12018 March 02

I walked into the room with the other man, entering from the east. We were in an old diner or a pub. I seemed to remember this place from long ago. It reminded me of the IBM Country Club. A log wooden counter ran along the southern wall. The man who was with me stopped at the entrance to the room, greeting the people behind the counter. He told me that the man behind the counter was the prince of Nairobi. He then said that the woman was the queen of another place. This seemed strange. I looked at the man. He seemed oddly attractive. He had tanned but pale skin and short light-brown hair. His face had sharp features. He wore a lightly-padded canvas vest. He smiled at me as the man with me talked to him. The woman walked behind him, to the south of him, and approached the counter to the west of him. She too had pale skin and sharp cheekbones. Her curly brown hair was tied back. They did not seem to be from Africa, so i thought that the titles the man with me had given them were just nicknames. I felt attracted to the man, and was interested in getting to know him, but i felt that it would be out of place here. I looked around the room. I was in a pub, and the long narrow room was filled with people. People sat in stools along most of the bar area, with only a small gap near where the male bartender stood. I thought that i would have to be more familiar with this place before i could talk to the man. I would have to become a regular here. I kept looking at the bartenders, wondering what made them seem so special.

I moved to the south, across the living room of my grandmother’s house. It was early in the morning, and i had just woken up. I turned on the television that was against the southern wall of the room, thinking that i could watch something quietly while i was having breakfast. I hoped that it was not too loud. I thought that someone was still asleep in the upstairs room. I thought about the channel that i had turned on. I was reminded that very few channels were available here, and this seemed to have something to do with my memories. Something about this seemed like a place from my childhood. I had turned on morning cartoons, and i seemed to be watching a local channel. I headed back toward the kitchen, but i realized that i was not actually here. I was really still asleep. I woke up in my bed. $F71 was sleeping to the west of me on the bed. I lay back on the bed, wondering what i should do. I was then doing something near the dresser, which was against the eastern end of the southern wall of the bedroom. I woke up suddenly, realizing that this was not correct. I had fallen asleep again. I was in the dining room of my grandmother’s house. I had come down from the bedroom upstairs. I stood in the kitchen, wondering what i should do. I then remembered that i had gotten up earlier. I thought that i had turned the television on in the living room. It had been a while ago. I moved to the doorway in the middle of the western wall. I could see light coming around the door in the western end of the southern wall to the south of me, but i pulled open the vinyl door to the west of me and walked into the living room. The green light of something on the television screen illuminated the floor of the room. I could now hear the sound of the television. It had been quiet enough that i could not hear it in the other room. This was a good thing. I walked to the west of the large cushioned chair that was facing the television and was against the eastern wall of the room. I thought that the television had been left on PBS. This seemed to be one of the only stations that came in here, and there was something nostalgic about that. I then remembered that i should heat some water for tea. I knew that $F71 would be up later and might want some tea. I turned to the east, now in my kitchen. I turned on the burner for the water, but something seemed wrong. I could not quite see what was on the stove. I tried to focus, realizing that several things were on the surface of the stove. I realized that i had turned on the wrong burner by mistake. I had turned on the back left burner, and i had intended to turn on the front right. A blue plastic rectangular flour container was on the back left burner. I hurriedly tried to move it, thinking that the flour at the bottom of the container would now be browned, like the flour in roux. I stopped, realizing that i could still hear something sizzling. I lifted the kettle from the front burner. A round flat metal cover was on the burner. I grabbed it to pull it off, but it was hot. I started to feel frustrated. I could not quite see what was on the stove, as if something was obstructing my vision. Something was not right. I was feeling more frustrated than i should. I thought that something was still heating up on the stove, and i felt frustrated enough that i thought i should just turn off all of the burners. I backed from the white stove a little and looked at the knobs on the front. All of them were vertical, which meant that they were all turned off. Something did not make sense, and i felt unable to understand what was happening here. I felt panicked now, knowing that something was wrong with me. I fell backward against the southern wall of the kitchen and sank to the floor. I called to $F71, who i knew was upstairs. I started saying “Something’s wrong.” over and over. I wondered what $F71 would do when he found me. I felt that something was very wrong. I wondered if i was having hallucinations. I then wondered what doctors would say if they found me. I looked at my left hand, which i kept shaking. I was leaning against a cement wall now, and i gazed around near me. I looked to the west, out across Grippen Avenue. I wondered if the doctors would test me for drugs, thinking that i was intoxicated on something. A car then came down Grippen Avenue from the south and turned into the driveway that i was sitting in. I was leaning against a retaining wall on the southern side of the driveway. The white car turned, but the tan SUV stopped in the driveway. I realized that i was in their way. I was now to the west of the house, which was $A525’s house. I stood up so that the SUV could pull into the driveway. The woman in the passenger’s seat was gesturing to the driver about something. She had fuzzy blond hair. I walked to the north, watching the white SUV drive across the back yard of the house. I wondered where the white car was going. I watched as it drove to the east, across the back yard. It crossed into my grandmother’s back yard, passing between her house and the garage to the north of it. I felt annoyed, thinking that the driver should not have been driving on the lawn as a shortcut. I imagined that people were behind my grandmother’s house. They would block the car. I then thought that the car would drive around the northern side of the garage and pass into the next yard to get back to the street. I felt that this was not a good idea. What if children had been playing near the garage? The truck could have hit them. I thought about this as i woke up again.

12018 March 03

I stood at the western side of the auditorium, looking to the east-northeast at the stage. The stage stood out from the northern wall. It was a black wooden platform about five meters deep and a meter and a half tall, and it ran most of the width of the northern wall of the room. I was standing near the front of the audience, listening to the man on the stage. He was talking about something to the people. He then started playing music for an interlude. I walked to the north, into the next room, which was a backstage area. A couple other people were there with me, and i chatted with them for a moment. The man who had been on stage then opened the western edge of the curtain, which was to the southeast of us, and came into the back area with us. He said that he was surprised that the audience was not at all interested in the XTC song that he played for them. I realized that he was playing “Making Plans for Nigel”. I told him that XTC had never really been popular in the United States. I then thought that he must be British to think that they were popular. I then thought that this song was never really played in the United States. It was from one of their earlier albums, and XTC did not become popular here until one of their later albums. I tried to say this to the man.

I moved around near the southern wall, watching the people at the party to the north of me. They were gathered on the small deck of the house. The deck seemed square, and was surrounded on three sides by the large gray house. It had narrow wood planks on the floor that ran from north to south, and a round wooden table seemed to be just to the north of me. The people here seemed to be from high school, and i felt a little out of place as i moved around. I said something to someone about the others. People were starting to leave the party to go somewhere. Someone had said that they were going to see a band in town. I mentioned the band, remembering that the man had thought that the young people would like XTC. I told the other people that the band was never really popular in the United States. The woman to the east of me seemed to think that they were. She was walking to the northwest, passing to the north of me. I told her that the song “Making Plans for Nigel” was never really played here. She said that XTC was popular. She stopped to the north of me, looking over her left shoulder at me. She seemed like $A588. I told her that XTC had been popular from the 1970s to the 1980s, but that they were not popular in the United States until the 1980s or the 1990s. I thought that the first popular song that they had was “Dear God”. That was more near the end of their career than the beginning. She seemed to consider the idea and accepted it with a nod before she continued to the northwest. I turned to the east and started walking down the street. I wanted to meet up with the others, who were headed out somewhere. I then realized that i was on a dark street by myself. The others from the party were still to the west of me. I seemed to be on Union Street, heading toward Nanticoke. A long low white building that looked like a garage was to the south of me, and i was walking on the sidewalk in front of it. I had taken something from the party. It seemed like a metal vambrace over my left arm. I thought of the others at the bar as i walked. I thought that they were really college-aged people, and i seemed much older. I wondered if i would fit in as i hung out with them. I reached the corner of Nanticoke Avenue and turned to the north. I suddenly realized that the heavy guard was no longer on my arm. I stopped for a moment, wondering how it could have disappeared. I was holding a glass tube in my left hand, and i put that over my arm. It was thick glass, and it had a hole for my thumb. It fit like the metal vambrace, so i thought that i would wear it. I tried to remember how it hand changed, but i could not remember where i had gotten the glass brace from and where i had put the metal one. I started walking north, up the slight hill of the street. I then wondered if it would be okay for me to walk into a pub with a glass vambrace on my arm. I thought that the police might find it suspicious. I thought about the pub where the others would be handing out. It seemed to be near the inlet to the southwest of me. I started to feel uneasy, thinking about what the security people would say as i walked into the pub. I felt that someone was following me, so i turned to the southwest and walked into the store. The store was at the corner of Nanticoke and the other main road. I remembered this store from a long time ago. It had been a long time since i had come here. The entrance was set back from the sidewalk by a few meters. After opening the glass door, i walked up a short flight of stairs to the south and came into the store. The space seemed small, and it was filled with dark-colored clothing on white walls and racks. I came into the eastern side of the space. The small room was mostly square, but the western end of the southern wall was farther to the north than the eastern end. Horizontal grooves ran along the walls so that hooks could be inserted to hold up merchandise. A black purse was hanging from the metal rack in the center of the floor just to the southwest of me. I tried to pretend that i was looking around at the clothing as i moved, in case someone was watching me. I turned to the east. The store extended to the north of me at a lower level. I could not see down to the floor of the lower level because a large display wall stood just to the north of me. The wall was made of a grid of black wire that formed a V that opened to the north. I could not see through the grid because items were hung from the northern side. I remembered that the lower part of the store contained new-age and spiritual items. I descended the stairs that ran along the western wall of the room. As i reached the bottom, i looked into the center of the room, disappointed to find that the only items there were now clothing items. The spiritual things had been replaced years ago.

12018 March 05

I was in the place, which seemed like a museum. It seemed like an old very large building. I was now moving to the southeast, heading thought the streets of the city. I felt concerned because someone was following me, and i felt that he was dangerous. Something then happened, and the man was knocked out. I turned to the south and ran around the western end of the narrow building. The building seemed more like a bus stop on the southern side of the very wide street. It was four or five meters long and seemed to be nothing more than a back wall with a short roof overhanging the northern side. It seemed to have many coats of paint on the thick metal frame. To the south of it was a long low building, and i ran to the northwestern corner of it. A metal pole was on the corner of the building, and i grabbed a loop of metal that was on the pole and swinged my legs up so that i was sitting on the roof, which was only about three meters off the ground. I had to hide from the man. The roof sloped slightly to the south, but i easily ran across it to the eastern side of the building. I crouched down and then lay down. I thought that the man would wake up and come after me, following were i had gone on the western side of the building. I hoped that no one would notice me sitting on the roof. I reclined to the north to get lower to the surface. I then realized that i was wearing a bright yellow rain coat. It would be very noticeable to people on the ground. I wondered if i should take it off. I then saw the man to the east of me. He was walking to the southwest on the eastern side of the building. Just past the southeastern corner of the building, he stopped and turned toward me. He smiled as he saw me. He looked Italian, with chin-length wavy black hair and a thick mustache. He had a squat face and thick features. I felt scared of him as he started toward me. I backed to the west, wondering what i should do. I was now in the house as i thought. I had to find a way to get away from the man. Something had then happened to him again. He was knocked out on the eastern side of the building, and i was again on the roof. I ran to the west. At the northwestern corner of the building, i grabbed the square metal handle on the pole. It looked like a piece of rusted rebar that had been bent into a rectangle and attached to the pole. It pivoted around the pole. I jumped off of the roof, which seemed rather high, but i was holding on to the handle to slow my fall. I landed on the soggy grass below and started running to the northwest.

I was running to the east through the forested area with the other people. It seemed like late winter; the ground had a light coating of wet snow, and the trees still did not have any leafs. The trees seemed tall and thin. I then turned to the northeast, following the narrow dirt trail. I knew that we were heading to the other area, and i imagined the large loop in the forested area. I thought that this trail was a shortcut to the area. I had been running next to someone, to the north of him or her, but, as i turned, i started running faster to keep ahead of him or her. It felt good to be running in the forest again. I was then stopped on the wider trail, which ran east to west. $A754 was now standing to the east of me. He had been facing northeast, but he turned to look at me and asked me something. I was thinking about the trail. I knew that it ran in a loop and eventually came back out on this main trail somewhere to the south, but i could not quite picture how the loop worked. It seemed that we had taken a shortcut to the trail, but, if the trail just went to the southeast and looped back to the main trail, then we were really not cutting any distance off. I could not figure out something about this. The trail seemed simpler that it should have been. It did not make sense.

I was with $G4 as we ran to the west, across the open area. The land rose slightly to the west, and the ground was covered with short green grass. Thin twisting trees sprouted here and there around the area, which seemed to be a field. The trees had a smooth pale-gray bark, and the thin branches had no leafs. Short stone mound-walls ran along the northern and western edges of the field. I ran over the wall to the north, into the next field. The forest here was thicker; the trees were closer together. I was looking for marks on the trees, but i did not see any at first. Fewer trees seemed to be along the northern side of the second area. I then saw the humming bird on one of the pale trees ahead of me. I called to the others that i was on trail, and i started running west. Another person was following me. I grabbed the humming bird with my right hand and tossed it out in front of me. It flew to the west-northwest and landed on a wider tree along the northern side of the area. I called to the others again. I ran past the tree and looked for the humming bird. I then wondered why the humming bird would be marking the trees. This did not seem to make sense. I wondered how i knew that i was really on trail. I started to doubt that i was. I then heard the others calling from behind me. They sounded as though they were on trail. I reached the western side of the area, where another short mound ran along the western side. The forest to the west seemed thicker than where i was. I then heard someone calling to the southeast of me. I turned to see a woman running thorough the widely spaced thin trees. She had a long ribbon of white toilet paper in her left had, and she called that she was on trail. I realized that this part of trail was set with toilet paper. I looked to the south of me as i reached the thick trees along the western edge of the area, noticing a short strand of toilet paper hanging from one of the branches. The trail entered the trees just to the south of me. I called to the others and headed west, through the trees. The land seemed to open up into a grassy lawn just beyond the short dense area of trees. I thought that it sloped down gradually toward a narrow road, which was about fifty meters to the west. A house was also to the southwest of me. I was then inside the house, aware of $G4 running to the west outside, to the north of me. I had been doing something in the house, and i felt rushed to leave. This small old house seemed to belong to $A14. He was not here, and i was checking things in the house for him. I had slipped down the square hole in the floor and had come out into the small room with blue walls to the south and east. I was suddenly aware of a blue car pulling up to the northern side of the house from the east. I felt rushed, thinking that i had to put things back in order so that $A14 did not know that i was here. I tried to climb back up through the square hole in the southeastern corner of the ceiling, but i could not get back up. I then started putting things together to the east of me. I was in a cramped laundry room on the basement level of the house. A white machine was to the south of me, and another was to the east. I felt that i should not have been in the house, but then i thought that i had been watching the house while $A14 was gone. I walked to the north and greeted $A14. I started chatting with him as he and his wife unpacked the car. I moved to the north of him. His son then came from the east, passing close to me as he walked between us. He glanced uneasily at me as he passed. He seemed young, with short straight blond hair. I continued to chat with $A14.

12018 March 07

I was in the room on the northern side of the house. The others had left for some event. They seemed like high-school students, and i seemed to be one of them. I had not left, though. I was tired and thought that i should go to bed. I headed to the south, into the next room. I felt sad that i had not gone out with the others, though. I wished that i had gone with them. I moved around in the bedroom for a moment, doing something. Two of my friends then came from the north. Together, we walked to the southeast, into the cafeteria. We had come into the empty building. It was late at night, and i felt uncomfortable here. We entered the room through the double glass doors in the western end of the northern wall. A long counter ran along the northern wall to the east of the door, and the main service counter ran along the eastern wall. The others moved to the eastern wall, but i stopped near the tables on the northwestern side of the room. The long thin tables ran east to west across the room, and i stood just to the south of the western end of the northern-most row. I felt that something was going to happen. I looked back to the northwest at the glass doors, expecting someone to come in. I thought that the person would attack us. After a moment, a man came from the east and opened the doors. He seemed curious of us and asked something. He wore an old dingy T-shirt and had chin-length thinning brown hair. His scruffy beard was short. I responded to the man, cautious of him. He seemed hesitant of us. After a moment, he walked into the room and did something near the western wall. I walked to the southeast and talked with the others who had come in with me. I thought that they were some of the people who had gone to the event. They had come back early for some reason. They mentioned that they had driven off the road. I thought that they had gotten stuck and could not make it to the event with the others. I asked them about their car. One of them said that it had happened near the market. I realized that they were talking about Bryants. I was surprised that they had gone in that direction. They would have taken the road to the east and then turned on the long road to the south to get there. I asked them about it, and they mentioned the market again. I thought that they would have been heading to the northeast, toward the city. I wondered if they were heading to the area on Catskill Creek where the young people used to hang out. We started driving to the east. I thought about the area to the north of the road. It was very hilly, and i had been on the dirt roads that ran over the steep hills. The hills seemed very high, and i thought that i had been there before with $G4. As we drove to the east, i asked the others about the area. They said that they had driven there, but i thought that the area would be impassable this time of year. I pictured the gravel roads that ran over the steep pointy hills. We then turned to the north, heading into the area. I mentioned that the roads really did not go anywhere. I pictured the road making a loop through the open region. The area seemed difficult to traverse now that it was cold. I wondered how the others could drive on it. I pictured a hill that i had been on with $G4 long ago. It seemed almost vertical, and i wondered how a car could drive up it. We then turned on another road that ran west. It seemed to go for a long distance. I was not quite sure where we were.

12018 March 10

I rode the bus to the east as i chatted with the person to the south of me. I watched the city out the window. I was thinking about where i would have to get off of the bus, but i could not quite remember. I then noticed someone running down the sidewalk to the south of the bus. The man was wearing blue jeans and a blue long-sleeve button-up shirt. I thought that he must have been waiting for the bus, but the bus had driven past his stop. He started running to try to catch the bus at the next stop. We were in a neighborhood area, where trees shaded the street. I wondered where the bus would make its next stop. I looked ahead, to the southwest. The street had turned into a more open area. It curved to the northeast as it ran to the north of a steep embankment. A sidewalk ran along the bottom of the embankment, which seemed to be formed of large gray stone blocks. I could see the tops of houses on the upper level of the wall, but a train track seemed to run along the edge of the wall. I then saw a man near the top of the wall. He had passed through a gap in the low wall along the upper edge, heading north. He quickly turned to the east and started descending a narrow set of stone steps that ran along the wall. He glanced at the bus, and i thought that he was trying to make it to the next bus stop as well. He wore a bluish-gray backpack over his shoulder. His canvas jacket was baggy on him. He had medium skin and seemed Indian. I looked ahead to the east, noticing that the street to the northeast of us turned back to the east ahead. The bus headed for the turn. I looked back to the south. $F70 was standing just to the southwest of me now, and he said something to me. I looked back to the east as we started heading to the east again, i thought about the next bus stop as i walked to the east, down the center of the bus. I was walking along the tall gray stone wall. The wall was only around three meters tall here, and i was looking at something on the wall as i mentioned my stop. The cement sidewalk had wide steps that rose to the east. I stepped up a few of them, thinking that the markings on the wall represented the bus stop that i was looking for. I felt confused though. Someone said that the stop was for Eaton. That was not the school that i was looking for, but i could see that something was drawn on the wall in chalk and circled. Just to the east of the circle was a W in a heart-shaped circle, drawn in red chalk. I wondered if this was my stop. I felt unsure. I turned to the east and climbed the last of the steps, which were closer together and more like regular stairs. When i reached the top of the steps, i was at the front of the bus. I said that i would wait for my stop, which i thought was somewhere to the southwest, in the country. This seemed strange, though. The bus driver, who was sitting to the north of me, looked at me questioningly. Someone questioned me, asking what i had meant. I was not sure. I turned to the southwest and walked across the room. The room seemed to be a basement, with a dark-gray cement wall to the south. A workbench ran along the southern wall, and $F71 was sitting at the bench. He faced southwest, and he was hunched over as he did something. He wore a green textured long-sleeve shirt. Someone said something to the north of me. I replied to the person as i approached $F71 from behind. I pet his back as he worked. I then looked at the fingers on my right hand. The lower bone on the ring finger was loose, and part of it was sticking through the skin just above the knuckle. I turned to the east, looking at the finger. It did not hurt, but i knew that it was badly damaged. I curled the finger, watching the bone move up and down. I thought that it must have broken when the man tried to pry something in my hand. I remembered that i had been to the east when i was holding the cylindrical object for the man in my right hand. He had tried to pry something off the top of it with a screwdriver, and he was using the top of my hand as a lever. He must have broken my finger. I felt upset, and i told $F71 that i would have to go to the hospital. I asked if he could take me. I thought again about the man whom i had helped.

We walked the bicycles to the east, over the cement sidewalk that led across the grass. I stopped, not quite sure where to go from here. I then saw the sign ahead of me, to the east. It had an arrow pointing up on the lower right edge of the sign. We had to go to the east on the path. I said so to the others who were with me, and we started to the east. A man was standing on the southern side of the path, and he seemed to be a manager of the hotel, which stood to the east of us. The large tan stucco building had a plain surface on the lower level, but the path ran through a gap in the lower wall. I walked past the manager, saying something about the bicycle route. We turned to the south just inside the lower level, and then turned to the east again, heading down a narrow alley, which ran between a tall dark building to the south and a tan building to the north. The building to the south seemed to have a grid of dark-gray beams on the surface. The walls between the beams were mostly glass windows. The building to the north did not seem to have any windows. I continued down the corridor until i was inside a building. We now seemed to be in a basement corridor, and the corridor ended at a fire door to the east. I walked toward the door, realizing that it was blocked with a short stack of boxes. I wondered what we should do. A red handle was on the left side of the door, and it said “Emergency Exit”. I knew that an alarm would ring if we opened the door. I talked with the other person about opening the door, thinking that we had no other place to go. This was the way that the running path came. I then noticed a sign in the hallway that pointed to the door. I felt annoyed, thinking that we would have to go out the door. I did not think that we should care what the management would say. I reached for the door handle, noticing a key in the lock. We would have to clear the low containers from the floor in front of the door to get to the door. I turned the key in the lock, and i could hear an alarm sounding somewhere in the distance. I turned the key back, and the alarm stopped. I turned the key again, pointing out the alarm sound to the other person with me. I felt impatient with the management. I thought that they would come if they heard the alarm going off. A manager in a dark uniform was then in the corridor with us. He said something about the door. I turned and pulled on the door, trying to open it. I realized that it slided to the south. This surprised me. We did not have to open the latch. We could have simply slided the door and the screen to the south. I stepped outside with the others. It was sunny outside, and the sidewalk ran north to south. A large tan building was to the east of us. The running trail seemed to go to the south from here. It felt good to be back outside.

12018 March 11

I stood on the southern side of the small locker room, facing south. I was looking down at the running clothes that were on the floor to the southwest of me. I was about to change into them, but it seemed warm outside, and i thought that i should go running outside rather than in the gym. I had already started changing my clothes for indoor running, but i felt indecisive. I stared for a while at the clothes, wondering what i should do. I finally decided that i wanted to go running outside. I crouched down and started stuffing my clothing back into the blue duffel bag, which was to the south-southwest of me. As i put something in the bag, i realized that i was putting the new sneakers into the bag. I was going to use the sneakers here, but they were now, so i thought that i should not be taking them with me. I looked at the rectangular bag, which now had several pair of new blue sneakers in it. The sneakers had silver mesh on the sides. I knew that i should not be taking the sneakers from this place, but i did not feel like unpacking the bag. I zipped up the bag and headed to the south. I felt bad for taking the sneakers, but i did not want to be bothered with unpacking. I realized that i had several other things with me that i should probably not take. I felt frustrated and decided that i should put the things back. I put something down to the south of me and then turned back to the north, carrying the small item in my right hand. I stopped in front of a small rack, which as in the middle of the aisle that i had been walking down. I was now in a department store, and the white rack in front of me was a pyramidal box, with the top open and only a little bit smaller than the bottom. Metal pegs stuck out from the white wooden surface. I would have to put the item back on the metal rack where it belonged. I looked at the small plastic bag in my right hand. It had some metal parts in it, which looked like rollers for an old reel-to-reel tape deck. I had to find where they went on the rack, so i thought i would match them with the things already on the rack, which was to the northeast of me. A man was then standing to the north of me. He asked me if i needed any help. I felt nervous that he was so close to me and so eager to help me. I said that i did not need any help as i put the bag back on one of the hooks. I then wondered if the man thought that i was stealing something from the store. I still had the sneakers in my bag. I looked to the north at him. He nodded at me and turned to the north. He was East Asian, with short black hair and a round face. Two other men were behind him, and he said something to them. All three of them seemed to be salespeople from the store, but they were wearing T-shirts and plain clothes. They spoke to one another as they walked back to the north, the first man waving his right hand at the other two to hurry them on. It seemed strange that they had come to talk to me, but i seemed somehow interested in the men. I turned to the south and walked away.

12018 March 14

I was with the others on top of the hill in the forest. We stood on the southern side of a wide dirt road that ran east to west along the top of the hill. We seemed to be on the northern side of the area, and i knew that we had come from the south. We were talking about where we should go from here. I thought that another dirt road ran to the south, and it met up with the road that we were on just to the west of us. I chatted with the others as we headed for the road. A man was then to the east of us. He asked for directions to a place, which he mentioned by name. I remembered the name, and i told the man that it was to the north of us. I remembered seeing the name on a sign as we ran the area before. The man showed me the map that he was following. I looked at it as he held it to the north of me. A roughly semicircular green area was in the center of the map, on the northern side of a hilly region. The map showed the hills descending steeply on the northern side of the area. Their features were rounded on the map. This seemed like the place that i was thinking of, and i told the man that it was just to the north of us. I had seen the sign as we ran on the trails to the north. I knew that the trail to the north ran from the road somewhere to the west of us. I told the man this. I pictured the view from the trail. I could see the trail from somewhere north of the road, right before the trail ended on another trail. The valley to the north of me was very steep, and the green rounded hills ran along the northern and southern sides. The area where the trails met was near the edge of a steep precipice. The ground just to the north of me dropped to a rounded gray stone outcropping. The trail ran down to the outcropping, where it met the narrow east-to-west trail. I pictured the green sign that marked the way to the named place on the outcropping. I was then on the southern side of the road again with the others, and i told the man that he had to take a right on the path, thinking that he would have to turn to the right to get onto the path to the north. Someone else then said that the man should actually take a left. I knew this was not right, but i realized that there was some confusion. I told the man that he would have to turn right onto the path that led to the north and then turn left to head down into the valley. I knew that the trail ran along the southern ridge as it slowly descended into the canyon. I thought that it might be nice to hike this area. I was then aware of the dark clouds to the west of us. A storm seemed to be in the southwestern sky, but i could only see the northern part of the dark clouds down the length of the dirt road. The main part of the storm was hidden behind the trees on the southern side of the road. I pointed out the storm to the others, and someone said something about thunder. I felt concerned about the storm. I did not have the right clothes to be running in the storm. I told the others that i would have to go back to my car to get my things. I turned to the east and hurried toward my car. I felt annoyed that i had forgotten to bring other clothes. I was then back in my house, moving through the large room on the southern side of the building. I felt frustrated that i could not find what i was looking for. I had to hurry to get my things so that i could go back to the others. At first, i could not find my jacket. I thought about grabbing an umbrella, and i pictured the small white folding umbrella that i had, but then i thought that an umbrella might be dangerous in a lightning storm. I moved around the room with agitation, trying to find what i was looking for. I found a pair of tan socks, which i had needed, so i took them with me. I then walked around the eastern side of the low platform, which seemed to be a double bed. I found my blue running jacket on the southern side of the bed. I picked up, but i realized that i did not have the socks with me anymore. I had put them down somewhere. Frustrated, i turned back to the east to pick them up from the southern side of the low platform. I finally had what i needed, so i headed to the south to leave the house. I came out of the eastern side of the house, stopping in the driveway. This driveway seemed like the driveway of my grandmother’s house. I looked to the south. The sky had waves of distortion moving to the west over the street. The gray clouds in the background were distorted as round vortexes rolled down the street to the west. A man was standing to the south of me, and his red jacked was blowing to the west as one of the distortions rolled past. The distortions had something to do with the storm. The storm must have been very intense to have created such pockets of curling air. I watched one of the knots of air roll to the west just above the level of the houses. The clouds behind it seemed to open up, and an image of a forested scene was forming. This seemed very strange, and i thought that the distortion was deceiving my eyes. I turned back to the west and walked down the dirt road. I was back on top of the hill with the others. The dirt road ended just to the west of me, and a cut grass lawn stretched to the north and south. An old abandoned cement building ran north to south in the middle of the lawn. The ground under the building sloped down slightly to the southwest. The single-story building seemed like some kind of ancient storage building. The tops of the cement walls were worn from years of weathering, and the cement was dark gray. I wondered where the others had gone. I turned to the north. The road curved a little to the northeast before continuing north again. It seemed to curve to avoid the large yellow wooden barn. A long parking lot ran along the southern side of the barn. I walked to the north, thinking that the others might be in the parking lot. I circled the building, but could not find the others. I then decided to head back to our cars, which were to the southeast of me, across the dirt road from the old cement structure. I did not want to follow the parking lot all the way to the eastern end to get on to the dirt road, so i cut diagonally across the grassy lawn, heading southeast to the parking lot. I wondered where the others were.

I moved to the north, through the room on the eastern side of the library. I was looking for something here. I said something to $A682, who was sitting on the southern side of a table on the western side of the room. He asked me something, and i responded to him. I seemed to have been casually chatting with him, but it also seemed that he had caught my attention as i had walked past. I was standing across the table from him, in the aisle that ran down the center of the room. The room seemed filled with tables and low wooden book shelfs, all made with blond wood. People were all around the room doing things. $A682 held up a book and smiled at me, thanking me for suggesting it to his nieces. I had told him about the book before, which seemed to be a book in the Harry Potter series. I knew that it was not the first book in the series, and i wondered why i would have told him that book. I turned back to the north and continued up the room. The room turned to the west, and i followed the central aisle westward. I had come here for something. The northern section of the room connected to another small room to the north. The other room was on the western side of the long room. I looked through the opening, which did not have a door frame. The smaller room to the north seemed not as well lighted. I stopped in the middle of the opening to the next room, saying something to the person to the southwest of me, who seemed like $A682, while i looked at the doorway in the eastern wall of the northern room. I had been looking for something at the library, and i wondered if it was in the small room to the northeast of me. I walked to the doorway and looked inside. The inside was filled with phonographs in long low bins. The bins ran along the walls, and a long low bin stretched from the southern wall just to the east of the door. The room was oddly shaped, mostly triangular. The northeastern wall ran to the southern wall on the eastern side of the room, where a doorway was in the southern wall. A desk space was set up in the center of the southern wall, and the southern wall to the east of the desk seemed farther to the south than the southern wall on the western side of the desk. I was amazed by all of the phonographs and CDs that were in the room. I thought that i would like to borrow several from the library to listen to. I wondered if they had any rare recordings. I walked to the southeast, along the northwestern wall. A man to the south of me said something to me. I turned to respond. He worked here, and he seemed to be the librarian in charge of the records collection. I then had a white cylinder in my left had. It held it vertically. It had a tapered lower end and a wide section on the top. I joked about it as i handed it to $A682, who was to the west of me as we looked at the records to the north of us. We were now near the eastern end of the room, and i turned to the west to talk to the curator here. I was interested in the records, and it was interesting to talk to him.

12018 March 16

I walked to the southwest across the flat area in the trees. The ground was covered with yellow sandy soil and a few sprigs of grass, and the trees were short thin trees with bushy tops. The trees had few branches along the trunk, but opened into bushy crowns at the top. They seemed to be some kind of pine trees. The ocean seemed to be somewhere near us, just off to the south. I reached the edge of a treed area and stopped at the road, which ran northwest to southeast. I was carrying $X25 in my arms, and i worried about him crossing the street on his own. I knew that $F71 would worry about the cat wandering freely in this area. It was too close to a road. The road was pale and had sand blown across it. I felt very protective of the cat as i carried it into the forested area to the southwest. Once in the trees again, i let it walk by itself. I was then in a room, and the cat was with me. We had come to this place. The space was crowded with objects, making the spaces around the room more like narrow corridors. The walls seemed darkly colored or a faded black. I crawled to the east, along the northern side of the room. We seemed to be in an attic space, and the ceiling above me slanted to the south. I had come around the western end of the room and was now heading to the east to get somewhere. I looked back over my right shoulder to make sure that the cat was still following me. The orange and white tabby cat was falling behind, so i called its name. As i neared the eastern end of the room, though, i realized that the corridor did not go anywhere. It was a dead end. I felt annoyed, and i turned back to the west and walked back down the crawlspace. I turned to the south, standing now as i walked around the western side of the area. The center of the room was filled with large cages that surrounded plants. I knew that $F71 would be interested in all of the plants and animals in the room. He was somewhere behind me, and i thought that i would point out some of the things to him. I then noticed that large aquariums lined the southern wall. The water was murky, like lake water, and i thought that they held local aquatic life. I knew that $F71 would be interested in them. I turned to the east and walked along the northern side of the tanks, between the tanks and the low fence that surrounded the plants in the middle of the room. The fence seemed to be made of black mesh. I walked a few paces to the east before i turned back to see if the cat was still following me. I saw the small kitten behind me, but it had gotten under the sheet of plastic that was on the floor. I felt suddenly panicked. The plastic was covering the water that was on the floor, and the kitten was trapped under the water. I quickly reached over and grabbed the plastic, lifting the plastic and the kitten to my arms. A man was sitting on top of the tanks on the northern side of the room, just to the west of me. I wondered if he had purposely put the cat under the water. I pulled at the plastic, but could not find a seam. I decided to tear the plastic apart to get the cat out. I could see the cat struggling under the water, and i felt upset. As i tore the plastic, i could see air bubbles coming out of the cat’s mouth. It was drowning. I pulled apart the plastic and grabbed the orange and white kitten, but it had already passed out. I wondered if i could revive it.

I followed $F10 down the corridor to the west, heading back to the bedroom. $F10 was carrying the cat to the small bedroom where we had been staying. I thought that we would be keeping the cat in the bedroom while the others visited. I then remembered that we had our cats in the bedroom already, and i wondered if the new cat would get along with them. I thought about $X24 and $X25 in the small rectangular bedroom to the west of us. We entered the bedroom through the northern end of the eastern wall. We were visiting this place, so we had to keep the cats locked up in the room while we were here. I then remembered that we had the mouse in a cage on the floor of the room as well. I worried that the cat might get the mouse. As i entered the room, i noticed that the cats were already on top of the mouse cage. $X25 was looking intently down into the cage. He was probably trying to find out where the mouse was. I walked to the cage and motioned the cats away with my left hand. I then looked into the cage for the mouse, thinking that it was probably hiding among the wadded up newspapers that filled the southern end of the cage. To my surprise, the cage was very clean. I could easily see the mouse walking along the eastern wall of the glass container. $F10 had cleaned out the cage and decorated it with small figurines. Several human figures and a horse stood in the case. They seemed to be in rows along the length of the case. The mouse crawled between the easternmost row and the glass wall. I tipped the case to get a better look. I then noticed that large dark-colored fish were floating in the water of the case, just to the west of me. They looked like bass, and they were several decis long and almost a deci wide at the front. The two fish floated near the surface, where they held long narrow silver fish in their mouths. Someone had just fed them. I then worried that the fish might try to eat the mouse. It was small enough that it would be in danger. I tipped the tank to the south, trying to see the mouse again. I then wondered how it would be swimming in the water. It did not make sense. As the water rolled to the southern end of the tank, i noticed the mouse swimming on top of it. I thought that the mouse would need a dry area of the tank to live. It was not good that the mouse was in the water. Something did not make sense here.

12018 March 18

I was cleaning up my room at $P19. I had been taking classes again at the school, but it was now the end of the year, and i had to clear all of my things out of the room. I thought about how i would pack the things into my car, which seemed to be to the southeast of me. I felt anxious, feeling that i had too many things to fit into my car. I was not sure if i could do it. Other people were in the house with me as i moved around. The other $G3 moved to the east, heading into the dining room to eat breakfast. A man passed me as i started up the darkly stained wooden stairs to the north. I felt overwhelmed by what i had to do. I stopped on the stairs, turning to the west. I was in the living room of the house, which seemed to be a department store. I saw my hat lying on the ground, so i told $F71 to pick it up. I worried that it might get thrown away if i left it there. I then continued up the stairs. I walked to the north, into the bedroom. The floor was covered with piles of clothing and other things. There seemed to be so much stuff. I felt upset, wondering how i could get it into my car. I had to plan how i was going to pack the car, and i worried that i would not be able to fit everything in. A black square short end table was to the northeast of me. It had tipped to the north, and the large model car that was on top of it had fallen back. I moved to the north of the table and tipped it back upright. I then noticed that the table had fallen backward again. I felt annoyed with it. As i crouched down to pick it up, several other people moved around the room. I held the white oddly proportioned car on top of the black table for a moment, trying to steady it. I then noticed a small piece of paper on the floor. It was a clue to the car on the table. Before i could reach for it, a man to the west of me pointed out the paper, saying that it was a clue to what we were supposed to be doing. I felt annoyed that he had pointed out something that i had already noticed. I headed to the south. As i approached the southern wall, i stopped near a man. He was $A165, and i thought that i would not be seeing him again in this place. I was leaving the school for good this time. I no longer felt that i should be studying here. I said goodbye to $A165 and started to walk to the south. I then realized that $F71 was also in the room.

12018 March 19

I moved to the north-northwest, climbing carefully along the slope of the roof of the house. I was on the western slope of the house, and my mother was walking in front of me. She was scared of walking on the slope of the building, so i held on to her hand as we walked toward the edge. We had to get down to the ground on the other side. An old leafless tree was to the southwest of us. We would have to jump to the tree to get down. The tree was not that far from the house, so it seemed easy to do. I knew that my mother would have difficulty, though. She stepped off of the room, missing the tree, and she fell through the branches. She landed on the ground below. I became very upset, and i moved toward the tree to climb down. As i reached the edge of the roof, i realized that a curved branch of the tree was actually very close to the edge of the roof. I would not have to jump to it. I simply stepped out onto the branch and started descending. I had to get to the bottom quickly. I noticed the front door of the house to the southeast of me. I held on to the tree and kicked the blue entry door with my right food. I yelled for help. I called to my father, telling him to call an ambulance. I then jumped to the dirt ground. My mother was lying on the ground with her head to the east. She was embedded into the ground so that the ground was flush with her face. I was very worried for her. I started to dig out the dirt around her head, thinking that i wanted to get her to someplace safe. I started to cry, hoping that she was going to be okay. I tried to lift her head from the shallow indent in the ground. I carefully lifted her up. I looked down to the east, noticing that her right foot was not is line with her leg. It stuck out to the side. She must have broken her ankles when she fell.

12018 March 20

I spoke to the person as we moved around the small lining room on the southern side of the house. The walls of the house seemed pale blue or green. The person was to the west of me in the room. I looked at the western wall of the room as the person said something. I realized that i recognized this house, but it seemed different. I told the other person that i had been in this house when i was young. I said that it was the house of my friend. I knew that it was $F1’s house. I pointed out the stove and other kitchen appliance that was against the southern end of the western wall. They had not been here in the past. I told the person that this used to be the living room of the house. I pointed to the northeast, saying that the kitchen was in that direction. I then pointed to the northwest. The dining room ran to the north from the western side of the living room. I looked at the large square archway that opened up into the dining room. This was different as well. I remembered that the archway was curved at the top before. I thought that it had been widened to make more room in the house.

12018 March 23

I had come from the north in the house, and i was now in a narrow room that ran east to west. I sat down on the bench that was against the southern wall of the room. I seemed to be visiting this place, but it was a familiar house. $F43 was suddenly standing to the north of me. I was surprised to see her. I realized that her family was now around me. Her mother was sitting on the bench to the east of me, and $A753 seemed to be to the west of me. I felt very uncomfortable with $F43 here. It had been a long time since i had seen her, and she had not been talking to me. She reached out her right hand and took my left hand. I felt suddenly upset. It felt very good to see her again, but i was unhappy that we had not been able to communicate in so long. I started to cry when i shook her hand. I then thought that i was actually here for a sad occasion. I knew that $F43’s family would assume that i was crying for the sad occasion. I felt uncomfortable. It was very good to see $F43, but it was also very awkward. I wandered to the north. I came into a large square room with a very high ceiling. A large square pool filled the center of the room. The pool did not seem to have any water in it, and the room seemed to be in disuse. The white tiles on the walkway on the sides of the pool seemed dirty, with debris scattered here and there. I pulled the large red carpet to the north, over the top of the pool. The material seemed like thin astroturf. The floor on the sides of the pool seemed to be only a few meters wide, and i was now standing on the eastern end of the northern side of the pool. I looked at the red carpeting that i had used to cover the pool. I told the others around me that i had rolled it out over the pool, but, when i looked at it now, it just seemed to be bunched up near the northern end of the room. The others asked questions of one another, and i watched the old worn carpet to the west of me.

12018 March 24

I crossed the asphalt parking lot, heading toward the cement building to the east. It was dark out, and a bright light on the eastern side of the building illuminated the lot. I headed toward a door in the northern end of the western wall of the building. As i approached the door, i noticed the two men standing just to the south of the door. They were talking to each other. The man to the northeast looked familiar as i reached the door, and i stopped to look at him for a moment. He looked like $A682, but i was not quite sure. I stared at him for a moment. He had red-tinted brown hair, but i could not see his face in the sharp light from the overhead lamp. I decided not to ask him, and i turned to the east and entered the house. I entered a narrow kitchen, which expanded to the north of me. I realized that things in the house had been moved around, and i thought that $A682 had done that while he was here. A mop leaned against the counter just to the north of the door. The floor looked clean, but a small mattress was leaning against the counter on the eastern wall, just to the northeast of me. I thought that $A682 might have spilled something while he was here, and i thought that he had cleaned it up with he mop. I turned to the north, but backed to the south to get a better view of the kitchen. The counter to the west of me had shelfs under it, and i noticed a red box of salt on the cement floor under the lowest shelf. The box had gotten wet, and it looked soggy. I bent over to pick up the box, thinking that it would have to be thrown away. As i picked it up, i noticed the end of a pipe sticking out of the western wall under the shelf. I had not noticed this before. The pipe was big enough that an animal could crawl through it to get into the house. The cement wall seemed crudely patched, and the pipe ran along the southern side of a recessed area in the wall. I crouched down to get a better look at the pipe. As i did, i realized that the recessed area was very deep. I then noticed something that looked like fruit on the ground at the end of the square hole, which now seemed to go entirely through the wall. I was annoyed, thinking that the hole was actually open to the outside. I could see the small pints of fresh fruit that had been sitting in the courtyard to the west of the wall. An animal could easily crawl into the house from the courtyard through the hole. I would have to fix that. This place seemed run down and cheap.

12018 March 28

I started to clean up the room, helping $A7 gather his things. He stood in the room on the western side of the apartment, but he was getting ready to leave. He had been visiting me. I walked to the east, into the next room. $F12 was here as well, and he was also packing up to leave. I handed something to him as he folded the object, which seemed like a blue sleeping bag. I passed to the north of him and headed along the northern side of the room. His computer had been plugged in near the northern wall, and, as i walked through a narrow area, which seemed like a closet in the northern wall, i noticed a transformer on the ground behind a small metal table, between the table and the closet. I bent over to pull the cables apart. I noticed that the rectangular box had a plug coming out the western end of it and that the cable seemed to have a cap on it. I hoped that $F12 had the caps to the rest of the device. I pulled some of the cables apart to gather the device up. It seemed to have many small parts, and i thought that $F12 would want them all. I then hoped that nothing was missing from here. I did not think that $F12 would have time to look around for everything. I felt uneasy that he might want to. I walked to the south and then turned west. I had walked around a dining room table in the small room. As i turned north to head back up the western side, i noticed several small white beads on the floor. I was already stepping over them when i noticed them, so i stopped just to the north of them and looked back to see what they were. The beads were mostly white, with orange and blue here and there. I realized that the white beads had letters on them. It was part of a naming necklace from $G4. I remembered that $F12 had been lying on the floor to stretch, and i thought that the necklace must have fallen apart when he was stretching. I pictured $F12 on his back on the floor with his head to the north. I crouched down to read the letters on the necklace to see if it was $F12’s. At first, i could not quite spell out his name, but then i realized that i had all of the letters of his first name plus the first letter of his last name. I thought about the beads as i continued to stare at them. He had never been given a new name, so his real name was used on the necklace. This was unusual. I noticed a small square symbol on one of the white beads. I thought that it was probably some kind of generic symbol, like a zodiac sign, that related to $F12, making the necklace more personal.

12018 March 31

I had been walking to the north, but i stopped in front of the chair where my mother was sitting. The others were gathered on the wooden deck around me. They were talking about something to the east and northeast of me. My mother seemed to be sitting on the western side of the circle that the group formed. She said something about the flowers that were on the ground to the southwest of her. The back of her aluminium and nylon lawn chair was against the tall wooden wall on the side of the deck. I stood a step or two down from the main level of the deck, and i looked at the rectangular tray on the ground that my mother was referring to. It had several plants in it. My mother wanted me to put them in the dirt. I pulled up several of the plants, and i stuck them into the dirt that was in the blue nylon bag. The plants were orange, with long thin tubes that reached down around a central bulb, which looked like a lily bud. The plants were supposed to hang from something, but it was still too early to plant them, so i was handing them over the thin white chord that stretched across the top of the bag. I shook the bag a little to get the orange flowers and filaments into the soil. They seemed to go in easily. I stuck the flowers down so that the filaments caught on the chord. This allowed them to hang. I thought about how the flowers hung, but i decided that they did not have to hang symmetrically. As long as part of the downward-facing yellow stems were on one side of the string and the rest on the other. I shook the bag after i had put six or seven plants into the dirt. I then looked up at the bin where the plants had been growing. I could see several thin plants growing out of the soil. They were now widely spaced, and they looked like young trees. My mother said that i should put more into the soil of the bag. I shook the bag and thought that i should pack them closer together in the bag, knowing that they would be transplanted to soil once it was time.