12009 April 01

I was sitting on the northern side of the large room. The walls of the room where white, and were oddly shaped and seemed like an art gallery. The northern wall was composed of two pieces, which formed a wide corner about four or five meters to the south of where the ends of the wall were. The southern wall also seemed to have a multifaceted shape, making the wider in the eastern and western ends. I was sitting in metal folding chairs that had light-gray plastic seats. They faced west on the northern side of the room, and i seemed to be near the back of the section, where the audience ran against the western part of the northern wall. There was an aisle running east to west down the center of the room. On the southern side of the room were more chairs, but they were facing east. I turned to the southeast to watch the concert. There was a small stage in the center of the eastern wall, and Laurie Anderson was singing something from it. She was performing a concert here, and there was a procession of performers walking from the eastern side of the room, down the central corridor, to the small stage on the western wall. This was the second song of the show, and it had sharp beats. The performers in the center of the room were moving in quick jerky motions to the beat, stepping to martial-arts movies as they slowly made their way to the west. A young boy was dancing through the center of them, but his motions seemed awkward, as if he was bored with the performance and was not really trying. He used to dance better when the show had first started. Now he seemed to be sloppy with his steps, as though he did not know what he was doing. Something had changed in the show, and it did not seem to be as nice as it used to. I thought that something must be wrong. The procession continued to the northwest, toward the second stage. The song changed as they went, and i noticed that people in the audience were starting to leave their chairs. Most of the chairs around me now were getting empty. I decided that it was intermission. I looked at the stage to the northwest, noticing that it was a large blue screen. A boy in the audience to the southwest of me commented that the screen had not been used in the first part of the show. I would probably be used in the second part. As i looked around me, i realized that most of the people had left the room. It felt strange here, and i thought that most of the audience would not be coming back. They were bored with the show. It made me sad that people were no longer interested in shows. I looked around at the few people that were still wandering away. I was outside now, to the north of the modern cement building. A street ran along the northern side of the sidewalk where i waited. People were gathered to the west of me, and they seemed to be waiting for the bus. There was a cement overhang extending from the building. It covered the sidewalk and was supported by thin metal poles. Several people were waiting around me, and some of them were smoking cigarettes, as if they had just come out of the show for a smoke. I then noticed a woman moving through the few people standing on the western corner of the block, to the west of where i was. The building sloped away from the street on this side of the block, leaving more room for the bus stop. There seemed to be several metal queue fences under the roof of the building here where people were getting in line to wait for the bus. The woman looked like Laurie Anderson, but i was not entirely sure. She was pacing around among the others waiting for the bus, and she seemed upset. I wondered if she was sad because the people had stopped being interested in her shows. They had left during intermission and had not returned. I felt bad for her and started to walk slowly to the west. I was still not sure it was she and wanted to get a closer look. The woman turned to the south again, and i noticed that she appeared to be crying. The others in the area then started moving to the northwest corner of the block, gathering together between the queue fences. A bus must be approaching. I walked past the tall woman in the dark-gray trench coat, trying to see her face as i passed. I nodded to her as if i knew her when i passed, but the face did not quite seem right. I was still not sure whether it was Laurie Anderson or not. She was headed to the east, and i could tell that she was upset, but i still did not know for sure whether it was Laurie. I wondered if i should try to talk to her. I turned and walked back to the east, along the side of the building.

I moved through the corridor of the school building, which seemed very much like $P7. The halls were made of old brown stone and were shaped into archways and tall peaked windows and doorways. I had keys to something special in the building, but i thought that i would have to turn them in because i was leaving this place. I felt bad about having to leave. There was something very special about this place. It was a place hidden from regular people, and i mentally compared it to Hogwarts, from the Harry Potter books. I moved through the corridors, thinking that there was a mystery that should be solved. On the eastern wall next to me was a set of old wooden cubbies, which seemed like mail slots. They were covered with small wooden doors, though, and reminded me of safety-deposit boxes. I pulled one of the long flat boxes from its mail slot and set it down on the counter under the slots. There was someone standing with me as i looked at the wooden box. I put one of the keys into the end of box and opened it. As i pulled open the lid, i looked up at the wooden lockers on the wall in front of me, wondering what was in them. The box i had flattened out once it was unlocked. I was disappointed to find that there was nothing in it. I had to figure out this puzzle. There was something here and he keys had something to do with it.

12009 April 02

I was working for Woden, and he was plotting something strange. I thought about what he was trying to do as i walked to the south. The thought of his plot made me uneasy. I knew that he wanted to kill someone, and i thought that i would have to take the body away. I was not comfortable doing these things, but i knew that i would have to help him, since he was Woden. He was going to turn the brain of the body into gold. When the man died, the brain would come to the afterplace. I was heading to the north in a dimly lighted area. The colors around me seemed to be brown and dark gray. To the north of me, i noticed a sphinx-like creature sitting in the center of a gate of corridor. It was guarding the afterplace, and i thought it was like Kerberos or Anubis. The head of the creature was separated from its body, as if the creature were a broken statute. The man mentioned the gold brain again, saying that it would go to the place when it dies. I knew that this was a special place, and tried to think about it as i turned to the south. I had to take the fingers of the body to somewhere so that something could be done with them as part of the ceremony. I looked down at the fingers uncomfortably as i walked into the small bedroom of the house. I had to do something for the man. As i held onto the fingers in my right hand, i felt them starting to wiggle. The feeling was displeasing, and i did not really want to be a part of this, but i knew that i was already involved. I had to put the fingers down on the table. I then stepped into something on the floor. It was wet and slippery, and i thought that the cat must have vomited on the floor. It was dark in the small room, and i could not quite see what was on the floor. I felt a little exasperated and reached to the northern wall, just to the east of the door, where the light switch was. I could see the partially digested severed fingers on the oriental rug, just to the north of the table. The cat must have eaten them and then vomited them. Teeth marks were obvious in the fingers. I was annoyed that the cats were chewing things that they should not have been, but i decided that it might actually be easier to mix the fingers together now that they were chewed and partially digested. They would have to be ground into a mixture as part of a ceremony for the man. The man had a plot to do something big, but i was still uncomfortable with the idea of helping him. I was not quite sure that i could trust him. What he was doing seemed strange and disturbing, and i was not entirely sure that it was for good purposes.

I was at the camp, and i walked to the north, out of the enclosed area and into the open field. There was a row of pine trees to the west, which seemed to separate the field from another part of the lawn. I looked up into the gray sky, worried about the weather. I thought that there were thunderstorms coming, and i hoped that they did not do too much damage to this area. There was something threatening about being in this place in bad weather. I moved under the pavilion to the west, which was the line of trees. $G4 was going to come to this place later for an event, and i was looking around the area to make sure things would be prepared when they got there. It seemed that the event was not in the near future, though. I was here out of season, and the campground seemed quiet and abandoned. I looked back to the southeast, where i had come from. There was a thick pine woods running along the southern side of the field, and i could see a tall bluish-white dome in the center of the trees. There was something impressive about the structure, and i stared at it for a while. I then realized that the ground was actually covered with snow. The area seemed bleak and gray now. I stepped through the snow, annoyed that it was there. I looked back to the west, where my black car was parked at the edge of a gravel parking lot. The rectangular parking area ran north to south, on the other side of the line of pine trees on the western side of the field. It was very late in the year for snow to fall, and it seemed strange to be out here. I started to be worried about getting stuck here in the snow, which seemed slushy and wet. I headed to the north, back toward the brown wood pavilion. I looked again at my car, thinking that i was not supposed to be here yet. I noticed the blue car in the parking lot near mine. There was someone inside the car. I could see a man through the windshield. He was in the front seat of the car, bending over to do something near the dash. Someone sat in the back seat of the car as well. I realized that there were two couples in the car, and that they were both making out. They had come here to park, not expecting anyone else to be here. I felt secluded here and worried that i should not be here. I walked back into the pavilion, which now seemed to be to the south of the field. I was not registered to be here yet. $G4 had this building registered for later in the season, but it was supposed to be empty now. I was in a large rustic room, and everything seemed very still. I headed to the east, leaving the room and heading down the stairs. The wooden walls looked like logs stacked on top of each other, and there were pictures in crude wooden frames hanging from the wall. The place was decorated in western style. I started down the stairs, which ran along the southern wall of the larger room. The northern side of the room seemed to be open to a hallway. As i passed down the stairs, i brushed against something that was hanging on the southern wall and knocked it off. I stopped and bent over to pick it up. It looked like a horseshoe, but it was made of soft brown leather. I put it back up on the wall. I then heard someone moving around on the floor below me. I hoped that they did not find me here. It might have been one of the researchers who stayed in this place during the school year. I walked carefully down the wooden stairs, looking around the room for someone, but i could not see anyone. I felt nervous, and called out, saying “Hello?”. No one answered, and i felt a little uncomfortable, wondering if i imagined the person. I moved to the center of the long room, where the long narrow table was. I was on a bus, and the table was in the center of the room. I felt unsure and looked out the window to see where the bus was headed. I wanted it to take me back to the place, but it seemed to be turning to the north, heading to $P42. This was wrong, and i started walking to the east. I wanted to tell the bus driver that this was the wrong way. I then noticed the children at the front of the bus. There was something strange about this situation, and i turned around and headed back down the corridor of the bus. The bus stopped and people started getting on through the large door in the center of the long wall of the bus. They came into the room with me. This seemed awkward. I should get off of the bus, but i could not squeeze through the people getting on. I wondered what i should do.

12009 April 03

I looked to the south, off the side of the road and i drove the car to the east. The ocean was to the south of us, and i could see it through the breaks in the tall tan rock columns. I was in the passenger’s seat of the car and told the other person in the car that the whales were leaving for the season. Through one of the breaks in the rocks, i spotted a large group of whales swimming away from the shore. They jumped over the surface of the water as they went. They had dark blue backs and white abdomens. They disappeared behind the tall structure as we continued to walk to the east, so i did not think that $K5 could see them. We walked around the column, which seemed to be a brick support for the building that we were passing through. I moved a little to the south and started down the stone steps, descending to the east. The stairs turned to the north before ending on the lower level of the building. I stepped to the east with $K5, coming into the square outdoor room. There was no wall to the south, and we could see the ocean. I looked for the whales, hoping that they were still visible. A whale jumped over the water just off the shore and started swimming to the south-southwest, after the others. I then realized that the small square are that we were standing in was actually a pool where the whales had been kept. They were jumping over the low southern wall of the pool to get to the ocean so that they could leave for the season. I worried whether there were still any whales still in the tank with us. The northern wall seemed to be pale tan, the same color as the rest of the stucco building. The eastern wall was made out of a rough brown rock cliff, which might not have been natural. $K5 was standing to the north of me when i noticed the whale in the water to the east of us. I watched as it jumped over the southern wall and swimmed away. I felt that we should not be here and thought that we should get out before someone caught us in the pool. I spoke to $K5 as we walked back to the west, turning to the south to head up the stairs, and then to the west to continue up the second part of the flight. As we started up the stairs, we past a man in a blue uniform who was leading a woman down the stairs. He was one of the people who worked here and he was leading the woman on a tour to see the whale pool. He would notice that we did not belong here. I took $K5’s wet suit as we headed up the stairs. I wanted to get out of this place before the man realized that we did not have a tour guide with us and come after us. I folded the large wet suit as we reached the top of the stairs, thinking that i would have to hide it so that no one would suspect that we were actually in the water. We started to change in the room at the top and to the west of the stairs when the tour guide it the dull-green shirt came into the room. He asked us about the wet suit. I tried not to acknowledge him too much and hoped that we could simply leave before he notified anyone that we had been here unsupervised.

12009 April 04

I was not feeling very happy and was becoming annoyed with my relatives because they kept asking questions about me. We were in a long narrow room, which seemed like a pub, and i was facing north, near the northern end of the room, where my parents were. My mother seemed concerned about me and asked me if i wanted anything to eat. I was not hungry and told them that i did not want anything. This concerned them and they asked why i was not eating anything. They would think that i was starving myself when really i was just not hungry. I was frustrated with the conversation and headed to the south, down the length of the room and out the door. It seemed dramatic for me to walk away, but i wanted to do it anyway. I turned to the east on the city street outside, aware that i was barefoot on the cement sidewalk. I started walking up the hill to the east, on the northern side of the narrow street. This place felt a little dangerous, and i wondered if i should stay here so as not to worry my parents. I decided that i wanted to wander off into the city. This place seemed familiar. I walked up the steep hill, passing several young people, who seemed like college students. They all seemed to be having fun, as though they were on spring break. I did not know where to go so i kept heading to the east. As i reached the end of the block, i started to climb the black metal stairs on the western side of the building. I was disappointed to find that a group of the students were also on the stairs. I came to the roof of the building and did not want to be here with the college people, who seemed to be partying. I did not know what to do. I looked to the south, over the river, which ran east to west, parallel to the street that i had been on. There were tall building along the southern shore of the river, and seemed to be some tall modern buildings on the near shore as well. There was something distinct about this place, as though i knew the buildings to the south of me. Something then moved quickly downward in the corner of my eye. I turned to the east to see a missile plummet into one of the tall tan buildings on the southern side of the river. I felt tense and suddenly concerned. I wanted to tell the others that something dangerous was happening. I watched the building for a moment. There was a large billow of smoke rising from the front of the tall modern tower. The tower had a square design, and did not seem to have any windows on it. It had a cubical top that was supported by a slightly narrower base, and there were cement ridges running vertically up the entire structure. The missile then exploded and another billow of smoke drifted up from the building. As i watched the building collapsed onto itself. The weight of the building shook the ground and made a loud rumbling noise. The people around me were startled and looked to the east. There was something significant to this, and it made me thing of the World Trade Centers. The vibration was heavy enough that it affected the buildings around it. A shorter tan building just in front of the collapsed tower then shook and fell. The rumbling vibration was shaking apart the other weaker structures in the area. I felt very concerned as several more building started to collapse. All at once, the row of buildings to the east of me collapsed in sequence, starting away from me and crumbling right up to the building that i was standing on. I realized that i was suddenly lucky that the building i was on did not collapse, but i thought i should get off of the building just in case it did. I moved to the west, wondering if it would be any safer on the ground. It seemed that it might be safer to be on the roof of a building if it collapsed rather than under it. I continued to move toward the stairs, though. A college-aged man was to the southwest of me, and he started moving to the stairs on the west as well.

I was thinking about the dream i had about the buildings on the river to the south. I looked out to the south, over the river to see the tall resort building along the shores. There was something familiar about them, and i thought that they looked like they did in my dream. I remembered the green decorative letters on the side of one of the buildings. It seemed like a mexican restaurant that i was familiar with, and seemed out of place on the flat tan side of the hotel or casino, but that was the way it was in my dream. I looked down for a moment, at the black seats in the theater around me. I was sitting in a small auditorium, facing south. The floor under the seats sloped down steeply to the south, and everything in the room was black. My parents were sitting no the west and northwest of me, and they commented on something. I felt upset about the movie that was the dream. Looking at the notebook on the flat surface to the southwest of me, i noticed that it had the letters “L8H” written in large light-purple letters. This had something to do with the dream, and i tried to remember it. I wondered if it could be pronounced, but it did not make sense as “late H”. There was some significant to the image of the collapse, and it worried me.

12009 April 05

I was on a class trip with people from my school, but i had been separated from the group. They were in the room downstairs, on a different part of the tour of this large place. I was with a woman as we walked to the south, into the large room. The place was very modern and mostly white, with straight lines and plain features. We entered through a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. There was some kind of demonstration in the room to the southwest of us. People were standing around the floor at regular intervals, and there was an older thin woman standing directly to the south of us, leading the class through the exercise. This place seemed like a performing-arts school, and the students here were performing what they had learned. This seemed to be a big event at this art center, and we had come on the tour to see the performances. I realized that we were not with our class and thought about going to find them, but then i realized that the students here were doing something interesting. I focused on a young man in a blue half-sleeve shirt and black pants. The rest of the students in the room were still as he started to move. I was standing in a small area on the northeastern side of the room that was surrounded by a thin metal railing. There were two metal crossbars to the silver railings, and they created a rectangular area on the white floor. Several round tables were within the area, and some people were sitting at them, watching the performance. The young man with blond hair jumped several times and then moved to the western side of the small area, just to the north of the corner of the railing. He jumped over the railing and continued to dance on the southern side of the small area. There was something very interesting in him, even though i could tell that he was not such a great dancer. I then noticed someone following him. The second man was larger and lumbered through the movements. He had short black hair and was wearing the same color and style of clothing as the first man. He moved with a stoop, but, instead of jumping over the railing, he dove over it and landed on the wood floor inside the area, lifting his legs behind him in an open scissor motion. It was not as elegant as it could have been, but it was still pretty athletic. Some other dancers then followed the line into the area as the exhibition continued. My attention was drawn to the east, outside of the room that we were in. There was no eastern wall to the room. Instead, the room was part of a larger area. There was a corridor running along the eastern side of the room. The corridor was a few meters lower than the floor of the room, and there were people lining up just to the east of us. There was another large room to the east of the corridor, this one about a meter above the level of the room that we were in. A ramp descended along the northern side of that room, running from the level of that room to the corridor, and i could see people lined up along the ramp. The queue rand down the ramp and turned to the north, just to the east of us. They were waiting to head through the door in the northern wall. I recognized the people in the queue. They were in our class. I asked the woman with me whether we should rejoin them in the queue and continue on the tour with them. She did not seem to want to. She wanted to see the rest of the exhibit we were watching, and i started to wonder if we would be missing anything special if we skipped ahead to go with our tour. I felt awkward, thinking that we should be following the class on the tour. I looked at the room to the east. It was filled with people sitting at small round tables, and it seemed to be a cafeteria. The food service area seemed to be to the north of it, recessed into the eastern end of the northern wall of the larger area. I thought about this place and felt that we really should be joining our tour group. I headed to the west, across the cafeteria area. This place suddenly seemed familiar. I recognized the coffee table on the western wall, with the large green sign over it and the baskets of breads in front of it. There was a kiosk extending from the northern wall, which seemed to be the front desk of the hotel. This was the place where we were staying, and i realized that i had stayed here before. It seemed that i had been here several times, and i tried to remember when. As the woman to the east of me spoke to the woman behind the desk, i tried to think when i had been here. The woman to the east of me asked where something was, and the woman behind the counter told her that the Ames was just outside to the west. I remembered the run-down shopping plaza around the hotel. Both were on the northern side of the road, which seemed to be in an old dirty part of town. The Ames department store had a plain white face with old red letters on top, and it seemed grimy with age. I acted as though i remembered the plaza and said that i had been here before. The woman behind the desk asked me when i had been here before, and i tried to think why i had come. I remembered that it was for a conference or class a long time ago, but i could not remember exactly which one. I was going to tell her that it was for a conference in Bloomington, but then i remembered that we were no where near Bloomington, so that could not be right. This also did not seem like the college. I felt that we were somewhere near Minneapolis, and i remembered that i had been to a business conference where the logo was the black shape of the state of Minnesota with a loon on in front of it. I thought that this was the conference in Wisconsin, and i was about to mention this to the woman when she asked what conference i had been to in the Cincinnati area. I was suddenly confused about where i was and had to think about it again. The conference in Wisconsin seemed right, but it was not near Cincinnati.

I walked to the south, down the eastern end of the large gymnasium where the martial-arts students had been demonstrating their skills. The room seemed to be emptying out now, and i looked around to see only a few people in white gis standing around near the eastern wall. There had been a fighting competition here, and i felt as though i had been a part of it. I was uneasy about sparring, remembering that i had so little practice of doing it. I then realized that i had been here through most of the early competition, and i remembered that most of the people here were very bad about sparring. I might have competed in some of the matches, but i was not sure. I started to feel better about my ability when i realized that i had done better than many of the other people i had sparred with. They were not skilled in sparring, and i had actually studied martial arts, so i had an advantage. I simply had never tried to test my skills before. I felt better about myself as i continued to the south, toward the door in the southern end of the eastern wall. I wondered if i should stay for more of the competition. I then started to feel that i really did not want to get into fights. I was unsure about the competition here. I looked to the south again, noticing that i was still near the northern side of the room. As i started to cross the red mats on the floor, i kneeled down and started to crawl on my hands and knees. I remembered that this sometimes happened in my dreams. There were times when my walking seemed impeded and i had to move in a different way because i would not be able to walk upright. There were people sitting along the southern edge of the mat, and i felt that they were from an advanced martial-arts class. A few people in white gis walked into the doorway at the southern end of the eastern wall and started heading north along the eastern end of the mat. They were here for their class. I tried to stand again, but found that i could not breath properly, so i went back to crawling across the mat. I wondered if this was some kind of respect for the instructor, who seemed to be sitting at the southern end of the mat. I realized that no one else was crawling, so i forced myself to stand up and continue walking to the south. I then focused on the female instructor, who was kneeling on the mat to the southeast of me. She had a blue gi and fluffy brown hair that seemed to be styled with lots of gel. She had a narrow face and thin glasses as she spoke to me about the martial arts. I felt that i was learning something important, but there was something strange about the situation. Her face seemed to fill the entire view, and her hair fluffed out around the sides of her head. I wanted to tell her that understood many of the things of martial arts, but i wanted to learn something. I then started thinking about the advanced class around me. I felt a little intimidated around them and wondered what i would do here. She said something to me and then there was just someone talking as i was picturing myself in the center of the room. I watched myself demonstrate some moves as the voice directed me. Something then suggested that i could be hypnotized to do things. I knew that this was not true, but i watched myself move as directed. The man in the black gi then instructed me to kill. He said that i was destruction. I watched myself move into an attack stance, but realized that i would not actually attack as the man had expected. I would draw up energy in the center of the room and then redirect it toward the man, throwing him across the room and into the white cement southern wall. I had abilities that they did not know about, and i would not be made to do things that were harmful to others. The female instructor referred to me as destruction again, and i realized that the slow movements that i would do to draw up energy looked like a dance. I moved my weight onto my left foot and lifted my right knee into the air, holding my arms in a wide embrace in front of me. The pose would remind the woman and some of the others of the statue of Shiva doing the dance of creation and destruction. I was Shiva in this instant, and i moved to the southeast, across the parking lot between the modern buildings. I though about the symbolism, and wondered if the man who was with me, who seemed to be $Z, was creation. I thought that we were Shiva and Vishnu, but then i though that creation might be Brahma. I came to the southeastern side of the parking lot, which was surround by hotel buildings. The white gymnasium was to the north, and the old fake-brick hotel was to the west and south. There was another modern building to the east. The driveway out was in the eastern part of the southern side of the parking lot, between the hotel and the low building, which could have been another hotel or restaurant. As i reached the entrance, i turned to the east, noticing the familiar run-down buildings of the plaza. I thought that this was the department store, but realized that it was actually the entrance to the hotel were i was staying. It looked like an old dirty hotel. As i approached the hotel, which seemed like part of the department store, i realized that the doorway was in a small square addition at the back of the building. The building was L shaped, with a wing on the south and a wing on the west. The glass door was on the western wall of a small cubical protrusion that filled in the corner of the L shape. I walked along the northern side of the southern wing and through the door. Once inside, i was walking down the long dingy corridor to the east. A work crew was moping and sweeping the floor. I passed them, thinking that i should head straight to my room. I kept thinking about Shiva and Kali and how they were just different aspects of the same thing. I did not want to get in the way of the work crews, so i quickly walked past them. The corridor was plain, with no doors or features on the dull white walls. The northern wall turned to the northwest a little, widening the corridor. In the center of the wide area was a large column, which i knew was the stair well. I headed for the door on the western side of the stairwell, but noticed that it was propped open by a workman who was kneeling on the cement floor of the stairwell, cleaning something up. I approached the door but did not want to walk though it. Instead, i walked around to the other side of the column. I thought that there was another door to the stairwell there, and i would use that one instead. I came to the eastern side of the column and opened the door.

12009 April 06

I walked to the north, through the narrow corridor of the office building. The old plaster walls were pale green and narrow. I seemed to be walking through doorways on the eastern sides of rooms. The doorways formed a corridor than ran down the eastern wall of the building, to the northern end. The man came into the offices. He had done something there and i was not worried that he would shoot us with the tommy guns. He seemed like an early 11900s gangster, in a dark suit with a crisp white shirt underneath. I hurriedly tried to start the car to get away, but the man was too close. I fumbled through the drawer to the north of me, which seemed to be the wide central drawer of a desk. There were several sets of keys in the drawer, but i was looking for the one with “19” printed on it. I saw one with “17” on it on the western side of the drawer, and then one with “4115” on it near the center of the drawer. There seemed to be a lot of old keys here, most of which were thick metal. I finally found the one that had the number nineteen on it, but it was too late. We were sitting in the old black roofless car, which seemed like an automobile from the twenties. The man already knew that we had seen him rob the place, and we could not get away fast enough, so he had to shoot us. I thought that we should have gotten out earlier. It was then earlier, and we were replaying the scene. I walked to the north from the building, into the small parking lot with the woman. She hurried along to the east of me. There was a block of old cars in the center of the lot, all of which seemed like old 11920s cars. We walked along the western side of the block of cars to a small section of the lot to the west. There was a small dull-green or dull-blue building on the southern end of the western side of the lot, with a small section of the parking lot to the north of it. Cars were parked on both the northern and southern sides of the small section of the lot. As we reached the lot, the man and his girlfriend, both in 11920s clothing, were walking toward us. They had not yet robbed the building, so they did not know that we were aware that they were gangsters. We passed them and got into one of the cars at the northern side of the lot. We had to act normal as we passed them so that they did not get suspicious of us. I searched for the key to start the car as the man casually started talking with us. He smiled as he leaned on the car door. I looked into the black purse to the east of me, near the woman, but had trouble finding the keys. I remembered having this problem before and thought that i would have to find the key earlier next time. I finally found the key, but the man was already suspicious of him. He did not want any witnesses so he brought out his gun to shoot us, just as i got the key with the nineteen on it into the ignition of the car and turned it. The scene started over. I knew that the man and woman would be coming from the small part of the lot to the west, so we would have to hide from them and let them pass. If they saw us then they would not let us escape. I wondered if we should hide among the cars in the center of the small lot, but then i realized that the man or woman might see us hiding there. We would have to sneak around the cars to remain out of their sight. I did not think that it would work as i watched the people doing what i had thought of. I wondered if it would be possible to sneak to the west, across the southern side of the small bluish-green cement-block shack to the west. The gangsters would be to the north of it, and we could sneak around the western side as they walked around to the east. We would then have to drive out after they went into the building but before they did anything. We would have to drive past the building so it would have to be quick enough that they could no shoot at us. As i watched the woman and myself walk around the southwestern corner of the shed, i decided that i should get the correct key out and have it ready to put into the car this time.

I looked down at the two bathroom scales that i had been standing on, trying to read the dials. I had one foot on each of the white scales and was watching the dials wobble. I had to get them steady so that i could know how much the smaller bags were. I was weighing myself on the scales. Once i added up the numbers of the two scales to see how much i weighed, i would pick up the bag and get a new reading. The difference in the readings would tell me how much the bags weighed. I was having trouble balancing my weight on the scales, though. When i though i had read the numbers of my weight, which seemed to be 157 on each scale, i started no feel unsure that i had properly balanced myself between the two scales. I then could not remember what i had read on the scales. $F45 was to the south of me, helping me pick up the bags that i was trying to weigh, but i was not sure that the scales under me were right now. I tried to think.

I opened up my arms as i turned to the east, lifting into the air. I was flying over the area. I had been standing on the rock balcony on the high structure on the western side of the area and looked down over the small lake to the east. The lake was surrounded by tall steep cliffs of red jagged rock on all sides. There seemed to be a flat spot of land underneath me, where an old castle stood, built into the northern side of the western cliff wall. The castle was on the top of a steep hill. There was a thin path running from the main gate of the castle, down to the flat ground on the western side of the lake. The path turned to the south, running over a raised walkway that seemed to cross the reddish water in the still lake. There was a break in the cliffs in the southeastern corner of the area, where sunlight from the sky shined in. It seemed that the sun was actually to the west, but could not shine into the dark crater because it was too steep. I looked to the west, through a narrow slit in the crater wall to see the valley outside. I then looked down at the red stone of the narrow walkway, which seemed far below. There were four people in white clothes walking to the north. They had just come from the opening in the western end of the southern wall and were crossing the bridge, heading for the castle. Their clothes seemed to be very mod, from the 11960s. The women were wearing white mini dresses with knee-high white leather boots. There was a round white spot on the left leg of one of the women, a pattern in her stockings. I could see the people now as if they were much closer than they were, and i wondered if they were the B-52’s. They seemed to be from some band. They looked up at me as i thought this. I swooped over them and continued to the east, over the lake. I turned back, noticing the tall thin castle, which seemed very far away, but within the crater. I started to move back to the west, holding my arms out to the north and south. Looking down, i could see that the four people who were walking on the bridge were no longer under me. They were now heading to the west, along the long raised path that led to the castle. They seemed far away and seemed to have a ways to go to the castle. I thought that they were going to a party there. I stepped back onto the balcony that ran across the top of the western cliff wall. I crossed the corridor, which was in an old stone building. The plaster walls around me were pale-tan, with a slightly rough surface. I was in the old dormitory of the university. I stepped up onto the windowsill of the tall peaked gothic leaded-glass window in the western side of the wall and looked out over the college quadrangle. The window was set back into the building, in a long narrow channel that seemed to be to one side of the entry door. As i looked out, it seemed that the entry door was below me and to the north. The stone wall of the building ran to the west, just to the south of the window. On the north of the window, the wall was shorter as it ran to the west, and it also seemed to be made of a different darker stone, which i knew was used as trimming around the windows and doorways of the building. It seemed to be more ornately carved. I then realized that there were metal bars crossing the recess in the building where the window was. They seemed to be part of scaffolding, and i wondered how i had jumped out of the window before without hitting them. I must have been able to dodge them when i flew, but it seemed as though it would be very hard, and i wondered how i had done it. I crawled through the window and started to lower myself down the front side of the building carefully. I pressed against the sides of the recess to hold myself up. I had done this before. I then pushed off from the building once i was clear from the bars and floated out over the grassy quad to the west. There were a few scattered trees on the slope of the hill, which descended to the west, very much like $P87. I started floating to the southwest, toward some of the tall pine trees on the slope. I quickly noticed a young man, who i thought was a student, walking with his father toward the door of the building. The young man saw me and pointed me out. I could tell by the way he was narrowing his eyes that he was talking of me negatively to his father. It was because i was able to fly. I did not care about his contempt, though, and i continued floating on to the southwest. I then wondered if the agents would be able to see me. I worried about them spotting me, because they could arrest me for my abilities. I quickly flew down into the building to the west of the southern end of the quadrangle. I would have to be able to hide in the crowd here so that the agents could not find me. I looked around, walking down the halls, trying to find a place to blend in. The agents had the area around the building sealed off, so i would not be able to simply walk out of this area. I walked down the hall to the west, thinking that i would need to change my appearance to slip by them. I walked down the long flight of stairs at the eastern end of the building, heading toward the glass doors that led outside. I was a dark-skinned man as i walked down the stairs, passing one of the agents. The man in the dark suit did not recognize me. As i reached the doors and started to walk out, i wondered what i actually looked like. I decided that i should change to be an east-asian man. That would help me sneak around the campus better because i could continually change my appearance. I turned to the north and started walking across the college campus. I crossed a street that was running east to west and started into the quadrangle on the other side, but i noticed that there was something happening in the area. I started walking up the slope, heading back to where i had come from, but there was a large bus in the center of the quadrangle. The top of the bus had been ripped off, and there were emergency workers starting to surround the area. The quadrangle was roughly square, with buildings around three sides. The southern side was open to the road, which crossed through the campus. I started to move around the southern side of the bus, heading to the west. It seemed that there were some burn marks on the bus, but i was not sure that it had actually been on fire. There were still people inside the bus, and the rescue workers were busy trying to help them out. Something had happened, and i felt that this was a serious situation. A police officer approached me from the wreckage and asked me to move away. I asked what had happened, and he said that the bus had rolled off of Coral Lane. I knew that this was a road running on top of the steep hill to the north of us, but i did not know exactly where it was on the hill. I tried to think about the name. I looked past the officer to the top of the hill in the distance. I could see the cliffs of white stone near the top of the hill. Beyond the cliffs were old buildings from the university. I scanned the crest of the hill as i walked to the west. I could see a road running in front of some trees on the western side of the hill, and a winding part of the road in front of the white stone cliffs on the eastern side. There were old houses on the steep slope of the upper part of the hill, on both sides of the road. I tried to remember where the road was, but i did not know where Coral Lane ran. It must have been one of the small lanes that ran past the fraternities, and i thought that it should be near the western side of the hill. The hill seemed very far away, but all of the details on it seemed very close. It was sad that the bus had rolled off of the road. I thought about this as i continued to the west.

12009 April 07

I walked around the eastern end of the couch and headed to the west on the southern side of it. The couch was on the southern end of the room, facing north. Tables were set up in front of the southern wall. This was where we had set up our registration for the $G4 event. I felt as though i had been in the kitchen cooking something and was only now able to get in here to register. Someone else had been standing in front of the center table registering, so i walked behind him, to the next table to the west. I noticed the large T-shirt hanging on the wall behind the western table. It looked like a sweatshirt material and was dark gray with a large picture of a creature on the front. The creature was rounded, like a blob, with a face near the top. It also had outstretched arms and was smiling widely, as though it was happy to see someone. $F47 was sitting on the other side of the table from me, and i handed him a piece of paper, which was my registration. I was picking up my haberdashery. He looked at the paper and told me that i still needed to pay fifty-five dollars for dinner. I realized that, while i had paid for the registration, i had forgotten to pay for the dinner that we had earlier. I joked that it could be taken out of the regular fund, which i was taking care of. I then said that i would get the money and turned around to head back to the east. I paused at the southeastern corner of the couch, remembering that i did not have any cash with me, so i would not be able to pay. I then continued to the north, to where my things were. I crouched down to quickly look at my bags, and then i returned to the table, telling $F47 that i did not have any cash to pay for the dinner. I said i would get it later. It did not really matter because i was part of the group that was organizing this event, so i could pay at any time. I came back to the table and looked at the large T-shirt that was resting on the small square card table in front of $F47. It had an intricate design on the front that was made of tight gray swirls on a dull light-red background. The sign under the shirt said that it would shrink, so i knew that the sizes would appear larger than they would be when worn. $F47 also told me that the shirts would shrink. I looked at the red striped shirt on the table. It seemed very nice, and it had the logo of $G4 on it. I tried it on. I told $F47 that i had shirts like this, and then said that i liked the shirt very much. I was pleased with the design.

I felt lethargic and did not want to get out of bed. I was lying on the full-size bed, which was against the northern wall of the room. My feet were to the south and the room was dimly lighted. A man then talked to me from the east. I joked with him without really looking at him. He seemed like someone i knew, and i felt very comfortable chatting with him. I then turned to look at him and realized that he was $A44. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet off of the eastern side. His torso was turned around to face me. He then stood up and started walked to the door, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall. As he started to leave, i noticed that he had a very muscular back. It was very attractive. There were also tattoos on his left shoulder and arm. I looked at the detail in his left triceps, noticing how the ends of the tattoo created striped lines across the muscle. I found his body quite attractive.

12009 April 10

I stood up with the rest of the class. The class was over and everyone was leaving. We were in a rectangular room, with tables extending from the north and south walls. I spoke to the woman with me as i walked to the south, around the end of the table and started down the central corridor to the west. This class seemed to have something to do with spies. It seemed like something from a James Bond film. The idea of the class seemed exciting, but there was something strange about it. I felt rather depressed as i walked to the north, through the building with the woman from my class. She seemed familiar, and we talked. I asked her about the class as we walked through the darkened level of the parking garage. Everything seemed gray and foggy around us. I knew that the school was closing for the winter break, but i had some uncertainty about something. I asked her about the closing and confirmed that we would not be at class for a while. She seemed to agree as she stepped through the metal door in the thick cement wall of the parking garage. She continued to the north, along the western sidewalk of the tall bridge, which seemed to be within the parking garage. The bridge crossed over a deep gorge and seemed to be the bridge to $P73. I knew that it was winter, and i thought that the creek below the bridge would be frozen over. As the woman crossed the bridge, i stood at the southern end and looked over the western side, at the creek below. I thought about students jumping and wondered if they would hit the ice. The bottom of the gorge was illuminated with a reddish light, and i could see that there was a puddle of water right underneath the bridge where the ice was melted. The rest of the ice was covered with a white layer of snow, but the oval shape under the bridge was formed by water dripping off of the bridge. The water seemed to be from the drizzle that continued to fall. I crossed the bridge, following the woman. I had to leave this place for the break, and i had to let my grandmother know when i would be going so i could drive her home. I followed my grandmother to the west, down the road in the center of the campus. She was driving the small car as she pulled up to the intersection. It seemed suddenly strange that she would be driving a car if i were to drive her to my parents’ house. I wondered why this was happening. We turned to the north at the intersection, which seemed to be at the western end of $P33. I stopped at the stoplight, looking to the north at the small old white car that my grandmother was driving. I turned to follow her. My grandmother moved to the northeast of me, and i walked down the street to the house on the northern side, following my grandmother onto the wide low porch. The house was yellow, and the porch was only a step up from the ground in front of the house. I asked my grandmother when we should leave, feeling uncomfortable about going. I wanted to leave tonight, but it seemed rather sudden. I was unsure of what to do, and i asked my grandmother. I then told her than i wanted to leave tonight. She walked to the west, into the other room of the house to grab her things. I felt uncomfortable here and wondered what to do. I would have to go get the car. I looked at the empty suitcase on the floor to the west of me. It was a tan leather satchel with straps around the outside. It seemed strange that my grandmother was not packing it. She returned quickly with a bag and headed out the door. It did not seem that she had time to pack, and i did not know whether she was really ready to leave. She had said something to the priest, whom she was staying with in the apartment, and walked out the door to the south, turning to the west on the sidewalk. I followed her, thinking that my car was around the corner on the western side of the block, to the northwest of us.

12009 April 11

I was in the kitchen as the others moved around in the house. The house seemed to be filled with relatives, and we seemed to be gathering for a party. I felt upset and was to the south of the black stone kitchen counter, mixing something in the large bowl. It seemed as though i was making pancakes. Everyone else had already eaten breakfast, but i was still making things. I felt out of place here. I carried the bowl to the west a little, looking into the next room at my relatives, who were talking in the next room, which seemed like an outdoor patio. I then looked to the northeast, noticing my mother and $K1 sitting in chairs against the northern wall of the house. They seemed concerned about something and i knew that $K1 was upset about something. They spoke quietly, looking down toward the floor, and i felt as though i might be intruding on them. I wanted to be involved in the conversation, but i did not feel that i was part of it. I walked to the west, onto the small porch. There was a round black metal table near the southern wall, and people were standing around it. The tabletop was formed of tightly coiled metal vines. I suddenly dumped the pancake dough on top of the large salad that was sitting in the center of the table. I then wondered why i had done that. It seemed that i was only supposed to pour a little on the salad, but it did not make sense to pour pancake dough over a salad. The pale-yellow dough seemed runny and glossy, and it seemed to make sense that it was mixed with the salad, but it meant that i could not eat breakfast as i had planned. I wanted to make pancakes, but i would no longer be able to. This upset me, and i did not know what to do. I started to mix the dough into the salad so that it would look like a dressing. My father seemed to be to the west of me. Everyone else had already eaten breakfast, and i was still trying to catch up. I did not know what to do, and i started to feel depressed. They had already finished most of their lunch, and i had not yet eaten breakfast. I decided that i would have to eat the lunch that they were making. I then noticed that there was only one hamburger left. The brown boxer dog came from the north and started sniffing the burger on the plate, which was in the center of the low table to the west of me. I used the long metal spoon to push the dog’s face away from the burger. It grumpily stared at me for a moment. I did not want it to get the burger and tried to push its face away, but it kept coming back. I then realized that the burger had already been touched by the dog, so i would not be able to eat it. I was angry and walked around to the northern side of the table and pushed the dog away. Some of the other people at the party watched from the grassy lawn to the west. I thought i could pick up the burger with the metal spatula and throw it far out into the lawn to the southwest. There were several other dogs on the lawn, and they would get the burger before the boxer. I did not want the boxer to get the burger, since he was the one who ruined it so that i could not eat it. I tossed the burger to the southwest, but it fell down in front of me. One of the men at the party, who was leaning with his right arm on the awning that stretched from the top of the porch, watched the piece of meat fall. I quickly picked it up and tried to toss it again.

I walked to the west, across the large lobby of the old building. The heavy plaster walls were pale tan. There seemed to be a flight of stairs ascending along the southern wall. The stairs were dark brown. I looked around the lobby. This seemed to be a college building, and i was waiting for another person to come. Several people walked through the large area, passing through the entrances in the northern, eastern, and western walls. The exit to the east seemed to be rather small, in the southern end of the eastern wall. The one in the north was in the center of the northern wall, and seemed to be a double door. There were also double doors in the center of the western wall. The doors on the west seemed wider than the other entrances to the room. The man came from the north and stopped to talk to me. I said hello and started discussing what we should do. We started walking up the stairs, which no one else seemed to be doing. As we walked to the west, over the balcony on the southern wall, i realized that the stairs were actually nothing more than boards suspended on thin beams along the wall. As we walked, i started to feel uncomfortable on the thin beams, realizing that they seemed unstable. We turned the corner to the north, starting across the western wall. The boards here were only thin planks, and we were walking on their edges. I was uncertain about doing this, but the man walking ahead of me did not seem to mind. He kept turning around to speak to me as we walked. I was then thinking about something and was not able to see where i was. We seemed to be in the college area with many students passing us, but i realized that there was something more threatening here. I imagined the man on the campus who was attacking bicyclists as the passed on the road, but i was still walking on the beams with the man as i thought about the grassy area to the north and west, which seemed to be $P73. I walked to the west, down the southern side of the road, on the grass as the bicycler approached me from the west. I thought about hitting him with a baseball bat. He passed me, but i knew that the bad man would have hit him. I was then watching myself walking down the road from somewhere to the north. I was acting out the part of the bad man on the road, but i was not actually hitting people. I watched myself move past several other bicyclists, thinking that the bad man would not want anyone to see him, so he would have to hit anyone that was in the area. There was a bicyclist moving slowly to the west, and i watched myself chasing him down with a baseball bat. I seemed to be standing in front of $P138, and i was watching the bad man on the road to the south of me. I knew that this was the part where the bad man made a mistake by following the man on the bicycle. There was a police car sitting just to the west of me as i watched myself to the south, on the road. The police would spot the bad man on the road hitting the last bicyclist and they would chase after him. The police in the car started to move, and i was then near the bad man. I walked to the south, across the grass and through a line of trees, into a separate area of the college campus. The police would be following me. I came into a small oddly shaped area that was surrounded by trees. There was a hill to the northwest, leading back up to the road that i had been on. There was a line of trees at the top of the hill with a small gap in it. The ground in the gap was worn dirt, and it seemed as though many people had come this way. The police ran up to me from the northwest, asking me about the man with the baseball bat. I pretended that i did not know what they were talking about. There was no one else in the glade with me at the moment. I glanced to the north. There were trees across the arched northern side of the area, and they seemed to be the front part of a wooded area. In the northwestern side of the area, i could see that the trees were more open, and that it was darker. There were no shrubs across the front of the trees, and i was able to see the darker browns inside the wooded area. This was where the path started. The paths led into the forest along the side of a gorge, and i thought that students liked to hike there. The police officers started running in that direction, thinking that the bad man might have tried to escape in the gorge trails. It seemed dark at first, as though it was night, but now it was day, and the sky overhead seemed very blue. There were people standing around me in the field, and i was still looking to the northwest, where the police had run. I then noticed several of the people to the north of me turning around and looking at something in the sky over my head. Someone pointed to it. I turned and looked up into the southern sky, but i could not see anything special. I then heard the noise and realized that there was a jet airplane somewhere that we were supposed to be looking at. It was a special airplane. I could see a small spot on the sky that was moving from the southeast to the southwest, across the southern sky. It was leaving a vapor trail as it went, but it did not seem to be moving fast enough. I knew that this new aircraft was something special and would be moving rather fast. I looked around the sky, noticing some other vapor trails. Something moved in the eastern sky, and it seemed to change speed suddenly, leaving a ring around its vapor trail where it had accelerated. My attention was then drawn to the southwest by the sound of a jet. I turned to see a small fighter jet passing to the southwest of us. It had come from the south and moved to the northwest. I then looked to the south with the others. There was something in the sky that looked like a rocket. It was almost hovering in the air. It slowed as it approached us and seemed to turn around. This was the special airplane. I watched as it rotated in the air and started to move back to the south. I thought that it should be very fast, and expected to hear a sonic boom as it moved, but there was no noise. I started to feel confused, wondering what had happened to the special airplane. Something seemed out of place here.

I walked to the east, into the back hall of the building. This seemed like an old building, and i was carrying a cardboard box with some things in it. I noticed that there were some comic books in the small metal trashcan that was sitting to the east of the door on the southern side of the hall. I stopped and pulled one of the small thick books out of the can and looked at it. The door led to the comic shop in the building, which seemed to be an old school that was converted into a mall. I put the comic books into my bag, looking at them as i did. The book on top seemed to have something to do with the Silver Surfer. The book under it was white, with a cartoonish figure of a woman floating in the air on one side of it. She was wearing a uniform with a blue number four on the side, and i thought that this was some version of the Fantastic Four that had been redrawn to look more childish. I put the second book into my box as well and looked farther down in the stack of trash to see if there were any other interesting books there. I was then aware that there were people watching me from the south. I felt a little uncomfortable going through the trash, but i continued anyway, excited at what i might find.

12009 April 12

I walked to the west with some of my family. There seemed to be many people moving to the west, past the short buildings of the suburban area. I crossed the parking lot between the buildings and headed for the small blue wooden building, which seemed like a doctor’s office. I was supposed to come here later, but i was here for some other reason. I knew that one of the teeth on the upper left side of my mouth was loose. I felt the tooth with my finger to see which one it was. As i moved forward from the back of my mouth, i felt the loose tooth, and then the sharp incisor. It was the first molar in my mouth that was loose. I stood in the small waiting room of the doctor’s office, wondering if i should ask about the tooth now. It seemed out of place because i did not have an appointment here. Other people moved around the room, and i felt that i was a little out of place here.

12009 April 13

I helped the others move the boxes into the small storage bins. We seemed to be in a hurry, and the people seemed to be part of a military group, even though most of us working seemed like civilians. I carried the boxes to the east, into the small cubical area, which was surrounded by chicken wire. It was a cubical in a larger storage area. The team i was working with was trying to arrange the small file in the storage area before we ran out of time. I knew that we had to stack the boxes so that they could be accessed easily, but it seemed that the others were just piling the brown metal boxes on the floor in no particular order. Things seemed hastily piled up, and some of the boxes seemed to be falling into each other, the boxes on top tipping into the boxes under them. There were four stacks on each side of the room, and i wanted to arrange them in alphabetic order. The files seemed to contain comic books, and i wanted to make sure they were safe. Looking at the four stacks against the northern wall of the small cubicle, i realized that the books were actually in alphabetic order. We had stacked them properly, even though the people with me were in a rush. I started to walk toward the exit door, in the eastern wall. The general was there, commenting on our progress. I looked at the four small file cabinets on the northern wall, noticing the wide space between them. They seemed low to the ground. I told the general that we could probably fit more books into the rooms if we had five cabinets across the wall. I then looked at the five taller gray metal filling cabinets on the northern wall. I showed them to the general so that he would know what i was talking about. They would hold more books, and we could put more in each storage area.

I was lying on the white bed that was against the northern wall of the small bedroom. I had been sleeping here, and i was now awake and staring off to the east. The room was lighted, as if it were early in the morning. I then remembered being with $F4 once a while ago. I remembered sleeping in bed with him and then copulating him. It seemed strange that i had copulated with him, and i tried to remember what happened. We had been sleeping next to each other, and i remembered touching him. He responded by hugging me, and then we caressed each other. I tried to remember when this happened, but i could not. It seemed like something that should not have happened, but i remembered the scene very well. It seemed that i had been on a trip with $F4 and $F16. I then thought that $F16 had wanted to have sex with me, and i thought that he was with $F4 and i at one point. We were hugging each other in a large bed, which was against the northern wall of a room. I tried to remember when this was, but i could not remember it actually happening. I thought that it might have happened in a dream, but i was not sure. I felt good about being that close to $F4, but i could not remember if it was real. I ran through the scene several times, remembering how $F4 and i had started hugging each other. It seemed like a very nice relationship, but i was not sure if it was a dream or something that really happened.

I spoke to $F4 as i completed the transaction to buy the CDs. I was in the long CD store and i had brought several CDs to the store earlier. I was now buying new ones. The other man then handed me the receipt. It was very long, and i was surprised to see it. I looked at the top, noticing that it had a short list of all of the CDs that i had returned. It showed the price that i was payed for the CDs. It seemed to be $1.0334, which seemed like a low amount. I then noticed how long the full receipt was, and i was surprised that i had actually purchased that many CDs. The man who had handed me the receipt walked to the west, and i realized that $F4 was looking at me with surprise. He had started the transaction, and i suddenly realized that he might have given me a discount because he knew me. I wondered if i should have let the other man complete the sale.

12009 April 14

I looked over the test in front of me as i sat in the small classroom. I was facing north in the rectangular white room. There seemed to be windows in the western wall, and the teacher was pacing around the room as i looked at the test. I felt tense, not sure how to answer the questions on the test. The teacher seemed to be $A40, and i felt that he was not really a good teacher. He had asked questions on the test that did not really have answers. I looked at the two boxes on the test. One was the outline of a cube with rounded corners. It was drawn in gray ink. To the right of it was a black sans-serif arrow pointing to a second box of the same shape. The second box was a solid yellow color and had a darker-yellow figure inside, which seemed to be made of relief shadows of rounded trapezoids. I knew that the second symbol represented the stimulus plan. It represented something very specific and i knew exactly what it was. The question on the test was supposed to be a logical one. I was to start with the two figures, where the arrow between them meant that the second was the logical “therefore” of the first. I was then supposed to introduce several lines of logical code that derived this equation into something else. I was supposed to show that there was a logical flow from the empty gray box to the final symbol of the derivation. I knew instantly that this was nonsense. There was no logical set of steps that could be taken to derive the final answer from the beginning principles. I thought that i could start by using the stimulus symbol and equating it to something else. I realized that $A40 was not smart enough to realize that his test made no sense. He believed in these statements, and had no idea that the derivations only worked if you assumed that the intermediate steps were true. I looked at some of the other questions on the test and realized that they were all similar. $A40 walked past me, looking down at the paper i was holding in my hand as she smiled and continued to the south, walking on the west of my seat. I felt that the test was a joke, and wanted to fill out the forms, stating my assumptions in pencil along the right-hand side of the page. For a moment i wondered whether my notes would be seen by the teacher, but i realized i would be handing in the test paper and not just an answer sheet, and i was relieved. I started to do the work as i paced around the room. The class was forming around me. This seemed like a martial-arts class. They were forming in the room around me, and it seemed like a long time since i had been part of this class. Several of the instructors were forming along the western wall of the room. I nodded a greeting to them and continued to prepare for the class. It had been a long time since i had come here, and i commented to $A538 that i finally had some time off to attend class. I looked out the large modern windows in the western wall to see the steep mountainside. We seemed to be in a mountainous area, and there was a steep rocky slope rising to the north and running past the window. The slope was covered with snow, and i knew that it had been snowing overnight. I commented that i had free time today because there was no school. It was a snow day. I looked up the slope to the northwest to see the dark-gray rocks of the peak sticking out of the snowcap. I then turned my attention back to the test, looking at the two symbols with the arrow again. I had written something near the yellow symbol, which i knew equated it with the stimulus package. It was money that was coming back to people. The arrow was a logical “therefore”, and i was supposed to show that the gray box on the first line would logically lead to the square symbol on the last nine. It was absurd, and i knew that $A40 was not smart enough to realize how ridiculous his test questions were. There was some importance to this test, though, and i tried to focus on what it was. I had to show the absurdity of these statements, and i hoped that i would be able to do it on the test. I started to head to the south, down the long corridors of $P7. I was heading back toward $A40’s classroom. I was not sure exactly which one it was. I stopped at the beginning of the hall, looking to the south, down the southern wing of the building. I had changed floors and though, for a moment, that this was the first floor. I knew that all the rooms here would be elementary-school classrooms. The doors seemed to have colorful things on them, confirming that this was elementary school. Some of the doors on the southern side of the corridor were covered with a thick layer of dark-pink paint, which seemed like the lower-school classrooms. I was then at a different part of the building and i was walking to the south, down the corridor. There were two classroom doors on the western side of the hall that seemed close together, and a third some ways down the hall from them. I felt that the third might be $A40’s classroom, but it seemed to be too far down the hall. I looked back at the two doors that were closer together and realized that the one to the north was probably on the southern end of a classroom, and the one on the south was probably on the northern end of a classroom, meaning that the rooms were probably full sized. The third door would then be on the southern side of a classroom, making the large space between the second and third door the length of two classrooms. I walked into the third door, thinking that this was where the students would be taking the test for $A40. I expected the class to the to the south of the door as i entered the room, but i came into the room, i found myself on the southern end of a large empty classroom. I was a little confused at first, and i walked into the classroom. There was a world map on the western wall, which seemed to be a thin partitioning wall, separating a narrow space on the western side of the room from the rest of the room. I looked at some of the details on the map and said something aloud. As i walked to the north, i heard movement on the other side of the wall. The teacher had been sitting at his desk, which was hidden behind the wall, and had stood up. He was walking to the north, to the open end of the wall. I rounded the end of the partitioning wall and looked at the chalkboard in the plaster western wall. It had the name of the teacher, which seemed like “Mr. Kendris”. I remembered the name from when i went to school here, but i had expected all of the teachers that i knew to have been replaced by now. The teacher stopped at the end of the wall and said hello to me. He was old, with white hair, and he stood with a stoop. His face was square, and i thought that i recognized him. I apologized for disturbing him and told him that i had thought that this was another classroom. I did not want to get into a conversation with this teacher. I turned and headed back to the southwest, thinking that i had to do something with the test. I had to make it known that the questions were absurd and narrow minded.

12009 April 15

I was swimming in the long swimming pool, heading to the east. The room around me was covered with small bluish-white tiles and seemed to have a very high ceiling. I started swimming, but realized that i would have to crawl over the tile floor to the north of the pool to get from one part of the swimming area to the next. It seemed strange, but i pulled myself over the floor to get to the water on the southern side of the room. We were doing laps in the long narrow lanes of the pool, but we had to travel the length of the long halls of the building. This was part of a swimming class, and there was a man standing to the west of us, running the class. This entire situation seemed very strange. As i started swimming back to the south, i pictured the end of the pool in my head. There were large letters printed on the tile walls of the pool in black. The letters ran along the side of the pool on the western wall and spelled out the word “MART”, in capital letters. This was the sequence i had to follow. I would be swimming past each letter in sequence as part of the swimming routine. I then realized that the letters “ALT” were part of the same line of text, but were printed outside of the pool, to the south. I was confused, thinking that the numbers i was passing should repeat themselves in reverse order as i turned around, but i knew that the letters that i was moving through were in a specific order and would not repeat. I thought about the letters, thinking that there must be some meaning to “ALT MART”. I could not think of what it was, however, and i stared at it as i moved through the pool to west. I then thought that “OAX” was also something special. I had to figure it out.

I was in the gym class in the large open area, which seemed to be a small green grassy field in a large gymnasium. The man to the west was teaching us baseball, and he asked everyone here who knew the game. Most of the people raised their hands, but i had to admit that i did not know much about the game. The man called me to the field, in front of the others. He wanted me to try to bat. He handed me a wooden baseball bat and walked back to the center of the field. Many of the other people were spread out to the east and west of me, but some of them were spread out on the baseball field to the south. I looked at the bat, noticing that it was cracked down the center of the handle. The man was trying to demonstrate the basics of baseball, and he was talking about how to hold the bat. I already knew how to hold the bat and was trying to grip it near the bottom to show that i knew, but the bat started to come apart around the crack. The man was in the field to the south of me, adjusting the bats of some of the others. I tried to keep my bat together, but the man noticed the cracked bat and took it from me. I was going to show that i knew how to stand with a bat. The man took out a pistol. He handed me the main part of the pistol, but then started assembling it after i was holding on to the handle. He started putting the barrel and other pieces into the gun while i was holding it. I was not quite sure what to do. He reached over my hand, and his yellow windbreaker got caught on my hand. I tried to pull my hand out, but i started pulling his yellow jacket with it. I then decided to simply let him finish assembling the pistol so that i could get on with what we were doing. As he fooled around with the gun, i looked around the dark outdoor area. There was a bar to the north of us in a small dingy dark-blue building. I started to pace around on the blacktop parking lot to the south of the bar. I then walked to the west, thinking that i had to get my bags together. I placed several things on the ground near the back wheel of my bicycle, which was standing against the northern wall of the corridor. The corridor ran into the center of and old stone building. My bags were on the ground between the back wheel of the bicycle and the wall so that they were partially hidden from people who passed by. I started looking through them, making sure that i had all of my things. I then remembered what i had been doing with the pistol and thought that i should go back to it. It would not be good to leave the gun in the open where anyone could pick it up.

12009 April 16

I bent over to pick up the pen in the small office. I had dropped it earlier, and i was picking it up to see what the action would be like. I was on the eastern side of a small office, which seemed like a booth. There was a counter across the eastern wall, and i had entered through the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. I grabbed the black magic marker. It was a gray pen with a black cap. I knew that the actor would be picking it up later after i had dropped it in the scene, and i wondered whether it would be easy to drop it in the same place every time. I had to be careful not to let it roll somewhere that would make it awkward for the other person to grab. The other person seemed to be standing next to me now, just to the south of the counter. There was a backpack under the counter near the pen, and there now seemed to be another pen on top of the counter. I turned to the north, aware of the man to the west of us, on the other side of the plexiglas wall. He was in the production booth of the studio, talking to someone else. I then turned to the northeast and looked out across the small lot. I was looking between the cement buildings of the old studio lot. There was a square pond to the north, in front of the taller building on the northern side of the lot. An oddly shaped rock with rounded features was mostly submerged under the water. I could only see the top part of the boulder. There was something special about this rock, as though this place was significant. I wanted to go there to spend time near the rock. I started walking to the northwest, down the side of the hill from the office where i had been. The hill was dry and grassy. I glanced back at it for a moment, noticing the yellowish granular soil and the stiff green grass growing in patches. I then turned my attention back to the west, the direction that i was heading, when i caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. I had seen my blue and gray running shell. It was hanging on the end of a wooden shelf. I stopped and looked to the south to see if it really was my jacket. I would have left it here last time i was running. I remembered taking it off and putting it on a shelf, but i thought that i would have taken it when i left. There were several rows of shelving cabinets to the south of me. The rows ran east to west, and all of the wooden sets of shelves were chest level to me. I could not see any books in them, as if all of them were facing south. I moved through the rows and looked at the jacket. It was not the same jacket i had spotted a moment before, but it also looked much like my jacket. I knew that it was not because there was a white mesh part at the bottom of the plastic coat. I turned away from it and looked to the southeast, trying to spot the other jacket. I could see the one i had seen before on the eastern side of a shelf. I walked toward it when i noticed that there was a third jacket that had a similar blue and gray coloring. The third jacket also had something different about the bottom of it, so i knew that it was not mine either. I wondered if any of them were mine. It seemed strange that i would have forgotten my jacket when i was here.

$F4 told me that it was a rough job, saying that we were mostly breaking rocks and doing manual labor. I started to put my work clothing on as he moved to the north. I was working with him, and he was going to show me how to do the job. I did not have my shoes on and i glanced at $F4’s feet, noticing that he had work boots on. I decided that i should probably wear boots as well. I was already wearing blue jeans, like $F4, and i thought that the company had regulations about what we should wear in the cave area. There was a small island counter to the west of me that had things piled on top of it. I had to get some of my food together to take with me. The cabinet now seemed to be in a small cubical with orange cloth walls. The cubical faced east. There seemed to be a small refrigerator on the northern side of the counter and some drawers underneath the cabinet. I took something from one of the boxes that were on top of something, which was on top of the counter. They seemed to be granola bars. I thought i should put some in my bag to take with me into the work area. I was not sure, though, what i should do. I pushed the empty wrappers and boxes to the back of the cabinet, thinking that i did not want to make it obvious that i was bringing food with me. I moved to the north, around the northern side of the small cubical. I bent down to pick up my white socks and then grabbed my work boots. I had to put them on. I sat down on the northern side of the cubicle to put my shoes on. I started talking about the work and the other man, who seemed to be a manager here, told me that there was some danger to the area so i had to wear protective clothing. I glanced to the west, across the large open room, which had dark shale-like rock walls. There seemed to be a window in the southern wall. We would be going down into a tunnel to work, and i remembered that $F4 had said that it was hard manual labor. Someone mentioned cave-ins, and i asked the man if they actually had cave-ins in this place. He said that they could be a problem. I felt suddenly worried about working here, and could not believe that they would let me work in an area where there were cave-ins. I tried to convince myself that the cave-ins probably only happened it the tunnels where the miners were actually digging new tunnels and not in the places where we would be working. We were cleaning up debris from tunnels that were no longer active for mining. $F4 moved to the east, walking with the other man toward the entrance to an elevator, which was in the northern wall. I was still putting on my shoes and felt rushed. $F4 seemed impatient with me, and i tired to hurry.

I was sitting in traffic in the middle of the large city when i noticed the woman on the bicycle turning into the intersection. She was wearing a black jacket and blue jeans. She headed north, but she had run a red light, and there was a police car nearby. The police car started to move after her down the street, and my view changed to follow them, as though i was watching a television show. I watched the woman drive away from me, heading to the east as i stood on the south of the intersection. The police car came from the west and started following the woman. The police car seemed to have its lights on, even though i could not see them. The woman did not stop, and i realized that she was going to run. I was then looking at the woman head on. She was driving toward me, but i was moving with her as she slowed down in an intersection. She was heading east. She made a sudden turn to the northeast and i heard a car horn sound. I realized that she was turning through a line of traffic to try to loose the police car. I was then to the southeast of the intersection, watching the police car stop in the middle of the intersection. It had to wait to turn to the northeast, after the woman. The officer would try to arrest the woman now. The black and white car started to turn, and it speeded up. I saw the woman from the south side of the road as she started to accelerate down the highway, heading to the east. We seemed to be to the south of the city, near the river. The ground around the highway was grassy, and i could see the tall buildings to the north. I was then in a car on the highway, facing west. The woman was approaching me from the west. As she speeded toward me, i realized that she was riding on her back wheel, accelerating faster. She smiled as she drove the motorcycle, showing that she was having fun with the police officer. She looked like Janet Jackson. I was driving slowly in the northern lane of the road and watched her pass to the south of me. I then stared for a moment at the grass to the south, between the road and the water. The marina seemed nice, and i thought that it was a little strange that Janet Jackson would be running from the police in a high-speed chase. I continued to drive to the west, but there was a sudden noise to the south of me. It sounded like something landed on the roof of my car. I looked to the south, realizing that i could not see. There was a darkness covering most of the window to my left. I could only see a fuzzy edge of light along the back of the window. I looked ahead, thinking that i should slow down to see what landed on my car. I then noticed a gray tuft of fur at the left edge of my windshield, peeking out from the roof of the car. I wondered if a cat had landed on my car. I thought that i should slow down and see what it was. The road ahead of me turned sharply to the north. The sun was bright here and there were many large deciduous trees. I looked back up at the top of the windshield and realized that the gray furry thing was a small paw with white curved nails. It was definitely a cat that was hanging on to the edge of the windshield. I wondered how a cat had landed on my roof so roughly. I did not know from where it could have fallen. I then thought that some children might have thrown it off of a highway overpass, hoping to kill it. I worried that the impact with my car might have injured the cat, since i thought that i was probably going full speed down the highway. Maybe the cat was not as badly injured because it landed on the roof. It did stay with the car, though, so it must have felt the impact. I was worried for the cat and decided that i had to pull off of the road. I thought that the cat might simply jump off of the car as i pulled to a stop, and i wondered if it would be able to get back home. I had taken it some distance to the west, but i decided that i was not that far from where it had landed on my car, so it should be able to find its way back. As i rounded the corner and started north, i noticed that there was a pull-off on the eastern side of the road. Another car ahead of me had pulled into the long strip, which ran parallel to the road and was separated from the road by a metal guardrail. I then noticed that the entrance to the pull-off was covered with water. I did not think that the cat would jump off of my car into a large puddle. I was hesitant to pull off, but realized that the water was only near the entrance to the pull-off. I could drive through it to the dry area, where the other car had gone. I pulled through the water, aware that the large bright-green rounded tree was still to the right of my car. I stopped on the northern end of the lot and moved to the side of my car. I hoped that the cat was all right. I then wondered what i would do with the cat if it was okay. I though i would have to adopt it, because i did not want to let it simply run away. I felt bad for the cat.

12009 April 17

I moved around the area where the others were gathered. We were on a patio that was to the east of a house. The patio seemed to have cement paving stones on the ground. The people around me were from $G3, and it felt very good to be hanging out with them. Many of them seemed younger, but quite a few of them seemed to be my age. I was reclined in a metal chair near a round yard table, facing south. I was talking to some people to the east of me, and i felt that i had been drinking some alcohol. I was having fun with these people, and it seemed that they enjoyed my company. I talked about how long it had been since i had been here. I then noticed the two young men sitting at the table to the east of me. I was standing now as i spoke to the woman to the southeast of the table. She was standing, leaning on the edge of the table. One of the men was sitting on the southwestern side of the table, facing north, and the other was sitting on the northwestern side, facing south. The two men were looking at each other as they talked. I continued my conversation with the woman, but noticed that the man on the south reached out and put his hand on top of the other man’s hand. The other man had his right hand resting on his right knee. It seemed suddenly strange that the two men would be showing physical affection in such a way. I knew that they were not homosexual, so they must simply have been very open with each other as friends. I continued talking to the woman, but noticed that the two men again held hands. I like the closeness between them, but it seemed out of place here. The man on the south seemed to be $A221, and i recognized the man on the north as well. They kept reaching for each other and holding hands gently, and i wondered why this was happening.

I walked to the west, down the corridor of the house and out into the large room. The southern wall of the hallway was flush with the southern wall of the room. I was surprised to see the workmen here. They were working already, and i was still wandering around the house in a housecoat. I felt a little groggy, and it took me a moment to remember why they were there. $F45 had scheduled them to come to do repairs and updates on the house. They were here to work on the cable system. I knew that we were using satellite for television, and i wondered what the workers were doing. The man told me that he had been working on the cable network. He was standing against the western wall of the room, holding several coiled blue wires. There was a large flat-screen television mounted on the wall, and it seemed like he was hooking it up. I looked at the thick tubes of blue wire that were coiled on the floor to the north of me. The workmen had run the wire throughout the house and were now hooking things up. I felt a little out of place here and wandered to the north. As i turned to the east in the long hallway, i saw a large television in the center of the eastern wall. The wall seemed to be the eastern wall of a corridor, and the wall was covered with stone. The television was still being hooked up, and wires dangled from the bottom of it, but there was a picture of a fire in a fireplace on the screen. This television would simulate a fire in a fireplace. I looked at the fire for a moment, aware that the wood floor and sheetrock ceiling seemed unfinished. I turned to the west and started through the rooms. I was still wearing my thin housecoat, and i felt a little self-conscious about it. I came into a large open room on the western side of the house. The western wall of the room was covered with glass sliding doors, and there seemed to be a large window over them that slanted up toward the roof. There was some clear plastic sheeting hanging on the northern side of the room. There were workmen outside the large doors to the west. They had to work on something. There was a set of white plastic vertical blinds that hung over the southern section of the doors, and the workman tried pushing the blinds to the south to let more light in. Something seemed wrong, though, because the blinds were getting stuck near the center of the room. I moved to the center of the room, watching the workman trying to slide the windows to the south. He pushed on one of the wooden frames, and i noticed that it lifted from the track and started to tip. He caught it and pulled it back into the track. I was annoyed with them for being so clumsy.

12009 April 18

I watched the runners pass in front of me as i ascended the steep slope of the hillside town. The hill was to the north of me, and the streets seemed to head mostly across the face of the hill, from east to west. Some of them ran upward to the northwest or northeast, climbing the sides of the hill, but few seemed to run directly up the terraced neighborhood. The buildings were white or tan and seemed like ancient european structures. I was the first person to have climbed up the trail that was heading up the hillside. There was a road crossing the hill in front of me, where there was a clearing between the buildings. The tall thin grass was tan and dry, and the land had only a single scraggly tree on the opposite side of the road. I came to the southern side of the dirt road just as the runners approached from the east. They were shirtless, jogging down the hill on the narrow dirt road. This race was a traditional event in this village. I watched some of the runners pass in front of me, noticing how detailed their torsos. After a few of them passed, i continued up the hill, walking up the narrow alley between the old clay and plaster houses. There was a crowd at the top of the hill, where another street crossed. I came to the intersection of the alley, which seemed only wide enough for people to walk, and the street. My grandmother was standing just to the east of the intersection, on the southern side of the road. She watched some of the people in the old-country town as they cheered on the runners. She was trying to cross the street to the north. There was a narrow break in the line of runners, and she hurried across the street. I felt suddenly tense, thinking that she had walked out too close to some of the runners and would be in their way. I waited for another break and quickly followed her across the street. As i crossed the street, i looked to the west at the approaching runners. They were young men, and they seemed very attractive. I watched some of them run past as we reached the other side of the road. I then started walking to the east, away from the crowd. I had to get back to my car. There was a runner walking in front of me now, moving through the streets. We now seemed to be away from the crowds. The crowds were to the north of us now, on one of the main streets of the village. I was walking through the old city of tan stone buildings, and i kept looking at the runner ahead of me. He was wearing loose white long pants, but his detailed torso was unclothed, and his skin was tan. He seemed very attractive. I tried not to stare at him too much, though. I then noticed the red marks on the ground. They looked like lines of spilled red powder. I followed them around the narrow streets and corners, thinking that they marked the path of the running trail. I realized that i was no longer heading toward the exit of the city anymore. I wondered how i would get out of this place. The streets seemed twisting and confusing, and i was not sure i knew where to go. I felt that i could find my way back to the crowd my simply heading to the northwest, up the slope of the hill, but i wanted to leave the city. I had to get back. I then spotted the black and white street signs on the road that head to the north. The sign marked Route 63, or Route 36. I tired to figure it out. I decided that i had to follow Route 6 down the hill to the south to leave. I realized that it should be fairly easy to get back out of town and away from the crowd. I would figure it out when i got back to my car. I was not in an open area again, where there was dry grass. The hill sloped up to the northeast of me, and there seemed to be an old temple to the north, up the slope of the hill. This temple was where the race ended, and it seemed to be a significant part of the festivities occurring here. I stepped over the stone terrace on the south of the temple as i turned to the northwest. There seemed to be rectangular pools of water in front of the temple, and i had to be careful not to step into them. I was at the very top of the hill in the town. The festival was ending because the runners had reached the temple, and i felt that i should head back to my car. I turned to the west and started descending the hill, coming to a narrow street to the south of the main road, where the runners had been before. My black car was parked under an old carport, which seemed to be a clay roof supported with metal poles. Something was not right about the place, though, and i realized that i had come here in a previous time. My car had been damaged, and i had brought it here to be fixed while i was at the festival, but this was actually in a time before the festival. The car was not yet fixed. I moved around the can, which had a thin layer of dust on the surface. A tow truck had ruined it when it was trying to take it to be fixed. I wondered what i should do. I did not want to have to wait until i returned here in my normal time line. I had jumped back in time, and my car was not yet ready to be taken. I was disappointed. My car had already been fixed when i left the festival, but now i was back in time, and the car was still damaged. I got in the car and tried to drive it, worried that it would was broken. I looked out the back window of the car through the rearview mirror, unsure whether the car was smoking heavily or not. I felt upset and nervous, not quite sure what to do. I felt out of place in this time. I stopped the car, feeling hopeless and thinking that i had to wait until the car was ready again.

I left the main lobby of $P7 and walked to the west, down the hall on the northern side of the auditorium. There seemed to be something happening in the auditorium, and i watched the brown wooden doors to the auditorium pass as i continued down the white hall. I heard music coming from inside the auditorium. It seemed soft, as though it was played by a string orchestra, but it seemed to me that it was being played on a piano or organ. As i started to pass one of the western most doors, i slowed down and pushed one of the doors open a crack too peek inside. I could see people sitting in the audience, facing the stage on the western side of the room. The students were sitting in front of me, wearing blue dress shirts. I did not want to interrupt the performance, and i did not want anyone to know that i was wandering the halls of the building, so i let the door slowly close and started to turn to the west again. As the door closed, i noticed a metal clip on the edge of the door. It allowed the door to be locked. I did not want to disturb the people in the auditorium, so i continued walking to the west, into the stairwell at the end of the hall. As i reached the area where the hallway passed through the stairwell, i heard someone opening one of the auditorium doors behind me. I turned quickly to the north, heading along the stairs of the stairwell. I wanted to get out of sight of the person behind me so that they could not determine who i was. I then turned to the west, moving down the green-tiled corridor and into the back locker room of the school. The locker room seemed like a tight maze. I walked quickly, turning corners to try to lose the person behind me. I headed to the south and then turned to the east, heading between some rows of lockers. The walls around me were covered with white tile now. I stopped in the middle of the room, wondering where i should go. The person caught up with me, coming from the west. I decided that i should pretend that i was not the person that they were following, so i turned back to the west and started back down the corridors from where i came. I was confused at the corners, trying to remember where i had come from. I headed generally to the northwest, toward the back of the school. There were now animals following me through the building. I led them past the bed in the small room at the northwest corner of the locker room and into the back of the building, where the animals would be fed. This place seemed like a barn, now, with feeding troughs and stalls to the north.

12009 April 19

Something would be happening in the near future, and i felt upset about it. It seemed that bad things were going to happen for the world, and i felt that i should prepare for what was to come. I gathered up the books from the sidewalk as the people headed to the northern side of the building. I felt as though the books had to be saved so that the knowledge in them would be preserved. A corridor ran to the south, through the center of the building. The corridor also seemed like a road heading off into the distance. The sky or ceiling seemed dark, and i carried several of the small books to the south. I wondered what i should do with them. There was no place here that would be safe to put them. I wanted to save them, but i knew that things in this area would be gone after the event. I felt desperate and stressed. People moved in a group to the north of me, but i wanted to get the books into the building to the south. I then thought that there would be a large quake when the world ends. I looked at the cement ceiling of the building, which i could see edge-on. The building should collapse in the quake. I wondered why i would want to put the books here when the building would collapse. It would burry them and ruin them. I was confused and did not know what to do.

12009 April 20

I was sitting in the wooden armchair at the back of the large classroom, facing south. The class seemed to be full of students, and the professor was walking through the room from the west. I felt strange here, as though something was not quite right. I tried to focus on the class, but something seemed wrong. The professor started lecturing to us as he walked through the auditorium, which was now filled with rows of chairs. He was saying unusual things to the class, and i tired to understand what he was talking about, but i was having difficulty. I glanced around at the others in the room, noticing that many of the people here were not ever paying attention to him. Several people on the eastern end of the southern row of the class were chatting to each other. The professor turned into the center of the classroom, facing north and said shush. I glanced around, confused by what was going on. It did not make sense what the professor was teaching, and it did not make sense that no one was trying to figure it out. I looked over my left shoulder to see a woman in the back row of the classroom. She was playing with the lights in the room. I did not understand this situation and started to walk to the west. I was walking with a group of students, and the professor was walking in the middle of the group. The professor continued to talk to us as we walked up the shiny tan marble hallway of the academic building, heading to the north. The people around me were important people, and they understood what the professor was teaching. They were not the same students who were ignoring him in class. $A379 was with the group. I was interested in talking to him, but he was listening to the professor talk. I turned to $F45, who was walking to the west of me, on my left. I talked about knowledge and the concept of what is knowledge. I had just learned these ideas from the professor, and i wanted to ask $F45 what he thought about them. The professor started talking about god as we walked to the west again, passing through an archway and heading down a set of stone steps that ran along the southern wall of the large hallway. The people around him were interested in what he was saying, but they seemed to be more interested in the idea of him saying important things than in the ideas that he was talking about. They asked him about religion, trying to get a good answer as to which religion was best. The man opened a black leather-bound Bible as he walked and read from it. He was quoting Jesus. There seemed to be a very good lesson that he was trying to impart to us. A young woman was looking up at him from the south as they walked. She had shoulder-length frizzy black hair and a flat face. She asked if what he said was true. It seemed like a very strange question. She did not seem to be listening to the content of the story. Instead, she was more concerned as to whether the story was something that actually happened. It seemed very puzzling to me. The man said that it was not a true story. He then started talking about the story, but the people had started talking among themselves about the truth of the story. They seemed to be arguing the professor’s point rather than listening to the professor. There were many people around us now, and they were arguing about the situation. They were the crowd that was accusing Jesus of crimes. There were too many words being spoken for me to understand what anyone was saying, but i seemed to understand the idea of the entire crowd. They were arguing about Jesus and whether he was real or not. I heard the winy voices in the crowd of the jewish priests. It occurred to me that this was a stereotype, and that this scene was using it to make a point about the people in the crowd. I looked to the northeast to see the man with dark-red curly hair. He was Caiaphus, and he was arguing with the crowd about what Jesus meant. Jesus was in the crowd, and he found out what people were saying about him. He was angry. This became a very big scandal, because he did not think that Jesus should be telling them what Jesus meant. They were all arguing for their own opinions on what he meant. This was the reason they killed Jesus. I listened to the argument, but the words did not make sense. Something was wrong here, and i felt uneasy. I walked away from the crowd, trying to understand the situation. It seemed very important, and i wanted to remember it. I felt that it was a very disappointing story, and i was not quite sure how the story worked. There was something in the plot that was missing, making it not quite understandable. I talked to $Z about this as we walked. I told him that we argued with the professor about the issue. I then remembered sitting at the back of the class when the lecture was happening. I was asking contradictory questions because i did not understand what the professor was saying. He was telling us things that did not seem to make sense, so i was questioning him about them, arguing with what he was saying because it did not seem to make sense. I realized that this was what the professor wanted. I started walking back up the stone stairs to the east. The stairs ran up the center of an arched corridor in a dimly lighted academic building. The professor was coming down the stairs from the east with people from his class. They were gathered around him, trying to get him to tell them things as they went. He was still saying things that did not quite make sense, but i felt good that i was starting to understand him. I believed that i understood knowledge a little better now. It was something that should be argued rather than accepted. This was what the professor was trying to teach his class by telling things that did not make sense. Most of the students would have just accepted what he was saying, but some would actually question him.

12009 April 21

As i woke up in small room, i heard the other people to the east of me talking about the game. I was reclined in a chair, facing north. There were more chairs to the east of me, and a young man was sitting down in one as two women hurried out the door to the northeast. This was part of a reality show, and i felt a little out of place here. I was too old to be part of this reality show, and i was not quite sure what the game was. I was supposed to be playing, but i had been asleep and did not know what the game was. I realized that it was some kind of tag where people would have to touch each other with their index finger. I acted confused, pretending that i did not know what was going on. The man in the chair needed to be touched again so he could leave and start the game again, otherwise he would be a prize of the person who touched him. I turned to the west and started out of the room. There was a young woman near the entrance to the room, wearing a dull brown tank top. She was trying to touch me, but i reached out and touched her, pretending that i was tapping her on the shoulder to ask a question. She moved past me to the east, and i continued to the west, still acting confused. I headed down the stairs on the college campus. I was looking to the east, watching myself descend the stairs, which ran along the southern side of a building, on the northern side of the road. The building was white, and the place seemed to be near $P63. I then moved up the stairs from the bottom, joining myself as i came down. There were people hanging out around the area, and i moved toward two young women who were chatting on the wide landing in the middle of the stairs. The landing was actually a grassy hill. I tapped them on the shoulder to get their attention and ask a question. They seemed annoyed that i had interrupted them.

12009 April 22

I came into the room on the western side of the building, where the other soldiers were assembled. The cement walls of the room were pale green. The other men were lined up in a crude semicircle on the western side of the room. I lined up with them, but felt very casual about this setting. This seemed like the military, but we did not seem like soldiers. The commander was then in the center of the room, talking to us. I stood still and faced east as he spoke. There was another officer walking along the line of men, inspecting them. He paused near me and said something about the jacket that i was wearing. I realized that i was still wearing my heavy coat. I then realized that i was wearing it because i did not have the proper uniform on underneath. I pulled the front of the coat closed over my shirt, but it fell open again. I kept fidgeting with the coat. Suddenly, the commander stopped talking. He was a shorter man with graying hair and a blue dress uniform. He stared at me and asked about my shirt. The dark-skinned officer near me commented that my shirt was not an official uniform. I looked down at the green shirt that was under my jacket. It was a dress shirt, but seemed to be store bought. It had white threads in the weave of the material. I also noticed that the left breast of the shirt was covered with pockets that were full of pens. The commander scolded me and told me to get into proper uniform. I walked out of the room to the east and headed up the stairs to the north, in the center of the house. I was in an open area, and there were rectangular holes in the northern wall, near the top of the stairs. I stopped in front of the holes. This place seemed a little like $P19, and there was someone to the west of me, talking about the room. I had been in the room earlier, but i looked at the narrow rectangle in front of me and wondered how i was going to squeeze into it. It did not seem tall enough for me to fit through. I tried crawling through it, but found that only my upper body made it through. My hips got stuck. I had been able to slide through the hole when i was in college, and wondered what had changed. I had not gained any weight around my waist, so something else must have changed. I wondered if my hip bones had gotten bigger. This seemed like a reasonable possibility. I said something to the other man, who was to the west of me, near the next opening in the wall. I then realized that the next opening seemed a little larger than the one i had tried to go through. I moved over to it and crawled through. It was much easier to pass through that the one i had tried. I must have gone through the larger opening before and not remembered. It was darker in the room, and i moved to the west, looking for my stuff. There was someone sitting at the edge of the room, to the west, and i felt very uncomfortable on the roof of the building. I walked down the western slope, on the northern side of the roof. My mother was sitting on the edge of the roof. I was sitting down to the north of her, but i was scared of being too close to the edge. I remembered that my father had climbed in through the window on the northern side of the roof. I was scared of being near the edge, but my mother was pushing me toward the thin ledge that ran under the northern peak of the roof. I started to feel terrified and started to cry. She put her arms on my shoulders as she forced me to lie down. I did not know what to do and started shaking with fear. I then realized that i was lying on my side on the ledge, which seemed wider than i had thought. I could feel the end of the wooden ledge in front of me, realizing that the ledge was about a meter wide. I felt a little safer here, but wondered how i was going to get back onto the room. I remembered having trouble getting onto the roof in the past. I had reached my left arm out and tried to get over the western eve of the roof. It was hard to get a grip on anything to prevent myself from falling. I then remembered that my father had almost fallen from the roof. He grabbed onto something under the peak of the roof while trying to crawl back into the hole just under the peak. What he had grabbed had broken off and he had almost fallen backward. I looked up at the peak, noticing that there was a plastic handle on the eastern side of the underside of the peak. It was a U-shaped bracket attached to the roof. There was not one on the western side of the peak, and i decided that it must be the one that broke off. I imagined my father grabbing onto the bracket and having it break off. I wondered how he had grabbed something else before he fell backward and over the ledge. It seemed very dangerous. I thought that i had to stand up and get back onto the roof, but i was still scared. I wondered if i should simply stay here until there was an easier way to get into the house. Maybe my parents would realize that i was out here and open up the hole in the peak of the roof to let me in. I then stood up and reached my left arm over the western side of the roof. I would have to climb back onto the roof. I had done it before, but was very scared of doing it now. I would have to grab something on the roof to prevent myself from slipping. I then realized that i was wearing a brown terrycloth housecoat. It was too loose and might get in my way, so i would have to take it off. I felt panicked and moved very carefully on the white wooden ledge. I slipped my right arm out of the housecoat first, and then tried to get my left free. I could feel the housecoat under my hips and realized that i would not be able to take it off of me without getting too close to the edge. I would have to let it fall off as i tried to climb over the roof. I reached out with my left arm to grab onto the western surface of the roof. I was scared and moved very carefully.

12009 April 23

The police were after me, and i moved quickly through the city to get away. I knew that they were unable to shoot me because i was not really part of my body. I thought that it was nice that people could not kill me. It felt comfortable knowing that no damage could be done to my body. I moved into a crowd and pretended to talk to the people in the small grassy area. I was aware of a large open part to the northwest, which was separated from the street on which i was standing by a short row of hedges. The park was at a slightly higher elevation than the street. I continued to the north, trying to get away from the police. I started up a set of white stone stairs that led from the sidewalk up to the higher level of the park. I wanted to fly up the center of the stairs to get away, but i could not lift off of the ground. Something seemed wrong. Instead, i imagined that i could crawl up the metal banister that ran up the center of the stairs. Something was strange here, and i turned to the south and walked into the apartment. There were people in the small living room of the apartment, and they were all talking about where they were going that night. There was a couch against the western wall of the room. It was off white, and $F9 was sitting on the northern side of it. The people in the room were excited about going to see a band that evening. They mentioned the name of the band several times, and it seemed like they said “Fish Head” or “Mullet Head”. I could not quite hear the second name of the band. The people repeated it, but i could still not remember what it was. I realized that i had heard of the band, though. The others in the room admitted that they had not heard of them before, but they were all excited to go see them. I had actually seen them in concert before. I told $F9 that $F27 used to like this band. I had seen them with him a long time ago. I picture the small club where we had seen the band. It was very run down, with crude wooden walls. I could hear the guitar sound of the song that they were playing, and i started to imitate it. The music sounded somewhat like rockabilly, but there was something very modern to the sound. $F9 moved to the south, into the smaller room. I picked up the trashcan and brought it to the south. I asked about the recycling here. I wanted to know whether there was recycling here and what things i would be able to recycle. $F9 told me, and i turned around and headed back to the north to deal with the trash.

12009 April 24

I was on the bus, which seemed like a school bus, as we drove to the east. It was bright out and the people around me seemed to be children. $A66 was sitting on the left side of the bus, near the front. I had not seen her in a very long time, and i wanted to talk to her. I walked down the central aisle of the bus, between the dark gray seats, and sat with her. We talked for a little while, but i was aware that there was something very strange about being on this bus.

We were hiking through the thin deciduous forest. $A66 was standing to the northeast of me, on the southern shore of the creek. Several of the people with us had already crossed the creek, heading to the north. I was still standing on the southern side of the rocky stream, balancing on rocks to get across. The water was wide in a few areas, and i realized that i would not be able to cross without getting my feet wet. I tried to move from rock to rock, but i could not see a way to cross the water. $A162 was then to the east of me, on the rocks of the stream. He jokingly offered to carry someone across the creek. I thought that it was funny, and i though that he should carry $A66 across, since it would be the traditionally courteous thing to help a woman across the water. I imagined that he would be carrying her over much of the water that we crossed, and i realized that she would get rather heavy over the length of the hike. We had a long way to go. I decided to just walk through the water. I looked down at the white and black sneakers on my feet as i stepped into the shallow water. I was wearing a pair of maroon sweatpants. I headed to the west to get to the other shore of the large shallow puddle. This was all part of a play, and i was acting as one of the characters. This was not a real hike. I had to go to the west to get the knives. I looked at the knives after i had picked them up. They seemed rather strange in the play, since they were actually real knives. I was a little uncomfortable using them, but they were the props that i had to work with. I had to put them into the pockets of my pants. I looked down at the loose white pants that i was wearing. I slipped a knife into one of the side pockets on the right leg of the pants, but i could not figure out where the others knives would go. This part of the play was not worked out well enough. I did not know what to do with the knives, and i started to feel uncomfortable, aware that the other actors were waiting for me. I felt that they were becoming upset with me, and i did not know what to do. I then started singing about the cheese. As i did, i suddenly wondered if i was singing the correct part. I could not remember what i was supposed to do at this point in the play. I looked down at the large yellow piece of cheese, which was really a fake prop. It was on a low table to the south of me. I was watching myself stand to the north of the table as i sang to the cheese. I wondered if i could actually sing passionately to the cheese. I hoped that my acting was good enough to emote feelings into the songs. A man was singing to the large block. This seemed confusing, and i was not sure what i was supposed to be doing on stage here. I turned to the northwest and walked into the large room, where the audience was. The stage ran across the northwestern wall of the room, and the audience sat to the southeast. I looked at the surroundings, pretending to survey my spot. This was one of my stage directions in the play. I knew that i was supposed to be here acting out this part, but i could not remember what else i was supposed to do. I felt nervous and uneasy.

12009 April 27

I suddenly found myself in the forest, running with $G4. I had just been somewhere else, but now i was unexpectedly here. I looked around as i moved through the trees. I was with the $G4 group from London. I was visiting this area and i had decided to go on a run with them. I remembered this, but i could not remember how i had gotten here. I did not remember anything about the run up until this point. Something was wrong about this sudden transition, and i wondered why i could not remember. I started talking about the transition, talking to myself in an attempt to trigger my memory. There was a woman to the east of me now on the trail. She looked at me curiously. She tried to understand what i was saying, but she was confused by my words. I looked around at the group in the clearing to the east and northeast of me. They were just getting ready to run, and i realized that the run had not yet started. The group was just gathering for the event. I sat down to the west of the group, trying to remember this event. It was actually part of a dream, and i felt that i should remember it. A man was talking to the group to the east, telling them about the run, but i was sitting on a stump to the west, taking notes in a small steno book. I was trying to jot down bits of the dream so that i would not forget. The man then noticed what i was doing and accused me of not paying attention to the group. I would have to stand up in front of the group and drink a beer for not paying attention, but nothing happened. The people simply started talking to each other again. I moved off to the west, across the back lawn of my parents’ house. The runners were still to the east. I passed through the groups of people clustered on the lawn. Several people seemed to be walking with me. I felt comfortable here, thinking that this was a very nice place to be.

12009 April 28

I was to the south of my grandmother’s garage, near the back of her house, and i had a yellow board that i was holding to my chest with my right arm. It was buoyant and floated in the air. I started jumping up into the air as i held on to it, realizing that i was very light with it. I could jump very high into the air. I bounced again on the ground and jumped even higher, trying to see how high i could get. I was having fun and realized that this board would make it seem that i was flying. I jumped high over the roof of the garage, and i turned to look at the house. It seemed much taller than the garage, and i watched it drop to the southwest of me as i rose into the air. I then passed over the roof of the house, realizing that i was now very high. I could see a man walking down the sidewalk in front of the house, and i realized that he might think that i was actually flying. I wondered if he would see me and be surprised at what i could do. I floated back down, landing on one of the lower roofs of the house on the western side. The other house to the west seemed very close to me, but there was a wide enough space of green grass between the houses that i could not jump between them. The roof was short and seemed to run in front of a small dormer that stuck out of the vertical western wall. I shuffled around on the black tar-shingle roof, looking down at the grassy ground below. It seemed like a long way down, even though it was only a story or so. I was going to jump off of the house to the north, but i started to feel uneasy about the height. I worried that the board might not work all the way and i would descend too fast. I felt uneasy, even though i knew that the board should slow my descent enough. I shuffled across the roof, heading toward the northwestern corner of the house. I came to the center of the northern side, over the top of the porch. I wanted to jump down, but i realized that there were power lines running from the back of the house. I would have to be careful to avoid them when i jumped. I then moved back to the west, rounding the corner and coming across the western side of the house. I seemed to be higher now, as if i was on a roof near the second floor. I moved to the south again, crossing a widow in the western wall. I thought that i could wave to $K7 through the window if she was there. She would be surprised to see me up here, and i wondered if she would panic. I decided that i should jump back to the ground, but, as i looked down at the bright green grass below, i felt uneasy about jumping. I moved back to the northern side of the house and jumped to the north. There was a pile of shingles to the west of the garage on the ground. The garage was to the north and northeast of the house. I worried that i would land in the middle of the pile, but i floated to the ground just to the west of the shingles. I then walked to the north, around the back of the garage. I came out in front of the garage and then headed west, around the western side of the house. I was now in the grassy alley between the houses. There was a man with me, and we had been tricking people into doing things to make a profit. I started to feel uncomfortable here, realizing that we had been scamming people. I knew that the others had found out about what we had done to them, and i felt bad about it. I thought that i should leave this area, but, before i could get too far, a woman asked me about the telephone. She complained that she could not get it to work. I knew that it was a fake telephone. $F45 had scammed her into using it and she had realized that he had tricked her for money. I thought that i should try to make up a story for $F45, to try to explain why he would have done this and make the woman feel better, but i realized that i really did not care about it. I had not wanted to be involved in the scam and i knew that it was $F45’s fault. I turned to leave.

12009 April 29

We were looking around the wide open area for something. $F11 and another man were with me in the paved parking lot as we looked for the object. We were looking for something that was hidden in plain sight, but we were unable to find it. The parking lot had a thin grassy median running east to west across the center of it, with a low guardrail in the middle. There were few cars in the lot, only one or two here and there. A red car sat to the southeast of me, near the central median, facing east. There seemed to be a cliff or gorge to the south, along the border of the pavement. The man called to us from the southwest, saying that he had found it. I hoped that he had found the bicycle that we were looking for. It was tied up somewhere in the parking lot. I walked across the parking lot, heading toward the man. There was a short metal object in the center of the parking lot. It looked like a section of fence or part of a guardrail, but it was only a meter and a half long. It was made of gray metal. The man was excited as we approached him. He must have found the invisible bicycle. The man led us toward the gray object, which now seemed more like a guardrail. I noticed a square wire basket on the ground just to the east of the guardrail. It was the kind of basket that one would find on the front of an old bicycle. The man was pointing to the basket, telling us that it was the bicycle. I was disappointed, realizing that it was not actually the bicycle. It was, however, related to the bicycle, so i thought that we were getting close. I walked to the west, checking the surrounding area for the bicycle. I told the man that the invisible bicycle was here somewhere, and then i told him that i had lost the key for it. I felt around in front of me with my hands, looking for the bicycle. The man was saying something about the bicycle, and i jokingly started to yell down at him, pretending to complain about his false guess that the basket was the bicycle. I searched a little more to the west, but i could not find the bicycle. I started to feel annoyed that we could not find it. I was also annoyed with myself for forgetting the key. I needed the other person to help me look, so i turned back to the east and started walking back across the grassy lawn. There was a large white wooden door to the south of me, which was the large barn door on the northern side of the garage. The big garage was on the southern side of the lawn. As i walked close to the door, i could hear a buzzing sound coming from within. I paused in front of the door, feeling that something was wrong. I listened for a moment, realizing that it sounded like a swarm of flies. Something seemed wrong. I wondered if there was meat in the barn that had gone bad, or whether there was a dead animal hidden there. I felt annoyed that someone had let something get this bad in the barn, and that the barn was this poorly cleaned. The others should have cleaned the barn before this. I was aware of the others standing just to the east of me, and i started to approach them, telling them to try to look through the dirty glass of the window to the east of the door. I peered into the darkness with them, but could not see enough detail inside the barn. It was too dark. All we could see were the flies passing between the window and another window on the opposite side of the barn. The others walked to the west, around the side of the barn. There was a smaller door there, and they cautiously opened it to see what had happened inside. I was afraid that there might be a rotting corpse in the barn. I told them that the meat in the barn probably went bad and the flies had gotten to it. I then turned back to the east and headed toward the house. As i reached the house, i heard a noise to the north of me. There was a wooded lot running along the northern side of the property, and it sounded as though something large was wandering through the undergrowth. I walked to the west a little, trying to figure out what it was. The man said that it might be a bear. I knew that bears smelled like rotting food, and i thought this might be why the man suggested a bear. I told him that i had not seen a bear in this area in a very long time, and i said that it was probably just a deer. I then noticed something moving on the southwestern side of the lawn. I looked over to see a large black door sniffing the ground near the edge of the lawn. It must have been making the rustling noise in the bushes. It was heading toward the barn, and i realized that it might have been attracted by the smell of decay. I started to follow it. I did not want it getting into the barn and making a mess.

12009 April 30

I woke up and looked to the east, out the door of the bedroom and down the stairwell. I started moving down the corridor of the house, thinking that there was someone moving around downstairs. I stopped at the top of the dark stairwell and looked down. There was a door at the bottom of the stairs, and i could see shadows cast on it from the lining room, which was to the south. The light on the wall was dim and orange, and cast shadows that appeared to be of something on a table. The shadows then started to move and shift, and i decided that there was someone downstairs. I started walking down the stairs, realizing that i was wearing a towel over my shoulders. I pulled the towel up a little because it was starting to slide back from the breeze of my movement. I came to the bottom of the stairs and headed to the southeast, diagonally across the living room. There was no one in sight, and i wondered if the door to the house had been open. I looked around, wondering if someone could be hiding somewhere in the shadows. It was dark, but the light from outside made it easy for my adjusted eyes to see most of what was in the room. As i passed one end of the couch, i stepped over $X14, who was trotting around on the floor. The cats would know whether someone had been in the house, but they did not seem to be paying attention to any particular direction. I came to the door and put my hands up toward it. There was a cool breeze blowing around the left edge of the outside door. I realized that the door was open a crack. It must not have been latched properly the night before. Had someone come in the house? I was concerned and closed the door the rest of the way. The lock had been left open, so i locked the door as well. I was worried that there might be someone else in the house, and i started heading to the north, into the lower part of the house. I thought i had heard someone downstairs and i wanted to make sure that there was no one here. I was now standing at the top of the cellar stairs, facing east. The stairs descended into the dark, but there was a light on to the south of the stairs in the basement. I could see someone moving across the light. It was much more obvious now that someone was in the house. I hurried down the stairs, but realized that my footsteps might alert the intruder that i was coming. I lifted my feet and jumped the rest of the way down the stair. I imagined that the intruder was just to the south of the bottom of the stairs, and i thought that i could kick him as i came to the bottom. My feet were already in front of me if he tried to jump out to get me. I landed at the bottom of the stairs and turned to the south. There was a small room across the main part of the basement, and $A35 was working in the room. The room was illuminated with a fluorescent light. A metal table extended from the northern wall, and there was a large dog sitting comfortably on top of it. It had a narrow shape, like an afghan hound, and its white and black hair was long and fuzzy. It was mostly white, with patches of dark gray here and there. There was a large patch on the right side of its abdomen. It had something that looked like a metal coil in its mouth, and i realized that $A35 was working on the dog. He pulled pieces of the coil from the dog’s mouth and then started stapling the side of the dog’s face He put two large staples into the back edge of the dogs mouth to close the wound. The dog did not seem to mind and sat peacefully on the table, glancing out into the room. I moved quickly toward the table, holding on to the blanket that i had over my shoulders. I did not want it to fly off in the breeze from my movement. I then wondered if i was actually wearing anything else. I approached the table fast, and $A35 had not noticed me coming. I wondered if my sudden presence would startle him. I landed with my feet on the western edge of the table, and i sat in a crouched position there, watching $A35. He was working on the dog and had not noticed me. He then turned a little toward me and glanced up, surprised that i was here, but not startled. He continued to work on the dog. I asked him about what he was doing as i started to move to the west, across the room.

I seemed to be at $P19, and i was moving through the hallway, passing people and commenting to them as i went. I felt somber, thinking that i had to go somewhere to do something official. I was expected in court in a little while, and i had to testify for something. I was nervous and did not want to do it. I walked down the corridor to the west, adjusting the tie that i was wearing. I felt uncomfortable and thought that i should put a better shirt on. I did not know what i should wear and wondered if all of my clothes looked old and out of date. I turned to the south, into room two. I felt worried. $F14 and $F30 were in the room. $F30 was sitting at the desk against the northern wall, to the east of the door, and $F14 was standing behind him. $F14 talked to me about the trial, trying to comfort me. I hugged her for comfort, as if she was an old friend of mine. I then turned to $F30 and hugged him as well. It felt strange to be so close to them. It seemed that i had not been this close to them in a very long time. I chatted for a moment, trying to mentally prepare myself to leave. $F14 commented on my shirt, saying that it was nice. I thought about the shirt, even though i could not see it. It was a brown crinkled shirt, and i was wearing it under my dress jacket. I wondered for a moment how she could see it under my jacket. She continued to compliment it, comparing it to something else that she had remembered. I still felt nervous and started to pace the room. I did not want to be at the formal hearing and was not sure what i should do. I then thought that i should have a tie with me. I was not wearing one over my shirt, and i thought that it would probably be required in a court. I decided that i should also have a nicer jacket. I started to feel agitated, thinking that everything i was wearing was old and run down. I felt out dated as i started to pace back to the east. I wondered if i should buy a new shirt before i had to go all the way to court. I thought about the light-green one that i had in my closet. It seemed like a nice shirt, and i wondered if it would be better than the brown one that i was wearing now. I could not decide what to do, and i started to wonder again whether i should be wearing a tie. I really did not know. I continued to pace, but i was walking down the street, heading toward the courthouse. I was nervous and becoming upset trying to decide what i should do. I was then aware of something near me, and i though that someone was following me. I glanced to the left, looking at the shadows on the northern side of the street. There seemed to be something moving through the shadows, following me. I felt uneasy, but realized that this was only a mental warning. The man would not attack me, but he did not want me to appear in court. They were following me and letting me know that they were following me as a threat. I turned to the south and crossed the street. The street seemed to end just to the east of us, but i headed up a set of metal stairs that ascended the brick building on the southern side of the street. The stairs ascended to the east. There was a metal walkway running east from the top of the stairs. I followed it over the city block and took the stairs on the other end back down to the street level. I came out in a small plaza on the other side of the block, in front of a small pub. It was night now, and the bar was lighted with red and white signs. This was a public area, and there were many people gathered at the small round metal tables in front of the pub. The people following me would not attack in this place. It would be too obvious. As i started wandering through the courtyard, heading toward the pub, i decided that i should get a drink before i headed to the court. I headed to the south, across the pub and into the bathrooms in the southern wall. Suddenly, i realized that i had urinated in my pants. I must have had to go to the bathroom and could not hold it in anymore. Something seemed wrong about this. I complained about it, and the man to the east of me, at one of the other stalls in the bathroom, noticed what i had done. I looked down to see the long wet stain running down the insides of my gray trouser legs. I pretended that i had gotten wet, and told the man that i had come in here to wash off. I shook my hands in the air, pretending to shake extra water off of them. I was wearing a gray fuzzy jacket, and the water droplets spattered onto it. I had to wash myself off, so i headed to the south, thinking that the sinks were there. When i reached the southern wall, however, i found only urinals. I was confused and looked around the room. The walls were made of unfinished wood, and seemed to have many things pasted or written on them. I saw the sinks against the eastern wall of the room, just to the north of a narrow wooden black door. I was annoyed that i had walked to the southern wall. I walked toward the sinks, but i realized that i could not simply wash the urine off of my pants. I would have to change my clothing before i went to court. I felt very upset and uncomfortable. I did not know what i should do.