12010 April 01

I was in my parents’ house on the second floor, near the eastern side of the house. My grandmother was in the middle bedroom as i walked across it, heading east. Several of my relatives seemed to be downstairs, visiting. $K1 and her children were in the house as well. I felt preoccupied and was trying to figure something out as i moved down the stairs, heading north, into the back room of the house. The people in the house were doing various things, but i was not interacting with them. I needed to get some wine for cooking, and i was trying to think of which kind i should get. I thought that i could put it into the tall bottle that i have for bulk liquids: the one with the cork. I knew that i wanted a cheap wine because i wanted it to taste a little like vinegar. I should probably get a bad italian wine. I tried to remember the kind that $A116 used when he cooked. It came in a gallon bottle, so it was not a good drinking wine. I was with my grandmother as i headed through the narrow passageway and headed to the west. We came into the waiting room, entering from the northern end of the eastern wall. This area seemed to be the entryway to a spa. The floor seemed to be recessed in the center, forming an oddly shaped depression. The shape had flat sides, but was wider around the north and east than it was on the other sides. The recessed area seemed to be white, but the walls and upper area were reddish-orange. There seemed to be a woman behind a counter on the eastern wall, but we wandered to the southwest. I felt that we were a little out of place here, thinking that we really did not belong in such a high-class spa. It seemed as though we had been allowed in here because we had won a stay here, but we really could not afford such a place. I hoped that my grandmother did not embarrass us by insisting that we get special treatment here as if we had paid. I felt strange and realized that the floor was swaying from side to side, as though we were on a boat. I knew that we could not be on water, so i thought that this must be some kind of effect that the spa had put on to make people think that they were floating. A couple passed us, heading to the southwest. There were doorways in the western wall, and they opened the door on one of them and walked into the room beyond. These rooms seemed to be the special treatment rooms. I looked into the reddish room to the west and saw people floating in the air. This was some kind of therapeutic recovery treatment. The ground inside seemed to be inflated, and the people were floating over it, moving their arms to get around. It was like swimming, but no water was required. The air inside was thick enough that they could simply float on it. The door closed, and i noticed the ripples along the wall around the door. This was a spacial distortion from the room. The machines that canceled gravity caused it, and it was bending the light outside the room a little as well. This seemed somewhat unbelievable, and i wondered if it was true. I then thought that the light ripples could simply be from reflections off of the puddles on the ground as well. A woman to the northwest of us was talking to someone, and she mentioned that she had trained Brittany Spears here. I suddenly remembered that there were celebrities in this place, and i told my grandmother that i had forgotten that Brittany was one of the celebrities that was actually here. This place was expensive and exclusive, and there were many celebrities around us. I then noticed the woman lying on the ground to the southwest. She was reclined in a cushioned chair, which seemed to fit into the ground. She was wearing a thin bikini, but she had enough fat on her body that the laces of the suit squeezed deeply into her skin. She was a trainer here, and she was talking to the man to the west of her. The floor swayed again, and i lifted my arms slightly to maintain balance. I told my grandmother that this place was probably floating on the lake. This did not seem right, so i moved to the window in the northern wall to see. I could see water outside, scattering light through the window in bright ripples. As i moved closer to the window, however, i noticed that there was a fence of black plastic-coated canvas running along the northeastern side of the water, holding the water toward the window. I thought that someone had fenced off part of the lake so that they could do construction on the muddy ground to the northeast. Thin wooden stakes held up the fence. As i got closer to the window, however, i realized that this water was not actually part of the larger lake. It was simply a trough made of the plastic. It saw triangular in shape, and did not come all the way to the edge of the building. I could see the near side of the black canvas wall that held the water. My grandmother started talking to someone, and i could hear the male voice replying from the other side of the window. I moved toward the window. I could not see the man, but his voice seemed to be coming from below the window. My grandmother seemed to know him, and he seemed to be talking with an old italian voice. She asked the man about the wine that we had come to get. I looked at the triangular pen that held the small amount of water. It was outside the window for effect, to make it seem like the building was on the edge of the lake. The man said that the winery was a good place to get some of the wine. I looked to the east, down the corridor into the winery. The wooden corridor was the same entrance corridor as the one we had come through to get in to the spa. I walked down it to the west again, following the man as he explained the wines here. I thought that wineries in this area only really made white wines, and i knew that i needed a red wine. I asked about a wine that i could use for cooking. I thought about the name and seemed to think that i was looking for a chardonnay or chianti, but i could not remember which. I then tried to remember what kind of wine $A116 used to get in the green glass gallon jars. The name seemed to start with a B, and i thought that it might be a bordeaux, but i was not sure. I asked the man about italian wines. The man led me to the west, down a long aisle between some old dusty wooden shelves. He said that he has some bad wines here that he was not really sure about. I suggested that he make some vinegar out of them. I knew that the wines could make some good vinegar. At the end of the aisle, i could see a wooden counter against the western wall in the main room of the winery, where a small crowd of people was standing. They must be doing a wine tasting there. I thought that the man was bringing me to a tasting so that he could show me their wines. I wanted one in a large gallon, though, so that i could condense it into vinegar. We turned to the north suddenly, and he walked into a small room on the eastern side of the entryway. The room was filled with small metal tanks and mechanical equipment. He turned to the west and told someone from the counter to get something. I waited by the door as he did something in the room. I was unsure what he wanted me to do here. The tanks inside seemed to be fermenting vats. The man reached into the room and brought out a small green glass cup. The cup was V-shaped, resembling a squat thick martini glass. It had a green handle on one side. This cup was for sipping the wine, and would be used for sampling the batches as they were being fermented. This was something different from the wine tasting that was happening to the west, where people were tasting only the finished product. The man moved me to the north a little, where there was a small window between the vat room and the outside room. He sat me on a stool there, and i leaned on the counter that was across the bottom of the window. I wanted to tell the man that i was actually looking for a bad wine. I wanted to tell him that a bad wine could make a good cooking vinegar, but i was not quite sure how to say this too him without sounding silly.

12010 April 02

I walked across the grassy lawn between the two houses, heading east. It was dark out and seemed to be late at night. I seemed to be heading to the neighbors’ house, which was to the east of my parents’ house. I walked to the north of the house, across their back lawn. There were several drunken people on their lawn from the party. The party seemed to be ending, but many of the people were still hanging around on the grass behind the house. I noticed $F57 lying on the ground to the west, sleeping. I felt bad about this. I did not want the neighbors to get upset with me, and i hoped that the party did not disturb them too much. I wandered around the side of the house, feeling out of place here. I had not really been part of the party. I felt as though i had been in a depressed mood and was ignoring the people at the party for some reason. I walked around to the front of the neighbor’s house, wondering how i could clean everything up before the neighbors got upset. I then noticed that there were small pieces of something yellow on the ground to the southwest of the house. Something had been broken on the lawn, and i was annoyed and upset by this. The curved yellow plastic pieces seemed to be part of a lawn ornament. I turned back and headed to the north, around the western side of the house. I was sad about what was happening here and felt that there was not much i could do about it. I hoped that the neighbors were not upset about the people drinking outside, to the north of their house. As i rounded the house, i could see the people lying and sitting on the grass of the back yard. I hoped that the music was not too loud. I felt out of place here, and felt that there was nothing that i could do about the situation anymore. I did not want to be with the others at the party, so i headed to the east, into the small wooden house. I did not feel like being at the party, and i did not want to deal with the people at the party anymore, so i was going to be by myself. One of the people from the party followed me in. The person must have noticed that i was not in a good mood and wanted to talk to me. I was unsure what to do and just wanted to be alone.

I sat on the southern side of the wooden table on the eastern side of the classroom. I was taking a test on the white paper in front of me. As i read the questions, i realized that the first part of the question was asking me to specify something. I had written the answer on the white paper in blue ink. The second question, however, asked me how i would rethink what i had written in the first part. I did not understand what was meant here, and i tried to figure it out. I read the questions again. The test was asking what i thought in the first part, and then asking how i would understand what i had written when i rethought it. It still made no sense to me, and i felt frustrated with the test. I was annoyed and decided that i would skip the question all together. I tried to write some comments on the side of the test sheet, trying to explain why i did not understand the question. I wrote “really?” on the right margin of the paper, but i my handwriting did not seem quite correct. I was having trouble writing correctly. I looked at the words again, and they seemed to say “are you sure?”. I then realized that i was writing on the wrong sheet of paper. I turned the pages backward to get the front sheet of the test again, but there was something interfering with my writing. I focused on the blue letters, trying to write the question more coherently, but i could not form the letters i wanted. I started to feel frustrated again and became angry. I gave up trying and folded up the paper. I stood up and took it to the northern side of the classroom, where $A101 was sitting behind a large wooden counter. As i handed in the paper, he asked me about something. I did not understand the question, but looked down at the test paper. The other tests that had been handed in had pink cover sheets on them. I did not understand what he was referring to and asked him what he meant. I then asked if the cover sheet was necessary for the codes. It seemed that the test could not be understood without the codes. I felt annoyed and turned to go back to the desk to get the codes. I flipped through the papers on the desk, looking for the correct sheet of paper. It was the one with the list of things written in pencil on the back. I spotted the cover sheet in the pile of paper and pulled it out. It had red markings for rankings on the upper right of it. The top marking had me listed as “mid”. The bottom of the page had several grids with things written in them. Some of them looked blurred, as if smudged or partially rubbed off. I handed the paper to $A101. He asked “Did you enter more than one string?” I held the paper in my hand; i did not understand the question. He asked again; “Did you enter more than one string in any one?” I looked back at the paper, but could not make sense of the question. I felt annoyed and upset.

12010 April 03

I walked around the northern side of the house. There were gardens growing all across the yard behind the house. They looked nice. I felt envious of the gardens because i could not grow nice gardens where i lived. There were nice roses along the east of the house, but they did not look like they were growing so well. I hoped that everything at my new house grew well. I would have to watch the roses to make sure that they did well over the summer. I turned to the west and headed through the house that i had just moved into, thinking about the gardens all around it. I felt good about being in this new place, and i hoped that the gardens grew well here.

I traveled to the north, through the streets of the city. This city seemed to be someplace near where i lived, but not the city that i lived in. The buildings around me seemed old and worn, but they were clean and maintained. There was something unfamiliar about this place, and i was interested to know more about it. It seemed that i had not been here before, and i wanted to explore. As we drove, i noticed that there were some children sitting on the high brick all or tall flight of stairs to the east of us. The wall or stairs seemed to run in front of one of the apartment buildings, connecting the building to the one next to it. $F45 was driving the car slowly, and i could hear the young people on the stairs talking. They were speaking in a foreign language. I asked someone where we were, realizing that we were in a foreign country. This place seemed strange, but i was still very interested in it. I talked to $F45 about this place as i moved to the large window in the northern wall of the small room. $F45 was lying on the bed to the west. He seemed to be in a bad mood, and did not want to hear about the land around us. I wanted to go explore it, though. I looked to the north, across the flat landscape. The country was beautiful, and the view was of a wide field of dry yellow grass rolling into the distance. There were large red churches here and there in the distance. It seemed like something common to this place. There was a row of churches running from the east and ending about halfway across my view. It seemed very picturesque in the tan field with the blue sky in the background. I felt excited to see this place, and this land seemed very attractive. I was frustrated that we were in the room rather that exploring the area, and i started to feel annoyed that $F45 was simply lying on the bed. I complained to him, saying to him that we were in a foreign land and i wanted to explore. He acted exasperated with me, but we were then in the car again, someplace to the south of our hotel. We drove to the west, down a long narrow road. $F45 was mad at me because i had made him explore the country. I told him that there were churches here to look at, but he seemed uninterested. We seemed to be on a highway, traveling very fast to the west, over the flat land. I knew that the churches had been to the north of our hotel, so i told $F45 that they were somewhere to the north of the town. He did not seem interested, but the car started turning to the north, heading around a curved exit ramp. There seemed to be an elevated roadway coming from the southwest and crossing over the top of the highway that we were on. The exit ramp curved to the north and then to the northeast, paralleling the high adobe wall or elevated roadway. There seemed to be a cap of bricks running across the top of the wall. We followed the road to the northeast. I thought that there was a small town to the northeast, and another one on the other side of the wall to the north. I wanted to head to the north, thinking that we could get to the tall cathedrals that i had seen from our hotel room. I looked out the front window of the car and realized that i could not see the road in front of us anymore. The road had disappeared. I felt tense and told $F45 that we were driving on the dry grassy ground. He swerved suddenly to the southeast, turning the car back onto the road. He was not in the lane correctly. The car crossed the road and spun out in the grass one the other side. We stopped in the area just to the south of the road, in the middle of the tight curve of the off ramp. Other cars drove past us on the road, heading to the east. I felt annoyed with $F45 for not paying attention to what was happening around him. He started driving again, heading to the northeast. The tall mound was to the north of us. There seemed to be a small old wooden church on the southern side of the road, to the east us, but i wanted to take $F45 to the large cathedrals i had seen before. I knew that there was a town to the north of us, but i could not see it over the high dirt mound. Be had to find a way to head to the north from here.

12010 April 04

I felt stressed as i walked to the west, into the bathroom of my grandmother’s house. I stopped in front of the small white sink on the southern wall of the tiny bathroom and looked into the mirror. The mirror seemed to be set into a large fake-wood cabinet that surrounded the sink and mirror. I was leaning on the sides of the sink with my hands, and i looked down at the sink. There was a small puddle of water around the bottom right side of the oval porcelain white sink. I focused on the puddle of water that had formed on the counter, wondering where it had come from. I pushed own on the sink, thinking that something must be loose. The sink bent down under my weight. The sink must be loose in the counter and that would bend the pipes. The seal around the drain must have broken open and was leaking out when the sink was in use. I looked down at the linoleum floor under the sink, noticing that there was also a puddle there. I felt concerned about this.

12010 April 05

I was on the southern side of the grocery store when the men confronted me. They stood to the east of me and took my red hat. I felt upset that they were bullying me. They started to make fun of me. The large man in the center of their group looked down at the red hat in his hand. It had small metal antennae on it. The man was playing with the antennae, making fun of them and of me. I felt upset by them, but was not sure what i could do. I would not be able to take the hat back. I felt angry, but turned to the west and walked away. The men kept making fun of me as i went, but i ignored them. I tried not to feel bad, but i was still very upset and hurt that they had taken my hat. I tried to relax, thinking that i should just let things pass.

I tried to move through the crowded room of the small house. The party was ending, but there were still many people around. The cute man with the curly blond hair was to the southeast of me. I looked at his face, finding him rather attractive. He had bright blue eyes and a nice smile. I remembered him from before. He was the man who had taken my hat, and i still felt upset about it. I did not want to be attracted to him, but i still was. Everyone else in the room was still having fun, but i felt awkward here, knowing that the people were bullying me. I could not stay here and headed to the west, coming outside of the house. There was a wide wooden porch on the side of the house, and i started to pace around on it. I did not know what to do. I felt that i should leave the party so that i would not feel uncomfortable near the man, but i did not simply want to leave. I felt upset and moved back through the crowd. I would have to say goodbye to people before i took off. I though that $F47 would be here somewhere. I started jogging to the north, thought the people on the dark lawn. I was trying to get to the road that ran along the northern side of the yard. I could not see where i was going, so i turned to the west and headed through the line of trees and weeds on the western side of the property. I only had to walk a few meters through the trees before i came out on the blacktop tail, which looked like a very narrow driveway. It ran north to south, so i followed it to the road to the north. As i reached the road, i thought that the trail was actually some kind of water route, like a drainage ditch between the two properties. It was dark out, but i could still see rather well. The land around me seemed forested with young trees and a good deal of undergrowth. I headed to the west on the road, thinking that i would have to head to the north to get to the campus. There was another person walking to the east of me. We came to on intersection where another road turned sharply to the east-northeast, heading up a steep hill. I followed it up, and the other person was walking with me. As i started up the paved sidewalk on the southern side of the road, i noticed that i was barefoot. I commented about this to the other person, saying that i had forgotten my shoes. The land to the south of the sidewalk seemed to slope steeply down to the other road, but would soon be blocked by the old wooden apartment buildings that were just a little way up the hill. I then started to feel that it was hard walking up the hill. I was having trouble moving, feeling that i was putting in a lot of effort. I focused on moving my feet to get up the hill, but the other person was getting ahead of me. This made me feel bad. I did not want to be this out of shape. I then turned back to the south and was to the west of the house where the party was. I had to get my things out of the house so that i could leave. The large room in the bottom of the house was empty now, and most of the furnishing had been moved out for the party. The room seemed fairly empty of all furnishings. It was the morning after the party, and there seemed to be some light coming into the room from the large windows in the southern side of the room. I stood in the northwestern side of the room, looking across the bare wooden floor at the remnants of the party. There were plastic cups and decorations scattered on the floor. I then noticed the large scratch on the floor to the southeast of me, where some furniture had been moved over and over. I headed to the northeast, toward the bedrooms, thinking that everyone in the house would be asleep. I had to go to my bedroom to get my things so that i could leave. The bedroom was darker than the other room, but i could still see everything in it. There were two men sleeping in the bed against the northern wall. They had their arms around each other, and i felt a little envious of them. I then noticed that one of the men was the blond man that i had seen earlier. I still felt very attracted to him and wanted to be with him. I was upset that he was sleeping with someone else and thought that i should not have left the party so soon. I turned to the south, noticing the women sleeping on the bed against the southern wall. I felt very upset here, feeling that i had already missed my opportunity. I headed out of the room, leaving to the south.

I was in the room with many other people, and i was aware of the attractive man to the east of me. He was hanging out with several other people, but he kept watching me. He had my hat with him, and i still felt upset about it. He stared at me, and some of his friends would look my way and stare briefly as well. The people near me were playing cards at the round table. I watched them, but was nervous about the men watching me from the east. I felt sad and distressed, not knowing what i should do. I finally turned to the north and left. Just as i got outside of the small pub, i realized that i had left some of my things back in the room. I turned around and approached the table where the card players were again. My blue sweatshirt was still on the back of the wooden chair, where i had left it. I was glad that no one had taken it.

12010 April 07

I was hurrying to get read to meet the other runners outside. I was in the back locker room of the high school, trying to get my things together and get dressed, but i could not seem to do it properly. I sat to the south of the row of gray lockers. The row ran east to west, and there was another set of lockers to the north of me. I pulled stuff out of the locker to the south of me, trying to hurry. I was already wearing a T-shirt and my shorts, but i had to put my shoes on. I tried to fit them onto my feet, but i could not seem to put them on properly. Something was wrong. I thought that i would have to meet the other runners in the field to the west of the building. They would be starting their run from there. I was supposed to meet them in the area to the south, but they would have started their run already. I then realized that i might not be able to make it out in time to meet the other runners. I would have to tell them that i had missed them.

I was standing on the green grass of the lawn to the southwest of the small single-story house. There was a tall wood-plank fence running along the southern and western sides of the lawn. It was a bright sunny day outside, but something seemed wrong. I heard an airplane approaching from the west. I looked into the western sky, noticing the small aircraft flying toward me. It passed to the south, but seemed to be falling from the sky. It disappeared behind the roof of the house for a moment as it turned to the north. I felt that something was wrong and tried to watch it as it moved. I came to the eastern side of the house, watching the airplane fly from the south to the north. It looked like an old small car, but it was flying upside down. The trunk of the car was open, which i knew was not right. The aircraft disappeared to the north, behind the neighbors’ house, and i heard a loud crash. I felt tense and upset, and i turned to the west and ran into the front door of the house. I turned to the east inside and picked up the telephone that was on the table in front of the large picture window. I had called emergency, and i told them that an airplane had crashed. I said that we would need an ambulance, the police, and a fire truck. I then told her again that an airplane had crashed. I looked to the north, over the roofs of the houses, but i did not see any smoke rising from the crash. Something seemed very strange about this. There were fields to the north of the house, and there seemed to be a mall somewhere in the distance. I could not see signs of an airplane crash. I felt very strange and nervous.

12010 April 09

I woke up on the large mattress that was on the floor on the northern side of the room. The room seemed like my bedroom, but it was smaller. There were white sheets on the bed with a green blanket over the top. $X14 was sitting on the western edge of the bed, watching me. I felt playful and slid my hands under the blanket toward him. I grabbed him from under the blanket, and he jumped up and tried to scratch at the blanket. I was sitting in the bed facing east now, and $X14 was on the floor to the southeast of me. He started attacking the floor with his arm out wide. He did not have any claws, so he pawed at the rug, trying to catch it and stop it from moving under him. He moved a little to the east, still scratching at the floor playfully. I watched him and felt suddenly sad. This are the things about $X14 that i would remember. I was aware of a time when $X14 would no longer be around, and i would remember the fun times like this one. The thoughts felt very sad and painful.

12010 April 10

I turned to the west as i spoke to the others. We were standing to the south of the large brown garage, which seemed to be the garage of my parents’ house. The large garage door was open, and i could see that the cement floor of the garage was covered with different kinds of snakes. I was nervous about this, even though i knew that most of the snakes were rubber. One of the snakes was real, however, and i was afraid that it might strike someone who did not know that it was there. The others seemed to be unaware that one of the snakes was real, and they were talking to the west of me. I watched the snakes in the garage, tense as i scanned the area. One of the large brown snakes moved a little to the east across the floor. I pointed it out to the others, but i was not sure whether they had seen it move and would believe me. They did not seem interested. I felt annoyed with them and started moving around the area. It then seemed later, and we were moving things back into the garage. The snakes were gone from the floor now, and the people were putting the boxes back into the garage to the north of us. I looked to the southwest, across the back yard of the house, where the snakes now were. They were scattered across the grass of the lawn, and they still looked fake. I knew that more of them were real, thought, and the others were aware now too. I suddenly saw a large brown snake strike something blue in front of it, to the northeast of it. A large blue moth had been sitting on the ground, and the snake attacked it. I pointed out the snake to the others and asked them if it was poisonous. No one answered, so i looked closely at the snake. It had a thick wide mouth, like a python, but it had rough brown scales. The underside of its mouth and its lower lip were white. I wanted to remember what this snake looked like so i could describe it to people later. The red wooden garage now seemed to be to the south of us, and it seemed smaller than before. It seemed as though it was part of a larger barn. It was dark inside and the floor seemed to be dirt now. The people were to the east of me as i looked at the large white farmhouse to the west. A car was driving down a dirt driveway toward us from the west, and the pick-up truck was backing into the opening of the garage so that we could finish unloading the stuff. I was still weary of the snakes, thinking that one could still be in the garage. We would have to be careful. I then felt uncertain about this place. We did not really belong here, and i thought that the farmer who owned this property would be returning soon. The rusty metal truck backed slowly into the small opening of the garage part of the barn. It pulled forward a little and then backed in again, adjusting its position. I felt nervous being here, as though i did not belong here. My mother had sent me here for something, but i did not really want to be here. I felt that i did not belong here. The farmer asked me some questions, and i felt nervous and uncomfortable around him. He was young and seemed very nice, though, so i did not feel uncomfortable talking to him. I realized that he was not as i had expected, so i started to feel more comfortable. He was wearing a blue flannel plaid shirt with blue denims. He said something to me and then started walking back to the west. I followed him, asking him questions.

12010 April 11

I was standing in the middle of the darkened quadrangle of the college campus. People were coming out of the large brick building to the northeast of me. They must have just come from some kind of gathering, and they seemed to be energetic and determined. They were protesting something and were part of some kind of revolution. They started moving to the west, across the northern side of the quadrangle. Most of the people seemed to be dressed in dark clothing, but there was a woman leading the pack in a pinkish-white dress, which looked like a formal evening gown, with few trimmings. She was an important author. She walked into the building to the northwest, and the others followed her in. There was then a crowd of people coming from the southeast. I looked to the southeast to see a line of trees on the end southern end of the quadrangle, extending from the east. The people had come from the east and walked around the corner at the edge of the tree line, turning to head north into the quadrangle. They were all headed to the building on the northwestern side of the quadrangle. I slowly headed toward the building as the crowd entered. The woman was somehow important to these people because she had written something that everyone liked. As i came near the building, i was surprised to see that the woman was coming back out, but the crowd had stayed inside. I wondered who she was and what was so special about her books. As she came near me, i asked her about her books. She glanced at me with annoyance and then dismissed me with a turn of her head. She continued to walk past me, heading to the west. I sat down on a large bolder on the western side of the quadrangle, wondering what to do. I then heard the sound of a train in the distance. It was coming into town on the tracks that ran to the north of the campus. I looked to the north, between the two large stone buildings to see a darkened open field. There was a bright light shining across the field from the east. I thought that the train was full of people coming for the lecture. The train would be passing close to the campus, but it seemed as though it had already stopped in the town to the northeast of us. I watched as the light from the train grew brighter on the field, illuminating the eastern sides of the tall stalks of dry weeds that stuck up above the brown dry grass. As the train came into view, it suddenly tipped to the side and fell off of the tracks. I became suddenly tense and anxious, knowing that this was not an accident. I worried that the train would explode and kill people in the area. Someone should save the woman, even if she was very rude to others. I waited for a moment, watching the train, but nothing happened. I felt very tense and wondered what i should do. I then heard a hissing noise. It started soft and started to get louder. I thought that it was the water in the train’s boiler turning to steam. The train was going to explode. I had to get out of the way of the blast. I ran to the west, around the large building. The building to the north blocked me from the train, but i continued moving across the school grounds. I came to a large building on the western side of a quadrangle, and i headed for the front door. To my surprise, a stack of broken benches blocked the front door. The benches had been crudely stacked in front of the door to form a makeshift barricade. I looked at them for a moment, noticing that they were weather worn, with chipping green paint. The benches were actually old. I moved to the side and headed west, trying to figure out how to get into the building to the north of me. I then stopped in front of a large window. There was a large gymnasium inside, and i could see a woman running through the large glass window. There was another large window on the northern side of the building, and i worried that the blast would blow through both windows. The woman could get cut with glass. She ran around the southern curve of a red rubber indoor track. She was wearing bright green running shorts with a matching T-shirt. Her long blond hair was tied back into a ponytail, and she jogged with a steady long stride. I called out to her to try to warn her, even though i knew that she could not understand me through the glass. She glanced toward me, but disregarded me and continued turning back toward the east. I had to stop her before she ran back to the north. If the train exploded, she would get caught in the blast. I ran to the east, across the front of the building, toward the central door. I turned to the north, entering the building. As i came into the entry corridor, i could see a large gymnasium through a window to the west. This was a different gymnasium than i had been looking at before, though. It did not have a track, and there was a group of people standing in a line on the wooden floor doing some kind of exercises. They were all wearing similar green shorts to the woman that i had seen before. I headed to the north, coming into another gymnasium. To the west of me was the same group of people in their gym class. They were gathered in a ring, and there was a gym teacher teaching them exercises. I ran across the northern side of the gymnasium, heading to the west. I guessed that the woman on the track was in the next room to the west. I then realized that the gym teacher in this room might be upset that i was running across the gymnasium and interrupting her class. I felt tense and did not care about upsetting the gym teacher because i knew that i had to get to the woman.

I was thinking about the classes that i was taking as i walked to the west, into the bedroom of the apartment. The walls and brown wood trimming of the apartment seemed worn and old. $Z was walking with me, just to the south of me. I thought about the reading that i had to do for my class, and i felt frustrated. I lay down on the small bed that was on the western wall of the room. It was covered with a dull blanket. $Z asked me about the classes that i was taking. I felt impatient with the classes, and did not really want to think about them, but i admitted to $Z that i had not been doing well in the classes. I thought about the classes and realized that i had not read any of my English books. I felt worse, and thought that i should read at least some of them for the upcoming final. I felt that i had not done any of the work for my classes. I tried to distract myself and started playing with the bobble-headed top that was sitting on the top of the shelf to the north of me. It seemed to be white figure of a person. I was sitting on the edge of the bed now. $F9 asked me about the school. I did not really want to think about it, so i started looking through the comic books that were sitting on the shelf. $F9 then pushed me from the east. He was trying to get me to do something. I was upset and did not want to. I then realized that he was actually pushing me in a playful way. I thought that horseplay would normally be fun, but i was not interested in it at the moment. I put some of the small books back onto the shelf and tried to ignore him. I felt very sad here and wondered why i was lining like this.

12010 April 12

I headed to the west, down the corridor, which was actually a walkway between two buildings on the college campus. The ground under me seemed to be cement, and the buildings on either side were made of stone, though the one to the south seemed to be modern. As i traveled, i realized that i was not using my feet on the path. I was floating in the air. This seemed strange. I looked up at the person that i had been following. He was walking to the west ahead of me. I looked back down at the path, trying to figure out how i seemed to be flying down the path. I knew that i could not really be floating, because that was not possible. I decided that i was simply not putting my feet down on the ground all of the time. I turned to the west across the open plaza, which seemed like $P192. I was stepping on the ground every once and a while and simply traveling a longer distance than expected in each step. There was a large white building at the southern end of the plaza. It had square features, with white plastic-like surface tiles and large dark windows. It ran to the east, creating a corridor between itself and the old reddish stone building to the east of me. The reddish building on the northern side of the cement pathway seemed to be a church. I turned down the corridor, still wondering how i was able to float like i was. I lifted up my feet and glided down the pathway, still following $Z. This was only something that happened in dreams. I was always having dreams where i thought that i was awake and floating over a path. I knew that i was awake now, and i was still able to float, so there must be something real about my ability to fly. I was still not convinced that i was awake, though, so i put my feet down onto the cement, trying to wake up. I started walking again, but realized that nothing had changed; i did not wake up, so thin must be real. I felt happy to be able to really fly. I turned to the southeast, heading across the open grassy area to the south of the campus buildings. I lifted my feet again and started moving higher over the green grass. I started using my arms, as if swimming through the air in a crawl stroke. I was heading to the southwest over the dirt ground of the small town. This place seemed like $P30, with a central dirt street running to the south and shop buildings on both sides of the street. As i started passing some of the buildings on the western side of the road, i turned upward suddenly. Just as i turned, i realized that there were black power lines running over the top of the road, from building to building. I was startled, thinking that i would have to be careful of them. I adjusted my position in the air, trying to avoid getting too close to the lines. I was now rather low to the ground, and a man, who was standing on the sidewalk on the western side of the road, asked me how dangerous the power lines were. I told him that i did not know but that i would be avoiding them anyway. I felt very happy being able to fly like this. I moved around the area for a while. I was then with others as we moved into the small room to the south. I floated over the floor, landing on my back on the bed in the southwestern corner of the room. $F45 floated down and landed on his feet to the west of me, and the other person landed to the north. The bed had its headboard against the southern wall. $F45 suddenly tipped back and fell off the side of the bed. He landed on his back in the thin space between the bed and the wall. I thought that he was playing a joke on us, and ignored him at first. I expected him to get back up. After a moment, though, the other person asked me whether $F45 was okay. I sat up and rolled to the west to get $F45 up from the floor. He was lying on the floor with his body straight and his head to the north. He looked very strange. His eyes were wide open, and there was a tense look on his face. I also noticed that his elbows had large rashes on them. I called his name, and he sat up. His neck was disproportionately thick and bulging from under his head. Something was wrong, and i felt suddenly worried. I thought that he might be having and allergic reaction. I told the others this and said that i would call emergency. I ran out into the hall to the north and turned to the east. Someone followed me into the hall, but turned west, saying that they were looking for an “epi” pen. A woman said that she had one. I looked to the west to see the woman standing near the doorway to the stairs that led upstairs, on the northern side of the hall. I paused, wondering what i should do. I thought that they had the antidote that they needed and wondered if i should still call emergency. I looked back into the room. I could not quite see what was happening, but there was a man in a yellow shirt with blue sleeves moving up and down over $F45. I thought that they were resuscitating. I started worrying again and moved to the east, to the small room where the telephone was. I started to call emergency, feeling very worried. I then wondered why i did not simply call emergency before. I should not have stopped and gone back to the room. I then saw flashing lights to the north of me. The ambulance was already here. I was confused and headed back down the hall to the east. $G3 were already carrying $F45 out of the room on the southern side of the hall. They said that they were taking him to room one. I was upset and did not know what to do. $A545 asked me if i was all right as they moved $F45 down the hall to the east. I realized that i had tears in my eyes, but i told $A545 that i was fine. To the east of us, the group of $G3 were carrying $F45 down the stairs on the northern side of the hallway. There was a landing on the western wall with a few steps down to the landing on the northern wall. The stairs then continued down the eastern wall. $G3 had placed $F45 down on the northern landing. I tried to see how he was doing, but his head rolled to the south so that i could not see his face. $G3 then picked him up again and carried him down the stairs and into the other room. I followed them down the stairs, turning to the west and entering the room. There was a young man on the bed to the northeast of me. He was the man that the brothers had been carrying. I realized that he was not $F45, and i felt suddenly foolish for thinking he was. The man smiled at me as i looked at him. $A545 must have know that the man was not $F45, which is why he must have been confused when he saw how upset i was. I moved to the south, looking at my face in the small round mirror on top of the plastic stand. My eyes were a little red from crying. I was relieved that the man was not $F45, but i still felt very agitated and started to pace the building to the west. There were a few dark-skinned older women standing in the hallway to the west of me. They giggled in my direction as i approached, and i wondered if they were laughing at me for crying about someone i did not know. After i passed them, i glanced into the room to the south. The women had been standing by the doorway of the room, to the west of the doorway. There were people sitting on the couch against the southern end of the eastern wall. The dark-skinned young man seemed to be celebrating Christmas with several other women on the couch. There were others to the south of the doorway. It was not the right time of year to celebrate Christmas, but i thought that they were celebrating out of season on purpose. I thought that they might not be there for the actual season. I continued down the hall to the east. The building i was in seemed very large now, with long wide white hallways. The ceilings of the halls were very tall. I came to a junction of the hallways and started do turn to the southwest to head down a long flight of white stone steps. As i started down the stairs, i noticed a woman standing in the middle of the stairs near the top of the flight. She was a dark-skinned woman, wearing a dark suit. She seemed like an official for this place, and she told me that the stairs were closed because of an event. I was annoyed, and she could tell. She started describing the event to me to try to explain why i would not be able to walk through the area. I was too annoyed with her, so i decided to be rude and turned and walked away while she was still talking. I was still mad, but not because i could not get through the building. I was still mad because the man who had been sick was not $F45, and i had not realized that. I felt grumpy as i walked down the hall, glancing to the north, into the bathrooms. I thought that i should wash my eyes off so that it did not look as though i had been crying, but i realized that there was something in my mouth, which seemed like a mouth guard.

12010 April 14

I headed to the north, across the train tracks, heading toward $P127. There seemed to be train platforms on the northern side of the track, to the east of the road that i was following. The platform seemed like an open asphalt parking lot that had gone into disrepair. I was waiting for the train to come from the west. I looked at my watch, and then at the old brick wall to the east of me, which seemed to be part of the station house. There was a schedule on the wall that said when the train was coming. There was a digital clock above the schedule on the wall, and it said that it was somewhere in the hour of fourteen. The display looked like the display on my cell phone. I then that the clock was actually counting down the time when the train would come. I looked to the west, down the long stretch of tracks that curved gently to the west-southwest across an open grassy field. There seemed to be an old brick factory just to the north of the tracks, just to the west of the road that i had crossed the tracks on. When i turned back to the clock, it said that the train would now be coming in fifteen minutes. The time had been reset to fifteen, and it was no longer counting down. The train must have stopped at the station to the west. I started to pace back and forth to the north of the tracks as i waited. There were others on the platform now, standing around, waiting for the next train. I looked back at the clock, noticing that the train time was not moving. I told the others that the train had trouble at the station to the west. I then headed to the northeast, into the old brick building that seemed to be the station. The building was dingy and in disrepair. The interior walls were painted dull-green, but had been darkened by years of dust and grime. I started looking at some of the things on the rack to the north of me, but then i heard the sound of a train outside. I headed back out to the platform and looked down the tracks to the west. A train had passed the station from the east and was headed down the tracks to the west. Our train was not yet coming, and, when i looked at the clock, i noticed that it was still not moving. I felt a little frustrated and walked back into the station, crossing the room to the north. I was then talking to my mother on my cell phone about getting home, thinking that i was on my way home from school. She said that she would be taking the bus home from work. I considered taking the bus, and i thought that it would arrive sooner and be cheaper than taking the bus. I said something else to my mother as i paced to the east.

12010 April 15

We were in Russia, and we were moving to the east, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. $F45 was with me. The city seemed cold and open. There were two men to the east of us, approaching us, and $F45 recognized one of them. $F45 said hello, and the man stopped to talk with us. I felt a little awkward, thinking that there was something strange happening here. We walked into the darkened apartment, which seemed to belong to the men. I was a little uncomfortable with the situation, but i did not say anything. I was not focusing on what was happening, and i realized that we had been in the apartment for a while. I was still a little uncomfortable and wandered to the northeast, toward one of the windows. The walls seemed gray, but they were dark in the dim light. I was trying to figure something out, as though i could not quite concentrate. The man was then to the east of me, talking to me. I tryed explaining something to him, but he did not understand what i was saying. I tried using some different words, hoping that he could get a better idea of what i meant. He did not seem to understand English that well, so i was trying to explain it better. I tryed explaining the “ly” ending to English adverbs. I then noticed that more time had passed. It seemed that it was getting very late, and we were still in this place. I felt agitated and wanted to leave, but nothing seemed to be changing. Something was wrong.

12010 April 16

I thought about flying and wondered if i could do it with a hot air balloon. I thought that i could simply attach myself to a hot air balloon to lift into the air. It could be a really small balloon with propellers on the sides for propulsion. It could even be propelled by pedaling. I then thought that the propellers would have to be off to the sides of the balloon rather than behind it. If there were one propeller behind, like an ultra-light, the balloon would not control as well because it would be moving too slowly to use rudders. I thought that it would have to have two propellers on the sides of the balloon to control direction. I saw the white balloon in the sky as i floated up over the top of the trees. I was facing west, and the sky ahead of me seemed very blue. I wondered how i would control the balloon. The speed of the propellers would have to be varied if they were to be used as a form of steering. I then wondered what would happen if the balloon was hit by a strong wind. I wondered if i would be strong enough to pedal against the strong wind. I then thought that the balloon could really be made into a small one-man zeppelin. This suddenly seemed like a very good idea, and i felt excited about it. I thought that i could sue charge propulsion tubes on either side of the small craft to give it more thrust. I tried to imagine how this could be constructed. I imagined a small zeppelin with an open carriage for one person to sit below. I wanted to build the craft as an experiment, but i suddenly wondered how i could construct the propulsion tubes. I remembered the experiment with the fine wire that i had seen. When a high voltage charge was passed through the string, air was charged and forced downward through the tinfoil hoop below the string. The idea would have to be fashioned into a tube with multiple coils in a row to accelerate the air faster. I was excited about the idea, and thought that i could probably get $F10 to help me with it. I circled the balloon to the west, passing over the five- or six-story buildings of the small city. I then turned and walked to the east, across the small filed. I was holding the large white kite in my left hand, and the others were gathered around me. I chatted with them for a moment. The college buildings seemed to be on the northern side of the field, and they seemed to be part of $P73. $F39 was with me, to the north of me, and i spoke to her as i lifted the kite into the air. The wind from the west blew into the white fabric of the triangular kite. The kite unfolded so that it looked like an airplane. As it caught the wind, it started to fly. It soared up into the sky, flying nicely. I moved to the east, trying to get away from the majority of the group, who were to the west of me. I wanted more open area to maneuver the kite from. $F39 asked me if the others had a kite. I was not sure, but i started talking about other things with $F39.

I walked to the north, through the large lobby of the modern office building. I was looking for the bathroom, which seemed to be through a door in the northern wall. I walked into the small bathroom, noticing the stalls set into the northern wall. The stalls were simple walls with no door on the front. I then noticed that there were no toilets in the stalls. The room seemed brightly polished and quite fancy, but it had just been remodeled, and it did not seem to have the toilets that i was expecting. I turned to the west and walked through the narrow door, into the other part of the building. I had been in the eastern part of the building, but was not attending the event there. I stopped in the middle of a long entryway. This corridor was not as fancy as the one to the east, which had been made of polished pale-yellow stone. This corridor seemed to have a cement floor and plaster walls. There was a dull-red metal door in the northern wall, which led outside. It seemed to have recessed panels on its surface. I wondered what i should do. Another person then came toward me from the south, and i asked him where the bathroom was. He led me to the north, where there was a narrow corridor leading to the east along the outside wall of the building. As i reached the mouth of the corridor, i noticed that there was a glass door leading outside the building. The man was leading me outside and then back in through the other lobby. I had sneaked into this part of the building, though, and i did not want to have to leave. There was a bouncer sitting by the glass door, facing out. I would not be able to leave the building and come back in. I stopped and told the other person that i did not have by key for the front door of the building, so i would not be able to get to the bathrooms that he was referring to. I turned around and headed to the south, thinking that i would have to go back the way i came to get to the other side of the building. I started flying over the floor, toward the door on the eastern wall of the tall entry corridor. There was a man sitting at a desk to the south of the door. He asked me something, but i did not answer him as i flew by, watching the floor pass under me.

I got into the pool and started swimming to the west. I was in one of the lanes near the southern side of the pool, and i was moving over the surface of the water as i swam. I then noticed the red kickboard sinking in the water ahead of me. I was also aware of the lifeguard watching me from the southwest. He would probably be mad at me for leaving the kickboard in the water, even though i had not put it there. I would have to get the paddle. I started to dive after the board, but i did not open my eyes under water to see where it was. I reached for it, but could not find it. I then opened my eyes to see that i was on the western side of the pool, out of the water. I looked back to the east to see that the kickboard was still sinking in the water underneath one of the blue and white floating lane markers. Something seemed strange about the sudden change of scene, and i wondered why i was not doing laps in the water. I got into the pool at the western end and moved toward the rope. The kickboard was farther down now, so i tried to dive feet first toward it, but i seemed unable to sink into the water. I tried again, but i could not get myself to move downward in the water. I felt confused and wondered what i should do.

12010 April 17

I was standing on the flat land to the east of the building. The ground seemed like a lawn, but it was trimmed very close to the flat earth. It also seemed white, but i knew that there was no snow on it. It felt like a spring day. It was still a little chilly, but it was much warmer than it had been. The tall square modern building stood on the western side of the area, and, beyond it, i could see dark-gray clouds in the sky. They looked quite beautiful against the blue sky, but i knew that they were storm clouds. They formed into strange bubbly shapes. There was something very interesting about the way the clouds looked. $F45 then grabbed me from the north. He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him. I was annoyed with him and told him to let go. He continued to hold on, so i tried to get free of him. I pulled back, but he would not let me go, and i became annoyed. I grabbed onto one of his fingers and tried to bend it backward, opening up his hand, but he resisted and tried to pull me with him. I thought that i should kick him. Finally, i broke free, and i headed to the north, out of the building that i had been in. I wanted to look at the clouds again. I looked to the west, but the clouds were no longer as interesting as they had been. The clouds i had seen must have passed to the east. I was mad at $F45 for making me miss the clouds. I looked to the north, noticing the dark clouds on the eastern side of the sky. The entire sky seemed gray, and the dark clouds were floating in front of it. There was something very strange about them, and it fascinated me. The storm was still coming, and i wanted to see the strange shapes of the clouds again. I spread out my arms to the side and floated up into the air a little. I rose a few meters from the ground and then started moving to the northeast. I felt very good doing this. I headed back across the flat ground to the east of the large square building. The frozen pond formed a recessed rectangular shape to the east of the building, and i flew low over the white surface, pretending that i was skating on the ice, which seemed very thin. I skimmed the white surface, which moved like water, dipping my toes into it and dragging them as if i was dancing. I did it several more times, spinning around in the air as i moved. When i reached the northeastern corner of the pond, i turned around and flew back over the center of the pond to the west. I continued flying back and forth, gliding my toes over the surface of the ice. There were people on the snowy ground to the north and south of me, and i was aware that they would be interested in what i was doing. I seemed separated from them, as if i did not quite belong in this college area. The voice of a woman then called to me from the west. She was standing near an old wooden picnic table on the shore of the pond. She called me to them, and i floated over. The people at the table were from $G4. The woman was cooking sausages, and she asked when i had eaten. I realized that i had not eaten, but i told her that i did not want any sausages. I did not want to have any red meat. I would have to get some chicken later. I then decided that i did not really want any food right now. I moved to the west, into the large white building. I was still carrying the package of frozen ham in the small zip-lock bag. My grandmother had given it to me when i left the dinner at her house. I should put in it the freezer. I turned to the south and opened the freezer. To my annoyance, i saw the unwrapped ham already in the freezer. This was the one from my mother, which seemed to have been unwrapped by my grandmother. I was annoyed with this and asked aloud who had unwrapped the ham. $A404 entered the small room from the east, through the door in the center of the eastern wall. The room seemed to be a break room in an office. He asked me what the trouble was by saying “What’s up?”

I moved over the wide snowy area, which seemed to be a ski slope. People were moving around me, and they seemed to be from $G4. I felt out of place here. I was uncomfortable with the people and did not feel that i was relating to them. They were all skiing, but i was just standing in the middle of the slope. The hill sloped down to the north of me. I felt bad as i started to ski to the west, across the hill. I seemed to be having some trouble skiing, though. $F47 moved near me to help me ski. He lifted me up so that i could stay upright, but i fell over near the western end of the slope. I felt very upset and acted dramatically upset that i had fallen because i did not really want to ski. I had fallen near the edge of the slope, where the stones protruded from the snow. $F47 moved to the west of me, concerned. He started checking me out to make sure that i was okay. He thought that i had hit my head on the rocks. Several of the other $G4 came toward me, concerned that i might have been hurt. I felt annoyed and, i stood up. I started walking to the east, saying that i was not complaining about anything. I felt wobbly, though as i reached the eastern end of the area. The others were still concerned about me. I came to the car and stopped. The woman was concerned about me and watched me as i moved near the light-colored car. I did not know what i should do. I did not want them to think that i was injured, but i did not quite feel right.

I sat up on the western side of the wooden bed and looked down at my ankles. They were not right. I put them together so that i could compare both of them, and i noticed that there was a strange bulge on the left side of my right ankle. It stuck out from the skin, but did not look bruised. I wondered if it was from running, and i started to feel worried about it. I wondered how it had gotten deformed. This concerned be, and i started to worry about what i should do.

12010 April 18

I was talking to the family in the small area, which seemed to be a living room of a house. I was on the eastern side of the room, and the people were to the southwest of me. I seemed to have been chatting with them for a while. One of them then mentioned something about $P2. They mentioned the house that i used to live in, and i realized that they used to live there as well. This surprised me. I started to ask them about it, but then i realized that i recognized them. They were members of the television show where they all played a family that was part of a band. The band consisted of teenagers. They mentioned that they were currently living at $P2, and they said that the other band had lived at $P2 as well. I looked across the room to the west, noticing the other band. They were wearing styles from the sixties, and i thought that they were The Association. To the south of them was another family band, all dressed in similar uniforms. The shirts were light blue and had ruffled collars. They were the Partridge Family. They had lived in the house at $P2 as well. I asked Shirley, the mother of the Partridge Family, when they had lived in the house, realizing that she had lived in the same apartment as we had. She said that she had lived there from the late sixties to seventy-two. This surprised me, and i told her that we lived in the house just after they left. It felt special to be close to these bands, and i was excited to learn that we had shared the same house at different times. I told my father about this in excitement. He was driving the bus down the city street to the south, through the urban neighborhoods. It seemed dark out, and i started to feel that there was something wrong. My father turned the bus to the west, around the tight corner in the street. It seemed that the bus was turning in a complete circle, turning back to the west. The bus then came to a stop in the middle of the city. The streets looked damp, and there was a police car sitting on the northern side of the street to the east of us. At first, i thought that the police might be after us, but they turned to the east and drove away. They had been after us, but they did not see which direction the bus had headed. My father then said that the police must have expected us to drive east. He said that he had driven the bus to the west, heading the wrong way on a one-way street. We started moving to the east again, heading through the tight complicated streets, with many strange corners and tight turns. The police had gone, and i felt a little safer. My father drove the bus along the southern side of the street, and then came to a stop just outside a long brown plastic booth. This was the bus stop. It was dark outside the bus; the street lights were not very bright here. People stood up and got off the bus. Since this was the last stop, everyone got off. There were people waiting by the bus stop, though. They wore uniforms from the city bus company, and they were here to talk to my father. My father paced to the west as the men talked to him. They all seemed very serious. I thought that the police must have warned the bus company about my father, telling them how my father had eluded a police car around tight corners. The people from the bus company asked my father about drinking. This seemed strange, since my father never drank alcohol when working. Another man was driving the bus now, and we were moving slowly to the east. I looked back to the west. A short man in a blue uniform was speaking harshly to my father about the incident. He was speaking in a demeaning tone to my father, talking about the seriousness of drinking on the job. This annoyed me since the charges were false.

12010 April 19

I was in the large building with a group of people. They seemed like they were part of a church group, and i was uncomfortable with them. The room had a very high ceiling, with wood planks on the walls and slanted ceiling. There was a large window on the northern wall, and everyone was looking toward it. There was something happening outside that was significant. The blue sky was turning darker, like night was falling quickly. I knew that it had something to do with the world, thought. There was something wrong with the planet, and the world was changing suddenly. The building that we were in seemed like an old barn, with cracks between the planks on the wall. I was aware of a group of people outside the building, to the west. I told the people in the room that the others had found us. This was a bad thing. We had special powers, which is why we were hiding in this area. The others were afraid of what we could do and were here as a mob. I told the people in the church that the others were targeting us because of our abilities. The government had told everyone that people with special powers were a grave threat, which is why the mob was coming after us. I looked around the room. There was a man standing to the southeast of me, on the eastern side of the crowd. He was Flea, and i pointed him out as one of the people with abilities. I told the people that if they catch him, the government will abuse his abilities. Flea was shirtless, and he seemed nicely detailed. I then realized that there were several other men shirtless in the crowd. It seemed somewhat strange. One of the tall skinny men seemed to be slightly deformed. He was not standing straight and his arms seemed to bend in strange places. I told them that their abilities would all be abused if they were captured. I then turned to the south and started moving swiftly over the ground. I was moving very fast. I knew that my ability was fast speed. Another man moved with me. He had the ability of speed, but his was natural. Mine was part of the changing electric force that was affecting the planet. I headed toward the corridor to the south, trying to escape the mob. I followed the corridor around until i was outside, to the north of the building. There were other people outside of the old wood building. One of the women in the small group seemed ragged, and she said that she was seeking refuge in the church. The people had been eating the food from the church and wanted to come in for protection. They were not the bad guys, so i let them into the church. I watched the small group of people walk to the south, through the large barn door of the church. Several men came in with the women, and there were men in robes just inside putting crowns on the heads of the incoming men. The men in the robes were priests, and i thought that the priests were putting crowns on their heads as a way of welcoming them into the church. I then noticed a man to the east of me. He seemed skeptical of the church, and i wondered if he would be scared of the people with power and want to attack them. I started to feel than i should not have invited the entire group into the church openly. I worried that not all of them were so innocent.

I headed down the dark city street at night, heading to the south. There were apartment buildings on both sides of the road, and they seemed somewhat close to the sidewalk. A small white animal then ran across the road from the west ahead of us. The car ahead of us stopped in time to avoid hitting the animal. I watched the animal as it reached the eastern side of the road, curious as to what it was. It looked like a horse, but it was the size of a house cat. The animal had stopped on the eastern side of the road, just off of the sidewalk. Someone then rushed out of one of the buildings from the east and grabbed the animal, taking it out of the road and back into one of the houses. The car was still stopped in front of us, and i realized that the driver was out of the car, picking up something from the road. There was a dark animal that had been hit by the car. I looked more carefully at the dark fur that the man was picking up, thought, and i realized that the animal was really only a toy. It was a miniature version of a horse. The driver of my car was impatient at the delay, so i told him that the man in the street was taking away the dead animal.

12010 April 21

I was in the department store with $F45. We seemed to be standing in the aisle on the southern side of the store, and there was an old box on the shelf to the south of us. It was an old video-game box that played Pong. I was interested in it, and i told $F45 that i wanted to get it. He was standing to the east of me, and i told him that i had one when i was younger. He was unsure about buying it, though, and he told me that it might not work anymore. I opened the white cardboard box to look at the black game console. This console had Pong, but i told $F45 that it should be able to play other games. The woman, who was with me, moved to the box and started looking through the things in it. She said that it would run on System 9 and System 10. I thought that it was Apple compatible, which seemed strange. I would have guessed that it was too old to work on Apple computers. I opened the box again to look at what was in it. There was a large old-fashioned Apple II computer inside. I told the woman that it was too old to run System 10. I said that it probably had SCSI ports on the back. I lifted the computer from the box and looked at it, noticing that it had added USB ports as well. There was also a mini-SCSI port. It was not quite what we were looking for, and i was a little disappointed.

$F45 was working on the computer in the small room of the house. He was to the north of me, at a small desk, and i was doing something against the western wall. He was running a program on the computer, but something had gone wrong, and he wanted the program to stop. I told him to press control c. I wondered if that would actually work on his machine, since his machine was running Windows. I moved to the southwest of him and looked over his shoulder. The large screen to the north had large yellow type on an orange background. The cursor turned to a smiley face, but the computer was still in the process of drawing the cursor. When the smiley face completed, nothing else seemed to happen, so i wondered whether the command actually worked. $F45 did something to the computer that proved that the command had stopped the run-away program. I knew that the program was simply halted, thought, so i told $F45 that he would now have to leave the program. $F43 was sitting to the south of us, and she started talking about the program. She said that it has to be running in order to use the command. She stressed this point, saying that the halt command would not work if there was nothing to halt. I then said that the command was actually for a core dump. I said that it stopped the program because it dumped the core code. I glanced around the room, noticing that my grandfather was watching us from the desk to the west. I explained more about the computer code to the others. I then stood up and headed to the west, which was actually the north, across the living room of my grandfather’s house at $P12. The cat needed to be fed. I turned to the west and pulled open the kitchen door. The door was a folding door that moved upward. A siamese cat followed me into the kitchen. I knew that my grandfather was still suffering from alzheimer’s and thought that he might have forgotten to feed the cats. I picked up the can of cat food from the northern end of the counter along the western wall and turned to the south to feed the cat. The cat sat on the floor to the east of me. There was something strange about the way it looked. It did not seem like $X8. The cat was sitting to the east of the sink, staring at me. Its face was skinny, and it had very light coloring in its fur. It did not seem like a siamese cat. I then noticed that its eyes had white orbs and white irises. It seemed strange, but it was not $X8. It must have been a new cat. I wondered if it would play well with our cats.

12010 April 22

I moved through the rooms of the dimly lighted building, which seemed like an old factory or multi-level warehouse. I stopped in one of the room when i saw the large mural on the western wall. It had pictures of people in bright colors, but something seemed wrong with it. The picture was not the way it should have been. They were drawn in cartoon style, and they represented the bad guy. I felt that he should not have been a character in this place. The bad man must have changed the people here to make himself appear honorable. I looked more closely, noticing more pictures on the wall. The bad guy from the cartoon was the bad man in real life. There was something that felt uncomfortably strange about this. Reality had somehow changed here, making the bad guy from the cartoon appear in reality as a respectable man. This must be a virtual reality. That was the only way i could think of that would allow reality to change dynamically like this. I headed to the south, into the area where the others were.

I walked through the rooms of the large house, looking for the bathroom. I crossed the living room, heading generally to the north. There was a woman sitting in the western side of the living room. She was sitting along the northern wall of the room, watching the CRT television to the south of her. Here were no other exits to the living room, so i headed back out the way i had come. My mother was near me, and i told her that i was looking or the bathroom. She suggested something, so i turned to the east and then to the north, heading down the narrow stairwell, into the basement. The stairs seemed wooden, and the stairway was dimly lighted and dingy. I walked down several flights of stairs, and i realized that there were several levels to the basement of this place. The house was fairly deep. All of the rooms off of the stairs were cement, and they seemed dusty and abandoned. Everything here was dingy. I finally came to the level that i had been looking for and head through the small cement rooms to the east. I was heading to the northeastern corner of the basement. The tiny rooms were all interconnected, and the place was creepy. I had expected there to be an old bathroom in the northeastern room, but it was empty and abandoned. My mother followed me into the room, and i told her that this was not what i was looking for. I felt a little uncomfortable in this building. There was something not quite right here. I then turned to the west, where there was a much larger room. To my surprise, the room was a fancy dining room, with a large wooden table in the center. The walls were painted off white, and everything around the room seemed very clean and polished. The lights on the ceiling were in square glass fixtures. A man stood on the western side of the room. He was the owner of this house.

Something was happening in this house, and it made me nervous. I headed to the west, being cautious because i knew that there was someone else in the house, which seemed like my parents’ house. I moved to the kitchen, pretending that i did not notice what was wrong, but i felt that there was someone here. I could not let them know that i was aware of them, so i walked to the northern counter of the kitchen and continued cleaning the fish that i was preparing. I was scraping the scales off of the outside of the fish on the wooden cutting board. I was then aware of the car outside the window to the east of me, driving up the driveway. It was a police car. I had called them and they had finally come. I finished scraping the last of the scales, and then i went to the back door of the house to greet the police. As i reached the door, i could see the police car outside, but there did not seem to be any police officers around. I decided that they must have gone around the front of the house to the front door, so i called out for them. No one answered. I looked out the front of the house, but i could not see them. I then looked to the west, noticing the man with the large farm tractor in the back yard, to the west of the house. He was using the tractor to push something into the barn to the north of him. It seemed very suspicious. I called out again to see if the police officers would answer; “Hello.” There was still no one around, and i started to worry about where the officers had gone. I stepped out of the back door of the house and into the center of the driveway. The light-blue and white police car was to the south of me. I could not see anyone around. I then turned to the north, noticing the men standing in the doorway of the large old wooden barn at the northern end of the driveway. I did not know who they were, and they were doing something in the barn. I did not trust them, and knew that they were cleaning up the mess from the people that they had killed earlier. I thought that they were grinding up the bodies, and i suddenly became afraid that they had killed the police officers as well. I had to find out what was going on, so i started walking toward the barn. I could not let them know what i suspected or they would kill me, so i tried to act casually. A large man in overalls and a dingy sweatshirt walked toward me suddenly, blocking me from getting into the barn. I felt suddenly threatened by the people here, so i turned around and headed back toward the house. I quickly ran up the stairs to the middle bedroom. I thought that i would call the police on the telephone. I then remembered that there was a man in the kitchen who would be able to hear what i was doing on the floor above. They were not aware that i was suspicious of them yet, but, if he heard me talking on the telephone, he might tell the family in the barn about me, and they would kill me. I headed to the west, toward my parents’ bedroom, thinking that i could call there and they might not hear me. I then realized that the man could simply pick up the telephone in the kitchen to make sure that i was not making a call. I decided that i could head up to the bedroom on the third floor and try to use my cell phone to make the call. The reception at the house was not good, but i thought that i could get a signal from the third floor. I then heard a message on the answering machine to the northwest of me. It was the voice of one of the men from the family. They were threatening me, saying that, if they go to jail, they would kill al of us. I felt nervous and did not know what do to. I headed back down stairs, trying to think of what i could do to escape.

12010 April 23

I walked to the east, along the top of the wide grassy hill. The hill sloped down to the south of me. I was thinking about time dilation, describing fast time as a compression of the dimension. I then remembered that this was not quite right. There was a metaphor of a river that i had used to explain this to myself previously. It made me realize that fast time was not actually a compression. I told the woman this, saying that i had realized that i had the wrong concept. If you slowed your movement through the dimension of time, it would actually create fast time because the rest of the elements would continue to move along the dimension past you. I then realized that this was the wrong concept. I had to picture time as a series of parallel film strips instead of a river. Compressing the time would cause the time to move faster because of the way the film was arranged.

I was talking to the people who were just to the south of me. They were standing near the car. The woman was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car, which was in front of me, and $A59 was standing on the southern side of the car, in the open driver’s door. Another man was standing near $A59. I spoke to them about the watch, telling them that the buttons of the watch should be simple. I showed them the old plain watch that i had, showing them how easy it was to operate. The woman was amazed, and i felt good that i could help explain things to them. I then started walking to the south, across the small-town area. I looked at the watch as i started away from the others. I then turned to say goodbye to the others. I was then talking about the watches again, saying that they were better than “those modern pull pins”. The others then started chatting with each other, and i started to feel awkward. I decided that i should leave, so i headed to the south, toward the mall entrance. The mall was a large cement building with a large set of glass windows around the door. The black-framed glass doors were visible below the metal overhang of the entrance. I imagined a large mechanical monster coming from the north and crashing through the doors. It seemed like a good plot for a movie scene. I would have to spin out of the way as it crashed through the glass so that i did not get crushed as it broke out of the mall, from the south. I imagined spinning in a strange way that would move me unnaturally far from the door, as if i were teleporting. I tried to picture this as i went through the doors and headed to the south, down the wide corridor of the mall. The walls here were blank, without stores. The others were walking ahead of me. I then noticed the shops of the mall through the large window to the southwest of me. I realized that i was on the side of the mall and not yet in the main mall yet. I could also see the parking lot out the window to the southwest. This must be an access corridor that led to the mall. I turned to the east, following the others down the stairs. I then noticed the man in the white sports tank top ahead of us. He was chatting with the women at the bottom of the stairs, and i though that he was nicely muscled. I continued down the stairs to the north, and then to the east, coming into the cafe area of the mall. I walked past the muscled man, looking at the detail of his arms. We had come in the back entrance of the mall, where the restaurants were. I looked at the round white plastic tables around me, noticing that there were Burger King logos on the tables to the south. I then headed down the stairs to the south. As i was walking down the stairs, the man, who was following me, pushed me abruptly. I was holding on to the post of the stairs, so i simply swung down to the floor below. I spun around until i was facing the man. I realized that he was after me. I would have to defend myself, and i thought that i could simply grab his head and push it toward the wall to the south.

12010 April 24

I woke up in the bedroom suddenly. The large bed was low to the ground on the northern side of the room, under the large windows on the northern wall. I was on the western side of the bed, and a man was sitting on the eastern side of the bed near me. He was talking to someone, and it seemed a little strange. The other person seemed to be standing just to the southeast of the bed. The two of them were practicing lines from a play. I looked around, noticing that the room seemed mostly empty. To the north of me, i could see a large playing field outside the window. I seemed to be on the second floor of a building, and there was a set of bleachers running down the outside of the building to the north. A crowd of football fans in blue and white clothes was running up the bleachers toward me. The game was about to start, and they were getting ready for it. The jerseys they wore were blue with large white letters. As they approached the top of the bleachers and started to spread out into the seats, i realized that one of them was $A574. I turned back to the east and started talking to $A580, who was the man on the bed running lines. The woman he was talking to was now standing just to the south of him, at the foot of the bed. I stood up and walked around them so that i was to the east of the bed. I was still speaking to them when i decided that i had to use the bathroom. I headed to the southwest, past the corner of the bed, stepping over the man who was sleeping on the floor just of the foot of the bed. There were several people in sleeping bags on the floor, and i was careful not to step on them. There was a doorway in the center of the southern wall that i was stepping toward. I suddenly realized that there was a man crawling across the floor in a sleeping bag. He was moving slowly to the north, and i changed my direction to avoid him. He was wearing a tank top, and i noticed that he had nice muscle detail on his shoulders. As i passed to the south of him, i noticed that he had a small bit of hair on the top of his shoulders, and i thought that it happens even at a young age. I stepped into the small wooden cage against the southern wall, which seemed to be some kind of toilet. I was confused at first, but i thought that i was supposed to simply urinate on the floor. I turned to the east and crouched down to fit under the low roof of the booth. There was a white thing to the west of me that i was supposed to urinate on, so i tried to hit it, but it was difficult for me to fit into the booth. There seemed to be another area of the booth to the east of me, and i tried to urinate a little toward it. I then realized that i was urinating on the counter that was along the eastern wall of the booth. This did not seem to be correct. $A221 came to the east of the booth, looking at me through the grating on the side of the booth. He was surprised that i would urinate on the counter. I remembered doing it previously, but it did not seem correct to do this time, and i felt foolish for trying to do it. I told him that i had missed the white cup, pointing to the small glass on the counter. The white cup was sitting in the middle of the counter, and there was a second clear glass cup just to the north of it. The second cup was tipped over. I had pointed to the white cup when i spoke to $A221, but i realized that the clear cup must be the one that i was supposed to urinate in, and that was the one i mentioned to $A221, saying it must be the one. He did not seem to believe me, and he though that i had simply urinated on the counter for no apparent reason. $A24 was standing near the counter on the western side of the small room. I turned to the west and chatted with him for a moment. I then wondered where i should wash my hands. There did not seem to be a sink in the small room. I then noticed $X12 walking toward me from the eastern side of the room. The fur along the top of his body had been shaved short, and he looked miserable. I felt suddenly upset and asked $A24 what had happened. He told me what had happened, but i thought that the fans did it as part of the game. I felt very upset and was sad for the cat.

12010 April 25

I sneaked down the wide cement corridor, heading to the west. The lights in the corridor seemed to be fluorescent and tinted slightly green. I noticed the writing on the southern wall of the corridor as i passed. It looked like “33” in concentric circles. There were some other shapes on the wall too. There was a metal door in the northern wall at the western end of the corridor, which was only a little way to the west of me. I turned to the north and walked into the darkened room. I had been following a man, and i did not want him to know, so i thought that i would have to stay out of sight. The rectangular room ran to the east and seemed to be the first floor of a small house. A set of stairs descended along the southern wall of the room, to the east of me. They descended to the west. The man was upstairs, so i crossed the darkened room to the east while he was out of sight. There was a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. The room on the other side was now lighted. The man must have turned the lights on there. I stepped into the room. The walls were made of glass, which had a blue tint to them. This place seemed like a church or some other place of meditation or worship. It was a small rectangular room with a tall ceiling. I stood just inside the doorway looking at the lights and the glass. I then heard the man moving upstairs. He was coming back down the stairs. I backed out of the room and hid behind the stairs. The man walked around the stairs and into the room to the south. I sneaked around the stairs and tried to stay quiet as i ran up the wooden steps. There was a large blue mural on the wall to the south as i stood in the large upstairs room. The large room seemed to be another chapel, but it had casual furnishings like a living room. There was a doorway in the southern wall that led into the small room over the top of the glass room. The light reflecting on the mural must have been what made the room below appear blue. I moved back to the west, moving across the large upstairs room, which had sloped ceilings that matched the slope of the roof outside. This place was special, and i felt excited to be here. I was also tense, though, because i could not be caught here. I had to get out, but i could not sneak down the stairs now or the man would see me. I then realized that i could not get out of this room if the man came upstairs. I would be trapped here. I would have to do something if the man came up to make him think that i belonged here. There was an altar on the eastern side of the room, and i moved to the front of it and kneeled down. I thought that i should meditate, thinking that, if the man saw me praying here, he might not be angry at my presence. I then thought that this might not be a good idea. He had already been upstairs, so he would want to know how i had gotten here. I heard the man moving near the bottom of the stairs. I had to hide somewhere on the eastern side of the room, where he could not see me as he came up the stairs. There was a chair in the northeastern corner of the room with a large comforter over the top of it. It was wide enough near the top that i though i could hide behind it. I then wondered if the man would even look for me. This place seemed special, and i liked being here. I curled up on the floor behind the chair and closed my eyes, wondering what i should do next. I would have to wait for the man to leave before i could come out of hiding. I then realized that the man had left the room. He had gone downstairs. I moved to the edge of the stairwell, which descended to the west along the southern wall. I started to descend, but then i realized that there were more people downstairs. The man had brought others into the building. This was something that he was not supposed to do, and i felt upset that he had brought others to the church for a part. I remembered that he was the son of the man who owned the church, so he was probably taking advantage of his position to use the church for his party. It was dark downstairs, so i walked down the stairs into the room, unnoticed by the others at the party. There were couches against the southern wall of the room, at the bottom of the stairs, which now descended to the east. I jumped off of the stairs and sanded on the chairs near the couch. I thought that i would surprise the people here when i appeared near them, but they did not seem to notice me when i landed on the chairs. This was very strange. I could easily blend into the party. I wanted the people here to think that i was here for the party so that they would not suspect that i had been sneaking around in the church. The people were not paying attention to others in the room, though. They were staring at the television that was on the northern wall. I turned to the west and walked toward the crowd that was standing in the small cafe area. They were simply staring to the north, at the television. I yelled at the people to get their attention. Several of them turned to look at me, surprised that i would interrupt them. I thought that i was still a ghost here, but the people were able to see me. However, they did not seem shocked to see me. I then noticed the men coming from the north. My grandfather was with them, which made me feel very uneasy. I knew that he was dead, so he must be a ghost as well. I turned to the east and asked the man near me whether he could see me. He said that he could, which meant that i was not entirely a ghost. I then asked if he could see my grandfather. The man looked to the north and said that he could see him. I was disturbed by this information, and i told the man that this was not real. I told him that my grandfather was dead, so he should not be able to see him. My grandfather looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. He had heard what i had said, and he was either confused or surprised by it.

$F43 showed me the symbols on the sheet of paper. It looked like “(c) (c)”. I was suddenly interested in them, and told her that i had seen the exact same symbols before. There was something special about this, and i started to feel excited that we had found them. These symbols had been on the southern wall of the church before. I looked at the writing on the white paper. She had part of the answer to the significance of the symbols, and i thought that i knew the other half. I had learned about them when i was in the church. There was something very special about this writing. Several other people stood around us as we discussed the symbols. I wondered what they meant, and i headed to the north, into the large room. There was a corridor leading to the east along the southern wall, and i glanced around the corner at the entrance to the room to see the southern cement wall of the corridor. There was graffiti on the southern wall which looked like “33” shapes in circles. There were two of them drawn in pink paint against the blue background of the wall. There were also some blank circles to the west of the design. This had special meaning, and i tried to remember what it was.

I was staying in this house while i was on vacation. It felt good to be here, but i knew that i would have to leave eventually. I packed some of my things into the bag that was on the floor to the south of me. I felt bad about having to leave. Something important was happening here, and i wanted to be a part of it. I was in the bedroom of the house, which seemed to be very bright. I left the second floor bedroom of the house and headed across the yard, to the north. There was another building near the house, but it was closed up with plywood over the windows. Several people were walking with me, following me to the house. I walked to the north, into the large living room of the house and started doing something near the television in the northwestern corner of the room. I pretended that i belonged here because it felt good to be here. I then realized that the other people were just hanging around to enjoy the area. I said something to them as i worked on the thing near the television, hinting that they did not belong here. They started to wander away, and i started gathering my things from around the television. I stood up and headed back to the south. My mother was in the house with me. I said goodbye to her and i started swimming in the water to the south of the house. It felt good to be swimming again. I missed swimming and wanted to do it more. I swam to the east and then to the north, rounding the eastern side of the house. I started to feel sad because i knew that the vacation was over, and i did not want to leave this summer place.

12010 April 27

I got off of the train with the others. We had been heading east on the train and were now walking in the same direction. I recognized this place. The town seemed old and fancy, like some preserved part of an old town in Europe. I walked down the street to the west, passing to the south of the large formal stone building. There was a large plaza to the west of the building, with gray stone on the ground. There was a white modern building with metallic overhangs on the western side. This place seemed very fancy. I started to the north, heading through the courtyard, which was full of small statues. One statue caught my attention. It was a statue of a tall frog, standing on its hind legs like a human. It had a wide frog head and reminded me of a character from a box of cereal. I told the person that i remembered this place, saying that we were in France. I said that this place was Paris, and i mentioned that i had been here before. The woman with us said that the place was actually Versailles. I remembered being to Versailles before and remembered that it was just outside of Paris. We headed to the west, and i looked at the ornate decorations on the buildings around us. We were now leaving the plaza and heading down the narrow street of the city. The others turned to the south ahead of us, and i felt that i would have to catch up to them. I was driving my car to the east on the road, crossing the old wooden bridge until i came to the intersection. The area around me did not seem exactly familiar, thought, and i hoped that i could remember the way. It had been a while since i had been here. I would have to keep up with the others so that they would lead me to where we were going. I turned to the south and started traveling down the dirt road. The land slope up to the east of the road, and all of the land was covered with tall field grass. There were a few trees here and there, and everything seemed pale-green or tan. There was a narrow road ahead that turned up the hill to the southeast. I followed it up the hill for a short distance, but soon realized that i was not traveling the correct direction. The others had probably not gone this way. I came to an intersection at the top of the hill, which we had ascended diagonally. The intersection was a crossing of two dirt paths in the grass. The pavement over the ground was broken, and there was no real road heading to the southwest of us. There was an old rusty white sign on the road to the southeast, telling us that the bridge was out. This was the old wooden bridge at the end of the road leaving the intersection to the right. I The road to the southwest seemed to end in a patch of grass, and the road ahead continued as a dirt path through the tall grass of the field. I felt a little frustrated, thinking that i had mistakenly taken the wrong road at the main intersection. Nothing here felt familiar, and i would have to head back. I headed back over the bridge, driving to the northwest. I quickly came into the small town again, but everything looked different now. This was not actually the way i had come. This town was different that the one i had come through before. I felt annoyed. I was confused by the roads, and i tried to figure out where i had come from. I was mad at myself for getting lost again, and i drove around the streets of the town looking for something familiar, but there was nothing here that seemed familiar. I then decided that i would simply have to head to the south, where the others had gone. Eventually, i would be able to find some place where i could see them.

12010 April 28

I sat on the southwestern corner of the classroom, facing west in the wooden armchair, toward the front of the class. Something was happening in the building, though, and the people would have to be evacuated. People were running out of the classroom, exiting through the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. I turned to the south, thinking that i should leave a different way. The southern wall seemed to be made of glass doors, so i ran outside with a few of the other students. I felt that there was something serious about the threat in the building. I paused just outside, realizing that i still was not safe here. I could feel the danger around me. The bad people had abducted the woman, whom i knew. This seemed like something terrible. We were heading to the south on the large boat, which seemed like a ferry. We had to get away from this area. Someone then mentioned cloaking the boat so that the others would not be able to see us. This had something to do with the television show Caprica. The bad people wanted the special woman, who i thought might be Cloe. The bad people were holding us hostage in the large pale-green area in the center of the ship, which seemed like a large sitting room with rows of cushioned benches. The bad people had blown up something near us and then cloaked the ship to make it seem that the ship had sunk. The people on the shore to the north would only see the explosion and then lack of ship. I felt in danger here, but did not know what to do. The bad people were talking to us. It had something to do with the woman. They wanted her for something, and i knew that it was because she was special in some way. I turned to the north, thinking about the special abilities of the woman as i walked to the north. I followed the road, walking on the western side through the rounded dark pine-scrub hills that rose around the lake. The lake was to the northeast of me still. I considered this situation, thinking that it was the plot of a book. The special woman was being held, and i was her brother. The others would come to me to find out what to do know that she was gone. I was supposed to do something about the situation. I had an advantage because they all thought that the woman was dead, but i knew that she was simply being held captive with her powers. I carried the bag through wooden the halls of the old lodge. The walls seemed to be made of stacked logs, but everything here seemed very polished, as though this lodge was well taken care of or new. I headed to the north a little way, but then turned to the west, following the long corridor down the length of the building. I stepped up a few steps in the middle of the hallway. There seemed to be a glass window on the upper part of the wall that looked into a gift shop, which was at a slightly higher elevation that i was. At the western end of the hall, some people were working, doing something near the ceiling on a small set of scaffolding. I thought that i had to head downstairs, but i was not sure how to get there. The workmen were at a junction of the corridors, where a short north-to-west corridor ran from the corridor that i was in to the northern side of the building. Another corridor ran from it to the west, just to the north of where i was. There also seemed to be a set of stairs leading back to the east on the southern end of the short corridor. I turned to the southeast to head down the stairs, but they were closed because of the construction. There were large panes of glass sitting across several of the steps, and i realized that i would not be able to walk down them. I turned back to the north, heading up the corridor a little. I passed the man in the blue jeans and dark-green shirt, who was doing work in the hallway. I would have to figure out the layout of this place in order to escape. I mentioned that i had to get out of here, and the workmen told me that i should take the stairs to the northwest. I looked down the corridor to the west, noticing that there was another set of stairs just a few meters down it. I went to the top of the stairs and looked down. They were not as well lighted as the other set, but they would lead me to the lower level, so i started down them, heading to the west. This building was part of the compound where the bad guys were gathering, and it was where they were holding the woman. The people working here still thought that she was dead, and did not know that she was so close to them. She was very powerful, but was somehow trapped in this place. They must have kept her sedated. She was my sister, and i had to show the people here that she was still alive. Only then would they do something to help free her. I headed to the west, along the northern side of the building. The others moved with me. I then turned to the south and headed back into the building. We had to rescue the woman from this place. The people in this building seemed like members of a cult. They would have killed the woman had they realized that she was alive. To the east there was a woman struggling with her captors. The people here thought that i was on their side, so they did not react when i came toward the woman. She was not the special woman, but she was the sister of the special woman. She was unaware that her sister was still alive, and i could not tell her in the presence of the cult members. I tried to calm her and make her realize that the people here were actually trying to protect her from the area outside of the doorway to the south. She kept trying to run through the doorway, but i told her that this place was under water. A special force was holding the water outside the open doorway. I knew that this woman was being protected by a special power as well, even though she was not the woman with the special abilities. I hugged her to comfort her and she stopped in the doorway. She still seemed uncertain, so i told her to stick her hand out through the doorway. She should be able to feel the water on the other side, but she pulled her hand back, saying that she did not feel any water. I was surprised about this, and let he wander out the door. She walked out and did not return. I realized that she could breath on the other side of the door. It then occurred to me that the liquid on the other side of the door was a special solution that allowed oxygen to transport through it. The woman was able to breath under this liquid. I then noticed the people in the corridor moving to the west. They were worried about the special woman. I would have to let them know that the woman was okay, but that she was still a captive here. This was all part of a book. The first book had been good, but i thought that the last two books were terrible. The plots were fairly bad, and i thought that i could rewrite them and make them much better.

12010 April 30

I was sitting in the wide room, facing west. This room was part of an airplane or bus, and we were traveling to the west. I felt a little confused and was not quite sure where we were going. To the south of the road was a swampy area, which seemed to be a valley between two shallow hills to the east and west. The bus was stopped now, and some people seemed to be getting off. This did not seem to be my stop, however, and i was not sure what to do. There was a young boy standing in the aisle to the north of me. He seemed disheveled, and i thought that he was begging for money. I tried to ignore him as i looked down at the floor to find my shoes, which i had taken off. My white shoes were on the short carpeting of the floor, just under my seat. They seemed to have my white socks in them. I looked up, but then looked back down again, concerned that the boy might have taken my shoes. A female steward then caught my attention from the aisle on the other side of the seats, to the southwest of me. I looked up to see that she was holding a single green rubber boot in her hand. There was something stuffed into the boot, which seemed to be a small teddy bear. I knew that the boot belonged to the young boy, so i took it and handed it to him. He was happy to see it, but scowled at me because it had been taken. He had short-cut straight black hair and turned to wander off to the east. I then looked up at the bus driver, who was seated in a chair at the western end of the room. This room was wide, and there did not seem to be any windows. The chairs were arranged in the center of the room in a narrow column, which was where the passengers had been. The driver’s chair was separated from the block of chairs. I realize that i was the only passenger left in the room. The bus must have stopped at its second stop. The driver said something to me, telling me that i should get off here. I was not sure that this was my stop, and i was upset that i had missed the first stop, which could have been mine. This place seemed to be a foreign land, and i was not quite sure where to go. I tried to ask the bus driver if this was near where i had to be, but i was not quite sure of the place. The driver seemed to be speaking Russian, and i was not quite sure if i was saying the town correctly. I bent over and started digging through the front pocket of my black work satchel, looking for the address that was on the small piece of white paper. When i found it, i read the name of the city. It started with an M and looked something like “Mothvil”. I knew that i was not quite pronouncing it properly. The man was standing to the southwest of me now, and he seemed to be getting impatient that i was not leaving the bus. I showed him the paper, but realized that the address was written in Latin type. He would not understand it because he spoke Russian. I tried to pronounce it, asking him how i would get there. I was not sure that this was the correct stop, and i wondered how i would get another train if it was not. The man started scolding me, but he was speaking in Russian, so i could not understand him. I felt very uncomfortable about this.

I stood to the south of the area, which seemed to be a college campus. I seemed to be near the bridge at $P182. I was standing on a road that ran east to west. The road seemed to run flat, even though there seemed to be a hill to the west. The land just to the north of me was forested, and the trees extended up the side of the hill. I had been running, and i thought about the trails that were in the wooded area. They seemed to make a large loop to the north. I felt a little tired, but wanted to run a loop on the forested trails. I considered entering the trails from the eastern side of the woods and following it clockwise in a loop to the north. I would then end up on the trail that led out of the western side of the woods. I then remembered that i would be coming from the east. I tried to picture the trails. The trail that i would be on ended near the eastern side of the area, and i could picture the wooden trail sign near it. There was another wooden trail sign near the western entrance to the loop, but i was not quite sure where the eastern entrance to the loop was. It would be easier to simply go from the first trail directly to the eastern end of the loop, but i was not quite sure how to do that. I thought about this for a moment.