12013 April 01

We moved slowly to the north through the crowd in the large room. We were here waiting for something to happen. I looked at the many people around me as i passed thought the crowd. I then noticed a group of attractive men ahead of me. They were wearing tight pants and did not have shirts on. They were nicely muscled and had nicely detailed bodies. I thought that they were quite attractive, but i focused on one of the men as being more attractive than the other. He had an attractive face and short brown hair. He turned suddenly, aiming an automatic gun into the crowd. He smiled wryly as he fired the gun into the crowd. I realized that this was all part of the show. The gun was fake because no one in the crowd was reacting to it. I looked at some of the other shirtless men near him as the man continued to shoot into the crowd. I said something to $F45, who was with me. We were waiting to get in to the event near here, so i watched the attractive men for a moment. I then looked through the large open window in the western wall. I could see down into a lower room of the building that we were in. It seemed to be a sex room, with several people erotically embraced around the dimly lighted area. I continued to the north a little, heading toward the shirtless men. They were attractive, and i found myself staring at their muscles as we approached. The shirtless man with the automatic gun fired again as he grinned. All of the men looked attractive. They started talking about copulating. I thought that this was part of the show. The shirtless man greeted me, and started talking to me about copulating. He started hinting that he wanted me to copulate with him. I was flattered, but i felt a little shy about it. I was not sure what i should do. I looked at the two shirtless men who were nearest to me. I then realized that neither of them were wearing pants either. They had white condoms on their penes, and one man was on his knees, fellating the other. I thought that $F45 had joined in on the sex, and i felt a little annoyed with him because he had not let me be with the men. The man with the brown hair asked me to fellate him, but i was still not sure what i should do. I felt a little uncomfortable about fellating him. $F45 then joked about my nervousness, and i felt more annoyed with him. I looked down at the man’s penis, noticing that the white condom had a small hole on the end of it, near the tip of his penis. I felt nervous and wandered to the west, looking around the room at what other people were doing. I was not sure what i should do. Looking around, i noticed a hole in the northern wall. The hole was at the level of my head, but i could still see through it to the room below. I could see over the sex room to the north. Sex toys were scattered on the floor, making it look like a messy nursery school. I noticed the handcuffs on the floor as well. This place seemed very strange to me, and i was not entirely comfortable here. I moved around, heading eventually to the west. I came outside of the building now, and i noticed the broken rode drum plant just to the south of me, against the wall of the building. The plant seemed to have been trampled and torn. I thought that the deer must have eaten it. I was aggravated by the deer, and i pulled at the bottom of the plant, trying to straighten the bent branches out. As i moved a little to the south, still pulling at the lower branches of the tree, i noticed a hole in the flowerbed to the south of the bush. Annoyed, i thought that i should fill the hole with dirt so that it did not become a burrow for animals. I then realized that pipes ran under the hole, and that spigots hung off the pipes just under the level of the ground. They must be from the new addition to the house. The addition seems to have been just completed, and i thought that the pipes had not yet been covered with soil. I then noticed a deeper hole to the south of the first one. I moved to look into it, seeing many pipes running east to west in the opening. I did not like seeing this, and i wondered if i should cover any of the pipes with dirt. I then looked at the rest of the landscaping around the side of the house, noticing that the land sloped down to the south, descending along the side of the house. I wondered if i should actually cover anything on the slope, knowing that the dirt will eventually erode downward. The dirt would have to be planned better. I moved a little to the west, now on the street near the house. The house was on the southern side of the street, and someone was talking about it. I looked at the tall structure. It was very modern in design, with metal and wood levels. It was four or five floors tall, with nice large windows. The voice said that it belonged to a man who rented it out to the poor. This seemed like a nice thing to do, especially since it was such a nice building. I moved a little to the west down the street, noticing some other houses behind the one i had been looking at. The voice continued to describe the house, talking about the number of square feet in the building and about the number of people in the house. I thought that four families lived in the house, but i could be incorrect. I then looked at the house to the south of the one that i had been looking at. The house to the south looked more like an old church. IT was an old stone building with steep red-shingled roofs. I thought that this building could be apartments also. The rich man who owned all of these places had a big house in the complex. I moved back to the east and stood in front of the house i had originally been looking at. The front of the house now looked like a tall gateway because the arched peak of the front roof was open. I walked to the south, along the eastern side of the house, heading toward the church in back. I followed the cement walkway that curved gently through the grass. I watched the ground as i walked. I walked along the church, looking at the stone columns that supported archways along the northern end of the eastern face of the church. The building looked old and very nice. The entrance to the church seemed to be at the southern end of the eastern wall. I rounded a stone protrusion in the eastern wall and headed toward an area inset in the southern end of the eastern wall. A cement path led to the entry door of the building, which seemed more modern than the stone part to the north. A rusty metal grate covered the ground to the north of the path, stretching into the inset of the building. Through a large glass window to the south of me, i could see a modern metal stairway spiraling counterclockwise upward. The atrium was rounded, with the stairway climbing near the outside walls. The entry door was in the northeaster side of the rounded room. I stood inside the atrium now, which seemed to be an outdoor atrium. Looking down at the grate as i walked, i noticed that several dry autumn leafs were scattered over the grate. Only a few leafs were on the grate, but i thought that there should be more. I looked to the east of the grating, noticing more leafs on the grassy ground. This did not seem correct, and i wondered what i should do. I bent over and moved some of the leafs to the grate, but then i thought that i should probably not do this. I stood up, wondering if i should be doing this. Some people walked to the south of me, heading west, into the main part of the building. I recognized one of them as $A501. She was wearing a long black choir robe. I said hello to her as she passed. She glanced at me and nodded, but continued on her way. I felt disappointed, but thought that she might not have recognized me. I called her name. She stopped in the middle of the atrium and looked back at me. She looked back at me, but still did not seem to recognize me. She then turned back to the southwest and continued into the building. I stood up and followed her in, thinking that i would watch her choir show. I then thought that i might make her nervous and wondered if i should really go in. I stood in the atrium for a moment, not sure what i should do. I was a little nervous, and i felt out of place here.

12013 April 02

I headed to the north, leaving the main room of the house. I seemed to be exiting the house and entering a balcony. Furniture was along the southern wall of the white balcony. The other person moved to the northwest of me, sitting somewhere on the balcony. I looked at the small kitchen appliance that was on the white counter on the southern wall, to the east of me. My grandmother had been doing something with the small blender, but she had left the food in the plastic container and walked back to the south. I looked at the food in the container, which was cylindrical bowl on the bottom of a food processor or blender. It was about seven centimeters in diameter and seemed to be filled with chic peas. A thin metal bit poked into the top of the bowl from above. I thought that the bit was supposed to chop up the food inside, but it did not seem to be doing anything. I moved the bowl around a little. The bowl had a flat green lid with thin slots in it that ran in a circular pattern around the hole in the center. As i moved the bowl, i noticed that the beans in the bowl were starting to get chopped up. My grandmother must not have had the bowl in the correct position in the machine. I tried to adjust it a little more, trying to get the chic peas ground up more. After a moment, though, i realized that my grandmother had intended to put the green leafy food into the chic peas. I thought that the green leafs should be put into the processor as well so that they could be mixed in with the beans. I opened the lid but clumsily spilled some of the partially chopped green leafs on the counter. I tried to put them back in, but felt that i was being sloppy. I opened the lid and stuffed the green leafs into the container. I then started picking up some of the spilled green leafs from the counter and putting them in as well. I did not want to waste the food. The chic peas seemed to be forming a paste at the bottom of the left-hand side of the bowl. The leafs would blend in with it once i put it back in the blender, though. I tried to put the cap back on to the container, but i was having trouble putting the bowl back into the appliance. I felt nervous about something, and i was having trouble doing what i was trying to do. I looked up at the lights that were hanging on the southern wall, above the counter. I tried turning one of the lights on, but it would not work. Something had happened. The light had been working a moment ago. The lamp had a stem that curved into a U-shape. The lower end of the U was attached to the wall, and the tall end had a small lampshade over it. Two of these lights were on the wall, and i reached to the one to the east to see if it would turn on. Neither seemed to work. I thought that the electricity must have been turned off. I thought that the power on this wall might have been turned off when i turned off the blender. Other lights were working in the room that i was now in, so the power had not gone off. I then realized that i had turned off the switch on the southern wall, to the west of me. The switch seemed to be just to the east of the doorway that i had come through when i entered the room. I turned to look at it over my left shoulder, trying to turn it on. As i looked back to the east, noticing a small hole in the couch near the eastern wall closing. I could not be sure what i had seen, but a square area in the center of the cushions on the front side of the couch seemed to have been open, exposing a dark interior, but now it was covered with fabric from the couch. I realized that $X13 must be underneath the couch and playing with the cushions. I stared at the cushions, which seemed to be in a grid pattern, with thin strips of material holding them together as spacers. The square sections at the corners of the larger tiles seemed to be covered with fabric. I stared at one. It opened suddenly, and i could see part of the face of an orange cat looking out. I said hello to it, acting playful. I leaned to the east a little, realizing that i was actually looking at the cushion in a mirror that was on the eastern wall. The cushion was really the eastern side of the bed that i had been sitting on. I moved to the end of the bed and looked down, thinking that i would play with the cat, which seemed to be $X13.

12013 April 04

I was traveling to the west on the bus. I was sitting on the left side of the bus. I looked to the north, noticing that we were heading to the south of the college, which seemed like $P52. I thought that i would have to get off of the bus on the southern side of the campus. I had to get to class, which was in one of the buildings on the campus. I talked to the other person about going to the building. I knew which building my class was in, but i could not describe it to the person i was talking to. I tried to remember the name of the building, but i could not. I then tried to picture where it was on campus, but i could not. I explained to the other person that i usually walked to the building from my house, which was to the north of the campus. I tried to focus on the building. It seemed like a gray stone building with a sloped roof. I then thought of the name of the building, but it did not seem correct. I asked the other person if the name could be the building where my class would be. I mentioned the name of $P141. I then remembered that this building was the student union, and i pictured it on the western side of the campus. I told the person that it could not be the correct building. I felt confused. I tried to picture how i would walk to class from where i was, but i could not picture the campus in my mind. Something seemed wrong, but i told myself that i would be able to find the building, even though i felt lost. I then wondered where i would have to get off the bus. I thought that i would have to get off soon, but then i started to wonder if i would have to get off on the northern side of campus. I felt suddenly worried that i would have to ride the bus all the way back to the northern side of campus. I tried to think of where i should get off, but i started to worry that i might have to ride the bus all the way downtown, to the east, before it would circle back to the northern side of the campus. I did not want to have to ride the bus that long, and i assured myself that i would be getting off the bus soon. I walked to the west, along the northern side of the road. It was dark now, and i was walking to the south of the cars that were parallel parked on the side of the road. A group of people were doing something on the southern side of the road. The land around me seemed flat, with a lawn to the north and south. A low building seemed to be to the southwest, to the west of the group of people. The people were in a small rounded parking lot, and they seemed to have come from a wedding. I noticed a small black coffee maker sitting on the side of the road, near one of the parked cars to the north of me. It seemed strange to see it on the ground, and i focused on it as i approached. Several cars were parked in a line along the road. As i approached the coffee maker, i noticed a blender near one of the other cars. These must have been gifts from the wedding, but they were being discarded on the side of the road. I picked up the blender and took it to the west, toward the bed, where my mother was still sleeping. I walked to the north of the bed in the large room. As i stopped by the bed, people from the wedding came into the room from the north. They were looking for the blender. I felt a little annoyed with them, but i walked to the east to get the blender, which i had placed under the small round white table that was in the center of the room. I did not want the people from the wedding to think that i had stolen their blender, so i would have to bring it back to them without letting them see me with it. I wondered how i could sneak it back to the cars, where i had found it. I then noticed that most of the people from the wedding party were sleeping now. It seem to be later in the evening, and everyone was worn out from partying. They had not noticed that i had gotten out of bed, so i thought i could just put the blender on the chair on the northeastern side of the room and then sneak back to bed. The people would find the blender, but would not know where it had been. The room was U-shaped now, with a large glass container extending from the northern wall. I walked to the east, around the southern part of the glass booth. I could see the wedding party entering the room from a door in the northern wall. The door was just to the west of the northern side of the tube. The party was smiling as they looked at the colored balls that were in the plastic tube. I stopped and looked at them for a moment. The balls were being tossed around inside the cylinder. I thought that $A630 had left them in the tube to be chopped up by the blades. The tube was actually a large food processor, and the colored objects were different types of food. They were being chopped up, and the people from the wedding party found it fascinating. They gazed with wonder at the things in the glass tube. I thought that it was strange that such a large food processor was in the room. I moved toward the white northern wall of the room to do something. I glanced to the west, noticing that the people were now putting more food into the processor. They were interested in the processor. I noticed that it was not as easy to see the things in the processor, and i knew that a light could be turned on within the tube to illuminate the food. I looked around on the northern wall for a light switch, but i could not see one. I then realized that the white booth to the north of the tube probably had all of the controls for the processor. A window in the booth looked out into the tube, but i could not see anyone in the booth. The door to the booth was on the western side of the tube, so i would have to walk around to the other side to enter. I walked around the outside of the tube, watching the people as they stood fascinated with the brightly colored objects that were spinning around inside. I started to talk to the people from the wedding as i made my way along the western side of the tube. I was in the middle of the crowd, and i mentioned the things that were now in the tube. I pointed out the two distinct colors of the food being processed. Part of the food was dull green, and the other was a bright garish blue. The colors made an attractive pattern in the processor. I told the others that i thought it looked good. It felt good to be here and good to be talking to these people. I liked being here. I then realized that $A630 was in the crowd. He seemed very drunk and was stumbling. I felt concerned for him, thinking that we would have to take care of him to make sure he does not get hurt.

12013 April 05

I walked down the hallway to the west. I was in $P19, and i had been staying in the room on the northern side of the hallway. I turned to the north, walking into the room. I was now on a room on the third floor of the building. The room filled most of the third floor. A large green comforter was curled up on the bed, and several of my things seemed to be scattered around the room. $A626 was standing to the northwest of me, and he had been talking to me about something. It was good to see him, and i thought that he had spent the night here. I then realized that i had the entire room to myself, which seemed rather strange. I was surprised that i did not have any roommates. $A626 had been staying with me, and so had another person, who seemed to be a friend of mine. I turned to the east and walked and started talking to one of $G3. He seemed a little concerned, and he told me that i should not be staying in the upper room. I remembered that i was supposed to be staying in the room on the northern side of the hallway on the eastern end of the hallway of the second floor. I was staying there with two other people. I wondered why i had slept in the larger room. The man who was talking to me, who seemed to be $A120, seemed to be a little annoyed that i had been staying here. I realized that $G3 might think that i was staying here with the other two men. I knew that they would not like $A626 staying with me because he was not $G3. He should not have a room in the house if he was not part of the group. I started to worry that $G3 would feel upset because i had given someone a room with me. I told $A120 that $A626 was staying with me for the night. I thought that i could tell him that $A626 was a cousin of mine, but i did not say this. I let $A120 know that $A626 was only staying with me for the weekend. He seemed to realize that the assumption made by the other $G3 was incorrect. I thought that he would now be able to tell them that they had assumed something wrong. I hoped that they would realize that they did not have to be angry with me, because i was not actually giving someone a room here. I started moving through the rooms, thinking about the situation. I hoped that i had given $G3 good reason why i had slept in the upper room. I felt that i would have to justify myself, but i did not want to confront everyone myself. I hoped that $A120 would let everyone know that i had not simply let my friends live with me. I still felt awkward about the situation.

12013 April 06

I turned to the southwest, carrying the electric guitar with me. I then looked down at the guitar. I was holding it by the base of the neck. It had a wooden neck and head, with a body that had a red hue to it. It looked like a Stratocaster style. To my disappointment, the neck of the guitar was broken. The head tipped back as i held it. I tried holding the two pieces together for a moment, but the wood could not be repaired. I felt very upset about this, but i was not sure what i should do.

12013 April 07

I felt bad as i turned back to the east. the others seemed to be standing in a rectangular group in the center of the room. They seemed to be in two columns than ran from north to south, and i was standing in the center of the western column. I felt nervous about some of the other people. They seemed to be teasing me about something, and i did not want to deal with them. Someone came from the northwest, but i tried to ignore the person. I kneeled down in the row, facing northeast. I seemed to be on a bus, but the room was not moving. I was very uncomfortable here, but i was not sure what i should do. Someone then seemed to be organizing the others. They were moving to the northwest. I remained seated behind the small desk on the western side of the hallway. I looked down at the book on the desk in front of me. I then looked up at the performers to the east. Three women came out of the doorway in the eastern wall, pushing the black metal door open to the south. They were walking down the short flight of metal stairs under the doorway. The stairs were just a little to the south of being directly to the east of me, and they were black. The walls of the corridor around me, which ran north to south, were also black, and this place seemed like a back-stage area. The performers had been rehearsing a show. They wore matching white dresses, which were spotted with sequins. The dresses had short flared skirts on the bottom, like dance dresses, and they had thick shoulder straps at the top. The women were wearing the dresses over black body suits. They hurried down the stairs and started walking down the hall to the south. The first woman seemed to be Madonna. She had just finished practicing for the show, and she smiled in my direction as she reached the bottom of the stairs. I realized that she probably noticed that i did not seem excited to see her. It would be different for her to see someone who was not excited to meet her. I glanced back down at my book as she turned to the south and started down the hallway. I thought that she would probably like that i did not harass her with adoration. The second woman started down the corridor as well, but she turned to look at me over her left shoulder. She was $A364. All three women hurried to the south.

12013 April 09

I picked up one of the tiles and looked it over. It was square and seemed very significant. The area of the tile was a solid color, and it seemed to be soft blue. I focused on the sans-serif lettering on the tile. It seemed to be light-gray or black. I thought that this square had something to do with a record cover, so i tried to remember the format, thinking that i could use the layout for my albums. Three words were written across the tile, one on each line. Together, they filled the space in the center of the cover. The words were of different font weights and sizes, but all seemed to be in uppercase letters. The top and bottom lines seemed to be in bold. I thought that the name of the album would have to go on the middle line, which somehow seemed more pronounced that the other two lines. Since one of the albums would be my first album, i thought that the middle line should say “BEGIN”. It seemed appropriate for a first album title. I then thought of other words that could have been used instead. I felt very interested in the idea of using these designs for my albums, thinking that it would provide a consistent theme over several records. I could just vary the type and the background color. I moved around as i thought about this, and i eventually started heading to the south. I had been in a small area on the northeastern side of the building, but i had to get somewhere for something else. I came into the classroom, which was a lecture hall. The ground sloped up to the south, and rows of cushioned fold-up theater seats ran east to west. Few people were sitting in the seats. I followed another person, stepping over the seats as we made our way up the steep slope of the room. It seemed suddenly strange to be walking on the chairs, but i then thought that it was probably common. This was how people crossed the room to get to the doors on the southern side. This room had become a corridor. I started to wonder if the people in the classroom would be disturbed by the extra traffic. I knew that a professor was standing on the southern side of the room, lecturing to the students. I hoped that we were not disturbing him. I reached the upper level on the southern side of the room and turned to look back to the northeast. I saw a queue of people walking up the chairs in the center of the room. More were walking along the eastern wall, up the stairs. They had all left the class that had been in the smaller room to the northeast, and were coming into this room from the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. Crossing through this classroom was the only way to get out of the smaller room. It seemed discourteous to the professor here to be interrupting his class like this. I felt a little uncomfortable as i continued to the west, heading down the road. I was in the passenger’s seat of the car, and my father was driving. I listened to him as we drove a moment. We had to get to somewhere. We then seemed to be heading to the east. I felt that i had something to do, and i told this to my father. He wanted to drive us somewhere, and i was listening to him as we turned to the northeast, pulling into the small area. I had to deliver the large object. $A589 seemed to be in this area, and i was dropping off the equipment for him. The large boxy object seemed brown, and i thought that it had something to do with music.

12013 April 10

I moved a little to the east, stopping on the western side of the small room. The audience crowded into the center of the room, sitting in rows of chairs that were all facing to the north. The room was poorly lighted, and some people were talking on the northern side of the room. This seemed like some kind of sporting event, and i thought that it had to do with wrestling. I looked over the audience to the northeast of me, noticing a man on the eastern side of the room looking at me. He seemed to want to know what i was doing here, and i told him something about wrestling. I then looked to the north, thinking that i would see some of the wrestling team from Cornell University. I could not quite make out the people standing on the northern side of the room. I then realized that the people near the front of the room seemed young. The wrestling seemed to be for youths. I turned to look back at the man, mentioning this to him. As i did, a girl with a round face and pudgy body turned to look at me from the eastern side of the audience. She was sitting just to the southwest of the man. One of the people at the front of the room then announced two people who would be wrestling. The girl, who had on a white tank-top started walking toward the front of the room. A pudgy boy to the north of me, in the center of the crowd, started moving to the east to get to the front of the room. I wondered if he knew that he would be wresting a girl. I thought that it was good that the sport was mixing genders, but i wondered if the boy would feel uncomfortable about it. I started walking to the east, across the southern side of the large building. It was night, and the building was not well lighted. I came into a room that was crowded with items. I was not looking for anything, but i looked over the items in the room. I felt that i should be doing something, but i was not quite sure what exactly i should be doing. I looked at the metal gears to the southeast of me. They were on several stacks of items on the ground near me. Several of the items were wooden and seemed to come from a large clock. I was aware of the people moving to the northern of me. A man was walking to the east across the room. He stopped and said something to me. I turned to him, blocking what he had thrown at me with the round metal gear in my hand. I felt nervous about the people here because of what had happened in the crowded area to the west. $F4 seemed to be with me, but i could not see him. I replied to the other person to the north, trying to get him to leave me alone. I put down the gear as i looked over some of the other clock pieces. Something about this situation made me feel anxious and upset. I started walking back to the west, thinking about the crowd in the barn to the northwest of me. I looked at the large barn as i walked to the south of it. i was then looking at a photograph i had taken of the barn. I moved the photographs in front of me. They were blurry and grainy. I had taken them in the dark, so only a few details of the barn showed up. I focused on the square cupola at the top of the barn. The picture was too dark to see it clearly, but a white halo of backlight surrounded the right side of it. I flipped through a couple of the other pictures, noticing how nice the weathervane and cupola looked with the white light from behind. One of the pictures was mostly white, with blurry red streaks down the left side. I flipped past it because it was so out of focus, and i looked at the other images of the cupola. They looked quite nice, and i was happy with the way they turned out, even if i had not expected them to turn out that way.

12013 April 11

The two men were to the east of me in the room. This was part of a special story, and one of the men had a cane that was significant. The cane had some special properties, but the man did not know that yet. He was going to discover it during the story. I then realized that the new man to the scene was the one with the cane, but the man who was already in the scene should be the one with the cane. It would make a more interesting story if the first man had the cane but did not realize the significance of it. It would make a better story when the visiting man introduced the idea of the cane. I thought about the visiting man using the magic cane as i walked to the west. I was now walking across the northern side of the area, which seemed to be a field of dry cut grass. I had been carrying the cane in my right hand, and i lifted the cane, pointing it to the west. I pretended that i was using the magical properties of the cane. I held the wooden shaft over my right shoulder for a moment and then let the tip drop to the ground. I realized that the cane was actually a wooden staff. It was taller than i was. It would not work for the story because it would have to look like a cane so that people did not think it was anything special until it was revealed later in the story. I started to look around the room near me for a cane. I was looking along the southern wall of the room, just to the east of the entry door. Several canes were resting against the wall. I looked them over, thinking that the bamboo one might be good. I talked to the others about them, trying to get their opinion on which would be good for the show. I pulled one can from the wall, noticing that it was broken near the top. The wood had been split, and the head of the cane was falling off. I pushed the canes back against the wall, now in the stairwell in the hallway to the south of the room. The wooden stairs ran up to the north against the eastern wall. I looked at the stairs as i sorted through some of the canes, trying to decide which would look good for the story. One of the men with me took one of the canes from me and looked it over. He was a tall thin man. He slided the cane trough the openings in the ceiling rafters. I thought that some of the other canes had been stored there. As he put the cane there, i heard the cane crack. The weight of the ceiling must have broken the cane. This must be how the broken cane against the wall had become broken. I looked again at the canes on the southern wall. None were good for the play, so i started wandering to the south. I thought about the modern cane that my mother had bought me. It had a brass top and looked rather new. It might work, but it did not look special enough to use it as a magical cane. I looked again at the thin canes against the southern wall. One of the thin canes was white, and i thought that it could work, but i did not really want to use it. It was not quite right visually. I then noticed the thick old black canes on the eastern end of the southern wall. They looked like small pillars, with rotary-carved features. The canes were almost a deci thick, and looked too heavy to really act as canes. I thought that they must be rather old. I looked them over, noticing that one of them had a smaller thin wood cane attached to its side. It was probably an antique. I wondered if i could use it, even though it did not quite look right. I then realized that my mother was watching me from the north. I felt uneasy, thinking that i could not use antiques because they were too valuable. I would have to find a cheap one. I thought again about using the modern one that i had. I could see it leaning against the wall to the north. I thought about this. I was then in the car with my parents, and we were traveling to the southeast. I was driving, and i turned the car to the south, following the curve in the road. I had to get to my job. The job had moved to the new area down the road from where it had been, and i was not really sure how far away it was. The land around us was open, and it seemed to be covered with dry grass. Several rectangular areas of dry tan dirt lined the sides of the road, one to the south, and a few to the west of us. They looked like empty lots, and i thought that they were the locations of the old restaurant. I thought that the restaurant was now back in its original location. It had moved back recently. This was where i worked, and i felt that i had to get to work.

12013 April 12

I continued to speak to the others as we turned to the south, following the street through the small town. The street was covered with water, and seemed to be a shallow stream. The man to the west of me was talking to me as i looked down at the flat rocks under the water. The rocks were of various sizes, and all seemed to be embedded into the sandy soil so that they seemed to form a relatively flat surface. It seemed strange that we were driving the bus down the street when the street was flooded. I commented on this to the other person. Something seemed very strange here, and i wondered why we were actually floating down the road. This did not seem correct. We turned to the east, and then started following the wider stream back to the north. The second stream seemed to be in a channel, between two short cement walls. I talked with the others as we traveled. I now seemed to be moving in a small boat, and each of the other people were in their own small boats. The aluminium boats were about a meter wide and a meter and a half long. As we approached the northern end of the canal, i realized that the water was moving fairly quickly to the south. The current formed waves near the northern end of the canal. The two people that were traveling ahead of me turned their boats to the northeast, heading across the river. I started to follow them, but i was having trouble getting my boat over the waves. The water was moving so quickly to the south that i had trouble moving forward. I felt frustrated, and thought that i would not be able to get the boat safely over the rapids. I complained to the others about this.

I was at $P19, and a group of other people were here. Some event seemed to be happening. I stood in the room in the center of the house, annoyed that mosquitos were buzzing around my head. It seemed strange that they would be here at this time. I moved out of the room, heading to the north. Some time seemed to have passed, and i was then on the northern side of the building. I came from the west and stopped against the building, standing next to the building as though hiding from someone. I looked to the east, along the building. $A605 was sitting in a small tree to the east of me, off the eastern end of the house. The tree was only three or four meters tall, and i could see him sitting on the thin leafless branches. He started to climb down as he saw me. I had been doing something, and i felt uncomfortable about it. It had something to do with the mosquitos. $A636 and $A590 came from the northwest. They stopped just in front of me and started talking to me in seriousness. Something seemed wrong, and they were trying to let me know that i was not doing something correctly. I felt upset, not quite sure what to do. I had to get to somewhere, and i turned to the east and headed down the corridor. I was wearing the nylon sweatpants as i walked. The sweatpants seemed loose on me, though. I looked at them as i walked, seeing my legs from behind as i moved down the hall. The nylon pants had a sheen to them, and they kept slipping down around my hips. Something seemed awkward about them. I tried to keep them up, but they did not want to stay. I came into the room of the house, still feeling out of place here. The man was to the south of me, on the southern side of the room. I started chatting with him about the problem. He slouched a little as he spoke. He seemed like $A553. I sat in a chair to the northwest of him, but i was facing south, toward the desk, which seemed like a counter on the southern wall. I bent over to grab the black shoe from the floor. I put the shoe on my left foot, but realized that the shoe was not actually mine. It belonged to $A553. I felt uncomfortable about putting on his shoes, and i said something to him about it. We then started talking about the size of the shoe. I was surprised that they fit me. $A553 said that the shoes were a small size. I told him that i wore a size twenty-four. He said that this size seemed small, and he said that his shoes were size fourty-eight. I remembered that i was telling him the size in the European scale. I looked at the shoes, seeing the size printed on them.

12013 April 13

I poured the fine grains of material into my right hand. They were tan in color, and i thought that they were actually seeds from the garden. I looked into my palm as i poured a second type of seed into the palm. The first small pile was near the thumb of my left hand, which was on my right arm. The second pile, which was of a dark-gray grain, was near the pinky of the hand. I tried to keep the seeds separate. They seemed to be seeds to some special flowers from the garden, and i wanted to make sure that they took root outside. I told the person that the flowers were arugula. I thought about this, thinking that it was actually a leafy plant. I turned to the southwest and started walking across the outside area. I seemed to be in a garden area. I would have to start planting these seeds somewhere, but i was not quite sure where they should go. I said something to my mother, who was to the southwest of me. She was walking to the north, past me. I then looked down at the patches of plants on the ground. The ground was still gray from the winter, but small red leafs marked an area where some leafy shrubs would regrow in the spring. I walked around the western side of the small circular patch, looking down at the stiff leafs. I thought about planting the seeds here, thinking that they might be safe. I then thought that they might get lost in the shrub as it grew larger. I knew that the seeds i had were for small plants, so i could not let them grow under the larger plant. I did not know where to put them. I started walking back to the northeast, looking in my hand at the seeds. They looked like grains of sand now. I realized that the two different colors of sand were mixing in the center of my hand. I wanted to keep them separate, so i tried to pull them apart. The colors were mixing in the middle, and i felt annoyed my this. I used the stiff dry leaf that i was holding in my left hand to try to scoop the sand in the center of my palm to the side, trying to keep the reddish-tan sand on the left and the dark-gray sand on the right. As i moved the sand with the object, though, the sand kept sliding back toward the center of my hand. I was annoyed by this.

I walked to the east, across the northern side of the large classroom. This room was a lecture hall in the university. I had been taking a psychology course here, and i felt very upset about the course. I knew that i had not been doing well in this course, which seemed to be Psychology 101. I felt that i had been getting very bad grades, and i worried about passing the class. I was not sure what i should do.

12013 April 14

I had been in the cottage with my relatives. I turned to the south, standing on the southern side of the room. We were getting ready to leave, and i wanted to head out quickly. My mother was somewhere to the north, and my grandmother seemed to be on the northwestern side of the room. I started moving to the south, but then i noticed something to the southwest. I could not see it clearly through the wall and the trees beyond, but i saw large loops of blue and red in the sky to the southwest. The loops were bright, and i realized that they must be the auroras. I remembered that the auroras were supposed to be very bright tonight because of a solar flair. I felt excited about them and told my parents that an aurora was in the sky. My mother asked where it was, and i said i had seen them to the southwest. I moved to the south a little, driving the car out of the parking area that was underneath the cement building. I wanted to get out to see the aurora, but i felt that i had to wait for my mother before i could do anything. I stopped the car on the southwestern side of the road. The road ran to the southeast from me. I knew that the beach was to the south. It was dark out, and a tall sandy dune ran along the southwestern side of the road, blocking my view to the southwest. I considered driving my car to the southeast, to the end of the road. I would be able to see the auroras from the beach. I felt that i should not move my car, though, because my parents might think that i had left without them. I considered running to the end of the road, but it seemed to far to travel on foot. I looked at the tall steep dune, wondering if i should just climb it. I wanted to see the bright lights. I looked at the mild skyglow over the top of the dune, noticing the silhouette of small trees, which looked like sycamore trees. I thought that i could climb the dune, but i knew that it was covered with dry scrub plants. I would not be able to see them easily in the dark, and i knew that it would be very hard to push through them if i could not see them. I felt frustrated and not sure what i should do. I headed back to the north, into the house. I could now see the sky to the southwest, but i could no longer see the aurora. I wondered if they had faded out already. I felt disappointed. I could see a faint yellow glow in the sky to the southwest, which i told the people to the northwest of me was the remains of the auroral glow. My mother seemed interested in seeing the aurora, but it was no longer brightly visible. I felt disappointed.

12013 April 15

I felt uneasy because everyone was blaming me for something. I looked to the north. I could see the collage of small images that represented individual countries. One collection of images was to the north of me, and a large collection was to the northeast. I was standing on the southern side of the area. The others had blamed me for the nuclear war, but it was not really my fault. The people to the north of me were saying something that made it seem like i had started the war, but i knew that it was a country to the northwest. I glanced to the northwest, looking at a small tan photograph in the center of the collage. The photograph was of a tank, and its turret turned to the west as i watched it. This was Iran, and i knew that they had planted the evidence that would start the nuclear war. I felt nervous and scared, feeling that everyone was still blaming me. They did not believe that Iran had started the war. I pointed to the northwest, but the country to the north of me, which seemed to be the United States, would not believe me. The United States had a picture of a tank in the center as well. They said something about the small pill, which seemed to have something to do with the accusations. Someone mentioned the name of the pill, which seemed to start with a C. The name was a common name, and i thought that it would prove that the pill had nothing to do with the nuclear threat, but the others were not listening to me. I felt scared, thinking that the people to the north were going to attack me because of the fictitious story. The tension then escalated, and i felt scared that something was happening. I was standing now on a cement walkway, which as elevated from the ground around it. The walkway ran to the north, toward the collage that was the United States. The collage to the north started moving, and i knew that they were moving to attack. I dropped to the ground, thinking that i should find cover. A metal railing ran down the center of the walkway, and i was standing on the eastern side of it. I dropped to the ground near the railing. A loose piece of material was blowing from the railing, and it blew over the top of me. I crouched down, trying to hide from the coming devastation.

I was chatting with the people in the area on the southern side of me. They were moving to the west. I approached them from the north and then turned to the west, walking with them. They seemed like people i knew form $P7 or $G3. They played hockey, and they were here for the game. I chatted with two of the people. One man was tall and thin and had blond hair. I then realized that it was sunny out, and that we were walking through a forested area. This place seemed like a campsite, even though i could not see any of the buildings around us. We stopped on the western side of the area, and i chatted with the person, who seemed like $A477 or $A59. I wondered where they were going to play hockey. I asked something about the ring as the man wandered to the north. I was then aware of a clearing to the southwest of me. Others were moving through the clearing. I thought that the hockey team would have to clear the space before they could play their game. They seemed to be forming a small ice rink to the southwest of me. I then turned my attention to the west, where a few of them were on the ground, stretching out. The hockey players were wearing red dresses. They seemed to be from the Cornell team. I realized that one of the men in a red dress was $A98. Another seemed to be $A85. I said something to $A98 as he stretched. He was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress that had tassels running down the skirt. His legs were to the west as he lay on the ground in a hurdler’s stretch. I turned back to the east and headed back across the open area. I was chatting with the other person now, and i mentioned the department stores. I was thinking about them because they had something to do with the equipment used in the hockey game. I glanced to the southeast as i spoke, across the dark area of the empty building. I mentioned Woolworths to the person i was talking to. The person did not know what the store was. I started telling the person about the department stores that used to exist, saying that they were not out of business. I looked to the west at the person as we started moving to the north. The woman was sitting on a bench-seat at the back of the bus, and i was sitting to the east of her. She had black hair that was combed to the sides. Her face seemed unattractive, and she wore black glasses. I told her that she was probably too young to remember Woolworths. I then started telling her about the department stores that used to be around. I said that the large department stores used to be everywhere. I mentioned Wards and Caldors, clarifying that Wards was a traditional department store, and Caldors was a new one, similar to K-mart. I then thought that what i was saying was not exactly true. I seemed to be confusing the story. The bus we were driving on was heading north, and i thought about how i could explain the stores better. I thought that i could compare Wards to Sears, saying that they were big competitors.

12013 April 16

I walked to the west, across the northern side of the college building. This building seemed to be a dormitory, but it also seemed to be a student lounge or library. A corridor ran east-to-west down the center of the building. It was just to the south of me, and it was about a half-meter below the floor that i was walking on. A modern wooden railing ran along the edge of higher level. The area to the south of the corridor also seemed to be elevated. The railing had a flat square piece of wood along the top of it, and it seemed to be supported by thin gray metal bars. I passed several people, who were sitting around tables on the northern side of the room. I had been descending through the levels of the building, going down one floor at a time. I remembered stepping down across several floors of the building to get to the floor that i was on. I moved toward the railing as i continued to the west. I then stepped over the railing to get to the corridor. As i stepped over the railing, i seemed to be descending to another floor. I then started to worry that the northern and southern edges of the floor of the corridor were not connected to the walls. I imagined deci-wide gaps on the sides of the corridor. I had to be careful not to step into the gaps. I also realized that the floor of the corridor itself might disappear as i tried to step on it. I worried about this as i came over the railing. I felt my feet land on the floor of the corridor, and i felt a little relieved. I continued to the west, down the center of the corridor. I still had to jump down several more levels to get to the ground floor. I had to get outside to the north of the building. I looked to the north, seeing out the large windows in the northern wall of the room. I could see the green lawn to the north of the building that i was in, and i realized that i was on the second or third floor of the building. I would only have to head down another level or two. The lawn to the north was surrounded by tall modern buildings. The lawn seemed to be triangular, with a tall tan and glass building on the northwestern side. I reached the western end of the corridor. The room here seemed smaller on this end of the building, with a lower ceiling. The tall gray metal library shelfs were close to the corridor, and the room was not as well lighted. Students were crowded in the corridor as i tried to move through, and i realized that they were here for a class. A professor was walking ahead of me in the corridor. I followed him to the south, as the corridor turned along the western side of the building. I felt a little inconvenienced because the professor was walking so slowly, but there did not seem to be enough space in the corridor to easily pass him. I also felt a little self-conscious because his students were still watching him as he spoke. I hoped that i was not interrupting his talk. I waited until he was at the southern end of the corridor before i could push past him. I headed to the west, down a long flight of stairs in a narrow stairway. The stairs ended in a corridor in a small office area. The doors off the corridors around me seemed to lead to administrative offices of the university. I wanted to head to the north, to get out of the building, so i followed the short corridor to the north. I had only gone a few steps before i realized that none of the doors off the corridor actually led to the outside. A door was on the western and eastern sides of the corridor. A second door was on the northern end of the eastern side of the corridor, and a doorway seemed to be at the northern end of the corridor. A door was in a short diagonal wall just to the west of the end of the corridor, facing northwest. The door was open, and i could see a low metal filing cabinet inside. A rounded woman in a tight pale-green dress stood in the doorway, looking at me. She seemed to be trying to figure out what i was doing in the corridor. I turned to the south and headed back to the intersection of the corridors. I looked to the west, down another short corridor. A door at the end of the this hall seemed to lead outside. I could see a stone wall through the glass window in the upper half of the door. This wall seemed to be the wall of the next building. Red letters on the glass seemed to indicate that this door was an emergency exit, and i thought that they said something about an alarm. The sign seemed crude, and i could not make out exactly what it said, but i thought that an alarm would go off if i opened it. I looked to the southeast, down a slightly longer corridor. This corridor was not as well lighted as the others, and it did not seem to have any doors of the sides. A door at the end of the corridor seemed to lead outside. I wondered if it would be an alarmed door as well, but then i saw someone opening the door to walk through. I decided that this would be the way i should go, so i started down the corridor. Several students came through the door, which had a glass window on the upper half. As i reached the door, several students were coming in. The door opened outward, so i stopped to let the students come through it. I watched them as they passed me, standing out of their way against the western wall. Several of the students coming through the door seemed to be women in cheerleading uniforms. The uniforms were red with thick white stripes. I waited for them to pass as i looked out into the corridor beyond. The corridor on the other side of the door ran to the east. A woman came around the corner from the east. She had a round face with dark hair. Her facial features made me think that she had downs syndrome. I then noticed the other short woman behind her. The second woman was Becky, from Glee. She paused in the doorway to look at me before she continued down the corridor to the north. No one else was coming from the corridor, so i stepped through the door. I then realized that Becky was from the cast of Glee. As i thought this, i saw Finn and Rachel turning the corner from the east. I bumped into Flinn as i had started around the corner. I backed up a little, apologizing. They nodded at me as they passed, heading for the door. I followed the corridor to the north. The corridor seemed crude, with dingy cement walls. I felt amused that i had seen the actors that played the characters of Finn and Rachel. I thought that they must be in this college. I then thought that this college must be the place where they film scenes from the show. I thought that i should tell $F45 that i had seen these people, and i felt excited about telling him. I knew that he would be interested. The dull-white cement corridor ended an a wider corridor to the north. I stopped in the doorway to the second corridor, looking to the west. The corridor was lined with brick, and it was poorly lighted. It seemed to be an older part of the building. A shallow archway was in the southern wall, just to the west of where i was. It was filled in with bricks, and seemed to have a light illuminating it. An arched doorway was in the southern half of the western wall of the corridor. I recognized this place, thinking that i had been here sometime before. I also recognized this place from the show. One of the scenes from this show must have been filmed in this area. I felt excited to be here, and i imagined telling $F45 that i had been in this place. I wondered if he would want to come to visit this place. I walked to the west a little, looking at the old features of the room. I then turned to the east and headed back toward the door. I suddenly remembered this place from somewhere else. It seemed very familiar to me. I thought that i had seen it in a dream before. I looked down at the flagstone floor, which was broken into wide steps that descended to the east, into the corridor. I felt very interested in this area, and i thought that it was important that i remember it. I headed back to the west, across the room with the brick walls. I passed through the archway in the southern end of the western wall, coming into a room that seemed like a pub. The walls here were also brick, and the crude wooden beams seemed old. I had been here several times in my dreams. I turned to the south, heading through another door, which led into a small hallway with doors on all sides. I turned to the west and came into another room that seemed like a pub. The bar ran along the western wall. A few bartenders stood behind the bar, and a few people were sitting or standing at the front of the bar. It seemed late, and i thought that the bar was closing for the night. A corridor ran on the south side of the bar. I looked at the bartenders, noticing that they were shirtless. Both of their torsos were nicely detailed, and i thought that both of them were very attractive. The one on the southern side of the bar was skinny and had curly hair. I wondered if the bartenders were shirtless as a gimmick for the evening. I then looked around the room and realized that only women were in the bar. One of the women near the bar made a comment about bacon in the room, and i started to feel worried that she might be talking about me. I wandered back to the east, thinking that people might find it strange if i stayed in the pub. This place was special, and i thought that i should visit again. I would have to do it when it was not a women’s night. I thought about the specialness of this place as i headed back down the corridor to the east. I was again headed toward the exit door at the end of the stone corridor, crossing the brick room and stepping down the flagstone levels of the floor. Something then started to change. I felt strange, and the view started to turn red. A vibrating feeling passed through my body, and i started to feel that i was falling into a trance. It had something to do with this special place. I wanted to drift in the feeling, but i started to feel worried that something was not right. I woke up suddenly in the bed. The head of the bed was against the northern wall of the room, and $F45 was lying to the east of me. He started caressing me, trying to get me interested in copulating. I did not feel interested, and i pulled away. He continued to pet me, so i told him no, but he persisted. I felt angry with him and shoved him away. A man then came from the south and stopped $F45 from bothering me. I was surprised by this. The man was a bouncer, and i realized that i was still at the bar. I felt uneasy here now, but i did not want the people working here to know that. I pretended to feel woozy, as though i was still suffering from too much alcohol. The bouncer held $F45 near the southern end of the room, and i wandered to the west. I came back into the small hallway with the doors on all sides. To the north, i could see the bar where the shirtless bartenders had been. Everything seemed different now. I looked to the southwest, through a doorway and into the kitchen. A dark-skinned man was standing to the east of a large cutting counter. He had nice arm muscles, and i thought that he was very attractive. He smiled at me as though he knew who i was. He moved toward me, trying to get erotic with me. I did not remember him, and felt a little uncomfortable near him. I felt interested in him and wanted to copulate with him, but i pushed him away as well. These people were special in some way, but they were trying to lure me into something. Something about this place was magical, and the people here were focusing their attention on me. I worried that they were trying to take something from me. I turned back to the west and headed toward the bed where i had been sleeping. My backpack was still at the side of the bed. $F45 and i had been visiting this college area, and we were sleeping in this place. The people here were special, but i felt that they were trying to take some kind of power from me. I looked through by bag, aware that the bouncer was still watching me from the southern side of the room. I should get dressed. I was still in my bedclothes. I imagined floating in the air as i put on my pants. It would show others that i did have some kind of abilities. I started floating over the bed as i got dressed. It felt good to do so. $F45 was surprised at my ability. I knew that he never believed that i as anything special. I remembered flying near the ceiling on the western side of the room before. These people must have realized that i had special powers, and they were trying to get some of the power from me. They were special people. I thought that they were like vampires. They would take energy from people by biting them. I could also take energy from people, but i did not have to bite the people. I thought about this as i floated in the room. I wanted to be part of the fun in this place, and i wanted to enjoy the physical pleasures, but i was not sure about these people. I did not feel that i could trust them. They would want by powers for their own, so i knew that they would simply try to take them from me.

12013 April 17

I was looking for $A590’s necklace on the ground to the north of me. This was the place where i thought he might have dropped it when he was doing summersaults. I saw a small white bead on the ground and picked it up. Several other pieces of the necklace seemed to be on the ground. I looked at one of the white beads, noticing that it had been broken. I picked up the rest. The lawnmower must have hit the necklace when it was cutting the grass in the room to the south. The necklace would have been thrown to the north, into this small room, which was only a meter or so deep. It was separated from the main room by several thick brick columns. I backed into the room to the south, noticing the thick green grass on the floor. I looked around to the north again, trying to find all of the pieces to the necklace. I wanted to collect it and return it to $A590. Others were in the room to the south of me, so i told them that i was looking for the necklace. I then saw a length of red string to the northwest, just to the west of one of the thick columns. It still had several white beads along it. I picked it up, thinking that i must have most of the necklace now. I then noticed some more white things on the ground, so i picked them up in case they were all part of the necklace. I turned back to the north to face the others. I was in the large room of the house now. The floor was no longer covered with grass. I sat on the bed near the south wall as i spoke to the others about the necklace. A few other people then came into the room through the doorway in the western wall. I talked to them for a moment, but then realized that i had to urinate. I stood up and walked to the east. A toilet was on the western wall of the room. I started to urinate in the toilet, but i realized that someone had thrown several towels into the toilet bowl. I was annoyed. Hesitantly, i pulled one of the towels out so that i could use the toilet. I was disgusted that someone had stuffed towels in the toilet bowl. They must have been trying to get it to flood. The others were now sitting on the bed to the south of me.

I was walking to the woman in the large fancy house. I felt uneasy speaking to her. It seemed that i was defying someone’s request that no one speak to the woman. She waited on the southern side of the pool. I was looking at her from the south and slightly southeast of her, seeing only her shoulders. She wore a tanktop. I was standing in the center of the pool, but i could not see myself. I thought that i should wait with her because i felt concerned for her. I was sitting on the edge of a platform that was floating in the center of the pool, to the northwest of the woman, but i was still seeing the woman from the southeast of the pool. A car came from the east. It was night out, so i could not see the car, but i could hear it and see its lights shine through the window in the eastern wall. We now seemed to be on the second floor of the house, and i was sitting on a bed that was against the eastern wall of the room. The woman still sat to the southeast of me. I felt nervous, thinking that the people who had just arrived were dangerous mafia people. I told the woman that i would leave the room so that i was not here when they came in. I headed out of the room to the south, and then turned to the west down the hallway. I turned to the north and came into the next bedroom, which was near the one that the woman was in. I thought that i would be able to hear what the others were saying to the woman. I felt uneasy. I had to look casual so that the people coming did not know that i had been talking to the woman. I tried to listen to what they were saying in the room to the east, but i could not hear the conversation. The people there were playing music, and i was unable to hear the conversations. I thought that they were intentionally playing the music to block the sound of conversation. They wanted to make the room secure against eavesdroppers. I sat on the bed in the small bedroom and pretended to read a book. I had to make it seem that i was not paying attention to what was happening with the woman. I focused on the book, which seemed like Focault’s Pendulum. I felt nervous, worrying that the people might not believe that i was unaware of what was going on. I tried to act casual, but i did not really want them to find me. I was not sure what else i could do, thought. The door in the southern wall of the room then opened, and a woman came in. She was wearing a gray and white maid’s outfit. She seemed middle aged, and she looked intently at me as she closed the door behind her. She had a syringe of red liquid. She told me that the others wanted me to inject myself. I felt suddenly afraid of the situation. I thought that the liquid must be some kind of sedative. They wanted me unconscious so that i did not know what was happening. It also seemed that they would be testing me to see if i trusted them. I did not trust them, and i did want to take the liquid. I thought that it might actually be poison. The woman handed me the syringe, insisting that i do as the men say. I squirted out the liquid, feeling very angry and defensive now. I stormed out of the room, heading to the west in the hallway. I came into the living room of the house. An older heavy-set man was standing in the room. He wore a suit and seemed to be someone in charge. I told him that i was leaving, hoping that he would let me leave rather than submit to sedation. I felt defiant, but i worried that they would not let me leave. I told the man insistently that i would not take the syringe. The mas was calm, and he offered me a glass of wine. I felt suspicious, thinking that it was probably drugged as well. I did not want to drink the wine. I felt uncomfortable here, and started to feel threatened. I would have to pretend that i did not suspect anything or the man might kill me. I could not act like i suspected that the man might be trying to kill me. I took a small sip of the wine, but i felt tense and afraid. I would have to dump out the wine when the man was not looking. I wondered what i should do. I tired to leave the room, heading to the east, back into the bedroom. I thought that i should start packing my things so that i could leave. I took the glass of wine with me, thinking that i could discard it when i got the chance. I came into the bedroom, worried that the men would simply kill me. I had to get my things together. I looked around the room suddenly. Something had changed, and i realized that time had passed. I must have passed out and was now just waking up. I wondered if it was the sip of wine i had taken. The men must have drugged me. I headed back to the west, into the kitchen area. No one was around and the room was unlighted. I felt nervous. I had to get out of this place.

12013 April 18

I had been traveling with my parents, and we had just woken up in the hotel room. I walked to the west, across the center of the room. My parents seemed to be on the southern side of the room, to the southwest of me. I thought about where we would be traveling, and i said something to my mother about it. I wanted to get back on the road, and i pictured the road maps. The roads were in blue and red on a white background. I thought that we would be heading to the west, and i thought about the states that we would be traveling through. They seemed like states in the middle of the country, possibly down south. One seemed to be Kansas or Nebraska. This did not seem correct, though. I thought that we should be heading home, and i thought that home would be to the north of where we were. I moved around the room, thinking that we would have to get ready to leave. I walked to the tall wooden cabinet that was against the southern wall and climbed to the top of it. The exit door was behind the cabinet, but i was thinking that i would simply have to jump over the cabinet to get out of the room. I stopped on top of the cabinet, looking down at the door in the white wall to the south of the cabinet. The cabinet was pushed against the wall, and the door was slight ajar, swinging into the room from the hinges on the western side of the door jam. I realized that the door could not be opened because the cabinet was blocking it. I wondered why we had put the cabinet in the way of the door, and then i thought that we had done it on purpose to block something from getting into the room. I started to feel a little nervous, thinking that we would have to get out of the room. I slid back down the northern side of the cabinet, looking at the white rusting refrigerator that i had climbed on. The tall wooden cabinet was now to the west of the refrigerator. We had pushed both against the southern wall. The refrigerator was old, with rounded corners and small spots of rust here and there on the aging white surface. I thought that we would have to get a new one. I then said something to my mother as i turned to the east, thinking that i could climb out the window. I moved to the window in the eastern wall. It seemed darker out now, like morning twilight. The two windows were right next to each other, in the same casement, and they both had two panes of glass that slid up and down. The top pane on the northern window was opened up. I felt that i was expected to climb out the top part of the northern window, but it seemed like too much effort. I pulled the glass pane up over the upper part of the window, which had a screen on it. My mother came toward me from the west, and i told her that it would be easier to climb out the bottom part of the window. I then added that the upper part of the window had a screen on it. I slid the lower pane of glass up and then opened up the screen. I was having trouble getting the panes of glass to stay in the up position, though. the glass was in thin aluminium frames, and the frames seemed to lock into place at the top of the window by moving forward and backward in the frame. I thought that the bottom part of the frame had a lip on it that would rest on a similar lip on the bottom part of the upper frame. I tried to adjust the windows so that they would stay open, but i seemed to have some trouble doing this. I started to feel frustrated as i played with the panes and the frames that contained the screens. I then thought that i had put the wrong pane of glass up first. Now that the correct one was at the top of the window, the second one should stay up. I had already turned to the southwest and was walking away from the window as i thought of this solution. My father was leaving the room to the south, and i stopped in the center of the room, looking to the east at the window. The window was now a single pane of glass, and it seemed to extend all the way to the floor. It looked like a doorway that was covered with glass. My parents were sitting in the bed that was just to the south of me. The bed had its headboard against the western wall, and i was standing on the northern side of it, near the foot of the bed. I noticed two people moving past the window outside. It seemed to be dusk outside, and the two young men were fooling around outside the window. The man on the north had a dark coat on, and the man to the south, who was wearing a light jacket, pushed the man to the north out of view. The man to the south then took off his jacket, lifting it over his head. He seemed to be getting undressed, and i felt interested in him. I focused on his calfs. He was wearing a pair of pants that ended just below his knees, and i thought that he had nicely muscled calfs. The pants seemed to be made of a course material and were tan or ashen brown. I glanced back into the room toward my parents. They were watching the large flat-screen television that was to the south of the door, on the eastern wall. I looked back outside. The man to the south still had a pale shirt on, but i thought that he had taken his shirt off. As he jumped on the back of the second man, i could see his bare chest. He had a nice build, and i felt attracted to him. The man in the dark shirt fell to his knees as the first man jumped on his back. The first man raised his arms as if cheering. He smiled widely in play. He had nice musculature on his chest. Someone was then saying something about the television. I backed into the room, trying not to stare at the young men out the window. I was near the western wall now, and a table was to the north of me. The rectangular table extended from the wall, seeming like a picnic table. $F45 was sitting on the northern side of the table, near the wall. I started talking to him about something. I then looked out the windows on the northern side of the room at the storefronts across the street. The small room seemed very empty now, and the northern wall was covered with old multipane windows. The panes were held together by thin metal frames. The storefronts on the northern side of the street seemed old and abandoned, but i knew that they were modern stores. I thought that they were simply closed, even though it seemed to be in the middle of the day. The light outside was diffuse but bright. I then noticed a large sign on the top of one of the stores that said “DQ” in red letters. It was a Dairy Queen. I looked at the darkened window of the store, wondering if it was open or abandoned. I could not see anything inside, so i thought that the store was actually empty. I then noticed a large sign on the upper right side of the window that said “closed”. The store was there, but was simply not open. I motioned with my head to the store as i made an noise of mock excitement to $F45. He did not seem to understand what i was doing, but i continued to motion to the northeast to try to get him to look out the window. He finally turned to look, but he did not seem to see anything special. I wanted him to noticed it and get excited, but he just became annoyed with what i was doing. He was not in a good mood, so i finally told him that there was a Dairy Queen to the north of us. He turned to look, but could not see it right away. I pointed out the letters on the top of the building. He turned back to me and told me that we could not go now. I pointed out that the store was closed, and that i thought that the store might be open tomorrow, when we would be able to go. $F45 did not seem as interested as i had hoped. He said it was too early for the store to be closed. I remembered that restaurants usually stay open until eleven or so, but i had seen a sign on this one that said they closed earlier. I looked for the sign again and read it to $F45, saying that it closed at 6:00. I then read something about when the restaurant opened. I told $F45 that it opened in time for the first Gilligan’s Island episode. I thought that this would be in the middle of the morning, and i mentioned this show to $F45. I then asked him if he remembered the show. I was now aware of two people sitting on the west of us. I thought that $f45 might be too young to remember the show, and i felt a little self-conscious talking about it because of the people to the west of us. I thought that they seemed to be younger and would not know what it was. $F45 said that “of course” he remembered the show. Aware of the people to the west of us, i said that it was a very old television show, and i was surprised that it was still on television. I turned to the east as we talked about older television shows. I thought about I Dream of Jeannie, and then i said that none of the shows were as old as The Andy Griffith Show. I also thought about The Honeymooners. Someone then mentioned that we would have to return to Mayberry, Queens. I realized that the person was describing the town of Mayberry as being somewhere in the middle of Queens, New York. This seemed strange. I tried to picture Mayberry somewhere on Long Island, thinking that it would have to be close to New York City to be part of Queens. I then remembered that Mayberry was popular in the television show a while ago, so i thought that maybe New York City had not yet grown up around that area of Long Island. I wondered if the town could have been that rural when the show was running. I thought about this for a little while, trying to figure it out. I then looked back to the east, noticing the people on the other side of the large glass window. My parents seemed to be with them, and we were explaining something to them. I seemed to be to the east of the window with them as they headed west. The window was actually a glass wall that separated the room. The police man opened the glass door in the southern end of the wall, and the two men stepped through. I realized that they had been tricked, and i felt a little excited by this. The police had been trying to get these men into the room, but we had to tell them something about the shows to get them to enter. I then realized that these were the two men i had seen outside the window earlier. They were older now. One was still wearing a padded dark winter jacket, and the other was wearing a lighter color jacket. They seemed annoyed that they had been caught. I looked at them as they shook their heads in disbelief, walking to the west. It had been a while since i had seen them outside the window, and they now seemed to be in their thirties.

12013 April 20

I was with the group of people in the large outdoor area. A structure seemed to be to the west of us, and i was turning my attention to the east, where the other people were. A man to the east was saying something interesting to me, and i tried to pay attention to him as he said something. I was chatting with the person to the north of me, but i ended the conversation so that i could ask the person to the east about something. I felt concerned for the person. One of the people near me seemed to be $F14. I walked to the north east, following the person around an object. He walked to the south on the eastern side of the object, and i followed him. He seemed to be $A654. I called to him and asked him questions about the tattoo on his arms. I could not see the tattoo, but i knew that something about it was red and that it had a christian theme. I asked him about it, asking him something about his relation to Christianity. He seemed to be very Christian, and something about this made me feel concerned for him. It did not seem right that he had been influenced by Christianity like he had. It seemed strange, and i felt that he had somehow been forced into it. I tried to talk to him, but i also felt rushed because the others were trying to leave the area. $A654 moved to the east, getting into the car on the eastern side of the gravel lot. I felt disappointed that he was leaving, so i said goodbye to him. I felt rushed, and, after $A654 had closed the car door, which was the driver’s door on the northern side of the car, i hurried back to our car, which was on the southern side of the lot. The others were already ready to leave. As i got into the car, the car backed to the west, turning the tail of the car to the southern side of the gravel lot. The car stopped on the southern side of the lot, and i was standing to the south of it, watching it turning around. It would head out to the northwest in a moment. I said something to the people near me, thinking about the car leaving. The people near me were with $G4. They were heading out for a run. The people near me started to follow the rest of the group to the northeast. I walked after them, but realized that i had forgotten my hat. I said something to the others before turning back to the west. A tall structure was to the northeast of me. It looked like a set of scaffolding, but it did not seem to be near a building. I felt rushed, so i hurried up the ladder on the southern side of the structure. On the second level of the structure, i grabbed a tan bandana from the shelf in front of me. I held it by the corners with both of my hands, and then i flipped it open. It had a large fleur-de-lis in the center with the logo for $G4. I thought that i would fold it in half and tie it on my head so that the logo was showing on the back of my head. I started tying it around my head as i moved to the northeast again. I then realized that i was not wearing any shoes. I would need my socks. Frustrated, i stopped heading to the northwest and headed back to the southern side of the structure. I would have to climb up and get my socks. I then realized that i would also need to get my running shoes as well. I felt nervous from being rushed, but i tried to hurry so that i could catch up with the others.

12013 April 22

I said something to the person as i started jogging up the stairs that were to the east of me. The stairs seemed to be part of a stadium, and i was running up the steps of the seating area. I stopped at the top and looked back to the west. I could not see the bottom of the stairs from where i was. I now seemed to be very high up, and i could see the flat landscape stretching to the east of me. The ground seemed very far away. I moved toward the edge, expecting to see the football team gathered at the bottom of the stairs. As i approached the stairs, i felt more and more nervous. The stairs were very steep, and the ground seemed to be very far below me. I carefully approached the edge of the stairs, looking down at the steep descent of the wide gray stadium. I had expected the football team to be gathered near the bottom of the stairs, but i could see that they were now spread out across the playing field below me. I had pictured them as a cluster of white dots, but the white dots seemed more evenly spaced across the green playing field below. I seemed to be a few hundred meters above them. I imagined what it would have been like to have a large crowd waiting at the bottom of the steps. I looked around the flat green landscape, noticing different shades of green where the trees were growing. I imagined the entire area near the bottom of the steps filled with people. I thought that it would be an interesting sight. I then thought that the old emperors must have enjoyed the praise of such crowds because it would give them energy. I continued to look over the green scenery, imagining the area covered with thousands of individuals. I turned to the east to say something to the others. I then headed back to the west, again approaching the edge of the stairs. I did not look down the stairs this time. Instead i focused on the gray stone of the upper surface of the steps. I had descended part way down the steps, and i was now on a landing. I entered the glass doors of the small building that was on this landing. I kept thinking that i would have to head to the west to get to the other side of the small metal and glass structure. I could not see through the building, but i thought that it was made of square aluminium beams and large glass windows. A solid gray structure seemed to be in the center of the building. As i started to cross the room in the building, i noticed my mother to the northwest of me. She had been in the building, and she was now heading to the southeast, toward me. I spoke with the others in the building for a moment, but i kept thinking that i would have to head out of the building to the west and get back to the edge of the stairs.

12013 April 23

I hurried to the east, following the others. A train was waiting to the east of us, and we hopped onto the last car, which was a low wooden cart. The cars of the train seemed to be open flats, with low wooden railings around them. I hopped on as the train started moving to the east. Something seemed wrong, though. I seemed to think that the train might have trouble getting to where we were headed. I looked back to the west as we started to move. The train was inside a large cement building with tall gray archways overhead. A man was running toward the train. He was late, but he was trying to get on. He ran up to the back of the train. He had short dark-blond hair and was wearing a button-up shirt. I realized that he might need some help getting on the train, so i moved toward the rear gate of the car that i was on, which happened to be the last car on the train. I was about to extend my hand to help the man on the train, but he suddenly stopped running. I was surprised that he had given up. He was almost to the train, and he could have easily made it on to the car. I called to him, asking him why he had stopped, but he did not respond. I could not understand why he had stopped, and i said something to the others about it. The train turned to the northeast to head through an opening in the eastern wall of the building, and then it turned back to the east. As the man passed out of sight around the archway at the entrance to the building, i noticed several other people running after the train. A few men and women in business suits were jogging to the train from the station. They easily caught up to the train and started jogging along the northern side of it. I knew that they would get on, and i knew that the first man could have gotten on had he not given up. I said something to the others on the train car with me. I felt a little anxious about the train, and i started thinking about it. I had felt rushed as the train hurried out of the station, but i still felt as though it would not be easy for us to get to our destination. Something seemed wrong about the train. I then heard the train turning. I was sitting in the back of the car, facing west, and i could hear the train turning on the tracks to the east. It sounded as though it was turning to the south. I remembered that we were on the shore of a body of water, and the water was to the south of us. I wondered if the train was turning into the water. This seemed dangerous, and i felt panicked for a moment about it. I did not want to be on the train if it was heading into the water. I then realized that the train was actually turning in a circle. The train started heading to the west, along the shore of the water. We were moving to the west of the station now. I heard the woman near me say that the train was turning around, and the conductor, who was somewhere to the east of me, said that he was taking the other route to where we were heading. We seemed to be heading to my grandmother’s house, which seemed to be to the east, down the center of the river valley, a few towns over. I pictured our route, thinking that the conductor was avoiding the problem to the east. He would probably be traveling in a loop around the hills to the north. It would be the long way around. Even though i knew that something was blocking the progress of the train to the east, it seemed strange that we would be taking the detour. I looked to the east, seeing down the length of the train. The train was about ten cars long. All of the cars were flat open wooden cars with short rails. I realized that most of the cars on the train were empty. Only the last two or three cars had people in them, and those cars were filled with passengers. All of the passengers were sitting on the wooden decks of the cars. A man in the next car to the east was casually leaning on the railing to the south of him. He stared blankly at the deck to the north of him. The rest of the cars between the back of the train and the large blue engine car were empty. I wondered why the people had not gotten onto those cars. I watched for a moment as the cars went over the rolling hills. I was then near the front of the train, in a car which seemed more like a bus. The sides of the car were still open, but the car seemed to have rows of seats and a roof that was suspended my metal beams. The train rolled over the top of a short hill and started down the small gully on the other side. It seemed like a stream crossing. The rolling hills around us were no longer open fields. We had come into an area of thick vegetation growth. Green trees crowded both sides of the road. I then realized that a blue cart, which looked like a golf cart, had come over the hill on the opposite side of the glen. It turned across the road, pulling off into the dirt driveway on the northern side of the road, but it did not pull all the way in. The back end of the cart was still across the tracks that we were heading down. I knew that the train could not easily stop, and i felt tense, worried that we would run into the car. I thought that the conductor would try to slow the train, but the car moved at the last minute, pulling to the southern side of the road. I realized that a wooden booth was set up on the southern side of the road. It seemed to have something to do with the golf course. The conductor was talking to the man in the booth as we passed. They seemed to know each other, and i thought that the conductor was familiar with the local people in this small town. A red car was then in the path of the train. I felt anxious, hoping that it would move too. The conductor did not stop the train, but continued to talk to the man in the booth as we passed. The red car quickly moved out of the way of the train, and the train started up the steep hill on the opposite side of the glade. The hill was only a few meters tall, but the train had slowed to avoid the cars, so it had lost much of its momentum. I felt the engine jerk forward, pulling against the other cars as it started up the hill. I watched the road in front of us for a moment, and then the scene changed. I woke up suddenly. I had fallen asleep during the trip. It seemed to have been a long trip. The woman was driving the car. I looked ahead of us, down the street. We were driving through a suburban area with buildings on both sides of the road. The buildings were close together and seemed to be houses or apartment buildings. The road was light gray and seemed very smooth and wide, even though it only seemed to have two lanes. I focused on a sign that was in the center of the road. The sign had red letters across the top and smaller black letters on the bottom. The red letters said something about Durham. I realized that we had not gone to my home. Instead, we had come back to the point where we had started the trip. I felt disappointed by this, realizing that i would now have to drive back to my grandmother’s house, which seemed to be somewhere to the west. I knew that i would be tired, and i did not really want to make the additional trip. I had hoped that we would end where i was heading rather than returning to where we had started. The woman continued to the east down the street. We were almost back to the house where we started, but she seemed unsure where exactly it was. I looked around the street, noticing the buildings on the northern side of the street. The woman in the driver’s seat, who was oriental, with chin-length straight back hair, smiled as she said something to her female friend, who was in the passenger’s seat. They were trying to figure out which of the houses they were supposed to stop at. I recognized the buildings on the northern side of the street. The building to the north of us were pale, and one seemed dull yellow. I remembered them from before. We were passing through an intersection of a narrow street, which ran to the east of the buildings. The large building on the next block looked familiar. It had staggered white blocks on the corner of the building, which reminded me of $P7. The building was not that large, but it filled the entire block to the northwest of us. A short yard seemed to be to the north of the building, with a street just beyond. I looked to the east, noticing that the street we were on ended just past the large building. I looked back to the northwest, thinking that $F10’s apartment was on the northern side of the street. I told the women that his apartment was a few blocks from the end of the street, so it we had to have just passed it. I then remembered walking along the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, in front of all of the buildings that i was now seeing. $F10 was with me, along with a few other people. I turned my attention back to the east as we approached the end of the street. The road we were on curved to the north. I could see another street to the northeast, running northwest to southeast. It ran into or crossed the street that we were on to the northeast of us. I told the woman to turn to the right, onto the street. I then hesitated, telling her that the street might be one way. I looked at the lines on the other road as we rounded the corner on the street. The road had a white line down the center, forming two lanes. The northern lane had a turning arrow painted on it, making me think that the southern lane might be a straight lane. I remembered traveling on this road before to circle around the block, but i was no longer sure that it was now the correct way to go. A car then came from the west and turned onto the other road. We now knew that we could travel both ways on the street, so the woman was safe turning onto it. We turned on the corner and started heading to the south-southwest on the street. This street went on the eastern side of a triangular block of grassy yard. A building was on the southern end of it. I told the women that they could take the next right and head back down the road that we had been on.

12013 April 24

I had been working for $A14 in the white office. I had been sitting at a desk in the northeastern corner of the office, facing south. I had gotten up from my chair and moved to the south to look at the television. The television was against a wall on the western side of a structure that stood in the center of the room. An aisle ran down the western side of the room, and the structure formed a short wall to the east of it. The television was facing west. I stood near the western wall, watching the show that was on. It seemed to be a news program, but it had something to do with a woman. $A14 then came into the room from the north. I realized that i had been standing in front of the television, watching what was on. I should have been doing my work. I felt uneasy, and i told $A14 that i had stood up to do something, but i knew that i really should not have had the television on when i was working. I headed back to the desk, walking to the northern side of it to sit down. A computer monitor was to the south of me, on the desk. It had something on it, but i could not figure out what i should do with it. I felt as though i had been distracted for a very long time and had not been getting any work done. I looked down at the large white sheets of paper that were unrolled on the desk in front of me. I was not quite sure what i should do with them. I felt unfocused, thinking that i had not been able to do anything with the plans because i did not know what to do with them. I started wandering around the office. The television was turned off now, but i still was not sure what i should do. I did not know what i should be doing with the plans that were on the desk. I had to figure something out, but i felt tired and uninspired. I also felt distracted by something. It seemed to be getting late. The light from the large window in the southern wall of the office seemed to be getting dark, as though the sun had set. I wondered if i should simply pack my things to leave the office. It seemed i had a few more hours of work, though. I wandered around for a moment, not sure what i should.

I woke up suddenly in the large bed that was against the western wall of the room. I seemed to be at $P19. $A403 was standing to the south of me, leaning on the bed. He told me that he needed help with his car. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would have to take him somewhere to get parts for his car. I sat up and started getting out of bed. A third person was in the room, to the southeast of me. I then heard a noise outside as i moved toward the southern wall. I looked out the large window in the southern wall, wondering if i could see $A403’s car. The outside looked brown, and i could see a dirt driveway running to the south from the house. The driveway opened up into a small parking lot to the south of the house. The lot also wrapped around the eastern side of the house. Two red thick beams were in the driveway to the south of me. They were about three-quarters of a meter tall, a third of a meter wide, and about four meters long. They had rounded edges and trailer hitches on the northern ends. Wheels with black tires supported them from the center, and i thought that they had something to do with towing a car. The two beams were hooked to each other so that one could be pulled, and the other would follow. An older man had been near the western side of them, but i did not see him as the two beams started rolling to the south, down the shallow slope of the driveway. I watched them for a moment as they accelerated down the slope. The man was then near a large red truck at the bottom of the hill, where the driveway ended. The truck was parked on the road across the entrance to the driveway. The two trailers rolled backward and slammed into the truck. The man seemed annoyed but unsurprised by this. He moved to do something with the trailer. I said something to $A403 as i moved to the west, looking at the small refrigerator that was below the window, near the southern wall. I noticed that some food had been left in the refrigerator, and i thought that it was $F45’s. I picked up a red package of shredded mozzarella cheese. I knew that the cheese had been here for quite a while. We had forgotten about it. I thought that it must be spoiled by now. I looked at the package, but could not see any mold growing on the cheese. I turned it over it my hands and pressed on the plastic window in the center of the bag. The cheese was yellow, and it seemed to be watery. This is what must happen when the cheese goes bad. I took the package to the west, where i tossed it into a sink. I would have to wash it down the garbage disposal. I turned back to the small refrigerator, noticing several other packages of food in it. Many white packages of sliced cheese were in the door on the eastern side of the refrigerator. $F45 must have forgotten that they were there. I thought that sliced cheese was actually not real cheese, so it probably would still be fresh. I thought that i would take it down to the larger refrigerator in the kitchen, where $F45 would see it. I pulled out a package of cheese, noticing yellow patches on the white cheese. It was starting to get moldy. It might not be good either. I was annoyed that we had wasted so much food. I moved to the north. Several other people were now in the room. I felt awkward here, thinking that i should have cleaned out my things a while ago. i was not sure what to do, and i felt sad about it. I wandered to the north, thinking about something. I then heard $G3 talking about cleaning up something. I turned to look back to the south, into the larger room. I was in a wide doorway between two rooms of the house. The doorway was in the western end of the wall, and the room to the south of me seemed larger than the room that i was in. The room had a bare wooden floor, and it seemed to be empty of furnishings. Several $G3 were standing near the open window in the western wall of the room. They had just thrown all of the brooms and mops out onto the yard. They were chuckling about this, but i did not think that it was actually funny. I hoped that they did not throw out the brooms that i had in my room. I felt annoyed with them. I would have to go out to get my broom and mop if they did throw it out. I turned back to the northeast, trying to ignore them.

12013 April 25

I seemed to be in $P19, and many people were in the house with me. An event was happening, and it seemed to be related to alumni. I moved to the west a little, walking along the northern side of the wooden railing. The railing seemed to separate the second floor of the house from the stairwell, which seemed to descend to the east, on the southern side of the railing. I passed several people and then stopped near the western end of the railing. A man approached me from the north. He was with several other people, and he seemed to be from $G3. He stood to the west of the other two or three men as he talked to me. He had medium-toned skin, and he seemed nicely built. I felt attracted to him, but i felt awkward because he seemed to be in college here. He had short dark curly hair and seemed Indian. I chatted with him for a moment, realizing that he was actually attracted to me. I felt excited to talk to him. He then leaned against me as we talked, and i started to feel uncomfortable. I did not think that he should be caressing me in public. I thought that other $G3 might find it inappropriate during the event. I wanted to talk to the man, though. We moved to the west. I thought that we should probably go somewhere more private, though i was not sure where we could go. I walked along the northern wall of the hallway as we headed to the west. I thought that we could go to the bedroom where i had been staying. As i opened the door to the room, though, i remembered that i had been staying in the room with several other people. I looked into the room, which was to the north of the western end of the hallway. Someone was in the room, on the western side. He seemed to be $A403. Several sets of bunk beds were around the room, and $A403 was standing by a bed that was against the northern wall. I backed out of the room, wondering where the man and i could go. I looked across the open room to the south of us. The hallway had ended on the northern side of the room. I noticed a doorway in the western wall. It was actually only a recessed area in the western wall that was in the shape of a small doorway. The wall was gray, with horizontal indents that looked like recessed plaster between slats. I wondered if a room had been to the west. I felt anxious, thinking of where the man and i could go to be alone. I wanted to caress him, but i did not want to do it where others could see.

12013 April 26

I said something to the people to the north of me. A young woman was talking to me about something as i looked around. I noticed the large furry brown dog lying in the sandy area just to the northwest of me. The sandy area was between me and the other people. They seemed to be standing to the north of the sandy area, and i was to the southeast of it. The woman was on the eastern end of the group, just to the north of me. I was concerned that the dog would get ticks from rolling in the sand. The dog was lying on its back with its feet in the air. I told the woman about the ticks, and then i looked down at my own legs. I was wearing shorts, and i could see my calfs. I looked down them for small black spots that might be ticks, but i did not find any.

12013 April 27

I moved to the east with the group of people. I had been talking about something, and i thought that it had to do with the short black staff that i was holding in my left hand. I was watching myself. I was with the group to the north of me, and i watched myself walk on the eastern side of the group as the group moved to the east. I held out the short wooden staff. The shaft of the staff was made of milled wood and was perfectly round. It tapered slightly so that the bottom end was a little narrower than the top. The top of the staff had a round metal loop on the top, and a metal figure was in the center of the circle. The figure looked like the numeral nine. I thought that there was something significant to the staff, but i was not sure what would happen with it. I felt frustrated, thinking that i actually had to get things done in the office to the east. I did not want to be there, but i had to do something before it was too late.

I stood in the room with the other people as the woman tried to tell us something. I was standing in the northwestern corner of the room, looking at the woman, who was to the west of me. The crowd of people were in the center of the room. The woman held the microphone to her mouth and started talking to the others, but i felt anxious and i interrupted her. I asked her about the physics courses that i had been taking. I was supposed to change them, but i felt that i would not be able to. The woman seemed frustrated with me. She stopped talking in the microphone and turned to answer my questions. I realized that i had interrupted her lecture to the other people. I needed to have my physics courses changed so that i would not have to pay the money for a full semester of work. The woman pointed out to the crowd that i had already taken eighteen months of physics courses. I felt that she was implying that i had waited until the last minute to make the necessary changes to my schedule. I worried that i would not be able to take the courses that i wanted to take. The woman fumbled through her things for a moment, talking on an office telephone with someone. She held the brown receiver of the telephone to her right ear with her shoulder and spoke to someone for a moment. She was asking them about the money that i had payed for the courses. I felt a little nervous, aware that the others were watching from behind me. The woman then got off the telephone, telling me that they would be unable to cancel the courses in time to give me my money back. I felt upset about this, and i wandered to the north. I left the building and started moving down the western side of the street. I was in a small town, which seemed like $P30. I was walking on a catwalk, which seemed to be attached to the eastern side of the building to the west of me. I was above the sidewalk. The catwalk had a railing on the eastern side, and it was about a meter and a half wide, with a wooden deck. I moved along the walkway with the other person, thinking about the physics courses. I had to get to the college campus, which seemed to be to the north of us. I knew that a set of steps would be to the north of us, and that they would lead down to the sidewalk below. I thought about these as i continued to the north. The other person with me was to the north of me, near the railing.

12013 April 28

I ran down the long hallways of the dormitory building, which seemed to be on the college campus. The halls were plain and modern, with white walls and a polished fake-tile floor. The floor seemed tannish-yellow, and the lighting in the halls seemed oddly yellow as well. I made several turns around the corners, but still seemed to be heading to the south, down the long corridor that ran along the eastern side of the building. I reached the end of the corridor and slowed to a walk as i rounded the corner, looking to the west, down the next hall. People moved through the halls. Many of them looked like doctors in laboratory coats. I started to think that this building might actually be a hospital. I was heading to the exit to the building, trying to get outdoor to the east of the building. I was not quite sure where the exit was, but i thought that a descending set of stairs was on the western end of the corridor. I headed down the corridor. I started to feel nervous about the doctors here. This place now seemed more like a psychiatric ward. I wondered if the doctors would suspect me of being a patient because i was running in the halls. I started to worry that they would detain me here. I thought about this as i headed toward the door. I would have to hurry to get out of the building. I ran to the east, out of the building. I seemed to exit a door on the northern end of the eastern side of the building. I headed across the cement sidewalk and patio that was around the building. The land sloped down to the east, and a set of stairs descended directly to the east of me. I glided over the stairs, thinking that i should be able to stay in the air longer if i tried. I remembered doing this before. I could jump and moved farther than i expected without putting my feet down. At the moment, however, i seemed to be suspended over the ground, floating above the stairs. I thought about this, looking at the dull-red metal railing below me. The square tube of the top of the railing descended down the center of the stairs. I suddenly worried that i might land on the railing, and i knew that i could easily injure myself doing that. I focused on using my hands, pushing them in front of me. I had to focus air from my hands so that i could slow and control my descent.

12013 April 30

We had been eating in the restaurant, but we had gotten up. We were finished, and the people i had eaten with were now walking to the northeast, leaving the room through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. The waiters in the restaurant were already cleaning up the tables to the west of me. I stood to the east of the round table that we had eaten at. The table was covered with a white table cloth, and the waiter, who was dressed in a white coat, bent over the table from the south to clean it. The woman who had been with me had said something about leaving her tea. I looked around at the other tables in the restaurant, noticing that people had left several things on the tables. I wanted to find the tea that the woman had left and take it with me. I considered taking some of the other things that people had left here as well, but i decided not to. $A404 was to the west of me now, cleaning up the restaurant. He was running this place and seemed to be in charge here. He walked to the north of me, cleaning up several things from other tables. I felt a little uncomfortable standing around in the restaurant, so i told him that i was looking for tea. This suddenly seemed strange to me, because i knew that i did not normally take drugs like nicotine. I told him that the tea was sarsaparilla. I looked around again at the other things on the other tables, and i realized that all of the customers had actually left the restaurant. The restaurant was about to close. I felt uncomfortable standing around here, so i headed to the east, toward the open door in the eastern wall. As i reached it, i suddenly remembered that the door led outside on the back side of the building. I hesitated for a moment before stepping out the door, knowing that the door would lock once i was outside. A woman was following me toward the door, but i thought that she would actually head out the northern door. I stepped out the door and she closed it behind me. She worked at the restaurant and was helping close up. She then headed to the north, into the next room. I knew that she would come out the main entrance at the western side of the building. I would have to walk around the northern side of the building to catch up with her and the others. I talked to the woman as we walked to the south, down the sidewalk on the street. I was saying something about the restaurant. After a moment, i was talking to $F43 on the telephone as i continued to walk to the south. I stopped for a moment, looking around the small room where i was. A set of stairs ascended to the north from the center of the room. Someone was just starting up them as i spoke to $F43. I told $F43 about $A404 and $A589, who ran the restaurant. The restaurant seemed like a special place.