12021 March 05

I started driving to the northeast, down the somewhat rural road. I seemed to be somewhere in Central New York. I had come to this place with $A682, and we were about to head back home. I had been on this drive before, so i knew the way. $A682 was in another car, and he started driving to the northeast ahead of me. I talked to him as we left the area. We had both expected something to happen when we were here, but nothing did, so we were heading home. I knew that we would need to head to the southwest to get home, but i thought that we had to take this road around to the east to get back to the main roads. It was dark out, and i only caught a glimpse of $A682’s car as the lights disappeared to the north. I started driving after him. The road sloped up slightly to the north, and the land around us seemed rural, with fields and strips of trees. As i reached the northern end of the road, i could see $A682’s car to the northwest of me. He had already turned to the east on the other road. As i turned to the east, i could no longer see his car. He had passed a cluster of trees near the southern side of the road. I started after him. I was not worried about following him, because i already knew how to get home from here. I then saw him starting to turn to the south-southeast, onto the next road. The land to the south of the east-to-west road was a field of cut grass, and a house seemed to be on the southeastern side of it. The house was up a hill from the road. As i started turning the corner to the south, i noticed two men standing outside the house, in front of the garage, which was on the eastern side of the house. The driveway sloped downward from where the two men were standing. They watched $A682 as he drove past, and i thought that they were suspicious of us. I felt a little uneasy of them. As i turned to the south and followed the road as it started down a long shallow hill. The hill was then a cement slope, and the cement walls on the eastern and western sides formed a rectangular tunnel. I was holding the handle of a weighted sled, which i was trying to get to slide down the slope. I pushed on the squat metal box and then held the handle so that i could be pulled behind it. I thought that the metal box would slide down the cement ramp, but it had too much friction and slowed down too much. I pushed it again and held on. I was reaching forward so that my belly was down and my arms were extended in front of me. I could feel my feet extending behind me, with the toes of my shoes dragging on the floor. I moved my feet from side to side as the sled moved, hoping to reduce the friction of my feet. The sled slowed and stopped again. I felt frustrated that i could not get it to slide all the way to the bottom. A woman was looking up the slope at me, and a man seemed to be farther down on the eastern side. I kept trying to get the sled to move as the woman walked up the slope to help me. I was then at the bottom of the slope. The tunnel turned to the east and ran flat, but there was now water on the ground. The water seemed to be about a meter deep, and the heavy weight was floating on it. The boxy container seemed to be pale green, with scrapes and dents in the surface paint. The man stood to the northwest of me, and he and the woman were going to push the weight using telekinesis. I held on to the handle, which was now on the western side of the crate. They pushed the weight suddenly, and i lost my grip. The box had moved too suddenly for me to keep a hold of. The weight skidded over the water rapidly, bouncing off the northern wall and then the southern wall before coming to a rest about fifty meters down the tunnel. The rectangular tunnel had stripes running across the ceiling, which seemed to be dull red. I could not tell if they were painted on the cement or if they were beams or other ridge features of the ceiling. I felt disappointed that i could not hold on to the weight, and i thought that i would probably have to get the weight and bring it back to this end of the corridor so that the others could try again. I told the others that we had to get the weight so that we could escape this place. A man was then to the north of me. He seemed to be in a dark uniform. He lifted his left hand and spoke into a small communicator. He was reporting our location to the bad guys. I felt startled and worried. The man to the northeast of me grabbed the bad man and pulled him backward by his neck. He then dunked the man into the water and held him under. I knew that he was going to kill the other man, and i thought that it was the best thing to do in this situation. Someone then called my name from the south. I felt confused, and i suddenly realized that we could not kill the man using our powers. It would be a bad thing to do. I felt that overpowering him in this way was very bad. I looked to the south suddenly, wondering who had called my name. I could not see anyone, and i knew that it was someone not there. The person seemed like my father, and i thought that he was reminding me to be a good person.

12021 March 07

We had just returned from a trip, and we were moving through the room, trying to do something. I thought that i still had to pack for something. I had gone on a trip with my relatives, but i thought that i still had to go to Russia. I did not feel comfortable about this plan. I was on the southwestern side of the room, facing east as i packed some things into the duffel bag to the east of me. The bag was on a raised surface. Some of my relatives were to the northeast of me, doing something in the room. I felt nervous about the trip to Russia. I thought that i had to get some of my things from my apartment. We had just moved into this place, but i thought that i did not have my own place to stay yet. The others said that i could stay with them. My things were still stored in my car, though, and i thought that i would have to get some of them. I said something to someone and headed to the south. I remembered that i had left the keys to my car at the front desk of this place, which now seemed like a hotel. I walked to the southeast across a dark lot. My old room seemed to be to the southwest of me, but i would not be able to go there anymore. I remembered giving my keys to the people at the front desk to store with my room key. I would need them when i returned. I hoped that they still had the keys, because i felt that i had to get into my car now. The desk seemed to be a service counter in the white cement wall of the building to the south of me. It had a glass window across the surface of it. I walked up to the desk, noticing the older woman who was sitting behind the counter. I felt upset that i could not remember my room number now. I hoped that i could still get my keys. As i reached the window, the woman reached to the east and grabbed something. She said that she remembered me, and she extended her hand with a set of black car keys in it. I felt suddenly relieved to have the keys. I took them and headed back to the north to return to the others.

12021 March 08

I felt hurried and knew that i had to get ready to go somewhere. I was on the western side of the room, and i knew that my parents were elsewhere in this house. I moved to the south, into the room that seemed like the dining room of my grandmother’s house. I sat down on the western side of the table and started to write something down on the paper. I felt that i had to record the notes before i forgot them. I felt that i had to hurry so that i could leave, but i wanted to take the notes first. I wrote two lines of text in pencil on the paper, but, as i looked at the paper, i realized that i could not read what i had written. The paper was dark blue, and the pencil did not show up against the dark background. I felt annoyed. The dark paper was the end cover of a book. I should have flipped to the center of the book to take notes. I turned a few pages into the book to start the notes again. I felt frustrated, thinking that i would have to get my things ready so that i could leave or my mother would be upset with me. She wanted me to get moving early. I walked to the north, again in the dining room of my grandmother’s house. A set of stairs ascended to the north along the northern wall. I climbed over a white railing to get onto the stairs, and then i hurried up to the second floor. As i hopped over the railing, i thought that i could probably skip packing a lunch for school and simply go to a nearby restaurant to get lunch. The school here was in town, which was a change from what i was used to. I then thought that the choice of restaurants around the school was not that good. Most of them were fast-food restaurants. I was not that interested in eating such heavy food too often. I thought that it would be too much fatty food. I crossed the upstairs bedroom, heading to the southwest. I stopped on the western side of the bed to pack some things into my bag.

12021 March 09

I was at a house for an event, and members of my family seemed to be with me. We were on the northeastern side of the house, and i walked to the west, through a doorway and into a room in the center of the northern side of the house. My mother was walking in front of me. She stopped in the center of the room and started talking to someone to the south of her. She turned to the south and seemed to enter the small booth where the man was. The booth seemed to be a shower stall with a clear plastic door and wall. The plastic glass had a faint pink hue to it. I stopped just to the east of the door, listening to my mother talk to the man in the booth. I felt concerned, thinking that she was talking about me. I could not quite hear what she was saying, and i stood to the north of the booth, wondering what i should do. I then remembered something, and i turned to the north to pick up my pants from the edge of the bathtub. The pair of blue jeans was handing over the southern edge of the tub. They had been wet, and i was waiting for them to try. As i picked them up, though, i could feel that the hip area of the jeans were still damp. I flipped the jeans over and dropped them back onto the edge of the tub. As i dropped the pants on the edge of the tub, i felt some coins fall out of the pockets. They fell into the tub to the north. Someone was standing to the west of me, watching me turn over the pants. I turned my attention back to the south, trying to hear what my mother was saying to the man. My mother seemed to want something. She said something to me. I turned to the east and went to get it for her. I crossed the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. My family was gathered there, and they were talking to one another. I continued to the east and came out onto her driveway, where i stopped to the south of the car. The car faced north in the middle of the driveway, but, as i looked through the things in the trunk, it was facing east, off the side of the driveway. I pulled something out of the car. Scottie from Star Trek was then standing to the northeast of me. He was young, and he was wearing a red Starfleet uniform. He had his left arm extended as if holding something near the open trunk of the car. I told him what my mother was looking for, and he wobbled his head into a nod as if he understood. I glanced down at his hand. The center of his abdomen seemed to be a flat dark-brown piece of cardboard. A tube ran through the cardboard. It looked like the cardboard tube from a toilet-paper roll, but i knew that it was made of chocolate and crispy caramel. It only seemed to be there a moment, and then i was looking at his red shirt. I thought that i could look through the tube to see the grass of the lawn to the east. Scottie then suggested something, motioning to the south, down the driveway. I moved a little to the south and looked to the east. Several flattened cardboard boxes were standing up against something in the driveway of the neighboring house. The driveway ran down the eastern side of the other house, and the cardboard was stacked vertically on the western side of the driveway, just to the north of the sidewalk, to the south of the house. I considered the cardboard, thinking that it was similar to the one i had seen with the tube in it.

I was in the room on the southern side of the old building with some other people. The building seemed like an old school, with plaster walls and high ceilings. I had been doing something in this classroom with the others. The northern side of the classroom was open, with most chairs and desks to the south of us. The room did not seem to be well lighted. Most of the light came form the ceiling on the northern side of the room. A thick support column seemed to be built into the wall to the northeast of me. It had old heavy wooden doors on either side, with windows in the tops of them. I was talking to a woman to the east of me when someone pointed out something on the ceiling near the column. I looked up, noticing water dripping from the ceiling. I started talking about it as someone pointed out a puddle gathering on the floor. I remembered that the building had had this problem before. I remembered when the floor of the building had flooded from water leaking in from a broken pipe. I told the others how i had seen water in the building before. The others started gathering their things. We had to leave for the event, so everyone had decided that it would be a good time to leave now that the ceiling was leaking. I walked with the other person. We crossed the hall to the north and entered a stairwell. The other person and i descended to the floor below to see if we could see any water gathering there. We came into the hallway on the lower level, which seemed to look exactly like the level we had been on. I looked at the door to the southwest of us, which led into another classroom. The door had a tinted glass window in the upper half, and i could see that the classroom was dark inside. A puddle of water was expanding from beneath the door. I told the woman with me that the water was leaking here as well. She responded to me, and i started to say something back. Someone then yelled from the south of us. It sounded like a woman screaming for help. We hurried toward the door and ran into the classroom. It was not well lighted inside, but i could see that a long row of cabinets or shelfs extended from the southern wall, ending just to the southeast of us. The main section of the room to the west of the shelfs seemed to be filled with classroom furnishings. The section of the room to the east of the shelfs seemed to be a storage area. A blanket was over something near the eastern wall, and a doorway led to the south-southeast just to the south of the covered thing. The doorway led into an interior room, which seemed to have its western wall right along the edge of the row of cabinets. I could not see anyone here, and i wondered if someone was in the interior room to the southeast. I tried to see to the southeast in the dim light. Something was uneven under the blanket, and i wondered if a section of the ceiling had fallen on someone. We then heard the yell again to the southeast of us. I realized that the blanket was covering a bed, and someone had fallen off the eastern side of the bed. I moved toward the bed, noticing feet on top of the mattress from legs that extended over the eastern side. I thought that the woman must have fallen out of the bed and landed in a puddle of water. It must have shocked her, and she became frightened, thinking that the room was flooding. I moved to help the woman up and to calm her down. I told her that the water was just on the floor, so there was no emergency. She stood to the southeast of me, hunched over in distress. I held one of her hands as i spoke to her. I looked around the room, noticing brightly colored items on the shelfs that extended down the center of the room. The shelfs and cubbies on the eastern side of the cabinets held wooden carved objects that had been brightly painted. They reminded me of artwork from the hippies. I looked at a tall wooden candleholder to the southwest of me, which had dots of blue and green paint all over it. I then told her that the water was seeping into the rooms and that it would soak the things near the floor. I said that she should take some of her things with her, implying that it was more important to move her important things off of the floor. I focused on the candleholder, admiring the artwork of red and white dots along the sides. We started moving toward the door to the north. I then heard the sound of an alarm. I stopped to listen a moment, facing east. The others were to the southwest and southeast of me. They had stopped to listen as well. The alarm was coming from out in the hallway. I thought that the fire alarm had been turned on to evacuate everyone from the building. I then realized that the alarm sounded like a siren, and i told the others that it sounded more like an air-raid siren than a fire alarm. I looked out the doorway to the north of me, noticing lights flashing from somewhere to the west. I left the room and looked down the hallway to the west. The hallway opened up to the north in this section, and a band was standing on a small stage on the northern side of the room. The walls were decorated with splatters of dark and bright paints. The room was lighted with stage lights, which flashed in reds and oranges. The hall seemed to continue to the west, and the northern wall ran parallel to the southern wall in the center of the room. On the western side of the room, the northern wall sloped southwest to reconnect with the northern wall of the corridor to the west of us. A man had been standing just to the west of the stage, where the northern wall and the northwestern wall met. He was talking to someone who was on the stage. The person on the stage was dressed up in punk leather, with feathered black hair and dark streaked makeup. He had a guitar slung over his shoulders, and he stood with his feet in a wide stance and his shoulders hunched forward. They were getting ready to play for people. The other man turned to the southwest and started walking toward the corridor. I turned back to the others and told them that the lights were from a punk band that was getting ready to play out in the hallway. The others were now in the hallway with me, and we headed to the west, across the grassy field. It was dark out, and we were in the middle of the event area. I felt as though i had to go back to my room for something. I walked generally to the west, moving in a wide arc across the northern side of the grassy area, which seemed to be filled with booths or tents. Many people were around me now, and i started to feel uncomfortable. I thought that people should be wearing masks, but few seemed to be doing so. I told the other person that i was heading back to my room, and i headed back to the east. The man was with me as we crossed the hallway of the old school building, heading north. We entered the stairwell and started up the stairs to the east. I told the man about the water leak, and i thought that it would be leaking on most of the floors of the building. I said that our room was on the fifth floor. We turned back to the east and came to the top of a flight. We had only gone up one floor, but we exited the stairwell. We came out of the stairwell to the north, entering a large chamber. We seemed to be on the balcony of a large lecture room. Wooden theater seats faced north. I looked for another set of stairs, but i could not see any. I told the man that we would probably have to go into the other stairwell, which was to the east. I thought that we had accidentally ascended the stairs that led to the balcony. I moved a little to the west, coming into the center of the southern side of the room. The floor of the balcony seemed to slope up steeply to the east and west, and the chairs faced north over a sloping short wall that protected the northern edge of the balcony. I looked to the north, down the center of the chamber. The chairs on the lower level faced north in even rows and columns, but support columns or walls seemed to form a central aisle down the center of the room near me. The southern wing of the room was narrower than the main part of the room, and it had seats on both the east and west of the wide aisle. Just beyond the two thick columns, the room opened up and seemed to be filled with more seats. A half wall seemed to run along the northern end of the southern wing, separating it from the main part of the room. It had a gate in the center of the aisle, and the wide gate door was swinged open to the south and east. A man had been sitting in a chair near the gate, but he stood up and watched us as we came into the center of the room. I thought that he was a guard here. This place seemed to be a political chamber. I headed back to the east. A doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall seemed to lead to the stairwell that we had come out of. The center of the southern wall extended into the balcony a little, and a doorway on the eastern side of it led to the stairwell that we were looking for. I walked to the door, where the other man was waiting for me. I turned to the west and led him into a narrow corridor on the other side of the door. The corridor would lead to another set of stairs, but we were already on the fifth floor. We ended up in the hallway to the south, and we headed west. We then turned to the north and entered my room. I felt that i had to hurry to do something so that i could get back to the event.

12021 March 10

I was picking up some things from the ground just to the south of me and moving them to the north. My mother was in the area with me, and she seemed to be to the northwest of me. We seemed to be in a room, but the ground under us was rocky with tall thin grass growing. A rock wall was to the south of me, and i was picking up some of the stones from the wall and moving them. My mother pointed out something in the wall to the south of me. As i picked up a rock, i noticed a snake skin between the layers of rocks. The snake seemed to have been flattened between the layers of rocks. I had my left foot up on a section of the rock wall, and i was facing west. I thought that i must have stepped on the rocks and crushed the snake by accident. I removed some of the other pieces of rock from around the snake, sad that i had killed the snake. I tried to remove some of the smaller snakes so that they would not get hurt. I tossed the small pieces of snake to the north. I then noticed a longer piece of snake skin under one of the rocks that i was removing. It was pale-green, and i could see the scales of the snake. I thought that it was just a part of the flattened snake, but the western end of it started to move. It had two heads, and they lifted slowly from the western end. The heads were attached close together, and they were tanner than the rest of the snake. I thought that the animal was still wounded from being crushed, and i felt bad for it. I wondered what i could do. My mother seemed disgusted in the snake. I looked at the snake. It seemed to be in pieces, but it was still moving as though it were alive. This was strange. I then felt something in my mouth, just behind my lower lip. I thought that something must have splattered into my mouth while i was working. I thought that it might be part of the snake, and i leaned to the northwest to spit it out. I then reached into my mouth with my right hand and pulled out several small slimy pieces of something. I moved to the north, away from the rock wall so that i could be on flat ground. I tossed the pieces to the north, but something still seemed to be in my mouth. I felt concerned and annoyed. I pulled another piece out of my mouth, but something still seemed to be in my mouth. I could feel the swelling between my lower lip and my gums. I pulled out a long piece, and it seemed like dough. I felt concerned, and i started pulling at the elastic slimy substance. It seemed to be flowing from the left side of my mouth. Anxiously, i pulled it out of my mouth as quickly as i could and bunched it up into a wad with my hands. It formed a large tan mass, about a quarter of a meter in diameter. I dropped to the floor, upset as i gathered the substance together. I worried about what it could be. My mouth still felt strange. I thought that i would have to show my mother the substance to see if she thought it was serious. I was very worried about my lips.

I stopped on the southern end of the hall in the large building. I was with $F4. He was to the north of me in the hallway, and i spoke to him as he caught up. We had done something here, but we were now leaving the building. I thought that i still had something to do in the building, though. I heard voices to the west of me, and i stood quiet, listening to the voices behind the door to the east of me. They were veterinarians, and they were talking about experimenting on the animals. I felt disturbed. They were referring to the stray animals that they had taken in. I knew that they wanted to sacrifice the animals so that they could gain something from the experiments. This disturbed me. They referred to the animals by a special term, but i knew that they were referring to the stray animals. I felt angry about this as i walked back up the hallway to the north. I had come into a stairwell and was now descending the stairs to the south. As we reached the bottom of the stairs and came out into a hallway that ran along the southern side of the building, $F4 told me that he wanted something cold and crisp to drink. I asked him if he wanted some soda-pop. He agreed to that idea, and i looked around, trying to figure out where the closest place to get a drink would be. I told him that there was a soda-pop machine downstairs. I pictured it to the east on the northern side of the hallway that runs along the northern side of the corridor. The wall to the south of us was made of glass windows, and i could see Tower Road outside. We were on a college campus. We seemed to be near the eastern end of the street, on the northern side. I looked down the road to the west, wondering where the nearest cafe would be. There would be no stores on campus. I thought that Martha Van had a dining hall a little way to the west of us, on the northern side of the street. I realized that $F4 was not familiar with this area. I then noticed a large building to the southwest of us. It seemed to be the dairy building from the veterinary college. I realized that the Dairy Bar was in the building and would probably have a cafe. I told him that this cafe would be better than the dining hall in Martha Van. If we went to a cafe rather than a cafeteria, we would be able to pay for the food that we were getting rather than paying to get in. We walked to the east, down the hall of the building that we were in. The cafeteria was now to the east of us, and a cashier counter was near the northern wall of the hallway. A short queue of people were to the north of the counter, but i did not see $F4. I wondered where he had gone. I moved to the east looking at the people in the queue. I then noticed $F4 standing near the eastern end of the queue, just to the south of the soda-pop machines. I was looking for his light-blue windbreaker, which i spotted in the line. The people around $F4 were holding white paper fountain cups. I moved toward them, saying something to $F4 and talking to him for a moment.

12021 March 11

I walked quickly to the east, stopping to the south of the bus, which was stopped facing south. The driver of the bus was to the northwest of me, and a man was to the east of me. I had to head to the north, but i had to walk through the bus to get to where i was going. I told this to the driver as i got onto the bus through the door in the southern end of the western side of the vehicle. I walked to the north, down the central aisle of the bus. When i reached the back of the bus, though, i realized that there was no back door, as i had been expecting. The door should have been on the northern end of the eastern side of the bus. Annoyed, i turned back around and started walking to the south to get off of the bus. I would have to walk around the outside of the bus. As i neared the center of the bus, i felt the bus move forward. I was upset that the driver allowed me to get on the bus, even though he must have known that there was no back door, and i was upset with him for starting to leave while i was still on the bus. I stopped near him and asked him if i could get off of the bus. I felt frustrated. He told me that i could not get off here. I would have to wait until the bus was at another stop. The bus was near the southern end of the small parking area, which seemed to be on a college campus, just to the southeast of a large building. The bus turned to the west and headed down the main road, which seemed to be Main Street. I thought that it would probably stop in a few blocks. In a little while, the bus pulled over and stopped. I started to get off, but i then realized that we were very near my grandmother’s house. We had passed some main intersections, but i thought that the bus would have to stop on Grippen Avenue. I could get off there and walk to my grandmother’s house. From there, i could drive my car back to the college area. It seemed complicated, and i felt annoyed that i had to do it. I had already walked down the steps of the bus, thinking that i would walk back to the east to get to the last stop, but that seemed like a long distance now. I told the driver that i would get off at the next stop. The bus started up again, but it then turned to the north on Burns Avenue. I felt a little frustrated, wondering if it would be heading to the west on either of the next two streets. I felt anxious, wondering what i should do. The bus then turned to the south. It had been heading east, and it was now on Grippen Avenue, just to the north of Paden. A large tan textured-stucco building was on the western side of the street, to the west and southwest of me. I thought that it was part of the church, but it seemed like a community building. I was very close to my grandmother’s house, and i would be able to walk to my car. I stood on the western side of the street, waiting fro the bus to leave to the south. The driver made a comment about the food in the large club to the southwest. He said that it was good food. I felt upset, and i said that i had already lost the pay of five hours of work because i had taken the bus so far from the campus. A man walked to the south as the bus pulled away. I waited for the bus to leave, and then i headed across the street to the east. It was dark, and i seemed to be on the corner of Grippen and Paden.

I awoke suddenly. I was reclined on the couch against the northern end of the eastern wall of the office. I had fallen asleep, and i should have been working. I felt concerned, and i tried to become more alert and awake. I apologized to some people in the room to the west of me. I stood up, adjusting the pale wool blanket over my shoulders. I felt groggy. I moved to the southeast, to the desk that was against the eastern wall, to the south of the couch. I tried to focus, but i still felt very tired. Someone in the room was talking about the animal. The person said that it reached into the room to help the people there. I pictured the animal to the northwest of us. I could not quite make it out, but i thought that it might be a dog. I then noticed the dog to the east of me, outside of the room. The room did not seem to have an eastern wall, but i knew where it was. I thought that the animal would turn on the cooling or heating for the people inside to keep them safe. I then wondered if the animal might actually be an octopus. They were smart animals. This all seemed strange.

12021 March 12

$A682 let me into the house through the door in the eastern end of the northern wall. We seemed to enter into a room that was like a kitchen. We walked to the west, along the northern side of the house. This house belonged to $A606, and $A682 was bringing me here to visit. I felt uncomfortable, knowing that $A606 did not like me anymore. As we passed a large metal cabinet, which seemed to be the refrigerator, i looked through the glass window in the center of the door on the front of the appliance. It looked like an oven door. I could see $A606 and $A806 lying on the bed inside the cabinet. The bed seemed to be on a metal rack, and the glass window was tinted yellow. They were mostly naked as they lay with each other, with only a sheet over parts of their bodies. $A682 and i continued to the west, into a living room. I wondered what i would do here. I did not feel comfortable. Someone then said that i would wrestle $A806. This seemed like a strange suggestion to me. I liked the idea of having a wrestling match, but i was not sure why i would do it with $A806 or whether $A606 would be upset if i did wrestle $A806. People moved around in the small room, moving on all sides of me. I stood in one place, looking around and not knowing what to do. $A806 was then to the west of me, and he started talking to me. I replied, wondering where $A606 was. I thought that he would not be happy that i was talking to $A806. $A682 then pushed $A806 toward me, trying to get us to wrestle. I was not sure what i should do. $A806 started jostling against me, but he did not seem to know what to do. He kept trying to shove me backward, and he did not seem to know how to wrestle. I felt awkward. We were both kneeling on the bed as $A682, who was to the northwest of us, tried to encourage us. I was then in the room on the eastern side of the house. $A606 was there. I lay on the bed, not quite sure what to do. I thought that i should just leave, but i stayed lying on the bed with my head to the east as $A606 talked to the north of me. He then moved off to the northeast. I felt indecisive but thought again that i should leave.

12021 March 14

I moved to the east through the long hallway of the building. The hall seemed to open into various rooms, and the rooms and hallway had many people around. I had been speaking to others at the event here, but i did not seem to be part of the crowd. I noticed that many of the people here were from the wrestling team. I moved between the people as i made my way down a corridor. The room ahead of me opened to the north of the corridor. As i entered the southern end of the room, i realized that it was very crowded here, and i realized that i did not bring my mask. Most of the others were not wearing masks, but i knew that they should be wearing them. I felt uncomfortable here and thought that i should get out of the crowd. I thought that i should put a mask on, but i did not. Instead, i headed back to the west, pushing through the people to get out of the room. I felt uneasy and wanted to get back to the room where there were fewer people.

I walked down the gravel drive, heading west. The land to the north of me was a long farming field with cut grass on it. Forested strips of land ran along the western side of the field, and a patch of trees formed a square in the center of the northern side of the field. The northwestern corner of the field seemed to join the southeastern corner of another field. Both fields were long north to south. Some men were working on something just to the north of the road ahead of me. They seemed to be doing some work on the road, but they were digging with mechanical equipment just off the side of the road. They wore yellow hardhats and reflective vests. As i approached, i noticed an oddly shaped hole in the ground just to the north of the men. A bare patch of dirt seemed to run north from where the men were, and it ran along the western side of the small hole. The hole was about a meter long east to west, and about a quarter of a meter wide north to south. The dirt inside seemed to be collapsing into a larger hole, exposing a dark opening on the western side of the small crevasse. I thought that the cavity must run underneath the bare ground to the west of the hole, and the opening led into the larger cavity. The workers had filled it in previously. The current workers did not seem to notice the hole. Something about the hole seemed interesting to me. I tried to figure out how it could have been formed. I then turned to the southeast and started walking toward the simple cinder-block building. The building had only one room, and the northern side was open. People inside the building seemed to be practicing martial arts. They wore white gis. I felt interested in watching them spar, and i stopped just to the north of the building. $A190 was then to the east of me. He was watching the sparring as well. Two people were in the center of the room, moving back and forth from east to west. A referee in a black and white striped shirt stood just to the southeast of them. $A190 asked the referee a question. He seemed annoyed by what was happening in the match. I thought that he was complaining about how the referee was tending the match. $A190 was then very close to the referee, and he asked the referee a question about the rules. He now seemed to be one of the people who were sparring. The other fighter stood with his or her arms slack, waiting to spar again. I turned back to the west and started down the dirt drive again. I again looked to the northwest at the hole in the ground. The strip of bare dirt ran to the north-northwest from where the men were, and the hole was just to the east of it. I thought that he hole must have been from previous work on the dirt road. I thought that the hole must have been dug much larger, but the previous crew had covered it up. They had simply missed part of the hole, and the western end, which was near the strip of bare dirt, had collapsed into a small cavity under the strip of dirt. I focused on the hole for a moment. I was then aware that the construction workers were doing something to the southwest of me. I turned to see a short cinderblock wall to the south of the road, just to the south of the workers. The wall looked like the edge of a foundation, but it was currently only a meter tall. The people to the west of me stood on the northern side of the road, and they were throwing things into the hole on the southern side of the wall. I watched the wall, wondering what the men were trying to do. I thought that something must be trapped in the hole, and the people wanted to scare it away or flush it out. A small black object then flew out of the hole and landed on the ground just to the southwest of me. A car was parked on the southern side of the dirt road, to the south of me, and the black grenade landed near the western end of the northern side of it. The men crouched down, and i realized that i was standing too close to the grenade. I had to get away. I yelled and started running to the southeast. I thought that i would have to get to the other side of the car so that i had something blocking me when the grenade exploded. I thought that i would have to try to get one of the tires between my feet and the grenade as well. I moved my feet to run, but i was now moving at first. I felt scared, and i tried to hurry to the front of the car. I then started moving, and i ran to the southeast.

12021 March 15

I sat in the passenger’s seat of the car as my mother drove to the west, down the road toward my parents’ farmhouse. We seemed to be coming down the hill near the house, but the road seemed rather flat. I watched the houses and land to the north. The land was mostly shaggy green grass, and it rose in a short hill that seemed to start about twenty meters from the road. The hill was about thirty meters tall. I looked at some of the small houses that were just off the road. They did not seem familiar to me. I thought that they had changed since i was a child. We drove past a road that ran to the north. The road was narrow, and it curved to the east as soon as it left the road that we were on. It ran for about ten meters to the east before turning back to the north and running up a pass in the hill. The road seemed to be paved, and it had a few small cubical houses around it. I told my mother that i remembered the road as being more rustic. I thought that it must be the dirt road that ran to the cabins near the top of the hill. This area seemed so different. I then looked ahead, to the west. We seemed to be approaching the house, but the lot just before the house was blocking the view. It was a municipal yard, with a paved surface and a tall metal chain-link fence around it. Several large road-crew trucks were parked along the eastern side of the fence, and a large salt shed seemed to be in the northwestern side of the lot. As we got closer, i noticed the white plastic pill-shaped tanks, which were stacked three or four high. I did not remember this yard being here when i was young. It seemed industrial and dirty. I thought that my parents’ house was just beyond the lot. As we passed the western end of the yard, i could see the school building to the northwest. It was a large brown stone-block building with white stone trimmings. I remembered coming to this elementary school. As my mother slowed down to turn into the parking lot that ran along the western side of the school, i told her that i remembered the first time that she had brought me here as a child. I said that we could not find the main office of the building. We had entered through the cafeteria. We drove down the western side of the building, and i looked at the entrance door that faced west. I remembered that the office was on the eastern side of the building, and we had used this door before. This was where we had entered through the cafeteria. I felt nostalgic as we drove to the north, past the main school building. We stopped to the west of a smaller brick building, which seemed to be attached to the main building, but which seemed to be to the northwest of the main building. I walked along the cement just outside the building. A heavy metal door was closed over the entrance. It looked like a bulkhead door, with riveted crossbeams. The door matched the slant of the wall, so that the bottom of the door was farther out than the top. The door was painted dull-yellow. I stopped in front of the door. It then slided upward, exposing a cement corridor. My grandfather entered the building and walked to the east. I followed him, looking around cautiously. I did not think that people would like us wandering around in this place. I looked through a doorway into a small room to the south. It had wrestling mats on the floor. All of the walls in the building were smooth gray cement. I felt interested in the wrestling room and wondered about the wrestling team. I glanced to the north, into the room across the hall. It was empty, but the southern end of the room only seemed to run about three meters from the door. A short wall, which was about a quarter of a meter tall, ran along the edge of the wall, and the northern part of the room was out of sight below the wall. The room seemed to have a deep pit, and i wondered if it was a pool. No one was in the room at the moment. I continued down the hall and looked into the next room to the south. The room looked very similar to the wrestling room, but it had a rubber gym mat on the floor. Men were sitting on the floor. Some were relaxing, but others seemed to be stretching. This room also had a lower part, though it did not seem as low as the other room. I could see men exercising in the lower part of the room to the south. The floor to the south only seemed to be a half meter or so below the floor to the north. I continued down the hall to the east. Just past the last room, the hall opened up to the north, widening. A shallow cement pillar merged with the southern wall where the hall widened. To the east, the wall at the end of the corridor was filled with windows in a thick metal frame. The area to the south now seemed to be a weight room. I hoped that we were not interrupting people as we passed through. I was interested in the athletes here, but i did not want to stop and talk, because i had not been here before. I was new to this place, and i was heading to the office to find out where i should go. I was then crossing the northern side of the cafeteria. The round tables crowded the room, and students were sitting around them. I did not know anyone here. I spotted a group of teenagers sitting around a table to the east of me, on the northern side of the room. One man on the eastern side of the table wore blue jeans and a white shirt. He had shaggy blond hair. I knew that these teenagers were the popular students. They were also the bullies. The new student was walking in front of me, and i watched him as he approached the table where the bullies were sitting. The bullies called to him and asked him to sit with them. The new student wore an off-white shirt under a denim jacket. He shrugged and turned to the south, walking around the eastern side of the table and sitting on the southern rim. I knew that the bullies were playing a trick on him, and i thought that he was in trouble trusting them. He had chin-length dirty-blond hair and a wide face. He smiled, and i noticed that he had a gap between his two front teeth.

I walked to the east across the northern side of the cafeteria of the school. I was new to this school, and i was not sure where to go. I wondered where i could sit. I looked for a table with open seats. I did not want to draw attention to myself. I sat down on the northern side of one of the round tables near the northern side of the room. A woman walked around the north of me and sat down on the eastern side of the table. She was my sister, and i said hello to her. She was a year older than i. I thought that she would fit in better here than i would, and i thought that others might like me because they would be interested in her. A man to the southeast of me had been listening to my sister and i talking. He seemed interested, and he asked if we were related. I acknowledged him and turned back to the woman. She was talking about something. I told her that i had a package for her. The small cardboard box was sitting on my lap, and i lifted it with my left arm and handed it to her. She seemed surprised. She mentioned that she had been on a trip to Africa, and she wondered where i had gotten the package of her things. She wore a light teal dress, which had no sleeves and seemed to be made of a textured material. She seemed somewhat skinny. She took the package, opened it, and pulled out the camera, which seemed like an old wind-up hand-held movie camera. She was astounded that i had the camera. She said that she had thought that she had lost it. I thought that she was not able to find it when she was in Africa. I looked at the camera as she held it. A small plastic window was on the side, and i could see the film moving through it. We chatted about the camera and other things related to her trip. I watched the film move through the camera, and i thought that the camera was something special. We walked to the east, now in a smaller room, which seemed to be an office. We headed to the north, where a metal cabinet was against the northern wall of the room. The shelfs of the cabinet were filled with old things, which seemed to be related to the camera or other laboratory equipment. I could see them through the closed glass doors on the front. The woman opened the doors and started pulling things off of the shelfs. She was surprised that the things were still here, and i thought that we would have to take them out of here. We had been storing the things in the cabinet of the office. A woman to the east of us wore a brown polyester dress. She was on her way to the southeast, but she stopped and told us that we should clear out the cabinet. She said that the office needed the space. I felt anxious, thinking that we would have to make sure that we recovered all of our things. I then thought that it was strange that the office of the school would store our things for us. I wondered why they would have kept the equipment in the cabinet for us. It seemed old and worn. I turned to the south, thinking that i would have to get all of the filming equipment together. I started gathering it from a metal filing cabinet that was along the southern wall.

12021 March 16

I had been doing something with $G4 in the building, and i left the corridor and headed to the west, into the small room. The entry door was in the northern end of the eastern wall. I walked along the northern side of the room to the center. Several people from $G4 were in the room, talking. I felt tired, and i sat down on the western end of a bench, which was a low ledge set into the northern all. $F58 was sitting just to the east of me, and i said hello. I felt a little uncomfortable here, not quite sure what to do. I did not quite seem to fit in with the people here. Someone then moved near me to the west, but i could not see who it was because the wall of the inset area was just to the west of me. The person pointed around the corner at me, as though asking a question. $F46, who was now sitting just to the east of me, nodded in response, letting the person know that it was me. The woman withdrew her hand around the corner. I realized that she was $A750. She had been sitting on the bench were i had sat down, and i was now sitting in her spot. I knew that $A750 would not stay around once she knew that i was in the room. I felt upset about this. She walked to the southeast, toward another bench in the eastern wall. She was walking stiffly, as though she was nervous. She started picking up her things from the bench to leave. I was angry with her for being so childish. I stood up quickly and shouted her name. I then said “Stay!” $A750 stopped. She continued to face the southeast so that she did not have to look at me. I started to leave the room, walking to the east, back toward the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. I felt very upset and hurt. Just as i started to cross the room, a voice, which seemed very near me, whispered “Tell them.” I stopped, not sure who had said that to me.

I was sitting in the back seat of the car, on the right side of the car. $F12 was driving the car to the south. He pulled out of the narrow driveway, which seemed to exit a narrow door within a building or pass down a corridor between two buildings. $F12 started to turn to the east, but the car was very close to the building to the south of us. I looked out the front window, seeing the white wall of the stone building just off our bumper. I felt tense. $F12 was driving my car, and i hoped that he did not scratch it across the stones. He backed the car up a little and started to turn to the east. I told $F12 to be careful as i looked at the square column on the outside of the wall, now just to the east of the front of the car. $F12 made a sharp turn, and i thought we would hit the pillar, but we seemed to slip past it. It was very close to us, though, and i worried that it had damaged the car. We were then driving to the west, and $F12 was sitting directly in front of me as i sat in the back seat on the passenger’s side of the car. $F12 was still driving. $A564 was sitting to the south of me, in the back seat of the car. I put my left hand on his left shoulder as he drove. I felt that i needed to comfort him. He seemed to like my hand on his shoulder, but i realized tat he was also upset. I wondered if he was in conflict. I knew that he liked when i comforted him, but i thought that he might be upset because he did not want to show me affection when he should be showing it to $A564. I left my hand on his shoulder, though, not quite sure what to do. I felt that, if i let go, i would make it seem that i was abandoning him. He then leaned his head to the side and rubbed his cheek to my hand. I felt upset, knowing that this upset him. He liked the comfort, but he knew that he should not admit it. I felt bad, but i left my hand on his shoulder, not sure what to do.

I was cleaning the house with $G4 after the event. People were still leaving the house. I was on the northern side of a central room, which had a dining-room table in the center, and i bent over to pick some things up from the floor. The house was very messy. I thought that the people who had been here had not taken care of it. This room had been cleaned up fairly well, though. I thought that $F70 had cleaned it up. I decided to clean up the upstairs section of the house. I turned around and headed to the east, ascending the stairs that ran along the southern wall near the eastern end of the room. The stairs ended along the southern wall of the second floor. The southern wall seemed short, and the ceiling slanted with the roof above. I rounded a short wall that bordered the stairwell and turned west. I stopped to pick up some pretzels that had been dumped on the floor. The upstairs rooms seemed rustic. I thought that we would have to pick up all of the food or the wild animals might try to break into this cottage. I knew that the animals outside might be able to smell the food that had been spilled on the floors. I felt annoyed that the people who had been here were so messy. I was gathering the pretzel pieces in my hand, but there were too many of them to carry, and i was having trouble holding on to them. I felt annoyed and decided that i needed a garbage bag. I went back down stairs to get a plastic garbage bag to put things in. The kitchen was to the north of the dining room, and the doorway to it was in the western end of the northern wall of the dining room. I walked to the west. As i reached the western end of the room, i noticed how messy the small room to the west was. I could see the trash on the floor through the doorway in the northern end of the western wall. I felt more annoyed as i walked into the western room. I started grabbing things on the floor and tossing them into a pile in the western end of the dining room. I wanted to get them out of the small room so that the small room could be cleaned. I was moving the larger things that were cluttering the floor. Someone from the kitchen said something to me.

I was standing to the north of the house, near the eastern side of the house. The eastern side extended a little farther to the north that the western side, creating a small patio area in the interior corner. The patio seemed to be covered with a roof that was supported by black metal square poles. I could hear members of my family talking to the southeast, around the eastern side of the building. I had a nylon bag in my arms, and i was trying to do something with it as i listened to them approach. They were talking about the kayaks. The lake seemed to be to the south of us, and my family members seemed to have been out in the boats on the lake. They had been trying the kayaks. I heard $K20 say something about the boats as she came around the northeastern corner of the house, followed by several other people. I wanted to head down to the lake to try out the kayak, but i had some things that i had to do here first. I looked down at the red pouch that i was holding in my hands. It had a thick black sipper strip, and i was running a material through the overlap that covered the zipper. The overlap seemed to have a velcro part to it. $K38 said something about the boats. I thought that $K33 would like the boats. I felt uneasy, thinking that i should be out on the lake. I did not think that i really had to do what i was trying to do with the red pouch, but i wanted to get it done. $K38 stopped to the northeast of me as i flossed the zipper of the bag. I wondered why i did not simply join my family on the lake.

12021 March 18

I moved toward the western wall of the room, which seemed to be divided into two sections. The southern section was set back about a half meter from the northern section. A shelf ran across the southern area of the wall. It was at my chest level, and it seemed to have some stereo equipment on top of it. I was stacking cassette tapes on the northern side of the shelf. I moved some things from the center of the shelf and started stacking them on the northern end, next to the wall. An old tape deck seemed to be on top of some of the things on the northern side of the shelf. I looked at some of the cassette tapes, realizing that some of the cases were missing the backs. This meant that the cases would not stack well. I felt a little irritated by this as i tried to clean up the shelf and stack the tapes so that they would stay in place. I decided that i should put the larger items at the bottom of the stack to give it some stability. I had a cardboard box that was about ten centimeters cubed. It had old things in it, and i put it on the shelf under some of the tapes. $A646 was to the north of me, and he started talking to me. He pointed out that the southern end of the shelf was tipping down to the south. He pointed out that it was suspended by a wire, which ran horizontally over the top of the shelf. I lifted up the southern end of the shelf, but i realized that the wire could not have suspended the shelf. The wire was running to parallel to the shelf to support any vertical weight. I mentioned this to $A646, saying that the physics forces would be pulling the shelf to the northern wall, not up. I tried to picture the vectors that would be applied to the end of the shelf.

I stood on the western side of the bed, which seemed to be on the northern wall of the small bedroom. My mother’s father was on the eastern side of the bed, and i was talking. He was telling me something as i folded the socks or knit gloves that we on the bed. I felt very upset by something, but i kept folding the gloves. I was not sure how to respond.

12021 March 19

I had been talking to my mother in the room in the building, but i was now walking to the east, down the long corridor that ran through the center of the building. The building seemed like a hotel, and the corridor did not seem like a main corridor. The ceiling of the corridor was high, and it was light blue. The upper meter or so of the walls were also painted light blue. The corridor was illuminated by daylight that was coming in from the eastern end. I had to get some things from the car, and i walked out of the building and into the small square parking lot that was surrounded by the hotel building. The drive to the parking lot seemed to come from the east and meet the northern end of the parking lot. My car was parked just to the southeast of the doorway, facing west. I walked around to the back of it. A thin line of shrubs on soil or white stone ran along the bottom of the building to the east, and a short cement sidewalk ran from the parking lot to the doorway that i had come out of. The hatchback or trunk of the blue car was open, and i took several things out of it. I had to take the bags and small boxes into the building to do something, but the car had too many boxes in it. I was having trouble carrying all of them at once, and i felt a little frustrated. A man then came from the west, exiting the building through the doorway. I was now on the northern side of the car, looking at the stack of things in the rear seat with the back door open. I talked with him about something, and i pointed out the tools that were in the paper bag or box that was now on the ground. I said that the tools had to go back into the car. I knew that i would not need them here. I then said that i would have to move the car into one of the parking spots along the southern side of the parking lot. I moved to the west to take some things in, but i only seemed to put them down near the door. When i went back to the car, the car was already parked on the southern side of the lot, which now seemed to be a gravel parking lot. The building to the south had a corner in the middle of its northern side. The eastern side of the building was farther to the north than the western side. My car was parked just to the north of the corner. The gravel sloped up slightly toward the building to the south and seemed to come very close to the eastern side of the building. The car was parked so that the center of the car lined up with the corner of the building. I knew that the car had to be moved to the east, though, so that it was entirely in a parking spot. The parking spots near the western end of the building were farther to the south than the one that i was supposed to park in, so my car was blocking part of the southern spots. I got in the car and backed it to the north. I thought that i had turned the tail of the car to the west, but the car was now backed to the northern side of the lot. This seemed strange, and i felt frustrated that the car would not go where i wanted it to go. I started to drive the car forward again, but the dirt spot where i was supposed to park now seemed much farther to the south than it had. I was unhappy that this seemed so complicated.

12021 March 20

I walked into the grassy field, heading to the southeast across the low shaggy grass. I had been doing something in this area, and i had been with the others to the northwest. I remembered this field from before, though. I had been here earlier, and i seemed to be heading back the way i came. I looked down at the grassy ground as i walked across it. I tried to remember what the open field was like. It seemed to have cabins somewhere. A person was to the south of me. He seemed to be watching me and waiting for something. A large tree with a wide crown stood to the south-southeast of me, beyond the man. The grassy field sloped up to the west and seemed to slop down gradually to the south. The field seemed to be part of a narrow valley that drained to the south. The trees were all around the field, but i was aware of the green trees with summer leafs that were along the western edge. A metal fence ran across the center of the field, from the southwest to the northeast. A gate in the fence was just a little way to the southeast of me, and the man seemed to be standing to the west of it. The tree seemed to pass to the west of the large tree. The fence was a metal rail fence, and i remembered passing through the gate before. I stepped through the gate, mentioning to the man that i had been here before. He closed the gate behind me and did not say anything. Two metal fences formed a chute that ran to the east from the gate. I walked down the chute, feeling good to be back here again. This place seemed happily nostalgic. I thought that the fence around me had and electrified thin wire running along the top of it, but the wire must have been turned off. Otherwise, the man who closed the gate would have been shocked. I exited the chute and started following the worn dirt path that ran diagonally across the hill to the east. The trail ran to the southeast, passing to the west of the large tree. As i watched the trail as i walked, i realized that i was barefoot. It felt good to be walking on the ground with no shoes again. Something about this place seemed special, and i enjoyed being here. As i ascended along the slope of the hill, i noticed two people sitting on the wide porch that ran along the western side of the brown-stained wooden cabin. They were facing west, watching something. I walked to the west of them and nodded to them. They talked about the sun, and i realized that it must have been rising from the east. The light did seem dim now. I then looked to the west, noticing a bright light coming from overhead. I was trying to see what the others were looking at. The sky seemed clear and pale blue. I could not quite see the bright sun, which seemed high in the western sky, because the branches of a tree were over the western side of me. The tree seemed to be part of the tree line at the edge of the field. I turned and looked up to the east, seeing the full moon pale against the dull sky. All of it seemed beautiful, and i felt happy to be here. The people on the porch were waiting for the sunrise. I stopped to the west of them and again looked up into the western sky. The moon seemed to be blocked by the leafs of the tree, but it seemed very bright. I watched the silhouette of the tree against the light of the moon. The light seemed to glow around the leafs and branches of the tree, forming a soft halo. It was beautiful. I wanted to admire it, but i was doing something. I walked to the east and then headed north. I passed to the west of the cottage again, and the two people were still sitting on their chairs, watching the scenery. Just after i passed them, i looked down at the ground again, noticing it had a pattern of cirrus clouds across it. I was surprised by the way it looked. The clouds were stretched across a blue background. I stopped to admire it. I then stepped forward, but to my surprise, my foot sank into the clouds. I realized that the clouds were a layer that was about a half meter above the ground. It was like a low fog that reflected the sky. I loved the idea of the clouds on the ground, and i turned to the south and fell backward into the clouds. I wanted the others to see how delightful the clouds were, and i laughed aloud as i sat down and fell backward into the clouds. I wondered if my laugh would be enough to draw their attention. I lay on my back for a moment, realizing that i was now fully below the layer of clouds. The others would not be able to see me any more. It felt good to be here. I lay on the ground a moment, feeling the mist of the clouds on my face. I then sat up quickly, smiling with pleasure at the experience.

12021 March 21

I was on the eastern side of the southern side of the large store. I seemed to be in a wide room, but i also seemed to be outside in an old city. I was standing on the upper level of the store, and i looked to the north. The land sloped downhill from where i was, and i started walking down the slope toward the main street, which was not that far ahead of me. I stopped to say hello to some people who were on the eastern side of the street. They seemed to be right people, so i thought that i would have to speak and act as expected by their customs. I bowed slightly and asked permission to cross their area, motioning to the north with my left hand. As i spoke, i realized that i was speaking with an English accent. The people seemed indifferent, and they said that i could continue to the north. Two children were with them, and they seemed to be playing. The adults seemed to be having a picnic on the stone terrace, which now ran to the east from the area. I continued walking to the north, through the nice area of the old city. The buildings were stone and had charming details about them. Some had architectural details of different colored stone, others had flowers in the windows. The stone street continued to descend to the north, though it was now a set of wide cobblestone stairs. Pale bars of stone ran along the leading edge of each step. I was then sitting on a step as a young boy to the east of me started talking to me. He seemed interested in why i was there. I then continued down the stairs and turned to the west at the bottom. I was on the lower level of the store now, and a tall set of shelfs ran along the northern side of the aisle that ran to the west. The ceiling seemed very high above me, and it also seemed like the room was open to the sky. I glanced back to the southeast, seeing the nicer area of the store with the stairs leading down from the upper level, which ran along the southern side of the store. I wondered if the rich people could still see me walking along the shelfs. I thought that they could. The off-white shelfs seemed to be filled with small off-white boxes or greeting cards. I climbed a vertical ladder that ran up the shelfs. The ladder rolled a little to the west on a rail along the top of the shelf. I watched the cards on the shelf as i passed. I wondered if the rich people thought less of me for riding the ladder. I then thought that they should no longer be able to see me. The shelfs seemed to curve to the west, so i would have passed out of their view as i rounded the curve. A doorway was in the northern wall to the west of me, and i hopped off the ladder and walked through it. I came into an area that seemed like the back room of the store. It had tall metal shelfs of boxes along the northern wall and low shelfs of boxes on the south. Pale-tan metal structures, like pipes or scaffolding, ran up to the high ceiling. I looked up to the west, seeing the short catwalk that led to a doorway high on the western wall. The wall to the west of me was short. It extended from the southern wall but only ran a little to the north of me. The northern side of the room had more shelfs to the northwest of the corner. I needed to get up to the second level, and i wondered if i could get up to the door i saw. Otherwise, i would have to walk to the west along the southern wall of the northwestern part of the room. There would be a wide doorway set about a meter into the southern wall in the middle of the southern wall. From there, i would be able to make my way through some corridors to some stairs that would lead my up to the second level. I had taken that way before. It seemed out of the way, though. I looked at the doorway above me. I noticed a narrow set of metal stairs running down from the catwalk above me. They ran to the north and then to the northeast. They descended in a tight square spiral and ended just to the north of me. I headed toward the bottom of the stairs, but i noticed that a chain was across the bottom of the stairs. The chain must have been there to let people know that only employees were allowed up the stairs. I focused on the small metal sign that hung from the middle of the chain that was across the stairs. It said something about non-employees. I wondered what it meant.

I was sneaking around the houses an night with the others. I walked to the east, along the northern side of the old suburban house. We were trying to get to somewhere that seemed like a secret area. I turned to the south and started down the eastern side of the house. The siding on the house was dark, and i followed the paved driveway along the side of the house. I remembered being here before, but it was different now. The driveway used to be a steep slope that ascended to the south. Now it was a set of stone steps. The owners must have changed the design of the driveway to make it easier to climb. Another person walked ahead of me as we ascended the steps, which had wooden beams across the leading edges of the stairs. As we reached the top of the steps, i found that we were now in the back bed of a pick-up truck. The large black truck blended in with the slope of the driveway. I remembered that the entrance to the tunnel was near the top of the slope of the driveway, but i did not see it now. I jumped off the eastern side of the truck and looked down the steep grassy slope to the east. The house next door seemed very close, but the grass sloped down almost vertically from the driveway to the narrow yard to the east. I could not see the tunnel. I wondered if the new owners had covered it up when they redid the driveway. The entrance to the tunnel had been at the top of the slope, on the eastern side. I felt disappointed, and i hoped that the entrance to the tunnel to the special area was still open. I moved to the north, along the side of the truck, looking at the ground on the side of the driveway. I then noticed a mound that protruded from the side of the slope. It had an old tree stump on top of it. I remembered the tree from before, and i thought that the entrance was near it. I looked at the steep dirt slope just to the northeast of the stump. A small hole was in the dirt slope, just under a root of the tree stump. I thought that it must be the entrance to the tunnel. It had been buried in the dirt, but part of the hole had opened up. The other person stood to the southeast of me as i started digging out around the hole with my hands. I then realized that the owners of the house to the west of us might notice that we were digging near their driveway. I hoped that they did not notice us. The dirt fell down the slope toward my feet as i pulled it away from the hole. I then found a metal object in the dirt. I pulled it free to see that it was part of a wine rack. It was a U-shaped pole of metal that flattened and widen around the bend. The flat part was cut into patterns. This was the part that would hold a wine bottle. I turned the metal holder around and used it to help be dig into the dirt. The dirt suddenly fell away, part falling into the opening of the tunnel and part falling to my feet. The tunnel was mostly dark, but i could see someone standing in the small room inside. The man wore a white tank-top and tan pants. He stared at us with annoyance and question. We had been discovered, and we ran to the north to get away before the man could come after us. We stopped somewhere to the north of the house. A man came running toward us from the east. I felt tense about the situation, and i did not know what to do, but i knew that the man from the east was not after us. He seemed to be here to take control of the situation. I stayed crouched down on the ground with the other person as the man walked just to the west of us. He held up his arms as if commanding something. I knew that the man had special powers. He was using his powers to do something to the west, but i could not see because the land sloped up to just over my head. I walked up the slope to see what was happening to the west. The land around us was very open, but we still seemed to be in a suburban area. A large square pond was at the bottom of the slope to the west, and a large factory building seemed to be to the northwest of it. The land to the west of the pond was at a lower level, and i could not see most of it over the mound on the western side of the pond. The man with powers grabbed the thick white rope, which was stretched across the pond, and pulled it. The other had been trying to pull the rope before, but he could not do it. The man with power was able to pull the large cement truck up the western slope, to the edge of the pond. The truck rolled over the slope and into the shallow pond. I thought that people were trying to break the western wall of dirt so that the pond would start draining out to the west. There was a creature in the pond, and they were trying to eliminate the water so that the creature would be exposed. I thought that the creature was in the cement mixer, which was why the rope was attached to the vehicle. The monster had scared the people away from their houses, which was why the people had to flee to the tunnel. The tunnel must have saved them from the monster. I looked back to the west. The land below me was now a large paved parking lot, and the huge monster was sleeping in the middle of it. The beast was about ten meters long and four or five meters tall. Its body had wet leathery brown skin and rounded pudgy features. It was laying on its right side, with its belly facing east. It had its rear legs stretched out to the northeast and southeast. The man commented that it was “exposing its groin”. This meant that the creature was vulnerable, because it was exposing a sensitive area as it rested. It looked like a hippopotamus, but its huge head, which was to the southeast, seemed like the head of an ape, with thick black fur. I felt hesitant about staying here. I was uneasy being near the creature.

12021 March 22

The person told me that i should sleep with the box over my head to keep the lions out. We were lying on the ground, which seemed to be in a wilderness area. The land seemed flat, with bushes and brush around us. My head was to the south of me, and i thought that this area might have lions wandering around. I pulled the wool blanket over my head, but thought that it would not be enough. I tried to puff up the blanket so that there was enough space between the blanket and my head. I thought that it would help protect me, because the lions would not be able to detect a warm face under the blanket. The blanket was too soft to support itself, though. I thought that i would need a metal hat so that the lions would not be able to claw through it. I looked at the metal hat in my hand. It was really a loose bundle of metal cables, and i started to weave them together to form something like a domed cap. I twisted the wires back and forth to try to make a solid surface, but the wires were too flexible, and the hat came out soft. It would still fall too close to my head. I wanted it to extend a deci or so from my skin. I felt frustrated. The bent wire was not working so well, and parts of it came unwoven. I needed something that was better than wire. I thought that i needed a hat that was more like a metal cage. I pictured a squat cubical metal box with square braces on the side. I thought that it should have metal spikes, and i pictured something like flat metal strips sticking forward from the upper part of the square. The square would be worn so that the spikes projected forward from the face of the wearer. I thought again about the lions, thinking that i was really in Africa. I would have to make the metal box secure around my head to keep the lions from getting to my face while i sleeped. I then thought that the box should be part of a backpack, so that the backpack could be strapped over someone’s shoulders, and the box would be mounted on top. The pack would hold it over the wearer’s head so that the head does not touch the sides of the helmet. I thought about the backpack, thinking that it should have a waist strap so that it could be supported on the hips. I walked around between the other people, who were standing in small groups, talking to each other. The land around us seemed like a dry savanna. I thought about how the metal box could protect us from lions, but i then wondered if i should be worried about cobras. I wandered around, trying to think of how this could. I then realized that i felt awkward wandering around the dry brush area. I felt confused and not sure what i should be doing. The others were gathered now to the east of me, and guides seemed to be standing around us. We were being led though this area. I looked to the west, noticing low stone structures nearby. The dark brown stone seemed to be part of an old building or small town. Several thin columns rose, but everything seemed to be worn down by weather.

I stood on the western end of the wooden dock on the lake. We seemed to be near the northern edge of the lake. the others were on the dock to the east of me, but something drew my attention to the west. A smaller section of dock was floating in the water to the west of us. I thought that the people had to be able to cross from one dock to the next, but the docks were too far apart. A man moved to the west of me, though. I knew that he would be able to connect the two docks. The man held on to a rope as he ran down the dock that we were on and jumped to the west. the distance seemed too great to jump, but i knew that the man would save the day. The rope somehow helped him make it across the water. As the man jumped to the west, i watched him from the northeast. He did not seem athletic or able to jump far. He was somewhat pudgy, and he wore a loose gray long-sleeve shirt and a pair of tan shorts. He seemed out of place in this situation. I was then running, holding the black rope in my right hand. I jumped across the water, moving quickly to the west. I felt the black rope stretch behind me. It was like a bungee chord. The chord pulled me to a stop, but i was still over the water. I was annoyed that i did not make it all the way to the other dock. I fell into the water, and i felt the elastic chord pulling me back to the east. I thought that i could glide over the surface of the water, but the pull forced me just under the surface. I moved my body so that i could more easily swim, but i was still just below the water. I then realized that i had been under water for too long. I had to get up for air. I felt annoyed and adjusted my position so that i could swim on the surface. I fumbled with the chord, but i managed to start swimming with the pull.

I was floating on the boat near the southwestern corner of the dock. The shore was just to the west of me, and i seemed to be in a large bay. I had been here a while, and i felt that i should do something. I yelled something to the north to someone. No one was directly to the north of me, though. Some people in a boat to the northeast of me turned to look at me. What i said seemed to have offended and incensed them. I thought that they were really incensed by the fact that i was not a wealthy boater like they were. I ignored them and floated on the blue raft that i was reclined on. I was reclined so that my head was to the west. I was floating to the northeast, out into the bay. I then realized that i did not know what i should do. I felt that i had to do something or to get back to somewhere, but i was not sure what. I felt frustrated and anxious. I decided i would have to get to the shore and head back. I then realized that i did not have any paddles. I was moving generally to the north, down the center of the long narrow bay. I started paddling with my hands on the sides of the raft, but it was hard to paddle like this. I thought that my paddles were at the house, and i should go back to get them. I started paddling down the narrow channel, which had cement walls on both sides. I was following a short queue of boats moving north in the canal, which seemed like a road. This place seemed to be like the northern end of Triphammer Road. I kept paddling, but i realized that i could have simply driven home to get the paddles rather than tried to boat to the house. I could have made the roundabout trip in the car faster than i could move the boat without paddles.

I was with a group of people on the northern side of the large room of the house. We were chatting about something casually. This seemed to be an event at a house. I moved to the west, into the next room. It seemed that i had something to do. $F71 then mentioned the woman who owned this house. He was standing to the northwest of me. He started talking about her, motioning to the north. The woman walked toward us from the north. I was in the center of the room as we started talking. Others started to gather around us. I realized that the woman was popular in some way, so the others wanted to be in her attention. The others gathered around us in the center o the room and joined the conversation. I then realized that i could not see the woman anymore. I wondered where she had gone. She then reentered the room from the north. $F71 had been talking to her. He told me that her name was Lucy. I knew that this was not her first name, though. She used her middle name in company. I tried to remember her first name. I knew that i had known it, but i could not remember. She smiled at me as $F71 talked to her, referring to me. She had a wide face, with flat hair that had white streaks in it. She smiled as she chatted with us. She seemed to be wearing a long evening dress. I then thought that we should sit down as we talked, so i turned to the south and grabbed a few folding chairs and pulled them into a crude circle in the center of the room. Others then started to gather around us again, just to get close to the woman.

12021 March 23

I was with the group of people who were standing to the south of the large building. The building seemed modern and gray. We were waiting for the woman to take care of us. We were here to get our vaccines, and we were sitting in a fan-shaped group to the south of the building. Bushes were growing to the west of us on the side of the lawn. I talked with the others about something as we waited, and i looked at the green leafy bushes. We were waiting for instructions on what we should do. A woman then leaded us to the east, down a cement walkway. We turned to the south and then started walking to the west, toward the large building. This was the building where we would get our injections, and we entered the building. I felt unsure, though. I was not sure what we should be doing. The others were gathered around me, talking about something. A man to the northwest of us started coughing. I looked to the north. We were traveling on a boat down a narrow water channel to the east, and the man was on the boat just to the northeast of us. He was East Asian, and he faced west as the boat moved east. He had short black hair, and he held his hand in a fist over his mouth as he coughed. He seemed to be having difficulty, and i hoped that he was okay.

12021 March 25

I was outside in the rural area with the other person, looking to the northeast. We seemed to be on a gravel driveway or road that ran to the north-northeast. The ground just to the east of the driveway was cut grass, but the land beyond was forest. I could see over the tops of the trees to the east of me. The leafs of the trees were dark green, but there were some light-green leafs near the top of the treeline. It seemed like early summer. The land seemed very flat to the east. $Z was to the northwest of me, saying something about the area. I then noticed the two large birds to the east of us, high in the sky. They seemed like eagles, and they were bluish-gray in color. They were very large birds, and i knew that they were special. They were delivering things to people. I saw one move to the north, and a red package fell from its talons. The package was roughly cubical, and it fell down to the trees to the east of us. I was annoyed that the eagles did not deliver it more closely to us. I watched the package fall into the trees, and i thought that it must have fallen very near the road, which ran north to south about fifty meters to the east of us. I thought that we could go around to the road to get the package. I then wondered if it landed near a house on the main road. The road that we were on seemed to run to the northeast, toward the main road, and i pictured the narrow triangular area between the two roads. I pictured the package falling on the eastern side of the triangle. The other eagle came toward us from the south. It dropped a red bundle, which landed on the grass to the east of us and rolled toward us. It seemed to be a large bundle of clothing. This was not quite what i imagined. I talked to $Z about the birds, saying that they were special. I referred to the birds as Zeus and Apollo as i walked to the south, into the large grassy field. I called out to the eagle who had dropped the package near us. I wanted to be close to it, because it was special. I called in Hunin, but i realized that i should be calling it Zeus. I then felt uneasy about being near the birds. I wondered if they would like me. I worried that they might be hostile and could be very dangerous to be near.

12021 March 26

I moved along the southern side of the outdoor area, waiting to do a sport with some other people. I paced along the edge of the area, looking to the north. To the northwest of me were white poles, with a goal-like booth near them. I felt nervous about the sport. Some other people were gathered in the room with me, but i could not see them as i moved around, but i knew they were on the southern side of the area with me. I thought that we were supposed to wrestle each other. I had not done this in quite a while, and i was nervous about what i should do. I thought about how to compete in a match, imagining the moves. I moved to the northwest, thinking of the best way for me to do a takedown. A man was to the west of me, and i spoke to him. I was not sure that i still remembered the moves. I was then lying on the floor of the room. We would have to rest before the match. I was lying on my left side with my body curled up. I was facing north, and my feet were pressed against the floor to keep me from turning around. I could feel my feet slipping, though. I was still wearing loafers, and they were sliding on the sealed gymnasium floor. I turned a little bit, trying to adjust my feet. My head was then under the dresser, which was against the western part of the northern wall. I was aware that i was not wearing a shirt, and the air felt cool. I felt comfortable here. The dresser shaded my eyes from the overhead lights, and i thought that i could sleep for a while. I started to drift off, but i was then awake, along the southern side of the room. I was watching the people getting ready for their matches. People were talking about wrestling, and a man in the center of the room, to the north of me was calling out the people who would be wrestling each other. He seemed to be choosing the pairs at random, and i thought that i would be paired up with someone who was not necessarily in my weight class. I wondered if they would pair me would a smaller opponent. This would make the first match a little easier on me. The man in the center of the room then called a small man, who walked to the north. I jokingly imagined that they would call my name next, but i still felt nervous about competing. I imagined trying to roll someone. I used to have difficulty with that. I thought of some moves that i could try, but i could not remember how the moves worked. I tried to picture the match, but i felt confused. I knew that i would have to “post” my opponents head by pushing down on the back of his head with my forearm. I would be able to pull up on his shoulder and roll him, but i could not remember how i hook his legs in mine. I remembered getting the legs backward before. I focused on the move, trying to work it out in my head. I was then aware that the event around me seemed stalled. The others were waiting for something, and the other wrestlers were relaxing until the matches continued. I wandered to the east.

12021 March 27

I walked to the south, down the length of the driveway, which seemed like the driveway of my grandmother’s house. $G4 were around me, and they were talking to one another. Someone to the east of me handed me two small tan things. They looked like tiny rolls of paper and were about a half-centimeter long. I looked at my left hand, seeing the rolls sticking to the outside of my thumb. I thought that they were some kind of snack with THC in it. I was interested to know what they were like, and i put one in my mouth. $F72 was to the southwest of me, and she warned me against putting the objects in my mouth. I quickly took the rolled object out of my mouth, wondering what i was supposed to do with it. I then thought that the texture was actually rather rubbery, and i wondered if they were condoms. $F58 was standing to the west of me, talking to someone. The woman who had given the rolls to me seemed like $A701. I looked at her; she now stood to the north of me. She said that the things were strong. I looked down at the tan paper and decided to unroll it. I realized that it was actually a sticker of some kind. I thought that it was a temporary tattoo. It was a sticker, with a design of a double circle on the front side. The two circles flowed into each other, almost like an infinity symbol, but they did not seem to narrow where they connected. The design on the left was a peace sign, and the symbol on the left seemed like a Celtic knot. The design was about five centimeters long. I was not sure what i was supposed to do with it. I thought that the design might still be a tattoo, and i asked if i should lick the surface and stick the design to my forehead. $F72 said “That would be bad.” I felt confused, not sure what i should do. I was still not sure what the sticker was or what i should do with it. I asked $A701 if the object contained intoxicants. I then mentioned other flavors of the same sticker. She nodded, so i asked her which flavors they had. She said that the sticker had LSD on it. I felt a little uneasy. I sighed in annoyance, realizing that i had already licked the sticker. I did not think that LSD would be a good drug for me to take, and i hoped that it would not bother me. I asked what else was on it, saying that it tasted like citrus. I headed to the east, into the small room, which seemed like a room in a trailerhome. I felt very tired, and i lay down in bed. I thought that i could sleep for a while. It would allow the drugs to pass without me having to notice. I felt uncertain, though, wondering what i should do.

12021 March 29

I was on the airplane that was flying down the center of the narrow valley, which seemed like the valley around I-88. We were flying to the west, just over the steep hill on the southern side of the valley. Everything seemed very bright and clean. The trees below us were very green, and we were flying just over the tops of them. My family was in the small airplane with me. I flew to the north, into the valley. The unfinished cement columns of a highway overpass were lined up, running east to west. They were about fifteen meters tall and about ten meters wide. They were wider at the top where they would eventually hold the roadway. I thought that the highway below was still being constructed. I looked ahead, to the west. My grandmother was sitting just to the southwest of me, and she seemed to be flying the airplane. She was very worried about doing so, and i tried to assure her that she was doing well. We were flying low over an elevated roadway that ran along the southern hill. The road curved slowly to the northwest, and we flew along the curve. I felt a little nervous, noticing the narrow space that we were trying to fly through. I then noticed the wire on the right side of the road ahead, just as the wing of the airplane caught it. The airplane seemed to stop abruptly, and i worried that something bad had happened. I was worried about my grandmother. I was now standing on the ground, and i looked around the area, concerned. I wondered where on the overhead bridges my grandmother was. I thought that she would still be in the airplane, which would be on a bridge that is curving to the northwest on the southern side of the valley. The land seemed rather open, with few trees. My father was to the north of me, and i asked him where the overhead bridges were. He said that my grandmother was to the west of us and that she was doing okay.

I was walking to the southwest, across the small shop. Rounded display surfaces were in the center of the store, and i had just entered the northeastern section of the room. The round table in the center of the room to the west of me seemed to be a two-level cylinder, with a wider cylinder on the bottom and a narrower one on top of it. The surfaces were covered with glass, and i thought that the items here were crystals and mineral stones. I stopped suddenly when i realized that a man to the west of me was masturbating. He stood near the southern wall of the store, facing north. He was wearing something brown, and he had his pants open so that he could rub his penis. I then noticed a woman near the western wall masturbating as well. A glass counter ran along the center of the western wall, and the woman was standing near the northern end of it. I felt a little uncomfortable, and i tried to look at the crystals on the counters around me. The double cylinder had a large cluster of quartz crystals that fanned out from a central point. The crystals seemed to two or there centimeters thick and about six or seven centimeters long. They had a faint purple hue, like amethyst. Someone near the southern wall seemed to be watching the two people masturbate. I knew that this was a gimmick. The store was trying to promote the magical properties of the crystals, and they were hinting that the crystals increased fertility. The woman then gasped in frustration and pulled up her shorts a little. I realized that she had lost the contest. The man cheered softly in his victory. I started walking to the east, thinking that this was very strange. $F1 was to the northwest of me, and the man behind the counter on the southern wall said something to him. I stopped and looked around. The man said that he was going to charge $F1’s card. I felt very angry with the man, thinking that he was trying to take advantage of $F1. I was standing near the northeastern corner of the counter that ran in front of the southern wall. The man was to the south of the table, near me. He held out a green card as he threatened to charge $F1. I quickly took the green card from the man’s hand so that he could not use the card, and i put it in the right front pocket of my pants. I felt defiant. The man complained and confronted me. He tried to act nicely, but i was not going to give him the card. I knew that he would be persistent, though. He then reached out and shook my right hand. I felt annoyed, knowing that he had used his right hand to masturbate with. I turned to the southeast and walked into the bathroom to wash. I headed though a door that was in the southern end of the eastern wall, but i seemed to be heading into a room that was to the southeast of the room i was in. The sinks were on the southern end of the eastern wall of the bathroom. I walked to the sink and started washing my hands. The man followed me, and continued to pester me about the card. I told him that he disgusted me. I then grabbed a sprayer from the sink and sprayed the man. This action seemed extreme, though. I knew that it would anger him, and i wondered why i had done it. It did not make sense for me to be so offensive when he was not provoking me in any physical way. I mentally defended my actions, but they seemed out of place, and i was not sure why i had done them.

I stood to the southeast of the car, which was facing east. The hood of the car was open, and i was fixing the engine. The car seemed purple, and i knew that it belonged to $F66. I leaned to the northeast and looked at the metal mechanics inside the hood. I pulled out the round object that had been on top of the engine block. It was dripping a little bit of water. I thought that the carburetor should not be dripping water, but i plugged the small object back into the hole on the top of the engine. I examined the carburetor after i had plugged it back in. It seemed okay now. I said something to $F66, who was standing to the north of me, near the front of the car. I was not sure i had fixed the car, but i had stopped the leak that was noticeable. I then turned to the east and walked across the tile floor of the diner or cafe. I started to walk to the north, from the swinging door that was in the southern wall. The room opened up to the east of me, and the northern wall of the room separated it from what seemed to be a counter to the north. I started to head to the doorway to the north when i noticed a broomstick on the floor to the east. The broomstick was lying against the northern wall, just to the east of the northern doorway. I bent over to pick it up, thinking that it would get in the way of the doorway. It was purple and made of wood. I leaned it against the wall to the east of me. A bench seat was against the northern wall to the east. I was focusing on the broomstick, though, as it stood against the wall. Something seemed to draw my attention. I woke up suddenly. I had been sitting on the western end of a long couch or padded bench that was against the northern wall of the narrow room. I looked around. My grandfather was sitting on the couch to the east of me. He looked at me curiously. Someone said his name, stating his first, middle, and last names. It seemed strange that his first name and his middle name were the same, but i remembered that the initials were the same.

12021 March 30

My mother stopped the car, and i got out. We were on the college campus, on the eastern side of a road. The car was facing north. This seemed to be the Arts Quad, and i had to hurry to get to a place in one of the buildings to the east. The building to the east of me seemed like Clark Hall. I stood just outside of the car and started to hurry to the east, toward the buildings, but my mother reminded me that i needed to show the college people something. I had forgotten to bring something with me, so my mother told me that i would need to show the people my license. I reached into my pocket, suddenly realizing that i did not have my wallet with me. I felt upset. I bent over and looked back through the car. My mother seemed frustrated with me because i forgot my things. I looked around the base of the passenger’s seat, but i did not find anything. I felt upset. I turned to the east and was in the main hallway of the building. $A14 was standing to the east of me. I had told him that i had forgotten my things, and he was trying to help me. I slouched on a seat, with my backpack in my lap, facing north. $A89 seemed to be standing to the north of me. I was not sure what to do. $A14 moved to the southwest of me and started talking to a woman in an office to the southeast. He asked her if i could get my check by four. The woman to the south responded from her office. I felt bad that i had to rely on these people to help me.

12021 March 31

I walked to the east, down the corridor of the building. The corridor was not well lighted, but it seemed clean and well kept. I turned to the south at a crossing corridor. This place seemed a little like the third-floor corridor of $P7. I was aware of a small area that opened to the west at the southern end of the corridor i was walking down. Some people seemed to be in the area, but i could not see them. A man then moved to the east, into the corridor and started walking north. He wore a dark dress suit and a white shirt with a bow tie. He seemed to have come from a formal event. I recognized him, but i was not quite sure i knew exactly who he was, so i did not say hello as he passed me and continued to the north, up the corridor. I thought that he looked like $A43. Others then started coming up the corridor from the south. They seemed familiar, but i did not recognize them. I still wanted to say hello to the man. I stopped and looked to the north as they passed to the east of me. One of the men glanced at me, and i realized that he looked somewhat like $A43 as well, but his face was more square. I realized that he looked more like $A43’s brother. I thought that the two men i had seen must be $A43 and his brother. I started walking back to the north, hesitant to greet them but wanting to. I wondered what i should say to them. It seemed that it would be good to say hello again. $A43 stood near the northern end of the corridor with the others, just to the west of the intersection. A woman was then to the east of me. She had come from the south and had stopped near me. She was $A66. She wore plain clothes, which seemed to consist of a denim dress and a light-colored shirt. I said hello to her, and she greeted me with a smile. It was nice to see her. $A43 then moved to the north of me. I turned to him and he hugged me hello. I felt uneasy, and i told him that i could not remember his name. I said something, but then corrected myself, saying the name Devan. I felt awkward, but it felt good to see $A43 again.