12008 April 02

I looked at the list of names on the white notebook paper that i had in my left hand. There was something i should remember about the names. I was outside, facing west. My car seemed to be behind me, to the east, and the others had walked to the south to do something. I was working construction here, but i felt a little out of place because i had been standing around for a while. The foreman talked to the other man to the east of me and then walked to the south with him. He was explaining something that the work crew needed to do. I had not been assigned anything to do, and i felt awkward standing around by the car while everyone else worked. The men talked to the south of me for a little while before returning back to the north. It now seemed to be break time, and the men headed into the room to the east. Three or four came back from the south and walked into the large dingy room. I moved to join them, still thinking that i should not be taking a break since i had not actually been doing anything. I moved near one of the tables, looking at the paper as i listened to the men talk. I then looked to the west to see some of the men still working on the slope of the hill. The hill sloped down to the south, and i could only see part of the steep hill. There was a black section of the hill just to the west of me where the men had built a set of steps. They seemed to be filling in the steps with buckets of dirt. One of the men was on his knees pouring the dirt when another man came from behind him and dumped a bucket of dirt over his back, partly burying him. They were joking with each other. The first man stood up, shaking off the dirt. The men then continued to work on the hill. I looked at the steps, which were now very tall. Each step was more than a metre high. The ground over the steps was covered with black tar paper, and the men were filling in the spaces between the steps with small black blocks of material. I looked farther to the west, noticing the grassy slope of the hill beyond. I was looking across the hill of a college campus, and there seemed to be a large rectangle of old buildings surrounding most of the slope, which ran north to south. The men piled the small blocks in the steps, and i realized that they had built the steps out of packed earth. It was a way of making part of the steep hill more stable so that it would not erode. I knew that the steps were dirt and should be affected by erosion, but thought that they must have been packed and prepared so that they would be less likely to erode. I wondered if there was crushed stone packed into the steps. The men piled the blocks of dark material into the steps and then covered them with a pink powder. They did this over and over again, and i knew that they would eventually create a dirt slope that they could put grass on. I was then aware of the college officials talking to the west. They were talking about the completion of the slope, and the woman mentioned that students would no longer be able to walk on the grassy slope. She said that they would be restricting the bottom of the hill to walkers. I thought this sounded strange and wondered whether student would accept that. I looked down to the ground just to the west of me. I was now standing in the entrance of the building on the eastern end of the southern side of the quadrangle. The ground just to the west of me was lower than the rest of the slope, and there was a stone wall to the north of it, holding up the bottom of the slope. I was standing on a set of stairs that seemed to arch over a stone courtyard below. The hill to the west sloped all the way down to the level of the courtyard, but, where i was, the hill only sloped to the bottom of the stairs, which ended at the top of the stone wall that marked the north of the courtyard. I walked down the steps, listening to the officials talking. The woman was still talking about blocking people from using the slope. She then asked the man if he remembered how they had blocked off the giant globes. I suddenly remembered that there used to be large stone spheres in the center of the slope. It seemed like a long time ago, and i remembered that they had been put in the center of some stone steps, in two places near the bottom of the slope. I had not noticed that they had been removed, but i remembered them being there long ago. The woman said that the students had gotten used to those sections of the slope being blocked off. I tried to think of how the students could no longer head down the slope because there were large spheres in the way. The students did get used to that, and i wondered if they would also get used to the new arrangement as well. I continued up the hill to the north, thinking about things as i walked into the small bedroom. I had to get my things together. There were several students around me who seemed to be members of $G3. I had to get my things together for the class trip. I felt that i had already put several things together, but i knew that i had more to do. Several of the students were talking to the west of me, and i realized that i had gotten all of my things together, but i had not yet started to pack my clothing. I felt that we would be leaving very soon, and i suddenly felt pressured to get everything together. We would be traveling overseas, heading to the east. I turned to the southeast, where there was a dresser against the southern wall of the room. I opened the drawers and started taking clothing out. I had to remember my underwear, but i started to grab socks from the top of the drawer. The first socks i grabbed were the ones that i had just bought. They were tube socks. I looked at the first two pair that i pulled out of the drawer with my right hand and thought that they would be okay for wearing around town. They seemed oddly coloured, but they were still pale enough to look plain. I then pulled the next couple of sets out. They seemed more colourful, but they were really only a dull blue, so i thought i should pack them as well. I put them on the bed to the east of me with the first couple of pair. I was then aware of $F10 to the north of me. He was already packed, and i felt that he would make fun of me for not being packed already. I pulled some more clothing out of a lower drawer of the dresser and put them on the bed to the east. I then stood up and walked to the south, passing through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. I had just pulled on my pants and a long-sleeve shirt, but i had to use the bathroom. I stopped in front of the toilet, which was against the western wall, and started to urinate. As i did, i realized that the pants i was wearing were torn in front. They were my work pants. I should put on something better to travel to a foreign country in. I considered putting on a good pair of denims. I then noticed the gray shirt that i was wearing. It was old, but i thought that it might be good enough to wear on an airplane. I then noticed that i was splashing urine on the blue nylon pants that i was wearing. I felt annoyed, but i continued urinating. Once i was finished, i went to wipe the pants off. I would be changing them anyway, so i could just throw them in the wash. I reached for the toilet paper, which was to the north of the toilet. I then moved to the east, across the room, where i started to wipe my hands off with the blue towel that was hanging on the rack. As i did, someone came into the room from the door in the center of the northern wall. It was $K5. She seemed overweight as she walked to the south, toward the bathroom, which through a door in the western end of the southern wall, just to the west of the large bed. She did not seem to notice that i was in the room. Just before i turned away, i noticed that there was a bald spot showing in her black hair. I looked back to the east so that i could hang the blue towel back on the horizontal towel bar. I then looked back to the west, wondering if i should get her attention before she walked into the bathroom.

12008 April 03

I moved to the east, across the large room. I had to ask the professor something. He had just come into the room. I stopped near him as he turned to the east to talk to another student who had come into the room. This building seemed to be a library, and the wide room seemed to be finished in polished wood. I had to ask the professor a question about something specific, but i suddenly noticed that there were other people standing around him as well. He turned to the west, noticing us, and i looked around at the other people. I suddenly realized that a line had formed that ran off to the south. There were many students that had questions to ask him. I felt disappointed that i would not be able to ask him the simple question about the class, which had nothing to do with the subject being studied in class. As the professor looked at the other students and me, i realized that he would be able to notice that i was older than the other students. He seemed rather young himself, with a brown coat and bushy brown hair. He turned to the south, announcing that we should get a table so that we could discuss the subjects. I did not want to be bothered with a study session, but i walked to the long wooden table that was to the south of us and sat down in the middle of the western side. The professor sat near me on the table as he started discussing the subjects with the students. He talked about the book that we had been reading in class, and i thought that i had not really been reading the book. I remembered it from high school, but had not read it for this class. I then remembered that i had tried to keep up with the readings of the book that i had read in high school as well. I remembered the book, thinking that it had a grayish yellow cover. It was a famous book, and i wondered why i had not been able to finish more of it than i had. The professor looked at me suddenly as he spoke. He was sitting just to the north of me, and he seemed to be paying attention to me. I felt a little strange because i had not been able to keep up with the material. He was speaking to the entire class, but he kept looking back at me. I wondered if it was because i had come to class so regularly. I wanted to ask him a question, but i felt that i would not get the chance here. He was focusing on covering the class material, and i could not ask him a question specific but not class related. I was disappointed and anxious.

I stood up from my chair on the northeastern side of the classroom and turned to the south. I was in a lecture room, where the front of the class seemed to be to the north. The light-gray floor rose in steps to the south, and i climbed the shallow steps as i headed to the back of the room. A person was standing near the back of the class, and he seemed like a friend of mine. He seemed like $F26, but he seemed sad or upset, and he faced southeast as i tried to walk around him. I felt concern for him, but i rounded the back row of the classroom and headed across the open space at the back of the room, to the southwest. There were boxes of phonographs there, and i felt that i should start packing them back up. I stepped over the top of the boxes, realizing that i was standing on the phonographs. I knew that this would be okay, and, if anyone asked me about it, i could tell them that it would not damage the phonographs as long as there were many tightly packed in the box. I had actually sat onto a gap between the phonographs, though, and they sagged with my weight. I adjusted my position, stepping a little more to the west, where the phonographs were stacked tighter together, standing vertically in the box. There seemed to be several boxes of phonographs, and i felt that i should put them back together. I stepped back onto the floor to the south of the boxes, lifting the long flat box off of the record player that was against the southern wall. The box looked like a large shirt box, but was decorated with dull-light-blue and yellow designs on the cover. It was a collection of records from an old pop singer, though i knew that there were many classic singers on the albums. I thought about the man who made the albums, and then about the famous female vocalist who had been singing earlier. I wondered if the record box would fit back into the cabinet with the other records. I then thought that it probably did not fit into the box that i had been sitting on. It must have been tossed on top of the other boxes.

12008 April 04

I stood in the backyard of the house, which seemed to be my grandfather’s house on $P12. The yard sloped slightly down to the north and seemed to be a long narrow field of bushy yellow grass. There were tall trees on both sides of the yard, and they seemed to be slightly dull yellow themselves. $A186 seemed to be standing to the northwest of me as i looked to the north. I had just finished doing something in the house, and i knew that i had more to do, but i felt distracted. $F4 was to the west of me, and he turned to the south and walked back toward the house. I felt confused. I had something to do, but i did not feel like doing it. I tried to remember what i had been doing, but i thought that i should be doing something. The others headed to the south, and i started to the north, heading into the store. Morgan Freeman stopped me suddenly. He was to the northeast of me. He asked me something about my work in the store, but i did not know the answer. I felt depressed here, not wanting to stay here and do this work, but i felt that i had to.

I looked to the west, down the road. I knew that i had come from the trail to the northwest, which ran from the northern side of the road. The trail seemed to run along the southern side of a gorge, though all i could see around the trail was an open field to the north of the road. The trail ran just to the north of the tall pine trees that lined the road, and then turned off to head diagonally across the southwestern corner of the field and into the trees beyond. Everything seemed dull and damp, but then i suddenly realized that there was snow on everything. The snow seemed to be a couple decis deep, and was still on the boughs of the pine trees, as if it just snowed. Something seemed out of place here. It did not seem as though it should be snowing this time of year. Then i realized that i was dreaming this part. I had not been here a moment ago, and i wondered why my dreams had brought me back to this spot.

12008 April 06

I started heading to the north, driving the car through the small cement tunnel. This was a new tunnel, built into the modern building as a way to drive to the upper levels of the parking garage. I started to accelerate, thinking that the tunnel was designed for fast moving cars. I worried that i might be heading a little too fast, but remembered that the tunnels were designed for speed. I speeded through the right-hand tunnel, crossing openings. The tunnel was oval shaped, and seemed to match the shape of the car i was riding. I followed it around the tight corners as it started to wind its way up the levels of the building. I still felt nervous about the speed, but concentrated on the road, making sure that i stayed in the correct lane as i drove. I rounded a corner and was heading north again, but i made a quick turn to the east, heading into the right-hand tunnel at the front of the tall building. I felt that i would be safe at this speed as long as i stayed in the correct lane. I then realized that the road led to the north, along the eastern side of the building. There was something different here. The building was still under construction, and i could see the different layers of the floor as they were being constructed. The roadway seemed to follow a ledge along an upper floor of the building. There were long white panels to the east of me, curving around the side of the building. They formed strips that seemed to represent the floors of the building. I seemed to be on the second floor, but i knew that we were higher than that. To the east, i could see into the unfinished floors of the building. The bare cement slabs that formed the floors seemed dirty and filled with construction debris. There was a workman there. I stepped out of the car and let it tumble to the west, off the side of the ledge that i was on. It fell to the floor below. The construction worker turned at the sound of the noise and looked at me. I moved to the south, along the western side of the room. The man was now to the south of me, in the center of the room. I explained that i did not know the roadway was unfinished. I said that i had come here by accident, and i started to feel a little uncomfortable here. The man said something. He seemed to have a white hard hat. We were in an old hotel room on an upper floor of the building. The carpeting was pale green, and the walls seemed pale-yellow with dark wood trim. I said something to the man, feeling nervous here, and turned to head back to the north. I wanted to leave the way i had come. I asked the man what floor we were on, and then noticed the floor number on the wooden door to the west. The door said that we were on floor 614. This did not seem right. I looked out the window to the west to see the tall modern skyscrapers of the dark-gray city below. We only seemed to be fifteen or twenty stories high. I turned to the north and moved toward the door, but i noticed that it had large red letters on it warning that the door was an emergency exit and that an alarm would sound if the door were opened. I paused for a moment in front of the door, wondering if i should go through it. I then realized that i had no place else to go, so i must have come through the door. I pushed the metal handle across the door and hear the alarm buzz, but it only buzzed for a moment before shutting off. I stepped through and found myself in a long green corridor running down hill to the east. I followed the old narrow corridor, which was painted mostly in green. There seemed to be a green carpet on the floor and wood trim along the bottoms and tops of the walls. I could see a brown wooden door at the bottom of the hall, to the south of me now.

I was driving the car to the south, but i stopped suddenly when i noticed the entrance to the highway ahead. This did not seem right. I felt uncertain and pulled to the left, into the other lane where the road continued. I seemed to be in an area where the road was very wide. To the west of me, the road split into several lanes, all of which headed to different highways. I was uncertain about where i was going, so i pulled off to the western side of the road. I could not figure out where i was going. The other person said something, and i was standing to the east of my red car. I headed to the north, around the front of the large truck, leaving the other person to the south of me. I opened the door on the eastern side of the truck and climbed in. It felt a little strange to be driving something so large, but i felt as though i had been doing it. I started the truck to the north, along the road, but, as i approached the area where the lanes split into different highways, i slowed down and came to a stop. I remembered coming into this wrong lane before, but it was easier to turn the car to the side of the road before. The truck did not respond as well. I knew that this was not the correct way to go. I had to get to a dentist appointment, which seemed to be to the southwest, but this highway was not leading into the correct direction. I was then looking down at the wide strip of highway as i tried to turn the truck around. I had to get it to head to the southwest. I watched the truck pull to the west, turning into the westernmost lane, which then became a single lane heading to the west. I wondered if it was the right lane after all. Looking down, i could see the map on the floor below me. $Z stood to the northeast of me, looking down at the map of the center of the city, which seemed to be $P6. I had to go to the dentist near $P166, and i pointed to a section of the map that was white. Most of the map seemed to be shades of green, but the small section of town streets below me was white. I stepped over it and pointed it out to $Z, wondering if it was really where i needed to go.

12008 April 07

I stepped out of the small store and onto the street of the small town. The store was a small white building in the center of a line of small buildings along the southern side of the street. I had been talking to the young man a little while ago about his abilities. He was special and could do special things. There seemed to be several young people like that in this town. I knew something about the powers, and spoke to them about it, but i felt that we had to be secretive about it. I was actually surprised that the people in the town were so accepting about the powers of the children. The small store was well illuminated, and the light shined out onto the dark street here i was now standing. The store was now to the east of me, and the street ran north to south. I turned to the south, thinking about the special people here. I felt comfortable in their company. I then realized that i was walking down the drive of a much larger shopping plaza. I turned back to the north, aware that the same special young people had come to this city as well. I felt that we had to be careful. The people in the smaller town were friendly and set up an organization to help the young people control and practice their abilities. I remembered the old man in the white button-up flannel shirt from the small store with fondness. He was one of the people taking care of the special people. However, i knew that the federal government would be suspicious of people with special abilities, and that they would hunt them down. The organization in the small town protected the children, but, now that some of them had come to this larger city, they would have to be aware of what they were doing. They could not use their abilities so openly here or the agents might notice them. I stopped for a moment in the dark street, thinking that i should warn them that what was acceptable in their home could get them into trouble here. I started floating to the north, hoping that no one dangerous saw me flying. I though about where i had to go and wanted to float over the top of the short modern building to the northwest of me. It seemed to be part of a hotel. I rose into the air but was not high enough to make it over the building. I was then aware of someone coming from the north. I concentrated and lifted myself higher to let them pass under me. I then focused on heading to the northwest, over the building, but something seemed wrong. I could not move the way i wanted to. I started floating no the northwest, but i was no longer high enough to make it over the building. I moved toward the tall glass windows on the eastern side of the second floor of the building. There was a cement ledge just below the windows, and i tried to land on it, but i could not control my movements that well. I wanted to move toward the ledge, but i kept drifting to the north, along the building. I was aware of people coming from the north again, walking through the corridor in the center of the building to the north. I passed over them, crossing the archway and heading to the window ledge on the other side. I aimed for it, but hit the wall below it. As i rolled along the wall, moving to the east, i tried to grab the bottom of the window ledge. I missed. I felt frustrated, wondering why i could not do these simple things anymore. I stood for a moment, looking along the wall to the west, wondering how i could get onto the ledge. I then turned to the east and started walking toward the door of the restaurant. I had to get to someplace safe before anyone noticed what i was doing. I walked to the north, into the entrance of the restaurant, but stopped before i walked into the restroom, thinking that they might not like me using the restroom if i was not eating here. I turned around to look at the others who were coming into the building. A woman and her husband came in the glass door on the southern side of the room. She unbuttoned her long fluffy tan coat as they waited to be seated in the restaurant. Several other people were pacing around the room, but note of them had noticed me. I felt that i should get back to my room to hide. I turned to the south, looking at the window in the southern wall of the bedroom. It was dark in the room, but i could see by the light that was seeping in from under the door in the northern wall. I had been here a while, and i sat up in bed. My mother had been here before, when i first went to sleep, but i could not tell if she was still here. I looked at the dark window to the south, thinking that it might be dangerous outside. I then noticed the velvety green bedspread on the larger bed, which was against the southern wall, to the east. It looked as though there was someone sleeping on the near side of the bed, but i could not be sure. I focused on the image and noticed that my mother was lying on her back in a light-blue nightgown. She turned her head to one side suddenly, and then started thrashing back and forth. She stopped after a moment, seeming to still be asleep. Her movements had been sharp and unnatural, and i wondered what had happened. I then noticed that my father was sleeping in the bed next to her, to the east of her. I had not heard him come into the room and i had not heard either of them get into bed. I realized that i must have fallen asleep a while ago. Something felt strange about this situation, and i tried to figure out what was going on.

12008 April 09

I walked with the others to the east, across the northern section of the room. We seemed to be in a theater, and many people were gathering for the show, which was on the stage to the south. $F43 was walking ahead of me. I left the others and started to follow her, thinking that she was looking for something in the back row of chairs. People were moving into the chairs, but she leaned over the back of the last row of chairs and pulled a knit scarf from the ground. It must have been left here from before. At first, i thought it was my black knit ear-band that i had lost, but as she lifted it and tossed it to us, i realized that it was too bulky and long. I continued to the east, following $F43 across the parking lot. There was a row of cars to the south of us, and there seemed to be snow on the ground around us. It was also dark out. A group of children were playing in the snow, burying themselves in the snow banks. $F43 continued to walk to the east, through the children, not noticing them. A car them backed out of one of the parking spaces to the south of us. The people were leaving the theater after the last show. I realized that the car was backing over the small piles of snow in the middle of the parking lot. It then turned to the east and drove forward. I felt that it must have driven over the children that were in the snow banks. I was then worried about $F43, because i realized that she would have been in the way of the car as well. I looked for here, but i could not see her in the parking lot. The children must also have moved because there was nothing around me. I felt worried about $F43 and looked around to try to find here. I then noticed a man to the south of me. The others had left to the east, walking down the parking lot between the small powder-blue house on the south and the matching small building on the north. I guessed that he was suspicious of me because i was standing around in the middle of the driveway. I thought that i should head back to the theater, but i continued to the east to see if i could find $F43. I walked between the houses, out of view of the man, and started searching the driveway. It seemed as though it was getting dark, and the snow on the ground made everything seem damp and dreary. I could not see where $F43 went, and i felt that she must have wandered to the south, around the other side of the building. I had to get back to the show. I turned around to see the door to the theater just to the west of me. The people inside were just pulling the doors closed so that they could start the show. I quickly walked to the doors and tried to get the attention of the people just inside. They stopped pulling the large wooden doors closed and let me back into the room. I walked into the dining room through the door on the northern end of the western wall. There was a wall directly ahead of me, which seemed to be part of a small enclosed space extending from the northern wall. The stage was on the western side of the room, against the center of the western wall. The room was filled with tables where people were seated for the dinner show. I looked to the west, thinking that $G11 were sitting on the northern side of the room, to the side of the stage. I felt that i had to go to the bathroom, but i did not want to leave the room again because i was worried that the people might not let be back in. I hoped that $F43 did not get locked out of the room because she was not here when the doors closed. I looked back at the doors, noticing that they were not fully pulled closed. The people had left them slightly ajar in case there were others coming in. I walked across the room to the west, stopping just to the north of the table. I crouched down as the comedy show started. All of the seats around me were taken, but i knew that i had a chair on the eastern side of the table, which was to the southwest of me. I did not want to push between the tables to get to the seat right now, but i realized that i might be in the way if i crouched here. A skinny female waiter came to the southern end of the table, bending over to ask someone something. She seemed to be dressed in red high-cut shorts and a pink tank top. She had long straight hair, which fell forward as she leaned over the table. I stood up and looked around, wondering if i should push through the tables to get to my chair. I could see the empty wooden chair by the table, which had a thick tan polished wooden frame with an unfinished wicker seat. I stood at the table, watching the people move around, wondering what i should do. I realized that we were very close to the stage, and it was hard to see what was happening in the show. There was some kind of obstruction protruding from the western wall, which seemed to be near the door to the kitchen. Someone mentioned that the actors from the show were the ones waiting on us. I then noticed that the female waiter at the southern end of our table was wearing a white carnival mask and a bowl hat. She seemed to be wearing a white ribbed corset with a short skirt. She placed a tray on the table, serving something to us. There was a man behind her with a similar white porcelain mask. I looked at the stage again, but could not see it. It seemed to be in the next room to the south, and i started to feel that we did not really have good seats in this place. I was now less interested in the stage show, and started to think that this place was not as nice as i had originally thought. I decided that i should use a toilet before i sat down. I turned to the east and walked back across the room to the doors. Looking out the window, i searched the parking lot for $F43. I could not see anyone outside, and i wondered where she could be. As i started to turn back into the room, i noticed $F42 looking out the window into the parking lot to the south of me, on the other side of the room. He noticed me and then looked back outside. We were both looking for $F43. I still had to find a bathroom, so i started across the room to the west again. I was still in the rectangular dining room. The walls were dark, and the place seemed old and worn. The room where we were eating, with the theater in it, was to the west, in the next room. I started flying across the dining room, but realized that the black sound-tiled ceiling was too low for me to easily fly over the tables. There was a table to the southwest of me, between the door in the western end of the southern wall of the room and me. I had intended to pass over it, but flew around the southern side of it instead, watching the two men in white T-shirts as they ate, unaware of me passing them. I focused on the door in the far wall, thinking that i had to get back to the theater area.

12008 April 11

There were words on the paper, and there was some significance to them. I looked at them. The paper seemed dark blue, and the letters were highly contrasted with the blue, as though they were in red or yellow. They seemed to float above the paper. The man described the significance of the words. I knew that the words were bending space around them, and i imagined the space bending away from the words, but the man to the north of me said that the words bend space toward them. I though about this, picturing a spherical region around a word and picturing parallel lines across the region bending toward the center. I thought that this would have to be extrapolated into three dimensions, and realized that i was looking at a three-dimensional model similar to the spacial bending of gravity. I smiled at this and told the man that the words acted as though they had gravity: words had weight.

I was to the north of the dark structure, which might have been a line of trees at the base of a hill. It was dark out, and i felt that i was at a camp. I walked to the south, on the eastern side of the dark structure, which now seemed to be a cabin. The others were moving around to the north, but i felt a little sad and out of place here. I came into the room of the cabin, where some of the others were talking about something. I sat down on the object as the others started talking about it. I looked down at the white and gray box below me. It was a square platform supported by four legs at each corner, and it looked like the top of a public trashcan. The surface was covered with small white and gray crushed stones. I told the others, who were standing to the southwest of me, that i thought i remembered what it was. $A123 was to the southwest of me, and he said that the box was one he had used at a party. I remembered the party, which was during my freshman year of college. It was when i had first come to $P19. I then remembered the black metal cage that $A123 had been sitting in. He had been lowered from the ceiling during the party. The cage he was in was filled with bottles of alcohol, and he server the people at the party all sorts of different drinks. I remembered this, but felt a little out of place at the moment, thinking that it was such a long time ago. I moved to the southeast side of the room, feeling bad about being here. I did not fit in with these people, just as i did not fit in back then. I wanted to do something, but i could not think what.

I was with the others in the room. They seemed to be people i knew from college. I felt out of place here and thought that i should leave. I picked up the clear cubical plastic thing and headed down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, heading east. I remembered thinking about the party from long ago. I felt uncomfortable there and had to head out. I carried the objects to the east, thinking that i had to get to class, even though i knew that i had not been attending class all semester. It seemed to be near the end of the semester, and i realized that i had not been going to the english or science class. I felt bad about this, and wondered why i had been neglecting my studies. I thought about the class, thinking that i probably already got an F in the course since i had not showed up at all during the semester. I continued down the narrow hall of the building, toward the classroom. I then bent over my books, wondering why i had not done anything about the class. Looking to the east, i saw my grandmother enter the hall from the south. She was in this class, and i had not known. She said hello to me, and i did not reply. I bent over to pick up the pile of books and the clear plastic object from the floor. I walked to the east, into the classroom, and then turned to the south, walking down the central aisle of the lecture hall. I noticed several clear plastic cases around the room with blue partly transparent mannequin heads in them. There were pieces of equipment on the heads. I looked closely at one of the heads to the north of me. There was a red button over the left eye of the head, and some blue electronics on the right side of the head. I focused on the button, trying to remember where it was. I felt that the teacher might ask where the button was on the head. I could act as though i had actually been following the class. I felt bad here, thinking that i should have been following the class from the beginning, and trying to think of why i had been ignoring the class.

12008 April 12

I went back to the south, walking down the eastern sidewalk on the short urban road. There was a tall pale-tan building to the west of me, on the corner of the street i was on and the main road i had just come from. The main road ran east to west. There were several people in dark clothing standing on the eastern side of the road, where there was a paved area just to the east of the sidewalk. I crossed the street to stand with them. I was waiting for a bus here. I said something to someone near me, and they replied. I then noticed the small bus coming from the west of the main road. I tried to see the number on the front of the bus. I was not really sure which bus i was looking for, but i knew that i had to get one that was going downtown. I moved to the north a little, to try to get a clear view, but i could not focus on the number of the top of the front of the dark-gray bus. I finally decided that the bus was 91 or 19, and walked over to the bus to get on. The bus was heading west. I walked to the middle of the bus, thinking that it would bring me to downtown $P6. I hoped that it was going the right direction. I sat on the right-hand side of the bus, noticing a few other people standing near the front of the bus. The seats on the bus seemed to be dark gray or black. The bus driver said something, and i wondered if the bus was really heading in the correct direction. The person who had been talking to the driver mentioned a town to the north of $P6, and i asked the bus driver if the bus was really going to that town. He said that it was. I was concerned about this and told the bus driver that i was trying to get to downtown $P6. I asked him if there were any other busses that we crossed that would take me in the correct direction. We already seemed to be traveling through a more rural area than we had been, and i thought that we were between $P6 and $P85. The drive was not sure that we would be passing by any other bus stops where i could get a bus back to $P6, but he looked at a few things. He mentioned a few towns and showed me a map, saying that he was not sure whether the maps were right. I looked at the town he had pointed out on the small map. It started with an S, and i seemed to recognize the name. As i opened up the map, however, i realized that the town was more familiar to me as a German town. I looked at several of the other names on the map and decided that it was a map of Deutschland. I said this to the bus driver, but he was busy looking for other things. I looked at several of the papers for a while as the men moved around me. There were two women in the room, standing just to the east of me. They spoke to the psychiatrist, who was sitting on the southern side of the eastern section of the room. They were talking about me, and the psychiatrist asked the women to act out some of the thoughts that i was having. They started acting comedic, with overemphasized actions. I listened to them talk for a while. Their words were funny, and i smiled. I turned to look at them, seeing one woman standing to the north of the other. The one on the south was sitting on the floor, with her legs folded beside her. She was in front of the psychiatrist’s desk, and he sat listening to them. The woman standing said that they would play good guys and bad guys. The woman on the floor asked who would be the bad guy, and the woman standing quickly said the one who speaks next. The sitting woman started to say something, but realized that she should not say anything. There was a sudden silence in the room as the women looked at each other for a moment. It was very comical, and i started rolling on the floor as i laughed. I then realized that the women and the psychiatrist could see me laughing. I knew that i should not be listening to the women talk about me. The doctor closed the door between the rooms so that i could no longer see what they were talking about.

12008 April 13

The other person mentioned that it was cold outside, and said that there were people sleeping out in the cold. I looked out the windows to the southeast, across the small square in the center of the buildings. I could see the small dark cubical buildings on the other side of the square. They were stained dark-brown. I considered crossing the square to get to the buildings, but i did not want to. I turned to the north, heading to the other side of the building. I was thinking about the people who were sleeping outside. There was an open door in the northern wall of the cabin, and i thought that it led outside. I stepped through, noticing the set of wooden bunk beds along the wall to the north. There was a man sleeping in the middle bed, and he lifted his head to look at me. He was wrapped in a dark-green sleeping bag with a light coloured liner. He was $A36. I greeted him and he spoke to me. I thought that this bed was outside the house, but, as i stepped through the door, i noticed that i was actually in a large room with horizontal boards on the walls. There were several other people here. A man was standing to the north of me, and he seemed to be $A432. He was picking up some clothing from the floor, where there seemed to be a few duffel bags tossed. This was not the room that i thought it was, and i thought that i should tell the other person that this was not really an outdoor room. It simply seemed to be unheated. I headed back into the main cabin. I had to use the toilet, and i started looking around for a bathroom.

The two dark-skinned me in the white T-shirts walked past us, heading to the west. As they passed, we could hear them talking about breaking into the car. They crossed the street to the west of us and stopped at the black car on the other side. I realized that it was my car, but i did not feel upset. $Z, who was standing to the south of me, pointed out that they were trying to break into my car. He was concerned about it. I did not feel that they would get too far while i was standing in view. I still had the remote keys to the car and could lock the doors. I told $Z that it would not be a problem, and i started to move slightly to the north, moving behind the large stone pillars at the front of the building. We were standing on the wide landing at the top of the stairs of the building. The wide stairs stretched the length of the building, running from the platform down to the sidewalk a few metres below. The thick stone columns ran from the overhang above us to the base of the stairs, or maybe to the middle of the stairs. I thought about asking $Z and the others if they had a pin. There was a panic button on the remote keys that i had, but the red button had broken off, so i would need something thin to reach into the black casing to press the panic button. I stood behind the column for a moment so that the people breaking into the car could not see me playing with the keys. I did not want them to know that someone was aware of what they were doing. I pulled the black remote out of my pocket and noticed that there was still part of the red panic button on the side of the remote. I pressed my thumb into the button and there was a loud horn sound to the west. I looked up, catching the flash of light from a car just below me, on the eastern curb of the street. The other people on the terrace turned to look with me at the noise. I realized that i must have triggered the alarm on several cars. I could still see the lights flashing on my car, on the western side of the street. This should scare off the robbers. I turned to the east and headed into the building. I thought that i should press the button again to make my alarm ring. I moved down a dimly lighted entrance corridor. There was a door at the eastern end that had been opened. I could see hospital beds inside, along the southern wall. This place seemed to be a clinic. The door started to close over the view, and i realized that there was something not real about this place. I was not as concerned about the robbers of my car because this was really a dream. I looked at the woman to the south of me. She was wearing a white nurse’s uniform and stood behind a dark-gray stone counter on the southern side of the hall. The hall was made of the same gray stone. She said something to me, but i told her that this was a dream. I then remembered that being aware of a dream would probably end the dream, so i focused on the images in the dream to see if i could still be aware and maintain the dream. The woman simply stared at me, as though she did not understand and was waiting for something to happen. I told her again that this was not real and that it was a dream, and then i focused on her face. She had dark skin, and i could now see all of the details on the texture of her cheek. Everything seemed suddenly sharp and detailed, which seemed to contradict the idea that i was in a dream. I knew that this was a dream, though, and tried to hold on to it and make it change. Something seemed strange here. I turned to the west, noticing the young boy to the west of me, at the counter. I looked down at him, focusing suddenly on the close-up details of his face. Like the woman, i could see the smooth pore texture to his dark skin, but i noticed that his face was not quite right. His head was triangular, with rounded corners, and it seemed almost two dimensional, as though he were a puppet. I looked at the right edge of his face, noticing how his head was flat like a pillow. I then focused on his pointy nose, which stuck straight out from his face. He seemed like a puppet, or a marionette. I looked up, noticing that my vision was turning to blank white or yellow. The images were fading. I thought that i might be waking up, but i headed to the west, focusing on the dream again. Looking up, i knew that there were still people standing around my car.

I was driving my car to the north, along the long straight road. I seemed to be to the north of $P14, and i was heading someplace special. I was coming here for a reason, and i felt good about it, though i also felt that i was not quite sure where i was going. I looked at the road signs, trying to figure out where i was. I spotted a sign i recognized. It seemed to be a town near $P18. The green road sign said “New Brunswick”. I recognized the name, but i was not sure exactly where it was. I decided that it must be near $P18. I felt good about traveling to this place, and thought that i simply had to continue heading north to get to the place. I then realized that the scenery to the north of me was moving sideways, as though i had turned to the west. I felt confused, watching the Y-shaped intersection around me slide to the east. My car was moving down the western side of the Y and heading down a street to the west. This was not right. I had not turned this direction. I then remembered that i was still facing north, so i my car must be skidding to the side, against my control. I felt annoyed that i was being deflected from where i was supposed to go. I looked around, trying to figure out hot to get my car to stop. The bare street around me seemed empty, but i was still sliding to the west. I tried to put the brakes on, but they did not seem to work. I then pulled the emergency brake, but thought that i was probably connected to the rest of the brakes in the car. I had to stop the car or get out. I looked to the west, down the street, to see if i was heading toward anything dangerous. I thought that i would simply slow down and stop, but i realized that there seemed to be a steep hill to the west of me. I had to stop the car before it started sliding down the hill. I pressed the brakes again, and, to my surprise, the car stopped. I turned to the south to look at the car. It was a very small car, only half the size of a normal car. It seemed to be tan, and it was shaped a little like a Beetle. The rounded back end of the car seemed to be dented, and i wondered if something had struck the car. I then noticed that the near tire of the car had been torn off, leaving only the small black metal rim. I looked more at the car, noticing that i could see both rear tires. I felt that it had to be passenger’s side rear tire, but that seemed to be under part of the car. I lifted the metal back of the car to see the other tire. It was torn apart as well, leaving only the bare rim. I then noticed that the silvery metal frame of the car was also damage. I wondered if the tires had fallen off. I felt that something else had gone wrong with the car to cause the tires to wear off. I looked at the metal structure. The frame was made of bent pieces of dark metal, which seemed to be held together by lighter metal strips that sandwiched the joints. There were two thick beams of metal than ran down each side of the car, bending in toward the center of the car near the middle. At the back of the frame, another piece of metal bowed toward the front of the car, connecting to the outer two beams near the ends, where the joints holding the axils were. The joint near the passenger’s rear wheel was loose, and i noticed a bolt sticking out of the far side. I was relieved that the tires were not at fault.

I sat on the southern side of the long table with my back against the southern wall of the room. Several other people were sitting at the table. We seemed to be at some kind of special event. I was aware of the woman sitting to the west of me. She was wearing a black dress with lace details around the chest. I knew that the dress signified something about her beliefs. She was from a culture where women were subservient to men, and she had a husband and children. I felt sad for her, but i had been talking to her earlier. I liked her, but i was wary of getting to know her. I felt that she was too interested in me, and i knew that this might cause trouble with the others in her culture. I looked at her black dress a few times, thinking that it signified her status. She then turned to me and put a hand on my chest, telling me that she was interested in me. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that i could not get in a relationship with her. I knew that her husband would forbid her from talking to anyone else, and would be very violent if he knew that she had turned to someone else just so that she could express herself openly.

12008 April 15

I left the others and headed back to the east, down the long narrow road. I was in a city now, and there were people lingering around the corner ahead of me. There seemed to be some police in the street on the southern side of the intersection. The road i was on continued to the east, and there were two roads joining it from the north. One came in directly from the north, and the other coming from the northwest. The three streets met in the same area. Just to the northwest of the intersection was a small triangular area that was surrounded by a tall metal chain-link fence. I turned to the north and started down the street on the southwestern side of the fenced in yard. I felt unsure about being here. When i was with the others before, we were patrolling this area and arresting people for doing things. I felt a little unsure what to do without the others. I realized that i still had a badge with me, but i was wearing denims and street clothes, so i did not think that people would believe me. I wondered if the badge would be enough to protect me from the people here. I moved through several groups of people, and then headed back to the east. When i returned to the intersection, i looked down the narrow alley heading to the north, along the eastern side of the fenced in area, which now seemed to be surrounded by a tall wooden wall. The alley seemed empty, and i knew that this alley was where people came to pick up prostitutes. I was not interested in the prostitutes, and thought that those were the people that we did not try to arrest. I could see several doorways in the stone wall on the eastern side of the alley. They would be lighted with red lights and there would be women inside. I turned to the west in the alley and walked into the small room, aware that the woman was following me. I felt a little nervous about her, but i tried not to pay much attention to her. She was aggressive, though, and kept moving close to me and asking me questions. I then heard a knock on the door to the east. I walked to the white door of the small public bathroom and unlocked it. There was a man waiting to use the rest room. I apologized about the door being locked and told him that i had just walked in. I then wondered whether there were multiple stalls in the bathroom or whether the door was locked because it was a single-person facility. I turned around and was relieved to see that there were three tan metal stalls against the northern wall of the room. The woman had slipped into the stall farthest to the west to hide from the man. She seemed to be wearing a loose white halter-top and a miniskirt. I walked into the middle stall to urinate as the man walked into the stall on the east. I tried to act casually so that the man did not suspect i was in the bathroom with the woman. I was not interested in the woman, though, and hoped that she would simply go away. I looked down at the small white toilet bowl with the purple lid as i started to unzip my pants. I then looked down again as i was ready to urinate. The small toilet bowl had been moved. The bowl was now under the half wall that separated my stall from the stall to the west. The woman seemed to have her foot in the bowl, and i thought that she must have reached under the stall to snag the bowl. She was bitter about something and was doing something to the toilet bowl. I decided that i would urinate anyway, whether the bowl was in my stall or not. The woman then pushed the bowl back into the center of my stall, but the lid was down. I urinated on the bowl anyway, but then thought that i was making a mess of the toilet lid. The woman left her stall, and i stopped urinating and thought i should leave as well.

I looked up suddenly, realizing that a bus was now pulling up to the curb where i had been sitting. I had been reading a book or doing something that occupied my attention, and i felt that i had not been paying attention to the bus. I looked at the green digital number on the back of the bus and noticed that the bus was route 31. This was the bus that we needed. I stood up suddenly, wondering how many other busses had passed while i was not paying attention. I told the others that this was the 31 bus as i moved to the east, heading along the bus as i headed for the door. The bus waited for me. I stopped in the door, noticing that the orange digital display above the door now said that the bus was route 48. The sign also listed some of the places that the bus stopped. I stated that this was not the correct bus, but then i told the bus driver that the bus said that it was route 31 on the back. I started to walk back to the west, but turned again toward the door and asked the bus driver to confirm what route the bus actually was. She said that it was route 48. I carried my things back to the bench, which was on the southern wall of the narrow room. There was a dark-skinned man sitting on the tan cushioned bench that extended from the southern wall, facing east. I had been sitting next to the man earlier, and i felt interested in him, even though i did not know him well. I then realized that the bus we were on was not as crowded as it had been before. There were many more open seats, and i decided that it would seem more natural if i did not crowd the man simply because i wanted to be next to him. I picked up my cases and moved to the tan seat on the northern side of the aisle, to a seat that was facing south, so that i could still talk to the man. The man was talking to $F43, who was sitting to the west, on the southern side of the bus. We had been traveling together. As they spoke, i decided that i should put some of my bags together, since i seemed to have too many bags. I was carrying a thin black letter bag and a computer bag, as well as some other bag. I decided to put the thin black bag inside the blue computer bag, since the computer bag was too big to put in the black bag.

12008 April 16

I stood to the west of the woman and the older man as they talked in the middle of the room. The older man was shorter than the woman and stood to the north of her. He had a round face and had thinning white hair that was combed over the top. His sport coat was red and white plaid. I also knew that he was an obsessive compulsive. He started to talk to the woman in a stuttering voice. Another man then came from the south and walked around behind the two. I knew that he was threatening, but i could not see his face. It was as though his face were out of frame of my view. The dark-skinned woman had long frizzy hair and seemed tall and skinny. My view focused in on her as she continued to speak to the shorter man. She said something about the quarter she had in her hand, and i remembered that the man was picky about quarters and had a habit of marking them. The woman said that she knew the quarter was a Gibson as she dropped it on her tongue. I knew that the name referred to the president who was on the coin. The man kept track of who was on each coin. To my surprise, the woman swallowed the quarter, which was something the man normally did. I realized that this was a bad thing as i watched the woman’s throat swell in the middle. She had gotten the coin stuck and was choking on it. The tall man in the dark jacket who had entered would not help the woman, and i felt upset. The scene then changed. The woman had swallowed the coin, but she was now standing on the western side of the view as i stood to the south. She was tall, thin, and light skinned, with shoulder-length blond hair. The tall man was now standing to the east of her, and there were several other men surrounding her. They were threatening her. The man spoke to her, and she tried to scare him away by telling him what she knew about him. The group of people surrounding her prodded her and pushed her down the corridor. She then told the man that she knew what he had done in her father’s company. This was a mistake. She should not have been telling the man what she knew because that would make her more of a target. I felt that this situation was wrong and thought that something should be done. I wanted the woman to fight back, but i knew that she would not. I felt that the men might kill her. I could not see what was going on as i thought about this. I moved through the dark room, imagining how i could try to fight back, even though i would be surrounded by too many people to survive. I stepped down the stairs and into the back room of my parents’ house. It seemed to be very late at night, but the television and a lamp were still on in the back room. Something seemed strange about this situation, and i still felt cautious. I walked to the back of the room and turned off the television and the lamp, thinking that i should go back to bed. As i switched off the lamp, i suddenly noticed a dark-gray car in the driveway to the east, facing the house. It looked like a modern Cadillac, with a sharp-featured front end. I was surprised to see the car because i did not think that it was one of my parents’ cars. I then realized that the hood on the car was up. Something was wrong. I wondered if someone had opened up the car to steal something. I looked to the south of the car where two other cars were parked. One was blue and the other tan. Both were cars i recognized, but both of them had their hoods up as well. I felt nervous and thought that i should call the police. I imagined telling my parents on the telephone how i found the cars with their hoods up.

I had gotten in the taxi at the intersection of the two dirt roads of the small community that was very near the lake. The lake was just to the north of us. I remembered that the taxi had come from the dirt road from the southeast and turned north at the intersection, toward the water. It turned around in the cul-de-sac at the end of the road in the middle of the grassy area near the shore before coming back to the intersection, where it had picked us up. The trees in the area seemed thin, with bright green leaves. We were now somewhere to the east of that, driving through some of the streets of the town. I was heading back to the intersection, but i knew that there was something wrong in the town. The lake water seemed to be very high and flooding the shore. The car drove along the shoreline for a little while, and i noticed the muddy waves coming ashore just to the north of the road. The water was unusually high, and i was worried about flooding. A wave came in as we moved down the road, and i noticed that there was a section of the wave that did not look quite right. There was a tube of water swirling on the shore at the front of the rolling wave, forming an arch from the crest of the wave to the front of the wave. I thought that this must be a spontaneous trick of the water, but the twisting limb slowly rolled in the air, forming sharp corners and small knobs. There was something familiar about the shape, and i thought of spacial ripples as we passed by. The taxi was headed for the intersection where we had been picked up before, but i knew that it would be heading to the north to turn around in the cul-de-sac before it dropped us off. I thought that this might be a bad idea because i knew that the rising water would be flooding the lower part of the road. The flooding seemed serious, and i felt that there was something ominous in the rising water. I wondered what we were going to do as we approached the intersection, and i was anxious to get out of the car. I hoped that the taxi did not turn down the read. As we crossed the intersection, the taxi turned south and stopped by the intersection. I was glad that it did not try to head down the road where the flooding was by the water. I stepped out the back door on the driver’s side of the taxi and started to gather my bags. The other man in the dark suit stepped out with me, and a woman stepped out on the other side of the taxi. I realized that the man near me was Jack Nickolson. He stood up straight as he pulled his bags from his car. One of the bags fell out of the car in front of him, and i bent over to pick it up. I handed it to him without looking at him, but i realized that a small wallet had fallen out of the bag, so i bent over to pick that up as well. He thanked me, but i tried not to pay too much attention to him, thinking that i should not make a big deal over him. I started to look through my things, thinking that i should tip the driver, but realizing that i did not have any cash in my wallet. Jack stepped to the front of the car and handed the driver something. I was glad that we tipped well, because i did not have anything to give the driver. I picked up my bags and headed to the southeast, up the slight hill and toward the town. Ahead of me, i could see the two rows of green tents or pavilion that were part of the fair. On either side of the long strip of open land were dense pine woods. The fair was a special event that happened every year in this town, but it seemed to be much larger now. I did not expect it to stretch all the way to this side of town. The dirt road that ran west from the intersection seemed to have sparse housing along the north side, where the coast was. I headed up the hill, looking at the craft tables to the west of me. A woman from one of the tables suddenly commented on my hat. She said that her son had a similar hat, and that he had given it to her with fruit and a penis in it. I remembered that was wearing my black wide-rimmed felt hat, and then realized what the woman had said about it. I imagined that her son had put fruit in the hat as though it was a bowl, and i thought that the penis must have been as some kind of joke, like the metaphor of a bowl of fruit in one’s lap. I felt awkward toward the woman and did not know how to respond, so i said something acknowledging toward her and continued on. She turned to the other woman, who was to the north of her, and mentioned the bananas.

12008 April 18

$F45 got out of bed to the west of me and headed out the door of the room, which was to the south. He headed down the stairs, which were just out the bedroom door, descending to the east. I got of bed and followed him, but, as i reached the top of the stairs, i noticed that there was a small doorway open in the southern wall of the short hall at the top of the stairs. There was daylight coming from the other side of the small doorway, which i knew to be the access to the attic. I wondered why $F45 would have the attic door open. I called down the stairs to him, asking him why he opened the attic door. He seemed annoyed with me, and told me that he had not left the door open. I looked up the stairs on the other side of the door, seeing only daylight, which must have been coming in through the window on the southern gable. I was annoyed that the door had been left open and worried that the cats might have gone up into the attic. I knew that $X14 had followed $F45 downstairs, but i thought that $X12 could be upstairs. $F45 insisted that he did not leave the door open, so i asked no one in particular who had been in the house to leave the door open. I could feel the cold air from the attic coming down into the house. I continued down the stairs, turning to the south at the bottom of the stairs. I entered the living room of the house through the doorway in the northern end of the western wall. Across the room was another doorway, through which i could see speaker wires from the stereo crossing the door. I wondered why the speakers had been pulled away from the south wall. Something seemed out of place. I crossed the living room and came into the large ornate room on the eastern side of the house. The room seemed very well kept, with polished wood floors and light-brown wood walls. The furnishings in the room were very nice, and i felt that people who come to visit my house would be impressed by the style of the room. There was a large red oriental carpet covering most of the floor. It had tan and off-white fleurs across it. I turned to the northwest and headed toward the corner of the room. The stereo seemed to be against the northern wall, directly to the north of me. I did not pay much attention to it as i walked toward the polished-wood grand piano in the northwest corner of the room. The corner of the room seemed to be set back into the western wall, creating a small area for the piano. The keys were on the western side of the instrument. As i approached it, i noticed that my black peacoat was hanging on the back of the wooden chain that was behind the piano. The chair seemed to have a woven seat and a tall straight back with three or four horizontal slats. The coat was hanging on the southern side of the chair. I took out my mouth guard and rinsed it under the faucet that was on the northern side of the piano, just in front of the lid. As i rinsed the mouth guard, i realized that i was splashing water onto the upper surface of the wood piano. I was worried that this would ruin the piano, but i had already started washing out the mouth guard there. The tap seemed to be a glass tap, with a red handle. I shook out the mouth guard to the west of me and then tried to wipe up the splashed water with my sleeve. I did not seem to be soaking up the water that well.

12008 April 20

I looked at the three square pictures, which were to the east of me. I seemed to be in the middle bedroom of my parents’ house. The pictures had white backgrounds with oddly shaped black patches in the center. The one on the left looked like a blob, but i knew that there was some electric property about the image. The shape was raised slightly from the surface of the image, and i knew that there was something special about the electrical property of the image. I then looked at the image on the right, which seemed to be in the shape of a shrub. I turned to the south, looking down the room at the other students in the acting class. $A15 had asked another person and me to act out two parts. He told me to play the tree. I stood on the western side of the white room, facing south, as the other man moved around to the east of me. $A15 told us that the man was finding the ring, and i was the tree. I held my right arm up and put my left arm out at my side, thinking that not all of the branches on the tree would be high. $A15 was standing to the southeast of me, and he nodded at my left hand as he paced in front of us. I lifted my left hand so that it was higher, but not as high as my right. The man acted to the east of me, but i knew that he was not doing it well. $A15 paced around to the south of us and asked us to do the scene again. I knew that the man was not taking the character seriously. I stood as a tree, swaying a little, as if there was a wind. I tried not to sway too much, thinking that the wind would not be so strong for so long. I knew that i was focusing well on being the tree, but the man was not doing so well as the person who discovers the ring. The scene ended, and i looked over at the man. He was dressed in an oddly shaped archer’s hat and a green cape. He had something on his nose to make it seem larger, and i could see the large yellow plastic ring on his finger. His costume was cheap enough that it seemed laughable, and i felt that it reflected his acting style. He was overplaying the role and not focusing on what would really happen. I turned back to the south, thinking that we would be doing the scene again. The people sitting in the southern part of the room shifted a little as we got ready to do the scene again.

12008 April 21

I was in the small room with the other man. We were wrestling. I moved away from the eastern wall and started to get down on the red mat in a referee position. As i knelt down, the man moved near me and started to put his hands on my back, but i realized that we were still too close to the eastern wall of the room. I stood up again and moved to the west, telling the man that we should move to the center of the room because we were too close to the wall. I looked to the west as i moved, across the open field, which seemed to be on a wide low hill. The land sloped up slightly to the west of me, and it was covered with tan dry grass or corn stalks. I noticed the dark-gray clouds in the sky and knew that there was a strong storm happening. It was raining around me, but i was sitting in the car where i would not get wet. The rain came down in heavy white sheets, and i had a hard time focusing on the gray clouds in the western sky. There was something scary about the clouds, but i did not feel threatened by the storm. I sat in my car, watching the heavy rain fall. I felt that i was in Florida, and i wondered if there might be tornados here. There seemed to be a small house to the northeast of me, and i thought that it belonged to my relatives. I was separate from the house now, watching the lightning in the western sky. I thought that there might be strong winds coming, and i wondered if i would be safe it my car. I then turned to the northeast and started walking down the road. I was in the large open field, but i knew that my aunt’s house was just down the road. I walked down the dirt road as it curved around the base of the steep hill, which was to the south of me. The hill was covered with a thin forest, and the ground was damp and wet from the rain. The storm had passed, and the sun was illuminating the yellow weeds on the northern side of the road. I noticed the puddles of water at the base of the hill, off the southern side of the road. The ground was swampy from the rain, but there seemed to be new growth poking up through the puddles. I passed the wooded area and came to the housing area. My relatives’ house seemed to be the first one on the southern side of the road. I noticed that the yard in front of their house was covered with a thin layer of water. The house sat back from the road, and a dirt driveway ran in front of the house, heading to the east and curving to the north where it met the road. In front of the driveway, directly to the south of me, was a small area just off the main road where a car could park. It was where the guests would park because the driveway could only hold a few cars. I realized that the parking area was a little lower that the level of the driveway, and was now filled with water. I would not be able to bring my car down from the field and park it here. I was having trouble with my car, which was why i had to leave it in the field. I walked to this house to get some help. There was a dirt hill running up to the driveway from the carport, and it seemed to have thin budding weeds growing out of the dark rich soil. I passed the carport and walked up the driveway to the house. As i started up the driveway, i looked to the northwest, at the water in front of the house. The house was now to the northwest of me, on the southern side of the driveway, and there was a carport off of the driveway on the eastern side of the house. A set of cement stairs led down the short hill from the driveway to the cement platform in front of the garage. The driveway was covered with a deci or so of water, but i noticed that there were plants growing in the water already. I stopped at the edge of the driveway and admired the flowering plants. They looked like thick bloated artichokes, but had a soft texture, like a flower. I thought that they were some type of water lily, and i thought that the red and orange colourings along the edge of the petals were pretty. I bent over to get a closer look at the wide bulbs of the plants near the northern edge of the small pool. I then turned to the south and started along the western side of my relatives’ house. The door was near the back of the house. As i walked down the alley between the pale-yellow house and the tall cement wall to the west, i suddenly realized that this was no longer $K3’s house. They had sold their house and moved to a town that was thirty minutes away by car. I felt suddenly concerned, realizing that it would take a very long time to walk all the way to their new house. I wondered what i should do. I stopped in front of the back door and started heading to the north again. I knew that someone else was living here, and i felt nervous about being in their yard. As i started back along the house, i was aware that i was passing windows, and wondered if the people inside could see me out here. I wanted to tell them that i was here because my relatives had lived here, but i knew that they would be upset. I still hoped that they would come out and ask why i was in their back yard. I walked past the windows and noticed the curved wall on the northern end of the western wall. The wall bowed out slightly, and i knew that there was a large living room inside. The outside was made of large square blocks that had reflective silvery patches in the center, making each tile look like a television set. I knew that the people inside would no longer be able to see me, because the block wall was solid, and i was a little disappointed that i would not get to tell them that i was here because my relatives used to live here. I walked out of the alley and started across the driveway. As i entered the driveway, i turned back to the south to see a man standing in the alley. He had opened a door in the middle of the block wall and was coming out. He stopped when he saw me and stood, holding the door open. A young boy came out under his arm. The man was wearing light-tan shorts and a white shirt. He looked at me with an annoyed expression, and i stopped to explain why i was here. I apologized for being on his property and told him that my relatives had lived here and that i forgot that they had moved. He was still angry with me and yelled at me. I turned away and continued to the north, saying something insulting to him. He continued to complain to me, but i ignored him and continued across the driveway and into the woods on the northern side. The road was just a few metres to the north, so i thought i would walk across the lawn to get to the road. I could then turn west and head back to my car. I stepped over the small creek just off the driveway and started up the short slope on the other side, but i found that i was having difficulty walking on the soft dirt. I then realized that there was a long ribbon of some kind of reed plant across my forehead. I lifted it from my face so that i could continue, but i was still having trouble moving, as though my feet were sinking in mud. I looked up and realized that i had walked into the room of the open pavilion on the other side of the driveway. I felt that i should get off of the property as quickly as possible, but there was a tile wall to the north of me now. The wall was flat on the north, but had two sections at either end, which bent toward the southeast and southwest, forming a trapezoidal-shaped room in the pavilion. The room seemed to have several picnic tables in it. The tile on the northern walls was mostly white, but there was a thick stripe of dark-blue in the center and a row of tiles that seemed to be flowered with maroon and dark-blue. I felt that i had to get through to the northern side of the building, so i looked for a door in the north wall. There was an eastern facing door on a turn in the northern wall. I approached it, hoping that it led through the building, but noticed that it said “pool” on the white plaque in the center of the dark wooden door. I felt frustrated and turned to the east, thinking that i would have to walk back around the side walls of the room. I hoped that i could get out of here before the police came. I then realized that this was only a dream and that i should be able to simply say that i was now on the other side of the wall and on the road and i would be there.

12008 April 22

We were moving to the north, toward the tall steep cliffs in the distance. The mountain to the north of us looked like a volcanic cone, but i was interested in the steep tan cliffs that faced us. I had been waiting to travel there, and i was now moving in that direction. I felt that this peak was very high, though, but i was still excited and a little nervous to get to it. I looked to the east, down the length of the wall. The wall was to the north of me, and there was someone leaning against the gray stone wall just to the east of me. I recognized the man as Bob Dylan, but he looked like a very young Bob Dylan, and i wondered if it was one of the actors from the recent movie about Bob Dylan. I felt a little nervous about meeting Bob Dylan, and i thought that he should be much older. I wondered if he might change into an older version of himself. I could see the older man standing now to the east of me, standing in front of the wall and looking southeast. I then turned back to the north, looking for the cliffs. I could no longer see them because the wall seemed to be in the way. I was traveling with Bob Dylan to the north. The sky ahead of us seemed to be very hazy, and i thought that the mountain might be covered in clouds. I hoped that we did not hit it. I then noticed the shorter cliffs right in front of us. They were shale cliffs, made of dark sedimentary rock. They seemed cruder and less interesting than the tall cliffs of the mountain to the north, but we had to get around them to see the big cliffs. We started to move to the west, along the face of the cliffs. We seemed to be in a helicopter, and Bob was flying. The shorter cliffs were blocking our view of the tall mountain. I felt that this area was just to the south of $P6, and i told Bob that the cliffs were part of an old coastline. They were from a time when the valley here was filled with a lake or ocean. I described the coastal cliffs as we moved along them, thinking that they were really the start of the mountains beyond. I was then a little nervous about flying so close to the rocks. We seemed to be traveling up a road that rose to the west, climbing the face of the shale cliffs. I then noticed the small wooden pavilion off the north side of the road. The pavilion was set on a small grassy hill between the road and the cliffs. It was a simply building with a brown wooden roof supported by four brown beams on the corners. Under the building was a large silvery statue. Bob pointed out the statue as we started to pass it. He said that it was a statue of a mouse, but all i could see were the legs of the statue as it crouched down. Its knees were apart and it seemed to be leaning back, as though it was posed in some kind of dance position. It seemed very strange because i could only see it from the waist down. The rest was hidden under the pavilion’s roof. Bob made fun of the statue, pointing out that you could only see the crotch from the road. He said people would think of it as brass balls. I was amused, but i did not seem to understand the statue. All i could see were metal legs kneeling with the knees apart. The metal pants actually made the legs look like two thick rabbit ears facing outward. We passed to the west of the statue, and i turned back to look at it. Watching the angle of the statue change, but not really seeing any more of the full statue. I was then aware that we were very close to the smooth rock cliffs. I felt a little nervous and hoped that we did not crash into the cliffs. I wondered what would happen if Bob crashed the helicopter into the stone cliffs. I thought that the reporters would only announce that Bob Dylan had died in the helicopter crash, and might mention that there was someone else in the plane. I then realized that my mother might worry if she heard the report because she would know that i was on the plane. I then wondered if it would be possible to survive crashing into the cliffs. I thought that the helicopter might run into the cliffs and then start to fall downward. I imagined that i could fall out of the helicopter as it started to head downward and grab onto the cliff. I then thought that the cliffs were too steep and too tall. I would be trapped in the center of the cliffs. I looked to the north, at the few rock holds on the face of the cliff. There was very little place to stand. I would have to hold onto the light-gray rocks in the center of the cliff, where there was a small ledge formed by the chipped stones. I moved to the east, along the face of the cliff, thinking that i might be able to climb a little to the east, but then realized that the cliff was just too steep. I suddenly realized that the face of the cliff was actually not that steep. It sloped to the north too much. It should have been steeper here because the cliff was very tall and shear. I would have to wait on the ledge until the rescue crews found me. I did not think that it would take more than a day, and i hoped that they would actually see me as i waited. I wondered if they would simply find the helicopter where Bob was and think they had everything. It would be hard to rest on the tan stone cliffs because there was so little room. I turned to the north and walked to the cliff, grabbing onto a section of stone in the center of the ledge. The rock was pink and seemed to be granite. It had smooth edges and broke loose from the rock face, as though it had been resting here for a while. I hit the rock, but the large dumbbell-shaped piece lifted easily from the rest of the rock. It seemed to be crystal, but it was fairly opaque. It was a nice rock, and i wanted to keep the large piece, but i thought that it might be too heavy to put in my bag. It would hinder me when i was climbing up the face of the cliff. I flipped the rock over, noticing that it had a strange texture on the underside. Each of the ends of the flat dumbbell-shaped rock seemed to have little holes in them, as though water had been flowing through the rock. I thought that water must have collected on the upper part of the rock and seeped through mineral lines in the rock. I flipped the rock over a few times, inspecting the strange holes. There was something familiar about the shapes, and i thought that it seemed to be something more organic than mineral lines. I looked into the deep rounded crevices in the stone, noticing the black marks near the ends. This looked more like bone structures than rocks. I suddenly wondered if i had a fossil in my hand. I looked at the rest of the rock, which was sitting on the shelf in the middle of the dark wall to the north of me. The bottom part of the rock could be the top of a leg bone, and i had been holding the very tip, where the bone was saddle-shaped around a joint. I wondered if this was really a bone rather than a rock. I would need an expert to confirm this, and i wondered how it could be confirmed. I felt like this was a good discovery, but i did not know how to verify the information. I then turned suddenly to the east. There was a woman standing to the southeast of me. I was going to tell her about the bones, but she had something in her hand that she was holding out to me. She was tall and thin and wearing a long white dress. I looked at the gold ring that she held in her hands. It seemed rather large, with a big red stone in the center. She said i should take it, and i tried to say no, but i reluctantly took the ring, knowing that it would be good for me to have. There was something special about the ring, and i wanted to keep it for its special powers. I turned to the north, looking at the object in my hand as the woman stood to the east of me. I was supposed to be looking for the girls. I was then aware of the young girls running behind me, coming from the west and running to the eastern end of the large room. They were wearing long ruffled light-coloured dresses, and the girl in the lead, in the bluish-white dress, was the princess. The princess held something in her hand as she ran, and the rest of the children were following her. The object seemed to be thin and black, and i thought it might be one of the dolls. I walked a little to the east, thinking that the adults had hidden the small doll in the white dress. I pictured the white dress with thin black sticks poking out for arms, legs, and head. As i sat in the chair, facing north, the woman with me dropped the small doll behind my back, down the back of the light-blue cushioned chair. I laughed at this as the children ran around the room, searching for the doll. I was still aware of the special wall to the north of us. I tried not to notice the doll behind me, but i could feel it against the left side of my lower shoulder. I tried not to notice it so that the princess would continue to play. I then decided that it was too uncomfortable behind me, so i leaned forward and reached back to get the doll. The woman to the southeast of me was wearing a long white dress. She offered me the large thick gold ring hesitantly. She said that i should have it, but i felt uncomfortable taking it. I looked at the star pattern on the top of the gold ring, noticing that the carvings looked like a web of lines over the surface of the ring. There was something special about the ring, and i knew that it signified something very important to the princess. There was a large red stone in the center of the pattern, or in place of the pattern. I knew that the woman should not be giving up the stone, but i took it anyway, thinking that i might need it to find the princess. I turned to the south, where the children were playing in the large pool. They were still searching for the doll. A man came into the room from the east. He was an older man and seemed to have some official function, but he seemed a little out of place. He said something to the children, who splashed in the water, and they relied to him with laughter, calling him silly. The people then mentioned that we needed the woman in the white dress, and i suggested that the man put on a white dress for us. The children laughed, but the man did not seem to be amused. He smiled at me, but i could tell that he was very nervous. He laughed at the joke awkwardly. He would feel uncomfortable wearing a dress because men were not supposed to wear dresses. I felt that there was something out of place with this man, as though he did not really belong in this scene. I said something to him as i moved to the north, though the water of the pool. The children all seemed to be playing a game on the western side of the pool, and i was in the center. I backed to the west, passing under a string of buoys. The princess seemed to suggest that we play the game in the eastern end of the pool, and i suddenly realized that the water was deeper in that end of the pool. We would have to stay afloat during the entire game rather than standing on the bottom every once and a while. I felt a little shy of the deep end, looking at the grayish-blue waves rising rear the eastern end of the pool. It would be harder to swim there. I then turned to the southeast again, looking at the tall thin woman in the long white dress. I remembered this scene from before, knowing that she was going to offer me the ring. I would take it reluctantly as i had done before, even though it seemed that i should refuse it. My mother was now standing to the north of me as i spoke to the woman in white. The woman held out the large gold ring, which looked like a society ring. I acted confused at first, trying to recognize what she was offering me. I then acted amazed, saying “Oh my god.” in surprise when i realized what the ring was. The woman was a princess or queen, and the ring was an emblem of her monarchy. I told her i could not accept the ring, as i had done told her before. She insisted that i take it anyway. I shook my head, thinking that i would take it, but realizing that i was denying it this time. She withdrew her arm and looked at me. I would not be taking the ring this time. She told me that i had taken the ring before, wondering why i did not take it this time. I told her that something had changed. There seemed to be some significance to this statement. I then noticed a sudden flash of blackness to the south, as though the black-and-white scene in the film had been blotted out. I looked up quickly, but the black blob in my view vanished. The images were breaking up. I then saw a flash of white, blurring out the same details of the fading black-and-white film image. The film is broken, and this scene was disappearing. I described the flashes to the woman as i watched them. The black patches and white patches appeared and disappeared across the fading scenery, signifying the dissolving of the film.

12008 April 23

I walked along the eastern edge of the long table, looking at the items on it. I was at a rummage sale in this building, and i had found a small paper bag with small plates in them. Each plate was wrapped separately in brown paper, and all of them seemed to be in an old green paper bag, which was worn and falling apart. The plates were nicely decorated, and i thought that they were something that my mother had been looking for. I took them and moved down the table, to the north. I had another small bag that i was carrying with me as well as i looked over the other items on the table. I stopped to look at the items in the plastic bags. They seemed to be old photographic slides. I looked through one and saw that it as a picture of a man in a tan gymnast top with white pants. These were pictures of a gymnastics competition, and i felt suddenly interested in them. I then looked at the white frames around the slides and realized that there was blue type on the edges. These slides were commercial, and they were of a previous Olympics. I was interested in them and moved them around inside the plastic bag to see if i could get a better look at what was on them. I then decided that i should simply take them, so i pulled them out of the plastic bag and put them into the small paper bag that i was carrying. I said something to the person to the west of me as i moved the slides over. I suddenly realized that the small green bag of dishes had disappeared from the table to the east of me. I had left it there and someone else must have taken it. I felt very upset and looked around for the dishes. I could not find them, and i thought that the person who took them had already left the sale. I was angry and slammed the paper bag of slides down on the table, startling the people to the west of me. I started to wander around the room, hoping to find the bag somewhere else in the room, but i knew that they had been taken and i would not be able to get them. The room started clearing out, with fewer and fewer people wandering around. I was tense and upset and did not know what to do. I stopped in front of a large wooden table, which was now mostly empty of items. Most of the things here had been sold, and people were starting to pack up the rest. There was a woman at the register to the east of me. She seemed to be $A253. I could not think of what to do, so i headed to the east to leave. I was not going to buy anything if i could not get what i wanted.

I walked to the east, across the southern side of the old worn wooden building. It was night, and i was crossing the paved parking lot to the south of the building and heading toward the door on the eastern side. Before i reached the dull-yellow wooden door, it swung inward and a group of people started pushing out. A few of them seemed to be police officers or security guards. They were escorting a couple of other people in T-shirts out the door. Something had happened in the bowling alley, and these people were being taken out. I stood back, out of their way. One of the people in the doorway said something about a shooting. I was worried that the shooting might still be going on, so i backed away from the people, who seemed to have been in an argument. I turned to the west and headed back to my car, which was parked on the western edge of the lot. As i started to drive my car to the west, out of the lot, which was open to the road on the south, i noticed a large new tractor-trailer coming down the road from the east. It made a rumbling sound as it slowed down in front of the building and started to turn into the parking lot. I was cautious of it so that it did not hit my car. It had a metallic-tan cab with shiny chrome on the bumper and airfoil and a large metal box for the trailer. I thought that it might be the milk truck coming to the barn. I moved out of its way and drove to the west, passing along the front of the old red barn to the north of me. I thought about the bowling alley, which was actually in the barn of $A328. I had not really known that it was there, and i thought that it was nice to have a bowling alley out in the country here. I realized that i could say we had a bowling alley in $P110 where the locals could hang out. There was something comforting in the thought.

I turned away from the northern wall and walked to the south, into the center of the L-shaped room. This was part of my new house, and everything here looked clean and new. The furnishings were well polished, and some of them looked as though they had just been purchased. Most of the items in the room seemed to be made of polished wood. The northern wall of the room also seemed to be made of wood, and the floor was light polished wood. My mother had arranged most of the furnishings when i moved it. As i turned to the west to head down the long arm of the room, i wondered where my old furnishings had gone. The tan sofa and chairs seemed new. I then wondered where the television had gone. It was not in the northern part of the room, where all of the sitting furniture had been. There seemed to be a long counter along the southern wall, which had a few stools at it, as though it was a bar at a pub. I thought that the kitchen was on the southern side of the bar. My mother sat in one of the stools as i passed, thinking about the television. I then noticed the television in a tall dark fake-wood cabinet against the northern wall. It was set behind a small couch so that it was hidden. It was a strange location for it, and i wondered how we would watch it. I turned back to the east and asked my mother if this house was better than my old house. She did not seem too enthusiastic about it, but said that it was okay. I felt that this house was larger and much more expensive, but i liked it. I told my mother that it was 330 thousand dollars. I then continued to the west. I stopped when i suddenly realized that i had not really payed for the house yet. I tried to remember when i had signed a contract to pay for the house, but i could not remember doing so. I felt confused, trying to think of how i had given the people all of the money they needed for the house. I felt tense, not able to remember what had happened, and i said loudly, “Damn!” I sat down on the small fabric couch, which was facing west. My mother was at the counter to the south of me. I told her i had not payed my mortgage yet. I felt upset and wondered how i had gotten the house. I was then heading to the west again when the woman with me mentioned the office that managed this place. I stopped and looked to the south, noticing a corridor leading into a small office suite. This was the office that ran the complex around me. I suddenly realized that i was in a mall or plaza. To the west of me, the corridor ran down the center of the dimly lighted building. There seemed to be stores or shops on either side. I looked back at the offices, realizing that the corridor to my house was just to the east of the office. The office was on the front of the house, on the bottom floor. This place was owned by a resort, and i seemed to lining in something like a condo. To the south of me, i noticed the large triangular logo on the sign in front of the office. It looked like a decorative letter A, with a red arch across the center of it and lines cut into the left side of the letter. I looked back at the entrance to my house, noticing the same logo on a small sign hanging from the ceiling at the end of the corridor. Was this really a condo? I felt a little confused about this place.

12008 April 24

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as we drove down the narrow winding road to the east, passing over the small hills and dunes. There were tall shale cliffs to the north of us, which had dark-gray stone. It seemed as though we were on the shore of the ocean, even though i could not see the sea. I felt that the water was just to the south of us, over some of the short rounded hills. I remembered being in this place long ago, and i told the others about it. I felt that we were very near the center of $P6, and i thought that the road would head up the cliffs to the east and end up near the downtown area. I seemed to remember this section of the city, and thought that it was just on the northern side of the city, where the industrial section was. $A42 seemed to be driving the car as we continued down the road. $F4 also seemed to be in the car. $A42 was concerned about the direction we were heading, and he said that he did not think that we were going in the right direction. I told him that the road would head up the hill to the east of us and end up in the city area. I said that i had traveled on this road before, and i remembered doing it. There was a long narrow ridge that extended from the east. It was made out of the same dark-gray material as the cliffs to the north of us, and seemed to have been formed by water erosion on either side of the ridge. We were suddenly traveling between the steep ridge and the tall cliffs. The road became dirt and headed up a steep hill where the ridge met the cliffs ahead of us. The dirt road seemed very steep, and i felt anxious about traveling up it. The car headed up the hill, and seemed to turn almost straight up. The car slowed, and i realized that the hill was too steep. The car paused and tipped backward, flipping backward over its top. We fell back down the hill, ending up on the roof of the car in the gravel bed at the bottom of the cliffs. I was suddenly worried and wondered what we should do. We needed to get to the top of the cliffs before too long because the tide would be coming in. When it did, it would flood the lower parts of the road on the shore. We needed to get out of the car, but i knew that the doors would be jammed from landing on the hood. They also might get stuck in the loose gravel of the ground around us. We should get out of the car through the hatchback. I stood just to the southwest of the car, wondering what to do. Another car came down the road from the west, stopping just behind us to see if they could help. I wondered how we could get to the top of the cliffs before the tide came in. I looked to the east, up the narrow crevasse where the road had been. There was only a narrow path running up the shale cliffs now. I spoke to the others, who had just come from the west. We were standing in a hallway with tall plain white walls. This seemed to be a very strange situation, and i did not know what to do. I headed to the west, looking at the car that we had been driving in. It had fallen apart, but i thought that we could reform it from the clay of the ground. The clay was dark gray, and i imagined forming the body of the car from the clay. It seemed fairly easy to mold, but i realized that the top of the car would be hard to create because i needed to form the opening in it where the passengers could sit. I moved around the western side of the car as i tried to figure out how to form the passenger compartment of the car from the solid clay. I then heard the trucks coming from the west. I turned to look at them, realizing that they might be able to help us turn our car over. One of the large tractor-trailers drove to the south of us, heading east, but i was not sure if the truck had really passed us or not. It seemed to have a yellow trap covering something on the flat bed of the trailer. I looked back to the west to see the trucks coming. I then realized that there was a wire strung across the road with a sign in the center of it. I did not remember the sign when we had come past here in the car. The sign was facing west, so i could not see it from where i was. I walked around to the western side of the wire, which seemed to be strung from a large brown wooden cabin on the southern side of the forested road to a tree to the north. He orange sign had large black letters that said that the camp was closed. We had driven right past the sign and not noticed. This was why the road was so hard to drive up; it was closed for the season. I looked again at the brown letters on the tan sign, trying to read the name of the camp. It was written in tall thin letters across the top of the sign. The sign said nothing about problems with the road, so i did not think that we should have expected the trouble we did. I then noticed that the trucks were coming and that the sign was hanging across the road in front of them. I lifted the wire up so that the trucks could pass under the sign. The cab of the first truck passed under the sign, but the sign was going to get stuck on the large load on the back of the truck. The load was covered with an orange and white canopy. I helped lift the sign over the plastic fabric as the truck drove under. The second truck slowed near the sign, but did not make it under the rope. It was brown, and the tall back of the truck caught the sign. The wire snapped and the sign flew to the south, around the front of the truck. The wire whipped across the road and the end wrapped around the power lines on the southern side of the road. I was worried suddenly that the wire would short out the power lines, but no sparks came from the wire. I wondered if the wire was still conducting the electricity into the ground near the base of the sign. I decided that i was not going to worry about it and i turned to the east. I walked back to the others and started talking to them.

I was traveling on the road that headed south, but i was not sure where we were going. I seemed to be with my parents, and we had been traveling in an area to the south of where we were right now. We were now trying to head back north, but we were really just wandering around on the roads. The area around us seemed to be rural, with small houses and shops here and there. The land was flat around us and seemed to be covered mostly with grass fields. We headed north on the road, but then headed west because the roads seemed to lead that way. I felt that we had to go back home but could not take a direct route because the roads did not lead directly back. We turned south on the narrow gravel road. I thought that we would eventually need to travel south to head back north because of the way the roads ran. We headed down the gravel road, and i realized that it was leading us to a small gravel parking lot behind some of the old small-town buildings. We crossed the parking lot to the southwest, and i hoped that we could get out the other side of the lot and back onto the road. The parking lot seemed to be for the old restaurant, which was to the west of us. The building seemed like an old diner, with red and metal walls. I drove the car to the east, down the road on the southern side of the lot. My mother was in the passenger’s seat of the car as i started to drive to the north again. The area seemed suburban around us, but it was more like a business district than housing. I said that we were looking for Route 41 north, even though i knew that we wanted to continue to the south. Our home was to the north of us, but we would have to take the road that led to the south to get there. It was not logical, but the road curved south from where we were. I then though that we were really looking for Route 33. I drove the car up the narrow road. There was a main road to the east of us as i pulled to a stop at the intersection. There seemed to be a highway mound to the north of us, crossing the main road to the north of us. The east and west roads of the intersection seemed to lead to the highway on- and off-ramps. A train track also seemed to cross the road to the north of us, just before the highway. I was then aware of the boxcars in the large open are to the east, which seemed to be a switchyard. An old dull-red boxcar rolled to the west, moving toward the road but never crossing it. The door of the boxcar was open and i could see several women in formal white dresses, which reminded me of wedding dresses. They were standing in dance poses in the center of the boxcar. A few men accompanied them as the train rolled slowly to the west. I thought that this was some kind of performance, but it still seemed strange to do a show in a boxcar. I pointed out the dancers to my mother. I then noticed the young women in white graduation gowns. They were hurrying from the switchyard to the east and heading south, down the eastern sidewalk of the road. I realized that these people must be dressed up for high school photo sessions. They were having their senior pictures taken. Several of the women crossed the street to the north of me, heading west. When they reached the sidewalk on the western side, they headed south again. There was something interesting in the idea of such a photo session, as though i was a quaint tradition of this small rural town. As the men and women approached, i thought that their clothes were rather fancy and nice. I drove the car to the north, but the people were not getting out of the way. They continued crossing the in front of us. I drove past them and continued walking up the street to the north with my mother. We were walking up the sidewalk on the western side of the road, and the buildings around us were suddenly urban. They seemed to be old apartment buildings, and many of them seemed run down. The street sloped up hill to the north, and i noticed a cement wall in front of some of the buildings ahead of us. It had an old rotting wooden door in it that led into one of the building. I grabbed on to the top of the wall, which seemed to be a flat platform. The top of the cement was crumbling, and there were weeds and moss growing on it. I quickly jogged back to the south, were the wall sloped down to the street level. I hopped onto the wall and walked back to the north to look at the front of the old dilapidated building. The red paint on the two columns at the front of the building had long since chipped off, leaving the dark-gray undercoat of the wood showing. There was something interesting about the abandoned building. My mother sayed that i should not be walking on top of the cement wall because it was too dangerous. I looked down at the crumbling section and stepped back onto the sidewalk. A few buildings up, we turned into the storefront of a building on the west. An old italian man was in the middle of the pale-green store. The place seemed worn and old but well kept. My mother spoke to the man while my grandmother and i stood on the eastern side of the store. We leaden back onto the rear bumper of the small white car, which was in the middle of the room. The floor was covered with green and light-green checkered tiles, and it seemed to slant down to the west. There was a level area on the eastern end of the room, and then the floor sloped down, running downhill through the opening on the northern side of the thin dividing wall of the room, which was covered with wooden paneling. As we leaned on the car, it started to roll down the slope of the floor. We quickly got off of the car, but the car continued to roll. I grabbed the back part of it and tried to slow it down, but it got a way, rolling across the store and into the western wall. The dull-yellow wall broke as the nose of the car went through it, exposing the dark storage room beyond. The room seemed more like a basement because the air on the other side was humid and chilly. The old man walked through a doorway just to the south of where the car broke through the wall. His wife seemed to be in the storage room and he was going to check on her. I could see crude wooden shelves filled with paint cans through the hole in the wall. As i stood in the large opening of the wall, i noticed the old wooden stairs that descended to the west, just to the north of one of the shelves. I thought that this was some kind of old tunnel connecting the buildings on this block. Someone then sayed that the tunnels lead to the crumbling building to the south of us. I felt the cool moist air and thought about the significance of the old building. I then started to think about the buckets of paint in the room. There was something special about this situation.

12008 April 25

I rode my bicycle to the north, heading from $P126 toward the road. I passed along the western side of $P96, but stopped at the top of the hill. I suddenly realized that the hill ahead of me ran steeply down to the north. I looked down the winding path and stairs that descended the hill under me and felt that i really did not want to ride my bicycle down the hill just to have to come all the way back up. I had already descended a little to get to where i was, and i felt that i did not want to go further. I looked to the northeast, across the parking lot, toward another college building in the distance. As i started to turn around, the blue front end of a bus appeared from behind the building. It had stopped at the entrance to pick some people up. I turned around and headed to the south again, feeling grumpy. I came back to the western entrance of $P126, where several other people were standing. I ignored them as i stood wondering what to do. I finally turned to the north to pick up my bags. I was now standing in an empty classroom. I moved between the chairs, which did not seem to be in any particular pattern, and looked down at the black bag that was sitting in one of the chairs to the north of me. I had already packed my things and was waiting to leave this place. I thought about some of the other students with me at this community college, but i felt that i did not want to deal with them. I was waiting for $F45 to come to pick me up, and i was getting impatient. I looked at the television that was hanging from the northern wall of the room. It has a news channel on. I had to go call $F45. He was supposed to pick me up, but it was already ten after ten at night, so he should have been out of work for a while. I wondered where he was, and i felt a little frustrated here. I walked out the door of the classroom, which was in the western end of the southern wall. I pulled the yellow metal door closed behind me, but wondered if i should simply leave it. It was unlocked now, but i thought that the janitors might come while i was out and lock it for the night. I then realized that i could hear the television through the door. As the door closed, i also noticed that i could hear the television from the next room over. I must not be the only one still in the building. I looked to the east, wondering whether a janitor might be coming soon, but i could see no one down the white hall. I then noticed that the sound of the news from my room was much louder than the sound of the television from the room to the west. I had not noticed how loud it was when i was in the room. I started down the hall to the west, thinking about $F45 and wondering when he was going to get here. I rounded a corner, turning north, when i suddenly though about how $F45 would have to drive all the way here from where we lived. I suddenly remembered that i had taken my car to this place. It was parked in the parking lot to the east of the building. I felt suddenly stupid and turned around to head back to the room. I had come here by myself, so $F45 would not be coming to pick me up after the rehearsal. I felt annoyed with myself as i headed back down the hall to the east. I then thought that $F45 probably did not call yet because he had thought that rehearsals were running late.

12008 April 26

I was moving back into the room with the other people. I had not been in this place in a very long time. The others seemed like $F10 and $A311. I sat down on the bed, which was against the southern wall of the room. It seemed like a bunk bed, and i was sitting on the lower bunk, but there did not seem to be another bed above me. $F10 was somewhere in the northwestern section of the room, and $A311 was standing to the north of me, looking around the room. He was trying to figure out where he should put his bed. I realized that people here did not really put too many beds in the rooms these days. I thought that $A311 needed a bed against the south wall of the room. I then wondered if we were supposed to keep our beds in the room these days. I remembered that people did not have beds in their dorm rooms when i started living in this house. I looked around the pale-yellow room to the south of me. It seemed like the room on the third floor of $P19, but it also seemed like the room i had lived in before with $A311 and $F10. It felt strange to be back here. I was quite a bit older than these people, and i felt awkward knowing that i would be living with such younger people. It would be nice to know them, but i would feel out of place. I then noticed that $A311 had a bed against the northern wall of the room, to the east of me. We had settled on how the room was going to be arranged, but i still felt awkward about living here. I did not think that i should really be back in this place. There was something wrong with me being here. I looked at the white card that was against the wall to the east of me. The wall was short, and the top part of it slanted inward, following the slope of the roof above. The card had large green type on it, and it listed the types of rooms in the building: “1 person room”, “2 person room”, “3 person room”, “1 apartment”, “2 apartment”. I realized that this was a list of places i could live. I felt that i should be in an apartment rather than in the same house with all of these people, who seemed to be from $G3. I paced around the room here, feeling out of place. I looked at the card again to confirm that i was really in this place. It did not seem right.

I entered the gymnasium from the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. There were people in the gym already, but they were not part of the group i was coming to join. I followed the other person across the northern side of the gym, heading west. I had come here to get ready for some sport. In the northern section of the gym was a group of people in white martial-arts uniforms. They were arranged in a phalanx and were practicing their forms. I followed the other man around the western side of the group, heading to the south into the center of the room. As i started to pass the group, i noticed a teenage boy on the western side of the group. I recognized him, but i did not know from where. I suddenly realized that one of the students behind him had his arm around the boy’s neck and was performing a chokehold. I could not tell who was choking the boy, though. At first, i thought that it was part of the practice, but then the boy looked at me with a distressed face. This was not part of the practice and he was really being choked. I felt that i should do something, but, before i could act, the instructor moved in from the north and pulled the two men apart. I continued to the south, wishing i could have helped the young man. I felt that i had some relationship with him and should have done something to help. I then came to the area where the sports people were collecting. I thought that they were waiting for track practice. I moved past several runners in red uniforms, heading to the east along the northern side of the black rubber track. I noticed that $A46 was on the grass not the north of the track, and i said hello to him. He did not respond, and he seemed annoyed as he walked away. This upset me. I then realized that i was too old to be here and wondered if $A46 thought that i was out of place here. I felt out of place here, and i walked back to the west. I stopped at the edge of the area and looked around. I seemed to be outside now, and there were buildings to the west and northwest of me. I wanted to leave here, and i felt that i should just fly home. I knew that i had the ability to fly, and i knew that i was to the southwest of $P14. I would have to fly to the northeast, over the center of town, to get home. I then realized that i would have to cross over the airport to get to my house from here. I knew that this would be dangerous because i would be flying in the way of the airplanes. I told this to the others who were around me. I described the complications of flying home from here. I seemed to be flying as i described these problems, but i could only see gray. There was nothing but gray around me, and i was unsure what was happening.

12008 April 27

I walked with $F4 to the west. We seemed to be in $P7, but the place was open, modern, and unfamiliar to me. We came down the corridor from the southeast and ended up in the wide open room. I could only see the southern wall of the room as i turned to look for my things. $F4 walked a little to the west to get his stuff as well. I looked at the thin wooden cubbies to the northeast of me, where the mail had been collecting for people. I was looking for my mailbox so that i could gather the mail that had been collecting over the summer. The boxes seemed to be packed with letters and magazines, but i could not seem to find my name. I thought about the house to the east, where we had come from. It seemed to be $F4’s house, and i thought that he probably gets his mail regularly since he lives so close. I then noticed that some of the mailboxes had signs on them with red printed letters. I felt that these signs were telling people that their mailboxes had gotten too full and that the people had to come to the post-office counter to get their mail. I worried that my mail would be held in the post office. I knew that the workers would not be here on this sunny weekend, so i would not be able to get my mail if i had gotten too much. I headed to the south, along the wall, reading the names on the boxes. I then stopped to look at the large number of boxes on the eastern wall. My name should be here somewhere, but i could not find it. The names were written on a black surface. White lines on the black glossy black wall delineated cubical boxes, and the names were written in these boxes in various shades of wax pencil. I could not find my name, though. I then noticed that the names on the wall just to the east of me were from the next class down. I was a senior in high school, and these names were from the juniors. I looked down the wall to the north. The wall had a corner in the center of it, forming a wide V so that the northern end of the wall slanted slightly to the west-southwest. I thought that the seniors’ names would be on the northern end of the wall, but i could not see my name there either. I then spotted a box with the name “Who” in it. I wondered if this had to do with the rock band.

I came to the south, into the large dining room where all of the other people were sitting. I was with $F45, and i suddenly felt that the people here were his family and relatives. The people sat around an oval wood dining-room table, and they all stared at me. They felt like my in-laws. They had been having a meeting here, and they were not happy that i showed up. I felt hostility from them, and i started to be very uncomfortable here. They seemed italian because they all had short-cut straight black hair. I did not say anything to them, but they started talking about me as i stood in the room. I wanted to be friendly to them, but they kept making insulting comments about me. There was something that seemed foreign about them, and i was very uncomfortable here.

I headed to the south, into the glass entryway of the large box store. The entryway was almost square and seemed to be on the corner of the store. The automatic doors to the south of me slid to the sides as the manual doors behind me started to swing closed. I paused in the entryway, checking the side of my pants and realizing that i did not have my wallet with me. I must have left it in my bags at the counter. I felt foolish for forgetting it and turned around to head back into the store. Two other people were coming out of the store behind me, and both stared at me as they passed to the south. I felt annoyed and walked back into the store.

12008 April 28

I walked around in the large open room of the house. This was a special house, and i felt that i had just moved in here. My parents were standing just to the north of me as i mentioned the special places in the house. This room seemed to be mostly round, but had flat walls, perhaps eight to ten. The ceiling was dome-shaped, but again was made of flat surfaces. Everything seemed to be covered with lightly stained wood. The room was open, but i remembered that there should be a special column in the centre of the room. It had some religious significance. My father asked where the column was, and i told him that it was below us. We were not in the chapel. I thought about the room, and i could see the wide column to the northeast of me. It was tan and was covered with red and black paints. It reminded me of something from a Native American artwork. I knew that it was significant to the religion. I started to talk about the Native American faiths in this area. The column seemed significant in a Masonic style, but i knew that it also had significance to the local faiths. My father was to the northeast of me, in one of the many pews that curved around the center of the room. There were three or four rows of pews around the circumference of the room. I knew that the room should be round, but it now seemed to be semicircular. My father talked about my mother’s doctor and what he had said about my mother’s health. I was worried about my mother as he said that the doctors told him that there was cancer in the fatty tissue of her body. This meant that the organs would be involved, which as very bad. I felt upset by this information and wondered what my mother was doing. I then heard the music. It was coming from somewhere in the room. I turned to the south. I was standing in the southern side of the back room of my parents’ house. My mother was sitting on the stairs leading up to the second floor. She was very upset, and i thought that she had been crying. I felt upset for her because she had cancer.

I was driving my car to the west, down the long straight road. There were tall trees on either side of the road, but i felt that i was in a residential area near a business district. All of the sudden, a small airplane flew slowly from the northern side of the road, crossing to the south. It was a white Cessna with maroon stripes down the sides, and it was flying upside down at an awkward angle. I felt suddenly worried, realizing that the airplane must be crashing. It had passed the road right in front of me, and i was still moving toward it. As i passed the area where it crossed the road, i looked to the south. I could see the airplane floating at an awkward angle to the south, with its nose down. There seemed to be a thin right-of-way between the tall thin threes that the airplane was moving down. The right-of-way was not wide enough for the airplane, however, and i watched its wings break off as they hit the trees. I continued down the road, but realized that i should call emergency. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed emergency, realizing that i should not be talking on the telephone as i drove, but deciding that it was necessary. I tried to slow down to stop, but i realized that i would be blocking the road. I was approaching an intersection with the main road that ran north to the business district. I would tell the operator my position with respect to this road, but i could not remember the names. I listened to the telephone as i pulled off to the northern side of the road just before the intersection. I was in the turning lane on the northern side of the road. I could hear sirens in the distance and thought that the fire crew must already know about the plane crash, but i thought that i would call emergency anyway. I looked at the road signs hanging over the intersection in front of me. I could not really make out the names from this angle, but i started to read them as i slowed to a stop in the turning lane. The green signs were bent, but the road i was on was called “Titus”. The other road had a name starting with an E, but i could not read it clearly. It did not matter what it was called because i could refer to it as the entrance to the north highway. I pushed the button on my dash for the hazard lights, noticing a car passing me from the other direction. I felt nervous here, thinking that i was blocking traffic. I listened to the telephone, but nothing happened. It seemed that the call did not go through. I felt annoyed, and i hung up and dialed emergency again. I then realized that there was a parking lot on the corner just to the northeast of the intersection. I turned the corner to the north and pulled into the parking lot. I could still hear the sirens around me, but i could still not hear the emergency operator on the telephone. I pulled into a parking spot near the southeastern side of the lot, thinking that i would run back down the road to the site of the crash. As i drove to the south, i noticed a low metal chain-link fence across the southern end of the lot. I knew that i could easily hop over it to get back to the road.

12008 April 29

It was dark out, and i started to wander down the street to the north. I was in a suburban area, and the houses around me seemed to have wide yards with many trees around them. Many of the trees seemed to be pine. I had just returned to this area from somewhere, and now i was wandering along the western side of the street. I was not in a good mood, and i acted as though i was drunk, even though i was fully aware of what i was doing. I passed a woman who was walking to the south. She stopped to look at me as i bent down to the sidewalk. I looked around vacantly as i stood up, pretending that i did not know exactly where i was. I then realized that i was not wearing too many clothes. I had a pair of shorts on and i pulled a large white towel around my shoulders. The woman complained about me and walked to the south, down the road. I had already started to the west, on the main road. I stopped for a second, though, looking around at the town around me. There was a tall church just to the south of me, on the southwestern corner of the intersection. It was made of red brick and had a square tower at the front. The building was familiar, but, as i looked around the area, i realized that i really did not recognize much of the town anymore. I had been gone for too long, and many things had changed. I turned back to the west and started walking again, but i seemed to have come to another section of town. I was now on the northern side of a wide street or parking lot. I looked down to do something when i noticed two people coming from the south. They seemed like young men, and i felt that they were trying to be threatening to me. The one of the left was wearing white pants with a light-coloured shirt, and the one on the right was wearing medium-coloured pants and a black and white checkered shirt. The walked up to me and started pushing against me, intending to rob me. I thought about the wallet i had in my left pocket. I pushed back, forcing the man in the white pants to fall back over the hood of the car that was parked just to the southeast of us. As he stumbled, i noticed that he had long brown hair. They did not seem to be that strong and were not that good at confrontation. The man in the checkered shirt threatened me and pulled out a small knife with his right hand. The knife seemed to be a pocketknife with a very small blade. He stabbed me in the left side of my chest. I realized that it was a dangerous place to be stabbed, but i did not seem to feel too much pain. I was going to attack the man in the checkered shirt to keep him from attacking again. I thought that i should simply break his leg and move away.

We moved around the rustic room. The northern wall seemed dark and uneven, as though it was made of dirt or pieced together from random planks. There were vertical spaces between the building materials where i could see the bright tan landscape outside. Two young men were standing near the wall as we spoke. They were from a local tribe, and they were introducing themselves to us. $Z was to the west of me, and he moved to the north to play with the oldest of the young men, who seemed to be in his late teens or early twenties. $Z started wrestling with the boy, and i felt concerned that the tribal wrestling might be more brutal than we were used to. They pushed each other around for a bit, moving to the west, into the other room. I followed them, watching $Z get pulled to the ground around the corner. I walked to the west and looked in the doorway to the south. The young man had $Z on the ground with his legs around his waist. He was squeezing $Z, who seemed to be $A461. $A461 had long blond hair as he lie on the floor with his head to the west. He was trapped, and he tapped his left hand on the floor to tell the other person to let him up. I wondered if the local person would know what that meant, and i felt that he was not going to let him up yet because the local tradition did not let people escape if there was no danger to them. The native leaned on $Z again, pushing his right knee into $Z’s abdomen. $Z groaned and tried to get out, but he could not. He then asked the young boy near me how to say “green lemons” in the native language. The boy said something to him and he repeated it. The wrestler then let him up. I was amused by the action, and wanted to challenge the man myself. As we started back into the room to the north, the man started to push me, and i pushed back. I then realized that we were in a rather confined space and told the man that we should move to the north, into a more open room. We continued to push against each other as we moved to the north. I saw the white counter with rounded edges just to the north of me, thinking that i did not want to push the man over near them because he might hit his head on it. As we reached the eastern side of the room, though, i started to push against him and realized that he was not as strong as he had seemed. I also managed to trap his arms in mine and though that i could throw him over, but i did not because there was little room around us.

12008 April 30

I suddenly realized that i had not packed a lunch in my backpack, and i wondered if i had any food at all to eat. I was in school, and i unzipped my backpack to look inside. There was still a pack of crackers in the top of it, so i thought that it would have to do. I walked from the west to he east, leaving the bus and coming into the classroom. The female teacher sat to the west of us, on the other side of the small round table. I put my things down, but felt that i had to blow my nose. I put the tissue to my nose to wipe it, but it kept running. I listened to the teacher describe the project that we were supposed to start, but she stopped what she was saying while i finished blowing my nose. I felt a little embarrassed, but i wondered why she would not talk while i was blowing my nose. I folded the tissue and wiped my nose, but it was still running. I felt annoyed, wondering why my nose was suddenly running so much. I thought that i might be having some kind of reaction to something in the room. The teacher was impatient with me, but finally started talking. She said that there were tests due tomorrow and at the end of the week. Tomorrow seemed to be Tuesday. She then mentioned the experiment with the frog we had to have set up by tomorrow. It seemed to have something to do with setting up an environment for the frog. She said that it was due tomorrow, but then stressed that we had not even started it yet. I wondered how we would be able to finish it. I had to blow my nose again, and i stood up and moved to the east as the teacher talked. There was a cafeteria counter against the eastern wall, with a glass case for the food. There did not seem to be any food here at the moment, but there was a man setting up for the function behind the counter. The teacher was now to the north of him, behind the counter. I blew my nose again. The teacher then left, telling the man that he should start the function. He opened up two bottles of wine and put them on the counter. I approached the southern end of the counter, and the man asked me what i wanted to drink. I knew that i was too young to have the wine, but i mentioned that it would be nice to have a glass anyway. I asked the man for a glass of water. I then corrected my self, saying that the man could just give me a glass and i could fill it up at the drinking fountain. The waiter moved to the northern end of the counter and grabbed a glass, which was standing near the water tap. I should have let him fill it behind the bar because the water from the tap comes out quicker than the water from the drinking fountain. I took the glass, which looked exactly like the tall rounded drinking glasses that i had at home, and turned to the west. There was a drinking fountain against the opposite wall. I pressed down the button on the right-hand side of the fountain and held the glass under the stream of water. The glass filled slowly, and i noticed that there was something strange about the way it was filling. It seemed to be full, so i let go of the leaver and pulled the glass away. As i looked at the glass, it was only half full of water, but it seemed that the water was still falling into it. It reminded me of the fizz from soda settling. I watched the glass as the water rose to the top. Once it was full, the glass still had a lot of dissolved air clouding the water. In a moment, that had risen to the top as well and the glass was ready. I turned to the west, finding myself in a parking lot. There was a truck to the east of me. It was facing north, and its driver’s door was open near me. I had been getting my things out of it for school. I then heard the person talking on the telephone to the west. He was standing in a tall glass telephone booth. He had answered the telephone and was trying to find out whom the person on the telephone was asking for. He mentioned $F13, but said that he was not sure whether he knew where he was. I looked to the north, noticing that $F13 was wandering around in the parking lot, just to the north of the truck. The man did not seem to acknowledge him, and i realized that he probably did not know who $F13 was. I moved toward the man as he paced to the east. He was to the northeast of the truck as he spoke to the person on the telephone, confirming that they were looking for $F13. I mentioned $F13’s name and pointed to him. $F13 did not seem to be aware of what was happening. He stood in the parking lot, looking down at something he was doing in his hands as he held them in front of his chest. He did not seem to be wearing a shirt. He turned to the north and took the telephone. The man walked to the south, heading along the eastern side of the truck. I made a comment to him as $F13 spoke.