12020 March 05

Some of the people to the west of me were talking about something. I had been at this house for a little while. The people here seemed like $G3, and they were having a party. I was visiting, and i had not known about the party. They had invited me to the party, and i felt interested in going, but i worried that i would be out of place among college students. Someone to the east said something to me, and i turned to look to the northeast. I was standing on the eastern side of the southern end of a long rectangular room, which ran to the north. The room was darkened, and people were gathered on the western side of the room. A corridor ran to the east from the southern side of the room. From where i was, i could see the northern wall of the corridor. The person had pointed out the room to the northeast, bordered by the room i was in and the corridor to the east of me. I could see into the room, even though it had walls all sides. The room was darkened, and the dim lights had a purple or violet hue. Two people were standing on either side of the entry door, and i thought that the room was for those over twenty-one who wanted to drink. I felt uneasy about being at the party with the students, but i wanted to join the party. The two people standing by the door seemed to be security guards. The one on the eastern side stood closer to the wall. He was tall and ware black pants with a black shirt. He had something strapped around his waist. The person on the western side of the door stood to the southwest of the man. She was shorter but was wearing similar clothing and gear. She had her hair tied back into a ponytail. I looked again to the northwest into the large room, which now had fewer people in it. I then turned to the northeast and started walking across the smaller room, toward the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. The small room seemed mostly empty. The two guards were now on the eastern side of the door, standing behind a podium. I thought that they would need to check my identification, and i wondered if they would mind that i was older. I wondered if they would let me into the special room. I started to wonder what the room was. It seemed dark, and i thought it might be a place where people went to make out. I was interested in the intimacy that people had in the room, but i did not want to be a part of it as much as i just wanted to experience it. I said something to the two people at the door. They wore yellow polo shirts, and the woman was leaning forward, with her elbows on the high counter. I walked into the room to the north. The doorway actually led to a corridor that ran to the west. I followed it to the east, seeing that it opened up into a large yard. The yard ran to the south. I stopped at the entrance to the yard. A tall fence ran along the northern and western sides of the yard, and the eastern and southern sides seemed to be blocked by buildings. The ground was packed dirt, and most of the people here were standing in clusters near the southern wall. Tall white cylindrical tanks were against the buildings, and the people were huddled around and between the tanks, kissing each other. This room seemed to be a group make-out room. I did not want to join the people here, so i turned to the south and left the room, heading away from the doorway that i had entered. I was now walking across the front yard of the house, toward the road. The front lawn was covered with dirt. It looked like freshly tilled farm field. I thought that $G3 must have been spreading the dirt to simulate a Southern farm field. It had something to do with their theme. I thought that it might be related to a Southern plantation, but this seemed like a strange idea. $A36 seemed to be to the south of me, spreading some of the dirt. I continued walking through the dirt, which was now deep mud. I was not wearing any shoes, which i also thought was part of the theme of the party. I thought that this would make it better because the mud would not get my shoes dirty. I headed for the dirt road to the south of me, wondering about the plantation theme of the party.

I looked around the crowd of people at the party. This seemed to be a large event for $G4. I stood on the southern end of an outdoor area. A low structure was to the northeast of me. The roof of the structure was crowded with people, some of them leaning on the metal railing that ran along the edge. I noticed a man with long blond hair leaning on his elbows on the railing as he looked to the southwest. The area around me seemed to be a paved patio, which covered a small rectangular area to the west of the building and then ran to the east, along the southern side of the building. The ground of the patio seemed to be covered with square gray cement paving blocks. I had been at this party for a while, but i felt that i was not really interacting with the others here. I turned to the east and looked out over the wide yard. I was now standing on the edge of the roof on the eastern side of a building, and i could see the crowds of people to the east. I said something to the person to the north of me as i watched the people for a moment. I then realized that it was now daylight to the east. The sky was dim but illuminated everything very well. I turned back to the west, thinking that i had been awake all night at the party. It was now morning. I thought that i should go to sleep. I walked along the southern edge of the terrace. People were still in the large swimming pool that was in the center of the terrace. The party was still crowded, but i thought that people would soon be leaving, now that it was dawn. I was surprised that i had stayed awake that long. All of the people from $G4 were still partying, but i did not feel integrated with the group. I stopped on the eastern end of the terrace. The terrace was only a meter or so above the ground here, and i could easily step down from the side. Picnic tables were set up to the east of the building, and $A734 was standing near one. I stopped to the south of him to chat for a moment, watching several people walk to the west on their way back to their rooms. The area to the west of us seemed paved, and a road ran north to south on the western side of the paved area. A row of thick bushes grew along the western side of the road. A few people crossed the road and passed through a narrow opening in the bushes, just off the southern side of my viewing area. I wondered where $F71 was, and i asked $A734 if he knew. I watch a woman cross the street and stop just short of the bushes. She was to the west-northwest of me. She turned back to the east and called for a dog. I realized that she had been watching $F71’s dogs. The shaggy white dog trotted slowly to the west, toward her. It felt reassuring to know where $F71 was. I then turned to the south. $F71 was driving the car as we traveled down the long road. We were heading back from the party. I was then aware of the blue car behind us. It had approached us very quickly. It drove very close to us and started beeping its horn. I felt annoyed, thinking that the driver was impatient. I could see the man in the car. He had shaggy dirty-blond hair that came down over his ears. He yelled out through the windshield at us, and then he started to drive around us. I looked back to the south. A car was coming, but it was quite a way away. The man would have time to pass, but he was passing on a long section of road that was a no-passing zone. I thought that the man was reckless, and i felt annoyed with him. The car pulled in front of us and then pulled off to the western side of the road. He was slowing down just before an intersection, so i thought that he was going to turn to the west. We passed him as he stopped. He still yelled as us as we went by. This seemed very strange. The man was then driving toward us again as we drove to the south. He must have been frustrated that he would have to pass us again. He beeped angrily as he slowed behind us again. He then drove around us again, passing on the east. $F71 slowed our car. We were now entering a small town, and i could see an intersection ahead. The blue car speeded past. I was then aware of the woman on the western side of the road. She was right in front of our car. She was wearing a white wool long coat and carrying a brown furry dog in her arms. $F71 had slowed the car, but we did not seem to be stopping. We bumped into the woman, but we kept moving. She moved with us. I felt worried about her, and i reached through the windshield to grab her as she fell forward over our hood. I grabbed the shoulder of her coat as we continued to roll to the southwest. I wondered why we were not stopping. I knew that $F71 had slammed on the brakes. I asked the woman if she was all right. I then looked to the south. A large red truck had pulled into the intersection from the east. It seemed to be a car carrier, and its red paint was chipped and worn. The blue car was heading quickly toward the truck, and i thought that it would hit it. I knew that the blue car would have to slow down to avoid a collision, but it did not slow down. Another truck was coming from the west. The blue car somehow drove around the red truck and through the intersection, passing under a red light. I felt annoyed with the man, thinking that he was going to hurt someone.

12020 March 06

I was sitting on the southern side of the table, talking to the other people, who seemed to be family of $F10. I had been here for some time, and i had a plate of something in front of me. $F10 was sitting on the eastern side of the small square table, and it seemed that he had placed the plate of food on the table in front of me. I looked at the sliced green fruit. It seemed like a green tomato, and i felt uninterested in the fruit. $F10 said something about it, and i decided to try some of the fruit. It seemed to be the upper half of the fruit, and it was sliced vertically, but it was not sliced that well. The western side was cut into slices, but the eastern side had been torn and was still a large clump. I tried one of the slices on the western side of the place. It did not taste that bad, so i thought that i could eat it. I had another piece. $F10 then grabbed the plate and walked off with it to the northeast. I felt confused and annoyed. I wanted to finish the fruit. I wondered why he had taken it. I said something to the man on the western side of the table, who seemed to be $A507.

I stood on the southern side of the outdoor area. This place seemed like a fair, with small booths and kiosks here and there. $X stood to the west of me, and we were talking as i looked to the south. I was aware of a tent to the northeast of me, but i could not see it. Two small booths or tents were to the southeast and southwest of us. A queue of people extended from the western booth to the north. It felt good to be here, and i chatted with $X about something. I looked at the small white booth to the southeast. It seemed like some kind of carnival attraction. I then saw the thin woman wander from the queue to the west and stumble toward the bushes to the south of us, between the two booths. She seemed sick, and i thought that she was drunk and going to vomit in the bushes. She leaned over the bushes and vomited. I thought that people were drinking alcohol as a game before they went into the rides. The queue of people waiting to the southwest of us seemed drunk. The woman stood erect again and turned around. She pursed her lips in an embarrassed smile and walked calmly back to the queue to the northwest of her. She was carrying a red snow cone in her left hand. I thought that the rounded snow cone must have been alcoholic. I looked at the others in the queue, noticing that they had similar snow cones. I then realized that the queue for the tent to the southeast had disappeared. I realized that we might be up next in the tent. I felt a little hesitant. I did not want to be drunk. I said something to $X as i started moving to the southeast. The man to the east of me seemed like Kyle Dake.

12020 March 07

I was lying in a small bed against the eastern wall of the small room. The room was in the upper floor of a house, which seemed to be my parents’ farmhouse. The ceiling sloped down from the eastern wall to the short western wall. The room was very dark, but bright light shined in from the window to the north. I had my knees up in the bed, so the covers were blocking the light from the window. I felt tired and wanted to sleep some more. I remembered that i used to hang something over the window to block the light, but i did not have anything now. I wondered if the shades were in the window still. I sat up and looked at the door to the north of me. The walls of the room where white, and they seemed to be of the interior of a vehicle. A steering wheel extended from the northern end of eastern wall, and a narrow door was to the north of it. A tall thin cabinet had been pushed against the northern wall, just to the west of the door. It was pale tan and seemed to be full of items. I tried to squeeze between it and the black steering wheel to get to the door. The tall narrow door opened, and i stepped out. It seemed difficult to maneuver through the narrow space to get to the door. I did not think that it was a good idea to have the shelfs so close to the door, and i wondered how i could rearrange it. I stepped out of the white van and onto the grass. The van was parked facing northeast. It was in the yard of my parents’ farmhouse, to the north of the house. I looked back at the house, seeing the thin door that i had come out. I would have to squeeze back in through the door to get back into the house. It seemed very inconvenient to have the door crowded by the other objects. I closed the driver’s door of the van, thinking that i did not have the keys with me to lock the vehicle. I thought that it should be okay to leave it unlocked here, but i felt a little uncomfortable about it. I turned to the south and was back in the house. I was now in the room in the southwestern corner of the house. Another person was moving around to the north of me. He said that he had something to do, and i felt distrustful of him. He left and headed to the east, toward the front door of the house. He exited the house to the south. I felt annoyed with him. He was going to the bank to do something to spite me. I knew that i could get there before he did. I was an AI, and i could simply transmit myself to the bank. I was angry with the man.

12020 March 10

We moved quickly through the area, looking for someone. We moved through the tall corridors of the large building. The shape and texture of the walls changed from place to place, as though the building were made in different architectural styles. We moved quickly to the west, down a large open corridor. People were now following us, and i knew that we had to stay away from them. I felt tired as i ran away with the other person. We were then driving vehicles down the narrow corridors. The main guards of this place were still unaware of us, so we could escape quickly before they realized, but people were starting to come after us. I turned the car to the north, into the large room. I stopped the car, realizing that i could not drive any further to the south. A car pulled in behind me. It seemed to be a security person from this place. The woman was walking toward me, but i knew that we had to get away. I thought that we would have to do something that they did not expect. I was driving a large bus-like vehicle, which was very rectangular. I backed it up to the north, passing the woman. I drove the white block-like truck through one of the archways in the northern wall. The woman looked shocked. She had not expected the trucks to leave the designated areas. I watched the truck from the east as it passed through one of the tunnels. Another vehicle then burst through the thin reddish-tan wall on the eastern side of the room. The second vehicle was the person with me. We were breaking into new areas of the place. The area to the north seemed round and very wide. It did not seem to have a ceiling, but a white domed roof seemed far overhead. The block-like truck turned in the area, and i was standing on the southeastern side of the outdoor area, looking north and northwest. A low wall seemed to be just to the north of me, but i could see the wide field with tents, trucks, and other small structures across it. We were escaping from the bad people who were trying to keep us here. The corridor i was in seemed to curve around the outside of the area, and it seemed like a cinder track. A small dark-gray object was floating toward me from the northeast as others talked near me. Some people seemed to be sitting on the green grass to the northeast of me. The gray object was very flat and roughly rectangular. The four somewhat beveled and rounded corners curved out a little and had small rounded metal spikes sticking out from them. The vehicle was about a meter and a half wide and two or three meters long. It tipped slowly from side to side as it floated low to the ground. Two red lights on the top near the front edge seemed like eyes. The object reminded me of a shark, and i knew that it was a security robot. It was hunting for someone, and i hoped that it did not identify us as bad guys. A woman was then talking to the person with me. They were to the southwest of me. I turned to look at them as the gray slab floated near us. The woman security officer said that something had happened to the south. The woman with me, who was standing just to the southwest of me, acted as though she did not know what had happened. The security officer said that someone had been murdered. This seemed surprising to me, and the woman with me acted surprised as she replied. I knew that they were referring to what we had done when we escaped in the trucks, but i knew that it was not a murder. The security officer clarified that it was a homicide/suicide, which was a generic term for the event. It really meant that someone was knocked unconscious. I thought that this might actually be true, but the term they were promoting was more shocking. It gave the sense that something terrible had happened when it had not.

I stood at the southern end of the long narrow bed, which was on the southern end of the room. $A536 was standing on the western side of the mattress, telling us about something that had to do with the mattress. The bed had a dull yellow wool blanket over it, and $A536 was putting something under the southern end of the mattress. I felt uneasy here. I knew that i had something to do, but i was not sure what. The others moved around the room, and i was now to the north of the bed. I was trying to remember something, and i thought that i had remembered what had needed to be done.

12020 March 11

I left my can on the side of the street and headed back to the south to get my other car. I had left my truck parked to the southeast of where i was, and i thought that i should have both of them in the same area. I drove my car to the north on the city street. This place seemed like Endicott, and i seemed to be on Vestal Avenue. The buildings on both sides of the street were low and had shops on the lower floor. All of the shops seemed to be closed at the moment, though. I glanced to the northeast as i came into the area where the shops were. I thought that i could see the back end of the building i was heading toward over the other buildings. I wanted to park my car on the side of the street, but i noticed that the eastern side of the street had large white signs with blue letters that said there was no parking on the eastern side. I could see that the street widened to the east just ahead of me, so i thought that the area there might have more parking. As i reached the area, i could see that no cars were parked along the empty sidewalk. The buildings seemed featureless, and several of them seemed to be made of pale-red brick. All of the stores were closed now, so i thought that the parking signs were only in effect temporarily. I remembered that i had parked my other car on the next street over to the west. I pictured the street as heading north into a small enclosed area. I turned my car around, noticing no-parking signs on the western side of the street as well. I thought about where i had parked my other car, and i was driving to the north across the paved area, which seemed to be a courtyard. The street to the west only ran a little way into the surrounding buildings. I thought that i had parked my other car on the eastern side of the street here. I walked across the paving stones that covered the ground. The area to the north of the end of the street was a walking plaza. It seemed to have been remodeled to have modern shops all around it. I walked to the north, wondering where to put the car. I was carrying the wooden chair with me. I placed it down in the middle of the room, thinking that i could leave it here for now. I then noticed that the open store to the north of me, which i now seemed to be in, was a second-hand store. I decided that i should probably not leave my chair here, or someone might mistake it for some of the used furnishings for sale. I told myself that no one would wan to buy it, but i still felt uncertain about leaving it. I moved it to the northeast a little, just to the south of a long wooden pole that was covered with a white fuzzy cotton cloth. I looked at the chair. The dark wooden back was to the east, and it had a piece of paper taped to the northern vertical post. I pulled at the paper, thinking that i should remove it so that it did not look like a sales tag. I then realized that it was the sales tag from the Salvation Army, where i had purchased the chair. I was not sure what to do. I started pulling the tag off, but i thought that i should leave it on. I then moved the chair farther to the northeast, but decided that i should take it out of this area. I lifted the rounded back of the chair, which was now very long. It became a low backboard for a bed, and it was darkly stained. I carried it to the southwest.

I walked to the east, leaving $G3 in the house. I had been visiting them in the large house. I had been in the kitchen area on the western side of the house, talking to someone to the west of me. I had felt restless, though, so i decided that i should leave. It seemed awkward for me to stay in the house at the moment. I thought that a party might be going on. I had passed the stairway, which ascended to the north, and cross the large living room on the eastern side of the house. The room had cream-white walls and nice woodwork on the ceiling. It seemed very nice but old. I walked across the grass, still chatting with someone who was following me. I then realized that i was approaching $P19. The grassy lawn sloped down steeply to the southeast just ahead of me. The lawn to the north and northwest of the slope was very flat, and the top of the hill curved smoothly from the southwestern side of the lawn to the eastern side. I could hear a band starting to play music, and i thought that $G3 was having a lawn party. I remembered that they used to have bands on the lawn for parties, so this must have been one of them. As i approached the curve of the top of the hill, i noticed a red oriental rug running down part of the slope. Thin trees seemed to be on the hill, blocking most of my view of what was on the bottom, but it did not seem to interfere with the rug. I was interested in the music that the band would be playing. As i rounded the northern end of the slope, i looked to the south. I was now in a doorway on the northern end of the old living room of $P19. Several brothers were standing to the south of me. They stopped playing when the noticed me. This place seemed a little more disheveled than the other house i had been is. I looked around the room at the brothers. The northern end of the room extended to the east farther than i could see, because my vision was blocked by the doorway or a short wall to the east of me. On the southern side of the room, the room was open to a smaller room, which seemed to be a pool room. The room had no furnishings at the moment, and instruments and small objects were scattered across the polished wood floor. A man had been playing guitar in the center of the room. I realized that he was naked. He was chubby, with sagging skin. He had fuzzy blond hair that stuck out from the sides of this face, and i noticed that his belly hung over his groin area a little, but did not cover his penis, which was short and stubby. He stared at me as though he was unsure what to do. I wanted to play music with the others, but i felt uneasy here. I then wondered why $G3 were in the other house. It had belonged to another organization a while ago. I wondered how they had taken it over. This run-down house was where they used to live. This seemed strange. I preferred the other house, which seemed to be in better shape. I thought about the cream-white walls and nice woodwork of the other house, and it felt more satisfying. Something did not make sense to me.

12020 March 12

It had something to do with the orbits of the planets. I had been thinking about this, picturing the orbits as lines across a black space. I was trying to figure something out with the orbits, but i could not quite make out what the problem was. I seemed to have been looking north at the dark space, thinking that the planets were from some book. I then turned to the west and looked in the mirror. Something seemed out of place, so i walked a little to the north and then turned west again, again looking in the mirror. I noticed that the hair on my head had been partly shaved. The area around my forehead was shaved short, leaving the hair on the back of my head to overhang it. It seemed rather strange, and i wondered why i would have shaved the hair on the front of my head. I thought that i would now have to shave the rest of my head so that all of it looked even. I then looked past the mirror, to the west. I was driving across the wide dirt landscape, which seemed rather flat and barren. I thought again about the planets. There were two planets of interest, and they both had sentient races on them. I thought that they both evolved in the same solar system, and they were both close enough that they would eventually interfere with each other. This was part of the plot. I thought about these planets, but something seemed strange about the story. The planets seemed to be Girth and Atipak, but they were not in the same solar system. According to the story, they were not that closely related. It was Atipak and Arnova that were close to each other, but i remembered that they were not even in the same solar system. I continued driving to the west as i thought about this. The land around me now had green vegetation. The road curved to the south and ended on another road. I seemed to be in a valley between low rolling hills. I could not see the hills because the air seemed foggy above me. I stopped at the intersection. A small car was traveling toward me from the west. The road to the west ran rather straight, but it turned to the southeast as it passed the intersection. I watched the car drive past, and i noticed the woman who was driving. I had seen her before, and i remembered her. She seemed short, and she had choppy black hair that was spiked on the top into a mohawk. The mohawk was decorated with feathers so that the woman appeared to have a crest of pale-blue feathers. I remembered the woman driving past before. I had seen her driving back and forth on this road before. I turned to the east and started driving on the road. I was aware of a large gray girder bridge just to the south of the road i was on. As i started to pass the bridge, i saw the woman in the small car passing me from the east. I thought that she was looking for something here, and must have been noting that i had been here before as well. She disappeared to the west, but i felt curious about her. As i passed the girder bridge, i noticed that a second road ran at a very sharp angle from the one i was on, heading to the southwest and crossing the bridge. I turned to the southwest, thinking that i had to head over the bridge to get to the old place. I then turned to the west, into the parking lot of an old building, which seemed like a run-down motel. It was a single-level building to the northwest of me, and it had a thin flat green roof. It seemed dingy, and a large dumpster was in front of it, on the western side of the gravel parking lot. I was out of my car, walking to the northwest, along the southwestern side of the car. My car seemed to be a large American car, and i was leaving it in the lot while i went to do something in the building. I knew that i needed to get my car fixed, though. I was inside the building now, and i was in a large open room. Others were crowded near the southern side of the room, but i was in the northwestern corner of the room, talking to the other man. He motioned to the south, and i turned to see my car sitting in the middle of the southern half of the room. The people were gathered around it now, looking it over. The car was now a convertible and seemed like a fancy car. It was white and seemed very clean. I knew that it still had to be fixed, though. The people gathered around the car seemed impressed by it. The salesperson to the northwest of me said something to me about the car. I felt concerned that all of the people were taking such an interest in the car. The salesperson referred to my car, but added that it was not really my car. I thought that he was trying to be deceptive and take the car from me. I was then to the southeast of the car, looking at the others who were crowding around it to look. Someone then mentioned the concert, and i could hear the music to the east of me. I looked to the north, across the large outdoor theater. It was dark, and the flat floor of the stadium was packed with people. People were also in the black metal towers on the eastern end of the northern side of the area. The towers seemed like scaffolding, but they had small balconies that looked like box-seating areas. A similar tower seemed to be just to the northeast of me. The announcer was talking about the concert and the band. The news announcer said that the concert was happening and then added that the concert was deemed forbidden. I looked up at the eastern wall of the room, near where it connected with the tower. I could see security troops with rifles standing in the open areas. The people around them seemed to intentionally look the other direction. I felt uneasy, thinking that the government was trying to stop this concert and had planted troops to enforce their edict. The people near the troops seemed very uncomfortable. The situation seemed very strange. This seemed to be part of some revolution, but the people were still scared of the aggressive troops. The people on the floor of the auditorium were cheering and jumping with excitement, though. They did not seem intimidated by the troops. I then turned to the east, seeing the band standing on the small stage. A low round riser was in the center of the stage, and two of the four or five band members were standing on it. The band was all young men. They wore brown loose clothing that looked like designs from the mid eighties. They stood still, looking out to the west. They seemed uncertain about something, but they seemed defiant of the restriction on their music. Something about them seemed familiar.

12020 March 14

I stood on the bare ground in the middle of the darkened place. It was night, and we were in a forested area, but the small section of land around us was clear. The stretch ran roughly north to south and had small tents or buildings on it. I had come from the north, where the bear was. The large bear, which seemed the size of a grizzly, had come into the farm area to the north, and i knew that it was a danger to others. We had somehow trapped it in the area, though. A woman came from the south in a panic. She was saying something to me about the bear, but she did not have a full vocabulary yet. I was then the person saying something, and i said “bear murder” as the woman pointed to the south at one of the small structures, which seemed tall and pointy. I then emphasized with the same words pointing to the south. I pointed to the north and said “bear”, indicating that we had captured the bear. The woman did not seem to understand. She was still panicked. I pointed to the north again, saying “No, bear.” She realized what i had meant. We moved to the north, watching the small shrubs and buildings pass to the west of us. We past a group of shrubs that ran south from the southeastern corner of a darkly stained wood barn. The wood on the surface of the barn seemed to be rough, and the low tin roof was just above the level of our heads. As we passed the northern end of the building, i saw the bear standing on the western side of a corral, which was to the north of the shed and to the south of a larger barn. The barn and shed were not perfectly aligned, making the western end of the corral narrower than the eastern end. The shed seemed to face north, but the southern side of the barn faced south-southeast. The bear stood almost in silhouette on the western side of the corral, facing south. It had its head up and was looking at something. We had to be careful. A fence seemed to be on the western side of the corral, but i could not see it. A large cow then came around the western side of the corral. It stopped near the bear, hopping in agitation. The woman and i had to be careful not to let the bear see us. The large bull moved to the east of the bear, still happing and bucking with agitation. It was now just to the west of us. It seemed very large, with muscular shoulders and wide white horns. I thought that the bull might attack the bear. I hoped that the bull would not be injured too badly. We hurried to the east to get out of the sight of the bear. I worried that the bear would follow us. We ran into the opening on the southern end of a large barn. The bear was to the west of us, and i thought that it would be coming this way. The barn had a second floor, and a ladder ran up to the loft just inside the opening, on the eastern side of the wide corridor into the barn. The woman hurried up the ladder, and i followed her. I sat on the ledge above with my feet still dangling down into the square opening of the ladder. I then hoped that the bear was not moving into the barn, following us. I thought that it might attack my feet. I would have to pull them up quickly.

I moved to the north a little, watching the person do something to the north of me. A long low building, which seemed to be a trailer, was to the north of us, blocking in the small area where the people were gathered. The people here seemed like $G3. I was near the northwestern corner of the area, and a woman sat on a low rectangular platform that was pushed into the northwestern corner, against the western edge of the area. A curtain or some other thin partition seemed to cover the western side of the area. Someone was doing something just to the east of the woman, and i found it humorous. The woman seemed like $F58. Others were still doing something to the east, and a large metal trailer on wheels was to the southwest of me, along the western side of the area. I then noticed that the man was vacuuming something from the ground, and it seemed humorous. I was watching him on a video screen that was about a half meter wide, with white borders. The screen was propped up on the ground, facing up and to the west. I watched the man move the thick metal vacuum pole with the triangular mouth over the CDs, which were scattered on the ground. The man seemed to be wearing a yellow plastic laboratory suit and a white cap. He smiled wryly at the camera to the west of him as he moved the vacuum arm to the east of him. I pointed out the CDs on the ground, which seemed to have been tossed in a wide pile near the white trailer on the northern side of the area. This video seemed old, and i pointed this out to the woman, who seemed like my mother. I moved to the south, moving along the trailer. A small red car was parked near the southern end of the trailer. $F58 moved to the south near me. I noticed the CDs that were in the engine compartment of the small red car, which seemed old and abandoned. Its paint was dull and it seemed rusty in some areas. I then noticed the small stack of CDs on the ground to the south of the car. I started looking through them, thinking that there might be something there of interest. Someone had thrown out all of the CDs, and i wanted to see if anything should be saved. $F71 was to the south of me, and he seemed interested in the CDs as well. I told him that he should take some. $F58 was also to the south of me now and to the west of $F71. I crouched down to look at the pile of CDs that were just ender the back end of a second trailer carrier. Several large plastic sleeves were on the top of the pile. The one on top had markings that looked like a Led Zeppelin design, and i told $F71 that the plastic carrier held Led Zeppelin CDs and that he should take them. I knew that he liked the band and that he did not have any of their albums. The plastic sleeve was about the size of a phonograph sleeve, and it had four or five round areas set into it where the CDs would be held. I thought that we could look through the pile for the CDs. I then pointed out that the CDs had been scattered around for a while. I knew this because i knew that the man in the video had been vacuuming them several days ago, so they must have been out for others to take since then. I wondered if there was still anything of interest in them. Another pile of CDs was near the blue car to the south of us. I wanted to look through the piles, but i thought that the pile of CDs in the engine compartment of the red car would be interesting. I wanted to look through them. I moved back to the red car. $A601 was to the southwest of us now. He said something to us. I thought that the small red car was actually his, and i wondered if he had collected the CDs there for himself. I stood to the east of the car as he closed the hood. The car looked like a 1980s model of a European car, with slightly rounded square edges.

I looked suddenly to the northeast as the low flat box slided away from me, heading east across the stone surface of the wide patio or terrace. We were searching for the person, and i thought that he must be here somewhere. I looked at the person who ran to the north, along the eastern edge of the balcony, moving away from the box as it reached the low stone wall on the eastern side of the area. Something else was moving to the west across the northern side of the area. The outer wall curved from the southeast to the northwest, and i was looking north. I seemed to have some kind of scanner in my sight that marked certain features in red. The person running had thin red lines down his back and legs, but he was not the person that we were looking for. I then noticed a red blob in the center of the edge of the low box. The gray box was about two and a half meters wide across the front and about a half meter tall. It was sliding to the west now, and i could see the red area that was inside of it through the near edge. I told the other person that the man we wanted was in the block.

12020 March 15

I headed to the south, down the street that was on the outskirts of the city. I was talking to a person who was to the northwest of me. We were riding our bicycles down the center of the wide road, which seemed to have four lanes. Very few cars were on the road, and the land on the sides of the road seemed rather open. The road sloped down slightly to the south from where we were, but it leveled off around fifty meters away. A sidewalk seemed to be on the western side of the street, separated from the street by a grassy median, which seemed to be about three or four meters wide. An intersection was just ahead of us, and traffic lights hung across the road. The crossing road only ran to the east from the road that we were on, and it was the direction that we needed to go. We had to get back to the camp. I slowed as i shifted to the east, into the turning lane. $F78 was with me, but she was driving a car behind me. I thought that she would be able to pass me on the side road, but, as i turned, i realized that she had to go back to the north for something. I wondered if i could make it to the camp before she did. I started down the wide road to the east. The land here seemed very open, and the road ahead of me descended into a wide shallow dip. Utility lines ran along and crossed the road, and the large buildings on the sides of the road seemed to be old factories or warehouses. I started pedaling harder, thinking that i would try to beat $F78 to the camp. The bicycle felt hard to ride, though. I looked down, noticing that the bicycle was very short. My knees were sticking up over the handlebars. I wondered why the bicycle was so different now. It seemed very strange that it should have changed. I did not remember feeling this awkward pedaling before. I looked ahead of me, and the long shallow slope descending to the east. The road seemed to bend in a few hundred meters, and trees were to the east of the end. Several side roads ran off to the north and south. At the end of the road, i turned to the south, onto a dirt road, which ran up hill across a grassy area. The driveway curved to the east at the top of the hill to the south of me. The hill seemed to be about two or three meters tall, and its top was about ten meters from me. A second road curved sharply to the east from the driveway, running to the north of the row of brown buildings. The main driveway seemed to run along the front of the buildings. I thought that the road to the east must head to the forested area at the back of the camp. I seemed to have my things there, but i continued up the hill to the south. I then realized that the road ahead had deep muddy ruts and some puddles of shallow water. Orange cones blocked the road about halfway up the hill. The people running the camping event did not want people to drive in the mud, so people were supposed to turn to the east and take the other road. I looked down the other road, which headed off to the northeast before turning to the east in about five meters. I looked down at the tires of my bicycle, trying to drive between the mud puddles of the road to the south. I was not a car, so i thought i would be able to make it up the road. I would not get stuck in the mud like a car, but i would still get messy. I walked slowly up the hill to the south, straying a little to the southeast along the grass to the east of the muddy area. I passed under a tree and seemed to be walking along the western side of one of the cabins. $F78 then road past me on a bicycle, heading up the hill to the southeast of me. She was heading toward the northwestern corner of the nearest cabin. I decided to follow her. The large brown cabin actually seemed L shaped, and a patio was tucked in the northwestern corner. Several people were sitting in chairs on the patio. I walked up to them and decided to chat with some people. As i stopped, we were now inside the cabin, and i was standing near the western wall. A man stood to the south of me, near the southern end of the couch that was against the western wall. He was playing an acoustic guitar, and it sounded nice. I sat down on the couch as he played and the others to the east talked. I liked the arpeggios that he was playing. I strummed on the guitar that i had in my lap, but it did not sound as nice as what the man was playing. I thought that i could not play guitar as well. He seemed familiar, and i thought that he might be $A793. I showed him some of the chords that i was doing. I was strumming in a funk or jazz rhythm.

I walked to the west, down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. I was heading toward my grandmother’s house, which was just ahead on the northern side of the street. As i approached the house, i seemed to be floating over the sidewalk. I knew that my other relatives were in the house, and that they were gathered for some event. Some people seemed to be gathered in the front of the house, and some seemed to be gathered in the yard to the west of the house. I spotted a young boy sitting between my grandmother’s house and the house to the west of it. I floated across the southern side of my grandmother’s house and turned north to fly along the eastern side. The boy was to the west of me, and he watched me fly with fascination. I thought that he must be impressed by the way i could fly. I looked at the white siding on the western side of my grandmother’s house. I had approached the living room of the house, which was on the first floor, but i passed by and floated up to the second floor of the house as i reached the northern end. I was supposed to go into the upper apartment of the house. On the western side of the house, i noticed the windows in the upper floor. The roof sloped down very steeply around the windows, and the windows were in short dormers. They stuck out about a half meter from the rest of he house. I knew that they were the windows to the living room of the upstairs. As i passed them, however, i could see that the windows were not open. I was still aware of the boy watching me as i moved slowly past the windows. I rounded the corner of the house and started moving to the east, down the northern side, looking at the windows to see if any were open so that i could fly into the apartment. I then turned to the southwest and walked into the living room of the house. I was on the northern end of the second floor. My mother was on the western side of the room, and i said hello to her. We talked for a moment, and then i started talking to the other people who had gathered. Small round cafe tables were set up in the room, and several people were sitting around them. I stood to the southeast of a table where two other people were sitting. One man sat on the northern side of the table, and the other sat on the western side. The man on the man on the northern side said something in French. Most of what he said was in English, but he kept switching to French words here and there. I wondered if he knew that he was combining the languages or if he was just saying what came to his mind. I joked with him, saying that i did not understand all of the French words. I then added that i had studied Spanish as if it were an explanation for why i could understand some of the French. The man smiled at the jest. My mother then asked me something. I then realized that we had just flown in to the local airport, and we had left the small airplane that we were driving at the airport. I wondered suddenly if we had asked anyone at the airport if it was okay to leave the airplane there. I asked my mother if we had paid for parking for the airplane. I felt worried that the people at the airport might tow the airplane away. We should have rented a space for it at the airport. We passed through an opening in the eastern wall and came into a corridor. A room opened up on the northern side of the corridor, and a counter was on the northern end of the eastern wall. I thought that we would have to pay to keep the airplane here, and i hoped that they had not done anything to the airplane before we came to pay. My mother said that i could pay for the airplane, so i reached into my pocket for my wallet. I suddenly realized that i did not have my wallet in my pocket. I remembered discovering this earlier. I felt annoyed and upset. I told my mother that i did not have my wallet. I wondered where it was. I felt bad that i did not have the money to pay for the airplane. My mother leaned against the counter as she spoke to the man to the east of her. She was paying for the airplane storage. I thought that i could write a check for the amount. I would have to write one for $100 and one for $518. I knew that the first check was for the parking space and the second was for something else that we had to do for the airport. I then decided that i really did not need to write two checks. I had two separate charges, but i could easily write out one check with a total amount. I looked to the south, noticing the cement parking garage structure that was to the south of the terminal building. I turned to the east and started wandering down the street. I was in a small town, which seemed like Union. I turned to the north and headed up the street, now on the sidewalk on the western side. This street seemed like Nanticoke, and the buildings on the western side were all small shops, with large shop windows and wooden framings. I stopped at the second or third shop down and looked at the things in front of the shop. The front of the store seemed to be open, and many old wooden things were stacked in the opening. The place seemed like an antique store. I looked at some of the wood siding that was stacked against something. In front of it was a low carved wooden block, which looked like the end piece to a pew. The cravings seemed to be rounded decorations along the outside edge with shapes on the inside. It was carved of dark wood and stood about a meter tall, a quarter or a third of a meter wide, and about five centimeters thick. I liked the way it looked. It seemed to be out in front of the shop because it was being discarded, so i picked it up. I was walking back to the west on the main street, which was to the south of the shop. I thought about the wooden block, thinking that the carvings seemed very nice. I then realized that i had not paid for the wooden thing. It seemed strange that i had just walked off with it. I continued walking, though. I then held up the board with my left hand, looking at the carvings on it. The board was now wider and flatter. It had a relief across the center of it that looked like a tall Roman aqueduct. It formed the shape of a pi in the middle of the image, with the flat top edge near the top. A circle filled the frame, and the picture of the aqueduct was across it. Something about the design looked very nice. The blue sky formed the circle behind the darker blue structure. The image seemed to have been cut into the round shape to fit the frame. I thought about this as i walked, wondering if the symbol was intended to represent anything. I then think that i had a symbol of a Celtic cross. It made sense that the wood was carved into a cross, because it seemed to be part of a church pew. I thought that the rounded shape could be converted into a gear, which would make the symbol more interesting. The pi shape of the aqueduct formed the cross in the circle, which would be the gear. I wondered if i could use the cross and gear symbol on an album cover. I had been looking at the wooden thing in front of me. It was shaped overall like a Celtic cross now, and i swinged it up over my right shoulder. I was carrying it down the street, heading west. I was still walking past the shops on the northern side of Main Street. I then realized that i still had not paid for the wooden object. This bothered me. I had thought about this before, but i had not turned around to go back to pay. It seemed very strange that i was so casually carrying the wooden object over my shoulder after i had taken it from the shop. I wondered why i had not paid. I turned around to head back to the east. I thought that i should carry the carving back to the store so that i could pay for it. I was now in the front hall of a large building. I had entered through a door in the southern end of the western side of the building. This place seemed like an old gathering hall, like an old Masonic Lodge. I had walked into the center of a large room, which seemed like a gymnasium. It had a wooden floor, but i seemed to be on a balcony or structure at the level of the second floor. I stopped, thinking that i would have to head back out of the building to get to where i wanted to go. I could not pass through the building to get to the northeast. I headed back to the southwest, toward the entryway, which seemed like a small room in the southwestern corner of the building. I remembered that it had a dark-gray floor that looked like old marble. I remembered entering the building and walking across the entryway and up a set of stairs. The entryway was two-stories tall on the western side, but was split by a balcony on the eastern side. Stairs ascended the southern wall to the balcony. I must have gone up them. I remembered a hallway that widened to the north. The entrance to the gymnasium was in the northern end of the eastern wall of the corridor. I wondered why i had come into this building in the first place. I should have stayed on the sidewalk. I headed down a set of stairs on the western side of the room, but i was on the northern end of the room. The stairs descended into a round enclosure. This was not the way i had come. I found myself stuck inside the round thing, which seemed rather small now. It was part of a maze for children. I pushed up on the ceiling of the enclosure. It started to open, but it was not lifting as easily as i wanted it to. I felt frustrated. The ceiling seemed to be several layers of blue plastic leafs, which all overlapped. I was supposed to push up on them to get through. I finally managed to push them open. I felt annoyed that i was here, and i wanted to leave the building. This was not the way i had come to get into the large room. I looked out across the large room now. I was on the northwestern side of it. I had come through this puzzle from the other direction, but i had gone the wrong way trying to get back. I tried to head to the southwest to leave the room, and i was frustrated that i did not remember how i had come through so easily before. I then noticed that a large tub of water was below me in one of the other enclosures. The kids were supposed to fall into the water and then continue on in the maze. I did not want to get wet, and i did not want to have to go through all of these things just to get back to the front hall. I was then back on the sidewalk, heading east. The shops were on the northern side of the street near me. I noticed several boxes of antique things on the sidewalk in front of a store. They were at the edge of a curb, and i thought that someone was throwing them out. A few dolls were on the shelfs along with some other interesting items. I thought that the items looked nice, and i thought that i should pick them up on my way back. I picked up a couple things but put them back down. I had to get back to the store where i had picked up the wooden thing. I hoped that the store did not call the police because someone had walked off with one of their carvings. I then wondered if the store had cameras that would have identified me. I felt annoyed that i had not thought to pay for the item before. I turned north at the intersection. The side road, which seemed like Nanticoke, sloped down hill. I walked down the slope, looking for the shop that i had found the carving in on the western side of the street. I did not see a shop that looked exactly like what i had remembered. I hoped that they were still open. It seemed to be later in the day, and i thought that most of these shops were closed. I looked for a shop that had wooden things outside, but none of these stores seemed to match what i had remembered. I continued to the south, now inside one of the stores. This was not the correct store, though. The items here seemed to be more modern. They looked like small gifts. I noticed an opening in the northern wall, though, which seemed to lead into the next store. The opening was in the western end of the northern wall. I walked through the opening into the next room, but this place also seemed modern. Many of the items here seemed to be made of fabric. The section of the store was narrow and ran north from the store i had been in. It had a wide opening in the eastern wall that led into a small shop. The shop to the east was on the front of the building, and i wondered if it was the antique shop i was looking for. I walked through the opening. The items here seemed older, but i did not recognize the shop. I remembered a shop that was crowded with old things. This shop seemed more spaced out. An island counter was just to the south of me, but i could really only see the eastern side of the counters. A man stood to the west of the eastern counter. He seemed to be a store manager. Two men sat along the southern wall. They were both reclined, facing each other. I looked around the store as the shopkeeper chatted with the two men. I was not sure that this was the correct store either. I felt frustrated that i could not find the correct store. As i looked around, one of the men to the south of me called my first name. I turned. The voice seemed to have come from the easternmost man near the southern wall. Neither of the two men was looking at me. They seemed to be talking to each other. The man on the east seemed to be very tall and somewhat muscular. He sat slouched in a chair with his left foot up on something. The other man on the west faced him. He also sat with a slouch and one of his feet up. I asked what the man had said, and i he seemed confused. I realized that he had not been talking to me. I told him that i had heard my name mentioned. The two looked at me for a moment. I noticed that the man on the west was somewhat attractive. He was shorter than the other man, and he seemed burly. He wore a T-shirt and blue jeans, and he seemed to have a nice muscle build. Something about him seemed attractive. I was interested in him, but i wanted to find the store from where i had taken the wood. I wondered where it was, and i was frustrated that i could not find it.

12020 March 16

I was driving to the southeast, down the road, which seemed like Academy Road. I had driven to the city for work, but i had come early so that i could do something. I suddenly realized that i still had the dog in the back of the car. I had to drop the dog off somewhere, and i suddenly worried that i would not have time. I only had a half hour to get to work. I felt frustrated, and i thought that i had to call my mother to make arrangements. I wondered what i should do. I was heading north on the street, which still seemed to be in the outskirts of the city. The area around me seemed to be a neighborhood that had scattered commercial buildings. The sun seemed very golden in the leafs of the trees that overhung the road. I had to make a telephone call, but i could not find a place to stop the car. I started to feel annoyed. I came to the end of the road, which had turned northwest, and i stopped suddenly. $X3, who was in the back seat of the car, fell forward against the backs of the front seats. I reached back with my right arm and helped him back onto the seat. I felt tense as i started driving, feeling that i had to call someone. I headed west on the narrow road, which ran along the northern side of a neighborhood. The road curved to the south just ahead of me, and i could see a small parking lot on the northern and northwestern sides of the road. A medical facility seemed to be to the northwest of the corner. I thought that i could pull off to the side of the road here. Just before the turn and the entrance to the parking lot, which was at the corner, a gravel shoulder seemed wide enough. Snow covered the ground to the north of the shoulder, and the shoulder seemed a little muddy, but i thought that i could easily pull off into it. I drove to the corner and stopped at the entrance to the driveway. I did not think that i would be allowed to park in the parking lot to make the call. I thought that it was private parking for the facility. The land to the west of the lot rose steeply into a short grassy hill with trees or bushes on top. I backed up the car so that i could get it fully onto the shoulder. As i backed up, i heard the car scrape something. I felt annoyed. I turned around and looked to the east, seeing rounded boulders on the side of the hill. My car was now facing southeast. I had driven up the steep hill from the road that sloped down from the corner of the main road and into the parking lot. I had not yet reached the gravel shoulder to the southeast of me because my car had gotten stuck on a rounded boulder, which was sticking up from the snow. Annoyed, i backed my car up to get it off the boulders. I hoped that they did not damage my car. I was aware of a line of cars parked behind me, along the western side of the driveway that led down into the parking lots. I pulled back, looking at the muddy slope that ran up to the main road. I wondered if the boulder had damaged anything under my car. I decided that i would not be able to park in the gravel area. I turned to the south and started driving up the slope to get back onto the road. I was now looking at the road from farther away than i had been, and i could see that the drive was covered with icy snow. I hoped that my car did not slide on it and have difficulty getting up the slope. If it slipped, it might slide off the side of the drive and back into the boulders. I was then driving south. I came to the end of the road and stopped at the intersection. I thought that i should just stop here and make the telephone call. I felt impatient and agitated that i could not call. I picked up my cell phone and tried to make a call. I then looked into my rear-view mirror. I had already main the turn onto the main road and was a few meters from it. I could see a car approaching from the east. I felt very annoyed and realized that i should not have stopped in the middle of a street like this. Frustrated, i started driving again, looking for a place that i could turn off. The road curved to the northwest, around the side of a steep hill. This land now seemed European, and the retaining wall on the northeastern side of the curve seemed to be made of large blocks of yellowish-tan sandstone. A villa-style house seemed at the top of the wall, across a few meters of short dry grass on top of a domed hill. The land sloped more gradually down to the southwest. As i rounded the corner, i noticed a road off to the west. It seemed to head into an old town with plaster and wood buildings. I slowed near the intersection, looking in both directions for a place to pull off. I decided to turn, and as i started to turn, i noticed another road turning to the north from the western road, only five or so meters from the intersection i was in. I turned up the smaller road, thinking that i should be able to find a place to park here. Once i was past the building on the main street, this area looked like the back end of a commercial district. A parking lot was to the west of me, but it seemed to be full of cars. The ground had been asphalt, but it was old enough that the asphalt had turned to small pieces of rock and dirt. I continued to the north, noticing that the road took a sharp turn to the west. At the turn, i could see that the road to the west stopped in front of a chain-link fence, which was overgrown with weeds. A parking lot was to the north, but a line of ropes ran along the eastern side of it. Chairs had been set up in the parking lot, facing the white stage to the north. I would be able to drive up the eastern side of the parking lot, but i would not be able to head west. I thought that i would need to head west to get around the large commercial building, which was to the north and northwest of the parking lot. The building was old, with chipped white paint on the walls. I felt annoyed that the lot was cordoned off with the yellow ribbons on the metal poles. The event was for rich people, and i thought it inconsiderate that they block the area from everyone else. I could see a man standing at the back of the seats, near the corner of the lot. The lot had some space to the west of the lane just to the north of the road, but it widened to the west quite a way after about twenty meters. The man was standing at the corner where the lot widened, and i could only see his pants and lower torso. The arching leaves of a bush hid his upper body. He wore a black dinner suit and white shirt. I drove to the north on the eastern side of the lot, thinking that i might be able to drive around the eastern side of the large building to the north. I noticed a wide cement wall that ran from the side of the lot to the north. I drove past the chairs, which were all empty, and turned northeast, crossing from the lot to the wide cement platform. My car dropped a deci or so as it transitioned across the surfaces. The people to the west at the event probably thought i was being reckless, but i did not care about them. I hurried to the north, trying to get around the building, feeling that it was the fault of the wealthy people at the event that i could not go the most obvious route. As i rounded the northeastern corner or the large cement building, i spotted some tents that were set up in the lot that ran along the northern side. They were taking up much of the space there, and i thought that i would not be able to drive through them. I felt annoyed. I stopped at the corner and wondered what to do. I thought that it would be easier to get through the tents if i were riding a bicycle. I headed to the west. The road now sloped uphill, and buildings were on both sides. I had rounded the large yellowish-tan building, which was now to the south of me. It seemed to be on a hill, and the road i had traveled seemed to ascend the eastern side before i turned west. The old building seemed to have been redesigned into a fancy restaurant and hotel. I felt sad that it was not being used to help the people who had lived in this area. The tan cubical buildings on the northern side of the street seemed to be condos. I looked at a small parking lot in front of the large white villa to the south of the street. It was empty, so i thought that i might be able to park there to make my call. I then noticed the blue signs at all of the parking spots. These spots were reserved for special people. I felt annoyed, and i continued driving to the west. I would have to head back to the south to get through the building. I realized that the only way to do this was to head through the restaurant. I had been walking along the northern side of the open restaurant. The northern wall of the dining area was open to the outside, and the round tables with white table cloths filled the inside area. I was walking close to the tables on the northern edge, but i had to head south. I started to turn south, but i noticed a waiter in a white chef outfit. He wore black and white checkered pants and a chef hat. Several others in similar dress were around. The man looked up at me. He was East Asian, with a wide round face and a thin black mustache. He nodded at me and said that i should continue around the tables to the west. I pushed my bicycle between some empty tables, trying to avoid the people here. A group of waiters was clustered at the southeastern tables. I tried not to go near them so that i did not have to squeeze through any people. I turned here and there, but i was having trouble making it across the dining room.

I continued walking to the northwest, down the narrow road that ran through the hill-top neighborhood of the area. I was visiting this place. A cliff or steep hill seemed to be to the southwest of me, and expensive modern houses were hidden among the trees to the northeast. The road made a sharp turn to the north, and i noticed how bright the sun seemed on the brown and green leafs of the trees. This place seemed very nice. I realized that it as a wealthy neighborhood, though, and i wondered if the people would mind me being here. I did not live here, and i felt a little out of place. I had been visiting $F12, and i had been with him earlier. I thought about the view to the west. I should be able to see the city below us from the top of the hill where i was. I wondered suddenly why i had not gone back to $F12’s house. I had been there earlier. It seemed that he was at work now, and i had gone out for a walk while he was away. Something felt wrong about the situation, though. I continued to the north, thinking that i was going to enjoy this place while i was here, but i thought that i should get back to $F12’s house. I entered the house from the west, entering into a large living room that had a kitchen on the southern end. The house was dark. I knew that $F12 was still at work. I would have to wait for him. Something felt unsettling, though. There was some tension. I headed to the east, walking toward the bedrooms. I then turned around. $A564 had come into the house, and i said hello to her. She stood by the door, holding her keys in her right hand.

12020 March 18

I left the place and headed to the south. I had been somewhere in the past, and i had just jumped back forward in time. I was now in the small beach-front town in New England. I remembered being in the quaint town before. It had been night at that time, and the old buildings seemed picturesque and nice. I thought that i would stay in one of these towns overnight. I walked down a road toward the beach, thinking that i had been on the beach before. I had come from there just before i jumped into the past. The road sloped down to the south, running between two grassy hills. A small stone building was just ahead of me, on the western side of the dirt path. A road ran across the path, along the northern side of the building. As i reached the intersection, i could see that a short stone wall ran flush with the northern wall of the building to the west. Several people were sitting on the wall, and i recognized one of them as the actor who played Radar on MASH. He was sitting on a bench, which was part of the wall. The wall was set with large stone blocks, and they formed three large steps, which ascended from the road on the north to the south. The steps were about a meter tall, and four people were sitting in a row on the middle step. The stones were old and stained with dark lichen or moss. I focused on Radar, who was on the eastern side of the others. Three other people sat to the west of him on the wall. They were all evenly spaced and were sitting in posed positions, holding stacked rocks in their laps. Something about the setting seemed like an old East Asian temple. I moved to the west a little, noticing another person sitting on a ledge that was on the western side of the pale-brown stone building. All of the people seemed to be from the cast of MASH. I thought that this was some kind of reunion. Radar did not look any older, but the others all seemed to have aged. The actor who played Colonel Potter was sitting against the building. I looked at the three to the west. The man next to Radar seemed to be the actor who played Trapper or Honeycutt. I then noticed that the man on the western side looked very much like him, so i could not tell which one was which. They both looked very similar. The man on the western end was leaning forward, with his hands on his elbows on his thighs. He was looking down at the ground. I looked back at Colonel Potter. He looked very old, with more wrinkles and fuzzy gray hair. I then remembered that i had my things on the beach to the south of the building, but this place seemed very nice, and it distracted me. I walked to the west along the road, looking at the buildings. The road sloped up again, heading across a wide grassy area. The beach was to the south, and the road curved to the northwest as it ascended along the slope of the hill to the west of me. A large mansion was to the north of the road. I wandered close to this building. I remembered a town in New England that had looked nice. This town was not quite the same, but i wanted to visit here. As i reached the southern face of the buildings, i thought that i would still wander along the coast, from town to town. The larger towns might be more of what i remembered. Something about the memory made me want to be in the town. It seemed picturesque. I started to feel anxious, thinking that i should find a place that was closer to what i remembered. This small town seemed too sparse. I turned back to the east, looking across the slope to the east and southeast of me. I thought that i could travel east in my car, looking for other towns. I should be able to find a hotel room to stay the night. I then realized that it was near sunset, and it would soon be dark. I remembered that some of the towns would still look nice in the dark. I thought about getting a hotel room as i started back to the southwest. I then said in a singsong voice “No one knows where i am.” I was surprised by this, and singed the lyrics in my head a few times. I had not told anyone where i was traveling. I then realized that i did not even have my phone with me. I had left it with some of my clothes on the beach, which was still to the southeast of me. I thought that i should go back to get them. I started to feel worried that someone might have wanted to contact me, but then i relaxed, thinking that it did not matter. I would have to find my things. I knew that no one would have taken my notebook and clothes, but i worried that someone might have taken my cell phone somewhere.

12020 March 19

I was with a group of people, who seemed like runners. We stood on the western side of the street, to the east of a small house. The small grassy yard to the east of us sloped down slightly toward the house, which seemed to have white siding on the front face and a shallow peaked roof. Most of the others were to the north or south of me, on the sidewalk on the western side of the street, which sloped downhill steeply to the north. This read seemed to lead to Ithaca to the north, and we seemed to be on the hill that leaves town. A woman stood to the southwest of me, chatting to me. She wore a bright-blue T-shirt and running shorts, and she had short hair and a rectangular face. She mentioned a woman to me, calling her by name. The short first name started with J, and the last name started with H. She asked if i knew the woman. I was slightly distracted by someone else who was talking to the south of me, but i told the woman that i did not know whom she was talking about. I said that the name sounded familiar, but i did not think that i knew the person. The woman explained that she thought i would have known her. I thought that the woman was guessing that i went to the same school because we grew up in the same area. I thought about $P31. I told the woman that my parents had sent me to the city for school, so i never knew anyone in the local school. The woman nodded, but then explained that she had been talking about something else. She said that the other woman and her had been in the army together. She described the woman as someone i might know from where i had been, and i thought that the other woman might have been part of $G4. I said that i might know who the woman is then, but i might not recognize her name. The woman i was talking to moved to the northeast of me, still facing me as we spoke. I realized that both women were runners, and i told the woman i was talking to that she might like to come out with $G4. I was aware that we were in Ithaca and not Greenville. The town seemed to be down the steep hill to the north of us. The woman started talking with someone else, and i moved to the north, thinking that i had to get back to my house. As i started walking, several other people were walking with me, two just to the west of me. The street ahead of us seemed narrow now, with buildings right along the curbs. A walkway crossed over the road just to the north of us, connecting two tan buildings. We were no longer on a hill; we were in the downtown area. The buildings had shops on the lower floors and seemed European. As we walked on the western side of the old cobblestone street, i suddenly remembered that we should not have been gathering in groups. The virus was around, and we should not have been meeting. I felt uneasy about this, and i moved to the east a little as i walked to put some space between the person walking near me and me. I glanced over my left shoulder to see some of the people walking near me. $F76 glanced back at me uncertainly. II looked ahead again, thinking that there were so many people walking around on the streets. I thought that we might need stronger quarantine measures because of the virus. As i reached an intersection, i looked to the east, thinking that i would have to walk to the east a block or two to get to my bicycle, which i had parked somewhere on the sidewalk no the southern side of the street. I then wondered if it might be to the west of where i was. I was not sure. I tried to remember where i had left it. I turned to the east and took a few steps, thinking of how i had come to this place. Something did not quite make sense. I thought that i should have ridden my bicycle to the place where we had run. I did not understand why i would have left my bicycle on the side of the street here. A sidewalk cafe seemed to be to the west of me, on the southern side of the street. A few bicycles were parked near it. I continued to the east instead, thinking that i really did not ride my bicycle here. I decided that i had not actually taken my bicycle here. I had left it at home. I continued up the shallow hill to the east, walking along the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I noticed a dark glass door in the white building ahead of me. It was the store, and i remembered that i needed to stop at the store on my way home to get something. I entered the store, which had a smaller room near the entrance. The room ran to the east. A door in the northern wall, just to the east of the door i had entered, seemed to lead into another room. The rooms were not well lighted, and few people were in the store. I stood for a moment near the entrance. The larger room where all of the groceries seemed to be to the south of me, but i did not head there. I turned to the east. The eastern wall was open to the outside, and a large delivery truck was backed into the center of the room. I had to get a can of beans, but i was having trouble reaching around the northern side of the truck. The beans seemed to be in a stack just to the east of the truck. I reached for them with the long metal hoop, which had a set of curved tongs at the end that opened and closed as i squeezed the grip. I grabbed the large can, but i was having trouble pulling it back to me. Two men were unloading the truck, to the east of the truck. They seemed to notice that i was having trouble. I tried reaching along the northern end of the truck, but the truck was too close to the wall for me to squeeze through. One of the men then helped me with the can, and i grabbed it with my left hand and backed away from the narrow opening. I wondered where i would go to check out. I turned to the north, now farther from the northern wall than i had been. I could see a counter along the northern wall, to the east of the opening that led to the small dining room. The counter curved around the eastern side of the opening. Several cash registers were on the counter, and i walked up to the one that was facing east. A woman was standing near the register, and she asked me something. I put the can of beans on the counter. She said that she would have to clean the register first, and she started wiping down the counter in front of me with a towel. Another woman in a waiter’s apron was moving around to the northeast of her, watching to see what i was doing. The restaurant must have been closed because of the virus. The room to the north had no lights on. It was only lighted from the light coming in the windows. I felt sorry for the woman who had to work at the counter, and i thought that i should let her know that i am grateful that i am that she could still work here.

12020 March 23

I looked at the cans of beer in the hands of the people gathered at the party. I noticed that each of them held two cans in one hand. The larger of the cans was tan, and i knew that it was a Russian beer. I moved to the east, heading toward the opening in the eastern wall. I noticed that the second cans were mostly American beers. Most of them seemed to be PBR. I thought that the men were drinking Russian beer with a beer chaser. This seemed humorous, and i imagined i was explaining it to others. I passed them and stopped to the east, turning around to look back west. I now stood to the east of the building where the others were gathered. The yard on the eastern side of the structure seemed very narrow, running along the side of the low structure. A path of flat paving stones ran from where i was to the opening in the structure, where i could see the others gathered. The main building seemed to be to the north of the others, and the structure to the south seemed to be a wall or small building on the eastern side of an enclosed patio. The men stood, cluttering the doorway ahead of me that led into the patio. They were facing west, talking to one another. I focused on the cans that they were holding in their hands. I noticed that some of them had two cans of Russian beer, so i thought that one must be the regular heavy Russian beer and the other was a lighter beer. They were using the lighter beer as a chaser. I imagined telling someone this, saying that i was unaware of another ethnicity that would have a beer with a beer chaser. I turned my attention back to the east. I was now traveling down the road to the east. The ground on either side of the road rose about five meters above the road in a gradual slope. The ground seemed to be covered with snow. I watched the road ahead of me, which started to slope downhill. The land around the road seemed to stay at the same level, but the road sloped down into it toward an open area to the east. I was aware of a car behind me, and i could see a car driving toward me. The car approaching me had its lights on, and, after it passed, i turned my lights back on. I then wondered why i had turned them off. It must have been habit when an oncoming car passes. I did not need to turn them off because i only had be low beams on. It was still fairly light out, but it seemed to be getting dark. I turned my lights fully on, looking at the leaver on the left-hand side of my steering wheel. I the noticed the road ahead of me, and i started to feel that i was traveling too fast. I was approaching a sharp corner that turned to the north. I slowed to a stop just before the corner. I thought that the person in the car behind me must have been wondering what i was doing. I did not want to skid around the corner and slide off to the east. I thought about this, though. The road did not seem slippery, but i thought that my car might skid if i was moving too fast. I stared at the intersection for a moment, and then i decided to drive around the corner. I was actually narrating the situation in my mind, thinking of how the car could skid off the road on the corner. I thought that the corner would have to be dangerous to make it more dramatic. I thought that the car would only skid a little, and my car skid slightly as i turned to the north. Only the tires would skid off the road, but they would get caught on the steep embankment. I sat in the car for a moment, which was facing northwest. The other car had stopped just before the corner, noticing that i had skid off the road. I imagined that a stream ran along the eastern side of the road. It was dangerous because the stream was overflowing from the spring melt. This was eroding the side of the road, which would make the car slip into the water. The car was facing west on the curb as the back started to slide off the road and over the edge. I thought that i would have to get out of the car before it hit the water. I unclipped my seatbelt and opened the back door. I now seemed to be in the back seat of the car. I thought that i should jump out of the car, but i wondered if it would be better to do it before or after it hit the water. I thought that the stream was flowing south but turned to the west sharply, following the curve of the road. I thought that i would have to swim to one of the shores and grab on to anything i could. I then thought that overhanding branches could be a problem. I grabbed on to a branch on the western shore, just after the turn. I would have to call for help from the people on the shore to the east of me, who had come from the other car.

I moved quickly to the east, into the kitchen of my parents’ farmhouse. I had to get my things together so that i could get to school or work. I felt rushed. I did not think that i had anything prepared for lunch. My mother followed me into the kitchen as i stopped on the western side of the peninsula counter, looking at the wrapped food on it. I was hoping for a bagel or something starchy for breakfast, but nothing here seemed appropriate. I looked around to the north, but i still did not see anything. I felt nervous about being late, and i asked my mother if there was anything i could eat for breakfast. I then felt awkward for asking. It made it seem that i expected her to have something for me in the house. I knew that i should not expect things just given to me. I opened the refrigerator, which was to the west of me, on the northern side of the room. I saw a picture of round waffles on a box in the freeze. I mentioned the waffles to my mother, saying that i could have them. She seemed upset that she did not have any food, so i tried to convince here that i would make due with what was here. I pulled out the box of waffles, noticing that they were not actually waffles. It looked like a type of ice-cream bonbon made from Eggo waffles. I felt annoyed that it was not a good breakfast. I pushed the box back into the freezer. It was standing up on the short end, with the top of the box flattened and rolled over to the west. I closed the freezer door and headed to the east, walking across the college campus. I felt hurried, thinking that i should get to classes. I then thought that i did not actually have classes anymore, but i thought that i was expected to go to some lectures. I wondered when i would have to attend the classes. I walked to the east, down a paved walkway that ran between a low gray stone building on the north and another building to the south. A parking lot also seemed to be to the south in front of the main entrance to the stone building. I knew that i would be starting classes here, and i thought that i would need to find my schedule. In a few more steps, i came around a corner of the gray building. The entrance to the building was set back by about ten meters from the front of the building, and i turned north into the narrow courtyard, which had a paved surface on the ground. I walked into the main central hall of the building, which seemed to be the student union. The hall was large, with old stone walls and a high ceiling. I remembered this place from when i was in college, and it felt very familiar. It was good to be back in this place. I headed north, but i realized that i would have to find the correct office to get my class schedule. I turned to the east, speaking to several people. I mentioned my class schedule. The woman to the north, who seemed to work here, suggested that i go to the class office. I headed through a wide doorway into another section of the building. The man followed me, chatting about where we were headed. I remembered that it was in the large room in the center of the building. We walked through a stairwell. The corridor that we had been in was on the southern side of the stairwell, and the stairs took up the northern side. I looked over my right shoulder to comment to the man as i walked through another corridor, into the main section of the building. Just past the doorway, i turned to the north, pushing open a large set of wooden doors. As i entered, i realized that the room looked like a library. This was not the place that i had thought it was. A man was standing just inside the door, and he turned and looked at us with a questioning look on his face. He was the store clerk, and this was part of the campus store. I remembered this place now. I had thought it was a different office. I felt confused and disappointed as i headed back out of the room and walked to the east. I remembered that the registrar office was actually in Day Hall. That was a different building. I wondered why i had come to the student union. Something seemed inconsistent. I headed to the north, following a short hallway into an oddly shaped room that expanded to the west of the corridor. The walls were made of thick stone blocks that were polished smooth on the surface. Others were already gathered in the room. They were people i had been with, but i had lagged behind. A large stone monument was on the western side of the room, and people were looking at it. This building seemed to be a monument of the federal government, and i thought that i was somewhere in Washington, DC. I said hello to the others, feeling annoyed that i had arrived late. I thought that they must have been waiting for me, and they seemed to be leaving. I moved into a doorway in the northern end of the room and came into another oddly shaped room. The room expanded to the north and west, and it was dimly lighted. It also seemed to be a room with exhibits and monuments. Some people were to the west of me, and i tried to explain that i had been doing something. $A223 was to the northwest of me, and he moved east. I then noticed $F16 to the northeast of me. He was facing northwest, with his hands behind his back. He turned his head and said something to me over his left shoulder. He seemed to be wearing a green nylon jacket. It was good to see him, but i felt uncomfortable because i had inconvenienced the others. I thought that the others were leaving, and i started to head to the northeast, toward the doorway in the short eastern wall. Through the doorway, i could see the exit door in the northern wall of a short corridor. I walked through the doorway and started for the exit door, but someone behind me said something. I stopped, noticing the heavy gray metal door behind me closing. I felt suddenly worried that i should not have left the other room. I thought that i would not be able to come back into the room. I felt indecisive, and i let the metal door close behind me. I thought that people must have been coming in though the door in the northern wall and then heading to the east. Tourist flow through the building entered on the eastern side and exited on the western side. A word or two was printed on the back of the door to the west of me in black letters. I turned to the exit door to the northeast of me, contemplating whether i should leave. $A223 then told me to go back into the other room. I thought that the group i had been with must not have left yet. I thought that he was a security guard here, and i thought that he must have opened the door back up for me again. I walked to the west again, looking for the others. I was standing in the doorway in the southern wall again. I felt uncertain about what i should be doing. I thought that the people i had come with must be in the room to the northwest of me, but i could not see them. The door in the eastern wall of the small room to the north of me was still open, and i could see $A223 standing in the exit doorway in the northern wall of the entryway beyond. He wore a black suit. Someone was leaving, and had pushed open the exit door, swinging the heavy door to the west. The door seemed to have the shape of studs and cross straps in the bottom and top of it, making it look like an old wooden door that had been reinforced by metal straps that were nailed in with large round nails. The person paused in the doorway for a moment, and $A223 said something to the person in a stern voice. He was trying to keep the person is line. I looked at him and snickered, but i forced myself not to smile so that the person would not think that this was not serious. I was not used to seeing $A223 in authority, so it made me laugh, but, if i let others see that i found it funny, it would make $A223 look less authoritative. As the heavy door slowly swing back to the closed position, $A223 looked at me and smirked. He started walking back toward me. He wore a heavy black uniform that looked like a military formal jacket and pants. He wore a wide military ceremony hat as well. He walked over to me, and we chatted for a moment. I knew that he had to stay here after we left, but it was good to see him. I then realized that the others were not around. I felt worried that i had fallen behind again. I was also disappointed that they had left me. I thought that they might still be angry because i had not kept up with them. I moved to the north a little and looked around the room to the west. Few people were now in the room. A small child was with an adult to the west of me. They were heading to the west toward a narrow corridor in the western wall. I felt upset that i was alone again. I thought that the others must have left without me. I headed to the east, into the entry hall, and then pushed open the door to head outside. I hoped that i could catch them. I descended the wide gray stone steps that led down to the sidewalk. The flight of stairs had ten or more steps, and tall planters were on both sides of the steps. When i reached the sidewalk, i looked around to the south to see where the others had gone, but i could not see them. I was upset that they had left me. I thought that they had become impatient with me. I wandered south, wondering if i could catch them. I came into a park, which seemed very wide east to west. Tall buildings were on the southern side of the park, and the path that i followed curved from the northeast to the northwest, bowing to the south. I was not sure where to go. At the southern end of the bow in the path, a narrow road ran along the path. To the south of the road was a small shack, which seemed to be a utility shed. I crossed the road and walked along the grass to the west of the shed, which had bushes around the northern and western sides. A rounded cement area to the south of me seemed to be a bus stop. To the south of the bus stop was the street of the city, with tall apartment buildings on the southern side of it. I walked to the edge of the street, wondering what to do. I felt sad that the others had left me alone, and i was not sure where to go from here by myself. Another man was standing near the bus stop, but he had started heading to the northeast as i approached. I then noticed the tall building directly to the south of me. It was made of a rosy-gray stone, and the stone had curled buds carved into the edges. A tall steeply rose from the side of the northern face of the building. The sky behind the building was dark blue, and the sun seemed to have just set to the north of me. The light from the sun cast a strange blue light on the building. It looked very attractive, and i stared at it for a moment. I then realized that i should take a picture of the building. It seemed quite impressive in the light. I turned to the east and pulled my cell phone from my left pocket. I took a moment to turn it on, thinking that it was the perfect time of evening to take a picture. I looked back up at the building, hoping that the sun was casting enough light to make the picture come out. To my disappointment, the building was much darker now. The sun had moved too quickly down, and the image no longer looked good. I felt disappointed, and i did not take the picture.

12020 March 27

Everyone started moving to the west, across the office. Something was happening, and everyone was trying to leave. The small square room seemed to be on the eastern side of a large factory complex. The walls had many old multipane windows in them, and fluorescent lights seemed to hang from the ceiling. The room was filled with desks or tables, and the people crowded in the aisles between them as they tried to move to the west. I realized the smell of something burning. It smelled like artificial materials on fire, like plastic or rubber. I thought that a fire was happening somewhere in the factory facility. I knew that things like this had happened before, and i walked with the others to the west, not feeling any urgency to hurry. As we walked, i felt slightly annoyed that we had to run through the fire again. I knew that we were not really in danger, but others were trying to make the situation more urgent than necessary. As we started across the southern side of a room in the center of the factory area, someone to the north of me started chatting. I listened, but i looked up at the flames that flickered over the top of the large machinery in the middle of the room. The room was a small rectangular room with a cement floor. In the center of the room was a long metal object, which looked like an engine block. It seemed to be painted pale green, and it had rounded features in the solid metal shell that looked like tubes. The machine ran the entire length of the room east to west, and it almost reached the ceiling in height. The red flames flashed over the top of the machine, mixing with the dense black smoke over the machine. I tried to focus on them as we walked the length of the room. Somewhere in the middle of the room, i started to feel things catching on my lower legs. I felt annoyed, seeing that the floor was covered with debris. A row of low black file drawers seemed to be to the north of me, and i thought that some of the books from the drawers had come out as the crowd moved past. I continued walking, pulling at the things that seemed to be tangled around my legs. I looked down, but i could only see strands of something that looked like ribbons dangling from the ends of my pant legs. At the western end of the room, we passed through a large opening into the next section of the building. People were queuing into rows that ran to the south, toward the exit doors. The people around me were talking as we moved near the western wall. I felt annoyed with the things wrapped around my legs. The thin straps wrapped around the lower ends of the legs of my pants. I was wearing a faded pair of blue jeans, which seemed to have bleach stains near on the lower legs. I pulled at the strings that wrapped around my legs. The straps looked like the same kind of material as my pants, and, though they were wrapped around my pants, did not seem to press into the fabric of my pants. I saw the folders that were caught on the ends of the string, but i had a hard time keeping them in my vision. I knew that they were there, but i could not easily look at them. I pulled on the string, seeing one of the binders open up. It had old documents in it, which seemed to be old stock certificates. I caught a glimpse of one that had thick calligraphic writing in the center with centered text above and below it. I thought that they would be very important to this business, so they should be saved from the fire. I bent over and picked up the two notebook binders that had been stuck on my feet. I knew that the others would ignore the binders, leaving them scattered on the floor. I knew that they were important enough to the business that i thought we should pick them up and take them with us. I decided to hold on to the two binders. I looked to the west, noticing that several other queues had formed. I was now standing on the eastern side of the room. Someone called my name from the southwest. I glanced quickly, noticing that a long row of tables was set up along the southern side of the room, and people were standing behind it. They seemed to be processing the people in the lines. A tall thin woman was standing on the western side of the room, behind the table. I thought that she had called my name. She was looking to the north at the crowd. She had a dark-skinned oval face with thick black hair that was pulled back around the sides of her head. I thought that she would call my name a second time, so i waited for her to do so. The crowd was formed in lines that started about two meters from the tables, and the people behind the tables were calling people forward. I turned back to the people near me as they talked about something. I then realized that the woman was not calling my name again. I started to feel disappointed. It seemed that too much time had passed. I thought that they must have moved on to others. The people with me than said something about the building. I knew that the fire was still burning to the northeast of us. I looked down at the binders that i had. Papers had started falling out of the one that i was carrying, so i tried to push them back in and keep the binder together. The others mentioned the binders. We now seemed to be on the western side of the room again. I was facing west, and the others were in the queue: one to the southwest of me and the other to the northwest. I pulled up one of the folders and moved to the west. The notebook i was looking at had modern papers in it. It was not the book that had the old documents. I felt more interested in the older documents and wondered what happened to that notebook. I knew that the old documents were important and should be saved. I was then standing to the west of the others as i pulled the notebook back into my arms, stuffing some of the papers into it. The woman to the east of me was holding the other notebook. She flipped through the top pages. I could see old yellowing notebook sheets that were loose in the front. Many of them seemed to be hand written notes. I knew that they were not as important as the formal documents. I felt anxious to see the other documents. The woman then pulled the binder toward her so i could not quite see what was in them. I told her that it had important documents that we would have to keep protected. I did not want anyone taking the documents from us. She then said something that indicated that she had found the documents. I told her that i had seen some stock certificates in the folder. I wanted to keep the folder safe. I then realized that i had been waiting in queue for a very long time. I felt impatient and frustrated. I looked back to the south at the people behind the table. They had not called us, and i wondered if they had dismissed us because i had not responded when the woman first called my name. I felt angry with them. We had to get out of this place. I then started wandering to the east. I was no longer in the room, but i walked across a paved rectangular area that had the same shape as the room. Some people were to the south of me, who seemed to be the workers at the doors from the room. I knew that i was now out of the room. The rest of the people in the room had disappeared, and i walked toward the grassy area. I was still walking east, but it was now south. It was a bright sunny day, and i was heading south along West Avenue, along the base of the northern end of Libe Slope. I was aware of the buildings along the top of the hill to the east of me, though most seemed blocked from my view by the bushy leafs of large trees. I spotted $A615 to the east of me. He was walking westward on a paved path, heading toward me. The path curved to the southwest before it reached the paved rectangular area that i was walking across. I wanted to call to him, but i did not. I watched him turn to the southwest and pass me as i continued to the south on the slope. I had to get to the small building where i had started, which seemed to be to the northeast of me. It was on top of the hill, on the southern end. I could see the small building just to the south of the old stone library. I then looked up the hill to the east of me, seeing a thin wisp of dark black smoke floating up from one of the factory buildings. I thought that the fire had been a distraction, and this annoyed me. I looked again to the southeast, seeing the one-story wide building that i was heading to. It was brown, with a flat surface. A tinted window ran the entire length of the building across the center. It was indented between the two brows section. I headed diagonally across the hill toward the building, but i was still drifting to the south.

12020 March 28

I moved through the small upstairs apartment, heading south. I seemed to be in the kitchen area, which was a narrow corridor with wood floors. I was aware of the people downstairs, who seemed to be under me and below and to the west of me. I felt that i had to get somewhere, and i moved around, trying to do something. The floor of this section of the house was surfaced with thin wood boards, which seemed worn but not dull. I moved to the southern end of the room and headed to the east, exiting through a door and coming on to the back porch of the apartment. The walls on the southern and eastern sides were enclosed with screening, and a doorway to the east led to a set of stairs, which descended in a switchback. The room was full of cardboard boxes, and i thought that i could put the boxes i had with these boxes for recycling. I thought that i would have to recycle them. I felt indecisive, wondering how to do what i was supposed to be doing. I then heard $A16 moving downstairs. I could see her over the edge to the south, and she was heading east, toward the stairs. I did not want to talk to her, but she was already coming up the stairs to where i was. She asked me a question, and i said something about the other. She asked me to do something, and i was then downstairs in the lower apartment. I had come here because of the food, and i felt grateful that people were offering each other meals. However, i did not need any extra food, and i declined having any. I knew that others were coming to this apartment to eat. I then looked to the east to see a small group of people gathered in the room near me. They seemed to be a family, and they were just getting ready to leave. I realized that there were six or seven of them, and i thought that they should not have gathered so closely. I felt uncomfortable near them, thinking that we should be staying away from each other in the pandemic. I turned to the west, seeing the square room that opened up to the west of me. I was standing in a wide doorway between the two rooms. The room to the west seemed to be a dining room, with a round table on the southern side, but it was used more as an entryway. It seemed nicely furnished. A small group of people was leaving through the doorway in the center of the western wall. The doorway was at the end of a short corridor in the western wall.

12020 March 30

The people quickly got into the cars and started driving to the south. They had escaped the area. They were characters from Star Wars, though i could not tell who all of them were. They had been in a large area, which seemed like a space station, and they had all fled. I saw the large exterior scene to the east of me, showing part of a ship. The area of the ship that we could see was mostly flat and light gray. Two larger sections on either side bordered it, and a tall tower seemed to extend up from the top of the center section. Small ships crossed the view. I turned to the south, heading into the kitchen of $P19. I had to get something to eat, and i walked into the kitchen. Someone else had been in the room, and i said something to him. I moved to the south of the island counter, to the dish-washing machine on the southern wall. A tray of dishes was sitting on the western end of the stainless-steel counter. To the west of the counter was a metal sink. I thought that the trays and canisters in the green rack were probably clean, but i thought that i could run them through the dish-washing machine a second time. I had to wash all of the other dishes that seemed to be on the northern side of the room. I started taking things out of the metal rack and rearranging them. I put a large tray into the western side of the rack. I noticed the small plastic containers that were already on the rack. It seemed a waste of time to wash them again, but i now had dirty dishes in the rack, so i could not simply put away the containers. The clear plastic containers were roughly rectangular. They had rounded corners and a round opening on the top, which was more on one side that the other. The opening was atop a small neck, which was about a half centimeter tall. The plastic around the neck seemed dark on one side and very light on the other. The containers seemed to be about a deci long, with the horizontal sides being wider than the vertical sides. The two ends were about two centimeters wide. I moved some of them around so that i could put more dishes in. I felt frustrated about something, thinking that i had too much to do at the moment. I wanted to get something done, but i was spending too much time on the dishes. I thought about the people to the north of me. I remembered that they had something to do with the movie Star Wars. I saw the characters clustered in a group. Princess Lea was on the western side of the group, wearing a white flight suit. Her hair was tied back in braids. She had escaped the area with the other people, and i remembered that they had headed to the south in cars. I walked a little to the south, now on the long road. They had already left this place, but i was reliving the scene again. A woman on the northern side of the cluster of people had held out her hand, showing the others the gemstones. They were important, and the woman had stolen them from the bad guys. Lea agreed that they could come in handy later. It seemed that they would be used for trade. I moved to the south, along the line of cars that were parked on the western side of the street. I bent over near the front of one of the cars and picked up a handful of gemstones from the dirt ground. It was a recreation of the scene where they had taken the stones before. I remembered that the woman had simply grabbed what she could to sell later, but i reached back down and grabbed more from the ground. Several were large and yellow, looking like twelve-sided polygons with two pointy ends. The smaller ones were blue and had diamond shaped cuts. I remembered the woman in the long tan robes saying that these were holy crystals. I thought that she had only been able to grab a few, and i told someone that there were actually four hundred and seventy-three of them. I picked up a few more from the dusty ground and started walking to the south. I had to get away as we had done previously. I thought that the other characters were already very far away in the cars now, though. As i walked, i then heard the sound of a car starting to the north of me. I did not look back. I knew that this was from the bag guys. They had been to the north of me, and, once they realized that the gemstones had been taken, they were going to come after the other characters and me. I continued walking, pretending that i did not notice the sound of the car. The engine revved as the car started to accelerate. I knew that it was coming my way, and i thought that i had to hide. I looked to the west, thinking that i could slip between the two cars and hide. I then noticed the small houses that were no more than a half meter from the edge of the road. The bright-blue one just to the west of me had a dull-yellow door. I thought that i should be able to enter the house and hide there. I started to move to the west as i heard the car coming.