12016 March 02

I moved to the east, gathering my things together. $A682 was with me. He was dropping me off in this area, and he would be picking me up later. I said that i would have to get to the show in downtown Albany later this evening, but i would be seeing something at the university in the afternoon. The downtown part of the city seemed to extend from east to west, heading uphill slightly. I was somewhere in the middle of the city area. The houses around us were residential, and a large park seemed to be just to the west of me. The park was part of the university campus. I thought that it was the main university in Albany. I could see the bright green grass and the clear blue sky over it. A hedgerow blocked the lower part of a red stone building in the middle of the large campus. I wanted to see some of the tourist sites. I turned back to the east, moving down the white hallway of the hotel. I told someone that i would be at the concert later tonight. The woman to the east of me said that i could pick up the thing, which i was supposed to bring to the show. She motioned to the south at the door in the southern wall of the corridor. This was our hotel room. I thought that i would have a key to this room. It seemed like the woman was letting me have one, however. I tried to hurry to get my things together. It seemed that i would be rushing to get to the event at the university, which also seemed like a museum or art center. I thought about the event. I said something to $A682 about the event. I turned to the south to get some things. I started to feel that i did not really want to rush to get to the show. I started to feel apathetic and did not really want to go. I thought that, after $A682 left, i could simply wander around the city. I did not have to be anywhere specific. I then thought that it was getting late. It seemed as though it was almost two in the afternoon. I looked up to the southwest at the white poster that talked about the concert that i was thinking of going to. It said that Laurie Anderson would be starting her show at two-thirty. I could just get to the show if i left now. I thought that i would go to the show, but i still felt hesitant. I started moving to the west, saying something to $A682, who was to the north of me. I looked down the road ahead of me. I was riding the bus, and it was taking the long straight road through the center of the city. The land on both sides of the road was covered with tall thin leafless trees. They were dark, and the ground was bare and gray. It seemed strange that the forest was in the middle of the city, but i thought that this road bypassed traffic by heading through the wooded area. I then wondered which road we were on. We seemed to be outside of the city. I asked someone which road we were on, but then i saw the black and white road sign on the northern side of the road ahead of us. The road dipped into a shallow bowl and curved slightly to the left, heading west in the distance. The road sign was white, with a curved black boarder like a New York State road sign. It said “145” in the center of it. I said “Oh, 145.” as i read the sign. I looked at something else inside the bus, but it occurred to me that we were still taking a route that did not seem to be within the city, even though i know that the road must be in the middle of the populated area. I looked up again to see that the bus was turning off of the road to the south, driving onto a dirt driveway that ran to the west, parallel to the main road. The dirt pull off was square with rounded corners to the south of the road, and the single-lane dirt road ran to the west from the side of it. It seemed very strange that we would be on a dirt road, but i thought that this made sense, because we were in the middle of the city area. This was the easiest way to bypass traffic in the city. I looked up again at the road. The single-lane dirt road had now disappeared, and the bus seemed to be driving into the thick vegetation of the field, which seemed to be a corn field, even though the vegetation looked like green broadleaf plants. This did not seem right. I felt nervous about the bus driving through a field. I continued walking to the west, coming into the wide alley. The white cement ground was wider in part of the alley, pushing into the building to the south. The large buildings seemed low, and their walls were made of brick. A silver food truck with a wide service counter was to the south, with a wide white awning over the front. The people sitting in the tables in the center of the alley could order food of coffee from the counter and relax here. The people at the tables seemed Italian. I had come here for something, and i started walking to the west, through the crowd. I then spotted a man standing just to the west of the service counter. He stood against the dull metal wall, looking lost. I recognized his face as $F7. I said hello to him, calling his name. He did not seem to respond. I then realized that he was rather short. His head only came up to the edge of the counter, and his face was rounded. His cheeks were red as he looked worriedly to the northeast. I realized that he was not actually $F7. He was only a child, but he looked very much like $F7. I wondered if he was $F7’s son. I then looked to the west to see $F7 coming toward me thought the crowd. He was looking for his son. I said hello to him. He smiled at me, but did not seem interested in talking. I felt uneasy and disappointed. $F7 moved into the crowd. He had said something to the boy, and he was now seating himself at one of the rectangular tables in the courtyard. I moved to the western end of the table as $F7 sat down. I thought that he did not want to talk to me, so i was going to say hello and continue to the west. He put a chair on the western end of the southern side of the table and sat in it. I was now to the southwest of him. He seemed to know the other men who were around the table. They seemed ethnically Mediterranean. After he sat down, he turned around to me and quietly told me to pull up a chair. I was surprised, but i was glad that i would get to talk to him. I turned to get a chair. People were moving around me. $F7 was then to the southeast of me, moving something. I would have to help the people. I decided to grab one of the metal structures that had been leaning up against the southern wall. I turned to the west. I was now in a dimly lighted cement corridor. Another person was putting one of the yellow metal pieces against the southern wall of the tunnel to the west of me. I carried the metal thing i had to the west and leaned it up against the wall. The rusty metal H-shaped thing had chipping orange paint, and it looked like a section of construction scaffolding. I backed away from it and looked at the stack for a moment.

12016 March 03

I was sitting in the back of the bus as it moved to the west. This bus seemed to be a school bus. I was watching the others move around the corridor of the bus. I felt as though i had to be doing something. I then turned to the north and picked something up from the northern side of the room. I was in the narrow sun room in my grandparents’ house at $P12. I moved back and forth along the brown features of the room. I turned to the west and headed across the living room, passing just to the north of the bottom of the stairs, which ascended to the south from the center of the room. I had to do something. I moved around, feeling that i had to get it done. I stopped on the western side of the room, looking to the south. I was not sure what i should do. I needed something. I then turned to the north. I was now in a small department store. Racks of clothing were along the floor of the room. $A674 and $A704 were just entering the store from a doorway in the northern end of the western wall. They followed the white tiled corridor to the east-southeast. They were chatting with each other. I thought that they had come from the employee section to the west. They worked here. I was standing in a wide aisle in the center of the pale room. The exit doors to the store were directly to the north of me. The aisle that the two were walking on intersected mine in front of the doors. As they passed the doors, $A674, who now seemed like $A675, looked at me and said something. I felt that i had something to do, but i did not know what to do.

12016 March 04

I woke up on the northwestern side of the apartment and moved to the southwest. The woman was in the main room of the apartment, packing her things. I thought that her movements must have woken me up. The large room seemed mostly empty, and the woman moved around on the eastern side. She moved to the northeast, picking up something from the floor. She turned to me as she came back into the center of the room. She was thin, with an oval face. The hair on the sides of her head was shaved short, and the top was cut with bangs. The front of her hair seemed to be died pink. She wore a loose T-shirt under a denim vest. She looked like a punker from the eighties. She talked to me about moving out. She said that she had another place that she wanted to go to. Two people were then standing in the entry door, which was in the center of the southern wall. The woman and i were standing near them. The people seemed to be the landlords. The woman talked to the man and woman, who seemed to be a couple. She then turned to me, saying that she needed to get the money from me. I remembered that i had not yet paid her for staying here. I told her that i still needed to pay her half of the deposit. I then wondered if i had been paying her rent. I could not remember. I started to turn back to get my things from my room, which was to the northwest, but then i turned back to the door and asked the woman when the lease ended. It occurred to me that i would probably have to find another place to live. I then thought that i might already have another place, but i was not sure. I was going to head to the northwest again, but i heard music from somewhere outside. I stepped out the door to the south. Someone was playing guitar on the street to the east of the apartment. I stood in the doorway, looking down the street to the west. The door was about a meter and a half above the street level. A set of stone steps descended to the south. The street was actually a pedestrian walkway. The modern white building to the south seemed like part of Center Ithaca, and the paved area of the street seemed like the Ithaca Commons. Small round black metal tables filled the center of the street to the west of me, and people were sitting at various tables. A man on the northern side of the street was sitting on the northern side of a table, and he seemed to be playing guitar. He was slouched in his chair. I looked for the guitar in his lap, but could not quite make out the instrument. I could hear the guitar playing, though. The man had something that looked like a large black autoharp in his lap. I then noticed a man in the center of the street with a guitar. Several others at other tables also had guitars. This must be a jam group. I was interested in them and wondered if they met often here. I wanted to join in, but then i realized that i would be leaving soon. I felt disappointed about this. I would not be here to hear the music again. The people seemed to be fooling around with several songs. I started to back into the building when i heard a funk rhythm. It sounded very good. I looked at a man in the center of the street. He was sitting on the western side of the table. He had light skin and black hair. His hair was chin length and not well combed. His fuzzy beard was short and covered the lower part of his face. The funk rhythm sounded very good, and i watched him play. He wore a loose army jacket and seemed slightly overweight. As i started to back into the building, i suddenly wondered where the sound of the drums was coming from. I could hear other instruments to the song. I did not see the other instruments here. This did not make sense.

12016 March 05

I had to do something, and i walked to the south, thinking about it. I was thinking about something, trying to figure something out. I heard the south of the truck outside, and i wondered if it was the truck that was bringing the thing. I stepped out of the small building, heading south. The building was the barn in the back of my parents’ house. I looked around the green yard to the south of the building, but i could not see the truck. I then noticed a large blue pick-up truck just inside the wooden fence on the eastern side of the building. My parents were getting out of the truck. The truck had been backed up to the building. It must have been the truck that i heard. I felt a little disappointed. I looked around the green yard as i headed to the south. I then noticed the thicket of dense brown branches to the west. I had helped my parents move things in this area, and the short trees were now along the western side of the area. They seemed to form a barrier of twisting branches that would be hard to walk through. I felt suddenly happy and jumped up on one of the branches. I was aware that my mother was watching me from the northeast. I stood in a gap in the leafless trees, looking west. I thought that i could climb up the branches, but they did not seem safe enough. I looked down at the thick branch that i was standing on. It came out of a truck, which was to the northwest of me. The thick tangle of branches was thin here, and i could see the ground to the west of me. It seemed to be a few meters lower that the land to the east. I wanted to step out onto the branch ahead of me, which extended to the southwest, but the thick stubby branch did not seem long enough. It had a rounded end, and the thick middle seemed to be formed of packed stone in a cement-like clay. I did not think that the branch would support my weight. My mother would also worry that i might fall. I looked to the west, out over the land. My parents’ house was to the west-southwest of me, but i seemed to be able to see over the top of it. I said something to my parents, who were somewhere behind me. As i scanned the horizon, i noticed the tall white tower to the west. It tapered to a point at the top and seemed to be a girder radio tower in the distance. I was surprised that i could see it so easily. I then realized that it seemed to be on a small rocky hill that stood out from the surrounding mountain range. The mountains were rounded in the distance. I looked more closely at the conical hill that the tower stood on. It did not seem right. I then realized that the mound was actually not a hill. The tower was very distant, and the rocky mound was actually a small round stone building in the foreground. I was now looking to the southwest at the tower. The round stone building had a tangle of old dry wood that formed a conical roof. The stone walls bulged out, making the building look squat. It happened that the radio tower was on a hill directly behind the building, and that the hills around the radio tower parted, making the tower stand out and appear to be on the top of the small building. Another stone building was to the east of the first one, and my parents’ house was to the northwest of the round building. I then realized that the entire view looked picturesque. A paved path ran from here i was directly toward the round building, and features of the house and the stone structure to the east made the image somewhat symmetrical. It looked very nice. I wanted to take a picture of it. I backed away from the gap in the thick trees, telling my parents that i would have to get my camera. I thought that it was in my parents’ house. I then wondered if the lighting from the sun would be good when i got back. It did not seem great now, because the sun was in the southern sky, so it backlit the buildings. I thought that the light would be better in the morning. I hoped that the lighting would not change. As i headed back to the north, $K24 said that he wanted to take pictures. I thought that he wanted to borrow my camera while i was in my parents’ house getting my camera. I reluctantly told him that he could use it, but then i realized that i would have to charge the battery while i was in the house. I told him this. He then asked if he could have the camera bag to put his sweater on. I thought that he was going to strap the bag over his shoulder and hang his sweater from it. He seemed to be in his twenties, and he seemed to be in athletic shape. I walked to the north. My parents had moved the cars that were to the west of the barn. I had left the camera bag there somewhere. I looked at the truck that was now parked between two cars, all facing west. I could see a mud puddle under the truck, and i thought that i had put some things down there. I hoped that my father did not drive the truck on the things. I could see a purple winter jacket and a hat on the edge of the northern rut of the parking area. The truck did not drive over it, and i was relieved that it was only a jacket and not my camera. I looked around. Another row of cars was to the east of me, along the barn. I spotted a black wool jacket on the hood of the large truck on the northern end of the row. Just behind it was the black strap of my camera bag. I picked up the bag. I would have to take things from it. I would then hand the bag to $K24. I wondered what he was going to do with it.

12016 March 07

I moved to the west and got into the back seat of the car. We had been doing something to the east, but i had to rest in the car. I moved some of my things in the back seat. I would have to sleep here, so i tried to make myself comfortable. My parents were in the front seat of the car. I tried to move around in the back seat. $X3 seemed to be in the seat with me. I pushed my way to the west, trying to move past something. I ended up to the west of the car. I moved back into the car, but i was now somehow in the front seat. I tried not to disturb my mother, who was sleeping in the passenger’s seat. I had to adjust something in the car.

The other person was driving to the west as i tried to remember the scene. I looked to the south. We were passing a small pond with wooden docks along the northern side. The docks looked like something that i was trying to remember. I had to figure out what the place was, and the docks looked right. I pointed a camera at the docks as we passed, hoping to capture the correct image. The other person was saying something. The docks had a wooden platform that ran east to west along the shore with four or five decks that ran out into the water. I could not see how far they ran because we were at too low an angle. Several metal poles stuck up from the sides of the slips, but no boats seemed to be on the dock. An old wooden shack was to the west of the docks. I quickly took the picture before we were too far to the west. I then looked around the area, trying to place the image. To the north of us was a large mountain, which looked like a ski slope. I placed the image there, trying to match the scene i had remembered. The image of a low wooden house replaced the mountain. This was not right. It was not the image that i was trying to remember. We continued driving to the west. I now had an uneasy feeling, and i thought that the two dogs were following us. We did not want them to find us. We seemed to be camping somewhere on the southern side of the road.

12016 March 08

We moved to the west, over the water. The person to the south of me described the large ship. The person said that the ship had been damaged on the stern and was in trouble. I looked to the west, seeing the large hull of the ship in front of us. The ship was to the southwest of us, and it was almost out of the water. The end of the ship was just to the west of us. The black hull was very narrow, and a long black rounded shape extended from the lower part of the hull. It seemed to be an extended part of the keel. It was tubular and painted red. It bobbed in and out of the water as the ship moved. The man continued to describe the back of the ship, but the long round torpedo-like shape that i was looking at seemed like it was off the front of the ship. I thought that it looked like something that would break ice or somehow disrupt things off the bow of the ship. This did not seem like the stern of the ship; it seemed like the bow. The person continued to describe how the ship was in trouble.

The man was a supervillain. He stood to the east of me. He had gray skin with hand-sized crystalline plates over his body. Someone was talking about him. I knew that Superman had been trying to apprehend the man. I could see the torso of the man as he stood still. He seemed like a drawing. I then turned to the south and opened the door of the house. Batman was outside. He limped through the door and into the house. He had just fought the man with the gray skin. Superman was behind him. I noticed that Superman was wearing plastic wrap around his hips, and he limped strangely too. They moved inside to the east of me. Superman held his hand over his crotch, as though the area hurt him. I suddenly realized that the man in gray had hit Superman in the groin. I felt suddenly humored and laughed. I turned to the south as i thought about what had happened. The man in gray had invulnerable skin, and he was as strong as Superman. He must have punched Superman in the groin. I was surprised that this would work, but i did think that it was funny.

I was doing something to the east. Other people seemed to be with me. Some things were stacked in the basement-like area to the southeast of me. The walls seemed white. I moved around, talking to some of the people here. Friends of mine had been with me, and it felt good to have talked with them. I turned to the west and walked across the northern part of the room. I was now alone in the room, but someone was coming in the door of the apartment. The door was in the middle of the eastern wall of the room. The room now seemed to have a structure in the center, forming a wide hallway on the northern, southern, and eastern sides, with a wider space to the west. I was heading into the wider space. I looked around the floor as i walked, noticing how messy the apartment was. Clothes and other objects were scattered around the room. I should have picked them up earlier. I looked back at $F12, who had just come in the door. He walked to the southwest. I continued into the room to the west to do something. I continued to think about something.

12016 March 10

I drove the car diagonally across the main road, heading to the northwest. The other person was following me, but the person seemed to me moving more slowly. The main road was a four-lane road with no median. We seemed to be in the middle of an urban area, but no buildings were around us. I drove quickly across the main road. The road that ran off to the northwest split into two roads. I stayed to the right, thinking that this was the correct road. I stopped just after the split, looking back to see what the other person was doing. I was not sure that i was taking the correct road. I looked back at the Y in the road, seeing the other person walking up the road toward me. The other person now seemed to be my grandmother. I wanted to see what road she was taking. I looked ahead. The road went over a low rise before descending out of sight. I could see a highway in the distance, and i decided that the road i was on must be the entry ramp of the highway. I remembered the multilane highway from before. It ran west to the shore before turning to the northwest, heading to the other parts of the city. I did not want to get on the highway because i thought that it would lead me somewhere i did not want to be. I looked back to see my grandmother coming. She was walking on the northern sidewalk of the road. She carried something that arched over her head and into the road. A white thread dangled from it, making it seem like a curved fishing pole. I then looked to the west. I should have taken the lower road to the west. I then noticed a low mound running along the southern side of the road. The hill was covered with leafless trees and dry weeds. A man was standing on the near side of the mound, looking in the direction of my grandmother. He seemed to have just come out of a car or house, but nothing was around him but the trees. The other road was on the other side of the mound, down a steep hill, out of sight. I looked back at my grandmother to see what the man was looking at. My grandmother did not seem any closer to me. She was carrying a large white object, which hung out over the road. As i focused on the object, i could see that it was a white metal L-shaped beam. She held it so that the right angle was just behind her back. The lower end extended in front of her and a little to the right. It had part of a joint at the end of it, but the cross beam was short enough to seem like a collar. The long end of the white beam extended upward and to the south, hanging over the road. The beam was about a deci wide and seemed very bulky. I wondered how my grandmother was carrying it. This situation seemed strange. As i watched her, she tottered and fell backward to the northeast. The beam landed on top of her, and was now yellow. The man across the street started jogging toward her to help her out. I headed toward her as well. I did not understand how the beam could have appeared all of the sudden and how my grandmother could carry it. Something was wrong with the situation.

I got out of the car, which was in a small parking lot on the northern side of the street. The parking lot was roughly square. The northern end stopped at a steep drop-off. A small house was to the west of the lot. It looked like an old train station, with a peaked rood that had wide eves. The house was slightly uphill from the parking lot, and it seemed to have a looping driveway to the east of it. The other person was to the east of me, and we spoke for a moment. As we talked, i looked across the street to the south, trying to figure something out. An old wooden house was on the southern side of the street. It looked like an old farmhouse. The wood siding was worn and seemed to be bare of paint. A simple porch with an overhanding roof ran across the eastern half of the northern side of the building. A cat sat in the doorway of the house, looking at me through a screen door. I said something to the man to the east of me. I then noticed the train coming from the west. It ran swiftly around the corner and headed toward me. The train tracks ran at a lower level than the road, and they ran just to the south of the road. As the train came around the corner, the top of the train seemed to be lower than the road. The train passed quickly to the east. Several cars then passed down the road from the east. A large truck blocked my view of the train, which had already passed by the time i could see the tracks again. It seemed dangerous to be this close to the train. Another train was then coming down the tracks form the west. Several more cars passed. The traffic here was very heavy, and i hoped that the cat did not try to get out of the house. I looked to the southwest. The entrance to the parking lot i was in was on the southwestern corner of the lot, and it met the road just to the southwest of me. Across the main road from the intersection was a narrow paved back road that ran to the southwest and curved to the west-southwest. The train tracks ran between the two roads, crossing at the intersection. The green rounded train engine came down a hill from the west. I realized that it would have to head up a short steep hill before it reached the intersection. I thought that it was going fast around the corner to the west so that it could coast up the low incline to the intersection. The train dropped into the dip and came back up quickly, passing quickly as well.

12016 March 12

$G4 was gathered around me, and i was getting ready for a run. I felt tense and anxious about something. The others started running to the south. I was going to follow them, but i had to do something. I could not concentrate, and i started to feel upset that i was not following the run. I carried something to the north, thinking that i had to do something. I became upset that i could not decide what i should do. I moved around for a minute. I then decided that i should head south to try to follow the run. It seemed like a lot of time had passed though, and i felt confused. I was not sure what i was doing. I started jogging to the south on the eastern side of the street. It had been a long time, and i thought that the others might be coming back from the run soon. As i jogged down the road, someone called to me from the south. A woman was jogging north on the western side of the street. She called my name and told me that i had missed the run. The runners were coming back. She then said something that made me feel upset. I was angry with her, and i held up my right middle finger as she jogged to the west of me. She wore pink running tights and a white shirt. She had long blond hair and an oval face. I continued running to the south. I was upset and did not want to stay here. I thought that i would simply leave and not come back to the group.

12016 March 13

I was driving to the west on the country road. It was night, and everything was very dark around me. I quickly noticed the orange flames coming out of the window of the old brown house on the northern side of the road. The house looked like a barn. At first the flames seemed to be on the northern side of the house. The house had a small section that protruded from the main part of the building. This part was then protruding from the southern side of the building so that i could easily see it as i approached. The house was very close to the road that i was driving on. I felt worried and though that i should call emergency. Flashing blue and white lights were to the west. I thought that i should drive past the house quickly before the fire engines came. I thought that the fire people would block the street, and i wanted to get past the house so that i could continue driving. A large barn was now to the west of the burning house. I started circling the barn, trying to see the flames. For a moment, i could not see the fire, and i wondered where the fire had gone.

12016 March 14

I was in the small rectangular room with my mother. Something had changed, and the room was now long east to west. I was on the eastern side of the darkened room. A large mound of something seemed to fill the center of the room. I had walked across it as i came to the east. Something seemed strange about this room, thought. I thought that the room was actually under water. This seemed strange though. I thought that the water should pour in through the windows in the northern wall and ceiling. A square hatch was in the ceiling on the eastern end of the room. I thought that the water would pour in the hatch, but it did not. Something must have been holding back the water around us. This seemed strange, but it made sense. My father was doing something to the north of me, and i headed back to the west. The room was now aligned north to south, and i was on the western side of the southern end. The pile in the center seemed red, and it had something to do with the creatures that were in the water around us. I thought that cephalopods were in the water near us. They seemed like small red octopi, but i thought that some of them were actually giant squids. I felt suddenly nervous of the creatures. They could easily see us, and i knew that they were very intelligent creatures. I started to worry that some of them would try to take us into the water. I wondered what i should do. I wondered if they would understand that i meant them no harm.

We were riding on the train, but we had to be careful. I knew that we had shifted in time, and we were now in Deutschland during the Second World War. The Nazis would be around us, so we had to act like the people around us so that we did not stand out. The train we were on now stopped, and we were going to get off. The person with me headed down the aisle to the west. I stood up but turned back to the east. I had left my things on the seat. A family was sitting on the bench to the east of me, and i was aware of a Nazi guard doing something down the aisle to the west. I felt nervous. I then noticed that my shoes were still on the wooden bench to the west of me. They were high-tops and had thin white stripes across the back of the ankle. The white strips were in the shapes of chevrons that pointed up, and four or five lines ran across the gray shoe. The white lines on one of my shoes was blinking. It meant that the battery in the shoe was wearing down. I had to hide the shoes before the guard noticed them. It would be obvious that the shoes were not from this time period. If the guard saw them, he would know that we were not from this time period. I pushed the shoes under the southern end of the bench, trying to arrange them so that the glowing stripes could not be seen. I still felt nervous about them, and i moved around in front of the bench for a moment. The father and son to the east of me might see the shoes as well. I wondered if they would turn us in. I headed to the west, into the next room, hoping that we did not get caught. We had to hide our identity from the Nazis. The old man then said something to me. The guard had gone, and the father had told me that we would be safe here. I realized that he was sympathetic to us. I wondered if he knew that we were from the future.

12016 March 15

I started walking around in small circles, trying to catch my breath. I had been running to the west, and now i joined the others. $F4 and $A608 were now to the east of me. $A608 ran to the east to do a lap. We had to run up the stairs to another floor and do some exercise. I waited for my chance to go, but i started to feel anxious. Something was bothering me. Two people had run up, and two more were waiting to run. I was not sure that i wanted to do the exercises. I then realized that i would be the last one going and that i would be running alone. I suddenly did not feel like going up. I turned to the west and walked away. The others followed me. I walked along the sidewalk in front of my grandmother’s house, coming to the corner. At the corner, i turned to the south and crossed the street, saying something to the others that were following me. $F1 grabbed the tree that was on the southern corner of the intersection and lifted it up. This was done as a joke. I did not pay much attention to him. I then wondered how he had been able to lift the tree. I looked to the east to see him with his arms around the thick trunk of the tree. He let go and backed away to the north. The tree was already dug up, and the roots were bundled in a wide ball. The tree rested in a shallow hole in the ground. This did not seem stable. I thought that the tree would be top heavy and fall over. The tree then tipped to the southeast, falling on the ground. The people in the way yelled as the tree fell near them. The branches must have hit several of them, but no one seemed to be under the tree.

12016 March 16

I moved around the bedroom of the house. This was a new house to me. The large bed was against the western wall of the room. A door was in the eastern end of the northern wall. I moved to it, looking through the door and into the next room. The door looked like an outside door, with several panes of glass in the upper half of the door. I could see another door just to the north of it, like a screen door. It was the door to the other room. Just in front of the other door was a fish tank. My mother had put it there when she moved the furniture into the room. I realized that the fish tank had been there a while. I wondered suddenly how the fish were still alive. I could see them swimming near the top of the water. I had not fed them since i had moved into this place. Green algae grew near the top of the tank. I should have been taking care of the tank, but i had not. I looked across the room, noticing a wooden swinging rocking chair. The furnishing in the room seemed sparse, and they were all old antique furnishing from my mother. She had decorated the entire room. I felt annoyed by this, but i also had not been in the room since i moved into the house. I wondered if i could move the fish tank by opening the door. I then thought that i could move it out of the way of the door so that i could easily get into the room to the north. Otherwise, i would have to leave this room to the east and walk all the way around the room i was in to enter the northern room from the west. I thought that my mother put the fish tank in the way because she did not want me walking directly into the room to the north. I thought that i would move the tank anyway so that i could easily get into that room. She would not know about it. I thought that she would be upset if i did not walk around to get to the northern room, but i did not care. I moved to the east, into the next room. Stairs descended to the east along the southern wall of the room. I heard something from downstairs. It sounded like music, but i could not be sure. As i move closer to the stairs, i could see something moving in the center of the room below. The stairs descended the northern wall of the room below. Something dark had moved along the edge of the opening to the south. As i reached the stairs, i saw that the wooden platform that was the top step had been broken. It was detached on the northern side and sagging. Other parts of the staircase were dangling or on the floor. I felt angry that someone was in my house. I descended through the opening, wondering how i had jumped down between the pieces of staircase. A man was to the south of me. He held a pool cue, and he was facing south. He wore a pair of boxer shorts and a tank-top undershirt. He seemed tall and plain, but i noticed that his legs seemed nicely shaped. His skin seemed sweaty or oily, but he had rounded calfs. I ran toward him, thinking that i should kick him in the back of the knees to knock him down. I then wondered what i should do. I stood to the north of the man, looking at him. He turned around to face west, looking at me over his right shoulder. He seemed annoyed by me, but he did not move. His face was rectangular, and he had short curly hair. He seemed to be chewing something between his front teeth. He was not muscular, but he seemed very sturdy, and i felt suddenly afraid of him. He seemed threatening. I ran to the southeast, into the next room, taking out my cell phone. I called emergency. I then realized that i did not even know the address of this house. I wondered if i had time to wait for the police. I imagined what i would say on the phone. I would have to tell the person that i needed help because someone was in my house. I did not know the address of the house, though. I pictured the house as sitting quite a way from the main road. A wide grass lawn was to the south of the house. The house seemed to be yellow and old, and it was surrounded by a rural setting, though the area seemed suburban.

12016 March 18

I was driving to the south, but i stopped at the bridge. I wanted to go for a drive on the country roads, even though i knew that i had somewhere to be. I thought that the roads ran east to west on the other side of the bridge. I remembered them from before. The land just on the other side of the gorge seemed forested with dense green vegetation. I remembered being on the narrow roads that ran under the bridge. I thought about doing that again. As i waited to cross the bridge, however, i could see constructions signs ahead. Stone walls stood on either side of the road that i was on. They slanted away from the road. They also seemed to cross the bridge. I was waiting for the light to turn so i could cross the bridge. The other person said that the side roads were closed from the construction. I could see that the one to the west was, and i thought that the one to the east would be as well. I was disappointed. I wanted to enjoy the day, even though i felt that i had somewhere to be. I decided that i would try to drive on the dirt road anyway. I crossed the bridge, watching some of the people walking along the western side of the street. I continued driving to the south. The road sloped up slightly as it ran along the eastern side of a steep hill. The hill rose sharply to the west of me, and i could see out into the hazy valley to the southeast. The road curved around the southeastern side of the hill. I wanted to ignore what i was supposed to do and enjoy myself. I moved back to the northern side of the room to get something. I had left the people to the south. I noticed a group of people gathered on the northern side of the room. They held automatic weapons and were preparing to attack the people to the south. They seemed Irish. One man sat stoically on a black box, which looked like a weapons crate. He wore black pants and a black vest over a white shirt. He had chin-length straight reddish-brown hair that was parted in the center of his head. He wore a long black gun in a sling over his shoulders, and he stared to the south. I realized that they were going to attack the people to the south. I walked to the door in the northern wall. The glass door exited the building. I had to warn the people to the south that the men were going to attack them. I grabbed something from the northern side of the door and started to head back to the south. I opened up the small case that i had and took out the black radio. I would use it to warn the people to the south. I had to be careful that the people near me did not suspect that i was with the people from the south. I held the radio close to me as i walked back to the south, trying to act casually. I had the radio out of the case, but i held both the case and the radio in my right hand, pushing it into the jacket i had over my right arm so that it would not be obvious. I had to get away from the men with guns so that i could contact the others. I started to feel nervous. I walked quickly to the south, driving my car across the large parking lot. It was night, and i thought that i could get farther from the men and not be seen in the dark. I passed a tall lamppost that was in the middle of the parking lot. I stopped my car near the western end of the southern side of the parking lot. I was now near the stores. I realized that i was still in the light of the stores. I had moved away from the overhead lights, but was still too close to the lights of the building. I tried to look at the radio, but it was still too bright around me. I decided to move my car to the east a little. The land to the south of me was well lighted, and seemed to have short mounds that were covered with green grass. Small trees were between the mounds, and the area reminded me of a miniature golf course. I backed my car to the west, turning it northeast. I had to be careful not to hit the wooden fence at the edge of the parking lot. I seemed to be in a small sectioned-off area of the parking lot. I drove northeast to the narrow drive that exited this small section of the lot. I stopped in front of the arching wooden bridge. The center of the bridge was taller than my car, and the bridge did not seem much longer than my car. I started driving up it, but worried that it might not support the weight of the car. I felt uneasy on it. I then realized that i must have crossed it to get here, but then i could not remember whether i had crossed it or not. I tried to remember. After a minute, i decided that i had crossed it before, so i drove over it again. I headed to the east, along the northern side of the small shopping plaza. I seemed to pass under an archway as i neared the entrance to the store. The entrance protruded from the northern wall ahead of me. I stopped just before it. I now had enough light to see my cell phone. As i looked down, though, the lights around the entrance to the store turned off. The building to the south of me was white and featureless. The blank wall seemed to be cement on the bottom and plastic on the top. The top of the wall hung out over the bottom, sheltering a cement walkway. I was in a small grassy courtyard between the main store and a smaller building to the north. The building to the north seemed to be connected to the building to the south by a narrow section to the west of me. I had passed through the narrow section, and i wondered if the doors were now being locked because the store was closing. I tried to back up my car, which was facing to the east on the cement walkway on the southern side of the rectangular courtyard. I hoped that i could still get out the entrance to the west. I was then in the middle of the grassy area, watching the white minivan turn to the north, driving off of the sidewalk. The sidewalk was about two decis above the grass, and i thought that it would be hard to drive back up the ledge to the pavement. I wondered if i would be able to get the car off the grass. I hoped that it did not get stuck. I moved around the area for a moment. I was still trying to look down at my cell phone. I finally reached to the west and grabbed the suitcase. I had brought it with me, but i was now putting it inside a dark purple hard-shell suitcase, which stood vertically on wheels. The metallic purple was flecked with shades of white and gray. I had not purchased the purple case, but i thought i could use it to carry my suitcase to the door. It would help me get the suitcase up over the lip of the sidewalk. I pulled the purple case to the east, heading into the entryway of the store. Others were leaving the store from the doors in the southern wall of the entryway and walking to the north to exit the store. I stopped in the middle of the entryway, removing my suitcase from the purple case. As i exited the store, i started talking to the woman outside. I said something about the radio, thinking of the men with the guns. I then headed to the west to do something.

12016 March 19

I led the bedroom, which was on the northern side of the apartment. A hallway ran along the southern side of the bedroom. Another bedroom was to the west of the first, on the northern side of the hallway. I was visiting this house, but i had to pack my things up to do something. I looked into the doorway of the other bedroom. $A118 and $A255 were in the bedroom. They were joking about something. I was glad to see them, but i felt annoyed that i would not be able to spend time with them. I turned back to the east, noticing the small brown dog running down the hall toward me. It seemed very excited and trotted in place near me. The dog looked like a chihuahua. I thought that it had to go outside to urinate. It was not my dog, but i thought that i should take it out. I wondered where i would find a leash. I headed to the south. The others were now to the east of me, standing in front of a doorway at the end of a short hall. The four people stood in a row. $A118 and $A255 were there, and a short woman with shaved hair stood on the southern end of the line. I noticed several logos hovering over their heads. The round logo over the person on the northern end seemed different. I pointed it out, referring to it as the logo for Oneida. The company sounded very familiar, but i told the others that i was not sure what the company did. The woman stepped forward. She wore a T-shirt with the sleeves cut of, and she seemed like a punker. She gestured with her hands as she said “I don’t know what they do, but they do my clothes.” I looked up at the round logo, which seemed mostly white, and i said that i wanted to know if they made dog leashes. I wanted to know where the dog’s leash was.

12016 March 22

I moved to the southeast, talking to the man still. He followed me along the edge of the cliff. A narrow gorge was just to the south of us. We walked along the tan rim of the gorge. The ground under us was uneven, and the flat rocks were smoothed by the weather. Short bushy trees were to the north and northeast of me as i headed toward a point on the rim. A side canyon stretched to the northwest from the main canyon, forming a pointed ledge that stuck out to the southeast. I felt a little uneasy near the edge of the canyon, so i did not go all the way to the end of the point. I chatted with the man about something. He was still to the west of me. I then looked back to the west. We were now standing against the southern wall of the canyon, and a few other people were with us. I continued speaking to the other man as i looked at the layers in the wall to the south. The layers were very distinct, and small spaces were between some of the layers. I looked into the spaces. They seemed like caves now. I thought that some of them were tall enough for someone to crawl through. The layers of rock seemed like limestone or clay. The rock was smooth and tinted different hues of tannish-gray. We were in the canyon, and some of the people were moving to the west. The man i had been chatting with was now trying to crawl through one of the holes in the curving wall to the southwest of us. I thought that the space was too narrow to get through. I then noticed that the narrow space behind me, to the south of me was illuminated with small lights. I looked to the southwest, noticing that the cavern that the man was trying to crawl into was also lighted up. I looked down the length of the narrow gorge to the west of me now, noticing that the canyon was dark in the distance. The caverns were lighted on purpose. They must be the way that we were supposed to go. I looked through the narrow opening to the southwest. I noticed $A682 standing up in the middle of the cave. He was walking to the southwest. We must have been expected to crawl through the hole that the man was currently crawling through and then walk through the cavern beyond. I could see the strata of rocks in the cavern and in the walls around me. The man was still trying to crawl through the hole to the southwest of me. He had pushed a thick chunk of rock into the southern end of the opening. After he crawled through, i could see the square chunk of rock. It had horizontal cracks in it and looked like clay rock. I thought that it would prevent the roof of the opening from collapsing, which would make it easier for me to squeeze through.

12016 March 23

I was in the northern side of the back room of my parents’ house, facing the couch, which was against the northern wall. My father was sitting on the western end of the couch, and i was talking about something. As i spoke, i noticed that the window in the eastern end of the northern wall seemed open. I could see the white metal frame of the screen pulled up from the bottom of the window. Thin white curtains hung over the window, blocking part of the view. I pointed out the window to my father and walked over to the window to look at it. The window had been open. I thought that the heat was getting out because it was still cold outside. I then wondered how the window had been opened. I looked closely at the lock on the top of the lower part of the window. It looked as though it had been forced. I moved to the west, noticing that the window in the northern end of the western wall was also open. I felt uneasy, thinking that someone had broken into the house. I started to feel unsafe. Someone had been in the house while we were not here. I moved to the south, thinking about this. I wondered what the person could have been doing in the house. I then wondered why the alarm did not go off when the person opened the window. I remembered that the alarms were attached to all of the windows. The alarm should have gone off. I felt upset than someone had been in the house while we were not here.

12016 March 24

I left the others and headed east along the street. I could see the short side road to the north that i wanted to take. I was in a suburban neighborhood. All of the houses here seemed to be old. One small white one had a cape-style roof, and the one to the northeast of me seemed to be small and cubical. The ground was pale, and the trees had no leafs on them. One large tree stood to the west of the house to the northeast of me. I turned up the short road, which as a dead end street. I could see that the street ran about ten meters before opening up on the eastern side into a square cul-de-sac. Short bushes were planted about two meters apart along the northern edge of the paved area. They had been trimmed with flat tops and square sides. A highway or main road seemed to run to the north of the dead end, beyond a short chain link fence. I was carrying a large bundle of sticks in my arms as i walked along the eastern side of the street. I thought that i would have to dump the sticks along the northern side of the cul-de-sac. As i reached the entrance to the small paved lot and headed to the northeast, i was aware of a young child playing in the yard to the west of the house. The house seemed to be to the south of the small lot. I knew that a woman was standing in a doorway in the northern side of the house. She could see me, and i thought that she might not want me dumping sticks in the back of their yard. I wondered why i would have brought the sticks here in the first place. I held the large bundle of sticks on my right side. They stretched from my knees to above my head. I walked across the parking area and then started turning to the southeast and then south. I would have to pretend that i intended to walk this way, otherwise the woman would know that i had intended to dump the sticks in the woods to the north of her house. I crossed the yard, heading south. I then wondered what i should do with the sticks. I felt silly carrying them. I then realized that they were already tied together around the center, creating a loose bundle. I turned back to the west, heading for the southern side of the white building. I put the bundle of sticks over my torso, pulling it on like a shirt. It hung over my body. I started across the southern side of the white cinder-block building, which had a green roof. I thought that it would seem strange to have a man jogging with a bundle of sticks on him. A white car was parked to the south of the building, along the building, facing east. It looked like a large American car, with angular features over the fenders. I could see people inside as i jogged close. I passed between the car and the building, noticing that the man in the driver’s seat was watching me as i approached. His family was in the car. He seemed scared of me and locked the doors as i passed by. I found this humorous. As i passed the window, i could see him lean away from me, his mouth open, ready to scream. I laughed and continued to the west. I was now starting to float as i passed over the grass. The area to the west of me seemed like a golf course.

12016 March 28

I looked at the chairs ahead of me as i walked down the hall to the west. I was in the office building, which seemed like $G6. I had been talking with someone to the southeast. I had brought the chairs into the building. I was chatting with the other person about the chairs. The chairs had round seats with red logos on them. The logos seemed to relate to Cornell University. I felt annoyed with some of the logos, and i told the woman to the west of me that i had brought in a chair that had the latest logo on it. I also complained that the previous chairs did not have the modern logos on them. I said dramatically that they did not even have the last logo on them. I told her that the logo was several generations old. I continued talking about the chairs as i walked to the south. I crossed the alley between the two buildings. As i reached the southern side of the corridor, i turned back to the northwest, looking at the tall plain brick wall to the northwest of me. It seemed white with a rough texture. I stood for a moment, looking at the wall. The sun shined over the building to the south of me, casting a shadow on the lower part of the white wall. I continued talking about the chairs, but i stood as though thinking about something. I then headed into the building to the south. I was in a large academic building of the college. The building was dark, and it seemed to be night now. I had a chair with me, and i felt insistent about bringing in the correct chairs. I thought that others would not want me to do this, however. I stood for a moment at the western end of the corridor of the upper floor of the building. The corridor was dark. It was late at night, and the building was supposed to be closed. I was wandering around the corridors. I pushed one of the rolling chairs to the west and then turned and walked to the east. I thought that i should leave the building before someone found me here. A small doorway was at the end of the hall, and i walked out it, finding myself on the roof of the building to the east. I was surprised that i could get to the roof so easily. I thought that it was good to be on another building. There would be less chance of someone finding me in the building that i was in. I started to walk along the terrace, which ran along the northern side of the building. I would have to climb into the building through a window, so i looked for windows that i could easily open. An orangish-yellow light shined from the east. The large wooden-framed windows were all closed, and they seemed to be inside a small area that was surrounded by glass. The dingy class windows on the outside of the building were about two meters from the wall of the building, forming a small enclosed area around the windows of the building. I leaned down near the eastern end of one of the glass booths and tried to lift one of the plexiglas plates on the lower part of the window. I found that it easily slid open. I wondered if i would be able to open the windows inside or if they were locked. I felt nervous about crawling into the booth to check on the windows. I worried that the building would have alarms on the windows. I wondered what i should do. I started to feel nervous, and i moved to the east along the roof. I then thought that someone might be coming up on the roof to the west of me. I thought i had heard noised. I thought that it would be the police. I ran to the eastern end of the terrace. The low walls ran around the outside of the low roof. I did not have anywhere to go. I then noticed the low dense pine shrubs that were planted along the northern wall of the terrace. I crouched down to the east of them, hiding from anyone that might be to the west. I then thought that the security guards might walk the entire terrace to see if anyone was here. I would have to hide from them. I pushed my head into the pine shrubs, thinking that i could crawl between the shrubs and the outside wall. I thought about this as i waited for the guards. I then walked back to the west, realizing that no guards were here yet. I had to do something. I thought that i would just return to the building that i had come from. I then noticed a small wooden door on the eastern side of a small section of the building that protruded into the terrace. The building was made of red brick, and the wooden door was stained brown. I reached for it, realizing that it had several gray sensors and wires running down the southern edge. I turned the round knob and opened the door anyway. It pulled outward. As i pulled it, a wooden door closed over the inside of the opening. I realized that opening the door must have set off the alarms. The wooden flap closed because the magnets had been turned off. I pushed the wooden door inward, seeing a red light flashing in a darkened hallway. I felt uneasy about entering the building, but i thought that i should do it anyway. It seemed the best way to get off the roof. I then wondered if any cameras were in the building. They might take a picture of my face.

12016 March 30

I carried my things into the room on the western side of the hallway. I was in a house, and it seemed like in was in the morning. I had to take a shower. I was just to the south of an intersection in the corridor, where the corridor i was in ended at an east-to-west corridor. I walked through the door to the west of me, entering into the northeastern corner of the bathroom. I had been in this bathroom before. No one else was here. I thought that this bathroom was not in a popular part of the house, so no one showered here. A dividing barrier was just to the south of me, supported by a metal rod that held it up on the western end. The sinks seemed to be in the southeastern corner of the room, along the southern and eastern walls. The showers seemed to be in the center of the southern part of the room, surrounded by partitions like the one to the south of me. The partitions were suspended along the edges by metal poles. The toilets seemed to be in stalls along the northern wall. The stalls had the same type of metal dividing barriers. I started to the southwest, toward the showers, when i noticed some dried dog feces on the floor. I remembered that the dog would come down to this room when people in the house did not let it out. I stepped over it, but then noticed that feces were scattered all over the floor. I did not like this and decided that i should not take a shower in this room. I backed out of the room and turned to the north. I entered the other bathroom on the western side of the room, entering through a doorway in the southern wall. The shower was to the east of me. I put my things down on a rack and started to take my clothes off when someone entered on the eastern side of the room and undressed. The person had his back to me, and he was standing just to the north of the wide shower stall. I felt annoyed. I would not be able to take a shower here either. I headed back to the south and moved east, entering the other shower room. It was morning, so everyone was trying to take a shower. I felt frustrated.

12016 March 31

I stood to the east of the low wooden fence. The fence was about three meters long, and i was near the southern end. Others stood around the fence with me, talking about the marks on the top of the thick wooden pole that crossed the top of the fence. I looked at the marks that the man to the west of me was referring to. Gray lines of paint seemed to create sections on the top of the wooden bar, which seemed to be flat on top. I thought that this was where the boxes would be built. They seemed like postal boxes, but i thought that they were for the cats. The man to the west was facing mostly west, but he turned his torso to face north as his right arm pointed to the marks. He glanced up to me as he talked about them. He wore a dark-gray hooded sweatshirt. I rounded the southern end of the fence, feeling disinterested in what everyone was saying. I looked at the lines, thinking of the wooden boxes that we would have to create over them. I thought that i would do it, but i was not interested in hearing the man talk about it. I nodded to him in acknowledgment, but did not really listen to what he was saying. As i came to the southwest of the southern end of the fence, i looked back. The man was still talking to me. I nodded at him again but wanted to walk away. I then noticed the large sign over the top of the fence. It formed stylized letters that spelled out “Maxes’s”. I realized that it was referring to the two cats that lived here. I pointed out that i used to have a cat by that name. I turned to the southwest and entered the small house. The house only had one room, and it seemed to be poorly constructed and messy. The room was very small, and furniture lined the walls. I immediately saw a gray and white cat that was spotted with black. It looked like $X12. I knew that it was not he. This cat was one of the Maxes. It looked up at me from the edge of a couch to the west of me. I reached down to pet its head. I then noticed the black cat to the southwest, running along the couch that as on the southern wall. It reminded me of $X14, but i knew that it was called Max too. They did not look like my cats, but it seemed strange that they had similar colorings. I turned to the southeast, expecting to open the door to the other side of the house, but there was no door in the southern end of the eastern wall, as i had expected there to be. I felt confused. I wondered how i would leave the house. I moved around for a moment. I wanted to go somewhere. I then thought that i had to get home to get my things. I moved to the west, into the large dining room of the house. I could see people sitting down at the tables already. Diffuse daylight shined in through the multipane windows, which formed the eastern, southern, and western walls of the room. A man was sitting on the northern side of a table in the center of the room, moving a spoonful of soup to his mouth. Most of the tables were empty. This place was $P19, and the dinner for the event had already started. I felt rushed. I wanted to get to the dinner, but i thought that i might be too late. I then realized that i had to head home to get my things before i could join the dinner. By the time i got back, i would not be able to eat with the others. I would have to wait until the dinner was over to grab a meal from the kitchen. I flew through the room, circling around the room on the western side of the house and then heading back to the room on the east. Tables filled both rooms, but few people were eating. I looked to the north as i passed a doorway. The waiter stood on the western side of the room. He noticed me. The room had more people eating in it. It was the main dining room. The other rooms were just set up for the event. I told the waiter that i had to get something and that i would return. I felt rushed. I headed out of the eastern side of the house and flew to the north. I stopped just in front of the house. My house was to the northwest, across the neighborhood. I thought that i could fly there, but then i thought that i would not be able to carry my things back. I would have to take things with me for after the dinner. Annoyed, i decided that i would have to drive.

I left $P19 and started heading to the north. The dirt driveway curved a little as i started until it was heading directly north, through the area of trees. The other person was to the west of me, and i said that i would be back. I bent over to pick up something from the ground. I felt the strong gust of wind from the southwest. It blew several things out of my hands. I imagined the clothing getting scattered across the ground. I walked down the driveway, trying to find the rest of it. I saw the yellow rain shell on the ground ahead of me, and i picked it up. I held the bundled clothing in my arms as i followed the dirt path through the wooded area. I then noticed the white sheet of paper on the ground. The ground seemed littered with trash, and i was having a hard time discerning the clothes that i was looking for. I thought that the paper might be something i needed. Stopped to look at it. It was on the eastern side of the path, and a few small gray rocks held it down. The writing on the paper said something about beer, and i knew that it was left here by someone from $G4. They had set the trail through here. This was one of the markers. I thought that the people would be coming from the north and would probably stop here to socialize. I was glad to see the paper, but it was now what i was looking for. I looked ahead of me, to the north. A set of large black steps ascended the steep hill just ahead. I walked past the paper, noticing a lot of trash scattered on the dark ground and up the steps. As i approached the steps, i saw some lights moving across the second step from the west. Each step was a little less than a meter high. Someone had set up a train track on the second step, and a model train was traveling from the west, crossing the path, which ran up the center of the wide steps. The train cut right in front of me, and i thought that it was not a coincidence that it arrived just when i had started up the stairs. I then thought that it could have been left running for a long time. The train crossed the center section of the stairs and then ran into a model truck, which was on the eastern part of the step. The small train derailed and stopped. The train could not have been running for a long time or it would have run into the truck before. I started up the steps. Several other model vehicles were on the steps. I wondered who had started the train. I then heard voices from the top of the steps. I looked up and to the west. The steps were now in a room, and i could see a viewing booth along the ceiling on the western side of the room. The booth seemed empty, but i knew that i had heard voices. I slowly ascended the steps, listening for more voices. As i came into the room above, i noticed that viewing booths were on the top of the eastern wall as well. The room was oddly shaped, and all of the walls were painted black. The black had faded a little over time. I could see into the viewing booths. They seemed like DJ booths, and i could see wires handing from the ceiling inside. Red wires hung from the ceiling to the east, making this place seem abandoned. The northern wall was divided into three sections, with the outer two sections at slight angles into the room. I then heard another sound, and i looked up to the west to see $A705 standing on a platform above me. He was smiling down, and he nodded at me in acknowledgment. He was wearing a bright red jacket over a white shirt, and he was facing north.