12019 April 02

I had been following the others to the south, down the eastern sidewalk of the city street. It was dark, and i stopped with the others at an intersection. The street did not continue directly to the south of us. Instead, it ran to the south from a point just a little to the east of the intersection. The roads seemed more or less aligned so that the eastern sidewalk on the northern part was aligned with the western sidewalk of the southern part. The headlights of the cars to the south of me seemed very bright. I squinted as i made my across a crosswalk, heading south. I was then confused about where to go. The others seemed to have split up and were crossing different streets. I crossed back to the west, but then had to cross to the east again. I wanted to be on the eastern sidewalk of the southern street. I felt that i did not quite understand what was happening. I crossed the street again, heading east along the northern street. I then crossed to the south and started down the eastern sidewalk. The street became a hallway, and i walked into a room where others had been standing. The room was rectangular, and the long end ran northeast to southwest. The walls seemed black, and people were sitting on two levels of blocks against the southeastern wall. A woman stood in front of them, on the southwestern end of the room. She was shorter than i, and she had chin-length frizzy bleached hair that stuck out form the sides of her head. She smiled down at the girl, who was walking in front of me. The girl held up her hand and asked the people in the room for something. I could not quite here what the girl had said, but it sounded as though she had said “sixty-three”. The people seemed confused. Two women, who were sitting against the short southern wall of the room, said that the girl had asked for something for thirty-six cents. I thought that the girl had wanted to buy a piece of candy. The people in the room seemed to have round candies that seemed to be pale and sour. The easternmost woman on the southern wall leaned toward the woman to the west of her and said “For thirty-five cents, she could buy a whole jar of candy.” I pictured a small plastic container of candy. It seemed cylindrical, with rounded corners and depressed rings around the circumference. One of the women near the southern wall was then holding the plastic jar, and it had a blue cap that was about three centimeters tall. I was surprised that more than a single piece of candy could be purchased for so little money.

12019 April 05

I was in the bedroom of the large house. The bedroom was on the northeastern side of the house. I was here visiting $F12 and $A7. I was gathering my things together to the west of the bed. I was aware of the others in the room to the southwest of me. The doorway between the rooms was in the western end of the southern wall of the room i was in. I moved to the west, heading toward the others. I was moving down the hallway to the west, though, now in a different part of the building. The long corridor ended in a stairwell that led both up and down. The stairs ran along the northern and southern walls of the room. I thought that i would have to go up to get to the other room where the others were, but i went down instead. I turned to the east and started heading across the basement level of the building. I felt excited to explore this place. Many pipes ran around the square room at the bottom of the stairs. A few pale pipes crossed over the top of the doorway that i passed through to get from the stairwell to the square room. The center of the room was about a meter and a half below where i was, and a ramp or stairs descended steeply to the east to go from the upper level to the lower level. I felt happy, and i thought that i was exploring this place. I walked along a ledge that ran to the south along the western wall and then turned east along the southern wall. The plain cement ledge was about a meter wide and less than two meters from the ceiling of the room. I had to duck behind the thick pipes that ran around the room to follow the ledge. I stopped in the middle of the southern wall of the room, realizing that the ledge ended at the eastern wall of the room. The vertical row of pipes ran about a meter below the ceiling, and i ducked down to look under them. The room seemed dark yellow. I thought about hopping down from the ledge to the cement floor below, but it seemed too far. I would have to walk back to the western side of the room and take the stairs down to the floor level. I started to the east again, following the central hallway that led down the center of the long building. As i passed through the doorway, leaving the square room, i noticed a rounded cylinder on the northern side of the doorway. The cylinder was vertical, with a rounded top, and it had two pipes coming out of the northern side of it, one above the other. The plumbing in this house seemed rather complex. I then realized that the plumbing was a lot more complex than it should be for a single-family house. I knew that this was $A7’s house, but it seemed to be a large apartment building. I looked down the long corridor ahead of me. Pipes and machines were on both the northern and southern walls. This place looked like an old apartment building. I then noticed the row of washing machines and driers along the southern wall. There seemed to be five to seven machines. This seemed too complex for a single-family house. The machines seemed to be dull-yellow. I was surprised that there were so many. As i passed them, i looked to the north. I suddenly noticed a tall cylindrical machine that was shaped somewhat like a mushroom. It had thin metal arms extending from the bulbous cap. I realized that it was an old industrial sewing machine. I noticed the indent on the southwestern side of the base where clothing would be inserted into the machine. I was surprised to see such a complex machine here, and i wondered if i could use it to sew some of my clothes that needed mending. I was interested in the machine. I took a few steps to the east, but i then noticed that several other sewing machines were to the north of the one i was looking at. The room had opened up to the north, creating a very wide and large room. Several large sewing machines on tables were arranged in a row that stretched to the north of where i was. The ceiling was very high here, and i realized that this place was a store. Other appliances were lined up in rows. I looked to the east, seeing an aisle that ran to a set of glass exit doors. Sales signs hung from the ceiling, and tall shelfs ran east to west on either side of the central aisle. This place seemed like an old hardware store. The corridor must have ended, and a store must have been attached to the eastern end of the building. A man, who seemed to be a store clerk, was standing to the east-southeast of me. He watched me for a moment. He had a round face and dark hair that was flat against his head. He stared at me as i thought about this place. I had walked too far. I thought that i would have to go back. I turned back to the west. I was standing in the middle of a store, about five meters from the western wall. I started for the wall, looking at the brown door in the wall. It must have been the door that i came through. As i reached it, i thought that it might say that it was for employees only. I would have come into the store through a back entrance that normal customers would not have gone though. As i reached the door, however, i could see through a narrow window on the northern side of the door that the corridor beyond the door was white and short. It was not the corridor that i had come down. I felt confused. I must have turned in the store. I backed away from the door as a few people came through. I turned to the south and walked a few paces. Another door was in the wall to the southern wall. The doorway was glass, and i could see down the corridor beyond. A brown wall was on the eastern side of the door. It jutted into the room about three meters, connecting with a white wall than ran to the southeast. The walls seemed very angular. The corridor through the glass door was not the corridor that i had come down. I then saw another door to the southwest, between two more jutting walls. That must have been the door that i had come through. I headed to the door and was then walking to the west along the northern side of the building. I remembered this place from before. I stopped. The building was covered with brown shingles, and a wooden porch or deck was off the back side, just to the southwest of me. The small deck was almost two meters off the ground and was cluttered with a grill and other items. This was not the doorway that led into the bedroom where i had been. Just to the west of the deck was a wooden privacy wall that extended about three meters from the house. It seemed to have woven wood as a surface. I thought that the doorway i was looking for was just beyond the wall. I walked past it, recognizing the building. I entered and came into a hallway in the house. I was on a landing to the west of the bedroom. A set of stairs descended to the south from the eastern side of the landing. It led into a dark corridor that seemed to connect to the bedroom to the east. A set of stairs ascended to the south on the western side of the landing, heading up to the living room, where $A7 and his family were chatting. $F12 was now on the landing to the west of me, and i chatted with him. It felt good to see him.

I got in the car that i had just rented. I seemed to be parked to the west of a gas station, facing south. I could see a gas station to the south of where i was, just down a short hill. I thought that i would have to drive from this lot to the next lot to do something. I started driving the jeep or truck to the south. As i approached the southern end of the asphalt lot, however, i noticed that the short hill at the edge of this lot was not actually a driveway. It was a flowerbed. The flowerbed was covered with black mulch. It did not have anything growing in it at the moment, but i could see a cluster of old dry flowers on the lower edge of the hill. I was annoyed that the hill was not a driveway. The other paved lot was only a meter or so away from lot i was on. I did not want to have to drive all the way out to the road to the east, so i drove over the flowerbed. I thought that it was not growing anyway, so i would not harm any of the plants. I turned to the west in the lower lot. The building to the south of me was small and brown, and the lot circled it. The western end of the lot then extended to the north a little, running to the west of the small area that i had been in. Tall pine trees surrounded the lots, and a creek seemed to run along the western side of the lower lot. I parked the truck in the small extension of the lot to the north. As i got out of the truck, a man was yelling at me from the southeast. He was standing just to the north of the building. I thought that he would be angry that i had run over the flowerbed. I did not look at him as i got out of the truck. I started walking to the south, and the man moved toward me. I thought that i should apologize for driving over the flowerbed, but i realized that the man was talking about something else. I could not quite understand what he was talking about at first. I looked at him as he said something to me. He was a tall thin man, with dark skin and short curly brown hair. He had an angular face, with high cheekbones. He was wearing a red T-shirt that had very short sleeves. His shoulder muscles were nicely rounded. I could not understand what he was talking about, though, and i asked him what he meant. He gestured with his right arm toward me. I looked at his biceps, noticing a thick vein running down the side. He seemed muscular but thin. He accused me of doing something that had nothing to do with the flowerbed. I asked him to explain. He started speaking more slowly, telling me about something that had happened somewhere to the northeast of us. Others had gathered around us, and they were listening to the man talk, their heads bowed forward. The man described an event that had happened, but i knew that i had nothing to do with it. I told the man that i had just come from the place “over there”, and i motioned to the small car-rental place to the northeast, in the upper lot. I said that i had come here to get gas so that i could do something. I said that i would have to do something and then return the car by seven o’clock. They listened intently to me. I felt comfortable with the man, and i started moving to the south with him. He was now driving the car that i was riding in. It was dark out, and i looked out the front window at the lights of the low buildings. The road ran to the southwest. I felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that i should be getting back to my car soon. I wondered why i had come with the man. I thought that i should be getting back. I looked at the man to the southeast of me. He looked like $A683. He leaned forward and a little toward me and started snorting something off of a surface. I did not feel comfortable here.

12019 April 06

I was lying on the eastern side of the bed that was on the northern wall of the small bedroom. $F58 seemed to be sleeping just to the west of me, and i thought that someone else, maybe $F71, was just to the west of her. I looked to the south, and the dark-yellow wall of the room. A thick plant with thin branches was just to the southeast of me. I could not quite see it because something seemed to be in the way, but i could make out the spaces between the branches. The branches themselves seemed out of focus. I then noticed something moving across the branches. It looked like a spider. I said something about the spider. The spider looked like a regular tan house spider, with a round body and arcing legs. Another spider came across the branch. I realized that the spiders were about a deci wide. This surprised $F58. An even larger spider then came over the branches after the first two, following them down and to the west. I felt uneasy with such a large spider in the room. I sat up. As i did, i noticed a small creature standing in the middle of the floor to the south of the bed. It was a theropod, with a thick rounded head. It had stopped when i moved. It was about a deci tall, and its skin was yellowish-tan. It glanced at me out of the corner of its eyes before continuing on to the west. It was running after the spiders. I thought that it was hunting the spiders. I was surprised at the creature, and i asked $F58 if there was really a theropod in the bedroom. This seemed unreal. She said that the creature was there. I felt a little weary of it, thinking that it could be dangerous. It did have small sharp teeth. A larger theropod then came into the room through the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. This one was about a meter tall, and i knew that it was the mother of the smaller creature. I worried that the animals would be dangerous. The theropod looked at me as it entered the room, but then it ran along the southern wall, passing to the south of the green leafy plant and running behind the desk that was on the western end of the southern wall. It was chasing the baby, who was chasing the spiders.

I thought about the theropod and the spiders. I moved to the east a little. I was aware of the large white cement wall to the south of me as i spoke to the man, who was to the southeast of me. A doorway was in the southern wall just to the south of the man. We seemed to be in a large cement building, which seemed like an old factory or prison. I told him about the spiders, saying that they were very large. I held my hands up, creating a wide circle with my fingers to show the man how large the spiders were. He was surprised. I told him that i had not seen spiders like that in this place before. I then clarified that the spiders looked like small orb spiders with high arcing legs. They did not look like ground spiders. He seemed interested in the story. I was then aware of the corridor that ran to the east. I remembered the theropods, and i mentioned them to the man, asking him if other dinosaurs were in this area. I was then aware that the door on the western end of the corridor was open. The red door was opened to the south, pushed outward. Beyond it, i thought that a large theropod, like a tyrannosaur, was standing. We did not want it to get into the building. The cement building had a large open hall in the center of it. The second floor of the building seemed to hang out over the lower level about a meter, reaching into the central atrium. The atrium was filled with something, but it was open enough that i could see the dark ceiling high above us. A corridor ran flush with the southern wall of the lower level to the south of me, running to the west, between the other sections of building to the northwest of use. I felt uncomfortable with the door open. We had to make sure that we were safe here. I hurried toward the door, feeling scared. I thought that i could see a large theropod crouched down to the ground to the west of us. It had a red coat, and its head was facing northeast. I knew that closing the door would alert it to our presence, but i had to make sure that it did not come into the building. I pulled the door closed, thinking that i had to do it as quietly as possible. I then ran back to the east, into the main section of the building, afraid that the tyrannosaur would come after us. I thought that it would be able to break through the door. I wondered what we should do. I decided that we should climb the stairs to get to one of the upper floors of the building. The animal would not be able to climb the stairs. A set of metal stairs ascended back and forth on the southern end of the eastern side of the building that was to the north of the entry corridor. I ran up the stairs, following the other person. As i thought about the stairs, i realized that they had been altered so that a dinosaur would not be able to ascend them. Plywood walls had been erected in the center of the flights of stairs, making the corridor too narrow for the large theropods. The plywood also covered the outside of the stairs, on the east, blocking the view of the stairs from the atrium to the east. I thought about this as i moved through the building. I ran to the east, down the southern wing of the building. A door in the southern wall of the building was open to the outside. I stopped and slowly pulled it closed. I tried to let it latch without making too much noise. I did not want to attract the theropod that was still outside somewhere. I turned to the north, now back in the room in the center of the building. The room was on the eastern end of the building, and it seemed to be on one of the upper levels of the building, where the large theropod could not get us. Others were gathered in the room to the northeast of me as i stood in the doorway near the western end of the southern wall. The walls and furnishings of the room were covered with darkly stained wood. It looked very elegant. I chatted with the people for a moment. I moved to the east, looking at the nice things in the room. A shelf on the southern wall has several things. One seemed to be a small brass bell, and other things seemed to be china. I moved something on the shelf as i said something to the others. I was still concerned about the theropods, thought. I walked back to the south, again on the first floor of the building. A brown wooden door in the southern wall led to the outside. The door was ajar. I moved to close it, but i noticed that the door had been battered, and the latch no longer reached the doorframe to the west of it. It would not be possible to secure this doorway. I told this to the other person, who was to the north of me. We headed up the stairs that ascended the northern wall of the stairwell that we were in. We had to get to the upper floor where the theropods could not get us. I felt uneasy here.

12019 April 09

I was with the others in the room, which seemed to be outside. This place was special, and we had come here to learn about it. I knew that we would not be welcome here, though. I was weary of something to the southwest of us. The forest around us seemed bright green, and the walls were mottled white. The others talked about the writing. I looked at the large white wall to the north of us. It had a rough uneven texture. It looked like an old wall, made of red clay bricks and covered with a layer of white. The bricks seemed to show through the white. I could not make out the lines on the central and eastern parts of the wall. The text was printed on the wall, but it looked like digital blocks of text. One of the people with me moved a block of text across the wall, to the east. We were trying to spread out the text so that it could be read. The type was too small for me to read. I could only see the tiny black shapes of the words as the blocks were moved. I pointed to the center of the wall. The blocks that they had put in the center had distinct paragraphs, with spaces between them. The person then moved another block of text from the western side to the eastern side. The western surface of the wall seemed smoother. As the person placed the text on the lower eastern part of the wall, i realized that the person had laid the block on top of another block. I pointed this out. The text moved up as we searched for a clear space to put it. I then felt in danger. I looked to the south as rocks fell from above. Some of the others ran to the east. I looked up to see large rocks falling through the canopy of the trees high above. Someone was throwing rocks at us. I worried that i would be hit, and i started walking to the west. Something felt wrong here. I knew that the others did not want us here. Somehow, they seemed like Neanderthals or yetis. A cluster of rocks then broke through the wide canopy of the trees to the southwest. I focused on a large boulder in the center. The other rocks rained down. I watched the boulder tumble in the air. It had moss or something green and leather-like that was connecting it to two or three smaller stones. The boulder was more than a meter wide, and the smaller stones were about a half meter in diameter. As the central boulder tumbled, the three rocks swinged out from it. I knew that the large rock could kill me, but i kept watching the rocks. I held up my left hand to protect my head, but i did not feel that i should move that quickly. I hoped that the rocks did not hit my head. I was then in a different area. I had been forced to leave the special place. One of the others was to the south of me. He described the special place as a green mountain. He said that there was a “green mountain” and a “red mountain”. This sounded right, and the words seemed very familiar. Someone then added that there was something in red and blue as well. I wondered what that was. The red and green objects were familiar to me, but the red and blue were not.

12019 April 10

$A682 was driving the car to the northwest, down the driveway. The narrow driveway curved back and forth, turning from north to west and back. We were here for the event, and we were looking for a parking space on the side of the road. The large mansion was to the northwest of us, and i thought that we had been here before. It seemed like a long time since $A682 and i had been here, and it seemed a little strange that we were here together. Cars were parked along the eastern side of the drive, but there did not seem to be any spaces open, but a gap between two cars was to the north of us, on the outside of a curve in the driveway. $A682 drove the car into the open space, but i felt nervous, because the packed gravel on the outside edge of the asphalt driveway sloped down steeply, dropping more than a deci. I worried that the car would too easily go over it. $A682 pulled the car into the space, but then he pulled out again, heading west. A small yellow sports car was parked to the west of the space on the curve. It had rounded fenders, like a seventies Ferrari. It seemed nice to be in this place again, though i was aware that i was not wealthy like the others who would be here. $A682 tried to park the car again. He drove past the sports car. The driveway seemed to end just after the sports car, turning sharply north and running straight to a road. A small white simple house was to the west of the driveway. The drive widened just before it reached the house. $A682 drove the car along the western side of the driveway, stopping in front of a black pick-up truck that was to the south of the southeastern corner of the house. $A682 pulled close to the car, bumping it as he brought our car to a halt. We did not hit the truck hard enough to cause any damage, but i felt concerned about it. $A682 backed the car away from the truck. I realized that the truck probably belonged to the owner of the house. We were not in a parking spot behind it but simply blocking the truck in. We would not be able to park here. As we backed away from the truck, the truck started to move. I realized that a woman in a white sweatshirt was sitting in the driver’s seat. I could see her through the back window of the cab. I thought that she must have noticed that we had bumped her, but she did not seem to mind. She stopped the truck far enough from the house so that she could turn to the northeast. She started forward again and drove along the eastern side of the house, exiting the driveway onto the street. I wondered where we should park. We would not be able to park near the house. We were then back near the parking space on the corner of the curved drive, which connected to the southern end of the driveway of the house. $A682 was trying to park the car again. I said that i would ask someone at the party where we could park the car. I walked quickly to the south. The house to the south of us was large and plain. It was made out of large gray stone blocks. It seemed very sturdy, but it was also very plain on the northern side. It did not seem to have many windows of features. I remembered the mansion from before. I had been here a long time ago, and i felt interested in enjoying my time here again. I thought that $A42 lived here when we were in high school. I had come to visit his family here before. As i crossed the driveway, heading for the sidewalk that ran along the northern side of the building, i became aware of a terrace that was set into the eastern end of the northern side of the building. A rectangular opening had a thick stone railing with squat rounded banisters. I could only see parts of a few people moving on the terrace, but i could hear some others talking. Two young women seemed to be near the banister, having a lively conversation. I also heard the sound of children, and i thought that some people on the terrace were watching them while the adults got the house ready for the party. It was still afternoon, so the party would not start for a little while. I thought that i remembered the terrace from the last time i was at a party here with $A682. I rounded the northeastern corner of the stone building and started down the eastern side. The foundation of the building was covered with a rough white stone, which stuck out a few centimeters from the smooth stone of the upper part of the building. This white stone was only on the eastern side. It was about a meter tall. The front of the building seemed to have many more features than the side. Tall smooth columns ran up the two-story height of the building. The center of the edifice was inset, with a layer of gray stone across the bottom to support the columns. The windows and doors had pale stone outlines that seemed to be nicely but simply carved. Near the southern end of the eastern side of the house, i turned west, entering through an open doorway that was framed with stone. The house inside seemed more worn and plain, but it was still very nice. A corridor ran to the west, with a set of stairs running up to the west along the northern wall. Large rooms were to the south of the corridor. No one seemed to be in the house. I walked to the west, looking for someone. I turned to the south, entering a small room with polished wood on the walls. The room seemed to be a nursery. A woman was standing with her back to me near the middle of the southern wall. She stood between two wooden cribs, and i thought that she was watching over some children. I thought that she was $A42’s mother. The woman turned suddenly toward me. Her face was covered with a white mask that was shaped somewhat like a bird. The rounded mask came to a blunt point in front of the nose, with wide eyes set into the sides of the cone and a curved mouth under it. Blue paint seemed to decorate the eye areas. I thought that i must have been interrupting the children’s sleep. I apologized for disturbing her, and i started walking to the north. I told the woman, who was now behind me, that i had been here before. I then asked her where we should park. She motioned to the west, saying that we should park in the lot. I looked to the west, and i could see a large parking lot outside with many cars in it. I was surprised to see it, and i felt silly for not noticing it before. I should tell $A682 where the parking is. I then felt awkward that i was with $A682. I told the woman that i should tell him where to park. I felt awkward about this, so i told her that i was not with $A682 anymore. I turned to the northeast, suddenly wondering why i was here with him if we were not together. It seemed very strange. I entered a bedroom on the northern side of the house. A bed with white coverings ran along the northern wall. $A42 was in the room, standing to the east of the bed. He had been facing north, but he turned to greet me. It was good to see him. If felt good to be here. $A42 picked up a long wooden object and turned to show it to me. I knew that the object was something special. It seemed like a polished wooden pole with a small clock on one end. He held it in front of him in his open hands. The square section that had the clock-like face was to the east. Four arms stuck out from the sides of the pole when something was ready. I really liked the object. I knew that it was a special object. I knew that it had some significance, and i thought about it. I then started thinking about the other objects.

12019 April 11

I felt tense as i carried the cat from the car to the house. The small red car was parked to the south of me. I had to bring the cats back to the house. I picked up the white cat, hoping that it would stay in my arms while i headed for the house. I worried that it would run away. I knew that $X1 was still in a gray plastic kennel in the back seat of the car, so he would not be able to run away. I could not easily carry him in my arms. As i neared the wooden house, my father said that the house was not finished. I felt uneasy, thinking that the cats would be able to get out of it. My father said that they could get out through the basement. I rounded the eastern corner of the house and stopped on the northeastern side. The house was very simple, with no features to it. I realized that the southeastern wall was covered with plywood. It was about twenty meters long, with only a few windows in it. I looked at the window closest to me. It had a white frame, but i realized that the glass in the frame had gaps around the outside of it. The molding had not yet been put on the house. I was then to the northeast of the house. It was less than ten meters wide, with a doorway in the center. I looked through the doorway, seeing down the entire length of the house. The interior rooms had no walls, and scraps of wood were scattered on the floor. The house was not yet finished. I thought that the windows were sealed enough to keep the cats in, though, but i did not see a door over the doorway. We would have to cover the entrance with plywood to keep the cats inside.

12019 April 12

I stood in the hallway of the building. Something felt wrong, and i felt uneasy. I seemed to be in the middle of a corridor that ran east to west. I was not aware of a wall to the north of me, and a corridor ran to the south from where i was standing. The walls to the south of me seemed white, and the corridor was tall. I could see a doorway to the south, about ten meters away. A man was standing in the doorway now. He had just appeared there, but he was not alone. The man seemed very plain, but several copies of himself stood to the east and west of him, spreading out. A long line of duplicates also ran to the south, through the doorway and down a corridor beyond. This was something special, and i felt that the presence of the man was threatening. I thought that i would have to blast the man with an energy beam of some kind. I imagined doing this, shooting straight down the corridor so that i would hit one after the other. I thought about this as i stood in the room on the southwestern side of the building. This was a different scene. This room was an office, and i stood on the western side, facing east. Three other people were in the office. A large gray table was to the north of me, and two of the three people sat to the east of the table, facing northeast. One was against the table, and the second was to the southeast of the first. A third person was standing to the northeast of us, talking. The people seemed to be in white shirts and dark ties. This was a business meeting. I knew that something was wrong, and i dropped down on my knees, expecting the explosion to come. The others knew that it was coming as well, but they did not know what to do. I crouched down to the east of the two people who were sitting. I then heard the loud sound from the southwest of us. I knew that it was a nuclear explosion. I heard the sound as a loud scream in a low voice. An orange light flooded in through the window, which was the western wall. I stood up as soon as the sound was over and looked to the southwest. At first, i could not see the explosion because it was behind the corner of the room, which was a solid wall. Blinds seemed to be on one of the windows, but i moved to the north and could see a clear view of the red sky and a large mushroom cloud growing. I told the others that it was a nuclear explosion. I moved to the northeast, saying that we would die slowly. I knew that we would have received high doses of radiation, which would kill us in a few days. I then thought that we would also be exposed to the fallout. I ran to the north, heading for the other office.

I drove the car to the northeast, across the gray asphalt parking lot. The lot was large, and a long low store was to the north of it. I drove the car toward the eastern end of the store, but i knew that i should park in the cluster of cars near the central entrance. As i turned the car to the north, i noticed that the car was not steering properly. Something was wrong with the steering wheel. I turned the car back to the northeast and then to the north again. I realized that it was hard to steer the car to the left. I could turn it to the right, but it did not turn to the left immediately after i turned the wheel. The large lot was mostly empty, and i had been driving across the parking lanes, over the old worn pavement. I circled to the east, away from the other cars and then turned to the south. I felt concerned that the car was not working properly, and i wondered what i should do about it. A shopping cart was in the middle of the parking lot, and i struggle with the wheel to avoid it. I had circled around to the southern side of the lot. The lot sloped up slightly on the southern side. A small gray wooden house was on a lawn to the south of the parking lot. The lawn continued the same slope as the lot as it ran toward the house. A narrow driveway ran to the south just to the south of me, heading down the western side of the house, toward a small garage. The edge of the parking lot had a curb along it, and i stopped the car just short of the curb. I was worried that i might hit the curb in one of my awkward turns. I stopped the car, and i the car was now facing north. I felt annoyed that the car was broken, and i thought that i would have to get it fixed. I moved to the west a little, but i was still sitting in the car, which was now parked just to the west of a large building, which seemed to be along the eastern side of the parking lot. The building was a mechanic garage. The large bay door was to the east of me, but a small extension on the southern side of the building was to the south of me, with a door in the center. The door to the south led to the office. I knew that a dealer owned this garage, and i would have to take the car here to get fixed. I then realized that this was a car dealership, so it was not a good idea to get a repair here. It would be more expensive than it was worth. I thought that i should go elsewhere. I sat in the driver’s seat of the small car, now, facing north. The window to the west of me was rolled down, and the car did not seem to have a roof. The white car seemed like a Beetle, but it was smaller. The interior of the car was black, and it seemed to have a lot of items here and there. I sorted through some of the junk on the shelf to the north of me, which seemed to be the dashboard. I pulled the long pink curled rope that had the keys on it and started looking for the correct key. I had taken the keys out of the ignition because i thought that i would be going to the garage here, but now i needed them so that i could drive the car somewhere else. I flipped through the keys, feeling that something was missing. I noticed the old keys for my grandmother’s house. I then found the correct key, and i started to stand up to reposition myself. I could see myself sitting in the small cockpit of the car below me. The car was filled with things, several of which seemed to be phonographs or CDs. I took the correct key in the fingers of my right hand and started the car. I drove it o the west. I then stopped suddenly. I had to reach with my left foot to press the brake. I was not sitting in the driver’s seat of the car. I had sat back down in the rear seat. I felt uncomfortable about the car moving to the west, and i tried to stop it more. I pulled on the emergency brake, which was between the two front seats. The car stopped, and i shifted seats to get behind the steering wheel. It seemed strange that i had been out of position before.

12019 April 13

I was running to the west, trying to get someplace. I said something to the people behind me as i approached the intersection. I stopped in the middle of the street on the southern side of the intersection. This crossroad seemed to be where Judd Falls Road crossed Tower Road. The land to the north of me was flat, but it sloped down hill after about ten meters. A small lawn was to the northwest of me, and it seemed to have snow on it. I then realized that the trees near the academic buildings to the northeast had buds on them. Something seemed strange about this place. The snow barely covered the grass, and lawn to the northeast did not seem to have any snow. I then thought that it would be interesting if the four corners of the intersection represented the four seasons. I wondered if this could be true. I looked to the southeast of me, noticing the low grayish-tan block building. The grass in front of it did seem greener than the grass to the northeast. It was not really summery, but i could accept it as a summer theme. I then looked to the west, down the long road. A large white modern building was to the southwest of me, but i focused on the dry leafs that had piled on the ground in front of it. They were from last autumn, but they were still collected here. This meant that all four corners did represent the four seasons. I continued to look around the intersection, admiring the view.

12019 April 14

I moved quickly down the corridor, heading to the north. I had been running down the corridor of the building, and i felt as though someone might find me here. I turned to the east again, heading into the stairwell that was at the end of a short corridor. I had done this before. I thought that i could head up or down a flight of stairs and be out of site of someone who might be following me. I had come here to do something, but i did not want to be caught here. The door to the stairwell had a rounded top and bottom, making it look like a bulkhead hatch. I ran down the stairs of the narrow stairwell, spiraling clockwise as i descended. I was then in the corridor again, heading to the east toward the stairwell. I remembered doing this before. I had done something on this level again, and now i had to descend to the lower level of the hotel. I reached the door to the stairwell and swinged it open to the south. As i entered the stairwell, the stairs seemed different. They were narrower here, and they descended into tight corridors. The stairwell actually seemed like a crawlspace. I stepped carefully down the white slope that descended the western wall from the door, but i did not think that i could easily make it down to the lower level from here. It did not seem that i could fit through the rounded corridors that the stairs ran through. I looked up to the southeast, seeing a doorway in the southern wall just above the level that i had entered. A man leaned into the doorway, noticing me as i stopped in the stairwell. He had a captain’s hat and seemed to be dressed in uniform. I thought that he was the chef for the kitchen area here. I could not be found in this corridor. I headed back to the west, coming into the main cabin of the airplane. I entered from a short corridor that ran from the stairwell to the east. The corridor ended in the southern part of the wide room, which was the cabin. I stopped in the middle of the southern side of the room, looking north at the rows of seats, which were all facing north. A female steward was in the central aisle of the airplane, leaning to the west, talking to someone in one of the seats. The rows of seats seemed to have four or five seats on each side of the central aisle. Something about this situation seemed wrong. This was not a real airplane. I thought that these people were actors. This situation was all fictional. I started walking to the north, down the central aisle of the airplane. The light change, and the people started to stand up. The western wall of the room then started to swing upward, like a garage door. Lights from the west came into the room. This cabin had something to do with the captive extraterrestrial craft that the people had captured. I felt suddenly uncomfortable here. I continued walking to the north, hoping that the people did not stop me and capture me. I knew that they might take me somewhere because of what i had seen here. I thought that i should pretend that i did not know what they were talking about. I still felt worried that they would capture me. I continued walking to the west. The room was now an empty warehouse, with a cement floor and bright light bulbs handing down in a grid pattern from the ceiling. The light bulbs were on the ends of black wires. A group of people was walking toward me from the west, but i pretend not to be bothered by them. I was then walking toward the exit of the building, which was still to the west of me. The men were walking behind me now, following me. I wondered if they would let be go. The room was very large, and a man moved to the south of me. He asked me some questions about the extraterrestrial craft, and i told him that i really did not care much about it. I did not want him to think that i would be a problem. I responded to his questions, but i wanted to make sure that i was continuing to head to the west. I then exited the building. I was surprised to see that i was in the middle of the city. I came out of the white cement building on the western side of the building, in a small square area that was surrounded by short white walls. The building and the walls seemed old and worn, as if they were part of an old brick factory. I could see myself walking across the cement area. The ground sloped up to the west, and an alley led away from the building to the west. I exited the courtyard and came to the northern side of the building. The men were just exiting the wide opening in the western end of the building. They did not seem interested in me. I started walking to the east, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I thought that my car was somewhere to the east or northeast, and i had to get back to it. The sidewalk turned into a set of stairs that descended to the east between the white building to the south and the roadway to the north. I started walking on the wall that was just south of the stairs. The wall was the ground-level paving near the building, but it now formed the top of a wall. The wall and the stairs curved to the southeast, and i followed the curve. I realized that i was now fairly high over the corridor below. People were walking on the street to the north of me, but the area to the east of me seemed to open up into a wide cement pit, with cages and habitat areas sectioned off in the oval recess. A corridor ran along the southern side of the large oval area, and i had been walking over the top of the corridor. I sprawled across the top of the corridor, with my feet still on the wall and my hands on the top of a fence to the north. Someone moved below me, so i had to be careful not to hit the person as i lowered myself to the ground. I was then aware of the giraffe in the cage to the north of me. The recessed area was part of a zoo, and many of the habitats had animals in it. I had to get through this area and back to my car. I still felt that someone might be following me, so i tried to hurry down the corridor. I was then aware that $F42 and $F46 were to the east of me. I had been with them before, and i said something to them as i approached.

I drove the car to the west, down the wide street in the flat suburban area. It seemed that we were staying somewhere to the south, and we had to get back there. A highway ran north to south to the west of us, and i thought that we could take it to the south to get to the area we needed to be at. I knew that we were staying in a place that was a few blocks to the east of the highway, but it was several blocks to the south. This area was very flat and seemed like Tampa. The blocks seemed very large, so a few blocks was quite a ways to go. We then passed under a road, which i thought was the highway. I thought that we should have taken one of the roads to the south to head in the right direction. We had gone too far to the west and were now on the western side of the highway. I mentioned this to $F71, who was in the passenger’s seat of the car, with me. Buildings were on both sides of the street, but they were low buildings. They seemed like urban office buildings, but they were only a few stories tall. I decided that i should turn to the south to head back in the correct direction. The streets all seemed to be four lanes, and the intersection ahead had a traffic light. I turned to the south onto the other four-lane street. As i made the turn, i realized that the road ahead ended in a large tan modern building. The building was blocky, with few features. I knew that it was a hotel. The road seemed to run directly into the main entrance of the hotel. I wondered if we would be able to get through this building. I continued to the south, heading down the main central corridor into the building. The hotel seemed very fancy, and i thought that we were probably not supposed to be here. I moved quickly to the south, walking over the dark-red carpet that ran down the center of the hall. The wide tall corridor was dimly lighted, but the main room to the south had better lighting. We had to walk casually and pretend that we belonged here. $F71 started to lag behind. I was riding the bicycle when i reached the southern end of the hallway. It seemed that, if we could slip out the back door of the hotel, we would be able to get to the other side of the building and continue. The reception desk seemed to be to the southwest of us, against the southern wall of the room. I noticed a doorway in the stone wall on the eastern side of the large room. The room was roughly cross-shaped, with a very short southern section. The door was in the eastern wall of the southern section. I stepped through the doorway, realizing that i could easily head down the stairs and get out. I exited the back of the building, feeling hopeful that we would be able to get to the street again and continue to the place that we were staying. I stopped my bicycle at the back of the hotel, though. The ground at the back of the hotel descended steeply in a grass-covered slope. The slope seemed rocky near the top, and a chain-link fence ran along the edge of the yard below. We would not easily be able to get to the street, which was to the south of us. I wanted to ride down the hill on my bicycle, but i realized that it would not be easy, and i would get stuck at the bottom. Annoyed, i turned back around and headed to the north, walking back up the central corridor of the hotel. $F71 had stopped in the middle of the hallway. I coaxed him to come with me as i walked steadily past him. We still did not want to be caught in the hotel. The bright daylight shined in through the glass doors in the northern end of the hall. Archways surrounded recessed areas in the walls around us. This place seemed to be decorated like a casino. I told $F71 that we would have to get back to the north and take another street to the south.

12019 April 15

I moved to the east. Something had happened, and i told the others about it. I said that it was fourty-four. The number seemed to be a price. A young man in a coat then entered from the southeast. He seemed concerned about me, and he told me that we did not have to acknowledge the event. I felt that he was trying to keep the others from knowing what had happened. I objected to this, and i told the others about the event. We could not let the man hide this from everyone. I pictured the price as $44.44.

12019 April 21

$A770 stood to the north of me. He seemed concerned about something. I stood very close to him, and i could hear his heart beat. Something seemed wrong. He was not wearing a shirt, and i moved closer to his chest to try to hear the dull beat. It did not seem right. I started to feel worried for him. The beat was slow and drawn out. I worried that he was having medical problems. A man then said something about this. I backed to the south. The man was $A770’s father, and he was upset about $A770. He said that $A770 was sleeping too much. I felt concerned and wondered what i should do.

We had been in the bank, and something seemed wrong here. A severed hand was sitting on the counter to the north of me. I pointed this out to the two other people. It had seemed like a cartoon. It had something to do with the mystery. We then headed to the north. Televisions were set up on a counter that ran to the east of us. They were old CRT televisions of different sizes and shapes. I sat on the eastern side of the small cart as we rode through the open area of the bank. We passed the southern end of a low counter, and i looked at the small tan television that was on it. It was turned on, and it seemed to be showing an old television show. The other person to the west of me on the cart pointed out that the show was in black and white. There was something about the televisions that interested me.

12019 April 22

I was on the street with the other people. Something about this place reminded me of $G3. It felt good to be here. I moved around. A man then gave me two small flags and asked me to direct the people to the correct place. A crowd was now moving around me on the street. I thought that they were heading to the stadium, which was to the north of me. I tried motioning some people to the north. I then noticed the man who had given me the flags. He ran to the east, up the steep slope of a building, which seemed to be an old house. He seemed to run up a set of stairs to a second-floor terrace, but he moved to the north a little and was on the top of the long slope of the shingle roof. He yelled something and then abruptly sat down on a cafeteria tray. He slided quickly down the steep slope of the roof. Another man was standing in the middle of the slope, where the long roof passed the terrace to the south of it. The man on the tray slided underneath the man who was already on the roof. The man who had been on the roof was sitting on a wide sheet of cardboard, and the first man slided under the cardboard, lifting it and the second man up. I looked at the slope, noticing a jump at the bottom. I thought that the people would slide down the roof and end up in the next house to the west. I was then closer to the house to the east of me, looking at the house to the west. The slope of the roof ran down along the northern side of me. I thought that people used to roll bowling balls down the slope and watch them go into the windows of the other house. The bowling balls might bounce off of the road between the houses, though. The other house was across the street from me now. I thought about this. It seemed strange that a bowling ball would bounce high enough to get into the second-floor window of the other house, but i thought that it was not a regular bowling ball.

I spoke to the other person as i moved to the east, walking through the forest. We were following a narrow trail that led along the upper edge of a steep hill. The last sloped steeply down to the south of us. This place seemed to be Commonland Community. I thought that it would be nice to run through this forest, but i thought that we would have to stay to the south of the houses here. I knew that the people of Commonland Community did not like others on their property. It was sunny, and the leafs in the forest were all pale green and bathed in sunlight. I walked with the other person to the east. I then noticed the orange sign on a wooden post, just to the south of the trail that we had been following. I approached the sign from the west, but had to move to the north to get in front of it so that i could read it. I realized that an roughly square area of the forest had been cleared just to the south of the sign. It was only about five meters square, and the ground seemed to be covered with short grass. The sign said “2019 Summer Dino Dig”. Another sign seemed to be farther to the east of us. I was surprised to see this, and i realized that archaeologists would be here this summer to dig up this section of land. They must have discovered dinosaur fossils in the ground here. I thought that this made sense, because most of the rock around here was sedimentary. I told the other person about the dig, feeling excited that it was happening. I thought that the scientists must have determined that the top of this slope was at just the right period in time to dig for dinosaur fossils.

12019 April 23

I moved to the east, walking across the small room in the old building. The floor of the room seemed to be made of wood, and light was coming in through a window in the northern wall. I had traveled to this place to visit here, and it felt good to be here, but i felt that this was not the way i had expected this place to be. I knew that $F10 was here, but he seemed to be about ready to leave. I wanted to see him, but he would not be here. I thought that i did not have much else to do here, but i had traveled to this place, so i felt that i should stay here. I thought about this room, wondering if i had rented it. I had not been in this area too long. I was not sure what i should do, and i moved around the room. I was then aware of a man standing near the eastern end of the northern wall. I stopped to the southwest of him. He was $A42. He stood near the wall. $A608 was sitting on the floor just to the west of him, leaning back against the wall. They were both wearing T-shirts and shorts. I said hello to them, but i was not sure what else to say. I felt out of place.

12019 April 24

I was sitting on the stairs in the stairwell with $A768. The stairs ascended to the north, and a doorway was in the wall to the east of us. To the northeast was an open room. A stage seemed to be set up on the eastern side of the room, and lights were shining on it. We were waiting to read a play in the room. I thought that the play was very simple, and i thought that it would be an easy reading. I felt uneasy, though. We were waiting in the stairwell to start the play, but i was not sure what we were waiting for. I thought that someone was supposed to start, but i was not sure. $A768 then asked me if i was supposed to read the introduction. I did not think that i was supposed to, but i did not know. I felt a little nervous. $F42 was to the east of us in the room. I felt that we had to do something. Music then started playing from a small portable radio. The rectangular radio was on the southern end of the stage. $F42 moved to the box to adjust the volume of the music. This seemed very strange and awkward. We should be doing something, but i did not know what to do. I finally decided to move to the east. I walked across the locker room, wondering what should happen. A group of men then entered the locker room from the door to the northeast of me. I stopped as they came in. They were all somewhat large and fit, and they seemed to be part of a sports team. I remembered them from before. They had carried a man into the locker room before. I remembered the man dressing in pale colors, and the others were resting him over their shoulders. They walked in now and headed to the south. They seemed attractive, and i watched them come in. I then realized that most of them were wearing studded leather clothing. Some had black leather suspenders or shoulder straps. This seemed strange, because they were in a gym, so i thought that they should be wearing gym clothing. Something about the men looked nice, though. I then noticed one of the men in the center of the group. He was wearing something red. I remembered him from before. I had been interested in him the last time. I then thought that he was not the most attractive of the men there, but there was something about him that made him interesting.

12019 April 25

I parked the car on the eastern side of the street, facing north. We had just arrived at the house. It was dark out, and we seemed to be in a suburban area. The land around us seemed very flat, but i could not see any of it. I headed to the east, toward the house, where the event was happening. A few other people had come with me, and we walked to the house. I stopped on the lawn. People were already gathered to the east of us. They were watching the movie on the large screen that was set up to the east. I stopped near the northern end of the crowd as some of the people with me continued to the south. I watched some of the scenes on the screen. I then sat down in a chair, which seemed to be in the front row of the audience. I now on the eastern side of the audience. I felt relaxed here, but i did not really feel like i knew too many people here. Something to the east then drew my attention. I turned my head quickly to the east to see a thick lightning bolt flash from the sky. It was quite a ways away, and it flickered between the sky and the ground. It flickered for a while, glowing purple and seeming to form around a cylindrical white mass. I suddenly felt very uneasy. This was not a natural lightning bolt. It flickered for about ten seconds. I felt nervous, thinking that something was wrong. I told the others that we should leave, and i started to gather my things. I felt that i should hurry. I stood up and started picking up the small items from the top of the upright piano, which was just to the east of me. I took my wallet and put it in my pocket. I then reached around to the white plastic chair that i had been sitting in and grabbed a folder set of papers that i had been sitting on. I grabbed them with my right hand and hurriedly stuffed them into my left pocket. Two white paper tea packets were still sitting on the chair. I decided that i should leave them there. I turned back to the piano and too the white CD sleeves. I started to feel uneasier, so i had to hurry to leave.

I walked to the north in the large old college building. I was visiting this place. The building seemed to be made of stone, but it also seemed fairly modern. It was very nice to be in this place, and something about the college atmosphere seemed welcoming. The room was square, with a high ceiling, and the corridor ran through the center of it. A semicircular wooden counter was on the western side of the room, and people were standing behind it. This place seemed like a library, but the people behind the desk also seemed like receptionists. The woman behind the desk who was standing nearest me had dark skin, and her hair was tied back. She had a round face and stood with her head tipped up slightly. She was facing east as i stood to the southeast of her and asked her a question about the female professor. The woman smiled at me and said that the professor was not in at the moment. I felt that i should see the professor here, so i told the woman behind the counter that i would wait. The woman seemed satisfied with the answer. I then remembered that $A771 worked in this part of the medical center. He had gone to college here. I asked about him, using his first name. I then relaxed that i could not remember his last name. I did not really know him that well, but i wanted to chat with the woman, and i felt that i had to pretend that i knew more about the people here. I thought that $A771’s last name was Stevens. The woman then asked me if i was referring to someone with the first name i had mentioned and the last name of Stevens. I said yes. She smiled widely and said that she knew him. She added that he was working at the moment, and i thought that i could not interrupt him in the hospital. I then mentioned to her that he would be working in admissions. I knew this about him, so i wanted to say it so that it seemed i knew him more than i did. I then ended the conversation and started walking to the north, saying that i would wander around. I headed down the corridor of the school, admiring the nice building around me. This place seemed very clean and well maintained. Something about it reminded me of a community college. Students were moving through the hall near me. They walked on the western side of the corridor as i walked to the north on the eastern side. I came into the next open area. A group of students passed to the west of me, heading south. I crossed the open area and entered a room on the northern side of the open area. I had entered a lecture room, and i realized that an instructor was just starting a lecture. He was standing on the eastern side of the room, and the class was sitting in raised seats to the west of him. The white walls of the room seemed very modern, and the fluorescent light fixtures on the ceiling were hung at levels that matched the rising of the floor, which rose to the west. I backed out of the room. I thought that i had to change my clothes. I was wearing a uniform, or i should have been wearing a uniform. I did not feel that i was appropriately dressed for this place. A set of stairs ascended to the north just to the east of the doorway that led out of the atrium. A male student and a female student walked past me on the west, heading to the north. The woman had shoulder-length blond hair and held here notebooks across her chest. The man had medium skin and short dark hair. He seemed Hispanic, and he had an attractive face. I backed up to the south and then headed up the stairs. They ended on a narrow balcony on the second floor. The balcony ran along the northern wall of the atrium. A few other people were standing just to the west of the top of the stairs. I turned to the east and headed down the walkway. This place seemed unused, like a maintenance area or some part of the building that was just not used for anything. The lights here were a little dimmer. Doorways in the northern wall were open. I wondered if i could enter one of the rooms to change my pants. I glanced in the first room. Someone was in the room. I looked into the second door way to see an empty room. I entered, thinking that i could change my clothes out of sight of others. The western wall of the room was very close to me. It was a rough cement wall, and it seemed dusty and dirty. Dusty wooden shelfs to the east of me held old art supplies and other things. I walked to northern end of the room, thinking that i could get out of sight. As i reached the northern wall, however, i noticed a stool standing in front of the large multipane window. A plastic tray with dishes on it was resting on top of the stool. The plate had scraps of food left on it, and i realized that it had only recently been abandoned. Someone must have just been in the room. I would not be able to change my clothes here. I walked back to the east, ready to leave. As i reached the door, two women entered. They were chatting happily with each other. The East Asian woman smiled at me as i passed her. She wore a pink shirt, and she had a wide face and short black hair. I was not sure where i should go. I headed back down the stairs and to the southeast, across the large room. Several round shelfs were set up in the room, and this place now seemed like a store. People were standing in the middle of the store as i passed through. I suddenly recognized a man to the east of me as i passed him. He did not seem to notice me, but i knew that he was $A85. I wanted to say hello to him, but he was saying something to the young boy who was standing with him. I continued to the southeast, feeling that i had to do something. $A85 then said hello to me. I responded to him, saying hello, but i did not stay to chat. He seemed upset by this. I felt bad, but i was not sure what i should do. I headed down the central corridor of the mall. I could see the corridor ahead of me. I thought that the central area was a large round atrium where the corridor turned from heading southeast to head east. I knew that i wanted to head to the CVS store that was on the eastern side of the corridor after the atrium. I wondered if i could exit the mall and cross the parking lot on the outside of the building to get to the CVS. It seemed a quicker way to get there, because it was more direct. $A682 was with me now. It seemed strange to have him there with me. I said something to him as i headed for the store.

12019 April 26

I walked to the southeast, toward the stone college building. The building was tan and seemed to be somewhat modern. I had been studying in this college, but i felt that i was no longer interested in being in this place. I felt that i was giving up, and i felt disappointed about this. I continued across the room, heading to the north. I was in the college library now. The room seemed a little crowded, with people wandering back and forth. The room seemed to open to the east of me, through the thick stone arches that held up the ceiling. I had something that i wanted to look up here. Computers were on the desks to the west, which seemed to be reference desks. Some librarians were behind a counter to the northwest. I thought that i would have to look up my schedule on the computers. I could not remember what classes i was supposed to be attending. I thought that i should probably be at one now, but i did not know what it was or where it was. I felt out of touch with this place. I thought that i should have had a philosophy class at some point in the week, but i did not remember attending it. I must have missed it a few times. I thought that i should look up my schedule to verify that i did have classes to go to. As i walked to the northwest, i thought that the schedules were now free to print out on the computer. I remembered when the students would have to pay to get a paper copy of the schedule. I thought that the university must have decided that it was not worth charging the students for a schedule. It probably cost the university more to charge the students for the schedule that to just print out the schedule. I picked up a packet of books and held them in my left arm as i looked them over. The book on top was on Clemantes, and it was a blue book with a thin gauzy cover. I felt that i wanted to read the book, because i felt that it was interesting. I lifted the blue book and looked at the two white books below it. They were both books on Greek philosophy. I thought that i should read them, but then i realized that i no longer had to read them now that i was leaving my classes. I continued walking to the northwest. It felt good to be leaving this place. I was out of the library now, and i walked down the wide stone steps on the western side of the building. An open space ran to the west, between two other academic buildings. The campus seemed nice now, and i felt happier as i walked, thinking that this would be the last time that i would be here. I thought that i would just have to pack the car to leave. I then realized that i actually had a house in town. I really only had to take things from my student apartment to my house. I headed to the north, down an opening between college buildings. This seemed like the small area between Biotech and Comstock. Several young men were standing in front of the entrance to the building to the west. They were to the northwest of me. I thought that they were fraternity men, and they were advertising for a party that they were hosting in the building. The building seemed to be divided into several sections, and at each door, a group of fraternity men were advertising their party in their section of the building. As i reached the northern end of the building, i noticed that the front of the building had been covered with fake round columns that had Egyptian-style flares on the top. I thought that this design was promoting Union College by mimicking the famous building there. I looked over the edifice as i walked to the east of it. The design was awkward, and it mimicked a Greek temple, with strange blue curls at the tops of the columns. I mentioned that the design looked northing like Union College. One of the men standing in front of it stepped back as though hurt by the comment. I knew that Union College had a building that looked very much like the Colosseum, but it did not look like this building. The men seemed actually upset by my comments, so i said that it still looks nice. I added that i did not mean the comment to be negative. I turned to the west and entered the building. The room inside was open, but there were small piles or objects on the floor in certain places. I thought that we would have to move things around or over the objects as part of an obstacle course. I would have to drag the basket over the stack of dishes. I pulled the basket to the west along the northern side of the room and turned to the south to head down the western side. This seemed like a slalom around the stacks of dishes. It did not seem that hard to do, but then i thought that i was probably doing it incorrectly. I stopped to think about this. I then moved again around the loop in the room, stopping on the eastern side. I headed to the east, but found myself in the eastern side of a large room with the same obstacle course in it. I felt confused, not sure if this was the same room or not. I moved to the western side, thinking that this must be a different version of the obstacle course. I went over the loop of basins. A man watched me from a doorway in the northern half of the eastern wall. He seemed to be one of the brothers, so i asked him if i was doing the course correctly. I stopped in the center of the eastern side of the room, and the man stood very close to the northern side of me. I looked over the course to the west, trying to figure out if i was doing it correctly. The man moved a little closer, and i turned to him, wondering if he was interested in me. He kissed me. I felt awkward, but it felt very nice and very relaxing to be kissed by him. I kissed him back. I wondered if i should be interested it him. I then wondered if i should be turned on by what we were doing. I thought that i should not let myself be aroused. I would not be able to be in a relationship with him.

12019 April 30

I was watching the concert from the roof of the very tall building. The tall white building had a very small roof, and a matching building was to the south of us. We were on the roof of the northern building, watching the people performing on the stage, which was on the tower to the south. I felt very excited to watch this show. I was with some people. $Z seemed to be to the east of me. I turned to the north. We were now standing on the northern end of the roof. People were entering the roof from the north, and they seemed to be part of the concert act. I that we were in a special place. It seemed that i had come here easily but would not have normally been allowed here. I was in an area that was reserved for the special people of the show, and i thought that the celebrities would be in this area. Several men fanned out as they passed through the doorway. I realized that the man coming in was Prince. He was dressed in a purple suit with white and black stripes down the side. I pointed him out to the other person, trying not to draw too much attention to Prince. I did not want others to make a scene if they noticed him as well. Someone then said that Prince was going by another name now. I mentioned the other name to the person to the east of me. I then turned back to the south. We were again on the southern side of the roof, looking at the raised stage on the roof to the south of us. We seemed to be sitting in the front row of black seats. The seating rose to the north of us. I then realized that the seats we were sitting in were moving. They moved to the south, over the edge of the building. I felt uneasy, even though i knew that this was a ride. I held on tightly to the seat underneath me. All of the seats seemed to be on a large tray, and the tray had slided over the edge of the building and was now descending to the ground. It did not move quickly, but we were at the ground level very quickly. I felt unsafe, and i held on to the seats. We were in no real danger, because we were only a few meters from the ground. The tray of seats had tipped forward as in reached the ground. A few people in the row ahead of me fell out of their seats and landed on their feet on the ground. I then realized that i was no longer sitting in my seat. I was to the west of the cluster of black seats, which were still dangling from the long mechanical arm that had lowered it from the roof. I felt worried that we would not be back in our seats when the seats started ascending to the top of the building again. I hurried toward the seats, but they were already being pulled upward. $Z followed to the northwest of me. The seats were just out of reach, and we could not get back to the top of the building on them. I was disappointed. I thought that we would have to climb up the building again. I quickly headed to the north, into the short white corridor. The corridor ran north, turned east, and then turned back north again. I was in the short east-to-west part now. The elevator was to the east of me at the end of the short hall, but a large bookcase covered the metal door. The tall narrow set of shelfs had been placed in front of the elevator so that it could not be used. I felt frustrated, thinking that we would now have to climb the stairs to the top of the building. I remembered that we had done this before, but i knew that it had been before the show, so not as many people were watching who was coming in and out. I hoped that the people at the top would let us back in. I then realized that my things were still in the seats upstairs. I looked up the western side of the tall white building. It was a long way up. I remembered climbing the outside of the building before, and i was not looking forward to doing it again. I moved toward the building, carrying the square white book in my right arm. I was holding the book across my chest as i looked up the long ladder that ran up the side of the building. I remembered climbing before with the book in my hand, but i did not want to do it again. It seemed dangerous. I headed back to the north and was again in the corridor. A second elevator seemed to be to the north of the first. The corridor to the north of the first elevator turned to the east again, and we followed it, stopping in front of the metal elevator door. We waited for a moment for the elevator to descend. When the door opened, we saw that the elevator had a group of people in it. They were standing in a rounded compartment, and they wore dark suits with white shirts. They seemed to be part of the security people, and i thought that they would not let us into the concert. I told the person that my things were still on the roof. I remembered that i had been wearing tall yellow boots. They should still be near my seat. $Z and i moved to the east, into the elevator. I still felt worried that they would not let us back onto the roof.

I returned to the cottage, coming from the north. I moved quickly toward the small building, which was in the middle of a forested area. The lawn around the cottage was cut grass, and it extended a little way to the west and provided an area of several meters along the northern side of the building. A gravel driveway approached the building from the northwest, and it formed a rounded lot just off the northwestern corner of the cottage. My family had already arrived here, and they were standing on the outside of the cottage as i approached. I seemed to be moving toward them from about three or four meters from the ground. A short deck seemed to run along the northern side of the building, with a set of stairs descending to the west. I quickly passed my family and entered the cottage. It felt good to be back here. I turned to the west and ascended the wooden stairs. I stopped at the top of the stairs, facing north. The double doors were closed to the bedroom on the second floor. The two wooden doors were to the north of me. I approached them and pushed one open slightly. I peeked through the narrow opening between the two doors. It had been a long time since i had been in the room, but i remembered the details. The room looked very nice. The walls and floor were covered with pale wood. Wooden single beds were against the western wall, and a large wooden dresser was against the eastern wall. The ceiling had slanting sides on the east and west. The room looked very nice now. I did not remember it looking as well polished, and i thought that it was an old room, not one of the rooms that my grandfather had redone. I felt that i was looking at the room at an earlier version of time. The large cabinet against the eastern wall was decorative but simple, with many drawers. The drawers and top of the piece of furniture seemed to have dull-red detailing. Something about it told me that it was not the way the room looked currently, but i remembered when the room had looked this nice. I felt glad that the people who now owned the cottage had restored it. I looked again at the nice wooden floor in the room. I then turned back to the south. The second floor of the building seemed like a long corridor, with the room at the northern end and the eastern and western sides of the ceiling sloping down to meet low walls on the sides. Another room seemed to be on the southern side of the building, but the center was a large open area. A large gable seemed to open up the roof to the north. This corridor was simple. A metal railing ran down the center of it for about three meters. It was a round metal pole, about three or four centimeters thick, and similar hazed-metal poles supported it. I remembered it from before, but i thought that my grandfather had removed it long ago. This must have been at a time before my grandfather had removed the pole. A rectangular opening was in the floor to the southwest of me. It seemed to be the stairwell that led up to this level. I moved to the northern end of the railing and moved to the western side of the end. Many small things were around the walls now. They seemed to be small boxes of things. A woman then had come up the stairs to the southwest of me. I started chatting with her. My grandfather was also somewhere in the room, along with other members of my family. It felt very good to be here.

I moved to the north, across the large open room. People were gathered in the room, and i had just arrived here to see someone. I then spotted $A29 and his family standing or sitting along the northern wall of the area, which seemed like a courtyard. My family seemed to be near them. They had returned to this area for something, and i was coming to visit them. It felt good to see them. I moved to the north, into the courtyard. I seemed to be riding on a small car. People were standing on the sides of the room, but few people were in the center. I drove the car through an opening in the southern wall of the courtyard and headed toward $A29. My parents were sitting to the west of $A29’s family. They were on a bench. I pointed to $A29 as i approached them, ready to say something. I then realized that i was moving very quickly, and i thought that i would have to slow the car down. I tried to slow, but something seemed wrong. I felt worried that i was going to fast as i approached $A29.