12002 April 01

$F1 drove the car toward the parking gate. I watched the white plastic arm of the gate through the front windshield from the passenger’s seat. It did not seem to be rising. I knew that we did not have the correct key to get the gate to open for us, but we were being mischievous. I slouched down in my seat, as though the arm of the gate were going to hit me in the face. I then noticed a small black roller on the bottom of the arm. It was just about to touch the windshield of the car. I knew that the roller was a sensor that would raise the gate. It prevented cars from running into the gate. I told $F1 to drive just a little closer. He did, and the gate rose. I could hear an alarm somewhere in the distance as we drove through the entrance to the parking garage. This was part of a resort. There was a toll booth to the north of us, on the left side of the driveway. We continued to the east, into the bottom floor of the cement parking garage. There were a few men standing to the southeast who seemed to be guards. One of them was in a blue uniform, talking to the other two. I told $F1 that we would have to get out of the car and hide somewhere on the golf course. The golf course seemed to stretch to the north of the parking garage. $F1 drove the car to the northeast, past the row of parking blocks in the center of the lower level. There were cars parked along the north side of the lot. The spaces were filled from the west, and i thought that they must have been filled in the order of arrival. $F1 drove the car into the next open space on the east side of the line. The car just to the west of us was a tan golf cart. We quickly got out of the car and hurried to the north. We had to get out of sight so that the security guards did not catch us. I then thought that we had to do something to disguise the car. They would know that it was not a registered car. I said something to $F1, but he simply locked the car and walked away. I was standing on the cut grass to the north of the garage as $F1 turned to the west, following the sidewalk which ran along the edge of the parking garage. I decided that $F1 was simply abandoning the car. I then wondered why he would get rid of his car. I decided that it might not really be his. I followed him down the path, and we walked into the old bar. The place seemed like an old pizza bar that had once been part of the golf course. There were several people standing around just inside. There was a counter on the south wall, just inside of the door. The door was on the south end of the east wall. A man in a white apron and tee shirt stood behind the counter, leaning heavily on his right elbow. He was talking to two of the men in blue jeans and red sports jackets. I did not feel comfortable about the people in the bar. I did not quite feel like i belonged here. We tried to act as though we fit in, knowing that the security guards might search this place for strangers. I said hello to someone to the west as $F1 spoke to the two men near the counter. I was then aware of the two security guards coming in the door. I pretended not to notice them as i spoke to some of the people. This place felt like high school.

I showed the man the object that i had been working on. It was mounted on a blue plastic board and had two vertical metal plates near either end. There was an axel which ran between the two plates. The plates were used to support the axel. There were several other metal parts on the right side of the board, and a third, thicker plate around the axel on the left side. I pointed out the thick metal plate on the left to the man. He seemed to be a teacher. I showed him how the plate fit very tight around the axel. It was used to slow and stop the axel from turning. I pushed the plate to the left, tightening it against the axel. I then tried to push it back to the right, but had some difficulty. I felt that the man understood what i was trying to demonstrate, even though i could not show it properly. This was all part of a class in the school. I sat down in a chair along the east wall of the classroom. This place seemed like a classroom on the second floor of north end of the north wing of $P7. The teacher mentioned the final project. I looked up at him as he spoke. He was tall and thin and wore a brown tweed jacket with matching pants. He said that the final project would depend on the woman. I looked to the right, over to the black and brown tweed couch on the north wall of the room. The young woman, who was sitting with a textbook in her lap, looked up at the teacher, suddenly aware that we were talking about her. She was wearing a green dress with a white blouse. Her green button-up sweater was open in front. She wore a pair of black socks, which were pulled up to just below her knees. She held her spiral notebook in her right hand, hovering over the textbook in her lap. She seemed to have a pen in her mouth as she glanced questioningly up at the teacher. Her thick black hair was pulled back. She was boreal, and had a round face. The teacher said that the girl would decide everyone’s final project because it related to hers. I thought that she must be a senior. She relaxed a little and thought for a moment, her eyes rolling to her left. She then said that she was doing her project on comparing and contrasting things, so she said that we should look at our first project and then our second and compare the two. I held up the axel in my right hand and asked the teacher if all i really had to do was compare this project to my previous one. He confirmed my statement. I leaned back in the chair, thinking that the final assignment would be easy to do. I thought that i should get started on it. I looked down to the desk on the arm of the chair to my left. There was a folded piece of paper on it. I folded the paper again and tried to slice it along the crease with the knife. The paper was dull red on one side. I sliced the paper in half and then folded the pieces in half again. I had to cut them into smaller squares. I placed the first set of smaller squares on the ground to the right of me. I was sitting on the carpeted floor of the car. The man who was driving said that we were at our stop. I looked at the second section of paper as i tore it in two. It did not cut as easily as the first. I looked at the ragged edge of one of the pieces as i placed it with the other squares. Someone got out of the van to my right, and i started to clean up my things so that i could get out as well. I picked up the uncut pieces of red paper and placed them on top of the small squares. I then stood up, gathering a few more of my things from the clean grey floor of the van. I told the $A46, who was driving the van, that i had to get my things out of the back of the car. I did not want him to drive away as soon as i stepped out of the door. He acknowledged. I walked around to the back of the van and opened the top half of the door. The glass lifted up and i grabbed a small duffel bag and my boots. I tossed them onto the grass in front of my grandmother’s house, to the right. I then turned to grab a few more things. I pulled out my coat and reached into the back of the truck to lift out the large blue cooler. I turned around and dropped it on the lawn as well. In then scooped up my winter boots and a tan trench coat which had fallen in the road and tossed them on top of the cooler. I closed the trunk of the car and thought that i should slap the passenger’s side to let the driver know that i was done. I knew that he would drive off whether or not i hit the car because he would have seen me close the back of the car.

12002 April 02

I started to move faster down the hill. I was on a bicycle. I rode down the road which descended to the west, across the face of the hill. The hill seemed to be on the north side of town, and it was covered with thick green trees. The hill rose to the north of me. I rounded the corner and started heading down the slope on the northwest side of the hill. As i came around the corner, i spotted two women walking in the center of the road. They were wearing off-white formal dresses. I thought that they must be from the upper class. I looked at them as they passed. There was something rather attractive about them. I then noticed that there were several other people walking up the hill of the road from the stone building farther down the slope. On the southeast side of the road, the hill dropped suddenly into a thickly wooded area. The sunlight flickered through the leaves of the tall green trees overhead. I could see a man in a black dinner jacket walking up the sun-lit country road from the stone building on the northwest side of the road. I then looked back at the women, whom i had just passed on the bicycle. They glanced back at me, giggling to each other. I noticed that there was a large mansion at the top of the hill behind the women. The road headed toward the large finely trimmed green grass of the mansion before it turned to the east. The mansion was large and brown. It seemed to be made of polished and stained wood. I thought that the people were climbing the hill to head to the mansion. I decided that they had just come from the wedding at the church and were now going to the reception in the beautiful mansion. I glanced at the old tan stone church on the northwest side of the road as i passed it. It had an arched wooden door right on the road. The door was open, and i could see a few people in formal dress talking to someone. I felt good about this area and continued to bike to the southeast. I wondered whether the road circled around at the top of the hill, or whether i would have to turn around and come back this way to get back to the university. I did not want to have to return the same way that i had come. I thought the women might think that i was just trying to get a look at them. I started pedaling faster once i was past the people. The road ahead of me started to slope up slightly, continuing along the face of the hill. I knew that there was a road to the east which headed down to the town, but i felt as though i did not want to pedal back up. I knew that it would be very tiring. I pedaled up the smaller slope on the hill, wondering if i would be too out of shape for even this climb. I wondered again whether the road would loop to the north and head back the way i had come. I came to the end of the hall in the large building and turned to the north. The hall was stone, and seemed like an old university building. I thought that it was part of the agriculture college. I turned to the right, trying to follow the road to the north. I rounded the corner of the hall and found myself in a small room, which seemed to be at the back of the building. There was a door on the east wall of the room, but i could tell that it was a men’s room. I was disappointed that i would not be able to follow the road in a loop. I was still determined to get out on the north side of the building, however, so i turned my bicycle around and headed for the door on the west side of the south wall. As i turned my bicycle clockwise in the small space, i bumped the front tire on the light-blue cement platform. I backed my bicycle up a bit to maneuver the tire around the square platform. The platform looked old, with rounded edges and a very porous surface. The platform was cement grey, and the wall behind it was light blue. I pushed my bicycle back into the main hall and headed to the east. I then walked out the door on the north side of the building. It seemed as though i had walked into a rarely used courtyard at the back of the building. I thought that i would have to walk on the grass to the east to get around the building. As i walked up the short hill from the door, i looked to the north, into the thick forest of green trees. I was suddenly struck with the beauty of the place. I watched the small leaves which fanned out from the branches of the tree as i reached the top of the hill. I thought that the dark ash path on the top of the slope must be a walkway which led around to where i wanted to go. I had to stop at the top of the hill, however, to gaze at the trees. The light of the sun seemed to be coming from behind them, illuminating the edges of every leaf so that they looked fluorescent green. I decided that this would make a good picture and thought that i would have to go back to my house and return with my camera. I headed to the east and quickly found myself on the east side of the building. I followed the footpath to the southwest, into a niche of the building. I stopped suddenly, realizing that the ground below me was actually a planted field. I looked down to see that the slight variations in texture and colour were from different types of plants. I wondered what happened to the path. I looked back to the east corner of the north wing of the red brick building to the northeast of me. I could see where the path rounded the building, but i could not trace it to where i was standing. I tried to walk to the east again, thinking that i might be able to round the south wing of the building and get back to the road on which i had traveled before. I looked down and stopped suddenly, noticing that i was about to step on a cluster of small dirty-green tube squash. I pulled my feet together, afraid to step on any of the plants. I wondered what i should do. I did not want to destroy any of the crops. I then heard a car driving toward me. I looked up to see the white truck driving around the east side of the north wing. It pulled up to the building, its front facing the large black door of the delivery bay. The man was already out of the truck, standing by the driver’s door, He was wearing dark-blue jeans whit a baggy white shirt. His face was round and surrounded by his shoulder-length wavy black hair. He said something to me, telling me that i no longer had to be careful of the crops. I looked to the southeast, beyond the edge of the building. I thought that the college campus, where i lived, was just around the edge of the hill. The top of the hill curved to the southeast, just beyond the front of the building. The land at the top of it was flat and stretched into rolling farm lands. I could see the highway which followed the crest of the hill. I had to cross it to get back to home. I wondered how i was going to do it.

12002 April 03

I walked back into the hall of the dorm, heading to the east. My room opened up to the north. I felt as though i had just come back from doing something, and i spoke to the person to the south of me. He lived in the room across the hall from me. I turned into my room and started doing something. I thought that i would have to clean. I seemed to be in the basement of $P19, near the bar. The other man to the south of me was cleaning the room. He asked me why i was not helping get ready for the party. I realized that everyone else in the house was already cleaning up the rooms. I felt happy, though i was very distracted. I could not concentrate on cleaning and walked to the counter along the north wall. There were a few baskets stacked on the east end of the white counter. This end of the room was dimly lit. I picked up a small round basket from the east side of the shelf and started to pile it with the others on the west end, in front of where i was standing. I then decided that this basket might be too small to be used for the party. I did not think that we could put too many things in it. I rolled it over in my hand, looking at the fine sponge texture of the lightweight bowl. It was dull yellow, like the previous one. I eventually decided that the bartenders could place peanuts or some other small snack in it. I carried the stack of baskets to the window in the west wall, which was the bar, and placed them on the counter. I then turned to the south and walked to the outside window of the room. I was back in the dorm room. I could hear the sirens outside. I had heard the sound of the sirens earlier, but did not know what they were doing. I looked out the window at the courtyard below. I seemed to be on the second floor of the building. There was another tall plain building which ran along the east side of the courtyard, somewhat near where i was. There was a white modern building to the west, which sat at a diagonal to the other buildings and closed off the rest of the courtyard. The ground of the courtyard was covered with large tan stones. I listened to the siren. It now sounded like a firehouse siren rather than a vehicle siren. It remained at a constant pitch for some time. I looked at the man in the courtyard below. He was sitting on the south-southeast side of a round glass table with someone else on the north side. The man looked to the west, trying to figure out why the sirens were sounding. I asked someone why the sirens were going off. They sounded like air-raid sirens, and i wondered whether we should do something. I started to feel very uneasy. The man who was standing next to the window, just to the right of me, said that they were sounding because the toaster place had been nuked. I was puzzled, and looked at him, though i could not really see him. He clarified by telling me of the toaster place. It sounded like a historic museum for toasters. I suddenly realized that he had said that it was nuked. I felt uneasy and asked if he really meant the kind of nukes with “subatomic particles”. He said it was a nuclear explosion. I felt nervous, realizing that some place, to the south-southeast of where we were, had been hit by a nuclear explosion. I pictured the small tourist site which might display toasters to be in the middle of a farming area near the border of a field of tan grass. I felt shocked by the attacks. I then thought that it was really Pittsburgh that had been bombed.

12002 April 04

I spoke to the other person in the kitchen of the house. I was visiting this place after the party. We stood near the northeast corner of the room. I seemed to be sitting on the white countertop along the short north wall of the room, while the other person stood against the counter on the east wall. I looked down at the floor as i said something to the man, noticing that there was a puddle of water on the floor. I thought that we had spilled the water as we spoke. I felt that we had to clean it up right away. As we both bent over to get a better look at the water, i noticed that there was a lot on the floor, running out in a jagged puddle from the white dishwasher which was under the north end of the counter on the east wall. I asked the other person whether the water could have come from the dishwasher. I thought that the drain in the washer might be clogged. The other person did not think that the water came from the dishwasher, but i opened the white door of the washer anyway. The bottom rack of dishes rolled out, and i could see a large wooden spoon sitting in the hole at the left front of the machine. There was a pool of water filling the bottom of the machine. I was then sitting on the right side of the door of the dishwasher, reaching into the water with my left hand to clean out the pieces of green broken glass. It seemed that someone had broken a beer bottle in the machine. I knew that the glass was from the party. There was a large piece in the drain hole, which i thought must be clogging the drain. I was then pacing around the room. Something felt wrong. It seemed strange that i was staying here for so long after the party. The others were going to their rooms for the night. I was staying here as well, but i did not feel comfortable about it. I walked into the small bathroom to the west and looked at myself in the mirror on the north wall. The bathroom was dark, but i could see my features clearly in the mirror. There was a small bump on the right side of my neck, just under my chin. I ran the fingers of my right hand over it and realized that there was something under my skin. I thought that it was a small piece of glass from the dishwasher. I wondered, for a moment, how it had gotten in my neck. If i had gotten a shard of glass under my skin, it should have been in my hand. I looked at the bump, which was on my cheek, just under my right eye. I wanted to get the glass out, so i pressed the area around the lump. I did not see and breaks in the skin where the glass could have entered, so i thought that the wound must have already healed over. I would have to break the skin again to get the glass out. I pressed on both sides of the triangular shard, hoping that one of the points would cut through the skin and poke out far enough for me to grab. As i squeezed, though, one corner of the glass rotated over my eye, sliding out from below my lower eyelid. I could see that the shard was not glass at all. It was a piece of white plastic. I immediately knew what it was. I opened my mouth to see the lower edge of the large plastic triangular piece exposed just below my upper lip. It covered part of my upper teeth. I knew that the shard had been wedged just under my skin, so i grabbed the lower edge and pulled it down and out of my mouth. As i did so, i saw a dark line form from the bottom edge of my eye, where the white tip had poked out, down my face. The shard had scratched the underside of my skin, and the dark line was a bruise from the blood. I felt the sudden pain across the right side of my face. I realized that i had been seriously injured and that i was now bleeding rather badly under my skin. I moaned at the pain, realizing that i should get help from the others in the house. They were asleep, and i would have to wake them. I walked out of the bathroom and tried to call for help, but my voice was not strong enough to sound. I felt suddenly in danger and thought that i had to get help. I did not know what to do. I tried simply to make a vocal noise to wake the others. I then walked back into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. There was a small pussy sack of skin hanging on to the right side of my face. I pushed on the ball of skin, which seemed to have been stitched up on the end. It was an area of infected skin which had grown out of proportion. I then noticed that the entire area around my right eye was red and distorted. My eye was very pale and watery. The skin around it was swollen and mottled. The infection fanned out from my eye, covering the right side of my face in red and brown streaks.

I walked to the east, into the northern part of the large white room. This place seemed to be $A41’s house. I had come here after the festival with some of the other people. I thought that i would be spending the night here, but i did not feel well. I walked to the north, into the room which seemed like a doctor’s office or hospital. The floor and walls of the room were covered with small square tiles. There were two large hospital beds in the center of the room, and a hanging curtain on a track which blocked the north wall. I did not feel well and felt slightly unaware of my surroundings. I walked to the north end of the room where there seemed to be a toilet. I was then sitting on the toilet as the nurse and a man walked into the room. The toilet did not feel right, so i leaned forward to look at the base of it. I realized that i had been too far forward when i had urinated. I had missed the bowl. There was a puddle of water on the dull-yellow tiles of the floor, at the base of the toilet. I felt annoyed that i had made such a mess and started to wipe up the urine with some toilet paper. The other sick man then entered the room through the door in the south wall. He was the same man who had entered before. He walked over to the first bed on the east wall and sat on the edge. The nurse followed him into the room and started to check him over. I walked out the door to the south and left the building. It was dark out, and i started to feel a little chilly. I thought that the cold air might not be good for me, but i decided that i could walk around for a little while. I looked at the small dull-yellow book in my right hand. I turned to the west and started pacing around the small lawn. I knew that the others could see me through the large french windows in the house. I thought that they might think that i was not as sick as i had said that i was. They might wonder why i was pacing around in the cold. My stomach was bothering me, however. I walked around the west side of the house and found myself in the gravel driveway, on the northwest side of the house. A car pulled into the driveway and parked with its front to the north side of the lot. I recognized the man and the woman in the car and realized that they were here far the party. They were very late. The party was already ending. They were out of the car and gathering gifts from the back seat. The man seemed like $A341. He said hello to we as he and the woman started toward the house. They were nicely dressed; he seemed to be wearing a dark-grey sweater vest over a white shirt. I then noticed a second car just arriving at the house. I thought that all of these people had missed the party. I wandered back inside, wondering whether it was really fashionable far them to be so late.

12002 April 07

The woman said something as she started to walk to the door on the north end of the east wall. The bedroom was large and decorated in dirty yellow. The woman had been standing near the bed, which was on the north wall. I felt upset with her. She was taking the stuff from near the bed. In spite, i tossed the small explosive onto the floor near the bed. I knew that it was a fake, but the woman did not know. She immediately jumped away from the round metallic object and ran out the door of the room. I was pleased that i scared her, but then i realized that i was still holding a pin in my left hand. I had pulled the pin on the grenade. I knew that it was not a fake explosive. I hurried out the door to the south. I had to get out of the room before the grenade exploded. I wondered for a moment whether the explosion would be strong enough to hurt me in the next room. I knew that there would be flying shrapnel, but i felt as though i would be safe. I ran across the empty room to the south, toward the door on the other side. I heard the explosion in the first room but did not stop running. I had to get out of the school before the police showed up. I ran into the narrow corridor and started down the stairs, to the south. There was someone running ahead of me. The stairs turned back to the north, just to the west of me. I felt that i had to hurry down the stairs or i might get caught. I jumped over the half-wall in the center of the stairs and landed on the next flight down. As i landed, i looked to the north to see the end of the next flight ahead of me. I jumped again, thinking that i was able to float over the stairs easily, but i knew that the people following could not do so. I eventually came to the bottom floor, on the back side of the school. There was a staircase to the west of the stairs which led to a white metal door at the end of the corridor, to the north. I followed the other person out the door and crossed the grounds at the back of the school. I had parked in the lot on the northeast corner of the building. I walked quickly but tried not to look as though i was trying to get away. I thought that some of the police officers might be able to see me from the windows of the building. I looked at the cars in the lot as i crossed the drive which ran along the north-northwest side of the parking lot. I could not see where my black car was parked. The others with me were heading to their cars, but i could not see where my car was. I started to think that i might have parked on the front side of the building. I followed the drive around the north side of the lot. As i walked on the narrow drive, i looked to the south to see the corn field. The drive arched to the north, wrapping around the field. I could see the old brick school building on the other side of the field from me. There was a metal chain-link fence along the south edge of the drive. The field just on the other side of the fence was covered with green cut grass. I decided that i could simply jump over the fence and cross the field to get to my car. It would be quicker, and i was still concerned about the police showing up before i left. As i hopped the mesh-wire fence, one of the wires on the top of the fence got caught on the back of my pants. I tried to continue walking across the field, thinking that the fence would eventually pull free. Instead, i pulled the center part of the fence over. I felt frustrated with the fence. I had to get back to my car and leave this area. I tried again to pull myself off the fence buy could not dislodge the wire from the waistband of my pants. I reached behind me and grabbed the wire, trying to get free.

I threw the small stone to the south, down the steep hill, which seemed to be the hill on the south side of $P7. The small round pebble rolled down the surface of the grassy hill and into the road below. I was interested in seeing where the small marble rolled, so i watched it as it moved to the east, along the surface of the road, heading toward the far side, where there was another hill. The large marble seemed to be light green as it caught the sunlight. I thought that the green blended in with the background of the asphalt road nicely. The glass marble then rolled to the south again, disappearing over the embankment on the far side of the road. I shifted my position so that i could see where it rolled. I was suddenly standing in the road, watching the green ball roll down the tan dry sand of the ground. It rolled into the dry dirt ground of the road-side field and turned to the west. I noticed that it was heading for a low spot and thought that it would finally come to rest. It rolled into the low area, which was surrounded by a raised crescent of sand, and came to a rest. I turned and was suddenly back at the top of the hill. The others were setting up some tents along the top of the hill for the fair. I walked through a large yellow and white tent, which was filled with many large appliances. I thought that this must be the kitchen. I moved through the large appliances in the room, heading to the north. At the north end of the tent, where two people cooking some meat on the top of a large gas table-top grill. One of the people at the grill made a comment that it smelled funny. I remembered that we had used the grill to cook fish a while ago. I told the people that it probably still had fish oil on it. The main cook, who was standing to the west of me, came over to look at the situation. He disregarded my comment and inspected the grill himself. I felt as though i did not belong here, so i left the tent and continued to the north.

12002 April 09

I was in the large gymnasium with the other people. I sat on the wood floor, facing east. There was a wrestling match taking place on the red mats in front of us. It felt strange to be here. I wanted to practice the sport again, but i felt as though i was not part of this group any more. I said something to $F4, who was sitting on the floor to the southeast of me. He was wearing a red wrestling singlet. He was part of the team. I was then standing in the crowd of people on the side of the mat. My attention was drawn by a man on the west side of the room. He was playing with his two children. They were pulling out sections of the wooden bleachers from the west wall and pushing them back in. He pulled the lowest section of the bleachers out and sat his smallest son on top. He then started to push the lower step back in. The small child flew suddenly into the bleachers. A piece of wood, which had been covering the hole over the bottom step, flipped up as the child hit it. The child slid behind the bleachers as the lower step closed. I realized that the child was in danger of getting caught in the bleachers. The father seemed suddenly concerned and called to his son. He told his son that he loved him very much. I thought that the man must expect his son to die in the machinery behind the bleachers. The man repeated his statement as he looked curiously into the bleachers to find his son. The young boy was brought out of the bleachers by someone. He was still safe. I felt that the father should have known better when he was playing near the seats. I mentioned this to one of the wrestlers, who was standing near me in the crowd. I wondered whether i could talk to some of them for a while. I wanted to get to know some of them so that i could feel less uncomfortable in this place. As i spoke, i noticed that there was a young boy climbing up the front of the bleachers on the west wall. The bleachers were closed, so they looked like wooden shelves. I thought that it as dangerous for the boy to be climbing and wondered why the father had allowed his son to do something dangerous after what just happened. The boy seemed very high off the ground. The wooden shelves suddenly collapsed onto each other. I thought that the young boy might have been crushed between them, but i felt unsure. I tried to see whether the boy was actually caught in between the layers of shelves, but i could not tell. I thought that the shelves were too close together to have anyone in them, but then i noticed movement from the center of the shelves. The boy sat up and looked down at the crowd in the gymnasium. He seemed confused. I knew that he was trapped by the falling shelves, but he did not seem to be seriously hurt. I could not believe that the father had let his older son climb on the bleachers. The younger one had almost been seriously hurt only moments before, and i wondered why the man would have let his children play near something so dangerous so soon. Two men then walked through the doorway which was to the south of the bleachers on the west wall. They were wearing tight grey singlets with white tee shirts on top. I knew that they were members of the gymnastics team. One of them was tall and slender, with light-blonde hair, which was cut into a mop-top at ear length. I thought that he was rather attractive. They had been brought in to rescue the boy from the shelves. The gymnasts would be able to climb the bleachers safely and bring the boy done. One of them had then grabbed the boy and jumped safely to the ground. I turned around. Time had passed quickly, and the people had left the gymnasium. The wrestling match had been postponed for a little, letting people calm down after the two near tragedies. I walked to the west. There was a break in the partition which divided the south and north sections of the room. I glanced through the opening to see the wrestling team sitting on the floor in a circle, getting ready for the continuation of the match. I felt out of place here. I wanted to hang out with the team, but i knew that i no longer belonged here anymore.

I was inside the small wooden room of the house. This place was new to me, but it seemed that i had lived here for some time. It was rundown. The boards on the floor had been worn and splintered, and looked as though they were rotting through. I looked out the front window to see the road moving under me. This house was really a small truck. I looked to the west, at the small run-down houses on the side of the suburban street. One of the single-level houses was light blue. It looked unmaintained, like all of the other houses on the street. I turned the large truck to the west. It seemed very hard to steer. I looked down at the rusty metal pedals that were sticking up through the floor boards. They were nothing more than thin metal plates attached to the curved arms. The plates had vertical ribs on them, and then looked as though they had once had rubber pads on the surface of them. The pedal on the left had a block of wood tied to the top of it with a thin piece of wire. I thought that i had to drive the truck back home, but i was unsure whether i could control it. I knew that i would have to head back to the south. As several cars passed by, i wondered which road i should take. I turned into a driveway on the south side of the road and stopped the truck, thinking that i should simply turn the truck around and head back the way that i had come. I looked at the dirt lawn in front of the small house to the southwest of me as i started to back the truck up onto the road. I realized that there was a small drop-off across the road, just to the west of me. I then noticed the yellow construction vehicles in the middle of the road to the west. The road was torn up for repairs. I looked at the drop-off again and noticed that it was much deeper than it had first seemed. I felt lucky that i stopped when i did. I turned around and moved through the house to the north. This was the old house in which i had been living. I turned to the west to see $K5 sitting in front of a small round window. She sang out a loud note, and her voice seemed to resonate through the entire house. The small room, in which we were sitting, was long east to west, with light-blue paint on the plaster walls. The width of the room was formed by a single arch across the ceiling, as though the room was formed from half of a silo which was lying on its side. The house seemed crudely constructed, as though it used to be a barn. There were three small round windows in the north wall. $K5 sat in front of the eastern-most window. She seemed to be dressed in a cream-blue ruffled gown. There seemed to be a shiny necklace showing over the V-shaped neck-line of the dress. I told her that the echo of her voice in the room sounded very nice. She smiled at me and turned to the window again, singing another strong note. I turned back around and started out of the room. As i left, i noticed that there were streaks of dirt on the floor. They had been left from when $K5 had swept the floor. I knew that she did not do a good job. She simply swept what dirt she could under the rugs. I felt slightly annoyed with her because she did not clean the floor like she should have. I walked to the southwest side of the outer room and opened the outside door. The small dog ran past me and out the door. I thought that i would have to take the dog for walk. I felt as though i did not want to live in this place, but that i had to. I had just moved in, and i thought that i should take the dog for a walk. I knew that the dog had been here with the previous owners, and i had adopted it. Someone entered the house as i left. I turned to the east and started to walk around the house. I could hear the dog ahead of me, but i could no longer see it. The lawn around the house was roughly cut field grass. The remaining stalks were dry and ragged on the ground. I could hear a man saying something to the dog behind the house. I thought that the man must be one of the neighbours. I thought that i should introduce myself to some of my new neighbours. I rounded the back of the house and looked across the small grassy field, to the south. The lawn was really a lot between my small house and the back side of a large commercial building. The building seemed to be an old run-down bar. The bar reminded me of a legionnaires club from the nineteen-fifties. I spotted the old austral man walking toward me from the northeast corner of the building. He was short and slightly chubby, hunching his shoulders under his tan trench coat. I walked to the man to say hello, but i noticed that there were several other animals at the back of the old bar. There seemed to be a large horse standing next to the yellow cement-block wall of the bar. As i approached the man, though, i noticed the large grizzly bear in the small fenced in area. It started toward me as i reached the man. I recoiled, knowing that the bear might attack me. I headed more to the southeast, around the edge of the animal pens. I said hello to the man and told him that i was no living in the small house. I looked back to the north to see the small blue shack in which i lived. As i spoke to the man, i noticed a young man coming from the house. He was a friend of mine. He was tall and thin, with thick dark-brown hair. He was wearing a dark tank top and had a boa constrictor draped over his shoulders. I felt uncomfortable with him and knew that he was one of the people with whom i lived. Several other people followed him into the back yard. I looked to the east as i spoke to the man. Several of the people were standing on the slope of the small hill which ascended to a thin grove of trees behind the row of shops which ran along the south side of the lot. The shallow hill arched to the northeast and had a bed of daffodils on the crest of it. One of the men to the east told a woman that deer were a constant problem in this neighbourhood. He said that they used to hide out in the woods to the southeast.

12002 April 10

I was in the back room of the house. This place seemed like my grandfather’s old house on $P12. I knew that there was a police officer at the door, so i started to clean up some of the things that i had been doing. I did not trust the officers and did not want them to see some of the things in this new house of mine. I walked through the dark living room of the house, toward the door. I felt uncertain of the police officers. I thought that they were planting evidence in the house so that they could harass me. There seemed to be a man in the living room to the south of me. He was standing near a doorway, which led to the east, into another room of the house. He seemed to be one of the police officers. I walked into the kitchen and looked out the window to see if the police were outside. I could only see part of someone to the right of the window. Something was wrong.

I wandered up the winding wooden staircase of the old house. This house seemed very large, and was designed in a gothic style. It was my new house. I felt very impressed with the large building. It seemed old and in need of some work, but it felt very comfortable. The walls of the staircase were very plain, and seemed run down. I came to the top of the stairs and turned right, heading north along the landing. There was a wooden railing with white balustrades along the west side of the landing. I looked up at the rafters above me. The ceiling was unfinished and slanted up at a steep angle. This was really the underside of the roof. I glanced around at the high ceilings now above me. They were higher here than in the other parts of the house. There was a large empty space to the north, at the end of the hall, where the tower sat on the peak of the roof. The boards also looked worse here, darkened with age. I noticed a section of wood to the west which had black water stains on it. There was a small hole in the roof just to the north of it. I felt disappointed. I would have to get this part of the house repaired. I had thought that i could relax in the house for a while without having to deal with any problems. I was upset that i had not seen the problem before i had purchased the house. I looked around at the old beams in the attic. The roof seemed to be quite far above me now, and i could see more square spaces where the towers were. I tried to remember the outside of the house. I could not picture where i was standing in the house. I focused on the square gothic towers of the outside of the house. I then pictured the small grassy yard around the house. It was smaller that the yard at my other house. I remembered that there was a line of leafless trees just behind the house. I could not quite remember. I tried to look for a window on the east side of the house so that i could get a glimpse of the back yard, but i could not find a window. I knew that there were other houses just behind mine. This house was now part of a housing complex, though it was older than all of the other houses in the area. I remembered a house to the northeast which was dull yellow. There also seemed to be a modern house to the north.

I had to get my things ready so that i could leave. I felt rushed. I hurried down the corridor of the house, walking to the west. The house seemed very large. It was my new house. I came to the top of the stairs at the end of the corridor and paused. To the south of me was a large bathroom. It was decorated in white, and there was a large brown hot tub set into the raised marble platform in the southwest corner of the room. This place was very nice, and i felt strange owning it. My mother seemed to be in the corridor behind me. I had to get going. I walked through several of the other halls in the house. This place seemed too good to be true. I was then in the car with my parents. We were driving through the housing complex, away from my new house. The driveway led to the west, to the main road of the complex. We followed the road to the south and then to the east, to the main road. I looked at the thin leafless trees to the east of my house as we rounded it. My father turned the car to the north on the main road. I realized that i was now too far from work to be able to ride my bicycle. I also realized that i no longer lived near a bus like. I could no longer take a bus to work. I thought that i would have to trade in my bus pass for a parking pass for my car.

12002 April 11

I rode my bicycle to the east, down the street in the suburban area. The street went up hill slightly to the east. The houses of the area seemed somewhat new, though they were close to the road, on land which was slightly elevated from the road, as though they were built in the fifties. I turned my bicycle to the north at the end of the street. The road then curved again to the left, heading back to the west. I was traveling a little fast for the second corner, and made a very wide turn, riding my bicycle all the way to the north side of the second street. I rode into a driveway and onto the sidewalk. The sidewalk went up slightly, rising from the elevation of the road, which was running down hill overall as it headed to the east. I wondered how i would get back down to the street. There was a stone retaining wall to the north of me now, at the bottom edge of a grassy lawn. The ground between the sidewalk and the road seemed to drop off steeply toward the road as well, making me feel confined. I was uncomfortable riding my bicycle in such a closed space. The sidewalk then lowered again and i saw a driveway ahead of me which led back onto the road. I turned back onto the road and continued riding to the east. I then noticed the man walking along the south side of the street. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that his body was very nicely detailed. I watched him as i rode past. He was oriental, and seemed very handsome. He looked back at me as i passed. He smiled as though he knew what i was thinking and turned around to follow me. I slowed down as he passed. I noticed that the black shorts that he was wearing were very short, exposing the muscle detail on his upper thigh. He asked me if i was watching him, and i did not know what to say. I felt a little intimidated by him. I thought that he might me threatening me. I said that i had watched him pass, but i did not tell him that i found him attractive. I decided to continue, afraid that he might be violent. There was an apartment house on the south side of the road, to the east of us. It seemed like a place that i could go into. I did not live there, but i thought i could make the man think that i lived there. I walked into the garage, which was in the first floor of the house, pushing my bicycle on my right side. I came into the basement of the house. The man followed me inside. I tried to ignore him, as though i was not interested it him. He spoke to me, though, starting a conversation. I suddenly realized that he was interested in me. I felt flattered. He still seemed like he might be someone who might feel afraid of me and try to hurt me, but i started to think that he was really interested in me because he had noticed that i was interested in him. He walked to the south of me as we stood it the crowded basement. He was now wearing a dark-blue shirt which said “NAVY” on it. I realized that he was in the navy. He started talking to me, and i realized that he was actually quite interested in me.

12002 April 15

I walked quickly through the halls of $P7. I had been walking up and down the stairs of the building. I felt like it had been a long time since i was here. I climbed up the stairs of the central stairway. As i came to one of the corners of the stairs, i hopped over the railing and floated to the next set of stairs below me. I had come back to this place to take graduate classes. It was strange to be here again. I thought that i was too old to be taking classes at this place again. I floated through the halls near the stairs. I looked to the north, down the hall of the building at the large library. The library was a large room on the platform in the middle of the staircase. I then turned and flew into the classroom on the east side of the hall. I quickly sat down in my chair and looked to the front of the class. It felt strange to be back here again, but i wanted to study again. $A105 was teaching, and he sarcastically thanked me for being in his class. I felt bad here. I felt out of place, as though i no longer belonged in this place. I flew through the halls again, heading upstairs through the halls of the apartment building. I came out onto the narrow city street. There was a man running along the south side of the street. Some other people were playing street hockey in the middle of the road. I stopped on the side of the road and spoke to a man about something.

12002 April 18

I stood close to the mirror in the bedroom of the house, looking at my hair. My hair seemed long, and had light-blond tips. I thought that i must have bleached the tips of my hair, but then i thought that the roots were simply dark. The room around me seemed to be dark, and the mirror was on the wall to the north of me. I looked over my hair, thinking that it looked rather interesting, though it was thinning out on top. I remembered that i was balding, and though that there should me more of a bald spot at the front of my head. I stepped back from the mirror, finding myself in a hallway, facing the mirror on the north wall. I looked at my upper body in the mirror. I was wearing a red shirt of some kind. I realized that the clothes would not be appropriate for what i was doing. I did not bring the correct clothes with me. I thought that i would have to go home to get the correct ones.

12002 April 19

I was riding on the train to the north, through the dry mountainous country. There was an old man with me in the train. We were talking. I told him that the other person who had traveled it this country had not discovered anything past the Bad Lands. There seemed to be something that he was looking for in this area. People stood up suddenly from the seats in the train car and started to get off. We were already at one of the stops. I decided that i had to get ready to get off of the train. I felt suddenly rushed. I did not have my things together, and i was not ready to get off of the train. I felt that it was important that i get off before the train started to leave again. I looked to the south, out the back door of the car to see the row of shops to the east. The shops were really part of the train. $A85 was standing on the back of the last car to the south of me. I said hello to him, but there seemed to be something wrong. I felt that he was not really paying attention to what i was saying. He reached down and unclipped the train cars. He was on the section with the engine, which continued to move to the south. I realized that the car i was in would continue to travel to the north until in was going too fast to stay on the tracks. I had to get my things together and leave. I felt very rushed now. I thought that i had only fifteen minutes to get off of the train before it crashed into something to the north. I had to hurry.

12002 April 21

I was in the front yard of my parents’ house, talking to the man. I looked to the east to see one of our neighbours running to the south, across the street, to their mailbox. I made a comment about them. The person then made a comment about the delivery truck. I could hear the sound of the truck backing up, but i could not see where the truck was. I glanced to the north to see the group of people standing in front of the large garage. There seemed to be three adults standing there with several children playing near their feet. I looked around gain for the delivery truck, trying to see whether it was behind the neighbours’ house, to the northeast of us. I then noticed the red metal trailer moving across the yard behind my parents’ house. Something must have just been delivered to our house. I thought that my father must have ordered something. I looked up from the trailer to see the people in the garage. The man in the blue pants and green shirt, on the west side of the group was holding a young in his arms. I noticed that the boy was nicely muscled for his size. I thought that he was too young to be attractive, but he might look nice once he got older. The man to the west of me said something, and i replied to him. I was still looking to the north, across the field behind my parents’ house. The garage no longer seemed to be there. I noticed an animal running to the west, across the dry tan grass of the field. I pointed it out to the man, identifying it as a cougar. The tan feline ran through the shadow of a narrow strip of trees on the west side of the field. It then disappeared into the woods. I told the man that a cougar was rare in this area. Something must be chasing it, forcing it out of the deep forest. I started to feel cautious, wondering what the animal could be afraid of. I then saw the animal run back into the field. It turned abruptly in the middle of the field and ran back toward the woods. I then noticed a dinosaur walking toward it from the east. The animal had dark bluish-grey skin with uneven reddish-brown stripes on its back. I thought that the animal was an allosaur. I felt suddenly tense and told the man that we had to find a place to hide. We were still standing on the east side of the large wooden platform, in the front yard of the house. I wanted to run back to the house, but i knew that the two allosaurs might see us and come after us. They were walking very slowly, still stalking the cougar. I hid behind the wooden supports on the eastern edge of the platform. As the allosaurs disappeared behind the house, i hurried under the platform, hoping that i could find a place to hide. I watched the shadows of the animals move to the west as they passed behind the house. The sun seemed to be shining through the windows of the house, leaving square patches of light on the front lawn. I could see the shadows of the two allosaurs passing through the light. The animals were thon back in the driveway on the east side of the house. I was under the platform. I thought that, if i stood still, the dinosaurs might not realize that i was possible food. I remembered that i had heard this in a movie, and i wondered whether it was really true. I thought that they should be able to smell me. I stood with my head between two of the support rafters. The thick planks ran east to west under the platform. I thought that it would be nice if i could lift my body into the space between the rafters so that the allosaurs would not see me at all. I thought that i could press against the rafters to keep my body suspended, but i knew that i was not strong enough to lift myself and hold the position. I could tell that one of the allosaurs was standing just to the north of the platform. It was looking under the platform, so i knew that it could see my legs. I hoped that it could not distinguish my body as something that it could eat. I then realized that it did not really matter whether the allosaur bit me. I knew that this was just a dream. If i was eaten, i would simply wake up later.

12002 April 23

I walked down the hall to the west, following the other person. The floor seemed to be made out of formed stone, and the walls were plain and tall. This place seemed like a public building. The corridor opened up to the south into a large room. $Z turned to the north and walked into the lavatory. I looked to the south, across the waiting room. The room extended quite a way to the south, and it seemed as though i might be standing at the back of the room. There was a bench against the east wall which had two boys sitting on it. They were watching the sporting event on the wooden console television, which was on the floor to the west of them. I felt interested in the show and wanted to watch it, but i could not see the picture clearly. The picture seemed to be in black and white and was of two men grappling with each other. I looked back at the boys and saw that they were wearing white boxing shorts with dark boxing shoes. They had black boxing gloves on their hands, and they were jokingly punching each other. I felt interested in the sport and wished that i could participate. I then noticed that the young men had nicely detailed upper bodies. I walked to the south, looking at the cafeteria in the large room. There was a section of the room which opened up to the east. I could see the serving counter in the center of this section of the room. There were several round white tables scattered around the floor to the north of the counter, and many more in the western section of the large waiting room. I sat down on a small white plastic chair which faced northwest, toward the television. I wanted to watch the show. As i sat down, however, i noticed $Z coming out of the bathroom. I quickly stood up again and walked toward him. I started thinking of something as i passed out of the room and back into the corridor to the north. I tried to picture the large white wheel. It was mounted vertically and seemed to spin like a roulette wheel. There was a large eye drawn in the center of the wheel. I also knew that there were small eyes painted around the edge. The eye was simplified to an oval with sharp corners and a dot in the center. The eyes around the outside of the wheel were printed side by side in black so that the corners toughed. I thought that there really should be two separate wheels in the design. The center wheel would rotate separately. I looked at the inner rim of the outer wheel to see that there were larger versions of the eye printed around it. I then looked back to the center wheel to see one large eye spinning in the center. It was just rotating so that one of the corners of the eye was just passing the top of the wheel, moving counterclockwise. This wheel was hypnotizing. I had been using it to induce a trance in the others. I turned back to the south to look at the class, asking them a question. A woman stood up from the front row of chairs and walked to me, stepping up onto the rocks of the waterfall. There seemed to be green trees and vegetation all around us. The rest of the class remained seated to the south-southwest of me and watched as i asked the woman a question. I wanted to ask her what she desired, but i thought that i should ask her some general questions first to build suspense. I had to make this look good for the class. I asked the woman what she was thinking. She seemed around fourty, and she was wearing a loose fitting coat over a red blouse. Her hair was light brown, but seemed artificially coloured. The woman thought about her answer, her eyes staring at the floor to the northeast of me. She then said that she had smelled cinnamon and orange tea. I asked her what she had wished for. She looked at me and said that she wanted some cinnamon and orange tea. I smiled as the class sat back in amazement. I was impressed with my self for making the hypnotic wheel seem amazing. I then asked another woman up. She was wearing a thin blue trench coat, and she was slightly taller than the first woman. I asked her the same questions, but the answers did not seem as coherent. I knew that i was faking the performance, but i wanted it to keep the students impressed. I soon realized, however, that i could not get the second woman to answer the questions in such a way that her answers would seen influenced by the wheel. I felt suddenly awkward with her responses and decided to dismiss her. The class then stood up and started to leave. The class period had ended. I felt relieved. I spoke to them as they started to file out. I turned to the north and started to head back into the hall. The hall now seemed like an entryway to a store. There was a door back inside to the south, and exit doors to the east and west. The room i was in seemed brown, and was empty of furnishings. One of the students walked up to me from the south and started to say something. I looked at her, but felt strange. She then reached into the pockets of my pants and took something. I grabbed her hands and started talking to her in an annoyed tone. I realized that she was a traveler. I grabbed the thumb of her left hand in my right and bent her thumb back. I told her to put the things back into my pockets. Reluctantly, she places something back into my right pocket. I did not trust her and thought that she had some more things. I bent her thumb farther and asked her what she had taken from my pockets. She gasped in annoyance and started to pull something else from her pocket. I had guessed correctly that she had something else of mine that she was not turning over. She put my car keys back into my left pocket. I still did not trust that she had given up everything. I tried to check my pockets with my left hand. I was then aware that two other people had walked into the entryway from the room to the south. I felt suddenly interested in the man, even though i could not see him directly. There was something interesting in him. The two of them walked around the woman and me as i held onto the woman’s hand. I tried to greet the man, but i was still distracted with the woman. I bent the woman’s thumb again to force her to give me the rest of my things. The second man stood to the east of us and started talking to the woman. The blond man, whom i thought was interesting, walked to the northwest of us and held out his hand in greeting. I pulled on the woman’s thumb again, making it seem like a joke. I then reached out with my left hand and shook the man’s hand. I then released the woman and started talking to the man. He was very familiar, and i felt very interested in him. I had never met him before, but i felt as though i knew him. He was then laying on the ground near me. I was sitting next to him, leaning my left elbow on his abdomen. I felt like wrestling him, but i was unsure whether he would be upset with the idea. I thought that i should not be too forceful with him, but he seemed not to mind the play. I put him in a headlock and tightened it, pinning him to the ground.

12002 April 24

I jogged through the college campus, heading to the northwest. I was out for a run. I came to a building on $P104 and walked inside. The building was modern, with a white face, and i entered a door on the east side. I entered the back side of the building, which was at a lower level than main door of the house. I was several floors down from the main floor. I ran across the entrance corridor of the building and into an elevator. I took the elevator up to the second subbasement of the building, but the elevator passed by the floor without stopping. The woman in the elevator with me started to tell me how to run the elevator. I was not interested in listening to her because i already knew how to run it. I walked to the other side of the elevator, where there was another set of buttons on the wall. I pushed some of the buttons there and the door opened. Before i could step out, however, the door quickly closed again. The elevator then started moving quickly up. I felt frustrated with the machine. The elevator rose to the seventh floor and stopped. I waited for the doors to open, but they did not. Instead, the elevator descended back into the basement. The door of the elevator opened on the seventh floor and i stepped out into a small cement alcove. There was a red metal door in front of me, to the west. I tried to open the door, but realized that it was locked from the other side. I turned to get back onto the elevator, but the doors had closed behind me. I felt trapped, and tried the door to the west again. I could hear people to the west of me, and i called out to them. None of them seemed to hear me, though. I wondered what i should do, and started to feel panicked. Just then, the elevator doors opened again. I quickly got back into the elevator, where the others were. The elevator started up suddenly, and i fell to the floor with the sudden motion. The elevator finally stopped where we had originally gotten on and the doors opened. I quickly got out of the elevator, but the doors closed quickly around me. I turned around and grabbed the doors. I held them open so that the others could get out. I then ran from the building and up the hill to the east. I felt that i had to get out of $P104. As i ran up the hill, my legs started to feel tired. I felt that i was out of shape and was not sure that i could make it all the way back home. I did not wont to stop running, though. The area around me was now suburban, and i seemed to be on the north side of $P52. There was a gorge just on the other side of the houses to the south of me. I was heading to the east-northeast. I thought that i could continue to the northeast to make it back home. There was then a wide playing field to the southeast of me. The field seemed green, even though the rest of the suburban area had been covered with snow. There were some buildings on the north side of the road, and a white wooden fence along the southern side. As i jogged down the road, i noticed a bird on a small tree just on the other side of the fence. The raven called to me and then moved its head to the north. I thought that the raven was trying to direct me. It pointed its beak to the north, up the side road. I decided that the raven was directing me, and i followed it, even though it would be out of the way for me to head up the other road. I turned down the side road, wondering whether i was heading in the correct direction to follow the raven. I called to the raven and asked it whether i was heading in the correct direction. It told me that i was late. It said that, if i wait a few hours, i would be able to run the probabilities on the events. I could figure out what was to come. I did not want to wait, however. I asked the bird another question as we came to the entrance of the large stone university building. There were two other people in the archway with me, near the large wooden door of the building. The smaller man started to bother the bird. I then started to think that the bird was really a small animal. I felt worried for the small animal. The small bird then flew to my shoulder and started talking to me. I brushed it off as i replied to it. I continued to the wooden door to the west of me, which was now on the small white wooden house. I had just finished eating on the old wooden picnic table to the east. There was a green tarp covering the table, but the air was damp, and it was starting to drizzle. I thought that i should head into the house before the rain came. I carried several things form the table to my car, which was in the driveway to the north. I thought that i had to drive back to the cottage. As i come to my car, a woman drove a car into the driveway and stopped in the small parking pad which branched off the north side of the driveway. I went into the garage and tried to close the overhead door. The woman came in after me. She helped me lock the door.

12002 April 25

I walked into the room to the west as the others continued with their construction. This house was still being built. Bare wood beams were exposed in the walls and floor. I thought that i should collect my things to leave, so i walked to the center of the incomplete room and bent over to collect my things. I picked up several drafting triangles and a few T-squares, holding them loosely in my arms. I had to take my things out of the building so that they did not get mixed up with the tools of the construction crew. I carried the supplies into the main room to the east and placed them on the table. One of the construction workers was standing to the south of me, hammering something on the ground. There was something interesting about him, though i did not know who he was. I looked down at the drafting supplies that i had placed on the table. There were several things in the pile that were not mine. On top of one of the triangles was a flexible ruler that had been cut out of a heavy white rubber. It formed a long rectangle with a series of small windows along the top. I pulled it off the pile of drafting supplies and placed it on the bare mattress of the bed under me. I then noticed that there were several other tools made out of the thin rubber sheet. I had to be careful not to take tools which did not belong to me. If the other saw that i had some of their things, then they might not let me take anything from the house. I thought that they might try to stop me from taking anything which seemed like theirs. I had to get my things out of the house before they got mixed up with the supplies of the crew.

12002 April 26

I walked through the new house that i had just purchased. It was on the west coast, and i felt excited about it. The outside of the house was dull wood. I thought that the house probably needed some work. The plain wooden boards on the outside were nailed over the old siding. I could see the outside wall through the window on the south side of the bedroom. I was in the upstairs of the house. I walked around. The place seemed dirty, as though the previous owners had left in a hurry and did not clean well. There was a lot of dust and debris on the floor. As i walked to the north, i noticed an old stereo system sitting on the floor, against the east wall. I thought that they were not really that good, but i could still sell them at a garage sale. I then noticed that there was light coming from the north. There was a small laundry room, which seemed like an old screen porch, just to the north of the room in which i was. I felt suddenly uneasy about the fact that someone might be here. I then spotted the man standing in the room. I was uneasy, but i talked to him for a few minutes. As we spoke, i noticed the holes in the floor where old heating pipes used to be. I thought that i would have to repair them after i moved in. I then noticed something yellow in the holes. I thought that it might be pieces of insulation. I found myself looking through a heating vent at the yellow thing. It seemed like a good place to hide things. I then turned and started walking through the house. I did not feel right here. This was $F12’s house. I walked out of the small bathroom and come into the living room. $F12’s family was in the room. I felt uncomfortable with them, for some reason. I did not flush the toilet in the proper way when i as in the bathroom. I felt slightly embarrassed about it, but i was worried that it would upset $F12’s parents. I came into the living room, hoping not to upset them any further. There was a small white and tan cat on the green carpet. I sat on the couch along the southwest wall and started to play with the cat. I was afraid that i just did not fit in here. I could tell that they thought that i was strange. They did not feel comfortable with me. The small black spaniel then came into the room and started toward the cat. It seemed jealous because i was playing with the cat. It started biting the cat around the neck. I grabbed the dog by the top of its mouth and pushed it away from the cat. I looked up at the others in the room. I was surprised and upset to see that they were staring at me aghast. They were appalled with what i had done. I did not understand why they would be upset with me. I felt very awkward and was worried that they would never like me.

12002 April 28

I stood at the front of the auditorium, which seemed to be in $P7. $F4 was with me as i spoke to some of the other people. It seemed good to see $F4 again, and i hugged him hello. I then felt somewhat awkward, as though someone might be watching us. I let him go and greeted $A184, who was in the room as well. He said something to me, and i replied. I then started talking to $F4 about him. We started joking about $A184. $A184 was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt as he started walking away from us. I thought that he might have been upset with us for joking about him, even though it was not serious. I remembered that he took things too seriously. $F4 and i walked through the center of the gorge, following the thin stream of water. As we moved, i started to picture us walking from above. I could see the figures moving as part of a video game. I remembered that the tunnel, through which we were walking, was part of the catacombs of the game. It was a maze that we had to sneak through. I was then back in the tunnel, following $F4 through the rugged passageways of the cave. There was flowing water on the stone floor of the cave, and the area seemed to be well illuminated. I thought that we could follow the water to find our way out of the cave. I remembered that it flowed toward the exit, which should be to the right of us. I turned to the right in the next passage and came into the sauna. The room was steamy, and had bare wood on the walls. The center of the room was recessed so that the floor all around became benches. I sat on the floor in the southwest corner of the room, just inside the door. There was a man across the room from he sitting with a towel over his lap. I thought that he was masturbating under the towel, and i started to feel uncomfortable in the room. I tried to ignore him. I realized that he was watching me. He thought that i had a nice build, but i still thought that i was skinny. A man and a woman then came into the room. They seemed to be a family, and had a baby with them. They talked as they sat near me. The man then placed the baby on my head, as though he did not notice me sitting on the floor in front of him. I took the baby off of my head, and the man apologized for the mistake. I felt annoyed with him.

$A307 said that i should do her play. She wanted me to read the part of the young girl. There was an audience to the east of us, and we were supposed to have the performance right away. I did not know the part of the girl, though. As the audience watched, i looked over the script. I tried to figure out what the part was. I then realized that it was very quiet. I was supposed to have gone out into the center of the stage. I felt anxious. I did not know the part well enough to know what i was supposed to do. The play stopped suddenly, and we were now only practicing the part. I spoke the lines of the young girl in the house. We were in the living room of the house, which seemed to be designed as though it was built in the fifties. There was a staircase running up to the south. I was standing at the bottom of the stairs as i read the lines. The bartender stood to the northwest of me, behind a wooden counter which extended from the north wall. He said something about a telegraph, but no one replied to him. I was unsure whether i was supposed to speak or not, so i started to read my next line. It felt very awkward. $A307 seemed disappointed with the breaks in the play and said that we should simply drop that part of the play.

I was running up the trail which led through the wooded area. There was a steep cliff to the west as i ran to the north. $A67 was running in front of me, and i was trying to keep up with him. I knew that he was a much better runner than i was, and i did not think that i could keep up with him for long. It felt good to be running again, though, and i felt competitive. I knew that we were running on the same path that the other runners had taken yesterday during the race. The land to the east of us dropped off suddenly as we started to climb up the side of the mountain. This trail looked tricky, and i hoped that i would be able to run the entire way to the top. The small bushes and trees on either side of the trail were twisted and looked like desert pines. The cliff to the west got closer to the trail, and i was running along the edge of a cliff. I felt somewhat unsafe. I then saw that the trail ahead climbed over some steep rocks. The thin fins of rock stuck out of the cliff, and i wondered how i could scale the wall. I knew that $A67 was still ahead of me, so there must be a way up the cliff. I continued over the rocks and followed the trail through the gorge. There were now cliffs on both sides of me, but the area around the trail was wider. I realized that i still had the two umbrellas in my hands. I walked past a thin twisted tree which arched over the east side of the path. I looked at the black umbrella and noticed that it was shaped like a bat. It was very large, and i knew that it would catch the wind coming down the canyon. I thought that i might be able to use the umbrella to soil on the wind. It would help be get up the mountain faster, but i had to be careful not to get too much lift from the umbrella. I was still very close to the cliffs. If i was too high off of the ground, i might come down over the cliffs. I thought that the updrafts near the cliffs would be pretty strong. I would have to watch for them as well. The land around me was suddenly very narrow, as though i was walking along the top of a ridge. The dirt path wound up in front of me on the ledge toward the mountain peak a little way off. The view seemed very picturesque.

12002 April 30

I woke up in the middle bedroom of a house which seemed like my parents’ house. My mother was in the room with me. There seemed to be something outside of the house, to the east-northeast which had woken me. I did not want to get out of bed, however. I was then standing to the east of the bed, at the foot of the large brass bed. There was a darkly stained wooden cabinet on the floor to the south of me. I had opened the door and was withdrawing a large bag of hard candy. I had wondered where the bag had gone. I remembered it from before, but i had not seen it in a while. I decided that i did not want to get out of bed. I was still sleepy, so i laid down on the floor, placing the bag of candy under my head as a pillow. The bag rested against a large black steamer trunk, which was on the south wall of the room. It seemed that there was a television on top of the trunk. My mother moved around on the east side of the room. There was still something distracting me, however. I had heard a noise outside. I wanted to know what it was. I was standing on the east side of the small house, which seemed to be my house. The house seemed to be a dark green one-story building with wooden siding. A gravel driveway stretched from the east side of the house, and there were several dense green conifers growing along the north side of the driveway. There was a woman standing at the edge of the driveway. She was wearing a dark-blue business suit and a matching skirt. I asked her what she was looking for. I thought that she might have something to do with the construction crew that was on the road to the northeast. The narrow suburban road ran at an angle to the house, heading northwest to southeast. There seemed to be a busier street to both the north and east. The large construction vehicles sat on the road, partially obscured from my view by the branches of the pine trees. I thought that the woman must be from the county and have something to do with the road construction. I walked to the south side of the house, where i could see the wooden deck on the side of the house. I pointed the deck out to the woman, noticing that it seemed incomplete. There was no railing around the outside edge of the deck, and the surface of the deck seemed unstable. Thick bushes were growing under the deck, and i thought that they might be supporting the unstable platform. I thought that the woman might be here to inspect my new house. As she walked back to the north, i looked over the deck. The deck was really a shelf. I stood in front of it, wondering how i could fix it so that it did not fall down. I was holding onto the large black keyboard that i had taken from the shelf. I balanced it on the black cube which was in the center of the basement room. The floor of the room was cement, and the north wall, on which the shelf was mounted, was made of cinder blocks. I was confused, and did not know what to do about the shelf. I decided that i did not want to fix it at the moment, so i moved the keyboard back onto it and walked to the northeast. As i reached the exit door on the east end of the north wall, i looked back at the shelf and decided that the bushes under it were simply too high. They were growing up into the shelf. I thought that they needed to be trimmed.

I walked out the door on the north side of the building, carrying my acoustic guitar over my right shoulder. I had been talking to someone in the small room of the building. As i stepped out onto the golf course, i looked at one of the golfers to the north of me. He looked like Monty Hall, and he was wearing a white V-neck sweater vest over a white short-sleeved button-up shirt. There was a navy-blue stripe along the edge of the vest. I was then aware of the sound of rain hitting the back of my guitar. It did not seem like it was raining outside, but i could hear the sound, and i was starting to feel the pressure of the drops hitting my shoulders. The golfers did not seem to mind, though, and i thought that they would probably continue to play. I walked to the northeast, between the greens of the small course. I had to be careful not to get in anyone’s way. I lifted my guitar over my head to prevent my head from getting wet. I was then in the building where the others had gathered to get out of the rain. The golf course was to the north of us. This place seemed like $P118. I could see the golf course through the large windows on the north wall of the pale-green room. Three were other guitarists in the room, to the east of me. They were playing songs informally. I wanted to play with them and started strumming my guitar. I played something slow, in a finger-picking style. The others said that they liked the sound of what i was playing. $F40 and $A342 were in the audience. I looked to the south as i listened to the slow song. I was now standing outside of the house, looking down the hill to the south. The small house was in the middle of the country, on the top of a small hill. There was a building to the southeast of be, to the west of the long winding gravel driveway. It was dark out, but i could see the rough shapes of trees to the east. The building behind me seemed to be a garage, with a tin roof that extended off the east side to create and overhang above the door. Several cars were parked in front of the large white garage door and to the east of the building. The night felt cool, and i could see many stars in the clear sky. The stars seemed very bright. I started to hover over the ground so that i could get a better look at the stars on the horizon. Someone then came out of the house behind me. I did not look back at them, but continued to look at the stars. I could still hear the music from the party inside. I was hovering well above the house, and i wondered whether the person from the house would even notice me. I then noticed several thin strips of clouds crossing the sky to the southwest. They looked like high elevation clouds, but something seemed wrong. There was a sudden flash of light, and i found myself crouched down on the ground in front of the garage. I tried to look around at the features in the driveway, but it was suddenly very dark. I could not see the others, and there was no noise from the house. I thought that the others might be hiding to the northeast of me, near the large tan car. I felt scared as i moved to the car, looking for the others. The lights on the houses had gone out. I called to the others as i crawled behind the car, but no one answered. They were all gone. Something had happened, and i felt concerned. I moved to the north side of a large black can, which was facing east, on the side of the driveway. There was a large mound of gravel in front of the car, and there seemed to be some clear plastic sheeting over something to the north of the mound. I pushed on the car, wondering how everyone could have left without taking their cars. I knew that they had all been taken. The black car then started to roll to the southwest, into the driveway. I braced myself against the open driver’s window frame and pushed the car back to the northeast, into the small open barn. I could not alter the scene or the abductors would know that i had been here. I quickly opened the door of the car and tried to hit the brake pedal before the car could roll back again. I pulled the emergency brake from under the dashboard and got out of the car. I ran back to the garage to the north and hid inside, where i could not be seen from outside. The main door on the garage was now open, and i stood inside, looking out, down the driveway. Then something changed. There was another bright light, and i started to lose focus on the area around me. Time was moving slowly as the light passed from the southwest to the east. The extraterrestrials had returned to drop the others off. I ran to the east, struggling to move against the distorted time. I wondered why the extraterrestrials had taken all of the others but had not taken me. The lights then went out, and i looked out the small window over the workbench in my parents’ garage to see the others on the lawn. I ran outside to tell them what had happened. I felt excited to have seen it, but i also felt a little frightened. I thought that someone might not want me knowing. I had taped the return on video, and i told the others that i had proof of what happened to them. I ran into the house to the southwest and into the office. I felt that someone would be after me because of the video. $Z was with me, but i had to pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary when i spoke to him. There was another man in the office that i did not know. I felt unsure of him and thought that he had come here to investigate the abduction. I could not let him know that i knew anything special about it.