12014 March 01

I lifted the back end of the boat and started to the north, helping the older people down the stairs. They had tried to carry the small boat themselves, but they seemed to have difficulty. We were in a darkened outdoor area. It seemed to be night, and the buildings around us were old and crumbling. They seemed like old factory buildings made of cement. The ground rose sharply to the building to the east of us, but a drop off was just to the east of me, between the dirt and cement path that i was on and the wall of the building. The family ahead of me started heading down the old cement stairs to the north. I held the back end of the canoe up as we carried it down the stairs. The boat seemed much smaller now, and the man ahead of me was carrying it. I still had something over my head, though. I had to go slowly because the people ahead of me on the stairs were walking slowly. I felt a little annoyed by this. I held the nose of the boat up as i walked. I then bumped the woman in front of me. She was an older woman, and she was wearing a long black dress with a black scarf over her head. She seemed surprised and startled. I grabbed her shoulders to steady her so that she did not fall down the stairs, and i apologized to her. She seemed annoyed with me and started complaining to the man and woman who were accompanying her. The three of them and the young girl were all part of a family. I had been helping the man with the boat. The old woman spoke harshly of me to the others. She was speaking in Russian, so i could not understand everything that she said. The family then replied in Russian. The older woman seemed to be complaining about me, and the family was trying to comfort her. They all seemed uneasy of me now, and i felt bad about it. I tried to talk to them to let them know that i was just trying to help, but i was not sure whether they spoke English. The old woman complained, motioning angrily to me. She then looked at the others in her family. They seemed sympathetic with me, and the woman seemed angered by that. She turned to the east and walked off the side of the cement steps. She fell ten or twelve meters to the dirt ground below. She had done this in protest because her family had shown sympathy toward me. She landed on her face on the ground, and i worried that she was trying to kill herself. We rushed to her. She rolled over slowly, and i realized that she did not have any blood on her face. The man and woman sat down on the eastern side of the narrow passageway, which ran to the east of the cement steps. They started talking to each other in English. They spoke about the older woman, wondering what they should do about here. It seemed strange that they were speaking English, and i wondered if they knew that spoke English and could understand what they were saying. The man said that the older woman was insane, and his wife agreed and seemed to contemplate what they should do about it. I started walking to the west, thinking that i had to leave this area. I felt out of place with the family, and i was not sure what i should be doing. The streets were dark, and i felt a little nervous about this place. I then realized that an older person was following me. I felt that i should not have left the family. I had to get out of this place. I started to feel unsafe here, and i was suspicious of the older person following. They must have been watching me when i was with the family. I thought that i should get away from the older man. I started to walk unevenly, pretending that i was dazed. The man followed me closely, and i paid attention to him but tryed not to let him know that i knew he was there. I wandered around in the wide dirt street, heading roughly to the south. I still pretended that i was confused or drunk, and i circled across the street to the east, turning eventually back to the north. I thought that the man would only follow me if he was really trying to come after me. He would know that i would be aware of him if he followed me to the north. The building on the western side of the street was a large white cement structure with crumbling walls. As i started heading to the north, the man jumped on my back. I felt annoyed and angry with him, but i also felt that he was being friendly with me. I tried to push him off, realizing that he was Justin Timberlake. I felt friendly toward him, but i did not want him climbing on my back. I thought that i should just push him off, but i liked wrestling with him.

12014 March 03

I drove down the old worn road in the urban area. The buildings around me seemed old and crumbling. I felt that i had to get somewhere, or had to get away from somewhere. I was heading to the west, but the road curved to the northwest. Several empty took up space around me now. The dry dirt ground was tan or sepia toned. Several people were walking around the car near me. They all seemed to be wearing trench coats, and i felt nervous about being here. I turned to the north, following the narrow road that ran between the two empty lots. The land in the empty lots sloped up from both sides of the road. Just as the road started to head to the north and become straight, i passed through a metal gate. The black iron gate was swung open to the western side of the road, but it was starting to swing closed as i passed it. I thought that the people must be closing the roads. I felt lucky to make it through the gate. The road was empty now, and i wondered if the road had been closed off on the others side. I felt a little uneasy driving here and suspected that i was driving into a restricted area. I then realized that a police officer in a tan uniform was standing at the end of the road to the north of me. An arched black iron gate was closed across the road ahead of me. I started to feel uneasy as i approached the gate. A crowd was standing no the north of me, and i realized that they were waiting on the sides of the road that ran east to west at the end of the street that i was on. Buildings seemed to line the other street, but the barren hills around me block my view of it. I thought that the people must be waiting for a parade. I stopped near the officer, who was standing just to the south of the gate. I continued to the north, walking through the gate. I would not be able to walk easily thought the crowd because they were filling the sidewalks, and i would not be able to go into the street because of the approaching parade. The parade seemed to be coming from the west. I turned around and headed back to the south. I wanted to get out of this area.

12014 March 04

I was in the old mansion, which was designed like a southern plantation mansion. It had faded white walls and a wide square staircase in the center of the tall hallway. I was somewhere on the southwestern side of the open area, looking to the northeast at the stairs. A flight of stairs ascended to the north on either side of the opening, with landings on each floor on the northern and southern sides. The carpeting on the stairs seemed red, and the thin metal railings were black. The building seemed abandoned and dingy. We had come here to hide, but the troops were entering the building from the south. I pictured the swampy landscape around the building, with draping trees and Spanish moss. I ran up the stairs, hoping to find a place to hide in the building. I felt tense, hoping that the soldiers did not find me, but i knew that they knew that i was here. I would have to kill the soldiers as they tried to come after me. I imagined how this lot would work. I would run up the stairs and toss grenades off the balcony. They would explode as the soldiers came up. I thought that it would be like an action movie, with everything blowing up. I noticed an elevator to the west of me as i moved along the western balcony of one of the upper levels. The troops would try to come up the elevator. The door to the shaft was open, and i could see through the curtain of cobwebs that the elevator was starting to move. I would have to toss a few explosives down the elevator shaft to blow up the invaders. I threw an explosive charge down the shaft and started running to the south. I heard the loud explosion, and i could see the elevator drop back to the ground floor. I headed to the east, down the long exhibit hall as i thought about the plot. My father was in the room with me. We had to find a place to hide. The room was long north to south, and a corridor ran from the northern side of the eastern wall. I noticed that the southern wall on the eastern side was set slightly into the room. I knew that it must be hollow on the other side, so i thought that we could hide behind it. We would have to get out of sight before the soldiers came. I moved the large Egyptian statue, which looked like a sarcophagus. It was standing against the southern wall. I walked through the narrow passage in the wall, pulling the large statue to the west to cover the hole. The dividing wall in the middle of the room then started to tip. It must have been supported by something that was now out of place once i moved the statue. I felt anxious, hoping that i could get the wall to stay in position before the soldiers came, but i could not get the wall to stay up. I moved down the wall a little so that i could see out through the screen. The soldiers were here now, and they knew that i was behind the wall. I would have to pretend that i did not know what they were after. They could see me through the screen in the wall. I pulled aside the wall and pretended that i was unaware that they were after someone. I invited them into the room and showed them the food that was on the buffet table to the east. They came into the room and started picking food from the table.

I was in the small room, and i had to get ready for the play. The round clock on the northern wall said that it was in the hour of three. I did not know that it was so late, and i felt that we were running out of time. I told the others about daylight savings time, realizing that it should be around four o’clock. I would have to get ready for the play now. I started doing something in the room. $A367 was there, and i told him about the time. I then mentioned that i would have to get my script. I said that it was still in the play room.

12014 March 05

I left the back room of my parents’ house, heading to the south. I was on the second floor of the house, and i turned to the west to cross the middle bedroom. It seemed to be early in the morning, and i was aware that i had left my mother in the back room of the house. She seemed to be sleeping on the couch, and a light seemed to be on in the room. I felt that i had come here early for some reason. As i crossed the darkened room, i looked to the south, out one of the small windows in the southern wall of the room. I spotted three young people standing on the street in front of the house. They were talking about something. I thought that they were teenagers, and i wondered why they were outside of my parents’ house. I stopped to listen for a moment, but i could only hear the sound of music from the small radio, which seemed to be near the southern wall of the room. It was playing an old rock-and-roll song. The teenagers outside must be able to hear the music. I could only see the legs of the teenagers as they stood in the street, but i wanted to go to the window and listen to what they were talking about. I had stepped back a little, so that i was not in their direct line of sight. They seemed to be either three boys or two boys and a girl. I thought about moving closer to the window, but i realized that the small blue lights in the windows would illuminate my face. I did not want them to see me. I could not go to the window to the east because i would be too close to the music to hear what they were saying. I thought about this for a moment, but eventually headed to the west, into the hallway on the other side of the room. I moved to the south in the hallway, to the window in the front wall. It was not as close as i had been before, but i would be able to see them. A small night light was plugged in to the wall near the window. I unplugged the white light, thinking i could do so without letting the teenagers know that i was there. After i unplugged it, though, i noticed that a lamp was turned on in my parents’ bedroom, to the west of me. I could see the two-globe lamp on the table against the southern end of the western wall. It would be enough light to show my face in the window. Annoyed, i plugged the small white night light back into the wall outlet to the east of me. I would have to go up to my bedroom and see if i could look out the window there. I turned to the north and started up the stairs on the western side of the hallway. I imagined that i could stand on the roof and watch the teenagers from outside the house. I then imagined that they might see me. The moonlight did seem to be illuminating them from the east, making them quite easy for me to see in the dark. They would probably be able to see me on the roof. I would have to be wearing black. I then imagined that i would be able to fly if i was on the roof, so maybe i could simply hover in the air over them, unseen against the dark sky. I came to the top of the stairs and saw my father lying on the floor. He was lying in the hallway at the top of the stairs. I knew that something was wrong, and i started to feel upset. I moved toward him. His feet were to the southwest, near the top of the stairs, and he was lying mostly on his left side. I reached the top of the stairs, noticing that my father was wearing a business suit. He must have gotten up early for work and passed out. I then thought that it was very early and wondered why he was up for work so early. His face was up, and i realized that it was blue or purple in hue. I said “Dad?”, calling to him. He blinked and tried to focus. He seemed dazed, and i could now hear that he was straining to breath. I said “dad” several more times, trying to get him to respond. I knew that i would have to call emergency, but i was trying to get a response. I pulled him into a sitting position and pulled him to the west of me. I leaned him up against the bed in my bedroom, which was on the third floor of the house. He was still breathing heavily. He did not respond, so i told him that i had to call emergency. I realized that i did not have a telephone in my bedroom. I would have to leave him and go downstairs to use one. I turned to the northeast to leave. I was then standing to the east of a yellow plastic telephone, which was an old rotary telephone. I lifted the receive, thinking that i had to dial my parents’ telephone number. I ran the number through my head. This did not seem right, thought. I did not want to call their house. I had to call emergency, so i dialed 911. I thought about how the rotary turned when i dialed. I listened for a moment, but i could not hear anything on the telephone. I felt very upset.

I moved around the area where the others were looking for something. The area seemed like a cave, but it was outdoors. I talked about how the woman was trying to find the specific items. I watched her move along the rugged rock wall to the north of me. A man in a blue button-up shirt was to the east of her. I thought that the woman was looking for special items. They were magical items, and they were the items that the Greek gods used. Others moved around the cave. These people seemed fascinated in the items, and they wanted to find them to study them. I thought that the items would give us powers, and i was excited to find them. I talked about Zeus and Thor, pointing out that they were the same in many ways but different in other ways. I moved through the people as they searched the area. I then noticed that some of the people to the south of me were dancing. I looked at them and noticed that they were older people. On old woman was standing near the eastern end of the dancing group. She was not dancing, and she seemed bitter that the others were here. She seemed to want to keep the artifacts safe and did not think that they should be treated with such disrespect. I then thought that she did not really understand what the people who were searching were doing. I explained the personalities of Thor and Zeus. The man with the old woman became upset with me. He did not want me talking about the Pagan gods and was upset that i was not a Christian. I felt annoyed with them and turned away, heading down the stairs in the center of the room. I came into the basement area with cement walls. Many cats were walking around the area. I was surprised to see all of the cats and wondered what they were doing here. Several dogs were also moving around the room. This seemed very strange. They must have been hiding in the building. I wondered if they had something to do with the artifacts. I then wondered where the cats got food. I looked around an noticed piles of cat food along the southern wall of the room. Something then caught my attention from the east. I looked up the shallow hill to see a dog running inside a large wooden barrel. The barrel was rolling to the north, across the hill. This all seemed very strange.

12014 March 06

I moved around the office area where i worked. We had been talking about moving things around in the office. I looked around the open room that we were in. I could see over the low cubical walls to the windows in the northern wall. $A644 had moved the hallway that originally ran between the cubicles. It had been just to the east of me, but it now ran along the changing rooms, which were in the eastern side of the building. I thought that two offices could be created on the western side of the corridor, and i wondered which offices we should put there. I knew that $A313’s office was still at the front of the building, to the south. I moved to the northern wall. I wanted to use the sink that was there. I played with the handles for a moment, but i realized that the sink had been moved. It was now in the southern wall, but it had been on the northern wall. I looked down at the square sink, noticing that the handles and faucet were on the northern side of the sink. The sink had been moved, but it had not been turned around. It was now facing the wall. I felt annoyed by this, thinking that i would have to re-weld the wires later.

12014 March 07

I was with my mother in the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. I heard two clicking noises from the basement hallway, one right after the other. I knew that it was two fuses blowing. I felt concerned, and i walked to the south, down the set of stairs that ran from the eastern end of the southern wall. The cement wall on the eastern side of the stairs had mechanical devices mounted on them. I reached the bottom of the stairs and looked at the machines. They seemed very complicated, and i was not sure where the fuses on them would be. I looked at the several boxes that were attached to the wall: some metal and some black plastic. They were connected by electric cables and other metal lines. I then spotted some large switches just under a black plastic box, which was just to the north of the center of the machinery. I turned the switches on. The sound of machinery started. I then noticed several parts of the machinery start to smoke high on the wall to the south of me. I felt worried. The smoke turned into flames. I had to turn the fourth switch off. I did not want to touch it, however, because i was worried that it was shorting out and that it would electrocute me. I picked up a piece of wood and hit the switch to cut the power. I looked up to see that the fire had slowed. I moved to the south to hit it with the piece of wood, hoping to smother it. Once it was out, i thought about what i should do. I could not use the fourth switch, but i wondered if the others worked. I headed back to the panel of switches to see if the second one worked. The panel of switches looked different now. I tried to read the small labels above the switches to see what was blowing the fuse. One of the white labels seemed to say “computer”, but i could not easily read the others. I looked around the machine. When i looked back, i could not find the labels. The machine was too complex, and i had forgotten where the switch panel was. I decided that i should tell my grandmother that a fuse was blowing. They had not known why i had come down to the basement. I headed back up the stairs. As i reached the top of the stairs, i felt bleary. I had been sleepy, and i was still confused about where the switches were on the machine. I commented about it, telling my mother that i was way too out of it to figure out the switches, but i said that the fuse starts a fire when turned on. She laughed at me. She thought that i was imagining things. I felt offended and upset, and i told her to “fuck off”. I turned and headed back down the stairs. Many machines were now along the wall to the east of the stairs. The machinery seemed more complex now, and it seemed overwhelming to figure out. I looked around the front of it, wondering where the fuse was. I could not see the spot that i had remembered before. I searched the upper part of the wall, but i could not see where the fire was. I then walked back to the north a little, looking for the switches. If i turned it on again, i might be able to see where the smoke was coming from. I felt depressed as i looked for the switches. I could not find where i had seen them before. I remembered that they were underneath a black plastic box is one of the metal cases on the wall. I lifted one of the black boxes on the wall, trying to see if the switches were under it. The box moved loosely, thought. I could see a power meter under it, but the box should not have been so loose. I wondered if the loose box was relevant to the burning fuses.

12014 March 08

I drove the car farther to the west along the dirt path in the forested area. I was looking for a place to set up my tent. This was the campsite that i had been to last year for the $P6 chapter of $G4. I felt confused as i moved through the area, trying to figure out where the site was. I thought that i must have driven past it, and i looked around to figure out where i was. I thought that i must be near the large buildings in the center of the camp. A building to the north of me could be the main pavilion. I turned the small cart around, backing it to the south, off of the path. A car had been following me from the east, so i let it pass. I seemed to be in the area where i had set up my tent last year, but everything still looked unfamiliar to me. I had pulled off the road onto a small patch of grass. I wondered if this was where i had set up my tent. It did not seem correct. I moved to the north again, trying to figure out where i should be. I headed back to the west, down the main corridor of the building. The others were walking with me. I felt confused in the rooms here. The large white rooms on either side of the hallway were empty. I had to head back to the east to get something.

12014 March 10

The woman and i rode the bicycles through the suburban area of the city. We had come from the area where the high school was. The large brick school building seemed to be to the north of us as we headed west. We started passing the play fields that were behind the school. We turned to the southwest, following a road that seemed to leave the city and head toward the hills beyond. The land seemed very open, even though there were buildings around us. I looked to the south, noticing the dark clouds and the gray streaks below them. The streaks were falling rain. I could see that we would be heading into the rain if we continued heading southeast, so we turned back to the east to avoid the rain. We had been with a group of people on bicycles, but the rest of the group did not turn around with us. I realized that they might not have seen the rain. Annoyed, i circled to the north and then back to the west to catch up with them. I pedaled down the wide street with the woman. We stopped at an intersection where the light had turned red. It was the same intersection where we had stopped before, with the long road heading to the southwest. I told the woman not to head southwest again, mentioning the rain and the approaching storm. Instead, we headed to the northwest. I thought that we could ride along the ridge of the small line of hills. I talked with the woman about the route, trying to describe how we could get to where we wanted to go by following the ridge until we could circle to the west. The others were then on the road with us. They asked directions. They must have seen the storm and tried to avoid it as well. They were asking us where we were going to go to get past it. I described the road that ran along the top of the ridge, and i mentioned the main road that ran down from the ridge to the town, which seemed like the place that we were all traveling to. The man looked to the northwest and nodded his head. He agreed that it sounded like a good route. He seemed familiar, and i thought that he seemed like $A662. The others were now talking about the route, discussing how we should proceed.

I was doing my laundry in the small dingy laundromat. I moved to east, toward the metal machines that were against the southern wall, carrying my wet clothes in the white plastic basket. I had to put them in the dryer. As i put some things in the dryer, the dryers now seemed to be on the southern side of a street, under a metal structure. The structure was a bus stop. A man then approached me from the east. I thought that he had clothes in the bus stop. I wondered if he had clothes in the dryer that i was using. I asked him if he did, and he said that he was going to have clothes there. I commented, feeling uneasy that i might be taking the machine that he was going to use. The man then mentioned that he had fabric softener there. I looked at the top of the metallic machine, noticing a metal teaspoon. I had jostled the machine, and the white crystals of the fabric softener fell into the opening on the top of the machine. I hoped that they did not do any damage to the machine. I headed to the west, walking into the kitchen area to get something. A woman was inside the kitchen at the counter on the western wall. She seemed like my mother, but i did not think that she was. I grabbed something from a shelf near the doorway to the kitchen, and turned back to the east. I stopped at the machine, hoping that it was running all right. I was still worried that the crystals might have damaged it. I put my hand on the top of the metal machine. I realized that the machine was hot. At first i was worried, but then i realized that the machine had to heat up in order to melt the fabric softener. It was a normal process. I opened up the door of the machine and pulled out my clothes. I wanted to let the man use the machine because he had already put the fabric softener in it for his laundry. As i took the clothes out, i could see the blades near the bottom of the drum. They looked like the blades of a blender. The man was still standing to the east of me, so i told him not to get cut on the blades. I felt frustrated that i was letting him use the dryer. I headed west again to the kitchen. I moved some things around on the counter, trying to do something while i waited for the machine to be free again. I picked up several things from the counter to the west of me and put them away. I then noticed the loaf of beard in the plastic bag that was sitting on the floor. I thought that it had probably been there a long time, and i wondered if it had gone stale. I thought that i should put it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. I moved things for a moment, but then decided that i had to get back to the place. I turned to the north and drove down the highway. I was crossing a flat land that seemed to be covered with patches of snow. The land seemed pale tan. I then exited the highway and turned to the west. I knew that Lake Placid was just to the west of the highway. I could see the deep long trench with linear walls to the west of the highway. This was the town of Lake Placid. I drove down the road that descended along the northern wall of the trench. The road seemed slippery, so i thought that i should slow down. I then realized that i was already traveling slower than thirty miles per house. The walls of the steep trench were vertical, and they were really the buildings of the town. The flat stones had been carved into the buildings of the town. I then realized that i was traveling along the middle of the buildings. I was too high to be on a road. I must still be traveling on the ramp that led into the town. I came to the lower level, which seemed to be west of the town. I turned to the east and headed down the narrow street of the snowy town. The place seemed quaint and picturesque, though it was formed of the tall vertical buildings. People moved around on the sidewalks on either side of the street. I remembered being in this place before, and something about it reminded me of Park City, Utah. I headed to the north, down a short street. I then turned to the west and headed into a small mall area. The modern building to the west had metal and stone columns and a brick floor in the outdoor area. I thought that i had to go through the mall to get somewhere. As i pulled open the glass doors to the building, a female police officer to the south of me asked if i needed help. I wondered if she was suspicious of me because i did not seem to belong here. I told her that i did not need help, and continued to the west, passing the large round columns at the entrance of the building. I thought that the laundromat was somewhere in the back of the building, to the west. I looked to the south and southwest, but noticed blank walls along the wide corridor. I realized that i would have to head to the north and take the other corridor to the west to get to the laundromat. I crossed the street and headed to the north. I was heading for the glass doors in the building to the north of me. As i approached the building, a woman came out of the doors. She looked like my mother from the side. I called “Mom”, but the woman did not answer. I then yelled “Hey!” to her. She was wearing a red and orange coat over a similarly colored dress. She had started walking to the west on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, but she turned around and looked at me. She was not my mother. I felt a little embarrassed, but i bent over and laughed, saying that i was sorry for yelling to her. I then headed to the west, into the laundromat. My mother was sitting at a metal table near the northern wall on the western side of the long room. She was wearing different clothes that the other woman had had on. I said hello to my mother as i approached the table. The others at the table were playing some kind of game. My mother had some cards in her hands, but it did not seem to be a card game. It was some kind of board or strategy game. I listened for a moment to the game, but i did not really feel interested in it. I started to feel impatient and board.

12014 March 12

I was in the large room on the northern end of the building. The building had a very high ceiling and seemed to be an old bank building. The room seemed to be divide into smaller spaces by short walls. I talked to the person to the south of me, talking about the danger. Something was coming, and we had to be careful. Someone then mentioned the dinosaurs. I looked to the west. Over the top of the western wall of the room, i could see what looked like the arm of a dinosaur flipping in the air. Something else then rose and fell behind the wall. I then saw the tyrannosaurus approaching the building. It stood erect and had a rounded head, like a dinosaur from an old movie. The dinosaur was juggling the severed arm and the other object in its right hand. The people in the room with me scattered and tried to hide from the tyrannosaurus. I thought that we would have to hide in the smaller rooms to the south. I ran along the southern wall, heading to the east. A narrow opening in the wooden wall led to the south. I ran though the crack, thinking that the large tyrannosaur would not be able to squeeze through the crack. I moved around in the small spaces of the room to the south. The room had a lower ceiling that the large room. I felt unsafe here, worrying that the creature would come after us. I was not sure what i should do. I wondered how we could hide here. The rooms did not seem safe enough. I headed to the west into a narrow corridor, which led back to the north. I sneaked to the north and stepped into the large room. I looked around the large room, but could not see the tyrannosaur. It must be chasing someone at the moment. A tall black wall was to the north of me. I knew that the dinosaur was not to the east or west, so it would not be able to see me. I looked at the black wall, which seemed to be made of black packing foam. The tall wall was made of sections. As i walked to the west a little, i saw a space between two sections of the wall. I hoped that the tyrannosaur did not see me sneaking between the black wall and the southern wall of the large room. I hurried to the west, trying to get somewhere. I was nervous, but i hurried to the west, trying to escape this place. I came out into a small courtyard. The old stone building surrounded the courtyard, but the western wall was not actually part of the building. It was simply a stone wall that ran between the northern and southern sections of the building. The tan stone of the wall was made of large blocks. Round white columns framed an opening in the center of the lower section of the wall. I ran for the opening, thinking that i could escape this building. As i neared the entrance, however, i saw the tyrannosaur standing just outside the entrance to the courtyard. I saw it when i came into the center of the courtyard and was able to see more to the north. The dinosaur stood erect and had rounded features and green skin. I felt panicked, knowing that it had seen me. I turned to run back into the building. I had come from a doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall of the courtyard, but i now ran toward a door in the center of the eastern wall. I was still looking to the west when i saw the man running from the west. I had been him, but now i was watching him. He was young and thin, with a plain narrow face and short brown hair. He wore baggy gray shorts and a dull-blue shirt. He opened his mouth in overacted panic and ran to the east with his arms punching high at his sides. I turned to the east and looked at the wall that i was running toward. The doorway had a gate across it with diagonally crossed metal mesh. It was closed, but i could see several people standing on the other side of the door. I worried that they would not be able to unlock the door quickly enough to let me in. I was no longer moving toward the door, however. Instead, i watched the man run to the door as the gate was opened from the inside. A man in simple metal armor exited the building and headed off to the northwest as the man running to the door reached the metal gate. I thought that the man in the armor must be trying to distract the dinosaur. He was like a rodeo clown. He wore a silver breast plate and a matching helmet, and he carried a wooden pike with a silver tip. It seemed strange that he would be running toward the dinosaur. I thought that he would not really be able to defend himself against a tyrannosaur. The first man had disappeared into the building, and i thought that they were going to close the gate over the doorway to keep the dinosaur out, which would trap the man in the courtyard. Just as i started to worry about the man, he ran back into view and into the doorway. I then realized that the people had left the metal gate open on the door. The tyrannosaur would be able to get into the building. A man from inside the building moved for the door. He had been standing along the southern wall of the corridor, and he reached for the gate. He then panicked, thinking that the dinosaur was too close, and he ran back down the corridor. The others stood terrified, looking out through the doorway. The dinosaur must be very close to the door now. I started to feel tense, worrying that it would get the people inside. A second person from the corridor started running toward the gate to close it, but he too panicked and ran back inside. I now started to think that this plot was a little silly. The people were just acting dramatic.

12014 March 13

I took the people from $G4 into the cabin room of the ship. I had to transport them to the place. I felt good about the place and was excited to visit there. The place was a beach resort in the middle of the ocean. I looked around now, scanning the view from the east to the north. The sea was pale blue, and i could see the sandy ground not to far below the waves. The rustic buildings were on stilts or floating in the water. No land seemed to be around us. We were over a shoal. I moved around from room to room of the small building. The rooms were very clean and modern. This was a very nice place. I thought that it was off the coast of Africa, but then i thought that it should really be in the Caribbean. I pictured the beautiful shallow water from above, seeing the pale blues of the water over the golden sand of the shoal. The main land seemed to be to the west of the cluster of houses. The houses ran from east to west, forming an oblong grouping in the water. I then thought that the shallows were to the northeast of a rounded coastline. I thought tha the coastline must be the northern coast of South America. This must be an exclusive area for wealthy people, but i knew that i could easily get to the resort. I looked at the tan and white building tha we would be staying in, and i thought that they probably had a good bar in the building. I thought about handing out with someone over a few drinks. The boats would pass to the north and south of the buildings. I was in a building now, and i knew that one of the large yachts would be passing to the north. I tried to see it out one of the windows of the house, but i could not see it. I heard its engine running, though. I then moved closer to the window. The boats were stopped in the water. They were frozen in time now. This place was actually part of a transport system. I imagined how the doors would work to get here. I thought that i would have to lead the people into the small outhouse on the eastern side of one of the buildings. When they walked in, they would descend a steep set of stairs. It would not be possible for the stairs to be in the building, and the people would be aware of this as they descended. The stairs would actually be folded in another dimension so that they could lead to the secluded islands. I imagined that the outhouse acted like a tardis. I could close the doors, and, when i reopened them, the people would be in a new area of the resort. I imagined that the people would be amazed by the trick. I moved to the east now, stepping out onto a platform on the eastern side of a house, overlooking the ocean. I thought about how nice it was to be on the open ocean areas. The tides here were only a few inches because there was no continental shelf to amplify them. I then noticed a shadow in the water just to the north of me. It was moving to the west. I realized that it was a shark. I felt suddenly uneasy. I walked to the west, trying to follow the shark. I then saw my mother sleeping in a hammock over the water to the west of the house. Her hand was dangling over the edge, into the water. I tried to pull on her hands to get them out of the water, but i could not quite reach. I felt afraid that the shark would try to bit her. I then worried that it would attack us as well. I wondered why it had come here. It should not have been able to get near the houses. There should have been a fence around the resort to keep the large fish out.

12014 March 14

I road the bicycle down the road to the west, through the country. A large body of water seemed to be to the east of me, but i could not see it thought the trees and sparse houses. The bicycle was really a scooter, or something that resembled a scooter. I passed a large parking lot, which was on the southern side of the road. Young boys were running to the north from the lot, heading toward the lake to the north of me. I slowed as they crossed in front of me so that i did not hit them. I had turned into the parking lot, so i turned back toward the road to continue west. I entered the house. The others were talking in the large room on the eastern end of the house. The room seemed like a garage, but i did not notice a large door. The young man was in the room talking with some of the other people. I knew him, and i felt interested in him. I thought that i should not let him see me, though, because i did not want him to think negatively of me. He was talking with the woman, and he said something about being back from work. I felt that he thought negatively of me because i did not have a manual-labor job. I thought that i knew what manual labor was like, though. I had done hard labor jobs in the past. I then noticed a fire out the window to the west. The flames were below the window and flickered up periodically. I walked to the window, thinking that the flames must be from the forge. I thought that they were still smelting metal behind the house. The fire was to the north of the window, under the large wooden porch. I wondered if the fire was actually safe under the porch. I felt concerned, and i wanted to go out to the porch to look at it. I headed to the east and then back to the west. I was looking under the porch from ground level now. The grass in the yard seemed green but old and damp, as though it were early winter or early spring. I could see the man and woman working near the forge. The flames were not unattended as i had thought. The man was holding a glowing iron rod in a set of black tongs, and he and the woman were hitting it with instruments. The woman tapped the metal with a long rod, making small marks on the metal surface. She said that the metal had a good surface. They both seemed impressed with it. I was not sure what to do, so i headed back to the east.

12014 March 15

The man asked me about the man whom i had given a ride to earlier. I tried to remember the incident as i sat on the western side of the area. I remembered that i had given the man a ride on the southern side of $P6. The man to the southeast of me asked about it. I was not sure what to say. I felt uneasy describing where i had driven the first man to the man with me. I thought that the man with me might be trying to harm the other man. I thought for a moment, and then told the man that i was on South Street. I thought that i was traveling on the highway to the south from the center of the town. I pictured the old neighborhoods of tall apartment buildings. I had been traveling down a side road, not on one of the main roads of the city. I talked with the man about it. I remembered the man that i had given a ride to. He seemed familiar to me. The man with me was sitting to the south of me, near the southern wall of the kitchen. A pale-green counter ran across the southern wall behind him, and cupboards were above and below it. I tried to tell the man that i knew the man i had given the ride to, trying to let him know that i did not think that the other man was dangerous. I paused, and the man was quiet. I thought for a moment, and then i said that i had gone to school with the first man. The man to the south seemed stern. He told me that the first man was not nice. I could not quite see the man to the south of me, but he seemed austral. He sat in the small wooden chair, slouching to the east a little. I said that i really did not know the first man well. I turned to the north. A family was standing in the center of the area to the north of me. A young child was running to the west from them. I had been taking care of the child, but i had not been paying attention because i had been talking to the man. This scene seemed like it was from a movie. I felt suddenly panicked, and i ran to the west, carrying the baby that was in my arms. I had to catch the child. The people around the room had seen the child run and me running after him with the baby in my arms. They started screaming in fright and acted afraid. The baby in my arms made a noise as i reached the western side of the room. I thought that he was upset because i was jostling him as i ran, but, when i looked down at him, i could see that he was laughing. I put the baby down, and he started running to the west. I tried to watch him, but i knew that his parents were here, and i felt nervous about the baby getting hurt. Other children were running around the room. The young boy i had been carrying ran into the couch to the northeast. A girl had been standing near the couch, but he passed my her. I thought that he was actually trying to hit her as he ran. I felt annoyed, thinking that he was misbehaving. I moved toward him. The people had already started to disperse. They were no longer concerned about the boy, but i still felt concerned for him. He did not seem to be safe because he was running around recklessly.

12014 March 16

I was trying to figure something out about the letters. It seemed that i was trying to create a sign, and i was looking at the letters for $G3. They were scattered on the floor to the north of me. I rearranged them on the large white sheet of paper. I set them out on the ground, but could not quite figure something out. I felt frustrated. I moved the letters around the table to the north of me. I was now in a store. I looked around at the wooden shelfs of books that were arranged throughout the store. I turned to the east. A rack of magazines was to the east of me. A man was just to the north of me. He pushed me as if joking. I turned to him. He was wearing a T-shirt under a denim jacket. He moved to the west of me and leaned against me, pushing me toward the shelfs. I felt challenged by him. I was also turned on my his aggression. I wanted to chat with him.

12014 March 17

I was supposed to be in the meeting at work. I moved around the office, going from cubical to cubical. I was looking far a chair to use. i had just gotten back to the office, and i needed to get to the meeting. Important people were coming. I then thought that this situation seemed very strange. People were then on the northern side of the room from me. I was in a large conference room with a long table in the center. The table ran from east to west, and the other people were on the northern side of the eastern end of the table. I moved around the southern side of the table, looking for a chair to sit in. The people were talking about the meeting that we were in, and they said that we had to be here until we finished. I thought that they were trying to scare the workers with threats. I then noticed that a cake was sitting in the middle of the table. It was the cake that i had tasted the frosting from. I thought that i probably should not have tasted part of the cake. I put some things on the table, and pretended i was cleaning a fork that was near the cake. I had to look like i was doing something. I felt uneasy here, though. I wandered to the north. The woman was lecturing on the eastern end of the room. She seemed to be important, but i was not interested in what she was saying. I headed to the door that was in the eastern end of the northern wall. The people in the room then started dancing. This seemed very strange. Everyone was acting as though this was a party. I thought that the woman was magical in some way. She had enchanted the crowd to think that this was a celebration. They did not know that they would have to continue work here. I headed out the door and stopped outside. I was on the northern side of the large modern building. A smaller building was to the north of the first building and to the northeast of me. It seemed to me mostly white but had black horizontal details. I wondered what i should do. I felt anxious. I then thought that i could fly around the area by the buildings. I then thought that, if i did, the people in the room would see me. It amused me to think that they would see the flying an realized that the woman was actually not so special. I stepped back to the south, coming into the western side of the room. I looked through a small archway to the west of me, into the next room. Several wooden dragons were suspended by strings on what looked like a swing set. They were being swinged back and forth. The design of the dragons seemed oriental. This seemed strange. I turned to the east and headed back into the main room, passing through the heavy brown curtain that hung in the doorway between the rooms.

12014 March 18

The people stopped in the area. Something had happened, and they seemed to be in a different time. I thought that they must have shifted into the past. The group was talking about what they should do. I was interested in the plot, and it seemed familiar. The woman was leading the group, and she seemed like Captain Janeway. The others spoke about her, saying that she was the one who suggested that they hide here. We were in a large room where others had gathered. The building seemed like a cabin, and it had bunk beds against the walls. Men were sleeping there. Janeway had suggested that everyone stay hidden in this time, but the others did not seem happy about it. Something had happened. The others then started attacking the soldiers who were sleeping in the beds. The soldiers did not react quickly and were being killed. This seemed strange. I turned to the southwest to see a man try to get up from his bed. He seemed more startled than frightened when a sword was stuck through his chest. I suddenly wondered if it was a good idea for the travelers to be killing the people of this time period. It might change the future. The travelers seemed frustrated here, though, and they were escaping. I watched the scene again as they started attacking the soldiers around them. The men around them were dressed in simply clothing and seemed to be from the colonial period. The attack seemed to take a while, and i wondered why the soldiers were not fighting back. This scene now seemed unrealistic. The travelers were killing the people here too easily. I watched a man to the west of me get stabbed in the face with a sword. He woke suddenly from his bed and touched his face, as if trying to figure out what had hit him. He seemed confused as he started to pass out. This did not seem realistic, and i started to get annoyed with the plot. I then saw another man to the north of the first wake up suddenly. A sword had been stabbed into the top of his skull. His face looked untouched, but, as he rose, i noticed the tip of the sword tearing through his left lower cheek. His right eye also seemed bloody. The man touched the skin under his right eye and looked at his finger, trying to figure out if something was wrong with his eye. This seemed too unrealistic, and i became frustrated with the scene. They were trying to make it funny by having the men repeatedly touch their faces in bewilderment. I turned to the west. We were now standing to the west of the cabin. The travelers were to the northwest of me. They had left the place and were starting to walk to the northwest. The leader was not with them, and i wondered where she was. They had protested her decision to stay, so maybe they left her behind. Five or six of them stood in front of me for a moment, looking at each other. As they turned to walk away, i noticed that the young boy, who stood on the northeastern side of the group, was wearing a green jersey with magenta and white detailing. It seemed to have a white stripe down the center of the back with magenta borders. It looked like a jersey for a sports team, and it seemed out of place in this time. I then realized that all of them were wearing modern clothing. Most had denims on. They must have changed into their clothing before leaving this place. They would look odd in this time because their clothing would stand out. This plot did not make sense, but i wondered what they were going to do.

12014 March 19

I moved quickly around the area. I had to hide the man for some reason. It was part of the plot. The story seemed interesting, and i tried to create it as i went. I knew that the book was starting in the middle of some situation. This was why there was so much action happening at the beginning. The king would come looking for the man. I thought about this as i walked to the east, along the cement sidewalk. The man then asked me where the other was. I could not tell him, and i tried to act as though i was unaware that everyone was looking for the missing man. I told the man near me that someone was in the barn. I motioned to the southeast. I then noticed a deep ditch running along the southern side of the road near me. It seemed strange. Someone had recently dug the ditch, but i wondered why it was there. It did not make sense that it was there. I turned back to the west, thinking about the plot. Something seemed out of place. I was then back in the large stone castle. The king was to the northeast of me in the room. He was asking about the man, and i was responding to him, but i was not letting him know that i knew where the man was. The man was unjustly accused of something, and i did not think that he should be hunted until we found out who actually did the thing. I headed to the southwest, walking through the archway into the other room. I circles to the southeast, passing through the small rooms. I had to get out of the castle before the king realized that i knew where the man might be. I felt nervous, hoping that i could get away. I felt annoyed, feeling as though i had been traveling in circles. All of the small chambers looked the same, and i was just going from room to room without knowing where i was heading. I was aware that the king was still in the large chamber to the north of me. I had not been able to move that far from him. I muttered to myself, saying that i was lost. I then heard someone talking to the king. I listened for a moment, realizing that the bad man was the one speaking to the king. He would make the king come after the man. He had accused the man of something bad, and he was the reason that everyone was after the man. I headed to the east, exiting the large door of the castle. I now seemed to be in the entry hall to the castle, and i thought that i could get out now. Just to the east of the door, however, i notice a small coin on the ground. I bent over to pick it up, wondering what it was, realizing that i was getting distracted. I felt nervous that they would come after me, so i should not spend too much time looking at the coins. I looked at the coin in my hand, noticing that it was a deutsche mark. I had to leave, but i noticed that several other coins were on the ground around me. They all seemed interesting, and i started to gather them, wondering what the were. I knew that i should not be wasting time on the coins. The bad men were coming, and i could not be seen here. I walked down the street to the west. The warrior was being hidden in the trees to the north of the street. A woman had hidden him there. She noticed me coming, and she adjusted herself, trying not to look suspicious. She leaned on the car, which was parked on the northern side of the street, to the south of her. The bad man was still following me. I thought about the woman for a moment. The plot was now inconsistent. I had to find a reason why the woman would be here. She continued hiding the warrior, moving things to make the scene look inconspicuous. The bad man was then there, and he followed the woman. He was suspicious of her. The woman walked to the north, into the small room formed by the thick branches of the trees. The trees formed four walls, with archways in many directions. A large machine was digging into the ground to the north. I thought that the people running the machine were trying to find out something about the warrior. I hoped that they did not find what they were looking for. I had to distract them. I was now the woman, and i wandered to the northeast, trying to avoid the bad man who wanted to talk to me. I passed through an archway and crossed through some of the small rooms. I crossed through another room and started heading up a flight of stairs to the northeast. I had to get away. I thought that the man was still after the woman, who was me, and i had to get away. I did not want him to capture me because i knew that he would accuse me of something and try to kill me.

12014 March 20

I flew over the ocean, looking down at the long thin islands that stretched east to west. I could see the long islands as though i were looking at them on a map. They showed up as tan stretches of land in blue water. I seemed to be somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, and a large content was to the northwest of us. I flew low over the beautiful shoals, seeing the golden sand just under the surface of the water between the islands. A boat was coming from the southwest, heading between the islands. I thought that the boat would hit the shoals and get stick. This was a good thing, because the man had taken the boat. I flew higher, seeing the long narrow lines on the map. They ran southwest to northeast. At first, i thought they were mistakes on the map, but then i realized that they were actually the islands. I thought that they were called “rail lines”. Someone had mentioned that before. The long narrow islands ran parallel to each other, making them look like train tracks in the water. I looked back at the boat, which was now in the islands. The man had grounded it on one of the shoals, and was now trying to hide it so that no one knew where he was. I looked to the north now, down the length of the long narrow channel between the islands. I was flying quickly down the channel. I then thought that this was very strange. The islands ran mostly east to west, so i should not have been following a channel going north to south. I should have been crossing the islands. Something seemed very strange. I was then in the airplane as the man flew it low over the islands. I started to feel nervous. The man was trying to land the airplane to get it out of sight. I looked at the sandy divisions between the islands. There was not enough water over the shoals to land the airplane. It would be like landing on the sandy land. I wondered how we would land, and i worried that we would have to crash the airplane.

12014 March 21

My father was riding a motorcycle to the east on the road, and i was following him. I seemed to be in the car with my mother as we crossed the large flat area, which seemed to be part of an airport. The sky was gray and hazy, and much of the area around us was covered with short dry grass. I drove the car around the area, heading somewhere. My parents were in the other car, heading to the east. I started to slow down. I did not want to keep up with them. I felt undecided and not sure where i wanted to go. I was upset about something. The low buildings of the airport were somewhere to the south of where i was, and the road i was on seemed to circle the airport in a large square. I was to the north of the airport, where the double-lane roads met the entry road. I reached the intersection and started to turn to the north, but cars were coming from the east. I had to avoid them in order to make my way to the north. I was riding my bicycle now. I felt anxious, not sure where i should go, but i turned toward the main road. I then realized that something was wrong with my bicycle. I stopped and looked down at the front tire, realizing that it was flat. I leaned forward and rolled the tire forward to look for a puncture. I felt annoyed. I was then in the garage. I had taken my bicycle here to have it fixed. I called my parents, complaining to them about the bicycle tire. The man in the garage thought that i was here to get the bicycle fixed again, but i did not want him to work on it this time. I just wanted to use the telephone and have my parents pick me up. I spoke to my mother on the telephone, saying that she should pick up $X3 and me. I looked to the north, seeing that $X3 was on a leash on the northern side of the cement room of the garage. The man who ran the garage was with $X3 now. $X3 wagged his tail as the man pet him. I felt annoyed with the man and asked him if he wanted to go outside. I said that we would take $X3 with us.

12014 March 23

I ran through the hallways of the high school, moving through the panicking crowds. It was somewhat dark here, but i could see all of the people running around in various directions. The zombies were invading the building. It was another zombie plot. I thought that it was the zombie apocalypse. I then thought that the word “apocalypse” was not quite correct in this situation. It would be a good thing to reduce the population of the planet, but i knew that the zombie attack would not really be the end of the world. It would simple be a reduction in the population. I stopped moving for a moment and watched the people run around me. Everything seemed tan and brown, and the zombies were running through the crowd with the other people. I started to float near the ceiling, thinking that the zombies could not get me if i was out of their reach. I watched some of the people walk under me. I then realized a tall man in a blue shirt walking toward me from the east. He was a zombie. He had curly black hair, and he looked at me as he came to the northeast of me. He was tall enough that he could reach me, and i started to feel worried that i could be grabbed. The man turned and reached for me. I became suddenly angry and aggressive, and i kicked him back so that he could not get me. I thought about beating him so that he would not get me. I turned to the south and started running again. The people here had somehow killed off the zombies in the local area. They were making themselves secure, but i knew that they could not be totally secure. They would all turn to zombies once they died. I came out of the building to the south. The land was flat and seemed foreshortened to the south of me. I turned to the west and started jogging along the side of the brown building. The ground and bushy trees were rendered in browns and tans. A line of bushes and weeds ran parallel to the building, just to the south of me. I crossed them, noticing a wide grassy area, which seemed to run to the west quite a distance. Other people were running around, but no zombies were in the area. I thought about this movie. It seemed to be a poorly written story. I then thought that it had been dumbed down for audiences. The zombie theme had been taken over by Disney and was now more of a joke. I turned to the north and walked into the store. I picked up an ax from the front of the aisle. I would need it for the zombies. I was getting tired of this plot.

12014 March 24

I felt anxious. I had to get something done. I stood on the long wooden dock, which extended from the north into the large body of water. I wondered if i should get on the boat before i talked to the other person. I was afraid that, if i talked to the person, i might miss something that was happening. I did not want to miss the boat. I then thought that i could not leave yet. I had to eat before i got to work. I felt confused. Someone then said that the boat ride would only take an hour. I felt nervous about getting on, but i decided to board. I steeped toward the boat, which was to the west of me. It looked like a large white tug boat. I then noticed two men getting on the boat in front of me. They walked up the gangplank and turned to the south. They were Abbot and Costello, and they wore tan dress suits. I got on the boat after them, thinking that they were part of the plot. They were going to be used as bait for the kraken. I watched them as they walked up the stet of stairs to the second level of the front of the ship. I stopped on the gangplank to the ship, which was now a set of metal stairs. I felt impatient because others had stopped in front of me. I then realized that many people were on the stairs, and, as some of them walked, the stairs bounced. I was still standing on the lower step, and it dipped into the water, getting my feet wet. I felt annoyed. The men above me on the stairs then started to talk. I wanted them to move forward. As they turned to the south, i watched them. One of them seemed very attractive. A woman, who was talking to the men then started talking about the beginning of the movie. I remembered this speech from before. It was different this time, though. The woman did not seem convincing, and the speech was not working to motivate the audience. I knew that she was talking about the swimmer from the Indiana Jones movie. This seemed strange, because i knew that the character was only shown in passing in the movie.

12014 March 25

I looked to the north, into the small bedroom of the old house. The house seemed small. It was a familiar house to me. I looked at the white wall on the northern side of the room. A white counter with cupboards above it ran the length of the wall. This place looked like the kitchen in my grandmother’s house. I moved to the north, noticing packets of meat on the counter. One plastic package looked like a brisket, and the other was a steak. They had been left out on the counter to thaw, but i thought that they had been out a while. I told my mother about them. I felt concerned, thinking that we would now have to use the meat quickly. I then thought that it might already be bad. I was upset about this.

12014 March 26

I was visiting $F4 in the small house. My mother had dropped me off here, and i talked to $F4 about her picking me up. $F4 talked about going to the place to get dinner. I wanted to go to dinner with him, so i told him that my mother could pick me up from there. I then felt confused. $F4 seemed to think that the place where we would be going to eat would be on my mother’s way here. I could not picture it, and i was not sure that it was on her way. I lay back on the bed, which was on the northern wall of the room. It was covered with a light-brown comforter. $F4 was getting his clothes from a closet to the east of me. He had to get dressed. When i looked at him again, i realized that he was getting dressed up. I felt uneasy, telling him that i did not have dress clothes. I told him that i had forgotten my tie. We were then heading to the south, leaving the house. We turned to the east on the street. I looked down at the sidewalk as we walked. I realized that $F4 and i were now wearing shorts and casual shirts. I thought that we had changed our dinner plans. My mother would now pick me up from somewhere else. We crossed the barrier to the north, which was blocking the sidewalk. We had to go through the narrow area and head to the west. I followed the sidewalk as it ran between the wooden boards. The sidewalk ran up the grassy hill to the west. This place seemed familiar, and i thought that it was at $P52. $565 then jogged up the path from behind us and passed us on the south. I started chatting with him. It was surprising to see him, and i was happy to chat. I was jogging through the corridor now. I felt as though i was having fun. The corridor was formed of sheets of plywood on the sides. It seemed to be a form of construction barrier, but i could not see any construction work on the hill around us. Thick bushes seemed to be just outside the walls here and there. I thought that the hill sloped down steeply on the other side, and i thought that we would be able to slide down it. The path had curved, and the hill descended steeply to the south. I stopped on the top of the hill. I was still carrying the pizza box with me. I opened the box to get rid of the pizza. I realized that there was only one slice left. I told $F4 that we had only one slice for kamikaze. I then crouched down on the hill so that the people on the hill would not see us. We were near the back wall of a slanted cinema now, and i thought that we would have to quickly eat the food before the management caught us with food that we had brought in. We also had to eat it discreetly. I hoped that the management did not find us and kick us out. I put the empty pizza box on the shelf to the north of us. As i let it go, though, i realized that i had put in on the lower edge of the window to the projector booth. The corner of the box was now illuminated by the projector. I quickly gabbed the box and pulled it away from the window, hoping that the shadow on the screen did not draw the attention of the management. I then noticed a man to the north of us, in the projection booth. I chatted with him for a moment, trying to act casually and hoping that he did not get mad that we had food in the theater. As we chatted, i thought that he did not really mind. I then turned to the south and noticed that the cinema was filled with people. I was surprised to see them. I had not been aware of them until now.

I followed the others down the hall to the west. A set of stairs ascended to the east along the northern side of the hallway, and we were approaching the underside of the stairs. I thought about going under the stairs. I headed down the flight of stairs below the main stairs. When i reached the bottom, however, i realized that they led to a dead end. The way was blocked by a barrier. I felt annoyed and started to go back. $F45 had followed me down. The others were heading down the normal stairs, which were on the other side of the ascending flight above us. I thought that the stairs actually went up to the west and then descended down to the lower level. I started to head back up, but then i noticed that $F45 had continued down the stairs and had not come back up. I looked down the stairs and did not see him. I though that he must have slipped over the top of the barrier, where a narrow gap was between the barrier and the ceiling. The others would be on the other side of the barrier. Annoyed, i headed back down. I wanted to climb the barrier now. A man near me seemed annoyed as i started climbing. He acted disappointed in me and asked me why i had to take a different way than everyone else. I felt annoyed with him and continued climbing over the barrier. The top ran close to the steps above. I realized that i would have to climb between two of the steps. It was too narrow for me to get through, though, so i pushed up on the top step until it came loose. I squeezed through the opening. I then realized that there would be another barrier on the other side of the closed area. I would have to cross it as well before i could get to the others. I wondered how i would get through it. I stepped down on the ground and headed to the west, down the corridor. I then realized that i would have to use the bathroom, so i turned to the south and headed into a restroom. $F45 was already in the room, and i felt annoyed with him. As i crossed the room, i realized that he had been in the shower room to the east and that he had left water on the floor of the room. A metal bucket was blocking the drain of the shower, and hair was clustered around the bottom of the bucket. I felt annoyed with $F45 for not cleaning up his mess. I had not noticed that he had made such a mess before. I felt angry, and i decided that i would not clean up the mess this time. I had something else i had to do here. I moved to the north to use the toilets. To my disappointment, i noticed that they were dripping and could not be used. I felt annoyed, and i turned to the east to urinate in the tub. I hoped that, when i flushed the toilet, it did not clear the drain of the bathtub. I did not want to clean it out inadvertently.

12014 March 27

I moved quickly to the west, along the country road. I looked to the north, across the field. I seemed to be on the road near $A328’s house. The land to the north of me rose slightly to the east and west. It was covered with field grass and a few trees here and there. It looked like old pasture land or planting land that was not being used. A houseboat was flying across the sky to the north of me, and i thought it was fascinating. I tried to get a better look at it as i floated over the road. I stopped and headed back to the east, trying to see where the houseboat had gone. It had disappeared behind a tree. I noticed that the sky around me was dark. A storm was coming in, and i felt uneasy about it. I then noticed a dirt driveway to the east of me. I could see a car driving to the north on the drive. They were heading to a small white house that was set back from the road, near the back of a field. I passed the old red barn that was near the road i was on. It seemed to have been obscuring the view of the houseboat. As i passed it, i could see the car turning to the west, crossing the yard. I thought that they must have been driving after the houseboat. I headed to the west again, trying to fly past my parents’ car, which i had been riding in earlier. As i cleared the western end of the barn, i noticed that the house in the distance was not a real house. It looked like a plastic model. It had a glossy facade and round towers on the corners. The towers were capped with onion-shaped roofs, making it look like an orthodox church. I wondered where the houseboat had gone. I looked back to the east, seeing the boat behind me. It was actually a small plastic toy boat that i was holding in my right hand.

I felt rushed. I had to get to the wrestling match. I was going to be late, because i had missed my plane. I was now traveling in a car with others. I hurried around the car, checking the tires. I thought that one was getting low on air. I felt frustrated. I had to get my thing out of the car so that i could get to the match. I carried several things in my arms, but i dropped them. I felt tense, and i bent over to pick them up. I was on the northern side of the street, and the curb was just to the north of me. I seemed to be in front of my grandmother’s house now. A pile of things was on the street to the northwest of me. A man was near them. He was looking at the record player that was on the pile of things.

12014 March 29

I moved to the west a little and sat down on the bench, which was on the southern edge of the small park. The ground around us was covered with cement, and it seemed recessed into the ground from the surrounding territory. A chain-link fence seemed to surround this area. Others were sitting on a raised area to the north. The man sat on the bench to the east of me. He had been talking to me about something. I felt a little uneasy about him, but i chatted. I looked to the west. $F45 was waiting for me. He walked on the western side of the fence, which marked the western border of the area that i was in. He seemed to be on a sidewalk, which was a few meters above the level of the ground that we were standing on. He turned to the west and sat down on the bench, which was against the fence. He was wearing a long brown trench coat. He dropped something behind him. The white popsicle wrapper fell to the ground inside the area lower area. $F45 had intentionally tossed it to the ground. I felt annoyed with him for littering. I then realized that the man with me would not be happy that $F45 was littering. I expressed my annoyance to the man, and i wanted $F45 to pick up his trash. I moved toward him to say something.

12014 March 30

The family took me to the south, into the small room of the shop. They were trying to help me escape this area. The father of the family seemed to be $A536. I was in a foreign country, and it seemed to be Russia. I felt very uncomfortable and nervous. I had to get out of this country. One of the daughters from the family led me to the east, across the room. She said something to a man on the eastern side of the room and then turned to me and gave me a booklet. The booklet had something to do with collegiate achievement. I started to flip through the small glossy book. The first page of the book asked about sports achievements at $P52. I had gone to that university, but i had not been involved in any sport. I thought that, if i could fill out the scholarship information, it would act as a pass to get me out of the country. The booklet probably had information that was relevant to me further in the book. I felt hopeful that this would get me safely out of the country and act as a valid set of papers when the authorities asked me for identity. The family headed to the north, out of the store. I started to follow them. A small crowd of people had left the store and was gathering on the street to the north. A police officer came from the west and started questioning people. $A536 stood outside his van with the driver’s door open. The rest of the family was getting into the car. I was supposed to get in the car with them, but i could not let the officer see me. The officer started questioning $A536, looking at his papers. I walked out of the store and into the street. The van was parked on the northern side of the street, facing to the west. I walked slowly past the van, heading to the west. I thought that the family could see me walking and would come pick me up once they could get away from the police officer. I walked past the car, looking at the family inside. They were looking at the officer and did not notice me. I was a little nervous that they might not notice me. As i passed the front of the van, however, i looked at the wife, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat. She looked out the front window at me. The rest of the family suddenly did the same. I was glad that they would know i was heading to the west, down the corridor of the mall. I had to get back out of this place, but i could not go too far or they would not know where to find me. I passed through two large doors at the end of the corridor. The mall beyond the doors ran to the northwest. We had come from this direction earlier. I remembered driving across a parking lot to the west of the mall and heading into a small corridor to get here. The corridors of the mall did not seem wide enough for a car, but the van was in the mall, so i knew that it must have driven in from some direction. I walked to the south. I seemed to be in a bar. The woodwork on the walls was very nice. The intricate carvings were highlighted with red paint. The room was dimly lighted, and it seemed very decorative. I walked along the western wall of the room as i continued south. The short wall to the east of me seemed to separate me from the rest of the restaurant or bar. I concentrated on heading to the south to get out of this place. I hoped that i was not traveling too far and that the family would be able to find me in the car. I was simply heading back out the way i had come, so they should be able to find me as they left the building. I turned to the west at the end of the passage and came into a very narrow passage with a low ceiling. I followed this to the south. The walls were very plain and smooth. I remembered coming in the doorway of the mall and coming down this corridor. I pictured the van driving east across a small part of the parking lot that was inset into the southern end of the large flat building. The van had entered a special swinging door on the eastern side of the lot and turned north up this corridor. I followed the corridor back to the south until i reached the door. I pushed it a little way, seeing light from outside. The door was a rotating door, and it had four fins. Two of the fins, which looked like faded green shutters, rested on the two sides of a cement corner of the building, to the southwest of me. I pushed on the door, but it would not open. I suddenly realized that the cement corner was preventing the door from turning. The door must be set up so that cars could come in to the building but could not get out this way. It was a one-way door. Annoyed, i realized that i would have to head back down the corridor and find another way out of the building. I headed back to the north, thinking that it might be a good thing that i was because the family would have a better chance of seeing me if i was not so far away from them down the hallway.

12014 March 31

I had been on the eastern side of the room, working on the book on the desk. I had been putting some of the text together, and i asked $A14 about it. I looked at the small paragraph on the table. It said that the book would be rendered in German, but it also mentioned a specific publication. I read the words again, noticing that it said that the book would be printed in “wisseschafte”. I remembered the term as referring to a specific magazine, but then i thought that it really should say “wissenschaft”. I thought that this spelling was different because of the way that the book was being handled. It was not really part of the magazine, so the extra N was not necessary. I said something about the book as i turned to the west. I kept thinking about how it was to be created. $A14 was on the western side of the room, and i said something to him about the book. I also showed him the watch that i had been working on. It had something to do with the book. The watch had a metal frame and a white leather-like strap. I had cleaned the dirt off of the strap, and the material was now wet. $A14 looked over the watch, saying that we should leave it to dry in the laboratory. This did not make sense to me, and i thought that he was being overly anxious about the work. I knew that the watch would dry by itself in an hour or so. I was annoyed with $A14 for saying that we would have to go through a lot of trouble to get the watch dry. I took the watch and told $A14 that i would put it back with the book. He seemed uncertain but let me take the watch. I headed back to the east, walking up the slope of the white room, which looked like the neighborhood to the northwest of my house. I looked at the white band of the watch as i walked, noticing a little bit of dried mud on the back of the band. I brushed it off with my right thumb as i continued walking past the laboratory tables, which were to the south of me. They seemed like the houses on the street. I turned to the south down the street, which was an aisle between the tables in the room, still looking at the white watch.