12012 April 01

The man stopped me as i tried to enter the large building, which seemed like a school. I felt uncomfortable because i did not want to have to explain myself to the authorities. I did not belong in this place, but i had to get through to do something. The man seemed suspicious of me and asked me questions. I tried to answer. The man seemed to be a Nazi. He did not seem convinced by my answers, but he let me pass anyway. I walked to the east, into the large school building. As i walked down the main corridor, toward the center of the building, i was aware that the man was following me. I felt nervous, but was not sure what i could do. The corridor opened up into a small shopping area, which looked like an old market in a town square. I looked at the shops and i turned the corners, wandering generally to the southeast. The shops were crowded with items, and they looked pleasant. I still felt nervous about the man, though. He was still following me, and i knew that he did not want me here. He was trying to intimidate me so that i would leave this place, but i could not go. I started to worry that he would attack me here. I turned to the south, walking into a small empty room, which seemed like a small outdoor courtyard. Wooden beams formed a grid pattern overhead. They seemed like a trellis, but nothing was growing on them at the moment. I reached the center of the area and turned to the north, to face them an. He suddenly started attacking me. I fell backward, trying to defend myself. I felt suddenly tense and focused. The man had a shovel, and he started stabbing at me. I fell back to the northeast, and he was to the southwest of me. He lifted the shovel over his head to stab at me again. I felt panicked, and i slid forward to kick him in the knee with my right foot, hoping to knock him off of his feet.

I headed to the west, coming to the entrance to the large old school building. It was the same school building that i had been in before. A woman stood in a blue uniform at the door, checking people as they entered. I did not remember guards at the door the last time i had come. The people here must have added guards to the entrance to prevent someone from entering like i had done before. The woman stopped me and asked me some questions. I told her that i was here visiting a teacher. I thought that i could mention $F43’s name. She wanted to see my ID, though. I could not show her the one that i had with me because she would know who i was. I felt very uncomfortable here, and i told the woman that i would have to go back to my car to get my ID. She nodded in understanding, and i turned to the south and walked along the side of the building. She turned to tell the others something, and i started to feel that she might be suspicious of me. I had to get away from here before they stopped me for questioning. I ran to the east, across the southern side of the building. The southern side of the building had shops on the lower level, and i ran past them as i headed east. I thought that i had to get back to my car so that i could drive away. I worried that the guards would be watching me, so i had to get out of sight from the building as quickly as possible. I had to get to the street, which ran along the front of the school. If i could get down the street i could head to the east and be out of sight around the buildings before the guards could walk around the southwestern corner of the building. I then wondered if one of the guards had walked out the front door of the building, in the middle of the southern side of the building. The guards would be able to get to the front door quickly from inside the building, and might see me running away. They would then know that i was not really heading back to my car for my ID. I reached the street and headed down the narrow alley to the east. The walls were dirty, and trash was scattered on the paved street. My car had been to the west of the school, but i could not let them see where it was. I thought that i would have to run around the block and sneak back to my car. I turned to the north, coming into a small open square. I seemed to be to the northwest of the school now. I continued circling around to the south, trying to head back to my car. I hoped that the guards from the building would not see me. A large parking lot was to the west of the school building, and i would have to walk to my car and drive away. I wondered how i could stay out of sight of the guards that would be at the doors to the school. My mother was sitting on the western side of the table, which was on the northern side of the square that i was walking across. I sat on the southern side of the table, talking to the other man, who was on the eastern side. We had to escape this place, so we started walking toward the parking garage to the east. The man opened the door in the northern wall of the square, which also seemed to be the upper level of the parking structure. I stopped in the doorway, confused. The door just led to an edge. There was nothing on the other side. I moved closer and looked out, hesitant to climb over the edge. The man had suggested that this was a way to escape. I knew that a guard was coming, though, so i climbed over the edge and tried to climb down. I realized that i was really on the edge of a natural rock cliff. I felt nervous, thinking that this was actually a secret place for the authorities. This was where they disposed of things that they did not want found. I thought that they threw them out the doorway and over the cliff. I looked out to the north, noticing a deep gorge running east to west along the northern side of the parking garage. I made my way to the bottom of the cliff and rested for a moment, still feeling tense. The water in the center of the gorge was still a meter or so below me, flowing over the flat rocks at the bottom of the gorge. As i watched it, though i realized that the water was moving strangely. It was not just flowing, but the land around it seemed to be swaying to the east. The motion made me feel uneasy, so i looked away for a moment. I then glanced back, seeing the motion again. It felt like the cliff was actually getting closer to me as i watched. Something was very strange, so i focused on what i was seeing, trying to make sense of it. This seemed to be something special. I watched as the land around me seemed to be moving to the east. I suddenly thought that i was actually watching the world turning under me, but the gorge was remaining motionless. The ground seemed to be shifting position, but i could still see the same parts of it. I watched, but the feeling of motion was making me nervous. I forced myself to watch anyway. I then started to feel dizzy and uneasy. I grabbed on to the root, which was sticking out from the cliff to the south of me. I wanted to make sure i did not fall the rest of the way into the gorge as i watched.

I was in the office or waiting room on the southern side of the building. My family was with me, and we were waiting for the other person, who was doing something to the north. I was sitting on the cushioned bench against the southern wall, and my parents were sitting on the bench that was against the western wall. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that the doctors might recognize me from when i was in the building from before. This was the place where the man had attacked me, so the doctors might recognize me. I had to do something, so i walked to the west while my family waited. I walked down the white corridors, which ran from the northern end of the western wall. I thought that i would return some of the musical instruments that we had borrowed. The narrow corridor turned to the north and then back to the west before coming into a second waiting area. A service window was in the northern wall of the area. I was carrying the musical instruments with me as i walked toward the black rack, which was on the western wall of the waiting area. I would tell the man, who was standing behind the service window, that we were still playing with the other instruments in the waiting room to the east. After i leaned the guitar and trumpet-like instrument against the western wall, the man at the counter asked me for information. He wanted to make sure that the instruments had been returned properly. I felt uneasy, but i walked to the window and wrote my name on the piece of paper, which seemed like a sign-out sheet. The man watched me write, and joked about me being foreign. I knew that i was not from this place, thinking that i was actually from a town to the west of here. I would have to write my address on the form, so i thought that i should write my correct address. It would let the man know that i was not actually a foreigner to the country. I just hoped that the man who had attacked me earlier would not recognize me from before. If he did, then he would have my address on the paper. I wrote something down on the paper, trying not to engage the people here. I turned to the east and headed back down the corridor to the waiting room. When i came into the room, my relatives were heading to the north. They were taking $K1 in to the doctor’s office to the north. $K1 seemed very young and needed to be looked after. I tried to hide my face from the doctors in the doorway to the north as my relatives walked through the doorway. I was not sure what i should do. I did not want to go into the room to the north because the doctors would then get a good look at me. I had sat down on the bench near the western wall, but stood up again, saying that i had to use the toilet. I headed to the east, down another narrow corridor out of the waiting room. I would wait outside the doctor’s office until my relatives were done. A man happened to be walking with me now, and i realized that he was the store clerk. He was the man who had been in one of the stores when the man attacked me. I felt very nervous, and i hoped that he did not recognize me. I walked to the south of him, trying not to turn to him or engage him. I then turned to the south and walked into the bathroom. I hurried across the room to the southern wall. The urinals were lined up along the southern wall. I moved to the eastern-most urinal, which was the lowest one on the south wall. I tried to keep my face hidden from the others in the room. I was afraid that someone would recognize me.

12012 April 02

I was in the long brightly lighted corridor when the emergency happened. I remembered this situation from before. It was from an episode of Star Trek. Picard ran down the corridor to the east, heading toward the incident. He passed me, and i watched him run to the east for a moment. A man would have a bomb in the corridor to the east of me, and he would detonate it. When the bomb explodes, the northern wall of the corridor collapses, and water starts to pour in. I could see Data on the other end of the hall, to the east of me. He rushed toward the man with the bomb, trying to stop him. I had seen all this happen before, so it did not surprise me. I continued to the west, thinking about the emergency. Several people ran past me, hurrying to the west, to get out of the way. I realized that i would be in danger because the bomb had blown open the northern wall and water was pouring into the corridor. I knew that Data would tackle the man to prevent the bomb, but i knew that the bomb had already exploded. Several people ran to the west again, running past me and down the hall. I wondered what had happened to the water. I looked back to the east, noticing the glimmer of a force field in the corridor in front of me. It was stopping the water from flooding the corridor. The man was trapped behind the force field, though. He would be drowned when the water rose. I felt bad for him, even though i knew that he was a bad guy. I reached through the force field and pulled him through to where i was. As he passed through the force field, i noticed that he was rather short and well built. He was wearing a shirt that fit tightly, and i was attracted to him. I had to keep him under control because he was a bad guy. He was safe on this side of the force field, but i wanted to wrestle him. He did not seem interested, and tried to walk away, but i tackled him and pinned him down to the ground. I had to hold him so that he would not get away. He had to be captured so that he did not do anything dangerous. Others were in the room near me. They were doing something, and they did not seem to want to help me with the man. I thought that they were actually ignoring me. The man struggled, and i started to worry that he would get away. He would be dangerous if he was not controlled. I pinned him to the floor, trying to keep him down as he struggled. He was very strong, and i thought that he would be able to overpower me and get away. I pressed on his neck with my hand, thinking that i could choke him a little to keep him under control. It worked for a little while, but he eventually overpowered me and got away. As he pushed me off, i ran back to the north, into the corridor where we had been. I then started running down the corridor to the west. I turned into one of the other rooms on the southern side of the corridor. I had to hide from the man. He would be able to subdue me in a fair fight, so i could not let him find me.

I headed to the north, and then turned to the west in the corridor. I was walking with the crowd of people who were heading toward the cinema. I felt uneasy here. The corridors seemed dully lighted. I was looking for the video screens of the movie posters, which were suspended over the corridor. I knew that video screens would be showing the movie posters to let me know which cinema i would be in. I could see several of them on the wall, but i was looking for the one that was for my movie. I then spotted it, on the southern side of the three screens that were overhead. I felt a little frustrated, thinking that i would only be seeing one movie. $F45 wanted to see two movies, and i thought that he would complain that i was wasting my money by seeing only one. I felt annoyed by this. I turned to the south, heading toward the southern wall of the room. I could see the small holes in the metal boxes on the walls. I would have to put the long metal pins into the holes to get the machines to run. The pins were about three millimeters thick and about six or seven centimeters long. I had to put them into the machines to get something to happen. I realized that i was actually in the bathroom, and the pins seemed to operate the stalls. I did not understand what i should be doing. I tried to put the pin in the small metal box on the wall, but i dropped it. Annoyed, i bent over to pick it up. I was aware of the young woman watching me from the north. I stood up again, thinking that i would put the pin into the machine to the south of me. It would show the movie, but then i realized that i had only paid for the toilet, not a movie. I headed back to the north. The woman left the room with me, heading to the north. She had taken a pin with her. I did not understand why she had done so. The pins should only have been used on the machines in the room. I felt frustrated because i could not understand. I realized that i must have picked up one of her pins from the other room. I followed the crowd and the woman to the east, into one of the cinemas. We sat down in one of the seats of the cinema, facing south. The woman sat near me, and she started talking about the rubber thing that was in her mouth. It seemed to be a mouth guard. I realized that she had dropped a mouth guard in the other room and that i had picked it up, thinking that it was mine. I felt my mouth, realizing that i had two rubber things in my mouth. I must have switched mine with hers by accident. I pulled it out and looked at it. She pointed out the bite marks in the rubber. Her bite marks were thicker than mine. She then showed how mine were thin on the sides of one of the rubber pieces. I put the rubber piece back in the sides of my mouth. I had been biting on the white rubber thing, and i had bitten hard enough to make deep marks in the white rubber things.

I was standing on the road in the middle of the tight cluster of houses. The buildings were white, and seemed rounded, like adobe buildings. A short rounded wall ran along the southern side of the road, and i opened the white mailbox, which was built into the top of the wall. I pulled out the money and the papers from the box, which was to the south of me. I remembered putting the wallet into the mailbox before, but it was gone, and only the money and papers were there. I turned to the north, walking back in to my grandmother’s house. She had told me to mail the wallet back to someone earlier, and i remembered that the papers had been in the wallet. I wondered why they had been taken out and only the wallet taken. The paper had been in the mailbox, on top of the money. I opened up the paper as i entered the house from the cellar door and came into the kitchen. I read the paper, realizing that it looked like a stock certificate. I tried reading the company name across the top, but it seemed hard to read. I thought that it was for General Electric, but it could have been for General Motors. The certificate was dated 1913. I took it to my grandmother and told her about it. She stood to the north of me as i showed her the paper. I thought that the stock must be worth a lot of money by now, even though General Electric was not doing so well as a company. I talked to her about it, mentioning the money as well. She said that she had been expecting them from the man. I felt confused, telling her that the papers were actually from the wallet that she had told me to put in the mailbox. It seemed strange that she would want the man to send her the same papers that she had sent him when she sent him the wallet. She said that she knew that the papers were in the wallet, though. I did not understand why she had given the papers to the man only to have him give them back.

12012 April 03

I was in the large kitchen of the house, trying to cook something on the metal stove, which was to the north of me, against the wall. I had decided to make pancakes. I then thought that it was a rather complicated breakfast to make in this kitchen. The other in the house would be eating cereal or something simpler. This place seemed like $P19, but this was not the normal kitchen for the house. I bent over to look at the stove. It was a large industrial stove with a grill on the eastern side. I was trying to turn the grill on so that i could start the pancakes. I turned the black knob on the front of the stove to light the grill, but it did not seem to have any effect. Something seemed wrong, and i started to worry about gas building up under the grill. I kept trying to start the grill, but i could not get the burners to ignite. I noticed that the oven door that was under me and a little to the west was open. I wondered if i was actually turning the correct knob. The burners then finally lighted, but i could hear the burners in the oven turning on. They ignited with a small burst of sound, shaking the stove. The stove moved a little to the south. I quickly turned the knob off, trying to turn off the gas to the oven. I hoped that i did not damage anything in the stove. I tried one of the other knobs to try to get the top of the stove to light. I then realized that the entire stove was moving toward me. The vibration from the gas explosion had allowed it to drift to the center of the kitchen. I backed up from the stove, wondering what i should do. I then realized that i was actually already on the southern side of the room. The stove had move all the way across the floor already. I now worried that the gas line to the back of the stove would stretch and break. I pushed the stove back to the northern end of the kitchen, trying to get it back into place. I hoped that the others in the house were not upset by the fact that i had done something to move the stove. I tried to act casual after the stove was back in place. I picked up one of the long thin pieces of potato that had been on the counter to the east of me and started eating it. I was snacking on the food. The thin piece of potato was more like a stick. It was tough to chew. I wondered if this one might be old. I chewed it again, thinking that it had a strange taste to it. I then realized that someone was coming from the northwest. I felt uneasy being in the kitchen, and i did not want them to think that i was eating their food. I tryed to finish the potato stick before the other person came into the kitchen. I moved to the eastern wall, where a large metal sink stood. I chewed on the potato there, throwing part of it away so that i would not have to eat all of it. I then turned to the south, trying to hide what i was eating as the other person came into the room. I was standing now near the southern wall on the western side of the room. I leaned on the metal sink as i chewed. The man had approached me. The sink in front of me was filled with dirty pots, and i suddenly realized that the man, who was not standing to the east of me, was probably here to clean them. I was standing in his way. I tried to finish the potato thing before i moved away from the sink.

I talked with the other people as we headed to the west, down the wide corridor on the northern side of the building. The corridor curved slightly from the east-northeast to the west. The wall to the north of us seemed to be an exterior wall, and only seemed partly there. I walked with a few other people to the west, down the corridor. We had just done something to the north. These people seemed like $G4. A woman was sitting on the floor on the northern side of the corridor. She was a friend of ours, and she sayed something to us as we paused just to the north of a doorway, which seemed to be an entry door for the building. I joked with her, replying to her comment. I then started to worry that she might be upset by what i had said. I hoped that the joke would not sound insulting to her as we continued to the west. $F58 was walking to the south of me as we headed out the door to the northwest. She sayed that she liked being with me. I felt close to her, and i put my head on her shoulder as we walked, telling her that i liked her too.

12012 April 04

I stood at the southern end of the bus, facing north, toward the front of the bus. We seemed to be on the college campus, on the eastern side of a small quadrangle or grassy yard. One of the short modern buildings of the college was to the east of us, and the bus was facing north-northeast. A man was now standing at the front of the bus, and he had a gun. He told us that he was hijacking the bus. I felt uneasy about this and moved to the west to sit down in one of the wide seats of the bus, which seemed like a school bus. I then realized that i still had my telephone with me, so i pulled it out of my right jacket pocket and opened it up. I dialed emergency and waited for a moment. The man was wandering the aisle of the bus, and i wondered if he would think to confiscate everyone’s cell phones. I could hear the operator’s tiny voice over the phone as i held it in my hand, and i hoped that the man with the gun could not hear it. I held the telephone in my right hand near my lap as he walked past, trying not to make it noticeable. The telephone was folded part way, and my fingers were covering most of it. The man stood to the east of me for a minute, looking to the south, at someone in the back of the bus. He did not seem to notice the telephone. As he went to the north again, i looked at the face of the phone, holding it below the seat so that no one would see it. I could hear the woman at there end asking me what was wrong. I could not talk to her, so i decided to press the keys in a pattern that signified “SOS”. She asked a few more questions, and i was worried that the man would hear what she was saying. I tried to hide the telephone. I knew that they would have to use the connection in order to locate me. The woman finally said that they would send the police. A man then walked up to the bus from the west. He seemed to be a police officer. He asked the people near me who had made the telephone call to emergency. The other man to the east of the police officer said that he had died with the rest of the hostages. The gunman had killed all of the hostages, and i realized that i had been killed with them.

I moved to the north, toward the area where the three small busses were parked. All three busses were facing north. I seemed to be with the track team, and we were waiting for the busses to take us back to school. Several people had already gotten on the small busses to the north. $A241 seemed to be sitting on the eastern side of one of the busses, facing east. I thought about taking the smaller busses back to the school, but i realized that the only seats left were the blue seats on the outside of the bus. I knew that it was raining out, so i did not think it was a good idea to ride back on the outside of a bus. As the busses started to pull to the north and turn east, i realized that the few people sitting in those seats would get wet. I turned back to the south and walked down the aisle of the large bus. Others were still waiting with me. I came to the southern end of the corridor, where the aisle of the bus opened up into a larger room. The lighting seemed fluorescent and not so bright. I felt a little wet in the clothes that i was wearing, and i realized that i should probably put on dryer clothes. I wanted to take off the denims that i had on, but i did not think that i had another set of clothes with me. I looked down at my pants, realizing that the overalls i had on were not properly zipped up in front. I turned to the north, trying to zip up the pants, aware of the small group of people gathered to the east of me, waiting for the bus. I then realized that i was actually wearing two pair of pants. The lighter pair of blue jeans, which seemed to have bleach stains down the right leg, was only on my right leg. The pair of dark-blue overalls had been put on over the other pair of jeans. I realized that i could take off the wet overalls, which i did not think looked good anyway, and put on just the jeans. I pulled off my shirt as well, thinking that i could put on entirely dry clothes. $F47 walked toward me from the south. He was wearing a silly costume as well, and he smiled and joked to the others to the east of me as he paused to the northeast of me. The straps on his overalls were tight around his torso, pulling in his rounded belly across the white T-shirt that he was wearing. He was wearing a flat yellow cap that looked like a golf cap. As he moved on to the southeast, i continued to put on my pants, realizing that i was now standing in my underwear. I still felt warm, but i would have to put on the clothes to stay warm.

12012 April 05

I headed to the west, toward the small body of water. The area seemed flat, but small rounded sandy rock formations blocked the view of the distance. The water seemed to be a small lake in the middle of a rocky canyon area. A girl sat on the eastern shore of the water, to the north of me. She was talking to a woman, who was somewhere to the west of her. I looked at the tall sandy cliffs around the sides of the water. The water was about half a meter below the shore where i was, and i wanted to jump into the water and swim across. I wondered if the woman would worry about me. It might not be safe to swim in the water. It looked rather deep, and i thought that it might be a canyon filled with water. I then wondered if it was really deep, or whether i would be able to stand on the bottom. I then thought that small snails, like zebra muscles, might live on the bottom, because they were infesting many of the local waterways. They had sharp shells, so it wound not be easy to walk on them.

I turned the car to the east, driving into the driveway of the business district. The driveway ran across the southern end of a large parking lot, between the lot and a squat modern building. The building seemed to be where $G6 was. Several other matching buildings were arranged around the other sides of the lot. The buildings were pale, with cubical protrusions on the sides. I had to get to the parking area to the northeast. I turned to the north at one of the openings in the median, and i drove across the lot. I was not sure where i was going, and i suddenly thought that i had driven over the grassy median. I tried to figure out where the edges of the lot were, but, before i could, i felt the car run over something more solid. I had run over one of the cement bumpers from the parking areas. I felt annoyed, thinking that i had damaged my car by doing so. I turned to the east and started driving along the northern side of the lot. The car was not moving correctly, and i worried that i had ruined the alignment of my car. The tires might be bent out from hitting the cement bumper. I hoped that they were not. I drove a little farther, thinking that it did not drive so badly. I still had to get into the correct parking lot. I was in a large parking lot in the center of the buildings, but i had to get to one that was to the northeast, just to the north of the building on the eastern side of the lot. I followed the driveway to the east, stopping at the toll booth that seemed to separate the two lots. As i stopped, i suddenly realized that i had come into the driveway heading in the wrong direction. I felt annoyed and frustrated. The man came out of the toll booth, and i told hi that i was looking for X lot. He showed me a map. He did not seem to know where i was heading, and he wanted to figure it out with me. I looked over the map, trying to find the correct parking area. I did not want to have to go through the toll booths, because i did not want to pay a toll for parking. I would have to tell the man that i came from the south, which would imply that i had already come through a toll booth. I just wanted to park here and get into the office. I turned to the south and headed into the office, entering from the door on the western wall. A computer monitor was resting on a desk near the door, just to the south of the door. I realized that it was mine. Someone had moved it back into place. I had moved my computer to the northeastern side of the office when i had worked on it before. I felt annoyed that someone had moved my things. I looked to the south, noticing a counter that ran along the southern wall. It had several computers on it. I thought that this was the place that the people in the office wanted me to sit. I did not want to sit in this location, so i had continually moved my computer to where i liked it. I felt bad here, thinking that my computer was now facing out into the office. I did not want to work from the counter. I would rather have a desk. I felt uncomfortable and was not sure what i wanted to do now.

I was in the kitchen area, on the eastern side of the room. The wide room seemed to be divided into two areas by a long counter than extended to the south from the northern wall. A man was to the west of me, near the tables, and he talked about drinking things as he moved several of the tables around. He was from $G3, and he seemed to be $A587. He talked about the drinks, and i thought that he had mentioned that he would drink a shot of tabasco sauce as a graduation tradition. It seemed strange, and i did not think that he really wanted the others to know. I wondered if i should mention it when everyone had gathered. I thought it would be fun to do, but i did not want to make the man feel awkward. I knew that the others would have different graduation traditions. I thought about them drinking tabasco, and it seemed amusing, but i decided that i would not say anything about it.

12012 April 06

I felt nervous in this apartment, and i knew that i had to hide from the other person, who was outside. The other person was to the north of the house, looking in through the windows. It was daylight out, so the person had to hold his hand up over his eyes to see through the window glass. I could not let the man see me in the apartment, so i ran to the south, into the kitchen. I had been cooking on the northern wall of the kitchen earlier, but the man would be able to see me. I suddenly realized that i had left the stove on. If the man came into the house, he would notice that the burners on the stove were turned on. I should have shut off the stove before i came to the southern side of the kitchen. I then realized that i had left an open beer bottle on the counter to the north. I had been drinking the beer, and the man would notice the bottle. I felt annoyed with myself for not cleaning up. The man was looking into the windows on the eastern wall of the room, so i could not easily go back and clean up the counters near the stoves. I felt nervous that the man would know that i was here. I had to hide better. I was crouching on the western side of a tall metal shelf, and i turned to the south and headed through the doorway in the center of the western wall. I came into the small bathroom. I hopped over the short wall that separated the shower from the rest of the bathroom. The shower was in the southern wall of the room. I hid in the shower for a moment, but the man came into the bathroom a moment later. He spoke to me, knowing that i was here. He started talking as he walked through the doorway. He knew that i was here, so i had to make it seem that the other person was not with me. I acted casually, walking to the north, around the room. I headed back toward the stove to turn the stove off and clean up the beer bottle. As i cleaned up some of the things on the northern side of the room, i noticed that the workmen were in the room to the south of me. They were replacing the large door in the center of the southern wall, which now seemed to lead into the pantry of the kitchen. I realized that the new doors would affect the apartment in some way because they would change the way that people could enter the building. I thought that people could now come into the kitchen door on the southern end of the eastern wall. This door used to enter directly into the kitchen, but now it came into an entryway, with the pantry door on the southern side of the small room. I wondered why they would want to change the apartment this way. I then noticed the red trays on the metal racks against the southern wall of the entryway, to the east of the door to the pantry. The red rectangular trays were resting on the metal shelfs of the rack so that the northern sides of the trays were tipped down. I moved toward the trays as the workmen crossed the room to the south of me, heading west. Something about the tray seemed interesting to me. One of the work men said that the number of trays was not enough. I felt confused, wondering how the trays could affect the apartment. I then decided that i should really clean up the apartment so that the man did not know that i was here. I thought that the man had actually not yet been in the apartment yet. The scene where i had been hiding from him was still later in the story.

12012 April 09

I thought about the large new house that i could live in as i moved through the area. I was passing through an old neighborhood of a suburban area. I was thinking about a house here that i could live in, and i felt excited thinking about it. I pictured the house as a large old building. I then thought that it was actually many houses in one. It was like an old hotel that was composed of small ornate buildings, most of which seemed to look like brownstones. I turned to the north and headed toward the building. A large square entrance stood to the north of me. It was formed with pale-brown stone and black metal iron work. The stone had smooth regular details on it, and the gate had curving art-deco designs that resembled flowers or leafs. I thought that there was a large glass room between the gateway and the house. The glass room had a glass roof that was formed from many panes that were supported by metal frames. It seemed very elegant, and i felt that it was something old-fashioned that had been abandoned a long time ago. I wondered if a pool was in the glass room. It seemed like a good idea. I then thought about the apartments of the large house. They would be very spacious themselves. I pictured the hallway that led into the building. It opened up to the northeast into a lounge area, which was nicely decorated with old furnishings. Chairs and tables circled the room, but i realized that no television was in the room. This seemed very strange, since a lounge seemed like a place where a television would be kept. I decided that the televisions must be in the rooms themselves. I then realized that the houses could be in a ring around a central courtyard. This way, all of the houses would seal in the central area and form a community place where only residents could go. I thought that this central area could be the pool. I then thought that it might be nice to have underground rooms to make the central area larger. The rooms from the houses could extend under the pool area. I talked to the others with me about the house. I felt very excited about it. It seemed to be a much better place than where we were staying now. I thought about where we had been staying, though, and i started to feel uncomfortable. I knew that i was only dreaming about the house and that it would never be real. I then thought about the poor family that we had been staying with on the island. We seemed to be on the western side of a small island, and we had to stay with this family because we had no place else to stay. I suddenly felt bad for thinking about a grand house. I wanted a place to live because i could not stay with the poor family for that much longer. I knew that we did not have jobs to pay the family for our stay. I felt bad about this, thinking that the man of the family was actually supporting us. I headed to the north, moving up the eastern side of the island. We were moving over the water now, and i could see the houses on the yellow sandy shore to the west of us. I felt very bad about staying with the family now, feeling that i could not repay their generosity. I would have to get money to get a house, but it would not be enough to pay the family as well. I wondered what i should do. I looked out to the northeast, as i moved down the edge of the beach. A large marina was to the northeast of me. A tall brown square arch stood near the marina. I knew that the arch was actually a building. I remembered it from before. I had moved through it one time when i was in the marina. I then thought that $K15 and $K14 owned a boat that they used to keep in the marina. All of this seemed to be in the past, though, and i felt as though i had lost contact with these things. The boat that we were on turned to the west, heading down a narrow water channel. This was part of the tour that we were taking around the area. We were finishing our tour of the islands, and now we were heading through the channels to the tourist part of the city. I looked at the northern shore of the channel as we passed through it. The shore was a grassy rounded levy that rose about a meter or so above the water. Trees stood beyond, blocking the view of the houses. I remembered this channel from before, and all of the area seemed very familiar. I thought that we were heading under a bridge, but we were actually passing through an intersection with a narrower channel. This did not seem correct. We should not have come this far into the channels, and i wondered where we were headed. I looked ahead, noticing that we were approaching another intersection. This one, however, was where a road crossed the canal. To my surprise, the boat crossed over the road. I knew that the boat would simply jump the road land in the water on the other side, but i felt that the driver was being reckless by doing so. As we came down, though, i noticed that there was no water on the other side of the road. The boat had passed the correct turn, and the driver had not realized that this was not where he would normally cross the road. The boat landed on the brown dirt ground, where thin wisps of tall reeds grew. I felt tense as the boat skidded to a stop and tipped to one side. Annoyed, i walked to the east, noticing the orange parachute behind the boat. It was make the skidding less intense, but it should not have been used at all. It seemed that the boat was intentionally driven onto the dirt because the parachute had been deployed to bring it to a stop. This seemed very strange, and i wondered how they were going to get the boat back onto the water. I did not understand why they had done this. I then looked to the north, noticing the actual channel that we should have been in. We were too far south to get to where we were supposed to be going by canal.

12012 April 10

I sat up in the small bed, which was a mattress on the floor. We were staying at someone’s house. It was still dark, and i felt that it was still early in the morning after the party. I could hear people talking to the west. The mattress i was on was on the eastern wall of the bedroom, and my mother was reclined in a chair or bed to the north of me. I moved away from the mattress, heading to the west. I told my mother that i wanted to go get something. The sound of the voices interested me. I did not recognize them, but something about them made me want to see who had arrived in the house. The voices were of men. I came to the doorway of the room and looked to the west, down the darkened hallway. Several men seemed to be sitting around an old metal and formica table in the center of the kitchen. I felt interested in them. One of the men was now standing, and he was not wearing a shirt. He was quite attractive, with a nicely detailed torso. I was interested in the men who had come here, and i wandered toward the kitchen as they spoke. As i reached the kitchen, they were reclining in the chairs, chatting with each other and holding bottles of beer in their hands. The man on the western side of the table was wearing a red and white, plaid, flannel shirt and blue jeans. He held his beer in his right hand, resting it on the leg of his pants. He seemed to have chin-length curly blond hair. I felt a little intimidated by these men, and i turned to the south and wandered down the hallway. I had gone upstairs, but i could still hear the men talking. I was in a north-to-south hallway, on the northern side of a railing, which separated me from the stairs that descended to the south. I moved down the narrow corridor, looking at the old ragged furnishings on the western side of the hallway. I noticed the red and white plaid flannel shirt on the ground to the east of a fluffy chair. The dull chair seemed worn and dirty, and it sat against the western wall. The shirt was dropped on the floor as though just taken off. I realized that the shirt was mine. I had left it here earlier. I decided that i should pick it up before something happened to it. I tossed the shirt onto the chair, where several other articles of clothing were now bunched up. These were my clothes from earlier in the evening. I wanted to keep them safe. I started to worry about the men in the kitchen, thinking that they were actually bullies. I hoped that they did not try to bother me. I bunched up the clothes on the chair, and then i bunched them up again, wondering what i should do with them.

I walked to the north, across the grassy area and into the tent. The southern wall of the large tent was white, and i walked around to the eastern side of the tent, which was open. Someone mentioned Eli Manning, and i imagined talking to him. It would seem strange. I would tell him that i had a friend with the same last name. I could then mention that Eli has a similar facial structure to my friend. I started walking to the south as i thought about this. I was now with several other people as we moved down the city street. I was actually in the back seat of a car as we drove from my grandmother’s house. We seemed to be heading across town for something. It was dark out now, and we turned to the west, down the long narrow road. This seemed to be the road that ran just to the south of the river. I had been on this road many times before, and i thought that we were heading down to get pizza from the restaurant to the west. $K3 was sitting to the south of me, and she mentioned the pizza. The other people in the car seemed to be my relatives. I said something to $K3 as we started walking to the west, across the cement ground. Tall buildings were around us, and some cement structures, like overpasses or bridges, seemed to pass over our heads. I talked about the restaurant, which was to the west of us. It seemed to be a small round cement building, under the cluster of bridges and high overpasses. A circular parking lot curved around the southern side of the building. As we approached the curb that separated the street that we were on from the parking lot, i noticed the van that was parked just to the northwest of us, on the parking-lot side of the curb. It said something about McDonald’s, and was colored red and yellow. I pointed this out to $K1. The van seemed out of place, since the small restaurant was actually an ice-cream shop. I stared at the McDonald’s logo on the truck as we walked to the south of the van, around the back end of the van. The rest of my family then started heading toward the restaurant, but i continued to the west. I stopped at the picnic benches, thinking that i would wait for them while they went to the restaurant to get something. $K1 had handed me a bowl of white ice cream before she left. Someone else had done the same. I turned to the southwest with both of the bowls, which were blue ceramic bowls. I put them on the table and started eating from the one in my left hand, which was $K1’s. I then thought that i should not be eating from her bowl, so i put both of them down on the table. I stirred the ice cream in the bowls, noticing that it was starting to melt. I had chopped it up into smaller pieces so that it would get soft, but i then wondered whether my relatives would be annoyed that i had done this. I stirred the ice cream, realizing that it was melting too much. The liquid around it was clear now, and it looked like chunks of white floating in a slightly cloudy liquid. This did not look right. The ice cream should not have been melting in such a way. I then wondered whether my relatives would be annoyed that i had chopped their ice cream up. They might not have wanted me to do anything with it. I started to feel sorry for playing with their ice cream.

12012 April 11

I jogged to the east, along the southern sidewalk on the street of the small city. This place seemed like $P3, and i seemed to be moving past the southern end of $P143. It was dark out, but the city lights illuminated everything, making the environment look gray. I thought about running as i moved, watching the cement ground under me. The sidewalk seemed very narrow here, and i focused on it as i ran, stepping carefully along the top. White marks ran along the sidewalk. They looked like salt residue. As i continued to the east, i noticed that i was now jogging along the top of a short cement wall that was just to the south of the sidewalk. The wall had started at ground level and was now about a meter tall. I wondered whether i should really be jogging on the walls, but i decided that it was the best place to jog at the moment. A narrow section of sidewalk did seem to be just to the north of me, and i contemplated jumping down to get to it, but i did not. I followed the walls, noticing that they curved to the south a little as i reached the end of a block. The wall i was on did not descend back down to the ground, and i realized i would have to get down to the sidewalk some other way. As i reached the corner, i grabbed the edge of the wall just to the south of the wall that i was on and lowered myself down to the street level. It was a quick action, and i was surprised that i descended so quickly. I crossed the side street to the east and headed for the wall on the other side. I was then jogging along the main street again, heading east. A man walked past me on the sidewalk below. The buildings to the south of me seemed to be modern plaster houses. The stone wall in front of them was very tall now, and seemed to be made of a reddish-tan stone that resembled the stucco of the adobe-like houses to the south. As i reached the eastern end of the block, i again reached to the south to climb down. This time, a tall metal fence was to the south of the eastern end of the wall, where the wall had curved around the corner of the block a little and started heading south. The metal fence was formed of tall round metal bars that were held together by a brace on the top and bottom. I grabbed on to one of the bars and slided down the pole. This motion seemed strange. I then continued to the east, crossing the street. I started running on the wall on the eastern side of the street again, but, this time, i found myself turning more to the south, into the center of the block. The wall here actually ran through the northern end of a building. I was inside now, running through a corridor. The wall ran along the northern side of the corridor, and i followed it to the east until the corridor opened up into a small room. The room seemed to be a waiting room, with chairs around the northern, eastern, and western walls. The walls were off-white and the furnishings were tan. A rounded coffee table sat in the middle of the room with magazines scattered across it. The southern end of the room joined with a wide hall that ran to the south, and an attendant’s desk was on the western side of the corridor, just off the waiting room. This place seemed like a doctor’s office, and i suddenly started to feel that i did not belong here. I saw a doorway in the eastern wall near the southern side of the waiting room. It led to a short corridor, which seemed to have a glass door at the eastern end that led outside. I moved to the corridor, already knowing that the door was an emergency door and i would not be able to take it. I would have to jog all the way back through the hallway to the western side of the building. Disappointed, i turned back around and started heading across the waiting room. A small crowd of people now stood to the north of the attendant’s desk. They seemed to be doctors because they were all wearing white smocks. I was aware that this was the ward of a clinic, and i suddenly felt nervous that the people here would think i was a patient that was trying to escape. I pushed my way through the doctors, hurrying to get out of this building before someone tried to stop me. As i headed back down the corridor to the west, though, two men were following me. They tried to prevent me from leaving. I wanted nothing to do with them. I hurried to the east, but the two men stayed right behind me. I started to worry that they would try to lock me up here. I turned to the south down a corridor and then turned back to the west. As i turned to the west, i noticed two other men standing at the exit door on the western end of the hall. The two men by the door seemed dingy. They were wearing green coveralls. The man who stood nearest me was balding, and he had a rough, rounded face. I knew that they would grab me, so i kicked at the men following me, hitting them in their legs. I then pushed toward the men blocking my way. I imagined attacking them until i was able to get free.

12012 April 12

I stood up from the northern end of the long wooden table. The others were still gathered along the long edges of the table, to the south of me, and $A409 was sitting in the middle of the eastern side of the table. People were celebrating something, which seemed to have something to do with $A409. $A409 raised his glass in a toast, and i noticed the bottle of beer which was on the table to the south of me. It was similar to the large display in the center of the table. Both were brown with a yellow label. I read the bottle of beer, noticing that $A409’s last name was printed on the label. I was surprised that they put his last name on the beer bottles as part of the celebration. This seemed rather strange. I looked at the long last name, though, and started to think that it was not quite spelled correctly. I asked about the spelling, but the people to the south were celebrating. Several of the people got up and left the table, but $A409 remained seated on the eastern side. I started to feel uneasy, wondering why they had a party just for $A409. These people seemed to be $G6, from a place where i used to work. I started talking about the label on the beer, commenting that it mentioned $A409’s last name. $A409 sat on the eastern side of the smaller table, listening. He seemed a little nervous and did not look at me as i spoke. As i spoke, i noticed the branching design of the beer bottle in the air before me. The surroundings were pale yellow, and the dark-green or brown stems branched through the air, looking like drawings of hops or grape vines. The branches had something to do with the person, and i tried to figure it out as i read the name on the label. I focused suddenly on the name, which was in a white box at the bottom of the label. The name was written in black sans-serif lettering. It appeared to be a very long name, but i did not think that it was spelled correctly: not the way $A409’s name should be spelled. I wondered if the name actually had nothing to do with $A409. I looked to the south, down the table now, and i started to feel uncomfortable here. Most of the people had wandered away, and i started to feel that i did not belong at this celebration.

12012 April 13

I stood with the people in the center of the room as the woman talked to us. She was standing to the west of us. I seemed to be part of a class, as though i was in high school. I listened to the woman as she talked, but i was facing south. The rest of the students were lined up to both sides of me. The row of students curved to the south in the center, where i was, and all of the students were facing outward form the curve. The woman walked toward me, asking me about the way i was dressed. She pulled me forward from the line, telling me that i needed to be in better dress. I felt uncomfortable and did not want the woman to lecture me on my clothing. I was facing southeast as she walked around me, inspecting my clothing. I felt bitter, and i told her that i knew how to dress. I thought that i could wear one of my dress jackets. She wanted me to be in a dress suit. I was annoyed with her, and let her know that i did not want her dressing me. She stepped back to the southwest, crossing her arms in front of her. She became stern with me, telling me that if i did not want to learn what she was telling me, then i could get back in line with the others. She was challenging me, knowing that it would make me look selfish and childish to get back in line with the others. I became upset as i walked back into the line. The others would now think that i was being petulant. I became frustrated as i reached the line, and i turned back around and started walking south. I could not stay here, and i could not stand and let the teacher make an example of me. I headed out the door of the building, thinking that i should throw something to show my anger. As reached the outside area, i picked up one of the wooden chairs from the ground and threw it to the southwest. I felt tense and angry. I stood now in a grassy area, with several wooden chairs on what seemed to be a patio made of cement paving blocks. My mother was standing somewhere to the northwest, but i was not paying attention to her. A large willow tree was somewhere to the west, and the long branches hung down along the western side of the small patio. It seemed gray and gloomy outside, and the trees to the south were shrouded in mist. I was not sure where i should go, but i knew that the others would come after me, so i had to get away from here before they could see where i went. I used to come to this forest, so i was familiar with the area. I moved quickly to the northeast, through the dense bushes, toward the small wooden cabin. The trees hid the cabin. I had come to this place before. I paused just to the southwest of the cabin, noticing the large puddles on the soggy ground. I did not want to get my feet too wet, so i tried to step only on the ground that was above the water level. The puddle was not so big that i could not jump across it, and i became narrower on the eastern side, which was just in front of the door of the cabin. I carefully hopped over the puddle and found myself in the middle of the cabin. I looked around the darkened room. It was gloomy outside, but light still came into the old abandoned room from the small windows in the northern end of the western wall. The furnishings in the room seemed damp and decaying. I used to come to this place, and i remembered liking it here, but i knew that i could not stay here this time. The others would be looking for me, and they would know to come to this place, even though it was hidden in the woods. I turned to the west to head back out the door. There was no door in the western wall, but i thought about the crawl space that allowed me to get into this building. I tried to remember it.

12012 April 14

I drove my car to the west, into the small parking lot to the north of the old victorian building. I had been visiting the building, which i had been to long ago. The building seemed to be made of brick, which had been darkened by age. I was now leaving this place, but i was not quite sure where i should go. I knew that i had to head back home, to $P14, and i knew that $P14 was to the northeast of where i was. I turned the car to the north and started driving up the street. I was heading generally to the northeast, but found myself driving to the east down a road in the country. I was not quite sure that this was the correct road, however. The sky was gray, and the trees around me were bushy and green. I looked at the features on the sides of the road, but i was not quite sure that this was the same road that i had taken to get here. The road seemed somewhat familiar, but i thought that i might have taken the wrong road. This road seemed to be heading more to the east, and i had to head northeast. I looked to the northeast, noticing another road running over the top of a hill. A narrow valley was just to the south of me, and the other road ran on the northern side of the valley and over the rounded hill. I wondered if that was the road to $P14. To the east-northeast i noticed another wide black road on another hill. This road seemed to be running almost parallel to the road that i was on. I looked around the road that i was on, trying to decide if i recognized any of the scenery. I had been on the road between this place and $P14 many times, so something here should look familiar. The road was rather wide, and it seemed to have multiple lanes in both directions, though there were very few cars on the road. To the east of me, the road rose up a shallow hill and disappeared over the top. A white farm house and some trees were on the northern side of the road, and a green field was to the south. I noticed a patch of brown freshly laid dirt on the southern side of the road, ahead of me. There also seemed to be an orange construction barrel near the dirt. They must be working on the road here. I did not remember the construction from before and wondered if i was really on the wrong road. As i continued to the east, i started to notice buildings between the trees to the north of the road. I was entering a city, and i realized that i must be in $P53. The buildings were dark gray and seemed to be lower than the level of the highway. I had taken the road to the east rather than the one directly back to $P14. I had to find a better way home. This was not correct. I turned to the south, trying to figure out where i was. I decided that i would have to look it up on the GPS. I slowed down in the small parking lot to the north of the old victorian building. The building was a public library, and i turned into the large archway in the center. I stopped the car just under the arch, realizing that the entrance gates to the library were just ahead. I looked down at the GPS in my hand, trying to figure out how to get home. It was actually my cell phone, and i was searching the maps for a route. A wooden archway framed the metal turnstiles that were set into the larger brick arch of the building i was now in. People were moving around inside the library, to the south of the turnstiles. A woman was standing behind the wooden counter to the west of the stiles. She leaned over and asked me if i needed any help. I realized that i should not have driven my car into the archway of the building. I apologized for driving into the entryway of the library, and i told her that i was just looking up directions on my phone. I backed out of the entrance and turned to the east again. The cell phone started to show a route that i could take home, but it seemed a little confusing. I watched the map on the screen, noticing the blue line leading to the east, down a highway. I wondered if the route was taking me directly back to $P14, or whether it was trying to stay on the main roads, leading me to the large city to the east before turning to the north. The view on the screen was too close, and i could not determine where the route was taking me. I tried to pan out to see the whole route, thinking that, if i simply started driving to the north, it would correct the route and take me back on the road that i was familiar with. As i walked to the east, though, the screen would not zoom out. I could not make out the details of the route. I then saw a picture of a strange concrete structure to the east of me. I was looking at these pictures on the phone, but the structure was standing to the east of me. Something seemed wrong. The structure was narrow at the bottom and fanned out at the top. I knew that it was a highway bridge, but part of it was missing. I moved to the north a little, looking at the ragged edge of the bridge to the east. A narrow cement pillar held up the large triangular structure above it. The roadway was on top of the triangular structure. I realized that the white triangular cross section had patterns of holes and slots running through it. This was a very complicated design, and i thought that it was very complex for a highway bridge. Someone had designed the bridge with great precision. A voice described the construction as i looked it over. The channels in the center of the cement had some technical significance. The white surface of the end of the bridge was somewhat smooth, though, and i realized that the flood waters from the heavy rains had washed it out. I was over the river now, looking at the eastern part of the bridge. The upper part of the bridge stretched farther to the west than the lower part, making the structure seem like a giant wedge. I realized that the water must have been flowing very quickly to have worn the bridge edge in such a way, especially because the cement on the end was so smooth. I looked back at the screen, noticing several other pictures of the road that the GPS application wanted me to take. The pictures showed several other bridges out. I remembered that the bridge that ran east to west across this valley was flooded during the heavy rains. Many bridges must have been washed away. I started to feel annoyed by this, realizing that the GPS was trying to send me down a highway that had been washed out by the floods. The GPS simply did not have the current data showing that the roads were no longer there. I then noticed a sign over the highway on one of the pictures of a damaged bridge. The sign was green, and it had large writing across the top that said the route was I-86. I looked at several more pictures as they appeared on the screen. I was annoyed that i would not be able to take this route home, but then thought that it probably did not lead directly back to $P14 anyway.

12012 April 15

I moved to the east a little to get a better look at the shelfs and stacks of books around the room. I was in a small square room of a library, and books seemed to cover every surface of the room. The other person was with me, and he or she stood to the southwest of me as i looked at the books on the low table or shelf to the east of me. We were looking for a specific book, but i was not sure that we would find it easily. I spoke to $Z, saying that we were looking for the book by subject. I realized, however, that the library codes, which were printed on small white labels on the bottoms of the spines of the books, were all names. I mentioned this to $Z. I then said that we needed to find the book by subject. I looked over the tan and brown books on the shelf. They were lying on their sides, stacked up, and several were standing vertically, all packed tightly into the space. All of the books were thick and looked very old. I then noticed that the word “NAMES” was stamped on the spines of each book, signifying that these books were categorized by author. I knew that we were looking for a specific book, and i tried to think of the author’s name, but i could not. I just knew which category it would be under. I scanned over the books again, but could not quite think of what we were looking for.

I crossed the small upstairs bedroom of the house, heading west, toward the doorway in the center of the western wall. The floor of the bedroom was wood, which seemed to be very pale. A single brass bed with thin vertical poles sat with its head against the eastern wall of the room, just to the south of where i walked. The ceiling on the southern side of the room seemed to slope down to a short wall, which had small windows in it. My mother was to the west of me, in the next room, and i asked her a question as i approached the doorway. As i stopped in the doorway, i noticed a small scattering of dust or wood dust on the floor. The dust was around the base of a small wicker basket that was just to the south of the doorway. I bent over and picked up the basket, feeling interested in what was causing the small chips of wood on the floor. As i picked up the basket, i noticed the pale spider webs hanging from the wall just above the basket. A long narrow spider sat in the middle of the web. I was cautious of it as i stood back up with the basket. At first, i thought that the small particles on the floor were droppings from the spider. I looked at the basket in my hands, thinking about the dust. It did not seem like feces from the spider, so i wondered if the spider was somehow burrowing into the wood. This did not seem likely. I turned back to the east and crossed the room. I left the room and descended the stairs to the south, stopping in the middle of the stairs because my mother was in front of me. My mother stood in a light-blue housecoat, and she was doing something on the western wall of the room. I started to pass her, but i had come too close, and i had stepped on the flat red ribbon that hung from the side of her housecoat. I said something to her, but realized that my foot was now stuck in the loop at the bottom of the ribbon, which seemed like part of a lanyard. I grabbed on to her shoulders to support myself as i lifted my left foot up in front of me. I already had the basket, which was now a bag, in my left hand. I held the bag over my mother’s left shoulder, asking her if she could grab it. She took the black paper shopping bag by the thin chord handles that were on the top. She did not understand what i was doing, but it would make sense once i lifted my foot in front of her. I showed her the chord on my foot as i pulled it loose. I put my foot back down and moved to the south of my mother, talking to her for a moment. We were now in a small corridor at the bottom of a flight of stairs. The stairs seemed to be to the west of us. The hallway was plain. The walls seemed to be painted dull pink, and the window in the eastern wall let in hazy sunlight. A doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall led into the living room. I could hear people from the living room. It seemed that the exit door to the house was in the eastern wall of the living room, just to the south of the doorway to the corridor. It sounded as though my grandmother was greeting people to the house. The other people sounded like $K14 and $K15. It now seemed to be Christmas time, and i thought that my grandmother was letting the guests in for the holiday. I told this to my mother, but she did not understand. She said that no one had come into the house. I leaned through the doorway and looked to the west, down the length of the long living room. The room was mostly empty, and there were no people in it. I wondered if my grandmother had actually taken them all the way to the kitchen, which seemed to be to the north of the living room, at the western end of the room. This did not seem probable. My mother said that there was no one here and that i must be hearing the television. I looked at the television, which was sitting against the eastern wall. It had a large square screen with rounded corners. The black and white image on the screen was of Lucille Ball. I Love Lucy was on, and Lucy was standing with her arms up. The screen showed her from her torso to near the top of her head. She was wearing a white sequin gown with long sleeves. I wondered whether i really was hearing the television. My grandmother then came into the small corridor with us. She agreed with my mother that no one had come into the house. I said “Merry Christmas” to my grandmother. As i said it, though, i realized that i had not said it the same way to my mother. I thought that i had already wished her a happy holiday previously, but i was not really sure. My mother looked disappointed, and i thought of what i should say. I then remembered that i did not have any cards for them. Today was the actual day of the holiday, but i had given both my mother and grandmother their cards and gifts earlier. The situation now felt awkward, and i felt upset about it.

12012 April 16

The woman was chasing me through the suburban area, which seemed like the somewhere near my grandmother’s house. I felt cocky, knowing that she could not catch me. I had special powers that made it easy for me to evade her. As the woman charged toward me, i simply moved quickly out of the way, disappearing from one location and appearing out of her reach. I hovered over the southern side of the room, which seemed to be in an outdoor area. The colors around me were dark green and seemed to be from bushes or trees. The woman was on the floor of the room to the north of me. Wooden beams crossed near the ceiling of the room, making this place seem like a modern church. I flew through the beams and over the trees. The woman lunged at me from the north, but i flew up and to the east. I knew that she would become better trained the more i encountered her. I hovered for a moment, noticing that she had grabbed on to the swing that was to the south of me. The swing seemed to be a metal bar on two ropes, and she was holding on to it with her hands, swinging her legs back and forth to swing her body onto the bar. She was becoming quite skilled, and i wondered if i would have to worry about her later.

We had come here to look at the apartment, and we were standing in the small empty room. I turned to the east and walked toward the wall. Someone was coming to the apartment. The man knocked on the door to the east, and i stopped in front of the small opening in the large tan stone wall. The man was asking about the apartment as well, so we would have to leave. I looked at the small square recession in the sandstone wall. We would have to go through the small opening. I knew that we had entered the apartment this way, but the opening seemed way too small for us to fit through. I then wondered why i was always dreaming about trying to get through openings that were too small. The man who had been knocking was now to the west of me, and i looked at the wooden door to the east. The opening was actually a square recession in the center of the wooden door, which was closed. We could open the door to get out, but we would have to have a key. A woman then came into the room from the southwest. She asked if we had found the things in the apartment that we were looking for. $F60, who was standing in the center of the room to the northwest of me, told the woman that we had found the things. He then turned to the west and headed back the way we had come. I followed him, realizing that we could check in to the hotel room early. This seemed like a good idea because we would have a place to leave our things.

12012 April 17

I walked to the west, heading across the grassy yard of the house. Things were scattered across the ground from the party, which had just ended. I started picking up some of the white things. I seemed to be to the northeast of my parents’ house, in the yard to the south of the barn. A picnic table seemed to be to the southwest of me, just in front of a row of shrubs. My guitar was still leaning against the bushes to the west of me. I headed toward it, but then stopped to pick up the plastic bowls that were on the ground. I felt tired, but wanted to get all of the things together so that i could leave. I started sorting through the various bowls that were on the ground, trying to figure out which were mine. Most of the plastic storage bowls were white, but a few were pale blue. I could not find the bowl that was mine. I knew that it was one of the round containers, but the ones that i was looking through did not seem quite right. I remembered that the top of the bowl had a rounded tab on one side of the lid, but i could not quite find it. I eventually found my blue bowl, which had flat sides. I took the blue one, thinking that it was a good bowl, even if it was not exactly mine. I also picked up the white cafeteria tray from the ground. I knew that the tray was not mine, but i thought that i could use an extra one, since i only had one. Two trays were on the ground, stacked up, so i looked at both of them, wondering which one was cleaner. One of them had red marks on it, which looked like dried pasta sauce. I stood up with the bowl and the tray, aware that $A328’s house was to the west of me now. I headed for the bush to the west of me to get my guitar, but i realized that the guitar was gone. I felt upset, thinking that $A329 must have taken it into the house. I was annoyed and thought that i would have to get it from him.

12012 April 18

I walked to the south, along the western end of the large store. I felt tense, feeling that we had to do something. $F45 was with me, but i was looking around the store, trying to figure out where something was. I headed down the open space at the western end of the aisles, looking at the items on the shelfs around me. The aisles to the east of me ran east to west, but the aisles ended just ahead of me. The southern end of the store was more open, with a wide gap between the aisles there and the aisles in the main section of the store. I looked across the shelfs to the south. They were full of dark items, which seemed to be mostly toys. This was not what i was looking for, so i started to head to the east. We had to get some food, and i thought that i would need to get plastic bags. After a moment, i found myself at the eastern end of the store, which was the front of the store. This was not where i wanted to be, and i started to feel frustrated that i could not find what i was looking for. I tried to tell $F45 what i was looking for. I had been pushing a cart through the store, and i turned it around, heading back to the west. I realized that i was now in the entryway of the store. The registers were to the northwest of me. I felt both frustrated and anxious, and i tried to get back through the narrow opening near the registers. I told $F45 that i could not figure out how to get to the food area. As i wandered to the west, i noticed that the area to the north of me was now a tall stone cliff. I was walking over the water of a large sea, with the shoreline to the north of me. The rock was uneven, forming small rocky coves. Two women were now standing in one of the coves, facing south. They seemed very large compared to the shoreline, but it was part of a television show. The wooden mast of a ship stood in the center of the square cove, which was surrounded by the rough brown rock of the cliffs. Xena stood to the southwest of the mast, holding on to a wooden pole that extended from the mast. A white sail was tied to the boom that crossed the mast just above the pole. Xena and the other woman were trying to turn the mast to catch the wind. They were going to save the city, which was in the water to the south-southwest. The scene seemed very dramatic, and focused in on Xena as she made her decision.

12012 April 20

I looked to the south of me, at the black and white scene. $F12 was standing to the south of me, smiling. He seemed rather attractive, and i liked the way that he looked against the background. I started taking pictures of the scene so that i could remember it. I focused the camera and took a few pictures of $F12. After a moment, though, something moved in my way, and i was not able to focus on the scene. Another person was now standing to the south of me, getting in the way. The person was not doing it on purpose; the person simply seemed to be in the area near us. I tried to focus on the person, but i could not make out who it was. We were in a small roof of a building. The building seemed empty of people. I started running down the hallway to the west, looking at the plain pail-brownish walls of the building. The building seemed fairly modern, and i knew that it was some kind of public building. The wall to the south of me was rather plain and seemed mostly white. The northern wall seemed to be a large dark window. To the west of me, a flight of stairs descended down the southern wall, to the west. I headed down the stairs and turned to the south at the end of the corridor. I stopped suddenly as i heard a noise ahead of me. The building was supposed to be abandoned for the night, but someone had come in through the outside doors to the south. I could not yet see them, but i started to feel suspicious of them. They should not have been in this building. I thought that they were here for a drug deal. I wondered what i should do for a moment, but then i decided that i would have to run past them to get out. I started running down the hall to the south. The people were standing on the western side of the hallway in a small alcove in the wall. They seemed surprised to see me as i ran past. I pretended that i was being chased, and i told the man to run. I had to make them think that i was running from the police. I came to the northern end of the hallway, and i turned to the east, running back down the long corridor that i had been in before. The man followed me. I was not sure if he was chasing me, but i knew that i had to get away from him. He must not have believed that i was running from the police. I started to worry that he was chasing me. As i reached the stairs, which descended along the southern wall of the corridor, i jumped over the railing, floating down to the stairs below. The man seemed surprised that i had jumped like i had, but he still came after me. I floated to the west, down the lower hallway. I had been this way before. After a moment, i was running down the hall again, and the man was still after me. Another set of stairs descended ahead of me, and i thought that i could float down them as well. I would then be able to turn the corner to the south and head toward the exit door. I would be around the corner just as the man was coming down the stairs. He would only be able to catch a glimpse of me to see where i had gone, but i would be able to get farther ahead of him. I thought that the man might catch a glimpse of me as i exited the building, but i did not think that he would be able to see which direction i was heading. I hoped that he would not be able to follow me around the corners in the city. I then wondered if he was a fast runner, and i wondered if he would be able to catch me.

My mother was driving me to the house, and we stopped on the southern side of the street, facing east. The small suburban house was on the southern side of the street. The house seemed familiar to me, and i thought that it was the house of $A596. I thought that i had come here to see him. This seemed strange, and i felt a little uncomfortable here. I had tried to come to this house before, but it had seemed like a bad time. I felt uneasy here now. As i walked toward the house $A596’s father came out of the house. He looked like $A536, but i knew that he was $A596’s father. I felt worried that he was still upset with me about something. He did not like me when i was younger, and i thought that he still did not want me handing around with his son. I said hello to him, and he told me that it was not a good time for me to be here. He said that the girls were inside. My mother was to the north of me. She had followed me down the path toward the front door. My mother asked the man if it was here, but $A596’s father said no. I felt uneasy. A young girl then came out of the house from behind the father. She asked the man a question. He responded to her, and she shyly walked back into the house. She seemed to be about ten years old, and she had long straight blond hair. My mother asked the father a few more questions. He commented that we were not bad people, but he seemed to be trying to placate us. My mother joked about his wife being very strict. I felt uncomfortable, not quite sure what i should say. I remembered being here when i was young, and i knew that $A596’s parents did not like me. I felt upset about this, thinking that i was not like i was when i was little. I had changed my personality quite a bit. I wanted to explain this, but i did not.

12012 April 21

I was trying to park the bus in the spot on the western side of the curved road. I had pulled forward into the spot, turning south, but the bus did not seem to fit around the corner. We were at an intersection, which seemed like the corner of $P33 and $P34. I felt anxious as i backed the bus to the north, but i was aware of a fire hydrant that was on the cement sidewalk of the rounded corner. The corner was on the southwestern side of the intersection. I moved the bus forward and backward a few times, but could not seem to line it up correctly. I felt frustrated, and i was aware of $Z watching from the east of me. Several people were then standing on the western side of the street, and $F45 was near me. The people started talking about the store that had closed. I started walking to the north, on the western side of the street. We now seemed to be just to the south of the store at $P52. The others were walking ahead of $F45 and i, and they walked around the eastern side of the building, to the main entrance. $F45 and i entered the store from the southern entrance. I thought about the event that he had just come from. I did not want to leave the event so soon, but it seemed that we had to come here for some reason. I looked around the rounded room of the store as we entered from the southern side. This place was a music store. I stopped to look at the display rack of CDs near the door, just to the northeast of me. The rack seemed to be set into the eastern wall, which could have been a front window for the store, and several small models were set up around the CDs. The models seemed out of place here, and i thought that they were from the other store in the mall. This store must be allowing the other store to display some of their things. I then noticed the display shelf that was just to the north of the first display. Several gray plastic models were arranged in the window, and they looked like science-fiction vehicles. I then noticed the small plain sign that said “Sulu scooter” near one of the models. It must have been one of the vehicles from Star Trek. As i looked over the models, i remembered that i had plastic models from Star Trek when i was young. I must have had several similar to these. I continued into the center of the store. The store seemed to be open to the north and west, allowing people to move between the small store and the rest of the mall. $F45 was with me, and he said that the people had gotten everything out of the house, but then he told me that they could not find $X14. I felt suddenly worried. We were supposed to bring $X14 to this place, but we could not find him when we moved out of our house. I felt very upset. I was carrying the other cat with me as i headed to the northwest, across the store, wondering what i should do. We had sold the house that we had been living at, and i felt that we would no longer be able to return there. $F45 then told me that a man at the store had $X14. We were supposed to come to the store to pick him up. I was worried about him and did not want to loose him. I told $F45 that we were looking for a man named Lawrence. We walked into the next room to the northwest. A man was there, and he was talking about the animals that had been found in the area. I wondered if $X14 would think that we had abandoned him. I asked the man about the cat that he had found. He said that the animal was very plain. I put down the cat that i had been carrying. It did not seem to be my cat, so i let it wander around the store. It was a black cat, and it started heading to the south, to play with some of the other animals that were around the small shop. The man continued talking about the animal that he had found, and i realized that the man did not actually have a cat. He was describing a small dog. I noticed the small round furry brown dog on the floor to the west of me. It trotted quickly across the floor and started playing with the cat that i had put down. The dog and the cat seemed happy together, and they ran out of the room, to the south to play. Neither of them belonged to us, and i felt disappointed that we had come here for no reason. The man then asked me if i wanted the terrier that he had found. I was annoyed with him for thinking that the small dog was a cat, and for telling us that he might have had our cat. I felt frustrated, and i told him that i was not interested. I then felt stubborn, and i told him that i would go back to our house and wait for $X14. I knew that i should not be doing such things, and i thought it sounded childish of me to do, but i was upset about $X14 and did not want to leave him behind. I walked to the west a little and told $F45 that i would be going back to the house that we no longer owned. I felt that i might get in trouble for being there, but i did not care. I put on the dirty black shoes that i had taken off. The soles of the shoes were muddy, and i felt annoyed with them as well. The mud was not from the run that we had just finished, and i wondered where it had come from. I could not wear them because they were so filthy. I asked $F45 where my other shoes were. $F45 was upset that i was heading back to the house, and he did not answer. I started to feel angry with him as well, and i asked him more forcefully where the other shoes were. He was mad with me, and he bent over, grabbed a set of shoes from the floor behind the small counter to the west of me, and roughly handed them to me. I took them and headed to the east. I then wondered if i could walk all the way back to the house. It seemed like a long way now. I then thought that i could jog in the black sneakers. I felt upset, thinking that i would have to wait around at the house until $X14 showed up. I did not want to leave him behind, and i felt that i would stubbornly wait at the house until he did, even if the new owners did not want me there.

12012 April 23

I was in the small room facing west. $A190 was standing to the west of me, and we were rehearsing a play together. I felt a little tense about the play, and i started reading the lines from the beginning of the second act. I felt a little nervous about the play, and i was looking at the book as i read the lines. Something seemed wrong, though. I suddenly realized that the lines were wrong. These were not the lines that i was supposed to be saying. I started to feel confused. I stopped at a long word near the left side of the page, about a third of the way down from the top. The word was long, and i did not remember saying it when i did my lines before. This was part of a long speech that i was supposed to do, but the lines were no longer familiar to me. For a moment, i thought that i was in the wrong act, but, as i flipped several pages, i noticed that i was in the correct place in the text. I simply did not recognize the lines. They seemed new to me, and i started to feel nervous. I told $A190 that something was wrong. I also realized that $F42 was watching us from the northwest. I felt upset and nervous, not quite sure what i should do. This could not be act two of the play because it did not have the lines that i could remember. I finally decided that the booklet did not have the correct lines in it. I felt flustered, and i told them that i did not have the current version of the script. It then occurred to me that this was probably the new version. The old version must have had the lines in it. I looked at the xerographed pages that i had been reading. They did seem to be the new version. What i had prepared was no longer any good.

12012 April 24

I carefully made my way to the east, across the darkened dormitory room in $P19. I was trying to find my bed, which seemed to be against the eastern end of the northern wall. The bunks on the northern wall extended to the south, with their heads against the northern wall. I sat down on the lower bunk of the bed near the eastern wall. Several other people were asleep in the room. The room seemed very plain, with no decorations. The walls were dull white, and the metal-frame beds were simple mattresses covered with various kinds of spreads. As i lay down on the bed, i noticed the young man to the west of me. He had taken off his pants and was now crawling into bed with me. I realized that we would have to share beds in this dormitory. The man seemed austral, with a medium skin tone. I was annoyed that i would have to sleep with him, but i thought that he was actually rather attractive. I felt interested in sleeping with him as he lay next to me. We lay next to each other for a moment, but then the man moved suddenly out of the bed. He had realized that he was not supposed to be in this bed. I then realized that $A47 was undressing to the south of me. I realized that he was the one that was supposed to sleep with me. The young man had gotten into my bed by mistake. I felt disappointed and annoyed. I did not want to sleep with $A47. I wanted to be with the younger man because he seemed more attractive and interesting.

12012 April 27

I walked to the south, across the wide grassy field to the west of the low flat building, which seemed like $P71. I had come from the house, where i had been talking to the other people. I felt disappointed and uncomfortable. I had been talking to the other person, who seemed like $F45, but the other person was no longer with me. I moved around the northern side of the room of the small house, thinking that it had something to do about the parallel universe. I looked at the large silvery window tot he north, looking at myself and the other people with me. We were actually looking at the other versions of ourselves from the parallel universe. There was something strange about the other version of me, though. I had dark skin, and i felt worried that the others would realize that i had done something between the universes. I turned to the south and walked away, worried about the other me. I started crossing the grassy area of the field when i ran into the group of people, who were standing around chatting. They turned to me as i approached, and an older woman said hello to me. I realized that she knew my name. When i looked at her, i thought i recognized her. She wore a bulky red sweater and her curly dyed hair was brushed up and away from her face. I said hello back, thinking that she was related to a relative of mine. I remembered that she was married to one of my uncles. I was uncomfortable with these people, and did not really want to talk to them. I also still felt uneasy about what had happened. I talked with the people here, but tried to continue walking to the south. The others started walking with me. I did not want to be part of this family gathering. Young children ran around us on the field as we headed south. I thought about $F45, but i did not want these people to know about him, because they might not approve of him.

12012 April 28

I was doing something on the floor on the eastern side of my living room. The area seemed hazy, as though everything i was looking at was from an old photograph. I stood up and headed to the west, toward the hallway in the western end of the northern wall. I was heading toward the bathroom down the hallway. I stopped suddenly in the hallway, realizing that i could hear the sound of running water. It seemed to be coming from upstairs, and i thought that it might be from the upstairs bathroom. I backed down the hallway and into the living room, wondering if i had left a faucet running. I then thought that the toilet could be running. I hoped that it was not, because it would have been running for quite a while. I then realized that the sound of water running in pipes was quite distinct, and i wondered why i had not heard it before. I felt concerned, wondering why the water had been running. I headed to the west, into the bathroom on the second floor. The shower seemed to be running, and i wondered if $F45 was home. Something seemed obscure, and i could not concentrate fully on the situation. I called out $F45’s name as i approached the shower, which was on the southern wall of the room. I was walking to the west, toward the eastern edge of the plastic shower curtain. I did not hear an answer. I wondered if i had simply left the shower running. Why would i have done that? It did not make sense to me. I called out $F45’s name again. This time, he answered from within the shower. He then said that he had just been talking to someone from his work, and he seemed confused as to how he got into the shower. I realized that something had changed from my perception as well. I asked him about the sudden change, wondering if we had suddenly been shifted into this scene from somewhere else. $F45 told me that he did not remember how he got here. He said that he had been talking with someone at his work. I pulled open the shower curtain a little and sat down on the edge of the light-blue tub. I felt uneasy. I pushed the plastic shower curtain aside, but it seemed to wrap around me as i sat. I told $F45 that i too had a feeling that i had been transported from another scene to here. I looked to the north, unable to see clearly across the bathroom. I suddenly realized that i had a plastic shower cap over my head, and the front part of it was pulled down over my eyes, distorting my vision and making everything seem streaked with brown. I leaned back as $F45 moved to the east of me. Something was wrong, and i tried to explain what i was feeling to $F45. I then looked at my right leg, which was now in front of me. I seemed to have sat down in the tub with my legs still over the northern side. I was wearing underwear, and i noticed a white bump on my leg. $F45 pointed it out too and asked if it was a wart. I told him that it was an old pimple from an ingrown hair. It was on the back of my leg. I pressed my fingers into the skin to get a closer look. I then remembered that i did have a pimple at the top of my leg that was different from the one i had before. This one seemed round and white. I rubbed the skin near it, trying to figure out what it was. I then realized that it was near my buttocks, and i jokingly thought that i got it from sitting on a toilet somewhere. My buttocks was to the northeast of me as i looked at the skin. $F45 moved away to the east, leaving the bathroom.

12012 April 29

I walked with my parents to the northwest, through the urban area. I was carrying the cat, which seemed like $X14. I felt that i had to hold on to the cat to prevent him from getting away. This made me nervous, and i carried the cat as i got into the driver’s seat of the car, which was parked on the western side of the road. The road actually seemed to be a parking area, and the car was parked near the northern end. I had gotten in the car from the eastern side, and the driver’s seat was on the right side of the car. I closed the doors of the car and let go of the cat, thinking that it could not get out of the car. I spoke to the other person as i tried to arrange my things in the car. I felt concerned about something as i rushed to put my things out of the way so that i could drive. I then noticed an opening to the right of the steering column. It seemed to be a space near the glove compartment. The dash had a large opening in it where the glove compartment should have been. This seemed like a natural ventilation area, but i realized that the cat would be able to crawl into the space. I felt suddenly worried, and i looked into the area. $X14 had crawled forward into the dash, and i could see him walking around the engine compartment. I would not be able to start the car now because he was in the way of the engine. I started to feel very worried now, and i complained in an exasperated voice to the woman in the passenger’s seat. I then wondered where the cat had gone. I could no longer see him in the engine compartment. I realized that he would be able to escape to the outside of the car. I looked out the window to my right, noticing the cat walking on the pavement near the front fender of the car. He had gotten away, and we would now have to capture him. I was very upset about this.

12012 April 30

I was standing on the northwestern side of the rounded recessed area. I stood on the higher ground, looking to the south, across the frozen pond. Several people were moving around on the ice on the eastern end of the pond, but i was focused on a woman who was moving to the west. I felt anxious about this, thinking that the ice was thin where the pond when underneath the bridge. The woman seemed dazed, and i thought that she was unaware of what was going on around her. I yelled to her, but she did not hear. She then fell through the ice and into the water below. I could still see her lying on the bottom of the gray water. I yelled to the others to the east, trying to get them to help the woman. I ran to the southwest, rounded the side of the pond and starting across the bridge. The bridge seemed to be a suspension bridge, and it swayed from side to side as i walked across it. I felt uneasy on it, but i had to get closer to the woman. She was out of my sight for a moment as i focused on the deck of the bridge, trying to step on it without making it sway any more. When i got to the center of the bridge i looked over the side of the cliff to see the pond area below. I could no longer see the woman under the ice. I searched the pale area of the pond to see if i could see her under the water. I then noticed the woman lying on the gray sandy shore to the north of the pond. She was wearing a long gray dress, which seemed to be a victorian style. I felt relieved that she was still alive, but i still felt worried about her. She would still need help. I was then to the east of her as i looked over the cliff at her. She was still lying on the ground on the northern side of the pond, and the large brown horse was walking to the north, to the west of the woman. I hoped that the horse did not step on her.

I entered the large old wooden barn from the north. I had to get manure from the barn, but the ground inside the barn seemed to be frozen. I kicked the mound of brown dirt to the northeast of me, near the wooden wall of a stall. The ground was frozen, and it was actually composed of manure. The manure had not been taken out of the barn in a long time, and it had frozen in mounds on the ground. This annoyed me. The barn was now closed for the winter, and the manure had piled up around the walls, making it difficult to open the large doors to get it out. I felt frustrated, and i moved to the south. I felt a little chilly, and i thought that i should change my shoes. I leaned against the southern wall with my right hand as i pulled off my socks. I would have to change them. I was in a cleaner area of the barn, now, and the floor here was made of wood. I picked up a pair of shoes from the ground and pulled a pair of socks out of them. I then realized that i had put several other articles of clothes in the shoes. I pulled a pair of underwear out of one of the shoes. I then pulled out a T-shirt. My left shoe seemed to have many articles of clothes in it, and i was surprised how many things had fit into the shoe. I could not seem to find what i was looking for, though. I put the shoes and clothes on the shelf to the southeast of me and started digging through the closet to the south of me. I was looking for something specific, and i was not finding it in the shoes where i had thought that it was. As i dug through the things in the closet, i found a brightly colored pair of gloves. They seemed out of place here, and i thought that they must belong to someone in the marching band. Several other $G3 were with me in the room, and i knew that many of them were in marching band. I dug through the closet for a moment, but more people seemed to be in the room. I felt annoyed, and i started walking through the crowd, to the west. I followed the sidewalk along the southern wall of the room, which now seemed to be very large. The wall to the south of me seemed to be a barn wall. $F14 was with me, and she pointed out a picture in the shop window to the south of us, ahead of us on the sidewalk. I stopped to look at the picture, which $F14 had pointed out as a picture of herself. The small picture seemed to be one of the photographs that i had taken of $F14, but i realized that it was not really a picture of her. It just looked like a shot that i had taken. I then noticed a small video screen that as showing a picture of me. I was acting in a scene with myself in the video, and the version of me on the right side of the screen was wearing a dull-yellow sweater. I pointed out the video to $F14. The other person said that the video was good. I watched it for a moment, but i did not recognize it. I told $Z that i had not seen the video. I stood for a moment watching. I watched myself lying on the floor of a small wooden room. I was shirtless, and i seemed to be frustrated about something. I was writhing slowly on the floor, as if stretching. I then looked to the northeast, looking over the dining room table that was on the northern side of the room. I could see myself sitting on the opposite side of the table. The flowery centerpiece mostly blocked me, but i could see myself staring into the camera, banging my fists on the table in anger. This video was a preview of a movie, so the scenes were short and disconnected. The scene then turned to see a strange figure with a gun standing at the edge of the water. He started to fall, and the camera was looking down at him as he tumbled over the cliff in slow motion. He had a gun, and he fired it at the top of the cliff. I knew that he would hit the person that had pushed him over the top of the cliff, and it would be a justified act for the audience. The man then transformed into two gloves as it fell through the air. The gloves seemed to be attached at the cuffs, and large ears were on the sides of the gloves. The creature fell to the ground below the cliff. It seemed strange. A title flashed across the screen, announcing the creator of the story. The text seemed to say “Matt Groening”, but i thought that it actually said “Seth MacFarlane”. My view focused on the creature that was now on the ground. It looked like two hands reaching in opposite directions, and it had two large ears extending over the top of it. The hands curled up under the ears as the creature started to move. The hands tried to move through the water that was around it, but it was having difficulty because the hands were not acting together. I knew that this was important to the plot. The hands would have to learn to work together as a single creature. Finally, they clasped together and started to move as a single creature. It was then on the rock in the middle of the water, resting. It was safe for the moment, but the water was rising from the east. This was a tense movement in the movie. I thought that the flood would wash over the creatures. The hands started swimming to the surface, though. I was then in a room, watching the water rise around the creature. White flat diamonds came into the room from the east and west. They bounced on the dirt floor. I realized that they were being tossed into the room by the cast. The diamonds seemed special, and i picked one up from the ground and ate it. The cast then came into the library with me, gathering around as i watched the video screen to the south. $F45 was with me. I thought that he would know some of the other cast members. I knew that $A615 was there, and i thought that $F45 would be able to recognize him, at least. $F45 would be anxious because he did not know the rest of the cast, but i knew that he would know at least one. $A615 was lying on the floor to the west of me, counting the stars in the sky above us. I looked around, watching some of the others. I then started to feel a little hungry, and i wondered if i should have eaten something. I then heard some of the cast speaking to the south of me. I turned to them, realizing that the cast was filming a scene to the south of me. The cast around me was trying to be quiet while the others were acting out the scene to the south. I felt comfortable here. I was enjoying being apart of this film situation.