11996 April 02

I walked through the dirty subway station. The walls were made out of white tile, and were grimy and dusty. The building looked as though it was falling apart. The tracks ran to my right. It was somewhat dark, and there were people working on the rails. They were dressed in jumpsuits, like mechanics, and were covered with grease. The tracks ended at a wall just ahead. I thought about being in a foreign land. I was not familiar with this place. I looked along the tracks. They were covered with oil and grease. I thought that i could stay in this country. I could get a job and just manage to live. I thought that i could get a job working on the tracks. It would be a rather crude life. I wondered what others would think. I could disappear and they would never know what had happened. I could not do that to them. I thought that track work was a dangerous job anyway. I walked along the cement building. Then i started to fly. I spread out my hands to try to stay aloft. They helped me glide. I moved them from side to side as if balancing myself on the air. I then came down. I was at the edge of my grandmother’s driveway.

11996 April 03

I wandered around the old city. The streets were very narrow, and made of cobblestone. The buildings were very tall and tight to the street. The city was divided into different districts, and all of the districts competed with each other. They were having their annual competition. I walked through the archways of the stadium. The district was starting to gather artwork and other things together in their section of the stadium. I realized that i was hanging around with the wrong district. My district was in another part of the stadium. I walked through the house and out into the other section of the stadium. There were things being gathered in the stands. I rode by the outside of the stadium. The grass was green and there were fountains adorning the street. Then i saw someone doing exercises by the stadium. He was doing pushups on the edge of a statue base. I watched him as we passed. He was wearing a white tank top. The others in the car knew that i was interested in him. They drove back around the square so that i could see him again. I found the activity attractive. I watched him for a little while.

11996 April 04

I was walking down the side of the country road. It was a dusty dirt road, with bright green forest all around. The road curved behind me, and i was walking eastward on the outside of the curve. A truck came down the road from behind me. It was a blue pickup. It threw up gravel from the road as it drove. As it rounded the corner, the driver started yelling at me. He was angry and shouted inside his truck at me as he passed. I ignored him and headed on. Then i noticed the pile of stuff on the side of the road to my right. I walked down the gravel embankment and started looking through the stereo equipment. I was in a small room that seemed like the den in my parents’ house. The stereo was actually a quadreo. I could hear the different sound from all four speakers. It was a new format of music that was trying to be introduced. It was part of CD technology. The CDs could now handle the extra channels of sound. Then i realized that the south was not quite right. I realized that it was not really quadreo, but just stereo. The sound was a bit hazy. I looked at the amplifiers and realized that the CD player was not on. The sound was coming from a tape deck. I lifted the front of the tape deck to see if i could correct the sound. The main amplifier was off. Then my father came home. I saw him walk in the back room. He was sad and missed his home. He felt lonely. I knew that he was homesick. He walked into the back room. I decided that i should probably clean up the house. I walked into the kitchen on the front porch. The large white refrigerator had been tipped over. I wondered who had done that. It was a rounded refrigerator, like one from the early sixties. I tipped the refrigerator back up against the wall and opened the freezer. There were bags of food that had been placed in the freezer for storage. I looked at them and realized that they contained grapes. The grapes were ruined by freezing. I thought that it probably seemed right to have their grapes ruined. They should have known better than to buy a large amount of fresh food before we left on our trip. Now all of it had been wasted. I pulled out several more packages of grapes. They were all useless. I was upset that they had been wasted.

11996 April 05

There were zombies all around, and they were dangerous to living people. The living had to stay away from them. I could control the other people around and have them attack the zombies. I had a power which would make the other people become slaves. Then i saw the zombies coming. I should not use my power on the people, but i did not know why. I tried to back away from the zombie, but he would attack. He climbed over the Volkswagen Beetle in front of me. I forced the other people to attack the zombie. Only they can touch and kill the zombie. That is why my power is useful. I have them attack, but they could not subdue the zombie. They could not kill the zombie. Then i realized that they had all become zombies. It was my power which had changed them. Only zombies could kill zombies. I realized that the power to defend against the zombies was actually the power which created them. Now there was more than one zombie. We were in even worse trouble. One of the men attacked me. I grabbed him from behind and started choking him. He was wearing a blue tank top, but he was soon a dog. The german shepherd looked up at me. He was not happy. I would not be able to hold the man, and he would soon be able to get me.

I was in the parking lot with some of the other children. They had a lizard, which they let walk across the ground. It looked like a monitor lizard, with bright orangish-pink patches on its back. I knew that it was a poisonous lizard. I wanted to take a picture of it. I tried focusing in on it, but it started moving toward me. I backed away from the snake in order to keep it in the lens. Then the lizard crawled under one of the cars. I could not get it.

I was with my mother in Florida. We had just finished our tour and we would be there for four more days. My mother told me that we would have to take the plane back to New York. In order to stay the next for days, we would have to fly to New York and then come back. It would be like starting a new vacation for the four remaining days. That was how it was done. One tour ended, so we had to start another. I did not want to go back. The flight over was just too long and i did not want to have to return. I would stay in New York. The second trip was just too much of a hassle. There were some $G3 there. They were dressed up in Renaissance wear. It was some kind of theme party. They had arrows and spears and were staging a fake war. I stood inside of the old barns-like structure. The outside walls had been removed. All that was left was the main frame structure, the roof, and the raised floor. $G3 formed a line outside the barn on the slightly sloped lawn. The grassy lawn sloped away from the barn, toward a line of trees. They threw spears in our direction. I slapped a couple of them out of the air before they hit anybody. It was rather dangerous. I got out of the way and let them play on. I thought about our vacations. I was really still in Florida, and did not come back. I was only being in New York at the moment. My friends were in New York. $F4 was there with me. Then i wondered if i was supposed to be back at work today. I was still supposed to be on vacation, so i did not really have to go in to work. I got up from the white bed in the open room. It seemed to be related to $P19. I was worried about being away.

11996 April 08

I was listening to the beginning of the movie. It was a thrill movie. The opening credits started. I realized that they were using my song for the theme song. It was “Night Flight 4.5”. I thought that it sounded good. I was upset that they sued my song without telling me. The movie was dark and ominous. It continued after the theme was over. I watched the scene. The next song was harder. It had a distorted guitar as the main rhythm. It was also one of my songs. I thought that it sounded good as well. I sat in the front lobby of the theatre. I was mad about my songs being used. Then the people started coming out of the theatre. There was a fire. The main lobby was white, with decorative arches. The people started running out. I was worried about my tapes. I grabbed the tapes and the film, both of which were on old metal reels. The tapes of my music were melted. I was upset. I thought about destroying the film reels in spite. If my music was destroyed, then the film which had stolen it should also be destroyed. I ran down the dirt path with the film in my arms. I was still upset.

11996 April 12

I was standing at the top of the stairwell. The others were below me. We were soldiers in some science-fiction scene. There was fighting below. I could hear the ion fire. I could not get down to the fighting because of the rest of the squad on the stairs. I waited, checking around the dark halls for any other aliens. The halls were moderately lighted with fluorescent lights. They were square and not decorative. Then i noticed the black thing moving by us. It was the enemy. I fired at it. It ran down the corridor to the left. Several of us started after it, shooting. We ran down the hall, firing at the enemy troops. The blue laser or ion beams cut the air. The right side of the corridor opened up with a large window. It led into the infirmary. I kept shooting people as we passed. Several of the doctors were aliens. The others were firing into the infirmary as well. We had to be careful not to shoot the civilians who were in the crowd. I was shooting everybody i could see. Then i backed into the wall across from the infirmary window. I noticed that there was a slight division in the wall. I looked through it and could see enemy troops coming from another corridor. I started firing at them, taking several of them out. I continued down the hall, shooting at everything that got in my way. I felt strange acting so violent. Then i realized that i was not being hit. I stopped at the edge of the hall overlooking the ruins of the city. There were bushes around us and the sky was very dark. The troops gathered around. They were not happy. There was debris on the ground around us. I noticed that my camera was on the ground near the remains of an automobile. I looked through the grey camera bag to make sure that the camera was all right. We were not allowed to bring things with us. I knew that i should not be worrying about the camera, but i checked it over anyway. The camera seemed to be fine. Nothing was broken. I noticed that the lens cap was missing. I looked at the front of the lens. The haze filter was still on, so the lens glass could not be damaged. The haze filter was a little dirty, though. I cleaned it off. $Z, who was watching me from my left, asked if the camera was okay. I told him that it was, even thought i was still concerned about it. I told him that the lens cap was missing. He stepped back and told me that it was just under the edge of the wrecked car. I bent over from my kneeling position to look under the car. I found the lens cap and picked it up. I also noticed that the remote trigger was also under the car. I pulled it out. It was falling apart. The cable had come out of the sheath. I tried to repair it. My mother wanted to leave. I stood up and started to follow her north, across the top of the hill. She was carrying a blue dress in a plastic hanger bag. She had picked it up from the pile. $K3 was there also. She said that the dress used to be hers. My mother told her that she had found it on the pile of rubble.

11996 April 13

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. There was a woman next door. She had a yellowish turban around her head and held her left hand to her forehead. She was psychic. I was getting ideas from her. I thought about a house with spires on it near the bus stop. She was projecting to me, but i acted like i got the ideas by myself so that my mother would not be disturbed. I walked down the road, in front of the house and looked around. Could it be $A285’s house? It was a yellow house with rounded corners, but it did not have spires. I looked around. There was no bus stop on the street, though there was something that seemed like a bus stop across the street. There were no houses with spires on them over there. I was quite sure that the psychic was in $A285’s house.

11996 April 14

I had a small pink walkie-talkie in my hand. It was actually part of a toy i had. The outer casing was a superhero figure to make the walkie-talkie look cool. Inside the casing was a small black and pink radio. I listened to the walkie-talkie. There were two people talking. I stood at the end of the driveway at my parents’ house, facing up the driveway. The people talking sounded like they were having a phone conversation. It came through clearly on the boxes. I wondered if it was $A29. I thought that the radios were picking up phone conversations. Then i noticed the woman in the green dress standing on the front lawn. I mentioned the problem to her. It was raining again, but it did not bother me.

11996 April 15

I drove through the parking lot. There were people there as i got out of the car. I talked to them. I saw the computer screen. There were zodiac-like pictures on the web. They were symbols of different places. $F13 wanted photographs of the images. They were of different parts of the city. I tried to take some photos.

11996 April 16

I rode my dirt bike down the trails by the creek. The woods were rather thin and looked as if they had been orchards. There were children gathered around the stream on mountain bikes. They were joking with each other. A couple of them were waiting for the nerds to ride by on their bikes. They had water balloons. They sprayed the nerds as they rode by on their bikes. I crossed the stream on my bike and started up the dirt trail on the other side. There was an old white house on the other side with a rounded tower on one corner. I walked into one of the lower rooms of the house. There was plastic up over the windows to keep the bees out. I could see the kids by the creek playing. They had disturbed the nest of bees and were trying not to get stung. They were not a lot of bees in the air. I watched one hornet as it buzzed against the plastic. I felt uneasy. I was going to head up to the tower. The floors of the house were bare wood. I walked up into the rounded room at the top of the tower. There was something spooky up there. The floorboards were loose and creaking. Cyprus roots stuck up from the floor around the centre of the room. It did not feel safe up here. There was supposed to be a mummy up here. I walked down the circular staircase and into the field around the house. $K5 was mad at me. She was trying to get me wed with water from the creek because i had spilled food on her head earlier. I felt sorry for doing so, and thought about sending her up to see the mummy. I walked around my grandmother’s kitchen. $K5 stormed out of the kitchen, followed by $K7. My mother sat at the table. We were drinking white coffee. My grandmother kept pouring coffee in to the mugs.

11996 April 17

There were busses parked in the large lot at the top of the hill. They had brought people to the party. The valley was far below us on the southwest side. The view was somewhat hazy. An old stone wall was around the large hall. It had tall gothic windows and no roof. I walked across the uneven dirt around the wall. The dry grass and rock ground sloped down suddenly in front of the stone wall. I walked down the hall. There were large window openings along the lower part of the wall. Most of them were covered up with piles of rubble, but one of them had fallen open. I went down to fix it. I could see people outside the window, by the edge of the steep mountainside. They were not allowed to enter through the windows, though i knew that they probably did. I piled up several stones to cover up the opening. I turned and headed back into the room. The people were starting to gather. They were dressed in semiformal jackets. I took pictures of the gathered people. I tried to adjust the lighting, but it was not working. There was something wrong with the lighting. The lighting came out too dark and uneven. There was a noticeable line across the photograph where the light had crossed. Then i realized that i had to march out with the rest of the crowd. I quickly got dressed for the parade. I pulled on the dull gold hockey shorts and strapped my sword across. I hung the sword belt over my shoulder and across my torso with the white cloth. I had not used the sword in a while, and i had forgotten how to do all of the moves. The guy standing next to me tried to give me some tips. Then i saw $A337 trying to flip the sword. It was not working so well. The crowd then started moving. We were formed into companies and started marching down the streets of the university-like campus. I was talking to the person next to me about a song that was running in my head. $A6 was there. He was marching next to me. $A255 was behind him. Then i saw another company moving toward us on the other side of the courtyard. It was sunny out and the courtyard had a cobblestone surface. The other company was wearing tan uniforms. $A231 was at the front of the other company. Then i realized that i was not dressed properly for the parade. It had been so ling since i had done this that i was not used do dressing up. I stopped and removed the orange hockey shorts. I should be wearing the old uniform from $P7. I had white sneakers on my feet. They would not be appropriate either. I was wearing black clothing underneath the shorts and sneakers. They would look better, but i did not have any pants to put over them. $A105 was nearby. He saw the problem i was having and just shook his head.

11996 April 18

I walked into the room at the theme park. It was like a classroom. There were people seated facing away from the door. The walls were smooth white. It seemed like an old gym at $P7. It seemed like Disney World. The people were in a theatre watching movies. It seemed real and lifelike. I was supposed to get into one of the chairs before the simulation started. There were large white objects which were triangularly shaped with rounded corners. It was some sort of flight simulator. The people sat in chairs inside the block, which was a couple metres thick. Their upper bodies stuck up though holes in the top. I was supposed to get into one of the holes. I noticed that $A6 was in the chair next to me. I had to go downstairs to check the other simulation theatres. They were just starting their moves. Everyone on the second floor was dressed in white lab coats. They were older. I wanted to go back up stairs but the simulation had already started. I was upset that i had missed it. I could easily go into the theatre down here to catch this show, but i really wanted to be with my group.

I walked through the office building. It was under construction. There was a main corridor running down the center of the building, with small cubical rooms off to the left. I could see the city skyline out the large windows of the rooms. The outside walls of the rooms were entirely glass. I had to go through the rooms and clean up the construction debris. There ere piles of clear plastic sheeting bundled up on the floor. I walked into one of the rooms and started cleaning up the debris on the floor. I started pulling the roofing tiles up from the floor. I had to pry them from the floor where they had been layed. The job was easier when i headed the tiles. It softened the tar-like glue. I pried them up with a metal scraper and put them in a plastic bag. Then i started wandering around the office complex again. The place felt unsettling. There was something not quite right, but i went about mi business anyway.

I was walking down the slight hill on the country road. The road ran between two plowed fields. Crops were just started to come up in either field. There was a barbed-wire fence to one side and a short growth at the ditches on the sides of the road. I headed down the hill toward the farm. I was on someone’s property. It was the only way to get back. We had come this way before and no one seemed to mind. We had to cross the driveway near the farm house. I walked past the old barn in the back yard. I hoped that the owners would not mind me walking by. There were pieces of equipment all over the yard. I walked between the barn and a large open shed. The shed had a roof but no walls. There were walking paths under the roof between areas of liquid pools. Some of the areas had chicken-wire cages around them. A man was working at the other end of the shed as i walked through. He had two others helping him. He was wearing a dirty tank top. He was overweight and sweating. The other two were younger and skinny, wearing blue shirts and overalls. Then a dog, which was chained to part of the shed, started barking at me. It was growling and snarling. I walked by, toward the farmers. Then the dog reached out and bit my knee. I slapped it and moved on. The farmer yelled at the dog and apologized. I said that it was okay; the dog did not bite hard. I walked across the boards on the ground, over the mud, and out the other side of the shed. I walked out between two barns and toward the road. The soil was dark brown.

I drove the car down the narrow street. It was a small European car. I tried to back it into one of the parking spots in the small lot. The lot was on a hill just outside of a public park. There were two stone columns on either side of the park entrance, with an ornate metal arch them. The gate was on the north side of the small parking lot. The park stretched beyond the gate, to the north, and also bordered the lot on the west. There was a building to the east of the gate which ran out to the main street. A very narrow alley came in from the east to the lot. On the south was an old stone building. It was made out of grey blocks. It ran along the side of the alley before turning at the edge of the courtyard. The niche in the building left some area open for the parking lot. The cars in the lot were parked along the southern side, along the building, in an arching row in the center of the lot to the edge of the park on the west, and along the park on the north. I saw a narrow space to the west of the park entrance, so i tried to back my car into it. The girl was waiting for me. I walked toward her in the small dorm room. She moved from the dresser and told me about her beliefs. She said that she believed that i was really a spirit form. She was very concerned and uneasy. She was unsure how i would react. She said that she thought that i was Papa Legba. I knew whom she was talking about, but i did not know how to reply. I felt uneasy, but hoped that she was correct.

11996 April 19

I was hiking on the trail through the woods. I ended up on the edge of a cliff. There was a mountain wall to my back. I had to turn my feet to the side so that i could head back to safety. I slowly positioned them to the side and moved from the cliff. I talked to the people inside the cave for a few minutes. I had made it to safety. The people were eating a cocktail dinner. I was upset that i was not invited. I went upstairs to wait for food. I could not eat with the others. I walked around for a while, but there was no food up here, so i went back downstairs. The people were eating potatoes. I walked down the alley. I was in my car.

$F10 moved to a new house on the side of a hill. If you looked over the side, you could see a great view of the snow-capped mountain range in the distance. People would come up here with their cameras to take pictures in the summer time. I looked off of the side of the mountain. Here was a storm cloud approaching. It was dark and had lightning flashing. I was above it. I could jump off of the mountain and into the storm cloud. I flew into the storm clouds.

11996 April 20

I was walking in the large lawn outside of a school building. It seemed like $P71. I followed the paved path across the cut-grass lawn. It was night, but the grass still looked bright green. I looked up into the sky to see many stars. Then i saw the lights of an airplane flying across the sky. I watched it fly across. I then noticed a small point of light move away from the plane. The plane must have fired a missile. The light moved out along the sky, swerving in an S-like path. Then a smaller light started to spiral. I realized that it was coming toward me. It was a smaller plane. It was shaped like a long tube with small rectangular fins protruding from the midsection. It had rotor blades on each side to help it fly. It was coming toward me. I wondered if i should move. It then landed on the ground next to me. It was only about two and a half metres long. It rested on thin feet with wheels on it. It was a spy plane. It had cameras in its belly and it must have taken photos on the way down. I realized that who ever sent the spy planes would not want me knowing of their existence here. I knew that it must have taken pictures of me on the way down, though. Then a second plane came down and landed on the path, the other side of the first one. It was triangular in shape and had a silver body with square corners. It was about half a metre thick equilaterally and about two metres on each side. It had feet at each corner and several surveillance instruments on top. I walked up to the large silver box on one edge of the plain and looked into the view scope. I could see the tips of my feet hanging underneath the craft. This was the view scope of the main camera. I walked across the bedroom. There was no roof and one could still see the stars. The floor was covered with debris and the walls looked partly torn down. It was part of a classroom. The teacher was there with some of the children. She was showing them the spy planes. I warned her that the military would be there to collect the planes, and that they might have to get rid of any observers. I walked to the left, into the other classroom. The large bookcase or desk had been disassembled. I played with the pieces to try to get it back together. I pulled one of the drawers out from under one of the shelves and tried to put it in place.

11996 April 24

I was in the large house. There was very little furniture. It was somewhat dark and i knew that the others were waiting outside. I looked through the glass wall of the large cement room. I was in the basement of a house. It had a large opening on the outside wall, as if it used to be a garage but had been closed up with a thin wooden wall with plexiglas windows. I could see the others waiting impatiently outside. Something did not feel right. I walked out of the house between the front columns. The storm had come in. There were several tornadoes coming down. We stood in the driveway of the house. The area seemed like Florida. The grass was spongy, and all of the houses were brightly coloured and single level. The house behind us had a fake vine canopy, which hung over the driveway. It had two round white columns holding up the outer side and flat white planks standing vertically across the top of the canopy. We had to seek shelter from the tornadoes. We ran for the ditches at the side of the road. Then i noticed my m other near the pool. She was terrified and could not move. I ran to help her. I ran around the flower pots at the edge of the pool terrace and grabbed her. The others had already reached shelter in the ditches. I jumped into the pool with the girl. The winds threw debris around. Then the tornado passed. I looked out over the city. The sky was bright, and all of the colours seemed very saturated in everything i looked at. I could see many tornadoes coming down from the black cloud overhead. We were going to get hit again. The girl jumped into one of the cars on the side of the narrow street for protection. I followed her in, telling her that it would not be safe in the car. Then the car started to move. The tornado was picking us up. I knew that we would be killed if we were drawn into the storm system. We ran down the street and turned left at the corner. I jumped into the open construction pit and dragged the woman with me. There was water in the pit, but i thought that it would be better to get wet than to stay above ground. The pit was a long rectangular strip where the sidewalk had been removed. There were red and blue pipes running down the length of the pit. The storm passed and the guy by the construction equipment was surprised to see us there. We were safe.

11996 April 25

I woke up in the bedroom. It was my room, but it was large. It had been cleaned. I walked around the room. Things were not where they should be. I was in the front bedroom at my parents’ house. My mother and father were there. I started cleaning things up. There was a computer built into the north wall of the room. It had a red digital display on top of it. My mother said that i should get some sleep. I was not tired. I looked at the digital display to see what time it was. There were no hours listed on the display. It read “:17”. I asked my parents what time it was. My father told me. I should pack my things to go. I collected several things in the large bedroom. I put them in a large black duffel bag and carried them out into the hall. I crossed the hotel hall outside of the room and walked toward the window. The hall was decorated with oriental running rugs and wooden chairs with red cushioning. I looked out the window onto the front lawn of $P7. My mother and grandmother were standing next to the large american car. The car was dull black. They were talking about the car. It would be too much for the tour. They did not think that we should us it. Then they headed back toward the building. I headed back into the hotel room. I looked around for our stuff, but the room had already been cleaned. The room maid was there. The bed was made and all of our stuff was moved out. I bumped into the room maid as i entered the door. He apologized and left the room, not wanting to disturb us. The bed was actually a fold-up bed as part of a red loveseat. The loveseat had been made. I sat down in one of the chairs on the other side of the room. I sat sideways in the heavily cushioned chairs so that i could lay down. I rested my head to one side. The boys in the room started talking with me. They were local, and i was in Italia. One of them told the story of how i actually hit someone when they attacked me. I struck someone in the throat because he was drunk and attacked me. The event occurred in my freshman year of college. I wondered how the boys knew about it.

11996 April 26

I was driving down the road. I needed gas for the car. I pulled into the lot of a gas station. I followed the paved drive around the outside of the pumps and round to the left. I pulled up under the roof of the pump island and got out of the car. I had never used a credit card for gas before. I wondered if it as all right here. I pulled the car forward a little. It broke through the back wall of the barn. The wall was made of thin plywood. $A42 and $F4 were both there. They were surprised that the car went through the wall of the barn. We should leave so that no one finds out what we did. We were in an upstairs room of the barn. The car was below us to one side. I could see it where the side wall of the room we were in ended. $F4 and $A42 were fooling around. They were wrestling. Then i heard someone come in downstairs. We were all quiet. I looked through a small window in the east wall of the room. I could see an old man in the empty room below us. He was doing flips. I thought that it was impressive, but i did not ant him to know that we were here, or he might discover that we were the ones who broke the wall. I hid the pole in the frame of the outside wall. The people who came in should not see it, or they will know that it as us who broke the wall.

There were orange flecks in the sky as i looked out the window. I lay in the bed at the edge of the room. It was a dormer, and had several bunk beds in a row along the outside wall. I looked at the analogue clock on the table between eth two beds. It said that it was ten o’clock, but it was really only six. I could tell that it was six because the sun was coming in the back window of the room, behind the row of beds. The curtains were drawn, but there was a crack at the edge where the sun shone in. I could see the sparkling flecks in the sky. They formed in small clusters of orangish yellow. Then i noticed that there was a guitar under the bed next to me. It was a white semiacoustic. It belonged to the girl who stayed next to me. I looked at the guitar. It only had three strings on it. There were other instruments on the shelf above the bunk. None of them was a twelve-string acoustic. There was a six-string semiacoustic in a black case. My mother said that i could stop at the store down south to see if there were any guitars i wanted down there. I told her that i did not feel like going down. It would take two days to go down there and come back. I would wait until the others left. They would be heading out sometime soon.

11996 April 27

I was with $F4 and $A42. We rode our bicycles into the parking lot of the store. We had just walked out of the store. The police had arrived. We did not want them to find us. They entered the store as we came by on our bicycles. We walked slowly past the pick-up truck, which was the policeman’s car. The policeman was inside the store. I reached into the driver’s window of the truck and removed the keys from the ignition so that the police could not follow us. Then we rode our bikes down the edge of the shopping plaza. We passed by several stores. The stores were on our right as we rode by. I noticed that one of them had a steel-frame column rack of books out in front. We had been looking for something related. $F4 and $A42 stopped in front of the store. I decided to ride on. I felt a little reckless. $F4 and $A42 were nervous that i was taking off like that. I rode across the uneven parking lot, which had several patches of loose gravel. I rode to the edge of the parking lot. Several trees were growing up on the other side of the lot. There was a small grassy indent where dry reeds had grown at the bottom of a green hill. Up the hill a little way was an old red wooden barn. I rode my bike over the dirt path, around the dip in the ground. I felt like this place was a memory from someplace in my childhood. These events seemed familiar. I turned my bike around and headed back toward the parking lot. I rode down the narrow dirt trail between the dry and new grass toward the edge of the lot.

11996 April 28

I was in the bunk bed on the bottom with $A436. We were petting each other passionately and trying to copulate. I was on top and kept feeling the sides of his shoulders and upper arms. The lights were on in the room and we got up from the bed. I thought that $F13 walked across the dormer. It was time to get up. I had to pack my things and leave. My parents were there, and my mother opened the curtain. I should go home. The old banquet was now over. It was part of the palace formal. I was not in a good mood, and i started throwing things. Someone went to answer the phone. I stood around with the others, outside by the round banquet tables on the terrace. My mother said there was someone on the phone. The person wanted to leave a message for the eldest sibling.

I was in the jail block being held with some prisoners. There were reporters and some officials there. I was in the cell whet the person brought the food. I could not eat the food. It was the wrong kind of diet for me. I told the woman that i could not eat it. She hit me for being insolent. I started yelling at her. I scolded her for being ignorant. I was not the average prisoner. The person in charge of the jail agreed with me. She knew that i was not like the others and that i could do things that they were not allowed to do. I was still mad as she explained that to the reporters. I threw the food tray against the wall. Then i wandered out of the cellblock and into the lobby. I was allowed to wander around the jail. There was a small shopping area to my left, just outside the cellblocks. I walked through the glass doors from the cellblocks and into the dark-coloured stone hall. The walls were square and the shop windows were large panes of glass. I walked past the shops and turned around. I was late getting back. The woman in charge was mad at me. She said that i was out until 3:00. I could walk through the walls of the buildings. I should not have abused my privilege. I could pretend that i was in my cell, however. My ability to walk through walls could make them think that i was in my cell the entire time. There were black objects in the cellblocks. I could see them as i hovered in the lobby. I was actually flying over a large yard. It was a college quad, with trees along the right hand side. I was practicing my bounce flying. I had to jump from the ground and soar for a little while. I thought of it like a moving swing. I had to pull my arms in near the end of the leap in order to get enough momentum for the next leap. This way, i could go higher and higher. Then i noticed the building on top of the hill, at the end of the quad. I landed just in front of it on my last jump. I would not have room to make another leap. I jumped toward the building and grabbed on to a ledge by the upper terrace of the stone building. There was a girl on the terrace whom i knew. I greeted her and talked for a little while. She asked about the flying and i showed her a few tricks. I jumped off of the ledge and did flips in the air. I could do them while hovering.