12021 April 01

I walked to the north, up the hill on the narrow dirt trail. Another person was walking to the west of me as we continued to the north. We were talking about something that we had to do, and it seemed that we would be setting a trail here. The area around the trail was covered with tall grass and weeds for about two meters on either side. The land around us was full of thin young trees with dark green leafs. We stopped at what appeared to be an intersection. A long narrow rectangular area ran to the northwest of us, up a hill between the trees. It was wider than the area that we were in. Another path seemed to head to the northeast. I talked with the other man for a moment, but i kept glancing at the area to the northwest. I then headed to the northwest to do something while the man stayed on the trail. The area seemed like a clearing, but it was filled with tall grass. I was then walking to the south, across a large open field. The dirt path ran down the center of the field. The land around us seemed generally flat, and it sloped gradually down to the southwest. I looked to the west, and i knew that downtown Ithaca was at the bottom of the hill to the west. I stopped when i noticed a black plume of smoke rising from the west. I could not tell how far away it was, and i wondered if something was burning or if the plume was an illusion of clouds on the horizon. I looked around the area. A road ran east to west along the southern side of the field that i was on. The field was mostly dirt, with old stalks of cut crops sticking out of the dirt. A similar field was to the south of the road. The road seemed like Route 366. I looked back to the west, noticing a second plume to the southwest. The second plume looked larger, but i could not tell if it actually was a plume, because a large tree at the western end of the field was blocking most of it from view. It did not seem to be as distinct as the first plume, though. I felt uneasy, and i wondered what i should do. I turned back to the north. A raised embankment ran along the northern side of the field, supporting a railroad track. An old stone bridge was in the middle of the field, just to the north of me. I had come out of the forest to the northeast of where i was, and i had walked to the west before heading south through the opening under the bridge. I knew that a dirt road ran from the woods to the northeast along the northern side of the railroad tracks. I could have continued down the road, but i had turned to the south to walk out into the middle of the field. I knew that a small group of people was gathered in a small dirt area in the field to the northwest, just on the other side of the tracks. The dirt road had led into the dirt lot. They people were gathered around an old car, and they were talking. I wanted to walk to them and hang out with them, but i remembered that i had left my backpack in the woods near the trail junction. I was not sure which direction to go before, so i had left my backpack at the intersection of the paths while i checked out the long narrow field to the northwest of the intersection. I pictured the path in my mind, thinking that i had walked to the top of the field and turned west, heading along the northern side of the tracks. I would have to go back to the woods for my backpack before i could meet the people in the parking area. I then realized that it was lightly raining. Something felt wrong, and i was worried about it. I thought that i should return to this spot via the dirt road rather than turning south under the railroad tracks. The main roads seemed to be to the west of me, near the buildings. I felt concerned about what could be wrong.

12021 April 02

I moved to the east, down the southern side of the wide town square. This town seemed old, but something was not as it should be here. I felt uneasy and nervous. $Z moved with me as i looked at the buildings on the southern side of the square. Something had happened to us, and we had switched universes. This was not how this town was supposed to look. The buildings looked like old stone houses from a Victorian movie scene. I pointed at the small church in the center of the southern side of the town square, stating that the porch was now missing. I remembered a wide porch that should have been across the front of the building. I felt upset, and i told $Z that we had to get back to the correct universe. I thought that this was like a plot from Harry Potter. I headed west, into the room on the northern side of the area. Other characters from the story were already there. They seemed like the same characters that we knew, but i knew that they had to be from this universe and not from ours. I was not sure what we should do, but $Z insisted that we ask the other characters for help. I thought that they would not understand what we were talking about. The people stood along the northern side of the room, and they seemed to be arguing about something. I noticed two men with bright red hair, and i thought that they must be Ron’s brothers. I wondered if $Z might be Harry. He tried to talk to the others, but they did not seem to understand the problem. I thought that we should tell Dumbledore, but $Z said that i should not tell him. I felt frustrated. $Z was not able to get the others to help, because he would not tell them exactly what the trouble was, and they could not guess that we were not from this universe. $Z did not want the others to know that we did not belong here. I felt annoyed with $Z, and i suddenly felt defiant. I walked back to the east, determined to tell Dumbledore what had happened. I walked through a doorway in the eastern end of the southern stone wall and came into a small room. I walked to the western side of the rectangular room. Dumbledore was standing near the western wall, arguing with someone who was to the south of him. He was still young in this universe, and he wore a gray suit. I tried to get his attention, and he became angry, scolding me for interrupting him when he was trying to talk to the other man. He started to turn back to the other man, but i panicked and blurted out the problem. I told him that we had shifted time and now everything has changed. I felt scared, and i became upset as i told Dumbledore what had happened. He stiffened and became more serious toward me. He said that he would help us. I was so upset that i was on the verge of crying.

I gathered my things on the bed that was on the eastern side of the small hotel room. The room seemed old and run down, with wood paneling on the walls and a low drop ceiling. I was with a class that seemed to be from high school or college. Two women were to the east of me, and they seemed ready to go. We had to leave for a competition. I thought that it was a running meet. I talked to the man to the north of me. He seemed like the red headed runner i remember. The coach then came from the south and hurried us along. We headed out of the building to the northwest. I looked around the group that was moving to the west with us, and i realized that i did not see everyone i thought that i should see. Some people were missing. I wondered if they would be traveling on a separate bus. Something seemed wrong. The coach was driving the bus to the west, down the narrow street of the small town, which seemed like an old European town, with old tan block houses very close to the streets. It did not seem right that the others on the team would not be traveling with us, so i asked the coach where the others were. I pointed out that the two women and the red-headed man were not with us. He looked around, seeming unaware that the others were absent. He seemed concerned. I felt agitated, thinking that we should do something. I was concerned about the others, and i hoped that they could make it to the meet. I continued walking to the west, down the street of the town. I still felt agitated as i walked, and i wondered how far it was to the running meet. I was disappointed that i had to walk. I felt that i had been left behind. I walked along the northern side of the road, which had no shoulder as it passed between the houses. I thought that i could jog to get there sooner, but then i thought that i should not jog, because i would get worn out before i had to run. I then realized that i was still wearing my sandals, so it would not be easy to run. I then felt annoyed, thinking that the sandals might not be comfortable over a long walk, and i thought that i had a ways to go before the track meet. To make matters worse, the edges of the road where i was walking seemed to be rock macadam. I continued down the street to the west, thinking that i had to get to the main road that left the town, heading west. I was not sure that this was the correct street. I looked behind me, realizing that a man was following me. He watched me as i walked. I suddenly felt nervous, thinking that he was following me. I then came to the end of the street. I felt a little confused. I had thought that i was on the correct street, but the road should have continued out of town. A road continued to the north, and i thought that it must lead to the main road. I could see a larger road running east to west to the north of me, just up a slight hill from where i was. I did not remember this intersection from before, and i wondered if this was how we had come before. The road to the north must have been the main road. I walked up to the main road and looked east. I could see that the main road curved to the south to the east of me. We must have traveled around the curve and ended up on the street that i had been walking on when we came into town. I had simply missed the turn to the north at the beginning of the small block. The quaint stone houses ran close to the road on the northern side of the small block as well. I turned to the west and continued walking, wondering if the man was still following me. The road quickly left the town and started crossing the country. The land seemed to rise to the north of the road in to a forested hill, and the land to the south descended a little into a shallow valley. Fields and buildings still seemed to be in the valley, which seemed like a creek valley. I then heard the sounds of people playing sports to the south. I looked over the low bushes on the side of the road to see a sports field in the center of the valley. I could see people playing soccer in a large soccer field. I noticed that there were several soccer fields across the open area in the center of the valley. I was interested in the people playing soccer, but it was not the track meet that i was supposed to be going to, so i continued walking to the west. The road continued along the side of the hill to the north, and it seemed to have a view of most of the valley to the south. The bottom of the valley seemed to be only twenty-five meters or so below where i was. It seemed that i had a long way to go, and i felt upset about having to walk the distance. I then thought that i should call my father to see if he could help me. I looked at the cell phone in my left hand and then up again at the road. Many people were now walking along the southern side of the road. Many of the people seemed to be dressed in warm-up clothes, and i wondered if any of them were from the track meet. I stopped in the middle of the crowd. I was now in a large roof of a building. This place seemed like a diner, and the sports people were gathered in the room, eating. I hoped that my team might have stopped here. I then realized that they were now leaving to the north. They must have come here for breakfast and were now leaving to the north. I felt disappointed. I would have to eat as well, but i would not have time to sit and eat as they had. I looked around the room to see what food i could take with me. The wood paneling on the walls seemed old and worn, and the ceiling of the room was rather low. This place seemed old and cheap, and it was filled with people. I looked at the food that had been put out on shelfs to the south of me. A potato tray was to the southwest of me, and biscuits and English muffins were on a tray on a shelf to the southeast. I felt stressed, trying to figure out what i should grab before the team left without me again. I felt indecisive. I wanted something simple, but i had to have something that was not too heavy so that it did not make me sick when i ran. I stopped in the middle of the room and grabbed a few slices of bread from a small round table to the east of me. The bread was in long thin loafs that looked somewhat like French bread. I thought that i could put peanut butter on it. As i picked up a piece of bread, though, i realized that the bread looked greasy, as though it had been made into garlic bread. I felt annoyed and stressed. I put the slice down and grabbed a few slices of regular white bread from a loaf on the northern side of the table. I then noticed a small basket of slices of a narrow loaf. The small slices were cut at a steep diagonal so that the slices were rather elongated. I turned to the north to leave the room. I was worried about catching up with the other people. I then noticed the ironing boards that were set up in the room. They were being used as tables. The ironing boards were in different sizes, with several regular sized and several small. While i was looking around the room, i suddenly realized that i did not see anyone from my team anymore. I felt suddenly annoyed, realizing that i had lost them again. I took a long tan ironing board and slinged it over my left shoulder. It seemed somewhat like a surf board now. I held a shorter board in my right hand as i walked to the west. I felt upset about losing the team, and i thought that i should call some people. I was outside the diner again. The diner was a small house that was just off the southern side of the road that ran along the northern side of the valley. The road was still filled with many people. I thought that these people were here for the track competition. I thought that i must be somewhat close, and i wondered how much farther we had to go. It still seemed as though i had a long way to go to get to the track meet, and i felt upset that i would have to walk the distance. I thought that i should call my father for help, thinking that he might be able to pick me up and give me a ride. I took out my telephone. I was now in a crowded room of the restaurant. Before i could dial, though, i heard my parents’ voices. I realized that they must have come here for the competition. My father was talking, and he said that we would call me. I spotted them through the crowd to the west. My mother was sitting on a bench near the western wall. They were ready to eat. The room was crowded with people, and i realized that i did not bring a mask with me. I felt annoyed. My parents were sitting down to eat, and i wondered if i should eat with them or hurry off to the track meet.

12021 April 03

I was with $G4, standing in the middle of the wide grassy area, which seemed near the top of a hill. It seemed that we had been at a camp-out, and i was walking away from the main camp with someone. The long grassy hill sloped down gradually to the north-northeast. I talked to $F58 as we descended the slope. We were talking about the tail that would be set for the runners. I asked her when the tail would be, and she told me, but then she added that it depends on who sets with her. I asked her if she needed help. We were now near the bottom of the hill. Camping trailers were in this area of the campground, to the east and south of us. A white trailer was parked just up the hill to the south of us. I told $F58 that i would help her set trail, and we chatted about it for a moment as we continued down the hill to the northeast. I then noticed a large gray wood house at the bottom of the hill. A small pond or open area was to the east of the house. The gray house did not seem to be part of the campground, and i wondered if we would be disturbing the people in the house by the party we were having in the campground. A gravel driveway ran from the west and passed to the north of the house. A short fork of the driveway ran south from the main driveway just to the west of the house. It ran southward and curved around the house, running parallel to the southern side. I wondered if we annoyed the people in the house. I then heard people moving around in the house. I could not see anyone through the windows. All i could see through the large picture window on the lower eastern side of the bluish-gray house were dark shadows that seemed somewhat like human silhouettes. I turned to the west-northwest, looking up the long grassy slope. A wedge of trees ran between this stretch of mowed slope and the section that we had come down. I then heard a noise that sounded like the branches of a tree breaking. I focused on the large tree that was to the northwest of me, to the west of the house, on the slope. It seemed still, but it made a sudden rustling noise and then lurched to the east, as if stuck by something. The tree stood still for a moment, but then it fell quickly over in an artificially quick motion. It landed on the ground to the north. When it landed, it made a soft rustling noise. I was surprised at the soft noise of the tree hitting the ground. I had expected it to make a louder noise. I then heard people in the house moving again. I thought that they must have been reacting to the fallen tree. I said something about the tree as i looked up the hill to the west. A large bushy tree suddenly rolled into view from the north. It seemed to be the crown of a tree that was filled with bright orangish-red leafs. I thought that there must be strong winds blowing across the top of the hill. I did not feel anything here at the bottom of the hill, and i wondered if the valley protected us. I started back up the slope to the southwest, toward the campers. I wondered if i should warn them of the strong winds. I then noticed that the area at the top of the hill to the southwest of me was empty. A few tree branches were scattered over the ground, but i could not see any of the campers or $G4. I thought that the others must have gone to the west to help clear the large fallen tree. I walked up the slope to the top so that i could see to the west. The others seemed to be gathered around some broken branches, clearing them. $A384 was to the south of me, directing the others how to hold the large fire hose. They were spraying water over the tree line to the south of them. I looked up to see power lines overhead, just to the south of me. I thought that the tree must be caught in the power lines. This seemed to be dangerous, and i wondered why the others were using water to spray the tree. The water would conduct the electricity, so it did not seem safe. I looked back to the north at the others, who were holding the hose. $F57 seemed to be at the front of the hose line. I felt very concerned about them spraying water on the power lines. $A384 was now to the southeast of me. I could hear him calling orders to the others to tell them how to spray the water. A long metal machine arm stretched to the west, just to the north of me. It had something to do with the hose. It started swinging to the south, toward me. I was now caught behind the arm of the machine, and i felt that it was unsafe here. I thought that the others must have been spraying a transformer on the power lines to keep it from shorting out or exploding into a fire. They should not be using water on the transformer, though. I backed away from the arm, wondering if they were actually using a special liquid that did not conduct electricity. It seemed very strange that they would be spraying a transformer. I felt very concerned, but i felt that i did not have any control over the situation. I crawled to the south, trying to get away from the long white metal arm that was still swinging.

I was in the small area to the west of the larger area. The tree had fallen around here. Limbs were here and there on the grassy lawn near me. I seemed to be to the north of a small brick building, which seemed like a modern office. The ground rolled over small mounds around me, and a small pond or large puddle was in the grass to the northwest of me. I remembered the fire from before, but there was no fire now, and the land here looked different than i remembered. I moved to the south, crossing over a narrow drainage ditch that had reeds growing in it. Water came out of a small black plastic culvert pipe to the northwest to fill the ditch. I talked to the others as i stood on the edge of the black pipe. They seemed to be to the north of me. I looked down into the drainage ditch, noticing the green algae-covered water. I mentioned the green muddy area to the others, adding that it would be a good area to set a trail through. It seemed like a very nice sunny day, and i admired the area around me. I then thought that we have not yet had a chance to set for our event. The storm had interrupted us.

I was with $G4 in the middle of the open grassy area. It was a nice sunny day. I headed to the north, flying over the ground. It felt good to fly as i passed through the line of trees. I noticed that the trees were nicely spaced, with no smaller between them. It was nice, because it allowed me to fly fairly quickly through the dense forest. Through the trees, i could see the calm blue lake to the west of me. The day was very nice as i flew along the shore, heading to the north. I looked up into the sky, noticing that it was very blue. I flew along a narrow road. A wide field was to the northeast of us. I thought that i would have to go help the others clean up the fallen tree near the campsite. I then realized that the others would see me flying into the area. I wondered if some of the people would resent that i could fly, and i felt that some of them might try to plot against me because i could fly. I turned eastward over the open filed, aware that someone was watching me from the road to the west. I flew over the grassy mounds, noticing the fallen tree limbs that were scattered over the ground. I focused on one of the mounds as i approached, concentrating on how i was flying so that i floated over them. I had my feet hanging down below me, and i thought that this was not the stereotyped way of flying. Most people pictured flying as someone lying on the ground with their arms out of in front of them. I concentrated on how i was flying as i passed through a row of tall poles in the middle of the filed. A road ran from the east along the northern side of the field. It came down a hill to the field. I started flying up the road, but i spotted a truck coming down the hill toward me. I had to quickly rise in elevation to get above the truck. As i passed over the truck, i noticed that it had a very large square front, and it was camouflaged like a military vehicle. I felt nervous that it was here, and i moved to the southeast, passing over a large farm. I could see the small houses and sheds of the farm below. They had been hidden from the road by a thick border of trees, but i was now flying low over the houses. I felt nervous here, thinking that these were the kinds of people who were very protective of their privacy. They would not want someone flying over their property. I thought that they might actually be doing something illegal. I then wondered if the government had been watching me fly from the road. My presence over this area might draw the government’s attention to this place simply because i had flown low over the farm. The main house seemed to be on the western side of the property. A line of cut grass ran east form it, with rough weedy grass to the north and northeast. Small sheds were to the east of the house. As i flew low and started heading back to the west, i noticed that the buildings under me seemed to be greenhouses. They stretched to the north, into the weedy area. The greenhouses were simply wooden structures with peaked roofs and white plastic stretched over the top. As i approached the house, i noticed three or four people standing outside, staring up at me. I felt very uncomfortable. It felt very good to fly, but i felt nervous about the people on the ground. I headed to the west, passing over the house. I started to descend, coming down near the house. I felt tired and thought that i had to stop for a moment. The house had white square areas on the top of it where the peaked roofs of the towers had been chopped off. I thought that i could land on the white areas to relax for a moment. The men would not be able to get to the white areas for a while, which would give me time to rest. I tried to descend slowly, balancing with my hands as i approached. I noticed the square chimneys of the house as i came close to it. I thought about the place, wondering what i should do. I felt very nervous being here. I was then in the room. My father was to the west of me, and i was sitting on a couch near the northern wall. I was petting an animal that was to the east of me, on the couch. The animal seemed like a raccoon. My father told me to put the animal on its feet. It had one foot on my lap and the other to the east of me, on the couch. I sat near the western end of the couch. I flipped the animal over, playing with it. The animal was black with reddish-tan flecks over its body. It landed on its feet on the couch. Someone then passed through the room in a raccoon costume. The person ran from the east to the west. The raccoon saw the person in the costume and hissed at it. I told my father that the animal was scared and angry because of the costume. I tried to pet the animal, to calm it down and make it feel safe again.

12021 April 04

I was in the restaurant with the other man. We sat at a round table in the middle of the small room. The man seemed to be a friend of mine. He had a square face with short dark hair. His features seemed Latino. A female waiter was standing near a table to the northeast of us, facing east. Another person was at the table near her, and she seemed to be ignoring us. The man with me tried to get her attention, but she did not respond to him. He called out, asking for drinks. The waiter seemed to have heard him, but she did not respond. I felt uncomfortable and annoyed with the situation. The man then ordered tequila. I tried not to pay attention. I was sitting on the western side of the table, and the man was sitting on the southeastern side. I looked down as i held two forks together, intermingling the tongs. The man became vocally upset that we were not being waited on, and he called this to the waiter. He then told me that we should leave, and he moved away from the table. I headed to the west, with the man. I then wondered if we had paid for the drinks that we already had. I thought that we had not and that the people in the restaurant would be coming after us. I felt annoyed. I thought that we would have to drive away quickly so that the people could not come after us. Our car seemed to be to the north of the restaurant. We walked down the city street, heading toward our car. We were then in our car, and we were heading to the south. We seemed to be on a street that ran to the east of the restaurant. The man was driving the car, but he was driving too fast. I felt uneasy with him and wanted him to slow down. I then noticed that the intersection ahead of us had a red light. The man did not seem to be slowing down, so i told him to stop at the light. I said that there were police nearby. I was not sure if that was true, but i did not want the man to speed or run the light, so i thought i would hint that his speeding might get us stopped. As we approached the intersection, i noticed a police car to the southeast. The man stopped the car, but he did so abruptly. The police were standing to the east of their car, and they looked up at us. They started to move toward their car. The man speeded to the south, trying to get away. I felt very uncomfortable with the situation, and i wanted the man to stop his car. The man made a sharp turn to the west. I knew that he was trying to get out of eye sight of the police before they came around the corner to the north. I told the man to stop the car and turn off his lights. I thought that, if he parked his car on the side of the road, the police might not notice it. I was uncomfortable, and i wanted to leave, but i thought that we should stay hidden.

12021 April 06

It was dark out, and i started riding my bicycle north on the street through the small town. This place seemed like Collegetown. It was dark, but the street lights cast enough light to see. I had to get home, which seemed to be quite a way to the north. The street sloped up hill slightly as i rode north, and small shops and apartments were on either side. As i approached an intersection to the north of me, a man and a woman were crossing the street in front of me. I slowed to let them pass. The intersection was very large, and i had crossed into it before slowing down. The man and woman had been on the northeastern corner of the intersection and were now crossing to the northwest. The woman was tall and thin, with a tight angular face. She had dark skin and a thick afro. She looked around as they crossed the street, and she asked the man, “I wonder where we get the bus.” Both of them seemed to be looking for the bus stop. I stopped near them, and i said that they could pick up the bus along the southern shoulder of the road, to the south of us. I indicated with my left arm. I looked back at the shoulder. The large intersection had a rounded curb running from the eastern to the southern side. The curb ran all the way to the south of me, and it seemed suddenly strange that i had not noticed the curb before, because i had come from that direction. There no longer seemed to be a street to the south of me. I then said that where they stood for a bus also depended on where they were heading. I said that a bus stop was also on the curb to the northeast, but it went in the other direction. I looked to the northeast, noticing others standing on the curb. The woman sighed. She was not sure which bus stop to wait at. I told her that the bus station was just to the northwest, thinking that she could go there to check the maps of the routes to see which stop she should wait at. We were then a little to the north, and i pointed to the west. The bus station was a tan brick building. It seemed to be to the west of where the people had been standing for the bus stop. A narrow drive ran along the southern side of the building. I looked down the alley where the drive ran. The tan building was long, with a flat featureless edifice. I thought that the entrance to the bus station was farther down the street than we could see. I told the couple that they could go in and ask about the bus. I continued to the north on my bicycle, hoping that the bus did not come while they were in the station. The street was wet here, and it sloped downhill slightly. I relaxed, and my bicycle started to speed up as it rolled down the hill. I was aware that $Z was following me, to the southeast of me. I hoped that it would be easy to drive on the hill. I thought that we would have to control our bicycles on the wet surface. I shifted to the west a little to avoid a manhole cover in the street. The hill was now getting steeper. I tensed, grabbing the handlebars more tightly. We had to make sure that we could control our bikes, because i knew that the wet pavement would be slippery. I talked to $Z as we turned to the west. It seemed that we were near the large university campus, which was to the north of us. As we moved along the southern side of the large room, i talked about riding our bicycles here. $Z told me that he had his car nearby. I thought that $Z could give me a ride, and i mentioned driving my bicycle home with me in the car. I thought that this would be a good idea. It was getting late, and we could get home more quickly if we drove. I started to gather my things in this place. A large wooden table or counter was in the center of the room. We headed to the north, along the eastern side of it. This house belonged to a friend of $F1. I had picked up my things, but i was having trouble carrying them. I thought that it would be difficult to carry them on a bicycle. It was nice that $F1 was going to drive me home from here. I looked at the ceiling to the north of me as i walked across the room. It had a map on it. The map had a pale-blue background, and the mountains were rendered in shallow relief on the surface of the ceiling. The others talked about the map as i stood and looked it over. I then continued to the north, heading into the small alcove with a slanted ceiling. As we entered the alcove, a man told the others to look up at the ceiling. I glanced up, noticing that the map was on the ceiling here too. I realized that the map covered the ceiling across the entire room. It seemed very nice. I was still carrying some things from this place. Many small states and figurines seemed to be in the room, and i still had some of them in my arms. We could take some collectibles with us, but i thought that we could not take most. We would have to decide what we could take with us. The small statues seemed very nice. I moved to the south, trying to look around at some of the other figurines but aware that i had to head home. The room had several tables, and many of the surfaces seemed crowded with the statues. A long surface was to the south of us. To the north, counters extended into the room from the east and west, creating a narrower opening in the center of the room. Thin poles ran through the counter to support shelfs farther up. I looked at the statues on the shelfs and counters of the cluttered room. I had several of the ceramic statues in my arms. $F1 was to the southwest of me, and he was carrying a large ceramic dragon in his arms. The dragon was nicely designed. It was curved back and forth vertically, and it had a head like an East Asian depiction of a dragon. I looked at some of the things on the table to the south of me, gathering a few. I took them to the eastern side of the southern end of the room and put them on an empty counter to keep them together. $F1 was talking to a man to the west of me. $F1 seemed unhappy about something. The man responded to him, and $F1 left the room, heading east. I wondered what he was upset about. I then realized that he had left his things in the room. I picked up his heavy denim jacked from the back of a chair, which as on the eastern side of a table in the center of the room. I then thought that he must have left his dragon here as well. It seemed strange that he would leave without taking his things. I worried about him, hoping that he was all right.

12021 April 07

I sat in a wooden armchair on the northern side of the classroom, facing east. I had been taking a test on the paper in front of me, but i had finished already, and i was looking around the classroom. $Z was sitting behind me, to the west. Others were sitting at tables to the south of me. I then realized that someone in the room was talking. I looked to the east, where two young women were sitting on a table on the eastern side of the room. They were lying across the table, one with her head to the north and the other with her head to the south, and they talked to each other rather loudly. A woman who was sitting in the center of the room on the western side of one of the wooden tables scowled as she turned around toward them. She was annoyed with them, and she told them to be quiet. Two other men sat at the table in the center of the room. They sat on the eastern side. I looked again at the two women, who i now noticed were wearing very colorful dresses. The bright colors seemed to be flowered print. I looked at them for a moment, noticing that they scowled back at the woman who had asked them to be quiet. I thought that they were trying to be defiant. I then turned back to my paper and tried to continue the test. The two women to the east continued to make noise. I stared for a moment at the paper in front of me, wondering why i had finished so early. The others still seemed to be working on their tests. I flipped back through the pages of the test, which were stapled at the upper left. I was aware that the two people behind me were still working on their tests. Looking at the test i had, i could see that the first two pages were regular test questions, which i had answered. The next section was a special section for the trip to Roma. This was for the people who did study abroad. The front page of the section had a block of text at the top and the face of a woman on the left side of the sheet. The faded blue background was in thin stripes. I turned the page; the next page had a larger block of text filling the upper half. I wondered if i should have read the text on these pages as well, even though i did not attend the study abroad. I glanced over the text and realized that it was a description of something. I thought that it was part of the test that i should be doing. I looked again at the top of the page, where a thick dark-purple bar ran across the top of the page. The bar was about a centimeter thick and spanned from margin to margin. I was supposed to compare this banner to the text below, which was in a similar color of purple. I thought that the color of the first line seemed more saturated but not brighter. I thought that this might be the answer, but i realized that i did not know how to enter that on the test. I felt confused and started to feel stressed. I hoped that i had not wasted too much time waiting for the others to be done. I would have to finish this section of the test, and i did not yet understand it. I tried to read the text at the top of the page, and then i started writing something on the black form, which was a few pages later. I wrote my name on the form, but then i realized that i could not see the ink because the background of the form was black, and the ink was dark. I felt annoyed, and i rewrote my last name, tracking the lines to make them thicker. I felt very stressed.

12021 April 09

I moved to the west, through the central corridor of the mall, heading down the northern side of the corridor. I had to get something here, and i felt hurried. I thought that i was buying something that was gold, and i thought that the store must have known what they were selling me. This seemed to be part of a story, and i thought about the story and how it went. I turned to the north, walking into a small store with white walls. The store was very narrow, and it was dimly lighted. Shelfs lined the store, and a small round display column was in the center of the room. Everything in the store seemed to be wrapped like a gift. I realized that this was not the correct store, and i left, heading again to the north on the western side of the store. As i exited, i was again to the south of the store, near the shelfs. People were coming into the store, and the store started to feel crowded. I then realized that i did not have my mask on. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that i should be wearing a mask in public. I stood on the west of the central display, trying to avoid the women who had come in and moved to the east of the display. One of the women then rounded the display and shoved me out of her way. I felt annoyed. I thought that i should have shoved her back, but i did not really want to start a confrontation in the store. I still had what i had purchased earlier in my arms. It seemed like a packet of paper, and i knew that it was gold paper. I headed to the east, now in the main corridor of the mall. I walked a little way and then turned south into an office. I pushed open the glass door to the office and walked inside. The office seemed small, with white walls that were lined with dark horizontal grooves. This seemed to be the office where i worked, and $A807 seemed to be at a desk just to the east of the door. I told no one in particular that i had bought the paper, and i put the small stack of paper on the counter that was just to the west of the door. $A643 seemed surprised that i had purchased the paper, and she walked over to look at it from the southwest. $A678 passed to the north of me, looking at the paper. He rounded the northern end of the counter and leaned on the western side, saying that i did not look at the receipt. I felt uncomfortable and picked up the receipt from the top of the paper. I showed it to $A643, who now stood to the south of me. I held the receipt in my left hand as she and i read it. It said that the total was approximately $475. At the top of the paper, it had “99” printed. “Holy shit.”, i exclaimed, “That better be a full ream.” $A643 said that we should take back the paper. I had not expected it to be this expensive, and i thought that they must have sold me something more expensive than what i was looking for. Everyone around me seemed surprised at the price, and i did not think that we should have been charged that much. I felt annoyed that they would have sold me something so expensive without telling me.

12021 April 10

I stood on the southwestern side of the small room, waiting with the others. I looked at the map in my hand. It had a listing of the tour schedule. I seemed to be traveling with $A682, and the people around me were his friends from tour. $A682 was not here at the moment, but i was trying to schedule an airplane ticket to get me to the next stop. I looked down at the map again, seeing Vietnam in red, with a large star in the center of the country. We have to get tickets to Vietnam for the next show in the tour. After that, we will be heading to someplace that sounds like Milano. I moved a little to the north. I was standing just to the west of a wall, and the queue of people was lined up facing east. The wall ended at a corner just to the north of me, and the queue ran along the northern side of the wall and into a narrow doorway to the east. I looked at some of the people in the queue. I then realized that i was not in the queue yet and that i was standing three or four people from the end. I did not want the people to think that i was trying to get ahead in the queue. I wondered if i should continue standing here or if i should head to the end, which was to the west of me. I decided to walk to the end of the small group that i had been talking to. I passed through the queue and moved to the northwest. The man standing near the end of the queue seemed bulky, with a rough unattractive face. I moved just to the north of him and waited for a moment. Someone then said something to the east, and the people in the queue sighed and grumbled. Someone announced that the flights for this evening had been filled. The queue started to break up. I walked to the east to look at the schedules. I passed through the doorway and turned north in a narrow corridor. Tags were on the eastern wall of the corridor, and two red tags in the center of the wall had the times of the flights that were filled. I thought that the other tag was for a flight to a different city. We would not be able to go to Vietnam this evening. I wondered what we should do. I thought that we could try again tomorrow, but i realized that, if we traveled the next day, we might not have time to get to the show before it was over. I thought that it might be better to just travel to the next city in the tour and stay there for a few days. I knew that $A682 would not like that idea, but i thought that it would actually be better to stay in Europe than to try to make it all the way to Vietnam and back. I thought about the city, which seemed like Milano. I knew that it was in the middle of Spain. I did not speak Spanish that well, but i thought that i could stay in the city and see it while i waited for the others to come for the tour.

I walked to the north along the eastern side of the building. I had been walking with $G4. I set a trail, and i looked back to the south to see some of the others still wandering around on the marks that i had set to the south of the building. I pictured the trail as starting on the northwestern side of the building, running to the south along the western side, and heading out into a playground-like area to the south. As i looked south, i could see the image of the red trail imposed on my view of the playground. The trail seemed to make a long pointed angle to the south. It then came back to the north along the eastern side of the building. I could still see $F79 walking to the north from the playground. I wondered if the others had found the rest of trail. As i reached the sidewalk that ran along the northern side of the building, i knew that i had placed a false trail just to the west, in front of the building. The others should have seen that and gone to search elsewhere. I knew that the trail continued far to the west, beyond where the false mark was. The others were wandering around just to the north of me. They must not have seen the false mark. I moved a little to the west a little, to the north of the building. The ground was covered with a thin layer of white, and someone had dragged something through the white to make a large arrow that pointed to the east. Letters and other marks were around the arrow. I thought that $G4 might think that the mark was one of our marks, but it should not have been there. I wondered if $A808 had made the mark. He had set the trail with me. If the others had seen the mark, they might not have noticed the false mark just to the northwest of it. I moved toward the arrow, which was just to the south of a wood rail fence. $F57 was standing to the northwest of the mark, and asked him where the mark had come from. He did not know. I looked more closely at the mark, thinking that it was too confusing for the runners to figure out. I walked to the north, into the middle of the street. The others were moving all around, trying to find the rest of the trail. Some were heading into small paths that ran to the north. I called everyone together. They looked at me, and i was facing west, down the street. The street seemed to end about twenty meters or so to the west of me. A group of runners in brightly colored T-shirts and shorts had stopped to look at me. They had been heading to the north from the end of the street. I knew that they were heading in the correct direction. The watched me for a moment, and then continued on to the north. I started walking west to follow them. The large brown building at the northern corner of the street seemed to be a parking garage. I started walking to the north along the western side of it, talking to some of the others. We joked about something. A woman to the east of me seemed like $A809. She said something about what i was doing. I joked with her: “If you know exactly where i am, then you have no idea what i’m thinking.” She chuckled at that, and i knew that she understood the reference to the uncertainty principle. I tried to think of a good second half to the statement. I thought “If you know what i’m thinking, then you have no idea what i’ve broken.” I pictured a mischievous child in a bathroom to the west. The flow of the idea did not seem quite right, though. I tried to think of a better ending to the saying as i turned to the west and continued down the other street. I thought about how i could end the saying. I wanted the two parts to be somewhat related but not a transposition of two things, like the original. I thought about this as i turned to the east and started up the steep hill. I had been heading to the south, toward the building, which seemed like a high school. The hill ran up a long slope to the east, with the high-school playing fields to the south of it. I walked backward as i thought about something, noticing the strain in my thigh muscles. I was pushing a chair up the hill behind me as i walked. I turned around and started walking up the hill to the east, but something seemed wrong about the position. I turned to face west again and leaned back into the rolling desk chair, pushing up the hill with my legs. Again, i felt the burning sensation in my thighs as i pushed my way up the hill. I thought that this exercise would be good, though. As i walked, i noticed that a rounded section of the road under me was pale. It seemed to be related to snow bank just to the south of me, on the northern side of the playing field, just to the south of the low chain-link fence that surrounded the field. I wondered what caused the white spot. The spot looked like a salt stain on the asphalt. A man was jogging to the west along the southern side of the chain-link fence. He was off to the southwest of me. Others from $G4 were jogging up the hill to the north of him. As they reached me, a woman pointed out the patches of white on the road. I turned to the east again, noticing that the roughly semi-circular patches spread into the road from the southern edge at somewhat regular intervals. I thought that they must have been from blowing snow from the mounds in the playing field. Near the top of the hill, we started to gather together again. I stopped to wait with the others to catch up. The woman was talking to me about something, and i replied. I then looked back to the south, over the open valley. A cliff seemed to be just to the southwest of us, on the other side of the fence. I could see across a steep gorge. The tall striated cliffs were tan, and they looked interesting against the purple sky beyond. I took a few steps to the east and looked again at the cliffs to the southwest. The sun had set or had not yet risen, and the dark purple sky had a faint orange glow just above the cliff. The top of the cliff was lined with green trees and a house or two, but a fog blurred the orange light into the tan stones below. The colors seemed intense and vibrant, and the entire scene looked beautiful. I said something to the man to the east of me as i glanced at him. I wanted to take a picture of the scene, but i realized that i did not have my cell phone with me on the run. I was disappointed, and i remembered that there was something else on the run that i had wanted to take a picture of as well. I knew that i could not capture the moment again, and i felt disappointed that i did not have a camera. I started talking to the others who were near me. The scene then seemed to change, and we were in a narrow corridor with a cement ceiling. We stepped to the south, into the narrow corridor that ran south-southwest from the main corridor. The walls of the narrow corridor were covered with yellow tile, and the fluorescent lights seemed dull and off-color. A white train car was set into the western wall of the corridor. A door at the northern end of the car was open, and i could see the seats in the narrow car. The woman with me said something about the car, and she moved to the western wall, just to the north of the car, and pulled down a black bar on two leavers. I knew that this would send the train back to the other end of the line. She then walked over to the rear of the train and pulled down the door, closing the train. I thought that we should have had someone in the train, but it was mischievous to close it and send it back empty. I talked about the train with the woman as we looked down the corridor to the south. We had to get back to someplace so that we could leave here. I mentioned how the train went back to the main part of the city from this airport terminal. A man had come into the corridor with us, and he stood to the north of us. I started walking north, thinking that we had to go back to the main corridor and then down another corridor to get out. I tried to talk about the train line that shuttled to the center of the city, but i could not quite remember the words. I said that it was an airplane and then said that that was not correct. The man said that it was a metro commuter train, which was the correct term. I agreed with him as i turned to the east into the main corridor. I pressed close to the southern wall of the corridor, trying to squeeze between something as i turned to the southwest into another narrow corridor. I was following the woman as we headed for the exit.

12021 April 11

I ascended the stairs, heading east, into the building. The stone steps led up to the large academic building. As i reached the landing near the door of the building, someone mentioned the fire. I remembered hearing sirens earlier, and i wondered what was on fire. I headed back to the west, moving along the side of the building on a landing that ran just to the north of the stairs that i had ascended. The cement platform had white metal railings, and it was covered with a roof that attached to the building, which was to the north of it. The land around us seemed to be part of a college campus, but it was mostly covered with trees that hid the suburban houses under them. Smoke was rising to the southwest of me, where the land sloped down slightly. I could not quite see the bottom of the fire, so i grabbed on to one of the poles that supported the roof and lifted myself. I was aware that others were watching me do this, and i felt a little self conscious. I looked again at the smoke. I thought that it was coming from a building i knew. It did not seem to be that far away. It was rising among the cluster of tall buildings, which i thought were part of Colonie. I had suspected that the fire was in that part of town. As i looked, though, i realized that the tall buildings were too tall for Colonie. There were also too many buildings in the area. Colonie should have been a wide area of low buildings. I looked as though it might be the downtown area, but that did not seem right either. I wondered if the fire was at the university, but i decided that there were also too many tall buildings in the area for it to be the university campus. I was not sure where it was, and i wondered where it could be and what could be burning. I talked to others in the small section of the building. I then moved to the east, into the small room of the building. I thought that someone must have been cooking to the west. I talked with the people in the room. A number of people were gathered here, and it seemed like a family event. I felt a little out of place here, and i started driving to the west. $F1 was in the passenger’s seat of the car as i drove, and i asked him if he recognized the area. I thought that it was somewhere in Endicott. I then thought that we really needed to travel to the big city to the east. We seemed to be on Main Street somewhere near Page Avenue. This is not where we had to go. The buildings on the sides of the street were tall here, which seemed strange for the area. Things had changed since i had last been here. I asked $F1 about this place, but he said that he did not recognize much. We were moving east now, and i thought that we were somewhere near Nanticoke Avenue. It seemed that we had been traveling a long time. I looked around, and the buildings around us were different that what i remembered. Everything seemed old, but it was more modern then it should have been. I thought about what this place should have looked like. Again, it seemed that we had been traveling for a very long time, and we were now in a different place. I wondered if we had traveled all the way to Binghamton already. I then noticed a large rusty round sphere on the top of a low building to the south of the street. It looked like an old storage tank, and i thought that i remembered it from before. We were actually near Washington Avenue. We were still heading to the east, and we were about to pass the avenue. I told $F1 to look down the avenue to see how much things had changed. I knew that none of the stores from the old downtown shopping district would be there. We passed the avenue and continued east. My mother was now to the south of me, in the back seat of the car. She mentioned cooking something, and i remembered that we had been staying in the small room of the house. I pictured the floor plan of the house. A large rectangular room was on the southern side of the area, and two small rooms were to the north of it. We were in the room on the northwest. The northern rooms were oddly shaped, though. They were roughly L-shaped, but the walls were uneven and rough, making the two rooms look more like caves. I told $F1 that the gas they had used to cook in the apartment smelled bad. I remembered the petrol smell of the flames. I added that there must have been some pollutant in the gas to make it smell bad.

12021 April 12

I felt very stressed as i watched the water flow over the ground to the north of me. The current seemed to be moving to the north or northwest, but the silty water was very shallow. I thought that the area was flooding from all of the rain that we had had. I then heard an announcer talk about the flooding. The voice referred to the river as “one big torrent”. The wide river ran to the east of me, flowing north. It moved slowly around the shallow hill that i was standing on. I felt worried but not in danger, and i thought that i would have to call my grandmother and ask if she was okay. I thought that her house might be in a flood area. I worried that she might be evacuated from her home. I started to pace around at the top of the hill, wondering what i could do. I then noticed that the water was covering the ground under me. I noticed that it was covering the outline of what used to be a house to the east of me. I wondered what i should do. I felt very anxious.

I was with my family in the room of the building, which seemed like a hotel. I was near the southern side of the room, sitting on a surface that seemed like a couch, facing north. I had to get my things together so that we could go somewhere. I felt anxious. I picked up a bag of sandwiches from the low surface to the north of me. My mother had been to the east of me, but she moved to the north. At the northern end of the room, she turned to the east and headed down a short hallway, which seemed to be flush with the northern wall of the room. I knew that our roof of the hotel suite was to the north of the short corridor. I felt uneasy as i got my things together. $K1 was sitting to the east of me on the couch. My blue duffel bag was on the floor between her and me, and she put something into it. I felt annoyed with her, thinking that she was trying to do something deceptive. I asked her what she had put in my bag. She did not seem to respond, but she took the thing back out of my bag without acknowledging me. We then got up and walked to the east, taking the bags with us. We turned to the south in the hallway, and then we were heading back to the west. We talked about the sandwiches that we had been packing for the trip. One sandwich was peanut butter and jelly, and the other was peanut butter and cheese. I thought that i would probably not like the cheese sandwich. I then noticed the people to the west of us. They were trying to back up a camping trailer. One of the people was in a blue car, and he was trying to back the white boxy trailer to the west. He seemed to be $F7. A woman stood outside the car, trying to direct him on how to back up. I felt a little concerned as the back of the trailer approached an edge of the dirt lot where the land dropped off. As the trailer reached the edge, it suddenly opened up. The walls fell to the sides. The trailer was opening up so that people could use it for camping. I was relieved that the trailer was not backing up anymore. I had been worried that it would bounce over the edge and fall. Dishes then fell out from the western side of the trailer, landing on the ground. I moved through the white trailer, looking through the opening to the west where the white dishes had fallen. The woman was moving with me, and i talked to her about the dishes. I thought that the hotel would take some of the dishes to our room to use. I knew that the hotel was a fancy hotel, and they would use the dishes from the trailer, because they were of high quality. Everything about the trailer seemed high quality and fancy. I stopped in the middle of the room of the trailer, noticing the man to the south of me. He was wearing a uniform that seemed to be a hotel uniform. I talked to him and the woman about the dishes, mentioning that they would be good to use in the hotel room. I then noticed the tall bottles of alcohol on the shelf to the south. I thought that they should be moved to the room as well, but i did not want to mention them, because i thought that the others might think that i simply wanted to get drunk. The man in the uniform then started chatting with me about this place. He leaned close to me and put his right arm over my shoulders as he stood to the south of me. We were both facing west. I knew that he was homosexual and that he was hesitant to reveal anything as he spoke to me. I felt flattered that he might be interested in me. I knew that this was not the same time period that i was from. We seemed to be in the past, and the fanciness of this place seemed to be more in the period of the time. Something about the woodwork made me thing that this was in the early nineteen hundreds. The man seemed nervous, but he wanted to talk to me. I was not sure what to do, though. I was then aware that others were to the west of us, listening to us talk about the area around us. The others seemed to be teenage children, and i thought that they would taunt the man for being homosexual. I tried to act casually, pretending that it did not occur to me that the man would be anything different than anyone else. I did not want the man to feel uncomfortable, and i did not want to show the teenagers that their bigotry had any effect. I looked to the north, across the landscape. The center of the city seemed to be to the northeast of us. It had taller buildings that the surrounding area. I thought that they had a homosexual community in this city in this time period, but the homosexuals would hide their actions from the general public. The culture was not yet open to different types of people.

12021 April 13

I was with the small group of people, sitting on the grass, facing north. $A5 was standing to the north of us, trying to teach us something about a sport. I was sitting near the western side of the group, and $A5 approached me and handed me a plastic cup of beer. He then continued talking to the others. I took a sip of the beer, but i realized that this suddenly seemed strange. I was still a high-school student, so i should not be drinking beer. $A5 continued talking to the people on the southern side of our group. He was now to the southeast of me. He had a football in his hands, and he put it down on the ground, setting it up for a game. I wondered what i should do with the cup of beer. I turned to some of the others to the north of me and quietly asked if it was okay for me to be drinking beer here. I seemed to be old enough to have the beer, but i knew that the others were still students. The young man and woman said that i should not have the drink on school property. I felt uneasy about holding it and wondered what i should do with it. I felt concerned holding the cup, thinking that i might get in trouble for having it. I then stated wondering why $A5 would have handed it to me. I felt suspicious of his intentions. A car came from the east and stopped just to the east of $A5. I suddenly realized that he had been standing in the middle of the road and that he had set up the football in the middle of the pavement. He was in the way of traffic. The person in the car started yelling at $A5, insulting him. Several people seemed to be in the car, and they were all yelling derogatory remarks. The driver leaned out the window and referred to us as “faggots”. The others in the car continued to tease us. This seemed like a strange situation. The students on the grass to the south of the road seemed to be ignoring the men. I stood in the middle of them. $A5 seemed angry with the men, though, and he talked sternly to them. A man then ran north from the crowd of students. He sprinted toward the football and kicked it toward the car. The ball flew over the car in a high arc. The passengers in the car watched, suddenly seeming impressed. The man had proven that the people here were just as capable of playing the sport as anyone else. The others then started wandering around on the grassy are. I started walking to the east, talking with some of the others as i moved. I still had the beer in my left hand, and i drank the rest of what was in the cup. I had put the cup in the left breast pocket of my shirt and had just removed it. I heard the others around me talking about the beer. They then mentioned other recreational drugs. I headed up the steep slope to the northwest, into the building. When i came into the room, i was surprise to see the tables along the western and northern walls, which seemed to be covered with trays and pots of food. The room seemed to have a lot of food it in. I commented on the amount of food as i started walking to the east along the southern side of one of the tables. $A86 walked past me, heading west. I looked at the many small heated crocks of food on the table to the north of me.

12021 April 14

I was unsure what i should be doing as i stood in the middle of the small store. I seemed to be standing near the western side of the old grocery store. The aisles of shelfs stretched to east of me, and a counter seemed run along the southern wall to the south of me. I had come here with another person, and he was looking for something in the store. He walked into the room to the east. I felt agitated, thinking that i had to do something. I looked into the open room to the east. The western end of the room, where i was, seemed narrower than the eastern side. The entry door was to the north of me, and it was set into the store. It seemed as though the outside of the store had a square niche taken out of the northwestern corner. The square seemed to be about three meters on a side. The walls of the room to the east were white, and i suddenly noticed that the northern side of the room seemed bare. The white shelfs along the northern wall had nothing on them, and the standing shelfs that formed the first division between the aisles also seemed to be bare and missing some shelfs. I moved around near the southern side of the store, pacing first to the east and then back to the west. A man was moving around by the counter on the southern side of the store. He was a pudgy man, wearing a white shirt and dark pants. He seemed to be the manager of the store. He moved around on the eastern side of the service counter, doing something. I thought that it must be getting late, and i wondered if he was getting ready to close the store. I then felt anxious again, thinking that we had to leave the store so that we could do something. I thought that i needed something from the store, though. I started to move to the east. To my surprise, the eastern side of the store was now totally empty. Most of the shelfs have been removed, and the few that remained were bark and in disarray. I thought that the store employees must have been moving things around in the store and had just cleared out this section. I wondered where i could find what i was looking for. I turned to the south to ask the shop manager. He was hanging pegs on the white southern wall, to the east of a doorway, which was to the east of the eastern end of the counter. I asked him a question about the store, but he did not answer me. I was aware that he had heard me, and it seemed that he was ignoring me. He stepped into the darkened doorway to the south and slided a white plastic door closed, sliding it from the east to the west. I asked him if the store was closing. He glanced at me with annoyance just before he disappeared behind the door. I felt annoyed that he was ignoring me. I thought that the shop must be closed while they were rearranging the shelfs in it. Disappointed, i headed to the north to leave. I pushed open the glass door in the aluminium frame and stepped into the small breezeway area outside. The room seemed more like a porch. I turned to the west and walked through a doorway and into a small bedroom. $F71 was sleeping on the bed, which was against the western wall of the room. I started playing a small instrument, which was like a guitar. As i played something on the guitar, i heard the sound of music coming from outside the building. I knew that we were in an urban area. I then heard the man outside of the room, to the east. I looked down at the small guitar than i was playing. The plastic strings were coiled tightly over the sound hole in the middle of the body of the guitar. They vibrated like a coiled chime. I was about to put the instrument down on the bed when a man came into the room from the east. He was older, and he said that we should do something. He wanted to go out and do something in the city, and he suggested getting drinks. I told him that drinking was not an event. I then thought that $F71 was not feeling well. He was still sleeping on the mattress, which was now to the south of me. The man still wanted to go out, so he suggested that we go someplace to listen to music. I felt bad that $F71 was not feeling well, and i thought that he would not be able to go with us.

12021 April 16

It seemed like a gray day, and i was outside, behind a small barn, cleaning up things from the ground. I was to the north of the barn. Other people had been with me, but they moved off to the northeast. I felt frustrated that i had to clean up the area. I picked up several broken branches and tossed them into a grinder, which was to the west of me. I felt that i had to be careful not to toss things in the grinder too quickly, or it might get jammed. I then thought that i should be careful about pushing things into the grinder. I picked up a large chunk of wood and tossed it into the orange metal chute of the grinder. It disappeared quickly, but i did not see it getting chopped up. I looked into the chute, seeing the spinning blades. I thought it strange that the wood just disappeared without being ground up. I grabbed some other things to the southeast of me. A campfire was to the south of me now, and i had to be careful as i stepped over it to gather something from the ground.

I was in an outdoor area near a small run-down barn. This place seemed very familiar. I recognized it from before, but i knew that i had not been here in a very long time. People had been near me, but they moved off to the north and northeast. Gray stone stairs ran up to the north, climbing up the levels of the building in wide steps. I thought that a large plaza was at the top of the ascending terraces. This place seemed like a public mall. I was aware of two men near me, to the northeast of me. I thought that one was watching me. I walked to the west, thinking that i would head to the upper level of the mall. Not many people knew about the upper levels. The man followed me. I turned to the north, heading up a set of stairs that climbed over the terraces. The stairs ran along the eastern side of a wall, and there was no railing on the eastern side of the steps. At the end of the wall, the stairs turned to the west and ascended a few meters more. At the top, i noticed the tables that were in the square area. Raised planters surrounded the area, which seemed to be a kitchen and restaurant. The kitchen ran along the southeastern side of the area, across a black wall. I continued to the west, aware that the man was still following me. It felt good that the man was interested in me and following me. I turned to the north and headed down a narrow set of steps. Others had started down the stairs before me, and they were about three meters in front of me. I then noticed some people sitting on pillows under an overhanding set of stairs. This did not seem right. I should not have been descending the stairs and under the stairs at the same time. I wondered how this was possible. I then looked to the west, down the wide open corridor of the mall, which now seemed like an alley behind the mall. The northern wall of the building was open, and i could see the compartments in the wall where the stores were. I felt confused. I had wanted to stay on the upper level, and i wondered why i had descended the stairs. I looked at the large openings in the wall that was to the south of the alley. I could see into the backs of the stores. I had a better view into the stores on the second level, because i was still a way from the ground. The first store on the second level to the west of me seemed to be a sporting-goods store. It had small boxes of sports equipment and shoes. I then noticed a man near the back of the store. He was taking off a black T-shirt so that he could try a second shirt on. I talked to the man with me as i looked at the items in the backs of the stores. The man with me was $A810. I realized that i had not seen him in a while, and it felt very good to see him.

12021 April 18

We were cleaning up after an event, and we were in the northern room of the house. Many people seemed to have been at the event. I felt a little saddened by the event, but i was focusing on cleaning things up at the moment. I did something near the eastern side of the southern end of the room. I had something in my hands, which seemed to be a wide deep tray. Someone to the northwest of me mentioned my name; they then mentioned Tim Reynolds and someone else. I thought that the three of us had tried to do something. I carried the tray to the north. I seemed to be in an industrial kitchen, cleaning up after the event for my grandmother. The northern and western walls seemed to have stainless-steel counters for washing dishes and pans. After i put the item no the counter to the north, i thought about something that happened in the event. I then noticed the square metal tray that was sitting on the counter on the western wall. It had a stack of old books lined up along the western side of the pan. The leather-bound books were in the pan, and the pan had water in it. I wondered why someone had put the books into the water, which seemed to be water and meat juices from the meal. I said something about the books as i moved toward them. The books looked old, and they were obviously falling apart. I thought that someone was throwing them out, and i felt a little bad about wasting the books. The books stood with their spines facing east, and the books on the southern end were mostly taller than the ones on the northern end. A few short books were near the center of the northern end, but the northernmost books seemed tall and thin. I pulled one of the old books from the northern end of the row to look at it. A person to the north of me warned me about the books, but i thought that they were warning me that the books were wet. I pulled the leather book out of the row and opened it. The pages inside were rotten and decaying, and they were covered with green mold. The smell of the mold itched my nose. I closed the book and put it back in the rack, agreeing with the other person about the condition of the books.

I moved around on the eastern side of the bedroom, which seemed like the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. My mother was lying on the eastern side of the large mattress, which seemed to be in the center of the floor. I walked to the south, near her. She said that we had to get something. I looked along the northern wall of the room. I thought that we still had to get something out of my grandmother’s house. I felt sad about it, and i was not quite sure what it was.

12021 April 20

I drove the car to the north, but i felt stressed about driving. $K3 was on the driver’s side of the front seat, and $K1 was sitting in the passenger’s seat as i drove from the back seat of the car. I thought that i knew where i was going, but once i saw the roads, i felt unsure. A highway ran along the western side of the road that we were on. I could have gotten on it, but i did not think that it went in the correct direction. We were supposed to pick up my grandmother. The highway curved to the west, and i moved to the eastern lane. I stopped suddenly, noticing that the lane that i was driving in had stopped. A dotted white line marked the end of the lane as the road curved to the west. The outside of the lane had thin metal poles with reflectors on the top. I was turning onto a small drive that ran through an opening in the poles. I stopped suddenly at the opening, feeling very unsure and nervous about where to go. The road ahead ran east to west, but i thought that i would have to cross it. I told the others that i was not really sure i was going the correct direction. I then felt bad, because they had assumed i had known what i was doing. I did not want to disappoint them. I started driving to the north, but i pictured the large mall, which seemed to be somewhere to the west of us, just to the west of the highway. I thought that my grandmother lived somewhere near it. I tried to picture the map in my head, but i could not decide where i should go. I turned to the west, thinking that the large mall was to the west of me. I pictured it as if from above. It was a roughly square dark-gray area with squares around each corner. I realized that my grandmother lived near this place, and this place was just off the highway, so i could have stayed on the highway. I had thought that the highway ran to the northwest, toward the other city. I remembered this from before. I felt confused. I drove to the west, focusing on the steering wheel in front of me as i sat behind the passenger’s seat. The car moved a little to the south, and i realized that $K3 had touched the steering wheel in front of her. I felt annoyed that she had done it, but i did not say anything. As i got on the highway, i looked forward. I felt uncertain about driving the vehicle, not sure that i could properly control it. $K3 leaned back in her seat, pointing to the steering wheel with her left hand. She said that it had locked up. I told her that this was a good thing. I was driving the car with the other steering wheel, so she should not have been using the one in front of her. I tried to focus on the road, but $K3 moved her steering wheel again. The van swerved to the south suddenly, heading into the tall cement wall that ran along the side the highway.

12021 April 23

I moved to the east, entering the large outdoor area, which seemed like a paved parking lot to the east of a building. The others were gathering in the lot for the performance. It had been a long time since i had done any theater performances, and i felt a little nervous. This group of actors seemed like they were from a Shakespeare company. I moved around on the eastern side of the group, watching the others interact. There were many actors here, and i thought that i probably knew several of them. They then turned to the west, toward the stage and started singing. We were inside a large theater now, with dull black walls. I knew the songs that they were singing. They were from the show that we were supposed to be doing. I felt a little worried, though, thinking that i had not acted in a show in a very long time. I then felt uneasy, thinking that i did not know the rest of the part that i was supposed to be performing. I stood in the center of the room, trying to remember what i was supposed to be doing as the others sang from the play. I realized that i was not quite prepared for this part, and i wondered what i should do. I headed to the south and then turned east, walking between the southern wall and what seemed to be the chairs of the audience. The chairs seemed to be three or four meters from the wall. I exited the theater and came into the smaller back room. A set of metal shelfs was against the southern wall of the room, and a round wooden table was in the center. Several people were moving around in the room, looking at small black books. I knew that the books were scripts for the play. I had to find mine so that i could read through my part. I did not have my book with me at the moment. I then remembered that the script had been in my notebook, which i had lost last year. I felt upset and wondered what to do. I looked at the notebooks on the shelf to the north and wondered if any of them were extra copies of the script. I pulled a few from the shelf, but i realized that they were all empty. A stack of notebooks was also under a wooden counter to the northeast of me, in the center of the room. I looked through them, hoping to find a copy of the script. $A623 was then in the room, to the south of me. She had come in to talk to some of the others here. I felt frustrated, and i hope that she did not ask me why i was searching through the books. I picked up a small hardcover maroon book. I thought that it might be the correct script, but it was not. The front cover of the book was partially torn off. I felt upset, and i kept looking. I worried that i did not know my lines well enough, but then i thought that i probably knew the lyrics to the songs. I was then back in the auditorium, wandering around nervously. The other actors were moving around the theater, practicing their lines. I suddenly realized that the show would be starting soon. Distressed, i headed to the east, down the corridor on the northern side of the theater. The corridor, which had black walls and floor, sloped upward as it neared the back of the stage. The actors were wandering around freely before the start of the show. I wondered what to do. The audience seemed to be to the east of us. I then realized that, as i had walked up the ramp on the northern side of the audience and walked onto the stage, i was in view of the audience. The audience should not have seen me. I moved quickly to the north, trying to get farther out of the audience view around the corner of the stage. I felt annoyed that i had wandered through the opening. I was very upset that i did not have my script. The actors started to perform to the south of me. I was so distressed that i felt as though i wanted to cry. I did not know what to do. I then realized that i did not even have my costume with me, and i felt even worse. I was supposed to be wearing an Elizabethan costume, but i was still wearing a red and white plaid shirt. I would look very out of place among the other actors. I felt that i could not perform. I would have to tell someone that i would ruin the play if i went on. The actors started to leave the stage. I had to find $A623. I walked to the west, into the theater, and i turned to the south to cross to the exit. Rather than walk to the main entrance in the middle of the western wall, i was heading for the double metal doors in the center of the southern wall, which seemed like fire doors. I thought that it would get me out of the theater more quickly. I had to find $A623. I hurried west down the corridor, which seemed to run along the outside of the building. $A623 was standing to the west of me with someone. I walked up to her, but she seemed stressed. I felt exasperated. I told her that i did not have my script and waited for a response. When she said nothing, i told her that i had looked for it so much that i had additionally forgotten to bring my costume. I felt very upset, and i thought that she would be very angry.

Something was happening in the room around me, and it felt as though it was part of a comic scene. I was looking to the west, at the scene from the center of the room. The characters to the west were oddly shaped creatures with thin arms and legs. They looked like animation characters, and everything was a shade of gray. One of the characters near the center of the group was holding up a large panel that was mirrored on one side. I knew that the mirror would fall as part of the gag. The characters stood relatively still for a moment, but then something disrupted the room. The large person seemed surprised, and dropped the panel. It fell to the north of him, but it landed on a smaller creature that was below it. The small creature caught the mirror, but the creature slowly became squashed under the weight of the mirror. It was intended to be comical, because the mirror was all right. The top of the panel tipped to the east and came to rest of the edge of a wooden bench. The other characters started moving around the room, as though they had not noticed that anything unusual was happening. A man stood to the east of me in the room, and i said something to him as i continued to look to the west at the scene. The leader of the characters then gave the mirror a considering look. Its eyes widened with an idea, and it declared that the panel should be repainted. He said that it was discussed, and he added “Strip it! Paint it.” Someone then suggest two things that could be put on the sign. He said “Cost of subway fare.”, and the sound of laughter filled the room. It was the kind of laughter that comes from a laugh track. The man to the east of me seemed to like the joke, but i was impartial to it. The man seemed like a good friend of mine, and i felt good having him there. We talked about the thing in the scene. I then noticed that the wall to the south had changed paint. It turned gray with white and black designs. I knew that the pattern had something to do with sexual intercourse. I talked about this with the other man. We then turned to the west and headed down the dirt road as we spoke. Other people were moving down the road with us. We all seemed to be part of a running event. I liked the idea of changing the entire scene, and i said this to the man with me, who seemed like $Z. The road then became a rural path, and trees were all around us. The trees were green with leafs. I recognized this place, and i told $Z that i remembered this from before. I spotted the dirt pile on the northern side of the road to the northwest of us. The trees were open along the side of the path, and i new that the dirt pile was rather tall even before i saw it. I told the man that the old wooden house was just beyond the dirt pile, and i moved to the west excitedly to see. I remembered a large boulder near the house as well. I hurried to the west and looked to the north, into a clearing just beyond the dirt pile. The house was a small wooden shack, with unfinished wood on the outside. It had a small peaked roof. A large gray boulder towered over the house, to the northwest of the house. I told the others that i remembered when the boulder had had fallen. The other man then mentioned it. He was with $Z and me, and he was shorter than both of us. I told them both how the boulder had fallen from the mountain and rolled over the trees, stopping just before hitting the house. I stopped and looked at the house and boulder for a moment. It felt very good being with these people. I moved a little to the west but stopped and turned back, heading down the corridor to the east. The shower rooms were to the east. I stopped near the shower room and started getting undressed. I then thought about the other two men, remembering that they were interested in me sexually. I was glad that they liked me, but i thought that $F71 would be upset if he knew that the men had tried to hook up with me. One of the men had said that i was attractive. It felt good to be here, but i knew that i could not do anything with the men. I got undressed and headed to the showers to the east.

12021 April 24

I chatted with the other person in the northern room of the place. I had been visiting this place with some friends. I knew the man from a while ago, and it seemed good to see him again. We walked to the south, into the smaller room. This place seemed like a pub, and the rooms were dimly lighted. The man asked me if i wanted to do something, and he seemed to suggest that i work at the pub here. I felt interested in the idea, but was unsure of what i should be doing. The man handed me something as he turned to head back to the north. I wondered what i should do. I felt a little unsure whether he really wanted me to work here. I moved near the eastern wall, where some jackets hung on low wooden pegs. I looked at the metal bottle opener in my hand. I put my index finger through the round opener and let the tool dangle below. The metal opener had a loop at either end to open bottle caps. I paced around the room for a moment. A round table was in the northern part of the room, and someone was sitting on the northeastern side of it. I started talking to him. He seemed to be $F7. I felt unsure of what i should do. I moved to the northern side of the table and put the opener on the table. I seemed to like holding it, but i was not sure what i should do with it. $F7 sat, facing south in the chair and reading a book. He slouched a little as he sat. I glanced at the bottle opener again, fighting the urge to pick it up again. I was not sure that the man to the north had wanted me to run this place. I felt interested in doing it, but i was unsure if he really wanted me to do it or if he handed me the opener for some other reason. I said something to $F7. He turned the page in his book and then flipped forward to a section at the back of the book, as though looking for something. I asked him about the book, and he told me what it was about. It seemed to have something to do with history. He then held the book toward me to read. It was actually a magazine. The front cover was white, and it had text in two columns on the front of it showing the contents. I realized that it was a science magazine, and i was surprised, because i had thought that it was a non-fiction book. I took the magazine to read the stories on the cover. They seemed to be technical essays on history and literature. $F7 said that i had to be careful with the magazine and be sure to give it back. I nodded in acknowledgment. He walked to the west, passing to the south of me, and he started talking with someone else in the room. I looked at the text on the cover, but i did not seem to read any of it. I then looked at the line of sans-serif text just below the title of the magazine. It said that the magazine was a prepublished edition of the journal and that it was associated with National Geographic. I thought that National Geographic was actually run by Christians now, which is why the articles were less scientific than they used to be. I turned to hand the magazine back to him as he talked with someone. I then noticed people coming into the building from the south. I started heading to the southwest, toward the corridor that ran from the southwestern side of the room. The western wall of the room now met a diagonal wall that ran to the southwest and then turned to the west just to the north of the corridor. I spotted $K1 walking toward me from the corridor. She seemed upset but happy to see me. She stopped a few meters from me, uncertain on what she should do. I wanted to hug her, but she seemed hesitant. She opened her arms, but seemed to want to touch hands to stay distant. I realized that she was trying to maintain quarantine protocol. She wore a brown dress and seemed to have a lot of rouge on her cheeks. I knew that she was against vaccinations, but i told her that i was vaccinated, so i did not mind being hugged. She moved close to me and i hugged her. She seemed upset, and i held her for a few moments. I wondered if the rest of my family would be coming here. I thought that $K3 might be coming as well. I let $K1 go and talked to her for a moment.

12021 April 25

I said something to my mother and then headed to the southeast, down the wide road. I was traveling across the outskirts of a city, and i was trying to get to the place. I thought that i was heading to the university, which seemed to be on the southern side of the road. I pictured the large campus and tried to remember where it was. I continued driving to the southeast. This road seemed like Central Avenue, and i wondered if the university might actually be to the north of it. I then noticed a wide flat area to the south of the road. The ground was dirt, and a few construction vehicles were in the area. I wondered if the university had been under construction during the pandemic. It did not seem practical that all of the buildings would have been torn down, though. I kept driving, but i tried to picture in my mind where the campus would be. I then thought that it would really be near Western Avenue. That did not seem correct either. I said something to the person to the north of me as we continued down the hallway to the east. We were now in the academic area, but we had not been in this part of the building before. We were trying to get to a place, and we were exploring this basement corridor. I stopped and looked at an opening on the southern side of the corridor. The opening was a small alcove with a door or panel inside. $Z and i talked about the room on the other side, guessing at what was in it. I felt that we probably should not be in this part of the building, but we wanted to explore. $Z then pointed out a set of stairs at the end of the corridor to the east of us. I moved toward them. The corridor ended, with a small room on the other side. The walls of the corridor were smooth cement, but the walls of the stairwell seemed to be stone or some other uneven surface. The narrow stairs ascended to the southeast, and the walls ran along both sides of the steps. A door was at the top of the stairs, but it seemed to be sealed. I thought that this door probably leaded into the president’s house. This was an old access corridor for the university officials. $Z and i talked about this for a moment. We walked back to the west a little, and i thought about the corridor. It had been abandoned a while ago, and i wondered if it were safe to be in. I thought that it must have led out from the building and probably crossed under a roadway. I wondered if people would be maintaining it or if it would eventually collapse. I thought that, if it collapsed, it would we dangerous for the roads above it, because it would cause a sinkhole.

I moved to the south a little. The western side of the small room had a counter running in front of it. I was trying to find someplace. The tall man moved to the south on the western side of the counter, and he asked me if he could help me. He seemed very formal. I was looking for someplace, and i was not quite sure where it was. I mentioned this to the man. He pointed to the map, which was on the counter in front of me. The top of the map faced north, and it seemed to show the eastern coast of an area. The map was white, with black lines for roads. Round and star-shaped marks indicated cities, and i looked at a city that was near the southern side of the map, where the coast curved to the west a little. This city was in a foreign land, and the man seemed to be an official from the other country. Something about the city seemed important. I turned to the east. I had been traveling with the other person, and we had come to this area. Other people were moving around us. The land to the north seemed to slope up into an embankment, though i could see a long strip of land running to the north, as though i were looking under an overpass. I then noticed the yellow rope-lift to the east of me. The ground was covered with snow, and the rope-lift was pulling people in a line to the north. The people were pushing the bright-yellow seats out from under them as they reached a point to the east of me. I thought that we had come here on the rope-lift, and i suddenly wondered how we would get back. I remembered the office where the man had showed me the map. He had mentioned the large city, which seemed to be near the bottom of the map. It seemed like someplace in New Jersey. I felt a little confused as i looked around. The long strip of land ran north and south, and the rope-lift ran along the eastern side of it. I thought that we would have to take it back, but it only ran in one direction. If we got on it, it would take us north, and i thought that we had to go south. I felt confused, not knowing how we would get back. A woman to the north of me glanced in my direction. She wore a bright yellow long coat that was very plain, and she had a matching hat. The jacket flared out a little below her waist, looking somewhat like a dress. I thought that she was one of the tour guides for this area. She seemed East Asian, and she smiled as she kept an eye on me. I felt uncertain and concerned. I did not know how to get back to the other place. I moved to the west a little. A gondola was moving across the ground to the northwest of me. It was heading to the west. I thought that we should take it. It seemed that it might help us get back to the room where i had seen the map, which seemed to be in the city to the south. I felt uneasy. I said something to the person to the north of me as i turned back to the east. We were driving down the road, but this direction was not correct. I looked out the window at the flat land. I could see only the grassy areas on the sides of the road around us. The road ran down a slight recession in the land. We turned around and headed back to the west. I felt better heading in this direction. I looked up at a thin black wire that crossed over the road. I could see a security camera on it. I realized that the officials would be able to keep track of us, so they would have known where we were. I felt relieved that someone knew that we were lost, but i also felt annoyed that they had let us get lost. I thought again of the small room where i had seen the map. I felt that we had to get back to that area, which seemed to be quite a way to the south of us.

I moved to the west, along the southern side of the large bed. I was in a crowed hotel room with the others. We had gathered our things. I sat on the eastern side of the northern edge of the bed as i talked to the others. Several of the people seemed to be sitting on the bed, going through some things. My mother and father were to the northwest of me, in the room. I talked to the people as we tried to figure out what to do and get settled. The bed was very soft, and it had a thick puffy comforter on top of it. The comforter was brown and dark green, and large pillows were on the eastern end of the bed. They matched the colors. They had dark-tan trim around the edges, with an olive-brown color in the center. I then realized that i would probably not be sleeping in the bed. There were too many others in the room, and i was not one of the primary people here. I slided off the side of the bed and headed to the northwest, into the room. I tried to think about what we had been doing here. I thought that an event had been taking place in this area, and i had been staying here for it. The event seemed to be over now, though. I headed to the west, thinking about the event, which seemed to be to the east of me. This was the last day that i would be here. I would now have to return to my home place, which seemed to be somewhere to the west. I seemed to be wearing a trench coat, and i walked along a small building that was to the south of me. I was heading to work here. As i turned to the south and stepped up a small stoop to open the door, i realized that i should be leaving this place today. I wondered if i was supposed to be working today. It seemed that i should have just left. I had already come here to work, though, so i thought that i would do one last day of work before i left. I wondered if the people in the job would still know how to pay me for the one last day. I thought that i would have to go back to the hotel room, which was to the east, to clear out my things after work. I felt tired thinking about it. I would have to clean up my things after work and then drive home. I thought that it would be dark by the time i got home. I thought about the timing, and it seemed that my trip home would take about three hours. That would get me home very late. I hoped that i could still pack up my things after work. I entered the building and turned to the west down the narrow corridor. Some people passed me just before i turned the corner. They were heading east. I walked down the narrow corridor, thinking that the office was on the southern side, just ahead. I felt uneasy, not sure i should really be working here. I should have left this place, but i felt that i had to continue doing what i was currently doing. I felt stressed thinking about it. I was not sure what to do.

12021 April 26

I had to hurry to get ready for school. I had been doing something and realized that i should have been getting my things prepared. My mother or someone else seemed to be in the room to the east of me, and i did not want them to think that i had been wasting time. I hurried to the east, into the kitchen. I started preparing food for lunch. I had put some bread into the toaster on the counter to the southwest of me, and i was starting to eat it. I stood facing west near the southern side of the room. A counter ran along the southern wall, with cupboards above it. A peninsula counter extended from the southern wall, just to the west of me, and i was doing something on the peninsula. I finished eating a piece of toast, so i opened up a cupboard just to the southwest of me and pulled the other slices out of the toaster, which as on the counter under the cabinets. I took the honey jar from the shelf near my head and poured some on the toast. I tried to make sure that i did not get too much. I felt that i had to hurry. Four pieces of toast were lined up on the plate to the south of me. I covered most of them with honey, but i did not have enough for all four. One of the pieces was small and crisp, though, so i thought that i did not need any honey on it. I ate that piece as i hurriedly tried to get my lunch together. $A682 then called to me from the east. He was outside the door of the room. He told me that i had something to do, and i knew that he was trying to get me going. I felt a little annoyed by him, and i did not want him to come into the room and see what i had been doing. I looked at the computer screen to the west of me. I had been looking up concerts. I quickly switched the screen so that the listings of concerts could not be seen. I grabbed some things and noticed that a large square picture had appeared on the screen. It looked like an album cover, but the people on the cover were moving. It was a scene of several people doing something on a path or runway. The sharp lines of the path ran from the right side of the bottom of the image to the center of the left. It was almost white against the darker background. The white was bordered by a dark blue or bluish-gray color. The lower end of the stripe met with another white bar that seemed to go perpendicular, but it was mostly cut off near the bottom right of the image. A few people were near the bottom of the image, wearing white robes. I focused on the main figure, which was in the upper center of the drawing. The man seemed to be walking down the stripe toward the others. He wore a light brown robe and had a golden helmet on. The helmet looked like something from the art-deco era. It was formed of thick bands that ran from above the face over the top of the head. The center band was higher than the other bands, and the corners of the bands were rounded. A curved rim ran around the lower part of the cap. I was surprised to see the helmet in the picture. I knew that it had something to do with what i was looking up previously, but it seemed very iconic here. The man walked slowly to the lower right, stopping just past the center of the image. I did not want $A682 to see the image or to read what i had been doing, so i thought that i had better lock the screen. I did so as i stood up and turned to the east. I had to get going. I started moving to the west, down the road on the campus. I seemed to be on North Campus. It was not that bright out, as if it were just before sunrise or just after sunset. The road ran down a depression in the grassy land, and i could not see beyond the short hills on either side. The tops of the hill were only about four meters tall, and they were about ten meters from the road. I had to register for the music event here. I looked around, but could not see the buildings of the campus area. I then saw the woman standing on the northern side of the road as i headed to the east on the drive. It was now lighter, and i could see the ashen dry weeds along the side of the road. The woman stood at the northern edge of the grass, which ran about four meters from the road. She stood just to the south of the reeds, and she started singing. I remembered the song, and thought that it was interesting that they would be playing this music for people coming here. I now seemed to be in a line of traffic waiting to head west. I turned to the east and listened to the woman as she sang. The song was familiar, and i thought that it was by Melanie. I tried to remember what it was. The refrain started with two long notes, the first higher than the second. The woman turned to the reeds to the north of her and bent over as if to pick something up. This was part of the performance. I realized that she was old, with sagging skin on her face and arms. She seemed to stand with a hunch. This did not seem right. I listened to the music, trying to remember how the song went.

12021 April 27

I ran to the northeast, across the large grassy area with the others. The tall filed grass was cut into rows, than ran north to south, and we crossed several rows as we crossed the field. We had been living in this area, and no one knew that we had been here. I felt that we had to be careful that no one discovered us. We were in the middle of the field when i saw something to the northeast, moving along the ground near the edge of the field. I felt cautious, and i came to a stop. Someone was to the northeast of us. I ran back to the west, toward the trees. We had to hide from the other people. I then spotted the short man with the curly hair to the east of me. He had been the other person and me as we crossed the field. I felt very familiar with this man, and i thought that we were both very attracted to each other, but we had never been involved. We ran through the corridors in the grass, trying to get back to the western edge. I tossed a handful of powder onto the ground to keep the others contained. I thought that they would have to stop at the powder and not continue farther. We had to escape, and i felt nervous that we would get caught. We ran into the darkened room to the west. This place seemed to be a small abandoned cabin. We crouched down near the western wall of the room, trying to stay quiet. Someone was then outside. I felt tense. The person moved across a window in the northern half of the eastern wall. I felt that we had to do something. The person was starting to climb in through the window. I charged toward the window, hoping to scare the person trying to climb in.

I was at a $G4 event, and it was dark out. We were on a lawn, to the south of a building. $F58 was to the west of me. We had something to do, and i felt that it had to do with getting the food ready. I felt impartial to what was happening here, though. I turned to the north to take care of the food. I had thought that it had gotten done earlier.

12021 April 30

I was talking with the other man, and i then started jogging to the west. Several other people had been with me, and some of them started jogging with me. A person was running to the northwest of me, and someone else was in front of that person. A woman was jogging just in front of me, and she had a large rabbit with her. The rabbit was hopping ahead of her as she jogged. It was a large brown rabbit. It seemed to be about three-quarter of a meter long. I asked the woman about the rabbit, and she told me something about it. She then mentioned that it was called Tuggie.

I was in the small room on the eastern side of the tall building, which seemed to be an apartment building. I talked to $F71, who was to the northeast of me. We stood near the eastern side of the room. I moved to the west, toward a large window in the western wall. I felt upset, and i looked to the south. A man was lying on the floor, with his feet to the northeast of him. He was a police officer, and someone killed him. I told $F71 that we had to do something about the murder. I thought that i had ignored the body for a while, but it was time to do something about it. I had to do something else before, which prevented me from calling someone about the body. $F71 moved to the west to leave. I knew that i should call someone, but i still felt hesitant. Something was wrong here, and it made me nervous. I then saw the other body to the east. I felt annoyed, and i called emergency, holding the cell phone in my left hand. When someone answered, i told the person that i had just called. The person told me that an ambulance was on the way there. The person then said that the ambulance was outside now. I felt upset. I said that the bodies were in the house now. I moved to the east to look at the other body. It was now encased in a sheet of chocolate. I thought that i would have to explain that to the medics. I was not sure what to do, and i was aware of someone to the west of me as i turned over the body to see the underside. I wondered what i should do with the bodies. I then realized that i should not have turned it over. It was evidence, so i should not have touched it. I was upset with myself for touching the body. Feeling frustrated, i walked to the west, still talking on the cell phone. Someone then said that the medics were outside. I went to the window to the west, but i did not look out. I felt nervous. I then headed north, into the stairwell. I could hear the medics below, but i could not see them. I called down to them, and someone shouted back up. They asked me how i could get to the sixth floor. I suddenly realized that i was on a high floor of the building. I had already headed down a few flights of stairs, but i was still several flights above the others. I headed down the stairs to meet the medics. The stairwell was square, and the stairs descended counterclockwise. I then headed to the north in the white area. The stairs were open now, descending to the north across an open room, like a large atrium. I turned to the east and headed down a flight, and then i turned to the north and west on two additional flights. I was talking to the men as i walked up and down the stairs in the area, which seemed like the northern end of a shopping mall. I had to get back to the others, so i would have to head east to head back up the levels toward the others. I started up the stairs to the west, in the center of the wide atrium of the mall. The stairs to the west were closed now, though, because the stores were not open. I felt annoyed that the stairs to the west were blocked off. A man was at a counter to the northeast of the bottom of the stairs, and i asked him if there was another way up. He referred us to the stairs to the northwest. I headed to the northwest, through one of the stores, which was still open. I knew that it would not be open for long, though. We headed through the store to take the stairs up.