12017 April 01

I hurried to the east, into the small room. I thought about running around in the large look that ran down the road on the southern side of the area. I pictured the road as forested. I had to get ready to go, however. I was still packing things, but i had to take a shower. I was in the small bathroom, and i had a towel around my shoulders. I was trying to dry off so that i could do something with the other person. I had talked about going on a run with the person. I then realized that i had just showered. I would have to shower again after the run. I hurried to dry off so that we could get going. I dried my upper body and tried to take the towel off of my shoulders. It was stuck. The space i was standing in was too small for me to pull the towel off fully. I felt annoyed. I was standing in water that came halfway up my shins. I could not get the towel free, so i let it fall into the water. I decided that i would not need it again, so it was okay to let it get wet. I still felt annoyed at the situation, though. I bent over and picked up the towel, trying to put it on the shelf to the north of me.

I was in the small bedroom on the eastern side of the house. The rectangular bedroom was long north to south, and i was standing in the southern end. The other person was to the north of me. I said something to the person, and i was looking out the window in the northern wall. I could see a hillside with trees. The trees were leafless and gray for the season. The trees ran along the top of a hill, and the near side of the hill was a tan grassy field or lawn. A group of children were playing on the lawn. They ran toward the hill to the north and then turned to the west, disappearing from sight. I said something to the other person. We had to get ready to go. I was doing something as i looked out the window again. The trees were moving in the wind. I did not think that it was a windy day, but, now that i listened, i could hear the wind hitting the roof of the house. The trees tipped to the east as the wind blew, and then they straightened back up. I was looking at the trees of the small forest on the top of the hill. I was looking along the eastern slope of the hill, which was wider than the southern face. The land to the north seemed to form a ridge running to the north and sloping down steeply to a narrow valley to the east. I thought that it was a narrow stream valley. The trees tipped to the east again, and i could hear the wind blowing. They seemed to be tipping quite far. I did not know that the wind was so strong. As the wind let up, they straightened. A new gust of wind then blew them to the east again. I thought that some of the trees would break and fall over, and i watched for it. To my surprise, all of the trees seemed to tip to the east at once. The roots pulled up from the western side of the hill. As the forest tipped, i realized that the entire top of the hill was being pulled off. The dirt came up with the roots, and the top of the hill peeled to the east, falling off of the hill. I moved to the door in the western wall. I suddenly remembered that the children had been playing on the grass of the hill. I wondered how long ago that had been. They should have been inside by the time the storm started. I opened the door to the west and looked out. I could see the valley between the hill to the north and the large stone building to the south. I was in the building, which seemed to be a monastery. The other monks were running along the slope of the hill on the north, heading west to where the trees had fallen. I thought that they were going to help people who might have gotten trapped in the landslide. They wore red and green clothing, which looked like something from the Middle Ages. I turned to the person in the room to the east of me and told him that the others were heading west to help people. I said that we should go. I would have to get my clothes together so that i could help them. I wanted to help.

12017 April 02

I stood just to the north of the building. I had been talking to someone, but i was now looking to the east. A young boy was sitting on the cement step in front of the next building to the east. He seemed to be wearing a gray coatee with a red fluffy thing near his chest. I thought that it looked like a formal uniform from $P7. I wanted to get a closer look at what the boy was wearing. His mother seemed to be sitting behind him. I stood up and started walking to the northeast. I did not want to walk across the lawn of the other building, so i was heading toward the sidewalk, which was about four meters from the house. I crossed the wide driveway of the building that i had been standing in front of. I tried not to make it seem that i was staring at the house. As i neared the sidewalk, i noticed a triangle of dirt between the sidewalk and the eastern side of the driveway where others had crossed the grass and worn it down. Once i reached the sidewalk, i looked to the south at the house. The boy was no longer on the stairs. The building looked old. It had a rough plaster exterior, with flat smooth stones for the lintels and sills. Arching thin lines ran up from the door to the railed line that marked the second floor of the building. The windows on the second floor seemed to be arched as well. I thought that this building was the school for girls, and i thought that $F4’s mother still worked here. I looked at the windows as i started to pass the building. Just to the east of the square main door, many small square panes of glass formed a large window. The panes were about a deci in width. I could see rounded copper ornaments handing at various elevations inside the widows. Some seemed to be in the shape of suns. To the east of this set of windows was a larger window, which seemed to look into a dining room. I pretended that i was curious in the building, and i moved toward the glass to look inside. I could hear the sound of people talking. The restaurant or cafe inside was full. I could see people sitting at tables in the large window. A bar ran along the southern end of the eastern wall. I wondered if $F4’s mother still worked her. I imagined her in the kitchen and wondered if she could see me out the window. I thought that she would be to the east of where i was. I tried to see through the smaller windows where the ornaments were, but i could not make out what was inside. A man was then standing to the west of me on the lawn. He seemed to be a waiter, and he wore a black jacket. He leaned forward with his hands behind his back, and he told me that the restaurant was full. I said that it was good that business was picking up. I thought that i was looking for someone. I moved around and found myself walking to the west, into the small bathroom of the building. I turned to the north. I did not have to go to the bathroom, but i felt that i had to stretch. I leaned against the white wall to the west of me, trying to stretch my right calf. A man was standing to the south of me. I suddenly realized that the man was waiting to use the toilet, which was just to the west of me. I told him that i was not using it and added that i was just stretching. I moved to the southeast and pushed against the white material that was mounted on the eastern wall. I was leaning into another stall. The man moved into the toilet stall behind me. I realized that the stall i was leaning into must have been a urinal stall, but it no longer had a urinal. The thin wall seemed mottled with age, and i thought that i would have to wash my hands because i was leaning on it. I stretched my legs some more and then backed out of the stall. I was aware that another man had come into the room. He stood to the northwest of me, facing the man who was in the toilet stall. He turned around and smiled at me. I sat down to stretch my right leg. The second man watched me. I was aware that he seemed interested in me. I looked at him, noticing that he had a nice body. He had short curly hair and dark skin. He then bent over to me and said something about a wrestling move. It was a joke. I smiled at it as he turned back to the north. I felt interested in the man.

12017 April 03

I was in the apartment to the north of the area, but i had to leave to chat with $A682. He was driving me into the city. We faced north in the car as i sat in the passenger’s seat. I had not yet finished dressing, and i felt that i had to finish. I pulled my knees up to my chest so that my feet were on the seat in front of me. I felt uncomfortable and hurried to put more clothing on. I still had the sheet wrapped around my waist. I looked at my bare legs as i pulled on some clothing. My left thigh seemed to be scratched. I then realized that $A682 was watching me. He had his right arm around my shoulders. I felt uncomfortable about this. I did not want to be romantic with $A682 anymore. I knew that it would easily be possible, and i thought that he might want it, but i did not think that it was appropriate. I moved away, pulling the sheet tighter around my waist. I continued trying to get dressed. I then looked up. $A682 had been driving toward the city, and i thought that he was heading from the south, where i normally drove. I did not recognize the buildings around us, however. I said something about it. We headed to the east, and i recognized the top of a tall tan building on the northwestern corner of the block to the east of us on the southern side of the street. It was a narrow skyscraper, and i knew that it was across the street from my apartment. I looked at the building on the southern side of the road that we were just starting to pass. It was a large gray stone building with fake archways along the front side. I recognized it as the building that i lived in. We had come into the city from the west, and i told $A682 that i had not come into the city this way. I had not known where we were until we had arrived. We stopped just to the north of the building, and the car now seemed to be facing north. I stood to the east of the car, and $A682 approached me from the north and hugged my goodbye. I felt uncomfortable with him hugging me, but i said goodbye to him. I looked off to the west as he hugged me, and i suddenly remembered that i did not have the keys to the house with me. The key was a blue card, and i remembered leaving it on the dresser that was against the northern wall of the room. It seemed like a while ago that i had left the room. I told $A682 casually that i did not have the key to my apartment. I would have to finish getting dressed so that i could go to the main office to get a key. I still had the pinkish-tan sheet wrapped around my waist. I took it off and hurried to put my pants on, aware that $A682 was watching me. I then headed to the west, into the building, thinking that i would have to go to the main office, which seemed to be in a separate building to the southwest of the large cubical building of the apartment. I could see the small parking lot to the south of the building now. It was to the west of me, and short cement building with overhanging flat roofs were to the west and south of the lot. The one to the south seemed to be a set of apartments. Someone was standing to the south of the building to the west, which i thought was the office for the apartments. I headed toward the building, remembering that i would probably have to pay a fee for getting locked out of my apartment. It was dark out as i passed to the south of the large building. I pulled the sheets tighter around my waist and started to float to the west. I was still headed toward the parking lot. I was over a stone sidewalk that was between two short stone walls to the east of the lot. The corridor was between two old stone buildings. As i floated to the west toward the lot, i focused on the branches of the tree that overhung the northern side of the path. The tree grew from the northern side of the stone wall, and it did not have any leafs on it yet. It seemed to be a small tree, like a cherry tree, and round black objects were at the ends of the thin branches. I floated toward a cluster of fruit on the western end of the tree. As i approached the branches, however, i seemed to notice that the fruit i was trying to grab was on a farther branch than i had thought. I grabbed some of the red cherry-like berries and put a few in my mouth. They were very bitter, so i had to spit them out. I then focused again on the green grape-like berries on the western end of the tree. I had still not reached them, and i focused on getting them. I leaned forward trying to hurry to reach them. A group of people walked past the western end of the path, a few meters from where i was. One of the men in the group looked up at me as i grabbed the fruit from the last blanch. I watched the people turn down the path and walk under me. I recognized some of them. One was $A103. I acted as though i was wild, grabbing at the fruit and stuffing it in my mouth. After the people passed, however, i felt upset that i had acted so strangely. I stopped floating and headed to the west, across the lot, toward the offices. I was now carrying a cardboard box in my arms. It seemed to be filled with old phonographs. I came into the office, which was a small store. I thought that it was like a convenience store for the apartments, but it did not seem to have many things on the shelfs. The small room had off-white walls with wood shelfs. I wondered suddenly how i had carried the phonographs into the shop. This store sold CDs and records, so it seemed strange that they would have let me carry merchandise into the store. I looked at the tall thin white bookcase against the western wall, just to the west of me. The shelfs were stacked with CDs, and i felt interested in looking through them, but i knew that i should probably not do so while carrying a box of phonographs. I wondered how i could get out of the store without heading back through the main room, which seemed to be to the east of me. I thought that i should simply teleport back to where i had been, but i was not quite sure that it would work. Something about the situation did not seem real, so it should work, but i was not certain. I looked to the south, noticing the two doors in the southern wall. The one in the center of the wall was set back farther than the one to the east of it. A table blocked the center one, so i thought that it was not really used. The one on the east was very narrow, and it had a sign on it that was printed in red letters. It was some kind of warning for people not to enter the area. I decided that i could not get out of the store this way. Another door was in the southern end of the western wall as well, but it also had a display table in front of it. I wondered again why i did not simply teleport away. This was a dream, so i should have been able to simply change the scene. I focused for a moment, but felt frustrated that i was not concentrating on where i was. Annoyed, i looked at the CDs on the narrow shelfs to the west. I decided i would have to leave the store. I carried the box of records to the north, walking through the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. I headed to the east down the other long room of the store, and then turned to the south and headed for the main door of the store. This store seemed to be a campus store, and it seemed to be in a larger building with other stores. I noticed the security detectors on either side of the exit door. I then realized that they would not go off as i passed through because the records i had did not come from the store. This must be how the store keeps track of who steals from the store and who has their own things in the store. I felt better that the detectors would confirm that i was not taking anything from the store. I turned to the east and headed down the wide hallway of the mall-like building. I was following a few other people now, and they were headed for the exit doors in the eastern wall. As i reached the doorway, i noticed the long corridor on the other side. It was oddly decorated, with narrow vertical stripes. The stripes seemed to alternate between maroon and tan. The shape of the corridor suddenly seemed familiar. The ceiling seemed narrower than the floor, and the corridor sloped uphill steeply to the east. I knew that this corridor was based on the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza. I told the man to the southeast of me this as i stopped in the doorway. He looked at the corridor to the east. I could not quite remember the exact name of the Grand Gallery, however, and told the man that i had not stated the name of the corridor correctly. I looked down at the narrow steps of the ascending corridor, trying to get my foot correctly on one of them. The seemed way too small for someone to climb. I knew that this was a trick of the corridor. I knew that the stairs would also be harder to climb near the top. I was still carrying the box in front of me, and i looked over the left side of it to see the step. I could not quite get my foot correctly on the step, and i slipped backward to the west a little. A little frustrated, i looked up at the door that was now in front of me. The stairs ascended almost vertically up the surface of the door. The top of the door seemed to be trimmed with blue, and the center stairs had a golden hue, but i was still aware of the maroon and tan stripes. I wondered how i could ascend the stairs to get through the corridor. I tried again, and the wall tipped under me. I realized that the wall was pivoting from the center. I would have to balance my weight correctly as i climbed the stairs so that i did not tip too far to the east. I slipped back to the west, to the bottom of the stairs. I then realized that, if the wall tipped, it would easily open from the bottom. I told the man that we could simply puss the bottom of the door to the west and crawl under. It would be easier than trying to climb up the face of the door and then balance the weight as we passed the axis in the center of the door. I still thought that we should balance ourselfs on the door, but i was now not sure why we would do that when it was so much simpler to go under the door.

12017 April 05

I came out of the room on the eastern side of the main room and turned to the north. I was living in a college dormitory room with a few other people. A man walked across the room from the western side, crossing to a door in the eastern wall, which was where his bedroom was. I looked at the two doors in the northern wall. The northern wall had three parts. The two ends of the wall were tipped so that they ran diagonally across the corners of the room. Doors were in the center of each wall, and i thought that one led to the bathroom. I headed through the door in the eastern part of the wall. I stopped in the small room on the other side. A bed was against the eastern wall and a cushioned sitting chair was against the western wall. I realized that this was the bedroom of one of the roommates. He was not here right now. I felt bad that i had entered his room, so i turned around and headed back out. I headed in the other door in the northern wall. I had to use a toilet, but i noticed that the room had many urinals along the western wall. They were in different colors. One seemed orange. The second from the northern wall was yellow, and the one to the north of it was green. There seemed to be only one toilet in the room. It was set into a small alcove in the eastern end of the northern wall. I looked at the colored urinals to the southeast as i headed to the north, across the room. On the northern end of the eastern wall were several white porcelain sinks. Similar sinks were now along the western wall. I moved into the small alcove in the northern wall. The doorway to the toilet seemed to be to the north of me. I stood just to the south of the doorway, looking around the bathroom to the south of me. I then realized that someone was standing just to the west of me. I could see part of his dull-red sweatshirt. He was standing between the doorframe and the wall. I moved to the west a little so that i could get a better look at him. He was short, with a rounded face. He had thick black hair and a bushy mustache. His red shirt seemed to have white stripes down the sides and looked like a synthetic-fabric running shirt. He was the workman here, and he was building the toilets for the building. I moved through the doorway to the north of me and walked into the empty room. The cement room was rectangular, but it looked incomplete or under construction. The floor was irregular and rough and had debris scattered on it. Some of the walls looked cracked or broken. Thick cement structures ran the length of the room, from south to north. I thought that this room had just been built, and they were planning to put the toilets in here.

I was with the other students in the main room of the large house. The students were gathered in a group, and i was on the northwestern side of the group. Something seemed special about being in this house, and i looked around at the nice wood structure. The walls were covered with polished wood paneling, and wooden columns supported the ceiling in the room to the south of me. A wood beam ran across the northern end of the room, just over a set of steps that rose to the room. The plaster walls on the outside of the room were off white. I thought that this place was a fraternity house. It seemed to be Sigma Chi, and i thought that the group of students that were waiting here were trying to join the house. It felt good to be in this house. It seemed like such a nice place. The group of students then started moving to the southeast, into the next room. This room seemed to be to the east of the room with the wood paneling at the top of the two or three steps. We entered through the double doors, and i found myself walking into the dining room. I started to feel awkward here, feeling that i did not quite fit in with these students. I was much older than they were. It seemed like it had been a long time since i had been in college. A man near me looked around at the dining room, saying that the house was nice. I remembered being in this house a long time ago, and i told him that the house had many nice features that we had not yet seen. I paused by the door, waiting for the last of the men to enter the room. Everyone was wearing semi-formal clothing with coats and ties over white shirts. I felt that i was being more formal by waiting for the last of the men to enter, but i knew that the younger men to the south of me were not waiting. I wondered if it mattered that i was trying to be polite. I then turned to the south, realizing that the men were filling up the seats at the round tables. I walked to the southern side of the room, realizing that most of the tables were filled. Several chairs were still left around the tables, so i looked for a spot to sit. I started to realize that there were not as many spots to sit as there were people, and i started to feel that i did not really belong here. I was so much older than these people. I remembered that i was also balding, so it should be obvious how old i was. I found a round table on the southeastern side of the room, but it had no chairs around it. I moved to the north, but all of the spots seemed to be taken. I felt disappointed and upset. The other people kept moving the chairs around from table to table. I noticed that several of the chairs were cushioned, but some were white wooden folding chairs. I paced around the room, not sure what i should do. I did not really belong here, so i did not really feel that i should try to fit in. I wandered to the west, into the next room. I thought that i should just leave this place. I wondered if the people would notice that i was leaving. I thought i could hide in the other room for a moment. I then decided that i should leave. I walked to the north of the room, where the two or three steps led down to the hallway. My shoes had been on the floor here, and i put them back on. I did not think that the brothers would care if the older man was leaving. They would want to concentrate on the younger crowd. I walked out of the building, heading north. A wide porch ran along the northern side of the building. It had tall columns along the northern edge of it. I turned to the west and walked along the building. I thought that some of the brothers might be watching me from the windows to the south. As i reached the western end of the house, i could see that the porch wrapped around to the western side of the building, where it formed a wide room under a sloped overhanging roof. The area to the west of the building was roped off. It seemed that this part of the building was under construction. Some equipment was stacked on the western porch to the south of me. A few of the pieces of metal equipment were painted bright green. I stepped off of the porch to the north. The house now seemed to be surrounded by other college buildings. A line of modern cement buildings ran to the north of me, across a driveway from the house that i had been in. I thought that i should fly over the tops of the buildings to get to where i wanted to go. I felt people watching me from the house, and i thought that they might be interested in watching me fly. I lifted my arms up and tried to swim up into the air. I lifted off of the ground, but it felt very hard. I tried to swim higher, but i was having difficulty. Someone then walked to the north of me, heading west along the buildings. I struggled to gain altitude, and i seemed to be stuck only a few meters from the ground. It used to be much easier when i was young. I started to feel bad that i could not fly like i used to.

12017 April 06

I jogged with the others to the east and then to the north. We were here to run the race, but our part of the event had not yet started. A racetrack was to the north of u, and, just after we turned to the north to head for it, people ran down the track from the east. They were running with dogs on leashes. I thought that they were on another part of the course than we were about to do. When we reached the track, we turned to the west. I knew that others were already running to the southwest of us. I pictured them near the wooden structures. I then saw the images to the west. I was looking at the black screen with an image drawn in thin white lines. I realized that the crude line drawing was of a heart. The doctor was leaning over the top of the picture, but i could not see him. I looked closely at the image. Something seemed strange as the lines moved in and out with the heart beats. I then focused on a small white dot near the top of the drawing. Short lines radiated from the dot, blinking on and off. They represented something flowing through the hole. The heart had a small hole in it. I started to worry, feeling that something was wrong. I wondered if it had to do with my heart. I wondered what the picture was trying to tell me.

12017 April 07

I walked to the north, into the back room of my parents’ house. I had been doing something upstairs and to the west. Now i was standing in the southern side of the back room, facing north. The cat ran from the west across the room. It was $X24, and she raced around the sofa in the center of the room and then back to the west. She turned to the southwest as she came to the north of me. Her racing amused me. I watched her as she ran past me and into the dining room to the south. She crossed the dining room diagonally to the southwest, stopping somewhere to the south of the dining-room table. I focused on the outside door in the center of the southern wall. The top of the door seemed to be open, and the window of the screen door was very dark. It was night outside. I felt uncomfortable looking into the darkness. I started across the room, toward the door, thinking that i should close it. As i headed toward the door, i heard murmurs from outside. I thought that people were outside on the front lawn. I wanted to close the door in case they tried to come in. I flew across the room toward the door. I thought that i might be able to startle the people if i fly close to the window and stare out at them. As i reached the door, however, i realized that the murmuring sound was coming from the northern side of the room. I turned around and looked across the dining-room table, but the other side of the room seemed very dark. I strained to see who was in the dark, but i could not see anyone. I could hear the voices more clearly now, but i could not really make out the words. The voices sounded like the voices of girls. I flew over the table but could still not see anyone in the darkness. As i passed over the center of the table, the hanging light flared and then flickered. The voice mentioned Annie, but i could not see anyone in the room. The voice was right next to me, and i realized that it was the voice of a ghost. I felt suddenly terrified, and i yelled out in fright.

12017 April 13

I walked to the south, through the center of the city. I was crossing the parking lot of a gas station, which was between two busy roads. The roads ran east to west. A small building was to the east of the parking lot, and a north-to-south road ran to the east of the building. It was dark, and the lights of the city had an orange hue. The small building of the gas station was to the west of me, and i realized that a group of people were watching me from the northeastern corner of the station lot. They seemed to be a street gang, and they were watching me as i walked down the center of the lot, toward the southern exit. I noticed that one of the men from the gang started to follow me. They were stalking me. A north-to-south street ran south from the main road. It started at an intersection just to the southwest of the gas station. I started flying down the road, gliding slowly down she slight hill of the road. A large factory building stood along the western side of the road. It was several stories tall and had a white surface. I flew along the side of the building, thinking that the man who was following me would not be able to follow me as i flew. I thought that i could fly over the buildings and lose him. He pursued me on foot, so i lifted into the air and drifted over the factory building, heading southwest. The windows near the top of the building had no glass over them, and i flew in through one of the openings. I was in a corridor, and i walked to the south, down the eastern side of the building. The corridor was very tall, and it opened into a large empty room to the south. The room had cement walls, and a dull light illuminated it from somewhere to the west. I thought that i could travel through the building and exit on the southern side. The man would still be following me, but he would not be able to fly out of the building like i could. I thought that i should find an opening in the top of the building so that i could leave through the ceiling. I stopped at the entrance to the large room, looking at the ceiling for signs of an opening. I could see large ducts and metal shafts running across the room from the west into the eastern wall, but none of them seemed to have openings that i could slip into. A round particle bin hung in the center of the ceiling near one of the ducts. I knew that it would have a vent that opened to the roof, but i did not think that i could squeeze through. I continued moving through the rooms. The factory seemed to be deserted, but i thought that it was really under construction. I passed down a hallway that had clear sheet plastic hanging along the western side. I came to the southern end of the room and noticed a square opening in the cement wall to the east. I looked down the stairs into the room to see what looked like a garage or body shop. A light was on, and i thought that people were still working there. The people must have gone home by this time of night, but i felt nervous that someone might be in one of the small rooms off of the main garage. I could not be caught in this building, so i did not want to head into the garage. I continued to the south, hoping to find another way out. I thought that i must have passed into the next building of the factory by now. I came to the southern end of a corridor, and i saw another room at a lower level to the east. A set of cement stairs descended into the room along the southern wall of the room. I walked cautiously down the stairs, noticing the details of the office. A desk was in the center of the room. The papers on the desk seemed to be in disarray, and a telephone sat in the middle of the desk. I noticed that the receiver of the phone was on the floor to the south of the desk. I felt uneasy, thinking that something had happened here. I thought that the mob must have done something to the person who worked in the office. I should not have seen this area. I knew that the mobsters would be after me if they knew what i had seen. I would have to leave the building as quickly as i could. I headed back up the stairs. The stairs became a stairwell, and i exited the stairwell to the east, ending up in a long hallway. I was near the southern end of the hallway. I turned to the north and started walking up the hallway. This corridor was much more modern than the rest of the factory, and it seemed to be in use as an office area. The walls were covered with wood paneling. The paneling was cheap, and the hallway seemed old, like something built quickly in the seventies. A cleaning cart was just to the south of me, and i could hear someone in a room on the eastern side of the hallway. I quickly walked past the doorway, noticing a cleaning woman in a gray uniform inside. She was facing away from me. The woman then came out of the room. I quickly stepped into a doorway to the east. The woman came out into the hallway and did something near her cart. She was very close to me. I stood still in the doorway of the room to the east. She walked past me to the north, and then came back. As she passed to the south, i stepped out into the hallway and hurried to the north. I had to get out of here. I reached the doorway on the eastern side of the northern end of the hallway. I knew that it would be a stairwell. I paused and looked back to the south. The woman was standing in the hallway, staring at me. She would warn the others that i was in the offices. I had to get out of here. I stepped into the small rectangular room that was the stairwell, but there were no stairs here. This part of the factory was under construction. Several things seemed to be stored to the north of me, some of them seemed green. I looked to the east, over the edge of the cement floor. A rectangular hole extended several floors down. I jumped, knowing that i could fly to the bottom. I had to get out of sight quickly, so i flew to the north as i reached the bottom floor. The woman had not seen me fly, so she would not understand where i had gone. I knew that she would warn the mobsters, though, so i would have to get out of the building. I started heading south again. I came to a large factory room. I looked around the room, trying to figure out how i could escape the building. Thick round vents ran across the ceiling, but i did not see any way to get out to the roof from them. I thought that i would eventually find a place to escape. I imagined flying out of the room from a small opening. Something then caught my attention, and i turned around to face the north. A man was slouched against the northern wall of the room. He seemed exhausted, and he seemed beaten. His left leg was straight and his right was bent. His mouth was open as if he were dazed. He was the man who had been following me. He was one of the gang members. The bag guys were then in the room around me. They were questioning the man. I realized that he had been captured because he had been trying to mug me. I looked the man over. He wore a denim vest, and i noticed that he had nice arm muscles. I thought that he was rather attractive. I then noticed that other members of the gang were lying unconscious on a bed to the west. The bad guys had captured them all. The bad guys were questioning them about why they were in this place. I knew that the gang members would have killed me, so i did not feel bad that they had been captured. I turned around and walked to the south.

I was in the bedroom of the house, standing near the southern wall. My grandmother was to the north of me. She said that she had to go, and she started heading to the northeast. She then turned to me and asked me about the apartment. She said that she was looking for an apartment. I then noticed the men standing to the north of me. They were with me, and i explained to them that she was not in her house anymore. I looked to the west, thinking that i could see the apartment out the large picture window. I was looking into the neighbors’ yard. I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house, and i was looking at the apartment above the garage of the neighbors’ house. I turned to the east and looked out the large window on the eastern side of the house. I could see a large tree fallen in the back yard to the northeast of me. It looked like a willow, and it had fallen to the northeast, away from me. I remembered that there had been many trees in the back yard of $F1’s house. They had long since been cut down. I looked to the south and southeast, seeing many trees that had been cut down. None of these were here now; they were just old memories. I looked back to the north, at the men on the northern side of the room. $F1 was there with some of his friends. He was ready to go to the gym, and i was supposed to go to the gym with him. I turned back to the bed, which was to the west of me, and i started getting my things together. I had to get my clothes together for the gym. I felt rushed, because i knew that the others were waiting for me. I turned to the east to look for my blue shirt. I had to have a T-shirt for the gym. I dug through a pile of clothes for a moment, unable to find what i was looking for. I wondered where my gym shorts were. I pulled a pair of denim shorts from the pile, but they were not clean. Many of these clothes were already dirty. I then pulled a gray T-shirt from the pile. It would have to do. I felt rushed. I now needed to find clean underwear that i could put on after my workout. I then thought that i could simply put the red plaid boxer shorts, which i was wearing, back on. They would not be that dirty after a workout. I knew that the other men would not like that idea, though. I felt frustrated, and i told the man to the north of me that i needed to get my things together.

12017 April 15

I chatted with $A682, who was to the south of me, but i wanted to leave and head to the north. I felt impatient and tried to say i was going. We were in a library, which seemed to be on a college campus. He had driven me here, but i told him that i would walk home from here. He seemed surprised and disappointed. I wanted to work on the computer terminal in the northwestern part of the library, and i did not want to be disturbed. I turned to walk away. $A682 seemed sad, but i wanted to do something. I did not want him to know that i had simply come here to sit on the computer, though. I did not want him knowing what kind of work i was doing. I hurried to the north, heading down the aisle and thinking that i should get out of sight before he tried to follow me. I did not want him hanging around by the workstation while i typed. I reached a corner of the building and turned to the west, heading along the southern side of the room, walking between the shelfs on the southern wall and a large wooden set of filing cabinets or card drawers on the north. I wondered where the computer station was. When i reached the western end of the room, i looked around, but could not see the terminal that i was looking for. A small study area was set into the southern wall, with couches, chairs, and tables around the outside walls. Several students were sitting in the alcove, working. I looked around, noticing a black computer on a table to the north of me. It was not the work terminal that i was looking for. I thought that i was looking for something related to $G2, but i did not see it. I then realized that the library no longer had computer terminals for the public system. I felt annoyed. I continued to look around the room, wondering what i should do now.

12017 April 16

Someone said something about the tree. I could see the large tree that was to the northeast of my parents’ house. The man said that we would have to cut the rest of the wood down. I knew that the tree was larger that the man thought it was. I started to head toward the tree, which had fallen to the northeast. I could see the stump broken very low to the ground, and the large bottom of the broken trunk facing me. The man asked if the wood would be enough to fill up the wagon. I chuckled to myself. The tree was very big, and the man was underestimating just how big. I told him that it could fill up the entire truck. I walked to the tree, noticing that the back on the lower left side seemed much thicker than the bark elsewhere. The cross-section of the tree was uniformly symmetric, except for the large dark-brown bulge of the back into the center of the tree on the left side. As i approached the tree, i realized that the top of the tree seemed to be missing. The thick trunk was on the ground, but i could not see the crown of the tree.

12017 April 19

I was with my father in the small bedroom of the house, but i had to leave the room to go home. I moved to the northwest, but found myself in a different room. I had been sleeping on the large bed, which was against the southern wall of the room, which seemed like the living room in my grandmother’s house. I had been watching something on the television that was set into the western wall of the room. I was then aware of my grandmother coming into the house through the kitchen door, which was to the north of me. She was entering into the next room to the north. I felt flustered. I had to turn off the television before she got to where i was. I should not have been watching the television. I held out the remote with my left hand and pressed the buttons, but it did not turn off. I felt frustrated. I thought that i should not have been watching the television.

I was in the hallway, which seemed to be a roof of the house. It was wide enough to be a room, but i got the sense that it was actually the northern end of a corridor. I was watching the television that was set into the northern wall. It was a large flat-screen television with a black plastic frame. The show that was playing was in black and white. I remembered it from a long time ago. It was about a family that had been left to fend for themselves after some situation happened. The show was continuing now, and i was watching the screen. The children had to escape from somewhere and get to safety. This show was really about the children. The scene was then all around me as the view changed. I was moving with the boys as they ran to the southwest, across the open dirt ground. My position then stopped, and i watched the boy move away from me. They ran up a steep dirt hill, which was covered with low weeds. The boy followed a steep narrow trail up the structure to the southwest. I then realized that he was on a conveyor belt, which ran up the northern side of the hill and lifted to the air over the center of the mound. Someone was coming, and he had to get ready. The scene focused on the boy as he lay down on the conveyor belt to reach for something. I was to the south of the boy now, and the belt ran upward to the north. He reached down on the eastern side of the belt, trying to grab the white rounded pistol. The scene focused on the pistol. It looked like a space-age pistol from a science-fiction show. He had to get it before the enemies showed up.

I left the building and headed to the north along the suburban street. I thought about the television show that i had been watching. I wanted to keep watching it, but i had to get somewhere. I thought that he had to get into the large building, which seemed to be to the west of us somewhere. The children were running with me as we headed to the south, climbing the steep dirt hill. As we climbed, i looked to the west. The steep hill dropped off suddenly to the west of the trail. I felt nervous being so close to the edge, so i walked the other way, taking the girl and boy with me. I had to keep them safe. We still had to do something, but i was not sure what it was. I felt uneasy not knowing what i should do. I thought that i would have to watch the rest of the show. I wanted to know what happened.

I was with the children as we hurried to the west. The doorway to the west slided quickly to the north. We had to pass through quickly so that i could get to work. We moved around. They young boy and girl followed me as i walked toward the eastern wall. We stopped in front of the doorway in the center of the eastern wall. The door was covered with a dark gray metal door, which had golden metal details running diagonally from upper right to lower left. We were waiting fro the door to slide to the south. It would slide quickly to the south, uncovering the opening in the wall. The opening was about four or five meters wide, and it led into a small room in the center of the wall. Another sliding door on the eastern side of the corridor would lead out into the open space beyond. The space in the middle of the wall seemed like a subway car or a bus. It had a bright white floor. The door on the eastern side would slide to the south with the door on the western side, which was near us. We would only have a short time to pass through the corridor before the doors slided shut again. I thought that the doors were actually moving very quickly. The doors slided suddenly to the south, and i hurried through both doors before the next set of doors slided from the north to cover the entrance. As we crossed the room on the other side, the children said that i had done well getting through the doors. We were now in an empty room with tall gray walls. We headed to the southeast. A man wandered to the north on the western side of the room, passing behind us. We stopped by another set of sliding doors in the southern end of the eastern wall. I started to feel nervous. The girl asked me what we were waiting for. I knew that these doors moved very quickly, and i was uneasy about passing through them. I thought that it would be harder to get through these doors. I was then aware of the man to the west of us. He was with several others, and he seemed somehow intimidating. He started toward us, and i realized that he was Anthony overhype. He had long black hair and was wearing a dark suit. As i looked at him, he threw something at us with his right arm. The drumstick flipped past us and stuck into the door in the eastern wall, creating an echoing thrum that reverberated for a few seconds. There was something special about what he had just done. It was a special power that he had. I noticed that the man who had circled to the north of us was Flea. Anthony then threw the drumstick again. It again hit the wall with the tip of the stick, producing a low resonant pulse. I could feel the sound vibrating through my entire body. The sound was special, and i let it roll through my body. I tensed, pretending to be more affected by the sound than the children. I thought that we had to learn how to use the sound like the others did. The sound was something special. Flea walked toward me and grabbed my right hand with his left. He pushed on my hand, and i could feel the sound pulsing through my body. I had to learn to use the sound, so i resisted, pushing back at him. I could not quite figure out how to make the sound pulse back, though. He pushed toward me again, and i could feel the energy flowing into me, pushing me back and down. I struggled back, trying to push the energy back at him, but i could not control the sound well enough. I watched him for a moment as we struggled. It felt good to struggle against someone like this. I had to learn to fight back, but i could not seem to create the pulse myself. I kept pushing, but i could feel his pulse overpowering me. I could not stop until i learned how to use the sound.

12017 April 20

I was in the school, on the eastern side of the hallway. Something was happening to the south of me, where the people were gathered in chairs. I tried to watch the people gathering, but i felt confused by what the ceremony was. Most of the chairs in the classroom were set up facing south. They were old metal armchairs with wooden desks and seats. I then focused on a separate chair that was set up near the eastern wall, facing northwest toward the rest of the audience. $A46 was sitting in the chair. He smiled as he sat still, with his hands on his legs. He wore a tan suit with a bright shirt under it. He was being honored for something, and the chair was set up as a place of honor in this crude ceremony. I thought that he had finally gotten here after ten years. I still felt strange here, and i closed my eyes to try to relax. Something was moving around me, and i felt strange. I could sense something moving to the east, no the north of me. I realized that it was me from another time. I had somehow overlapped myself in time. This seemed confusing, and i was not sure what was happening in this place. There must have been some importance in my temporal overlap, but i could not figure out what it had to do with what was happening. I opened my eyes and walked into the room to the south. I was in the ceremony again, but something had changed. The people were honoring me now. I was sitting in the special chair near the eastern wall. I felt nervous, not quite sure what i should do. I wondered if i had to give a speech. I then wondered whether the people would be upset that i had to leave soon. Something was going to happen, and i had to make sure that i could do something about it. I knew that i would appear to the east in a moment to put out a fire. I then realized that the version of myself that would appear to the east was not the version from my past. This seemed strange. The timeline did not make sense if the version were from my past. I realized that the person must be from a third timeline, and i though that he must come from the future part of my timeline. This would explain some of the things that had happened with the overlapping timelines. I thought that this was a very complex story. I then looked down at the people in the audience to the north of me. They were starting to leave. I stood up and started to help some of the organizers clean up the room. The people wandered to the north. I folded one of the large red blankets up on the floor. We would have to put them away. I was not quite sure where they went, however. We moved to the north. The western half of the northern wall was about ten meters to the south of the eastern half of the northern wall. I thought that this wall was actually a thin temporary wall. I remembered it being open before. The man crouched down and reached for the panels on the lower part of the western side of the wall. I thought that there were storage spaces within the wall where the blankets could be stored. I thought that the eastern-facing wall between the two northern walls had been opened before. I thought that i remembered a metal counter on the other side of the wall that i had been able to see around the eastern end of the southernmost wall. The man crouching to the north of me opened a panel in the lower part of the wall to put the blankets in. Through the hole, i could see two people standing near a stainless-steel table in a kitchen area. I remembered this from before.

12017 April 22

I paced around the small apartment on the northern side of the area. I was waiting for my parents, but i felt as though i would have to leave soon. I headed to the west, leaving the apartment. The door to the apartment was on the western side of the room, but i entered a short hallway that led to the south, to the exit door of the building. I was in my car outside, and i started driving to the west on the road. I was not quite sure where i was going, but i knew that i had been in this area before. I was near a city that i had been very familiar with when i was young. I thought of my father when i tried to think of the directions. I hoped that i would recognize the roads as i reached them. I stopped at an intersection and looked to the south. About a hundred meters to the south, i could see signs for the highway, which seemed to cross under the wide road to the south of me. This was the highway that i was looking for. I turned to the south and looked at the blue and red crests marking the highway to see which way i should go. I felt that i should turn to the west, but i was suddenly unsure. I knew that i had taken this road many times before, but it seemed so long ago. As i reached the signs where the highway entrances were, i was not sure where to go. I continued to the south, hoping to recognize something. I thought that i might actually end up on the south side of Albany. If that happened, i knew that i could probably find Route 32 and take it south to where i wanted to go. I knew that i recognized that route much better. I then realized that the road ahead of me curved to the west. It was one of the highway ramps. I was glad that i was on the correct road. I followed the highway as it curved to the west and then started curving to the northwest, but i started to feel unsure that i was on the correct road. I noticed that the lanes on the ground were painted with numbers. I thought that this was good, and i looked for the numbers that i would recognize. One of the roads seemed to be 49 or 44. The numbers seemed familiar, but i was not sure if they were the ones i should take. I knew that they were not highway numbers; they were the numbers of state roads. I started to feel confused again, not sure what road i needed. I then realized that i did not have something that i needed. I would have to go back to the apartment to get it. I drove to the north, into the parking lot of the small yellow building. The building was to the northeast of me, with its southwestern corner just to the north of where i parked. I walked to the northeast, heading for the front door of the apartment building. I then thought that i did not have my keys to get back into the apartment. I stopped near the door, wondering what i should do. I was then in the apartment, looking around for the keys. I knew that my father would be here soon, and i thought about him, thinking that i would have to leave soon.

I moved around in the large outdoor area. I was ready to go running, and i thought about the runs i had done to the northeast. A road ran along the northern side of the area, and i had started the runs heading to the east from there. I seemed to have come out of the large school building to the east. It seemed to be a large brick building. I paced several times on the track. I was waiting for the others to show up. I was going to go running with them. I seemed to be on a track, and the ground was soft. As i paced to the southwest across the center of the track, i realized that i was in a large fenced-in area. A tall chain-link fence ran around the outside of the rectangular space, which now seemed like a large tennis court. I looked down at the padded ground as i turned to the west in the southeastern part of the court. A few other people had come into the area from the west. I wondered where the people i was supposed to run with were. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the northern wall. It was a simple clock with black hands, and it said that it was about 11:20. I had been waiting here for almost a half hour. I then realized that the others were not going to meet me at eleven. They would not be out for lunch until noon. I was here an hour earlier. I felt agitated, thinking that i would have to hurry or i would be late getting back. I then noticed the blue car turning to the south from the road to the north of me. I wondered if it was someone i knew. I watched it as drove to the south along the eastern side of the area. The woman driving looked like $A539. She wore a light blue running shell. I thought that the other woman in the car might be her sister. I wondered if i should wait for them to stop. They might want to go running with me. I walked to the northwest, thinking that i should go for a run without them before i ran out of time. I was still carrying my sneakers. I headed to the west, toward the opening in the fence. Two people were coming toward me as i reached the door. I did not recognize the man, but the woman seemed familiar. They paused near the opening in the fence. The man was ahead of the woman, and he stopped and looked over his left shoulder as he talked to her. I started to pass him on the north. He had a scruffy appearance, and he seemed slightly chubby. I did not recognize him, but the woman looked familiar. She also seemed plain, with rounded hips and belly. She had shoulder-length straight hair. She looked at the man as he talked. I wanted to say hello to her, but she did not look at me as she passed, so i continued to the south, down the hallway. I looked at the sneakers that i had in my hands. I had to put them on. I turned to the west, into a small room. I could hear the man and woman talking to the south of me as they approached me in the hallway. I turned to the west, into a small room, and put my shoes and other clothes on the bed. I grabbed one of the running shoes to put on. It was a tall white boot. I then remembered that the laces were not with the shoe. I had done something with them earlier. A long blue shoe late with in the bottom eyelets of the boot, but i would have to lace them up. I remembered that i was missing a lace or that something else about the laces was wrong. I put my hand into the boot, noticing the strange sole of the shoe. It had a thick piece of plastic in the center of the sole that seemed to run the length of the shoe. I thought that it might help with running, but it seemed strange. The plastic under the sole seemed about two centimeters thick, and the sole sloped down from the central ridge. The ridge was narrower at the toe of the shoe. I had not seen the front part of the ridge at first, but i was happy to see that the support ran under the padding of my foot as well as under the arch. I put on the right boot and looked at it. The boot came to my knee. It was white and had a rainbow-colored lighting bolt from the ankle to halfway up the calf. I thought that i could wear them at one of the costume runs for $G4. I then looked at the other boot, trying to find the laces for it. I worried that i did not have them. I pulled on a white lace, which was in the lower eyelets. I realized that the lace had been pulled into the bottom of the boot. I was relieved that i had both laces and wondered why i had not noticed this the last time i had the boots. I turned to the northeast, putting the large cloth thing on the bed. It was a decoration that attached to the boots. I put on both boots and wondered how i would attach the decoration. I started to pull the orange thread through one of the eyelets near the top of the boot, thinking that the cloth animal would attach to the outside of the boot. As i pulled the fuzzy thread through, however, i noticed that it was attached to a thicker piece of cloth, which had a face stitched on it. The face seemed like a clown face. I realized that i probably had the doll attached incorrectly. I would have to readjust it. I pulled the thread out from the shoe and tried to turn the cloth around. It was actually rather large, and i did not think that i would be able to carry it on me for a run. I removed the blanket, which was now larger than i was, and tossed it onto the bed, which was to the north of me. I could hear the man and the woman talking out in the hallway. They were still to the south of the doorway and heading north. I decided that i would not wear the blanket, but i was still trying to put the large round ring on. I would have to hang it over my shoulders. I wondered how i would run with it. I heard the two talking, and they mentioned something about Native Americans. I put the peaked end of the ring over my head. It sagged to an oval, and it seemed somewhat cumbersome. The top peak seemed to be made of wood. It seemed like a strip of material with things mounted on it. I wondered suddenly if it would seem offensive to Native Americans because it might look similar to certain ceremonial garb. I looked at myself in the mirror. It felt uncomfortable to wear. I had it over the top of my head, but i had to put my arms forward so that it ran behind my shoulders. I felt stained to have my arms in front of the thick white loop. I could see my bare shoulders pushed forward in the mirror on the northern wall. I would not be able to run in this. I heard the man and woman talk as they continued to the north, past the doorway to the room i was in.

12017 April 23

I had parked the car along the northern side of the street in the small town, and i was walking to the east on the southern sidewalk. I had to get to the event. I felt uneasy, and i was aware of the restaurant that was to the south of me. My parents were with me at the moment, and i continued to the east down the corridor of the hotel area where the restaurant was. The street to the east of me dipped down a little, and i thought about something as i reached the low point. $F4 was walking with me, and he was comforting me because i felt upset. I turned to the south at an intersection and came into the area where the others were gathering for the wedding. People were on the western side of the street. The chairs were lined up facing south, and two people were dressing in formal attire on a small stage to the south of the chairs. Many of the people in the audience were people i had known over the years. It felt good to be with them. I moved around for a moment, wondering what i should do. I then started walking back to the north along the eastern sidewalk of the side street. $F7 ran up behind me and started walking close to the east of me. It was good to see him. He wore a white dress shirt under a black vest. I chatted with him as we walked. We turned the west and headed back down the street that i had walked up. I had forgotten something in my car and i had to go back for it. I talked with my friend for a while. When we reached the hotel, my friend seemed to be $F45, but then he was someone else. I stopped to talk to my parents, who were standing on the southern side of the corridor. My other relatives had come for the event. The wall to the south was open to a stairwell. A long set of stairs seemed to descend to the east on the other side of a low wall to the south of us. I chatted with my parents, and then noticed that $K1 was standing at the top of the stairs to the southwest of us. $Z, who was the friend with me, did not know my relatives. He had never met them before. I noticed that $K3 and $K4 were standing together on the stairs to the south of me. They seemed to be on a second set of stairs that ascended to the west, above the first set. I told $F71 their names, and then i introduced $K1 and $K2, who were standing to the west on the top of the lower set of stairs. I said that $K1 and $K2 were the children of my other relatives. It felt good to be here.

I turned to the northwest and followed the other cars onto the track. The track was white, and it had dark lines marking the running lanes. It seemed to be a track for a school, but i realized that it was actually within a large gymnasium. I looked down at the tracks as i drove, trying to figure out where the lane was. I thought that i had drifted to the south a little and was no longer in the correct lane. I felt nervous, thinking that cars could be coming from the other direction. I looked ahead. The northern wall of the room curved along the side of the track. There had been a car ahead of me, but it rounded the corner ahead to the northwest. I tried to look out across the large room, wondering where i was supposed to drive. I then started seeing the view from very high up. I was still looking down at the lanes in the track to figure out where i was supposed to be driving, but i now seemed to be looking down from a higher elevation. I could see the curving white track running generally to the southwest. The gymnasium had very tall white walls, and it seemed to be composed of several rectangular rooms that were merged together. I looked ahead to the southwest, wondering how i could get to the track. I knew that this was not the correct building. I moved to a doorway in a southeastern wall in the western end of the room. I stopped in the doorway, standing next to my bicycle. A man in a red shirt was just inside the room. He had been talking to someone to the southwest of him. Just inside the room was a small cement platform with a metal railing around it. The man stood on the southwestern corner of the platform, and he was talking to someone who seemed to be on the floor below the platform. The platform was about two meters above the rest of the room. A set of cement stairs ran to the east from the platform and then turned to the south. I asked the man where the track was, saying that i was here to see the runners. I told him that someone had told me to drive this way to get to the track. He chuckled at that, saying that the track was to the southeast. He motioned with his right arm. I looked across the room. A doorway to the outside was in the eastern wall of the room, about two or three meters past the bottom of the cement steps. The center of the room was filled with a large red mat. I thanked the man and looked down at my blue bicycle. The front tire of the bicycle seemed thick, and a large brass-colored motor was where the pedal axil should be. I thought that it was a small motorcycle. I joked with the man as i lifted the bicycle over my shoulder and carried it down the stairs. It seemed inconvenient, but i knew that i would easily be able to carry the bike. I stopped in the doorway as the man made a comment about the runners. I turned back to look at him. He seemed to be quite a distance a way now. I told him that i liked running and that i was a runner, so it did not matter that i was inconvenienced. I started out the door, but stopped, adding that i was also a wrestler and liked wrestling, so i supported his sport. I walked out the door. The cinder track ran to the northeast from the door. I got back on my bicycle, thinking that i should pedal it. I felt that the man was still watching me, and i did not want him to think that i was using the motorcycle to make things easier. I wondered if the bicycle could be pedaled, but then i was pedaling it across the track. I turned north, cutting across a narrow path between the southern part and the northern part of the track. I turned back to the west on the northern side and started riding. I was in a wooded area now. The land rose steeply on both sides of the cinder track, and the land was covered with pale-green plants. The air seemed foggy, and the spring plants seemed fresh and moist. I knew that the runners would be here somewhere. I looked at the front tire of the bicycle as i rode to the west. I wondered why it was not harder to ride the bicycle across the cinder surface. I then came to an opening. The trail opened up to the south. I was in a narrow valley with a crest running down the center of it. The trail i had been following was on the northern side of the crest, but i could not see the other trail on the southern side of the crest. The runners could be coming from the west on the southern side. I stopped in the middle of the two tracks on the eastern side of the open space. I backed the bicycle up against the central ridge and lifted the front tire off of the ground. I could now hear runners coming from the east of me on the southern track. I stood still for a moment, thinking that i would say hello to them as they passed. I recognized one of the voices as $F58. I stood for a moment, looking out to the west across the front tire of my bicycle. As they approached, i looked over my left shoulder at them. I was wearing a hood, and could not easily see to the left, but i spotted two women jogging slowly past me. They wore pastel-green costumes that looked as though they were made of thin sheets of foam rubber. The costumes covered their shoulders and heads, forming brimmed hats on their heads. I said hello to them as they stopped near me. I felt uncomfortable, realizing that i was still sick. This was the reason that i was not on the run with them. Others then started to show up. I chatted with some of the people to the south and southeast of me. I was now standing near the northern wall of an area. I started coughing. My chest hurt, and i could not stop coughing for a little while. I leaned against something that was to the south of me. Runners from $G4 gathered to the east of me. $A377 was sitting just to the east of me, looking at me. I felt annoyed, thinking that they would make fun of me for missing the run. I started to feel angry with them, even though they did not say anything to me. $A601 was then standing just behind $A377. He smiled at me. I knew that he would say something to tease me about not running. I wanted to curse at him before he said anything, but i did not. He then extended his left hand, holding out a small rectangular thing. I looked at it, not sure what it was. It seemed to be made of thin metal, pressed into a beveled shape. It was mostly dark brown and black, but it had highlights of yellow in the center. I took the object, realizing that it was a magnet. The small pen crossed over the front of the magnet. I was happy to see it, and i felt better about being here.

12017 April 25

I was in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. I heard someone to the west, so i moved to the door of the bedroom, which was in the western end of the northern wall. The person was in the bedroom to the west. I spoke to the person for a moment. I was then aware of someone moving downstairs. I looked down the staircase, which descended to the north of me. The back room of the house was dark, and i could not see anything in it. I felt nervous, and i stared down at the blackness. I backed into the small bedroom and peered around the corner at the dark space to the north. The person to the west continued to move around in the warmly lighted bedroom, but i continued to focus on the dark room. I could only see a small part of it now through the narrow oddly shaped opening in the northern wall below me.

12017 April 26

I was in the small auditorium, which was a modern room with white cement walls. I was on western side of the northern wall, and Tori Amos was playing a large brown piano on a small stage to the east of me. The audience sat in heavy black chairs to the south, facing her. I seemed to be in the front row of the seats, and i was very near the western end of the piano. I seemed to be very close to the stage. I then realized just how good my seats were. I was surprised that i was sitting in them. Tori moved to the front of the piano, which now seemed to be on the northern side of the piano. She glanced at me, and i realized that i was leaning over the western end of the keys, looking down at them. I turned to the north and closed my eyes as she started playing. The music was nice, and i enjoyed the sound. I then looked back into the audience, which was now to the north of me. I recognized some of the people here. These people were $A682’s friends. I wondered why i was here. This situation did not seem right. Fortunately, i did not see too many people that i knew well. I then spotted a blond-haired man to the north of me. He had a round face, and his chin-length hair had red highlights. He smiled as he clapped his hands over his head, and he said something to me. He recognized me, and i thought that i remembered him from previous concerts. I did not know much about him, but he did recognize me. I turned to the south and walked along the western wall of the room, along the side of the audience. I was leaving the show. I knew that no one would really notice, because they were all focusing on the musician. To the south of the audience, if found myself in a store, which seemed like a college bookstore. I felt uncomfortable. I hoped no one noticed i had left and felt that i was unhappy with the show. I then noticed some people standing to the south of a small machine on the southern side of a thick square column in the center of the store. $F66 and $F67 were standing in the line. I moved to the south of them to say hello. They were buying tickets from the small machine, which looked like a stand-alone ATM. I thought that i should leave this place. I headed to the southwest, coming outside. It was dark now. I thought about how uncomfortable i had felt in the concert. I should not have gone there.

12017 April 27

I was cooking something in the crowded kitchen. No people were in the kitchen, but the open spaces between the counters and appliances seemed very narrow. A hot pan was on the island counter to the west of me. The counter seemed to be covered with dark-gray stone. I had poured the batter into the metal bowl that was on the counter, but it had to be stirred. I tried stirring it, but it seemed to be drying out on the bottom. It was burning. Parts of the batter were already dry against the sides of the bowl. It looked as though it had already been cooked. I had poured fry oil into the metal bowl, and the bowl had been too hot when i put the batter in. I stirred the batter, but it was already burned in places. I felt upset that i had wasted the batter. I would have to throw it out. I moved around the kitchen nervously. I was now on the northern side of the kitchen. I would have to try making the batter again. The batter was now to the west of me on the northern counter. Another person was standing near it, doing something. I looked into the bowl. It seemed to be mixed already, but i went to stir it anyway. I felt stressed, thinking that i had a lot to do.

12017 April 28

I sat on the bed on the southern wall of the room, eating food from the tray in front of me. I seemed to be in a hospital room, and i thought that i was recovering from something. My father was standing to the east of the bed. He said something to me as he moved to the east, toward the large door of the room. I had been here for some kind of examination, and i had been unconscious. To the east, i could see a large glass door in the center of the eastern wall. On the other side, i could see people moving around the mall. It seemed strange that this hospital room would be next to a mall. The walls of the mall corridor were covered with shiny square black tiles. The plastic-like tiles were about a meter on a side. The room i was in seemed to be on the eastern side of an octagonal end of the corridor. The main mall area ran to the east from the widened hallway just outside my door. A nurse came into the room as my father left. He said something about the procedure. I turned my attention back to the food in front of me. The nurses had folded the cloth table covering over the top of the dishes that were on top of the covering on the tray. I pulled the white covering back toward me and picked up a red plastic cup. I was not sure if i had finished my food, but i could now feel that the cup was empty. A nurse watched me from the southeast. I put the cup back down, feeling awkward for having not remembered that i had already finished my food. I then took the pills in my hand, which a nurse had given me, and swallowed them. They were supposed to relieve pain or make me sleep. I looked at the white container on the tray that had been filled with ice cream. It seemed a strange thing to eat. I then woke up on the bench. I had already finished the meal, which was on a tray to the south of me. This was a different meal, and it seemed later in time. I looked around the large empty room around me. The room was empty, and i was on the only piece of furniture in the room. The exit door to the room was to the east, set into the wall. The floor of the room seemed rough, with deep gouges in it. New boards seemed to cover the holes. The walls and floor of the room were pale green, but the boards that covered the broken boards were tan. I noticed several small pieces of tree branches scattered over the dirty floor. I then looked to the southwest, noticing a large area of the southern wall that was patched with light-blue boards. I realized that a tree must have fallen through the wall. I looked down again, thinking that one of the branches must have created the deep gouge in the floor, which was now covered up with tan boards. However, the boards did not fit perfectly into the spaces, leaving ragged areas around the edges where the original floor boards had been torn. It seemed strange that i had not remembered most of my stay here. I had become aware of my surroundings after eating a meal. I wondered if the drugs they were giving me were intentionally supposed to suppress my memory so that i was not aware of the pain of the proceedings. I then wondered if they had operated on me. I felt my head, aware that i was wearing a tight-fitting cap. I felt along the left side of my head, just above my ear. I thought that i felt a scar, but i was not sure; i could not easily fit my finger under the cap. I stood up and walked to the south, thinking about being here. Something seemed curious about the situation. I was then sitting on the bench against the western wall again, and the exit door was to the north. More people were wandering around the room now, with several standing near the large patched hole in the southern wall. I could see out the large windows to the south. The building i was in seemed to be in a suburban neighborhood, and the southern side of the street was lined with houses. It was getting dark out. A woman sat on the bench to the south of me, and she said something to me. She talked about this area and the athletic event that was happening. I replied, though i was not sure what the event was. I thought that this place had something to do with a college. She talked about the person who had been in the athletic competition and the man who had come here a while ago, and i suddenly thought about Kyle Dake. I was not sure he was the one she was talking about. I then thought that the event was probably a basketball game. It seemed to be the type of event that would happen here. I seemed to be in Syracuse. She spoke of the man who had come here, referring to him as “that Norwegian” from down south. I wondered if the competition she was talking about was actually a wrestling tournament, and i asked her if she meant Kyle Dake. I wanted to know what the competition was that she was talking about, but i started looking to the southwest at the street outside. It was dark now, and something seemed interesting in the neighborhood. A gas station seemed to be just to the southwest on the road, but it was only a few orangish lights in the night.

12017 April 30

My father stepped out of the driver’s seat of the car. The car was facing east and was parked on the southern side of the road. I sat in the passenger’s seat. My father said that he had to get something, and he started walking to the east. I looked back to the northwest, noticing that the car had started rolling backward. I quickly pulled up the passenger break, but i could see that the rear corner of the driver’s side of the car had bumped into the white building, which was to the south of the road. I wondered if the car had been damaged. I then looked out the back window of the car. The car was now off the side of the road, facing north. I thought that it was strange that the car had turned so sharply to the south as it rolled backward. I looked at the white corner of the building to the west of me, noticing the small green wooden box that was attached to the northern face of the building, just a few decis from the northeastern corner of the building. I then looked back to the east. My father was standing to the northeast of me on the street, and he motioned to the box of items to the east of me, on the ground. He wanted me to pick some of the things out of the box. I looked at the yellowish-white pegs that were in the box. Some were more than a deci in length, and some were only a centimeter or so long. They all had long rounded tops, like the bottom of bowling pins, and they had narrow shafts at the bottom. I grabbed the largest of the pins and put them in the cardboard rack in front of me. We were going to take the pins with us. I reached back into the larger box to the east and grabbed a few more pins. It was easier to grab the larger ones from between the other things in the box, but i was grabbing some of the smaller pins as well. The smaller pins seemed to have rounded heads rather than the elongated heads of the larger pins. The white material seemed like a molded plastic, but it was heavy, and i thought that it as some kind of ceramic. I looked at some of the other things in the boxes near me. These boxes were from a rummage sale, which was happening to the east. My father had said that the older man did not want what was in these boxes, so i should take what i wanted. I was interested in the white pins. I looked at the box to the north of me, though. It had several old items in it. I noticed the round silver case. It was about half a deci tall and oval in shape. The lid was slightly domed, and the tarnished sides were etched with thin black lines that curved into swirled floral designs. I was aware of someone watching me from the west, so i pretended to focus intently on the silver box for a moment. I thought that it was very nice. I wondered if i should go through the rest of the things and take some things home to sell later. I turned my attention back to the white pegs, grabbing a handful of the smaller pegs. As i turned back to the north, someone was to the northwest of me. He was an older man, and he said something about the box that i was filling. I owed him money for the pegs. I had thought that they were free. I told him that i would give him the money for the pegs. I then thought that it was a good thing that i did not try to find any of the other items.