12022 March 01

I had been standing to the south of the small shed or garage, which was on the western side of the property. A driveway ran along the eastern side of the old wooden building, opening up into a dirt lot just to the south of the building. The building seemed partly deconstructed. The wood siding was worn to gray wood, and pieces of the siding seemed to be missing on the southern side, exposing the vertical beams inside. Others were talking about the car to the east of the building. It was facing north, toward the main road. I walked to the back of the car. My grandmother had been near the black car, which seemed like a Cadillac, but she had walked to the north. The other old woman was still standing near the car. I thought that we would have to clean out the car. I leaned into the rear passenger’s door of the vehicle, looking at the clothes on the back seat. My grandmother had left several things there. I noticed a pair of multicolored gloves on the eastern side of the seat, as i crouched in the middle of the seat. The gloves had thin lines of color all over the surface, and i recognized the pattern from a scarf that i had gotten from my grandmother’s house. I collected the gloves, thinking that they would match the scarf. I grabbed a few other things as well. I then started to feel uncomfortable, thinking that i was taking my grandmother’s things. I noticed a wool blanket curled up on the top of the western end of the back seat. It was a nice blanket, with an angular American tribal design in dark blue and black, with white details. I thought that i should leave the blanket for my grandmother. I knew that she was dead, but i did not want to take her things. I thought that i would be able to get the blanket at a later time anyway, once she no longer needed it.

I was in a small house on the northern side of a rural road. The land was very flat and open, and the small house seemed cubical. I was with some other people in the house, and i did not feel comfortable here. They were talking to the northeast of me, and i looked to the south. The yellow grass was dry, and a leafless tree was in the front yard. The road was about twenty meters from the house, and i spotted some of the bicyclists riding on the northern side of the road, heading east. They were part of the bicycle event, which seemed like a race. I had been part of the event, but i had stopped here for some reason. I left the house and started down the road after the bicyclists. I had not been comfortable in the house, and i wanted to get away from the people there anyway. As i hurried down the road to the east, i was aware of some others to the north. A steep grassy hill sloped down to the north of me now, and i flew down the slope. The others were at the bottom. I had to concentrate to fly up, but i realized that i could glide down and swoop back up to gain height. The others were in the room on the slope below me as i swooped down to the north, along the western side of the small room. As i swooped up, i looked down at the chair in the northeastern corner of the room and the ottoman to the southwest of it. I had to be careful of the furnishings as i swooped. I swooped steeply down and up to the southwest, trying to gain height again. I was aware of the people under me, and i wanted to fly like i used to fly, but it seemed hard to control now.

12022 March 03

I walked along the grassy area to the east of the building, heading south. I was aware that others would be watching me from the west. I seemed to be on a college campus, and i was familiar with this area. I was heading to the southern side of the building to the west of me. I knew that the land sloped down to the west on that side. That was the direction i would be heading in. The ground under me seemed to be covered with cut grass, but it also seemed yellow. As i reached the southeastern corner of the stone building, i started to turn to the west, but i realized that no slope was to the south of the building. Instead, the land ended in a steep drop-off. Something seemed to be crossing the edge. I realized that the area was under construction. The people watching me from the northwest were probably in charge of the construction project, and they were trying to keep people out of the area. I looked over the edge to the west. I could see the roofs of the buildings below me. The ground seemed a ways down. I wondered how i could have climbed down the slope before. I then wondered if others might come to the gate that was to the west of me and try to push it open. I started to feel nervous, standing near the edge. I did not want to go back to the north and around the building, so i wondered if i could somehow climb down the slope and jump to the ground. I carefully pushed open the flat gate that was now across the edge of the slope. I felt very nervous as i did so. I could see the tops of the buildings below me, and they seemed to be about ten meters below me. It was too far to jump. I realized that i was dangerously close to the edge. I quickly backed away and started back to the north. I looked down at the yellow ground below me. I now seemed to be crawling along the shallow peak of a roof, and i felt unsafe. I hurried to the north, until the stone building was again to the west of me. It was only a few meters to the west, and i thought that i could walk safely to the patio on the upper level of the building to get off of the roof.

12022 March 04

I moved a little to the south, stopping on the northern end of the eastern side of the room. It was dark out, and the land around us seemed flat and vacant. The land sloped upward slightly to the east, and the road ran just to the north of the small house that we were in. The house seemed to be only one room, which was subdivided by interior walls. The other person moved to the southwest of me, talking about the person outside. I was aware of a man to the east of me, in the gray darkness outside. I looked to the east, seeing a man lying on his stomach, with his head propped up by his hands. His calfs were in the air to the south of him, and he was looking in our direction. He seemed to be posing for someone. He made me feel uncomfortable. Something about him seemed very strange, and i thought that he could be dangerous. I pulled down the shade over the window so that he could not see us. The shade did not go all the way down, though, and i thought that i might still be able to check on him through the few centimeters of open space below the white shade. I moved to the center of the room as the other man moved to the bed, which was along the western wall of the room in the southwestern corner. I thought that the man was supposed to have sex with the woman in the bed. The man seemed to be a sex worker. He sat on the bed. I then realized that another man was in the room. The southeastern corner of the room had a wall to the north of it, separating the small bed area from the rest of the room. An old short man stood up from the bed as another man walked to the north, leaving the room. The old man was thin and walked with a slight hunch. I realized that he was also a sex worker, even though he seemed rather old. He had a long gray beard and was balding. It seemed strange that the older man was a sex worker, but i thought that it was interesting to have him as a character in the story. The main character was to the east of me now. He had sat down in a chair that was on the western end of the dividing wall of the small bed area. The wooden chair was on the northern side of the wall, facing north. The man had a scraggly red beard and a round face. He seemed to be wearing a plaid shirt and denims. The old man had stopped in the center of the room, just to the southeast of me, and he looked at the red-headed man in the chair. The man in the chair seemed nervous and scared. Wide eyed, he looked at the older man, tension in his body. The older man seemed annoyed by the younger man’s attitude. He gruffly asked the younger man why he thought it was so strange for an older man to be paid for sex. I thought it was an amusing point of the story, because it pointed out that people of all ages still copulated.

12022 March 05

I sat on the northern side of the eastern end of the long rectangular table. Others were around the table with me, and they seemed to be $G4. We were gathering for dinner. We had to pay $A601 some money. He was sitting to the south of me. Another man, who also seemed like $A601, was sitting an the eastern end of the table, to the southeast of me. I held out some money, which seemed like a twenty-dollar bill. I told $A601 that i would need some change. The man on the eastern end of the table had more money in his hand, and he also had a twenty-dollar bill. I thought that i would need the twenty-dollar bill as my change, and i mentioned this to $A601. The other man tried to hand $A601 the money, but $A601 did not want to take it. He seemed to think that it was too confusing to take the man’s money and then give me change from it. The man had already handed $A601 the money, though. I felt annoyed with $A601 for not doing something simply, but $A601 seemed obstinate. The man on the eastern end of the table started eating again, leaving his money in front of $A601. I was hoping that $A601 would give me change for the money i had so that i could order some food as well. Instead, $A601 grabbed the small stack of money and threw it over his head, to the south. The money floated down to the cement floor of the restaurant. I felt very annoyed with him, and i sat at the table, waiting for $A601 to pick the money up and act responsibly. $A601 did not move from the table. After some time, i noticed that some of the people from the table to the southwest of us had noticed the money, and they had picked up some of the bills. One young man crouched down near a twenty that was in the center of the room, to the southeast of me. He glanced up at us as he took the bill and stood up to rejoin his table to the west. I knew that the money had now been lost, and i felt upset. I would not be able to buy things here, and i felt disappointed enough that i no longer wanted to stay here. I started to stand up, thinking that i would simply leave.

12022 March 07

I was running late for school, and i felt hurried and anxious. I had to get everything ready, and i thought of the things that i had to do. I thought that i still had not made my lunch or collected any of my books together. I felt very rushed. I thought that i had to get back to the apartment to get my things ready. I was in the lobby of the large building. The lobby was a rectangular room on the northeastern side of the building. It seemed rather long north to south but only around five meters wide east to west. The lobby was full of people heading to and from the exit door, which seemed to be in the northern end of the eastern wall. I was near the door, but i had to get back to my apartment, which seemed to be in the southeastern corner of one of the upper floor of the building. I thought that i would have to take the stairs. I knew that the stairwell in this section of the building did not go all the way up to our floor, so i would have to take the stairs from here up to another floor and then take a separate set of stairs up to the top of the tall building. Two other people were near me, and they seemed to be following me out of curiosity. They seemed young, and they seemed like brothers. I thought that they might be people who lived in the building. They followed me as i headed to the north, down the old hallway of the building. I now seemed to be on one of the upper floors. I had been in a room that was a junction of the hallways. The eastern wall of the room was covered with textured translucent white glass. It seemed like the kind of glass that has chicken wire in it. Wooden frames held in the glass, and the bottom two-thirds of a meter of the wall was wood. An old wooden door with a window in the upper half was in the northern end of the wall, and i opened it and started to the south, down the narrow hall on the other side. Doors in the eastern wall of the narrow corridor were made of heavy wood, with large windows of the same translucent glass. The building here seemed very old but maintained. I was aware of the two brothers following me from the north. I thought that the stairwell was in the southeastern part of the building, so i ran to the end of the hall and pulled open a door in the eastern wall. The hall led into an apartment. Two or three steps led down from the door to the apartment, and the room seemed creme white. An old woman was standing at the bottom of the steps, and she looked up at me skeptically. She had dark skin and a narrow wrinkled face. Her cheeks sagged. I realized that i had accidentally opened the door to her apartment, and i apologized to her. I explained that i was trying to find the stairwell. I turned to the south and pulled open another door while still talking to the woman. The room to the south seemed to be a small room, and people were gathered there. They were facing south, wearing suit coats and dresses. I thought that they were attending a church service. The had just stood up for something when i opened the door. I let the door close, not wanting to disturb them. The woman told me that nothing was happening in the room to the south, and i thought that she did not know that the people were still having a service there. I closed the door to the woman’s apartment and headed back down the corridor to the north. The two brothers were still with me, and i passed them in the corridor. I tried to think of how i could get back to my apartment. I realized that i must have been still on one of the lower floors of the building. The separate set of stairs that continued to the upper levels would still be several floors above me. I wondered where i would get the stairs up to that level. I realized that they could not be in the southeastern part of the building, because that was where the stairs for the upper floors were. I stopped in the northeaster part of the building. I thought that there would be a main set of stairs in the center of the building, to the southwest of me. I turned to the southwest, looking across a large open room, which seemed like a large lobby. I could see a set of double stairs ascending to the south. They seemed to be made of dark-gray stone. I tried to picture where i would go on the stairs. I turned to the east, looking into the large empty space to the east of the double stairs. The room was dark-gray, with flat smooth walls that seemed to be made of slate. Only a little light shined on the stone, illuminating the lower part of the eastern wall but not the rest of the room. I tried to concentrate on where i would go to get to the upper stairwell. This place seemed like no one had used it, so i thought it could not be area that i normally walked through. It did not look familiar to me. It seemed unused, like an old maintenance area. I then moved to the southeast, now back in my apartment. A counter was on the western end of the room, just to the east of me. I walked around the southern side of it, thinking that i had to get my things together so that i could leave. I was aware that my parents were to the south of me in other rooms. A bathroom seemed to be to the northeast of me, and i knew that one of my parents was in the shower there. I walked to the eastern side of the counter, which seemed to be part of the kitchen. A sink seemed to be in the counter. I had to find my tooth brush so that i could brush my teeth. I grabbed the blue dopp bag that was on the counter. It had a white stripe across it. As i fumbled to open the bag, i heard someone stir to the south of me. I thought that my grandfather must have waked up on the couch. I hoped that he did not get out of bed soon, because i knew that he would be in the bathroom for a long time, and i still had to go things to get ready. I took my folding plastic toothbrush out of the small blue bag and put toothpaste on it. I then hurried to the northeast, heading to the second bathroom, which was to the east of the one someone was showering in. I walked into the room and started using the sink, which was in a counter on the western wall. I was aware of my grandfather to the south of me. He had stopped in the doorway to the bathroom and was now staring at me in a semiconscious daze.

12022 March 08

I had been talking to the others in the building, and i was now walking to the west, into the other room. I entered the northern side of the room. I had been talking to the other man, and i followed him into the room as we talked. A small rectangular area was on the northern side of the room. A counter ran along the western and northern walls of the room inside the area, and the counter extended around the southern and eastern sides of the area. An opening seemed to be in the western end of the counter. A man had just come out from behind the counter. he seemed like someone from $G3, and i felt a little uncomfortable near him. We had been arguing earlier, and i thought that we would still be angry with each other. He was younger than i. I greeted him as we approached. I tried to act friendly, holding no grudge against the man. I did no want to be angry with him, and i hoped that he was not still angry with me. He wore a yellow button-up shirt that had large dark-blue flowers on it. He was just about to leave to take some dishes back to the kitchen. The man who had entered with me stopped on the southern side of the counter as the man in the flowered shirt leaned over the counter to the north to pick up a pile of dishes that were on the floor on the western side of the area behind the counter. He sat on the counter, leaning on his left him as he lifted his feet to reach the dishes. The dishes were oval, and they were stacked so that a few narrow platters were on the bottom and a couple oval bowls were stacked on top. The dishes were white and covered with a dense pattern of pale-blue flowers and vines. The man picked up the stack with his left hand. I thought that he would be bringing the dishes to the east, into the kitchen, whit was where we had come from. I looked over the counter area to the north of me. It was now clean. The man had just finished cleaning it. I realized that there was nothing for us to clean. I then noticed two green bowls on the eastern side of the area. Cabinet doors were under the counter on the eastern side of the area. The thick ceramic bowls, which were pale green, had been inserted into slots that were cut into the cabinet doors. The two diagonal slows were in the doors with one right above the other. The slots were about two centimeters wide, and they spanned the two doors of the cabinet. It seemed strange to have the bowls inserted into the doors. I then turned to the south. I was now on the upstairs floor of the house, in the southeastern part of the large open room. I had been talking to the man to the south of me. He seemed like $A218. I moved to the east of the surface as the man did something on the southern side of it. He seemed worried that i was upset with him. I told him that i was not. I then started to the north. The man moved to the eastern side of the counter, which seemed like a large square counter with things stacked on it. The man seemed upset, but i told him that i did not feel badly toward him. I said that i liked him. I felt a little uncomfortable, thought, and wanted to leave to the north. The man set some of the stacked branches that were on the table on fire. He was burning them to get rid of them. He left to the north, and i started to follow him. I stopped suddenly, aware that the fire was burning well. I realized that it was not a good idea to have a fire burning within the building. I thought that it might get too large and set the walls on fire. I started to the south, along the western side of the counter. I wondered if it would be dangerous to be here. I then noticed that piles of wood were also burning on top of the wooden bench, which was part of the southern wall. The flames rose to the south and left black patches on the southern wall. This seemed very dangerous, and i did not think that the fires should be left burning.

12022 March 10

The bad man had done something to people. I thought that he had been capturing them and doing things to them. I was with two others as we walked to the southeast, toward the small building. We were planning to capture the man. I felt very nervous as we crossed the asphalt parking lot that was to the north of the building. A wood plank fence seemed to run along the northern side of the lot, to the north of us. The others were talking about the man, who had just left the small building to the south of us. We had to walk to the eastern side of the small building to get in. The man and woman with me were planning to sneak into the house and lure the man. I was supposed to wait for them outside, but i was walking with them toward the building. I thought that the man had gone to the north of us to do something. I imagined him in the town, which was not far to the north. The town seemed like Greenville. The others told me that i should wait for a signal before i come into the house. I stood near the front of the car, which was parked on the western end of the northern edge of the lot. It was facing south. I felt uncomfortable as i waited. I thought that i was in the wrong place. I then heard a hissing sound to the north. I thought that the man had released gas in the town. I started to feel worried. I thought that i would have to get into a building before the gas drifted toward us. I got into the car and waited. I started to wonder if i would be safe from the gas in the car. I did not know if the gas would be bale to seep into the car. I was not sure what i should do. I moved to the southwest. I was now inside a building, which seemed like a mall. I was in a corridor that ran to the south, on the second floor of the mall. The western wall of the corridor was open, and the corridor looked out over a courtyard or atrium to the west. We seemed to be on the western side of the building. I crouched down so that i was hidden behind the low western wall of the corridor. The bag guys were to the southwest of us. I could see them on the second level, the same level that i was on. They had come from the south and were now looking out over the atrium below. The atrium was to the north of them and to the west of me. I seemed to be near the southern end of the atrium. I did not want them to see me, but i stood up and looked down into the courtyard to the west of me. A man walked to the north from the southern end of the courtyard. He was one of the people who i had been with, and he seemed like $A831. I felt annoyed that he had walked into the o open. I thought that he was giving away our position. We should have hid from the men to the south. I thought that we had to make the bag guys think that $A831 was just another person in the mall. I stood up and looked down at $A831. I knew that the men could see me, but i thought that, if i acted like nothing was wrong, they might not suspect that we were the people that they were after. I pretended that i did not know that the bad guys were to the south of me. The man below me looked up, noticing me. I made a gesture that asked a question, thinking that i would let $A831 know that i thought he should not be in the open. I then felt a little unsure, thinking that i should not have been in the open myself. I thought that i had been foolish to expose myself to the bad guys. I started to the south, down the corridor. I had to get past the bad guys myself. The corridor ended on the eastern side of an open area. I started to turn to the west, into the open area, but i saw people coming from the south. Several openings were in the southern side of the wall. They were short corridors that led to the south. Men came from several of the openings as i headed southwest across the room. They were the bad guys. I felt upset that i had been caught, and i was afraid that they would take me. The men talked to us, though. I the bad man seemed to be somewhere to the east, and i realized that the men with us did not like the bag guy either. They were thugs from an organized crime group, and it seemed that they used to work for the bad man, but now they were against hem. They wanted to make a deal with us to take down the bad man. One of the people with me was standing to the west of me, talking with the thugs. I felt out of place here and thought that i should leave. something still felt wrong. I started running to the east, down the narrow hallway on the southern side of the wall. Two others were with me. We had left the things behind. The corridor was a narrow accessway, and it seemed to run behind the stores. We ran past a few people, who were ding things with some boxes on the southern side of the hallway. Several archways seemed to divide the corridor into sections, some sections wider than other. We then came to a section where the northern wall of the corridor was only a half wall, and the open top looked out over the main corridor of the mall below. The main corridor had small enclosed stores in the center. I could only see the roofs of the stores. Two narrow passageways were on either side of the row o stores in the center. As we ran, i imagined turning to the northeast and jumping over the corridors below to get to the second-floor hall on the northern side of the mall. I pictured myself moving quickly over the shops in the center of the corridor and jumping to the hall to the north. I floated over the short wall that separated the hall from the open corridor of the mall. As i landed, i speeded up to the east, heading down the narrow hall. The hall ended in a long set of stairs that descended to the main corridor below. I thought that we could have escaped the bag guys by jumping over the main corridor. Now that we were descending the stairs, we would join the crowd i the mall, and it would make it harder for the bad guys to find us. As i thought about this, i turned to the north. I was with the other two in the living room of the small house. This was the house of the bad man who had attacked others. I stood on the western side of the narrow kitchen, which was o the northern side of the house. The room was not well lighted, and only a small amount of light seemed to come in through the window in the northern wall. The man to the east of me said that i should not have come into the house. He said that i was supposed to wait for the signal. I felt annoyed that i did not stay in the car outside. I could not be caught in the house with the others. I was then on the southern side of the house. I thought that the man had come home, and i was trapped in the house. The other two were talking to the man in the dimly lighted living room, which was to the south of the kitchen. A wooden door with panes of glass down its length was closed in a doorway on the eastern end of the southern wall of the living room. A heavy white curtain hung over the northern side of the door, blocking me from view. I crouched just the south of the door, in an old entryway. A narrow set of stairs ascended to the west of me, and a door to the outside was to the east of me. I could hear the man and woman talking to the bag guy to the northwest of me. The man and woman were pretending to be interested in something to get the man in a trap. I felt upset that i did not listen to the man and woman. I should not have come into the house. I wondered how i could escape. The front door of the house to the east of me did not seem well used, and i thought that it would be stuck with age. I could hear the man and woman chatting with the bad man. A small breezeway was then to the east of me. The entry door was in the eastern wall, and it had a white sheet of paper tacked over the large window in the top of the door. Similar sheets were over the windows in the eastern and western walls of the entryway. I lifted the paper from the door to see outside. I heard the sound of a car outside, and i thought that the bad guy might be leaving. I felt a little relieved that i had not been discovered. I peaked around the northern side of the paper on the eastern window. I could not see a car heading south or east to get out of the driveway. A man then passed close to the window. I was startled, but i realized that people outside were cleaning the lawn. The window to the east was not a door, so i could not escape through it. It might have been a door long ago, but this small area had been sealed up for some time now. I pushed the paper back up against the window so that the people doing the law would not notice me. The engine sound that i heard must have been from their equipment. I pushed the thumbtack back into the hole at the upper left of the white sheet to hold the paper up over the window. I then heard the woman speaking French from the living room, to the northwest of me. She was still talking with the bad man, which meant that the bad man was still here. I felt upset. I should have stayed out of the house. The bad man replied to the woman. He seemed interested in the conversation. He then stood up, saying that he had to get something. I realized that he was coming toward me. I felt suddenly scared. I thought that i could close the door between the stairway and the small porch, closing myself in the porch. I wondered if the man would notice that the door to the porch had been opened. I then realized that the chair was still in the doorway. i would have to move it in order to close the door. The sudden movement of the chair would make too much noise. I felt upset, realizing that there was no place for me to go. I was trapped here. I felt sad, and i leaned back against the southern side of the doorway, slouching on the floor. I decided to stare blankly to the north, as though i was unaware of my surroundings. The man opened the door and halted in the doorway. I did not react. I hoped that my dazed appearance would confuse him and prevent him from killing me. He started to close the door to the living room. IN an amuse voice, he said “Well, what are you doing here?” I felt very upset, and i wished that i had not come into the house. The man went to the west to do something.

12022 March 11

I stood near the southern side of the western side of the pavilion. A wooden wall ran along the western side of the pavilion. It was made of unfinished unstained wood and seemed to enclose a space that was about two meters deep. The southern side of the pavilion was open to the grassy lawn of the park area around us. Picnic tables were in the center of the pavilion, to the east and northeast of me, and many people seemed to be gathered there, dancing or celebrating something. I moved to the north, toward the edge of the pavilion. It seemed dark out, but the light spilled out onto the grass. Dark pine trees seemed to surround the area. I felt cautious of something here. A small black canister came from the southeast. It had been tossed toward the pavilion. It bounced on the ground just to the south of the pavilion and started emitting a black smoke. I thought that it was a smoke grenade. I felt worried that someone was coming from the southeast to attack us. I yelled to the people near me to run, and i started moving to the north, away from the grenade. Another person then ran toward the canister from the center of the pavilion. He seemed like a young child. Nothing happened, and i thought that the canister must not have been dangerous after all. The children must have recognized what it was. I turned to see that a child had stomped on the canister and crushed it. A faint black smoke hovered around the crushed canister. I felt confused. I thought that it should have been dangerous. Something still seemed wrong, though. I was now standing to the west of the pavilion, in an open area. I heard something from the southeast, and i looked up over the tall silhouettes of pine trees to see dark gray clouds. I thought that a storm was coming in. I felt nervous about the storm coming in, and i told someone about it. The clouds seemed threatening. I walked to the west, into the small open area, and i started to float upward. I was only a few meters off of the ground before i realized that it might be dangerous to fly up when the storm was coming. I thought that it might attract lightning if i were to fly upward. I landed back on the ground. My mother came from the southeast. I told her about the approaching storm to the southeast and explained about the danger of lightning. I then headed to the northwest. A car was parked to the northwest of me, facing north. IT was to the southeast of a small cubical house.

12022 March 12

I was on the northern side of the office, which was a large room with dividing walls in it. An open rectangular space stretched down the western wall of the room, to the southwest of me, and a few people were to the south of me. I was speaking to one of them. Booths with tables or desks were to the east of me, near the northern end of a partitioning wall. The open space seemed to stretch a little way to the east along the northern wall of the room. I was just to the west of the northernmost booth, and a man stood near the southern bench of the booth. He had picked up a large metal object that had been on the bench, and he was showing it to me. The object was about a half meter long and about a deci wide. It had a round ring at the top with a bar under it. Below the bar, a long tapering triangle extended down, with a second crossbar about half a deci from the first. The top of the triangle seemed to be about three-quarters of a deci wide. The object seemed to be made of a pressed sheet of aluminium or tin, which was dulled with age. The edges of the object were dented, making it look worn. As the man held it, i seemed to be in two pieces. It seemed that two pressed sheets had been made of the same shape and attached one on top of the other, forming the front and back of the object. The panel on the front had an opening that seemed like a key hole in the wide section of the triangle, though it seemed to have a crossbar under the circle, similar to the overall design of the object. I was handed the pieces, and i looked at the two sections. The bottom point of the back half of the object was bent so that the tip pointed off to the side, with a small section pointing up. I thought that the object must have been damaged over many years of use. I told the others that i thought it was something like a key. The man was now to the south of me, crouching down on the ground. I held the objects up to the northeast of me, looking at the twisted point on the back piece and wondering if it could act as a key. I turned to the southeast and stuck the bent point into the hole in the center of the front piece. It nicely and turned easily, but it did nothing. The two pieces were just thin pieces of metal with nothing behind them. I thought that the front piece would have to be fitted onto a surface where there was a lock for the key to work. It needed a lock mechanism inside it. Someone then came from the north. I put the key on the bench to the east of me, which was to the south of a diner table. I did not want the person from the north to see the key. The person had asked me a question as he approached, and i answered, casually trying to hide the key under a jacket that had been thrown on the bench. I turned and spoke to the man, moving a little to the north. The man stopped to the northeast of me, behind the northern bench of the booth. We spoke for a moment, and i tried not to reveal anything about the key to the man. Once he left, i turned to the west and headed back for the booth. I was now on the eastern side of the partition wall. I climbed over the wall and into the booth where the key had been placed. The others were still standing near the booth. I grabbed the key, thinking that we had to do something with it.

12022 March 15

I had been doing something, and i felt as though i was not paying much attention to my surroundings. I was now standing to the south of a counter. I seemed to be in a library, and the wooden counter surrounded a small rectangular area, where several librarians were working. People moved around in the room close to me; some doing things at the counter. A woman from behind the counter asked me about something. I wanted to do something, but i was not sure that i would be able to. The woman asked me a few questions, and i responded. I did not seem to pay full attention to her as i shuffled some of the things in my bag, which i was holding in front of me, to the northeast of me. I felt tense, thinking that i wanted to do something, but was not sure how to do it. The woman to the north of me then said something. I turned to see that she was handing me something. She on the western side of the southern surface of the counter, and she held out her right arm, offering me a set of metal keys with something white on it. The white object seemed rounded and made of plastic. I was surprised that the woman had handed me the keys, and i wondered what i was supposed to do with them. I was also surprised when she turned back to the north and walked to the other end of the rectangular space inside the U-shaped counter. I thought that she was going to grab something behind the counter and then join me outside. She would have to lead me somewhere. I knew that she would not leave me with the keys. I went back to digging through my bags for something. After a moment, the women did not come out from around the counter. She continued to do something near the northern end of the western counter. I wondered how long i should wait for her. After a few minutes, i walked to the east a little. A large wooden table was to the north of me, and it had different types of food on it. I thought that, as long as the woman was not coming back, i should start to grab some of the snacks on the table. I put something into my back pack, which i was holding to the east of me, and i looked at the food, which seemed to be snacks and small hand foods. I was standing directly to the south of one of the tables, and i thought that i would go along the western side of it and grab some food. As i started toward the table, i noticed a man picking up some food from the eastern side of the table. He was someone famous, and i recognized him. I said hello but tried not to pay too much attention to him. I did not want him to think that i would bother him because he was famous. I grabbed a few slices of pizza from one of the flat boxes on the southern end of the eastern side of the table. I had a white paper plate in my right hand, and i put four very narrow slices of pizza on it. I then wondered if it would be okay to take four slices. I thought that it might be considered rude to take so many, but i also realized that the others had already been to the table to take food. I seemed to be late here, and everyone was already leaving to the west. A woman to the east of me called for my attention. I turned to see that it was the woman who had given me the keys. She was facing the west and walking toward an open door. The wall around the door was paneled with polished wood, and the heavy wooden door was similarly stained and polished tan. The others around me were heading toward the door as well. I felt rushed and told the woman that i would be with her. She paused, still looking over her right shoulder at me. She seemed a little disappointed, and she told me that i should hurry. I knew that i would not want to be late going into the room, because it would make a bad impression. I realized that the woman had given me access to the lecture that was happening in the room, and i did not want to disappoint here. I worried that i would not be ready. I quickly stacked some of the things that i was holding on top of each other. I then dropped a something on the floor to the northwest of me. I felt annoyed as i put the white pizza box on the ground. My backpack seemed to be under it now. I picked up the plate to the northeast of me. It was a few slices of pizza that were in wax paper. I opened the white pizza box to put them back, but i realized that the box already had half of a cheese pizza in it. I decided that i would keep the pizza in the box and put the others back. I looked at the two or three slices in the wax paper as i picked them back up. They seemed to be the slices with the green slices of pepperoncini on them. I did not like the peppers, and i thought it would be better to put them back on the table anyway. I put them on the table to the east of me as i remained crouching near my things. I felt rushed, and i hoped that i did not miss my opportunity to be in the room with the others. I tried to hurry, and i started to feel stressed. I hurried to get my things together, but i dropped something on the ground. I quickly tried to pick it up. I then dropped something else, which seemed like an old cell phone. The phone hit the tile floor to the northeast of me and slided into the shallow water at the southern edge of the pool. I felt annoyed. I looked back to the southwest. I was in the southwestern part of the large room. A swimming pool was just to the north of me. The center of the southern wall was about three meters farther to the north than the western end of the wall, and i was standing on a meter-wide floor that ran between the center of the southern wall and the pool. A large window filled the western part of the southern wall, to the southwest of me. Through it, i could see the people gathering for the class in the room. I had to hurry to join them. I worried that i would not make it. My black and red phone was on a ledge that was just below the surface of the water, to the northeast of me. The ledge was about a deci wide. I still had the short stack of things in my arms, so i reached for the phone with my right foot, trying to grab it with my toes. Something else slipped out of my arms and fell to the west. I then noticed that the phone slipped off the ledge and into the deeper water. Annoyed, i decided that i would have to step into the water to get it. I stepped in with my left foot, sinking up to my knee. I was annoyed that i would have to get my clothes wet, and i hoped that it would not make the people in the lecture room think less of me. I was aware of a man and woman in the water to the north of me. A young child seemed to be with them as they played. The man and woman were standing in the water up to their waist. I looked up at the woman, who was staring at me. She was $A707, and she seemed sad that i was having a hard time. Her face seemed thin, and she seemed to have thin lines of light-blue paint running from her eyes down to her cheeks. She seemed to have two lines on her left cheek and a shorter line on her right. She asked me a question, and i told her that i did not need any help. She seemed upset with me, and i could see that she was starting to cry. I reached for my phone in the water, feeling the water on my left thigh. I felt very annoyed that i was messing this situation up.

12022 March 16

I felt tense, thinking that we had to do something quickly. The woman was close to me, to the east of me, and she passed me the object. I quickly turned to the west and stepped through the doorway of the small building. The open doorway was in the southern end of the eastern side of the building, and i had been standing just outside the doorway. I took the object with my left had and tossed it to the north, onto a surface just inside the building. I thought that the object would blend in with the other objects here, so that the others would not know that it was not from here. As the object landed on the wooden table, which was sloped down slightly toward the south, i noticed that the rectangular white block had writing in heavy black letters running across it. The object was about a half a meter tall and a quarter of a meter wide, and the black letters were on a white background. Thin black and red lines separated the lines of text. I noticed that the text of the letters had curled serifs, with thick dots at the ends. I realized that this typeface did not match the typeface of the items that had been in the room. I had started to step out of the door, but i had to step back in to be sure. I felt worried that the item we brought in would look like it did not belong here, and that worried me. I glanced at the larger tablet on the bed, which was to the west of the table. The table was against the eastern wall, just to the north of the door, and the bed was on the northern wall, and the foot of it was about a meter from the table. The large writing on the bed had the same thick type with curled serifs and dotted ends. The vertical lines seemed to slant to the left, but had sharp corners at the tops and bottoms where the serifs were. The two typefaces did match. I stepped back out of the room and told the woman about this. I felt relieved that the others would not know that we had put the second tablet in the room. The woman stared at me for a moment, and i felt very affectionate for her. I leaned to the east to kiss her.

12022 March 17

I was on the western side of the room in the large house. This house seemed to be part of a society. $F4 stood on the eastern side of the room, talking to the man to the southwest of him. The man seemed old and wore a pale-green button-up shirt that seemed like an old Boy Scout uniform. I felt a little uncomfortable in this place, as though i did not quite belong here. The man was planning some event, and he handed me the object, which he said was for the ceremony later. He asked me to bring it to the dinner later. I held on to the small square box, which seemed to have a pie in it. I thought that $F4 had brought me into this house, and i felt uncomfortable being given responsibility by these people, whom i did not know. Others in the small group around the man started moving away. I thought that i would have to bring the box to the meeting later in the evening, but i was not sure what to do with it now. I felt unsure. $F4 was no longer in the room with me. I thought that he had headed to the north to go downstairs. I walked to the north, passing through a wide opening in the center of the wall. A wide set of gray stairs ascended to the north beyond. They seemed to end on a landing. I moved around the room on the second floor of the building. The room seemed to be a living space, like a dormitory room. It was rather large. I was not sure what to do with the pie, and i thought that i should leave it someplace safe while i went downstairs to see if the others needed help setting up. I looked at the simple wooden plank that was a shelf on the northern wall. It seemed to have books on most of it, but the white cubical box was now sitting on the western end of the shelf. It seemed to have a light under it and a green plant draped over it. I hoped that it would be okay on the shelf. As i worried if i should leave it here unattended, i was aware of a woman to the south of me. This seemed to be her room. I felt uncomfortable leaving the box there, but i did not know what i was supposed to do with it. I started to wander around the house. I was not sure where to go, and the house seemed to have many similar stairwells and corridors. I had left the upstairs room through a doorway in the western wall, which leaded to a stairwell with off-white walls. I walked to the east, into the large empty room. This seemed like the basement room where the ceremony would be held later. I thought that i should help people set up here, but no one was around. The room seemed gray, with a linoleum tile floor and plain gray walls. The baseboard seemed to be a simple wooden board with no bevel. A table was set up near the southern wall of the room, just to the west of the center of the room, and a few chairs were to the east of it, facing north. I wanted to do something to help, but i was not sure what else i could do. I thought that $F4 and the others must have already set everything up, so i thought that i was just supposed to wait. I then felt anxious about leaving the pie on the shelf of the upstairs room, and i thought that i should get it from the room. I headed to the west, now on the first floor of the building. I remembered that the white stairs on the western end of the room leaded up to the bedroom that i had been in. I headed toward them, but i seemed to be heading just to the north of them. I could see the stairs to the southwest of me, but i seemed to be on the northern side of a colonnade and separated from the rest of the room. I was still aware of the woman to the south of me, in the room as i reached the western wall. I reached a separate entrance in the western wall, though. This was not the stairs that would lead me up. I would have to find another way to get back to the stairs. I headed to the north and then to the south, finding myself in another corridor that seemed like the entry hall. I decided that i would not be able to get to the stairs on the western side of the room, but i could probably head back to the north and take the gray stairs that i had taken when i first came in. I would remember the way to the upstairs room from there. I was then in the room. Someone then asked me about the pizza as i moved along the northern wall, looking for the box on the shelf. I grabbed the box and started back to the east, heading for the stairway in the northern wall. I realized that something had changed with the box i had. I looked down at the box in my left hand. I could see the top of the pie, which seemed to be in a tall dish. The brown pie was still steaming, and it had been cut into a square pieces. There seemed to be three slices in each direction. It looked like an apple pie, but it was very dark. I thought that someone must have already heated the pie in the microwave to the west in preparation for the event. I felt a little confused, wondering if i should have done more with the pie. I would have to get back down to the basement area. I started back through the hallways of the building, thinking that there were so many confusing passageways here.

12022 March 18

I came into the northern side of the room from the east, stopping just inside the large room. The large room opened up to the southwest of me, and the northern end of a dividing wall seemed to be to the south of me, running south. An opening to the east of the end of the wall seemed to lead to a small kitchen area. I was aware that my father was asleep in one of the rooms to the northwest of me. A couple doors seemed to be in the eastern end of the northern wall. The room to the southwest seemed to be a living room. I was very large and well lighted. I realized that all of the lights in the house had been left on. I wondered why the lights had been left on. I felt a little cautious of having the lights on, so i reached to a switch on the northern wall and turned some of them off. I would have to make my way around the room to turn the rest off. I felt nervous about having the lights on, thinking that people would be able to see in through the windows. I felt as though someone had been threatening us, and they would be able to spot us in the house as we walked through. I walked along the northern wall of the room, which curved slightly to the south as i reached the western end. I then started walking down the western wall, turning off some lamps. I then headed back to the east along the southern side of the room. As i reached the southeastern end of the room, i heard a large truck outside. Through windows in the northern wall, i could see a large cement truck passing close to the house. A road curved around the house. It seemed to be a driveway, but it also seemed to be a street. The cement truck was mostly dull gray, but it had patches of faded orange or red on it. The tank on the back seemed to have a long narrow spout. The man driving the truck looked at the house. I had reached the kitchen on the eastern side of the house, and i had turned off several switches that were on a panel in the wall to the east of me. The house was now dark, and i could see the truck outside clearly. The truck circled to the west of the house, and i wondered if my father had ordered cement for something. The driver seemed to be expecting someone to be home. I called to my father, asking him if he was expecting a cement truck to come. The truck moved to the east, on the road to the south of the house, and it stopped at an intersection directly to the south of me. I could see the driver still looking curiously at the house. I decided that i should let the driver know that people are still in the house. I turned on one of the kitchen lights to let him see that someone was still around. The drive continued driving to the east, heading away. I turned back to the north, talking to the other person in the house, who was to the east of me. I looked to the north, out the window in the northern wall. I could see the street about five meters from the house. A large white truck then passed by the window. The truck consisted of a white cab that was pulling a large oddly shaped trailer. The trailer had a triangular shape, with flat sides. The leading edge of the triangle was very steep, and the trailing slope was less steep. I noticed that the leading edge was made up of several flat sides that were not quite connected. The trailer had large square chutes that were leaning forward on the truck. As it passed, i noticed a rounded cone in one of the chutes. The chutes were stacked diagonally on the truck so that the open ends faced forward and formed the uneven slope of the leading edge. The cones in the chutes were missiles. I told the person that the truck was a missile launcher. I felt concerned about it being here. I thought that the war had brought the missiles here in defense. The truck drove around the curving street to the west of the house. I thought that it would park among the pine trees on the western side of the house and stay there, facing southeast. The college seemed to be to the east of us, and this house seemed to be on part of the university’s property. The missiles would guard the university against the enemies. I felt nervous about the war coming here.

I followed the woman to the south, walking down the center of the shallow stream. It seemed as though we had just left a road to the north of us to follow the stream bed. I stopped in the water, watching the woman walk slowly to the south ahead of me. The stream was about a meter and a half wide where i was, and the water was about a deci deep. It down a channel in the brown rocks. The land sloped up steeply on both sides of the stream, but it only rose about a meter before leveling off. The land was covered with vegetation. The rocks at the bottom of the narrow channel were about two or three meters wide. I thought that we could swim in the water somewhere here, and the water under me now seemed deeper than it had. The valley also seemed more like a miniature gorge. I heard a noise from the north of me now. I turned to see some people swimming down the center of the gorge. I was now about five meters from the northern end of the area. I was now in a deep ravine between two rocky walls, and the stream was running down the center of it. The people swimmed down the center of the water. I saw them slide off the steep wall to the north and dive into the water. A small waterfall was now running down the northern wall of the gorge. I stepped up onto a ledge on the eastern side of the gorge to get out of the man’s way. The water just covered the ledge. As i got out of the main channel, i could see a man swimming under water down the center of the channel. I crouched down and smiled at him as he passed under me. I then realized that he had come down the waterfall and stayed under water as he continued down the channel. It seemed like a long way to go without coming up for air. The water channel below me now seemed very deep. The water was clear, and i could see some silt on the rocks at the bottom, but they seemed over two meters below the water. Two others then swimmed down the channel, following the man. I looked up at the waterfall to the north. The water was pouring evenly down the northern side of the ravine as though pouring out from over a dam. I moved close to the waterfall, noticing that it was pouring out of a narrow slot at the bottom of a wooden deck that was above the northern side of the gorge. I thought that people were still standing on top of the deck. I realized that the swimmers must have come from the north, beyond the deck. They must have gone under water before the deck and then had to swim to the opening where the water poured out. I tried to look under the platform. I then heard someone talking from above me. I looked up to see the metal deck of the bridge that crossed over the gorge. It ran from south to north, meeting the deck that i had been looking at. A car had stopped on the bridge, directly over me. As i listened to the voice of the man talking, i thought that it was $A646. I called out his name, wondering if he could hear me. I then started to climb up through the opening in the deck above me. I called $A646’s name, hoping that he would hear me, but he continued to talk to the other person. I was then in a small compartment of a large truck. I could hear the others talking in a larger compartment to the south of me. I seemed to be on the passenger’s side of the truck, which was on the northeastern corner of the vehicle. This truck seemed like a garbage or recycling truck. I wondered if i was supposed to be here, and i wondered how i could sneak out without anyone noticing that i was here. I still wanted to say hello to the people in the compartment to the south of me. The truck then started moving to the north. I wondered if the driver knew that i was here. I looked to the west, seeing the cabin of the truck. I could see a glass window around what would be the driving compartment, but i could not clearly see anyone inside. I wondered if the driver knew that i was in the compartment or not. The truck curved to the east and started heading down a street. I then noticed the large house on the northern side of the street. It had a large open room on the western side, with tall glass windows along the southern wall. The walls of the room were blue, and the windows on the northern wall had white trim. This was the room that i had been in earlier. It was the house where i had to turn off the lights. We passed the house and stopped at an intersection.

I moved to the north but stopped suddenly. I was in a room of a building, looking out the large windows to the northeast of me. I had come to this place from somewhere else. Outside, i could see a city street. It looked worn, with colors of brown and tan. The old shops had wooden signs with chipping paint, and everything looked used. I realized that i was seeing this place from a dream. I was not really here, but i was able to see the city street while i was sleeping. I felt interested in the street now, thinking that i should try to remember as many details as i could. The street was in a foreign country, and i wanted to know if i could match it with a real street. The street ran along the eastern side of the building that i was in, and it curved slightly to the northeast just to the north of me. The street was narrow, but people were walking on either side as if on sidewalks. Several people were in the street to the north, and an older man was in the street to the east of me. I looked around for street signs, trying to get the name or address of one of the shops. I looked at the long gray sign over the shop windows to the east. The shop windows were dark, and the sign had black writing across it. I tried to read the writing, but i noticed that it was in East Asian characters. It looked like Mandarin writing, but the characters did not seem as complex. I then remembered that this was a foreign place, so i might not be able to read any of the signs here. I looked around at the other signs. They had similar characters on them. I then realized that the old man to the east of me was staring at me. He stood in the street with his head hunched forward slightly. He squinted a little, as if trying to see me clearly. His face was round, with sagging cheeks and a square jaw.. His features seemed more central Asian. He wore a heavy brown coat that hung down from his shoulders, and he wore a thick black cap, which was folded up at the bottom edge.

12022 March 19

I would have to travel with my parents for a long distance. It seemed that they would be traveling in a camper, and i pictured the large vehicle. It seemed to be facing north, and i seemed to be in the middle room of the vehicle. I talked with my parents about this. We would be staying in the camper as we traveled, and it seemed that we would be driving to the south. We headed to the west, down the corridor. I was carrying something as i thought about the trip. I thought that this was the trip to Russia that i was always dreaming about. It was different this time, though. In the dreams, i was always interrupting other vacations to head to Russia, but this time, we would be going directly and we would not be stopped for some reason. We were then in the large open corridor of the mall. We headed to the north, toward the glass doors at the end of the corridor. As we passed through the doors, i thought about my grandmother’s house. I thought that we would have to sell it now, because she had died. I then thought that we did not have to sell it as quickly as we did the first time that she had died. I considered living in the house for a while, until we could do something with it. We turned to the north outside and started walking to the east. We walked on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, which ran up a long shallow hill. I thought that we would have more time to sell my grandmother’s house this time, which would mean that we would not have to rush through everything, like last time. I imagined living there for a while. It would be nice to see the old house. I then imagined that some of my relatives from the south could visit.

12022 March 24

I was on the western side of the area as the others moved around to the east and southeast of me, getting ready for the event. The others seemed to be $G3. They moved to the south, saying that the event would be happening later that evening. A man to the east of me mentioned the event and then turned to the south to follow the others. I glanced to the east, seeing the wall with two or three sets of double doors in it. The doors were closed, and i knew that they led to the dining room, which had been closed off so that it could be prepared for the special event. I felt anxious. Something about the event made me nervous. I thought that i would have to do something later in the evening. I seemed to be living in this place, but i felt a little out of place. Someone to the northeast of me was talking about the rooms. I had been staying in the same room, and the person was talking about the new room assignments. I had been living in room seven, and the man was talking with some others. He mentioned moving where the rooms are. I thought that i had been in different rooms in my time here, but they had all been room seven. The man seemed to suggest that room seven would be outside of the house to the east now. This seemed strange. I felt tired, and i was sitting on the large cushioned surface, which seemed to be covered with fake leather. The surface seemed to be against the wall to the west of me, but it was very wide. I lay down to the north, lifting my legs and tucking them to the south of me on the cushioned seat, which seemed like the back seat of a very large car. The armrest in the center of the seat, to the north of me was down, and i rested my head on it for a moment. Not comfortable, i rolled over to face west, and i again rested my head on the armrest. I stayed there for a moment, closing my eyes and relaxing. I felt very tired. After a moment, i opened my eyes and noticed the cushion on the back of the seat. IT hung from the top. I lifted it and tried to position it over my head to block the light of the room. I then decided that i could sleep behind the cushion. I shifted my body so that my knees were against the back of the seat to the west of me. The cushion had been set into the seat, so a stiff panel was to the north of me. I rested my right shoulder against it and then my head. I then let the cushion fall to the east of me, mostly closing me in the small compartment in the seat. I closed my eyes again and sleeped for a moment. The position seemed familiar, and it thought that i used to sleep like this when i was a young boy. I stayed like this for a while, feeling comfortable as i sleeped. Someone then called my name from the east of me. I turned around and was standing on the western side of the room. $A223 was standing to the east of me, and he asked me to pick up something on my way to doing something else. I thought that i would have to drive to the event anyway, so i could grab what he wanted me to get. He mentioned what i was supposed to pick up, and i felt uncomfortable about the thing. He seemed to be implying that i would pick up a body. I started to feel nervous, and i joked, saying that i hoped that the thing i had to pick up was not a body. He did not seem to laugh about the joke. He just turned to the south and walked away. The others to the south of me would help me get the thing. I thought that he might not have been joking, and started to realize that he might be having be pick up the body of the woman i had killed long ago. I thought that she was the daughter of the neighbor, and she had been buried somewhere to the east of the house. I felt nervous. I stood in $P19, in the doorway to the dining room, facing southwest. The entry hall was to the southwest of me, and someone had walked down the hall and out the door to the east. I thought that they were getting the body. I was upset as i waited. The body was then in a large black plastic body bag on the floor. I wondered what i should do with it, still not sure that it was really a body. I thought that the woman’s face must have decayed by now, and i thought about what it must look like. The man to the south of me held up the large painting and looked at it. It was mostly a bluish-gray, with a portrait on it. The man said something about the picture, commenting that he liked it. I told him that it was one of my pictures from long ago. I turned to the south and walked through the doorway and into the other room, following the other man, who was still carrying the canvas. The small room was filled with paintings on canvases. I realized that most of them were mine. I felt impartial to the paintings, as though i had discarded them long ago and no longer had any interest in them. The man moved to the center of the room, picking up a small rectangular canvas from a stack to the south of him. He looked at the small painting and then showed it to me. The canvas was on a wooden frame, and the background of the image was painted brown. The image was of a cartoon woman looking down over a table that was in front of her. He was drawn with a blocky body and head and black lines for arms. She seemed to have a look of curious frustration on her face. Her face was pinkish, and she had a block of brown hair on the top and right of her head, to the left of the image. She wore an orange T-shirt with writing on it. The table seemed red. A man’s face and shoulders were in the background of the photo, looking over the woman’s left shoulder. The man seemed curious and astonished at what the woman was looking at. The man showed the canvas to me, demonstrating that it was actually two small canvases of the same size attached with a hinge. It opened like a book, and the picture of the woman was on the front cover. He said that the canvas must be very old. I told him that i had it from a long time ago.

I was taking the test, and i could see the test paper to the north of me. I had been doing it for a little while, and i just realized that it was a multiple-choice test. I felt good about taking the test. The paper had an illustration on it of a power-line structure. The image was of a rectangular frame with insulators and lines. Some of the lines in the drawing were straight, and others were tight zigzags. I thought that the jagged lines showed vibrating power lines. The power lines ran horizontally across the center of the figure, and the rectangular frame was above them. Two high-power insulators were on each side of the structure. One insulator hung from the upper left side and sloped down, another was on the bottom of the left side, sloping up, a third was on the top of the right side, across from the one at the top of the left side, sloping down, and the fourth was in the middle of the right side, sloping up. A wire ran between the two on the right side, and a wire ran between the two at the top. Other wires ran from the insulators at the top and crossed in the center of the rectangle. I thought that the question had something to do with how power was distributed across the multiple lines. I was not sure how to answer the question, though. I thought that the answer had something to do with how the electricity would flow differently between the straight lines and the squiggly lines, but i was not sure. I answered a question on the test. I felt agitated and a little frustrated. I looked up at the other students to the north of me. They were all taking the test. I then noticed a question about energy storage, and it had to do with the rectangular tower. I felt confused. I thought that i must have answered the previous question incorrectly. Frustrated, i changed my answer on the sheet. $A14 was to the northeast of me in the room. He seemed like one of the instructors here. I told him about the test, showing him the small pieces of cardboard that i had written my answers on. I was sitting on the eastern edge of a bunk bed, and the cardboard pieces were to the west of me, on the bed. $A14 responded to me about the test. He moved toward me, picking up several of the small cardboard rectangles. He then tore the cardboard cards as he spoke to me. He did it casually, and i realized that he was unaware that i had written my answers for the test on the cards. I felt upset. He stood to the north of me, and i moved to the north to collect my things. I was not sure i wanted to complete the test, so i thought i would leave. $A89 was in the room to the northeast. She was talking to another woman. I had grabbed my things, and i turned to the north and drove to the south. I was now in my car, and i was driving down a darkened city street. I still felt frustrated about the test. I then heard the car run over something, which thumped on the underside of the car. I felt annoyed, thinking that we might have run over a cat. I was now in the back seat of the car, and a woman was driving. She slowed the car down. Looking to the east, i could see some raccoons watching us. I wondered if we had run over one of them. I then thought that they were watching us because they could hear the crying from below our car. I was upset.

12022 March 26

The others were still to the west of me, doing something near the small structure, which seemed to be in the middle of the large open field. I turned to the east. The field seemed to be in an open landscape, and it rounded slightly down in all directions from where we were. The hay in the field was yellow and had been cut to the ground. I focused on the tall metal electric tower to the southeast of me. A woman was working near the top of tower. The tower seemed to have four legs, and it was made of gray metal girders. It formed a cubical opening near the top, with arms off the top and bottom of the cubical area to support the high-power wires. The woman was on the southern side of the tower at the moment, doing something near one of the power lines. I thought that the power must have been cut. She was wearing a light blue long-sleeve shirt, which seemed to be made of a heavy material, and dark blue overalls. She had on a white safety helmet. She was facing southeast at the moment as she held on to a girder with her left hand and bent over to plug something in with her right. I wondered if she was turning the power back on. I could see her as if i were standing very close to the structure that she was working in. I glanced away to the east and then looked back at her. She was holding a large light bulb in her hands, and she pushed it upward into the ceiling of the center of the structure. A thin wire inside the clear glass bulb illuminated. The bulb seemed to be about a meter tall, and it looked like a cylinder with a rounded lower end. The wire inside it seemed to curl around inside the bulb, supported by insulators. I thought that the power must be back on and that maybe the light bulb activated the power. The woman moved a little to the northeast and picked up another long tube from the deck below her. I could not see where she had picked it up from, but the tube looked like another bulb. She stepped back to the northeast and pushed the second bulb up toward the ceiling. I realized that she had to hook up several bulbs. I could now see four or five round sockets above the woman. She pushed in the bulb, and it illuminated in the same dull glow as the first. The bulb did not seem to light up, but the wires inside were glowing orangish yellow. I watched as the woman stepped over something and moved to the southeastern corner of the platform. I wondered if the high-voltage wires were hooked up. It seemed dangerous to be up there. The woman then bent over to pick up another cylinder. This cylinder seemed like the others, but it had more gray metal around the sides. Thin bars of metal ran down the sides of the tube. I noticed that she had to maneuver the tube around the others that were already plugged in, and it seemed dangerous. She held on to the girders near her for balance. She plugged in the third and bent down for the fourth. She seemed to have more difficulty maneuvering the fourth around the object that was hanging down from the center of the area. She was able to maneuver it around the central structure and move it into place on the eastern side of the platform. I looked back to the east again. I then glanced to the west, where the others had been waiting. We were here to do something, and it seemed as though we had been here a while. I felt tired. I looked back to the east. A short wooden tower was to the northeast of me. It seemed to be the electric tower, but a man was standing on the top deck, and the tower did not seem to have any power lines running from it. I then noticed a few other men in a booth at the bottom of the tower. The tower seemed to be a radio tower. I was about a hundred meters from it, but the men seemed to be only about fifty meters away. I started to feel a little confused, wondering where the electric tower was that i had been watching. I turned to the south to see that the radio tower was at the southern edge of the filed, just inside an area with vegetation. It was about two hundred or three hundred meters away. I then realized that it looked very small. I could still see the woman working in the tower, but she seemed much farther away than she had when i was looking at her before. This did not make sense. I had been watching her as though i was very near the tower. I wondered if this was a matter of perception being changed in dreams, where the scene was zoomed in when you needed to see more detail. I turned back to the west. The long low white building was about ten meters from me, and a woman, who seemed like $A611 was leaning against a wooden post. The building had a veranda that was level with the ground, and the roof over it was held up with square wooden posts. The roof of the building was flat. I walked toward the woman, talking about the work that we had been doing here. I then looked back to the men in the wooden tower. They seemed to be talking on radio equipment. To the west of me, the woman seemed to be communicating with them, though more as a joke than as an official communication. I thought that the men were setting something up, and we happened to be in their area. They seemed like military people. I turned back to the people i was with to the west. The woman was to the south of me now, and i stepped onto the veranda and walked south along it. Others were sitting on the edge of the deck to the south of me. The deck continued past the southern end of the building, passing to the east of an open area. The building seemed to run along the western side of the open area. The building here was dark, as though part of an unfinished structure or a shed. The woman stood on the dirt ground between the roofed deck and the crude structure to the west. I asked about food, thinking that it was late in the day and we had not eaten. The woman stopped to the south of me and said that we still had some type of pizza. I was not clear on what she had said, and i asked her about it. A person started walking north, to the east of us. As the person passed me, he told me the type of pizza again, but i still did not understand. The woman then started describing the pizza as something that was folded to contain all of the ingredients. I realized the description and i said “Oh, like a pocket pizza.” She agreed. I was still very tired and a little bit hungry. I turned to the north and took a step, stopping near the street on the northern side of the area. I now seemed to be in a busy urban area. The street was under construction, and people were moving back and forth, east and west. A side street seemed to run to the north from the north-northwest of me. The scene in front of me seemed red and orange, with darker shades ranging into the browns and blacks. I was exhausted and wanted to relax.

12022 March 28

I stood in the small outdoor area with the others. I thought that we had to get something done, and i tried to paint the small plastic sled that was to the north of me. I felt that we had to do this for some reason, and i felt that it was important. The front edge of the sled faced northwest, and i moved the large brush-like thing over the western corner of the sled. Part of the sled then lifted up, and i realized that a thick piece of tape was on the front of the sled. I lifted the tape with my left hand and let it fall back down. I then backed up a little to the south. The sled was now a small boat, and it was facing west. I was standing in the center of the boat, and the others were near me. $A605 was to the east of me, in the center of the back of the boat. He said that i should not bother mopping the boat. I knew that he expected the water to get into the boat anyway, but i still thought that i should mop the boat. I continued moving the large brush-like mop over the western end of the boat. It was aware of the silty water around us. We seemed to be floating down the center of a channel in a swamp.

12022 March 29

I sat against the eastern wall of the large room, talking to the others. We were in the northeastern section of the room. Large windows were in the northern and western walls of the room, and i noticed that the shades on the windows were pulled up. It was dark outside, and i thought that people would be able to see into the room. I mentioned this to the others. I left awkward to be in a room that could be viewed from the outside. I continued to talk to the others, aware of the dark windows to the west. I then turned to the north and headed across the cement patio. A small house was to the west of the patio. Several chairs and small tables were on the patio. A short cubical table was in the northeastern section of the patio, and a round plastic shell was on it. I stepped to the west of the table and looked down at the cracked sphere. I realized that it was the outside casing of a bowling ball. It seemed to be made of a thick black rubber. The inside of the shell was empty, but i thought that it would normally be filled with a rubbery bundle of threads. As i looked down at the ball, rolling it to one side with my right hand, i felt that someone was watching me from the west. I pretended that i was not aware of the person to the west. I then continued to the north, noticing that many things were set on top of the patio furniture. I started running to the north. I was now running across a wide field, and others were running with me. We were following a narrow path that was worn through the short dry yellow field grass. It seemed that we had been running for a very long distance. It was the first time i had run in a long time, and i wondered if i was running too far. I could feel the weight of my legs as i took steps. My legs felt tired, but it felt very good to be running again. I thought that we would be turning around in the forest, which seemed to be on the northern end of the large filed. The forest seemed to be Shindagin Hollow. I thought that the others would be turning around here, but i thought that i should stop at the forest. I hoped that it was not too far away for my legs. It seemed quite a distance, but i thought that i could not stop in the middle of the trail.

12022 March 31

I woke up. I had been sleeping in the old bed, and i felt chilly. It seemed as thought i had been camping in a small tent, and my mother seemed to be in the tent with me. I was cold enough that i thought that i might start shivering, so i thought that i should get up and move to a warmer location. I pulled the blankets off of me and stood up. I had been sleeping on the ground at the western end of the corridor. It was dark, and i started walking to the east, down the corridor. The air seemed cold, but i felt less chilly now that i was moving. I thought that walking was probably warming me up. As i walked east, i suddenly wondered what to do here. I felt out of place. I turned to the south and headed down the other corridor. I wondered where i could set up my tent. I had to move from where i had been sleeping. At the southern end of the corridor, i stopped and looked around. The southern end of the corridor had a nylon canvas flap over it with a separation down the center. The walls of the corridor here seemed solid, but they also seemed like tent canvas. Someone was sleeping along the eastern side of the corridor, near the entrance, to the northwest of me. A thick tree trunk seemed to be at the southwestern corner of the corridor, and large limbs reached out over the ceiling of the large tent that i was under. I wondered if i could set up my tent under this tent. I thought that there was enough room under the tree in the southwestern corner of the corridor. It seemed like a good place to set up, but i felt very uncertain. I moved around the house as i contemplated what to do. this house seemed like my parents’ house, but it was not yet finished. The walls were mossing, showing exposed beams. I moved through the house, looking for something. I came into the large room from the west. Various piles of construction materials were on the floor, and pieces of lumber leaned up against the walls and piles. I realized that i had been in this room before, and i remembered that i had entered from the southern side and faced north. I walked east, across the room. I had to urinate, but no toilet was in the room. I thought that one used to be in the center of the room, ear the northern wall, but it was not there now. I turned to the south, passing some of the things in the room. a toilet was sitting on the floor near the eastern wall, to the south of me. As i reached it, though, i realized that it was not hooked up. I wondered where i could urinate. I then noticed a gray tray on the edge of what seemed like a wheelbarrow. The tray was shaped like a dustbin or a paint tray, and hung on the eastern side of the metal bin below. I considered urinating in the tray, because i did have water in it, but i thought that my father might be using the water for something. I thought that he might wash his face with the water or that others might drink from the water in the tray, so i was discouraged from using the tray. I moved to the north, wondering where i should go. I was now in a long narrow room that had tables on either side. $F71 was following me. I moved to the western wall and moved among the outside of a table. The female waiter brought us a large plate of fried food. The dish had three disks on it that were battered and deep fried. The waiter put the dish down on the table to the east of me. I thanked her for the food, but i noticed that the table we were at already had two plates of fried food on it. I then thought that i was not interested in eating any of the fried food. I felt very full, and my stomach did not feel well. I thought that the fried food would be too heavy now. I sat down on the bench near the northern end of the western side of the table. The table was filled with plates of food, and i though that there were too many plates on the table. $F71 was sitting just to the south of me on the bench. He had rejoined me. I was now sitting on the bench on the eastern side of the northern end of the table. A shelf ran along the top of the bench, at my chest level. I noticed two large rolls on a plate to the east of me, so i grabbed the plate and moved it to the table. Others then started coming in the room fro the south. I handed out some of the rolls to people coming in. I then turned to the north and started walking down the aisle, between the two tables. I stopped on the western side of the room, noticing that the room was now full of people. Others were still coming into the room from the south. I turned to see two men coming in. Something about them made me think that they were homosexual. The second man was wearing a green T-shirt, and i thought that he was somewhat attractive. The first man started to pass to the east of me. He was thin, and he smiled and said hello to me as he walked by. I offered both of them the plate i had in my hand, which still had some rolls on it. I watched the second man as he passed to the southeast of me to say something to someone. Something about him seemed familiar. He turned to the west and took some fried potato slices off a plate. I turned to the north again and started moving through the crowded room. Most of the people here seemed like $G4. I was walking to the west through the people. We now seemed to be on a city street. I stopped at the end of the street and headed back through the people, to the east. A plain wall was on the southern side of the street, and many people were walking to the west, along it. The buildings around us were tall, but the wall was about ten meters from the buildings to the south of it. The wall seemed to have a stucco texture to it, but it seemed to be made of cement. Flat cement blocks lined the top of the wall, overhanding the sides by a deci or two on the northern and southern sides. Small gaps seemed to be in the wall, allowing access to yards or small parking lots. A highway overpass seemed to be to the west of me, at the end of the street. I saw the people to the east of me. They seemed to be coming from some place that had just let out. I walked toward them, but i thought that i could hop along the top of the wall to get past them more quickly. I hopped onto the wall and started flying to the east, down the center of the street. A man with dark skin and short black hair was walking at the front of one of the groups of people approaching me. I thought that he would be surprised to see me fly. I watched his confused expression as i passed him. I then noticed some runners headed to the east under me. They were $G4, and i had been on a run with them. Some runners then came from the north, entering the street. I realized that they were $G4 as well, but they were not with my group. I thought that they might be from another $G4 group. I started following the second group on their run to see where they would go. A short woman in a short black dress was running under me, and i followed her. I tried to keep track of the group that i had been following. They ran to the east, but i turned south to follow the group. It was dark now, and we seemed to be on the southern side of the city. The land to the south of us did not seem developed. The runners turned to the west and then to the north. They passed under a low cement bridge. The woman had been dragging a string behind her, and i had grabbed the end of it. As i reached the thick cement I-beam on the southern edge of the bridge, i grabbed on to the lower edge of the beam. I was still holding on to the white string that the woman had trailed behind her. She had disappeared under the bridge, but the string was still being pulled after her. I threw my feet under the bridge, pulling on the lower edge of the beam to propel myself forward. I came to an area at the western end of a street. The group of $G4 was gathering in the street, which had no sidewalks. The shops were at the edges of the street. I looked at the people as i walked to the west. This seemed like the group from Albany. It was not the group that i had been running with, but i thought that i would know some of the people here. I wanted to say hello to them. As i reached the western end of the narrow alley, i noticed $A633 standing in the corner to the northwest of me, in the middle of a group of runners. He watched me for a moment as he smiled at the others with him, but he did not acknowledge me. I smiled at him, wondering if he recognized me. I realized that i was wearing a had with a wide brim. I tipped it down to cover my eyes as i passed, thinking that the spoof of mystery would be funny. I stopped near the western wall of the alley, and i turned around. I thought that i would say hello to $A633 in a moment. I was then moving to the south with the others. I felt suddenly disappointed that i did not get a chance to let $A633 know that i was here. I sat on the eastern side of a large pick-up truck, facing north. I was in the back of the truck with many of the other runners. They were headed back to their camp, and i had followed them. I felt confused and upset. I should not have gotten on the truck with these people. I realized that i would be taken to their camp, which was not close to where we had been staying. I thought that $F71 was still with the group of runners that i had started with. I then realized that i could not even call someone, because i had not brought my phone on the run with me. I felt disappointed and upset. It seemed that we had just turned a corner to head south. We had come from the east. It was dark now, and i could see the lights of the cars on the other road to the northeast of me. We were to the south of the city now, and the open land around me was dark. I could see the skyglow of the city to the north of me. I thought hat we still had a way to go before we reached the camp. I felt bad that i had gotten on the truck with this group of people. I should have rejoined my own group on the run.