12000 April 03

I walked along the path to the west. I seemed to be in a resort area. There was thick plant growth all around me, and everything seemed green. The air was still a bit cool, but i was warm. I found myself trying to walk behind an older man. He was wearing blue shorts and a white polo shirt. He seemed to be moving too slowly, and i wanted to go around him. I was then past him, and i started riding the bicycle down the trail through the woods. The ground at the edges of the trail seemed sandy, and it seemed that there might be an ocean beach to the south. I crossed another path which headed north to south. I imagined that it cut the forested section exactly in half. The trail i was on only went from one side of the forest to the other. I was then on the west side of the trees. The land seemed to open up into a flat sandy beach. I turned around and started to head back to the east. It seemed as though i had somewhere to go. I suddenly found the old man in front of me again. He was jogging, but he was still moving much slower than i wanted to. I felt anxious and wanted to move faster. I could not seem to walk around him, though. I then turned to the south and headed down the trail to the main part of the resort hotel. I walked through the lower room of the hotel, which seemed dark and was decorated with medium grey carpeting. The room was long and had a grey leather couch on the back wall. It seemed to be only part of a larger room. I walked to the east, where my mother and another relative were. I said hello to them. It seemed late at night. I sat on the couch along the east wall of the room. I spoke to my mother as she sat across the small round wooden table from me. The table had a white laminate top. There was a third person in the room who seemed to be a relative of mine. I then stood up and started walking across the room. I entered the large room from the west. This place seemed like a department store, though it was one that was not part of a mall. There seemed to be windows around the ceiling, along the east wall of the room. There was someone to my left, who had entered the building with me. It seemed like my mother, so i spoke to her about what was in the store. As i looked at her, though, i realized that it was a woman whom i did not know. I suddenly felt strange, but did not move away from her. She was blind. She replied to me about what was in the store. I asked her whether she would be able to find things, then i remembered that she could not see what i was describing. I felt somewhat uncomfortable with her, but felt as though i should help her in the store. We walked along the north wall of the department store. There were many shelves of merchandise near us. The store seemed very bright and everything seemed to be white. I started to feel as though the store might be going out of business. It seemed as though the store was empty, but i assured myself that it was still open because i could still see the items on the shelves. the woman walked in front of me as we approached the northeast corner of the building. I asked her about some of the items in the store, but remembered that she would not be able to see them. She paused just east of the corner in the outer wall. There was a gap in the wall where a corridor led a short distance to an office. She asked whether it was a way out of the store. I realized that she sensed the break in the wall by hearing the sound echo off of it, but could not detect the change in echo from the recessed door. I told her that it was not an exit. There was a security guard in a green uniform standing to the north of the corridor. He watched the woman as she turned to the south and continued along the east wall of the room. I felt very uncomfortable leading the woman through the store. I wanted to leave her and do something else. I started speaking to her again, but there seemed to be something wrong. I was afraid of her. I then realized that this was all part of the play. There was a long table to the south of us where the other people were sitting. The woman started to walk around the table as she spoke to the audience. There was something very threatening about what was happening. I then noticed $F212 walking from he west. He was wearing thick black makeup on his face, and his head was shaved. He wore black clothing and walked very somberly through the crowd. He moved through a space in the center of the table. I felt very uncomfortable with the woman and crouched under the table. I did not want to see what was happening. I could hear her speak as i hid. The audience started to clap as she finished. I then started to feel silly for hiding on a performance. There seemed to be some inconsistency in my actions. I wondered why i was hiding from a play. I crawled out from under the table and stood up. Something seemed wrong, and i felt embarrassed for acting as i did.

12000 April 04

I backed away from the road and into the grassy field. The road was traveling up hill to the south of me, curving away from me as it wound around the side of the forested hill. There seemed to be houses spread out along the length of the road. I wandered through the field. It seemed that i had just come from someplace, and that there was something that i should be doing. I then tripped over the small metal cylinder that was on the ground. It looked like a well cover. I placed my hand on the ground near the well cover and realized that there was a hold just in front of it. I sat on the north side of the hold, trying to feel the hold through the thick grass. I could hear small rocks falling into the water at the bottom of the hole. I then noticed the old purse that had been sitting by the edge of the hole. I thought that it should be easily visible from the road. I knew that it had been placed her a long time ago. I looked through the bag and noticed that all of the items in it were worn with the weather. It seemed that the bag had been there since the seventies. I wondered why no one had seen it before. I decided that the bag should have been disposed of. It was evidence, and should not have been left out. I pulled some of the items out of the bag and dropped them into the hole. I could hear the pair of faded white leather shoes drop into the water below. There was then someone else on the edge of the road to the southwest of me. I stood up and walked out of the field. There seemed to be a house to the west. I walked in front of the run-down dwelling. It was dark on the outside, as thought the house were covered with nothing more than black tar paper. It seemed dirty and unclean.

I traveled down the long road to the south. I was heading home. The area around me seemed to be forested. I had been talking to some friends of mine, and was now leaving. It seemed as though i had just been with $F10. I looked around me as i traveled, realizing that this area did not seem quite familiar. I made several turns. I thought that the road on which i was traveling should have led me straight home without making any turns. I was now in a small town. I thought that i must have passed my house. This was not correct. The road curved to the west, into the center of the town. I looked around me, unsure where i was. Something felt strange about this place. I pulled the car off of the road to the right, into a parking lot, and turned around. I had to find my way back to the house. I was then traveling west on the small road when i came to the main road. I turned to the south, realizing that this new road was the road that leads me home. I could see the large open desert to the south of me, with the rockets standing on wither side of the road. I remembered this landmark. It was on my way home. I drove out over the dry ashen red ground, as though i had walked through a door from a forested room into a desert region. There were space ships and other small machines on both sides of the road. They all seemed very small, and there were tourists wandering through them. I stopped on the path and walked backwards to look at one of the objects on the left side of the road. It was a small black plastic train. It was a model of a diesel engine. I moved it with my foot as i looked it over. I then turned and headed back to the south. There seemed to be some children playing with the other small machines. I walked out of the room where the desert was and into the main room of my house. The place seemed cluttered with furnishings. $F10 followed me into the room. There were some other people with us. They seemed like $F10’s parents. I moved a few things around. I felt as though there was something that i should have done. I remembered that i had been in the small town and realized that it was not a normal place. There was something wrong with the area. It should not have been there, and i thought that it was some kind of illusion. I started to think of some episode of Star Trek but could not remember what it was. I thought about contacting the ship, but realized that they would not be able to transport me out of the strange city because that would ruin the plot. I walked to the south again. This time, the others were walking with me. I opened the door on the west side of the corridor. There was a large dining room on the other side. I knew that this dining room had not been there before. It seemed decorated in a country style of the early nineteen hundreds. There was a large polished oak table in the center of the room with white ruffled place mats set on it. It seemed somewhat formal. The other two people with me, the man and the woman, walked into the room. I wanted to continue to the south in the corridor, to the doorway that i had walked through before. I moved to the south end of the brick alley and opened the other door, wondering whether it would take me to the center of the town. I opened the door and walked through, finding myself on the south end of the dining room. There were some people in late-eighteen-hundreds styles wandering around the edges of the room. A man watched my two friends and myself as he stood on the west side of the room. He was wearing a pair of brown trousers with a white shirt. The shirt was covered with a brown vest. The sleeves of his shirt were baggy, and the man seemed to have brown hair and a mustache. I knew that this was not right. I looked to the east, back through the doorway that i had just entered through. The alley was no longer behind me. The room on the other side has old-fashioned furnishings and seemed to be a hotel room. It was created for us to make us think that we had been staying here. I felt out of place and wanted to leave. This illusion was not good for us. I wandered to the west, down the street of the small town. This place started to look like a resort. I rounded the west end of a line of houses and started to walk along the north side of them. There were icicles handing down from the roof of the house, though it still seemed very warm out. I started to knock the icicles down from the room with the long wooden pole that i had in my right hand. I imagined that someone was watching me through the window of the house. I thought that they might think that i was practicing some form of martial arts by the way that i struck the icicles with my hands. I moved along the side of the house, passed the porch and to east wind of the building. I then backed away from the house. The house seemed tall and covered with white wooden siding. It was an old farm house. A man walked past me towards the porch. I looked back to the east, along the front of the house. I wondered whether the icicles would still be broken off of the house. I knew that this was all illusion and suspected that the images would not conform to reality. The icicles were still broken off, however, and i felt as though i could not trust what i was seeing. I then noticed a very large icicle hanging in the other side of the porch from me. It branched out as it hung from the room, its fingers curving in strange directions as it reached to the ground. I wondered why i had not knocked it down. Something was inconsistent in this reality.

12000 April 05

I walked down the corridor with the woman. We were heading to some kind of audition. I did not know what exactly i was supposed to be doing. I wandered down the white corridor, walking down the short set of stairs that led into a small white hall. The hall was short and had a recessed door on the end which had light blue patterns on it. I knew that it was the men’s locker room. I would have to go there to change. There was a blue circular sign on the door which depicted a man in white. To the right of it was a similar-sized red sign with a ideogram of a woman that had been crossed out. I thought that the corridor led straight to the men’s room, but the women’s room was to the left, which was not as obvious. The sign on the door was to prevent the women from straying into the wrong room. I walked into the large room and placed my things down. I the was in another corridor. I walked to the east, into the living room. The room was long north-to-south and had an area on the south side which was wide east-to-west. I could not see the eastern part of the south side as i stood in the door which was on the north end of the west wall. I knew that there was a director there who was going to run the auditions. I wondered whether i was late. I walked to the couch which was on the west wall and placed my plastic bag of items next to it. I turned to look at the director, who was an tall older man with white hair. He looked stern and had a firm expression on his face as he arranged things on the small podium. I started to worry that he might be upset. I wondered whether i was late. I knew that i had just made it. I then started to wonder where the women were that were coming with me. One of them seemed to be $A244. The couch in the room was now in the center of the room, facing west. I places my white plastic bag of stuff down on the south end of it as i started to sit down. $A241 seemed to be sitting on the couch. The director walked behind the couch to the doorway on the west wall. He seemed disturbed that no one else was here for auditions. He then asked whether any of the women were coming. I told him “There’s one in the ladies room and one coming as i was getting ready.” He looked at me with an expression of disgust. I wondered whether he had translated the word “coming” into a vulgar context. I felt uneasy around him and seemed somewhat confused. I then walked out of the room and found myself in a smaller room. It was my turn to be auditioned. There was a woman sitting on the floor of the dark grey room. She was on a small mat and was the real director. I sat to the south of her as she asked me a few questions. Her face was wide and she had long frizzy brown hair. I then noticed that the iris of her left eye had strange colourings. It was very pale, but there were streaks of blue radiating out from the center. I focused on a section on the top right part of her iris which had a blue wedge-shaped section which was highlighted by a bright yellow streak above and below it. I thought that it was all part of the natural pigment of the eye. It seemed interesting. I was then in the dressing room. I remembered having a very short conversation with the woman. I wondered whether the audition was over. I did not remember doing anything that would seem like an audition. I wandered back into the room where the woman was. There was another woman sitting to the south of her. I asked the director whether i was finished and she nodded in agreement. I felt uncomfortable and confused as i walked back out of the room. I turned to the south and thought that i should go to get my things. I started into a door that had a small blue sign with a white arrow on it. The sign pointed the way to the men’s room. As i opened the door, i could hear someone make a disapproving utterance and prevent me from entering the room entirely. I could see a row of short lockers on the other side of the door. They were multicoloured and seemed clean. I realized that it was the women’s locker room. The arrow had tried to point to the other door. I backed up and looked at the arrow again, realizing that it was small enough that it seemed to be pointing to the door that i had entered. I tried to explain this to the woman who was telling me not to enter the room. I felt confused and wanted to justify my actions by explaining the lack of clarity in the signs.

12000 April 06

I walked across the path in front of the apartment complex and into the front door of the apartment. The complex was made of large brick buildings that had many wings. It seemed grey and damp outside. I entered the room from the door on the south wall. It seemed like a college dorm room. It was small, with little more than a bed. I had to get dressed to leave. I put on the shorts and the shirt. I realized that there was a solid piece of wood which was attached to the back section of the pants. I thought that it must be a label. I pictured it as a small black board that ran across the back of the pants. It felt strange and i wondered how the pants could fit around my waist if the board did not bend. I looked at myself in the mirror that was on the closet door, which was on the south end of the west wall. I turned to see the back side of my clothing. I seemed to be wearing a thin leather skirt with a black shirt. I did not think that the clothing looked that bad, but i realized that the piece of wood was not attached to the pants. It was wrapped in a light brown cloth and was suspended from a black strap that hung over my shoulders. I started to walk across the room as i looked down at the wrapped wood. There were people at the kitchen table as i approached. The woman seemed older. I poured a large glass of milk and started to pour a white powder into it from a small plastic cup. I noticed that the powder did not fill the cup exactly. I turned the cup over to dump the powder into the milk when i realized that there was already a little bit of powder floating on the milk. I dumped the rest in, but found that i had dropped the plastic cup into the milk. I could not put it back into the container all wet or it would get sticky. I would have to clean it off. I then stirred the powder into the milk. The woman asked me whether i was going to drink the powder without telling $F10. I felt strange about it but told her that i would. $F10 then entered the room just as i started to drink. I said hello to him as he sat down at the round table in front of me. He asked about the clothing that i was wearing. I said that i was not fond of the piece of wood that was hanging from the shorts as i started to remove it. It was wrapped in a small blue cloth and seemed like a pair of shorts. We then stood up and started walked to the south. We had to get to someplace. There were four of us. I was walking with $F10, and the two women with us seemed to be relatives of $F10. We walked down the road until we came to the intersection. I then knew that we had to travel east to get to where we needed to go. The two women started across the intersection to the south, however. I realized that they would walk around the block and come out by the college. I crossed the street with them, but thought that we should turn to the east anyway. $F10 turned east on the north side of the street and started jogging along the shoulder. I decided that i should jog along the shoulder of the south side to keep up with him. I quickly realized, however, that there was no shoulder on the south side of the street. I followed the other person across the grass which was someone’s front lawn. There was a trench between the lawn and the road. I ran along the grass on the edge of the trench, following the other person along the thin stretch of dirt between the trench and the small pond in the front lawn. I realized that the grass on the path was worn from people walking on it. I wondered whether the people who owned the houses on this side of the road would be upset that people walked on their grass. I followed the heavy person in grey sweats across the paved driveway and onto the path on the other side. The path on the other side was made of small flat stones and led behind the next house. I decided that i did not really want to run into someone’s back yard, so i turned and walked out the driveway. I could still see $F10 running down the road. I walked quickly down the road after him. It seemed darker out now. I looked back down the road as $F10 paused on the road to let me catch up. It did not really seem like $F10 any more, though. There seemed to be a festival going on in the street to the west of us. We had just walked from the center of the small town. All of the buildings in this place seemed to be dark grey. I then noticed that there was a soapy substance bubbling up from the ground in the center of the street to the west. It seemed light green and was flowing down the street towards us. I felt concerned about it and moved to the south side of the street. I called to $K1 to get out of the street, but she purposely walked to the north, into the ditch on the side of the road where the ooze was flowing. She seemed to be defiant and believed that the chemicals were not dangerous. I grabbed her as the green liquid ran over her feet. She pulled away and fell backwards into the liquid. When she stood up, it covered her upper torso. I grabbed her by the arms. I felt worried and told her that we had to get the stuff off. I told the others to call an ambulance. $K1 said that the substance should not be harmful, but i told her that she could not trust anything that came fro the science fair in the town. I looked around from some snow on the ground and spotted some in a driveway on the south side of the road. I dragged $K1 to the snow and pushed her into it. I then started rubbing the dirty snow over her skin. She seemed to be delirious as the other person and myself washed her. I thought that she had become cold and unconscious. I wondered what to do.

12000 April 07

I was in the small bedroom as the others walked out. The place seemed crowded with furnishings and unkempt. I lay on the large bed, which had its back against the west wall and took up most of the area in the room. The sheets and covers of the bed seemed scattered and wrinkled. There was a television on the east wall which seemed to be showing a black-and-white show. I laid backwards on the bed, but there was a woman there. She was very aggressive and grabbed by shoulders, pushing them down onto the bed next to her. She then swung her legs over my head and laid them across my chest. She was only waiting a thin set of lace panties and i thought that she was trying to turn me on. I felt amused by her attempt, knowing that i was not interested in copulating with her. I moved my right hand onto her left thigh as she wrapped her legs around my head. She was nicely detailed and athletic, but i was not interested in her at the time. She then put her left hand on the crotch of my loose pants. She was trying to gauge my reaction. I thought that she would probably be disappointed that i did not have an erection. I laid still for a while, wondering whether she would loose interest. I thought that i had to go somewhere and should just push her off.

I was standing on the east end of the building with the other person. Everything around us seemed brown, and the sky was dirty. There was a small tornado to the north of us. I asked the other person whether the tornado looked like it was coming in our direction. It was hard to tell where it was traveling. We would have to get into the building if it came too close to us. I mentioned that tornadoes this far north were usually not very strong. I then realized that the cloud could not be seen anymore. I asked the other person where it had gone. We thought that it must have passed us by. I then spotted it again to the north of us. It seemed very close and was coming in our direction. It curved to the west of us. The other person and i ran into the side of the building that was to the northwest of where we had been standing. The building seemed to be an old school. As we entered the building, i looked down the long corridor to the west. I could see the tornado moving across the hall. It had cut through the building to the west of us.

12000 April 08

I walked to the large yellow school bus that was parked along the side of the curb. There seemed to be several other people from school waiting to get on the bus. I was talking to one of the men who was standing near me. We were joking around, and he started to grab at me. We started to wrestle. I thought that he was stronger than me and should be able to win, but he did not seem to very good at wrestling. He leaned back, pulling me towards him. I realized that his left leg was under me so i wrapped my arms around it, pulling him down. We were both smiling as we struggled. I then managed to wrap up his legs and roll them over his head. His back was to the ground and i thought that he should be pinned. He kept struggling, though, so i kept holding him to the ground. I said that he was probably pinned and then wondered how i could hold him down so easily. He seemed to be stronger than me. I looked at his black tee shirt and could see that, while he was thin, he still had a good deal of muscle on his chest and shoulders. I joked with him as i held him down.

I walked back into the lecture hall. There were students in most of the seats of the modern room. I had walked into the door which was as on the east end of the south wall. The south wall was at the back end of the lecture hall. The room descended steeply to the north, where there was a large blackboard and a small teaching counter at the head of the room. The room was filled with which plastic lecture chairs that had armrests on them. I sat down in one of the hairs that was near the door. I seemed to be late because the lecture had already started. I remembered that i had been here a few minutes earlier, but that i had forgotten my notebook and had to leave to get it. I placed the spiral notebook on the desk in front of me and started to copy the words that were written on the board. $A105 was standing behind the desk, motioning with his right hand to the words on the blackboard. The words were written in short lines that were centered on the board. They seemed to form the shape of an egg. I copied down the text as he spoke, thinking that the words were in Latin. The first two words were “avena sepum”. I knew that the first meant egg. It appeared several times in the writing. I continued to copy the words as $A105 spoke. I could hear that $A105 was upset. He said the people in the lecture hall were not paying attention to him. I looked over the writing and noticed that one of the words was “kto”. The writing on the board seemed to be written in all uppercase. I recognized the word “kto” from Russian and wondered why it was in this sentence. I realized that i would have to use the cyrillic alphabet to write it. It did not seem right that i do so. I was aware that Latin should not contain any letters not in the latin alphabet. I started writing the letters on my paper anyway, though. I looked down at the paper. I had written more than one line of text in blue ink. The writing seemed shaky, and i noticed that the uppercase letters on the first line took up four lines of height. There were two of them, near the beginning of the sentence, but they did not start the sentence. They were both the letter K. I wondered why i had written them so tall when they should simply have been two lines tall. I then noticed that the “K” i had just written was very tall as well. I started to write a cyrillic P in lowercase after the “K”. $A105 then started to get angry with the class. He seemed mad that they were not paying proper attention to what he was teaching. I was not really listening to him myself but was trying to copy the rest of the notes down from the blackboard. He then told all of the students to leave the lecture hall. I looked again at the words on the board. Several of them had been crossed out with pink chalk scribbles. I thought that he had covered over all of the similar words in the paragraph. I looked over the paragraph and wondered whether that guess made sense. I thought that he had crossed out the word “avea” where ever it occurred. I wondered how i could translate it. Then $A105 became cross with the students and told every one to get out of the lecture hall. He said that everyone should already have the notes from the board. I thought that i should tell him that i was here early, but that i had to leave to get my notebook and come back. I walked out the back door of the room and into the court yard. I felt somewhat upset. $A105 then told all of the students to come back into the class room and sit down. I walked in through the door at the back of the lecture room which was to the west of the door i had previously used. I thought that i should find the same seat that i had. I started to walk to the east again, but found a row of chairs in my way. I looked for a way to walk around them, but there were people standing in the aisles. I stepped up on the arms of one of the chairs in the row to my right and started to walk across the tops of the chairs. As i looked down, i noticed that the chairs were really hanging files in a large white drawer. The files seemed arranged. What had been the black arms of the chairs were really the labels on the folders. I stepped off the back side of the file drawer and found myself at the back of the lecture hall. I was on the center of the room, near the corner of a wall which surrounded the entrance way. The entrance way was to the east, facing north, and the blank wall on the other side of the corner faced west. I walked up to the edge of the side wall and started to sit in one of the wooden armchairs which were arranged in the back section of the room. There was a young man who was sitting in one of the chairs near me. He seemed like a college student. I felt older than him, but somewhat interested in him.

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. It seemed to be morning, but i seemed to have been awake for a while. My mother was downstairs. I was walking to the north side of the room when i noticed a small hole in the ceiling of the room. I looked up through the white painter plaster of the ceiling to see pieces of insulation. I then looked down and noticed a small hole in the floor near my feet. I realized that there must have been a small chimney pipe which ran from the floor to the ceiling. The pipe had been taken out but no one had patched the hole in the ceiling. I looked up again and i could see the pink fiberglass insulation hanging on the underside of the roof. The insulation then moved in a draft and i could see through the round hole to the sky above. The insulation closed again as the wind stopped. I thought that it was very bad to have a hole. All of the heat would escape.

I walked into the back entrance to the library. It seemed to be $P78. I had to get something in the building, but i suddenly started to feel that the place was not open. It was a Friday, and i thought that it was closed. I then noticed a large white sign with red letters on the two wooden doors which led to the main room of the library. I felt upset that it had been closed. I had to do something inside. I turned to the right and headed down the other corridor. There was a door just to the right which seemed to be an office. I thought that i would ask the people inside whether i could do what i was supposed to do. I opened the door of the office and noticed a woman inside. He was wearing a black skirt and matching jacket with a white shirt. She seemed very administrative as she fished through a drawer of files. I waited to ask her a question, but she did not seem to notice that i was there. I wanted to get into the library. I finally asked her whether the library was open. It seemed strange that the offices would be open but the main floor was not. Another woman then crossed the room and walk out the door. I followed her as she walked through the large doors to the main part of the library. There were several people in side the large room. They seemed to be setting up an exhibit. This was the reason that the library was closed. I recognized some of the exhibits. Something seemed very familiar about them. I then noticed the small crowd of people on the east side of the room trying to roll over a small car. It was part of the exhibit. They were wearing red football uniforms and seemed to be part of a team. I felt as though this was some sort of performance, though. I spoke to them as they finished with the car. I mentioned that i remembered what they were doing. They each represented one of the muses. It was all part of a play. They stared at me in question. I said that i had been part of the ancient play and that i was remembering the muses. I tried to recall their names, but i could not remember. The men stared at me. I felt uncomfortable.

12000 April 09

I was walking with the large grey wolf. It seemed agitated. There was a woman standing at the top of the escalator, which descended into the floor. The metal sides of the escalator were dark, but there seemed to be something red in my view. There was a tiger with the woman. The wolf walked up to it and sniffed its neck. The wolf seemed excited. I pulled at the wolf’s leash and moved it away from the tiger. I was worried that they might fight. I felt strange about the area. There seemed to be something wrong. The wolf also seemed agitated. I knew that it did not have to do with the tiger. The wolf was afraid of something. I felt scared as well and suspected that there was danger in the area. I bent over and pet the wolf’s head. The wolf was panicked, though, and snapped at my hand, biting me lightly. I was surprised that it would attack me, but knew that it was just acting on instinct.

I rounded the western edge of the small canyon. There was a large lake in the center of the red rock walls. There were buttes and spires around the edges of the water. The place was very scenic. I walked around the outside of a small butte which blocked my view of the water. I started to wonder whether the water was safe. I started to imagine the level of the water dropping suddenly, as though a large wave were coming ashore. $Z was with me as i walked along the edge of the water on the other side of the butte. As i passed the rock, i looked out over the red rocks of the canyon. They seemed more impressive from this side. I said “Wish i had my camera.” We walked along the north shore of the water. I kept thinking about the water level changing. I thought that there might be a whirlpool in the center of the canyon. I thought that the water might splash us if the water level changed. I then noticed the large rocks falling on the other side of the canyon. I wondered whether they would create a large wave that might hit us. The rocks shattered as they hit the edge of the lake, scattering small stones over the water. I ducked as several small stones flew past me. I started to the east, out of the way ofd the debris. I pulled $F4 with me as i walked. I then saw a larger piece of rock collapse into the water. I thought about the water level changing again. I thought that we should get away from the shore. I pictured the water sinking into the center of the lake. I knew that that would mean a dangerous wave was coming. We walked through the door to the east, which seemed to be in a wall that crossed over the lake. We stepped into the front room of the museum. The room was light blue and had water on the ground. There was a large glass tank of water to the left which was lower than us. It was only a half metre tall and seemed to have small blue tile around the edges. I thought that the level of the water might change with the level of the lake in the other room. I walked to the east, through the small doorway into the entrance hall of the museum. The hall was made of dark polished stone. We turned to the right and came to the main entrance to the museum. I wanted to ask the people about the waves. I then thought that the museum did not like people to bring their bicycles in. I thought that we had just travels on bicycles. I wanted to go into the museum, but knew that i had no place to leave my bicycle. I wondered why the people from the museum did not like bicycles.

12000 April 12

I walked from the downstairs room at the back of my grandmother’s house to the front of the house. There was some noise that i could hear. It sounded like animals growling. It seemed dark in the room, as though it were early morning. I listened for a moment to see if i could figure out what i was hearing. I realized that t was the sound of dogs growling. I remembered that there were two dogs upstairs. I knew that one of them was $X3 and that the other was a smaller dog. I thought that there was a third dog that was sneaking into the house. I thought that it was good that the smaller dog learned to defend itself against the other dog. I thought that $X3 would help the smaller dog as well. I walked through the dimly lighted bedroom. $K7 seemed to be laying on the large bed which was against the west wall. I then heard the sound of voices. $K7 asked me what they were. I thought that they had something to do with the dogs fighting, but realized that they were human. I wondered whether the voices were coming from upstairs. I had hoped that the dogs would actually get into a fight so that $X3 and the smaller dog could establish their territory. I thought that it would build the confidence of the smaller dog. I then heard voices again. I felt somewhat disappointed, thinking that someone had interfered with the dogs. I then realized that the voices did not seem to be coming from above me. They seemed to be coming from the wall to the south. I wondered where someone would be that they would appear to be to the south of the room. I wandered out the east door of the room and looked to the south, down the hall. The hall ran north-to-south and had a staircase descending to the north along the east wall. I then heard the voices again to the south of me. I realized that there was a closet on the west wall of the hall. I recognized the voice as $K1’s. I thought that she had hid in the closet with her husband when she had heard the noises. She had thought that the growling was from an intruder and she did not want to be spotted. I moved in front of the closet door and they quieted down, afraid of who i might be. I opened the door slightly and waved in front of it so that they could relax. I then heard the growling again from upstairs. I turned around and looked up the staircase which now ascended to the north along the east wall. I could hear the animals arguing. I started to wonder which animal was causing the argument. $K1 started to come out of the closet as i started to climb the stairs. I spoke to her, questioning which animal was causing the fight. I hoped that it was not one that i knew. A small grey cat then burst through the doorway at the top of the stairs. It rolled down the railing along the east wall before catching its balance and turning to run back up. It had round features and seemed like a kitten. It was wearing a small yellow knit hat on its head. I reached out to grab it as it tried to scamper back up the stairs. I mentioned its name as it slipped out of my hands and ran back through the door at the top of the stairs. I knew that it could not be starting the fight. I walked to the top of the stairs. There was a landing to the west. Several cats ran along the edge of the railing as i reached the top of the stairs. I noticed that one of them was black with orange patches. I thought that it might be the cat who was starting the fights. The other person was in front of me as i looked around at the three cats. I then realized that the black and orange cat was $X5. I thought that she would probably not start fights. I wondered who it was. Then i noticed a dark grey cat to the northwest with white paws. It walked with its head low as if in a grumpy mood. I turned to the east and spoke to my mother about the cat. I said that it looked like $X1. She said that $X1 could not have survived all these years in the woods by himself. I then remembered that $X1 was thought to have died several years ago. My father mentioned how he had found $X1 by the side of the road. I remembered that $X1 had crawled out of the woods and into sight to die, knowing that my father would be able to see it. I wondered whether the car really was $X1. I then turned to the west again where the other two men were standing at the edge of the room. They made some grunting noises as they fooled around near the weight machines. I wondered whether this was really the sound that i had heard. I noticed that there were three men near the weight bench. They all seemed to be very close to each other. I turned to the east and started to walk out of the room. There was a vary large object to the north of me that i had to walk about to get to the exit door. I then noticed the tall black platform directly to the east of me. I looked to the top of it to see a man working out on a leg-press machine. I wondered how dangerous it was to walk near the edge of the platform while he was working out. I felt strange in the room and decided that i had to leave. Something did not feel right. The older person in the suit then walked over to me. He seemed as if he had some official title. There were two other people with him. The woman in the green business dress started asking me questions about the fighting. I remembered that i had complained about the grunting sounds and the person who was starting fights. I felt uncomfortable talking about it. The people in the business suits seemed to be asking me to confirm who was disrupting the room. I looked to the west to see that the others were still in the room. I felt uncomfortable mentioning them to the officials while they were still there. The woman kept asking me to confirm the story. I felt confused. Something did not seem right about the situation. The three people then started to leave. $F15 walked up to me and started to talk to me. I told him that it was good to see him again. It had been a long time.

12000 April 13

I ran to the west, across the large open field. The grass was tan and dry, and the air seemed warm. This place felt special. I had been here before. The field sloped slightly to the west and did not seem to have trees for a long way in all directions. There was a wooden fence running down the center of the field to the west. I was on the south side of the fence. Other people followed me into the field. At first, it seemed that they were running with me, but then i thought that they were following me. We had come to the field for a reason. I then realized that there were agents keeping watch on us. It suddenly seemed dark out, as though it were late into the twilight. The air was cool but not cold, and the sky was clear. I stood near the wooden fence as the other people ran into the field to the south. They stopped suddenly, as if taking up certain positions in the field. They were standing in a small group to the southwest of me, where they started to dance in place. They moved their feet as if running in place. I spun around where i was. I felt very peaceful. I then hopped over the fence and landed on the north side. I realized that there was a noise in the air. It was the sound of the people singing a note. We were chanting. I yelled out a strong note and the others echoed. They were following my lead. I felt happy as i changed pitches. The others kept moving their feet as they chanted with each other. This was an energy show. The dancers were generating spiritual energy that flowed up from the ground. This event felt very special. There was a wind from the west and i started to feel small drops of rain. I thought that we should leave the field before the storm came. I hopped over the fence to the north side and started running to the west. I then realized that the agents were following us. They could see us from above. I thought that we could escape by running to the west. There was a small woods on the bottom of the hill to the west which had trails in it. The trails could lead us to the south, where the houses were. I then felt uncomfortable as i realized that the agents were running across the field from the east. They were wearing dark trench coats and were going to arrest the people. We had to escape. I lifted my arms and sailed into the air on the strong west wind. I floated above the field, thinking that the agents would not be able to get me. I saw some of the other people running below me on the reddish grass of the field. Search lights crossed the field from the east. I felt tense and thought that we had to get away. I then saw the agents running below me. They could not see me in the air. It was too dark to see me floating in the sky. I hoped that i could find the trails in the woods to the west. I wondered how i would follow them in the dark. I then wondered whether i would be able to sneak back to the houses where it was safe without being detected. I felt upset that the others were being captured, but i was afraid that they might catch me as well if i did not try to escape.

12000 April 16

$A200 was at the top of the staircase to my left as i stood with the crowd. He was speaking to us. I looked up. I seemed to be outside of a tall building. The white cement staircase climbed the side of the building. It appeared to be mostly enclosed by half walls and a roof. $A200 said that we were finished with out work for the day. He asked whether anyone had not done something. This seemed more like a class than work. It seemed that he was asking whether everyone had a chance to participate. I felt tired and wanted to leave, but listened to him as he spoke. There was a crowd of people in front of me and on the stairs. They filled the platforms of the stairwell. $A200 then said that we could leave. I walked to the north, into the glass enclosure at the bottom of the stairwell. It seemed now as if i were within a larger building, like a mall. I looked around for a moment as others walked past me. I started to wonder where i should go. I thought tried to remember where i had parked my car, but could not picture the place. I knew that it was on the outside of the mall somewhere. A woman walked down the stairs, which were to the south of me. I said to her that i could just wait until everyone had left and then see which cars were left in the parking lot. I looked out the glass door to the west to see a crowded parking lot. I decided that i had to head up the stairs and walked past the woman. I came to the upper level of the mall. The corridor ran east to west. As i left the stairs, which ascended in the center of the corridor, i noticed that the white door of the department store was sliding shut. They were closing for the evening. I tried to run to the door, wondering whether i could make it through. I reached the narrow door just as it slid shut. I tried to reach under it with the light blue plastic mug that i was carrying in my left hand, but the mug got stuck under the bottom edge of the door. I pulled on the mug until it came loose. I looked it over, wondering whether it had been cracked by the weight of the door. I wondered what to do next. I thought that i would have to walk around the exterior of the mall to get to my car. I did not feel happy about that. I could not remember where my car was. I tried to think where in the department store i had entered. I kicked the bottom of the door, wondering whether anyone inside would open it. It seemed as though the manager was still just inside of the door doing something near a rack of clothing. I looked both ways down the main corridor of the mall. The hall seemed narrow and dimly lighted. Only a few people walked past and all of the shops seemed to be closed. I paced for a moment in the center of the corridor, wondering what i should do. I then walked back to the white door, thinking that i should try knocking again. As i approached, i realized that the door was open. I thought that they must have opened it again now that the mall was supposed to be empty. I walked into the white store and across the room. I came into the break room for the employees. I knew that i had to cross the room to get to the exit door on the other side. There was a table in the center of the room. $A245 was near the end of the table. He worked here. I stopped to speak with him for a moment. I wondered whether any one would be upset that i was in the employee area of the store. I told $A245 that i was heading to my car. I felt tired and lacking energy. As i spoke to him, another person entered the room from the corridor to the east. I started to walk to the east, wondering where i had parked my car.

12000 April 17

I was driving down the road with $F4. I tried to focus on the road suddenly, but was having trouble seeing it. It seemed very dark outside, and i could only see part of the road in the headlights. I turned the car to the left, trying to make it around the corner. It seemed as though we were driving into the weeds on the right side of the road. I turned the car again to kept heading down the center of the road. I suddenly realized that the road seemed to be made of gravel. This did not seem right. I told $F4 that the road did not seem right. I was not aware that the road turned to gravel. We were heading someplace that i knew about, but this road did not seem familiar. I watched the road as i drove. It seemed like i was on it for quite a while. It was I was then aware that i did not know where i was. I was alone in the car. It seemed as though i had been driving for a long time, but i did not recognize the places around me. I remembered telling $F4 that i did not know where we were. I looked at the map that i had with me. I could see the tight loops of streets which were part of the suburban area where we had started. I thought that i had driven with $F4 through those streets. I was confident that i knew where i was going. I knew that i could travel through the area to get to $P6. I looked around me and realized that my car was stopped in the middle of the road at an intersection. There was a car behind me which passed slowly. I was not paying attention to where i was going, and i felt suddenly worried. Something was wrong. I could not focus. I remembered that i had driven around the corner with $F4, but could not remember much of the traveling after that. I looked to the north to see city buildings. I did not recognize this place. I knew that i had a doctors appointment in the morning. That was where i had been traveling. I felt lost and confused. I could not focus on where i was. The intersection around me seemed to be in a small city. The road that i was on ended on the main street. I looked to the north to see some tall buildings. One of them seemed cubical, with glass windows on the sides. It seemed like an old factory and had red letters mounted on the roof. The letters were in script and spelled what looked like “Roacht”. I could not be sure of the letters, though. I thought that it was the name of the city in which i was. I did not recognize it and wondered how i could have driven here. I thought that something must be wrong with me. I did not remember traveling all this distance. I imagined explaining the problem to my mother when i told her that i was not going to make my appointment. I turned my car to the left, thinking that i had to be at the doctor’s office at 8:30. It seemed as though it were almost 8:30 now. I was afraid that i would be late. I felt confused and distressed. I walked through the city streets when i came to the alley. The factory building was still to the northeast of me, but i was walking along the west side of it. I wanted to get a better look at the letters so that i could find out where i was. I had to get to $P6 for my appointment. I then noticed that the alley in front of me was blocked. There was a flat-bed truck to the left with pieces of construction equipment leaning against it. The construction equipment was scaffolding. The dirty metal legs which formed an inverted U-shape were resting against the truck, but took up much of the distance cross the narrow alley. There were other pieces to the scaffold in the center of the alley. I started to ride my bicycle to the right, thinking that i would be able to travel around the equipment, but i did not think that i could squeeze through. There was a young man working on the right side of the alley near the wheelbarrow. I decided that i would have to walk my bicycle under the scaffolding that was leaning against the truck. My bicycle was to the right of me as i started walking towards the truck. The man, who had been leaning against the truck as he talked to the other man, stood straight and started to walk into the alley. He stopped in front of me, realizing suddenly that i was there. I explained to him that i was not able to get past. I started to tell him about my bicycle but then realized that i did not have my bicycle with me. I wondered where it had gone. I looked around and started to collect my equipment, which had been scattered on the ground. I still felt anxious and confused. I had to get somewhere, but did not know what to do. I started to pick up the pieces of my belongings. As i started to wrap the wire around my arm, but realized that one end of it had gotten caught on something at the back of the alley. It seemed as though i had come out of a store and into the alley. The alley now seemed to run west to east, with the open end to the east. I thought that it had run to the north before. I walked back to the west end of the alley, where it was darker. There seemed to be a roof over this part of the alley. I tried to untangle the wire from the metal handle of the white bucket that was on the floor. The construction worker followed me, curious with what i was trying to do. As i reached the bucket, i realized that the end of the wire was attached to a small spool. There were several spools on the small table. I said “Oh.” and told the man that the wire was not really mine. I then asked where my wire had gone. I started walking to the north again, back out the alley, when i spotted the young man walking the other way. He had a loop of wire in his hand. He had bent it into an oval with several loops. I recognized it as mine by the circular kinks that it had in it. I remembered that mine was wrapped in such a manner. I reached for the wire, but the man held it back. As i looked at it, i noticed that the man had knotted sections of the wire. It looked like planets in a solar system. The young man as defensive about it and wanted the wire. I said to the construction worker that i did not care whether the boy kept my wire. I knew that i could get more from home. I started to walk to the north gain, out the end of the alley. I knew that i had to get to $P6. I had to find where i was. I imagined telling people that i was in Roeak. The name was not familiar, but it sounded like a place in New Jersey. I knew that i could not have traveled that far. I had come quite a way, however, and seemed quite a distance from $P6, where i was supposed to be headed. I knew that it was already 8:30 and that i would not make my appointment at the doctors. I felt unhappy and disappointed as i drove back down the street near $P19. I was back home. I suddenly realized that i did not remember my travels. I remembered being with $F4 in the car as i made the left turn, and i remembered being in the small town, which seemed like it was southeast of $P6. I wondered how i had wandered so far without remembering any of it. I walked down the road towards $P77, noticing the small blue pickup truck on the right side of the road. I was walking down the sidewalk on the same side of the road as the truck. I remembered the pick-up truck from before. The two people that had been in it were driving past $P19 looking for a place to park. I spotted them now as i walked north on $P77. They both were wearing blue denims. The man was tall and thin, and the woman was a little shorter and heavier. She had long black hair which was tied back. I felt bad about being lost, and knew that i had missed my appointment entirely. I wondered what i would tell people. I thought about telling my mother, but i felt as though i were loosing my mind. It felt bad that i could not remember how i had gotten to Roeak. I was then in the small hotel room. It was very dark, and seemed like morning. I thought that i should call the doctor and make a new appointment. I wondered what i would say to him. I felt bad about missing the appointment. I remembered calling him earlier to make sure that i had the appointment which i had missed. He would be disappointed that i had missed the appoint for no specific reason. I had to get my blood tested at the doctor’s office. I then looked out the long window which was on the south wall of the narrow room. I could barely make out dark figures on the lawn outside. I knew that they were deer feeding on the grass. I tried to focus on the in the dim early-morning light, but could not see them clearly. I then flung open the curtains and moved to the window. I thought that the deer would see me and run away in fright. I moved my arms to scare them, but they just stood on the lawn, unsure what to do.

12000 April 18

I rode my bicycle own the road, catching up with the other two people. I knew that one of them was $K5. They were dressed as thought they were Sailor Scouts from the television show Sailor Moon. I had something to do with their roles. I caught up with them as they rode their bicycles around the tight corner to the left. The woman who was closest to me was aware that i was following them. She warned $K5 and watched me warily. I started to pass her on the right side. She seemed angry with me. I tried to tell her that i was on her side. I then realized that she would think that i was Tuxedo Mask. I thought that i should call her by her name to calm her down. She seemed like Sailor Mercury, but i was not sure. Then we were stopped at the corner. $K5 was talking to the other woman, and they seemed more comfortable with me near. I tried to keep the engine on my motorcycle running, but it seemed to be stalling. There was something wrong. I twisted the right handle, but there was no gas going to the engine. The engine sputtered. I let the motorcycle roll down the street. It was dark out, and we seemed to be on the east end of $P1. I thought that i could shift it into neutral and rev the engine to get the motorcycle running again. I looked down near my feet for the clutch on the right side of the bike as i reached the end of the road. There was a house to my right that has people sitting on the front porch. I did not pay any attention to them as i twisted the gas. The engine sputtered a few times. I turned the bicycle around and looked down the long dark street. I could see $K5 and the other woman sitting at the intersection down the street. I started the bicycle towards them, shifting the bicycle back into gear. The engine seemed to be running fine now. I sped down the road, slowing only as i reached the intersection where the women were waiting. I thought that i should drive through and head to the east end of the street. They would follow me.

12000 April 20

I was in the back stage area at the concert hall with the band. There were people walking around in the busy white halls. The walls seemed plain but were cluttered with objects that were leaned against them. The band that was performing was KISS. They were starting a new tour. They all looked very old, but i knew that they were still singing their old songs. One of them asked me if i would play with them. I felt surprised, but said that i would. They said that they needed a guitar player. I felt excited at first, but then wondered what i would play. I did not know any of their songs. Gene Simmons walked past me as i started down the hall to the east. He was wearing an old green tee shirt and had long black tangled hair. He looked very old. I tried to recognize what his face looked like under all the make up. I started to wonder when we could practice their songs. I felt unprepared. Gene said that they would try to practice. He then said that the concert was tonight. I felt worried. I could not think of how to play anything they did. I asked one of them whether we would be able to practice. I then thought that i was really not that great a guitarist and did not think that i would be able to do an entire concert. The members of the band kept wandering around in the back of the back halls of the building. They were trying to organize things for the show. I tried to tell one of the musicians that i did not know the chords to their songs, but they did not hear me as they passed. Then Paul started to complain about the show. He was not happy with the way it was being set up. They started to play something, but then stopped. They were very disorganized. I was worried that i would not be able to get any practice in. I wondered whether i would be able to fake playing on stage. I did not think that i could. I would hit too many bad notes. I did not think that i should play in the concert. $F25 was in the back hall with me. There was a set of stairs leading down near him. I told him about the concert and that they wanted me to play guitar. In told him that i did not know the chords for their songs. He offered to play in my place. I felt relieved that he would do it, but then i felt disappointed that i was not able to. Gene walked past again. I tried to apologize to him, telling him that i felt bad that i could not play the songs in the show. I did not think that i was a good enough guitarist. I felt very unsure of myself and became frustrated with my inability.

I walked across the small college campus with the other people. We walked north, through the narrow grassy quadrangle. The woman was walking to me left, slightly ahead of me, and the man was to my right, just a little behind. There was some type of emergency happening on campus and we were trying to get tom some place. We were not sure whether the emergency was real. An alarm then sounded. We had to get out of the area. We turned around and started heading back to the south. We were in a corridor between two buildings. The place seemed to have a roof, but the diffuse sun still shined through. I thought that we should continue to the south, through the corridors from where we had come. There was a sign on the beam which spanned the open area inside of the building. It warned that the exits to the building were to the east. The east would not take us where we needed to go, however. The woman led the way as we started jogging through the open space inside the building. The woman was $A248. She ran to the south, down the stone corridors. We came into a large atrium which seemed very much like the corridor that we had been in. The stone buildings seemed tall on all sides us, but the glass roof of the atrium was only a single story above us. It had white round metal beams supporting the glass. I looked at the red warning sign over the entrance way to the atrium just before i entered. It was telling us to go in the other direction for an emergency exit. We passed by the sign and turned to the west in the atrium. I then thought that the smoke could come from the corridors which led south. I knew that we could not take them as an emergency escape if there was smoke. $A248 hurriedly stepped over the debris on the floor of the atrium as we ran to the west. She was slightly hunched over as she ran, carrying the rifle in her arms. She looked around the smaller section to the west of the main atrium and asked where we were. I told her that we were in $P80. We just had to head west and get out onto the street. We ran through the building to the west and came out in the narrow alley. The buildings around us seemed to be made of old stone and the street was damp and dingy. There was a group of people down the street to the south of us. They were $G3. I ran to the south, past the large wooden scaffolding that climbed the building to the east. the small crowd of people started to ask us what was going on. I walked past them and into the building where it was quiet. I found myself in a small bedroom with limited furnishings. There was a large white bed in the center of the back wall of the pale-blue room. I thought that i would be able to sleep here. I knew that i was not supposed to, though, but thought that it should be a safe place. I listened to the people that were talking down stairs. They mentioned the dog that was in the house. I thought that the dog would probably come into the room that i was hiding in. I walked over to the door and looked through the ajar door and the frame to see if the dog was coming. I could see the small fat basset hound waddling down the hall. There was a tall woman with it. The dog walked through the door of the room and i bent over to pet it. The dog sniffed my hand and wagged its tail. I knew that it liked me. The woman spoke to me as she sat on the floor to the north of me. She referred to the dog as “he”. I asked her what the name of the dog was and she told me. I thought that i liked the dog. I then stood up and left the room. I had to get somewhere. I walked to the south, thinking that there was something that i wanted to do. I looked at the red plastic box in my right hand. It was a small lunch box which contained art supplies. I thought that i was going to do something with it. I passed down the corridor and came to a place where there was a group of students gathered. They were doing some kind of class project involving a concert, but they had just finished. I felt disappointed that i had missed it. I stood among them as they started to disband. They scattered the folding chairs which were in the center of the room as they collected their things to go. I felt slightly out of place among then, as i was older than they were. I wanted to play in the concert with them and felt bad that i had missed it. I then wondered what they would think of me for only showing up for a short time. I walked to the south of them and started to wander to the east. I then became aware of the red plastic box that i was carrying in my red hand. I wondered where i had gotten it from. A man walked on my right side. I spoke to him as we moved. We walked away from the crowd of students through the long corridor which seemed like part of a mall. The man was tall and thin. I thought that he was athletic. He was wearing a light tan tee shirt and had short hair. He mentioned that he was on the track team. I asked him which race he ran on the team and he said that he was a sprinter. I felt interested in him. He said that he liked sprinting because it kept him flexible. It felt comfortable to talk with him. I started to tell him that i ran long distance in track, but he placed his left arm around my shoulder and stopped me. I was not sure what he was doing, but then i noticed that he was placing his feet in front of me. He was trying to throw me off balance. I found this amusing and shifted my weight to stay up. I felt very interested in the man. I told him that i have very good balance we came to the top of the flight of stairs. I moved to the left, dragging him with me so that we would be out of the way of others coming up the stairs. There was a railing to the left of the top of the stairs. I could see people coming up the escalator over the railing as we stood holding each other in tight grips. He pushed me to the side and i resisted. I dropped my weight down and grabbed his right leg with my left hand. I pushed back on him and he retreated a little. I told him that i could throw him but that we were too close to the edge of the balcony. I then mentioned that what we were doing seemed very similar to push hands. He sounded interested in the idea of push hands. He asked if there was a place where we could go to try out the fighting technique. I thought that he was probably looking for a grassy area. I walked to the north, into the house. It was $P19. I then wondered whether he would be wary of the fraternity. I thought that i should tell him that i used to live here. I told him that the living room was the room that we had been in previously. I said that it was clear enough that we would be able to wrestle there. I walked to the west, into the small pale-green room. There was a dark green air cushion in the center of the floor. I thought that we would be able to clean it out rather easily, but i felt unsure of the situation. Then a person said that someone would be in the room shortly. I felt frustrated. I wanted to wrestle with the man.

12000 April 21

I was walking down the street to the south. I was on the sidewalk on the east side of the street. I pass the small group of people who seemed to be a family. One of the men in the group was talking to a small by, who had walked ahead of them. I thought that the boy was angry and being difficult. He turned to look at the men as i walked to the west of them. I started jogging down the street, wondering whether i would make the boy feel weary of me. I thought that i should scare the boy as i passed. He was wearing a red winter parka. I ran past him and quickly turned to the east to head into the house. It was the house where i lived. I crouched under the wooden overhang on the left side of the door, thinking that i should act strange as the group of men passed. I could pretend that i was a bat and that i fled to the side of the building for protection from the rain. I then heard the men knocking at the door above me. They had walked to the other door of the house, which was up one floor from where i was. There was a cement platform to the north of me which was the porch for the other door. I looked up and called to them, asking them what they could want.

12000 April 23

I spoke to my mother as we stood behind my parents’ house. It was a sunny day but the air seemed cool. My vision seemed unclear and bleached, as though i were watching something which was overexposed. All of the colours seemed to have a very sharp contrast. I then spotted the car moving in the field behind the house. The car was an old blue car from the seventies, and there was a man driving it. I wondered whether the car was one of the ones that my father had sitting in the field. I thought that the man might be stealing the car. I pointed to the car with my right arm, telling my mother that the man was stealing the car from the field. I felt anxious and wondered whether the man was dangerous. I then noticed that there was another car sitting in the field. It was a large tan car which looked to be of similar design the light blue one. I was worried that the men who were taking the cars were dangerous. A man stepped out of the tan car and started walking through the tall dry field grass towards us. I felt scared and ran to the west, around the side of the house to the front. I was afraid that the men might shoot at us. I stopped in the front of the house and looked north, checking wither side of the house to see whether the men were coming. I felt frightened.

I was in the car with my father as he drove down the road to the east. It was dark out and seemed somewhat cold and foggy outside. I watched the side of the road to the south of the road through the passenger’s window. There was a large area of white buildings which seemed to be a shopping plaza. This place did not seem familiar. It reminded me, however, that i had to get my father something for his birthday. I asked him what he wanted. I felt as though i had to get him something, but he shrugged and said that he did not know of anything he wanted. I continued down the dark path behind my parents’ house. There was snow covering the ground. I decided that i would have to shovel a path to the house. As i dug into the bank of snow with the small blue snow shovel, i noticed that there were thin pipes of ice growing out of the snow. They looked as though they had formed from naturally, but were very interesting. They cracked as i shoveled them away. I wondered whether i should save some of them. My mother walked by as i was shoveling. She walked up to my left. I asked her what i could get my father for his birthday. I could not think of anything. She did not know. I broke another section of the ice pipes as i moved the snow to the side. I wondered what i should do. I could not think of what to get my father.

I walked into the small locker room on the north side of the gymnasium. I walked into the room from the metal door on the east side of the north wall. There was a set of tall lockers along the north wall with a wooden bench running in front of them. I walked to the west end of the bench and sat down. There was someone else sitting on the bench to the east of me as i started to pull my shoes off. I then focused my attention to the back door of the room. It seemed to be very dark outside as a large grey wolf walked through the door. It seemed vicious and ran towards me. I knew that it was part of the myth, though. It was Fenrir, and was not really there. It had only come as a warning. I told the other person about the mythology of the wolf. I then saw the large grey wolf come into the back door of the locker room. I remembered this event from before. Things were repeating. I felt frightened of the wolf this time. I thought that it was going to attack me. I knew that the event was going to repeat again. I worried that the wolf might bite me. I felt scared and thought that something was wrong.

I was standing in the large open lawn, which seemed to be part of a high school. There was a track near me, and i was out getting ready to run. It was part of track practice. $A64 then came over to where i was. There were other runners with me. $A64 told us that we had better start the run. He seemed grumpy. I asked him where we were running. He said that we were heading to the park. I knew that we would be heading to the west from here. I started jogging slowly with the others as we headed toward the high school building. It was a low building with red brick walls. It seemed fairly modern. We jogged along the crest of the steep hill, which rose along the north side of the school building. I felt very strange. Something seemed discomforting about the run. I did not feel as though i should be here. I wondered whether i would be able to keep up with everyone else. It seemed so long since i had run with the team. I noticed that $F12 was running ahead of me as we jogged along the hill, just behind the school. I then realized that i was carrying a clip board in my left hand. I thought that it would not be comfortable to run the entire distance with a clipboard and thought that i should leave it in my locker. I felt as though i were in a race, however, and did not want to stop to get rid of it. I knew that i should, though, so i called to $F12 and told him that i was going to the locker room to drop off the clip board. I ran down the hill to the metal door on the back side of the building. $F12 followed me. He had something he wanted to drop off in the lockers as well. As i approached the light grey door, i wondered whether it would be open from the outside. I thought that it might lick from the inside. I grabbed the door handle and found that it was open. I walked into the narrow locker room. There was a row of tall lockers along the north wall or the room, to the west of the door. I walked along them, between the lockers and the wooden bench that was attached to the floor. I rounded the bench and looked over the lockers which were standing to the south of the bench. I could not remember where my locker was. I felt pressured to hurry, but did not remember which locker was mine. It had been quite a long time since i had been in the high school. I lifted one of the locks on the light tan lockers and tried to open it. It did not open with my combination. I felt frustrated and thought that i had to hurry back out to join the others. I did not want to miss the run. I looked across the row of lockers again, but could not find one that was mine. I felt anxious. I then remembered that my lock had a small red marking on it. I looked over the locks for the marking but did not see them. I then leaned against one of the lockers and it started to separate from the other. It fell forward. I quickly pushed it back into place. The rest of the lockers in the row started to fall. I was annoyed and tried to prop them against each other so that they would not fall over. I did not want to deal with this problem now. I had to find my locker. I could hear other people as they walked into the locker room. I had to get back out with the runners, but i could not see any locker which looked familiar. I then saw $A226 walk into the room from the wooden door on the east side of the south wall. He passed out of my view behind a row of lockers. I then heard him yell at someone. I knew that he was joking, though, and that his yell was not serious. I felt humoured, but kept thinking that i had to leave. $A226 talked really fast as he yelled at the student. The fast talking was part of the joke. The other students laugher. I then realized that there were a lot of people in the locker room. I continued to search for my locker, but had to move through the crowd of people. I then passed a table of women who were gather in the side of the locker room. They looked at me as i passed. I felt slightly out of place. They could tell that i was old for high school. I looked in one of the sewing machines that was on the table in front of the women. I thought that what i was looking for might be there. The women snickered. They were flattered that i paid attention to them.

12000 April 24

I walked into the room in the middle of the house. $F4 and some other people were with me. $A42 stood to my left as i looked down at the counter in front of me. The room was small, and seemed to be in the center of the first floor of the house. I was facing east as he walked up to me. He had been discussing drug use with some of the other people near me. I knew that they would be smoking marijuana and felt as though i should join them. I knew that i could not smoke, however, and thought that i should simply eat some. I pulled the large plastic bag of leaves down from the pale yellow cupboard in front of me and opened it up. $A42 looked over my shoulder as i looked over the leaves inside. They seemed fresh and were tear-shaped. They were thick and green with a faded area along the top left side. I thought that it did not seem like a hemp leaf. $A42 took the rest of the bag while i held onto one of the leaves. I thought that i would save the leaf for later. I turned around and looked at the others as they opened a second bag of leaves. Someone said that it was heroin. I thought that it must be the raw opium leaves. I wondered how they were going to distill it. I then thought that it was a rather dangerous drug. I knew that it was addictive and strong. I felt uncomfortable about them taking the heroin and thought that i would avoid them when they did.

12000 April 25

I looked at the large snake which i had captured in the jar. It was a dangerous snake, and i was worried about it escaping. I pressed the metal lid onto the large glass jar, but the lid did not seem secure. I turned to my right and picked up a large stone. I placed it on top of the jar. I hoped that it would be enough to keep the snake in. I felt frightened of the snake as i quickly removed my hands from the rock. I hoped that the rock would stay on the jar. I thought that i should get a better jar to keep the snake in. The snake seemed almost too big for the jar i had. I turned to go into the house. $X3 was on the patio with me. I ran past him and into the house. I came into the kitchen. It seemed to be decorated in nineteen-sixties decor. The counter tops were grey. I looked around on the counters for a larger jar. Then i heard the jar outside tipping over. It sounded like the rock had fallen. I felt worried that the snake had escaped. I had to find a larger jar for the snake. I felt panicked. I looked out the window over the sink and saw the empty jar on the cement patio outside. I wondered where the snake was. I then saw it slithering through the door to my right. I had to get away from it. I knew that it was very dangerous. I ran to the west, out the other door of the kitchen. The snake came after me. I was frightened that it was trying to attack me. It chased me into the house.

I walked away from the crowd of people who were at the wedding. I came into the small room, which was part of the radio station. I was supposed to be giving the broadcast for the radio show. I walked over to the microphone near the large silver console and started to speak. I announced the song and then started the record. The song sounded like something from the mid sixties. $A192 was sitting to my right, on the other side of a console from me. He was helping me run the radio show. I then spoke into the microphone again. I listened to my voice as i spoke. I was surprised how clear my voice sounded. It did not seem right. I thought that there must be several filters on my voice. $A192 watched me as i spoke. I then realized that i could not remember the name of the radio show. I started to say “Rockin’ the...” but forgot the rest of the title. I paused and tried to think. I felt embarrassed. I could not remember the rest of my lines. $A192 then continued, saying “Rockin’ the Eighties”. He played another song. I felt as though i did not really know enough about this job to be doing it. I stood up and decided that i had to take a break. I walked outside. There was a small patio area near the building with a small picnic table. It seemed to be very early in the morning. The sky was still very dim. I felt that i should take a shower and start doing something today. I walked to the south, across the grassy lawn and toward the large wooden cabin. This place was part of the camp. The cabin was large, brown, and had a very plain face. There did not seem to be too many windows on the outside of the building. It seemed as though there were a lake on the other side of the cabin. I walked into the front door of the cabin and up the stairs, thinking that i could take a shower in the shower room. There were other men in the cabin with me. I had been staying in this camp for a while. I walked into the shower room of the cabin. The room seemed very crude, with unfinished wood on the walls and a slanted ceiling where the roof was. There were other men around me getting ready to take a shower. They were all naked as they spoke to one another. I tried not to notice them. I turned to the south and walked over the an open shower on that wall. It seemed that none of the other men were around at the moment. I felt uncomfortable with them. They all seemed to be friendly to each other, but i did not feel as though i fit into their group. I decided that the shower on the south wall did not work so well, so i turned and tried one on the north wall of the room. I looked down at the wooden floor as i stepped under the running water. I realized that there was a square hole on the east end of the north wall. I could see that the water flowed down into the hole. It seemed strange that the water would just drain through a hole in the floor. I wondered whether it was really draining into the lower level of the cabin. It did not seem like a good design. I started to turn around under the water, trying to rinse my upper body of soap. There was a woman in the room. I did not feel uncomfortable with her, but i knew that the other men might. I sat on the bed as i spoke to her. She was lying on top of the blue bed spread. This situation did not seem correct. I wondered how i had gotten here. I started to take off my pants. I told the woman that i had to wash my legs. I knew that i had not yet finished taking a shower. I then realized that i was still wearing my underwear. I left the bedroom and walked into the second floor of my parents’ house. The place was different that i remembered. I thought that my parents had remodeled the place. I was on the west side of the house, but things were not like i had remembered them. I walked into the kitchen area which used to be my parents’ bedroom. There were very few furnishings in the room, and the walls were a pale green. They were covered with linoleum, and seemed to be old and worn. I thought that this place was strange. I could not understand why they had made a second kitchen here. I walked up the large set of stairs to the third floor of the house. The railings on the right side of the staircase were very decorative. They were thick white spindles. I realized that i was having difficulty climbing up the stairs. The stairs were covered with a thick green fuzzy rug, which made climbing difficult. I told my mother, who seemed to be on the floor below me, that it was hard to climb the stairs. I came into my parents’ bedroom. The walls were white and plain. I realized that they had covered with walls with a thick insulation. It made the walls look padded. The windows were set deep into the walls. My mother said that she had done the brick work in the room. I looked around and noticed that the north wall of the room was brick. I could see pieces of chipped brick on the floor under the wall. I then realized that none of the walls in the room were finished. They were all in the process of being built. All of them had incomplete sections. I looked again at the north wall to see that i curved inward. I thought that it was a strange design for the room. I walked to the north, through the space in the west end of the wall. I came into the small bathroom. Everything seemed unfinished. There was bare wood exposed near the shower stall and the sink seemed to be in pieces. There was more brick on the south wall of the bathroom, but it too was incomplete. I looked into the bottom of the shower stall to see that there was some old dirty water collected. There seemed to be several strips of wood scattered around the floor. I wondered why everything was in shambles. My father then said something. I looked into the square hole in the north wall, under the level of the shower. There seemed to be an outdoor cooling unit in a small black cubby. I bent over to see if i could fix it. There was water leaking into the cubby. This did not seem right.

12000 April 26

I drove to the east on the small road near the college campus. I was looking for a place to park. There seemed to be a great many cars trying to pull into the parking lots. I turned to the left and drove around a car that was waiting to turn to the south. I noticed that there was a large open parking lot to the north of the campus. I thought that i could park there, since it was near the place where i worked. I pulled into the lot and started to drive around. I wondered why no one was parked there. It was not that far from the main campus. I then noticed that there was a sign at the back end of the lot which had “24” printed on it. I realized that this lot had restricted parking twenty-four hours a day. I turned to the west and started to circle back to the south to look for someplace else to park. I spotted a sign which said that i was in Lot B. There was a stripe of green grass between the lot i was in and the smaller lot to the south. The lot to the south was Lot A. I had driven through it to get to where i was. I felt confused as to where to go, and circled my car to the left. I then turned it to the right and drive over one strip of grass into another lot. I kept turning and drove over a second patch of lawn until i was near the exit to the parking lots. I wondered whether anyone had seen me. I worried that a policeman might have seen me and would stop me. I felt annoyed, though, and felt that my actions were a good release. I walked to the north. It seemed rainy out, but it was not yet raining. The sky seemed grey. I walked into the room of the college building. It felt strange to be here as i was not a student. I was supposed to do something, but i could not figure out what. I was in a small dorm room. There was a window on the east wall which looked out over leafy plants. They seemed very sparse and faded but had small spots of colour from tiny flowers. I turned to the south to see $F18 sitting on the edge of the bed. She was talking to the group of men who were standing around her. They seemed like a sports team. They were wearing loose shorts and tee shirts which were darkly coloured. I mentioned something about the rain which was falling on us. It had started to drizzle. She shrugged and told the men that we would probably not continue practice. She told them to go home. I walked back towards the door on the south side of the room. I thought that i could get out of the rain by standing near the door. I looked up and suddenly realized that it was raining in the room. I could see the pale green ceiling and wondered where the drops of water were coming from. It seemed as though it should not be raining here.

12000 April 27

I walked to the south, down the narrow trail. It seemed dark out. The trail ran between two fences which were made of a few strands of white wire that were strung on thin vertical poles. Every once and a while the trail would cross a small stream. The streams seemed man-made and crossed the narrow trail at right angles. As i passed one of them, i noticed that there were red markings on wither side of the trail. I thought that the marking must be made of blood. There seemed to be a man standing to the left of me as i jobbed down the trail. There seemed to be someone following me as i ran. I looked down as another set of red lines as i passed a cross trail. They seemed to form writing on either side of the main path. The man had something to do with the markings. I felt unsafe here, but kept moving. I passed over another set of red marks and tried to read them but was moving too quickly to make out what it said. I then swerved to the left, into the road. The markings were blood. I felt unsafe as i walked through the shallow water that was running over the surface of the road. I was in a small rural town. The water flowed from the south, running swiftly over the ground. I tried to run to the east, but the water was getting too deep and i found myself floating with the water. I became concerned and was worried that something might happen to me. I could sense that the man was still watching me, but i knew that he could not get to me because of all the water.

12000 April 30

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my parents’ house. There were two small rooms on the north side of the main bedroom. The man was holding the woman in one of them. He had sent me out of the room, but i had to get back in to get the woman. I was to the east of the room, in the stairwell which led down stairs. I felt angry and agitated and had to get back into the room, but i knew that the man would hear me climbing up the stairs which ran along the side of the room. I would not be able to sneak up on him. I wondered what i could do. The walls of the room seemed to be pale green. They were made of narrow vertical slats of wood. I pictured the man holding the woman in the back corner of the room. I decided that i could cross the house and sneak up the stairs on the other side. It would be quieter. I could then sneak across the bedroom floor to the door of the small room where the man was holding the woman. I started up the stairs when i realized that i had not gone to the other side of the house. I was on the same set of stairs that ascended next to the room. I could hear the man moving in the room. I pictured him dressed in a black suit with a long black cape, like an old english gentleman. I crossed the dining room and came to the staircase on the other side of the house. There were wooden chairs from the dining room overturned on the stirs. They were standing with their legs up. It was a deterrent that the man had created. He thought that, ion order for someone to climb the stairs, they would have to remove the chairs. To remove one chair, however, would cause the rest to fall, which would make enough noise to alert the man. I carefully stepped over the chairs as i climbed up the stairs. I listened for the man. I could still hear him pacing in the east side of the house. I stepped over one of the polished wooden chairs, but was off balance. I was leaning backwards and tried to pull myself upright. I was having difficulty pulling my weight forward. I thought that i should grab onto the railing of the landing to the right and pull myself over, but i could not seem to reach the polished wooden railing either. I finally was able to shift my weight and climb to the top of the stairs. I heard the man moving. I looked at the doors in the bedroom. I noticed that the bedroom door on the east wall was locked. The man must have locked it to prevent me from coming into the room. There were two doors on the north wall near the eastern door. They were both closed. I knew that the man was in the one to the east. I then thought that i could sneak into the door to the west. I knew that the two small rooms were connected by a small door. I walked into the small room to the west, spotting the pale green adjoining door. I then realized that the man had left the room. I felt lucky and thought that i should act quickly to get the woman. I wondered how i would untie the woman. I planned the situation out in my mind. I could take the woman into the small room to the west. As the man walked back into the other small room to check on the woman, i could come out into the bedroom and close the door behind him. I could then escape with the woman down the stairs while the man was trying to get out of the room. I walked to the east through the door and found myself in the small courtyard. I had shifted to another place. I remembered that i had been trying to do something, but that i kept shifting from one universe to another. I remembered that man who had been holding people captive. I had rescued people from him but worried that he and the rest of the bad guys would take over. They seemed to be in charge of the city. There was a man in front of me wearing white robes. He realized that i was talking about and decided that he should educate the children. I realized that i had come to a universe where the bad guys were not in control. I thought that it would be a good idea to educate the children so that they could not be taken advantage of like the last universe. I knew that there was a small group of people in charge, however, who wanted to control everyone else. I wondered whether i had tainted their culture by telling them of the other universes. I spotted the small group of men walking towards us from the north. I knew that they would stop the man from teaching the children. The group of children stood in the center of the square, listening to the man in white robes. The children were all dressed in light coloured garments. The three men who were marching towards us seemed to be wearing bright colours. The leader was wearing a red robe with a dark purple sash. The leader walked between the teacher and the children and stopped the teachings. I felt angry but did not know what to do. Then i noticed that some of the men walked over to the round table on the southeast side of the courtyard. There was a group of people sitting there. The men were going to take the babies away from the woman at the table. One of the women was wearing a long tan rode. I felt angered and walked over to the table. I told them men that they could not take people away. I did not know what to do about it. I then decided to act out in anger to protest the take over. I grabbed one of the clay pots from the table and threw it to the floor. It did not shatter. The two guards just watched me. They knew that i was from another dimension and that i might be able to do something to them. I remembered that i had an energy weapon in the previous universe, but that it had been used before i came to this one. This universe did not have such technology. I thought that i should have the weapon to defend the others. I grabbed one of the large yellow plates from the table and threw it to the south, hoping that it would shatter on one of the stone surfaces. The guards just watched me as i acted. I was then in the corridor of the palace. I watched myself walking out of the door. I had jumped back into a previous universe. Aeryn Sun asked me where i had been. As i watched, i realized that i was really John Crichton. He looked annoyed and told her that he had gotten stuck in another universe where they did not have any weaponry. He turned to the west and started walking down the long yellow hall. The palace seemed old and decorated with ornate wood trimmings. Aeryn walked to John’s left, asking him what was happening, but John seemed annoyed and only partly listened. He then told her to distribute the suits. He motioned to a set of stands along the north wall which held fine black dress suits. I remembered that this was the universe where they had freed the people from the aristocrats. There were black derbies on top of some of the racks. Aeryn stopped in front of the racks as John continued down the corridor. I remembered that the suits were to be distributed to the people who had been held in poverty by the dictator.