11998 April 01

I was running through the open field with $Z. We were following the trail of white flour marks. $Z ran in front of me as we started across the grassy area. It seemed to have rained, and the ground was a little muddy. I knew that $Z would not like to run through the mud. I thought that i could probably fly but wondered whether $Z could. We came down the slope from the south and started north across the open field. Then we found that the trail had become muddy from the rain. The white flour marks were faded as they ran through the tan swamp grass. $Z stopped at the edge of the puddles, and i came to a stop behind him. There was a small pool of water to our right with a large brown rock at its edge, right by our feet. I thought that we could probably fly over the water, as long as no one else could see us do it. I asked $Z whether he could fly. He thought about it, moving his arms upward as if to take off. I knew that i could fly over the water, but thought that $Z had probably never done so. I thought that maybe he could be able to glide awkwardly over the ground. It might be enough to get over the puddles. Then i saw the others coming from across the field. They were walking, and one of them was wearing a grey jacket over a white tee shirt. I then heard the chirping sound. It was a series of five or six short bursts which sounded somewhat like a small frog. I knew that we were on the game preserve and had to be careful not to disturb the animals. I looked behind me. There was a large tree near me to the southwest with a large grey owl in its branches. The owl made the staccato call again. Its large grey wings brushed over the top of my head. I was aware that the others were standing on the shore of the swamp to my right, to the northwest. They were concerned that i was disturbing the wildlife. I watched the owl for a moment. $Z walked up to the shore on my left. There was another owl somewhere, but my attention was focused upon the one in the tree. It seemed to be large, with a very wide wing span. I thought that it was something special that the owl was brushing my head with the tips of its wings. It felt good as the long grey and white feathers brushed over my forehead. I then realized that we had come here to record the sound of amphibians and reptiles. I had the tape recorder in my hand, recording the call of the owl. The owl kept calling out, its head dipping forward as its mouth opened. It was not facing me, but was facing out over the swamp. I turned to the crowd of people and started talking to them. I explained that we had come to listen to the animals. They did not want us trespassing on the land. I looked over the green brochure that was in my hand. It had black letters across the center and white letters in a black border on the bottom. The type seemed to be Helvetica italic. I then looked up. $Z had run into the large barn to the north of me. The others had walked off to the west. I knew that we were not supposed to be in the barn, but knew that we could get the calls of several animals in there. All of the amphibians and reptiles were in cages in there. I followed $Z into the basement door of the building. The corridor was dark, and had objects on either side. I held the square tape recorder in my right hand as i walked. I could hear the call of the owl. I realized that i must have recorded it, even though the people did not want us to. I was glad that we got it on tape. Then i realized that i could not see $Z. I listened to the call as i looked around in the dim light for him. I then noticed that he had stepped through a doorway into a side corridor. I walked into the side corridor, which ran parallel to the main one. I saw $Z standing over a low, square object against the west wall. I then realized that the call i was hearing was not from the tape. $Z wanted to know what i was interested in, and i pointed out that i could still hear the owl calling. There were several clothes dryers in the room along the east wall. I looked over them as i walked behind $Z. They seemed very low to the ground. The pink one had a small white sign on it which claimed that it belonged to someone and that it did not work properly. The sign was roughly taped to the dryer with masking take and was written in orange magic marker. I knew that we should not be here, but $Z wanted to dry some clothes. I looked to the left at the large blue dryer in which $Z had placed his wet clothes. It was shaped somewhat like a large toilet. He tried to start the dryer, but the power dimmed and there was the sound of electrical arching. The blue dryer did not work so well either. $Z started it anyway. Then we were back in the field. The people knew that we had tried to use the dryers because the power had gone out. They told us that we should not have used them. I wandered away from the crowd down the long aisle of the shopping mall. I seemed to remember this place from before. I looked to the right to see the shelves that ran along the front side of the big store. I realized that the store was going out of business, and that the items on the shelf were damaged and left over. I then remembered being in the store before. I looked to the right, down the corridor between the front window of the store and the long row of shelves. I could see brown rag paper over the windows. That was where the clearance items were for the closing sale. I remembered going to the sale when the area was a little bigger. I also remembered that the only way out was through the side door. I could see people walking down the corridor. There was someone in front of me. I looked at him, then stepped around him and walked up the stairs. I found myself in the toy store, which was closing. Everything in the store was marked down. I wondered whether there was anything that i could buy on sale. I thought that i had no need for toys anymore. Then i noticed a bin in front of me on the right side of the aisle. It seemed to have CDs in it. I thought that they were probably children’s CDs. I noticed that one of the dividers in the rack was black and said “Star Wars” on it. I thought that it might be the music to the movie. I walked around to the front of the bin and looked at the books. I realized that they were models. Some of them were Star Wars models. I pulled out the one that i had seen from the other side. It was a Darth Vader head which played sound. I thought that it was interesting, but did not want to buy any of the models. I did think that i could probably get them at a good price, however.

11998 April 02

I sat down on the near side of the dinner table. The woman on the other side was talking to us. She had an australian accent. She commented that there were no “country carpets” in this country. The others at the table did not know what she meant. I knew that it was australian slang but was unsure to what she was referring. I said, “We do have them. They’re just not that popular around here.” She looked at me, confused. I told her that i had assumed that she was referring campers. I told her, “Well, in England they call a camper a traveling carpet. I had assumed that ’country carpet’ was similar to that.” She started to object, but was unsure about what i was talking. I said, “In this country, we call them campers. It’s a recreation vehicle, a large traveling house... like a Winnebago.” She then understood. The others then agreed with me that we did have them in this country. She said that she had not seen them in this country and seemed a little unsure about our information. Then the person to my left told her that most of them were out west. I thought of the green forests of the northeastern United States and how a camper was not too useful here. Campers needed space to travel. The other person explained that most people who had campers were out in the southwest. She seemed to understand. I said, “You would have to go to Arizona or someplace like that... out in the vast deserts of the southwest.” She smiled and the conversation went on.

I was sick and did not really want to move that much. I was in the room. My mother was with me. There was music playing. I thought that it was not the correct music to be listening to. I walked to one end of the room where the stereo was. It seemed grey outside. The light drifted in from the large window on the front end of the room, on the south wall. I approached the south was and turned left to play with the stereo. Something seemed wrong. I did not feel like i was able to do this. I then walked back to the couch which was sitting in the middle of the long room. The room seemed like an attic space. Except for the couch, it was empty of furnishings. The walls seemed grey. I lay down on the couch. I felt as though i had to get up again. I walked into the class room. I had been out the day before because i was sick. I still felt sick. The entrance door was on the north end of the east wall. $A40 was sitting at the wooden desk, which was in front of the door, facing south. I walked past the desk and headed for one of the armchairs. I had missed the test yesterday and had to make it up. I walked back up to the front of the room and looked through the plastic folder which was hanging from the wall. It had copies of the test in it. I then sat down in the armchair and started to answer questions on it. I flipped the page and looked at my answers. They did not seem clear. They were written in large orange magic marker and ran over the lines. I realized that i was not being neat enough and thought that i should redo it in pencil. I walked back up to the front of the classroom and looked through the tray for another copy of the test. The woman had followed me up. She was looking for copies as well. I flipped through the papers and realized that there were not more copies of the test in the tray. All of the papers looked like part of the text book.

11998 April 03

I watched my watch as the minute hand approached the hour. The event happened every hour. I watched the hands come together at the top of the grey watch. I walked across the top level of the large library. There was a balcony which ran around the outside walls of the room. The center of the room was set lower than the rest. I walked up the stairs from the first level to the second. As i reached the top of the stairs, i noticed $A140 sitting at one of the wooden library cubicles. He was leaning back in his chair as he talked to me. There were other brothers around the room. I was happy to see all of them. Then i continued on. I ran into $F26 in one of the other rooms. He was sitting on a couch, which was against the back wall of the room. Then i moved through the basement. I was trying to hide from someone in jest. I ducked as i walked behind the stairs. The place was full of cobwebs. I paused behind the stairs and looked around. It was dingy and somewhat dark. I then decided that i should walk back around to the other side of the basement. I looked back the way that i had come to see a large set of webbing over the corridor. There was a tan spider sitting on the bottom of it. I ducked under the web as i walked back into the side corridor of the basement. I noticed that there were many webs all over the side walls of the basement. They all had spiders in them. Then i noticed the large grey object on the floor. It looked like a very large scorpion shell. I wondered whether there was really a scorpion hidden between the boxes. I did not want to think about it and tried to ignore the thought. I then looked down at the damp ground. I was on a sidewalk and there were muddy patched around it. I realized that the ground had been formed so that water channels ran over the sidewalk and down the hill. It had been raining and the ground was muddy. It was dark outside.

I was with $F4 in the large place. The room was very big and the ceiling was a few stories up. It was the main lobby of a public building and seemed to have a polished stone floor. $F4 walked ahead, into the building. I walked along the outside of the large glass window of the building, carrying the rack of CDs. I looked into the rack and noticed some of the CDs. One of them was white with brown and red objects on the front cover. The objects were drawn in cartoon style. I remembered this album from when i was young. My mother had the album. I wondered what it was doing in my CD collection. I did not remember buying it. I picked it up and looked at the back of it. Then i noticed the second CD. It was mostly brown and had a cartoon picture in the center of it. I also remembered this CD from when i was young. I knew that my mother never had the albums, though. They were early 70s funk albums. The name of the band was written across the bottom of the second album. The name started with “Deep” and was a single word. I thought that it should it should say “Deepthroat”, but it did not. The letters were brown and drawn to look wooden. The wood was cylindrical, but looked as though it had been twisted along its long axis. I wondered whether i should buy the CD. There was a man standing to my right as i looked through the rack. I picked up the brown CD and started to listen to it. I flipped it over so that i could see the back of it as i listened. The music started out slowly, and i wondered whether it was the same music that i had on the album Funkronomicon. I thought that there were many nostalgic CDs here that i liked and wondered whether i should get all of them. I knew that it would be a lot of money, but i realized that it would be a gift to myself. I turned around as i listened. I recognized the song. It was a remake of a modern song. I smiled as i listened to it, facing the austral man who was looking through the racks to my right. I wondered whether he would notice the CD that i was listening to.

11998 April 04

I was walking through the city. It seemed like a warm summer day. I remembered that i had flown over the buildings. I landed in front of the long house. There was a woman standing outside of the house. She seemed hispanic. I thought that i should not be obvious about my flying. I started to walk along the parking lot which ran in front of the building. I was heading to the north. I would have to fly again. I thought about flying back over the buildings. I then walked into the large yellow house. The house was very long and narrow. I could not let any one see that i had flown into the end of the house. I flew up to the second floor. I then started walking down the hall of the house. The house seemed very long, and the interior was dark grey. Then i saw $A14. He walked over to me. We discussed some work. He gave me some things to do and then walked away. I had to get out of the house. He could not know that i was still here. I saw him coming up the stairs at the other end of the hall. The stairs ascended away from me, so his back was to me. I quickly turned and flew down the hall and into the yellow bedroom. There was a dresser on the right side of the house. I quickly flew back into the hall and tried to slip down the second set of stairs into the kitchen. I stepped out the back door of the house. There was someone standing across the yard from me near the house next door. They could see me. I would not be able to fly from here. I started to walk across the lot behind the house. I did not want the woman in the kitchen to see me. I headed through the playground where the children were playing. I then noticed that there were several men watching me from the top of the apartment building on the other side of the playground. I wondered whether the men would think that i was a stranger who might assault their children. I walked past the monkey bars and started to fly. I sailed up towards the edge of the building. The men watched me, but did not seem to think that the flight was anything unusual. I grabbed onto the edge of the black ledge and stuck my feet into the ridge under the ledge. I hung on to the outside of the building. I thought that this was an interesting trick. I thought that i could turn around and jump back out over the lawn and fly away. They might think that it would be interesting. Then the men stepped over the top of the bleachers and onto the basketball court. I watched them as they walked out onto the court. I noticed $F30 walking into the gym from the opposite side of the room. I thought that i should go greet him. He seemed to see me, but turned to face the men who had walked out onto the court. I jumped off of the bleachers and flew up behind him. I wrapped my right arm around his neck and dragged him to the ground. He knew who i was and greeted me. I helped $F4 up from the ground. It was good to see him. I said hello back to him.

I was in the craft store just out side of the college town. The floor and the walls of the store were made of unfinished wood and there were shelves of items all around. The place was very narrow. The store was formed from several rooms which ran the length of the store. They were all very small and divided by half walls from either the front or back of the store. I was with my parents in the store. Then i decided that i had to leave. My parents would be leaving, and i had to go home in the other direction. I would have to ride my father’s motorcycle home. It was a black bike, and i knew that it was old. I felt somewhat strange getting to ride it, but i thought that it would be fun to drive home. I was just about to leave when i noticed $A141 coming into the store from the room to the west. He was wearing a leather jacket and had his left arm over his girlfriend’s shoulder. I said hello to him. Then i realized that i was still holding onto the motorcycle. I realized that it a “cool” status symbol. $A141 seemed impressed with the motorcycle and asked if it was mine. I told him that it was, and started to push the motorcycle up the sloping wooden floor of the store. I headed to the east, through the long store. I turned left to walk through the door into the next room. I then turned right to head into the room after that. I eventually came to the outside of the building. It seemed dark out and it felt as though it were going to rain. I would have to get home before it started to rain. I leaned the motorcycle up against the building. I then noticed that the rear tire of the motorcycle was missing. I remembered that my father had stored it that way. I looked to the front of the motorcycle to see the rear tire strapped to the front. It was for security. I would have to put the pieces back to together before i could ride it home. It was starting to rain, and i felt hurried. I pulled the long white tubes from the side of the front wheel and wondered how i would reattach them to the motorcycle. Then i thought that they were only for storage. I wondered how i would carry them when i rode.

11998 April 05

I turned off of the country road and onto the grass that ran along the side of the road. I drove across the short field which was in front of the section of woods. I could see the other car doing the same. I knew that they were the bad guys and that they were not as experienced in driving on the grass. I remember driving over the grass before. I hoped that i did not get the car stuck in the mud. I thought that it would not look cool to get the car stuck in the mud here. I turned down the city street and walked away from the others. I knew that i was disobeying orders from the boss. I was part of the gang. They expected me to act in a certain way, but i would not. I did not feel like following the orders of everyone else. The man walked up to me as i stood in front of the restaurant. He told me that i should do something. I told him that i did not want to. I knew that they would kill me for my actions. I tried to ignore them. I was not going to do what they told me. I walked into the bathroom and over to the toilet. I started to urinate.

11998 April 06

I was in the back seat of the car as we drove down the long, straight country road. It was sunny outside and there were leaves on all of the trees. My father was driving the car. It seemed that we had been driving northward for a very long time. I was getting board and wondered when we would be arriving home. I asked my father why there were no towns on this road. I remembered that when we drove south to get to the town to which we were going, we had passed through several small towns. My father said that we had been on a main road then, but that we were on a smaller road now. I asked how he knew that we were heading in the correct direction. He said that he was guessing on which way he was going. I knew that it was getting dark. Then we entered into a small city. It was night. I could see the black and white road signs for some of the major roads. There was a sign for New York State route 59 and route 5. I knew that route 5 ran through $P6, where we were going. I told my father that we should probably take route 5. We stopped at a gas station and i looked over the map to find out where we were. I opened it up. At first, i was looking at the northern part of the state. I flipped over the map and started to search for route 59 and 5. I would have to find where they intersected to find out where we were. I realized that there were no roads on the map in the area that i was searching. I pointed this out to my mother, who was sitting in the passengers seat. All of the roads seemed to be in the central part of the map. I folded up the map and looked at the front cover. The map’s cover was white with a blue boarder. There was a blue box at the top of the map which had white letters in it. The letters said that the map was of the $P53 area. I realized that this was only a map of the central part of the state. That was why it had no roads listed in the area in which i was searching. I placed the map back in the bottom drawer of the wooden desk and looked for a map of New York State. I found one and pulled it out. I looked over the southeastern part of the state. I then spotted route five on the map. My father got back in the car. He had been filling it with gas at the station. I asked my father where we were. I did not know that name of the city. I tried to look over the map, but it was too dark. We had pulled out of the gas station and were driving down the road. I tried to see the map, but could not. Then we passed under a street light, and i tried to search for the city. My father said that the name of the city was Cambridge. I asked him whether we were in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He said that we were not. I wondered where Cambridge, New York was. I thought that it might be down by New York City. Then i spotted route five along the middle section of the state. I traced it to the east until i saw Cambridge on the map. We had not traveled north on the dirt road as we had thought. We were near the Massachusetts boarder. I told my father to follow route five to route 40. I followed the line of route 40 as it went east to west. It seemed to be part of the Massachusetts Turnpike extension. I then realized that my mother was not in the car. It was hard to see the passenger’s side of the car, but i knew that she was no longer under the blankets. My father asked where she had gone and i told him that she had gotten out of the car at the gas station to go to the lavatory. He turned the car around to head back to the gas station.

I walked through the forest. There was a road and an old city ahead. I knew that they were vacant. This place was supposed to be vacant of all human life. The others had come to this place and had killed all of the humans. They wanted the cities and materials to use as resources, but they could not use the planet itself. I walked into the old house. I realized that this city was still standing. I walked into the vacant room of the house and looked around. I would have thought that the city area would be flat and empty. The invaders should have taken all of the buildings and equipment for recycling. I then looked around to the front of the building. I was in the library. I could see the glass building across the street through the large window on the front of the library. There were people walking around. This place must be under the control of the invaders. I started to walk across the front room of the library when a man waved a newspaper at me. I knew that i had to take the newspaper. It was part of the invaders propaganda. All people now had to real it. It was only a small newspaper, with several photographs on it. I knew that the photographs were programmed in some way. I would have to pretend that i was going to read it.

11998 April 07

I was in the small room of the house. I sat on the floor, on the pale green carpeting. There was a white snake that kept moving close to me. The snake was not dangerous, but i did not want it cuddling up next to me. The snake slid its head into the cuff of my left sleeve and tried to crawl up my arm. I pulled it out and placed it back on the floor. The snake tried again, and again i pulled it out. Then the snake jumped at me, ramming its head into the cuff of my sleeve. I was frustrated with it and did not want it near me. I fought with it for a while, but it would not stop charging at me. I held onto it, trying to get it away from me, but it would not leave me alone. I then picked up the screwdriver and stabbed at it. I killed the snake. The man wanted to give me a lie detector test to see if i had killed the snake. I walked around the house. I passed through the narrow corridor and came into the small room. There was a red curtain on the left wall of the room. I remembered that we were joking around in the house. There were several people who were running after us in the house, and we had rigged several prank traps to stop them. Bart Simpson was with me. As i watched the left wall of the room, i knew that the others would be running into the room. Bart had strung a wire across the floor just inside of the curtain, however. I knew that the athletes would trip over the wire. The wrestlers ran into the room, chasing after us. They broke through the curtain, but tripped over the yellow rope that was just on the other side. I thought that it was funny but tried not to laugh. I watched as they came through several times and tripped. I thought that more and more of the wrestlers were coming through. They could not see those who had tripped before them and so tripped over the wire as well. I tried not to laugh because i knew that they would get upset with me. Then one of the wrestlers walked over to me. He pushed me a little. He was smiling. It was $A126. He asked me if i thought it was funny. I could not help but laugh at him as several more people tripped over the wire behind him. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed back. He was challenging me. He was not mad, but i knew that he would probably take me down to get back for tripping him. I knew that i did not set the wire, but could not explain that to him. $A126 pulled me down and landed on top of me. He started to wrap up my arms so that i could not move. I was happy to challenge him, even though i knew that i could not compete with him.

11998 April 08

I was cautious of the lion as it walked around near me. It seemed to be ready to attack me, so i tried to be prepared. I watched it as it walked in front of me. It paced back and forth. I then realized that it was disturbing the small horse which was in the pen next to it. The lion had broken free of its pen again and had wandered into the horse’s side of the pen. I told $Z that we should get the lion back into its own pen. We strung the wire fence diagonally across the pen to separate the lion from the horse. The horse was still upset, and pranced around fretfully. I walked away from the cage and looked back over it. It was a large rectangular pen which was divided diagonally by the wire fence. I wondered whether the lion would stay on its side of the pen. I knew that it had a habit of escaping. I talked to $Z about this as we watched over the pen. Then i noticed that the lion was missing again. I wondered to where it had wandered off. I was worried about what might happen to the dog. It was always wandering off. I was afraid that it might get lost. I walked down to the edge of the pen, which was on the side of the street by the park. There were some emergency workers there. I looked down the street to see the large fire truck. It had run over the dog. $X7 was dead. I felt upset.

11998 April 11

I woke up early in the morning. We were in the large apartment building. I was with my parents. We were being shown the building by the realtor. I sat in the chair against the wall. I was very tired and did not feel like moving. The chair in which i was sitting was in the southwest corner of the room and faced east. The realtor and the other man stood off to my left as they spoke. The realtor was asking the man whether he wanted to move into another of the apartments in the building. He already lived in one on the first floor, but she said that he could also buy one which was on the fourth floor. I thought that it would not be convenient for him to have apartments in two different places. I also did not want him to have an apartment so close to mine. The realtor then mentioned that there were several rooms open in the back of the building which were adjacent to his. She said that there were four together and asked the man whether he would like to live in those rooms. He thought about it for a moment and said that he would take them. I thought that it was strange that he would take the apartments in only part of the house. I realized that he could not buy them. He could only rent them. I wondered how i would be able to buy only part of the building. It did not really make sense. Then my parents walked in again. They had been looking over a different part of the house. I walked around the north end of the room where the kitchen area was. The realtor was standing near me. I had been waiting for my mother and grandmother to finish looking around the house so that we could continue to the next floor. I then saw the realtor look at the watch on her right arm. She said that we should hurry up. I realized that we must have an appointment to be at another house. I was not done looking at the one we were in and started to walk around the room. I opened the closet door which was on the west side of the north wall. We would have to get everything ready to leave. My mother asked me to get some of the food ready. I took the head of lettuce and started to walk up the stairs that ran up the east wall of the house. I was carrying the head of lettuce in my left hand. I would have to wash it. I ate one of the outer leaves as i climbed, passing my mother, who was standing in the kitchen to the left of the stairs. I knew that she would not approve of me eating from the lettuce because it had not been cleaned. I walked around the corner of the room on top of the counter. I had to get over to the microwave where i could clean the lettuce. Then $A142 walked over to the sink on the north wall of the room. She was helping us prepare breakfast. I could not get past her. I was frustrated and said that i would have to wait to get the lettuce washed. My mother was shocked that i had said the in front of the woman. She then helped me off of the counter and said that i should go upstairs for a while until everything was ready in the kitchen. I walked across the street to the apartment house and up the stairs. I walked over to the couch which was along the south side of the west wall and sat down. Then $A15 walked up to me. He asked me how i was. I told him that everything was fine. I was a little sleepy. I could see out the back window of the house on the north wall. It was a large window and looked out through some trees. It was still very dark outside. I then heard the birds singing. They chattered for a while. I then realized that i had never heard what it sounded like to have the birds start talking in the morning. I had always heard them all singing at the same time, but i had never heard them start. I realized that they started in groups. A single noise was made, and all of the birds chirped at it. The singing then softened until there was another loud noise. I was amazed at how the birds started singing in the morning.

11998 April 12

I stood in the new apartment. Something felt very strange. I looked outside through the large square opening in the wall. There was a light rain falling on the ground. It was dull and grey outside. Something did not feel right. I wondered what had become of my new house. This did not seem like the place. I was confused, and did not know where i was.

11998 April 13

I walked around the edge of the large room, careful not to fall into the center of the room. There were some people on the stage at the front of the theatre. I was walking on a ledge which ran along the outside wall of the theatre. The walls of the theatre were white, and the seats were a dark brown. The seats were arranged in a curve around the stage, and the floor sloped upward, away from the stage. I looked down the see the alligator on the floor. I did not want to fall onto it. I climbed up the off-white curtains that were hanging against the back wall of the theatre. I was not supposed to be fooling around like this, but i felt mischievous. I climbed up to the catwalk that was hanging over the center of the room. There were lights hanging from it. I started to play with the lights as i hung from the bottom of the black metal rigging. I then slid across the theatre and dropped onto the stage. I was being disruptive to the people who were trying to rehearse. I walked out of the theatre and into the small room next to it. The room looked like a diner. There were pale green benches along the left and back walls, and there was a counter on the right. I felt like i had been here before. This was the malt shop. I walked over to the counter on my left and started to pour myself a malted shake from the tap. I looked around the room and noticed that there were several men in semi-casual clothes. I realized that they were part of the a cappella singing groups which were in town. They had stopped at the shop for a drink. I was interested in them and tried to watch them as they talked among themselves. I felt as though i were enjoying their company by hanging around in the same place as they were.

11998 April 14

I walked into the office where the teachers were. $Z was with me. This place was part of $P7. I had come back. The female teacher handed me a stack of papers and started telling me about them. I was to hand them out in the main office. I thought that it was strange that i should be back here working. I wondered what happened to the job that i normally had. The woman handed me several other stacks of paper to pass out. The main stack was xerographed and had a black cover. There were also some pamphlets that i was holding between my right arm and the stack. I backed out of the room and started to head down the white hall to the right. There were students walking through the halls. I was heading back towards the main building. I seemed to be in the field house. I felt slightly uncomfortable about coming back here to work. I turned to the left and walked through the doors. I found my self outside, on a side of the building that i did not recognize. There was a hill in front of me, and a playground set to the left. The ground next to the building was gravel, and there were several students hanging around. The building extended forward on my right. It was covered with brick and seemed fairly modern. I realized that this was a new area. It must have been constructed when the work was done on the field house. I looked around at the students as i walked away from the building. They looked like punkers. There was one standing against the right wall wearing a black leather jacket. His hair was spiked into a yellow mohawk. The other students also wore punker clothing. I felt unsure around them for a moment. I then realized that the dress code had changed. I thought that the students must be allowed to wear whatever they want for an outside jacket. I knew that they had to wear coats and ties indoors. I tried not to pay attention to the students as i walked. I looked to the left, up the hill and across the field to see a wooden play set. I then looked back at the brick part of the building. I realized that the building was decorated into a fancy tower. I looked back down so as not to trip over anything. I did not want to bump into any of the students that were walking around the field. I faced the building and stepped backward to get a better view. I avoided walking into a few of the students who were playing sports on the field. I then looked up at the brick tower. It was quite fancy and looked rather nice. I then remembered a dream i had a while ago in which there was a round brick building in the back of $P7. I wondered if this was the place. There was a large multi-paned window which curved with the outside of the tower. It was a few stories up and had yellow trim. This place looked nice.

11998 April 15

I was upset and asked the woman where my father was. I remembered this from before. I was in the hospital, and i remembered that my father had been taken by the monster. I ran down the white hall of the hospital to his room. I had to get to him before the monster did. I remembered that i had defeated the monster in the north section of the hospital before. It was a fire monster. I thought about it as i ran down the hall. I remembered that i had killed the monster before, but then had to kill the person who was helping the monster. I pictured the fire in the hall where i was fighting the person after the monster had died. I ran south, down the hall and turned left into the side corridor. I had to get to the room to get my father before the monster did. I came to the room and found it empty. The room was white, and had a tile floor. There was nothing in the room. The person with me ran up behind me and looked over my right shoulder into the room as i stood in the doorway. The person then ran back down the hallway to get help. I walked into the room. I was upset and had to find out where my father was. I pressed the square black button on the wall to the left of the door. It was the calling button for the nurse. I pressed it several times, trying to make the buzzing sound urgent. I then noticed the two people in the room. They were seated at a table to the left of the door. Just beyond them was the entrance to the bathroom. The bathroom seemed to be pale green. I asked the nurse at the table where my father was, but she did not know. The nurse was sitting on the opposite side of the table from the wall. The second person was sitting against the wall, on the side of the table that was facing the door. The nurse opposite the wall seemed to be injured. It was from the monster. She said that she did not know where the monster had gone. I walked back to the buzzer on the door and rang it several more times. Then i held it down for a while. I had to get someone to come. I saw two people coming down the hall toward me. They walked into the room and i demanded to know where my father was. The nurse said that she did not know. She was lying. I recognized her from before. She was oriental and had a long face that was covered with white face cream. The other nurses were holding her. I slapped her and asked her again, “Where is he?” She said that she did not know. I knew that she had something to do with the monster. I slapped her left cheek with my right hand, trying to get her to answer. Then i realized that my hand was white. I had smudged the white face paint from her face. I said that the paint was to disguise the fact that she was really dead. She had put the paint on her face to look alive. I knew that the monster was in the north end of the hospital now. I then remembered that the oriental nurse had been with the monster before in the north end of the hospital. This was not going as it had gone before. She was one of the people whom i was fighting after the monster had been killed. I told the others that she was dead, and she started to come after me. I punched her across the face with my right fist. She fell backwards, to the ground as the others grabbed her. We could not let her escape to the monster. I told the others that she could not be killed in the conventional way because she was already dead. The other person with me ran back down the hall toward the main corridor. I started to follow but made sure that the others had captured the woman. I told them that their guns would not work on her because she was dead. The only way to stop her was to cut off her head or destroy her nervous system. There was a rope around her neck that we had used to choke her the last time. The nurse was then pushed to the north side of the hall. I thought that they would hold her until we had to kill her. She was one of the people who took over the monster’s powers after the monster was dead. Then the man shot her in the lower spine so that she could not move. Before she could fall, he shot her again in the back of her neck to break her upper spine. Then he shot her in the head to kill her. I thought that she would no longer be a threat and ran out into the hall. As i came out into the main corridor, i saw the monster to the north of me. It was long and serpent-like and was covered with fire. We had to defeat it. I knew that nothing could hurt the monster and wondered how we had killed it before. I quickly ducked down the corridor to the right. I wanted to sneak around to the other side of the monster while it fought the other people. I turned left into the library and headed across the room. There was a glass wall on the other side of the library. I could see the monster’s tail through the wall. The tail was blue and green and shimmered in the light. I wondered how i could attack it. There was nothing in the room that i could fight it with. I stayed against the left wall of the library, hoping that the monster did not see me. I had to sneak up on it. I did not know how to kill it. I had no weapons that could hurt it. I knew that hitting it would not work. I thought about the fire that it had created in the main corridor of the library. Things were not going as before. Before, we had killed the monster and then had to deal with its human helpers. This time, all of the humans were dead. We only had to kill the monster. I wondered how we did it last time.

11998 April 16

I stood in the large room with the other students. All of the students were standing in groups. I seemed to be a part of their activity, though i did not feel as though this was the natural place for me to be. It seemed as though i was visiting this place. I remembered some of the students, but i felt out of place. The students seemed to be lined up in companies. I realized that they were still marching in the battalion. One of the students then started to talk to me. He seemed to be in some kind of authority. All of the students were standing in formation around the room. The room was crowded with students, but they were all in lines. I then noticed that the students were wearing uniforms: dark pants with grey shirts. I had thought that the school had switched their dress code so that the students could wear suits and ties. Then the students were dismissed, and they started to walk across the dining room of $P19 and head into the living room. I started to follow them, watching some of them as they walked, noting that the uniforms were still the same as when i wore them. I walked into the living room, where it was somewhat darker. I then realized that the people had disappeared. There were only a few people around me. I looked around the room and wondered where they had gone. I thought that they might have gone outside. I looked out the large window on the end of the living room and down the slope of the back hill. It was dark outside and there was snow on the ground. I could not see the students. It seemed as thought they walked down the hill, bit i could only see the darkness of the tree line at the left edge of the lawn. I turned around and looked across the living room. $F6 was in the room. I asked him where all of the people had gone. He said that they walked down to the lower edge of the lawn. I looked out the window again but could not see them. I walked across the living room and into the back foyer. We walked out of the building and got into the car. I sat in the front seat as the other person drove. Someone opened the rear door on the driver’s side and slid into the back seat. I slid down in the front seat and looked over my left shoulder to see who it was. A man with curly black hair and a round face slid into the seat. He was wearing a red sweatshirt. He seemed like $F24, and i said “hello” as if i knew him. I then realized that he was not whom i thought he was. I told him so. I looked at the other person who had gotten into the car. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt. I realized that the two of them simply wanted rides. The car started down the steep curving road into $P17. I realized that the two passengers wanted to go down town. I thought it was very inconvenient as we were heading across the hill. I watched the narrow road as it curved through the apartment complex. All of the houses were made of brown brick and seemed very plain on the outside. There were footlights on the sides of the road what glowed a pale yellow. The road seemed slippery as it was still covered with snow. It seemed to be twilight out. We passed over a footlight which was in the center of the road. I mentioned to $Z, who was driving, that this road must not be well plowed in the winter as the plow would pull up the lights. We followed the curve of the road to the right and came to a stop at the corner. I got out of the car and started walking to the right. We were looking for something, but i was not sure what it was. I felt somewhat uneasy. I then noticed the radio towers over the lawn to the left of us. They were on a small hill on the other side of the grassy field. I remembered that they were for one of the local radio stations. There were four of them in a row. Then one of the people read the call letters on the tower. They said that it was the tower for WICB. I searched the towers but could not find any writing to indicate to which radio station they belonged. I then noticed a second set of towers around the sides of a large red brick building to the left of the field. There were six towers: three on each side of the building. I saw a small white sign on one of the towers with red letters on it, but i could not make out what it said. I told the other that one of these places was an AM set of towers. I then considered what i had said and corrected myself. I told them that none of these towers were configured for AM broadcasting. Only FM required the tall, multiple tower array. The other person disagreed with me. I looked back and forth between the two sets of towers. I seemed to get the areas confused. I could not tell at which one i was looking.

11998 April 17

My mother was sick. She was lying on the bed in the back room of the small house. The room was green and did not seem much bigger than the bed. I was taking care of her. I walked out into the larger room where the people were gathered. There had been a party going on for some time. I was looking for a drink, but all of the cups seemed to be empty. The people in the room were from $G4. They were all drinking from the clear plastic cups. I looked around on the table for a clean cup. All of the cups of orange juice were empty. I needed a clean one. I picked up a clear plastic cup from the clutter of things on the table. There were metal bowls and soda-pop bottles crowding the surface of the table. I looked around for a pitcher of orange juice, but could not find one. There were several empty pictures on the table. I watched myself place an empty picture back down on the table and then turn to my left and walk into the kitchen. I saw a full picture of orange juice on the counter and picked it up. I poured some into the cup. I thought about how late in the party it seemed. I wondered whether any of the orange juice left would still be good. As i poured it into the small, spherical glass cup, i noticed that it suddenly turned brown on one side. There must have been something in the orange juice that was no longer any good. I would have to get another cup. The orange juice needed to be stirred. I then stood at the end of the table. $A143 was sitting on the right side of the table from me. I was very angry with him. I tossed the glass of orange juice at him. He did not react. I yelled at him and threw another glass of orange juice in his face. Then i picked up the plate off of which i had been eating. I thought that i should not make it seem that i was going to throw it at him. I removed the fork from the chunk of lasagna that was on the small paper plate. I then threw the plate full of lasagna and red sauce into $A143’s face. I dropped the plate on the table and turned to walk away. I knew that $A143 was now upset with me. He stood up from the side of the table. I walked into the bedroom of my grandfather’s old house on $P12. I closed the door behind me. I knew that $A143 would be coming after me. I should find a place to hide in the room. I looked around but could not think of where to go. I remembered that i used to hide in the room when i was much younger. I opened the closet door on the north side of the room. I thought about hiding in the back of the closet, but found that it was too small. I would not be able to crawl into the tiny space. I thought that i must have been able to get into it when i was much younger. I could hear $A143 at the door to the room. I did not know where to go. Then i looked back across the room to see the empty bed. It had a brown slip cover over it that was made out of a corded material. I could see under the bed to the space on the other side, between the bed and the wall. I realized that i could climb over the bed and hide there. If i stayed still, he might not notice me there. I tried to jump over the bed, but got stuck on the top of the bed. The slip cover seemed very sticky, and i could not slide over its surface to the other side of the bed.

11998 April 18

I drove up the narrow streets that ran up the hill on the side of town. I knew that several of the streets were one-way streets. The hill was on the south side of town, and was facing north-northwest. I was trying to head to the west side of the hill. I knew that there were some roads which ran along the bottom of the hill and came out where i wanted. I watched the other cars pass me as they came down the hill. I knew that they were trying to get to the same place that i was. I wondered how i had gotten there before. I remembered traveling on the hill several times. I thought that it would be easy to get back to that place. It seemed that all of the roads led over to the west side of the hill. I then realized that i was heading up the narrow road that ran along the side of the gorge. The gorge was off to my right as i drove up the hill. There was a queue of row houses along the left side of the street, with cars parked in front of them. I then remembered that this road did not go anywhere. I looked in front of me to see the cul-de-sac at the end of the road. The road had a branch to the east of the cul-de-sac, but i knew that it did not go anywhere. There was a car in front of me that was turning around in the cul-de-sac. I had to make sure that i did not hit it, as the road was very narrow. I passed the man in the large green car and started to turn around to the left in the cul-de-sac. As i turned around, i realized that the car behind me was following me. I could see its lights in my rear view mirror. I drove down the side of the large white warehouse and turned to the right, passing through the large stack of boxes. I then got out of my car and hid in the warehouse. I knew that the people would not find me. I thought that they would simply pass by. Then i looked back up the road to see the man driving after me. He turned off of the main road and into the warehouse as i had done. I was on the roof above him as he drove his old, seventies-style car through the stack of cardboard boxes. I had to hide. I could not let the man find me. I lay down on top of the boxes and stayed still. My car was below me, but i hoped that he would not find me on top of the boxes. I could hear him walking around below me. I looked over the edge of the boxes to see my car below me. I noticed that the man had placed something on the front left wheel of the car. I could only see the end of it as it stuck out from the car. It was a bright green, and seemed to be a wheel lock. He was trapping my car so that i could not go anywhere. I thought that i could call the police and have them remove the locks, but then i remembered that i was not supposed to be in the old factory. I would just get in trouble. Then i heard the man coming. I was worried that he might do something to my car. I worried that he might plant a bomb under it so that i could not use it. I moved back away from he edge of the roof as the man approached my car. He was wearing blue coveralls and had something in this hand that he was looking at. Then he started to lay down and look under the passengers tire of my car. I moved back a little from the edge, but stayed where i could see him. I did not want to run any more. As the man lay on the ground, he looked up into the wheel well of the car and caught sight of me. He then smiled, thinking that he had me. He walked over to the east side of the room and picked up his gun from a pile of boxes. He fired at me. I pulled back onto the roof and thought of what to do. I started yelling out for the other person, who had come with me. I then realized that if i acted like i did not know what was going on, he might not kill me. I kept calling the name, and started to moan in fear. The man realized that i was retarded, and thought that i did not know what was going on. He approached me, trying to find the others. I mumbled that i was looking for someone. I had to act stupid so that he would not shoot me. He wanted to follow me to find the others. I walked around the large room, which was the family house of $Z. I could not let him find $Z. Then the mother came in. I acted stupid to her and asked where $Z was. She seemed confused at first, but understood that something was going on. I did not want the rest of the family to get involved, but they started to arrive. We had to get the man to leave. The man looked at the mother. I mouthed some words to her and moved my hands, motioning towards the man. I was trying to get her to play along with the charade longer. We had to keep the man confused.

I was talking to $A30 in the middle of the large field. There was snow on the ground, and i had been running over the narrow trail that ran through the field. I was talking to $A30 about the run. We thought that it would be a good idea to set the trail across some of the open fields, though we were not setting trails at this time. Then we saw the worn path of footprints in the snow that branched off to the left from the main trail. We turned down the side trail, following the packed snow between the houses. We ran into several other $G4. We stopped in the middle of the cluster of small houses and talked. I wondered what the people in the small cottages would think. We seemed to be out in the middle of a large open field, which might have been a frozen lake. There seemed to be people in the cottages, who were wary of us standing on their property.

11998 April 19

I was in the downstairs of the house when i heard the sound. It sounded like someone yelling. I stood up and listened for it. I was in the dining room of my grandfather’s house on $P12. There was something wrong outside. I walked to the door on the front of the house and looked out. It was very dark, and i could barely see the brown trunks of the trees at the edge of the forest across the street. I heard the sound again. It was coming from the forest, and sounded like someone yelling. I thought that it might be my grandfather. I worried that he might have gone for a walk in the woods and gotten lost. I knew that he was no longer able to get around. I then saw a figure moving in the darkness of the trees. It was my grandfather. He was wearing tan slacks and a white shirt. My father was leading him home. I asked them what they were doing out in the woods. My father told me that they were looking for my wallet. I realized that my grandfather must have confused it for his own. Now he had lost it. The situation did not seem right. Something was wrong. I walked into the kitchen of my grandmother’s house and looked through the pants that i had been wearing the night before. I could not find my wallet in it. Then i walked into the living room, where the rest of my dirty laundry had been piled. I pulled out the white pants that i had been wearing yesterday. I realized that the article of clothing was actually a blue and white striped shirt, with uneven thicknesses of blue stripes on a white surface. I dropped the shirt on the pile near the living room door, where the white sheets were wadded up. The other pile had some more clothing on it. I then answered my mother as she asked what was wrong. I told her that i could not find my wallet. I thought about how i would have to get all of my cards again. I then looked at my father, who was standing in the living room. I said, “Fuck it. I’m not dealing with those god damn credit cards again.” I stormed out of the room and up the stairs. I was in the guest bedroom of my grandfather’s house on $P12, talking on the telephone to my mother. I picked up my wallet from the dark brown dresser and looked through it. Most of my cards seemed to be there, but i could not find my license. I complained to my mother that my grandfather had lost my things. I said that i could not find my license, and seemed upset. Then my mother told me that my license was never in my wallet. She said that it was time to renew it. I disagreed with her. Then i thought about the time of year. It was only a few months after my birthday, and i would have had to get my license renewed on my birthday. I then remembered going to the motor-vehicle department and having my picture taken. I walked around the bed in the guest bedroom to the stand where the person had taken my picture. I looked through my wallet again and found my old license. It was simply no good any more. I would have to get the new one.

11998 April 21

I walked through my parents’ house quietly. There were still people sleeping, so i tried not to make any noise as i walked through the second floor hall. I walked into the small bathroom, which was very narrow and which extended to the right as i walked through the door. I walked over to the toilet, which was against the back wall, in the left corner of the room. The white walls of the room seemed dingy, and the toilet seemed very old and worn. The black seat was faded to a dull grey and was very thin. I noticed that the water level in the toilet was very high. I thought that it might overflow. I then realized that the valve on the left somehow controlled the level of water in the bowl. I must have turned the knob too high. I looked at the white pipe which ran up and down on the left side of the toilet, between the toilet and the wall. It had a triangular indication needle which wrapped around the thick pipe from the left. There were short black lines on the pipe to tell the water level. I rotated the knob to the left and watched as the needle dropped to the mark numbered fourteen. I noticed that the water level in the toilet dropped as well. I then flushed the toilet to make sure that the level was correct. I did not want to make too much noise, however, for i might wake everyone up. It did not seem low enough, though, so i turned the knob again. The water in the toilet then dropped further. I then noticed the fish bowl to the right of the toilet. It was a bright blue and had a large tan fish swimming in it. The fish had wide, flourished fins, like an oriental goldfish. I lifted the lid on the tank and started to urinate into it. I remembered that it was what the tank was for. I watched the stream of clear urine spray into the tank. The flow of water shifted some of the rocks at the bottom of the tank. I then wondered why the tank was here. It seemed that the acid in the urine might affect the fish. I kept urinating, moving the stream around so as not to disturb the fish. Then i finished and placed the clear plastic lid back onto the tank. I walked out of the bathroom and noticed someone coming into the house from the front door. I walked up the stairs, looking to my right through the upper railing. I watched as the person walked into the large bedroom in the middle of the house. I followed him in. There were a few people sleeping on the bed to the left. The one near me got out as i came in. I then realized that there was a third person sleeping horizontally at the foot of the bed. It seemed that they were packed into the house. I wondered why they were all sleeping so tightly. $A144 slipped off of the bed and walked over to the exercise machine in the center of the room. He asked whether anyone would mind if he used the machine. He assured the people that he would not use it for that long a period. The two people left in the bed and the one on the floor in front of me seemed disappointed in him. I thought that they would not get back to sleep with the noise from the machine. I looked at my mother, who was on the far side of the bed. She was sitting up, looking somewhat dazed. I thought that she would be up anyway as it was early in the morning.

11998 April 22

I was in the small room in the basement of the house. It was not well lighted and the walls were covered with dark wood paneling. I was part of a discussion group which seemed to be part of a class. There were about fifteen other people crowded into the small room with me. I lay on the couch as i listened to the teacher, who was on the other chair towards me feet. There were people sitting on the floor and in chairs listening to the teacher. There seemed to be book shelves and tables around the room. I then shifted position a little. $F19 was lying on the couch with me, with her head on the other end of the couch. I kicked her as i moved. I did not intend to hurt her, but i did not seem too concerned that i had hit her. I looked up at her as i apologized. I then realized that i had hit her in the face. There was a hole in the left side of her face. I could see a small puncture on her cheek, just under the bone, where my foot had hit her. There was a loose piece of flesh hanging into the center of the wound. I realized that i could see into her mouth from the hole. I became worried. I did not intend to hurt her. I helped her up and told her that we had to get her taken care of. She did not seem too concerned, but i was worried that the cut might be serious. I wanted to get her to the hospital. I thought that the doctors would have to stitch her up. I walked out of the room with $F19 and looked down the hall of the school building. The halls were made of a brown, fake-marble stone. There seemed to be a large window across the hall from us, as if we were near the entry hall for the building. It was obscured from us by a set of stairs which led up to the next level. I was very worried about $A19 and had to get her somewhere. I asked someone in the hall where the school nurse was. I turned to the right and walked down the hall and into the large cafeteria. I was looking for the school nurse. The cafeteria was filled with people. I then walked back into the small room where we had been gathered for the class. I was looking for the first aids kit. I saw it over by the far wall. I opened the kit and emptied the contents out onto the coffee table. There did not seem to be anything that i could use in it. It was filled with plastic bags and cleaning rags. I could not find what i was looking for. I then walked back into the hall. I realized that i had lost $F19. I saw one of the nurses walking down the hall and i asked her whether she had seen $F19.

11998 April 23

There was a party at my parents’ house. There were several groups of people around the house. The party seemed to be composed of two groups of people: some that were my parents’ age, and some that were my age. The young people seemed to be in their twenties. I was hanging out with the younger group of people. I seemed interested in several of them. One of them was a girl who had very long blonde hair. They sat at the table in the kitchen, eating some of the party food. I felt happy to be here. The other people at the party all seemed older and hung out with each other. I then said something to the young people and they walked from the kitchen into the living room. We were going to do something. I watched myself stop in the doorway at the top of the short flight of stairs. I seemed to be on the outside of the house. I met one of the men who had come to the party. I said hello to his son as well. His son seemed to be my age. I thought that he was attractive, but i did not want to say anything. I spoke to the son, asking him whether he would like anything to eat. I wondered whether i should be trying to befriend him when i was already interested in some of the other men who had just walked into the living room with the rest of the young people. I offered the man some food. I mentioned several of the food items which were around. The heavy man seemed interested in them. I then mentioned the doughnuts which were on the tray. They seemed like cheap doughnuts with a glaze frosting. The man was excited about them and waited on his toes until i told him where they were. He then walked past me and into the room. I walked to the east, into the kitchen. I pulled the ice cream cake from the freezer. My mother was standing by the sink. I started to scoop a section of the cake onto the small plate that i was holding in my right hand. The remainder of the cake almost formed a semicircle. I chopped off the wedge-shaped chocolate section close to me. I thought about which flavour was better: the vanilla or the chocolate. I knew that the chocolate was better but then i remembered that the crust was crumbled chocolate cookies. I thought that they went better with the vanilla. I took the crumbling pieces of chocolate anyway and walked back to the table on the south wall of the kitchen. My mother was sitting across the table from me. There was another woman to my left. They were both about the same age. As i ate through my piece of cake, i noticed the plate in the center of the table which had whipped cream on it. The whipped cream was rounded on the side facing me. I knew that it was so because the people who had been sitting there were scooping the sides of the cream onto their cake as they ate. This was the table where the other young people had been sitting before they walked out into the living room. I got up and started after them. I came in front of the couch where i met the tall blonde man. I thought that he looked somewhat like $F15. His hair was very light blonde, and his skin seemed very smooth. I knew him and felt very friendly towards him. I hugged him hello. There was someone sitting on the couch behind him. I felt very excited to see the man again. We held each other as we talked. He was very strong and squeezed me as we spoke. I squeezed him back. He realized that i was trying to bear hug him. He smiled and said that he was interested in the challenge. He then squeezed me very tightly. I knew that he was much stronger and would win, but i kept trying to squeeze him back.

11998 April 25

I wandered through the hall of the hotel. I was looking for a vacant room. The corridor ahead of me was white, and oddly shaped. It seemed very narrow as the people from the convention moved into it. I walked to the end of the hall, where there was a door on either side. I walked into the room on the right side first. It seemed clean, but cheaply decorated. I noticed that there was an older man sitting in a yellow chair on the left side of the room. I decided that the room was not vacant and turned around to try the room on the other side of the hall. I wanted the room at the end of the hall because it had a better view. I looked at the plaque on the door as i walked into the room. It said “105”. I thought that i should take this room. Then i noticed that there was an old woman sitting in a chair at the other end of the room, against the right wall. The light from the outside window shined in behind her. I was distressed that i could not get the room i wanted. I walked back into one of the other rooms of the hotel, but soon realized that they had all been filled. I walked into one on the south side of the corridor, but there were people in it. I was frustrated that i did not take the first room that i had walked into. It was vacant when i first went into it. I then walked into a narrow room in the middle of the hall. I realized that it was a lavatory. There was a white object against the right wall of the room which had something to do with a toilet. I was disappointed that this was not a room. I removed a piece of the object and walked across the hall to the main conference room. Most of the other people were gathered there for the meeting. A man was lecturing at the board, describing the room layout of the hotel. I had taken one of the small rooms. He pointed to the room on the board and described how it was dedicated to herpetological research. I knew that most of the people would not know what herpetology was, and thought that it was interesting that i had worked in that area for a while. I then walked back into the large room. I felt uncomfortable. There was something going on in the hotel that was not good. I realized that the others were plotting, and that i had fallen into their schemes by accident. I realized that i looked like an old man. They had been holding me in this place for some time. I realized that i had to get away. I looked to the west, across the parking lot. I could see the large planes taking off from the runway on the other side of the chain-link fence. I had to escape from this place and get over there. I got into the car and tried to get away, but the car did not move easily. I started off across the parking lot in he small buggy, the tires of the vehicle squealing. I then realized that the other man was after me. I watched as he drove his car toward me. I swerved around in a circle to avoid him. He was an austral man, and was driving a yellow car. I decided that i would ram the other man in the side on one of my turns. I hit him and sent him skidding into the fence at the side of the lot. I then started racing off around the side of the building to the east. I drove across the dry dirt ground for quite a ways. I watched the narrow road ahead of me as it passed over the grassy hills. I remembered entering this road so long ago. I hoped that i did not get caught on the ruts of the road as i traveled. I knew that the man was still following me. There seemed to be another vehicle ahead of me. It was filled with teenagers and seemed like a dune buggy. I hoped that they did not block my way as i tried to escape. I sped over the rolling hills of the narrow dirt road when i realized that the entire landscape had become barren. I was in the desert, and the ground was covered with large ashen tan dunes. The dunes were rippled with wave patterns from the wind. I drove my car to the top of one of the dunes when i turned to the side and came to a halt. I wondered whether my tires had gotten stuck in the sand. I looked over the edge of the dune. There was some white structure on the dune. I then looked to the right where the man had driven up to me. I was in the corridor of a very old hotel. The halls were tall and narrow, and the floor was a fake stone. I ran down the hall and charged the man. I had to attack him and stop him from following me. There was no other place for me to go.

11998 April 26

There was a blue light and we were suddenly on the deck of the boat. We were on the port side of the ship, near the middle of its length. We had just moved through time and had appeared on the deck of the Titanic. I remembered this scene from the movie Time Bandits. The bandits were unaware of what was going to happen. I knew that the ship would sink. They walked around the deck of the ship and started to sit in some of the lawn chairs. I knew that the ship would hit an iceberg soon and that the deck would tip. It was supposed to be humorous. I looked out over the front of the ship. The boat was not that large. It had a flat bow deck which was made of wood, and had very low railings around the edges. The area around us was flat, and the grass was covered with snow. The boat was moving through a narrow channel. There was snow on the water. Some one then mentioned an iceberg and the passengers started to panic. I walked to the front of the boat and looked for the iceberg. I remembered that this boat would hit something, but there was nothing very large in the water. I walked to the tip of the bow and looked off. I was very close to the water level. I could see nothing but small blocks of ice in the water as we moved. I then remembered that this boat had an imperfect bow. There was something wrong with the construction. Even the slightest iceberg could crack open the front of the ship. I watched the black metal of the bow move through the water. Then i noticed that it was getting lower to the water. I stood up and watched as the bow of the boat sunk under the level of the water. I stepped off of the boat and onto the dock on the port side of the ship. I tried not to get my feet wet as i went. It was very dark out, and i tried to walk along the narrow row of stones at the base of the metal fence which ran along the edge of the channel. I looked out, away from the channel to see that the land dropped off. I did not want to fall down the slope. It was to dark to see what was below, and the air was obscured with a heavy mist. It seemed rainy and dreary out. I then thought that we could not walk down the slope because it would be all muddy. I looked back at the canal to see that the water was cresting right at the edge of the wall. It must be seeping through the rocks of the wall and draining down the slope on the other side. I looked down at the stones as i stepped along them. The stones were flat, and were standing vertically under the metal fence. I then came to one section which had been tipped over towards the water. I switched to the other side of the fence and continued walking. I walked along the stones, keeping my feet dry. We had to stay on the wall in order to be safe. Suddenly, i noticed that there were thick bushes in front of me. They were leafless but had sharp thorns sticking from the branches. I crossed over to the canal side of the fence and tried to get around them. I was interested in the way the bush in front of me looked. It had very thick flat branches which looked as though they were carved. I thought for a moment that they could be extraterrestrial plants. I knew that, on another world, plants were tubular and has a soft spongy texture. I stepped from the fence and onto the railroad tracks that were to my right, where the water had been. I looked back down the tracks to see the others following me. The water did not make it this far up the hill. It was night out, and i started to follow the old set of tracks up the hill. It was raining slightly and i felt wet. I walked ahead on the abandoned tracks to see if i could find a place to go. There seemed to be a hill on the right side of the tracks which went up very steeply from the rail bed. I then noticed that i had walked under an old metal shed. I could see the large rusted i-beams overhead. I realized that i no longer felt the rain. I thought that we could stop here. I turned around and told the others that we could stop under the shed. There was another man behind be. He was all wet and held his shoulders high to keep warm. He had dark curly hair which came down to his jaw line. I told him that we could stay here to keep dry for the evening. There seemed to be some kind of structure on the downhill side of the tracks. I walked into it and looked around. $Z was with me. I seemed to be within a narrow channel where an older set of tracks ran. There were short metal walls on both sides of the channel. The track seemed rusted and out of use. I was checking something on the ground near the tracks. It seemed as though we were making sure that it was safe for everyone to travel. The ground seemed bare in the area, as if all of the grass had been torn up. I then realized that the grass was just being put down. There was someone else with me as i looked over the ground. I noticed that the grass was laid down in sheets, like a cloth. It was placed there to prevent erosion from the rain. The other person walked on the other side of the dirt patch from me. I looked at the patch of dry dirt and noticed that the grass had been pulled back away from it. I grabbed the sheet and pulled it towards me, spreading the cloth of grass over the bare ground. It would help the lawn look better. Everything was still brown and dreary. The other person started to speak to someone. They were on the other side of the lawn. I lifted one of the cloths from the ground. It caught the wind, which was blowing from my left. I wrapped the cloth around me and noticed that the wind started to lift me up. I started to move into the wind, across the front yard of my grandmother’s house. I realized that the small towel that i had wrapped around my shoulders was very good at catching the wind. I floated for a moment, but knew that i would have to get the small towel off of me so that i would come back down to the ground. I could not fly away forever. I tried to maneuver the towel so that the wind lowered me back down to the ground. I landed on the lawn of the house on the corner. I looked at the small blanket of grass and realized that it was covered with white feathers. I thought that it must be like the falcon skin of Freja.

11998 April 28

I walked through the area in the city between the large buildings. The place seemed like some kind of cafe or courtyard. I was trying to get back to someplace. I then started jogging around the small track which was inside of the room. The track was paved black. As i ran around it in a counter-clockwise direction, i realized that i was part of a race. I could see other people that i knew running around the track. The track was a red rubber material and had a fence on the inside edge. As i rounded one of the corners, i spotted $A67 jogging around the outside of the track. I thought that i was not running that fast, but i seemed to be keeping up with everyone. I was surprised how easily i could keep up with the other runners. I was then jogging clockwise, and i realized that the next race was about to start. I wondered whether i could keep up with them. I knew that they were sprinters. I then spotted $F13 walking down one side of the track. I ran up behind him and said hello. It was good to see him. I walked with him through the living room of the small house. The house belonged to $K14 and $K15. I was in the living room with $K14. I could see $K15 in the kitchen. There was some nervousness in the air. I knew that the weather was getting bad, and that i would have to get home soon. I told $K14 that it would not be a problem and walked out the front door of the house. It was not yet snowing, but i knew that the heavy storm was coming. There was about a metre of snow on the ground already. I walked down the path toward the main road. I would have to walk home. I knew that my parents’ house was to the left, on the main road and then over the hill to the right. I knew that my mother would be worried about me being out in the snow, but i did not think that it would be a big problem. I started across the road when i saw the large truck coming. It was being pulled by several large belgian horses. I did not want to cross in front of the truck because i knew that the horses would kick up a lot of snow. I did not want to be between the horses and the high snow bank on the other side of the road. I watched the truck pass in a cloud of flurrying snow. I then crossed the road and started walking home. I noticed that the road ahead of me was hazy and obscured by falling snow. I through that the heavy snow would not start until i was on the straight road which led to my parents’ house. By that time, i should be able to find my way without looking.

11998 April 29

I was in the small hotel room with $A145. It seemed as though we had not seen each other in a very long time. I was anxious to hold him, but i felt uncomfortable doing so. There seemed to be other people walking by. We had been traveling together for some time, and we had finally been left alone. We hugged each other eagerly. It felt good to hold him. I moved my hand across his back, feeling the texture of his shoulders. We started to lay down on the bed, with him on top of me. I then felt the muscles of his triceps as he supported his weight. They were well defined. I was happy holding him. Then there was someone else coming. We had to get up. He sat on the couch on the side wall of the hotel room, under the window. I wanted the other person to go away so that we could hold each other again. I thought about holding $A145. I could see that he was anxious to do so as well, but we were waiting for the others to leave.

I knew that we would have to meet near the large barn, as the other place would not do. There was another group of people with me as i discussed this. I knew that the other place would not work. I walked back into the class room with the test. I had been taking it. I seemed to be late with the test, but i had finished it. It was a physics test, though there were several questions on it about the history of physics. I sat in the arm chair and listened to the teacher as he spoke. He was a tall thin man, and seemed like $A146. Then the woman, who was sitting next to me, read over some of the answers that i had on my test. She said that they were not correct. I knew that i had been guessing on the test because i did not read enough of the material. She pointed out that the first answer was incorrect. It had to do with history and how something was discovered in physics. I noticed that the question cited a reference from the text book on page twenty-four. I realized that i could have used the book to look up the answer. There were several questions on which i was guessing. I thought that i could not get a good grade like i had hoped for. As i looked over the front of the test, i realized that i would not do well on it at all. There were too many answers i was guessing at. I did not read the book like i was supposed to. The woman acted like the questions were simple and asked how i could have gotten them wrong. I was mad at her and took back the test. I tore it up in front of her and crumbled the paper. I knew that the teacher was watching. I knew that i would be able to take the test home and do it again, even though it would be late. Then $A146 mentioned that he would not have time to do something because he was supposed to grade the tests tonight. I realized that my test would be late. I thought about how strange it was that i would be able to take a test home to do it. Then i heard the person behind me talking on the telephone. There had been someone missing from class and he was calling her to make sure that she was coming. He then mentioned her name and i realized that it was $A71. I sat in the arm chair, facing forward, as $A146 walked to the board in front of me and started to teach. I listened to the telephone conversation. In had to go somewhere. It seemed as though i was in a parking lot near the side of a building.

11998 April 30

I was on the bus with my parents as we traveled down the road. We were heading for New York City. I talked to some of the other people on the bus as we traveled. Then we started to drive north and were coming into a town. The driver of the bus announced that everyone would have to get off of the bus to switch to a new bus. I looked out the front window of the bus to see that we were driving down a highway that was enclosed between two grassy slopes. There were shrubs and trees growing on the slopes. The bus driver said that we were heading into Syracuse. I wondered why we were driving into Syracuse. It seemed to be out of the way to get to where we were going. I then thought that it was probably not that far out of the way. I looked out the window to see an overhead highway sign. It had the word “Syracuise” printed on it. I did not think that the name was spelled correctly. I did not remember that there was an I near the end of the word. I then spelled the word in my head and realized that the sign was probably correct. The bus pulled into a yard where several other busses were standing. I walked backwards through the blue interior of the city bus. I could see me parents walking out the back door of the bus. Something did not seem right. I walked out the back door of the bus, noticing that several people were staying on the bus. The bus driver had said that everyone was to get off of the bus, but i realized that several people were staying on to get to Chicago. Something was not right. I looked for my parents to make sure that they were going to the correct place. As i stepped off of the bus, i looked to the left to see many other busses waiting in the large lot. There were people walking around and another bus was pulling in. There was a bus parked in front of ours and a bus parked to the right of that one. I then saw a fourth bus circle around in the lot, turning towards me as i stood outside the back door of our bus. I wanted to head over to the terminal, but i had to be careful of the moving busses. The bus that was turning circled near me, clipping the back end of the bus that was near me. I walked back to my bus to give it some room. I then saw our bus drive away. I realized that we had not taken our luggage out from below the bus. I asked my parents what was going on, but my mother did not seem to think that anything was wrong. I pointed out that we had not taken our luggage out of the old bus and asked how we were supposed to get it. She seemed to think that it would be transferred. I thought about how we had our luggage placed on the bus. There did seem to be some strange system about it. I then walked to the east, down the large hall of the building. The floor was fake stone. I looked at the line of busses on my left. They were lined up at a slight angle to the rest of the building. I was looking for the bus to New York City, but i did not see any with that name. Then i noticed that the front window of the bus on the end of the line had the words “Bowling Tour” printed in brown letters on its front window. I looked at the other busses and realized that they all had something printed on their windows. None of them were heading for New York City. I wondered whether we were in the correct place. Something did not seem right.

I walked into the dining room of my parents’ house from the back room. It seemed like night. As i rounded the corner into the kitchen, i heard a strange sound. I stopped to listen for it. It sounded like a chirping, but i could not tell from where it was coming. I moved over to the basement door and held my left ear over the opening. It seemed louder for a moment, but did not seem to be coming from the basement. I then continued into the kitchen. I paused to listen for the sound, but i could not tell from which direction it was coming. I thought that it might be coming from outside, but, as i listened to the widow, i could not hear it as loudly as before. It did not seem as loud in the kitchen. I placed the glass that i had been carrying on the counter and headed back toward the dining room. I stopped again by the basement door and listened. It did seem to be louder in this area, but as i listened to the basement door, the noise stopped. I thought that the noise sounded somewhat like a cricket. I looked down the basement stairs to see a large insect sitting on the wooden platform at the bottom of the stairs. I could hear no noise. I wondered whether the insect had stopped because it had spotted me standing in the doorway at the top of the stairs. I watched the insect for a moment, thinking that, if i stood still, it might forget that i was here and start making the noise again. Then i saw someone move to the right of the insect. There should not have been anyone in the basement. I was upset that there was someone down there and walked down the stairs. The insect then started to fly towards me. I swatted at it and struck it to the ground. I felt somewhat apprehensive. I saw $A147 standing at the bottom of the stairs. I demanded to know what he was doing there. I was very upset that he had walked into the house. I then realized that he had come in through the back doors of the basement. I left $A147 and walked to the other end of the basement. As i rounded the outside of the furnace room, i saw a woman walking towards me. She did not expect me to be there. I knew that there was a group of high school kids who thought that it was cool to break into our house, but i was mad at them. The woman was shorter than me and somewhat heavy. She had long blonde hair which was tied back, and she had her arms crossed over something she was carrying. I knew that she was part of the cult. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her towards the back door of the house with my right hand. I threw her out of the door and closed the large red doors. I tried to latch the two metal bars together, but i realized that they did not fit well. The door had shrunk over time and the latches were no longer secure. I thought that i should tie something around the top latch to keep the door shut. $Z walked with me in the basement as i paced in front of the door, thinking what i should do. There was a typewriter table on the left side of the door. I thought that we could push it in front of the door, but realized that, since the cart was on wheels, it would simply roll out of the way when someone tried to get in. There was a light blue dresser to the right of the door. I did not think that i could move it, however. I would have to wire the latches together so that the door could not be opened. I told $Z about how the door had shrunk over time and how the latches were not secure. I thought about wiring it and wondered whether my father would mind. I would have to tell him that people were coming into the back of the house. I was still very upset.