12011 April 01

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as the woman drove through the small town, heading west. The roads were covered with snow, and i was worried that we would get stuck. We had been driving over the roads before, and i remembered getting the car stuck in the snow. We drove over a rounded hill in the farming country. There seemed to be half a meter of snow on the road, but we were in a four-wheel-drive truck. The last time we had come here, the woman was driving a white station wagon, and the car did not have enough traction to make it through the snow. As we started traveling north, through the narrow street of the small town, i noticed the deep snow on the road. We had come from the other direction before, and i was surprised at how far we actually came before we got stuck in the snow. I could not see the old tire tracks in the road anymore and thought that the snow must have covered them. The large truck drove down the road. Houses with wide yards were on either side of the street, and wide leafless trees stretched over the roadway. This place seemed like $P111. I noticed the hillside in the distance to the north. The field was still tan with dry field grass that was still sticking up through the snow. Arching over the hill, toward the dark trees on the peak of the hill, was a strip of white road. This road seemed to be an old dirt road, and it was not plowed at all. I did not think that even the truck would make it up the hill. It had been dark the last time we came up this road, so i had not even noticed the road on the hill before. I was glad that we did not try driving up it because we would have gotten stuck. We headed down a short steep hill at the end of the street and came to the intersection. After we turned to the east, at the end of the other street, the roads were clear of snow. I knew that we would have to cross over the bridge, but, to my surprise, there was a large pile of dirt to the east of us, blocking the road. A large yellow backhoe turned its shovel to the north to do something. I was also aware of a dump truck, or some other construction equipment on the eastern side of the deep creek gorge. A road ran parallel to the creek along the eastern rim of the gorge. The creek was about twenty meters below the level of the road, and steep dark-gray gravel cliffs ran down from the road on both sides. I realized that the heavy snow must have washed out the bridge. The construction crew was filling in the sides of the road, and they were not going to repair the bridge. The road was being restructured without the bridge, and the large pile of dirt that the backhoe was pushing onto the road was to prevent cars from driving toward the cliff edge where the bridge used to be. I felt annoyed, thinking that we would have to head s along the creek until we got to $P5. This seemed like a long distance to travel just to get over the creek. I tried to picture the roads in my head, mapping out a more direct route from my house. I thought about the short-cuts that we used to make on the side roads and thought that we would now have to follow the main road all the way to $P5 before we crossed the creek. This seemed like a long way out of the way. I headed to the southeast, toward the edge of the gorge. I was now in $P4$SOUTHWESTERLO, and there was a town park to the east of me. I crossed the green grass toward the edge of the cliff. A thin dark-gray bridge arched from the side of the creek where i was to the east. The eastern side of the creek was much lower than where i was standing, and the bridge arched down to meet it. The deck of the bridge was very narrow and seemed only wide enough for one person to walk. A second lane of the bridge seemed incomplete. I could see the base of the bridge in front of me, and a second span started to the north of the one that i could see, but it was only a meter or so long. It must have fallen down in a flood and not been replaced. I moved to the edge of the cliff and looked down. The creek below widened into a flat area. The creek seemed to come from the northeast and curve around the cliff to the west. It opened up into a roughly triangular area under the cliff where people swam in the summer. It seemed to be late spring now, so no one was in the shallow water. I looked at the water, thinking that it would be deeper in the summertime. People would jump from the cliff where i was standing into the water below. The water looked deep enough under me, but i knew that it would probably be safer when the water was higher. Several people were wading in the water below, and the light through the trees over my head made the water seem picturesque. I backed away from the cliff a little, noticing the rocks placed along the top. They had been carved so that they formed a lip around the point in the center of the cliff. This was so that people could jump from here. As i turned back to the northwest, i was standing on the eastern shore of the creek, in the shallow water. I did not want to go into the deeper water because i knew that it was still too cold to go swimming. I walked back through the water toward the stone steps that were set into the cliff wall. The eastern bank of the creek was less than a meter tall, but the tall cliff to the north of me was fifteen to twenty meters tall. To the northwest, the cliff was lower and not as steep, allowing a staircase to run up to the northwest from the wading area. This was not the way that i had come down, but i decided that it would be the best way to head up the hill and get back to my car. Other people lingered around the pool area as i went up the pale-gray stone steps. At the top, a trail ran to the west, along the top of a cliff in a wooded area. As i started to head to the northwest, down the other trail across the flat ground, a group of runners caught up with me from behind. They had been jogging on the trails and were now heading in the same direction i was heading. I had just reached the top of the stairs, and they had run up behind me. I realized that the runner in the front was $F57, and i said hello to him. $F59 was running behind him, with one other runner. They had run from town all the way out here. It seemed like quite a distance. They continued past me, and one of them had mentioned that they were heading back now. As i reached the dirt parking area, they turned to the southwest. I had just crossed a road from the east. The dirt lot was on the northern side of the road, and a small gray tourist restaurant was on the southern side. It seemed like a dull rainy day, and i watched the runners cross the small paved lot to the west of the restaurant. The road i had crossed ended about five meters to the west of me, at the intersection of the main road. I crossed the gravel lot to the northwest, looking for my car, which was parked on the eastern side of the lot. I was then driving away to the north.

I lay on the eastern side of the large bed, under the covers. $F10 was laying on the bed to the west of me. The large flat bed was against the northern wall of the room. $F10 moved to the foot of the bed, to the south of me, and then he moved over the top of me. He lay directly on my chest, facing me. I felt somewhat erotic, but was unsure what to do. I knew that $K1 was sleeping on the floor to the south of the bed, and my mother was in the next room to the south. I wanted to be with $F10, but i felt uncomfortable with the others so close. $K1 would be upset that i was being erotic with another man. I also realized that it was twilight outside. The sun would be getting brighter soon, and it would be easier to see around the room, meaning $K1 had a better chance of seeing us. $F10 hugged me, and he felt very warm and comforting, but i was still worried about how upset the other people would be. I decided that we should not be erotic here, and i got up from the bed.

12011 April 02

$F45 and i were driving north in the car. I was sitting on the driver’s side of the car, and seemed to be driving the truck, though i was not paying attention to the road. $F45 was sitting in the passenger’s seat. I looked down at the map between us, which showed where we were going. It showed a yellow map of the western United States with a jagged red line running north. The line seemed to run from New Mexico, up through Utah, and to Montana, but i told $F45 that we were heading to Bismarck. I then realized that the place was not actually called Bismarck, and i tried to repeat the name to $F45, trying to say North Dakota, but i could not quite pronounce it. I simply said “North”. I glanced up at the rolling grassy hills around us. The golden grass was dry, and the hills were rather tall on both sides of the road. To the northeast of us, on one of the hills was a large stone building. The building looked like a temple, with square sides on the bottom and a tall domed central chamber. It also looked like a capitol building, and i wondered if Bismarck was the capitol of where we were going. Something seemed to be special about the building, and i realized that i was looking at the large book that was open between us. The building was a black sketch printed on the top of the right-hand page. I showed the picture to $F45, trying to explain where we were headed. I tried to say the name again, but could not quite get it out. I then noticed the caption underneath the building in the book. I tried to read it, but the letters seemed strange. Two initials preceded the main name, and i tried to pronounce them. The letters seemed to be Cyrillic, and the first initial was an A. The second initial seemed to be an S sound. I tried to read the word after the initials, but was having trouble. There did not seem to be enough vowel sounds. The word seemed to start with “Eslla”, but i could not figure it out. I wondered if it was really in Cyrillic, which seemed very strange for an English book. I decided it had to be something that had lambda-like letters in the middle. The inverted Vs were definitely Cyrillic or Hellenic and should be pronounced like L. $F45 then said something about the bibles. I looked up to the north of us. The highway ran between the steep dry-grassy hills, but a thin cement overpass ran over the road, running from the western hill and turning sharply to the north-northeast in the center of the road. There were two men hanging over the railings of the walkway, and i realized that they were throwing books down at the passing cars. The men looked ragged, like homeless people, but i knew that they were part of the religious group. We were riding in the bed of a pick-up truck as we passed under the bridge, and i looked up at the shabby dirty men. I wanted them to toss some of the old religious books into our truck, but they were paying attention to something on the bridge. As we started to move to the north, i looked back at them, noticing that they had tossed a large old tattered bible at us, but it landed behind the truck. I wanted the men to throw something to us and was disappointed that we did not get any of the books. As we slowly drove away, one of the men tossed something in our direction. Even though we had gone some distance from the men --about thirty or fourty meters-- the object landed to the east of us, skidding past us on the road. The object passed around the truck, ending up on the western side of the road. I got out the back of the truck, which was now moving very slowly. I wanted to scoop it up, but just picked it up and tossed it back into the bed of the truck. It looked like a black billed cap. As i got back into the truck, i still thought that we should have one of the books. The truck turned slowly to the west, and i noticed that a reddish-tan sandstone wall stood on the western side of the road. The wall was about ten meters tall and had a catwalk along the top of it. The catwalk hung over the sides of the wall a little, and i noticed the ragged men leaning over the railing of the catwalk, to the east. The man nearest us was old and wrinkled, with wild gray hair. They seemed like monks or religious hermits. This building must be their sanctuary, and they were still throwing religious texts over the railing. I still wanted one of the books, and i watched the men as we started traveling to the west, over the orangish-tan packed sand of the ground. I looked to the west, noticing that there was a large overweight man on the southern side of the road. We seemed to be in the yard of the area, and a small pen was on the southern side of the road. The chicken-wire fence was full of objects, and the heavy man with long curly black hair looked at us nervously. He seemed like Jorge Garcia. He started to push something to the north, across the road that we were traveling on. The western end of the yard had an opening to let the road pass through, with an old rusting pick-up truck on the northern side. The man was pushing a flat plank across the center of the opening to prevent us from passing. The plank was actually an old wooden door with wood panes in it. The door was flat to the ground as the man pushed it closed across the opening. I felt tense about this, but willed the truck to continue forward. We speeded up a little as we hit the barrier and broke through it. The man to the south of us backed away a little in surprise. On the other side, the road continued to the west, but a second road also seemed to run north to south. In the distance, i could see trucks on the road to the west. We started to circle to the north, turning around in a circle so that we could drive south. I wanted us to speed up so that we could get away quickly, but the truck we were in started to slow down. Something was wrong, and the truck stalled and rolled to a stop as we turned back to the south. I felt worried and wondered what we should do. The man near the gateway was then to the west of us. He was actually trying to help us, and he started building something with the hinges from the door. I watched him stack several small red blocks together on top of the white wooden door, which looked very similar to the door we had broken through. The man gathered several of the small blocks of wood, but realized that one of them would not stack well. He pulled out the odd piece and tossed it aside. I could see that it still had a metal hinge attached to the side of it. I took the small wood block, telling the man that i would remove the hinge for him.

12011 April 03

I handed the mesh bag of lemons to the woman to the south of me. She was standing by the table on the southern side of the street. I started to head to the west, but wanted to focus on the woman. She was supposed to give me something in return, but she was not happy with the trade, and tried to disparage the lemons. She then started picking up the green apples from the table to the south of her and dropping them on the ground. She was intending to trade me the bruised apples for the lemons i had given her. I was upset by this and wanted to object, but the car i was in kept moving to the west. I felt angry, and i told the person to stop the car. He did not seem to listen, so i stepped out and went back to the table. I felt furious with the woman. I would not take the green apples from her, and i thought that i would take back the lemons, knowing that this would upset her.

I had been camping in this area with $G4, which seemed like a small grassy field. There were walls to the room, though, and we seemed to be in a building. I moved to the southern end of the room, walking down the eastern wall. I had been doing something to the red books on the metal shelf to the west of me, but now had to get to someplace. This place was part of the library, and i had to get to the lower floor. I continued south into the short hallway. There were elevators here, but i thought that i should take the stairs. An elevator in the eastern wall opened, though, and i decided that i should hurry to catch it, since it was already there. I rushed into the silver elevator as the other person rushed to the south, toward the stairs. I could beat him down to the other floor. The elevator waited for a moment as a door in the southern side of the elevator booth opened up. A woman stepped in to my elevator car. She was transferring from the other elevator to the south of us. Once she was inside, the doors closed and we started down. I got out one floor down. I could see the two women in the halls of the lower level. I seemed to be watching them through the security cameras as they headed to the east, down a cement hallway. They came to the top of a short set of stairs, which ran down to the east, but ended in a corridor that ran northeast. The two women looked young, with long wavy hair. The one i focused on had dark hair and wore a light blue sleeveless shirt. They stopped at the top of the stairwell, looking down the hall. A pack of wolfs came down the hall and stopped at the bottom of the stairs, staring menacingly up at the women. I felt tense, thinking that the women were in trouble. The wolfs were gray, with white and blue paint on their faces. The woman was trapped between the wolfs and the man that was after her. I then saw the man round a corner of the hallway from the south. He was heading down the hall to get to the woman. He turned to the east and stopped at the top of a short set of stairs. I suddenly recognized the stairs as the same steps that the women had been at. The wolfs came to the bottom of the stairs again, staring up at me. I realized that the women must have run past the wolfs somehow. The wolfs were now between the women and me. I looked at the blue paint on their faces. Something seemed strange about the appearance of the wolfs. I was then aware that more dangers were coming from the west, trapping me between them and the wolfs. I wondered what i should do. I turned to the southwest and headed across the grassy room toward the tent. As i reached the edge of the small filed, $F58 asked me a question. I was still standing on the eastern side of the room with the grass on the floor. I looked to the east, into the next room. There was a man there, and he seemed significant. Something about him related to the wolfs. $F58 then joked about the man, referring to him as the “red rooftop russian”. I remembered the man, picturing him as a well-built man with an attractive face and short black hair. He wore a tight-fitting red T-shirt and tight black denim pants. $F45 and i both thought that he looked rather nice.

12011 April 05

I was standing on the northern side of the steep gorge, which seemed to be the gorge by $P73. A bridge crossed the bridge just to the east of where i was standing, and i was looking to the south, at the buildings of the college campus. There was a space to the east of the building, between the large white stone hall and the road. The space seemed to be a gravel parking lot, and i focused on a man in a light-blue T-shirt and denim jacket who was walking to the north. I felt suddenly suspicious of him, thinking that he was going to jump into the gorge. He walked to the wire mesh railing on the southern rim of the gorge and looked over the sides of the cliff. I felt a little tense, thinking that he would actually jump. He seemed sad as he leaned over the railing, trying to step over it. A woman quickly jogged toward him with her purse over her right shoulder. She had reddish shoulder-length hair and wore a baggy jacket. She stopped the man before he could step over the fence and started talking to him from the east side of him. I felt a little disappointed that i was not able to do anything. If he had jumped, i would have been able to call the police. Several other people came up to the man and started talking to him. I turned to the west and headed across the small house, moving down the hallways toward the kitchen, which seemed to be in the western end of the cottage. There were several large black bears in the room to the northwest of me, but i knew that they were pets of the person living here. The woman to the south of me, who seemed like $A16, said that it was time to feed the bears, so the bears were gathering in the room just to the north of the kitchen. As i came to an intersection of the hallways, i felt a little weary of the bears. I was nervous around them, but tried to tell myself that they would be safe to be around. A smaller black bear walked in front of me, heading north, glancing up angrily up at me as she passed. I felt frightened of the bear and thought that she was probably territorial against me. I continued to the west, into the room to the west, but i started to become more frightened and worried about the bears. I headed back to the east, telling the woman that the small female bear was aggressive toward me. I then continued down the hall to the east, heading into the eastern side of the old house. This house seemed very secluded, and i pictured it in the middle of a dense pine forest. I knew that it was very dark out, but that the area was mildly illuminated by natural light. I felt suddenly separated from everyone here. At the end of the corridor, i turned to the north, where the hall ran for another few meters along the eastern side of a small room. I pulled open the door to the closet and stepped in. A shelf was to the south of me as i stood just inside the door, and the area to the west seemed to be taken up by a large metal object, like a furnace. I pushed the pink fiberglass insulation around on the top shelf to the south of me, thinking that there was really a large area on the shelf to put things. As i moved the insulation, however, i realized that there was nothing on the shelf behind the insulation but more insulation. I was disappointed by this, and stepped down from the short stepladder. The larger space at the bottom of the closet also seemed empty, and i felt more disappointed. I walked to the east, back out of the closet. The isolation of this place again occurred to me. I then thought that there was enough insulation to keep the house warm enough to live in even if the power went out. I knew that the heat ran on wood in the western part of the house, but i started to wonder what it would be like in this snowy landscape if there were really no power to run the heat in the house. The heavy insulation all around the house would keep it warm enough to live in, but this did not sound like a pleasing environment. I tried to picture living in a cold house but did not like the idea of it. I headed to the south, where there were two small bedrooms with no doors. Both of the rooms seemed to be unfinished, with crude ashen-tan plaster on the walls. I stepped into the second room from the east, looking at the details here. A chimney ran up the center of the southern wall. It was covered with the same adobe plaster as the rest of the walls, all of which had horizontal striations. White wires seemed to hang out from the eastern wall, where a switch box had not yet been wired. The person building this house had stopped construction when his wife died. He was upset over the loss of his wife, and i thought that the building would probably never be finished. I stepped into the unfinished room, noticing the piles of lumber on the floor near the western wall. This place seemed lonely.

12011 April 06

We had to escape on the motorcycles. I stood in the small area, looking north. One of the motorcycles was to the northeast of me, and the other two men were getting on to the motorcycle to the northwest of me, across the paved surface. The motorcycle was facing southwest, and the man in the dark jeans and black jacket and helmet was already sitting on the bike. The second man was just throwing his leg over the bicycle, trying to sit between the first man and the handlebars. The second man was wearing a white polyester jumpsuit with a blue stripe down the wide leg. He reminded me of Elvis as he put on his white helmet. I knew that the first man was uncomfortable having him on the motorcycle, but they both headed to the south on the bicycle. I turned to the south and followed them down the street. We then turned east and started across the small town. We had to get to the place to the south, and i tried to picture the maps in my head. We passed a large sign for Interstate 3, and someone said that we should not take that road. I remembered that it ran south, passing the small town on the east. We had to get somewhere else, but still needed to head south. A little way down the road, we passed the sign for Interstate 3 again. This time, we turned just after the sign. The other person was telling us directions as we moved. I turned to the south, walking into the hotel room. We hurried through the halls of the hotel, trying to get away. Someone was after us, and we had to get to our rooms to hide before they could find us. We headed down the narrow hallway, heading west. I was in the lead. After i came into the room, i turned around and watched the others enter the room from the narrow corridor to the east. The corridor ran along the northern wall of the room, entering through a space in the northern end of the eastern wall. The people stepped down slightly as they came into the room. I stood on the northern end of the central room, looking around at the white doors in the walls around me. Each of the door had a number, and someone said our room numbers. The room that we were in was the main room of the suite, and each of the doors led to another hotel room, where each of us would sleep. The northern door in the eastern wall had the number 111 on it, and the southern door had the number 112. I told the others that our rooms were “110, 111, 112, and 109”. I then turned to the west and looked at the door on the northern end of the western wall, which had number 110 on it. I opened the door and looked into the darkened room. A bed was against the southern wall of the room, and the western wall had a large multi-paned window that looked out onto the rural street. The room seemed to be illuminated by the green-hued streetlamp outside, to the northwest. I looked at the other doors around the central room. There seemed to be five: two on the eastern and western walls and one in the southern wall. I thought that i would be sleeping in one of the rooms at the back of the building, to the east. It would be quieter because it was away from the road, but i realized that it would not have any windows. I did not like this idea. I still felt tense here, thinking that we had to hide soon.

I moved around the large hotel room, where the others were standing. I then moved to the north, leaving the room and coming into the wide chamber to the north. I had to use the toilet, and the bathrooms seemed to be on the eastern and western sides of the corridor outside. The men’s room was to the east, where there was a gap in the wall. I started to turn toward it when a woman in a business suite and short styled hair came out of the room. I knew that several women here used the men’s room. This seemed strange to me, and i was a little annoyed by it. I turned to the west, looking at the entrance to the women’s room. I wondered if the women’s room was full, which would cause the women to use the men’s room instead. The northern end of the chamber seemed to have several doorways that led in various directions. The walls here were black and crude, like the back corridors of a building. Green velvet curtains hung from the tall ceiling, covering several of the doorways that led away. I looked at the curtains to the east of me, thinking that these corridors and doorways were very confusing. I started to turn back to the south to head back to the room when i heard a faint whimpering meow. I recognized the voice as $X12. I turned back to the north and listened, but could not hear him. He had gotten out of the room, and i was suddenly upset that he was wandering around the hotel. He could get easily confused and lost by the many corridors and curtains. I called his name, but i could not hear him again. I was upset that he was out in the hotel. I started to turn back to the room when i noticed a cat walking toward me from the north. It seemed like $X12, so i picked him up and carried him back to the room to the south. After i got into the room, though, i realized that the cat in my hands was $X14, not $X12. I was more worried about $X12, because he seemed to be sick. I started to feel angry that he had gotten out, and i told the people inside the room that the cats had to be kept in the room. The furnishings in the room seemed crude. A few people were crouched in front of what seemed to be a dark couch against the eastern wall. They were cooking something over a large metal pot on the floor. A tall older woman in a black business blouse and matching knee-length skirt stood to the south of me. She seemed arrogant and snooty. I then noticed the large thin black cat on the floor in front of her. It was walking to the north toward me. It had a white belly and white paws, with a small white patch extending from its nose under its chin. I asked who the large cat was, but the woman to the south seemed to defy me. I became angry with her and wanted to force her to answer. I then thought that i should hurt her cat to make a point. I turned back to the north, thinking that i had to find $X12 in the hotel. I stopped and looked around the area, frustrated that there were so many curtains and corridors to search.

I stood on the eastern side of the small room, and a woman in a nice dark dress suit stood on the western side of the room, just on the other side of the small fainting couch. Her dress seemed to have sparkling details along the left lapel. She was very concerned about something, and she asked me if i was a friend of Dwain and Dwight. I remembered seeing pictures of the men before. They were brothers and seemed like they could be twins. The woman sat down on the western side of the couch, her knees bent to the north so that she could still face me. Her legs were covered with black nylons. She seemed upset with me, and i realized that she was referring to the two young boys that were sitting on the wooden bench, just to the north of her. The boys were facing west, wearing dark suits over white shirts. They sat just to the west of me. A man stood to the south of the woman, wearing a dark suit over a white shirt as well. He was her husband, and both of them were concerned that i had tried to befriend the boys. I remembered what the two men i had seen before had looked like, and i explained to the woman that these twins must be the wrong Dwain and Dwight. I told her that i had seen the right names for the twins that i knew, and thought that the probability was very low that there would be another set of twins with the same names. I felt bad that i had upset the parents. I looked down at the young boys again, noticing that they were wearing matching navy-blue sweaters with thin dark-red horizontal stripes. This uniform reminded me of $P7, and i wondered if they went to that school. I asked the woman about the boys, but she was still mad at me for trying to friend them on Facebook. I tried to explain again that i had thought that they were a different set of twins, who were much older. I then realized that one of the boys was actually a young girl. She sat between her mother and the boy, wearing a navy-blue pleated skirt that had thin light-blue lines across it. I was surprised that she was female, and i mentioned to her mother that she was not even a boy.

I sat in the office, facing northeast. A man slouched in a wooden chair to the northeast of me, listening to me. I had just told him something odd, and he laughed at me. What i had said was something very strange, and it seemed like a strange obscure fact. I was glad the man was pleased with the idea, but i then hoped that i was not mistaken about the information. I hoped that i was not making up the story. I glanced at the floor to the northwest of me. Sunlight was coming in from the window to the northwest, shining across the floor at a shallow angle, making the small specs of dirt on the floor more noticeable. I looked at the heavy shadows on the sides of the dirt on the floor, thinking that the floor was very filthy. I felt uncomfortable and moved toward my desk, which was to the east. The man mentioned Baum. I recognized the name, but i could not remember who he was, so i asked the man. He said that Baum was an expert in usability. I had mentioned that i knew a lot of obscure facts, but i was now starting to feel uncertain about many of them. I felt nervous talking to the man here and wanted to leave, but the man continued to talk to me.

12011 April 07

I moved to the south, through the darkened rooms of $P19. I was floating near the ceiling. The house seemed to be empty, but i knew that there were a few people around. I was in a room on the eastern side of the house, floating near the ceiling near the eastern wall. The room opened into another room to the southwest. The other room was on the southern side of the central structure of the house, which was directly to the west of me. A room to the east was casting light into the southern room, and i saw a short woman walk into the southern room. I remained still for a moment, but realized that the woman could see me. I realized that she did not know me, since i had not been here in a long time. She would think that i was a ghost, and this amused me. At first, i tried not to move so that i would not scare her, but then i dropped a little way from the ceiling, making myself more visible because i was in motion. She seemed startled and stopped in mid stride. She would alert the others that i was here, so i quickly floated to the south to get out of her sight. There were others in the house, though, and i knew that some of them had seen me. I felt worried about this, but i was amused that i was able to frighten them.

12011 April 09

I was in the back driver’s seat of the car as we traveled to the east, down the highway. There was a lot of traffic, and we did not seem to be moving that fast. My father was driving the car. All of the sudden, a white van speeded from the north, passing just in front of us as it crossed the road. I was startled and became suddenly worried. The van continued driving to the south, crossing the other lane of traffic. It had come down a dirt path from the north, but continued across the glass of the median to the south of us. It was not right that the truck was driving on the ground around the road. This seemed very dangerous. We had come very close to being hit by the truck.

12011 April 13

My relatives and i left the house and headed east, down the road. I watched the house to the west of us. It was a fairly plain modern house with a small garage attached to the southern side. As we started away, i realized that the garage door was still open. I said something to my relatives about this, feeling concerned. My father, who was driving the convertible car that i was riding in, turned around and looked at the white garage door. He held up the remote and pointed it at the door. The door started closing from the top of the garage. I turned back to the east. A small house seemed to be to the east of me, and $K2 was standing just to the south of me. He seemed to be standing just outside of the car, and i was standing in the back seat. I was then standing on the ground, and both of us seemed to be at the western edge of the green grassy lawn of the house. My relatives moved to the east, but something concerned me. I felt nervous about this situation. I turned back to the west and walked across the street, toward the large stone building, which seemed to be a train station. I felt concerned about something and was not sure what to do. I glanced back to the east, noticing a small white bus pulling up to the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. The bus stopped, and i tried to figure out which bus it was. I thought that the bus i was looking for was a full-sized bus, so i did not think that this was the correct bus, but then i noticed small yellow numbers in a black sign just below the driver’s window that said “#22”. This actually was the bus that i was looking for. I started running back across the street, but, just as i started moving, the bus pulled away to the north. I felt very upset about this and wondered what i should do. I did not want to have to wait for the next bus but i did not know what to do. I started to feel distressed and helpless. I turned back to the west to wander back across the street, aware that the man was standing on the eastern sidewalk near my dark-gray luggage. A postman was crossing the street to the south of me, from the west. He shuffled some mail in his hands and asked me if i had missed the bus. He seemed concerned, and i wondered if he had a solution. I told him that i had missed my bus. He said nothing and continued to the east across the street. I headed into the building to the west. I had to get a package from the station. I started gathering my things together in the public area in the center of the building. I thought about Yugoslavia, thinking that the new sections were called Bosnia, Croatia, Herzegovina. I ran the names through my head a few times, trying to get them right. I then imagined that i was explaining the names to someone. I then heard $F45 talking to the east of me. I looked up to see him walking north on the eastern side of the street. He was leaving a message for me on his cell phone. He was wearing a brown windbreaker. He glanced around with concern as he walked quickly north toward the bus stop that was directly to the east of me. He was concerned that i was not waiting at the bus stop. He did not see me on the western side of the street, and i did not know how to get his attention. I just decided to quickly grab the rest of my things and then run out to meet him. We had to catch the other bus. I could tell that he was anxious, and this made me more anxious. I quickly grabbed my shoes from the west and started to put them on my feet as i headed back to the west. Something felt wrong, and i glanced down at my feet, suddenly noticing that i had the wrong shoes on. These were black wedge-shaped platform sandals. I felt very upset, suddenly, removing the shoes. I became panicked again, thinking that i did not have time to find my shoes and get to the bus quickly.

12011 April 14

I walked to the northeast, prancing through the center of the group of people and across the room. The group was seated in chairs in a circle, but i did not seem to be part of this group. An older woman stood on the northwestern side of the circle, and she seemed to be the teacher. I passed around the eastern side of the northern wall, which seemed to be a dividing wall. The space to the north of the wall was narrow, like a corridor. There were small items on the southern face of the wall. They seemed like toys or depictions of characters from Alice in Wonderland. I knew that the students would find my babbling amusing because i was mentioning the characters as i passed them. They all had something to do with drug use. As i started down the northern face of the wall, seeming to climb up the stepped edge of the eastern end of the wall, i looked at the color drawings of Dr. Seusse characters. I mentioned Humpty Dumpty as i stepped up the wall, thinking that i was referring to Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. On the western side of the northern face of the wall, i saw a drawing of Thing One and Thing Two. They were dancing, holding hands. I said their names aloud, aware that the students would find it funny, even though i knew that it would frustrate the teacher. I felt defiant and rounded the wall, starting to the south down the western side of the dividing wall. I turned to the east, passing through a window in the wall and coming back to where the students were. I made a comment about Jesus, implying that his holy gifts were actually drug induced. The students snickered, and i noticed one of them slumped back in his armchair on the eastern side of the circle. He wore a tan vest jacket over a white shirt. I knew that the teacher would be angry with me, so i quickly ran to the east, up the stairs to the second floor of the school. At the top of the stairwell, i was heading west, but turned quickly to the south. I wanted to hide in one of the classrooms because i thought that the teacher might be coming up after me. I stood in front of the door for a moment, wondering if she was chasing me, but then i decided that i should use the key i have to unlock the door and get inside before she came. Hurriedly, i poked the brass key at the round lock, but could not get the key to fit into the door. I felt suddenly panicked now. I did not want to get caught. I ran down the hall to the west, thinking that i could head down the stairs on the western side of the building. The stairs seemed to go down from the southern side of the hallway. I had to get to the stairwell before the teacher came to the top of the stairs to the east and could see where i had gone. I ran to the end of the hall and stopped suddenly. There was a dark poster on the western wall at the end of the hall, just to the south of a recessed door to a classroom. The poster had shades of orange on it with thick lettering at the top. It looked very dark in imagery, like an old heavy-metal poster, but i knew that it was advertising a psychology class. The class seemed interesting to me, and i thought about it for a moment.

12011 April 15

I pushed the metal serving cart down the center of the narrow gorge, heading west. I had just left someplace and was taking some of my things back with me. Snow was piled onto the top of the serving cart, and the ground under me still seemed a little frozen. It was also dark out, but there was still enough light that i could see the dark-brown rocks clearly. I came to an edge where the stream flowed over a small waterfall. There was very little water in the creek, and there did not seem to be any water running over the ledge on which i stood. I looked down, thinking that i would have to jump. The dark-gray stone under me seemed flat and smooth, with hard edges on the western side, where it formed a wide V shape over the cliff. Two or three meters below, water flowed over rounded rocks from somewhere under the ledge. I would not be able to carry the cart down with me, so i pushed it over the edge, thinking that i could pick it up once i climbed down. The cart tipped over and landed sideways on the rocks below, spilling the white snow from the top. I would have to clean it up once i got down there. To my disappointment, i suddenly realized that there was too much water flowing under me for me to climb down. I would not be able to get the cart right now. I was annoyed and turned back to the east. I did not want to leave the cart, but i could not get it right now. I was not worried about the snow, but i did want to get the cart back eventually. I made my way back to the east, over the rounded rocks that were wedged between the bottoms of the walls of the wide V-shaped gorge. The walls of the gorge were wavy, but had been worn smooth by the flow of water. I stepped over several of the rocks, suddenly upset that i would have to leave the cart. I moved to the north and then turned to the west, crossing the street in the suburban area. It was still night, but i could see all of the houses around me clearly. A car drove in front of me from the south and stopped. It was my red car, and the two men were driving it down the street. They stopped to pick me up. The car stopped a little to the northwest of me, so i walked to it to get in, noticing that the back door on the passenger’s side of the car was still detached, exposing the dull metal supports around the doorframe. This annoyed me as i stepped into the car, noticing also that there was a small brown pile of feces on the top of the gray and white headrest of the passenger’s seat. It must have been from one of the birds in the building where the car was being stored. $A120 was driving the car, and he turned to smile at me as he started the car to the north again. I sat in the large open area in the back of the vehicle, wondering why i still had this red car, which seemed to be a Volkswagen Rabbit. I remembered that i had another red car, and this one seemed older. Something was strange about the situation, and i was annoyed with $A120 and the other person for not taking care of my car.

12011 April 16

I crouched down on the sidewalk to pick up the pieces that had fallen into the bush. I was in the middle of a city, and everything seemed gray. A person was standing to the west of me on the sidewalk. We were on the southern sidewalk of the street, and i was reaching into the bush to the south of me with my left hand. I could feel the small pieces of the thing that we had lost. It seemed to have something to do with the laundry at my parents’ house. I then realized that there was something buzzing to the south of me. I could not see very well, but i saw something small flying across the lighter color of the sky, which seemed over exposed and white. I realized that the small fragments that i was feeling in the thick pine bush felt like fragments of a wasp nest. I wondered if i had disturbed a nest of bees. I looked up to the north, noticing several small insects swarming in the sky a few meters away. I then looked to the south and noticed several large bees hovering over the bushes. I warned the person that i had disturbed the bee nest and moved to the north. I started to feel afraid and felt like i had to get out of there. I started moving to the east with the other person. The bees were starting to swarm to the west of us, and i had to get far enough away that they could not follow us. I knew that they would follow our scent. I ran down the street a ways to the east and then stopped to look back. We were standing in front of a large light-gray building with exposed metal trimming on the front. There was a short metal and plexiglas awning over the entrance to the building, and several people walked casually back and forth in front of the entrance. The building seemed to be on the northwestern corner of a block. The bees were still heading toward us from the west. I could see them moving in a slithering line as they came. There were only a dozen or so in the air near us, and i wondered how they were able to track us. I had run to where other people were standing. They should not be able to distinguish me from the rest of the people so easily. I then thought that bees would follow scents left by other bees. I knew that they could not be tracking me that way because i had not been stung yet. I wondered how they were able to track me.

12011 April 17

I was in the classroom, which seemed to be an open area outside. The ground sloped down to the south, and there seemed to be chairs in rows facing south. The teacher was standing on the eastern side of the area, to the east of me on the same level of white floor. I took my jacket off, but i felt very uneasy. I was still standing in front of my chair, and i felt very tired. I had to attend this math class, but i did not feel well, and i wanted to go home and sleep. I started to feel anxious trying to decide what i should do. I felt bad about leaving the class, but i did not feel well and really wanted to leave. I started walking to the east, ignoring the teacher, who seemed to be calling after me. I was outside, walking across the grassy area. I was then stopped by some people, and i was standing to the east of the large brick school building. The man was standing to the north of me, asking me something. He seemed to be the teacher, and i was not really paying attention to him. I just felt tired and wanted to ignore everyone. I felt bad about missing the math class, and then i started to wonder how much class i had been missing. I worried that i had not been going to class regularly. I then noticed a flicker of light in the gray sky over me. I looked up and to the east. The eastern side of the zenith was dark gray, and flickered with lightning a few times as i looked at it. I then looked down into the eastern sky to see the dark clouds of an approaching storm. The clouds were moving very fast, coming toward us. Lightning flashed behind several of the clouds, making the storm look fierce. Looking down to the southeast, i noticed murky brown smoke rolling around the houses of the suburban neighborhood. The center of a small town seemed to be to the east of us. I turned back to the others and told them that a bad storm was coming. I said that we should get back into the building. I moved to the north as some of the children ran to the west, into the red brick elementary school. I thought about the brown clouds that were traveling over the ground. They must be made of smog, and the storm must have condensed them and pushed them down to the ground. I felt nervous about the storm and headed to the west, toward the building. I told several of the children to get inside. I started up the stairs on the front of the building. The front of the building had a large square frame over it, with a glass entryway on the bottom floor, in the center of the frame. The frame seemed to be made of the same red brick as the rest of the building, and supported a wide overhanging roof. Two sets of stairs ascended along the sides of the entryway, heading into the second-floor corridor of the building. A terrace seemed to run between the two flights of stairs, over the entry door. I ran up the northern flight of stairs, wondering how i could see the storm from the building. When i started up the stairs, i had thought that i would watch it from the terrace on the second floor, but i decided that this would still be too exposed to the rain and strong winds. As i climbed the stairs, i looked to the southwest, noticing a large window on the first floor of the building, on the southern wall. I seemed to be looking through a window on the northern side of an entry corridor, which entered the building from the southern end of the eastern wall, and seeing out the window on the southern side of the corridor. Several young students were running into the hallway, and a few stopped to see the approaching storm. I wanted to get into that corridor, but i did not think that i would be able to do it from the second floor. I ran to the top of the stairs and then started back down the flight on the southern side. There was something serious about this storm, but i wanted to watch it come. I wondered if i should just stay on the second floor and watch it from the windows between the two sets of stairs. I really wanted to be in the lower corridor, though, looking south.

12011 April 19

I looked out the windows on the western side of the house as $F38 left. He walked to the west. I knew that this house was in a special area, like a national forest. The area outside looked like the bottom of a dry canyon. I was looking through a set of windows that seemed to extend across most of the western wall of the small house. The house seemed old and wooden, and the multipaned windows had white wooden frames. A blue and gray wooden walkway with fenced railings ran up the northern side of the steep cliff of the canyon. $F38 was walking to the west, up one of the ramps. He had been walking for a while, but did not see to be that far up the cliff yet. I knew that he had been walking back and forth across the zigzagging ramps. As i watched him, i was aware that there was someone to the north of the house. I could not let them know that i was here, and i was worried about them seeing me in the windows of the cabin. I tried to stay away from the glass as i watched $F38 climb the walkway. After a few moments, i walked to the west, along the bottom of the walkway. I stopped on the western end, noticing that $F38 was not that far above me on the cliff. A set of stairs ran up the western side of the cliff, and they seemed to run up to the small platform that $F38 had just reached. He had been climbing for a while, but i was able to approach him very quickly by simply heading up the short flight of stairs. The ramps must have wound back and forth so much that it took him a very long time just to get to this level. Just at the top of the stairs, i realized that there was a short black metal gate separating the top of the stairs from the square deck that $F38 was standing on. People were not supposed to use shortcuts like this, and i started to worry about what the authorities would say. $F39 was standing on the northern side of the deck, leaning back against the wooden railing. She told me that it was illegal to cross over the gate. I passed the gate anyway, noticing $F42 to the northeast. I walked over to him and hugged him hello. It was very good to see him.

$X14 was dying, and i was very worried about him. I was standing in the small room of the house. The wall to the west of me seemed to be an exterior wall with a window in it. There was something in the center of the room, just to the east and northeast of me, which seemed to be a couch or television stand. $X14 wandered to the northeast, around the eastern side of the object, heading for the eastern end of the northern wall. I knew that he wanted to go out and was heading toward the door, but the door was no longer in the wall. It had been removed. I could see the outline of where the door was, but it was now behind the white book shelfs with white items on them. $X14 disappeared behind the shelfs for a moment, and i walked around the southern end of the object in the center of the room to get on the eastern side. When $X14 came out from under the shelf, he was still agitated and wanted to go out, but he looked quite different. He moved around like a small dog, and now seemed to resemble a small black chihuahua. I was holding him in the palm of my hand as he circled nervously, trying to do something. He seemed very small, and i was surprised at his size. I felt upset that he was sick, and thought that his size was because he had stopped eating. He was starving himself to death because he would not eat. He then trotted to the west. I was worried about him and followed him across the room. Suddenly, he stopped in the middle of the room and fell over onto his left side. He gasped for a moment and then tensed up. He had just died, and i was upset by this. I leaned over to see what i could do for him. It seemed strange that he would be tense after he died. Just before i touched him, he seemed to let out a sudden breath and relax. I realized that the tenseness was part of the dying process. I felt very upset and started petting his head. He smiled as i pet him. I stopped for a moment, and noticed his face going back to emotionless. I then pet him again, noticing another smile. The brain was still alive even though the body had died. I wanted to keep petting him so that he would be happy when his mind finally stopped working. As i petted him, though, his body started to change. He seemed to be getting smaller. He first changed into a small doll that was shaped somewhat like a pocket watch, with a head where the winder was and small arms and feet sticking out the sides. He was still black, but there were purple stripes along his sides, reminding me of a cartoon character. I continued petting him, noticing that, with each stroke, he changed shape again. He turned into a cartoon doll and then into a wire-frame cartoon figure. The color then faded and he became nothing more than a brass wire-frame outline of the cartoon figure. He was finally dead. I picked up the wire frame and looked at it. The brassy metal had a paperclip near the bottom of it so that it could be attached to things. $F45 was in the room to the west of me. I called for him and wanted to show him the metal frame. I was upset that $X14 had died.

I could hear $X12 breathing heavily to the east of us. He was dying, and he was breathing heavily because his lungs were filling with fluid. I was very worried about him, and i followed him to the east, into the next room of the small house. He jumped up onto the bed on the southern wall of the room. The gray mattress was very fluffy, and he bounced several times as he flopped down on his side. He seemed reclined on the bed, but was bouncing on the mattress. $F45 was in the room to the west of me, and i talked to him about $X12’s sickness. I then heard a noise to the north of us. I turned to look across the dimly lighted room. There were tall windows in the northern wall that looked out to the front of the house. I felt uneasy suddenly, thinking that there might be someone outside. I moved to the window to the northwest of me, in the small wall that angled between the northern wall and the western wall. I could not see anything outside the window, but i was worried that someone outside could still see me. I wondered what to do. I felt uneasy here, and i thought that i should go to get something. I wanted to grab the tape, but i would have to go to the garage to the northwest. I started moving across the back lawn of my grandmother’s house, to the northwest. As i started moving across the grass, i realized that i was slowly bounding with very long strides. This would probably look strange to people watching, and i did not want anyone to thing that i was weird. I decided to instead lift my legs and float the rest of the way across the lawn. I was crossing the neighbor’s lawn to the west, still heading northwest. The neighbors had a garage on the northern end of their property, and i was heading to the western side of the garage, where the door was. There were tools and supplies in the garage that i could use. As i came to the southern side of the garage, i realized that the inside of the garage would be dark. I imagined that i could illuminate it by thinking about it. A light would shine out from my body and light the space. If i concentrated too much, though, the light would be very bright. I imagined floating on the southern side of the garage, glowing brightly. I was looking for the tape here.

12011 April 23

I was driving the SUV to the west, down the old road in the forested area. The sky was gray, and the trees around us were green with late-summer foliage. I remembered driving on this road before, a long time ago, and i commented about this to the woman who was in the passenger’s seat of the vehicle. A man was sitting in the back seat. I told them that i had not come this way in quite a while, but i thought that i remembered the road. This road seemed to run along the northern shore of the lake, and i knew that it headed to my parents’ house. We were following a dark SUV down the road. The other car then started to drift to the northwest, and i realized that he was following the path that ran up the rocks and over the hill. I wondered suddenly whether that was the correct road. I could not see the road in front of me, but i tried to look. I asked the woman if this was the right road, and she told me that the other road was the main road. I could then see the dirt road ahead of us. We still seemed to be running along the lake, even though i could not see the water. The road ran down a shallow hill ahead of us, running through a short tunnel in a rock outcropping. The smooth rock finger stuck out from the taller hill to the north. It was less than ten meters thick but tall enough to be two or three times the height of the car. It was rounded on the southern end, where it must have met the water of the lake. I could see thick layers of stratification in the pale-gray rounded rocks. The tunnel through the bottom of the ridge was round, and we passed through it quickly. I would have to turn the car around to head back up the other road. I turned to the south, circling around over the dirt road. As i started to head back to the east, i noticed that the western side of the rock face was open. There was a small picnic area under the southern end of the rock. I walked into the area, looking around. The rectangular area was dimly lighted by the sky outside. Pine trees seemed to shade the area, and the heavy rock ceiling had no lights at the moment. I passed through some thin metal pipes, which supported the ceiling over the small pavilion. The eastern wall of the pavilion had a doorway in it, and natural light was filtering in from outside. I suddenly realized that i should remember this place like i remember dreams. Everything seemed very detailed, and i tried to focus on the details, imagining how i would describe it in my dream journal. I floated across the center of the room, heading east. As i crossed over the center, i looked down at the place where the tables used to be. There were two I-beams running the length of the room from north to south. They were curved into a wavy shape, running parallel to each other. The center groove of the beam had pieces of metal folded out of it, which i thought might accommodate the curve of the heavy beam. I imagined describing the dull-red metal of the beams as i floated over it. I then imagined describing the thin metal pipes that supported the ceiling. I thought to myself that the floor slab was cement. I looked at it between the beams on the northern side of the room, noticing the brush pattern on the surface. Also in the northern side of the room were two square low cement blocks, which seemed to be used for short tables. The only wall to the room was on the east, and it was very dark. The rest of the room seemed to be open to the outdoors, though thick pine trees blocked the light coming in from the surrounding area. I turned to the east and headed through the doorway in the eastern wall and up the old wooden stairs. The wood of the stairs seemed rickety, and i worried that the boards would break under my feet. They sagged as i stepped on them. At the top of the short flight of stairs, i turned back to the west to head up another short flight. The stairs ended in the doorway of a large upper room. This room was dark, and i could not see anything in it. It seemed old and abandoned, and i worried that the floor would collapse under me if i tried to enter. I felt very uneasy here, thinking that something might be in the room. I cautiously looked around the room, feeling frightened of what might be in there. A flash of light illuminated some wooden tables and benches on the eastern side of the room, just to the north of the door that i was standing in. The source of the flash seemed out of sight around the corner, but i heard a soft pop. Something seemed to be in the room, and i became more concerned and uneasy. I then realized that the flash could have been from a gun. I quickly headed back to the east, to the landing between the two flights of stairs. I was now in the section of the building that looked like a tall thick tree. A window in the northern wall let light into the landing. I imagined that there were metal stairs running down the eastern wall of the building from the window, but i could not see them. This was the eastern side of the building, where i wanted to head, but i was not sure how to get outside from here. I felt anxious and wondered what to do.

I turned to the north, feeling angry with $F45. He sat just inside the room to the north of me, and i could see him on the eastern side of the doorway. The door had been left open, and it swung to the south and west. $F45 had left the door open again, and this annoyed me. I told him to keep the door closed, but he did not get up from his wooden chair to close it. I told him that the heat was on, and that i wanted him to keep the door closed, but he did not want to listen to me. I felt angry and slammed the brown wooden door closed. He defiantly called out, saying that he would just open the door again. I felt very angry and walked to the east, into the bedroom. There was a large pale-green dresser in the middle of the room, and i kicked it hard in anger. The thin wood veneer split in the spot where my foot hit it. I did not want to break the furniture, but i felt very angry with $F45. I moved to the northern side of the dresser, thinking that i should break the dresser. I imagined smashing it into pieces, knowing that it was $F45’s dresser. I then thought that it was the only chifforobe in the house, and that was why $F45 liked to use it. When he asked me about it, i would have to tell him that there were no other chifforobes to use, and that idea made me feel better. I then looked over the western face of the chifforobe. The cabinet was now richly decorated with colorful painted scenes. The intermediate area, like the legs and edges of the doors, were painted glossy black. Flowers and green leaves covered the other areas with light colors of shading. It looked very nice, and i did not really want to break it.

I entered the house from the northwest, coming in through a door in the northern end of the western wall. This place was $P19. The room i had entered on the western side of the house was narrow and ran north to south. The southern end of the room seemed to be open to a larger kitchen. No one was in the house, and i started to wonder why the door was left unlocked. I remembered seeing the deadbolt unlocked in the door, and i knew that the handle was unlocked as well. This did not seem safe, and i wondered why $G3 had left the house without locking it. I started to feel worried that someone might break into the house. I turned back to the west to lock the door. The door was in the middle of the western wall, and there was a window just to the north of it. Through the window, i noticed someone approaching the house. I stopped to watch them for a moment, wondering what the person was going to do. The man seemed unkempt, with ragged shoulder-length red hair. He walked to the window, crouching down a little to look more closely at the bottom sill. He was breaking into the house, but i decided that he was not necessarily that bright because he was trying to break into the window, which was right next to an unlocked door. I moved toward the door as the man in the dingy white T-shirt started to pull the screen from the window. I felt annoyed with him and told him that the door wall actually unlocked. He did not seem to notice and continued pulling the screen off of the window. Looking out the window on the door, i noticed that the door actually led into a garage, with a wall separating the door from the window. The northern wall of the garage had an opening a few meters from the door. A man appeared around the edge of the wall, looking at the door. He looked just like the man at the window, but i knew that he was a different man because i could still see the man breaking into the window. They were twins. I quickly turned the deadbolt on the door to lock it. The man in the garage smiled at me and then leaned back to the north, so that i could not see him around the wall. I felt nervous about the two men now. The man at the window had broken through the screen and was sticking his head through the window. He had his shoulders through the window, but could not seem to get the rest of the way in. He reached for the lock on the door with his right hand, so i slapped him across the face with a white piece of plastic trimming that had fallen off of the window. I was annoyed with these two men, and i started to worry that they would break in. The man reached for the door again, and i hit him harder across the face. I could not keep them out forever, so i turned to the southeast and headed for the telephone that was hanging on the southern wall of the kitchen. I called emergency and told them that there was someone breaking into the house. I knew that the man could hear me and hoped that he would go away. I described the two twins to the woman on the telephone. She seemed to know who they were and finished part of the description for me, saying that the men had red hair. These men must have tried to break into other houses in the neighborhood. I felt annoyed by this idea, but continued to tell the woman that they were breaking into the house. I then heard the front door of the house open. The men must have come around to the front of the house. “Shit.”, i complained into the telephone, realizing that the woman would think that i was in trouble. I put the receiver down on the counter to the south of me and headed to the north, into the front room. Two young women walked into the house, impartial to my presence. They were accompanied by someone from $G3. They were just coming home for the day. I walked with them to the kitchen on the southern side of the house. The men were now gone, and more $G3 seemed to be in the house now. $A56 and $A120 were standing to the east of me in the dining room of the house, which was a small family dining room to the south of the kitchen. Doorways were in the eastern and western ends of the northern wall, both leading to the kitchen. I told the two men to the east of me about the men that were trying to break into the house. I said that i had hit them and they ran away. $A56 and $A120 seemed amused by this, and i realized that it was probably an impressive story. Others were coming to the house, and i told them about the break in as well. I thought that i actually had an interesting story to tell. I then headed to the northwest, again on the western side of the kitchen. There was a man there who seemed to be from $G3. He was helping an older woman to the north. I felt interested in them, thinking that he was taking care of the woman. They were heading to the north, and i knew that they would be getting into the car to go somewhere. I felt as though this situation was very familiar, and that i knew both the man and the older woman. The man seemed a little like $A511. I headed to the north, and i was now outside the house. I seemed to have exited the house through the same front door that the others had entered through. I was now in what seemed to be a carport. The western end of the carport was open, but the driveway ran to the east. $F14 was standing to the north of me. I said hello, surprised to run into her. She asked me a question, and i realized that she thought that i was going with her. I felt bad saying that i was not, but i told her that i was heading to the north, out the western end of the car port. I could see the green lawn to the north of the house, and the back yard of the school to the north of that. I was trying to find the men that had tried to break into the house. She motioned to the east, and i looked down the driveway to see the man helping the older woman into the dark-colored car. They were taking the older woman somewhere. I wanted to go with them, but i said goodbye to $F14 and headed to the north, across the grass. There were young children to the north, playing on the wooden playground structures to the east of the tall brick school building. I headed to the east of the structure, looking around for the men. I hoped that they were not out of sight yet. I hopped up onto the wooden picnic table to the southeast of the structure. The structure was on a slightly higher section of ground, which was separated from where i was by a dark stone retaining wall that was about a meter tall. I looked down at the picnic table as i stood on it, noticing that the wooden surface was rotting and bending under my weight. I hoped that it did not break under me.

12011 April 24

I was in the small compartment of the elevator as we ascended to the upper floor of the very tall building. The other man was with me, and i knew that he was trying to sneak into the party on the upper floor. He was going to do something in the building, and the security people would be after him. They were expecting him to come, so i worried that they would be ready for us in the elevator. The door opened to the north of me and i walked out into the room. There were two guards ready to enter the elevator. They pointed guns in my direction but headed past me and into the doorway of the elevator. I paused a few steps into the room, looking back to see that there was no one else in the elevator with me. I was surprised and wondered where the other man had gone with his friend. The guards assumed that they had made a mistake because the man was not in the elevator as they had expected. I walked back into the elevator, trying to figure out where they had gone. I thought that they might have gone through the emergency hatch in the ceiling. As i reached the elevator car, though, i noticed that the metal floor was deformed slightly. The floor seemed to be made of a thin sheet of metal attached to the wooden planks underneath. A seam ran across the elevator from east to west, and there was a circular area in the center of the car that was raised slightly. The others must have pulled up the metal and jumped below the car. The guards moved back to the north, and i pulled up on the metal, noticing a long white cylindrical compartment below the car. The hole was to the east of me, and the man must have been leaning against the western wall, because i could not see him. The younger man, who was his assistant, was holding on to a central pole in the middle of the cylinder. The cylinder looked like an air filter, with white plastic walls formed of short triangular ridges. The central white pole rose from the bottom for about half the distance of the compartment. The young man called me down, so i jumped into the cylinder, pulling the metal closed above me. I then wondered how i would be able to pull the metal fully back into place. It was above the floor planks of the elevator floor, so i should not be able to reach it from below. The older man, whom the guards had been looking for, was now standing against the eastern wall of the compartment. The elevator descended back to the first floor. I knew that the buttons inside the elevator would only take the elevator between the top floor and the lobby. The elevator stopped in the lobby, and i hoped that the elevator did not descend any further. We were now standing inside a cubical compartment under the elevator, which seemed to be made of heavy faded-green canvas, and i worried that it might get crushed beneath the elevator car if the elevator descended below the first floor. The elevator was then back up on the upper floor of the building. I knew that we could get off on the floor below the one that the elevator was on, but there was no door for the floor below the party. There was only a cement wall to the north of us. The man stood to the south of me still, and i told him that we would not be able to get out here. I then said that we would have to get the elevator to stop at one of the intermediate floors of the building. The man seemed to be Doctor Who. I told him that we could get out on the floor below the elevator, but we would have to bypass the elevator controls to get the elevator to stop at another floor in the middle of the building. I pointed to the green metal box with the heat fins on the top of it. The box was attached to the southern wall of the compartment that we were in, just to the southeast of me. I asked the Doctor if he could rig the controls so that the elevator would stop at the fourty-second floor. He casually said that he could, moving quickly to the control box as i moved to the north, toward the cement wall. We were then stopped at one of the floors in the center of the building, and i walked through the doorway to the north. I noticed that the rivets that were holding the canvas to the metal bottom of the elevator cart were starting to tear the canvas around them. The canvas compartment would soon rip from the bottom of the cart. I found myself on a metal catwalk that ran between the elevator and the cement wall to the north. To the east of me, a set of green metal stairs descended into the open space of the floor. The ceiling was very tall here, and the room around the elevator seemed to be a maintenance room. I was surprised because i had expected to see offices in the middle of the building. I walked down the stairs, noticing the stacks of things in the cement room to the south and east of me. The large objects seemed to be parade floats, and i realized that they were probably props for the party upstairs. This was a staging area for the decorations. The walls seemed dingy and most of the place seemed unkempt. I turned to the south at the bottom of the stairs to do something in the room.

I was facing east, toward the open door of my car, which seemed to be a van. I had just woken up and i was getting dressed. My car was parked on the northern side of a small parking lot. A tall tan stucco wall seemed to be to the north of the car. I looked into the car to the east of me, noticing that the clear plastic drawers in the bins against the eastern wall were empty. I did not have any clean clothes to wear, and i remembered that i had probably worn the in the previous days here. I considered the clothes i was wearing, which included a pair of faded blue jeans, and i thought that i could probably wear them again. I seemed to be somewhere for vacation. I turned to the west, where a tall dresser stood next to my car. I had to get some clean clothes from here. I got mostly dressed and then headed to the west, into the street. $F43 was to the west of me, and i headed to the end of the lot, following her down the road. We were in a small town with a narrow central street. The houses around us were small and this place seemed like someplace on a Caribbean island. The road sloped gently down hill to the west of the lot, and there were yards in front of the houses. The house just to the west of the lot, on the southern side of the street, seemed to be a motel, with a long pale two-story wing that ended just to the south of the road. To the west of the building, however, the houses were farther back from the road, which made the area to the west seem like a central square of the small town. I liked this town; there was a good feeling to this place. $F43 had just moved to this place. I felt very close to $F43 as we walked. I then noticed some dogs wandering around in front of the buildings to the south of us. I looked to the south to see an elderly couple just coming out of a house. The house also seemed to be part of another wing of the motel. The dogs were running around in the road, and i started to feel annoyed with them. $F43 was obviously annoyed, and she commented loudly, saying that dogs should not be let off of their leashes here. I watched the people coming out of the house. The older man moved to the east, grabbing the pale dog by the collar and holding him while the others came out of the house. The older woman stood in the doorway. The large brown dog with long curly hair stood to the east of her for a moment, but was then running around in the yard. A younger man and woman came out of the apartment. The woman seemed to have long blond hair, and the man had long dark hair. The man was wearing a tight-fitting long-sleeve shirt, which was mostly red with thick black stripes running diagonally down from his left shoulder. Both the red and the black seemed to be mottled with patches of dark red and dark gray respectively. He was well built, and i watched him as he walked to the east and stopped between the older man and the younger woman. His pants had a similar mottled pattern, but were black and white. $F43 then repeated what she had said about the dogs because the older people had not gotten control of their dogs. It seemed strange that she was stating this indirectly, and i felt slightly uncomfortable by her indirect aggression. I watched the older woman for a moment as the furry brown dog moved to the east of her again. I then turned to the west and continued walking. I decided that $F43’s brusque attitude must have come from her time as a high-school teacher. I wondered if it could be considered passive aggressive. We reached the bottom of the hill, and the house to the south was slightly closer to the street that the houses to the east. The street ended just to the west of us, at the intersection of another wide gravel or dirt road. A man to the south of us called to $F43. I admired the area as i turned to see him standing on his porch. The porch had a railing with thin spinets. The man asked $F43 if she would stay in the neighborhood for a longer time. The people here liked her, and i thought that this was a nice place. She said that she probably would stay here. I turned back to the west and continued across the intersection. The hallway continued to the west of the intersection, and something green seemed to be on the floor. I wanted to stay here too, and i imagined someone asking me about $F43. I would say that i would have dated her had i been heterosexual. I leaned forward, lying on the ground with my arms reaching out toward the dark-green object on the floor.

12011 April 25

$A550 stood to the north of me, talking to me about something, but something seemed wrong. I had a long knife or short sword in my right hand, and i was holding it out in front of me with the blade horizontal. $A550 moved suddenly, and the sword stabbed through his abdomen from the back. I felt suddenly upset about this, but he was then standing to the north of me again. He did not have a shirt on, and he looked very skinny. I wanted to talk to him, but he seemed to be very mad at me, and i did not know how to talk to him. I felt bad and turned to the south to leave.

12011 April 26

I followed the woman up the flight of stairs at the back of the old building. We were on the northern side of the building, heading up the stairs to the west from the eastern wall. The woman had managed the store that was in the lower part of the building. I knew that she had just expanded the store into the second floor, and i could see that the third floor of the building was unfinished. The walls there were cement, and there were large bundles of equipment or stock on the floor. As we came into the fourth floor, the halls seemed narrower, and there were doors on both sides of the corridor. We headed down the corridor to the south. The corridor was poorly lighted, and the dull-yellow walls were dingy, as though this floor had not been used in many years. I told the woman that she could put her offices on this floor. I felt interested in seeing the floor used for something. I looked at the brown wooden doors on the eastern side of the hall as we headed south, thinking that they must have been used by some small businesses in the recent years. The woman was not sure that offices should go here, though. We stopped at the southern end of the hall, where the hall seemed to turn to the west for a short distance, running to the stairs in the center of the front part of the building. The woman turned to me and said that she did not think that offices would be good here. I did not understand why, and she asked me where the restrooms would be. I looked to the south. Two narrow doors were in the southern wall that seemed to be restroom doors. I moved to the eastern-most door and pushed it open. The room inside was in disrepair, with cracked plaster walls and debris on the floor. A short corridor led to the room, and the room was flush with the western wall of the corridor. I could not see the entire eastern part of the room because it was hidden behind the corner of the short corridor. Two narrow toilets hung from the southern wall. They were dingy and covered with dust or grime. The toilets did not have any stalls around them, but there were marks on the southern wall of the room where the stalls might have been. At first, i thought that the restrooms might only have one toilet, making them unisex, but, now that i could see that there were two toilets in this room, i wondered if it was the women’s room or the men’s room. I decided that it was the women’s room because there was no urinal. A dirty white porcelain sink hung from the western wall of the room. I turned back to the north and told the woman that this was the women’s restroom. I then moved down the hall a little and opened up the second door. This room was much narrower and ran straight to the south. I could not see that far into the room, though, because there were some large bright-blue puffy objects in the center of the room, blocking the passage. The woman motioned toward the blue objects, humming as if making an example of them to show me that this was not really a bathroom. I told her that the objects were only stacked in the room and were actually blocking the back end of the room. I stood taller to get a look over them. I could see a white urinal on the southern end of the eastern wall, and an old dingy toilet on the southern wall. This was the men’s room. I told the woman about the toilet and urinal, and she seemed to accept the explanation with a little embarrassment.

I felt rushed and had to get ready to go. We were in a small house. The small pale-green room of the house was in the southern side of the building, and the exit door was in the center of the southern wall. I had to get dressed and ready to head to the event. My mother seemed to be in the room somewhere, and i was hurrying to get my things together. I was then to the south of the short building, standing in the parking lot near the cars. I was with the woman as we backed the car into the street, turning to the west. The man asked us if we really knew where we were going. The woman had said the address, but the man said that we did not know where we were heading. He said that the address was near the White House. I was still trying to get fully dressed as the car moved to the west. The man’s voice said that we would not be able to park near the White House because of the event. The car moved off to the west, and i was following it, though i knew that i was in the car with the woman. My view panned up a little, allowing me to see over the top of the small house to the city beyond. The city to the north seemed dark, as though dark clouds covered the northern horizon. The clouds also seemed to be tinted with red. They were dark and ominous. I knew that the White House was in that direction. The car reached the western end of the block and turned to the north. Looking up the street to the north, i could now see the dark clouds in the distance more clearly. The street seemed to be abandoned, and there were no cars parked on either the eastern or western sides. I noticed large barking meters on the western side of the street, at the edge of the gray sidewalk. A person hurried down the western sidewalk, heading south, and a stray piece of paper drifted with them. I wondered why the man said that we would not be able to park here. The sky to the north of us was now more visible, and it looked menacing, with dark black clouds that were colored with orange and reds from below. I then noticed that a wooden barricade blocked the street ahead of us, at the northern end of the block. As we drove toward the barricade, an officer on the western end pulled it back to let us pass. I realized that the special pass we had would let us into the restricted area. We were probably going to park somewhere closer to the event. The block to the north of the barricade seemed to be crowded with vehicles and other things. It was dark out now. We were able to drive through the crowd of police and rescue workers that were there, passing to the east of the white ambulance that was sitting just on the northern side of the barricade. A male police officer in a light-blue short-sleeved shirt waved us on, and we continued down the street to the north. There must be a special parking place to the north for people with the special passes. Our old white car was then stopped at the next block as a police officer asked us some questions. I was standing to the south of the car, watching the officer lean into the window. The car seemed to be a small rounded vehicle from the seventies. It had a wide middle, and seemed to taper off toward the roof, looking somewhat like a GM Gremlin. I was then aware of a dark-skinned austral man standing to the south of the car. He had a large photograph of another austral man that he was showing to someone to the southeast of him. The man wore a dark jacket and had long dark braids that fell over his shoulders. He seemed to be looking for someone, and i realized that he had the picture of the man that had the press pass. I was suddenly concerned, because i knew that we were using the press pass intended for the man in the picture. We had been given the press pass for use, but it was not really our pass. Two codes were somewhere on the photograph, and they said “T1” and “T2”. They were the codes of the two press passes that we had. Someone seemed to have told the man that the people in the car had the press passes that he was looking for. His eyebrows raised and he turned to the north and started jogging toward the car. I felt worried, thinking that, if he told the officer that the press pass belonged to the man in the picture, then it would be obvious that we were not intended to have the press passes. We were not even dark skinned, which would have made the difference more noticeable. As the man reached the car, though, the white car started to pull away to the north. The man was not able to catch the car, but i was afraid that he would tell the police that he was looking for the dark-skinned man who should have the press passes. The officer might realize that we were not supposed to have them and then call someone farther to the north to stop us. As the car disappeared into the crowd of objects on the street, i noticed how rusted the rear bumper was. The dark-skinned man then turned to the east and headed a short distance down one of the side streets. He did not seem to know what to do, and he spoke to several other men on the southern side of the street, just to the east of the corner. There was a small illuminated convenience store just to the south of the men. The man held the photograph in front of his chest with the picture facing out as he talked to the other men. He now seemed to have dreadlocks, and he was talking to the others in earnest. I still worried that someone would know about our passes and stop us farther to the north.

12011 April 27

I headed down the road to the east with the other person. We were to the south of a river, or some other body of water. The land seemed forested, but there were no trees around and the ground was covered with grass. I turned to the north and looked into the room, which seemed to be a small square lawn. The edges of the lawn were steep on all sides but the north, forming short walls. The man stood in the doorway is the center of the southern wall of the room. I walked close to him, looking into the room. A large white horse stood in the middle of the room, facing north. I could only see it from the back, and it looked wide, as though it had more than four legs. Something seemed wrong with the horse, and i realized that it was angry. I was afraid of it and backed out of the doorway, into the room to the south. The room to the south was large and square, with a sheet metal ceiling that was held up by metal beams. I realized suddenly that i was in the room with the horse. The large white horse came up to the door, just to the west of me, and started kicking with its hind legs at the door. The man quickly closed the door to prevent the horse from getting out, but i was still in the room with the horse. There was a wall just to the east of me that extended a few meters from the northern wall, just to the east of the door. I moved to the eastern side of the wall to get out of the range of the horse. I then realized that there was a U-shaped section of wall around the southern end of the wall that extended from the north, forming two small enclosed areas on either side of the wall from the north. I quickly pushed myself back into the tight area on the eastern side of the wall. The horse was now to the east of me, kicking into the opening of the wall to the northeast of me. The wall to the east of me hid me from the horse’s view, but it must have known i was here. The wall extending from the northern wall was transparent, and i could see the man who had closed the door to the west of me. He watched the angry horse kick into the space where i was. The horse could not hit me, though, but i was not able to get out. I was nervous about the horse and wondered how i could get out of this room and move to the one on the western side of the glass wall, closer to the door. The horse then started sniffing the opening to the north of me. I did not want it to see me or it would know that i was there. I pushed back to the south, into the back end of the compartment, trying to stay out of the horse’s sight. I had to get to the other side of the wall so that i could get out of this room. I then imagined that there was a black shade or curtain attached to the northern end of the wall to the east of me that i could draw across the entrance. At first, i considered pulling it across the opening on the northern end of the eastern wall, but then realized that the horse would be able to see the obvious movement and could still kick the curtain. It would be better if i pulled the black shade across the compartment, from east to west, covering the southern end of the compartment, where i was standing. This would block me from the sight of the horse, and, when it looked into the compartment, it would not realized that the curtain had not been there and think that the area was simply empty.

I was sky diving with the other person, and we had just left the airplane. I looked up into the sky as the others left the airplane. The sky above me was light blue, and there were two or three people hovering in the air above me. A sound of rushing air hissed around us, but it sounded different as we moved out of the airplane. I focused on the sound. It was lower, with less hiss when we started, but changed to a more static hiss as we moved out from the chamber in the bottom of the airplane. It must have something to do with the way the airplane muffled the south of the air. I listened to the south as we left the airplane again, noticing the difference in the tone. This happened over and over again. I was trying to figure out what the difference in the south was. I sat in the room of the small house, thinking about this sound. It was interesting, and i wanted to know why there was really a change.

I drove the large car to the north, through the town. The faded black car seemed like a large american car from the seventies. I drove down the street of the small city, thinking about the buildings around me. I used to drive through this city to get to work a long time ago. Something felt very nostalgic about this place, and i tried to remember what it was like to be here all those years ago. I followed the multilane road around the sharp corner, turning to the west. A large building stood to the north of the road here, with a very steep vertical face that rose from the sidewalk. As i headed to the west, i could see that the street ended only ten or so meters to the west. I had to get into the northern lane so that i could turn to the north. This place seemed very familiar, and i felt a longing for the idea of this place. There was a light at the intersection, but i turned to the north without stopping. I started to feel a little uncomfortable with the other cars around me, thinking that they were too close. I tried to focus on my driving. The road made another sharp turn to the west ahead, and i concentrated on my driving. I remembered the route to drive through this city, but it seemed like such a long time ago since i had done it. I felt uneasy thinking about the memory. The road ahead curved to the south at another sharp turn. As i approached the turn, i could see that the road ended just after the turn at an intersection with another road. This seemed like the correct way to go, but i was uneasy with my driving, as though i did not have full control over the car. The light at the intersection to the southwest of me seemed to be red, and the cars came to a stop on the curve in front of me. I slowed my car to a stop, but ended up driving to the west, past the curve of the road and into a driveway of what appeared to be a parking structure. Another car was coming down the ramp of the garage on the southern side of the street. I stopped just under the edge of the building, thinking that i should back up to turn my car to the south. I was going the incorrect way. I then realized that i was in the passenger’s seat of my car. I had been driving from there and decided that this was not a good idea. The idea made me uncomfortable, so i got out of the car to switch sides. I felt that i was not in full control of the car, and i tried to correct this. I was under the parking structure now, and the woman to the west of me started talking about the area. We had come here to meet some people, but we were the only ones here at the moment. I looked to the northwest, noticing that there were several sets of stairs running up the levels of the building. The stairs seemed to be right next to each other, turning around each other as they headed up the section of the auditorium seats. The seats were actually the sections of the garage where the cars would be parked. Gray metal round railings lined the sides of the stairs, and ran both up and across the slope of the cement platform. I talked to the woman about the filming. We had come here for the filming, but the others had not yet arrived. Looking to the northeast again, i noticed $A569 standing on the stairs. She had stopped on the western side of the stairs, standing in the middle of a long flight that seemed to run straight up the slope of the building, heading to the north. She looked at me for a moment. I called to her, asking her if she knew where the others were meeting. I then turned my attention back to the woman to the west of me, asking her if she knew where the others might be. I then noticed that the complicated section of stairs was black and now seemed to be a set of seats that were all facing west. The seats were at separate heights, making the area look like many small cubical pillars sticking up at different levels from the black ground. I was aware that there were also holes in the middle of the seats, where people could stick their heads up from the floor below. A man sat in the chairs, and he seemed to have crawled up from below. He seemed like $A573. He seemed to be the director here. I pointed him out to the woman as several other people entered the area and started sitting around him. The seats looked interesting, and i was interested in this place as i walked toward the others involved in the filming.

I parked the car facing to the south in the large parking lot. I got out of the car, but i was careful not to step on the ground because there was deep water her, and i did not want to get my shoes wet. I was sitting in the driver’s window of the car, with my feet still in the car. I was not quite sure how to step on the ground and not get my feet wet. I seemed to be in the parking lots to $P27, and i had to get to the line of stores to the west. I then noticed the large flat-screen television to the northeast of me. It was showing a scene that i was interested in, but i was concerned about keeping my feet dry as i got out of the car. I then looked down to the pavement, noticing that there was not a lot of water at the moment. It had seemed to be half-way up the door of the car, but seemed very shallow at the moment. I pulled my feet out of the window of the car, looking down at my white sneakers as i stepped carefully into the shallow water over the asphalt pavement. The water was not deep enough to come over the edges of the soles. I looked back at the television, because something about it was attracting my attention. I then turned back to the south. I was not standing in the building where the television screen had been. The parking lot was to the south of me, and i was standing on the northern side of the plaza. I then heard the music coming from the north of me. The song was upbeat but had a heavy blues influence. I started to the south, still listening to the song as the lyrics sang the chorus: “The cat was called Yellow Eyes”. Background singers echoed “Yellow Eyes” and the line repeated. It was a catchy tune, and i hummed along. I glanced back to the north again, noticing that there were two small cats in metal cages against the northern wall of the store. The one on the west was a small orange and black tiger, but the one on the right was a tan and black tabby, which seemed a little pudgy. Something about the cats interested me, but i turned back to the south and headed out of the store.

12011 April 28

I was in the kitchen of my parents’ house, and i had to make my lunch so that i could leave. My parents did not seem to be here. I felt rushed. I was getting ready for work, making a sandwich on the black granite counter on the northern wall of the kitchen. I had to hurry so that i could make it to work. This reminded me of high school, when i would have to make my lunch to get to school. I then thought that i was not making as much food as i used to make back then. I remembered making much more food for lunch. I then thought that i now eat a lot more fruit than i used to, so lunch was simply different. I felt tense and worried about something, but i was not sure what. Something felt wrong. I walked into the back room of the house. There were others there, and i chatted with them for a moment. I then noticed a car to the south, out the front window of the house. It did not seem to belong there, so i headed south to see what it was. I told the other person that it was a van, but, when i got to the window, i could see that it was actually a lime-green jeep. It was parked in front of the house, but i had to move it somewhere else. I started driving the car to the west, across the front lawn of the house. I wanted to get the car out from the front of the house, thinking that i had to park it somewhere else. As i drove the car down the road to the west, from the front of the house, i realized that i was driving a large blue tractor. The tractor rolled slowly down the road, and i watched the road ahead dip into a narrow creek valley and then curve to the northwest on the other side. I stared at the short grass on the sides of the road, suddenly aware that the grass was actually covered with a thin layer of snow. This seemed strange for this time of year. I then realized that i had headed too far from the house and would have to turn around. I was crossing the creek now, so i would have to wait until i got to the western side to find a wide enough area of road to turn around. A car passed me from the other direction, and i looked along the northern side of the road for a place to turn around. The green grass on the side of the road sloped up to the north, heading for the trees and forest at the top of the short hill. I was then heading to the east, after turning the tractor around. I looked at the sides of the road, but realized that i could not see too well in front of me. I swerved slightly to the right, to get back into my lane, but i could only catch glimpses of the lanes as i traveled. I looked down, but i could not see the front tires of the tractor on the road. I started to feel uncomfortable driving, and i tried to get a better look at where i was going. As the road curved to the southeast, i looked out the side of the tractor to see the ground passing. I was trying to see where the lines of the road were, thinking that i could use the lines to stay in my lane. I was driving along the northern side of the road, and the grassy ground was right under the window. I noticed that the grass was starting to grow back on the sides of the road. Thick patches of grass that stuck up higher than the surrounding grass were spaced at regular intervals across the bright green shorter grass. The tall grass was filled with tan dry stalks from the last Autumn. The patches looked like patches of cut stalks, like corn or some other thick stalked plant. I looked ahead and then back to the grass. I had seen the patches before, and now they were here as well. They seemed to be all over the sides of the road. I focused again on where i was going, though, afraid that i would drive off of the road. The windshield seemed to be fogged or frosted, but there was a round clear spot on the upper half. I sat up taller to get a look out of it. I could see the dark-colored car that was traveling in front of me. I tried to stay behind it as another car passed from the other direction. I felt very nervous about my driving and thought that i would have to stop soon. I would be very near the house again, so i would have to be ready to turn the tractor off of the road. I pulled into my parents’ driveway and walked to the north. Something felt very wrong here. I told the other person that something was wrong as i looked around the area. I headed to the north, into the house. I felt uneasy about something and thought that we had to get to a safe place. I was in the small room of the house, and i moved to the west side to think about what to do. We had to get away from the bad guys, and i thought that we could trap the bad people in a building. Someone called the bad people on a cell phone, telling them that we were in a building. I thought that we should lure them into the building and then destroy the building to trap them there. As the person said the names of the bag guys, i realized that they sounded like the names of Gou’uld. The man told the bad guys about one of the buildings on the college campus, saying that it had large enough doors. I then realized that the bad guys were standing to the east of us. I could see them down the corridor between the buildings. They looked like Gou’uld, in oddly decorated clothing that was wrapped with gold-colored bands. The man turned to the southeast and motioned to one of the buildings. They were already here, and i felt that we would not be able to properly lure them into the correct building. The building that the man was motioning to now seemed like a store in a mall. The corridor of the mall ran to the east, but there was a smaller corridor heading off to the north, just to the east of where the two people were standing. I could see the large signs spelling out the names of the stores over the doorways on the side corridor. I felt nervous, thinking that we did not have things ready to take care of the bad guys. We would have to plant a bomb in one of the buildings and lure the bad people into it. The man would be buried in the building. I thought that we should leave the bomb in the parking garage outside the mall. I headed to the south, down the cement corridor. The tunnel sloped down slightly, and i could see one of the levels of the parking garage to the south, on the other end of the tunnel. This tunnel seemed to be a driveway for cars, but i was cautiously walking down it. I felt uneasy here. I noticed the sign over the exit to the tunnel that signified that i was on parking level K. This was not low enough in the structure. The bomb had to be near the bottom of the parking garage. The tunnel then started to descend like an elevator. This was a feature to help get cars from one level to another. I watched the opening to the south move upward as the tunnel descended. The cement wall continued to move up, and i suddenly felt very uncomfortable in the tunnel. Something seemed wrong here. I turned back to the north, but realized that the northern end of the tunnel was also blocked as the ramp descended. I looked back to the south to see that we were passing another level of the garage. This level was already blocked off, though. I wondered how far the ramp would descend, and i started to get worried that i was trapped in the ramp. The cement wall under the level became broken and crumbly. We were descending into an older section of the building that was not as clean and maintained. I felt more and more nervous. The wall then became new and smooth again, with some yellow paint over it. The elevator stopped suddenly as it reached the bottom, but there was no tunnel leading out. I felt suddenly trapped and wondered what i should do. I would have to wait for the elevator to go up to one of the higher levels in order to get out. Then the fluorescent lights in the corridor flickered out, and it became very dark. I was scared.

12011 April 29

I moved around in the room at the center of the building, trying to do something. As i turned to the west, $F46 was to the north of me. She mentioned the job that i had applied for at $P75. I had not heard anything from the people, but $F46 said that she had talked to them and that they were interested in me. I was glad to hear that, and i continued doing something in front of me, to the west of me. I seemed to be in a north-south hallway now. $F46 also mentioned that she had heard from a job that she had applied to. She said that it was a magazine job, and she told me the field that she would be writing in. She seemed excited about it. I felt excited too, and i turned back to the east to get more of my things. I was i a small bedroom, and $F46 was to the north of me. She headed to the north, leaving the room, and i continued talking to $F10, who was to the east of me. We had just woken up, and $F10 was wearing a pair of pale-gray sweat pants with no shirt. $A550 was to the west of me. He had just woken up from bed and was leaning against the metal-frame bunk bed that was in front of the window in the western wall. Diffuse light came in through the window. I felt very happy about the job, and enjoyed talking about it with the others. $F10 hugged me from behind, and i enjoyed the warmth. $A550 did not seem so happy, thought. He complained about the event, but i wanted to feel good about it. $A550 crossed the room, passing to the north of me. $F10 crossed to the west to stand where $A550 had been standing. $A550 started picking up some things from the bed on the eastern wall. I explained something to him, trying to cheer him up, but he did not seem interested in what i was saying. I felt almost giddy, and i leaned to the west and quickly kissed $F10 on the lips. I then felt that i probably should not have kissed him, but i felt very good doing i. I continued to feel good as we walked to the west. I chatted to both men, talking about something that had happened. We were outside now, walking to the west across the paved parking lot. The small dark building was to the north of us, but we had come from the larger building to the northeast. The others were talking as we reached the western side of the lot and started down the dry grass of the hill. I looked up at the forest to the west. There was a narrow drive at the bottom of the short hill, separating the lawn from the forest. The trees were leafless, and the damp forest seemed to be in Autumn. The land sloped down the hill steeply on the western side of the drive. As i listened to the others, i heard someone talking somewhere else. I felt cautious and looked around. I then heard the voices again and looked to the southeast to see where they were coming from. A road seemed to run to the west from the southern end of the drive, running along the southern side of the forest. The road was at the same level as the drive, so there was a steep hill to the north of it leading into the woods. The mound of dirt that ran along the northern side of the road was covered with orange and brown dry leafs. There also seemed to be a tall mound now running along the western side of the driveway that we were crossing. Three people appeared on the road to the southwest, walking to the west, into view from behind the trunk of a thick brown tree. They were a woman, a man, and a young child. Something seemed wrong with them, and i focused my attention on them to see what was happening. The man seemed very aggressive toward the woman, and i thought that he was abusing the woman. I became very worried about the woman and the young girl. The man put his right arm roughly around the woman’s shoulders. He seemed to be austral, but his face was very wide and square, and his skin was medium. He had black fuzzy hair that stuck out from the sides of his head. He stretched his neck toward the woman, saying something in her left ear, a stern look on his face. The tree of them then turned to the north and headed down the hill, into the woods. I was very concerned for the young girl, feeling that the man was going to abandon them here. I tried to tell the others what was happening, but they had continued talking to each other. I turned back to the man and woman, but they were no longer in site. I started to feel agitated, feeling that something bad was going to happen. I looked around but could not see them. I turned to the others for advice, but they had turned back toward the house. I was now alone at the edge of the woods, and i felt very uneasy. I then noticed the young girl walking up the hill on the southern side of the woods. She was alone, wearing an orange dress. I worried that the mother had been killed and dumped in the forest. The man was gone, but i worried that he was still in the area, and i had to be careful. I moved to the south, down the end of the driveway to see if i could talk to the girl. I knew that the man would return, and i wanted to get the girl to safety before he came back for her. She walked to the east, down the main road, and i called to her in a hushed tone as i reached the southern end of the driveway. She looked confused and worried as she spoke to me. I looked around to be sure that no one was watching us. The young girl started talking to me in an uneasy tone. She had a doll in her hands, which looked like a Barbie Doll, and she was holding it upside down. The doll had no clothes on, and i could see the blue plastic hips of the doll as the girl grabbed the doll by the legs and pulled the legs out to the sides. The girl kept staring at me as if in a daze. I felt very uncomfortable and told her that she should follow me. I hurried her to the northeast, back toward the small black building on the northern side of the parking lot. I had to get her to safety before the man returned. I worried that he would see me hiding the girl and would come after us.

12011 April 30

I carried the main section of the grandfather clock to the west, along the southern side of the urban street. There was a bar several buildings to the west, and i thought that i was going to be leaving the clock there. It was my clock, which i had inherited from my grandfather, but i did not have a place to keep it, so i was going to leave it in the bar where people could enjoy it. I pictured it on the southern wall of the bar, in the center of the room. I then wondered why i would want to leave an antique clock in a bar. I realized that the patrons might ruin the clock because they would have no respect for an antique. I started to wonder why i was carrying this part of the clock to the bar. This was not even a bar that i frequented, so the people who ran the bar did not even know me well. They would not protect the clock, and i worried about it getting ruined. I felt upset and did not know what to do with the clock. I turned back to the east and carried it back, feeling confused.