading toward the road just to the north of the bridge across the gorge. I had to get behind something so that the gunmen could not shoot me. I ran over the grassy lawn toward the road. A building seemed to be on the eastern side of the road, but the grass i was running on was at the roof level of the building. The building was underground near me, but the stone western wall of the building seemed to face the road. I thought of it as an embankment, and i thought that i could jump down to the road to get some protection behind the embankment. It got me out of range of the gunmen for a little while, but i knew that i would have to escape to the west. As i reached the edge of the embankment on the eastern side of the road, i looked at the trees and shrubs growing on the western side of the road. The land seemed to slope down steeply on the road just to the west of me. I would not be able to easily run across the lawn to get to the large building to the northwest of me, which seemed to be $P54. I felt panicked and felt that i had to get away. I would have to get to the lower level on the western side of the street, but i would not be able to get through the leafless trees and shrubs on the side of the road quickly enough. I then thought that there was a utility tunnel that ran below the street. I imagined a manhole cover in the middle of the street. I knew that i could descend through the manhole and come out on the ground at the bottom of the hill to the west. I thought about how i could do this, and then i was moving to the west, near $P54. I thought about the gunmen as i moved around in the small area, which seemed to be a balcony or small rooftop on the southern side of $P54. A red leather couch was in the center of the cement area. It faced south, and i walked to the north of it. I screamed as i paced back to the west. My voice sounded strange and high pitched, and i wondered why i had screamed. I then realized that the voices of the people on the ground below me had suddenly become quiet. I looked to the south, still hearing a few people talking in low tones. The people seemed to be everywhere around the building. I wondered if they had become concerned by the south of my scream, thinking that someone was in trouble. I looked over the edge of the building to the south. The people were standing in scattered lines. One line ran parallel to the front of the building i was on. They then moved so that the line was a complete line rather than small segments. Some people on the eastern side of the line backed up to join the end of a line from the east. The people seemed to be locking arms together, and i thought that they were doing this because they thought that someone had been in trouble when i screamed. They were trying to set up a perimeter to prevent the assaulter from getting away. I felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that i had unnecessarily cause the people to be concerned. I backed away from the edge, thinking that i should not let them know that i was the one who had screamed. I wondered what i should do. I then pretended that i had just woken up on the couch. I looked around, feeling a little groggy. I would have to let the people think that i had been asleep. I looked around the small area on the top of the building where i was. The stone balcony i had been on now seemed to be the top of a rounded tower. The area on the top of the tower was oval, and the red leather couch was in the center of the small oval area, facing south. Several other people were now with me on top of the building. I moved to the west, along the back of the couch. A man had been standing on the western side of the tower, but he seemed to become dizzy. He tipped to the west and fell over the western end of the wall. I moved to grab him before he fell completely over. He had started to fall down the stone steps that ran down the side of the tower. I had grabbed him before he had fallen too far. I felt very concerned for him as i pulled him back up onto the roof. I then started to move through the halls of the large old building, talking to someone. I headed to the north, looking east into the small rooms off the side of the corridor. The building suddenly seemed more modern, and i thought that the small rooms were studios where people filmed the television shows. The western ends of the rooms were open to the corridor that i had been walking in. I stood on the northern end of the western side of one of the rooms, looking at the long trench that ran east-to-west in the center of the room. I thought that the trench was for water and would be filled when they did water scenes for this show. I walked into the room, staying to the north of the trench. I thought that the crew would stay on the northern side of the trench, and the actors would perform the show on the southern side. The southern side was really the set. I thought that the current set in the room where i was had something to do with a forested area. The trench would then be filled with water to simulate a lake. I crouched down and looked at the ground to the north of the trench. The floor was covered with something that seemed like black soft styrofoam. I pressed into the floor, noting that it was somewhat soft. It was a form of padding. I pressed on the floor, thinking that it was actually a loose material, like soil. I wondered what would prevent someone from falling into the water to the south. The ground sagged under someone’s weight, so, if they stepped on the edge of the water, the ground should bend toward the water, allowing them to slip in. I stood back up as i thought about this. I had walked most of the way across the room to the east, and i realized that the group i had been following was already walking back to the west. I seemed to be on a tour group of the studios. I started walking back to the west, but i was looking at the scene on the southern side of the room. I thought about how the crew would film the scene from the northern side of the room. I then realized that padded black chairs were set up along the northern side of the room. They seemed to be resting on pivoting arms that swung from the northern wall. I wondered if they were for the camera operators. I looked at them as i passed them, heading back toward the hallway. I looked across the trench of water to the south, trying to visualize what the cameras would be filming. I realized that it was hard to see the scene on the southern side of the room for some reason. Maybe these chairs were not for the cameras. I then thought that this might actually be a makeup studio, where the actors sat in the pivoting chairs to have their makeup applied. Maybe the next studio to the north was for the set. I walked up the hall a little to the north, looking into the next empty room. Everything was abandoned now. The actors and crew must be out on break. The tour was passing on the western side of the hallway now, so i decided that i should join them. I headed out of the room, coming into the wide hallway. I no longer wanted to follow the tour, so i started wandering around. I headed to the north, into a different area of the building. I was now aware that i was in the middle of a large city. The hallway of the old factory building ended to the north of me at a cement wall. A second corridor extended to the west, along the northern side of the building. It seemed to have tall old single-pane windows in it. I was now aware of the other buildings around me. I looked back down the hallway to the south. The hallway now had large windows in the western wall. I turned to the north, walking through the doorway that was in the cement wall. I had been outside, and i was now walking into a building. This was a restricted area, and i knew that the tours did not come here. I pointed out the red signs to the others that were with me. I explained that the red signs indicated that a show was being filmed at the moment. I spoke in a hushed tone, and i led the others to the northeast. I told them that they had to be quiet here. I could see the city buildings through the large windows to the north. We were in a building, but we also seemed to be outside, between buildings. A sign was standing on the western side of the corridor, and it said that tour to the west and that the older buildings were to the north. I walked down the alley between the buildings, heading north. The small old brick building to the east had a dull brass plaque on the wooden door. The numbers on the plaque said “1953”. The words above the door said “pump house”. This made sense to me. The older buildings in the city would be the government service buildings. Other buildings of that age would have been made of wood and would have been rebuilt by now. The service buildings would have lasted because they were built durable. I then saw the building to the north. It had a date of 1950 on it. This building now said that it was the oldest building in the city. I felt confused, wondering what the building that said 1953 was if it was not the oldest building. Something did not make sense here. The 1953 building had been advertised as the oldest. I then realized that we were in New York City. If the building from 1953 was the oldest building in the city, then the city was fairly young. This did not seem right. The city should have been much older than these buildings. I wondered if these buildings were simply the oldest buildings that still stood. I thought that all of the other old buildings had been redone over the years, so the oldest building no longer existed.

12013 March 30

I stood to the south of the fire pit, holding the cup with the long metal tongs. I was heading up the ceramic cup over the fire. The cup held a pale liquid. I had been melting something, and it was now liquid. I watched the cup for a moment. It was starting to glow red in the flames. I would have to do something to start molding the thick liquid inside. I tried to set the cup down on a surface to the northeast of me, but it started burning the surface. I should not be doing this. A woman to the northeast of me was talking about the cup. I moved to the southwest, looking for somewhere to put the cup. I thought that i could pour it into the mold before the liquid started to freeze again. I thought that i had a water mold, which seemed to be a mold that was submerged in a bin of water. I started moving to the southwest when a man came from the east. He reached out and grabbed the cup as though he thought i was offering it to him. I felt suddenly worried, realizing that the man would burn his hand. I tried to get the cup away from him, but he had already grabbed it. I tried to pull the cup out of his hand, but his hand was sticking to the side of the cup. His skin must have seared to the side of the cup. He yelled suddenly and managed to withdraw his hand. He hurried to the east to take care of his hand. I felt bad, wanting to do something for him. I turned back to the west, looking for a place to put the liquid down. I poured the hot liquid into the water bin, which was on the floor to the west of me. It would cool off quickly in the water and not damage anything. A young man watched me from the south. I poured the liquid slowly into the water, thinking that i should try to get round drops of liquid to form. It was not working properly, thought. Instead, i could see a lump of liquid forming at the bottom of the water. I bent over to look at the bucket that the water was in. The metal bucket was now too hot to pick up. The molten liquid had heated the water too much and was now deforming the bucket. I felt annoyed. The old woman commented on the deformed bucket from the northwest. Annoyed, i headed to the east to see where the man with the burned hand had gone. I thought about things as i walked. I wondered if he was okay. I came into an open room where several people were gathered. They were talking about the people that were trying to attack us. I looked around at the others that were waiting in this area. Something seemed to have happened, and i started to feel tense. Everyone was looking to the south. I started to feel annoyed with the country, thinking that it had gotten itself into a situation where it was under attack. The nuclear weapons had finally been used. I was not upset about this. I knew that i was coming, and i just felt a little irritated by it. The people must be watching an atomic explosion to the south. I tried to ignore it, pretending that i did not care. A flash of light shined from the south, and i could feel heat on my back. The head got more intense, but i continued to stare to the north. I imagined absorbing the energy of the blast and folding it into an energy cluster. I thought about an oscillating energy pattern that ran up and down my spine. I imagined that i could pull the energy of the cluster. I focused on the black spot to the north of me, thinking that i would have to appear as a black spot in order to absorb the energy. I then wondered what a mushroom cloud would look like if part of its expanding energy was absorbed. The cloud should become deformed on one side. I tried to picture it.

12013 March 31

I stood in the outdoor area with the others. The sky was very bright, but the sun did not seem to be shining directly down. I heard the insects buzzing around us, and i felt nervous about them. I thought that they were some kind of stinging insects, like wasps. I did not want to get stinged, but i did not move away immediately. The man to the south of met then started talking about the bugs. He said that they were special. I knew that i should not be nervous of them, but they still frightened me. I stood to the north of the man, between the man and the tall cement building. I was facing south, trying to stand still as the insects fell on us from somewhere. I was very uncomfortable, but i stood still because i knew that the bugs were special in some way. I looked at one of the insects as it landed on my upper arm. I wondered if it would sting me if i was not accepted by it. The bug had a bright red H-shaped design on the back of its abdomen. The insects would either approve of us or sting us. I watched several of them fall from above, hoping that i was special enough to be selected my them. I then realized that we were glowing because of the insects. They had been depositing something on us. I looked at the other people around me, realizing that they were glowing a dull red. I thought that i was glowing as well, and i looked at my skin to see. I had thought that i was glowing red, but i no longer seemed to be glowing red. I felt upset because i was not glowing. It meant that i was not really that special. I wondered what had happened. I then noticed that my skin was actually glowing blue. I realized that i was glowing and that i was glowing a different color than the other people. I stepped backward to the north a little as i looked down my torso at the blue hue. The others were standing in a tight group to the south. Some of the others were glowing blue as well. I realized that i was not entirely that special. I was still glad that i was glowing, though. Someone from the group then told me to pull on the material. The man, who was to the southwest of me, made a motion as if pulling something from his chest. I pulled on my chest, realizing that the insects had left a web-like film over my torso. I pulled on it, stretching it out and watching it snap back. IT fit me like a vest over the top of my T-shirt. It seemed strange, but i was interested in it. I pulled on the light-gray material, watching the thin gray fibers of the material glow as i stretched them. Someone explained that pulling on the fibers helped the vest solidify. This was a special thing. I felt privileged to experience this event, and to have a vest from the insects.

I was wrestling the man in the small space, and i was beating him. I easily pushed him down to the ground and pinned him. I then talked to him about it as he squirmed under me, trying to escape. I felt pleased that i was beating him so easily. He then pulled his feet in front of him, trying to put his feet between us. I realized that i had to block him, so i tightened my hold on his arms, trapping them under mine. I moved my feet forward as well so that i could try to hold him with my legs as well. I could not easily grab him in the position that i was in, thought. I wondered how i could get my feet around his torso. I then realized that he could lift his legs near my head. He put his ankles on either side of my neck and started squeezing my throat. I realized that he was choking me. I had to get out, but i could not. I would have to tap out. I felt a little annoyed by this.