12001 April 01

I was in a house which seemed to belong to $F10’s parents. The room on the north side of the house was small, but finely decorated. The walls were polished wood, and there were red linens and other decorations around the room. I was speaking to $F10 as i looked over the map. It was a tourist guide, and showed a picture of a large chalet. The building was orangish-pink, with a dark pink roof. I could see that it was on the top of a mountain. I walked o the east, thinking about the map. I remembered that the trail ran up the hill. I looked up to see the side of the slope. The mountain to the north of me was covered with this green trees. This place was in a foreign country. I thought that i might be in Sweden. I climbed up the hill, following the narrow trail through the thick branches of the vegetation. I then started to wonder what time it was. I knew that it must be late in the day. I remembered that had left the house in the morning. I wondered whether i had been climbing all day. I knew that i could hike all day normally, but i was supposed to be back at the house before too long. Something seemed strange about the hike. I thought that i was just walking out for the day, but it seemed like i had been gone from the house a very long time. I thought about the map and how the trails ran up the side of the hill. I came to a level area of the hill, where a larger trail ran east to west. I turned to the west and started following the trail. I then wondered whether i was on the correct trail. I realized that i had not brought the map with me. I hikes across a long narrow field which ran along the slope of the hill. I remembered that the trail was supposed to travel up the hill to the large chalet. I looked at the sun, but could not tell whether it was low in the western sky or not. I started to worry that i was spending too much time on the trail. I had to get back to the house before evening. I started to think that i should not have come so far on the hike. This was a strange land to me, and i was not prepared to be out overnight. I then looked to the northeast, up the steep face of the mountain. I could see the rocky peaks above the tree line. I could also see the large pink lodge along the top of the mountain. There was a large grey building next to it. I thought that i could make it to the top of the mountain. I then wondered whether i had enough time to make it back to the house. I felt confused. I tried to figure out where i was going in my head. I knew that i had to be on the correct trail because i was getting closer to the lodge. I thought that the trail ran to the west and curved up to the crest of the ridge. It then followed the ridge back to the east, to the peak of the mountain. I came to a road in the field. I remembered that the trail followed a road for a little while. I started to float down the road. I thought that i might be able to move faster if i glided over the road. There was a small agricultural field to the north of me. It seemed to be a vineyard, with rows of rope held up by wooden stakes. It suddenly seemed strange to me that i was able to fly down the road. This did not seem real. I wondered whether i would be ale to make it to the peak of the mountain more easily now. The road curved to the north slightly before ending on another dirt road. I turned to the east and started heading down the other road. All of the roads had green fields around them, with trees separating the fields. I then realized that there was another road to the north. I started to get confused. I wondered which road the trail took. I turned around and started heading back t the easy, along the vineyard where i had been before. I realized that this was the only road heading back up the side of the mountain toward the lodge. The woman said something to me. She was to the east of me as i started to round the vineyard. I looked to the north, where the tan fence lined the edge of the road. I thought about the way that i was floating. It seemed that i was hovering over a military helmet. Something seemed strange. The woman then spoke again. I explained to her that, here in Deutschland, we had to follow the correct trails. I held the helmet up in my left hand, moving it along the tan rod over the shower. The helmet hovered near the bar. I moved it to get it traveling again, but it left a residue in the air where it had been stuck.

12001 April 03

I drove around the southern side of the school’s entrance drive. The drive formed a square with rounded corners. It was to the north of the building and was nestled in the U of the building. The school building seemed to be one level and finished with brown bricks. As i rounded the corner on the east side of the drive, i noticed that the people who were waiting on the curb were dressed in costume. One of them was wearing a heavy black cloak with a wide hood that hid his face. The person to his left was shorter, and wearing something round and red. I drove around the circle and stopped in front of them. I knew that their costumes had some significance. They were not celebrating a holiday; i thought that they were just dressing for humour. I looked over the items to the east of me. I was in the basement of my parents’ house. I gathered some of the things that were to the east of me, on the dusty shelf. I thought that i should get them together and put them someplace where they would be clean. I stacked some of the dusty boxes on top of each other. I then noticed that the styrofoam mountain from my train set was sitting on one of the boxes. I moved it to the north side of the room, where i had been stacking some of the smaller boxes. I realized that it was not going to fit there as well because it was too tall to fit under the metal arm of the table saw. I turned to the west and carried it to the center of the cellar, where i could put it with some other things. I then noticed several plastic models on a small table. I wanted to keep them with the boxes as well. I did not want all of these things to get dirty. I picked up one of the models. As i did, i noticed the large spider web that was attached to it. I shook the model, trying to get the spider web off. I then noticed that there were a few spiders still crawling in the web. I quickly shook the model over the table, trying to get the spiders off. I felt nervous about them. As i looked at them, though, i noticed that they were really large spiders. I dropped the model on the table and tried to get away before they could drop on me.

I drove my car around the traffic circle at the front of the elementary school. The place was empty. There was no one around, and it seemed late at night. As i came around the east side of the circle and started to head back to the northwest, i noticed several toys sitting on the sidewalk to the north. The building to the north was made of a dark brown brick, and seemed to be the kindergarten wing. I walked onto the sidewalk and looked at the red and yellow toys. They seemed like old Shogun Warriors. I did not quite recognize them, though, and wondered whether they were newer models. I thought that i should take them with me. I knew that the children here did not know what they were. I then noticed a large round soldier with blue armour and a large white swirl in the center of its chest. I knew that it was not really a Shogun Warrior. It was a newer toy. I wanted to keep the toys, but i felt that i should leave them with the school. I then thought that the school children would simply ruin them. I turned and walked away, thinking that they were not the toys that i thought that were.

I was in the small car with $F34. We were driving up the hill to the northwest. The car was an old white Volkswagen Beetle. It was having difficulty climbing the hill. I remembered that these cars had very small engines. I looked into the back of the car to see that there was something large on the back of the car. We were carrying some kind of payload with us. The car seemed to be straining, and i did not think that it would make it up the hill, so i turned around. I thought that we would have to take the blue Beetle. It would have more power. As we swung around, i noticed that we were no longer towing the trailer. I thought that the trailer would have added more weight to the car. I then noticed a very large pine tree in the road ahead of us. I wondered whether we were still heading down hill. I looked out the front window of the car to see that we were really heading up hill. The frozen cliff was still on the right side of us. I then heard the song playing on the radio. I turned up the radio as we tried to climb the hill again. The song was “Black Dog”.

12001 April 04

I stopped at the curb on the edge of the street. The others passed me. It seemed that i was talking to someone behind me. I then realized the person behind me was playing a joke on the other runners in my group. I looked forward to see some of $G1 jogging away from me, into the street. A few yellow tennis balls started falling on them. Someone behind me was throwing them. As i ducked to get out of the way, i saw that there were many tennis balls arching over my head. I wondered how the people behind me were throwing so many tennis balls. They poured onto the runners, and i wondered whether the weight of the balls would be too much when in such a quantity.

12001 April 06

I stood in the center of the small white room, which seemed to be an office. There was a woman sitting at a desk in front of me. She was working on a computer. Though that she looked quite attractive. She was wearing a white dress, and looked a lot like Marilyn Monroe. She replied to me that she knew about the similarity. I hoped that the others in the room head what she had said. I wanted them to think that i would be interested in such an attractive woman. As i moved closer to her, i noticed that her face looked very white and pasty. She was wearing make-up which changed her appearance. I thought that the make up was overly stylish. It did not need to be as decorative as it was. I then realized that she was in love with me. I felt uncomfortable. I knew that there were others in the room who might be watching us. I did not want them to think that i was trying to date the woman. I turned around and asked $F10 what the woman had said. She then said something to me which was partly in Swedish and partly in English. I could not entirely understand her. I asked $F10 what it means, referring to the language as “Swenglish”. $F10 said that the language was really called “Tagalog”. I joked with him about the name for a moment. I then noticed that the older people were leaving. They were the parents of the woman. I knew that they were foreign to this place, so they did not really feel comfortable with out customs. I said “Good day.” to them, thinking that it was closer to what they were used to. The man bowed to me, and i knew that it was their way of saying “Good day.” I then noticed $G4 running to the west of where we were. I could see them rounding a corner on the city street and start to cross. I spotted $A288. I knew that he would be running the trail backwards. I told $Z that we should try to catch up with the main group. I thought that, if we ran to the north, we would be able to take a short-cut to where they would be. I started to fly as i headed down the narrow city streets. The buildings around me were tall and covered with glass. I came to the other side of the alley and hovered over the intersection of the street on the other side. I could see $A294 standing below me. He was waiting for some of the others on the trail, standing on a street corner. I floated over the center of the road, watching $A294 as he waited. He did not seem to notice me. I felt slightly pleased that he did not know that i was there. I then noticed a pile of trash to the east of him, sitting on the sidewalk. I hovered over it, noticing that someone had thrown away a large number of toys. There was a large red plastic bag next to several paper bags. The plastic bag was full of dolls and plastic models. I pointed out the toys to the woman, who was floating with me. I told her that the toys seemed like mine. They were very similar to the ones which i used to have. I was now standing near the bag looking over the contents. There were many plastic soldiers and plastic dinosaurs. I also noticed some model space ships. I wondered suddenly whether the toys were really mine. I wondered how they got here. They all seemed to be in good condition.

12001 April 08

I wandered through the streets of the large city. I had been here before. I looked to the north, over the flat dark roofs of the city. It was night, and i could see the lights below me. The hill on which i was standing sloped down very gradually to the north before flattening out and then rising slightly. I knew that i would eventually have to head to the northeast to get back to the airport to catch my plane. For now, though, i was wandering through the city to see what there was to do. I felt a little excited about exploring the city. There were three large balloons floating over the city. I thought hat they made a nice view in the dark. I then thought that this place seemed like Phoenix, Arizona. I turned to the southwest and walked across the parking lot of the small plaza. There were several small shops around us. I then wondered whether the restaurant was here. I remembered being here before, and knew that there was a restaurant to the west. I had been to the restaurant before with my parents. I found the large wooden building. It was plain on the outside, with a large glass window on the front side of the two-story building. The glass ran from the peak of the roof to the deck on the first floor. There seemed to be cross boards covering the space under the desk. This place served mexican food, but i was closed now. I thought that it might be too late at night. The sun seemed to be out now, but it was very low in the sky to the west. I thought that the restaurant was good because it served food local to the area. I lifted my right foot and flew to the roof of the restaurant. There was not an overhang on the front of the building which had a name in large green letters with some decorative chili peppers and mexican garlands around it. I looked down at the round white tables on the front deck of the restaurant. The deck now seemed to be on the asphalt ground in front of the small restaurant. I spotted someone sitting at one of the tables below me. It was $A60. He looked up, surprised to see me hovering over him. I wondered what he thought about me being able to fly. I started to glide to the north, over the tables. I was now inside the main dining room of the restaurant. The ceiling was wood and was very high above us. There was a second level of the restaurant up a short flight of stairs. It seemed to be over the service counter. I floated to the upper level, noticing the large glass doors to the west which led outside. I flew through the doors and found myself heading down the dark city street to the east. I thought that i might still be able to visit the rest of the city before i had to go to my flight. The narrow alley of the city then became a long clean corridor of a mall. The walls on either side of me were made of white etched glass panes. I thought that these were vary fancy stores. I remembered this mall. It was one of the largest malls in the world. The stores were very high priced. As i came to an intersection of the corridors, i noticed street signs hanging from the walls. The street signs were really the names of the stores. The entrance to the stores were opposite each other in the hall. They were set back from the main corridor slightly, in a small triangular alcove. I looked into the store to the north, noticing that the fancy glass doors of the store were propped open on wither side of the entrance. I felt slightly out of place here, but i thought that i could continue walking to the other end of the mall and come back out on a street which would take me to the center of the city. I knew that there were many large malls in this city, though, and wondered whether i would have to go through any others. I came to the end of the east corridor. There was a large window on the east wall which looked outside to the city. I looked at it over the round metal racks of lingerie which hung in front of me. I felt suddenly as though i should not be in this store. It would seem out of place for a man to be in the women’s lingerie department. I turned back and headed back down the long white corridor of the mall to the last intersection. There seemed to be very few people in the mall. I decided that the mall was so empty because it was getting late in the evening. I knew that i had to head to the north. I wanted to see one of the streets in the city. It was famous for its shops and galleries. I wondered how i could get to it from here. I then thought that this city might be Minneapolis. I rounded the corner and looked out over the city again. The ground was flat, and all of the buildings seemed very low to the ground. I started to move through the streets. As i moved down a wide east-to-west street, i noticed two young men in $P52 sweatshirts. I thought that they had actually been to $P52. I wondered whether they were applying to the school. They seemed as thought they might be just out of high school. I looked at the men as they approached, realized that quite a few of them were wearing red shirts. I walked with them on the street, trying to act as though i were not interested in why they were wearing the shirts. I sat on the back of the small pick-up truck as it drove slowly through the streets. I looked back and realized that the men were following us in another truck. The man driving the truck in which i was riding was trying to get away from the others, but he could not make it seem that we knew that they were following us. As i hung on to the back of the truck, i noticed that the platform on which i was standing was unstable. I thought that the truck was somewhat dangerous. I pushed down with my right foot onto the platform. The platform tipped to one side slightly. There was a large cinder block to the left of me, in the center of the red truck. I could not get it to move so that i could get away from the edge of the truck. The cab of the truck seemed old and worn. I tried to get a better footing on the very small platform on the back of the truck, but there were too many things in the way. I did not feel safe on the truck. I thought that i should get off. The truck then rounded a corner in the suburban road. I felt very unsafe, as though i might fall off the side of the truck. I thought that i should jump from the truck while it was going slowly and roll onto the ground. I then realized that i could not pull my leg from the truck. I looked down to see that the bottom of my pants were caught under the large cinder block. We rounded another corner and started to head to the west again. The man in the cab of the truck then started to tell me about the apartment to which we were going. He said that it was on the other side of $P35. I had to get off of the truck, and told the man that i would meet him there. I knew that he would not be able to get the tractor into the building ahead of us. The front entrance to the building would be too small. I, however, would be able to walk through the building and come out to the southwest, in $P35. I then decided that the man should not be here anyway. It was out of place for a tractor to be in the middle of town. I leaped from the tractor and walked down the hall of the building. I thought that i had already gone up some of the stairs in the building. I looked out the window to see the tractor sitting in an alley on the side of the building. The alley seemed narrow, squeezed between the building i was in and an old brick building to the south. I then notice that there was water on the ground of the alley to the south of the tractor. The tractor itself was in a set of stairs which led up the side of the building. I thought that the channel which ran through $P35 must have flooded. The man would not be able to get into the building with the tractor because the water was filling the lower part of the alley, where the service entrance was. The man got off of the tractor and climbed up the stairs to the apartment in which i was sitting. I asked him whether he had gotten approval from the landlord to make renovations on this building. I knew that he would have to change the building to bring the tractor into it. He told me that the landlord did not like construction. He said that he was not concerned with what the landlord said. He was going to do as he pleased. He paused for a moment, looking up the stairs ahead of us. I knew that he was considering how to get into the apartment above. I looked up the stairwell ahead of us, noticing a small doorway in the center of the stairs. I remembered that this building was strangely designed. I thought that the man could climb through the hole and come out into the apartment. As he started to climb through the door, i told him that the doorway to my floor of the building was larger. I then remembered that i only really used half of the door. I climbed through the small doorway and walked to the east, across the bare room of the apartment. This apartment was not in use my anyone. I knew that people would come here to cook food from time to time, but no one was renting it. I then noticed that the apartment was actually really nice. The entire building was an old apartment building, with nice woodwork and uneven plaster walls. I wondered what the building would look like if it were all redone as a single-family house.

I traveled over the deserted road which ran through the field. I was heading to the west, looking for a spot of land where i could place a house. I needed to find an apartment where the band could live. I thought that the place could be big enough for others to live there as well. I thought that we could allow other famous performers to live there so that they could use the studios in the house. I decided that the house would have to be large. I then spotted a small white house on the edge of the gorge to the west of me. I seemed to be approaching the edge of the cliff. I knew that the town and lake were in the large valley below. It seemed like a river valley. The sky was light blue and covered with scattered clouds as i approached the edge of the gorge, which ran north to south. It seemed that the sun was starting to set in the west. I thought that the small white house would probably look out over the lake. I looked at as i approached, noticing the large formal parking lot in front of it. I thought that the house must be an old-age home. I flew low over the wide highway as i looked at the house. I wondered whether i could buy it and renovate it to live in. I walked across the large parking lot. I noticed that there were several other smaller houses hidden among the pine trees to the east. This place was really a community of buildings. I looked at a large van which was parked at the edge of the parking lot to the southeast of me. It had animals painted on the side of it. I realized that this place was really a amusement park. I then remembered it from before. It had animals in it for visitors to look at. The cages ran along the edge of the cliffs so that the visitors could see the animals and the wide valley which stretched out to the south. I flew to the edge of the cliff, looking down at the river valley to the west. The river flowed out into the larger valley to the south. I then noticed that there were three hot-air balloons floating in the western sky. They were coming toward me. I thought that they had been up in the air for a very long time. I remembered seeing them earlier in the day. They were not drifting to the north, up the river. Two of them seemed close, floating high in the sky. The third was blue, and hung slightly lower. It seemed to be wobbling as the wind blew it. I thought that this was very bad. The balloon should not be wobbling so much. There must be something wrong with it. I wondered how the men inside could control it. I soared up into the sky and flew over the balloons as they passed down the river. I watched as the blue balloon started to roll onto its side in the air. It tumbled to the north. I then focused on the water which was rushing down the river valley below. It flowed quickly to the south. The balloons then descended quickly and landed in the water. I hoped that the people in the balloons would be all right. I decided that they should be safe because the balloons would not sink in the water. I was then standing on the grassy shore on the east side of the river. The land rose sharply on both sides of the water, and it was covered with tall field grass. I knew that the bridge for the highway was to the south of where i was. I watched as the balloons started to float down the river. I hoped that everyone was safe. I was standing in the water at the edge of the river, wondering what to do.

I walked to the northeast, across the small dirty room of the house. My mother was with me. I looked out the window which was over the sink. The ground outside sloped sharply up from the bottom of the window, so all i could see was the lawn and dirt outside. There was a large black and red snake sitting near the glass. It had crawled out from under the pine bush to the left. I wondered whether it was a boa constrictor. I told my mother about the snake. I felt cautious of it, and wondered whether it would be able to get into the apartment. I thought that there might be cracks in the wall or around the window. The snake moved toward the house to the right of the window. I wondered whether this snake was native to this area. I did not know what it was and wondered whether it might be poisonous. I moved my face toward the glass to see if i could look down the outside of the wall to see where the snake was going. I then backed up and looked at the wall inside the apartment, afraid that it might be coming in. I did not see any cracks or holes in the wall, but i wondered whether it would be able to get in anyway. The old plaster wall was painted light blue, and it had wooden bookshelves attached to it. There were several old books and other items on the shelves. I then turned and walked to the north. I thought that i should walk back to the parking garage, from where i had just come. I knew that i would have to go back to the lower level of the garage in order to climb back up to the surface and get out of the building. I then wondered why i did not simply jump out of the building from where i was. As i came into the parking garage, i could see a heavy rain falling on the benches along the east side of the garage. I was on one of the floors of the parking garage. There was a short cement wall all around the level of the garage. I walked over to the bench to the east. I felt disappointed and upset. I was supposed to sleep on this bench, but it was all wet from the rain. I laid down on the bench anyway, to see if i could get comfortable. I was upset, and felt tense inside. I sat back up, angry that things did not work out as i had planned. I tried to move the bench closer to the edge of the garage, where it might be out of the rain. It slid suddenly over the floor and swung to the east of me. I felt discouraged. I then thought that i could simply jump down to the second level of the garage. The rain would not be as likely to get in there because of the way the overhang on the building blocked it. I turned and walked to the northwest, across the cement area of the garage. I noticed the group of people standing along the north wall of the garage. I felt cautious of them. They were beating up some people who were huddled on the floor. I wondered why they were attacking the people on the floor. I felt concern for the people on the ground as i approached them. One of the men on the ground was wearing a red tee shirt which was stretched tight over his chest muscles. I thought that he was very attractive. I could not understand why the others were beating them up. I came close to the group and look at the people on the ground. They were all very attractive.

12001 April 11

I turned back to the east, looking over the long office in front of me. The place seemed like a library, though i knew that the computers, which were on the long tables, were for people in the office. The tables were long from north to south. There seemed to be a window in the south wall of the room. I felt troubled as i noticed someone standing in front of my computer, which was only a few tables over, on the south side. The man was tall and wore a light grey sweater and tan shorts. He had short black hair. As he turned to look in my direction, i could see that he was oriental. He noticed that i had seen him. He quickly adjusted the black strap that was over his shoulder and hurried toward the door on the north wall of the room. His long-sleeve shirt now seemed light olive green. I rushed over to the computer and looked at the screen. I could see an e-mail program running. I thought that it was Eudora, but i knew that it was not my version of Eudora. The menu options at the top of the window were different than mine should have been. I realized that the man had broken into my computer and installed his own software. The machine then shut itself down, so that i could not determine what the man had done. I realized that he must have root access to the machine. I tried to follow the man out of the building. He had turned to the west as he exited the doors. I called to him as he started to head to the south, down the west side of the building. He turned around to look at me, surprised. He then turned and started running down the suburban street. Several of the people on the sidewalk parted as he ran past. I did not feel like running after him, so i returned to the library and walked to the desk, which was on the west wall of the room. I told $A287 about the man who was at me computer. He seemed concerned and said that he knew the man. I walked back over to my computer and saw that the screen was still blank. I felt worried and did not know what to do. I started to walk to the south, down the city street. I spoke to the others around me about what i should de. I felt confused and could not think of how to catch the person. We walked to the east a little, climbing into the back of the van. I spoke to the others as we got into the camper. The back of the van was large and had beds around the edges. They beds were red, and the rest of the camper seemed to be a creme tan. The van started moving, and i could see the streets shifting around us through the small rectangular windows on the side walls. I spoke to $A166 as we moved. I realized that we were in the upper deck of the truck. The motion of the vehicle felt uneasy, and i was frightened that something might happen. I watched the view of the street pass by the long windows. I started to wonder whether the truck was safe. It felt very top heavy. I placed my hands on the bench near my sides to stabilize me as we moved. Something was wrong. I wondered whether the truck would hit a bridge and the top part would be torn off. I felt very uncomfortable.

12001 April 12

$F12 and i walked to the north, off of the trail in the woods. It seemed that we were near the bridge, which crossed the gorge. It was dark. $F12 sat down on the ground, and i sat behind him. It seemed warm out. The area around us was wooded, but the thin trees had no leaves yet. A person walked down the trail to the bridge, at the bottom of the slope below us. It seemed that we were far enough from others that no one could see us. I hugged $F12 from behind. I felt very comforted to be near him. I wondered whether he would mind that i was so close to him. I rested my face on his left shoulder, feeling that he was relaxed as well. I wondered suddenly whether he had wanted to be comforted by me. I leaned back as i spoke to him, noticing the thin dark hair growing on his shoulder blades. I commented about it as i passed my fingers over it. I rubbed my right hand over his right shoulder and leaned forward again. This time, he lifted his left arm so that i could move my head under his arm. He rotated to look at me, and i hugged him again, resting my head on his chest. I was very comforted.

I picked up the large piece of candy from the table in the small room. There was a man sitting on the opposite side of the round table, and a second walking to the south, toward the kitchen area of the apartment. I took a bite out of the chocolate covered candies. I mentioned that it tasted very good. It crumbled a little, and i looked down into the remaining chink of candy. It was peach-shaped, with a tan crumble inside. I then noticed that the inside looked like a nut. I tried to figure out what kind of nut was in it. It did not taste bad to me, but i worried that it might be something i should not eat. I then realized that the entire center of the candy was a whole walnut. I quickly walked to the sink, which was in the east wall to the northeast of me. I leaned over the stainless-steel sink and spit out the nut that was in my mouth. I then explained to the others in the room that i could not eat walnuts. I realized that i had already swallowed some of the nuts. I wondered whether i would get nauseous later.

I was in the large room of the house. The floors were polished wood, and there were very few furnishings. This place seemed like a retirement home. I walked to the north, up one step into a different section of the room. This place felt familiar. There were several toys scattered on the floor. I looked at them. They were brightly coloured. Someone was speaking to me as i looked over the toys. They seemed to interest me. I then noticed that some of them were Shogun Warriors. I tried to identify them, but they were not the same as the Shogun Warriors that i had. I thought that they might be newer versions. One of them was blue with red and yellow stripes. I wondered what they were doing here. I then wondered whether they were really Shogun Warriors.

12001 April 15

I walked in the north entrance to the building. The room inside was very large, as though it took up most of the building. The place almost seemed to be a park outside. There was a man in the center of the room as i entered. He seemed displeased to see us, and i thought that he was not going to let us do anything in the room. There was a large metal carnival ride in the room near the north end. It was shut down. I thought that the man would probably not let us ride on it. I knew that one of the people with me was able to run the machine, however. I hoped that he would come back and run the machine for us. He wandered back just as the older man was walking out the door on the south end of the east wall. The older man shook his head at the ground as he walked away. He was upset with us. Everyone became excited as the man with us offered to give us rides on the machine. They ran around the grey metal structure of the machine, trying to set it up. I noticed that there was a booth with several pamphlets on the north end of the room. I thought that we would have to move it so that the ride did not hit it. I walked to the south, where the woman was. I still felt as thought there was some urgency in the room. Something was wrong. I turned and slapped the woman across the face. It was something that i had to do. I looked at her, and she did not seem surprised that i had hit her. I knew that there was something else that i had to do. I walked through the door on the north end of the room and came into the office. I thought that the man had already unlocked the office for me. I was one of the old officials of this place. It was a place where people came to vote. I wanted to do something, but i knew that i was outnumbered. There were too many people from the office who would vote against me. I felt frustrated.

12001 April 17

I walked to the west, in front of the garage of my parents’ house. I seemed to be carrying something. My father walked back into the garage as i placed the object on the ground. I was then aware of a car driving into the driveway and turning onto the lawn behind me. I turned around to see he old light-brown car stop along the north side of the mound of dirt in front of the garage. A man and a woman stepped out of the car. The man seemed like $A281, though i did not know either of them. I walked toward the man as he spoke to me. He said that they seemed a place to stay, and he asked whether he could sleep here for the night. I felt unsure about letting a stranger into the house, but i felt compassionate toward them. I told them that i had to ask my mother, as this was really my parents’ house. I turned to the north and started walking toward the door on the east side of the garage. I wondered whether the people would be tempted to take anything out of the house. There was no way that we could watch them. I felt as though i wanted them to stay, but i was unsure whether i could really trust them. I walked into the empty space of the garage. The cement floor had a few scattered rags and objects across it. I wondered why we had been living out of the garage. I turned to the east to ask my mother whether the people could stay at the house. I walked to the south, down the driveway, following the people toward the house. It seemed to be darker out. A small animal ran from the bushes along the east side of the driveway and stopped on the small area of grassy lawn just off of the driveway. The animal seemed to be a small dog, but i realized that it must be a fox. I thought that it was rare for a fox to be seen around this area. I thought that i would point it out to the people, but the man was already walking down the driveway toward the animal. I then wondered whether the animal was really a coyote. I watched it as it hopped through a small bush and emerged closer to the driveway. I decided that the animal was a fox. As the man drew close to the fox, i warned him not to get near the animal. I knew that the animal was still wild and might attack. The man did not seem concerned. I felt anxious as he walked closer to the large deer. The deer walked onto the driveway, looking at the man. I thought that it must be a doe. I turned toward the door of the house to the west and called to someone inside. I warned of the animal in the driveway. I felt worried that the deer might attack the man. The animal then reared up, flailing its front legs in the air toward the man. I was worried and thought that i should do something. The man just stood there. I looked again to see that the animal was really a bear. I had mistaken it before. It was angry and standing to confront the man. I wondered what i should do. I tried to warn the man that the bear was a mother and that her cub was nearby. Just then, i saw the cub run from the bushes on the east, away from us. It dashed across the road and disappeared into the field to the south. I wondered why the mother did not attack. She just stood looking at the man. She then dropped down to her four feet and walked away. I turned to the east and walked into the house. I came into the room on the southwest side of the house. It was a living room, but we had rarely used it. I thought that the two people could stay there. I then wondered whether it was safe to let them in. I turned around as my father left the room. I started to wander back to the north, past the blue couch. I wondered whether this room would be safe for the people since we did not really use it. I stopped in front of the garage. I remembered that there was an animal outside. I thought that we would have to hide in the garage before the animal came. There seemed to be several people with me. I wondered what we were going to eat. It seemed that we might be trapped in the garage for quite some time. I stepped into the high weeds on the east side of the driveway to see what plants we might be able to scavenge. There was a stalk of wheat in the middle of the thick green growth. I pulled it up and handed it to the person next to me. The man took it and looked it over. The seeds on the plant were nice and thick. It would provide grain for a short period of time. I then turned to the northeast. The others did the same. It seemed that we had heard the monster howling in the distance. We had to find some food and get back into the garage where it was safe. The man turned the stalk of grain up side down and started shaking it. Small black seeds fell to the ground. I told the man not to waste the seeds on the ground. We would need them to eat. I hoped that we would be safe when the animal came.

12001 April 18

I was in the large gymnasium with the other people. We were standing at the front of the crowd on the west side of the gym. There was a wrestling match just finishing up on the east side, where the red mats were on the ground. The two men who had been wrestling stood up and started to walk off the mats, to the east, where their team was sitting on a bench. I noticed that one of them was wearing a red singlet. I thought that he must be from $P52. A second wrestler then stepped out onto the mat. He was wearing a blue singlet. He must have been from $P75. As he started to wrestle the other person, i noticed that there were several different colours of team uniforms. I decided that this must not be a regular match. I wondered whether this was a tournament. As they started to wrestle, though, i noticed that what they were doing did not seem to be real wrestling. They were grabbing each other around the head, making it look spectacular. I realized that this was not serious wrestling. The two wrestlers then laugher, finding their own actions humourous. Other wrestlers from the benches started to get onto the mat and join the match. I felt disappointed. This was not real wrestling. I was now on the other side of the mats from where i had been. I turned to walk out. $F19 was with me.

12001 April 19

I walked across the small room of the house. It seemed like a kitchen, but there was not much room. I knocked on one of the white cabinets. I knew that the boy was hiding in there. The door opened and i could see a young blonde child sitting in the cabinet. I knew that he was hesitant of me. I spoke to him for a while, trying to comfort him. He did not really know who i was. I knew that he was my son, but i knew that his mother had never told him about me.

I was walking to the south, through the halls of the building. I could see my hair as i moved through the people in the hall. It was very blonde. I thought that it should not have been that blonde. I wondered whether the people around might think it strange that my hair had suddenly lightened in colour. I thought that i had probably put too much stuff in it to lighten the colour. I wondered whether i could wash the bleach out. I turned to the north and walked through the door and into the main auditorium of $P7. Everyone was already gathered there. I sat down in one of the wooden chairs and watched as the professors walked past. I knew that i had not been here in a very long time. I then spotted $A46 in the line of people walking into the room. He had been here a long time. I also saw $A96. I tried to wave to him, but he pretended that he did not recognize me. I felt out of place here and wondered whether i was in the correct section of the auditorium. I did not think that i should be sitting with the students any more. As i moved to the north, to the other side of the auditorium. I noticed that there was a long red pole across several of the seats. I remembered that it had some kind of significance, but i could not remember what it was. I thought that it reserved the seats for some special purpose. I felt confused, and could not remember what i was supposed to do. I then realized that i was not wearing a uniform like everyone else here. I felt out of place. It had been a long time since i had been here, and i wondered why i was back.

12001 April 21

I plodded through the heavy undergrowth of the forest, making my way to the east side of the cottage. This place seemed to have been forgotten about. It seemed like my grandfather’s cottage. I had to get the place ready. I walked over to the stack of wood which was along the north wall of the building. It seemed that there had been a fire burning there, but now there was only a warm smoldering pile. I picked up several pieces of the cut wood planks and thought that i had to get the fire going. It would be night soon, and i had to start the fire so that i could keep warm. The heat from the fire was strongest on the east side of the pile. I moved the boards around, trying to fins a flame. I hoped that the fire did not go out before i could get it burning again. I noticed the metal object near the fire. It stood against the brown wall of the cottage and was rectangular. I decided that it was a candle mold. I grabbed the metal bat that ran across the top of the mold and lifted it. The white ropes pulled out of the round holes in the top, lifting small perfectly shaped candles with them. Most of the candles on the left side of the mold were blue, but the ones in the center and on the right were mostly red, with a few scattered white. I dropped the candles back into the mold and concentrated on getting the fire burning. I felt worried that the night might come quicker than i had expected. I stacked several of the short boards vertically on the cement block. The pile seemed cool, though, and i worried that i had put the fire out. I then heard the sound of the helicopter moving closer from the east. I looked over to see the white helicopter moving lower. I thought that it must be my parents. The helicopter turned to the north as it reached the south side of the clearing. It then fell suddenly to the ground, bouncing only slightly. I wondered what had happened. I imagined that my mother would be upset and panicked. I hurried over to the helicopter to see that everyone was all right. I wondered why it had fallen all of the sudden. I thought that the rotors might have clipped the trees behind it. My parents got out, and the rotors seemed to be undamaged. The other helicopter hovered just to the south of us. I looked back at the pile of wood as we walked into the east end of the kitchen of the cottage. My mother started to arrange things. I told her about the mold. I picked it up from the pile of wood and lifted the candles out of it. She seemed surprised that they were still not melted.

12001 April 22

The people were trying to descend into the gorge, but there was no easy access point. The gorge ran east to west. I watched as the people tried to lower themselves down the narrow shaft. The shaft was well lighted, and the walls were made of tan and red, crumbling, sedentary rock. The shaft started out very narrow, but then widened in the middle. The rappelling climbers were hanging in the center of the large opening when one of the started to fall. I watched as he tumbled town the shaft, bouncing on the south wall, which bulged inward to narrow the width of the shaft. The man disappeared into the darkness which led down to the water of the gorge. I knew that these people had been trying to climb down to the bottom of the gorge for a few days. It had something to do with an investigation. I felt as though i were watching this on television. I then stepped onto the large rock at the edge of the river, which ran over the falls at the bottom of the gorge. There was a house at the edge of the water. I knew that the police had been trying to get to the house for a while. The owner was not at home. I climbed over the large reddish-brown rock and came down on the sandy silt of the shore, near the house. I knew that i was trespassing. I had come down the easy way. The police did not know of the trails which led down the rocky cliffs. I stopped when i noticed a man in front of me. He seemed to be an investigator, here to search the woman’s house for clues to her death. He asked what i was doing here. I pretended to know what i was doing and walked along the side of the house. The man asked me questions about the woman. He assumed that i knew her and that i lived in the house. He then asked me whether i knew that had happened to her. I asked him what he was talking about. He told me that Jana had been killed. I pretended that i did not understand him. I knew that i had to act upset, so i tried to be confused, as if denying the truth. He told me that Jana was dead. I then heard the telephone ringing in the house to the west of us. I ran to get it. I There was a small white garage to the south of the house, next to the water. I thought that i would run into the garage, thinking that it would have a telephone as well. I could impress the investigator with my knowledge of the house. As i ran between the house and the garage, i noticed that the electric sound of the telephone was actually coming from the garage. I was surprised but happy that it helped me look knowledgeable about this place. I picked up the telephone, but the people at the other end had already hung up. I thought that it must have been my parents. Just as i started to pull the white plastic receiver from my ear, i hear a click. I knew that the telephone was automatically re-dialing the number that had called. I worried that i would be discovered if my parents asked me where i was. As the telephone picked up on the other end, i quickly told my father that i could not talk. I told him to tell my mother something and then hung up the telephone. The investigator was standing patiently outside the house. He had to get back to the top of the cliffs. I wondered whether i should hang around in the house or try to get away. I knew that i was not linked to this place and could not easily leave. Something felt comforting about being in this place, even though i knew that i was lying to everyone about my relationship with the woman who had lived here. As the investigator walked to the west, toward the elevator up the cliff. I looked to the north. I could see the steep rocky slope of the cliff. It was not too steep to climb, and there was a ravine cut into it just to the east of me. It seemed that there were a couple more houses to the east on the floor of the gorge. There was also a water fall coming in from the east. The river flowed over the falls and turned to the southwest, running past the woman’s house. It then rounded a narrow corner and headed to the west again. I started up the dark grey slope of the hill to the north, thinking that i should be able to beat the inspector to the top of the cliff. I looked ahead of me to see a long narrow building running along the side of the hill, about half way up. I knew that it was part of the college campus. I hurried up the steep slope, coming to the road which cut across the slope just under the building. I thought that someone might stop me for walking where i should not be walking, but i continued up the slope anyway. There was a cement embankment in front of me, so i walked to the east, where it was lower. As i started to climb over the short section of it, two men from the college walked in front of me and started up the grassy hill on the other side of the embankment. There was a worn foot trail which followed the embankment up the hill. I started to climb, just behind the young men. I then noticed a small plastic shield on the ground to the right of the trail. It had been placed over the trail to prevent people from walking up the hill, but had been broken in half. I grabbed the piece on the right side of the trail as i climbed, dislodging it from the dirt and discarding it to my left. I continued to climb, defiant of the trespassing laws. I was then back at the woman’s house, walking to the east toward the man. He was the woman’s father. He asked me about her. I realized that i had to convince him that i did know her. I felt as though i needed to stay in this house, but i had to convince everyone that i knew the woman who used to live here. The man asked me about his daughter, but i did not know exactly what i could tell him. As i started to walk around him, feigning worry and concern, i told him that i had not known his daughter that long. I said that we had only been going out for two weeks. I also emphasized that i did not really know her that well by saying that we had only met a few times. I felt as though i had to prevent him from asking any deeper questions about her. He then mentioned something as i brought out the small white writing pad. I told him that i would write down the e-mail address of the person. I asked him how to spell his daughter’s last name. I realized that i did not know the woman’s name, but i might be able to find out more information by slyly pretending to collect data for the man. I started to write as he spelled out the name. Her last name was not as complicated as i had thought it was. Her name was Sara Janah. I looked at the last name, wondering whether there was really an “h” at the end or not. Then i decided that it had to be a latin name with a “us” ending. I stood up from where i had been writing and assured the man that i would send him the information about his daughter. I thought that i should leave. I did not feel that comfortable around him. I knew that he might be able to discover that i had never known his daughter.

I walked to the east, along the cement path which ran along the north side of the large college quadrangle. There was a group of people walking out of the center door of the large stone building on the east end of the north side of the quad. They all seemed to be wearing brown uniforms. I thought that it must be some type of social society. I stopped at the eastern edge of the quad. It now seemed that i was on a city street. There was an older woman walking toward me. She too was wearing a dark brown vest with a light brown shirt underneath. It was the same uniform the older men had been wearing as they descended the steps of the building. I started walking back to the west, this time, on the south side of the large open area. There were only a few old people still leaving the building as i passed by. One man was standing in the center of the quad, talking to someone who was just leaving the building. I came to the west side of the large white room, thinking about the society who had been gathering to the north. Several of the younger people were at the table near me. I had been part of their group. I felt slightly confused, as though i were not entirely aware of everything happening in the room. One of the men stood up from the table and spoke. He seemed to be saying something about the group of people in uniform as he walked to the south. I watched him walk. He seemed rather attractive, though much younger than myself. There was a small section of the room which protruded to the south. There were people riding exercise bicycles. They were facing east as they rode. Something seemed to have happened in the room. I felt as though it was significant, but i could not focus on it. I looked to the south to see the man doing push ups on the floor between the bikers. He was then sitting on the south side of the small round table to the south of me. I tried to remember what the significance of this place was. I looked at the man to see that he had drawn on his face with black magic marker. The others around the table were looking closely at him, watching the new designs. I then noticed that he had already had brown marks around the edges of his face, making a jagged outline. He raised his left eyebrow, and one of the brown lightning bolts lifted to almost vertical. I liked the way the make up looked on him. It was good for the stage show.

12001 April 23

I left my parents’ house and started to drive into the city. I seemed to be heading to $P7. It seemed cool out, thought the sun was warm, as though it was very earl on a summer day. As i got into the city, i started to wonder where i was going. It seemed that i was heading in the wrong direction. I was at the university campus, but i was on the north side of the city. I thought that i had driven past the place where i was supposed to go. I would have to turn around and head back to the other campus of the university, which was to the southeast, in the downtown area. I felt confused and was annoyed with myself for not paying attention to what i was doing. I knew that the main campus on the northwest side of the city had been under construction and that the offices had been moved to the downtown campus. I walked along the east side of the large brown building. The building seemed to have metal horizontal beams on the outside of it. I was in the front entrance on the east side of the building when i asked the woman where the office was. I was looking for my mother. I was supposed to meet her at her office. The woman told me that the offices had been moved. I felt confused. I glanced around at the brown paneling on the walls of the entry way. There were white linoleum-topped desks along the west wall of the room, where secretaries in white shirts and brown vests sat. The woman seemed very concerned that i was there and told me that the new offices were across from something on the main road. I then remembered that my mother had told me about her office getting moved. I thought that it had to do with the construction. I walked out of the building and started driving to the west. I was unsure where i was going.

12001 April 24

I walked across $P52, looking for the poster again. I remembered seeing the woman’s face on the poster, and i thought that i should find her. I knew that there were many posters of her on campus. I tried to picture where they were. I could see the campus from above, as though i was flying over it. The map of the campus then started to look like the poster of the woman. I was looking at the poster with the woman’s face on it. I seemed to be in $P69. I told the others that i was trying to recreate the poster. I had to match the design of the original. I told them about the print dots and how hard they were to reproduce without creating a moire effect. I then started to wonder who the woman was. I had never seen her before. I looked at her face. She was austral, and had a fluffy hairdo. She seemed to be from the sixties.

I was in the back-stage area of the theatre. The people around me were getting ready for a show. I looked over the instruments which were on the stage. I thought that this play must be a musical. I felt interested in the show and wanted to be a part of it. I liked playing music. I looked over the black keyboard instrument which was in the center of the stage. I noticed that there was a very thick string attacked to it. The string seemed much thicker than all of the other strings on the instrument. I thought hat it must be the wrong type of string for this instrument. The other person said that it was no good. He said that it would ruin the sound because it was out of place. I played the key and listened to the low tone of the string. I thought that it had a very good sound. I turned and walked into the center of the room. There was a stage on both sides of the north end of the room. I wondered whether they would be using both off the stages for this performance. Someone then started to talk from the stage on the east side. This was part of the performance. I was then back stage watching the actors getting ready to go on. I could see the audience in the theatre outside from the edge of the stage. The house seemed crowded. Some of the actors were walking around me. I thought that they were talking too loud. I thought that it might be disruptive to the actors on stage. I also wondered whether the audience could hear what they were saying. A female actor came off of the stage and asked something. $A15 told her that she had missed her cue. He seemed mad at her. I knew that she was supposed to have brought the bass guitar out onto the stage for the other actor to use, but she had forgotten. Now the other actor would have to improvise something to get the bass on stage. $A15 started to scold the woman for her mistake. She seemed upset at her confusion. I wondered whether the audience would be able to hear $A15 yelling at her. I felt uncomfortable back-stage. I walked farther from the audience and came to where some of the other actors were gathering to get ready to go on. We seemed to be in a back wing of the stage. It was relatively dark, and there were some crude furnishings in the area. There was a male actor near me as i laid down on the large mattress at the back of the stage. He started to talk to me. I knew that he was homosexual, and that he was interested in me. I spoke back, but tried not to show too much interest in him. I thought that he was a very nice person, but i was not interested in sexual relations with him. I looked at him as he sat on the edge of the bed near me. He was rather heavy, but i knew that he had a nice personality. He told me that he wanted to rub my nipples. I felt slightly uncomfortable, and told him that i was not interested. I felt tired and just wanted to be away from people. He tried to convince me that i would enjoy it. He said that most men really like it. I sighed and told him that i did not want to get a “hard on” right now. He seemed disappointed, but i did not want to let him think that i had any interest in him. The woman then sat down on the bed with me. The three of us would be sleeping together. I felt comfortable having both of them there, as long as nothing sexual occurred. I hugged the woman, thinking that she was quite attractive. I knew that she was a very nice person as well.

The cats walked across the small room of the house. This place seemed like my parents’ house. I sat the orange cat in the room. It looked like $X4, but it had white fur sticking up along the top of its head. I thought that something must have happened to it. I then started to wonder where $X5 was. I thought that $X4 might have done something to her. I walked a little way up the driveway of my parents’ house. I then saw $X5 in the back yard of the house. As i looked closer, though, i realized that it was really $X3 in the back yard of the house. He was very happy about something and trotted toward me. I felt somewhat confused. There was something wrong with these images. I remembered that $X3 had died a while ago. I wondered what was out of place.

I was in the car with my father as we drove to the east on the rural road. We seemed to be entering $P3 from the west. The bridge ahead of us was under construction, however, and had fallen down. We stopped near it. It was an old steel-arch bridge which had collapsed into the river below. I wondered how we were going to get the truck across the river. We could not drive it on the remainder of the bridge. The bridge would collapse under the weight. I then remembered that we had just crossed a river before. I ask my father whether we had to cross this river like we did the last one. I remembered how we had gotten out feet all wet by driving through the water. There was a man working on the construction project near the bridge. He was below up, on the north side of the road. The road on which we were traveling was actually raised from the surrounding land before it crossed the water. The land to the north was bare from construction. The man below said that he had a back-hoe from the construction job. My father said that he could use the back-hoe to repair the bridge. I thought that he could tear it down with the construction equipment. I then realized that we did not want the bridge torn down. I wondered how my father was going to fix the bridge with a back-hoe. I did not think that the back-hoe would help us get the truck across the bridge. It did not seem to make any sense to me.

I walked down the street of the city, to the west. This city seemed very old. I thought that it might b someplace in Europe. It felt very comforting to be here, as though i had enjoyed this city, but i knew that i was about to leave to get home. All of the buildings in the city were very fancy and decorative. They seemed old but ornate. As i walked along the south side of the narrow street, i looked at the tall houses and shops. They were made of red brick, with trimming painted in various colours. I did not want to travel home so quickly, but i knew that i would have to go soon. The road i was on seemed to run along the crest of a very shallow hill. The ground sloped away to the north and northwest. Ahead of me, there was a Y in the road, where one section turned to the west-southwest, remaining on the top of the rise, and the other road curved down the hill to the northwest. The street seemed to be covered with cobblestones. Everything here seemed very old. There was an old cathedral ahead and to the north. I thought that i should visit the sights here one last time before i left. I then spotted $F4 on the north side of the road from me. He had just walked out of one of the stores and was walking to the west, starting to head down the fork to the northwest. He seemed to bee preoccupied with something and not looking around the city. I thought that he might be out for lunch. I started to cross the street so that i could follow $F4 and say hello to him. The yellow stones of the street were rounded on top and strange to walk on. The road to the northwest went down hill slightly. There was a wide parking area to the west, just before the road turned to the north-northwest and started down the steeper part of the hill. The parking area was right in front of the old church. I remembered that this church was very old and very special. $F4 turned and walked into the church. I thought that he was going there to have lunch. I suddenly felt less interested in following $F4. I felt as though he would not be as interested in talking to me. $F4 walked into the door of the restaurant to the west of the road. I wanted to join him, so i walked into the large old restaurant after him. The place seemed very fancy as i entered. I walked through a small arched door on the northeast corner of the building. The hall led to the south and to the west. I knew that the hall to the west led toward the lavatories. I walked to the south, along the long bar where a few of the restaurant staff were cleaning things behind counter. I knew that $F4 was in the main dining room of the restaurant. I sat at one of the small round tables to the east of the bar. I thought that i should not disturb $F4 while he was at lunch. He was not expecting me and i did not want to intrude. I took off my long trench coat and folded it up. I dropped it under the table near me and tried to feel relaxed. A waitress was standing near the table. I told her that i wanted some water. I then placed my bag and camera under the table where no one would grab them. I felt that they might get taken if i left them out in the open. As i made myself comfortable in the chair, i suddenly felt that i had been here a very long time. I started to wonder what $F4 was doing in the restaurant. I did not expect this to take so long. I stood up and walked down the corridor to the south, toward the dining room where $F4 was eating. I wondered whether he had left already. As i came to then end of the bar, i realized that there was a set of circular stairs descending from the second floor, cutting in front of the corridor. The stairs were black, and seemed to be made of a polished wood or plastic. I could not get by without crawling under the tars. I then realized that a section off the stairs folded up, like a door, to allow people to pass. I lifted the section of stairs, folding it back onto the surface of the bar. The bartender watched me as he got some things ready on a black tray. As i walked through the opening in the tars, i suddenly wondered why someone would design stairs which blocked the main corridor out off the restaurant. It seemed like a very strange thing. I stepped into the large dining room, which was one step lower than the corridor from which i had come. The room seemed very bright, with windows on all sides. There were plain round wooden beans holding up the ceiling, and the floor was polished wood. The ceiling seemed white. The round tables in the room were covered with white linens. I could see $F4 sitting at a round table in the southeast section of the room. He was eating lunch with a woman. I felt uncomfortable about interrupting him, but he already knew that i had entered the room. They had already been served food. $F4 asked me to sit down at the table. $F4 was sitting on the west side of the large table, and the woman was sitting to the north of him. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder black evening gown which had sequins along the top section. She seemed nicely dressed. The food on their plates seemed Mexican, with triangular tortilla chips around the edges and guacamole sauce in the center. All of the food looked very good. I sat at the southeast side of the table. I felt out of place here, as though i were intruding. I felt as though i should order, but i did not want to delay them from eating by having my meal arrive late.

12001 April 28

I woke up in the large bed. My mother had been sleeping to my left as i lied on my back. She was staying with me. I wondered why she was so close to me. I thought that she might have rolled over in her sleep. I grabbed her hand, which was at my side, and started to rub it. It seemed difficult to hold her hand, as though she were in the wrong position for me to hold it. I felt uncomfortable. There was something strange about having her here. I sat up and looked down at the hand that was holding. I realized that the arm was lower in the bed than it should have been. I did not understand how her arm had gotten to be at the foot of the bed. I then realized that my mother was sleeping up-side-down in the bed. Her feet were to my left. I tried to wake her, to tell her that she was sleeping on the wrong side of the bed. I wondered how she was able to breath with the covers over her head. I found that i could not sit up, though, because her legs were over my chest.

I walked to the west in the large open room of the second-hand store. There was a table of toys in front of me. The smaller boy walked near me. I knew him but was annoyed with him. I thought that he would play with the toys. I noticed that there were several Shogun Warriors on the table. I wondered whether i should buy them. I knew that they were rather rare and that this place would be selling them for only a few dollars. I sat the Dragun figure with two other warriors below it. I then noticed that there was a small white robot behind the warriors on the table. It was part of the Micronauts. I recognized it as the one robots i had from the Micronauts collection. It seemed strange that they would only have the toys that i already owned.