12006 April 01

I walked into the large room of the school building from the doorway in the southern side of the western wall. I had come in from outside, and the doorway to the east of me, in the eastern wall, also seemed to lead out into the bright outside. I was in a foreign land after the disaster had occurred. I knew that there was a nuclear detonation in New York City, and that there would soon be one here in Baghdad. There had been some children to the south of where i was, but i thought that we had to get to a safe location. I remembered that the school building had been sturdy enough to withstand the first blast, so i hoped that it would be safe enough for us to stay in this time. I looked at the central room of the school. The walls and floor of the room were made of reddish-tan adobe. The floor was fashioned into curved tiers of seats which focused on a round section against the north wall of the room. There were some striped blankets and other articles sitting on the seats. I thought that the stone of the building might help block the radiation from the explosion, but i did not know if i would really be safe here. I felt confused with this situation.

12006 April 02

I moved to the north as i spoke to the other person. I was heading to the event where the others from my high school would already be gathered. I had been doing something, and i felt as though i was running late. I was in a large room of the large building. This place seemed like a fitness center. The walls of the room around me were plain grey, with no features on them. In the center of the north wall was a square inset area which contained an exit door in the center. The inset area was a few metres off of the floor, forming a ledge in front of the door. There were already some people on the ledge, leaving the room. I tried hopping up onto the ledge, but it seemed too high for me. The woman on the ledge reached down to help me up. I felt hurried, thinking that i had already missed most of the high school gathering. I headed down the corridor to the north and started down the narrow stairwell. There were windows on both side of the hall which seemed to look out into large pools. It seemed that the others were swimming in the large pool to the west. I could hear some of them talking and joking through the doorway in the western wall, to the north of me. I started down the stairs at the northern end of the corridor, thinking that i could not simply walk into the pool late. I thought that i should pretend that i was drunk. It would seem like a better excuse for missing out on the beginning of the event. I felt nervous about going into the party, but i felt i should show up. As i reached one of the doors to the pool, i could hear someone shouting my name from the pool. I realized that the person must have seen me. I then heard someone talking about me inside the room. They were talking about their swimming competition and how i could not swim well. I remembered that i was not very athletic in high school, but i thought that i could swim very well now. They did not have any faith in my abilities. I wondered how i got down to the pools as i started down the grey metal stairs at the end of the narrow corridor. The stairs turned back to the south before reaching the next level down. I went down three levels, wondering where the entrance to the pool was. I passed some other swimmers on the stairs. They were not with my class, but i said hello to them anyway. They were both wearing only tight swimsuits and looked as though they were on a swim team. The bottom of the stairs ended in a short corridor which headed north. I followed the corridor down another two steps before it ended in a small crowded locker room. The ceiling seemed low, with pipes traveling east to west across it. There were metal-mesh lockers on all of the walls of the narrow room. I turned to the south, looking at the lockers just to the east of the stairs i had come down. I saw several school uniforms hanging from a clothes pole. I looked at them, thinking that they must be from someone in my high school. I wondered where they were. I could not figure out how to get to the pool where they were swimming. I then thought that it was strange to see the uniforms here. No one in the school wore those uniforms any more. I wondered why someone from my class would have brought it. I thought that it might have been for nostalgia, but i thought that it was pretty silly. I headed back up the stairs and down the corridor to the south. I had to get to the pool so that i could enjoy the party before it ended. I felt that i was missing out on what was happening. I walked a little way, but was unsure whether i was going the correct way. I felt confused and did not know where to go. I then stopped and though that i should be able to figure this out. I went back to the stairs and up a level, trying to get back to the pool that i had seen through the window. I came to the bottom of a set of stairs and walked down the corridor, to the south. I then turned east into the room where the small pool was. There were several people i knew in the pool here. I walked along the western edge of the pool to the shallow end, which was on the north. There were only a few people in this pool, and i thought that the others must be in the other pool. This room also seemed darker than the large pool. I wanted to get into the water, but was still dressed, so i jokingly asked if i could just get into the water in my underwear. I started to step into the water an the eastern side of the northern end of the pool. This was the kiddy pool, where the people who could not swim that well were hanging out. I felt that these people were not as fun as the others who were in he big pool. One of the others said that they would throw things into the water, and i would go after them. I felt disappointed, thinking that i could swim well enough to be in the other pool. I started to undress on the northern end of the pool, frustrated that this evening was not working out as i had hoped. I then noticed a thin pale man in the shallow water just to the south of me. He was playing with the others, and it was obvious that he could not swim well. I suddenly wondered who he was. I did not recognize him, and i did not think that he was part of my high school class.

12006 April 05

I felt annoyed with something as i walked to the south, through the lower level of the large bus. The interior walls of the bus, which seemed like a camper, were dull-red and fuzzy. There were white cushioned seats along both side walls and along the back. I sat down on the western side of the bus, near my parents, and looked at the map. We were trying to travel to someplace. I could see the large lake on the map, and it seemed like the lake on which i lived. The lake seemed long and narrow, and it seemed that i lived on the northern end of the eastern side. I had never been to the southern side of the lake. I looked down at the map to see the curve of the shore. There was a tall mountain in the center of the southern shore. The rest of the shore seemed to be yellow streaked with brown, signifying that the sand had been washed up on the southern shore. The bus now turned to the east, and i was outside of it watching it move ahead of me. The bus was no longer on the road, but traveling along the large flat rocks which ran just above the shore of the lake. The small white and red bus tipped as it drove over rocks and moved from one step of the flat sedimentary rocks to another. I worried that the bus might roll over. I was then reminded of the tourist bus which had rolled over the side of a cliff in South America and killed all of the tourists on board. I hoped that our bus did not tip over and roll down the gentle slope of the rocks. I looked at the map again, telling my mother that the bus seemed to be traveling on dangerous terrain. I looked at the southern shore of the lake, knowing that the bus had just turned onto the western most section of that shore. It seemed that the rest of the shore was inaccessible from the land, so someone would have to drive over the shore to get to the small towns. I thought that there was an easier way to travel to the mountain resort, though. I then noticed all of the small towns on the map. There were close-up shots of the streets of the town on a section of the map. The shots were in dark green, with light green marking the streets. I could see that the first town did not actually have streets. The bus would simply travel across the sand to the center of town. I pointed this out to my mother, who was sitting to the south of me. I then noticed another town where the main street started just outside of the town. I could see how it curved back and forth as it wound its way through town. There were many streets fanning from it. I thought that this would take a very long time to travel through towns like this. I was glad that we would be taking an easier way. I looked at the names on one of the towns on the map and tried to match it to the larger view of the lakeshore. I found where the town matched the name on the map and could see that the town was in the center of the lake. There was something interesting is this place, and i felt that i was in a foreign land. I looked at several more towns on the map, noticing how the bus would travel through the streets of the small towns. I knew that there were no roads between the towns, however, so i knew that the bus would be traveling on the sand. I wondered if it could get stuck. I looked to the east as i drove the car up the steep hill of the dirt road. I was heading up the mountain with my mother and father. I remembered the mountain from the map. Its peak was very high, but we were only going up to the lodge to look around. I suddenly felt that we did not have the time to hike all of the way up. I looked at the map, noticing that there was a road which led up the eastern side of the mountain to a place called “Pinnacle”. I thought that this was the top of the mountain, but i realized that the road would not travel all the way to the top. You would have to hike that part. I then started to feel that it was a difficult decision to head to the top of the mountain. I knew that the air would be very thin up there, and i thought that we would not have time to hike all that way. I looked back to the east as i stopped our car on the steep dirt road. The area around me was sloped, and there were thick green pine trees growing. The land seemed to slope down suddenly to the north, just beyond a thin stretch of grassy lawn. There seemed to be a small house to the south, in the center of a lawn of thinly spaced pine trees. The man had been talking to me on the north side of the car, giving me directions to the top of the mountain. I looked ahead to see that the road up the hill curved to the south just ahead. The man was going to meet us up at the top, and he had told us that this road would take us there. I felt uncertain as to whether my car would be able to make it up the dirt ground. I worried that the wheels would sink in to the dirt and get stuck. I tried to start moving again, but the car started to skid backward. I tried to stop it, but the brakes would not prevent it from skidding to the sides, so i let it roll a little way back down the hill to where the ground was less steep. I was not getting any traction in the soil. I stopped the car where i had been talking to the old man. The dirt road opened to the south here, into the lawn. I said something to my father, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car, and then started to drive again. As long as i maintained momentum, i thought that i would continue making forward progress all the way up the hill. I felt strange about climbing so far up the hill. My mother, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat, said something about the top of the mountain. I told her that it was called “Pinnacle” and that it was on the map. The road curved to the south as it continued to climb. We then turned back to the west, and i found myself driving to the west, out of the thick pine woods and across the southern end of a wide snow-covered field. The road was covered with the snow here, and i realized that we were no longer on a good road. I worked that our car might get stuck on the dirt path across the filed. I did not want to stop though. I felt that i had to keep up the momentum. I drove out into the middle of the field, following the indentation in the field which i though was a road. I could see the small tan stalks of dry grass poking up through the thin layer of snow on the ground around us. There was a small patch of bushes growing in the middle of the field, and the road seemed to pass just to the south of them. As i came to the south of the bushes, i realized that the snow here was shiny and smooth, with no indentation from the road and no grass. I realized that the snow was deeper here. I stopped the car suddenly, realizing that we were driving over an indentation in the field where the snow had formed a small puddle. I felt frustrated, not knowing where to go. I walked to the north, around the western side of the small thicket. I was suddenly aware of someone standing on the northern side of the field, in a small break in the trees. I realized that there were two tire-track indents leading to the break in the trees. It was the road i was supposed to have been driving on. I turned to the south to see where the road actually ran. I decided that it made a sharp turn just to the east of the thicket, but i had driven west, missing the turn. I walked to the north, toward the man. I then realized that the man seemed shadowy, and i started to feel unsure about this situation. I felt that the old man in the dark clothing might be a danger to us. I felt that he could abduct us in this place. I followed the others into the trees on northern side of the field. The branches hung close to us as we passed through them. I could not see too far ahead, and i felt that this was like a horror movie. The man was like the slasher who would bring us into his secret area. We then walked into the small country courtroom from the south. The walls of the courtroom were white, with darkly stained wood covering the lower section. The judge’s chair was raised on a booth against the northern wall of the room, with spaces for chairs on either side. A judge sat in his chair as we lined up before him. There seemed to be some local people in the courtroom. The group that had come in was accused of spoofing the town. The man who had led us here was one of the people accused, and i felt that some of the people is my group were also accused. The man felt sorry for imitating the town and making us think that he was really part of the town. He was actually just someone who had wandered into the town, like us. I suddenly felt as though i was one of the people accused of pretending to be part of the town and misrepresenting it to others, but then i felt as though the town’s people would forgive us. Only the man would be accused of dishonesty. I tried to think of what he had actually done, but something seemed confusing to me. This was a very strange place.

12006 April 06

I ran to the east, across the wide courtyard between the old stone buildings. I was running with $G4. It seemed that we had gone quite a way already, and i was looking around me to see if i could find the correct way to go. The others were to the west of me as i wandered down a paved path to the east. The grass around the path was green, and there was a large wide tree casting shade over me. As i started to pass the southern end of the building on the eastern side of the yard, i realized that i was not sure that i was on the correct path. I looked down to see if there were any marks. I noticed three bluish-green dots on the path in front of me. I turned around and called to the others, telling them that i was on trail. I then wondered whether i was really on trail. I looked down on the ground to the west of me and saw another set of three dots arranged in a small triangle. It was another mark showing the trail. I was certain that i was on trail. I turned back to the east, thinking that i should get moving. I was in the passenger’ seat of the car with the other person. The person had started driving the car to the south on the country road, but i realized that we were supposed to head north. I had said something, so the car was turned onto the small dirt road which ran to the east form the main road. I started to back the car out onto the road to turn it around, but i realized that i had actually missed the dirt road by about a metre. I was driving on the green lawn of the white building. The white building sat on the eastern side of the yard, which was to the north of the dirt road and east of the main road. I turned the car over the lawn, thinking that there was a curb under me where the lawn met the road. I paused for a moment as a car drove north on the main road. $Z was in the passenger’s seat. I backed the car from the lawn, but fell suddenly off of the curb. I started heading to the south, but worried that i had torn the bumper off of the front of the car. I heard it drag on the curb, but i could not tell if it had come off. I looked at $Z, wondering what to do.

12006 April 10

I looked to the west as i stood at the bottom of the stairs at the back of my grandmother’s house. I seemed to be inside the house, but i was in the back yard as well. My family was upstairs, and i was heading up to go to sleep for the night, but i was worried about the horses which were watching me from the back yard of the house to the west. I felt afraid of the horses, and thought that one of them wanted to come after me. I could see that the dull-white horse was agitated and shook its head up and down at me. I became afraid and ran up the stairs to get out of the horse’s view. I knew it was coming after me, though. I had to stop it. As i reached the top of the stairs, i saw the horse running to the bottom of the stairs. Stood to the southwest of the stairs, watching myself run from the top of the stairs to a large round table which was sitting in front of me. I watched my self tip the table up and toss it down the stairwell. I had to stop the horse. I though that the table might not be heavy enough, though. There was a tall white cabinet standing to the west of the stairwell. I thought that i could push it down on top of the horse. I was now standing at the south wall of the house. Someone asked me what was wrong from the east. I told them about the horse. I had not pushed the cabinet over as i had planned, and the horse was upstairs. It was mad at me, and ran toward me. I sat down against the wall, wondering what i could do. The other person did not seem concerned, but i worried about what the horse might do. It ran to the west of me and started kicking me. I held up the book to stop its hooves, but i had to get out of there. I had to try to push the cabinet over to stop it from coming up the stairs.

12006 April 14

I stopped and looked to the east, through the trees of the dense forest. I was at the crossroad of two dirt paths. The land sloped up steeply just a few metres to the east of me. The trees were thin and orangish-brown. They seemed to be very close together, blocking the sunlight and creating a dense dark ceiling which let only a little light through. The dark-brown soil of the ground was bare of growth, making the area seem artificial. I wanted to see where we were, but i was unsure in which direction we should go. $Z seemed to be to the northwest of me. I looked to the south, down the other trail to see that there was a steep hill in that direction as well. I then realized that there were steep hills in all directions. I headed to the south, thinking that i could walk to the top of the hill and get a better view of the land around me. As i moved to the south, i covered more distance than there was between where i had been and the hill. I crossed a second path just before i got to the hill and stopped. I looked down the narrow path to the east and saw that the hill was steep there as well. We seemed to be in a small room, where the seep hills met the walls. I looked to the west to see that the narrow path wandered through the woods, into the darkness. It did not look as safe and well traveled as the other paths, and i thought that it was probably only a footpath. Horses probably used the other paths. I wondered which way i should go.

I was in the building with the children as they tried to block the door to prevent the others from coming in. The children had special powers, and i felt sympathy for them as they tried to keep their powers to themselves. They tried to use their powers to block the door, but the man was a government agent. I was then outside the door as the man pushed through. I could see the surprised faces of the children inside as the men entered. The children lost the battle.

I looked at the list of names in my hands. It had something to do with the special children. I knew that all of the names on the list were of special people. They were all people who had powers that others did not have. I felt that this was an important list, and that i should remember it and keep the names on it safe.

12006 April 15

I rode my bicycle to the northeast, down the suburban road. Something seemed strange about the way i was traveling. I was not sitting on the bicycle properly. I was sitting behind the seat. As the woman on the other bicycle rode along my left side, i tried to shift my weight so that i was on the seat. I felt awkward. I had reached the intersection where the main four-lane road ran east to west. There were other bikers around me, to my left, as i stopped at the intersection. I turned to the east, onto the main road. The other bikers followed me. I could not seem to get onto the bicycle properly. There was something awkward in the way i was riding it, and i could not start moving down the road. I coasted down the shallow hill toward the next traffic light for a moment as i tried to adjust my body. An older man on a bicycle passed me on the left. I felt annoyed that i was unable to speed up properly. I felt annoyed that i was being passed. I tried to speed up, watching the traffic lights which ran horizontally over the road. I started moving faster now down the double-lane roadway. This road seemed to lead into a business district, with offices and shops on both sides of the roads. The road ahead sagged into a shallow valley before rising up a shallow hill. I only traveled part way up the hill before i came to the doctor’s office. I was in the dentist office as i remembered the road. I said something to the female nurse about the area.

12006 April 16

I drove the car to the north, through the streets of the small town. I felt that i was not driving so well, and i was having trouble controlling the car. I looked at the street lights as i drove down the wide double-lane road. The lights were all red, and were aligned horizontally across the street, suspended by large metal poles from the side. I tried to slow the car, but it would not slow down as it approached the light. I focused on the light, trying to determine whether it was really red or green. As i passed under it, i could see that it was green, but i was still uncertain. I said something to the person in the passenger’s seat as i tried to slow the car. I felt slightly unsafe driving it. I looked up at the next light, noticing that it was red. I tried to slow the car, fearful that it would not respond, but i had started slowing down before i got to the light. I suddenly realized that the street went down a steep hill just before the light. I was still at the top, and the light was almost level with the street. I slowed the car just as it went over the top of the hill. I could see the large gothic building directly ahead. The street ended at the intersection. I watched the light rise above me as i slowly rolled the car down the steep hill to the intersection, stopping under the light. I watched the red light for a moment through the upper part of my windshield, just below the visor. As the light turned green, i turned to the east. I seemed to move quickly as i drove around the sharp corner, turning back to the north. I said something to $F45 as i tried to turn the car to the east, down the side street. The car did not respond right away, and i thought that i had made the corner too fast. I then realized that i did not actually turn at the corner. The car had skidded past the corner and was now traveling in reverse down the street. I could see the car to the east of me and the car behind me. I thought that they might be shocked by my position. I tried to stop the car, but i seemed to be skidding in reverse. I came to a stop and thought that i would have to drive the wrong way on the street to get back to the intersection. I decided that the car was too heavy to have made the turn at the intersection. I seemed to be driving a large blue Cadillac Eldorado. I was not used to the weight of such a car, which is why it skidded past the intersection when i tried to turn. I should have slowed down more. I turned onto the side road heading to the east and parked the car on the north side of the street. The car was now facing west. I started to take my bags out of the car as $F45 grabbed his things and headed down the sidewalk to the east. We had to get to the station, which was only a few blocks down. I stepped around the front of the car and opened the rear passenger’s door to get my bags. As i did, however, i realized that my large brown suitcase was not in the car. We had forgotten it. I felt suddenly very upset. I knew that i did not have time to return home to get the bag before our plane left. There was no way to delay the flight. I tried to say something to $F45, but he was walking to the east. I could tell that he did not want to hear about it as he continued to the station. I then realized that we did not bring the airplane tickets with us either. I felt angry and frustrated with myself for forgetting the bags.

12006 April 18

We had landed on this planet, and were now running to the east, down the shallow slope of the forested land. This was a foreign planet, and i felt that the creatures after us were going to kill us. They were theropods, and two of them were chasing us. They had seen our ship crash in the forest. I was with the others from my ship as we made our way across a clearing of the thick pine woods, stopping to hide behind some trees. We had to get out of the area before the theropods tracked us down. We came to the western edge of a large open campground, with brown log cabins scattered in various clearings. The camp seemed to be abandoned at the moment, but i knew that the dinosaurs would return. I felt frightened, realizing that we had run from the two theropods and ended up running into an encampment of theropods. I wondered what we should do. We had to get out of this area, so we carefully crossed the grassy areas of the campground, heading to the east to get away from our pursuers. We stopped between a thick set of pine bushes and one of the cabins. We then realized that the people in this camp were actually reptilian humanoids. They were dressed in robes, and i felt that they were really not so bad. They were not the same as the small military troop which was trying to track us down. They were hiding themselves from the troop. We could still hide with them, but i moved around across the gravel roads of the campsite. This area seemed to be part of a story, and i thought that we were out here in the woods performing a scene for a play. The campground was on a hill which sloped down to the east. A large white stone building sat at the bottom of the hill, to the east of the campground. I started to move around the area, seeing it from different directions. My view passed over the top of the white building and i could see the oval-shaped campground to the west of it. The campground was a large natural stage for the play, but i realized that the performers were sitting to the east of the large formal mansion. They were sitting on the shore of the lake. This would cause some technical problems with the play. I felt that the audience would not be able to see most of the action in the campground because the building would be in the way. There was a strip of land to the south of the mansion which seemed to be a docking quay. A wooden dock extended along the southern side of the quay, reaching out into the lake, to the east. I was concerned about how the audience would see us performing on the other side of the building as i landed near the middle of the dock. There seemed to be a barge on the south side of the dock, where the director was setting up some of the lighting with the technical staff. I asked the director how the audience would see us on the other side of the building. I then noticed people sitting in rows of chairs on the wooden dock to the north of the boat. I had an idea of how this could work, but i could not seem to state it in words to the director. I thought that i might be able to figure out how the audience could see us, but as i tried to state it, it made no sense to me. I felt very confused. I could not seem to understand what had happened here.

12006 April 20

I moved around the counter of the salad bar. I felt that i worked here, and that i needed to make the salad for the bar. I was on the eastern side of the large room. The room seemed to be paneled with light-coloured wood. There were others eating in the cafeteria to the west of me, across the main section of the room. There seemed to be many small round tables across the room. I turned to the southwest and started walking across the room. There were other people with me now, and we were looking for something to eat. I thought that i should make a salad for myself. I wondered where we should eat in this building. It seemed that there were special places for each type of person to eat. I advised the others with me on where we should sit as we walked into the small cafe on the northern side of the hall. We seemed to be just to the north of a long mall-like corridor. I then heard the sound and felt startled. The fire alarm had gone off. I put down my lunch tray and headed to the south, across the driveway at the front of $P7. The students were forming into small flanks at the front of the school. I remembered that this was what we did in high school when there was a fire. I looked over the companies that were forming on the grass and i suddenly realized that i could not remember what year i was in. I had come back in time to be here, and i was not sure which year i had returned to experience. I looked over the companies, trying to decide which company i should join. I then decided that i was a senior in high school, so i looked for the company that i would have been in as a senior. I then spotted $A44 at the front of one of the companies. I remembered that i was part of that group. $A72 was standing at the front of one of the lines in the company. This all seemed familiar to me. Just as i reached the company, however, the fire drill was over and people started walking back to the school, to the north. I did not feel right. There was something still wrong here, and i bent over. I put my head to the ground, feeling that i might fall over. I felt light headed and thought that it had to do with my headache. The others walked around me as they headed back into the building. I then stood up and headed to the west, into the back hall of the school. I had to get my things form my locker and head back to class. I still felt sick as i walked back through the white halls and came into the large locker room at the back of the school. I turned to the west, heading down the narrow hall which ran along the northern side of the auditorium, toward the back locker room. There were doors to the south of me, leading into the auditorium. As i approached the end of the hall, i noticed a man standing in the last doorway of the auditorium. He was talking to someone inside the room. The man in the theatre looked familiar to me, but i thought that he looked older than i remembered. I wondered if he was part of my modern life, or if he actually looked that old in the past. I came in to the back locker room of the school from the southern corridor. The room was open around me, with yellow lockers to the north. People were moving around in the locker room, gathering their things to head to class. I felt confused here. I was not sure if i was back in time or if i was still in the present. I had to get some things from my locker, but i could not remember which locker was mine. I wandered to the west, passing close to a man who was sitting on one of the long wooden benches. The blond-haired man was facing north. He had his shirt off, and i could see that he was very nicely muscled. I then realized that i had walked very close to him as i looked around the room, and i hoped that he did not think that i was scoping him out. I felt uncomfortable here, wondering what i should be doing here. Something felt out of place. I wandered through the locker room, thinking that it had changed too much since i had been in school here. I was in the present, but i had still returned to the school. There were clothes on small shelves along the eastern wall of the room. Everything had changed, and i felt out of place here. I was then bending over again, feeling sick. I lifted my head from the floor, thinking that something was very wrong. I noticed that time had passed here. Everyone was gone from the locker room and i was alone. I felt that the headaches had something to do with my shifting in time. I looked around at the empty room. The class bell must have rung. I would have to get to class myself, but i thought that i was already late. I headed out into the front hall of the building. No one seemed to be around, and i felt very confused. I wondered what i should be doing.

12006 April 22

I walked up the slight hill to the intersection of the main campus road. I turned right, to the west and started down the sidewalk on the southern side of the road. My attention was drawn to the south, where something large was moving behind the buildings on the south side of the road. The object towered over the buildings. I looked at the red metal frame of the domed stricture and realized that it was part of the new construction project that was happening on campus. The dome moved slowly to the south. The constructions crews were moving it into place. I was surprised to see how tall it was. It rose steeply from behind the buildings, but the top seemed to be almost overhead. There were only three red metal beams arching to a central point at the top. The beams seemed rounded, with rivets all the way up. The sun was low in the grey southern sky and shined dully through the tall structure. As i walked, i thought that this structure would block out the sunlight once the covering was put on the stadium. I looked at the tall modern buildings on the northern side of the road. They were tan, with metal beams running vertically up the outside of the building. There were many small rectangular windows on the modern building. I could see the shadow of the tall structure falling over the face of the building, and i thought that the engineering school would no longer have sunlight in its windows. I wondered what some of the other offices would think about the large structure always blocking out the light. I pondered this as i approached the two men in business suits who were walking to the west on the sidewalk in front of me. I caught up with them, but could not pass because the sidewalk narrowed between two cement walls as it went down a short flight of stairs. I came very near them, hearing them talk about the building. I felt that they would be affected by the building too, but they would not realized it yet. I passed them just at the top of the stairs and started floating down the walkway. I thought that i could float down the walkway with my legs off of the ground. I knew that it would look impressive to the others around, but i felt cautious of doing it. I felt that the two businessmen were watching me as i moved down the walkway. It seemed dark now as i passed under the thick trees. I drifted to the south, starting off of the sidewalk so that i could cross the road. I wanted the businessmen to see me glide over the ground and across the road to my office. I strained to see through the darkness under the thick trees. I could only see dark glimpses of the red brick building across the street, to the southwest of me. I soon realized that the building was still far to the west, so i should not cross the street yet. I moved to the west some more, heading through the dark trees until i was directly across from my office building. The area became dark, and there seemed to be trees all around. I said something to $Z as i looked around in the darkness. I then noticed the tower to the north as it burned. The tower was really a towering old tree which had a crude wooden staircase spiraling around its trunk and a wide house high on top. There did not seem to be any lateral branches from the tree, but it still seemed like a house built on a natural tree. There was something special about the tower. I looked at the orange flames as they consumed the stairs and the house at the top of the tree. There was something disappointing about seeing this place burn. I knew that the tree would survive the fire, because it was special. This was why the flames were only on the staircase and house. I still felt sad to see the structure burning. $Z said something about the significance of the building and the fire. I looked around at the swamp trees which bordered the tower. It seemed that there was a row of trees running east and west from the tower. I was standing on some kind of dock which ran to the east from its mountings to the west. The dock seemed old and its wood water soaked. There was a narrow channel of water between the burning tower and us. I turned around and realized that all of the trees in the rectangular area were burning or had burned. I knew that we were standing on the northern shore of a large lake. I looked around and noticed that almost everything had burned down. The only thing that was left was the tall shed which was the tower. I looked to the south to see the thin ramparts of burned trees running in lines through the swampy area. I commented about the fire, saying “So that’s why everything looks so much thinner now.” This old nostalgic place was gone now, but the two sheds were still there. I turned to the north and walked across the flagstones of the courtyard to the west of the shed. There was a low stone wall running along the northern and western sides of the patio. I spoke to the others as they gathered in the area, talking about the loss of the place. I felt that there was some calm here, and i noticed the white glass bucket on the hedgerow along the western side of the patio. I tipped the top of the bucket toward me to see that there was a large blue butterfly in the bucket. It looked like a monarch, but had blue instead of orange on its wings. As i let the bucket tip back into place, i noticed that the wings of the butterfly were magnified through the white glass of the bucket, making a large blue, black, and white pattern on the side of the glass lantern. It looked beautiful, and i made a comment to the others about it. Some of them were looking at it with me. There was something significant in the symbol of the dead butterfly. I turned back to the east and walked across the simple room of the shed, which used to be the tower. These were the only two structures left. The second shed was just to the east. I could see it through the eastern wall of the shed i was in. I walked over to the eastern wall, where there was a plain wooden door in the center of the bare wood wall. The wall was made of vertical planks which were rough wood. I opened the door and saw the outside wall of the next shed. The two sheds were right next to each other, but the one to the east was swaying back and forth to the north and south. The door leading into it shifted across the doorway i was standing in. The shifting was sudden, but eventually subsided and allowed the two doorways to line up. There was another man standing in the other shed, just inside the doorway. I said something to him. He made a comment about the doors not intended to allow passage. I looked down, noticing than the sheds could have been locked together. I then noticed that there was a second door on the left of the first one. The first door was just one part of a double door. I opened the second door, but noticed that the doorway in the other shed was blocked by items which were stacked on a shelf. I could tell by the modern metallic brackets on the ends of the wooden shelf that the shelf was a recent addition. I felt that i should not be looking at this stuff, but i felt interested in what was here. The man in the other shed turned and walked away. There seemed to be a black piece of material on the upper shelf and some things stacked below the shelf. I then realized that there were modern machine guns resting on the upper shelf. The tips of the gun nozzles had a light green colour to them. A man then grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from the doorway. I knew that he had a machine gun and that he was grabbing me because he thought i would use the guns i had found. He seemed to be an officer of some kind. I felt annoyed with him as he pulled me to the center of the room. I turned on him and started yelling at him. I was surprised that i was being so forceful to a policeman, but i realized that he was backing down as i pushed him. He was shorter than i and was wearing a white tee shirt. He seemed more muscled that i was, but i was able to trap his hands across his chest as i pushed him back, scolding him for his actions. I felt mad him for accusing people of such things, and i told him that they were all Americans. I pulled his arms behind him and pushed him to the ground, telling him that eighty percent of them were arrogant and stubborn, all of the traits which made them Americans. He had been calling the protesters anti-american, but i was scolding him, telling him that they were the epitome of what it was to be an American.

12006 April 27

I left the others and headed to the northwest, along the main road through town. It was a small town, with simple brick buildings along the main street. The sky was grey, and it seemed to be near evening, but it was warm, as though it was summer. As i rode my bicycle down the southern side of the road, an older man passed me on the right and started riding in front of me. I felt that he was slowing me down slightly. I had not fully accelerated when i had pulled onto the road, which allowed him to get in front of me. I felt annoyed that there was not enough room to pass him. As we reached the curve where the road turned more to the west, i pulled my bicycle up onto the sidewalk on the southern side of the road and passed the man. I then realized that i was getting off of the road soon because the old green wooden farmhouse was near. I pulled off of the road to the south and rode up the gravel driveway to the house. The man rode past on his bicycle. I walked up the wooden stoop and into the house. Some friends of mine owned this house, and i was here to visit them. I walked into the large living room of the house, which seemed to be old and worn. The walls were freshly painted white, but the plaster was uneven and showing wear. A man said hello to me as his wife came into the room from the north. I then noticed that there was a door open on the western side of the room which led into an entry hall. I could see stairs on the southern side of the hall. The man whom i had been biking behind had entered the building from the other side. He was wheeling his bicycle to the north, into the other apartment of the house. He was skinny and wore a white tee shirt with old denim cut-off shorts. His white hair hung down below his white and yellow helmet. I felt annoyed that he was here, because it meant that i had wasted my time passing him since we were both going to the same place. I spoke to the couple as we moved to the west. We walked into a small room at the northern side of the building, where the wife was showing me something. I stood in the doorway, leaning against the northern side of the doorframe as they spoke. I then noticed the small wooden roll-top desk against the eastern wall of the room, just to the north of the doorway. It looked very much like the desk i had as a child. I said this to the couple as i looked at the desk. It looked so similar that i thought that it might actually be mine, but, as the couple rolled up the top part, i could see that the items in the desk were not the same as what was in mine. Some were similar, and i told this to the couple. There was now a small child in the room with us, talking about the desk as well. I told the couple that i had several Harry Potter books in my desk. The child seemed excited with the mention of the name and asked why i had them. I realized that the child though the books were children’s books, and wondered why an adult would be reading them. I told the young girl that i thought the books were really nicely written. I said that i liked the story and liked reading them.

12006 April 29

I moved to the northeast, down the cement monorail track, through the wide cement tunnel. This tunnel seemed to be part of a building. I was riding in one of the train cars, watching through the front window as the tunnel opened up into a wide room. The track was suspended in the center of the room, and seemed to be made of two cement I-beams. There were platforms on the southeast side of the train, and there seemed to be a large rounded glass window on the northeastern end of the room. The window was made of many small panes supported by a metal frame. The walls of the room were curved to match the ovular curve of the window, making the entire room seem futuristic. The track ended just in front of the window, and i slowed to a stop near the end of the track. There now did not seem to be a ceiling to the room. I stood on the round wooden platform which looked out over the swampy water to the east. The platform was still suspended in the middle of the room at the end of the track, hovering over the dark water, which reflected the clear blue sky. The other two people stood behind me, to either side. They told me that i worked here. I felt strange. This place was fascinating, but i felt uncomfortable here. There was some excitement knowing that this was my new job, and i felt good about this place, but i felt hesitant remaining here. I looked out over the rampikes that were sticking up from the wide blue lake.

I walked through the hallway of $P7. I had come back to this place after some time. I looked around the main hallway of the school, which seemed to be a mall. I looked to the south, down the southern corridor of the building, and saw that there were several stores in the sides of the corridor. To the east of me, just at the entrance of the corridor, there was a round wooden table with clothing displayed on it. There were several banners with crests on them hanging over the display. One of them was orange and black, with a round crest in the center. I could not remember if i had come back in time to a point when the students here were still wearing uniforms or whether they ad already stopped dressing up. I felt confused. Everything here was different, and i could not remember when i had come here. I turned back to the east and walked across the main stairwell of the third floor of $P7. I remembered that this floor had changed before. I remembered visiting this place and seeing that classes had been opened up to the north. I also remembered that i had dreamed about these classes being there before i had actually come back to the building and had seen it. There were now some toys on the floor near one of the classrooms to the north. I remembered this was a new wing, but thought that they must have moved some of the lower-school classes to this floor. I turned to the west and headed into the science wing of the school, pushing the heavy swinging metal doors open. I felt as though i was really not supposed to be in the school at this time, and i was aware that there was a janitor to the south, so i hurried through the doors, hoping that no one would spot me. It was the summer time, and i knew that the school should be closed for classes. As i walked down the hall to the west, i noticed that there was a lot of debris on the floor. Some of the debris looked like scraps of paper. There was too much debris to be from the students, though, and i wondered if this section of the building was under construction. I paused at the point where the corridor split, in the center of the science wing. The rooms here seemed to be partially torn apart. There seemed to be a half wall directly to the west of me, in the center of the two corridors. I could see around the top half of the wall to see into the classroom between the corridors. I was also able to see into the rooms to the north. I then noticed $A96 walking down the southern corridor, to the west of me. He rounded the corner, heading to the classroom to the south of me, not noticing that i was there. I thought that i should say hello and talk to him, but i felt suddenly uncomfortable with that thought and did not say anything. He was wearing a grey suit over a white shirt, and he turned to the south to open the door to the room and walk in. I could see him moving within the classroom through some of the small holes in the wall. I felt out of place here. It had been a long time since i had been here, and i no longer felt a part of this place. I wondered what i should do. I felt disappointed and walked back down the hall to the east to head out of the building.

12006 April 30

I followed the guide wires from the garage to the main house. I was in a rural area, and the land around me seemed to be forested, though the trees did not seem to have any leaves. The day seemed grey, and the ground around us seemed soggy and bare. The old garage sat to the north of the old house. A dirt driveway ran along the western side of the house, to the front of the garage. Both the house and the garage were wooden, and the old white paint on both of them seemed to be chipping away. Some of the wood also seemed rotten. The wires ran slightly overhead, from the southeast corner of the garage to the second floor of the house. I walked up the old set of wooden stairs which ran along the western side of the house, to the apartment on the second floor. The stairs rail was covered with a layer of plywood and there was a makeshift roof over the stairs. I touched the wires as they ran dawn the length of the stairs, to the south. There was something which made me uneasy about them. I touched some of the thin wires, thinking that they were like guitar strings. One of the wires was loose, and i thought that it might be broken somewhere. I thought that i would need one of the brass wires to string my guitar. I then touched one of the larger wound cables, thinking that these wires might actually carry electricity to the garage. I then thought that they could be radio transmission wires. I thought of the electric storm that was coming and how it might charge the wires without warning. I felt nervous about touching the wires and thought that i might get electrocuted. I walked back down the stairs, aware of $Z to the west of me, in the dirt driveway. The wires ran into the ground just to the south of the stairs, attached to a metal guide-wire post. I thought that the post was supporting the weight of the wires. I felt cautious of the wires now, and headed back to the north, back up the driveway, toward the garage.