12014 April 01

I was running the race with the other people, and we were running to the north, up the stairs that ascended the eastern side of the stairwell. We had run up the stairs on the western side and down the stairs on the eastern side of the building. It seemed that the race was already half over, and i still felt pretty good. I was happy that i was doing so well in the run. I thought that we were going to do some type of exercise on the upper floor of this building. I was then running down the stairs with the others again. I would be starting another lap at the bottom. Several runners were moving slowly on the stairs ahead of me. I had to slow down for them, which annoyed me. I pushed past them to get to the bottom of the stairs, and then i turned to the east and started running a lap in the northern side of the lower room. I circled across the northern wall from east to west until i came back to the southern side of the room. I ran back out of the building, where i could start another lap. I then thought about how i had run in the room i had just exited. It seemed that i had passed through the room rather quickly. I wondered if i had cut across the corners of the room, which was how i could have passed the other runners. I decided that i did not. The race was just happening faster than i had expected, and i still felt good about it. I started talking to the other person about the race. I told the person that this event was like a Murph. It was part run and part exercise. The pushups were happening upstairs in the building, and the pull-ups were on the downstairs floor. I knew that the race headed to the south as well, entering the other building. The third exercise event was in the other building.

12014 April 02

The bus headed to the north, through the urban area. I was traveling on the bus with the other people. I looked to the east, at the yellow tinted windows that ran along the upper walls of the bus. They bowed out slightly, and seemed to be made of plastic. I was lying on my side as i stared at the windows. I could see clearly thought them, but i thought that people on the outside should not be able to see in as easily. I wondered if this was true. I was lying on the bed, which ran along the eastern wall of the bus. My head was to the south. I wondered if people could see into the bus to watch me sleep. I felt a little uncomfortable with this idea. I then realized that i was sleeping near someone. $F10 was lying next to me, and i had my arms around him. It felt good to be with him. I worried a little that people outside could see us, though. I knew that this would make $F10 uncomfortable, even though we were just sleeping together. I then woke up suddenly. I was in a different place. This house was $P19. I felt confused for a moment, thinking that this was a very weird transition to the story. I headed to the west, noticing that the others were cleaning up the house. I had been in my room, which was on the third floor on the southern side of the house. $F10 was leaving the building. I had been living with him in the room upstairs, but he was moving out. He had taken his things with him. I thought that i would have to pack up my things as well. The room would be empty, and i would have to get my things together. I headed downstairs. Everyone was cleaning up the house. I felt a little nervous, thinking that i really should be out of this house. I suddenly hoped that my things were upstairs still. I moved to the west a little, into the kitchen area where people were still cleaning. I wanted to help the others clean, but i was not sure how. A man was vacuuming the rug in the center of the living room as i crossed the northern side. I headed to the west, into the pantry, avoiding the vacuum as the man pushed it to the north. The pantry seemed like the library at $P19. The table in the center of the room was stacked with boxes and cans of food. They had been cleaned out of the kitchen so that the kitchen could be scrubbed properly. I was not sure what to do. A man was doing something on the southern side of the room, near the stainless-steel counter that ran along the southern wall of the room. He was $A221. I asked him if the food was being left here over the summer or if it would be put back into the kitchen. I thought that i would be able to help him put the food back into the kitchen once it was clean. $A221 answered, but i was still not sure what i should do. I started to feel nervous about my things, thinking that someone might have cleaned out the room i was in on the upper floor. I wanted to go up to see if my things were still there. I felt worried that they had been moved out, and i wanted to check on them.

12014 April 03

$F45 and i were moving through the area. We stopped in the large room, which seemed to be a chapel. The room was in a large complex of old white brick buildings. The buildings seemed to be two or three stories tall and were long buildings that were arranged around small courts. I stood in the center of the room with $F45. A man in dark robes, who seemed to be a priest, was standing to the east of us. He seemed to be officiating the ceremony. Several people were seated to the west, watching what we were doing. The man to the east was marrying $F45 and i. I felt uncomfortable here, and the entire scene seemed like a dream. The man finished the ceremony, and i turned to kiss $F45. I did not want to be married here, and i wondered why i was doing this. $F45 seemed happy, so i went along with the ceremony. I was not sure what i should do, but i felt uneasy getting married here. $F45 and i were then walking out of the building. I could not believe that this was happening. We walked down a flight of metal stairs that led from a platform on the northern side of one of the buildings. We took a few steps from the bottom, following the paved walkway into the center of the courtyard. $F45 seemed very happy, but i was not. This should not be happening, and i wondered why i had agreed to marry him. $F45 held my hand for a moment before walking off to the north, across the courtyard.

12014 April 04

I stood near the southern wall of the room, watching the two men to the north of me. We had been doing something in the room, and the other two men were still exercising. I seemed to be doing something with the man in the white shirt, who seemed like $A660. He moved to the west of me, to the southwestern corner of the room, and started doing pushups. Another man was near him, trying to do pushups as well. The two men had been close to each other a few moments ago, and i thought that they were interfering with the workouts of each other. The red-headed man in the gray shirt, who seemed like $A661, was getting in the way of the other man. The man in the gray shirt started doing pushups in the southwestern corner of the room. He was facing south, and he seemed to be underneath the man in the white shirt. I started to feel a little uncomfortable, thinking that the two would be in conflict with each other. The man in the white shirt had a few more pushups to go, but he could not do them with the other man there. He had his feet in the corner and his head to the northeast. He lifted his left hand from the ground and started doing one-handed pushups so that he was out of the way. When he was finished, he tried to maneuver his way out from the corner, rolling over the top of the man in the gray shirt. I noticed that he was being intentionally clumsy, putting his leg over the red-head’s face. I they seemed to be purposely aggravating each other, and i hoped that they did not start fighting. As the man in the white shirt rolled off the other man, the man in the gray shirt made a short jab with his fist into the ribs of the man in the white shirt. They both stood up, standing near each other in the northwestern corner of the room. They were pushing against each other. I thought it would be interesting if they wrestling, but i did not want them to actually fight. I watched the man in the white shirt turn to face the other man. He had a wide back and seemed to be flexing his muscles. The men pushed against each other. I watched their muscles flex against each other, finding it interesting, but i did not want to see them fight. I turned to the northeast and said something to the other person. We were talking about heading somewhere. I then started moving to the west, down the road. I was driving the small car, which seemed like an old car of mine. My mother was in the passenger’s seat, and i said something to her. I then tried to get the car to accelerate to the west, but it was having difficulty. The small red car started to shake as i turned to the south a little and then continued on the street to the west. I wondered if something was wrong with the car. I could hear a thumbing noise in rhythm, and i told my mother about it. This car seemed to be my old Rabbit. I thought that i had this car so long ago, but i was driving it again. I wondered where the car had been. I listened to the sound, thinking that something could be wrong with the steering. I could not hear it as much as we continued to move. I wondered if it would start again when we turned a corner. We came to the end of the road, and i drove into a small dirt lot. I turned the car to the south, thinking that i had to turn it around. Someone was talking to me from the north, which used to be the passenger’s seat. I tried to back the car to the northeast to turn around, but we seemed to have limited space here. I could not maneuver it properly. A tree or door frame was to the west of me now. I pushed on it, but the car was stuck. The small white cart now seemed more like a golf cart, and the front of the rounded frame was up in the air against the door frame. I pushed on it, trying to get it out. I started to feel a little frustrated. My father then said something to me. I asked him about the car. He was to the north of me. I turned to the north and walked across the small dirt lot, which was to the south of a large dull house. I was in the back yard of the house doing something. I remembered that the others had been doing something in the house. It seemed that we really did not belong in the house. I wandered to the south, into the back yard. My father said something about the trash that was in the yard. I felt uneasy, realizing that the neighbor was walking in the yard to the east of us. We were not supposed to be in the house, so i did not really want the neighbor to know that the people had been having a party in the large gray house. My father looked at the trash cans that were on the eastern side of the short wire fence, just inside the neighbors yard. I did not want the neighbor to get upset about the trash in his bins. My father pointed out the pastries that were on top of the trash cans. I told him that they were fake. Looking down at them, i remembered that the people who had the party were playing with the fake food. My father picked up a plastic danish and tapped it against a wooden object in the yard. He then tossed it to the ground to the south of him. I turned to the south and started walking across the yard.

12014 April 06

I left the place where the others were. We had been talking about something, but i felt that i should get out of there. I was nervous about something. I hoped that the people did not get upset with me. I accelerated the car to the north, down the street. A man was then to the west of me. He seemed to be chasing me. He was jogging after me on the sidewalk. I could travel faster than he could, so he soon fell behind. The people to the south did not want me to leave the place, which was on the western side of the street. I came to the end of the road and turned the corner to head to the west. The man had reached the corner at the same time that i did. I thought that he should be able to keep up for a while because i had t make several turns. I was in a small suburban neighborhood, and i would have to make another turn to the south ahead. I had to get ahead of the man, so i tried to move faster. The man was jogging at the side of my car. I was afraid of him and did not want him to catch me. I swerved to the south, trying to hit the man as he ran. I thought that i could knock him over. I was moving faster than he was, though, he fell behind before i could hit him with the front fender of the car. I thought about swerving more to hit him with the rear bumper, but i decided to speed ahead and get away from him. I reached the end of the block and had to turn to the south. The man had not caught up to the corner before i made the turn, so i would now be able to get away from him. As i started speeding to the south, i saw the young woman step into the road ahead of me. She came from the east, and she was wearing a dark knee-length skirt with black stockings. She seemed to be wearing a long-sleeve dark-green sweater on top. She stared intently at me as she took a stance in the center of the street. I knew that she was one of the bad guys from the place on the eastern side of the block. She was threatening me and trying to get me to stop. Instead, i started to speed up. As i approached her, i turned the car a little to the left so that i was heading straight toward her. She seemed surprised. I thought that i could not really hurt her because she was some for of supernatural creature, like a vampire. The entire family from the east was not human. I hid the girl with the front of the car. She disappeared quickly under the car with a dull thud. I thought that she could not die, but i wondered if i had actually killed her by running over her. I hoped that people did not think that i had actually killed her. I had to get out of this area, and i focused on speeding to the south. I wondered if running over the girl had damaged my car. I did not want any evidence that i had been in this neighborhood. I then turned to the west. To my surprise, i was standing back at the house where the supernatural family was. They were gathered around the room to the west of me, all facing me. Their clothing seemed strange, and i thought that they might actually be from the future. It was the same family that i had seen in the other house, and this place seemed like the same house. I knew that we had fought against them and had killed several of them, but all of them seemed to be present. I looked at the man in the chair to the northwest of me. He had short blond hair, which was dyed red in a short tuft on top. Several of the others had bright colors in their hair. This was the same family as before, but this was at a much later point in time. The family had reformed in the future. I realized that this was really a trap. When i had seen the family the first time, i remembered seeing a story of an older generation. The sepia-toned images showed people of a family in old suits and dresses. I realized that they were the same people that i had been fighting with, and, even though we had killed and defeated some of the family, the family to the west of me now was the same set of people. They were simply surviving and reappearing across long stretches of time. All three families that i had seen were really the same people. Anyone who tried to kill them would simply be brought to the future to a point when the family had been reformed. They had trapped me. This was all part of their plot. If i came close to defeating them again, i would skip time and be forced to repeat the events in a future time.

12014 April 07

I started jogging to the south, feeling a little nervous about the race that i was starting. Others were running around me, but i could only see their feet in my peripheral vision. I looked to the south, down the road that i was jogging on. I remembered this trail. I had run this 15K race last year. It would curve slowly to the west and then end with a turn to the north. I wondered if i was in shape to do the entire run. I felt nervous and uneasy about it. I then noticed that my legs were moving strangely. I focused on how i was jogging. It seemed that i was sitting in a chair and pulling with my legs.

12014 April 09

I was sitting on the toilet on the southern side of the small bathroom. The door to the bedroom was open to the east of me. I could see the people entering the darkened bedroom from the south. I had been sleeping in a bed on the eastern wall of the bedroom. The people moved around the room, getting ready to go to sleep, even though it seemed to be early morning. One of the people moved to the window in the northern wall and pulled the curtains closed. I realized that a person was doing something on the bed near the eastern wall. I did not live here, so i was just spending the night in one of the beds. I had by sleeping bag on top of a bed, but the person now seemed to be moving the blankets around on the bed. I must have been sleeping in their bed. I would have to find somewhere else to sleep tonight. A woman moved around in the bedroom, and i thought about her. I had talked to her before. I told one of the people that the woman had offered me a gold ring. I remembered standing to the northwest of the woman, on the eastern side of the outdoor area. The land around us was bright and tan. The woman was still offering me the ring, but i was telling the other person about it. I wondered if i should have said the ring was silver. It seemed that it might have been a more interesting story. I then thought that a silver ring in the story might not be as good because people would think that i had turned down the ring because i was waiting for something better. I had really turned it down because i was not interested in marrying the woman. The woman talked to me as she offered me the ring again. I felt awkward here, and i knew that i would have to say goodbye to the woman. I was not interested in making any commitment to her, and i did not want to stay in this area. I had to leave and go somewhere. I started to head to the east, but i continued talking to the woman. I had moved to the northeast of her as i spoke. Glancing to the west, i noticed the large yellow construction vehicle that was parked on the side of the road, near us. A short steel structure stood just to the west of it, behind a wooden fence. The fence ran along the edge of the road, and the rusted thick I-beams of the two or three story building stood behind the fence. The building was still being built. The lower level of the building’s skeleton seemed to be filled with stacks of building materials. Pallets of short rusted girders and stacks of a flat material were packed into the space on the lower level of the building. I ten noticed a blue truck directly to the west of me, leaning to the north, against a thick vertical beam. It was also packed in on the lower floor. My attention was then drawn to a woman, who had started walking along the top of the large yellow construction vehicle that was on the side of the road, to the southwest of me. she climbed to the north, along the back of the truck. She then turned to the west and walked along an extendable arm that pivoted from the northern side of the truck. The arm was turned toward the open steel structure. The woman was climbing to the second floor of the unfinished building. This seemed dangerous. A second woman was then with her. They looked like teenagers, and i thought hat they ewer really there to cause mischief. They were climbing over some of the supplies that were stacked up. The stack rose into the area of the second floor. I worried that something would happen. The supplies then tipped forward. I realized that they were large cylindrical tanks of compressed gas. The tanks rolled to the east and fell over the edge of the building. I felt panicked. We had to get out of the area. I told the others to call emergency as we ran to the east. The tanks would cause an explosion. We stopped to the east. A woman with long black hair was standing to the east of us now. She was Diana Prince. She would have to rush to the west and save the day. I remembered this scene from an old television show. Diana transformed into Wonder Woman. I knew about her identity, but the person with me did not. I told the person with me to hurry to the north. Confused, he obeyed, unaware that the woman with the long black hair had been Wonder Woman. I turned back to the west. The reports would say that the explosion of the gas cylinders had punched a large hole in the northern wall of the room, which we were now standing in. The dull yellow walls ran to the north and east of me now. The people would think that the gas had exploded in such a way that they propelled the canisters to the north and through the wall. I knew that Wonder Woman had really thrown them through the wall to save the building from collapse when they exploded. The woman who had been with me still stood to the east. She did not know that Wonder Woman had gone into the building, and she was unaware that Diana was really safe. Everyone would assume that Diana had been killed in the accident, but i knew that she would have to show up later. I thought about the plot, wondering how it would work out.

12014 April 10

I looked out the window in the northern wall of the middle bedroom at my parents’ house. Two people were standing in the back yard. The man stood to the northeast of the woman. They spoke for a moment about something. The man was wearing a business suit with a hat. I felt suspicious of them, thinking that they did not belong in the back yard. I remembered that people were always coming into the back yard of the house. The woman walked to the east and looked in through a window in the western wall of the back room of the house. They were checking out the house. I hoped that the doors to the house were locked. I then noticed that the door in the northern end of the western wall of the back wing was ajar. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that the people would be able to get into the house through the open door. I wondered if they had forced the door open. The woman noticed the open door and stepped into the doorway, looking around inside. I wondered what i should do. She then bent to the northeast and stood back up, holding a magazine in her hand. She must have taken it from the coffee table that was just to the north of the door. She showed the magazine to the man. He smirked as he tossed a string of firecrackers into the door. They flashed as they hit the floor. I worried what the people would do once they got into the house. I moved to the east a little, and i was in the back room of the house. The room was dark, and i tried to see out the western windows, but i could not make out any images. It was night now. I thought that the people would still be outside, so i tried to be careful so that they did not see me. I nervously looked around the room, turning to the east. I looked across the driveway to see if i could make out any movement. I thought that i had seen something move past the large window in the eastern wall of the room, but i was not sure. I thought that the people would be coming around to the eastern side of the house to leave. I moved closer to the window, watching for them. I stood still for a moment, waiting for them to cross the window so that i could see where they were going. Nothing happened. I turned back to the west for a moment, but i heard the sound of a truck to the east. I quickly turned to the east, but the truck had come from the north and had passed the window already. I could only see the lights speeding past the window. They must have been waiting until i turned away before the headed down the driveway. I watched the window again, wondering if they were still nearby. I then saw a man in a red shirt move through the bushes across the driveway. I stopped in the middle of the room, staying still so that they could not see me move. I watched the bushes, but could not see another man. I moved a little, noticing my reflection in the glass of the window. I thought that the man in the red shirt must have been a trick of the light: part of my reflection. I turned back to the west, heading to the northern part of the room, where the open door had been. It was daylight again. I could see out into the back yard. The inner wood door was open to the north, and the white metal screen door was ajar. I pulled the door closed, but it would not stay closed. The latches did not seem to be working properly. I thought that this door was always insecure, and it annoyed me that i could not keep it closed. As i tried to close it, i heard the sound of a cat meowing. I looked around at my feet, hoping that the cat did not get out of the house. I could not see any cat near me. I looked out through the screen of the screen door and i realize that the cat was standing on the cement stoop. It was raining heavily outside, and the cat was upset. The cat seemed like $X5. I quickly opened the door and called to the cat, thinking that it would come into the house. Instead, the cat turned and walked off of the cement stoop, heading west. It sank into the water that had flooded the back yard. I quickly reached for the cat. The water was very deep now. The cat struggled to swim, but i had pushed it under the water when i had tried to grab it. I tried to get a good hold of the fur on the back of the cat, afraid that it would drown. I finally was able to grab it and lift it out of the water. The orange cat was soaking wet. As i turned to put it back onto the large rock in the yard. It was now a black and white cat with a spot pattern. I put it on the rock and started petting it. It seemed very happy to be out of the water. It then jumped down from the rock and headed to the west. The thunder had stopped and the ground was no longer covered with water. I was surprised that the storm had ended so suddenly. I turned and stated back into the house. Someone then yelled from the west. The sound was followed by the sound of a car horn and traffic. I turned to see cars driving up the steep hill to the west. Someone was calling my name from one of the cars, but i could not get a good look at them. The small convertible can was driving up the hill, passing another car as it speeded behind the trees near the top of the curve in the road. The cars looked like toy cars. I turned back to the west and walked into the kitchen. My mother was there. I told her about the back door and how it did not lock properly. She seemed to think that the door was a problem. I then turned to the west and headed back into the dining room, wondering what i should do about the door. As i entered the dining room, i noticed a body lying on the dining-room table. I stopped for a moment in surprise, but then slowly walked toward it. The human body was dead. It looked like a child, with a pale face and twisted limbs. Bodies had appeared on the table before, and i was annoyed to see another one. I turned back to the kitchen to tell my mother that a body was on the table again. Instead of telling her, i got the telephone from the wall, intending to call the police. When i put the receiver to my left ear, i could hear someone talking. I thought that it was $K25. He had been living here. I felt uneasy about this. I asked him if he could get off the telephone so that i could use it, but he became upset and said that he wanted to talk on the telephone. I told him that we needed to call emergency. I then said that we needed an ambulance because i did not want him to think that there was an actual emergency. I could not convince him to get off of the telephone. I then thought that he was really the second $K25. He was born when his parents were separated. He had become a duplicate of the other $K25, which was probably why he had come to live with us, now that his parents were back together. Annoyed, i hung up the telephone. I walked back into the dining room, telling my mother about the body. I wanted to show her that we had another one. My mother looked out into the dining room, but she could not see the body because she was in a bad position in the kitchen. I talked about the recurring problem of dead bodies appearing in the house. I then told her about the man and woman that i had seen in the back yard.

12014 April 11

I was to the south of the area that we had been talking about. I was standing to the west of the other person. The man said that the area was very beautiful, and he looked at the photographs of the places he had traveled. He showed me the photographs, which looked like postcards. The image showed tall rounded mountains in the back. The mountains were covered with green trees. They reminded me of the Adirondacks. As the person flipped through the photographs, i spotted one of a small cabin by a lake. The dock was visible on the shore at the bottom of the picture. This house looked familiar. I then noticed a rock skull on the edge of the shore. It seemed to have something to do with the mailbox for the house. The water also seemed to be a road, and i thought that i remembered the house. It seemed to be just to the northwest of where we were. A bicycle was lying on the ground in front of the small cabin in the photograph. The scene looked very familiar, and i thought that it was not really in the Adirondacks, but very close to were we were. We seemed to be near my parents’ house in $P5. I thought that the owners of the cabin should have noticed the bicycle in the yard. I then thought that i might have seen this house on my way to work. I pictured it on the western side of the long road that ran to the north, across the fields. I took the picture to the east to show to my mother. I asked her about the images. I asked if she thought that this image as in the Catskills, which seemed close to us. She thought that it could be.

12014 April 12

We were doing something in the room, but we turned to the west and left. I followed the others, still trying to see something to the south of me. The others had gotten ahead of me and were running down the hallway to the west. I looked down the hall to see them running. The floor of the hallway was covered with water, so i tried to swim over it. I was having difficulty, though. I looked up again to see the others running through the water to the west of me. I realized that the water was shallow enough that it probably would be easier just to run though it. Annoyed, i stood up and started walking to the west. I then noticed that the room that opened up to the south of the corridor had a large swimming pool in the center of it. A man stood in the pool, up to his waist in water. He watched me uneasily as i made my way to the west. I headed to the west, entering the large room at the end of the corridor. Others were there, several of whom seemed to be my relatives. My cousins came out of the rom as i entered from the east. I was late.

12014 April 13

I drove to the west, down the street in the urban neighborhood. The buildings around me were low. I focused on a car that was to the south of me. It was passing me from the east. It was a dark-colored car. It strayed to the south side of the road, and i thought that it was wandering into the oncoming lane of traffic. The car then turned abruptly to the south and hit the wall that was on the southern side of the road. I continued walking to the west, along the sidewalk on the northern side of the road, but i watched the car, wondering if i should call emergency to come. A woman stepped out of the driver’s door of the car, which was now parked on the southern side of the road, facing east. She wobbled as she walked, making it seem that she was drunk. She had a metal apparatus strapped to her back. It looked like some kind of brace, with thin metal poles running vertically, and metal straps that curved along her back and around the back of her head and neck. She stumbled around the side of the car. I thought that she was probably very drunk and should not have been driving the car. She walked around the western side of the car and helped and old woman out of the southern side of the car. I started to worry that she would endanger the older woman, or, at least, that she might inadvertently cause the older woman injury. She helped the older woman to the south, into the building, which seemed like a doctor’s office. People inside the office were looking out in surprise through the large glass doors. A receptionist in a white dress stood with her mouth agape in shock as she watched the drunk woman enter the office. She turned to the east and said something to an other female receptionist. I became aware of people to the north of me watching the scene as well. They seemed to be on the front porch of the large colonial white house. The drunk woman with the bulky apparatus on her back turned to the east, facing the reception desk of the office. She waved her arms in the air for a moment, gesturing for something. She then wobbled and fell backward. Everyone was watching her in disbelief, wondering what to do.

I headed to the west, into the living room of the house, where my parents were. A dog came from the west to greet me, smelling the right leg of my pants. I said hello to my parents, who had also come to greet me. I then looked back at the dog, which seemed interested in my pants. I thought that something must be on the legs of my jeans that interested the dog. I moved to the western side of the room, sitting on a couch that faced east. Two cats then came into the room from the south. One was black and the other was an orange tabby. They seemed like $X14 and $X4. Both of them rushed over to me and started smelling the legs of my pants. Both seemed drawn to the smell. I watched them for a moment as i sat on the couch. They were now in my lap, rubbing their noses on the thighs of the pants. I wondered what was so interesting to them. My mother sat on the couch to the north of me. I pointed out the cats and said that it was strange that they were so interested in my pants. I then stood up and headed back to the east, toward the door. When i was near the door, i rubbed the legs of my pants, and the cats came jogging toward me to smell. I wondered if the blue denims had a factory smell to them that attracted cats. The two cats had come from the south, jogging around a piece of furniture that seemed like a counter or low bookcase. I then saw the large sliding doors in the southern wall, to the southeast of me. They were open slightly, and two kittens sat in the glass window of the door, wanting to come in. I asked my mother where they had come from, wondering why she had two new cats. She smiled knowingly at me without responding. I looked back at the door, wondering if the kittens were a gift for us. I did not think that we should have two other cats. I pointed out the kittens as they jogged into the eastern end of the room. I felt affectionate toward them, but i hoped that we were not expect to take them home. Someone to the west of me then asked me what i had noticed. I mentioned the kittens, but realized that they were now in the room with us. They jogged playfully to the north, running to the east of me. The person was implying that the kittens were not really kittens. I focused on the orange one, watching it walk oddly across the carpeted floor. I then noticed the larger animal to the east. It had large ears and a rounded body. I pointed it out to the others, realizing that it did not seem to belong here. It did not seem like a real creature, and i realized that it was really a stuffed toy. It had stitching around the sides of its nose and around its belly. I then realized that the kittens were also toys. They were mechanical dolls that looked like real kittens. I watched one run across the floor from the southeast, noticing that its movements were actually repetitive. Someone then said that all of the creatures were fake. I smiled at this, surprised at how real the kittens actually looked. A young girl was then to the west of me, and she walked to the south of me. She had asked to play with one of the toys. I reached to the south, grabbed a small packaged toy from the table, and handed it to her. She took the package and looked at it with distaste. I looked down at the toy in the molded plastic case. It was a pink racing car with green stripes along the length of the top of the car. It was not what the girl had wanted. She had wanted a kitten. I had not looked at the package before i handed it to her. I suddenly remembered that i had tried to hand her this package before. We would have to get her one of the fake kittens.

12014 April 14

I was looking over the children book that was on the table to the north of me. It was a very large book, with large print and big pictures. Several of the words on the pages were highlighted in blue. I flipped the pages, looking at the blue highlights. I must have highlighted the words when i was a child. I thought that the words related to television somehow. I flipped the pages, looking at several of the words. I thought that they mean something different now because television has changed so much. They would now refer mostly to social media rather than to television. I started telling this to $K3, who was to the west of me as i now sat on the northern side of the table, facing south. She then started to speak, but i found it distracting. I was trying to focus on the text in the book. I told her to be quiet. I then told her that the web and social media did not exist back then, so the content of this book was considerably different that it was when i was growing up. All of the ideas would not have to apply to social media rather than broadcast media.

12014 April 16

I was in the dimly lighted pub with the other person. We stood just to the south of the bar, which ran along the cluttered northern wall. We were both wearing brightly colored clothing. The man to the east of me wore matching pants and shirt that were lime green and day-glo red. I was also wearing something bright. These were the fashions of the eighties, but they seemed to be out of place here. We had shifted to a different time. The people around us were all wearing dark clothing. We had somehow come from the past to this place. I felt uncomfortable here. I headed to the east, across the bar. At the end of the bar, i turned to the north and headed into the small room. My friend was still getting a drink at the bar. I suddenly realized that i was not sure if i had my wallet with me. I felt the leg of my pants and realized that i did not have it with me. I must have left it in the car. I walked back to the west to tell my friend that i would have to go to the car to get my wallet. I hoped that he would be okay by himself. People were less likely to attack a group of people, and i thought that we might be more vulnerable by ourselfs. I headed to the south, toward the door. Just before i reached the door, a man stepped in front of me, blocking my way. He was tall and skinny, with pale skin. He was not wearing a shirt. He was not very muscular, but he had some detail across his chest. He said that we should go outside. I knew that he was challenging me, but i played dumb and agreed to go with him. I did not want to fight. I opened the door, and the man followed me outside. I held the door for him. As we got outside, the man said that he would punch me. I noticed that he had thick gold rings on his fingers. He was also now wearing a T-shirt. It fit tightly over his muscled chest. He had more muscle now on his shoulders and arms, and his skin was tan. I told him that i was not interested in a relationship, pretending that i still did not understand that he wanted a fight. I pretended that he was making passes at me, and i tried to let him know that i was not interested in a relationship. He seemed uneasy with the comments, but he was not as angry as he had seemed before. I wondered if he was homosexual and actually interested in a physical relationship. His skin was now dark, and he had a round face. We crossed the grassy courtyard outside, heading south. The man now seemed friendly as i chatted with him. We wandered to the west, but, once we were inside the parking garage, i turned to the north. I was looking for my car so that i could get my wallet. I wondered if i could trust the man. He seemed friendly, but he might still be trying to attack me. I walked past a group of people who were just getting out of their car in a parking spot on the southern side of the aisle. I had passed on the western side of the car. I turned to look at the man who was following me. He was now a teenage boy. He looked at the car as he approached, and he jumped into the back seat as the people stood around it. I thought that he was trying to steal something. I felt annoyed with him. I stepped back to the car to see what he was doing. He said that he was getting food. This seemed strange. I thought that that he did not have to steal now. I told him to get out of the car and headed to the north. I then realized that i was eating a protein bar. I could have offered him some. I walked to the north and opened our car. The boy hopped into the back seat from the eastern side of the car, which was facing north on the northern side of the aisle. I opened the door on the western side. My wallet and cell phone were in the central console, and i took them out of the car. I then realized that i had left the car unlocked. Someone could have easily taken the wallet and cell phone, but no one would have suspected that they were in the car, so no one would probably have tried to open the door.

I was in the large room, talking to the man about the play. He was an actor. He stood just to the northwest of me, on the western side of the round white plastic table. I sat to the south of the table. Others were in the room with us. They were moving to the western side of the room, talking to each other. I felt annoyed with them. They should be rehearsing. I then thought that i was the director, so i should get the people to do something. I felt annoyed that i could not get them to take the play seriously. It was not good that the people were not doing what they were supposed to be doing. $A623 was not here. She had a complicated schedule and could not directly control the play. People had been saying that the play was not ready to go up, and i worried that it was true. The man near me started pacing. He seemed like $A194. I thought that he should at least do a reading for the man behind the table to the north. He would not have to waste his time waiting for the others to continue the play. The man behind the table was sitting on the eastern side of the room, and he seemed to have some sort of authority over the area. I felt disappointed that no one else was taking the play seriously. I then realized that the play was supposed to start on Thursday night, which was only a few days away. We were not ready for the performance. I started fooling around with something that was on the table in front of me. I was sitting on the northern side of the table now, on the northern side of the room. The woman was standing just to the southeast of the table, and she talked to me for a moment. She was complaining about the lack of interest the actors had in the play. I thought that i should not have directed the play. I really did not want to do it, and i felt that i was only doing it because i felt i had to. I had done something in the play early on, but i would then be off stage. That was how $A623 had set up the performance. I looked around the room, noticing the socket-like tubes on the northern wall. I thought that they had something to do with the backstage controls. The table i was sitting at was now on the eastern side of the room, and the woman was now standing to the south of me. I looked back at her and she started speaking. She was farther to the south now, and she was talking to $A623, who had come in from the southern part of the room. I felt impatient here, and i walked to the south, across the dingy room. $A194 was still pacing in the middle of the room, and i wanted to ask him to read part of the play for the other man. As i reached him, i realized that he was cleaning the dishes in the sink that was against the southern wall. I was annoyed that the could not read now, but i noticed that he had already cleaned most of the dishes, so he should be done shortly. I then thought that it did not make sense that he would be doing dishes, so i asked him why he was washing the dishes. He said that he was attracting people. He seemed to be hinting that he was trying to attract the attention of the important man, who was now on the western side of the room. It seemed strange that he would be doing dishes to attract attention. I joked with him, saying in a southern accent “All the women will say ’Oh, look at that man doing dishes. He hot.’” I then thought that the accent might sound offensive because i used truncated speech. $A194 was dark skinned, and i hoped that people did not think that i was trying to portray a black stereotype by using a southern accent. A young woman was now standing near the sink. She was washing the dishes. She had come to the sink to the west of $A194 and started washing the dishes with him. She had a skinny frame, light skin, and fuzzy brown hair. $A194 hinted to me that he was not interested in women, talking in a forced mumble so that the woman did not hear. I was surprised to hear this, and i thought that it was interesting that $A194 might be a homosexual. I headed back to the north, across the room. I stopped in a doorway on the eastern side of the northern wall. People were talking in the room behind me. I listened to them for a moment, trying to figure out what i should do. Someone was just to the east of me. I spoke to him. The man seemed interested in talking to me. He mentioned that he had heard me on the radio when i had done an interview for the play. I said that i talked about the play. I thought about this for a moment. I then told the man that i had talked mostly about the theater, adding that i thought it was a good conversation. I hoped that $A623 did not mind that i had talked about the theater. I then realized that the man at the table on the western side of the room was listening to our conversation. He seemed impressed with what i had said about the interview. I looked around the room, noticing some of the actors sitting on the couch, which was against the eastern wall. I thought that the y should have been practicing the play. A man and woman were reclined to the north against the northern armrest of the couch. I then realized that $A241 was lying on their laps. This seemed very strange. He looked at the woman, who was sitting to the south of the man, and he said something tender to her. He seemed to be doing part of the play. I watched $A241 and the woman interact. I thought that they were related in some way. They had very similar faces. I watched them for a moment before i turned my attention back to the man to the west.

12014 April 17

I was riding on the top of the car with the others as we rode down the street to the west. The tall apartment buildings were on both sides of the road. The car was actually more like a boat, and i was hanging my feet off the side of the car as we traveled through the water. I was wearing sandals on my feet, and i was letting them drag through the water. I hoped that the sandals did not fall off into the water as we moved. I watched the water for a moment as we moved. We then passed under a stone bridge, which arched across the road between two of the buildings. I ducked, even though enough room was between the car and the bridge for me to sit. Just after the car came out from under the bridge, it stopped in front of the house on the northern side of the street. The woman was waiting for us near the door. I recognized the woman. I had met here long ago. $F12 was with me as i got off the car. I walked toward the building, and he walked ahead of me up the stone steps at the front of the house. The woman’s apartment seemed to be on the second floor of the house. $F12 and i were both visiting her. I thought that he was still attracted to the woman, but then i thought that this was strange because he was already married. I followed $F12 up the stairs, which now seemed to be within a hallway within the building. The steps were narrow, and i was having trouble putting my feet on the steps. I carefully climbed each stair, trying not to slip. The stairs seemed to turn back on themselves as they ascended, and i was having difficulty working my way around the corners. I finally made it to the top of the steps and headed east, into the southern end of the living room. The room was rectangular and long north to south. A wide doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall led to the kitchen. $F12 was in the kitchen with the woman. They were chatting happily. I felt a little awkward, thinking that $F12 was trying to start a relationship with the woman. I felt annoyed with him as i took off my jacket. Once it was off, i also realized that i had a light-blue towel in my hand. I looked for a place to put them. I started to put them near the fireplace in the western wall of the room, but i thought that they should not be so close to the flames. I then noticed a short stack of newspapers sitting on the floor near the northern wall. They were just to the west of a black potbelly stove. The papers had gotten too hot near the stove and were starting to burn. This annoyed me, and i thought that someone was not taking care of the apartment. I knew that they were not a danger to the place because they were on the stone hearth of the stove. I moved the papers away from the stove, pushing them to the west. The flames went out, but gray smoke started to rise from the papers. I hoped that it would not set off the smoke alarms. I stood back up, wondering where i should put my peacoat and blue towel. I would not be able to put them to the northeast near the stove. I saw a chair to the northwest of me, but it too seemed too close to the fireplace and the stove. I then noticed a chair to the west of me, near the entry door. $F12’s coat was on the chair, so i tossed mine on top of the chair as well. I felt frustrated. I tuned back to the east, noticing that $A437 was now in the kitchen, chatting with the woman. He must have come to see her too. I then thought it strange that both he and $F12 would know the same people, but then i realized that many of $F45’s friends probably know the woman from touring with her. I walked into the kitchen. Several other people were now here. An island counter was on the eastern side of the room, and the woman seemed to be standing to the north of it, leaning her buttocks against the stove to the north of her. The others were all facing her as they chatted. I moved to the southern side of the room, feeling out of place. A doorway was in the southern wall. It was covered with old wooden French doors, which were party open. I walked into the small white room to the south. I had stayed in this room before, and i thought that i would have to close up the room for a trip that i would be making. I pulled the doors closed, but they did not close properly. I felt annoyed. I looked down at the latches, noticing that one was lower than the other. They had been broken so that one would not align properly. I opened them and tried to close the inside door to the room. To my annoyance, this door did not close either. I felt annoyed and told my mother about the doors. She acknowledged me, letting me know that she knew of the problem. I thought that this house was never secure. Disappointed, i turned to the north and walked back into the kitchen. $A448 was now there, just to the west of the northern end of the counter. Other people from the tour were coming into the room. I did not know how to relate to these people. I looked around the room. I then noticed water marks high on the southern wall, near the glass skylight. I was more annoyed with this place. I thought that the apartment roof must be leaking. I knew that it was not leaking in the southern room when the storm had passed by the other night. I hoped that the leak did not run into the southern room and ruin the things there.

12014 April 19

$F45 and the others were in the room to the west of me. I was walking to the north to get around the partial wall that separated the hallway i was in and the main part of the room. I stepped into the room for a moment before turning around and headed back to the east, into the kitchen. We were visiting my parents’ house. I thought that i should cook something, but i was not sure what. I turned around to face the west, noticing the pizza box on the counter on the western wall, just to the north of the door i had entered. The others must have eaten already. I felt a little disappointed by this. I was then suddenly aware of the large windows around the northern and western walls of the room to the west of me. It was dark now, and the windows seemed very dark. I felt uneasy, and wanted to do something, but i was not sure what we should do. I walked to the north, now outside the house. I walked around the western side of the house, looking at the bright windows. I then turned to the east and walked into the room where $F45 and the others were. They were talking about food. I looked at the windows in the northern wall. Several things were near the windows. They were the shapes that had scared me in the window before, but they did not seem scary now. I looked at them for a moment, wondering if they should scare me. They seemed strange. I then felt impatient again. We should do something, but i was not sure what we should do. I just felt uncomfortable not doing anything in this house.

12014 April 20

I stood for a moment with the other people in the large public area. This place seemed like a park. I headed to the south, toward the street, which ran east to west. I felt that i had to get to somewhere, so i started jogging to the west, along the northern side of the street. I had to get to the bust stop. I thought that a bus stop must have been in front of the stadium that i was in, and i wondered why i had not gone to the bus stops to the east. I jogged some more, noticing an area on the sidewalk just to the west of me. $A606 seemed to have been with me, and i thought that he must have taken a bus to his apartment already. I would be taking a bus from here. I was then back at the stadium. I looked to the southeast, noticing a flat space on the sidewalk, which seemed to be a bus stop. This was the bus stop that i should have gone to the first time. A bus was coming from the east, so i started walking faster toward the sidewalk. I had to hurry so that the bus driver would see me coming. I was then walking down the slope of the stadium, heading to the south. The stadium was starting to fill with many other people. I had managed to get into the stadium before because i was here before the big event started. I thought that i would not be able to return now. I looked to the east, though, watching people walking up the slope of the stadium, heading north. I was inside the stadium now, but a woman to the east seemed to be a staff member here. She might realize that i did not have a ticket for this event. I turned to the west and started walking down the narrow cement corridor at the back of the stadium, heading west. Others walked with me. I then realized that some of the stands were to the west of me. The corridor opened up into a room, which seemed to be to the west of the main stands. People were starting to sit on the sloped seats of the western side of the stadium. The seats here sloped to the west. They were already filled with people, who seemed to be part of a team. They were dressed in white jerseys with blue and white designs on them. I knew that they were the visiting team. I did not feel comfortable among them, thinking that i did not belong with the team. Instead, i turned to the north and started to leave. Just then, i heard the sound of singing from the south. I looked through the large window in the wall near me to see the people in the main stands. They had all starting singing the anthem. I turned to the north.

12014 April 21

I was in this office again, which seemed like an office of $G6. It had been a long time since i had worked here, but i was back. It felt uncomfortable to be here. I was standing to the south of a white counter, which ran along the northern wall of the room. I was trying to run some software on an old computer. The computer was tan, with a large cathode monitor. It seemed very out-of-date. I tried running the software again, but it would not run. I told the other person about it. The person was to the east of me. I thought that this might simply be too old a machine to run the software. I thought that it did not even have a graphical user interface; it was still running in text mode. I felt tense because i felt that i had to get something done. I stood erect and walked to the west. As i crossed the office, i realized that i was barefoot. I stepped carefully to avoid the broken objects that were scattered on the carpet of the office. The building was now more open. It no longer had any walls. I was walking across the cement ground of a large pavilion. To the west i could see a wide grassy park around me. Picnic tables were set up under the pavilion. My car was parked in a small lot to the west of the building. I felt frustrated. As i reached the western edge of the pavilion, a man called to me from the east. I turned to him as he approached. He wore an old short-sleeve button-up shirt. He seemed anxious, and he asked me a silly question about work. I did not trust the man. I responded uneasily, thinking that he was trying to trap me here. He seemed to want me to come closer to him to answer the question, but i cautiously stayed away. I looked around the area. Two large men were getting out of a truck to the northwest of the pavilion. I worried that they were here to capture me. One of the men by the truck yelled to me: “Come here.” I could not let myself get caught by them, so i ran to the east, past the man in the shirt. I was glad that i had worn my running shoes. As i reached the eastern side of the pavilion, i noticed a crowd of people on the lawn to the east. I headed for them, yelling for help as i approached them. I then noticed that a large woman and another man were holding back the crowd, preventing them from heading to the west. I worried that they might be with the men who were trying to kidnap me. I turned to the south. I thought that i might be able to run to the school area.

The tall thin man was to the east of me, with the large woman. I knew that the woman was happy with the man, but i also knew that she was married to the large man. The large man was now entering the darkened room, which seemed like a pub. He came from the north. He had chin-length black hair and a bushy mustache. The woman walked away from the thin man, heading in my direction. She was talking about the two men and smiling as she passed me. She enjoyed seeing the two men together. This was where the two men were supposed to meet. The big man had come to beat up the other man. I thought that this was some kind of ritual that this culture went through, so everything that happened was prearranged. The woman was pregnant, so the baby must be protected. This was why the men would fight over the woman. I watched what was happening to the east, thinking that this was a very strange story. It was like an episode of The X-Files. I wondered if the thin man would get killed or taken. I moved through the apartment as i thought about this plot. The apartment seemed small and cluttered. I was living with my father, but he was not here at the moment. I had been walking north in the corridor on the eastern side of the building, and i turned west into the small kitchen. The narrow room was long north to south. A television was on the counter of the western wall, to the northwest of me. It was playing a show that had been recorded. I watched it for a moment as the show ended. It then displayed which show was coming up next. It said that an award show was going to be on next. I knew that the award show had been on last night, so the recorded shows that were on were from last night as well. I turned of the television and headed east across the kitchen. The apartment seemed very narrow, stretching from the front of a thin city apartment building to the back. I had to get ready for work. I moved around in one of the rooms on the southern side of a corridor. The cleaning woman was in the corridor to the north. I looked up as she came into the doorway. The owner of the apartment building was with her. I was getting things ready and tried not to pay attention to them. The woman then asked me for part of the payment. I was not sure what to do, so i told her that my father had the money. I hoped that she would go away and stop bothering me. I turned to the south to get something from the counter.

12014 April 22

I stood on the western side of the open field, looking to the east. The land around us had rolling hills, and the field was covered with short field grass, which seemed partly tan. Horses were running across the pasture to the east. Something was wrong with the horses; they were upset about something. I thought that they could tell that an earthquake was coming. The seemed nervous. The horses then stopped and layed down. The earthquake must be close. The ground then started shaking. I crouched down a little so that i did not fall over. I then noticed the horses. The ground underneath them opened up into small pits, and the horses fell into the pits. This seemed very strange. It was not logical that pits would open up exactly where the horses were lying. I continued walking to the north with the other person. I wondered if there would be any aftershocks from the quake. I then realized that the quake had actually lasted a long time for an earthquake. I thought that they usually are very quick. I talked about this with $F12 as we walked along the street. We were now in a city area, which seemed like California. We turned to the east, passing under a low girder bridge. I was here visiting $F12. We turned to the south, entering $F12’s house. People were gathered in the house for an event. I had something that i had to do in the house before i joined the others.

I was visiting China, and we seemed to be in a market place. The room we were in was part of a small restaurant, and it was cheaply built, with thin wood walls. We sat at a table in the center of the room. I noticed a grouping of four yellow tiles near the ceiling on the northern wall. The tiles had red marks in the center of them, and i knew that the marks indicated people that the government wanted hunted down. The tiles were put up as a notice to people in the area. I looked at the four symbols, which were not Chinese characters. They looked like writings from the City. I realized that the four symbols represented us. I felt uneasy about this. The government did not want us wandering around the country, so they posted signs for our arrest. The woman was sitting to the east of me, and i leaned to her and quietly told her that the tiles on the wall seemed to indicate that we were being hunted. I looked around the room casually. A woman in a white stereotyped peasant robe and tasseled cap was leaning over a low counter against the western wall, cooking. She was on the other side of a service counter from us. I quickly noticed that she had four long pins through the bun of hair that the had at the back of her head. The heads of the pins were tan, and they seemed to have symbols on them as well. I thought that the symbols were the first letters of our names. I told the woman with me that we were wanted by the government and that the woman cooking us food might know about this. I felt uneasy, and i said that we should get out of here. I slowly gathered my things. We stood up and walked to the west, heading toward the wide passageway that was to the south of the woman and the counter. I watched the woman as we passed her on the south. She continued cooking, but watched us out of the corner of her eye as we passed. I felt nervous. Suddenly, a woman cryed out from the east. I turned around to see people rushing to a doorway in the eastern wall, which i knew led into a small bedroom. The woman had woken up from a dream. Others in the room seemed very concerned for her and rushed into the room to assist. I walked back to the east a little to hear what they were saying. I could hear the woman talking to someone. She was still very upset about the dream. I told the woman with me that she was very sad.

12014 April 23

My father and i walked to the north, into the building. We had crossed a large open plaza with a paved ground. As we entered the room, the man to the north of us started talking to us. We had come to him for advice on something. We were standing on the eastern end of the room, looking through the doorway in the northern wall at the man. He had grabbed some files from a desk to the north. The office to the north seemed to be mostly to the east of the doorway, and the desk was against the western wall of the room. Some other people moved around in the office. The man looked at the files and then turned to us. He held the files in front of himself, shaking his head as he told us that the newsletter was not ready to be printed. I felt disappointed. We had not done a good enough job, and the man, who had reviewed it, did not think that it would be ready for us to print. He said that it would not be published in the next month. He motioned us to the table, which was in the center of the room that we were standing in. We had been to the northeast of the long rectangular wooden table, so i backed up and walked around to the southern side of the eastern end to sit down. My father sat to the west of me, and the man sat on the eastern end of the table. He crossed his legs, seeming patient but stern with us. I had hoped that we would be able to publish the newsletter, and i was upset that we still had a lot more work to do on it. the man then asked about our future plans. I did not know how to answer him. I glanced at my father, who was now seated at the table. I was still standing behind my chair. I thought that we were a company that really did not have a long-term plan. I tried to think of what our plan would be, but it just did not make sense that we would have any. We did not know what was coming, and, therefore, did not plan for it. I sat down in the chair, wondering how to respond to the man, but i just told him that we did not have any plans. I felt bad about this, thinking that i should have some idea about where i was headed. The man started talking to us. I felt uneasy, and i started glancing around the room. I looked to the east, noticing the plaza that we had crossed on our way to the building. The plaza was to the south of the building, but i could see the line of trees along the eastern side of the plaza. They ran to the east of us. Looking back to the southeast as the man spoke, i noticed the high-heeled shoes that had been mounted on the tips of the branches of the trees. The tan wooden tree had branches that curved upward, with the shoes topping the branch. It was some kind of art exhibit. I turned my head to the northeast, noticing the large wooden tree just past the man who was speaking to us. The tree was on the eastern side of the plaza, but it seemed to change position so that it was closer to the man as i looked at it. The view was distorting around me so that the tree was closer and easier to see. The trunk seemed to be made of carved layers of wood. The layers ran vertically, creating hues of red and green in the grain of the wood. The branches stretched out in all directions, all curving upward near the ends. This was also part of the art exhibit, though i could not see shoes at the tops of these branches. I admired the tree, thinking that it was art. I wanted to do art, and i felt that i should say that to the man. It would be an answer to his question, even though it would not tell him what my future plan was. I felt that i should say that i wanted to do art, but i did not feel comfortable saying this. It did not seem like an acceptable answer. Someone was then moving to the north of us. I looked to the north of the room to see a man stretching. He seemed to be a dancer, but he was rather muscular. He spread his legs into a wide stance, leaning a little to the east to stretch his right leg, which was stretched to the west. The man seemed to have some difficulty with his balance. Someone was talking about the art show, and it had something to do with the man. The man was wearing a black leotard that ended at his knees and elbows. He lifted his arms over his head, but wobbled a little. Two short people came to either side of him, trying to balance him. He was struggling to stretch properly. A person to the east continued to describe the exhibit, which had something to do with the man’s performance.

12014 April 24

The others were chatting in the room, and i was standing just to the south of them. This building seemed old, with thick plaster walls. The other accused the woman of being homosexual. She stood to the east of us, and she seemed to be wearing a nun’s habit. The woman seemed nervous about the accusation, and i felt uneasy about the people accusing others of being homosexual. The woman said that she was not homosexual, but the others did not believe her. They told her to prove her claims by copulating with a man. This seemed odd, and i knew that it was not an easy request, but i knew that the woman could copulate with a man. There were no other men in this place, though. The woman said that she would copulate with a man, but she admitted that she would have to do it with her brother, because he was the only man here. He seemed to be a priest in this place. She did not think that the people would make her copulate with her brother in order to prove that she was not homosexual. The others frowned at her, saying that not only would she be homosexual, but she would he performing incest as well. The woman turned to the north and started talking to the man near her. The man seemed to be a priest. I moved to the east, finding myself in the corridor on the east of the building. The man was there, and he was like a priest. Others were talking about the situation in the room on the southern side of the corridor. I said something to the man with me. I thought that he was having sex with the other man, but then i thought that this situation seemed very confusing. The plot was not easy to figure out. I tried to understand who was sleeping with whom and who was trying to hide the situation. I looked at the text that was on the page of the book i was holding. The text on the page was overlapping itself. It looked as though two pages of text had been printed on top of each other. The overlapping text had something to do with the two men.

I was in the room, walking with $G4 about the international run. I thought that i could go, but i was not sure what the run was. I looked at the maps of the route to the north of me. The red line on the yellowish-tan paper marked the route of the run. It seemed like a nice run, and i felt excited about it. It was a large run up the coast. It headed north along the western coast. I thought that the run was in Europe. I then thought that it was actually in Ireland. I could see the water between the main land and the island. Hatch marks marked a narrow route where we would have to return from the island to the mainland. I thought that we must get to the run by boat, and we would have to return to the boat to get back to the place where we would be staying. It sounded exciting, and i wanted to go. I looked around the map for a date of the event. The bottom of the page said that the date was May 21. I felt disappointed, thinking that the event was too soon to plan a trip to it. I looked up to the west at the other person and talked about the event. We were now in a pub, standing just to the west of the bar. A large square structure filled the center of the room, forming the bar. The others to the south of me finished their drinks. They were getting ready for their run. I joked about having a map of the trail, even though i knew that the map was of the special international run. I headed to the south, across the western part of the room. I wanted to stay with the runners, but i had to do something. I put the map in the holder as i talked to the other person. The holder was on the bar to the east of me, but i had already started to the south as i spoke with the other runners. I decided that i should not leave the map, so i took a few steps back to the north to get it. I headed to the southern side of the room. The room was mostly empty now, so i continued to the south in the building, trying to catch up with the other runners. I came into a hallway. I felt that i was being left behind, and i started to feel anxious. I wondered how i would get to Ireland without the others. I walked down the street to the south, walking on the sidewalk on the eastern side. The street was actually a hallway, but it had sidewalks and a road in the center. I thought that i could stop by the bar, but then i thought that it was too early in the afternoon to drink. I had to get back to work. I felt stressed, and i turned back to the north. A man was sitting in the hallway against the eastern wall. I walked past him, feeling that i should eat something. I though that i could eat breakfast in the diner now. I then remembered that $A501 would be there. I wanted to talk to her. I felt confused. I had to be to work, but i did not really want to go back to work. I wanted to do something else.

12014 April 26

My mother was driving the car to the south, through the suburban area. A plaza of shops was to the south of us. Many of the low buildings around us seemed to be modern stores. We headed to the east, and then we turned to the south at an intersection in an open area. We were driving between the highway and the shops. I wondered why we were here. It seemed that we were in a strange area. I then recognized the store to the east, ahead of us. I remembered that it was a store that sold homosexual products. I thought that my mother was driving us here on purpose. The store was actually like a clinic, and she was bringing us to it. $F45 was in the car with me, but he did not seem to understand why were in this area. We stopped in front of the clinic, which was on the southern side of the road. My mother told me that i should get tested. I felt annoyed with her. I walked to the east, behind the cars that were parked in front of the clinic. I told her that i had been tested. This was not true, thought. It had been a while since i had been tested. Other people were by the car to the north of where i was standing, so i felt nervous about talking about STD testing. I paced around for a moment. I was then in the store. I looked around at the clutter of things near me. This place seemed like a pawn shop. I had been here before. I started floating around the store, over the glass display shelfs. My mother was near me, looking to the south. I floated to the west. I then thought that not everyone could float, so i thought that my ability to float would probably look impressive to some of the people in the store. I then noticed the black case that was against the wall to the north of me. It was a guitar, but it was different that in was when i had looked at it a few moments ago. It was now a blue Kramer Striker. It looked like my guitar, but it had an extra switch for effects. It looked nice, and i felt interested in it. I thought about the guitar as i floated in the room.

12014 April 28

I was talking with the others when someone mentioned the golden hat. I looked to the west to see the poster of the hat. Several posters seemed to be lined up on the wall. They were uneven so that they did not line up horizontally. I focused on one of the posters. It seemed to be a black poster with a line drawing of a chimp’s face. The bowler hat hovered over the chimp’s head. It would be placed on the chimp. I knew that the bowler had had special properties because it was gold. I thought that the gold was an especially conductive material, which allowed it to focus extrasensory input that was normally too weak to be perceived consciously. I then thought that gold was forbidden as a common metal because those in control knew of its special properties. As we wandered to the east, i thought of how gold could be used to create a hat that would allow the wearer to detect the fields around them. I thought about a design, which looked more like a crown. I pictured a thick gold band with four blocks mounted on the outside of the rim at even intervals. The blocks were rectangular. They were thin and mounted flat against the rim of the crown. I then thought that there would be four of them because it was an easily divisible repetition of cutting something in half. As the crown rotated and someone said something about it, i decided that the crown should really have eight pieces around the sides. The greater number of divisions would allow more reception of something. I wondered if a factor of a third should be added. I thought that i should keep the number eight, but then add a section of three on to the crown. I pictured the blocks, thinking that the main four would be larger than the secondary four. The greater the interval, the smaller the blocks would be. Actually, i could look at it as each interval being separate, and all blocks being the same size. Where the blocks landed on top of each other, however, the resulting block would be larger, as if the two blocks were added together. I wondered if the factor of three would seem out of place because the two on the back sides of the crown would not evenly line up with the factors of two. The main starting point of the blocks would be over the front of the crown, at the “third eye”, where the electric fields of the frontal lobe were strongest. I thought about this as i spoke to the woman who was with me. She was pulling something to the east, and it seemed to be part of a competition. I also seemed to be pulling something to the east. We wandered to the east, across the southern end of the large white room with the high ceiling. The woman was ahead of me slightly, to the northeast of me. She wore a white T-shirt and dragged the rectangular object behind her. She faced forward, with both of her hands behind her, one on each side of the end of the slap. I too was dragging a slab behind me as i made my way to the door. We spoke about something as we pulled the objects. I was helping the woman take the things out of the room. We had to get them away from someone, and i thought that it had to do with the hats and the authorities trying to stop the use of gold in wearable objects. I then realized that the woman was now behind me. She joked about something as she climbed up the block that i was pulling and hopped over my left shoulder. I joked about her stunt as we reached the eastern side of the room. I thought that we had to head up the stairs that ascended to the east on the other side of the door. The woman jogged to the north along the eastern side of the room. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that i would have to carry the block up the stairs by myself. It seemed unfair, but i would do it anyway. I thought that the woman was taking advantage of me, whether she intended to or not. I walked through the doorway, coming into the cafe. The woman was with me, and she said something about the objects she had. I felt suddenly uneasy, thinking that we could not let anyone know that we had the objects. The authorities would be after us. I told her this, and, as i did, the view panned to the east, away from us. I could still hear my voice telling her, but i could now see the doorway to the cafe, which was in the northern end of the western wall of the room. I told the woman that the objects she had were important and that she had to hide them. The white walls of the room were flat and plain, but they had thin black lines scrawled across them in small clustered patterns here and there. I stressed to the woman that we had to hide what the woman had so that people would not know that she had been accused of something by the authorities. This was part of a story, and i knew that someone was going to come into the door and hear what we were saying. The person would be suspicious and run to tell the authorities. I waited a moment, listening to my voice, but no one came in. I stressed again that no one could know what the woman was accused of, hoping that the man would come into the door. The man finally opened the door. He was wearing a white shirt and looked Middle Eastern, with dark curly hair. He seemed suddenly terrified as he heard what i was saying to the woman, and he backed out of the room. This was part of the plot. I told the woman about him, saying that we will have to leave this place before the authorities come.

12014 April 29

I headed to the north through the suburban area. We were near shopping plaza, but i was heading across the grass and weeds of a nearby field. The plaza was to the northwest of me. I came to the water channel, which ran east and west between where i was and the plaza. I small wooden bridge crossed the channel, and i floated across it. I then started floating to the west, over the water. The grasses around the stream seemed short and the weeds seemed dry, as though it was early spring. I looked over the rocks in the shallow stream. The other person commented on the lack of water in the stream bed. I thought that the stream would be full soon. I knew that it would start flooding once the rain came. After contemplating this for a few minutes, i floated to the north. The other person and i were headed toward the shopping plaza. I thought that we needed something to eat. I wondered where we could get food. A road had run parallel to the stream along the northern shore, and we were now walking on a narrow driveway that ran from that road. It seemed to lead to the main road on the northern side of the plaza. I thought that there was a fast-food restaurant on the eastern side of the road ahead of us, but i knew that the others did not want fast food. The man moved close to me as we walked. He started pushing me. We then started wrestling. I was having fun. I pushed him down and trapped him against the ground. I wrapped my left arm around his neck to keep him in a headlock, and i pushed my right fist into the side of his neck. I was trying to get him to submit. He continued to squirm, though. I wondered how i could get him to tap out. He seemed very tough. I tried tightening the hold to see if he would submit.

I was in my parents’ house, and it was nighttime. I was moving around on the second floor of the house, looking for something. I headed to the west, into my parents’ bedroom. It was dark, but i could see from the light that was filtering in through the windows. I walked to the south of their bed when i felt a cold draft. I stopped, feeling the breeze blow past my neck. It seemed strange that a window would be open this time of year. It was very cold outside. I looked around for the source of the draft. I raised my hands in front of me as i moved slowly to the west, feeling the air for coldness. I thought that the fireplace in the center of the western wall must have come open. I moved my hand in front of the fireplace, but did not feel cold air from it. I then realized that the air was coming from the north of the fireplace. I moved to the window. The window was partially open, and a cold breeze was coming through it. I felt chilly when the air blew up my arm. I moved to the window to close it. As i reached the window, i noticed a black cat. It was sitting on the low window sill, partially hidden from view by the large potted plant to the east of it. I was surprised to see the cat. I crouched down to pet the cat, but the cat wandered away.

12014 April 30

I was jogging to the east across the beach. I had just started jogging, and i was in a place that i had not been to before. This place was new, and it felt good to be here. I jogged on the solid land just to the north of the sand. I seemed to have been jogging for a while. I had started out slowly, but i now seemed to be moving quite fast. I thought about jogging, though. My feed movements seemed strange to me. I focused on my running form. It seemed that my heels were hitting my buttocks as i ran. This seemed strange. It did feel good to run, though. I looked up the short grassy hill to the north and then to the ocean to the south. A can was driving on the road to the north of me, but it was driving slow enough that i could easily pass it. I then realized that i was wearing flip-flops. This was not something i would normally run in. I thought that this was not a real run yet. I would start more serious running in a little while. I was actually heading to a place were i would start the real run. I looked down at the ground in front of me, realizing, to my surprise, that i was now on a wall. The short cement wall separated the higher grassy land from the sandy beach below. The dirt trail i had been following must have faded into the wall. I did not want to be jogging on a wall, so i stopped to climb down. I started to the south, but realized that i was now quite a distance from the beach. A cliff dropped off to the beach, which was about four or five meters below me. The beach had dark-brown rocks scattered under the sand. I felt uneasy near the edge, so i shifted to the north, onto the dirt road. The dirt was not as smooth a surface as the flat road, so i would have to jog slower, but it was safer. I then came into the room where the others were getting ready for a run. I was going to join them. Someone then commented on the trails that we would be running. A woman asked if anyone was going to be running with her. I told her i would, but then i asked her where she was going. She said that she was running through the snow. I then said that i would not be going with her, making a joke about snow and sticking to the trails. I said that the people did not come from a place where snow was a regular occurrence. The others oohed as if had made an insulting joke. I did not get why what i said would be insulting. I continued to get ready to run. The others headed to the southern side of the room, exiting through the doorway in the southern wall. A man to the west of me then told me about the car. He said that he was driving something special when he had passed someone. I remembered this event, and i pictured the car heading to the east with the family in it. It was on the long narrow road that crossed the rolling hills near the seashore. To the east, a bridge crossed the road, shading part of it. A black car came out from under the bridge. It was just passing another car as it appeared around the curve. It should not have been passing the other car on a curve, and i felt worried about the family in the first car. I told the man that i remembered the incident, saying that it was on the corner just before the railroad bridge. I then realized that the man was in the black car. I asked him why he had passed the other car on a corner.