12019 March 02

I was walking to the east with the older woman. I had just met her, and i thought that she was poor or in some way disadvantaged. She seemed out of place in some way. We seemed to be walking in West Endicott. The woman spoke to me. I felt a little uneasy with her, but i did not want to ignore her. We were walking east on the southern sidewalk of the street, which seemed to the north of the main road. I was not as familiar with this street, and i told the woman that i usually walked on a different street. I motioned to the north as i said this. When she asked me for details, i told her that i normally took Dickson to Page to Marion. I was then walking on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. The street seemed like the same street i had been on, but it seemed that the street had turned to the south for about ten meters before turning back to the east. The lot to the south of us was empty, and it ran the length of the block. The grass on the lot was short, and it seemed dry and worn. A mound rose along the southern side of the field, just before a tree line. The mound seemed to be the bed of a train track. I looked to the southeast at the southeastern corner of the lot. The lot was about twenty-five or thirty meters wide from north to south, and we were near the middle of the northern side on the road. The street to the east of the lot rose over the mound. This place felt familiar, but i did not recognize it. I looked back to the east. There was no sidewalk on the rad. we were now walking along the edge of the road, which loped down away from the center of the road. An old house was to the northeast of us, in a shaggy lawn. A large old tree seemed to be to the south of the house, near the western end of the house. I looked back to the west, because the woman had fallen behind a little. The woman pointed out a house to the southeast of us, saying that it was just off the “point”. She was pointing out a house here she lived. I could see a long low building across the crossroad, which was the road that ran to the south across the railroad tracks. The building seemed to be a set of connected one-story apartments. The roof of the building was dark, but the walls were dark red. I was not sure what the woman had meant by “the point”. I noticed that the western end of the apartments seemed slightly paler in red that the rest of the building. I wondered if it was an addition to the building. I thought that this could be the “point”. I ten thought that this did not quite seem right. I then noticed that a low hill ridge rose to the south of the apartment complex. I thought that a narrow ridge ran from the hill, stretching to the west, parallel to the main ridge of the hill. This ridge could be the “point”. I was not sure, and i felt confused.

12019 March 04

I was speaking to several $G3s. A man stood to the north of me, in a small group of $G3s. He was tall and thin, with bushy black hair. I thought that he was very attractive, and i wanted to talk to him. I followed the other man to the east. He was showing me around this place. I wanted to go back to speak with the man i was interested in. I then saw the dark-haired man in the office that i had entered. I tried talking to him. I moved near to him to say something. He was to the northeast of me. When he turned around, i realized that he was not the man whom i had found attractive. I then saw a group of $G3 to the north of me. The attractive man was standing among them now. I continued to move to the east. Someone then said something. I looked at the piece of paper in my right hand. It was a bill from $A682. I felt annoyed that he was trying to charge me with something. It had been a long time since i had seen him, but he was now trying to charge me for something he had done. There were two things mentioned in the single line of text on the bill. Both were printed in capital letter. The entire charge was two thousand dollars. The item on the left seemed recognizable, but i knew that he should not have charged me for anything. He was just being greedy. I felt annoyed. I would not be paying the bill.

12019 March 05

I drove the people to the west, down the long straight road in the rural area. I turned to the south to head toward the small town. The road to the south sloped downhill slightly. The town seemed to be a small rectangular area in the middle of a large open region. Few trees seemed to be around the town, though there did seem to be forested areas around the town. The town seemed old, with old worn houses. I knew that i would have to drop the woman off somewhere on the eastern side of the street. I drove down the street now. The houses on both sides of the street were very close to the road. The old woman was sitting in the passenger’s seat of my car as i drove. I felt protective of her and thought that i had to take care of her. I thought hat she would probably sleep in the car while we were doing other things. I turned to the west again, chatting with the other people in the car. The land to the south of the road was a wide grassy field. A small rectangular place was in the middle of the field, and people were gathering there. I was going to join these people. We were gathering for a wedding. The people here seemed like $G4, and i was friends with many of them. It felt good to be here with these people. I moved though the crowd, thinking that i had something to do.

I was with the small group of people, moving things around at the top of the hill. The hill sloped down steeply to the south. The others seemed to be doing something to the west, inside the house. I was waiting for the other to join me, and i was doing something in the small cart while i waited. The man who had been helping me headed to the west, into the structure, which seemed like the southern side of a house. The house seemed to be made of cement, with square white walls. The man and i had to do something in the car, which was very small. I pushed the small car down the hill to the south, riding on top of it. I squeezed the brakes with my hands to slow the car. I then stopped it just as it started down the steep slope. I thought that i should not let the cart roll too far, because i was still waiting for the other person. We were supposed to roll down the slope together. The other person was still inside, though. He was not yet ready. I let up on the brake and reapplied it a few times, stopping several places on the slope. I then realized that i was rolling too far down the slope. I looked down the narrow cement path below me. A few other people seemed to be doing something near the small shed at the bottom of the hill. The shed seemed to be made of bare wood, and the eastern side of it was to the south of the path. I decided that i had rolled too far down the path. I was supposed to travel down with the other person, and we needed to build up enough speed by the time we reached the bottom. We needed the speed to be able to travel. I stepped off of the western side of the cart and pushed the cart back up the hill. I thought that we would have to get the cart to eighty-eight miles per hour by the time we reached the bottom of the hill. This would allow us to jump. I pushed the cart over the hump at the top of the hill, where the cement track leveled out, just to the south of the house. The rear tires of the cart went over the hump at the top of the hill. I thought that this should hold the car, but i felt unsure. The man near me said it was a good idea to leave it there. I was hesitant to turn my attention from the cart, but i started walking down the hill. I hoped that the cart would stay in place. I turned to the east near the bottom of the hill. An L-shaped cinder lot ran to the south and east from the bottom of the cement path on the hill. I had to do something. I turned back to the northeast. I was again near the buildings at the top of the hill. I was now aware of the houses in the neighborhood around us. The house to the northeast of me was white, and the house seemed to be on a small narrow hill. The main street ran to the north of the house, running east to west. A side street ran to the south from the main street. It was about twenty meters to the east of me. The land between the street and me seemed to be an empty lot. The land sloped down steeply whom where i was standing. I could not see the bottom of the hill over the edge of the hilltop, but i could see tall dry grass and dry weeds along the edge of the road. Large houses ran along the eastern side of the street. One of the houses in the center of the street was a large brown wooden structure with a peaked central roof. It seemed like an old fraternity house. I then noticed the large white sign in front of the house. IT was mounted atop a tall white metal pole, and the sign looked like an old advertising sign. It had the Greek letters for Kappa Alpha Sigma. The sign was old, with rounded corners. It seemed to be about a deci and a half thick. Writing across the top of the sign said “Arrow Lodge”. The red paint on the front of the metal sign was faded and weather worn, with patches of metal showing here and there. I remembered that all of the chapters of this fraternity had different names for their lodges, but they all had the same red design on their signs. I noticed that most of the houses on the street to the east had Greek names. A large white house, which was to the south of the brown one, said “Beta” on the front. I kept thinking about the red sign, though. I wanted to take a picture of it. I turned back to the northeast and took a few paces up the driveway to the north. The sign was now to the northeast of me. I seemed to be floating over the ground. I held up my camera and tried to aim it at the sign. I was having difficulty balancing, because i was still floating. It seemed very easy to float. I hovered over the driveway as i focused on the sign, which was now much closer to me. I was then aware of the $G3, who were in the house to the west of me. I wondered if they were watching me float. I was under part of the house now. A white wall extended to the east from the house. It ran to the north of me. It had large windows on it, which seemed to be covered with plexiglas. Another wall seemed to run along the eastern side of the area, and a roof seemed to be over the walls. This area looked like a carport, but it seemed to be some shelter attached to the house. The large white sign was inside the structure, thought it still seemed fairly tall. I was floating off the ground so that i could get a better shot of the sign. However, my phone camera did not seem to be working correctly. I tried adjusting it, but it would not seem to work. I felt frustrated. Annoyed, i tried to reset the phone. The cell phone was still not working, so i tried restarting it a few more times. I was becoming more frustrated as i played with the phone. I was then aware of people gathering to the west of me. They were friends of mine, and they seemed to be $G4. I continued to fool with my phone as they gathered. Someone then said that the soccer game had been turned off. I thought that they had been watching a match. I thought that i might have turned it off from an app that was on my phone. I said that i had canceled the app, expressing my frustration with the cell phone. I was not sure if anyone had heard me. I continued to try to get my phone to work.

12019 March 06

I stood to the south of the table in the classroom. I had a white ceramic mug on the table in front of me, and it was almost filled with red wine. I had several containers on the table in front of me, and i was aware of other students to the north and northwest of me. I picked up a large gray metal tin, which looked like a cooking-oil tin. It was square in cross section, with rounded corners. I poured some of the dark brown liquid into another small cup. The liquid was a stout beer. As i put the tin back down on the table, i realized that i should not be drinking alcohol in the classroom. I felt bad that i had alcohol with me, and i tried to move the bottles under the counter so that others would not notice. I arranged the tin among the bottles of oil and other things on one of the trays below the table. The trays were square metal bins that were four or five centimeters deep. I picked up the tray i had been arranging and moved it down to a lower shelf. The shelfs were in the back of a van, which was facing north. I then realized that i did not have the rest of my lunch with me. I felt flustered, and i continued to arrange the things so that no one would see what i had been drinking. I turned to the south and left the room to get my lunch. I had left my lunch at my house. I told the others that i was going to get my lunch outside. I felt awkward and uneasy as i left the room. I then stopped just outside the room, realizing that i had no place to go. I had to pretend that i was doing something, though. A wok was on the shelf on the northern wall of the hallway. I moved it to the east a little. Not sure what else to do, i walked back into the classroom to the north. As i entered the room, i saw that the teacher was standing to the south of the table where i had put the tin and bottles. She was looking through the box that i had put the tin into. I felt angry with her. I did not want her to find the alcohol i had hidden in the tray, and i felt that she should not have been going through my things. I walked to the east of her, still feeling very angry. I thought that i should sweep the contents of the box off of the tabletop with my right arm. This would express my anger.

$A750 was sitting to the north of me, and she was talking with someone. Several people were standing to the north of her, across a very narrow table. I looked at her straight black hair, noticing that it had been cut unevenly along the bottom ends. The hairs ended in very distinct lines, but a section in the center of the back of her head was about a centimeter shorter that the section just to the left of it. I wondered why she had had her hair cut with such odd layers. She started walking to the north with the other people. They spoke as they went. I felt a little uneasy, but i followed them to the north.

12019 March 08

My father was to the south of me, standing in the entryway at the end of the corridor. The walls of the corridor were dull yellow or tan and seemed worn. My father had opened the front door of the house, pulling the door in and to the west. An older man had entered the house and was talking to my father. The older man seemed to be here to do something, and my father was asking him questions. I looked at the old man, who was a little to the west of my father. He had short white hair and a square face. He seemed a little pudgy from age. Something about him seemed familiar. The man started walking past my father and into the house, but my father asked him another question. My father asked about the hatch, and his voice sounded accusatory. My father seemed concerned about something that the man was going to do. I thought that this was strange, because my father had not asked any specific questions. I then thought that my father must have been reading the man’s mind. The man was going to do something with a hatch in the house that would allow him to break into the house later. I felt unsafe with the situation. I turned back to the north and headed into the house. I felt upset about the man. People were doing things in the central stairwell of the house. The stairs and railings were painted wood, and the walls were dark brown. The paint seemed glossy and clean. I told someone about the man who was trying to do something in the house, but the others did not believe me. Someone then asked how i could know about the man. The person scoffed, asking if i had dreamed about it. I realized that i had seen the man in a dream, but i knew that it was still important. The others dismissed my concerns, though. I moved a little to the north. I was on a landing that ran along the western side of the wide stairwell. As set of stairs to the southeast of me ascended to the south. A man was descending the stairs. A second man seemed to be across the opening to the east of me. A piano was suspended in the air in the middle of the stairwell. It was a black baby-grand piano, and the keys were facing north. I headed up the stairs into the attic room, which was on the southern side of the house. I thought that i could keep climbing the stairs, but i seemed distracted by something. My family seemed to be in the house now, and they wanted to see me. I was not sure what i should do. I then reached to the east and pulled on the edge of the piano. The lid of the piano was open. I tried to arrange how the piano was hanging in the middle of the stairwell. It had been moved in some way, and i wanted to fix it. I felt anxious and uneasy. I moved the bench that was to the north of the piano. The piano was swinging from north to south now, and i started to feel more frustrated. The woman was reaching for the piano from the south of me. She was also on the western side of the stairwell. I realized that the lid was now closed, so i opened the lid to the piano. I pulled the prop pole out from under the lid. The piano was swinging again. I pushed at it with the pole to try to get it to stop swinging. I had to get the pole under the lid so that the piano would be like it was before.

I rode the unicycle up the steep slope in the narrow hallway, heading south. The corridor seemed very tall, and it had polished wood floors that were worn with use. The long thin floorboards ran north to south, along the length of the corridor. The slope of the hallway was very steep, so i had to stop and push the unicycle up the last few meters of the slope. The lower parts of the walls were covered with wood, and the upper part seemed to be plaster. Another person was in the hall just to the northwest of me. He watched me get back onto the unicycle and turned to the north. I started riding down the hill to the north, passing the man. I started moving quite fast down the slope. I could see that the slope was about twenty meters long, and the corridor leveled out for about five meters at the bottom before the hallway ended at a wall. I felt a little nervous going as fast as i was going, and i wondered if i should slow down or stop. I did not want to stop in front of the other man, though. I felt that i should impress him with the fast descent. The slope now had a bump in it, where the corridor leveled out for a meter and then descended steeply again. I thought that i should slow down so that i did not jump too far into the air over the bump, but i decided that i wanted to go fast. I went over the edge of the bump and fell through the air toward the descending slope under me. I seemed to be dropping fast, but i landed easily and was able to keep my balance. I was moving quickly, and i was near the bottom of the slope. I could see the wall ahead of me, so i turned quickly to the east, turning in a tight arc in front of the wall to stop. I thought that i had to lean into the turn so that i did not fall forward over the unicycle. I thought about skiing in a tight arc to come to a stop. I came to a stop at the bottom, surprised at how easy it seemed. I got off the unicycle and started pushing it back up the slope of the hill. Before i even reached the slope, i headed to the southeast, through a doorway and into a large auditorium. This room was a lecture hall, and it was very wide east to west. The northern end of the room seemed to be a platform for a lecturer, and it was flat. As i entered the room, i noticed the instructor standing just to the south of the door. He was turned to the southeast, doing something near the wall. He looked over his left shoulder at me as i headed east. The room sloped up to the south in flat wide levels, which seemed like both steps and seats. A diagonal ramp cut across the center of the room, heading southeast from where i was. I headed up the ramp, thinking that it would be easier to push the bicycle up. As i started up the slope, i realized that it was actually shallow enough that i could have pedaled up it. A booth was set into the center of the sloped seating on the western side of the room. A similar booth was in the center of the eastern section. Doors on the northern side of the booths allowed people to enter and exit the room from the lower level. I thought that the door went into a corridor that would lead back to the hallway on the western side of the building that i had been in. The southern side of the room now seemed very step, and a few students were sitting here and there, some gathered in clusters of two or three. I thought that the students were gathering for a chemistry class, which was about to start. I looked at a group of students to the southeast of me. They were sitting on the western side of the eastern booth. The seats were so steep that the two to the south seemed to be more than a meter above the two in the row in front of them. I realized that the students had glass tubes and jars with colored liquids in them. A couple of the liquids seemed to be bright opaque orange, and a few were opaque neon-green. Something seemed interesting about this group of students, and i watched them as i approached. They were joking about the liquids. I then decided that i should turn to the southwest and take the exit door in the booth on the western side of the room. I headed up the slope toward the door, moving to the southwest. I watched the students as i moved. One of the students in the upper row dumped a wide test tube of bright-pink liquid on the head of the man on the western side of the lower row. The man with the tube laughed at the joke. Someone then said something about shampoo. I felt cautious of these people, and i headed outside. As i exited the door, i could still hear the students joking about something.

12019 March 09

I was with the large group of people in the plain room of the building. The room seemed to be crowded, and someone was trying to instruct us on something. We were getting ready for a martial arts class. I felt a little distracted, but i tried to follow what was happening. I knew that i had done martial arts before, so i hoped that i could follow what was happening. The people in the room seemed to be in black and white, with a sepia or brown hue to them. The instructor was somewhere to the west of the group, and i was standing on the southern side of the room. I focused on what was being said, aware that i had not been paying close attention. Someone asked us to line up, and i moved to the western side of the room. The center of the room now seemed clear, and a man was standing just to the southwest of me. I moved to the north of him, and a line formed to the north of me. I realized that i had become second in line in the rank, which seemed like a battalion formation. The people then started moving to the north, leaving the line formations and walking out of the room through a wide doorway. We came outside, and people spread out over the grassy ground. I was not sure what to do. I noticed that the ground was covered with markings in a semicircle around the doorway. Smaller circles were lined up along the circumference of the large circle. A woman to the west of me said that she did not want to fight, and she seemed frustrated with the situation. I wondered if we would have to spar in this place. I looked to the west, noticing that there were two rows of circles around the arc. I was not sure where i should go. The outer ring had fewer circles that were spaced more widely, but they were the same size as the circles of the inner ring. Someone then said that we should take positions. I remembered that i had been second in line in the row when we were lined up in the room. I wondered if i was supposed to take the second position in the circle. I moved to the second circle from the south on the inner ring. As i stopped in the circle, i thought about $F72, who now seemed to be standing to the west of me, in the back row. I remembered her doing something here. I started to look around, but a man to the northwest of me said that i had not earned the second position. He was referring to the circle that i was standing in. I realized that the circles were some kind of ranking system earned by fighting. I moved to the southwest, out of the circle. I was not sure what i should be doing.

I was in the large campground with many people. We seemed to be here for an event. I walked to a small area on the northwestern side of the campground, where i had a tent set up. The area seemed small, with a rounded northern border, and it was separated from the campground by some narrow indent in the ground that ran east to west. My tent was just to the northeast of me. I stepped over the narrow indent, which seemed about a deci wide. $A682 was sitting to the southwest of the tent, chatting with a small group of other people. They were in a small circle, and $A682 was on the eastern side. I felt uneasy and wondered why he was here. I thought that he was not taking care of the tent that i had set up, and i felt annoyed with and disappointed in him. The square green tent with the domed roof seemed dismantled. It had an orange upper part, but something about it did not seem right. I was annoyed, and i asked $A682 where the tarp was. I realized that my question sounded like a complaint. I turned angrily toward the tent, aware that the others around $A682 would think that i was being mean. I knew that $A682 would take advantage of this, and i felt angry with him. I thought that i should simply take down the tent so that he could not ruin it more than he already had. I folded up the top of the tent and pushed it down. I knew that $A682 might complain, but i did not care. I was then back with the others in the main part of the event. I was again walking to the north toward my camping area. I had been having fun with the others, and i was ignoring $A682. I then realized that this event was for $G4, and i wondered why $A682 was here. He did not belong in this group. It seemed much later than when i had come to the tent before. I was now by the tent, cleaning up something. I still felt mad with $A682. I had some things in my hands, and i was bringing them back to the tent, which was just to the northeast of me. $A682 was still here, sitting on the ground to the west of the tent. He was still chatting and laughing with the others. I leaned into the front of the tent, which was on the southern side of the structure. I tossed the long narrow cot into the tent. It landed diagonally, running to the northeast. I noticed that it was now unfolded, and i thought that i should really fold it up. It had brown metal poles and legs as a frame, with a green woven material stretched between the poles. I thought that i should fold it up so that $A682 did not use it. I still felt angry with him.

12019 March 10

I was with a group of people on the northern side of the house. The house seemed very nice, and we had been working here. I had come from the south, carrying something through the lower level of the house, and i was now stopped with the others on the back porch. It seemed very bright outside, and the people around me seemed to be wearing bright colors, many of which seemed to be yellows or golds. $F58 seemed to be standing in the group to the west of me as i stopped in the middle of the crowd to look at the timepiece in my hand. It showed that it was ten o’clock. This surprised me. I had thought that it was late in the afternoon and that we were getting close to being finished with work. I felt disappointed that it was so early. I knew that it must still be morning, though, because i realized that we had not yet eaten lunch. I then thought that the time must be off by an hour because we did not set the clocks ahead. I told the others that it was really eleven o’clock. The others were gathered around looking at the watch, which showed “10:00” in white letters against a black background. Some of the others started walking back to the south, into the house. I moved a little to the east, across the porch. We were getting food. The others had something that looked like sandwiches. I was glad that it was lunch time. I wanted to end what we had been doing. I started doing something with the sandwich that was in my hands. People were talking about them as i fooled with the slices of bread, which seemed more like crackers. I then realized that it was raining slightly. I was aware of the dark-brown wood of the deck around us. We had been standing under the upper part of the deck, so the rain had not been falling directly on us, but i had moved to the east, out into a small open area. The lower part of the deck, where i was, was just to the north of the wide door of the house. Another section of the deck to the east of me was a few meters above the level of the deck that i was on. Some people had been on that section. About a meter above my head was the underside of the upper deck. A set of stairs crisscrossed to the northeast of me, connecting the different levels of stairs. All of the wood seemed darkly stained. I headed back to the west to get under the upper deck so that my sandwich did not get wet. The raindrops seemed heavier under the overhang. I wondered if i had noticed that before. The rain was light outside, but it was in larger drops under the deck because of the way it was dripping through the deck. I leaned forward to keep the drops off my sandwich as i headed to the south, into the basement level of the house. I moved to the east inside and turned to the north. I was just to the south of the eastern end of a workbench. I looked at the crackers that i had in my hand. I had a small dark square of something on top of the cracker. I tried to arrange it correctly before i put the top cracker on. The block was about three or four centimeters long, two centimeters wide, and about a half a centimeter thick. It was dark gray, but areas of it seemed to be worn, showing a pale color. It looked like something that was painted black that had faded and started to wear off so that the pale object was showing, but i knew that it was really a dark piece of something like cheese. A small long sliver of the block near the southeastern corner had been broken off, and i was trying to arrange it on the cracker so that it would stay near the larger block. I did not want the small section to fall off. The small chip was triangular in cross-section but seemed square as it fit together with the larger piece. As i tried to arrange the piece, i was aware of a man who had poked his head into the room to the west of me. The man was older, and he had curly hair. He was leaning into the room through the doorway in the northern wall, just to the west of the workbench. He seemed to be the man who was running the project on the house. I did not pay attention to him as i tried to fix the sandwich. The man seemed to be wearing a pale blue shirt. I focused on putting the sandwich back together.

I was heading to the north, down the long straight road. I had been running with the others, but everyone had headed in different directions. We were training for something, which seemed like cross-country practice. I chatted with the other person near me as i looked down at the map. The sky seemed very white and bright, and the land around us was very flat. $F71 was jogging just to the southeast of me as we headed north. I was near the eastern side of the road. I looked at the map in front of me, trying to decide where we should go. The road we were jogging on ran down the center of the map. I could see several other roads running in rectangles on either side of the main road. On the northern side of the map, a road ran east to west. The roads were black lines on the white paper, and a black line ran perpendicular to the road that we were on. The road we were on seemed to end at the perpendicular road near the top of the map, but two roads ran off at fourty-five degree angles from where the central road ended, forming a Y shape on the map. I thought that we could take one of these two roads to make a long running loop. I then wondered if the loop was very long. It seemed to be a long way. I looked ahead of us. $A46 was jogging on the road just ahead of us. I thought that we could follow him. He wore a white tank top and shorts. The road we were on now seemed to be a water channel with cement walls on either side. The walls were less than a meter tall. I thought that $A46 was heading toward one of the side roads i had seen. I looked back at the map. The two roads leading off seemed to head into nothing. I thought that they must lead to other roads that are not on the map. I then realized that they led into the mountains. I looked to the north again, seeing the low ridge of the mountain running east to west ahead of us. It was covered with green trees. Someone said that the roads would be steep to run up, and this sounded interesting to me. $F12 was still running to the southeast of me, and i was aware that he might have problems running such a long distance. I asked him if he was okay with running up the mountains over the long distance. He seemed sure that he could do it. $A46 was running ahead. I thought that this canal ended near the east-to-west road. Workmen seemed to be standing around near the road, and i thought that we would have to continue on one of the two diverging roads to the north. I turned to the northeast and headed across the parking lot. We were near a pub now. The small rundown pub was to the south of us, and i was heading to the northeast, over a snow-covered road. I then thought that this was probably the parking lot of the pub. I looked to the west, thinking that i could see a road heading off to the northwest. I wondered if that was the road that we wanted. We would have to run across the snowy field to the west to get to the road. I turned my attention back to the northeast, though. The land around us was flat. A dog was running ahead of me, and i was holding the leash. The dog seemed to be a golden retriever, and it started running across the snow. My feet started sliding, and i started skiing in my shoes over the slippery surface of the parking lot as the dog pulled me. I turned from side to side in slalom. $Z was running somewhere to the west of me, following me. I remembered sliding behind the dog before as we ran to the north. I felt relaxed doing it now, but it occurred to me that i was not running anymore. I was no longer getting exercise. A road ran parallel to the long narrow parking lot that we were heading up. We had to turn a little more to the north to get back on to the road. I thought we could do it at the northeastern end of the parking lot, where an entrance to the lot seemed to connect to the road. I was back on the road, but i was not sure that this was the correct road. It did not seem to lead that far. I thought that it might end not too far after the parking lot. The land was covered with snow, though, so i was not sure where the road was and where the field was. I stopped at the end of the road. The road had ended on a narrow lane, which ran east to west. $Z had caught up with me from the south. Snow-covered shrubs ran along both sides of the narrow lane, and tall trees grew to the north. I said something to $Z as i looked to the east. The old crumbling asphalt pavement ended only a few meters to the east of us, and the road continued to the east as a one-lane dirt road. Two tire tracks were visible in the mud through the snow. The road turned a little to the northeast as it descended a short hill. It rose on the eastern side of a narrow creek dip and ran in a gentle arc to the east and then east-southeast. To the south of the arc was a field. I could only see the northern part of it, because trees blocked the rest. A large black announcers box stood on top of a grandstand. The announcer’s booth was closed for winter, and everything looked damp and water soaked. To the north of the narrow road seemed to be some open fields and some buildings, which seemed like houses or sheds. I said something to $Z as i turned back to the west, looking down the long straight narrow road that we were on. I wondered if it connected to the roads i had seen on the map. We should run the loop that we had seen. I hoped that we could.

12019 March 11

I was waiting on the northeastern side of the room. The room had plain cement walls and was somewhat dark. It seemed like a basement or storage area. Some musicians were entering the room from the southwest. I watched as they carried their acoustic instruments: violins, cellos, and woodwinds. They were part of a classical orchestra, and they were gathering in the room before some event. I had my old guitar with me, and i thought that it would be nice to play with the other musicians. I then realized that i did not know any classical pieces on the guitar. I felt disappointed. Others then started coming into the room. The room had become crowded with people, though everyone seemed to be lining up in rows and columns in the center of the room, where chairs were facing west. No one seemed to be standing near the walls of the room. I then noticed the tall people who had filed in along the southeastern side of the crowd. The people themselves did not seem any taller than normal, but they were wearing masks that seemed to sit on their shoulders and cover their heads. The wooden heads were carved to look like Egyptian creatures. They were dark brown and simple in features. I felt very interested in them, but i felt that i had to leave. I picked up my old guitar, which was an old plastic-string acoustic guitar, and turned to the western side of the room. I had an interview with some people. I felt a little nervous about it, not sure that i could play well enough. I was then in the northwestern side of the building. I had walked down a hallway and was coming close to the end. I stopped, not sure where i was supposed to go. I realized that i had not written down the room number and brought it with me. The hallway to the southwest of me was wider on the northern end of the corridor. Several old wooden doors were in the wall, and they seemed to lead to classrooms. This building seemed to be part of a university a building that had once been part of a school. I looked at the door just to my left, to the southwest of me. It was closed and the room seemed to be dark. I was then aware that a woman was standing in a doorway just to the south of me. I turned to look at her. The hallway was narrower to the southeast of me. Where the corridor widened, the southern wall had an opening. A short corridor ran to the southeast from the opening. It was separated from the main corridor, but ran parallel to it. A door was in the southwestern wall just two or three meters down the short hallway, and a woman had come out of the lighted room. She was leaning against the northeastern wall of the corridor, facing me. She had shoulder-length curly hair, and stood with her arms crossed. She smiled as she asked if she could help me. Another woman was standing in the doorway to the room on the southwestern side of the corridor, somewhat behind the first woman. I told her that i was looking for a room. It felt good to be in this place, and i wanted to be part of what people did here. I told her that i was looking for room 201, but that the room to the southwest of me was 200. The next room seemed to have a larger number, so it seemed that the room i was looking for would be between them. I chatted with the woman for a moment. $Z was standing to the north of me. He had come with me to this place. I then said that the room i was looking for was 201R, and i pointed to the hallway, indicating that none of the numbers here were correct. I then mentioned the room again, this time saying “R201”. I was not sure which was correct, but i now remembered an R in the number. I thought that this might be a special room between or off of a regular room. The woman did not recognize the number, though, so i knew that the room could not be in this part of the building. I felt disappointed as i looked around the hallway to see if i could figure out where i should go. Someone then suggested that the R might indicate that the room was in another section of the building. I wondered if the building had another wing or section that was indicated by R. I turned to the east. The corridor i was in now seemed open and wide. Round tables were set up in the middle of the hallway, and people were seated around them. The ceiling was very high now, and i seemed to be in an atrium in the center of the old building. The tables were part of a cafe, and a counter seemed to be against the eastern wall to the southeast of me. Archways were in the eastern wall, and through them, i could see what appeared to be hallways in another section of the building. The other corridors were on fire, though. All i could see were orange flames in the corridors. I wondered if this was the other section of the building that i was looking for. I felt confused, though. The people at the cafe tables sat calmly, eating food or sipping drinks. They did not seem concerned by the fire. $Z or $F71 was still standing behind me. He was to the west of me when i pointed out the corridors on fire. I looked down the hallways. They did not seem to connect to the archways that were in the eastern wall. Instead, the archways seemed to look into the corridors, as though the corridors were part of a connecting building. The old worn wooden floor in the corridors to the east seemed lower than the floor in the hallway where i was. I started to feel concerned. I moved a little to the north, looking at the fire through the archways in the stone eastern wall. The corridors seemed to be a large open room with metal shelfs running east to west. I felt upset that the room was burning. I could see white marble statues and other museum relics in the room. Something seemed strange about the room. I could hear the people around me talking casually. I said something to $Z. I was upset that the relics might be ruined in the fire. The old wing of the building was on fire. I wondered why no one was concerned that the fire would spread to this wing. I then saw a section of wall where the two buildings connected. The old wing was surfaced with red brick, and the building i was in was made of a tan stone. I looked to the south, down the length of the wide hall that i was in. The area along the eastern wall, to the south of me, was enclosed with dark walls. It seemed to have a terrace on top of it. A metal design near the top of the enclosed area or on the ceiling seemed to be formed of curved brass shapes. It seemed like a design from the early 1900s or late 1800s. I looked to the east again, down an arched hallway in the wing to the east. The fire was burning at the end of the hallway, and i noticed a red wooden rectangular sign handing from the ceiling in the middle of the hallway. It had the letter R on it. I told $Z that the building to the east was the R section of the building. It was where we had to go. It was the part of the building that we were looking for. I looked down a little, noticing a small bird figurine sitting on a shelf that crossed one of the archways. The orange fire backlighted it. I felt bad that the fire was destroying so many things. I headed to the south, thinking that we should get out of the building. I wondered why no one else seemed concerned. I opened the door at the southern end of the hallway and stepped outside. I came into a courtyard or patio area. The ground near the door was paved, but the surrounding ground seemed to be stone. A tall gray cement wall ran across the southern edge of the yard, about twenty-five meters from me. Between the wall and me was a small plain block-shaped building. It was closer to the wall than it was to me. I thought about this place. The woman i had talked to made me feel good, and she had offered me a job here. I had come looking for something else, but i enjoyed the people here. It felt god to be here, and i thought that it would be a good place to work. I contemplated staying here. I would have to move to this place. As i looked over the wall to the southeast, i thought that Albany was in that direction. I turned to the east to walk around the building. This place seemed to be near Schenectady. I thought that i could move back here, and, if i did, i could go running with the local $G4 chapter. I headed to the southeast, across the stone yard, which had grass farther to the southeast. It was dark now, and i started flying over the grass. The sky to the southeast seemed hazy, and i thought that it must be the lights from Albany. I was in a large open area now, with trees around the outsides of the lawn. The lawn was an open field of cut grass. I thought that i could easily fly to Albany from here, and i started flying over the ground. The air was foggy, though, and i could not quite tell where i was. I would have to be very high so that i did not fly into any wires or low structures. Then again, it was too foggy for me to tell how high i was flying. I did not want to be too high, or i thought i would be in the way of air traffic over the city. I decided that i should head back to building to the north of me. I circled to the west and then started heading north. The fog became very thick, though, and i was not quite sure where i was. I knew that i could move slowly to the north, and i would eventually reach the building. I was near the ground now, and i flapped my arms to stay moving. I could barely see the grass below me. A green bush then appeared to the north of me from the fog. It was very hard to see. I knew that i was still heading in a generally northern direction. I then remembered that an entry drive ran along the western side of the lawn. I thought that i could head to the northwest and i would hit either the northern edge of the lawn on the entry road. I would be able to follow the entry road more easily. I started moving carefully over the grass, not sure where i was. The fog had become so thick that i could no longer tell whether i was heading in a straight line. I turned a little to the west. I then saw a row of tall stakes to the west of me. They supported a mesh fence, which separated the yard from a garden area. Beyond the fencing, to the northwest, was a large stone building. The fog had cleared to the north of me, and i could see the large museum buildings. They were part of a campus that stretched to the north. I flew up, looking down at a small quadrangle. The large tan stone building was in the center of the others. I passed over it, looking at the beautiful old buildings around it. This campus seemed nice. It had many trees among the buildings. I looked off into the distance to the north.

I was on the bed in the small room on the northern side of the building. The bed seemed to be against the northern and eastern walls. I was aware of someone in the room to the south of me. I was aware of a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall, but i could not see into the next room. I felt uneasy about something as i lay on the eastern side of the bed. I was facing east, with my head to the north. It was dark in the room, but i had a good sense of the surroundings. Something then got into the bed to the west of me. It did not seem to climb into the bed, but simply seemed to appear there. I thought that it was not real. It was some kind of spirit. I felt uncomfortable, and i thought about the person in the room to the south of me. The spirit was lying near me on the bed. It seemed to be a woman, and it draped its right arm over my right side. I knew that there was nothing real in the bed, but the light thin arm felt real against me. I thought that it was strange that a spirit should pretend to be a woman as it tried to seduce me. I felt annoyed, and i complained to the creature, saying that it should have pretended to be a man. The shape moved again, and i felt the arm reach over my side again. This time, i could feel the weight of the arm. The forearm was thick and muscled, and the arm felt strong. I then felt the solidness of a muscled leg press up against the back of my right leg. I felt suddenly angry with the creature. I did not want it to be seducing me. I reached back and grabbed at it, reaching for its penis. I grabbed an erect penis, and i could feel it pushing against by butt. I pulled it away from me, yanking on the penis. I felt enraged at the spirit, and i sat up in the bed, still pulling at the penis. I felt like ripping it off to show my anger. I reached back with my left hand and put it on the creature’s neck, trying to stretch the creature across my back by pulling on its penis and neck. I was very angry. I then noticed the reflection of myself in the mirror to the east of me. I was not wearing a shirt, and i could see my muscles flex as i strained to hurt the creature. My face was clenched in rage. It seemed very strange to see, and i wondered why i was so infuriated. I turned from the mirror and pulled at the spirit, trying to get it to go away.

I was in $P7, talking to the others in the front hall of the building. $F71 was with me. We were near the southern end of the entry hall, and i was standing on the western side the others. I bowed as i made a joke, which made the joke funnier. We laughed. I then turned to the west and headed down the side hallway, which ran to the south of the auditorium. At the end of the hall, i entered a small room. I started doing something in the plain room here. I was then aware of a man standing outside the room, to the south of me. There was a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. I could see the East Asian man pacing back and forth outside the room. He kept glancing into the room at me. He wore a blue dress and had makeup on his face. I felt suspicious of him, but i tried not to notice as i continued with what i was doing. His dress did not have sleeves, and i could see that he was nicely muscled. I was attracted to him, but i felt cautious of him. I thought that he wanted something from me. I was then lying on the northern side of the bed, which as on the eastern wall of the room. The man was lying on the southern side of the bed, near me. He was now wearing a tight-fitting shirt and shorts. I thought that this was a trick he had played. I felt angry with him. He reached his arm around me, but i pulled it back and put it under me. I then pushed his legs to the south, twisting his upper body toward me and his feet away. I felt angry with him. He was like the spirit that had attacked me before, and i was upset with him.

I found myself unexpectedly driving to the west. It seemed as though i had just become aware of where i was, and i was surprised to find that i was driving. I seemed to be driving down Route 13, near the airport. Something seemed wrong. I tried to be alert, but i felt uneasy. I then noticed the car pulling up to the southern side of the road, just ahead of me. A black police car had turned around in a dirt lot, which sloped down from the southern side of the road, and it stopped just at the edge of the road. I worried that he might have noticed me doing something. I did not remember where i had been a few moments ago. I tried to focus on the car in front of me, thinking that i should not look suspicious. I then realized that i did not really know where i was. It was spring here, and new pale-green plants were on the sides of the road. This place was not near my home. I must have traveled quite a distance. I felt concerned. This place seemed far to the southwest of where i had been. I was entering a small down. I could see the short buildings on the sides of the wide street to the west. I shifted position, and i suddenly realized that i was standing up in the car. The steering wheel was tall enough that it was in front of me as i stood. I felt very confused. I turned the car to the north, heading into the wide driveway. I driveway seemed to be the entrance to some larger area. A tall metal gateway was ahead of me, with a rounded purple sign over the top of it. It seemed to be the entrance to a tourist area. It said that only something could come through the gateway. The sign reminded me of as EZ-Pass sign, and i wondered if i would be charge for passing under it. I wondered if i should head that way. I decided to pull off on the eastern side of the road and turn around. Metal stalls were on the eastern side of the road. They seemed to cover parking areas where cars could pull off. Round metal poles supported the metal stalls. I looked at the structure to the north as i pulled off on the eastern side of the road. The sign said something about a “mountain pass”. I thought that this was a tourist area. The road beyond the sign would lead into a natural area. I could see the large shape of a peaked mountain just beyond the gate. I felt uneasy, wondering where i was. I seemed to be somewhere in the western United States. I opened the driver’s door of the car to get out, but i realized that i was very close to the car to the north of me. I had parked facing east. I looked back at the door, noticing that it was pushing into the gray car near me, creating a dent in their back door. I wondered if i had actually hit the car as i pulled into the space. I felt annoyed. I closed the door and backed my car out of the parking spot. I turned to the north and started to circle to the west. I was now in a large building, which seemed to be a store. I was driving in a wide aisle, but i thought that i should turn around. I turned to the west, parking in the southern-most space on the western side of the aisle. The cashier’s counter seemed to be to the southwest of me, and a set of round tables was set up just to the west and southwest of me. The parking area that i had pulled into seemed to be a picnic area. The store seemed very clean and shiny. The red cement floors seemed well polished. I stepped out of the car, taking the cat with me. I felt very protective of the cat, and i did not want it to wander away. I held the black cat in my arms, cradling it like a baby. I felt uneasy about this place, because i did not know where i was. A low black metal railing ran to the south, separating the aisle i had been driving in from a counter. The red counter had condiments and containers of silverware and napkins on top of it. I had parked in the open space just to the north of the end of the railing. I looked over the counter for a business card or for some other sign that might have an address on it. I had to find out where i was. This seemed like western United States, but i was not sure. I headed south along the eastern side of the counter, aware of a clerk watching me from the checkout counter to the southwest. A woman was then to the south of me. She seemed concerned about the cat that i was carrying. She told me that there were no business cards on the counter. I felt uneasy, and i told her that i was lost. I then asked her where i was. She said that i was on C75. I thought that she was referring to the main road to the south, but i did not know where it was. I asked her what town i was in. She said that i was in Peuma, in the northwest quadrant. I did not recognize the name of the town, and i did not know where that was.

12019 March 14

I walked to the north, into the hallway on the first floor of my house. I was aware that $F71 was upstairs. I opened the door to the basement stairs and turned on the light switch, which was on the northern wall of the stairwell, just inside the door. The switch flipped up, but it made a frizzling sound. I thought some of the wires within the switch might be coming loose. The sound seemed like an electric short. I turned off the switch and turned it back on, listening for the sound again. It only made it for a brief time as the switch was being moved. I worried that a wire might be coming loose and might start a fire. I thought that i would have to turn the power off to the switch to fix it. I was then in the basement of the house. The walls and floor were gray cement, and an opening was to the north of me. The opening led into a small storage room, which was about a deci higher than the floor where i was. I looked down at the floor of the room, noticing a white stain on the cement floor around the boxes that were stacked in the center of the room. The stain looked like a water stain, and i wondered if water had gotten into the basement. I moved closer to the rounded white spot, having trouble focusing on it directly. I then realized that the spot was still wet. A drop of water then fell onto the wet spot from above. I felt upset that the house had water leaking in it. I looked up at the object in the center of the floor, which was now a single dark cubical thing. It was the dehumidifier. It had a white frost along the outside of it. I realized that it was too cold, and the water from the air was condensing on the outside of it. Annoyed, i picked up the rounded black humidifier and turned it off. I stepped back to the south, back into the doorway of the room. I noticed that water was still gathering around the eastern wall of the room. I looked at the water near the floor. It was still flowing into the room. A long puddle ran along the cement wall, and the western edge of the puddle was raised. I felt annoyed. I then noticed that dust in the water near the southern end of the puddle was moving. The water was flowing out from under the eastern wall and to the south. I wondered if the water was coming from the rain outside. I backed into the large central room of the basement, which was the basement of my parents’ farmhouse. The water was running from the northern room and heading southwest across the floor. It flowed over the step in the middle of the floor and then started running west, toward the back of the basement. The stream of water was about a half deci wide, and it seemed to be seeping across the floor toward the back door of the basement. I felt frustrated, and i knew that i would have to clear things out of the way of the water. I moved to the next room to the west, thinking that i should move all of the cardboard boxes out of the way of the stream. I then thought that i should make sure that the back door of the basement is open enough to let the water out. I headed to the west. A bookshelf was near the southern wall. The northeastern corner of the shelf was just touching the edge of the puddle. I lifted the empty bookcase and moved it farther to the south so that it was out of the way of the water. I then noticed several other things by the step in the middle of the room that had to be moved.

12019 March 16

I had just come back from somewhere, and i was in the house, talking to $F71. My family seemed to be on the southern side of the living room that we were standing in. We were visiting them in this place, and i spoke to them for a while. They had to go somewhere, though, and they were trying to leave. $K3 and $K4 were already in the car to the southeast with some other people. I felt rushed. My parents wanted me to come with them, but i did not want to go. I was upset that i had to choose what i was doing. I knew that $F71 did not want to go with them either. I wondered how i could let them leave without going with them. $K3 was now moving around the southern side of the room to the southeast of us. She seemed upset that we would not be coming with them, and i felt bad for not joining them. I moved to the west, through the back seat of the car. I thought that i should get out before they started leaving. The large tan car was facing south, and it was to the southeast of the house. As i stepped out of the car, though, i was someplace else. The car was now parked on the southern side of a suburban street. The street ran up hill slightly to the west, and it ran to the east for about fifty meters before ending among houses. Another street ran to the north from an intersection that seemed just to the east of me. The neighborhood was forested, and the sun was high to the southwest. The trees around us were lush with summer leafs. Others that i knew were moving around the house on the southern side of the street. A dirt driveway ran from the road to the eastern side of the one-story house. The others were running around on the eastern side of the house. I coasted my bicycle to the east, down the slope of the hill. A man ran out of the dirt driveway and turned to the west, running past me on the road. The others were doing some kind of athletic event. I stopped and turned back around to the west. Looking to the south, i could see $F58 running across the grass in front of the house. She smiled at me and said that she “I’m doing drop bears.” She ran past me and up the hill. I was not sure what she meant, and i asked aloud, “What is that?” I then realized what it was as a few more people ran from the house and turned west to the northwest of me. “Oh. Yeah”, i added in answer to my own question. $F58 had stopped on the western side of the road about ten meters away from me. A short rocky shale cliff rose about two or three meters among the vegetation on the northern side of the road. The area where $F58 and the young woman that had been running with her was shaded by large trees on the southern side of the road. The land to the north also seemed to be forested with tall thin trees. $F58 was to the northwest of me, and i thought that she was sprinting and then doing squats. This is what she had meant by “drop bears”. I rode my bicycle up the hill, interested in what the others were doing. I passed $F58 and the thin woman who was training with her. Just a little way past them, i stopped and turned around. Others were now running from the south. I watched them sprint across the grassy lawn to the north of the house, heading for the road. They had run around the eastern side of the house, so they must have come from the back yard to the south. $F57 was running in the group of four or five people. Other $G4 were standing near the house, watching the runners. I rolled my bicycle down the hill again, watching the others. I was very interested in what they were doing, and i wanted to join them. I stopped in front of the dirt driveway from the house to the south. As i did, i noticed curvy green stripes of paint on the road to the northeast of me. They looked somewhat like the pattern on the back of a snake, but i realized that they were actually intended to look like snake tracks. I remembered seeing them before when i was here. They were obviously not real, though. Someone had used green paint, which made the marks look somewhat like snake skin, but tracks would not look green. I thought that someone was just trying to make very large marks so that people thought a very large snake had crossed the road. The tracks ran off to the east and continued across the grass at the end of the road and down a right-of-way to the east. This seemed silly. I turned to the south and started walking down the driveway, toward the others. I glanced back at the tracks in the road, noticing that a second set of tracks was crossing the first. The second set seemed to run to the north, across the street.

12019 March 18

I came into the room, which seemed like my kitchen. The two white bowls for the cats were on the floor, but they seemed empty. I thought that they should not have been empty already. I walked toward them, but i realized that they were not actually the cat bowls. Something was different about them. I stopped, feeling suddenly suspicious. This situation was not correct. Someone else had changed the bowls. I moved around, but the scene was now different. Heavy snow was now on the ground, covering the bowls.

I moved to the edge of the file cabinets, which were along the western wall of the room. I was standing on top of the file cabinets, as though i had crawled over them from the west. I leaned to the east, over the edge so that i could see how i could get down to the floor, which was three or four meters below me. The file cabinets were actually tall stacks of file folders. They formed a cliff on the western side of the room. I had to be careful so that i did not slip. I would not be able to get good footing on the loose stacks of papers. People were in the room to the east of me, and they were hurriedly trying to do something. I felt rushed as well. We had to do something about the situation. I told the others that Dumbledore could not be here now, saying that he would be on his way to Germany tonight. A man was then to the west of me. He was large and bulky, and he was taller than i. He had blocked my way by grabbing my right arm. He had a pudgy round face with a dark tattoo on the left side. The tattoo portrayed a claw mark down the side of this face. He smiled and said that he had captured me. I was worried about him, and i tried to pull away. Someone else to the east tried to pull me free as well. I thought that i could turn my arm into his grip and get away while he was distracted. We had to get away from the bad men so that we could do something.

12019 March 20

I was moving things around in the small apartment. The rooms of the apartment seemed small and cluttered with my things. I picked up some guitar cases and moved them to the north, into another room. Everything seemed cluttered, but i knew that i had to get everything packed up. I had just spoken to my mother. My parents would be coming by soon to pick me up, and they were going to pack up the apartment. I would have to get everything packed. I felt rushed and anxious and did not think that i would be able to get everything together. There was just too much to do. I turned to the south. Shelfs and cubbies were built onto the southern wall of the room. They were not really that full. I thought that i did not have too many things in this apartment. I had never really settled in here. I felt upset. This place was not quite comfortable, and i felt that i had too much to do to move things from it.

12019 March 23

Frank Castle was sitting in the cockpit of the fighter jet, which was just to the west of me. The other person was sitting to the northwest of me on a structure. They had been talking about something, and Frank seemed agitated and angry. I thought that he had flown the jet recently, but then i thought that he was not actually able to fly a jet. It was not part of the plot, so i thought that he must not have actually been in a jet. The other two exchanged some words, and then Frank said “Let’s take this thing up.” I was surprised by this, again thinking that he did not know how to fly a jet. The scene then changed, and i was looking to the northwest, into a pale sky. The jet shot diagonally into the air. I remembered this scene from before. They must have reused the same launch footage of the plane taking off. The airplane was shaped somewhat like a manta ray with rounded wings. It was tipped a little sideways so that i could see the underside of the airplane, even though it was flying away from me. The smooth surface of the airplane was light gray, with a bluish hue. I decided that Frank probably learned how to fly when he was in the military. It could be explained in the plot that way. As the airplane disappeared from the edge of the frame, the scene changed. The airplane was then heading downward, coming toward the camera. It crashed quickly, exploding on the ground into a rain of fragments. I thought that Frank did not really know how to fly an airplane. I knew that he would still be alive, though. I watched the scene, wondering where he was. I knew that he must have ejected. A cone of debris was still falling from the sky in the scene, and i focused on an oblong object among the darker wreckage. It tumbled closer to the camera. I knew that it was the ejection seat. Frank must have ejected in the air when he noticed something going wrong. I then noticed the guitars on the rack just to the right of it. This seemed strange. I wondered what the guitars would be doing in the airplane. This did not make sense. The rack had four or five instruments: at least two on the left were acoustic guitars, and one in the center was a banjo. This seemed strange. I then noticed Frank’s face just to the left of the guitars. He was staring at the camera as if surprised by something. This did not make any sense. I could not understand why the guitars would be in the airplane and why they would be unharmed as they fell. The scene then seemed to replay itself a little. I was again watching the debris come toward my viewpoint. I could again see the guitars. This time, Frank was falling near them. As he passed the rack that was holding the guitars, he grabbed the top metal bar of the rack and swinged himself upward and to the west. I was watching the scene from the south of the scene now. Frank grabbed on to another metal bar and swinged up again. The scene then changed abruptly. I could see that the metal bar Frank had grabbed was part of a high-power tower. The wide grid structure of the tower was in the center of the scene now, and Frank was sitting on top of it, facing east. Wires ran east to west, suspended over the top of the arms of the tower. He had happened to grab on to a metal bar as he fell and swinged with just the right momentum to land safely on the top of the utility tower. The scene then changed again, and i was looking down and to the southeast. Frank was in the lower right of the image, and i could see cars approaching on a dry ground from the southeast. Frank shouted to people on the ground. A man shouted back, saying that the crash was not Frank’s fault. Frank said that the control system had failed on him. The two groups exchanged some other conversation as the people got out of the several cars. I could see a rounded worn path in the grass to the southeast of the tower where cars were now driving as they entered the area.

12019 March 24

I joined the others, who were lined up at the edge of the parking lot to the west of the building. I had come from the southwest, and i thought that i had just come from my car. The others were in two lines, facing each other. The lines ran parallel to the building. Everything seemed light brown. These people were actors, and they were doing a play. I was here to join them, though i felt as though i had not been in rehearsals. I knew that i had a simple role in the play. I did not have any lines. Someone was talking to the actors on the northern side of the lines. The person seemed to be the directory. I liked being with these people. I tried to listen to what the others were saying. I had stopped in the middle of the western line, but i had something to do, so i crossed the space between the two lines. I knew that i would be in the middle of things, so i crouched down as i walked, letting people know that i was not trying to be in the way. I was not entirely familiar with the play, however. I thought that i would need to see a script so that i would know what i should do. I entered the building through the doorway in the northern end of the western wall. I was now in the auditorium. The room was filled with wooden chairs, which all faced north, toward the stage in the northern wall. The stage was about a meter off the ground. As i entered, i heard a man say something as if annoyed that he had to do something. $A200 was sitting on the edge of the stage, and he had said something. He was the director, and i wondered if he had made a comment about me being here. I thought that he might have forgotten that i was supposed to be one of the extras for the play. I wondered if he had asked others to do it. I moved to the south, walking down the aisle between the chairs that were lined up against the western wall and the main chairs of the audience. The chairs against the wall were facing east, toward the center of the room. I put my things down on one of the chairs, but i suddenly remembered that i had not brought a costume with me. I felt annoyed with myself. I looked back at the stage. Many of the actors had already gathered in the room and were chatting with each other. A large grand piano was at the front of the western side of the audience. The lid was up, and it blocked the western side of the stage from my view. I felt uneasy. I would have to ask $A200 if he had a costume. I also knew that i would have to ask him for a script so that i could see when i would enter and exit and do things. I felt a little uncomfortable, not quite sure what i should do. I piled my things in the chair, and i walked back to the north. I had to get to $A200 and ask him for a script. I started to walk along the stage, but i realized that too many people were gathered there. I looked to the north, noticing a set of stairs that ran up to a doorway on the western side of the stage to the backstage area. I would not be able to squeeze between the piano and the stage because of the people there. I decided to walk around the southern side of the piano. This area also seemed to be crowded with wooden chairs, which were arranged to face in different directions. A few people seemed to be sitting on the piano bench, which was on the southern side of the piano. I started to squeeze between the chairs on the southern side of the piano, but i noticed that the chairs to the east of me had books set up on them. The books seemed to be novel size, with mostly white around the sides and glossy pictures across the center. I would not be able to head east through the chairs, so i moved a little to the south to squeeze through. I walked to the north, ending up to the north of the piano. The stage no longer seemed to be in the room. In its place was a row of chairs that faced south. As i walked back to the west, toward the center of the room, i noticed that $A200 had stood up and started walking away from me. He seemed to be avoiding me. He turned and glanced at me from time to time. I tried to get to him, saying that i needed something. He grumpily said something as he looked over his right shoulder at me. I did not hear it at first, but i thought that he said that he would speak to me in a half hour. He did not want to talk now. I suddenly remembered that he had told me that he would not speak to me for a half hour before. He seemed to have told me when we were in the lines to the west of the building. I felt upset, not sure what to do. I had not quite heard him, so i leaned forward and asked the overweight person sitting in the chair just to my left what he had said. $A200 watched me for a moment. He then walked out of the room through a doorway in the western wall. I walked to the west a little, leaning to the south over a row of chairs and asking two more people what he had said. I knew that he had said that it would be a half hour, but i wanted to confirm this with others. I was not sure what i should do. I then thought that i could drive home in a half hour to get my costume. I would need something in Renaissance style.

12019 March 25

I had parked my black car on the southern side of the street in the outskirts of the urban area, and i was now walking to the west, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. Someone seemed to be to the northwest of me, and i was walking to meet them. I said something to the person as i approached. I felt uneasy about my car, though. I thought that someone might try to break into it because of what i had left in it. I knew that it would only be there a few minutes while i got something form the other person, but i felt uneasy. I glanced back at the car as i started to cross the street to the north. As i reached the northern sidewalk of the street, i glanced back to the east once more. I noticed a man walking on the sidewalk near the car. He had stopped. I moved to the south a little so that i could get a better look. The man was now leaning forward, leaning toward the window of my car. He had his hands over his eyes, shading them from the sunlight. I thought that he was looking into the window to see what was in the car. I started walking back to the east, on the northern sidewalk of the street. I reached the car, but the man was not here. He had gone into the open building to the south. I thought that he was doing something there that was not legal. The black car was now a large delivery van. It was black and seemed to be an armored van for secret services. The man had been shooting a gun into the building to the south of me. Another man approached the van from the east. He had a bald head and was holding a gun pointing down. I thought that he was a bad guy. The agent, who had come in the black van, shot the second man. The agent was now standing in the doorway of the building. I got into the driver’s seat of the van. The agent had come to do something and was trying to get away quickly in the van, but i was now in the driver’s seat. He seemed annoyed that i was in the van, and i thought that he might feel betrayed that i was taking the van. I told him to get in, and i started driving to the west. I seemed to be on the right side of the car as i was driving. The man got in on the left. I started driving quickly down the long street as we headed into the suburban area. The man seemed annoyed with me, but he did not take any action against me. I watched the road ahead and i tried to accelerate. I passed to the north of another car on the road. We had to get out of this area quickly. I thought that we would be able to speed here because we were in a government van. The man seemed to have a question for me, but i continued driving to the west. I then noticed the open field to the north of us. I could see cars moving quickly on a highway far beyond the field. A side street ran to the north, running along the western side of the filed. I turned to the northwest, crossing onto the grass. I told the man that this was a direct route. I knew that the van would be able to drive over the rough terrain. I pressed down the gas pedal to accelerate, but the car did not gain speed as quickly as i had thought that it would. I watched the different textures of green grass on the filed pass under us. We drove across the field for a little while, passing several hedges and some taller plants. I then turned the car to the west and drove down the northern side of a street again. I was on the road, but i swerved to the north a little, driving down the sidewalk. I thought that i would have to be careful of people walking on the sidewalk. Both sides of the uneven cement path had bushes growing on it. Several people were walking in the street now to the south of us, and they watched us in surprise as we drove past. One young man seemed to be Hispanic. He had fuzzy dark hair, and he was tall and thin. I watched the bushes to the north of us as we approached a driveway. After a little while i turned back onto the road, again trying to accelerate faster. The car seemed sluggish. I was aware of a large field to the south of the road. A large factory building seemed to be to the southwest across it.

12019 March 26

I had left my apartment and was now heading south, down the street of the small city. I remembered walking down the hall of my apartment building as i tried to find something. I had to head somewhere, and was with another man, who seemed East Asian. He was thin and seemed to be wearing a blue shirt. He had bushy black hair. I thought about something as we moved to the south, but there was something that i was forgetting. It seemed that we had to get to a bus station or to a train station. I said something to the man. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would have to go back to get something from my apartment. I turned to the north, surprised to find myself in the stairwell on the southern side of the building. It had seemed that i had traveled farther than this. I remembered walking down the street with the man, but it seemed that i as really still in the apartment building. The stairwell was dark, and i headed back up the stairs, which wound clockwise as they rose, following the walls of the square well. I exited the stairs on the second floor, heading down the hallway to the north. I seemed to be in my apartment now, and i still felt surprised that i had not actually traveled far from the building. It had seemed so long. The apartment opened up to the east, and i turned to the northeast and entered a bedroom. I had to get my things. I then realized that i would already have packed my things for the bus. I thought that i could grab some extra things before i left. I thought that i really did not have everything i needed. I had not packed long pants. I moved to a dresser, which seemed to be against the southern wall of the room, just to the east of a wide doorway that led into the closet. I pulled some of my pants from the dresser. It seemed strange that they would be here. I thought that i had packed my pants already. I wanted to get some long pants, though, because i had only packed for cooler weather. I then moved to the west and looked into the closet. My tan suitcase was sitting on top of a dresser in the closet. I had not actually taken it with me to the bus station. This all seemed strange. I pulled the suitcase to me and put in on the surface to the east of me. The top was unzipped. It was not ready to go anywhere. I felt frustrated. I pulled some pants out of a dresser to the east of me. I had a long pair of denims. They were gray, but they had a metallic-green hue to them. I did not remember owning such pants. I folded them back up, thinking that i should take them with me. I then looked at the pair that was a little to the east. This pair was also greenish with a metallic hue. I lifted them up, but they did not unfold like i had expected them to. They were actually shorts. They looked to be the same proportions as pants, but they were short enough that they would only come down to my knees. I decided that i did not need any more shorts on the trip i was packing for, so i put them back to the east. I hurried to get the rest of my things together.

12019 March 29

We had stopped on the southern side of the highway, which ran through the hilly area. This highway seemed very familiar, and i was aware of the cities and towns around it. The highway ran to the northeast, heading slightly uphill. We were in a rural area, between the towns and cities. Something felt lonely in this area, but the green rolling hills seemed nice. I was with several other people, and we had stopped riding our bicycles, but we would have to start again. I thought that we would have to get back on the highway, heading northeast. It seemed that we would need to be in the northern-most lane of the split highway. I started riding my bicycle to the north. The road curved to the west, and i was in a lane that merged with a highway. I knew that bicycles were not safe on the highways, but i knew that i had done it before, and it was the only way to get to where he had to go. I was aware that my mother was on a bicycle behind me. I knew that she would be afraid to get onto the highway, and i hoped that she would not try to stop us. The black asphalt lane that we were riding along merged with the highway ahead of me. The land just to the north sloped up into a hill near the merging lanes. I rode along the northern side of the lane, noticing the dotted white lines that separated the narrowing lane i was in and the main lane of the highway to the south of us. I looked back for the others, and i was heading to the east. I thought that we really should not be riding bicycles on the highway. I walked across the lane and started walking on the tan dry field grass that was to the south of the road. The grass was between the entry lane and the road. The grass seemed to be in a triangular area, with the narrow end on the western side, where the two lanes merged. I stayed along the northern edge of the grass, aware of the others behind me. I thought that it would be better to walk through the grass than on the highway. I was then aware that we should not really be walking on the grass by the highway. I stepped over the metal wires, which were strung across the ground. We had put them down before. They seemed to run in a loose grid through the grass. I stepped over a few of them as i chatted with the other person, who was walking to the southwest of me. I glanced to the south. The land in the triangular area was depressed in the center, and the ground there seemed swampy. Farther to the south, young trees grew up, blocking most of the view of the cars on the highway. I saw a white car pass behind the trees as i walked. I felt aware of people to the southwest, whom i thought might not want us on the grassy areas near the highway. The others were walking slowly behind me, to the west of me, but i wanted to get across the grass and out of sight before someone tried to stop us. I felt uncomfortable out in the open. I said something to the person with me as i looked back to the south, noticing the grid of wires that we had put down. I knew that they were low enough that the lawn mowers would go over the top of them, but i wondered how the lawnmowers would miss them. The wires seemed loose and went over the tusks of grass. I then wondered why anyone would put the cables on the ground. I stopped and looked back at the others. They had walked to the west, and they were farther away than i had thought. We were now in a large area of cut grass. The area was triangular, with northern, eastern, and southwestern sides. Boxy office buildings were on all three sides, but the buildings seemed empty. I felt uncomfortable in the open, and i thought that people in the offices might see us. I looked at the long gray building along the northern side of the area. It had several rows of glass windows that formed a single stripe across the building. The building seemed to be two or three stories tall. I thought that it was a weekend, so no one should be in the office. I wondered if anyone was. I then looked at the building to the south. It seemed very similar to the building to the north, but it seemed older, and the cement was darker from age. A white sign with red letters was mounted on an upper floor of the building. It warned against trespassing. I felt uneasy, thinking that we should not have stopped here where we are out in the open. I thought that we should head to the southwest, into the forested area behind the buildings. The others had walked to the northwestern corner of the area, though, and were now lounging on the grass. They wanted to sit in the sunlight for a while. They also seemed to be smoking cigarettes. I walked toward them. When i was close, i called to them, telling them that they should come back to the forest. I then turned and headed back to the east-southeast. I glanced to the east, along the northern edge of the area. A paved road ran along the northern edge of the area and continued to the east, over the hill. The road curved to the southeast as it disappeared from sight. The land rose slightly to the east so that the triangular area sloped down to the west. The center of the area seemed to have a pond in it, but, as i crossed back over it, the area seemed to rise into a domed hill. I looked down the steep slope to the south of me, noticing the peaked tops of the arched widows of the underground structure. The tall peaked cement archways were only a few meters wide, but they seemed to be almost ten meters tall, stretching from the ground to almost the top of the hill. I did not want to walk down the hill near them. I thought that someone might be in the building below me and see me. I also knew that i might slip on the ground near the cement because it was so steep. I continued to the southeast, where the slope of the dome was shallower.

The man stood to the east of me as i held the cards in my hand. He was tall and thin, and his son stood to the southwest of him. The man seemed to have wavy blond hair, and he stared at me as i put the piece of paper into the large machine that was to the south of me. We were in a large open room, which seemed like part of a print factory. I could not see the walls of the room, but the floor was white. The long narrow machine to the south of me ran east to west, separating the small area of the room to the north of me from the longer area to the south. I adjusted the machine, trying to cut the paper correctly. I had to do it correctly for the man. I pulled the folder piece of paper out of the machine and looked at it. The small machine had not cut it properly. I felt annoyed, but i did not say anything about it to the man. He was now talking to me about something, and i was replying casually. I turned to the west, where a large white machine was set up. I put the paper on a surface of the machine and i grabbed the thin vertical object over the surface. The object contained a blade, and i had to align it over the paper to make a better cut. The object seemed to have two parallel plastic plates. The plates were about a half-centimeter thick, and they were about two centimeters apart. I pulled them down over the paper and moved them a little to the south, trying to line them up. The man asked me something, and i turned my attention to him as i answered. I then adjusted the blades again. I did something to have the machine make a cut on the paper. I then lifted the thin cutter up from the paper and pulled out the piece of paper. I unfolded it, seeing a brown, tan, and black picture on the inside. To my annoyance, the image was cut too narrow. The sides of the image were missing. I realized that it had not been cut properly on the first machine. I would have to start over and cut the image again. I moved to the south, wondering if i should tell the man that i would have to start over.

12019 March 30

I had just turned onto the road from a highway, and i was heading to the east. I seemed to be on the outside of a small town. I noticed a restaurant on the southern side of the road. The road ran roughly to the east, but curved from side to side. It turned a little to the east-northeast just past the restaurant. I tried to read the letters over the top of the building. The building seemed tan or dull-yellow, and the bright front blended into the arched facade that stood up above the roofline. The letters were large and drawn in a purple curvy writing that mimicked hand-drawn letters. They spelled out something that seemed Spanish. I had seen this sign before, and i thought that it was a popular place. I remembered it from the last time that i had been here. The main name of the restaurant was arched across the top of the building, and smaller letters wrote a line or two below the name. The name seemed to start with a T, but it seemed like a name that started with the word “la” or “lo”. I was interested in the place as we moved past. I told someone about the restaurant, pointing out that it was famous. I then turned my attention to the east, looking back down the road. A small bridge was on the northern side of the street just ahead. The street seemed to cross a narrow creek or stream, and the cement wall of the bridge ran along the northern side of the street to keep cars from falling over. A large white building was to the north of the road, just to the east of the creek. It felt good to be back here. I was traveling, and this place seemed to be somewhere in the southern United States. I knew that i had to meet my relatives here. I remembered the town ahead, and i said something about it. I thought that there were many famous restaurants on this street. Something about this road was popular. I was excited to be back here. I then reached a place that seemed like a downtown area. Buildings were on the northern side of the street. They seemed like a row of shops and restaurants. The building was two or three stories tall. I turned to the north, entering the lower level of the building. I seemed to be on a curved driveway that arced under the second story of the building. The ground seemed red. I stopped the car just off the road, on the eastern side of the semicircular driveway. The drive ran to the door of the building and then back out. Several people watched me. In the shadow of the building, to the north of me, i could see people sitting at tables, eating something. This was the restaurant i was supposed to come to. I was now out of my car, and i walked to the northeast. I passed through a doorway in the eastern wall of the area under the building and came into an alley on the side of the building. I headed north to the next door to the building. I opened the door to the west of me and stepped into the doorway. The restaurant inside was dimly lighted compared to the outside light. I was looking for my relatives here. I then noticed $K1 sitting on the western side of a rounded table to the northwest of me. She was facing my direction. She had frizzy blond hair. I wondered why she had bleached and teased her hair. It seemed like an eighties haircut. I then noticed that my mother was sitting on the northern side of the table. My grandmother and $K3 were on the southern side of the table. $K1 pointed me out to the others, and they started to stand up. I realized that the pale hair on $K1’s head was fake. Everyone was wearing costumes from the eighties. Even my mother seemed to have something on. They started coming toward me. $K1 reached me first, and she stopped in the doorway as i moved to let her pass. She said that wearing costumes was fun. She liked this party. I agreed with her, saying that costume parties were fun.

I walked to the east, down the city street. I was on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. It seemed late, but it was not dark. Some men were standing on the sidewalk ahead of me. Two were leaning against the stone building to the south, and one was standing, facing them. I stopped in front of them and greeted them. I knew the easternmost man against the wall. He seemed very familiar. I glanced at the man to the west of him. The western man seemed shorter, and he had straight black hair that seemed to be matted down against his head. His eyes were wide, and his irises seemed bright blue. I glanced at his matted hair a few times, noticing that the hair seemed to be thinning, but the strands seemed thick. I did not look at his eyes, but i was aware of them. I said something to the man i knew, who was to the southwest of me. I then glanced back at the man to the south of me. I realized that he was $A608. He was shorter and thinner that he had been. He also looked young. I was surprised to see him here. I knew that the other man was homosexual, and i wondered why $A608 was with him. The two men seemed to be dating, but this did not quite seem right. The taller man to the east then leaned back against the wall again and put his right arm around $A608. The taller man was wearing a leather jacket. $A608 was wearing a faded-green long-sleeve tight-fitting T-shirt. He shrugged a little as the man hugged him, letting me know that he thought his relationship would be unexpected as well. He watched me, and i knew that he recognized me, but he did not make any action to let his friends know that he knew me. I felt awkward as the other man talked. I wondered if i should say something to $A608. $A608 then moved forward and hugged me warmly. It felt good to see him again. As i backed away from him, he lifted his right leg and put it in my left hand. I held his foot near my hip, wondering what i should do next. The others then started heading to the west on the sidewalk. I picked up $A608 and carried him to the west. I then looked dawn at the large orange and white tabby cat that i was cradling in my arms. The others led the way, turning south into one of the buildings. I followed. The building was dark, but a room to the south provided some light. Through doorways, i was aware of a large open cement room of the east of us. It seemed to be a garage where mechanics could work, but the walls were fairly clean. I pet the cat that i was carrying as we walked. The corridor that we had been following ended in a second large room. The walls were sturdy cement, like the garage. This place also had cars in it. A car was parked facing northeast just to the south of the corridor. Two of the men walked to the east, around the front of the car, which seemed like an old sixties convertible, with rounded fenders and a pink color. I turned to the west, following another man. I glanced to the south, noticing a tall skinny woman standing to the south of the car. She had orange fur and the head of a cat. I was surprised to see this, but it made sense in this place. The people here were different because it had something to do with a science-fiction story. A few of the people standing to the east of the car seemed humanoid, but they were short and had wide bluish-green faces. I looked back at a person to the south, who was walking east. This person had the head of a cat as well. I wondered if there was a relation between the people and the cat i was carrying. I continued to the south, now crossing a narrow outdoor area between tightly packed houses. The wooden houses to the east and west seemed more residential than the one i had been in. A small narrow pond ran to the south, and we walked along a narrow path on the eastern side of it. The courtyard was no more than four or five meters wide, and the water seemed to take up most of the space. It was night, and lights on the porches illuminated the buildings. A wooden bridge arced up to the south of us. I started up it, following the other two. I then heard the rustling sound to the northwest of me. I asked the others what it was. I had just stared up the bridge. I looked back at the water, noticing mottled orange fish moving under the surface. They seemed like coy. I told the others that they had been splashing and that they seemed interested in us. I wondered why they would be following us. I wondered if they wanted food. I asked the others about it. I then started walking back to the south. The splashing noise changed to a low hum, which sounded more like a groan. I stopped, realizing that the fish could not make such a noise. I asked the others what the noise was. It seemed very strange. It was coming from below us, in the water. I wondered if it was an alligator. The low groan then started again. It had a breathy quality, and it seemed very resonant.

12019 March 31

The teacher said something as i worked on the art project on the table to the west of me. I was standing on the northern side of the room, and the teacher was to the south of me. This class seemed to be part of a community-college course, and it was at the end of the school year. Several other people were finishing up projects in the room as well. A man told the teacher that he had finished something, and she turned to the southeast to follow him into the room to the south. I thought that the projects had something to do with games. Once we finished our projects, we would have to play the game with someone else to show how the games worked. I imagined a game with bowling pins. I wondered how it would be played. Something about this seemed like video games. I moved to the south, doing something on my project. I felt uneasy here, thinking that i should leave to go somewhere. I had completed my project, but i was not sure if i had completed my project. I was not sure how i would play the game with others. I thought that the others would be leaving once the game was over. I moved back to the north. My project was on a small table that was against the northern wall. A woman was working on a project just to the southeast of me, on a long rectangular table in the middle of the room. The teacher still seemed to be in the room to the southeast of us. I was uneasy and not sure what i should do. I started to wander to the north. I was now outside the building, walking across the college campus. It was gray out, and i was walking along the western edge of a paved driveway. The grass had not yet regrown from winter, and a low mound of old melting snow seemed to be along the side of the dirt to the west of me. I walked along the packed mud, which was the shoulder of the road. The shoulder curved out to the west, though the road ran straight to the north. This place seemed like a parking area, but it was not wide enough to fit cars. I was aware of college buildings to the east. The land to the west seemed open, as though it descend to a lower level of campus or was hidden by trees. I thought about completing my courses. I was not sure that i could do it. Something was distracting me. I thought about returning to the laboratory to finish the projects that i had been working on, but i continued wandering to the north. A woman then asked me if i wanted a doughnut. I looked up to the northeast. A woman with frizzy shoulder-length hair was walking to the south of the path. She had just come up the stairs to the north, which were out of sight from me, blocked by the trees at the north of the muddy area that formed a shallow semicircle to the west of the path. I shook my head and said no, but the woman walked toward me, holding a paper bag with handles in her right hand. She opened the bag when she was near me. I looked into the bag. I told her that i would take one, but, as i started to reach in, i could not see any doughnuts. I focused on a large round roll on the northern side of the bag that was covered with sesame seeds or some other white seeds. The roll seemed to be floating on the side of the bag. I thought that it must be so light and airy that it was floating. The other items in the bag looked like breads and cakes. I did not see anything that looked like a doughnut. I told the woman that i did not see any doughnuts. She moved the bag, and things moved to the side. She seemed to be digging down on the northern side of the bag, but i did not see her arm in the bag. I then noticed something at the bottom of the bag that looked like a glazed doughnut. As i looked at it, it seemed more like a sugar doughnut with crystals of sugar on it. It was very large. I reached into the bag, thinking that i could take the sugar doughnut. I then thought that it was very large, and i should not take the large one. She probably had a special reason for the large one. I then wondered if the woman was waiting to see if someone took the large doughnut. I noticed smaller doughnuts along the bottom of the bag. They looked like cinnamon rolls with a light glazing. I reached for one of them instead. The woman said something about bringing doughnuts to her class. I thought that she was a teacher of elementary students. I grabbed one of the cinnamon rolls and tried to remove it, but it was stuck to the one next to it. I told the woman that i could not get the doughnut out of the bag, and i tugged to the side to try to break to two cinnamon rolls apart. They finally pulled apart, and i leaned back upward.