12015 March 01

I headed to the south down the wide driveway, toward the tall apartment building. The building was modern in design. Its base was cement, and the building was wider from the second floor up. Its surface was dark brown. It was dark out, and several lights were on in the building. The driveway seemed to lead to two wide garage doors. The people ahead of me headed down the eastern side of the driveway, walking down the side of the building. I realized that the people ahead of me were dressed formally. I worried that the party at the upper floor of the building might be formal. I was not dressed for it. I wondered if i would be able to sneak into the building by following the others into the side entrance. I followed them down the sidewalk and walked into the side door of the house. We entered into a wide square stairwell. The stairs started upward on the western side of the well, ascending to the south. The others had already gone up the stairs by the time i reached the bottom step. I felt unsure whether i should be here. The party above seemed formal. I looked up to see the others on a landing on the southern side of the stairwell. I thought that i could tell the bouncers here that i was just passing through the building. I started to worry that i was not dressed well enough to go to the party. I would need a formal suit and tie. I started up the first flight of stairs, but stopped, thinking that i would not be able to make it into the party. Some other people came into the door. They were not that well dressed, but they were young. One of them was wearing blue jeans. I felt discouraged and backed down the stairs. I left the building as the others went upstairs.

We drove to the west, along the northern side of the highway. I knew that we had to head to the south and drive around the circular highway ramp. I told the person driving the car about this. The car turned to the south and stopped at the intersection. We were on the northern side of the wide highway, which had a wide grassy median in the center. We seemed to be waiting to turn to the east on the highway, but i told the others that we had to get onto the large curving ramp. I was not sure where the ramp was, though. I then thought that it should be across the highway from where we were. I thought that we would actually have to drive to the south, across the highway and then get onto the wide curving ramp, which turned to the west before curving back into the eastbound lane of the highway. I pictured the ramp from above as i stood in the living room. I was standing on the northern side of the room, which seemed to be on the eastern end of the house. A grayish-white couch was to the south of me, facing west, and it was covered with a textured cloth. $A7 stood to the south of me, behind the couch. Some of his family was in the room with us. I was visiting him and his family. $A626 was sitting on the couch. He was visiting this place with me. I sat down on the northern end of the couch. $A7 said something and then walked to the south. He rounded the southern end of the couch and exited the room through the doorway is the southern end of the western wall. $A626 leaned to the north, putting his head on my shoulder. It felt good to have him close to me. He then put his right and on my left knee. I liked being emotionally intimate with him, but i felt uneasy showing intimacy here. I thought that $A7 might be uncomfortable with what we were doing. I moved $A626’s hand off of my knee. I then asked about going someplace. I thought that all of us were supposed to go out somewhere. The place to which we wanted to go seemed to have something to do with the curving entrance ramp to the highway.

We were talking about the museum as we drove to the west, through the city. $F58 was in the back seat of the car, and i was sitting in the passenger’s seat. A woman was driving the car. I looked out the window at the large stone building on the northern side of the street. It was the museum that we had been talking about, and we were driving past it. I pointed out the building to the driver, but we continued to the west. I then noticed another museum, and i pointed out that we were passing this one as well. The second building was set back from the road, which a wide stone plaza in front of it. The gray building had steps leading up to the main entrance, which was surrounded by tall columns, which ran up the height of the building. Colorful banners hung in front of the columns. They were mostly purple and colored as if they were tie-dyed. They were advertising an exhibit at the museum. $F58 said that they were nice posters. She then added that they would be nice on LSD. She leaned forward, holding out two pills in her right hand. The pills were on a small black tray. One was pink, and the other was yellow. I felt a little uneasy about people doing LSD here. The car turned to the north, into the parking lot, which seemed to be the parking lot for the museum.

12015 March 02

I stared to the south as i moved to the west. I was moving with the three women, who were spirits. They were dressed in white and seemed to glow. I felt cautious around them, but i knew that it as something special that they were with me. One of the women was walking with me. She represented the future. She moved with me, to the southeast of me, but she did not look at me. She stared intently to the west. She reached out her left hand and dragged it along the white foam that formed a wall to the south of us. The foam seemed to be a tall snow bank, but it also seemed like the froth of a rolling wave that had been stopped in motion. The woman’s hand created an indent in the snow. The other two women followed. I wondered what we were doing here. I knew that it was a special thing to be with the spirits, but i was not sure what i should do. One of the other women then encouraged the one with me to tell me something. The woman with me seemed annoyed to do so, but she said that the date was November 1991. I thought that the significance was in eleven. I then looked to where the woman was dragging her hand. She seemed to be removing the white powdery surface of the wall to reveal a dark underside. I looked more closely at the dark spot. The inside of the wall looked like dirty icicles. The snow had black flecks throughout it. It was important. I then thought that the date that the woman had given me was in the past. If i were supposed to do something with the date, i would have to do it in the past. I felt confused. How could i do it again? I did not think that i would be able to travel back in time.

12015 March 03

We were on a zeppelin, but something seemed wrong. The long rectangular room stretched to the west of me. I turned to the east. The older man was talking urgently with the young man. The older man wore a dark-blue coat. He seemed to be the captain of the ship. He looked up from the boy and told me to do something. I turned to the north and ran into the corridor. I was still facing south, toward the captain as i moved down the corridor. A set of stairs ascended to the south along the western wall of the corridor. They were separated from the corridor by a thin wall. I put my right foot on the bottom step to start up the stairs, but i stopped to look at the wooden steps. An orange cat was sleeping in the center of one of the steps. I was not sure if i should disturb the cat. As i looked at it, the cat seemed to be set into the stairs. It then seemed that the spaces between the steps were being used as shelfs. I looked at a large empty glass jar that was in the opening between two of the lower steps. When i looked at the jar again, it seemed that a wood panel was over the top of it and that the panel was not actually part of the step. The panel was flush with the step, but i thought that, if someone stepped on the panel, the jar would crush under the weight. The captain then said something to be about getting the zeppelin under control. I ran up the stairs and turned to the west into the long narrow rectangular room. The ceiling of the room was domed, curving up from the walls and cu9ving down to the west. A large window or opening was in the western end of the wall. Through it, i could see the dark storm clouds. We were flying through the storm, and we had to steer out of it. A long pair of rods was suspended from the ceiling. They seemed to be closer on the western end, pointing out the window in the curved ceiling. They were held up by thin rods, which stretched diagonally to the ceiling on the southern and western sides. I grabbed the eastern end of the structure, thinking that it would hold the zeppelin steady. As i pulled down on a metal bar, however, the zeppelin started to bob up and down. I could see lightning out the windows, and i worried that i could not control the ship. I tried again to steer the ship. Again, the ship rocked roughly. I must have been doing something wrong. I tried grabbing the central controls in my arms. To my surprise, the control column was actually alive. It was the body of a large anaconda. It started to writhe as i tried to control the ship. I realized it and backed away, afraid that the snake would attack me.

12015 March 04

I had been walking to the south on the city street, but now i turned to the east at the intersection. I was on the northern sidewalk of the street. Some people were with me, and i pointed out the restaurant where we had eaten earlier. It was to the southeast of us, across the street. It was closed now. The man with me said it was good, but i thought that it must be a greasy place. As we passed another restaurant on the street, i told the man about it.

12015 March 05

We stopped on the eastern end of the bridge and looked west at the curving structure. The bridge looked more like the top of a dam. It bowed to the north as it crossed the wide gorge. The others were gathering here and were discussing the trail. Thy seemed like $G4, and they talked about how the trail should be set. $A623 was with me. I was not sure where the trail would lead, but i thought that it should go over the bridge. It seemed as though it had crossed the bridge before, but this year’s trail might be different. I started walking with $A623, and it seemed as though we were traveling quite a long way. We seemed to be crossing the bridge. It had not seemed this far when we were standing on the eastern side, but i descried how the distance was actually four miles, saying that it was because one side was longer than the other. It had to do with the curve in the bridge. We were sitting on the back of the bus as we came into the city area on the western side of the bridge. It now seemed dark outside. The bus was traveling to the east, and it pulled over to a stop on the southern side of the road. I thought that this was probably where the train ran. Three or four young adults were standing just ahead of us on the bus. They wore plaid flannel shirts. They were getting ready to get off the bus through the back door, which was in the center of the bus. I looked out the southern widow at the buildings. The businesses on the lower floors seemed to be pubs or nightclubs. I recognized this place and thought that we had stopped at the pubs here last year. The people in the flannel shirts got off the bus, and i hurried to get off after them. I then thought hat they would be going to the pub where $G4 was stopping. I started walking to the east down the sidewalk, but then i realized that $A623 was not with me. She had not gotten off of the bus. I felt suddenly unsure that i was at the correct stop. I turned back to the bus, but it started driving away to the east. I did not know quite what to do. We seemed to be under a long metal roof that ran over the top of the sidewalk. This place now seemed like a train platform. The people in the flannel shirts had turned to the south and walked through a doorway in the southern wall. I followed them, heading east down a set of metal steps. I remembered this from before. We were near the shop where $G4 had stopped last year. I reached the sidewalk at the bottom of the steps and looked around. This street looked very modern, with new shops and clubs. It was not exactly how i remembered, and i was again unsure whether i was in the right place. I thought that $A623 was probably at the correct pub. I wondered what i should do. I then thought that i still had my cell phone with me. I could call $A623. I was unsure about this. Something did not feel right. I thought about this for a moment as i sat in the small room with the black walls. I then noticed the orange fish swimming in the water to the northwest of me. I was sitting on a padded bench near the eastern wall. I stood up and looked at the fish. Four or five of them swam toward my face, and i felt wary of them. As they approached, i shooed them away with my hand. I then realized that the room i was standing in was filled with water. That was how the fish could swim so close to me. I decided that i should get out of the water before the fish returned. I stepped to the west, walking through the open area on the southern end of the western wall. The rest of the western wall seemed to be glass, with a short wall supporting it from below. I reached the western surface of the water and pushed through it. I felt a lot of resistance as i stepped out of the water and into the air to the west. I then realized that i had been standing in water. This suddenly seemed very strange. I wondered how the water was contained in the vertical surface. I then wondered how i was breathing so easily under water. It did not make sense.

12015 March 07

I walked to the north and took the paperback book from the narrow wooden bookcase that was against the northern wall. I would need one of these books for a class that i was taking. I knew that i had not really read the books, so i thought that i would have to skim the book and find out the details, just in case the teacher asked some questions in the class that we were going into next. The book was about the size of a trade paperback, and it had no covers. I took it with me, wondering whether i should put it in my backpack or not. A woman was sitting in one of the chairs in the center of the room, and she asked about the book. I replied, but did not really want to be disturbed. I flipped through the book, looking at a few things here and there as i answered her question. I noticed several black line drawings on the pages, and i wondered if i could find out about the plot by reading the image captions. I wondered if the book was really a set of short stories. If it were like Greek mythology, i would not get the details of the stories by reading the pictures. The book seemed to be about an older woman and a young man. The person to the south of me asked me about the plot, but i answered vaguely, trying not to let her know that i had not read the book. I thought about the characters in the book again, thinking that the young man had a picture near the end of the book. I wondered if the old woman was trying to seduce the young man. The young man’s name seemed to be Chris. I could not quite remember the woman’s name. I wandered to the west a little along the northern wall. A door was close just ahead of me. I stopped in front of the wooden door in the northern wall. The door led into the small classroom where i would have class, but i thought that i was early. I was not sure if anyone was in the class. I started to open the door, but i heard a teacher there with other students, so i headed back to the south. The others were still sitting near the southern side of the room. I thought about the book some more, trying to figure out the plot. Chris seemed to be an attractive young man, and i pictured him in the back of the book with bushy blond hair and no shirt, as if posing for a picture.

I walked with the others to the north, over the large flat rocks near the water. The dark rocks were rounded with wear. We seemed to have come into a small gorge with a crescent-shaped swimming hole. The dark rocks to the south were taller than the rocks to the north, and the deep water curved around the northern rocks. Someone jumped into the water as i stepped over the narrow eastern end of the water to the rocks on the southern side. Some of the others stood for a moment along the southern side as people swam. I thought about jumping in, but i was not sure if i should. A young man jumped from the southern edge of the rock and flipped into the water. I looked down into the water where he landed, thinking that it was actually rather shallow. I could see the rounded brown rock under the water. The rock sloped down from the south, and the sedimentary layers were very obvious in different shades of brown. I then felt the rock under me shift. I could not see the man in the water, but i thought that he had swum under the rock that i was standing on. The waves must have hit against the northern side of the swimming area, which seemed to be underneath the rock, a few meters from the southern edge of the rock that i was on. I wondered if the rock that i was on could actually move. I shifted position, noticing that the rock slided a little. I backed up a little and tried moving the rock again. I waited for them to come into the open water to the south of me, because i did not want the rock falling on him while he was in the water. The man stood to the south, watching me. The rock that i was on moved. I looked down at it, now seemed to be higher from the surface than i should be. The semicircular rock was separated from the main part of the ground along the northern end. I shifted the rock back into position. I then stepped on it again, and the fracture again opened up. The other person watched me do this. I started to feel that he was annoyed with me. I was now very high above the rocks. I shifted the rock back into position and turned to the north. A tall plaster wall was now to the east of us. It had square openings near the top with pale-red sills and square columns holding up a roofline. I lifted myself to one of the windows and looked out. I could see out over a large ocean now. I was surprised to find that we were this close to an ocean. The person behind me talked about the area outside. I looked out over the water to the east. I could not see any land in the distance to the east. I looked to the south, noticing the curve of the land that we were on. This place seemed like Italia. I then looked back to the north, noticing some islands. I then turned to the west and said something about the water. The man started talking to me about where we were. I told him that i could not see any land in the distance. He said something about Greece. I looked back out the window, which was now to the north of me. I could see several small islands right in front of us, but i was still not sure that i could see any large land masses in the distance. The man came to the window to the east of me. We were now on a vehicle that was moving to the north along the coast. Trees and other structures seemed to block our view. I pointed out the island directly to the north of us. It was small, with a white house on the eastern side and several tall young trees growing across the surface. A white flagpole in a square cement base stood among the trees in the center of the island. Through the trees i could almost make out another island, but i was not sure if it really was an island or the mainland. A man in white stood just to the east of the flag pole. He had been doing something on the lawn and now turned back to the east. He had a turban and looked Indian. The man to the east of me said that the land in the distance was Israel, and he pointed to the northwest. I looked across the water, now seeing land on the opposite shore. Something changed, though, and the land around us did not quite look the same. We were still traveling along the water, but the features of the land somehow looked different. The man to the east of me noticed it as well. Someone from the front of the bus, to the west of us, announced something. We were still traveling with the group of people. I looked again out the window, and the scenery again seemed to have changed. The buildings around us were more like a city area, and i could no longer see the river. I thought that we must have been jumping ahead in time to get to these other areas. The city seemed large now, and i wondered if it was New York City. I pointed out some features on the red brick building to the north as the bus came to a stop by the sidewalk. Something about the building seemed familiar, but i was not exactly sure where we were. I told the man that i recognized some of the features of this place. Something seemed special about the way that we were shifting positions. The bus then started moving forward again. I looked at the small red building, which seemed to be a plaster building that was painted red. I thought that it was a pub, but i was not sure. The bus then turned, and it seemed to be headed to the south. I looked around at the buildings. Someone then said that this was the place where the news was filmed. I looked at the tall white building on the northwestern corner of the intersection that we were passing through. It looked like an old wooden church tower. I recognized some of the metal trim around a square opening in the center of the tower, and i realized that this was one of the scenes that was showed on television before the local news show. I told the person next to me that this place might be Syracuse. I then looked to the east, down the street that we were crossing. I could see the brightly colored tower of another church. This church sat on the northern side of the street. It was dark-red, but it had bright brassy bars running vertically up the front of the tower. The bars curved into each other, forming an organic pattern. The top of the tower was missing, though, and the entire building seemed to be truncated. I told the person that this was the church that had collapsed because of the snow. I was then unsure whether this was true. I looked at the church for a moment, trying to remember if this was the place in Syracuse.

12015 March 08

I had to get to work. I felt rushed. I was driving to the east on the country road, and i pulled off on the shoulder. I wondered if it was okay to park here, but i noticed that the shoulder on the side of the road was actually very wide. I looked at the grassy shoulder as i pulled toward the side of the road. A white line ran parallel to the road in the grass, about a meter and a half from the pavement. I thought that it marked the edge of the shoulder. I would have enough room to pull off to the side and stop. I parked the car, letting another vehicle pass me from the west. I felt very nervous, thinking that i had to get to work to get something done. I did not really want to go, and i felt anxious. I took the metal key out of the ignition and got out the passenger’s door of the car. I turned to lock the car, but realized that i had left the window open a crack. I wondered if it would be okay. I pressed against the top of the glass, noticing that i could reach most of my hand into the car. The window was open enough that the window could bend when pressed. I felt annoyed, and i unlocked the car to roll up the window. The car now seemed to be parked on the northern side of the country road, facing north. I was on the passenger’s side of the car when i opened the door. I was aware of the large vehicle approaching from the east. It sounded like a tractor or large construction vehicle. I felt nervous about leaving my car here. I glanced to the east as the vehicle approached me, looking at the driver briefly as it passed. The land around me was rural. The sides of the road were covered with cut grass, and bushy green trees grew tall to the north of me. A narrow road ran to the north from an intersection to the east of me. I had to head to the north to get to the office. I pressed the black buttons on the driver’s door of the car to roll up the windows. I started to feel very tense. As i got out of the car, i was again on the southern side of the road. I had to put the metal key into the car to lock it. I noticed that the sky was very dark to the north of me. I glanced up at the dark gray clouds. I wondered if a storm was coming. I hurried to turn on the car and lock the doors. The key was in the dashboard to the east of me. I then felt that i was already late to my job. I did not really care, but i felt upset about it. A woman came down the hallway from the west. She said hello to me and started opening the door to the north. She was heading into the office there. I said hello, and then i mentioned that i had to get to work. She would think that i had been in the office here for work, but i told her that i would have to come back in an hour or so. She sighed in sympathy as she looked my way. I felt very tense. I had to get somewhere.

12015 March 14

I looked at my finger as i washed my hands in the bathroom. Something seemed wrong with my skin. It seemed to be peeling near my fingernails. I felt upset about this, and i did not know what to do. Concerned, i turned to the west and headed into the other room. I looked down at my fingers, which seemed long and disfigured. I told the other person about this, showing the person the bowls of pasta that i was carrying. I moved around, trying to figure out what i should do. I was in the room, which seemed like a living room, when the men came from the south. The others in the room saw him coming. He was one of the bad guys, and i thought that he was here to hurt us. I ran to the north, into the next room. Some of the others in the room stayed where they were when the man came in. One of the men from the room started talking to the ad guy. The others knew that i was hiding from the bad man, but the man that was talking was not so smart. He tried to act like he did not know where i was, but he ended up telling the bad guy that i was hiding in the northern room. Everyone in the room then turned to look at me. I felt annoyed and nervous. I had to get away. Lights shined into the room, and the bag guy knew where i was. The scene then changed suddenly. I was in the car, driving home. The vehicle did not have walls, and it seemed more like a stroller, but it moved down the road. I had to get home before the bad guys found me. I was then in the room where the people started entering from the south. They were Jewish. I felt annoyed with them because they would attract the attention of the bad guy.

I walked to the north and picked up the book that was on the wooden table in the center of the room. A woman was sitting on the northern side of the table, reading something from some of the old books. I had to collect the books and made a comment to the woman. A man was standing just to the west of the woman. She smiled and made a negative comment about the subject of the book. I felt upset, so i said “You don’t know the half of it.” It implied that i was angrier than she had thought.

12015 March 15

I walked to the west a little, still nervous about what was happening. The bad guys were trying to stop the good guys from reaching the caves in the mountain. We had done something to slow the bad guys down, so i thought that he people heading for safety on the mountain were safe. I looked at the rounded hill to the north. The hill ran along the northern side of the creek valley that we were in. It seemed to be mostly bare, with brush and trees. I could see a dark line running along the middle of the hill, slanting upward a little to the east. It was the trail that the others were following. I could see the small figures on the hill now. Six or seven dark figures walked slowly to the east, toward the cave that was in the mountain to the east. For a moment, i thought that they were the bad guys again, but then i remembered that they were the good guys. They had to reach the cave to capture the place. We had to let the plan continue. Someone was aiming at them. I could see the barrel of the rifle rise in front of me as if i was aiming at them. The scope focused on one of the people at the front of the line. I could not let this happen. I focused the gun at the person at the front of the group. I thought that i should purposely move the gun a little so that the shot would miss. It would alert the people that they were under attack. I pointed the pistol a little to the east of the person at the front of the line. Something then happened. The person, who was wearing a military rain hat, turned suddenly to me, as if they had heard the gun shot. Their white silhouette was centered in the crosshairs of the scope against a pale-red background. I moved suddenly, thinking that i had to do something. I reached out with my right hand, pulled the white curtain over the window to the north, and looked out the window to the west, seeing the hikers just rounding the corner of the mountain. I was in the building at the eastern end of the valley. The trail ran along the northern hill. The valley was covered with green leafy plants that mostly seemed low to the ground. I thought that the hikers were safe now. They had made it to the caves. A person then stepped in front of the window front he south. I backed away suddenly, letting the shade drop. I hoped that the person did not see me, but she turned and looked directly at me. She was $A727. The right side of her face was covered with the white hood that she was wearing, but the expression i could see made me uneasy. She had a crooked smile as she stared at me. She was letting me know that she had won. She was with the bad guys. I felt very upset. I could not let them win. I pointed my finger at the white plastic shade, which had fallen back over the window, creating a silhouette of her head. I was angry and scolded the shadow. I then realized that i still had the pistol with me. I looked for it, but did not see it immediately. I then noticed on the bathroom counter to the north of me. I grabbed the pistol and pointed it back out the window. The hikers were surrounded now. I wanted to shoot the woman in the white hood, but she had moved away from the window. I was angry and did not know what to do. Another woman was in front of me now. I knew that she was also one of the bad guys. $F58 stood just a little to the northwest of her. The woman was capturing $F58. I aimed the gun at the woman, thinking that i had to wait for $F58 to get out of the way. As soon as she moved, i fired at the woman’s head. I then ducked down, thinking that the others would shoot back at me. I waited for a moment, but nothing happened. I then heard $F58 tell me that i should put the gun down and come out. She was trying to protect me. I was very angry and did not know what to do. I could not let the bad guys take over.

I walked around the white room of the house, which i seemed to be living in. It was a new house to me. I noticed the small windows on the southern wall, near the ends of the walls. They looked out over the town below. I then noticed odd square indents in the walls. I had not seen them before. I moved toward one, looking more closely. I realized that the squares were old windows that had been covered over. I could see where vertical strips of a plaster-like material had been sealed to the outside of the window glass. Through a few cracks in the glass, i could see the house to the south of us, across the street. We were on the hill that overlooked the town, so the modern structure across the street was lower that the house that i was in. It had a flat roof and a rough plaster surface. I could see the valley below and part of the lake in the distance. This was a nice view, and i wondered why it had been covered over. I backed away from the wall, noticing a second window that had also been covered up to the east. I turned back into the room, thinking that i should uncover the window. I felt uneasy about this, though. I had just moved into this house, and i felt uneasy making changes so soon. My mother seemed to be in the room to the north of me. I thought about the windows again. I then looked back to the south. The middle section of the southern wall was now set back from the rest of the wall. The corner on the western side had a small section that was covered with glass. I moved close to the glass, noticing that the glass formed a small booth, blocking the inset cornel of the wall. A black metal frame shaped a pine tree in the corner. I looked at the glass, thinking that it was actually rather thin. It would not insulate against the cold. I could actually feel the cold air near the glass. I then noticed that the western wall behind the glass was really a narrow set of double doors. I could see the bottoms of the blue doors below the metal pine tree. The doors were not sealed well, and i thought that cold air could get in from outside. I stood up, seeing that the glass walls did not extend all the way to the ceiling. This seemed strange. The cold air would be allowed to come into the house. The glass walls were just blocking direct flow. I turned and walked to the north, thinking about this house. It seemed to have many things that i had not yet discovered. I came into the northern room and turned to the east. Modern glass shelfs lined the eastern wall, just to the north of a doorway. Old stereo equipment had been left on the shelfs. I wondered if any of it was $F45’s. I then noticed the large speakers on the solid white shelf on the southern wall. The two speakers had small open horns on the eastern ends of the front face. They seemed to be loud stereo speakers, and i thought that they probably went with the stereo equipment that was on the shelf. I looked at the stereo equipment again. One of the things looked like a phonograph player, but it was much smaller. It had a blue disk on the top of it, and i thought that it was actually a CD player made to look like a record player. $F45 was then near me. I felt uneasy here, and i said something about the record player. I pressed the small machine and the blue disk started spinning on the top of it.

12015 March 16

I sat on the southern side of the table. I was trying to figure out the test, but the second question did not seem to make any sense. I looked closely at the equation. It looked like “Bme = 8me”. I knew that it had something to do with physics, but the units did not seem to match. It was as if the quantities being related really had no relation to each other. I then thought about the eleven in the equation. It seemed to have some significance. I just could not figure out the units. I looked at the right side of the equation, which said “110 hours per second squared”. The units still did not make any sense.

12015 March 18

The woman walked to the south of me from the eastern side of the room. She was telling me about the record that we had been working on. She wanted me to design a cover for it. I could hear the music. A woman was singing in front of rock music. The singer’s voice was rough and uneven. The music also sounded as though it was not mixed well. I sat down in the chair on the northern side of the table and looked at the notepad in front of me. The woman was telling me the name of the band. I started writing down the name. I then wondered if i would be singing as part of the band, since the woman was in a group that i was in. The group seemed to be a small chorus, so i thought that i would be singing somewhere in the background. I then focused on the words. The first word seemed to be “introduction”, but i was not quite sure. The woman spoke slowly for the rest. I wrote down “to two little women” after it. I noticed the double sounds of “to two” and though about the book titled Little Women. I did not have enough space to write the last two words, so i squeezed them in, letting “women” curve upward on the right side of the page. I wondered what kind of record cover i would make. I then thought of an old image from a children’s book. I pictured two doll-like drawings of young girls. The front one was in a blue dress with a white apron. She had curly blond hair, which i thought could be cut into a mohawk. I also thought about giving her earrings or other piercings to make her look punk. The girls could be drawn in the bright storybook style on a stage playing with a hard rock band. I imagined the one in the blue dress to be center stage, holding a microphone out toward the audience. The second girl would be behind her, on the right side of the stage. I then thought that a stuffed animal could be playing drums in the background.

12015 March 19

The other runners were to the north of me. This seemed to be a run of $G4, and they were doing something. Some of them suddenly started to the west, crossing the narrow street and heading into the large tan building. They had taken something from $F49 or $A601. I felt annoyed that they had taken the thing. The large tan building seemed to be made of stone, and it had a wide archway across the front of it. The doorway was set back into the archway. I thought that the person who had taken the thing would simply run through the building and come out somewhere to the west. I looked to the west, down a narrow alley. A man in green running shorts appeared from a building to the north. He seemed to be $A119. I thought that he had taken the thing. He stopped in the alleyway, as if unsure what to do. I headed down the alley toward him, but he had already moved away. As i came to the area where he had emerged from the building, i saw the stairs that led down into the building. He must have come up them. The southern side of the large tan building had a wide set of stone stairs that ascended to the second floor of the building, which was a wide landing on the outside of the building. The landing seemed to be covered by a roof, which was held up by thick stone columns from the front edge of the landing. The man had come up from a set of stairs that ran down a corridor into the lower set of steps. The corridor was somewhat narrow and descended into the building. I walked up the stairs on the eastern side of the corridor, looking down onto the stairs. I expected other people to come up the stairs. I wondered what i should do. The man had already taken off with $A601’s thing. I felt bad that he had played a joke on $A601. As i looked at the uneven stone ground of the landing, i noticed a round metal plate to the northwest, sitting against the wall. The ground now seemed to be carved out of natural rock. It had an uneven surface that was covered with small grains of sand. The wall to the north of me was also uneven. I looked at the metal plate. The top surface was shiny, and it had a small dark square indentation on the northwestern side. I realized that it was a plate from an old wood stove. I thought about pushing it into the stairwell to the south, but i did not want anyone to get hurt if it hit them. I looked again at the plate. It seemed to have changed shape and was now clearer. It was definitely a chrome-plated plate to a wood stove, but the edges were distorted now, as if parts of it had been melted and the metal had oozed outward from the center of the plate. A few other people came up the stairwell to the south of me. I turned my attention back to them. They were looking for the first person. One of them turned to look at me as i stood on the higher elevation of ground. I headed to the southeast, jogging back down the slope. As i reached the edge of the stairs, the rock was actually a short cliff. The smooth white rock rolled steeply down to the level below. I jumped down the surface, wondering what it would look like to the others. I was sliding on the rock, but it felt as if i was not actually touching the ground. A second decline was ahead of me with a short landing between. I did not put my feet down on the landing. Instead, i allowed myself to glide over the landing and start descending the second slope. I was really gliding.

I headed to the west, down the sidewalk. I had left the others. They were on their way to class, but i had something to do. I felt very distracted. I was upset that i would not be going to class, but i felt that i had to get something done. I then turned to the north and headed across the large grassy field. I stopped near the northeastern corner. I had to do something. I had some books with me when i started. A wall of a room was near the northern edge of the field. I looked back to the south. $A645 was walking to the east on a sidewalk that was across the street that ran along the southern side of the field. I did not want her to see me. I turned quickly back to the wall, noticing the picture that was hanging on it. It seemed to be a picture of $A645, but i had only caught a glimpse of the face. I wondered if the bill of my cap would hide my face from $A645. I had to get some clothes from the closet here. I then heard $A645 call my name. I looked back to the southwest. A woman had come into the center of the filed and was now sitting down. She wore a white shirt and had her black curly hair tied back behind her head. She looked very much like $A645, and i looked at her, pretending that i thought that she had called my name. She was not looking at me, though. I then had to look up at $A645, who was heading in my direction.

12015 March 21

I walked to the west with the group of other people. We were walking down the center of the street in the urban area. I was talking to one of the men with me. He seemed to be in a position of leadership. I then realized that we were actually marching as a formation down the street. We should have been in two lines, but i had formed a third by walking in the center of the group. I was supposed to be leading the people behind me. I asked the man to the north of me about the situation. We here heading to a place at the end of the street we were on. The place seemed to be directly to the west of the intersection where the street ended. I looked to the south of me, over my left shoulder, and realized that the line of men that had been behind me were curving to follow me as i strayed to the north a little. I should have been in charge of them, so i quickly told them to get back into a straight line. The man in charge of the company was to the west of me. He gave an order for the group to turn. He said “column left”. The line of people to the north of me turned right, heading out, and the line to the south turned left. I hurriedly got back in front of the line that i was leading and started to turn left, thinking that i would have to slow my steps because i was on the inside of the turn. The man in charge then stopped the group. He had noticed the disorganization in the columns and told everyone to form into two columns. I felt disappointed. I was comfortable being at the head of the line, and i did not want to become a troop again. I thought that the man in change would just let me walk along with the others. He then started talking to me about something. We had stopped just to the west of a brown building. He seemed very serious about something. He had a round face and shaved black hair. I knew him. He spoke very seriously to me about the building to the west, saying that it was important that we get there. I felt as though we were supporting some cause that was taking place in the building. I wandered to the east a little, into the corridor of the building. I had left the atrium or lobby and started down a corridor into the interior of the building. I had been working in a lab on the western side of the building. I wanted to leave this area. I realized that i was heading in the wrong direction, so i stopped and turned back to the west. A man in a white lab coat was approaching me from the east. I had been chewing an apple, and i now had the core in my right hand. I looked to the north, noticing an open doorway. A gray garbage can was in the middle of the floor. A man in a lab coat was facing the northern wall, working on some equipment on a counter, which ran along the northern wall. I tossed the apple core into the room. I had tossed it toward the garbage can, but it seemed to go quite a bit higher than the can, hitting the gray equipment and making a loud noise. I continued down the hallway, hoping that no one would be upset. I then thought that the man in the white lab coat who had been coming down the hallway would have seen me. He might be following me to yell at me. I came into the atrium, which was a square room with tall white cement walls. It looked like a wide stairwell. People sat on orange couches with square corners. I started up the stairs that ran to the west along the northern wall. As i was halfway up the stairs, i realized that the top of the flight of stairs ended on the western wall. A landing should have led across the western wall, but there was no landing at the moment. I looked across the room to the southern wall. A flight of stairs continued upward to the east from the center of the wall. At the bottom of the flight, i could see a gap in the handrail where the landing would have connected. The work crews had taken out the landing. This seemed very strange, and i said something about it to the three people on the couches in the center of the room. They looked up at me for a moment. I then headed back down the stairs and into the corridor to the east. I was again aware of the man in the white lab coat following me. He was upset that i had thrown the apple core into the room, and he was trying to catch me. I left the atrium, thinking that he would have come in from the other side. I had to move down the corridor quickly to get out of his sight. Large metal crates were in the center of the corridor. I could easily hide behind them. I then thought about moving around the crates to keep out of sight of the man as he came down the corridor looking for me.

12015 March 22

I hurried to get the things ready in the kitchen. $G4 was outside, to the south of the house and to the southwest of me. The kitchen seemed to be on the eastern side of the house. It had a large island counter in the center. Large appliances were on the walls, with tall metal things to the south. A metal table was to the east of the large central counter, which had a sink in the northern side. I was arranging food on a round tray on the northern end of the metal table. I picked up the tray, thinking that the round dish that i had put on it did not quite fit. I moved the tray to the northeastern corner of the counter, which seemed to be a cleaning area for dishes. Several other trays were stacked on the counter under what i was doing. I noticed that the large brown round tray had edges on the sides. The dish i had fit nicely into it. I decided to remove the smaller tray that i was using and put it on the larger round one. When i pulled up the dish and the small tray, however, i could see that the large tray had bacon left on it. The bacon was also on the underside of the small tray that i had. I moved some of the trays around. I had to put the dish of food down, so i moved it to the east. A man was washing dishes in the sink just to the east of me, and the round tray would have to go over the easternmost sink. I told the man not to get any water on the food while i had it there. I hurried to find a clean tray, but i could not get one that would work. I then felt that i had to get going or in would miss the others outside. $G4 was gathering by the cars. I looked out to the south and noticed the cars parked in the snow inside the round driveway in front of the house. $G4 had already left for their run. I felt upset. I headed to the west and then to the south, coming outside in the driveway. No one was there. I now started to feel angry that they had left without me. I wanted to leave. I headed to my car. As i reached the blue car, i realized that the doors had been left open. The car was facing north in the snow, and the hatchback door was open. The others must have been sitting in the trunk to drink the beer. The trunk was now filled with snow. I opened the back door on the driver’s side of the car. The back seat had also been covered in snow. I felt upset with $G4, and i started cleaning out the car. I brushed out the snow. I also noticed that several white pieces of trash had been left in the car. Annoyed with $G4 for being so inconsiderate, i swept the trash outside with my right hand. I did not care that i was littering. I brushed out most of the things from the car and then stood up. I was now to the south of the car, looking north. As i pulled the hatchback door down, i noticed that the car had a wide rounded back end. It also seemed to be a Honda. This was not my car. I felt confused. It should have been my car. I wondered where my car was.

12015 March 28

I drove to the east with my parents. It was dark out. It seemed like we had to get to someplace specific. We turned north on $P23. I remembered this place. We stopped at the intersection. We were heading or the pub that was on the northwestern corner of the intersection. I could hear the music coming from inside the pub. It was a plain cement building, and it seemed like a dive bar. I thought that my parents would be nervous about going in. I could hear someone yelling from within the pub. The man was talking through an amplifier. This was karaoke night at the pub. The man yelling must have been the MC. I turned to the east and walked along the sidewalk on the northern side of the dark pub. I was pushing a shopping cart down the street. We would have to take the cart into the pub with us. They might get stolen outside. I opened the door in the northern side of the building and pushed the cart inside. We had two carts, but there was not a lot of room inside. I pushed the cart off to the east of the door, sliding it between the wall and a table. I took the things from my mother’s cart and put them in mine. I turned to the south. We were in a small room off of the main room of the pub. Only a few people were sitting in the room around us at the moment. The center of the room was filled with small cases of musical equipment. I thought that a band must be setting up later. A man sitting on the eastern side of the wide opening to the next room turned to look at me as i came into the center of the room. The music had stopped, but something was still happening in the next room. After looking me over for a moment, the man turned back around to the room to the south. I still felt uneasy, wondering if my parents were uncomfortable in this place.

Something was happening in the area. I thought that the man had special powers. I was looking to the north, at the silhouette of people. Beams of light were flashing ahead of me, creating a tunnel effect. I turned to the east. The man was standing on the bridge. He had powers, and this was when he would discover them. It was dark, but light illuminated the man and the bridge. A train or a tractor-trailer came from the south, hitting the man. The vehicle came to an abrupt stop, pinning the man against the thick metal girder that anchored the northwestern corner of the bridge. It seemed strange that a train would stop so suddenly. I knew that the man had used his powers to stop the truck. This was how he discovered his powers. I thought that the main powers were elemental in base, but then i thought that this really did not make sense. The man had taken the energy from the motion of the truck. This power had nothing to do with an element. also, i knew that there were more than four types of powers. I talked with the other person about the famous discoveries. The other person mentioned the name of a man who was famous as the first person to discover one type of power. I was looking at the flashing lights again. I seemed to be watching a screen. A blond man turned to the right, smiling for the camera. Blue lights crossed the background. The voice then mentioned the name of the second man, and the man with the light skin and short black hair appeared. The colors around him changed to red, signifying the other power. I recognized the names. These men were famous because they had been the first to discover how to use the special powers. I then looked back at the man at the bridge. He would be the first to discover how to soak up energy. I then remembered that the people in charge would not want the public knowing about the extra powers. They were caught off guard by the first two discoveries, but it seemed that they wanted to hide any new discoveries, because they wanted to keep the additional powers to themselves. They had to maintain control. I felt unsafe here. The authorities would be coming for the man. The woman i was talking to ushered me to the north. I followed her so that i could escape. She grabbed me, and we rushed toward the large round end of the rusty tank. It was one of several large storage tanks in a row. A cement structure ran over the tops of the tanks. We rushed suddenly at the tank. Then we passed through the end. The woman had a special power, and she helped me escape. We stopped inside the structure. I knew that the authorities would not think to look for us here. The woman who rescued me was standing to the east of me now. She wore a loose white outfit. We moved around in the dimly lighted spaces within the large empty building.

12015 March 29

I stood in the room, looking to the north at the stone wall of the building. The other man was talking to me from the northwest of me. We talked about the problem with the large stone building. I looked at the gray wall as he spoke. The wall was made of large stone blocks, and it had rectangular windows at regular intervals. I seemed to be looking at the building through the windows of the building that i was in. I could see that the stone wall did not seem to have a foundation. Something was missing, and it had to be repaired. A blur then moved across the bottom of the wall from west to east. It was Superman. He was repairing the wall. He flew just below the level of the windows, and i focused on the white stone sills of the windows. Something seemed to be missing under the windows. Superman had not put stone in to replace the beams that ran under the windows. I then thought that Superman would actually have to get the stone from somewhere. I turned to the east and looked out over the city. I now seemed to be standing on the tall stone building. the large gray block wall was to the south of me. The stone structure seemed to be to the west and above me as well. The floor under me, however, seemed to be pale gray bedrock. I could see the cracks in the white section of the rocks on the southern side of the room. No eastern wall existed, and the bedrock ended in a cliff that overlooked the city. This structure seemed very old, and i knew that it still had to be repaired. Superman would have to pull stone beams from the ground to fix the wall. I floated to the east, out over the edge, thinking about how Superman would be able to dig up perfectly shaped stone beams for the building. It did not seem realistic. As i passed over the edge of the stone floor, i looked down at the tan features far below. Some structure was on the northern side of the land below. It seemed like the natural ground of the ancient area, but the land on the southern side formed a square pit. The higher land was several hundred meters below me, but the land in the pit looked more than twice as far. I felt suddenly uneasy as i floated over such a height. I knew that i would not fall, but the height was unexpected. I moved to the east and then curved south, landing in front of a large stone building. The edge of the building was ten meters above the ground that i had landed on, as if the ground had been dug out from under the building. I had to dig up the stone from the ground to repair the building. I punched my fist into the rock below me, thinking that i would need to pull up a long stone beam. This was not correct. It did not make sense to dig up the ground to pull out stone beams. I would be disrupting the ground under the city just to fix the building. I thought that this might cause quakes in the city. I wondered if quakes had already happened. I thought about this for a moment, trying to make sense of the idea. I walked through the building. I decided that i should take a shower. I hurried to the north, looking in the rooms around me to find the shower room. I had to take a shower so that i could get dressed and do something. I headed down the hall to the north. I stopped at one door and opened it to the northeast. The room inside was a classroom. The students were dressed in blue uniforms with red trim. They looked at me as i stood in the doorway. The teacher was on the eastern end of the room, and the students sat in the wooden-tray armchairs, facing her. I closed the door and continued down the hall. I opened the next door, but it was also not the shower room. It seemed to be a locker room, but few lockers were inside. The northern wall had three sections, which were divided by thin wooden walls. The walls matched the rest of the cabinets on the wall. In each stall, a young athlete sat in a tub of water. A coach was sitting in front of the easternmost stall. They looked at me as i opened the door. I nodded and backed into the hall to keep looking. I thought that the athletes looked attractive, but i had to do something. I came into the locker room where the showers were, but now i realized that i did not have my towel with me anymore. I felt frustrated and annoyed. I had to get my things done, but nothing was going right. I started to feel very upset. I hurried down the hall to the west, passing a group of people, who watched me pass. I was only wearing my underwear, but i did not care if they found it surprising.

12015 March 30

I was in a house, which seemed like my parents’ house. $A682 came into the house with a gun. I was annoyed that he was brining a pistol into the house. I felt upset with him. I grabbed the rifle and walked across the yard to the north. In the shed, i dug around in the bins on the shelf to the west, looking for a bullet. The gun i was holding in my left hand seemed like an archery bow. I felt frustrated as i grabbed a few bullets from the yellow metal tool bin and headed into the woods to the north. I was aware of someone watching me from the house to the south. I thought that the people in the house might come fro me, so i hurried toward the trees, thinking that i should get out of sight of the house. As i approached the tree line, i heard people to the north of me. I looked across the field to the north, but i could not see anyone. The many bushes that grew up in the middle of the field obscured my view. The voices must be from the people who lived near us. I felt annoyed that they were walking across our land. I headed to the west, into the forest. I kept looking to the north to see if i could see the people i heard talking. Once i was among the trees, i could see farther through the forest. the land dropped into a steep ravine just to the north of me. The ravine was a run-off valley, and curved from the west to the north. A rounded hill rose to the northwest of the ravine. Most of the hill was covered with cut grass. A large white farm house sat on the top of the hill, on the northern side of the field. I noticed people walking fro the east along the edge of the field. They must have been the people that i had heard before. I thought that they owned the farm, and they had just followed a trail across the ravine. I then realized that they were heading south along the eastern side of the field. They would be able to see me easily across the ravine. I thought that i might be able to get out of sight before they noticed me. I headed to the west, where denser underbrush filled the forest. As soon as i entered the area where the leafs were thick, i noticed a short cement wall. I approached the southeastern corner of it and realized that the wall formed a rectangle. It must have been the remains of an old foundation. The northern section of the wall seemed taller than the other three sections. I had not known that this structure was in the forest so close to my parents’ house. I then was aware of the people to the north again. It sounded as though they were getting very close to me. I thought that i should hide, but i as not sure where i would go. I tried to climb on the cement wall on the southern side of the area. I then realized that cement pillars stood at the corners of the area. They formed L-shaped columns that reached up. I looked up to see a cement roof high above me. The roof was actually the underside of a building. It had square areas indented, forming a grid pattern. This place seemed like the museum i remembered. I moved over the low blocks of cement, which were now in front of the cement wall on the southern side of the area. Before i could find a place to hide, a group of people came around the corner of the building. Thy seemed like a tourist group. I reclined against the wall to the north of me, hoping that the people would not notice me, but a few of the people were looking at me. The person in front of the group was saying something to the rest of the group. I looked at a few young men who were shuffling toward me from the east. One of them had a long plastic rifle, which looked like a bow. He grinned at me and pointed it at me. He was a teenager, and i knew that he was pretending to be threatening. I pointed my rifle at him, feeling annoyed, and i told him not to point weapons at people. He moved along to the west with the other people. I stepped down from the stone and headed to the west with the others. I realized that i was in the museum now. It had been a long time since i had been in the museum. The room i was in was long and rectangular. I wondered if i should actually be here. I should have paid the entrance fee, but i thought that i had slipped in from the back. I walked to the west a little, but decided that i should leave. I turned back to the east, stepping up a few steps. The room to the east was smaller and had rounded walls. The lower part of the wall to the south was shiny and black. Windows ran on the upper port of the wall. I could see a set of stairs ascending to the south along the eastern wall. I thought that they would lead to the exit doors. I could see an exit door at the top of the stairs, but it seemed to be blocked off. I realized that the stairs were not in use. I wondered if i could leave thorough the doors, but then i noticed two women in brown uniforms standing near the northern wall. They were looking in my direction, and the one on the west was whispering to the other one. I decided to head out the main door of the building. I headed to the south and came out onto the front lawn of the building. The modern white building seemed very long. I continued to the south until i was in the middle of the rectangular grassy lawn. Cement paths crossed the lawn near the main entrance to the building, and a parking lot seemed to be to the west of me. I turned to the west but thought that i should head back to the east. Juts before i turned back to the east, i saw $F38 approaching me. I had not seen him in a while, so i greeted him cheerfully. I chatted with him for a moment, telling him how i was just headed back to my house. He did not know that i lived this close. I looked to the southeast, motioning with my arm, and i told him that my house was just over the hill. I could see the road through a thin cluster of trees. A white building was just on the other side of the trees, to the north of the road. For a moment, i thought that the building was actually my house, and i was surprised at how close it was. I then noticed that the area across the street from the house looked like a small suburban neighborhood, which small white houses. My house looked out over an empty field, so it must be farther to the east on the road. I then remembered that i had left the house with a gun. I no longer had it with me. I wondered what i had done with it. Two people then approached from the west. I greeted $F42 as he came close to me. As i greeted him, he seemed like $A556. I recognized the other person to the west, but i could not remember his name. $F42 told me his name. He was $F13. I said hello to him.

We were running to the west, across the back yard as the others looked around. A small white shed was against the tall fence on the southern side of the yard. I looked down at the frozen puddles in the middle of the dirt ground in front of me, just to the north of the shed. I leaned forward a little, looking down into the puddle. I started to tip over, so i tried to correct my balance. I had a hard time keeping my balance over the ice. A woman then came from the house to the north. She was angry with us for running across her yard. A man had been checking for trail marks to the west of the garage.

12015 March 31

I ran to the southwest, across the muddy field. I was participating in a mud run. It seemed as though i had jogged a long distance, but i was not quite sure where i was supposed to go. I knew that i had to do several more laps of the course, but i did not remember how many. I turned to the southeast, noticing a set of stairs that ascended in the middle of the field. The stairs were some kind of obstacle. People were running up the stairs. I noticed chalk marks on the stairs, and i thought that this might be a run with $G4. I started toward the stairs, but this was not the way that i should be going. I ran to the east of the stairs and came to the pool. I would have to swim through the muddy water. The man by the pool said that i had only done two laps. this did not seem correct, but i was unsure.