11997 April 03

I had the plate of rotting apple cores in my hand. I had pulled it from my mother’s hands, but it fell. The plate drifted back and to my right. It fell under the stained wooden fence and into the pen where the horses were. I was ready to leave the plate on the ground, but realized that the horses would go after the rotting apples. They should not eat them, though, or they would get sick. I reached under the fence to get the apples back. I could see three brown horses on the far side of the pen to the right. They were jumping around, playing with each other. They were heading in my general direction, but would not reach the apples before i could get to them. Then i noticed the other horse coming towards me from the left. He snatched at the apples and ate some of them. I pulled the apples back from the pen and moved away. The horse jumped around and pushed its way under the bars of the fence. The red wires of the fence lifted as the horse passed under. The horse came towards us. I was worried that it might jump or attack us. I pulled my mother out of the way and pushed her behind me. I tried to move the two of us away from the horse. The horse kept coming after us, and i kept pulling my mother out of the way. I walked over to the counter at the main office at the resort and told the woman there that one of their horses had gotten free. The woman was wearing a white shirt with a dark blue and black vest and a deep red bow tie. I then walked to the left into the large sitting room where the leaded windows looked out over the property. I could see the horses running around. One came up to the window. It was the one that had escaped. I mentioned it to the woman, but then realized that it was not the same horse that i had seen before. This horse had light tan fur and a long golden mane. There was a single braid on the left side of the horse with a pink bow at the bottom. The horse reached its head into the window and tried to eat some of the food from the people who were sitting on the couch that had its back just under the window. The people were facing the horse as it reached in. This horse seemed nicer than the last one.

11997 April 04

The older man had the bicycle in the forest. He was telling me that i should not be here. This was private property. I took his bicycle and started riding away in the woods. I knew that he could not catch me, and that he would be upset and hurt that i stole his bicycle. I rode down the trail, thinking how i just stole the man’s bicycle. It seemed strange to me. I wondered what i would feel like now that i have done something bad. I had always tried not to do anything wrong, but now i have. I wondered whether i should give the bike back. I did not want to. I walked across the apartment with the pipe in my hand. It was part of the bicycle. I would have to get rid of the evidence so that the police could not find me. I dumped the orange dish washing liquid from the plastic bottle into the sink. Once i was rid of it, it would be hard for people to find evidence to accuse me of taking the bicycle. I had already taken apart the other evidence and hid it in various places.

I lay in bed, unable to get up. Something was wrong. The woman and the man watched me from the chairs in the room. They sat at the foot and right of my bed. They had some type of monitor hooked up to me. It had a small black screen with small box-shaped graphics moving across. The regular graphic was white on the black screen, and moved like a heart beat. Then the graphic turned blue, with yellow letters inside of it. It jumped across the screen. I wondered whether my breathing had changed. Something was wrong with me, but i could not figure out what. My heart was still beating regularly. I wondered what was wrong. The machine would not re-adjust to normal. I hoped that i was all right. Then the two people walked out the kitchen door of my apartment. I watched the door for a moment when i saw the small red spider crawling across the glass of the window of the door. It crawled up to the top of the door. I was glad that it could not get in, as it was large and somewhat furry. Then i saw it squeeze through the crack between the top of the door and the door frame. I got up from bed. I realized that it was one of the poisonous spiders that the people had warned me about. It would crawl across the ceiling and then drop on its victim. It started crawling across the ceiling towards me. I ran into the living room and grabbed a book. I would swat it as it got close. I imagined swatting the spider that had crawled across the floor towards me. Then i thought of swatting the one coming at me as it flew towards me.

11997 April 05

I was with the others when we walked into the store. It seemed like a cheep grocery store. It was one of the early seventies designs with a metal structure overhead and a large glass window on the front of the building. It was dark outside, and the light from the store had a greenish blue tint to it. We walked into the front door of the store and paused for a moment. I watched myself enter the store. The registers were to the left as i watched. Then i looked forward as i entered the door. There was a row of goods stretching across the front of the store. It seemed like there were fireworks on the racks. The store reminded me of someplace from South of the Border. I then noticed that the shelves had very large jars of jelly on them. I was interested in the jars of jelly, as it was always very hard to find bulk food in such a large size. I then read one of the tin cans of jelly and realized that it was kiwi jelly. I told the others that it was very rare to be able to find kiwi jelly in a store. I walked over to the shelves and looked over the jelly. The others walked to the right towards the registers. Many of the items on the shelf seemed to be covered in a paper bag material.

I was in my car driving across the parking lot to $P7. I started to turn my car around but found that the front of the car was hitting the curb at the edge of the parking lot. I pulled backward a little, away from the curb, and tried to make the turn again. I was not able to turn the car. I watched the car from the outside as i made several more tries to turn it. Then i realized that there was smoke coming out of the back door of $P7. There was a fire in the building. People started to come out of the building, and i wondered what had happened. I felt anxious to do something. I could see a woman standing just off of the back stairs of the building as others walked out. She was wearing a simple, blue, denim dress with a dark greyish brown shirt beneath the shoulder straps of the dress.

11997 April 07

The man was being punished for what he had done. The couple was mad at him for killing the boy. The man stood on the deck of the boat. A rope was tied to him. It went down into the water to the mesh bag in which the boy’s body was. I thought that they should just pull up the boy’s body and show it to the man. He would be disgusted by the rotting corpse, which might be a better punishment. I remembered when the man came to the party at the couple’s house. I watched as the man drank a glass of red liquid. An expression of pain came over his face and then he passed out on the floor. The other couple at the party was not sure what was going on and watched with apprehension. The woman of the second couple was wearing a white polyester jump suit with a wide collar. Her black hair was styled in late seventies fashion. She held her drink in front of her lips, staring at the fallen man in disbelief. I wondered how they would be able to keep the man there. Then the man stood up. He had a tube stuck into the side of his neck. The woman of the first couple told him that he could not escape. She pulled the tube apart at the base of his neck. He opened his mouth and started to gasp for air. She told him that he could not escape. Then she reconnected the tube and let him breath. The man was trapped with them until he was punished for killing the boy. I watched the boat pull out over the water. The man was slumped in the bow of the wooden canoe. Someone described to me how he would try to slide out as the boat crossed the wave. The crest of the wave came from the side of the boat. It washed over the bow of the small boat, soaking the man. I started to feel sorry for him. Then he leaned to the left and rolled out of the boat and into the water. The boat continued on. He fell right in front of the red floatation device. I thought that he was very lucky, but realized that the people on the boat must not let him escape. Then i remembered the tube in his neck. The tube pulled tight all of the sudden and started dragging the man behind the boat. I remembered that the tube was reinforced with a wire cable.

11997 April 10

I rode on the tour bus up the hill. I had been on this route before on the tour. I remember being at the hotel with my mother and my grandmother. We were on the tour in the foreign land. It was a very scenic place. They had chosen not to come on this part of the tour, but i was on the bus again. I knew where we were going. I watched out the front window of the bus as we wound up the narrow road on the side of the butte. There were rock spires along the cliff wall near us. We passed under some of them, squeezing by as we traveled up the road. We rounded a corner to the right, making a small loop inside a small crevice of the rock wall. I thought that the spires of sandy-tan rock were very pretty. The other person on the bus agreed with me. The bus rounded the butte to the left and came up to the mesa on the top. It pulled into the lot and stopped. I walked around the mesa, where the large tourist building stood. There was a beautiful view off of the mesa to one side. It was of the city lights at night. I walked around on the dusty dirt ground, thinking how wonderful it felt to be here, where everything was so nice. There were short green cacti growing in front of the billboard that stood before the rock mound on the other side of the mesa from the view of the city. This seemed like a great place to be.

11997 April 12

I was in the trailer park in the middle of the country. The ground was a greyish brown, and all of the grass seemed dead. The sky was gloomy, and there was water flowing over the soil. There was a flood in the trailer park. I walked through the shallow water as it flowed down hill between the run-down trailers. The trailers seemed like small country houses from someplace in old Europe. I walked through the water, trying not to get swept away with the current. I looked down the slope to my left to see a heavy current of murky water flowing down the hill and over the top of a dingy yellow trailer. I watched as the trailer started to fall apart under the flowing water. The roof collapsed in the center as the water poured over. I walked to the side of an old barn, which was out of the main current. The water was flowing down the side of the barn. I climbed up onto the old stone foundation of the barn and tried to walk around to the left, towards the end of the barn, which was on the down side of the current. The foundation was loose and looked like an old stone wall. The dirty wood of the barn rested upon the foundation. I walked around the back end of the barn, out of the flow of the water. There was a drop off in front of me that i tried to keep from falling over. I stood with my back to the barn wall, looking out over the valley, which was being overrun with water. I then noticed that there was a road to my right. It ran at the bottom of the hill just below the barn. There was a large yellow farm house on the slope on the opposite side of the road. I could see junk collected in the windows of the screen porch. Then i noticed the young boy walking down the road. He was watching me as i walked along the outside wall of the barn. I was worried that he would tell the others that i was here. I did not want anyone to find me as i crept through the barn yard. The young boy was wearing a blue parka.

I was near the fire station in the back of some of the buildings. There were buildings on all sides of us, and the ground was covered with a dark black pavement. We were standing around a fire engine, which was sitting in the driveway outside of the station. It was a bright green in colour, and well polished. The others were all part of an emergency crew. $A18 was one of the people in the group. I walked around to the passenger’s side of the truck where the emergency workers were. There was something going on. I did not feel comfortable being here. There was something wrong. I turned away from the building and started walking across the parking lot. $F11 was with me as we walked across the roof of the building. We walked to the left by the edge of the roof. There was a set of stairs leading down into the basement. I walked down into the basement. I still felt that something was not right. The stairs that i had climbed down were made of wood planks, and ran along the side wall of the basement room. The wall was on the right side of the stairs as i descended. I then noticed that there were some art supplies on a window ledge above the stairs on the right wall. I looked through them and realized that there were several coloured pencils in the small cigar box. I thought about taking the pencils and some of the other art supplies. They had been left here a long time and were not being used. Then i heard some people coming. We would have to get the pencils and get out of the room before they returned. I ran back down the stars and quickly grabbed the art supplies. I was excited and my heart was fast as i ran back up the stairs. I did not want to get caught.

11997 April 14

I walked into the small bedroom in my parents’ house. I had to get my stuff together to head home. I had just taken a shower and was walking around in my underwear and a tee shirt. My clothes were folded on the chair in the doorway of the small bedroom. My mother had done my laundry. I looked through the stack for something to wear. My grandfather was standing to my left. He asked me if i would be leaving. I told him that i was packing to go home soon. I looked through the stack of clothes and realized that it was only the clothes that i would need for the day. I must have packed the rest already. I would have to change my underwear as well because the pair that i was wearing was from yesterday.

11997 April 15

I drove down the road near the field. There was a large cut lawn to my left as i rounded the curve to the left. I was driving down from the hill. I had to head home. Then i noticed a construction crew on the road ahead of me. The driveway to my apartment had been blocked off by the trucks. There was some kind of emergency, like an accident or a fire. The police were directing traffic past the turn off to my house. I looked down the dirt road that ran to the right side of the large brick building which looked like a factory. The road was the road to my house. I drove slowly down the road past the emergency workers. I signaled to turn left into the drive, but knew that i could not. I looked down the old dirt road as i passed. It was overgrown with field grass and had a chain across the front of it with a sign hanging on the center of the chain. There was another road which came in at an angle to my driveway. I could take that road as well. It also went to the old farm house which set back in the field near the creek. I thought that i would now have an excuse for moving which was more obvious; i could not get to my house. I crossed the rusted iron-side bridge on the main road and turned around to head back. I wondered which drive was really blocked. I thought that it might not be mine after all. I passed the three roads on my right and walked across the field in front of the large brick building. The front of the building was in shadow as the sun shone from behind it. I would have to walk up the paved paths that crossed the grassy hill in front of the building. I lived just up the hill to the left, beyond the building. There were students hanging around on the slope of the quad as i passed. I walked onto the front porch of the large building. I wandered in the front door. There was an empty room to my left. Then i ran into $F10. He was talking to someone in the next room. He was on his way out to play around. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt. He was talking to the other person about wrestling. He joked that he could beat me up. I said, “You wish”, as i walked back towards the door. I knew that he could beat me, but i liked to joke about it anyway. I thought that he might tackle me, but he did not. I wished he had. I walked outside. $F10 followed behind me. He was going out to play frisbee with the people on the quad. I thought that he probably got so well built from all of his activity, and wished that i could do the same. I watched him as he started to play. Then i noticed that his shorts had started to slip down. He had not tightened them well enough. The pink pair of underwear slid down his legs to his knees as he tried to run after the ball in the opposite direction from me. I realized that people could see his buttocks. He could not run anymore and had to pull them up. He had nicely detailed legs. I turned and walked back into the apartment. I walked into the empty room where the desk was. There were two doorways on the back side of the room, one in each of the side walls. On the front wall of the room was a window outside. This was my new apartment. I would be moving in here soon. Then my mother came through the door on the right side of the room with the doctor. They were discussing my sister. The doctor was a psychiatrist, and was trying to explain homosexuality to my mother. My mother did not quite understand, and was quite disturbed that my sisters were both homosexual. She asked me if i knew anything about it and then started out of the room with the social worker. I wanted to tell her that i was homosexual as well. I thought that it would not be surprising that i was if my sisters were. It did run in the family. The doctor offered me a piece of candy from the plastic sandwich bag. It was marijuana chips. I took a handful of the crumbling flakes and ate them. I thought that they tasted rather like carob. I remembered that $F4 had once told me that marijuana tasted like a cinnamon spice. I thought that it was rather bland in flavor, though it might taste good in something. I wondered whether i should eat the entire hand full. I knew that, if i ingested it, it would take effect a lot faster. I wondered whether it would take effect before i finished eating the flakes that i had. I wondered whether i was eating too much, but i remembered that it was not a very powerful drug. I wandered around the bedroom for as moment.

11997 April 16

I looked over the globe, which was coloured black. We had been talking about the earthquakes that would be coming. I knew that one would happen around here soon. I wondered whether a sudden increase in earthquakes would cause the continents to shift all at once. It could cause the north-american continent to slide north over the pole. I looked over the black continents on the globe. The white grid lines crossed over them, showing how North America had slid north. I thought about how the magnetic north would no longer be the same. The shifting in the continents would ruin the american farm community. The central United States would be near the north pole. This would change the climate of the world entirely. New York State was up around the latitude of central Canada. I thought that Antarctica would now be up in a temperate zone. I wondered what plants would grow there. It would be interesting to find out what changes would be made in the world. The jungles of South America would now be farther north. I wondered how the ice caps of Antarctica would melt. They must have been around since the first geo-shift. I walked out across the ice. I slipped a little, realizing that there was a layer of water on top of the ice. This was from the shifting of Antarctica to a latitude farther north. I wondered whether i would fall through the ice. I realized that it was thick enough to walk on still, so i continued. Only the surface of the ice had melted. I could see medium sized rocks just under the surface of the ice. They were brown and grey and smooth and round. I wondered how far i had traveled over the ocean. I was not really sure where i was. I could see land ahead. There was snow all around. It was from the continental shift. I walked down the snowy path between the green trees. The snow was wet and heavy. I ran down the path through the woods. I wondered whether i would run into a town. I must have crossed the ocean on the ice sheet. I should be in England. I came across the garden area just outside the house. There were black fences lining the path through the garden. They were wrought iron, twisted into intricate flower patterns. There was a trellis that arched over the path before the stone walk opened into a small courtyard. I leapt over the fence and headed towards the house. I wondered whether i should speak with an english accent to try to sound like a local. I wondered whether there would still be anyone around. There was still a covering of wet snow on the ground, covering the vegetation that had been there. I walked into the house and met the two people. I was surprised to find them there. I asked them where i was. I knew that i was far from home. They asked me what i was doing in Brunswick. I realized that i was on New Brunswick, the island just off of the North American coast just east of Canada. I had not walked all the way across the ocean, but just to the island from the mainland. I asked the people if i could use their phone to call home. I had to get a ride back home. I realized that i would have to use my phone card to call. I walked into the small house and turned to the right. The rotary phone was on the table in the dark room. Everything seemed slightly primitive here, like the house and all of the objects in it were carved from stone. I pressed the numbers on the face of the phone. I hit the wrong finger holes, however, and had to start again. I started dialing the second time by pressing zero, one, and 518. Then i realized that i should only have a zero before the number as it was a charge call and the one was not necessary. I hung up and tried again. I could not seem to get the number correct. Then i realized that the phone was not shaped normally. The numbers were in the wrong place. They were crude figures carved into the face of the large stone telephone. The phone sat up on a shelf above me. I looked at the ring of numbers and noted that nine was carved near the center of the circle. Things were out of order. I stuck my fingers into the carved numbers on the phone. Then the elephant tried to dial the phone with me using its trunk. I pulled the trunk out of one of the numbers and told the elephant to stop playing around. I was worried that it would bother the people of the house, who were letting me stay there for the moment. I decided to take the elephant outside where it would not be so much of a bother. I walked it across the water that filled the center of the room as i headed towards the door. The elephant decided to lie down in the water and take a drink. I tried to stop it, telling it that this was not the time, but it rolled under the water anyway. The water level rose, filling the room up to the stairs that led into the next room. The water poured down the trap door on the platform which led into the basement. Then there was an explosion from the basement. Flames shot out of the hole in the floor. I wondered what could have exploded. Then i saw pieces of the furnace coming up from the basement. I realized that the water had messed up the ignition switch of the furnace and caused the explosion. I felt bad that the elephant had caused the explosion which destroyed the house of our hosts. The two people came out of the bedroom and stared at us. They were calm but annoyed. I felt bad that we had ruined their house, and wondered what i could do for them. There were black smoke marks across their faces, as if from a cartoon.

11997 April 18

I walked into the old wooden barn structure that sat in the middle of the large field on the hill. There was a ladder that led up to the small loft at the back side of the barn. I looked up at the small diamond-shaped window at the top of the ladder. I climbed up and walked around in the small space of the loft. It was somewhat like an apartment. The ceiling was not that high in the narrow room. There was a cream coloured shag rug on the floor as i crawled around in the space. The outside wall was open to the grand view of the valley beyond. I could see the bright blue sky and the golden field grass. I climbed back down the ladder. The other person asked me a question. I looked back up at the small diamond-shaped window that i had crawled through. It seemed too small for me to fit through. I felt strange and out of place for a moment. Then i realized that the storm was coming in. I looked out the large window that looked over the valley at the city below. The tornado had passed over the building we were in and headed across the valley. It was moving towards us in the center of the valley when it hit the hillside to the left of us. It hit the front side of a tall building. The building was one of the hospital shelters around town. I wondered whether the building would be able to hold up against the tornado. The tornado hit the building and bounced back a little. Then it moved into the building again. The tan brownstone building collapsed. I wondered about the people that were inside the building. I thought that it must be terrible to be trapped inside a collapsing building. The tornado then ran into a couple more buildings. They collapsed as well. Then the tornado started up the hillside, digging brown tracks into the ground.

I walked through the narrow white corridor in the apartment building. $Z asked me some questions. I told him about David Letterman’s trick to soak people’s mail in water. I told him that i did a similar trick to David Letterman. I told him that i had filled his mail box with flour. I then realized that i had not done these things, and worried that $Z would find out. I would have to make it look like i had filled the mail box with flour. I walked back down the narrow, white alley between the two adobe buildings. There was a postal box on a post at the end of the alley. It was filled with flour, like i had said. I had to arrange things. I spent some time contemplating the mail boxes. A red dune buggy rode past the outside of the alley as i poured water from the tin bucket into the vertical mail box. It would have to be replaced with flour, like i had said.

I stood in the field with the others. There was a field of old corn stalks to our left, with train tracks just beyond. The corn field had been cut down for the year, and was full of dried low-cut stalks that had been dampened in the rain. Then we heard a train whistle. A train was coming from the west to our left. I thought that we could go near the tracks and feel it coming. We would probably have time. Then i saw the engine of the train emerge from the trees to the left. It was moving very fast. I had not expected it to be moving that fast here, as it had never done so before. I also realized that it would pass very close to us. We would not have to rush towards the tracks to feel the vibration. Then we saw the second train come out from the west and pass the first one on the other set of tracks. I looked to the east and saw another train coming. It was coming towards us on the set of tracks that ran very close to our feet. I told the others to be careful because another fast train was coming toward us. I looked down at the ground and noticed that there were tracks crossing all across the field. I would have to be careful so that i did not get hit. I moved from side to side as one of the trains passed very close to me. I did not want to get hit.

I came into work for $G2, but my computer had been redesigned. I looked over the screen and noticed that it had been changed. $A52 had removed everything from my computer and had made all of the file applications run from a server. I was upset that she simply erased everything that i had on my computer. There were icons around my screen which represented the programs that i could access. I realized that she would now be able to spy on me all the time, to find out what i was doing. If i logged into a server, i would have to make my hours of work very precise. I was mad that i could no longer do my personal stuff on the computer. I thought about erasing the computer and leaving nothing on it.

11997 April 19

I was in the house with $F15 and his brother. There were people watching television in the next room. I had been talking to $F15 about something. Then i walked towards the large glass wall in the lower lobby by the stairwell of the building. The woman was walking out the glass door towards the stairs. The walls and floor were a dark grey, and the place was dimly lit. I had told the woman that i knew something about swedish culture. I really did not know that much. She mentioned that the swedish had a unique sports game that they played. I was worried that i really did not know anything about Sweden, but then i remembered about a sport game that $F10 had told me about. I asked her, “You mean, clayball?” She said that was not really what she was talking about as she walked out of the room. $F20 walked past me on his way into the television room. There were some brothers on the couch watching sports. I walked out of the room and across the field. The others had just finished playing a game. I could see $F10 sitting on a chair near the tent. He was wearing a pair of grey sweat pants and no shirt. He was still detailed, as he had been in college. He was leaning over to untie his shoes. $A81 was to his right. I mockingly rushed towards $F10 and checked him on the side, pushing him up from his chair. He joked around with me. I was nervous that $A81 would think i was childish. I asked $F10 about his game of clayball. He said that they had not been playing that game. I wanted to be part of some sport, but they had already finished, and $F10 was tired from playing. I walked out across the field with the other two. The grass was high. We then saw the tractor-trailer coming from our right. We started running down the path through the tall, dry field grass. The path was simply a line of grass which had grown shorter than the surrounding field. There were forests around the sides of the field. The path that we were following must have been from the trucks passing by. They could have trampled the grass here. I wondered why it was not more trampled, though, and thought that the trucks must not come by often. I was with $F12 and $A82 as we jogged down the trail. We did not want the tractor-trailer to catch us. We laughed as we ran. I looked at the line of worn grass that we were following. It crossed a stone wall at the edge of one field and passed into another. I thought that the truck would not be able to follow us over the wall. A line of green pine shrubs rose on our right, lifting over our heads. There was a pair of blue denim pants spread on one of them. I thought that they must have been recently washed by the truck drivers. This was a place that they traveled through frequently. Then i saw another pair on the grass in the center of the path. I stopped to unfold it and toss it onto the side of the tall shrubs. The others ran ahead towards the main road. I then passed through a section with several more denim pants hanging across the trail and on the shrubs. I passed under them and looked back at the truck. It was stopped just down the road from where i was. I continued down the dusty dirt path towards the main road. Then i noticed the green seventies-style car coming towards me. It was throwing dust as it sped towards me. It was $F12, driving back from the road. I realized that he was running away from something. I thought that a cop must have been on the main road and was after him for traveling on the posted dirt road. I approached the main road. $A82 said that it must not have been the correct road. He said that we came out in the wrong area so $F12 had gone back. I looked down the narrow paved road that ran through the woods. The dirt trail came into the road at a sharp angle. It was the correct road. I remembered coming out at this spot before. It was not where we had intended to come out, but if we headed to the left, back down the main road a way, we could get to the other trail head. I thought that $F12 should be stopped from driving down towards the lake. The community was only a little way down the main road to the left. A car passed from the right down the road.

11997 April 20

I was at my mother’s office, where i worked. The people in the office were upset with the manager and complained that she was too mean. Then $K7 walked into the room. She was the manager of this department. I was nervous about her. She started bossing people around, telling them to do their work. I thought that she was being rather mean to all of them. She was wearing a light yellow muumuu with a floral pattern on it. She kept yelling orders at people, talking down to them as she told them what they should be doing. I was angry that she was abusing her position as manager. I started telling her that she had no right to yell at people like she did. I told her that she was cruel and did not deserve to be the manager of this department. She was mad with me, but then became upset that i had said such things. I told her that she was a bad controller. I then realized that she would probably fire me for talking back to her. I decided to leave the office. I walked away from the small cubical which had my desk. The rest of the office was divided up into small cubicles, which had orange cloth walls. There were many students all around us. I walked out into the hall. I suddenly realized that this was simply a head trip. There was something strange going on. This environment around me was not real. Then the kids started to tell us things about their plot. They had taken control of the school, and were holding all of us hostage. I realized that we would not be able to stop them. They were holding us hostage in the ice that was on the floor. I then climbed up over the zamboni that was in the middle of the ice rink. This was some sort of time trip. The others had come to this time from another and were trying to take us over. The zamboni was actually their time machine. The kids were displaced from their time line and ended up in this one. They were going to take this one over because they could not get back to their own. I walked down the halls of the school. The kids from the other time were following me. I had to get away. They formed a line as they moved. The one right behind me was grabbing onto my waist as we roller bladed through the halls. I then dropped down to a lower position as i came to the stairs. I thought that i could loose them over the stairs, but they kept up to me. I slid down the stairs on my hands and then pulled myself up once i got to the bottom. My body moved like an accordion as i pulled myself up. We were all skating in a straight line as we raced down the hall. I then took a sharp left down one of the side corridors. I realized that they would not be able to follow me on such a sharp maneuver.

11997 April 23

I walked into the back door of $P7. I had not been there in a long time. The other people were gathering for some kind of event. It felt somewhat uncomfortable to be here. I walked down the stairs and into the basement hall of the building. It was part of a clothing store. The hall widened and there were tables of clothing against the walls. The area to the left was much larger and had more room for tables. There was one line of tables at the edge of the hall and then some closer to the left wall. I looked to the right to see dress shirts stacked on the shelves that were on the wall. The shelves were wooden and divided into small cubicles. I realized that this was some kind of fund raiser for $P7. They were selling old clothes to make money. All of the clothes were wrapped in plastic and looked new. I continued down the hall. There was a crowd of people moving into the buttery. I walked in. There was some kind of reception going on. I looked around at the people and wondered whether i would recognize anyone. I then spotted $A43 in the crowd. He was walking past me to my left as i moved through the crowd. I wanted to say hello to him, but he was moving in the other direction. I was then not sure that it was really him. I walked towards him through the crowd. I wondered whether he would recognize me. I then spotted $A44 coming towards me in the crowd. I said hello to him. I then noticed that there were two other people with him who looked very similar to him. I remembered that the younger one was his younger brother. I thought that he looked very much like $A44 when he was in high school. I greeted him and we spoke for a while. I thought about how i used to think that $A44 was attractive. Then the younger brother smiled at me and told me that he always thought that i was attractive. I was flattered, and felt somewhat embarrassed. I thanked him and talked to him for a while.

I walked into the small lab room. The walls were white and there were black lab tables in the center of the room. There were several people in the room. I was supposed to deliver something to them. I walked through the room asking to whom i was supposed to give the items. The people said that the other person would be back in a little while. I did not want to leave the package with no one. I needed someone to claim it. I did not want to just leave it. I walked down the hall at the other end of the room and looked in the doorway to the right. There was another lab room there. The people said that i could leave the package there for the other person. The lab was an orangish colour. I did not want to leave the package, however. I turned around and walked out the front door of the lab. I wanted to see if the other person was coming. I was on the wooden deck which ran along the side of the small building. It was elevated from the ground and had a wooden railing along the outside edge. The roof of the building ended very close to the deck. There was a tall tree on the left side of the porch near the far end which seemed like a pine. The house seemed to have green trim. The porch was about five metres long. It ended where the second deck started. The second deck was a step above the rest of the porch. Just before the porch ended, there was a set of stairs that ran off and back on the left. I walked over to the edge of the porch, where it started to go up the step to the next level of the deck. I then noticed that there was a skunk on the roof. It started heading down the upper section of the deck towards me. I told the others about the skunk. They said that they had known about it. It had been loose for quite some time. It was part of the lab. I knew that it was somewhat dangerous, but i knew that it would not spray me if i remained calm. I tried not to aggravate it, but it started coming towards me. I was afraid and climbed onto the roof. I hoped that it could not climb up the short distance to the roof and spray me.

11997 April 24

I walked into the guitar store with my parents. I had to bring my tape deck in for repair. I was not so sure that the store was open, but my mother was intent on getting service. I was annoyed with her. I walked up the stairs in the store as the lights were being turned on. The store was long and narrow, and had a second room to the right. There were many guitars and amps along the side walls of the store. I came up to a hammock, where several electric guitars hung. A service person asked us if he could help us. I told him that we were fine for now. My mother walked to the right, holding the tape deck in the box. I then noticed the red twelve-string guitar handing just on the other side of the hammock. I went to look at it. Then i noticed that there was also a blue twelve-string hanging. I picked it up and started playing it. I had always wanted an electric twelve-string.

11997 April 25

I was part of the play. We were on stage reading the lines, but something was wrong. I watched the people on the stage, but they were not doing anything. There was a long pause. It seemed that something was forgotten. I tried to remember what it was. The play should not have stopped at this point. The actors then started going on, but they were not continuing the play. They were trying to cover for the mistake.

11997 April 26

I looked in the mirror at the strange marks that were on my back. I noticed that my father had the marks as well on his back. I was standing in the room looking over the surface of the dresser into the mirror. I could see a couple of patches across my back. I turned different ways to see if i could see more of my back in the mirror. The shapes were lighter in colour than the rest of my back, and looked as if they formed images. I thought that the one looked like a man holding some kind of a tool. I thought that they were probably put there, but i did not know how. I turned again and looked at the shape on my back. It seemed to be some kind of figure, but i could not make out exactly what it was. I thought that it might be a face. I looked over my skin and noticed the small round marks all over my body. I realized that we had been captured and studied. I walked into my parents’ old bedroom and asked my mother if she had any marks on her skin. She was standing in front of the full-length mirror. She sat down on the bed and pulled up the back of her shirt. There was a large bluish mark on her back which looked like a tattoo. The figure resembled a man dressed in traditional spanish clothing and sitting upon a horse. The black line drawing was coloured with bright red and gold ornamentation. There was a fancy border around the outside of the image composed of curling lines. I told my mother about the decoration, mentioning the decorative border that was along the edge of the fabric. She asked me if she could see the decorative silk scarf that i was wearing. I took it off and showed it to her. Then the ground in the room started moving. I fell suddenly into the wall, as if the room had tipped suddenly. I realized that the plane was crashing. I was afraid of being in the crash. Then i started to wonder whether it really was a crash. I thought that the motions should be more violent were it actually a crash. I also thought that the walls should have torn apart. I looked around my parents’ bedroom and realized that i had been taken by the government. They had abducted me and were doing studies of me in their labs. I woke up suddenly in the bed and wondered where the government agents were. I knew that they were close by. Then i realized that they were down stairs. I had to get out of the bed and find a way to contact the outside world. I sneaked down the back stairs and into the kitchen. I dialed the telephone. I was standing in front of the freezer in the kitchen. The refrigerator was an old style with rounded edges and was very wide. There was a strip across the bottom of the front of the refrigerator which had the alphabet on it. This was how i was to dial the telephone. I knew that they would be listening, however, so i dialed a random number. They would think that it means something and spend their time trying to figure it out. The line of letters was very long and had a special character at the right end. It was shaped from three vertical bars with a single horizontal bar crossing all three. It looked like a very wide H with a bar vertically through the center of it. I pressed this symbol twice at the end of my number. It would have a special meaning over the line. Then i heard the answering machine pick up in the room. I realized that i had to turn it of before the operator picked up. They would be able to hear the voice in the other room if the operator picked up while the answering machine was on. I ran past the men and headed for the answering machine. The one at the counter in the kitchen spotted me and tried to stop me before i got to the machine. I jumped for the answering machine and pressed the button to send the information. The call was sent, and i would be heard in the outside world.

I ran down the highway, which seemed to be heading into $P6, when i came to the pale green suspension bridge. I realized that there was no road bed on the bridge. The road seemed to be unfinished, and there were only green girders suspended from the wires above. I had to get across the bridge, but there was no sidewalk on the bridge. I realized that i should have crossed the bridge in a car, as the roadway to me left was finished, but had no shoulder area. It would be dangerous to run in the road. The others wanted to continue running across the bridge, however. They did not want to take the cars. I was afraid that we would fall. The girders did not seem wide enough for us to walk on. One of the others sat down on the girder and started to slide across the bridge. I followed them across. I kept my hands around the sides of the green I-beam as i slid across on my buttocks. I was worried that i might fall. Then i noticed that the person in front of me had come to a section of the beam which had bolts protruding from the sides. The person carefully slid around the bolts, making sure not to loose their balance. I decided to cross to the other beam on the left. I did not want to have to deal with the bolts. I jumped over to the other beam, but slipped on the snow that was covering it and fell over. I landed very hard on the top of the beam. I got up slowly and continued on. I made it to the other side of the bridge and looked around at the other $G4 that had come across with me. I looked around at the open neighbourhood where we were. All of the houses had a great deal of lawn, and there were many trees, giving the place a very rural feeling. I knew that this was the rich neighbourhood. We started running down the road that ran along the river. It was cold outside and there was a light layer of melting snow on the ground. The sky was grey and it seemed as though it might snow. I looked across the narrow road to the large brick houses that were up the hill from us. There was an abrupt hill from the road before the lawn of the houses leveled off slightly. I thought that we would have to be quiet or the people in the houses might get mad at us. I remembered this neighbourhood from before. It was near where my parents lived. The other $G4 were not familiar with area. I followed the rest of the $G4 down the trail that ran along the side of the water. The water had a slush layer of ice on it. I was quiet as i ran.

11997 April 27

I watched as $A10 ran past me. I was in the narrow hallway of the college dormitory. I turned to look down the hall to the left and then turned left and walked into the room. The door to the room was heavy and made of a dark-stained wood. I walked into the small room just to the right of the door. It seemed like a small bathroom, but i could only see the sink. I spit into the sink. There was a bad flavour in my mouth. The other people in the room were just in from the run. They wanted some water, but i did not know from where to get it. I then walked out of the closet and turned to the right to head into the room. I then noticed that $A45 was sitting in the passageway between the wall of the room and the dividing wall of the closet. He was sitting slightly reclined on the left side, with his back against the dividing wall. He had his legs propped up against the opposite wall. He joked that i would not be able to get by unless i said the magic word. I did not take him seriously. He was wearing shorts, and i noticed that his legs were nicely detailed. I walked over him and into the room. $F10 was in the room. We started joking around and then started wrestling with each other. $F10 was not interested in getting too serious, though. Then, my cousin, who was somewhat well built and had short black hair, started picking on me. He wanted to wrestle me ad was trying to intimidate me. He kept pushing me so that i would have to fight him. I then jumped towards him and took him to the ground. I thought that it seemed easy to wrestle him to the ground.

11997 April 29

I walked into the large warehouse where all of the boxes had been stored. This was where everyone was packing their extra things and putting them into storage. I walked around the side of the boxes and climbed up onto the top of several. The people had been watching the area to keep thieves out. I looked up around the ceiling and noticed that there were no cameras watching the room. No one would know that i was here, and no one would bother me. I walked around the side of the boxes that were stacked in the center of the room and walked down an aisle between two of the stacks. I climbed up onto the top of one of the piles. I looked into the boxes to see that they were clothing and children’s toys. They had been packed. I wondered whether i should look through the boxes to see if there was anything worth taking. Then i noticed the camera on the ceiling. I just sat on the boxes, acting like i was supposed to be here. I looked quickly through one of the boxes in front of me. There was a light blue blanket on the top which covered a yellow disc-shaped toy. I then walked off of the pile and started back around the boxes. I noticed that there were several cameras around the outside wall. They were small black boxes with little red lights that indicated that they were on. I walked across the main room of the bank and headed towards the counter. It was early in the morning and i had just gotten in from work. I removed my blue down jacket and realized that i was wearing only my underwear. I knew that i had purposely left my clothing at home because i would be getting dressed here. I thought that it was rather silly not to wear clothing to work, though, and felt a little silly for not doing so. I decided to go to the counter on the other side of the bank and ask about my account. I asked the female teller about my account. She tried to open the record, but found that the account had been removed. I knew that it would be, though i was upset. I walked out of the bank and into the next room. There was a counter to my left as i walked into the door. I remembered that the man behind the counter had been checking over my records before. I knew that he must have removed my record when he had edited it before. I remembered that he was removing several files from my record, and knew that it was very possible that he could have erased the entire record. I was mad at him. I demanded that he tell me why he had removed my record. He remained calm, and did not seem interested in the problem. There were several other people in line to my left along the counter as i yelled at the man. He motioned to the one just to my left, letting them know that he would help them. I was mad that he would not deal with my problem, and did not seem to care. I threw the stack of business cards that had been sitting on the counter at him. Then i knocked several other things off of the desk. It seemed strange to act so rudely, but i was trying to make him notice. The people in line were getting mad at me for harassing the man. I stormed off down the hall. One of the boys in the line decided that he was going to get me for hurting the man behind the counter. I heard him coming up behind me as i walked down the long white cement hall out of the bank. He grabbed me from behind. He was light, and i easily pulled him off. Then i realized that he was just a child. I dropped him on the floor and continued on. Then he came after me again. I grabbed him before he could get close and swung him past me. Then i let go of him and he fell to the ground. I told him to give up his pursuit. I walked on, hoping that he did not bother me again. I moved to the left side of the hall where the metal door to the outside was. I had passed several other metal doors and wondered whether i had gone far enough to reach the correct one that led into the parking lot where my car was. I looked back down the hall to see the area where the hall had widened by the Sear’s store. I knew that the door outside was just past the store. I was in a maintenance tunnel. I pushed the dark coloured door open and looked out. There was a small parking lot between the building and a parking garage. The building extended outward to my right where the entrance of the lot narrowed out into the street. I was not sure that this was the correct lot. Then i remembered that it was. My car was simply parked down the narrow entrance drive on the other side of the building. I started out of the door. I saw one of the runners from $P37 coming towards me. He must have just finished his run. He was the older man with white hair and a balding patch. He was wearing a light blue and black plastic jacket.