12022 April 02

I moved to the north, down the narrow dirt road that ran along the ridge of the narrow hill. The road was still climbing part of the hill. As we came to the top, this place seemed like a foreign land. I thought that this place was unstable, and i talked to the other person about it. The land on the ridge was covered with grass that was pale and almost white. It reminded me of grasses near an ocean. We were in a small town, and i thought that there was a danger here. The danger did not seem to threaten us, though, and i thought about what the danger was. I imagined steam vents opening up in the land nearby. The ridge was volcanic, and i thought that an eruption would happen sometime soon. I thought that the western edge of the ridge would collapse and the town would be destroyed. The warning signs would have to come, though. These would be the venting of steam from various places around the town. This would be the warning that the volcano was about to erupt. I mentioned this to others as i pictured how the land would collapse. I then imagined the western side of the mountains as green, with water from the ocean wind, but the eastern side would be in the rain shadow of the mountains and would be dry. I thought about this for a moment, but i then thought again about how the land on the western side of the long ridge would collapse and fall down. I wondered if the explosion from the volcano would blow out the land or if it would just eject small sections and let the rest slide down.

I moved to the northwest, walking down the narrow aisle between the tables of the narrow room. The tables seemed to be against the walls of the room, and many people were gathered in the room for the reception or party. I stopped near the southeastern end of the room, looking at a bowl of red candy on a table to the southwest of me. The round red candies seemed to be attached to spoons, but they were also melting into a clear liquid in the bowl, so that most of the candies seemed soggy. I knew that the candies were alcoholic, and i wanted to have one. I moved the metal spoons around in the glass bowl, deciding which to pick. Others moved to the northeast of me. Some of them seemed like $G4. My mother was then standing to the southeast of me. She cautioned me against having more candies. I thought that i had not had too much to drink lately. I moved into the center of the room and headed north. Others were moving around the room. I felt as though i should eat something, but i also felt that i had eaten too much. Something seemed out of place here. I stopped near the northwestern end of the room. A man was to the east of me. He wore a suit and seemed somewhat important. I thought that i had to be polite to him, and i smiled and said hello. He seemed interested in me, but i felt uneasy about him. I thought that he was trying go gage my importance. I said little to him as he shook my hand. He then wandered back to the south. I moved back to the south, looking at some of the other foot items on the tables. I thought that i should eat a small candy before i left the event. People already seemed to be leaving this place.

I walked to the northwest, heading toward the house. We had gotten a new kitten, and i thought that it was somewhere in the house. I called its name as i stepped on to the patio that was to the east of the house. A woman was standing just outside the doorway of the house. She seemed to be $K1. The small fuzzy gray kitten ran past her, hopping toward me. It seemed very happy to see me, and i was glad that it was so interested in me. I sat on the ground, and the kitten jumped to my chest. I held in and hugged it. It felt very nice to hold the small animal, which seemed so happy to see me. I moved around in the small area, talking to the people there. I seemed to be in an entry room on the eastern side of the house. I was talking to my relatives, who were to the west of me. I then realized that i did not see the kitten around. I asked where it was. I then realized that the door to the east was open, and i worried that the kitten had gotten out. I said something about it to the others, and the people started to worry about the kitten. I hurried to the east, calling the kitten’s name. $K1 followed me out the door. We were both worried about the cat. I called the cat’s name as i had before, hoping that it would come running toward us. I did not hear anything in response. I then thought about the name. It seemed an odd name. I called it again, saying “Parrow”. I thought that it was a French spelling, though, so it was probably “Parout”. We came into the empty cement room of the structure. I called the cat’s name again. The name seemed to resonate. Something about the sound was important. I heard a faint response from somewhere. It sounded like a cat meowing. $K1 was to the south of me, and we looked at each other. He ran to the north, into the next room, passing through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I called the name again and stopped to listen, but we did not hear anything. I could not quite tell where the sound was coming from. We headed back into the main room, and i called again. $K1 seemed impressed with something that i had done, and she told me that i had changed. I felt complimented, but i was not quite sure what she meant. I listened, but i did not hear anything from the kitten. I then told $K1 that the sound i had hear sounded more like a cat than a kitten, so i was not sure that it was the correct animal. I realized that this structure was only partly built, so i wondered if the kitten had fallen into one of the walls or into a hole in the floor. We were in a room that had a northeastern wall, and i told $K1 to look in the holes in the floor. As i walked to the north, toward the wall, i noticed two square holes in the floor against the wall. The holes seemed to be made for square beams. They were about a deci across and about a meter apart. The first hole to the southeast seemed to have part of a smaller beam still in it. I wondered if the kitten would be able to climb up the wood to get out. I looked down the hole, but i realized that it was just a hole in the floor and not a small pit. I could see the cement walls of the room below us. I could not see the kitten, but i realized that there was a lower level to this place. I backed away from the hole, telling $K1 that i wanted to check the basement. I headed to the southeast, coming into another open cement room. The room had a large round opening in the center of the floor, and a spiral ramp seemed to descend down the center of it. The ramp started on the southeastern side of the room, and i walked around the southern side of the hole, looking down into it. I could see the cement below. As i reached the southeastern side of the room, i saw two men appear on the ramp. The first reached the floor that i was on to the south of me, and the second was still coming up the ramp. The first man was carrying something, but it seemed like an object. The second man had a cat wrapped in a blanket. I could see that it was not the kitten that i had been looking for. The first man had been talking to the second about what had happened. He said that the cat had to be killed in order to avenge his brother. I worried that the cat would be killed. I felt upset that they were going to sacrifice the cat. The man said that his brother had died, and it seemed he believed that the spirit of the cat somehow trapped his brother’s spirit here. They were going to kill the cat to free his brother. I did not want them to kill the cat, but i felt that i could not stop them. I said something to the man as he stood to the south of me. I then noticed the other man to the southwest of us. He was standing just to the north of the road. A large cart was in the center of the road. It seemed to be a large block of bare wood with four wheels. Two animals were on the top of the cart. The other man had put the cat on the western side of the center of the car, between the two wheels. I could see that the cat was gray but fully grown. It was not like the kitten that i had been looking for. I felt relieved that the cat was not the one that i had seen, but i felt annoyed that the man was going to kill it. The other cat on the cart seemed black. It sat still. The gray cat reached out with its right paw, batting at the man, who was still standing near the wheel of the cart. The man backed away a little. As the cat moved, i could see that it had thin white tabby stripes on its coat. The stripes widened enough to see them as the cat reached out. I felt bad for the cat, but i felt that i could not interfere with what the men were doing. I was just glad that it was not the cat that i was looking for.

I remembered that i did not find the kitten that i had been looking for. I was in the dirt room on the upper floor of the unfinished cement building. I remembered that i had heard the meowing from somewhere in the building, and i thought that it would be on the floor below me. I had worried that the kitten had fallen down a hole and could not get out. I moved to the northeast, into the square room with the round depression in the center. The depression seemed like a fire pit, and i remembered it was in the room where the curved stairs descended. I stepped into the round blackened area in the center of the room and looked around. I realized that round holes were dug at regular intervals around the pit. I moved to one to the northeast of me and looked down it. A white nylon-burlap bag had been inserted into the hole. I thought that the bag would be filled with cement when the building was worked on again. I could see the kitten at the bottom of the hole, though. It had fallen into the hole and could not get out. I pulled up the white bag. I reached into it and pulled out the kitten, which seemed weak and tired. I cradled it in my arms as i walked upstairs. I entered the room from the west. Others were on the northern and northeastern side of the room. I showed them the kitten in my arms. The kitten was tan, with short fur and a long narrow nose. It was shaped like a small dog, with sharp features around its snout and cranium. The dog’s ears had black tips. I felt a little confused, and i put the animal on the small shelf, which was at the height of my chest, to the south of me. The shelf seemed to be on the western side of an A-frame ladder that was standing just to the southeast of me. As i put the small animal on the shelf, it seemed like a tiny white duck, with a bright yellow bill and orangish feet. Two or three other animals were on the ladder, to the east of the shelf, and they looked at the small animal i had just placed on the shelf. One of the animals in the ladder was a large white duck. I thought that the small duck might feel more comfortable with the other duck. I was worried that the cat and the other dog might not understand what the small duck was and act hostile toward it. The cat was crouched on the shelf, staring at the small duck. The large duck was to the south of the cat, and it stood very tall, with its head reaching very high as it looked down at the small duck. The cat seemed to be interested in the small animal. The cat was $X24, and i warned her not to attack the small animal. I then turned to the north to say something to the other person. When i turned back, the small animal was a fluffy dark-gray kitten. It had patches of black fur in various spots around its coat. The black fur seemed to radiate from a spot and blend in with the dark-gray fur around it. The pattern of the coat seemed very interesting.

12022 April 03

I stood on the wide sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. Some people were moving around to the northeast and northwest of me. We seemed to be in an urban area, but i knew that this had something to do with a television show. I saw the woman leave the crowd to the northeast of me and walk to the sidewalk. She was Barbara Bain, and she was dressed as her character in Space 1999. She seemed tense, and i knew that she was getting ready to do something. Something had been happening in the sky before. I looked up to the north to see blue lights dripping down from the sky in long streaks. I felt nervous about the glowing drops, though they looked quite beautiful. Something seemed wrong. Barbara was wearing a helmet and pressure suit, and she walked to the west, passing very close to the north of me. She started to get in the small shuttle, which was parked on the curb, just to the west of her. I thought that we were actually on the moon base. A man was in the car with he, and he rolled down the windows as she got it. This seemed strange, and i realized that the man would not be able to live in the car with no windows. There was no air on the moon, and we seemed to be on the set for the television show. He should not have been able to roll down the windows of the shuttle. I looked at the car, which now seemed to be a rigid cubical enclosure. It had white metal supports at the edges, and large panes of grass covered the sides. The windows on the sides were open, though, and the sunroof in the top had no glass. This did not make sense. The man seemed to be in the front seat of the vehicle, which was facing south, and Barbara had climbed into the back seat on the northern side. The seemed grave, and he said that something was happening. He was trying to fill Barbara in on the crisis. I remembered the blue lights that had been in the sky. I thought that they might have created a solid structure, like a dome, over the area that we were in. That might have explained why there was air to breath around us. This seemed like a good story element to promote. I looked up into the sky, noticing that the air over the city was hazy with water fog. I thought that the coldness of space was probably condensing the water above us. I then noticed the blue haze parting as the dome started to open. This was one of the disasters in the story. The dome would open, and the characters would have to deal with the threat. I looked at the camera that was in the vehicle. It started to float as the air left the dome. This did not make sense. The loss of air should not have changed the gravity in the area. Something seemed wrong with the plot. I did not understand why the gravity in the vehicle would change if the vehicle was still on the moon. The writing of this story seemed silly.

12022 April 04

The woman to the north of me was doing something on the paper. It was some kind of puzzle, but it had some significance. She told me about it, saying that it was “Einstein’s cube”. I thought that this was the name of the puzzle. I remembered that the others to the northwest of me had been doing similar puzzles that were two-dimensional. They looked like a cubical grid of black squares that were turned different colors by the person solving the puzzle. I thought that the three-dimensional cube was just a more complicated version of the same puzzle. The grid seemed to be five or six by five or six squares. I was looking to the northeast at the cube as the woman explained it to me. She was standing to the north of me, leaning to the southeast to show me the puzzle. She explained how i would have to pick the random colored chips and arrange them in the cube. I thought that the colors of the cube would be different on different sides, but i knew that they would blend into each other from one side to the other. The woman had a small orange chip, which was about a half centimeter long and a little more than a quarter centimeter wide. It was curved like a fingernail. It was resting in the center of the top of the cube. The woman then demonstrated by pulling out several more chips from somewhere. The chips were larger than the orange one, and they were oddly shaped and mostly flat. They had rounded edges but no definite pattern to their shape. They seemed to be about a centimeter in diameter. I commented that they were all the same color, so they would all go on the same side of the cube. I then thought that the example was not really a good one, because it did not show how the colors would need to be blended from one side to the other.

The others moved to the west of me as i stood in the corridor. I had been waiting for them. They were about to head into the room to the west for a meeting, and i felt that they were about to do something important. I did not think that i would be invited into their meeting, but i was supposed to give them some information. They seemed very official, and i thought that they were somewhat important. The older thin man who stopped to the west of me had a short white beard, and he wore a brown suit coat and matching pants. He held a thick stack of papers under his left arm. He seemed to press his lips together as he looked at me. Someone i knew was to the north of me, in the corridor. I was unsure about what i should do. I thought that i had to talk to these men, but i was not sure how it would proceed. The man in the brown suit conferred with the man to the north of him in a low voice. The others then agreed on something and motioned me to the door in the western wall, to the southwest of us. I was surprised that i would be invited into the room, and i nervously followed the others in. We entered near the southern end of the room, which seemed like a meeting room, thought the chairs were set up like a classroom. The chairs seemed to be armchairs, and they faced south. Someone was near the southern wall, speaking to a group of people who were already in the room. The people in the room filled up the front row of seats. We moved to the center and northern end of the room. I sat down in an armchair that was near the back of the room and about two rows in from the east. I turned to the south in front of the seat and backed to the north to sit down. I still felt a little uncomfortable. I knew that $A185 was sitting right behind me. He was my friend from outside. I turned to look over my right shoulder at him, and i noticed that he was sitting very close to me. My seat was next to his so that i was almost leaning into him. He was leaning back against the wall to get some space. He seemed a little annoyed, so i apologized and moved farther to the south. I talked to the others here, feeling a connection with $A185.

12022 April 06

I had entered the room from the doorway in the center of the eastern wall. The rectangular room seemed to be a dormitory of a campground. The room seemed rustic, with bunk beds around the walls. Someone to the south of me was talking, but the phone had ringed, and i was listening to what the person was saying. I held the cell phone with my left hand, and i could hear the sound of the goat bleating. I tried to understand what was going on as i listened to the bleating. I turned to the east as someone passed near me, heading to the south. I listened to the sound on the telephone, and i realized that a person was making the sound. It sounded more like a human voice than a goat. Something seemed wrong with this. The person making the sound seemed to be mocking, and i wondered what was wrong. I turned to the east and headed into the room, which seemed like the same dormitory room that i had been in. The white goat was standing near the bunk bed, which was along the southern part of the western wall. I called to the goat and talked to it. The goat had long white hair. I sat on the bed to the west of the goat and asked the goat what was the trouble. The goat seemed distressed. It bleated and turned its head as if looking for something. I then realized that the goat was on its stomach on the ground. It moved, and i could see that one of its left front leg was broken. The wound was open, and i could see read meat as the animal moved. It seemed to react to the wound in pain. I felt bad for the animal, and i wondered what had happened to it. I thought that the person who was supposed to be watching it had abused the animal. I felt upset, but i was not sure what to do. I stood up and tried to pet the goat on the head. The goat had a long narrow nose with big ears. It still seemed very upset. It turned to the north, and i looked down at it. Its white coat was dirty. I felt bad that it was abused. I pet its long fur a few times. A woman was then to the west of me. She had a brush, and she was trying to groom the goat. The animal turned to the west and moved to the north of the woman. I was still petting its back, and i stopped and looked at my hand. I had a cluster of long hair caught between my fingers. I told the woman that the goat was shedding. I stood up as the woman started brushing the goat. I remembered that the goat had a broken leg. I realized that i was still concerned for the goat, but i did not feel that i should do anything for the goat. This seemed strange and wrong. I walked to the east, wondering why i felt so impartial to the situation. I thought that i should do something about the goat’s broken leg.

I was on the eastern end of the northern side of the lecture room. Others were gathered here, talking to each other. I stood on the eastern end of the group, and i felt tense. Something was bothering me, but i did not say anything to others. The others then started to leave to the west. We were on a college campus, and i had been taking classes here. I felt upset about something, and i did not really want to talk to others. I thought that i would just take a walk back to my dormitory. An older man had been talking to the group of students that i was standing with. He had been standing on the western side of the group, and a tall woman with long black hair had been standing to the south of him. The others started to leave, walking past the man and heading to the west. I felt disparaged, and i started walking to the west, passing along the northern side of the small group that was still left talking to the man. Only a few people remained now. As i started past the group, the woman intercepted me and asked me where i was going. I had felt depressed, and she had noticed that i was not in a good mood. I thought that she was trying to make sure that i would not do anything dangerous. I felt appreciative that she was trying to help me, but i felt a little annoyed that she thought that i would harm myself. I told her that i was heading back to my dorm, and she said that she would walk with me. I knew that she was trying to be sure that i did not do anything. I continued walking to the west, into the entry hall of the building. The entry hall was open on the south to the outside. A street ran along the southern side of the building, and a narrow drive seemed to run between it and the building. We started walking southwest across the drive. It was dark out. The drive ran along the building that we were in, and then it ascended a small hill to the west, running along the other small houses that were on the street to the west of the large campus building that we had been in. The street stayed fairly level, and a steep embankment was between the drive and the road. People were sitting on the balconies of the buildings to the west of us. The buildings seemed like fraternities. I thought that some of the men there were partying. The balconies seemed to be illuminated with several small runners of lights. I started walking to the west on the drive, but the woman had crossed the drive and was starting west on the sidewalk along the northern side of the street. I had thought that i would walk along the fraternities, just to see what people were doing, but i thought that i had to go with the woman. I turned to the south and walked down the steep asphalt where the western end of the driveway merged into the slope to the west. I felt disappointed that i did not walk along the populated areas of the campus, and i told the woman that i had planned to walk that direction.

12022 April 07

I moved to the west, into the building. I seemed to be on the second floor of Mudd Hall, on the western end of the building. Others had come in with me and were passing down the halls to the east as i stopped. A glass window seemed to look out to the west, and the room or hall around me was white. The telephone had ringed, so i picked it up and answered it. I felt as though i had to stop what i was doing to answer it. I thought that i was on my way to my office to work. $A14 was on the telephone. I held it to my left ear as i turned to the south and then to the east. Someone had come out of the stairwell to the southwest of me and was heading down the hall to the west. I said hello, and $A14 started talking about work that i would be doing for him. He said that i could come into the office when i wanted and he would arrange the work. I felt a little annoyed. It seemed as though i was supposed to meet $A14 here, and i was now realizing that he was unaware of that. He finally paused in what he was saying, and i told him that i was already at the office. I had just walked into the building and was about to go to the office. He acknowledged what i had said and told me that i could do some of the work. I told him that i would start on the work.

12022 April 08

I was on the western side of the parking lot, and i felt hurried. I had to do something, and i had to bring the car back to someplace. I got in the blue car, which was facing east on the western side of the lot. Others were standing in the lot near me, and i had been talking to them. I spoke to the man to the east of me as i turned the car to the south. The car i was driving was blue, and i looked to the north to see the other blue car in the lot. It was the same car as mine. I had connected the two cars so that i could drive both at the same time. I drove to the south, past a gray car that was parked in the center of the lot, facing east. I then turned to the east, but i realized that i could not get out of the lot this way. I would have to back up and turned to the north to get around the gray car and head back east. I realized that the other car was still connected to the one i was driving, and i told the other person that backing up was not safe with both cars. I worried that the other blue car would hit the gray car in the center of the lot, because it would back up in the same manner that i was backing up, but it would not understand that it was in a slightly different position. I explained this to the man as i backed to the west and stopped on the western side of the southern end of the lot. I would have to switch off the thing that connected the two cars. I did this as i came to a stop on the side of the lot. I explained to the other that i really only had one car, but he did not quite understand. I looked to the north at the blue car, which was down the corridor from me. I was in a short corridor that seemed to separate the two outside areas. I took the thing, which seemed like the car from the north, and put it on the wall of the corridor to the east of me. It was a slotted grating for an air vent. I pointed it out to the other person, who was now to the north of me, but he did not quite understand how the two cars were related. I moved just south of the short corridor so that i could see the car to the east. It was parking with its back along the northern side of the lot, facing south. I pointed to the car with my left arm, holding out the key fob. I told the man that i only had one car, but i had doubled it so that i could do something with it. I pressed the button on the fob to make the car disappear, and the car to the east faded out. I then pointed to the vent in the eastern wall of the corridor. The corridor was to the north of us, and the vent was to the northeast. The vent shimmered and faded out as well, though it still appeared to have a slotted grate over the opening. The man was surprised that both turned invisible at the same time.

12022 April 09

I was on the deck near the northern shore of the lake, and i looked out to the south over the murky water. The deck seemed to be a dock or the deck of a flat boat. Something made me feel cautious or aware of something to the southeast or south of us. $K3 was to the west of me on the boat. I could not see her, but i knew that she was there. I thought that something would come from the south. The wind strongly blew from the west, and the boat we were on bobbed on the water. The waves around us were low and wide, but the wind seemed to be catching on the boat and pushing it. I thought that the boat was a pontoon raft with a red awning on the western end. I wondered if we would be blown to the east. I felt cautious of the wind, but it stopped blowing suddenly. I glanced to the southeast, noticing a long narrow motorboat heading toward us. I looked back to the east as i said something to $K3. She responded, concerned about the approaching boat. I looked again. The boat was now very close to us, but it was moving west. It was a long pontoon barge, and it was passing very close to the south of us. I thought that it belonged to someone who would not pay attention to others on the lake. I looked to the northeast, watching the wind from the east blow the tall green field grass along the shore. The shore was a tangle of branches and weeds. It rose about a meter and a half from the water. The wind then started blowing the boat again. I thought that the boat should drift to the east, but i thought that it was tied down so that it should not move. I wanted the boat to move, thought. It seemed that the threat of the wind should be real. I said something to $K3 about the threat of she shore. I looked at the silty tan water between the boat and the shore. I could see the thick branches of old water-rotting trees just under the surface. The boat was now moving to the east, past the branches. I thought that it would strike one of the branches, and i waited for it to hit. It would be a physical sign of danger that would let others know that something was wrong. I told $K3 about it as the tip of the pontoon to the northeast of me passed several thick branches that were sticking into the water. The boat missed the branches, though. I wanted the tip to nick one of the branches so that there was a tremor in the boat to let the others know that the wind was a problem. I could still feel the wind blowing from the west, pushing on my back as i stood on the eastern side of the boat. I then looked to the east. The lake was ending, and three or four channels of water led through a wide flat glassy outlet. We were drifting toward a wide channel on the northern side of the outlet. A narrow creek ran to the northeast and turned east along the higher shore to the north. We continued to the east, toward a narrow channel that ran through the tall dry grass. The channel was about three meters wide, and a few trees with few leafs arched over it. I thought that the current in the channels would be stronger, and i knew that we would be moving faster in the outlets. I then noticed that a tree had fallen across the channel ahead of us. It was a few meters above the water and was about two decis thick, with grayish bark. The deck of our boat would clear the log, but i thought that we would have to be very low on it. I warned $K3 of the branch as i turned to the west and crouched down. I then wondered if i would be low enough to pass under the branch. I realized that the aluminium struts that held the awning up on the western end of the boat would hit the branch. I pictured the struts as flat curved braces on the western end of the awning. I crouched down, thinking that i would have to lay down on the deck of the boat, but nothing happened. I expected the tree to pass over me and hit the metal braces at the back of the boat, stopping the boat. I felt surprised that nothing happened.

12022 April 11

I drove the car to the east, down the road, which seemed like Tower Road. I felt as though i was in a hurry to get somewhere. I was on the right side of the vehicle as i drove, and another person was with me in the car. A man was standing to the east of us on the southern side of the road. The land to the south seemed open, and a tall chain-link fence ran along the road to the north of it. The car i was driving then started slowing down. Something was wrong. I held on to the steering wheel, trying to get it to keep going, but the engine had suddenly stopped. I felt annoyed, and i told the other that the car had simply stopped. I was standing in a room on the eastern side of the hall or road, and i was describing how the engine of the car just stopped. I said with annoyance that it did not even sputter to a halt. I felt that i would not be late for something. I hurried to the east, into the room. It seemed that i had come to the eastern end of the hall and then turned south. After only four or five meters, i had turned east into the room. I had to hurry to get to school. I thought that i was already late, and i was not yet dressed in my school clothes. I thought that i had brought all of my clothes with me from my house, and i now had to get dressed. Several closet doors were in the northern wall. The doors were cheap hollow wood doors that slided from side to side over the closets. I moved to a closet near the eastern end of the room and started putting on my dress clothes. I then wondered if students here still wore uniforms. I seemed confused about that. I wondered if what i was wearing would be out of place. I pulled some clothes out of the closet and continued getting dressed. I then realized that i did not bring a tie. I felt upset. I had brought my socks and everything i needed, but i had forgotten to grab a tie. I thought about going home to get them, but i knew that it would take a long time for me to get back home. My house seemed to be to the west. I moved around the room, not sure what to do. I started toward the door in the western wall, but i felt hesitant. Someone walked past the door, heading south. A man then came from the south and stopped in he hall just outside the doorway. He was $A105, and he leaned back against the western wall of the hall. He crossed his arms and tipped his head down, looking up at me with impatient disappointment. I told him that i had just gotten here and that i was hurrying. I remembered that i was rooming with $F4 and $A608. I thought that $A618 was also in the room. I thought that i could borrow one of their ties. I looked into the closet to the north of me, noticing a blue tie. Several other ties were on a hanger in the closet, and i thought that i could borrow one of them. I thought that they belonged to $F4. $A105 waited in the hall for me.

12022 April 13

I walked to the north in the long rectangular room. This place seemed like my grandfather’s cottage. I was visiting here for some reason, but i felt as though i should leave and go someplace else. I had been with my parents, and i thought that i had to get back to them. I stopped near the northern wall of the room. The room seemed to be along the northern side of the building. I started doing something here. It seemed late at night, and others were in the room with me now. I started talking to them as i did something. I spent some time doing something, and it was now later. I was in a smaller room on the eastern side of the house. $A589 was there, and i spoke with him and another person. I was doing something in the room, and he stood to the west of me. I felt that i had to get back to my parents, and i thought that i was spending too much time here. I started to the south. $F7 was just to the south of me. I said hello. It felt very good to see him.

I woke up on the small bed, which was against the northern wall of the small room on the northern side of the cottage. I had been doing something here, and i thought that i must have fallen asleep. I felt hurried, thinking that i should have left a while ago. I headed to the south, thinking that i had to get back to my parents. Other people were in the room with me. I hugged $F71 goodbye as i said goodbye. I started to leave to the north, but i stopped to say goodbye to the two other people. I hugged both of them affectionately, saying that i missed them. It had been a long time since i had seen them.

I was getting things ready on the northern side of the room. $G3 were in the room to the south of me, and they were heading for dinner. I had to get my stuff together so i could go with them. I quickly gathered some of my things. Someone called me for dinner, and i tried to hurry. I then remembered that i had to take some pills, and i thought that i needed to take them to dinner with me. I came into the room to the south, still trying to hurry to catch up with the others. I dropped several of the long red pills on the floor. Annoyed, i stopped to pick them up. Someone was to the southwest of me, saying something to me. He said that they needed me in the dining room for announcement. I felt frustrated. I looked at the pills in my hand, trying to make sure that i had everything. I then looked at the other pills in my left hand, which had been in my bag. They were bundled up in a small wad of plastic wrap. I tried to coordinate the different pills. I looked up from my hand, walking to the west, into the dining room. I entered a small part of the dining room, which seemed to be on the northeastern side of the main room. Partitioning walls separated this section from the main room. I could hear the others talking to the southwest of me. Someone was speaking over a microphone, and the person asked for me. I felt a little nervous, wondering what i had done and what i should do.

12022 April 14

I was in the small room of the house, standing near the southern side of the room. My grandfather was sitting at a table to the north of me. He sat on the western side of the table, and he was scowling to the east. I felt mischievous, and i walked quickly to the north, past him. I walked into the next room, which was a library. Many books filled the wooden shelfs on the walls. I looked around at all of the books, thinking that most of them were very old. I wondered what order the books were in on the shelfs. I wondered my grandparents had organized them in any way. To the south, i noticed that the books were all paperbacks. I moved closer to the shelf, looking at the spines. I then spotted an old book that i remembered from a long time ago. It was a large book, and i remembered reading it before. I thought that it had come from someone else’s house. I looked through several other books, and i was then looking at a children’s book that seemed like a craft book. I remembered it, and i felt fond of it. I showed it to the other person, who was standing to the northeast of me. Many of the books in the library seemed special. I held the craft book in my right hand, but i pointed at a clock that was on the top of a shelf to the east of us. The clock was really a book, and i remembered that it had moving gears that you could turn in layers like pages. I then opened the old hardcover book that was in my right hand. The book seemed worn, and the pieces inside of it were loose. I opened to a scene of a boat on water. It seemed to be a three-dimensional recreation of Washington crossing the Delaware. It had pull tabs along the edges that i knew would move certain parts of the drawing. I reached across the book with my left hand and pulled a top on the upper part of the right edge of the page. The book did not respond as i had expected. I realized that some of the pieces of the model were missing. I thought that they had probably fallen out and were just put into the book in different pages. I then noticed the flat boat on the floor near me. I bent over and picked it up, putting it back into the center of the spread. The spread had a background picture of the water, and the boat was supposed to sit on top of it. The tabs controlled the motion of the boat and the rowers.

12022 April 15

I had been doing something with the others, but i now moved to the southeast. I was in a large open area in the middle of the city. Tall buildings stretched up all around us. The open area seemed like the foundation of a square building, but people were moving around it as though it was a terrace or plaza. I sat near the southeastern corner of the area, leaning to the south. I seemed to be on a bed or bench that was along the eastern wall. My right leg was up on the surface, with my knee up. It seemed that i had been sleeping here, but i had just waked up. I looked to the northwest, across the plaza. People were moving here and there. Something seemed wrong, though. I felt upset about something, but i also felt tired and impartial. Someone seemed to be to the west of me, and i looked down at the low glass wall to the east of me. The person said something, and i looked at the mechanical arm that stretched across the small thick glass panes from the south. The arm seemed to be composed of many short cylindrical sections that were about a deci and a half long. I remembered all of these things from the previous night, but something had changed about them. They all seemed worn now. I lifted the arm with my right hand and let it fall back down. I felt disinterested in the events around me, but i still felt worried about them. I thought about the things that had happened. I was standing now, with a table to the east of me. It had things on it from the previous night. I lifted something from the table to look at it, and i then let it back down. I walked to the northwest and stopped. I was sitting on a low surface, leaning against the western wall. I felt annoyed with the situation. $A765 was to the east-southeast of me now. she stood to the north of a man, and she was holding his right hand with her left. She wore a sleeveless black top with mesh across her chest, and she had frizzy black hair. She thanked me for the table setting. I felt annoyed with her compliments, thinking that she must know that i did not set up the table, which as now to the southeast of me. I was unsure how to respond to her. She seemed sincere. I said thank you and nodded. She kept looking at me, and i wondered why she thought i had set up the table for her event.

12022 April 16

I was in the room on the northern side of the area. It seemed like a small dining room of an old restaurant. The walls were dull tan and grayed with age. The others were talking about something, and i felt that something was happening near us. I moved to the south, feeling cautious of something. I was talking to the other person as i walked away. Something was happening. As i paused in the corridor and turned to the north to talk to the other person, a bright red and yellow ball of fire erupted in the room to the north of me. I jumped to the east to get out of the way as the explosion moved down the corridor. They were attacking people. I told the other person that they would be attacking more people. The other person seemed to be to the northwest of me as i stood in the small nook of the corridor. I turned to the east. I could see the street corner through the opening in the wall to the east of me. Part of the wall to the southeast of me extended farther to the east than the part to the north of the opening. The walls were black in shadow. I focused on a man on the street corner. He looked like Chris Helmsworth dressed up as Thor. He stood in front of the crowd, who were on the street corner. He seemed tense, and he tightened up his face to scream. His body was glowing, and he started to breath fire to the north-northwest. I realized that the others were controlling him. They had played with his fire powers and made his powers go out of control. The bad guys were trying to kill people, and they were using others to do it. The man turned as fire shot out of his mouth. He was going to turn around, and the fire would consume the crowd of people on the sidewalk to the east of him. I moved to the south a little and saw another scene to the east of me. The scene was in a dining room in a small restaurant. A rectangular table seemed to be in the center of the room, and the man was leaning against the eastern end of the southern side. A blue haze was around him, and he was hunched over with his face wrinkled up. He looked as though he were about to cough or sneeze. I remembered that he could produce bacteria and viruses. The glowing blue mist around him grew brighter and started to spread. Someone to the southeast of him said “I hope you don’t create the next super strain.” I thought that the bad guys were using the man to create a virus that would kill all those in the room with him. I moved again to the south. Others scenes seemed to depict special people with their powers out of control, inadvertently killing sections of the population. I headed down the hall, heading south. I looked back to the north. The plain walls of the hall were flat and smooth. The hall had no lighting, so the only light was from the room to the north, where i had been. The room seemed like a dining room of a large public place. The light from the dining room shined on the smooth floor and walls of the corridor, which was wider than it was tall. At the southern end of the corridor, i turned to the east. I felt unsafe, thinking that the bag guys were targeting people. I was not sure what i should do, but i had to make it seem that i was unaware of what was happening. I held my things in my arms as i walked into the western end of the lounge of the station or airport. The room seemed to be in the southeastern corner of the open space. The northwestern side of the room seemed to have a rounded wall that curved from the corridor to the north to the corridor to the west. The western corridor was flush with the southern wall of the room, and the northern corridor was flush with the eastern wall. I carried the objects to the east. I held an electric drill in my arms, and i felt cautious of letting others see it. I thought that it was special. I could not let the others realized what it was, though. I walked through the chairs, where people were sitting, cradling the drill in my arms. I was worried about what was going to happen to the people, and i thought that i had to get away. As i neared the eastern side of the room, the drill in my arms seemed to turn a little. I thought i had hear the electric motor give a spurt of motion. I wondered if others had heard. I looked down at the drill. It had a short bit on the end, and the dark bit seemed to be bent to one side. I turned a little to the northeast, walking into another section of the room. The northeastern section was narrower. The room now seemed somewhat L shaped, with a small arm reaching to the east on the northern side. As i entered the section, the drill groaned into motion again. It made a few weak turns and stopped. People around me turned to look at me. I realized that something to the east of me was affecting the drill. The bad guys must have something electromagnetic that affected the drill. It would warn me of a coming attack. I felt uncomfortable, and i turned back to the southwest. I walked quickly to the south along the eastern wall of the southern side of the room. I then put the drill down to adjust it. The bit had fallen off of it. I tipped the drill up and looked at the bit on the ground. I remembered the bit being large, with something attached to it. I picked up the chrome bit, which had a thin metal pole in the center and a collar near the bottom. I slided the collar over the top of the drill to attach it. A flat metal plate was attached to the collar by a small metal arm. The plate was tipped so that it sloped out on the side from the axis of the bit. It was roughly trapezoidal, and it looked like a flipping spatula. It was on the left side of the axis. The narrow end of the trapezoid was near the collar, and the side near to me was tipped toward the axis, allowing the other side to slope away. I hooked up the bit, hoping that it would let me know when the bad guys were coming. I hoped that the others did not realized what i had, though.

12022 April 17

I was talking to the woman to the north of me about another woman. Something seemed important about the other woman. The woman with me asked how the other woman had gotten to Endicott. I said that maybe she lived nearby Endicott. I added that that her town was not that far from here. I pictured it to the northeast of us, but i thought that it was really to the southeast of Binghamton. I told the other person that, once trains had come, the woman could have traveled between the towns easily. I turned to the north, now in the classroom. I was talking to someone about the woman. I then noticed a box of pictures on an old wooden desk to the southwest of me. I started flipping through the pictures. I recognized two young boys in one of the pictures. They were twin brothers who had lived not far from my grandmother’s house. I remembered them fondly, and i wondered where they were now. I continued looking at the other pictures. The teacher to the west of me then asked me about the pictures. I said something about the boys, and i started flipping through the pictures in the box to find the one of the two brother. I felt frustrated when i could not easily find it.

12022 April 19

I followed the others to the southwest across the flat ground. The others stopped at the edge of the steep slope, which descended to the south. They carefully crouched down and started descending the slope. I reached the edge of the slope, and realized that it was almost a cliff. The steep wall seemed to be icy, and it was very smooth and featureless. Others sat on the edge of the slope and then slipped off the edge and let themselves slide down the slope. I felt nervous about going over the wall, but i had to follow the others. I sat down and tried to lower myself slowly. As i went over the wall, i noticed the tall square column that was about a half meter from the wall, just to the southwest of me. As i slided down the wall, i pressed my right hand against the inside of the post. As i pressed myself against the wall, i was able to slow my descent down. I held my knees up as i slided down. I was aware of someone to the south-southeast of me. I thought that the person was watching me, and i thought that the person might find it interesting how i was slowing myself down. As i neared the ground, i put my feet down and landed gently on the surface.

12022 April 22

I was talking to the others in the area as we headed to the southeast. It seemed that we had been doing something. A man came from the north and started accusing me of doing something or being someone. He seemed very angry, but i felt unconcerned about him. I had been talking with the other man as we walked, and he was to the northwest of me now. We both slowed and looked at the man as he stood stiffly to the north of us and shouted at me. He referred to me as Heracles. I felt confident that the man could do nothing to me, and i felt somewhat defiant against him. I continued to the southeast with the other man, purposely paying no attention to the older man. The man seemed to be wearing a brown robe, and he had a long white beard. As the other man and i reached the southern end of the flat plain, i turned to the northeast. The square plain seemed to be a room that did not have any walls. The plain seemed to be illuminated, as though it were a computer-generated plain. It had a green hue with thin red grid lines across it. The older man had moved to the eastern edge of the plain. I was standing on the center of the southern edge with the other person, and the old man was standing in the center of the eastern side. A low structure was just to the east of us. The older man held up his hands and spoke in a stern loud voice. He seemed to be glowing with an orange or yellow hue. I thought that he was referred to as Aristotle, and i was being referred to as Heracles. The man accused me of something, but i felt unconcerned with him. I complained to the man to the east of me about the old man’s accusations. I mentioned that he was complaining about Heracles. A man was to the north of me, and he bitterly corrected my by saying “Hercules”. I pursed my lips in annoyance and turned away from him.

I had come into the house to do something, and i was moving around the house to do it. I had to get back to the others, who were at the party to the south of the house. A young child was with me in the house, and he wanted to go back to the party. I followed him out of the western side of the building and headed south. A steep hill led down to a large white tent. The families were sitting under the tent at the picnic event. A woman was sitting in a folding lawn chair under the northwestern corner of the tent, and she glanced up at the child and me as we reached the edge of the steep grassy hill. I had been carrying a chair in my left hand, and the child seemed to have a chair as well. The chairs were cheap, with thin metal poles around the sides. They also had small wheels on the bottom. The child put the chair on the slope and started rolling down the hill. The wheels seemed very small, but i thought that they would work to roll down the hill. I said something to the child, who was to the east of me, and i put the chair with the black frame and blue canvas seat on the ground in front of me. I sat in it and started rolling down the hill. I felt amused. The slope was very steep, so i put my feet down on the ground in front of me so that i did not go too fast down the hill.

12022 April 23

I was moving down the darkened corridors in the basement area. The walls seemed dirty and stained. The corridor was around two meters wide, but i could see that it narrowed ahead. At a junction, the corridor to the west became less than a meter wide. A wider corridor headed off to the north. The person with me continued to the west, thought the narrow corridor, which ran flush with the southern wall of the corridor we had been in. I turned to the north. The corridor ran only a few meters before turning to the west. I knew that it would reconnect with the narrow corridor, so i followed it about ten meters to the west and turned with it to the south. The other man was just coming out of the narrow corridor as i reached it. He was $A612. We continued to the south, where the corridor opened into a small room. A service window was in the western wall with a small counter under it. It reminded me of the service counter at Teagle. I thought that i had to return something to this counter. I then headed back to the north. As i reached the junction with the narrow corridor, i noticed two men standing at the end of the northern corridor, where it turned east. One leaned against the northern wall with his arms crossed and his head arced forward. They seemed threatening is some way, and i felt unsafe here. I wondered if i should take the narrow corridor to get back. $A162 headed back down the narrow passage. I considered following, but it seemed too narrow. I thought that it would be easier to be trapped in the corridor. I decided to head north. I walked quickly past the two men, purposely not paying attention to them. One of them started following me, and i felt cautious and alert. I knew that we were in Deutschland, so i knew that i could not communicate with the men if they asked me questions. I then though that everyone here spoke English anyway. That was good, because i did not know any Deutsch. I turned to the east again in the lager corridor and hurried to the end of it, which was only twenty or so meters away. At the end, i turned to the north to head for the exit door. I stepped into a small recessed area, which was about five meters square. Stairs ascended to the north, toward the northern wall, to the northwest of me, but the stairs were incomplete and did not reach the opening in the upper part of the wall. I wondered where i could go to get away. I moved to the south a little, looking around. The ceiling was quite high, but a glass shield was about three meters above me. It would prevent me from climbing to the openings that led out of the building. I felt concerned, wondering how i could get out of here. I then heard the voice of a woman calling from the corridor to the west. She said something that seemed to be a Star Wars reference. This seemed strange. I backed into the room, trying to hide from her view. She stopped in the corridor, just to the south of the room. She was talking to someone that i could not see. She seemed very upset, and she was crying. I was not sure to whom she was talking. She then threw her arms up in the air in frustration and left to the east. She was wearing a one-piece suit that was orangish-pink, with a design of large black flowers printed on it. The flowers were irregular in shape.

I remembered the area where i had been in the stairwell. It was a small cement room, and the stairs ascended to the north. Two men were standing to the east of me, near the eastern wall of the room. They were both shirtless and wearing long pants. They seemed to be unconscious but still standing. As i watched, the one on the southern side fell forward, landing on his chest and face. His skin had a strange yellow hue to his chest. I felt uneasy. Something was wrong here.

12022 April 25

I talked to the others in the fraternity house about the events. I thought that we had to get the graphics together for something. I was sitting at a table, facing east, and some of the others were standing around the table. I looked at the picture of the shield on the small square piece of paper. The shield was yellow and pale-blue. A small note on one corner of the paper said that the shield was $58. I thought that this was very expensive, and i wondered why we would have to pay that much to use the crest. I talked to the others in the room about it. The room seemed to be in the center of the house. I told the other people that i would get the files together for the project that we were doing. I started to collect some of the things that we had spread across the table. I moved to the northeast a little, noticing the twisted roots or vines to the northeast of me. I seemed to be in the back yard of the house, and a cliff was just to the north of me. The dirt cliff seemed to be about three meters tall, and a thick brown tree was in the eastern part of it. Branches or vines twisted loosely around the central column of the tree trunk. They looked nice, and i thought that there was some significance to them. I moved a little and grabbed some of the vines. I thought that we had to collect them, but i was not sure how to do that. They were about a half deci thick, and they were tangled with each other around the tree. I bent over to the south and pulled some of them up. I was now standing on top of the cliff, to the north of the tree. The land at the top of the cliff was covered with bright-green cut grass. A tall tree trunk was just to the east of me. The cliff seemed only to be to the north of the small yard of the house to the south. The tree to the east of me seemed to be on the corner of the property, and the land to the south of it seemed level with where i was now. I tossed some of the vines on the ground to the north of me, wondering how i could collect them. The vines looped on the ground, with the loop falling to the north of me. The lower part of the loop was still connected to the tree. I then thought that we should probably not collect the vines. Something about them seemed special, and i thought that we should not disturb them. I rotated to the east to look at the vines i had tossed on the ground. I was then aware of a man and boy to the northeast of me. They had been walking across their yard, and they stopped when they saw me. The man leaned forward and pulled the boy back to him as they neared me. They seemed curious as to what i was doing, but the man seemed cautious. I decided that we should not be collecting the vines, so i picked up the vines to the north of me and tossed them back over the cliff. I also thought that, if i had left them on the top of the cliff, they might have gotten caught in the lawn mower when the man mowed his lawn. I headed to the southeast head back down the cliff. I was then in the back seat of the car as the other person drove down the road on the eastern side of the cliff. The cliff was much higher now, and this was the cliff near the western end of the neighborhood. The neighborhood seemed like Cayuga Heights, and it was along the top of the high land. The steep cliff formed the southern border of the neighborhood. A small section of land jutted to the south at the western end of the cliff, and we were driving down the road that was to the east of that jut. $F71 was driving the car, and he started moving quickly down the steep hill. I felt uncomfortable as he speeded up. Another person was in the passenger’s seat of the car, and he was talking to $F71 as well. I told $F71 to slow down, but he did not listen. The car swerved to the west as we rounded a sharp corner in the road. The person in the passenger’s seat made a tense groan as the car straightened out again. $F71 was not driving safely, and i told him to slow down. The passenger was kneeling on the seat, facing back now. He seemed like $A337. He looked nervous, and he pulled the seatbelt around him. I asked $F71 to stop the car, but he turned to the east and started up the road that went back up the hill. I was angry with him, and i told him to stop. He continued to drive, but i felt that i had to get out of the house. I slapped $F71 on the right side of his head, demanding that he stop the car. He stopped the car, and i quickly got out on the driver’s side. I felt very angry. I seemed to be at the top of the hill again, and the main road ran east to west, just to the north of us. The land to the east of us seemed to be urban, and a highway separated us from the city streets. The highway ran north to south. I thought that i would have to take the highway to the south to get back down the hill. I started walking east to get to the highway. I turned to the south on the western edge of the highway and started down the hill. Tall cement structures rose on the eastern and western sides of the highway. They seemed to support an overpass that ran just to the south of me. I walked along an elevated sidewalk on the western side of the road toward the area under the structure. Some vehicles seemed to be in the road to the east and southeast of me, but they were standing still. They seemed to be parked just to the north of the short tunnel through the structure. As i continued down the sidewalk, i suddenly noticed someone walking up the steep slope toward me. The man was dressed in green army clothing. He seemed to be carrying a pack on his back, and he had a helmet on his head. I felt uneasy as he passed me, because he seemed to be ready for battle. I then realized that the olive-green vehicles to the east of me were heavily armored. One was a backhoe, and it was doing something in the road. I then noticed that a section of the sidewalk in was on was missing to the south of me. I stopped at the edge. A small armored vehicle with a faceted domed window on top was just to the south of me. It was parked in a gap in the sidewalk. I considered stepping over the top of the car to get to the south, but i felt uneasy. Something seemed unsafe here. I turned around and started back up the slope. I then realized that i had been walking on a thick metal arm. The arm was segmented, and it seemed like a telescoping arm, though the segments did not seem to get smaller to the north. A large dull-green worn metal box, which looked like a small shipping container, was on top of the northern end of the arm. I thought that the container was the one that had the crests in it. The metal of the arm was streaked along the length of the arm where the arm had extended and retracted. I worried that the arm would start retracting, allowing the large box to slide back down the slope toward me. The box started sliding toward me, and i moved to the west. A thick cable ran along the western side of the slope, and i rolled over the top of the cable to get out of the way.

I was in the room, which seemed to be in the center of the house. This place seemed to be a fraternity. A rectangular table was in the center of the room, and i stood just to the north of it. A few people were to the west of me as i started cleaning things off of the table. I seemed to have something on my head that i had taken off of the table, and i grabbed a few dishes in my right hand. I then turned to the south and lifted a large metallic-plastic platter off of the table. I had to pick up something else from the table, and i realized that i had already picked up too many things already. I felt silly, and i told the other people to the west of me that i had made a mistake in what i picked up. I asked someone to take something out of my hands so that i could grab the things from the table to the south of me. I smiled, joking about how i had gotten myself in to this situation.

12022 April 26

I was in the room of the darkened restaurant. Everything here seemed to be shades of brown. A man was to the east of me, and he was telling the waiter to the south of him about the charge on his bill. The waiter had asked to charge him for the dinner, and the man said that he had already paid for the dinner. I knew that something had happened to the north, and i thought that i had something to do with it. The mas said that he had been charged previously for something, so he would not have to pay for the dinner now. The man was sitting on the northern side of a small table that was against the eastern wall of the room. He held the white receipt in his hands, and he started folding it to put away. I explained to the waiter that the machines to the north had been testing something, but they accidentally made real charges. I knew that this was not correct, but it was the explanation that i was supposed to use. I thought that i had actually done something that i was not supposed to do, so i had told the man that the previous charge to his card was accidental. The waiter seemed surprised, and i told him that a number of people were charged extra. This seemed improbably, though, so i corrected the statement by saying that only one machine to the north was making the real transactions. The waiter asked how many others were affected by the mistake of the machine, and he guessed at four or five. I told him four, realizing that i had said “many” previously. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that i should not have been part of the lie. The waiter headed off to the north, and i walked to the west. I felt bad about lying to the man, and i hoped that the man did not ask any further questions. I thought it unlikely that he would. I crossed the darkened room, coming to the western end. I hoped that people did not investigate the machines to the north. I rolled the coins around in my left hand. I had been holding the short stack for a little while. They had something to do with the lie. I was upset and not sure what to do. I turned back to the east. I was still in a room, but there was no northern wall now, and i could see a long ridge of rounded hills to the north. I thought that i had do drive somewhere.

12022 April 28

The three men were talking in the room to the east of me. Two of them were talking cheerfully with each other. I thought that they were negotiating about something, and it seemed like the two men were getting close. I moved to the east and came into the eastern side of the small room where the men were. My father seemed to be to the northwest of me as i crouched down, doing something as i faced east. Another man was to the northeast of me. He stood up suddenly and walked toward my father, saying something happily to him. I turned to see the man put his arm over my father’s shoulder. The man was Vladimir Putin. He stood tall as he put his left arm over my father’s shoulder and looked at me. He was wearing a pink button-up shirt. I felt awkward here, wondering why the men were close to Putin. I thought that Putin must have been fooling them into doing something. They stood to the west of me, seeming friendly to each other. I was uncomfortable with the situation, and i walked to the north, into the next room. I wondered what i should do.

I stood on the southern end of the western side of the rectangular table. A man sat to the north of me, facing the two other people on the eastern side of the table. The man sat just to the northeast of me, and a woman stood just to the north of him. We were playing a game, which seemed like a card game. We had been exchanging cards across the table. I tossed one of my tan cards toward the man, thinking that i was making a good play. The woman quickly grabbed the card before it hit the table on the other side. I realized that she had taken my card so that i would not be able to play it. I felt disappointed. I said, “I guess you can catch bills before they reach the table.” The woman just smiled at me. I felt annoyed. The man to the north of me slided a card across the table so that it could not be caught. He slided it under the hands of the man who was sitting across from him. I felt disappointed that i was unaware of the rules, and i felt that i was not making any progress.

12022 April 29

I stood in the northeastern section of the large open room, facing southwest as the others moved around on the western side of the space. The room looked like an old warehouse or storage building. The white cement walls were worn and chipping, and the ceiling was about three meters high. Bright light came down from the ceiling, and it seemed to come from many flat skylights. The ground was covered with green grass, which was just starting to grow for the season. We had been staying in this room. The others were preparing for a concert, and they were gathering their things. I walked a little to the south, realizing that the grass was wet. The ground was still soaked with rain or melting snow. Sparse furniture was in the room, and a dark-gray cushioned couch seemed to be in the center, facing north. It had a low wood coffee table to the north of it. The room was very wide and deep, and large openings in the western wall seemed to lead to another part of the building. The others were gathering things and moving in and out of the openings. I noticed the man standing to the south of me, on the eastern end of the southern wall. He was Paul McCartney. He was holding a guitar or bass in his right hand, and i thought that he needed to set it down somewhere. I realized that he could not easily set it down because the floor was wet. I moved toward him, looking down at the puddles under the grass as the lower end of the instrument bobbed over the ground, looking for a place to rest. I told Paul that he could put the guitar on one of the chairs in the room. That would keep it off of the ground. I moved to the west, thinking about this. I then said that i had a pallet that i could bring in. I thought that the pallet was at my house, though, so i would have to go get it. It seemed that it would take too long to do. The others walked from the west and started heading to the south, down a poorly lighted corridor that ran to the south from the eastern end of the room. The woman was carrying something, and she said that they would be getting ready for the show. I was in a band with the woman and the man. I realized that Paul was still in the room to the west of me as i started following the others to the south, down the wide corridor. I had my guitar with me, but i thought that i did not know the songs that the band would be playing. I called to the woman, telling her that i was not ready to play a show yet. She continued to walk away. I felt very nervous, and i started walking to the southwest, across the large room. I followed the others to the western side of the building. I was not sure what i would play. I could not think of any of the songs. I tried to finger some fifth chords on the neck of the guitar i was holding. I felt uncomfortable, aware that i did not know what to play. The others stopped in the small room to the west. They were talking in a small group of three or four near the center of the southern wall. I looked at the large wooden cabinet that was to the south of them. We seemed to be in a kitchen. The others were talking about the room. I knew that this was a small secondary kitchen for the house. The main kitchen was to the east and much larger. I looked at the polished and stained wood of the cabinet. It had carvings on the doors that were formed of thin lines with round dots on the ends. The carvings had straight lines that seemed to cross at diagonals. Something about the carvings looked very familiar, and some of the others pointed them out. I was aware that similar wood cabinets lined the western wall of the room, but they did not seem to have the same carvings on them. This cabinet had carvings that matched the cabinets from the main kitchen in the other part of the house. I pointed this out to the others, who were now to the west of me. I remembered the designs in the other kitchen, thinking that they were special in some way, signifying something. I said something to the others as i started to the southeast, heading toward the corridor that ran south from the room. I came into the entryway of the house. A let of stairs descended to the west, along the southern wall. They started from a landing that crossed the eastern wall of the room. I started down the stairs, thinking that this apartment building felt very comfortable. The stained wooden stairs were old and dull, and the bannister and spindles matched. As i was about halfway down the stairs, i heard a sound in the hall. I stopped and listened for a moment. I realized that it was the sound of someone snoring. It was coming from behind me, but no one was on the stairs. I thought that someone must have a room that extends under the stairs. I turned to look at the steps behind me. The snoring sounded very loud, so i thought that the person must be right underneath the step. I thought about knocking on the wood to see if i could wake the person. I move my left arm in an exaggerated swing at the step, but i did not hit it. I smiled in amusement with my swing. I then realized that the snoring was very clear. It sounded as though the person was very close to me. This seemed strange. I looked to the west at the entry door at the bottom of the stairs, in the northern end of the western wall. A hallway ran to the north of the stairs, and it seemed wider than the stairs. The walls were white, but they seemed gray with the diffuse light coming in from the window in the upper part of the entry door. I heard the snoring again, and i started to feel concerned. The sound did not make sense.