12003 April 01

I jumped off of the ledge and grabbed onto the large rock in the center of the huge cavern. The cavern seemed to be outdoors, but i could see the rough reddish-tan rock curving down over my head. I knew that this place was California. The other man climbed on the eastern side of the rock, which seemed to be suspended in the air just off the edge of the cliff. The twisted rocks of the cliff sloped steeply to the south, under the rock before dropping into the vertical face of the cliff. I was then standing on the top of the cliff again as the other man jumped toward the rock. He missed and fell between the rock and the cliff. He mentioned that it was a possibility when climbing the rocks. I did not seem concerned about him, but i did think that he would get hurt from bouncing off the rocks as he tumbled over the cliff. There seemed to be a wire mesh stretched over the surface of the cliff. It must be to hold in rocks that were about to fall on the road below. I jumped to the rock and started climbing. I felt that i had to get somewhere. I was not sure that i had the skill to climb the rock, but i moved over the top of it, heading to the southwest. I was then walking across the paved street in the housing area, heading to the southwest. This place was California, though it did not quite feel like California. It felt good to be here, but there was a feeling of anxiety in me. I turned to the north and headed back to the side of the road near the house. There was a dark-red pick-up truck turning around in middle of the road to the south of me. The person driving seemed to be $F12. I felt happy to see him and wanted to hug him. He walked across the street, pausing in astonishment to see me here. I suddenly realized that i did not travel here. I simply was here. I wondered how i would get back home, but then i started to feel that i did not really want to go back home.

12003 April 02

I walked into the kitchen of my parents’ house, watching the woman in front of me carry the small cardboard tube of yellow crystalline granules. She had just placed the crystals into the tube it the back room of the house, and i was starting to feel concerned. The substance did not feel safe, and i thought that it might be some sulfur compound. The woman then said that it was “H-2-S-oh-4”. I realized that this was an acid, and worried that it might eat through the small container. The woman then held up the container, and i could see that it was starting to bulge and distort form the acid. I told her that H2SO4 was sulfuric acid. The man then said that did not really have to worry about the acid, but my attention was drawn to the small pot on the stove which was just starting to boil over. We had dumped the acid there to get it out of the way. I turned the stove vent on. Something felt very wrong about this situation.

I crossed the room of the new house, moving through the old wood furnishings. This was my new house, but the items in it were from the previous owner, who seemed to be an old man. It seemed strange that i was in a new house, since i still had my house. This house was in Virginia, which felt like a strange place for me to live. As i reached the counter on the east wall, i pulled open a few of the drawers to see what was inside. I thought that i could find something useful. It felt exciting to be in the house, but i suddenly thought that i should probably not be taking things from the room, since the things did not belong to me. I tried to convince myself that these things were left in the house by the previous owner, but i still felt bad about taking anything. I turned to the south and pulled open the top drawer of the old wooden roll-top desk. There were many things inside which seemed interesting. I spotted a small pair of sharp tweezers in the back of the drawer and picked them up, thinking that i was in need of a good pair of tweezers. I still felt bad for taking them, though, and hesitated from taking them from the drawer, looking around at the other things in the drawer as i thought. I then heard someone speaking to the south of me. I felt suddenly nervous and though that i did not want to be seen taking things from the room. There was a large window in the south wall which looked out at the house next door. The neighbours must be walking around outside. I came close to the window to get a look at them. There were two young men walking down the driveway between the two houses. The front lawn of the other house was directly across the driveway from the window and sloped up from the driveway. The two boys seemed to be just out of high school. I stood close to the window, watching them as they walked to the east, down the driveway, to the street. I wondered whether i would be comfortable with the neighbours. The taller of the two boys then put his arm around the other boy as they crossed right in front of the window. I realized that the hug was more affectionate than friendly. The two young must have been dating each other. I was surprised to see that people were so accepting of homosexuality in Virginia. I had expected them to be more frightened. As the men walked to the east and out of sight around the window, i moved to the west, to the other side of the window, where i could see them stepping onto the sidewalk. I felt suddenly more relaxed here, knowing that the people around me were accepting of various types of people. The men then stopped on the sidewalk and started prodding each other. They were joking about something. I suddenly noticed the muscle detail on their shoulders. They were both wearing sleeveless shirts as they started to wrestle each other. I thought that, if no one was really afraid of them living here, then i might find interesting people around the area. I wondered whether i could meet the young men. They were too young for me to date, but i thought that i could befriend them and learn more about what was of interest in the area.

12003 April 05

The room was nicely decorated with inexpensive furnishings. The walls were white, and there was a long dark polished wood table in the center of the room. I stood on the east side of the room as the others gathered their things. We were on our way out to do something. I turned around to pick things up from the small blue heavily cushioned couch to the east of me, but my other camera was not there. The grey camera bag for my film camera was sitting on the north end of the couch, but i could not see my small digital camera. I moved a few things around on the couch but could not see it. I then noticed $A349 walking behind the couch. He had the camera and was playing with it. I collected the rest of my things and turned to get the camera, but $F12 was aiming it at me. I froze in place, posing for the shot. I stood still for a few seconds until $F12 lowered the camera from his eye. It should be a good picture of me. I then realized that the others were already leaving the building to head out. They had walked into the large living room, which was to the south of us. It was connected to dining room in which we were standing by an opening in the west end of the south wall of the dining room. We were guests in this house. I turned back to the couch to grab the rest of my things and then started around the north side of the large wooden table. $F12 was already standing in the opening to the next room. I then stopped on the west end of the table, listening to the strange sound of a jet airplane approaching. As the sound got louder, i realized that it was not a normal jet, and i said this to $F12. There was something strange about the engine noise. I turned to the large window in the north wall and looked out at the green trees across the short lawn from the house. The trees seemed to be the edge of a woods. The sound became louder still until a large red helicopter came into view from the east. It had a double set of rotor blades which were slanted at angles, the upper tips of the blades crossing through each other over the top of center of the main cabin. The two rotors produced the strange jet-engine sound. It was flying low over the trees, and it circled to the west of the house. I felt suddenly anxious about the helicopter and watched it as it rounded the house. I wondered why it had come here and why in was moving so close to the house. I moved with $F12 to the south, into the next room, watching the helicopter out the large windows which ran along the south and west walls. The craft lifted out of site over the house and hovered for a moment. I then heard a thump and felt the house sway a little as it landed on the roof. It seemed that the house was sinking a little under the weight. I thought that it might be troops moving into the house, and i did not want to be captured by them. I also started to worry that the house would not support the weight of the helicopter. I grabbed $F12 by the arm and pushed him in front of me, toward the stairs to the exit. The stairs to the east of us led up a few meters to another level of the house, which was separated from where we were by a short wall. The upper section of the house seemed to be the kitchen. There were stairs descending from the upper floors of the house to the south of the stairs that we were heading for. I told $F12 that we had to get out of the house, just in case the building collapsed under the weight of the helicopter. As we reached the raised side of the house, however, i noticed some people coming down the circular stairs from the upper floors. They were older people, and they seemed confused as to why we were hurrying out of the house. I realized that they were the rich owners of the house. We were renting the space from them for a while. I felt relaxed and a little embarrassed now, as i walked out the east door of the house and across the grovel driveway. The others were standing by the cars at the east end of the parking area. I then stopped in the middle of the area, letting $F12 walk on. I did not have my cameras with me and i wondered where they were.

I looked around the crude unfinished wood walls of the tiny shack as the others stood to the east of me. The floor was splintered and worn and seemed to be made of heavy planks. The others were talking about something when i suddenly noticed that the scenery outside the rectangular in the south wall was starting to move to the west. I realized that we were moving. This did not seem right, and i told the others that we were being moved. I started to float above the wooden ground, watching the old white cement factory building to the south of us pass the window. The single-pane glass windows were mostly broken, leaving only the metal frames. Everything in the building was dark. I was then floating outside the small shed. The shed was really an old boxcar that had been stacked on top of two other boxcars, and was now being pushed down the old factory’s train tracks, to the east. The train was not moving that fast yet, but once it picked up speed, it would be dangerous for the others to jump out of the car. The small shed then started to teeter as the train pushed the pile of boxes around a corner in the track, at the northeast corner of the white cement building. There seemed to be a protruding section of the building which hung over the tracks. The shed caught on it and started to rotate. It would be good for the shed to fall out of the way of the train before it was carried too far. The shed then slipped off of the pile, landing to the west of the tracks. The train was now heading to the southwest, across the open factory yard that stretched to the east of the white building. There were other factory buildings to the south and southeast. I was back in the shed as it landed on the ground. The small white trailed splintered into small pieces, scattering clothing and other household items on the pavement of the factory yard. I still felt concerned. The others were not with me. I realized that the reckless train was still heading to the east, along the main section of track. I concentrated on flying, a little surprised that i was able to do it. I lifted into the air, thinking that i would have to be careful not to come down too fast. I looked to the east. There were two sets of tracks leading away across the flat land. There seemed to be a fence just to the north of them, and a row of long flat white buildings to the south. I felt annoyed that the train was just heading on without even stopping to acknowledge what it had done. I felt as though i would have to fly after the train. It seemed as though i had to stop it because maybe some of the others were still trapped on it. I started to move to the east, over the long straight track.

I started to move to the east, over the long straight road. There were green trees on either side of the road. The land around me seemed flat, with gold sandy soil and lots of verdant undergrowth. I was chasing after something which had come down the road before. I remembered the train which had tipped over the small shack in the factory yard. It almost felt as if i was still chasing the train to the east. I was then running along the south of the highway, on a dirt path. I thought that i could not run down the highway because it was illegal. There was a thin line of trees separating the dry reddish dirt of the path from the road. I then realized that there was a fence to the north of me, and the path started to separate from the highway a little more. I wondered whether the path would continue along the road and meet up with the highway later on. I then noticed a dirt road leading off to the south with an orange sign posted next to it. The sign said “PRIVATE AREA”. The read must have been the driveway to someone’s house. The woods were too thick for me to actually see any house at the end of the read. I then realized that the road that i had been following had ended in a wide cul-de-sac. I looked to the east at the multiple small roads running out of the cul-de-sac, all with posted signs at the beginning of them. I contemplated running to the east, down one of the driveways to get back to the highway, but i was not sure that i could make it all the way without running into the owners of the private property. I started to feel that they might be very strict people and be aggressive to trespassers. I turned around and started to run back. The cul-de-sac was now filled with parked cars and people hanging out. They seemed to be here after some type of off-road racing. I was very uncomfortable near them and realized that they might be hostile toward me because i was running, something which did not fit into their social system. I tried not to pay attention to them as i ran to the west, but i could hear them mocking me and saying things to each other. I then heard the sound of a gun shot. I thought that one of them was firing at me. I tried not to notice. I thought that i should keep on running as if nothing special was happening. Maybe they would not shoot right at me.

I sat in the living room of the large house. The ground floor of the house seemed narrow north to south. There was a window on the north wall which looked out onto the porch. The porch seemed to be a meter or so above the level of the floor inside. There was a door to the east of the window with a set of stairs descending along the wall, to the east. There seemed to be a dividing wall in the middle of the room which separated the main part of the living room on the south from the narrow sitting room to the north. The walls were white, with just a hint of warm yellow light on them. The floors seemed to be made of wood, and much of the furnishings were made of similar polished wood. The proportions of the room were off, making the room seem more like a stage set than a house. I then heard the sound of knocking on the front door. I looked out the window in the north wall to see a young girl in a purple dress standing in front of the window. I felt suddenly skeptical of her. We should not let her into the house, but it was obvious that she could see into the window and know that we were here. There was a woman sitting in front of the window, on the red leather cushion of the bench. She turned to look at the girl. She then stood up, appearing to be as hesitant about the girl as i was.

I turned to the east suddenly, noticing the woman standing in the middle of the small grassy area. The land around here was misty, and the sky seemed darkened by grey clouds. I felt tense, aware that there was something wrong with the woman. She was dressed in a ragged green dress which hung loosely from her thin body. She raised her arms as an expression of anguish crossed her face. I watched the tall green grass around her wilt and turn brown. She was the Green Witch, and she was angry. I remembered this scene from before. She was trying to curse the area, but i thought that we could stop her simply by showing her love. I imagined that i could calm her by walking up to her and hugging her. The other men in the house around me ran, though. This was part of the movie. I felt annoyed with them because they were acting on fear rather than thinking about the situation. I watched the man in front of me crouch down on the bow of the boat. I was looking down from directly over the man. We had to escape from the house on the boat because the witch could only cast her spells on solid ground. The man in front of me was reaching over the side of the boat to do something with the ropes. I knew that he would fall, because that was how the scene occurred the last time that i had seen the movie. I was frustrated that nothing was changing this time around. The answer seemed very simple, but no one was altering their routine to solve the problem. The man then slipped and fell over the side of the boat, as he had done the last time i had seen the movie. It was a very predictable thing for a horror movie. He grabbed onto the ropes which draped from the bow, entangling himself as he tried to pull himself back up. I felt a little tense, hoping that he would make it back onto the boat this time, but i knew that he would. That was how the movie ran. I then realized that the man was climbing back rather easily. The rope that he had grabbed onto had not entangled him in the same way as it had the last time i saw this scene. Something had changed in the movie. I started to feel confused. Things were moving differently than they were supposed to. I then noticed the men moving to the north. I was in the house again, looking at the set of stairs which led down from the front door. There were government agents flooding into the house. They were the new danger, and i had to get out of the house. I moved the large boat forward, riding it out of the house through the huge opening in the east wall. The ground outside was swampy, with many black twisted tree roots sticking up from the surface of the water. The water seemed too shallow for the large motor boat, and i was afraid that it might get stuck. I had to get away from the government soldiers. I turned the boat to the south, heading for the deep water. I was surprised that the boat was moving so easily over the rocks and roots below us. There must be something special about the swamp which allows the boat to move so easily.

12003 April 07

I walked with the others to the north, across the street at the southern edge of the urban area and into the gravel parking lot on the other side. The land to the north of the road was lower than the road itself, but there were tall brick buildings scattered around the landscape. The small gravel parking area was at the same level as the road, but the single-level grey cement building just beyond it was at the lower level. The flat roof of the building was only a meter or so above the level of the parking area. The cement building seemed to be in disrepair and abandoned. This part of the city was no longer populated that well, and all of the buildings seemed to be empty. The rough tufts of grass pushed up from the broken cement pavement, catching the wind-blown litter. I felt that we were heading back to our car, which seemed to be the small tan car which was parked on the eastern side of the gravel lot. As i finished crossing the street, i looked to the northwest, over the top of the grey cement building. There seemed to be a large open playing field to the north. The grass was cut, but the colours seemed dull, as though the field was old and abandoned. This area of the city did not seem safe, all of the sudden. I thought that we would have to get back to the car before the others came. I glanced at the small shack to the north of where i was. This place was a small housing community, and there were old wooden buildings all around us. I did not feel safe near these people. There was something that seemed dangerous about them. To the northeast of me, a young girl in a yellow summer dress stopped between the barn and the farmhouse to the west. Her little brother stood by her side, and they were both staring at me with curiosity and caution. A set of white sheets rippled on a rope clothes line just above their heads. I turned quickly to the west. I had to catch up to the others, whom i had been walking down the road with. I could see them across the small patch of green grass to the east of the white farmhouse. The paved road to the south of the house was narrow and windy, and there seemed to be a cliff along the south of it. The road curved around the front of the house and headed to the northeast. I leaped into the air and sailed a little bit toward the road. I had my umbrella with me, and it was catching the wind from the west and helping me float. We had to get back to the car and leave this place before people started asking questions. This place suddenly seemed like a foreign land, and i imagined that the children might swarm around us, drawing the unwanted attention of the adults. I jumped and drifted to the southwest again, heading for the road, but careful not to overshoot. The wind was unpredictable, and a sudden gust could send me over the cliff. There was a large old locust tree at the corner of the yard, and the road curved around it on the south. Afraid that i might drift too far to the south, i grabbed on to the tree to slow myself. I could see the flat tan plain stretching out to the southeastern horizon far below. There seemed to be a river meandering along the bottom of the cliff. I pulled myself to the ground and looked over the cliff. This foreign country seemed very exciting and beautiful. I was then aware of the local children running near me, jumping and shouting at me in excitement. They had never seen someone fly like i had, and they wanted to know about the magic. I knew that it was not magic, but i could not think of a way to explain it. I also was weary of what the adults in the town might think. I could not draw that much attention to myself.

12003 April 12

I got out of my seat on the crowded airplane and headed to the back of the cabin. We seemed to be flying to the west. The cabin now seemed more like a train car, with seats along both sides and a wide aisle in the middle. The roof of the room also seemed flat. The rear of the cabin was wide, with dark blue carpeting which had a thin white pattern on it. There was a set of stalls along the south wall of the plane with blue curtains pulled over them. I had to urinate and was looking for the toilet. I walked over to one of the stalls in the middle of the wall and pulled open the curtain. I was surprised to find two people in the booth. One of the men stood directly in front of me, looking shocked that i had just walked in. I felt embarrassed about interrupting them. As i apologized and backed up to close the curtain, i realized that the man in front of me was Boy George. He was wearing makeup and loose clothing, and had his hair braided with several coloured bows. The man to his left was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt under. I closed the curtain and turned to the east, heading to the next stall. As i pulled open the curtain, i realized that the stall was too shallow for me to stand in. There was a small brass-coloured sink on the wall with a collapsible metal grate to the west of it. I moved over the sink, but could not really get out of site from the others in the cabin. I decided to urinate anyway. I unzipped my pants and started to urinate in the small sink when i noticed the man approaching me from the west. He had his daughter with him, and he made a joke to her about the way i was urinating where everyone could see.

12003 April 14

I awoke and lifted my head suddenly from my desk at work. There was someone with me in the cubicle. I thought about the dream i had just had where i was sleeping in my bed at home. I dreamed that i did not want to get out of bed and go to work, but i was really in work already. I wondered how long i had been asleep and looked over the screen of my computer to figure out what i was supposed to be doing. I wondered if there was some irony in the fact that i was dreaming that i was at home, not wanting to come into work.

12003 April 18

I headed to the northeast, along the sidewalk on the southeast side of the city street. There were many people crowding through the streets, as thought there was some kind of protest going on. I felt as though i did not belong here. The people would be hostile to me if they knew that i was in their midst. I was then in the middle of the crowd, in the middle of the street, walking back to the sidewalk on the southeast side of the street. There was a store in front of me which seemed to be an old drug store. There also seemed to be some kind of stone government building just down the street to the southwest. I then spotted Saddam Hussein walking toward me from the sidewalk. He looked at me as i passed him, and i had the sudden feeling that he recognized me for who i was. I had to get out of here and wondered if i could slip into the crowd and get lost.

12003 April 22

I was running with $G4 to the northeast, along the sidewalk, in front of the school. The driveway to the school curved to the southwest of us in a small cul-de-sac which stopped in front of the main door of the building. I was watching myself run with the others, standing to the north of myself. There were four young women standing at the entrance to the school. It seemed that they were waiting for a ride, and i could see a red SUV driving toward the school from the southwest, where the driveway from the main road entered the large cul-de-sac. The women were wearing loose clothing which seemed to be from the 1980s under faded denim jackets. Their hair was feathered and bleached. $A350 paused for a moment to talk with them, and i felt annoyed with him for trying to hit on the women. I watched myself stop running for a moment as the other runners passed. I seemed to be checking for the last runner as though i were the one coordinating the run. I was then back in myself as we were running down the cut-grass train to the north of the school. There were thick bushes to the west of us, and the other runners had already run to the northwest down a second trail. I was about to start running again when i ran into $A351. He was limping and i knew that something was wrong. I looked down to see that his right foot was disfigured and bent in inward. He said that he had broken his foot. I felt suddenly concerned and though that we would have to get help, but i did not know where to go for it. It seemed that we were in the middle of the woods. I asked the other to runner to catch up with the rest of $G4 and ask them to stop. I wanted to keep everyone together. I then remembered that we had just passed a school and thought that i could simply go back to the school for help. I knew that the building was closed, but i might still be able to catch the girls before they left in the red truck.

12003 April 23

I moved into the center of the small room, where $A14 was standing. The room was dimly lighted, but i could see all of the detail. The ceiling of the room seemed somewhat low. I then noticed the animal at the eastern side of the room. It was a rather large lizard, and i guessed that $A14 was taking care of it. I moved near $A14 and spoke to him about something, but i started to feel weary of the lizard. It lifted its head and started to walk toward me. I knew that it was being hostile, so i started to back away. I knew that i had to pull my hands up so that it would not bite me, but i watched as it extended its head and grabbed my left hand in its mouth. I felt tense, but could not feel the animal holding onto my hand. I somehow managed to get the lizard of my hand, but i was still in the room with it. As it approached me again, i kicked in the head and moved away to the west side of the room. I was tense and anxious about the animal as i walked to the west, across the lawn and into the driveway on the other side of the white house. This was the house behind my grandmother’s house, and there were people gathered in the driveway, standing around a small camp fire. I still felt upset, and i complained to no one in particular. I felt angry, and complained about the “stupid Americans”. I thought that the other person, who had angered me, had done something stereotypically american. My mother, who was on the western edge of the driveway, near the street, was suddenly concerned. She came over to me and told me not to say things like that aloud. She said that the officers from Homeland Security might hear me. I realized that she was right and started to walk away from the others. I worried that the government agents might come after me. I jumped into the air and flew back to the east, toward the back of my grandmother’s house, landing near the garage. I had to get out of sight before the agents could see me. I wondered how i could explain away their accusations if they accused me of saying something against them. I walked into the main door of the garage, noticing the large convoy of military vehicles driving to the east of the driveway. I tried to stand out of sight from the moving tanks and troop carriers. I then realized that the images i was seeing looked grey and fuzzy. These troops were from the past. Some of them seemed Russian, but i new that mast of the tanks were nazi tanks. They had been captured from the past and returned to this area. I stepped out of the garage and watched them drive to the north, along the east side of the garage. There was something suspicious going on here, and i felt somewhat unsafe.