11995 April 01

I followed the others down the street on my bicycle. We were riding on the right-hand sidewalk, passing the storefronts as we went. We crossed from behind some buildings and came out a narrow alley to the main street. There were several of us on bicycles, and we were passing the pedestrians. We came to the intersection and paused for the light. There was a car coming from the right, but it stopped for us. We crossed the road and drove up onto the sidewalk on the other side. The path was dug up and became loose dirt. There was a grey construction barrio to my left. We came to the bridge and started to cross. The road, however, was a grating, and it was hard to keep our balance. The girl in the purple dress passed to my left, and had to put her feet down for balance. We ended up on the far side of the bridge, in a field with a large bare tree to the right. The path turned to the left sharply to rejoin the road. I stopped at the edge of the road and someone pulled up with me. $F11 was with me in the room. We were talking about what was going on. Then i started to walk back down the street, looking for the ice-cream shop. I was watching myself come down the street. I sat in the back seat of the car, looking out the window at the stores on my right. Then i went back to looking at the collectors’ cards in the book in front of me. There was a card of Robin in the front of the book. I realized that it was a very old card. I was the original Robin and was marked on the bottom with his hade of death. It said that he had died in 1951. The card was in a clear plastic envelope and was probably worth quite a bit of money.

11995 April 02

Sara 12 was there, as wall as Jennifer 3. I was Logan 5. I was climbing up the dark rock of the cliff. The rock was surfaced like pumice, but crumbled like shale. There was a sandman after me. He was on the other side of the rock that i was climbing. I moved along the rock toward the edge. I peered around it to see the other running being chased by the sandman. I drew my gun and fired at the sandman. Nothing happened. I wondered if the gun was working and i just could not see the beam in the air. I remembered that lasers only showed where they hit. I was not sure whether i was firing or whether the power cells were dead. Then i saw the sandman dire his gun at the runner. A blue iridescent ball came out of the end, followed by a shaft of blue light. I realized that the power cell on my gun was dead. I sneaked out from behind the mound and across the grassy field. When i got close enough, i tackled the sandman. He got away and tried to fire his gun. The runner was nearby. Nothing happened. His power cell was dying as well. Then i saw the jeeps pulling into the filed. I pretended that i was with the sandman, and acted like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. The runner breaks away and heads for the trees. I asked the sandman for a gun, telling him that mine is uncharged. He had a charger on his belt, and he handed me a gun from it. I thought about taking his charger; that way i could always use my gun. The others asked what is going on. I have to control my attitude and act like one of the capped. Any free thought might be seen as suspicious. I held back from expressing myself, for fear that i might say something a capped person would not. We walked toward the trees. Through them, we could see a small creek running along the edge of the field. The woman from the cars said that it was called the Rhine. I thought of what it must have been like when our ancestors were here, before the caps. I could not say anything, though, for fear they would find me out and kill me. We walked down the river until it made a sharp turn to the left and into a gorge. I could see water falls about a metre high going back into the gorge. Then we saw three people heading our way. The one in front had wavy blond hair and a white shirt. They walked toward us. Their clothes were not from the city, so they must be outworlders. That would mean that they were free. They approached. I could not let the others think that i was just like the people, but i stood and watched them approach. The other sandmen would have to arrest these three. The one in wit walked up to me. His face was smooth and narrow. He touched my nose with his left hand and then smiled at me. He had a look in his eyes of friendly humour. I backed up and asked the sandman for a gun. He handed me one. Then i turned and fired at the other sandmen. I was trying to be a runner again.

11995 April 03

My mother was on the telephone. She was much younger, probably a teenager. She did not say anything, but just listened. $A444 was on the other end. She kept trying to call him, but the telephone would just ring. $A444 is an old lover of hers. She feels childish for calling, but wants to talk to him. Finally, he answers the telephone. My mother says nothing, but just listens to his voice. She feels giddy, like a little girl. I step away from the counter and look down at my suit. I am wearing a dark plaid suit jacket and matching pants. They are designed with light black lines on a white surface. I notice a large tear in the left side of the front of my pants. They are black, as if they had been charred.

11995 April 04

The woman with the red hair died. She was older, with a round face. The fat girl with the speech problem was upset and did not really understand the concept of death. She paced around the outside of the house, crying. My parents were following her, trying to calm her and explain what was going on.

11995 April 05

I followed $F4 down the road, past $P7. We went to meet his father in the restaurant at the end of $P162. The wind blew through the pine trees over our heads, on the north side of the road. We crossed the street and went into the restaurant. There was a large glass window on the front of the building. I was always facing the same direction, watching myself move. $A186 was interested to se me again, as he had not seen me in a very long time. We talked for a while. Then the wind started blowing. We were in a large open outdoor area with a lot of round tables set up around us. I opened the trunk of the car to find that it was filled with computer equipment and food in grocery bags. The wind made it hard to move the car, but we noticed that the cars moving down the street were moving easily. I told them that it was probably because the pine trees on the other side of the road were protecting them from the wind. $A186 wanted to know if that was true, so i drove the car out into the street. It moved easily once it was in the shade of the trees. Then i was sitting in the classroom. $A186 was teaching at the front of the room, probably the room of $A48. We were sitting in a disorganized cluster of chairs in the center of the room, facing generally toward the font. I heard someone behind me call out “On on.” I looked around to see $A118. I wondered suddenly if he has ever run with $G4. $A186 kept trying to teach from the front of the room. He was getting mad that we were not listening to him. He was trying to teach his logic. I was not interested, as i ad heard it all before. Then $A162, who was sitting in front of me, said something that reminded me of $G4. I looked at him and noticed that he was wearing a running shirt with $G4 logos all over it. I felt the sleeve of the shirt and asked him if he was part of $G4. He said yes. Then i noticed how thin his arm was in the sleeve. He was not as stocky as he used to be.

11995 April 06

I walked around the outside of the small building. It was dark all around, and everything was a strange olive green. I entered the building where the old woman lived. I was renting the room from her. It was light inside, and she showed me around the house, but it was dark soon, and the kids broke into the apartment. They had come in to drink, now that it was night. The colours were dark blue-grey. There was a party going on in the house, and i wanted tem to get out. Then the woman came back and turned off the heat in the house. It got very cold. I walked up the stairs to see a woman walk into the bathroom. She and David Bowie were in there having intercourse. Finally, the kids felt the house. I was left alone with the old man, who was in change of the house. He talked to me for a while as we walked out into the back field of $P7. I knew that he was a vampire. I was worried for a while that he would make me one too, but then i knew that i already was a vampire. We walked along the edge of the fence and came up to the building. The wall was made of red brick, and there was a large boiler right next to the building. The kitchen door was open, and there were people inside talking. I did not want them to see me, as i was a vampire, and was afraid of the light. We pressed close to the brick wall and sneaked between the wall and the bailer. The vampire with me was heavyset and dressed in dark formal English wear from the 11800s. I stopped near the door, waiting for a good moment to sneak past, but the vampire walked into the kitchen .I had to follow him, since they now knew that i was there.

I was driving down the road with my mother. A song came on the radio. It was slow at first, with acoustic guitar. My mother said that she liked the song. I knew that it was a Guns and Roses song, and that it would turn heavier soon. I told her that she probably would not like it. It was “Paradise City”. There was a lot of snow at the sites of the road, and my mother had to stop at all of the stop signs. There were stop signs about every fifty metres.

11995 April 08

$F52 walked in front of me in her pink djinn costume. There was Beatle music playing, and then the snow plow was there.

I walked into the auditorium and moved down the right side. I stopped along the wall, near the seats where my friends were sitting. I looked up at the stage to see the backdrop covered with psychedelic swirls in purple and yellow. There was music playing. It was “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”. I found it interesting that they were playing Beatles music. I walked toward the stage. The woman, who was in the play, had forgotten her lines. I walked past her and to the doors on stage right. Before i could walk through the doors, a man came through from the other direction. He was shorter than i, with a rectangular face and black hair. He was wearing a wrestling uniform with a tee shirt underneath it. He was well built, and i could see the definition on his arms. I let him pass and looked into the other room. Then i turned around and started to head back toward the stage. The girl still could not remember her lines. She was lost and did not know where to go. I turned again and headed back out through the door. The girl and a man came with me. I hopped off of the back o the truck and started to walk through the garden. We had to be careful not to step on the cucumbers, because we were bare foot, and the small deci-sized plants with fine pointy leaves were spiny. I stepped in the spaces between the plants, but then got stuck in the dirt. MY foot started to sink, and i lost my balance. My hand fell on one of the plants, but it did not hurt.

I was in the living room at my grandmother’s house, sitting on the couch, facing the fireplace. $K1 was there, and was talking about something. She was trying to be friendly to me, but i was just stoic. My mother came in and wanted to talk to me. She was serious and worried about something. She said that we had to talk about my feelings. I did not want to. $K1 grabbed her bags and sat down at the other side of the bus. The busses were not supposed to be there, but the principle did not follow the rules. I ran through the grass toward the edge of the gorge. The rest of the cross-country team was sitting on the rocks at the edge of the gorge, where the picnic area was. I jogged down the dirt path and out onto the rocky ground. Then i turned left and went into the large tent, where the picnic tables were. I stepped over $A445, who was lying on the floor, in front of the clothing cages. I needed to get my gym clothes, but then i remembered that i had taken my shorts home. I passed $A441, but he did not want to talk to me. Then i passed through the aisles of cages and out onto the construction site. The team was running with me. There was a man with a jackhammer loosening a row of dirt. To our right was the body of some construction vehicle. The team wanted to run down the trench that the construction worker was digging. I veered to the left and across the field. I did not want to pack down the dirt that the worker was trying to loosen. I looked up to see the condor cross overhead, toward the west. I lifted my arms and started to fly after it. Then i dropped down into the street at the edge of the city. There was a gas station on the corner ahead, and a tall red building before me.

$F4 and $A42 were in the other room with me. Then the deliveryman came into the room. He wanted to know where the pretzels should go. I walked into the kitchen and he followed. I looked over the bread rack on the left, checking out the inventory. Then the person doing the dishes took out a sprayer and sprayed toward us. I backed away from the red brick house and walked around the yellow car in the driveway, out of range of the sprayer. I looked down the road to see evergreens along the left-hand side, and small houses on the right. A light-blue car pulled out of the driveway next to us. $F4 was standing there with me.

11995 April 09

I worked at the mall, in the white booth of a store. I was answering questions about printing and was working as a graphic designer. A woman asked me what i was doing, an i told her that i was a graphic designer, though i knew that i was not doing too much design. I left for lunch and walked out, toward the theatre. The walls of the mall were white and bare. I walked up the platform, toward the red and purple movie counter. I bought a ticket to see Star Wars. I had to get back to work. I wandered by the desk for a while, realizing that i was already late for the movie. I decided that i would have to use my ticket on a later show. I went back to work for a while, in the empty store with the cream-coloured walls. I was dissatisfied where i was. Eventually, i went back to the movie counter. I asked the woman at the counter which movies i could see with the ticket that i had. She looked at the ticket and said it was a movie ticket. She agreed that it was one of theirs. I tried to rephrase the question, but she still did not understand. Then two men came up to the counter. They wanted some popcorn. I backed away as the woman helped them. One of the men asked me a foolish question, and i swore at him. I was upset with the woman. She filled the popcorn bucket for the men while the female manager in the black sweater held my ticket, trying to figure out what i meant. The answer was “popcorn”.

11995 April 10

I was in the atrium of the mall, where the group was collecting. The students sat around the picnic tables in the center of the atrium. $A6 sat at the table in front, and i moved over near him. I asked him how he was. Then i noticed the diviner behind me. She was African, and was wearing a yellow braid in her hair, tied across the front. She was standing against the wall behind us with her hands clasped in front of her, at chest level. I moved to the other side of the table, but noticed another diviner on the other side, so i got up and left the group.

11995 April 11

The woman across the aisle on the bus from me sat reading her book. I could not see what it was, but it was a large book. The bus stopped and she stood up to get off. She started to leave when i noticed her purse sitting on the seat. I reminded her that her black leather purse was on the seat. She turned and picked it up, then left. The other woman on the bus started to talk to me. She would not tell me her age. Then i was in the bedroom, talking with my mother. I told her that everything was all right. The man got aboard the helicopter and took off. He flew low over the roofs of the suburban houses. They were moving in for the attack. The helicopter shot out a net mesh, which fell onto the house and wrapped around the television antennae. The people inside were holding onto the thin silver wires when they got shocked. The man let go of the wire and held it with a plastic clip. The power was overloaded, and went out. The man looked at the melted plastic clip, which he removed from the wire. He then looked out the window and up toward the sky. He realized who was up there and that he was in no personal danger, but he had to get out of the room before the helicopter made a second pass. He told his wife to get down to the basement as he ran into the kitchen. There was food in the pantry, and the kitchen table was set. There were some people outside, but the man had to hide. He ran down the stairs and looked around the cellar. The walls were cinderblock, and the lights were single bulbs hanging by wires.

11995 April 13

I was aboard the empty cruise ship. I was wandering around with $Z. For a time, he was $F12, but mostly, he was just $Z. Evil $F35, $F12’s brother, had taken over the ship and was holding everybody hosting. We walked around the terrace overlooking the pool on the upper deck. The bad guys were there, but managed to slip away. I knew that the President’s wife had hidden a key during the dinner party. I slipped into the corridor and opened the closet. I knew that the key was hidden behind the panel in the back wall. I also knew that i would be caught trying to find it. I stepped into the closet and opened the panel. 4z was there with me. I felt along the wooden slotted paneling for the key. I knew that they would find me just after i found the key, but the key was not there, like it was supposed to be. $Z left the closet, and i knew that he was captured, but i kept looking for the key. It as not there, so i stepped back out into the hall. $F35 and the bad guys were standing three with guns, smiling as they captured us. I could not hand over the key like i was supposed to, though, because i could not find it. We were brought out onto the terrace. Then i saw the President’s wife walk by, and i sneaked off. She was wearing a pink sequin-covered evening gown. I had the key from the cabinet, and saved the day. I thought, however, was the key really was not there, and i wondered how i did save the day. Then i thought about Godzilla, the drag queen conversion.

I was down in the cellar of my parents’ house. The cement walls were open to the dirt banks on the outside. It was much like a parking garage, but still in the shape of the basement. I flew around the room, avoiding the water dripping from the edge of the building. Then i noticed the mud dripping through a crack in the ceiling. It had collected into a glob on the ceiling. I swerved to miss it as i flew. Then i noticed a mud stain on the right side of my white shirt. It was a thick pasty mud, light brown, and i thought for a moment whether i hand stepped in dog shit. I came upstairs, where people were gathering for my father’s party. My grandfather was there, in his yellow button-up V-neck sweater. He handed us a video tape, but the phone rand and we had to answer it. There was a man behind a counter as i walked into the kitchen. He had a few sample coffee machines in front of him. He asked me if i wanted to buy one of the machines. I was no interested, but i did like the waffle maker on the right side of the counter. He was unsure about selling it. I opened it to see the waffle i had been cooking. It was almost done.

I was in the apartment overlooking $P6. Through the large window, i could see over the building of the city and down the street toward the main road. It was the shopping and theatre district. In the other room, the man came into the apartment and started asking us for directions. He was trying to get to Broadway. We pointed over the city, through the big window, to show him were he should go. Then i had to go. I picked up the small brown piece from the game box on the table. The board to the game was open and upside down on top of the box. I started to walk out with the game piece in my hand. I thought it was interesting, as i kept looking at it. $Z was ahead of me, and started down the stairs on the right-side exit of the room with the big window. I paused at the door and placed the game piece onto the small end table to the left of the door. I considered it for a moment, but eventually put it down. I turned left through the door and started down the stairs. I looked up at the yellow sunburst pattern on the ceiling. As i did, i started to float upward. I landed on my back on the ceiling in the downstairs living room. It was quaintly furnished, and i lay there for a few moments.

11995 April 14

I rode my bicycle down the road. I came over the hill and almost made the left turn into $A328’s house. I started to go into the driveway, but changed direction and headed down the road. I looked to my left to see the pond and cow barn. I came to the urban corner where the girls were playing on the street. There was a white picket fence along the sidewalk, and the trees were coloured green, as if viewed through a commercial for home-equity loans. The girls were jumping rope. I rode my bicycle around the block. There was a dull-yellow house on the other side of the block, which i walked into. I came in the back door, by the pantry. There did not seem to be anyone home, but i knew that it belonged to $A121. $A34 was there, and i was worried that someone might find us in their house and get mad. The living room was plain, with furniture on all sections of the wall. There was a white quilt on a table of papers and magazines. It was embroidered. The other members of $G4 were there, and we started cleaning the kitchen. Someone was doing the dishes while i was picking up things from the table, which as in the center f the room. $K3 walked into the kitchen from the other room. A David Bowie song came on the radio about a rock star. People liked the song and started singing to it. $K3 started swaying her hips as she dried some dishes at the counter. I went to the sink and pulled the cutting knives from the dishwasher.

11995 April 16

$F14 was sitting in the middle of the oak room. Everything around was made of stained wood. I stepped up the level and sat down across from the woman with long curly hair, who looked like a model. She was mad at me, and she started threatening me with harm. I showed her a paper that i had in my hand. She did not like it. It was a white piece of loose-leaf paper with hazy blue lines. I told her that she could no nothing to me because i had this proof. She grabbed the letter and tried to eat it. She took a bite out of the corner. I grabbed her and tried to get the letter back.

11995 April 17

I was out in the side yard of my parents’ house. We were trying to put in an underground cable between the front corner of the house and the telephone pole. My father was looking at the work that needed to be done. The workman was standing near him, looking down at the ditch that they had dug. A blue truck was sitting in the driveway. It belonged to the workman. He shook his head a couple of times because he had forgotten his tool. Then the computer inside had shorted. We must have hit one of the power lines. All of the power was out. Then i noticed the tan clock at the top of the utility pole. It had a square shape and a clear plastic covering face. It was still running; the silver hands were still moving.

I walked down $P143. It was cold and winter, and there were few people on the streets. I jumped into the air and flew several blocks over. I landed in front of an old building, which had a wooden awning hanging off of the front section. It looked very much like a loading dock. Then i crossed the street and headed for the bar. I pushed on the door, but it was locked. I looked at the sign on the door, which said that the bar closes at 11:00. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was eleven minutes after eleven. All of the bars would be closed. The watch was my Mickey Mouse watch. It was no longer daylight, as it was when i landed. The man by the entrance to the bar greeted me. There was a black metal railing rear the door, and a red canvas awning overhead. The man knew me, and was disappointed that the bar was closed. He said that he would meet me later.

11995 April 18

The three of us jumped off of the bus and started to sneak through the woods, toward the fence. We sneaked into the compound. We walked through the thinly branched undergrowth before we entered into the clearing. Then the men were there, and we were caught. We were placed aboard a white and blue tour trolley and driven toward the buildings. The buildings were off white, and were square in shape. Hen we saw the silver sign on the corner of one of the buildings. It had a half-turn silver platform, which stepped up toward a point, like an art-deco design. The words were also silver and said “New City College”. We were brought into the office with the tan half-shag carpeting. The back wall of the office, which was to my left and forward, was arched like the building’s sign. There was a glass wall to my right, and the office was very spacious. I knew that it belonged to Sue No-Sucks Tux.

I was out running with the cross-country team. We jogged down the curvy suburban streets. $F4 and $A436 were with me, but they turned off to the right. $A436 jumped through the bushes at the side of the road, and $F4 followed. I could not go the way they were going because my knee was still bothering me. So i went down the street and turned into a driveway. The garage door was open, so i tried to cut through so that i could meet up with $F4 and $A436 on the other side of the block. The tall narrow corridor inside the entrance to the garage, however, was crowded with boxes and tubes. I started to climb over, but found that going difficult. I eventually made it over the boxes. There was a second level to the garage, and a boy was with me for a period. I made it up into the darkness and to the back door. The door was closed behind several crates. I worried that the owner of the building would come out and find me there. I pulled some boxes away from the door and finally made it out. I ran across a short grassy area with some bushes around it. The ground had some worn areas to it where people have run through the shrubs. The road was on the other side, and i hoped to catch up to $F4 and $A436.

11995 April 20

There was someone in the house. I walked into the kitchen at the back of the house and checked the door. I noticed that the window to my left was tilted inward. It should not be open because someone could get in. I closed it and then checked the flue over the stove. I pulled down the wooden panel and saw the chicken wire over the chimney entrance. There was a nest on the other side, and i could see the mother bird. She was upset and flew upward, away from me. I left the kitchen and went into the front room. When i came back into the kitchen, i noticed that the flue was closed, not how i left it. The detective was there, and he pulled on the flue chord. There was a man on top of the wooden panel. He should not have been there. I returned to the front room, where my father was. There were empty cardboard boxes all around. The answering machine played, and there was a message on it. It said that the twenty-five dollars is needed.

11995 April 21

I drove away from the cottage, pulling out onto the road. I let $F31 drive the car down the street. After a while, i was driving, and $F1 was in the passenger’s seat. We were heading to get some ice cream at $P150. As we pulled into the alley, however, we realized that $P150 was no longer there. It had been torn down. We backed out of the alley with the cinder-block walls. We went into the store that was there now and used the telephone at the counter. There was a large glass deli counter. I asked my mother where she would like to meet us for ice cream, as the shop we were heading to was closed. I asked her if we should meet her in $P155. She was not sure where to meet us.

I was in the living room, and $F49 was helping me move my stuff. We were carrying the cardboard boxes across the room. Then $F49 was looking for something. He checked under the television and found some long flat books. He pulled the red table out from under the television in order to get the books out. The old yellow black-and-white television started to fall forward, but i caught it. $F49 got the books out and i put the television back. Then $F10 was in the next room. He was looking for something among the boxes. He searched through a couple of open crates. I asked him what he was looking for, but he did not answer me. He just kept looking. I asked him again, but he was ignoring me, so i walked back down the hall to where the gate was. The hall was narrow, and the walls were made of cement. The construction workers were standing in front of the glass shop doors with the silver security gate in front of them. The doors to the store were locked. It was after hours, and everything had to be closed. There were warning signs on the door, saying that the alarm would sound if opened. I walked into the store and the alarm sounded. I went down the stairs, toward the main level of the store. The registers were open and empty, but there were people there. Everything was supposed to be closed. The register rang, and i walked toward the back of the store. I could see the clerk letting people in from the outside door. They came down the stairs and started to walk through the aisles.

11995 April 22

I was with the group that was walking down the sidewalk on $P1. As we came to the front of my grandmother’s house, we saw two grenlers coming the other way. The rest of the group i was with turned into the driveway, where the grenlers would not get them. I became a sandperson, and stood over the grenlers. I swung into the air over the grenlers’ heads. I hit my foot against the edge of a bush and knocked some snow from it. The grenler in the walk was scared of me, but i was wary about the others moving in the bushes. I hovered over them for a moment and then went up the driveway with everyone lese. I passed the blue car in the driveway. $F13 was on the other side, and he started moving in the same direction that i was. I headed up the stairs at the back of the building, and $F13 followed. As i rounded the top of the first landing of the fading grayish-white wood staircase, $F13 collected some snow and threw a ball at me. I continued up the stairs until i reached the ladder. I was hesitant to go up the ladder to the balcony above, as we were so high off of the ground. I though of the fire tower near $P61. I climbed up to the balcony. $Z was in front of me. We were heading for the apartment on the left, but the door was locked. The neighbours were out on the balcony, to the right of us. They were college student, talking about various things. The girl with the long frizzy blond hair mentioned that she had to get to the station. I knew that it was a radio station. The other guy in the dull-red T-shirt referred to her as “Hunter”, but her real name was Holly, though i had thought that she was named Sible. There was a lot of group conversation going on. One of the guys mentioned a rock group. He had short brown hair. I had not heard of the rock group before. I asked if they were the ones who hung out with Pearl Jam.

11995 April 23

I was up in the garage at my parents’ house. There was a large brass bed in the center, in front of the main door. It was much the way it was when we lived in there. There were two boys, both in their late teens. They were brothers. I related them to $A429 and $A434. They were being tucked into the two separate beds that were in the garage. I talked to the oldest, who had dark hair. He wanted to discuss something personal with me. I talked to both of them and felt as if they were very close friends. As we walked down the stairs in the front of my parents’ house, they asked me about their relationship. I looked them both over. One had dark hair and was taller, while the other had short dirty-blond hair. I knew that they were brothers, even though they did not resemble each other that much.

I wandered around the outdoor terrace, which overlooked the sea. The ground was made of square granite tile with an ashen-tan colour. There were bar-be-queue grills along the terrace. A stone wall ran along the edge of the terrace, and i looked around at the bar-be-queue grills. I started walking between them. There were only a couple at first, but soon they were arranged in rows, like the large-appliance section of a department store. Some of the appliances were large and boxy, like washers or refrigerators. Several were white. There was someone watching me from the south, along the terrace. The terrace faced west and slightly to the north. I walked into the apartment. There was no one there. The kitchen was off to the left as you walked in, and the far wall was a large window. The bed was in the large room to the left, and the recording equipment was on the table to the right. I wondered whose apartment i was in. I had been living there for a while, but it was not my apartment. I walked into the kitchen. It was narrow, with dull-white metal cabinets. The pile of recyclable newspaper on the floor to the left had been changed. It was not the way it was last time i was there. I looked down from the window. It had a good view of the ocean side terrace. I wondered if the owner would come home soon. I decided tat i should get all of my stuff out before he got back. I started moving some of my instruments and recording equipment. There was still something different about the kitchen. So i left the apartment and headed down the hall. I spoke with the girl living at the end of the hall. Then we noticed that the old woman was coming back with Romeo. He was wearing a wide-collar pink satin shirt with gold chains. We left the apartment before they could get back. We ended up on the hillside. There was an apartment complex to the northeast, down the hill slightly. It had smooth orangish-tan walls, with light blue trim. We were ready to run into the apartment if we needed to hide. We were standing in the center of a right of way, with high power lines going overhead. The apartment was at the side of the crossing of the dirt and grass road with the right of way. The girl mentioned that the Aztec used to live in this area, but that they all disappeared. She wondered how that could have happened. They were strong here.

11995 April 24

$G4 was gathering in the old garage, where the trolleys were kept. They took off for a run, but i stayed behind. My knee was still bothering me. I walked around the garage fro a while, looking at the different trolley cars. Then i saw the building for chemistry and physics. I went into it and got on the trolley car inside. There was an old woman sitting on one of the benches outside the Dunkin’ Donuts. She had her lunch in her hands, but was not eating it. So i walked away, down the grassy hill. A golden retriever ran past me from behind and greeted the other people on the hill.

11995 April 25

I walked into the brass bedroom and into the closet behind the door. I pulled out the dark-grey suit and put it on. I looked at myself it the mirror. It was a mid-sixties collarless suit with a rim-collar shirt underneath. I thought that it was from 1964. I walked back into the small bedroom and greeted $F1. He thought nothing of the jacket, but we started talking about time.

11995 April 26

I was playing Risk. I moved several of the pieces across the board. $F4 was there, and so was the blue dog and the red cat. They were related to the game pieces, but they were sitting on the blue couch across the room. I felt rather strange sitting there, so i get up and leaned my head out the window. $A162 was in the window next to me. He liked the sun glasses that i was wearing. I leaned over to him and adjusted the red knot-weave tie he was wearing. $A120 and $F27 walked by below.

11995 April 27

I met $G4 by the side of the square white building, like the side of a mall. They went out running, but i did not follow. My knee was still bothering me. I wandered around by the side of the school with $F11. There was an old decaying arch in the middle of the woods. I showed it to $F11. It was like the one in the bird sanctuary at $P62. Then i got up out of bed and decided to take a shower. I did not want to disturb anyone, so i tried to be quiet. Then the hashers started to come back from their run. They started collecting around the front section of the house. One of them suddenly came up to us and said that $A426 was homosexual. I could see $A426 pacing down behind him with a surprised expression on his face. The rest of the hash started celebrating, but i did not feel like doing so. They all moved into the other room. Eventually, i followed. I saw $A6 there and went to greet him. I told him how i had missed him. We talked for a moment before i noticed that $A96’s class was already in session. I turned from the door of the classroom and headed down the hall. The policeman on the bicycle remembered me and came up to say hello. He told me that i was dead.

11995 April 28

We were hanging out on the terrace on the back side of the house. The woods around us were thinly treed, and the house was made of dark-brown stained planks. It was roughly square is shape, and the terrace was on the second floor. The balcony was on the outside of the sliding glass door. People started gathering for the party. My friends from class were there. I had to pack up my things so that i could leave. I collected by CDs and instruments and packed them in the boxes. We had to get all of the things into the car. One of the people at the party picked up my guitar and started playing. I was annoyed with him. I had to get everything packed. I walked into the house and started checking over the library shelf for my things. The cat was sitting to my left, and it ran up and attacked me. I was annoyed but kept on packing. I walked out to the front of the single-level house, where the car was parked in the driveway circle. It was a station wagon, and there was a large oak table on top of it. $A472 complained about the table being on top of the car. I walked around the cars being loaded and back into the house. I walked out onto the terrace, which was now no more than a wooden log leaning up against the house. The rest of the balcony was scattered on the ground below. A few boards were still hanging from the edge of the sliding glass door. The tree trunk i was standing on started to give way. I moved toward the house, but it fell before i could get there. I grabbed the edge of the door and hung on. I called for help a couple of times, but no one came. I eventually pulled myself up. My father came into the house to see what was taking so long. I walked down the stairs from the glass door. I started to follow my father out of the house when i found the box of labels on the end of the table to the left of the door. They were blanks fro making staff identity cards. I shuffled through them, thinking that i could make a staff card for $F53. I looked through them, looking for all of those pieces. Then i found the black plastic bag of clothes. I looked through them and found some of my shirts. The green and black striped one was there. Then i found the dark-blue and red one. I liked the way it looked, even though it was not one of mine. My parents insisted that i go, so i walked out into the driveway. They started moving the cars out. Then this yellow construction vehicle pulled in past us.

I pushed my way into the room. People were crowding at the doorway. Once inside, i sat at the picnic table against the left wall. There were tall gymnasium windows above us. $A199 sat across from me. Others sat around us. $A199 had a paperback book in his hand. It had a dark-grey and blue cover. He started talking about the book and its author. It was the book that $A47 had been reading. I started to daze off and leaned back. The girls behind me started petting my head. I found it comforting. She was someone’s girlfriend, though, as so i stood up and started walking across the room. The knights were competing on the red wrestling mats in the center of the room. People were gathered around all sides of the ring. The knights fought with swords. As i reached the other side of the room, the man in the chain mail came up to me. He said that he was all right. I turned around and saw the girl standing behind me. She was tall and had blond hair. I patted her on the cheek affectionately. People around me were shocked. I looked into the ring where the knights were fighting. The knight in the gold plate mail was standing with his sword down. His midsection was coloured a royal blue. He was missing his head. I started walking back across the room. There was a long dinner table along the front edge of the arena. It was set with pink and gold settings. The napkins and tablecloth were pink, and the spoons on the right of the plates were shaped like a sea shell. I then realized that it was a buffet table, and we could take what food we wanted. I took some of the garlic-bread rolls from the plate in front of me. I then left the building with $Z. As we walked around the outside of the building, we noticed smoke coming from a brick wall. It was coming from a small white pipe in the wall at first, but then we realized that it was coming out of the kitchen window. $Z walked over to the window to make sure everything was all right. The cook in the white shirt and apron leaned out. He wiped the smoke form his eyes and said that all was okay.

11995 April 29

I was at the top of the hill, where the tents were set up. The pavilions were all decorated for a ceremony. I got on one of the sleds and rode down the slope. There were a lot of people gathered along the hill, which was cleaned of trees, like a ski slope. It was bright and sunny out, and the grass was green. I made it to the bottom and looked around at the various people. Then i got on the back of the pick-up truck with the rest of the work crew. I noticed some bicyclers riding up on mountain bikes from the left of the slope’s bottom. One of them was $F10. I called out to them from the back of the truck, but we had already started up the hill. $F10 and the others on the bicycles saw me and started up the hill after me. The truck slowed down in its track as it reached the top of the hill and finally came to a stop. I got out and ran underneath the pavilion with the open front and the red and white vertically striped sides. I waited for them to come up the hill. Then i noticed movement to the left of the hill, on the sidewalk on the other side of the hedgerow. They were coming up the path. I walked over to greet them.