11995 May 01

I was at the mall, and i was standing by one of the tall white columns. The Simpsons were there, and they got in a line and started throwing knives to each other. I was standing by the column in the center of their line. I could see Marge in front of me juggling the knives with someone behind me.

I was with my grandmother in the store. We moved through the racks of clothes. $A6 was back in town. I was uncertain whether i should talk to him. I worked in the store. $A6 walked into the store across the way. I saw him enter. I walked into the store across the hall. I looked down the narrow room of the store. I did not see $A6 in the room. I thought that he might be in the back room. I walked through the back door of the store and into the back hallway. The hall was cement, and there was a staircase to my left, leading up and behind me. Before me was the staff lounge. I was wearing my guitar over my shoulder. I heard music in the back room. I hoped that $A6 was part of a band. I walked into the staff lounge, but did not see anyone. There was a white drum set and some other instruments scattered in the room, but there was on one there. I turned to walk out. A man in a T-shirt passed me as i walked out the door. I headed up the stairs. I could hear people playing sports in the gymnasium as i got to the top of the stairs. I peeked in and could see $A6 in a loose white shirt. They seemed to have stopped their business meeting, so i called his name. He looked at me, and i acted as if i did not exactly recognize him. When i was certain that it was he, i walked up to him and hugged him. He was all sweaty. We walked out the door and ended up outside the building. The grass and trees were green, and the tree by the edge of the building and slightly up the hill from us had fresh pink and white flowers. He sat down in the grass to eat his lunch. I sat down next to him to talk. I told him about myself and what i had been up to. I mentioned that i was an artist. He said that he was not. A man in the window across the way started yelling at the girl.

11995 May 02

The woman in the white evening gown was standing in the doorway of $P7. She had one arm above her, leaning against the door, and the other before her chest, holding a glass of champagne. Her latino lover was standing by the linen-covered tables, in the main dining room. There were French doors on the walls, and crystal chandeliers. It was a formal occasion. The latino lover was wearing a red wide-collar shirt. It was unbuttoned at the top, and i could see the gold chains. The characters were not that strong, i thought, but the story was okay. It was a mystery, and something was wrong. Someone was dead. The woman then had a flashback. The view was hazy, but the party was more involved. People were milling around in formal attire. The woman walked down the northern hall. Suddenly, the fire alarm rang. People came out into the halls. I tried to get them out of the building. Then i ran to the front hall to see where the problem was. I remembered that this is the way the story is supposed to happen. I rounded the corner in the front hall and looked at the red fire box on the left wall. There was a green light on the panel. It said that the fire was in section 31, the back locker room. I already knew that, as i had read it before. I ran out the southern door of $P7 and looked around the back side of the building. I should be able to see smoke, as the story goes. I headed down the hill, looking around the back of the building. I did not see anything. A group of girls walked up the slope and sat down on the grass. They were high school kids, and were much younger than i. I was wearing a tan corduroy jacket. I started to spin around, lifting into the air.

I looked out the window of my bedroom in my parents’ house. There was construction happening on the road. I left through the window and flew over the yard. I was wary of the construction workers. One of them was not a real worker. I walked past the front door of the house and realized that there was a man inside. He was not supposed to be there. My mother wanted to leave soon, but i was worried what the man in the blue shirt might do after we leave. My mother brought the car around. I unhooked the beeper from the alarm system. The black wire was not where it was supposed to be, so i plugged it back into the brassy terminal. Someone had been tampering with it.

11995 May 03

We were in the city of the Tripods, and we had to escape. The curve face of the elevator door slid open and we got on. We took it down to the work levels, where we would be able to escape from the city. We ran northward, up through the orchard. There were several workers wandering around, but we knew that they were not a threat. They were all programmed, and had become stupid. I ran up the side of the field, hoping that the trees would cover my escape. The guards were after us, and i could hear them running through the thicket. I had to act like one of the capped, so that they would not notice me. I spotted $A266 and $A402 walking the other way in the orchard. I was worried for a moment that they might recognize me, but then i stopped to talk to them. It made me look less conspicuous if i were casually talking to them. I tried to act relaxed as the black guards ran by. Then i took off down the river. The river was contained on the town side by a stone-wall embankment. I crossed the bridge and ended up in front of the old mansion. The others were not behind me. They had been captured. I hid in the old mansion. The Tripods gathered around outside. I walked into the brown room downstairs. It had paneling on the walls, and the narrow staircase went up to my left. Then i pushed my way into bathroom. I was going to hide from the black guards when they came in. the old woman was living in the house. She was still free, and had been hiding out from the capped. She walked past the ornate blue and yellow trimmed fireplace. I looked into the bathroom to see a body on the floor. It was old and decaying and was torn apart. The black guards came in and i directed them to the body. Then i ran out of the house and down along the river. I looked back to see the black Tripods standing over the mansion. The old woman was dead, but i remember the story ending differently.

11995 May 04

I was driving back and forth along the dirt road that ran through the thinly treed forest at the bottom of the hill. The hill went up in the prime direction, slightly east of north. I kept burping as i drove. Three was toothpaste in my mouth, and it would drip out as i burped. The occidental in the passenger’s seat kept talking to me. The road was rough, and i drove up the steep path of the hill and then back out in the opposite direction. I started eastward down the path, the occidental still talking and smiling to me from the passenger’s seat.

I was in the formal room at the top of the clock tower. I started down the stairs to the next level, but found that they were not there anymore. Instead, there was a narrow wooden board, which was unstable. I rounded the grey structure at the second level down before the board collapsed. I ended up in the rounded room with the unfinished and crude wood flooring. I was wondering how we could get down the stairs. I saw the large nail sticking up out of the center of the floor. I did not want to get caught on it as i moved the pieces of wood over by the stairs. I was trying to rebuild the ramp, but nothing was sturdy enough. There were several other people in the room, and several poles running from the floor to the ceiling. Then the party of four in black and whit formal wear headed up the stairs. I sat in the car as we drove to my grandmother’s. The car was very big and light blue. I looked around on the seat for the seatbelt, but could not find it. Then i got out of the car and walked around the driveway. The others went up the back stairs into the upstairs apartment of my grandmother’s house. I had forgotten my pants in the car. I looked through the car in the garage, but could not find them, so i walked out into the driveway. I could see the small cars behind $F1’s house. They were Chivettes, and were tan.

11995 May 07

I was walking along the sidewalk with my grandmother. We walked along side the large grey wall of the factory. We were talking about the mansion that used to be here. The ground around us was made of coarse gravel, and the hill slanted up from the path, away from the building. Three were trees along the top of it. The land in general ran up hill in the direction we were heading. As we came to the edge of the building, we took a left around the corner. There was another building to the right of the same grey colour. We walked along the gravel, past the black steel railing that led down a metre or so to the entrance of the factory on the left. Ahead of us, i could see a large round opening in the ground with cement walls and water inside. We could not get though in this direction. We turned back and headed up the hill in the direction we were originally heading.

11995 May 08

We went down into the quarry to gather some rocks. We drove down the side of the cliff and got out of the car. The car was a small brown Volkswagen Rabbit. While we were out it in the shale pit, $Z got into the car and started to drive away. He drove back up the cliff and was getting away. I could see him driving up the circular ramp that went through the cliff. I ran inside and took the elevator up to the lobby of the hotel. It was a French-style building, with an internal courtyard. I asked the valets to close the gate over the main entrance. Before they could swing the black iron gates closed, however, the car got out and drove away. The building was white with dust shades of blue and green. All of the crew of the Love Boat were serving at the hotel. They were wearing their white and black uniforms. Then i noticed the woman with the gun standing in the doorway. She had a green purse over her shoulder.

11995 May 09

I was in the garage, which was more like a warehouse. There was a long narrow aisle with boxes and cabinets stacked high on the left. The top part of the wall was corrugated, like a tin roof. To the right was a grey metal mesh cage. In it was the man who handed out clothing. I walked over to the counter and started folding some of the shirts. I then turned and walked out. The man in the doorway gave me a “thumbs up”. The dynamite was ready and they were going to blow up the cage.

11995 May 10

I was sitting on the airplane, typing things into the portable computer. The computer was a portable Power Mac. My mother was in the other aisle. Soon the plane came to a landing, and it was time for everyone to get off. I saved the file i was working on and closed the computer, but the female steward took it. She was not happy that i was using it. She brought it into the cockpit and closed the door. Everyone else had left the airplane, but i waited by the door for my computer. I was worried that they might not give it back. In a few moments, the steward brought my computer out to me. I could see a man sitting in the cockpit. He was the one who knew things. I looked over my computer and noticed that there were some extra files on it. They had something to do with the crash. The man inside was the one who knew about it. Then i noticed $A242 there. He was with a group of people going down the stairs and off of the airplane. I wanted to know more about what was going on. I looked at the glass jar they had given me as i walked off of the plane. In it were a roll, some flies, and some marbles. It did not make sense at the time, but i knew it would eventually. I walked along the side of the building, trying to catch up with $A242. The building was to my right. I saw them head down the stairs and into the club. I got to the staircase that went into the ground at the side of the building. There was a navy-blue awning over the top of it. They just entered the door at the bottom on the left. I started down when a man came up. He was wearing a wrestling shirt, and i watched him walk by. Then i saw $A430 on the stairs. I stopped to talk to him.

We were inside the auditorium of the school. There was a large crowd there. Several tables were set up on the sides of the room, and the floor was covered with patches of people mingling. Then the announcer told us over the loud speaker where we could get tickets for the concert. My father and i walked out of the room and then outside. The front section of the school was flat and square. The building made a U around the circle of the driveway. Te walked along the path at the edge of the drive toward the other door. We turned left and started up the stairs. They were shallow wide stairs with a spacer in the middle. There was a promotional sign on the door. It said “Social Drugs” in large letters, with smaller writing underneath. The banner was pinkish-yellow, with black letters in rounded serif style. We walked through the door and into the long narrow hallway. To the right was an entrance to the stadium, around a corner, and to the left, the hall opened. We walked to the left, to see if we could find the ticket booth. I heard the band playing. As we entered the opening, we could see a man playing on a drum set.

11995 May 11

The starship was in trouble. It was under attack by the smaller fighters. I always wondered what would happen if small interceptors were to attack a starship. The starship was taken over, and the small ships docket with it. They boarded. They were just children, and they were taking over the ship in defiance against their parents. They were unhappy with the way things were, and could not get a change any other way. The girl gathered with the other invading troops. They pushed the hostages don the hall, and then disappeared into the small annex room. They were wearing black uniforms with silver ornamentation. The girl passed a small credit card to the other person. It was actually a camera. They would need to take pictures for evidence. The girl then turned to her left and walked through the gymnasium and into the back room. She entered the boys’ locker room. The bays were practicing gymnastics and games. I was she, and i wondered for a moment if i was safe from attack. I was not sure whether they knew that we had taken over the ship or not. We needed to get to communications. I looked around at the boys and realized that they would not be much of a threat to us. They were our age, and would understand. I went back out and told the others that we had to get to communications. We headed up the stairs to the upper terrace. The adults were being held along the walkway. They were all wearing blue uniforms, and were bound together with shackles. They started chanting a low steady tone. It was in protest to the take over. I realized that this was a period of the early federation. This was how it all started.

My grandmother was standing in front of me. She was wearing a tan jacket with a white blouse and a tan pleated shirt. She also had on a bright-yellow tie. I thought that the tie looked somewhat awkward. I should be getting dressed up myself, but i did not really know what i should wear. I went over to the oak chifferobe and looked through it. There was nothing there that i really wanted to wear. I should really go out and get some more clothes. The television was on in the room. My parents were sitting by the bed, watching it. The show they were watching was some science-fiction adventure. Then the dire alarm rang. We started toward the exit, though the room did not really have any walls. I walked around to the other side of the chifferobe and climbed up the ladder to the top of it. There was a set of wood-slat stairs on the outside where the thick green vegetation was. Her other people gathered around by the bottom of the stairs, ready to climb up to where i was, but the fire drill ended. I let several people from the top of the building go back down the stairs. Then i started down the stairs. They were very steep, and ran outward from the top of the object i was on, between a dark-brown wall and a thin wall. The staircase was actually a ladder, and the thin wall was the door of a chifferobe. I leaned against the door with my left hand as i started to step on the ladder. The door swung away, and the ladder fell. I held myself up on my arms, balancing the edge of the door under me. I thought that i should climb down. I wondered if this was how $F12 build up his lats so much. I made it down and walked around to the left and into the room. My parents were watching television again. A picture of a yellowish-orange shell came on, on top of a royal blue background. It was a clam-shell shape, like the one for Shell Oil. The program was called “The Shell”, and was a science-fiction fantasy show. I left the room and met up with the cross-country team. They started jogging from the hotel. I started to follow but found that i could not really move that fast. The wind blowing against me was too strong, and my knee was starting to hurt. I stopped in front of the service station, where $F4 and $F7 were sitting at a picnic table. The table was actually a bed. They were looking over several CDs. I found a Beatles CD. It was a low budget CD with a blue patterned back. I pointed out the last song on the CD to them. It was labeled as “Do things with help from my friends”. We knew that the title was incorrect. $F4 shifted and the glass of water in front of him spilled. We all got off of the bed to try to clean up the water.

11995 May 12

$F4, $F13, and i were on the bus. We were making strange faces to each other. At one point, $F4 and i were leaning toward each other, puffing our cheeks up into a funny face when we both bumped heads. The others on the bus were complaining that we were making too much noise. It was a team bus. We came down the road and then turned into the mall. $F15 said that he would like to go get a noise stick. $F4 then had to leave, because there was too much noise.

There was a very long tent across the top of the hill. It had broad vertical stripes of white and forest green.

11995 May 13

We were in a tunnel. It was long, with smooth cement walls. The cornels were square. We walked down the tunnel until we saw the construction at the other end. There were workmen in orange work suits and hard hats. Some were on yellow construction scaffold, slightly rusted to the poles. We new that something illegal was going on, and we did not want to be spotted. We sneaked down the corridor to the right. There was another exit up by the men to the left. It was a stairway up. We walked down the short corridor to the room. There was a man inside working on some equipment. We told him about what was going on outside. He was aware of the illegal activities. He had been working on a device in the laboratory. It looked like a fan with tiny wires looping around it. It was bright, shinny, and copper in colour. He told us about their proposal. They wanted to blow things up. We walked back across the laboratory and out into the hall. The laboratory had a lot of black countertops and electrical stuff. In the hall, i could see a man bouncing a ball against the wall of the main corridor. I wondered if he would be spotted. I then noticed $F12 outside. There was a group of others playing ball. Suddenly, they all scattered .I looked down the corridor to see the workmen chasing them. I looked to see where $F12 had run to. He was running down toward the room, where he would be safe. The workmen were attacking the others around me now. Then i saw $F10 in front of me. One of the men grabbed him from behind and $F10 threw him. Then two people grabbed him and dragged him to the ground. One was behind him choking him. $F10 was in trouble, so i went over and started attacking one of the men. I hit him several times in the head until he fell away. $F10 got the other man in a chokehold and started squeezing. I went to find out where $F12 had gone. I looked back down the hall, up the shallow stairs that i had originally come down. I could see several people running still. The fight seemed to be dying down. I walked into the side room, which was now a lecture room, with red rough fabric chairs. $F12 was there, and he was safe.

Spiderman was on the top of the tower. He was sitting on the outside of the building, looking down over the terrace party. I was he. The building was a mid-11920s design, with descending metal plates and blocked-glass windows. I was wearing my normal costume: the blue and red one. There was some trouble around the small cabin, so i swung over and saved some people. Then i noticed that my Venom costume was gone. I was handed a card at the elevator. It was an invite to a formal party. I went over to the terrace where the people were gathering. They were watching the boats gather on the river. The boats were going to race each other. I swung back into the building and into the dining room. I ended up on top of the landing above a tall glass window. I had three bottles of water in my hand in small half-litre containers. Then the woman on the floor told me she had bad news. She was surprised that i had not heard of Aunt May’s death. She was killed. I knew it was by Venom. I was mad, and dropped two of the water bottles. I then jumped across the room and out into the main lobby. Venom had gone up the main staircase. I climbed the walls after him. I was enraged. The upper stairs were ink-black in darkness, and i knew he was watching me from them as i approached. I tore down several sheets from my way. I was going to find Venom and make it pay.

11995 May 16

$Z and i were biking up the steep hill at night. There were thick woods on either side of the road, and the road made a curve to the left as we pumped our bikes up it. A car passed us from behind. The bright headlights illuminated the road in front of us for a moment. After it passed, i realized just how dark it was outside. Finally, we made it up to the house. It was a three-level house, with brown wood boards vertically on the outside. We walked in and ended up in the white kitchen. There was an enclosed staircase going up to the other level. We walked up it and ended up in the living room. There was a television in the back corner, on the same side of the room as the stairs were on the kitchen. Tatoo from Fantasy Island was on the television screen.

I looked under the front of the truck and noticed that there was a hole in the ground under it. I backed up the truck and got it moving again. I had to fill in the hole in the gravel and dirt driveway. There was grass growing in the parking spot. I drove down the road. There was a small kiddy train moving slowly to my left. I passed through the stone arch and the woods on my right ended. They were northern pine woods, like $P24. To my right was a parking lot of a restaurant. The restaurant was in the center of the lot, which had a lot of grass growing in it. The restaurant was designed like a log cabin, and was stained dark brown. I drove past the trapezoidal sign, which was made out of brown stained logs to match the main building, and turned into the lot. I parked on the right side, in front of the cabin rooms, and i walked toward the restaurant. I walked on top of the wood log toward the restaurant. The log was a stopper for the parked cars. There were two used cars for sale to my right, in the lot. One was blue and the other was faded green. I then made it into the restaurant. The inside was dark, and decorated in rustic designs. I was getting bored, so i decided to leave. As i walked past the long table by the entrance to the restaurant, i saw $A30 come in. He greeted me and then walked on. I looked over the yellow booklets on the table and then walked out the door. I turned to the left and headed into the other section of the parking lot from where i parked. I then noticed the train coming on the tracks through the lot. It was moving slowly. As it passed, i could see all of the people inside the glass engine. The train was really a classy bar. There was a large clear wheel in the center of the engine. As it turned, the bar rose and fell. He people inside were dressed in formal attire and continued to party as the train moved.

11995 May 17

It was like an elementary-school auditorium. The long tables were rather low to the ground. The re was a large honey-comb-shaped structure lying on the table. Inside each of the sections was some food. I walked into the front door of the American-classic church. There was a party going on, and a lot of people gathered. I went down the entryway to the church and into the small auditorium. There were several tables of food, and they were all labeled with little white tags. The decor was yellowish-cream. I left the large room and went around the corner to get a drink. They had punch on the table, but i was not interested in water. I took a plastic cup from the table. The drinking fountain was tucked into a turn in the hallway, right in front of another room. I pressed the button and waited for the water to cool. It kept coming out hot. I filled the clear plastic cup and entered the room next to me. There was a puppet show and Punch was on stage. I walked back around the corner and down the main hall. I was going to head home, so we were in the car on the road. The ground was snow-covered, and the road was slippery. We were following someone. I thought that it might be $F7. He was driving an old faded-brown American car. We were on a long straight road with houses on the right side. I decided to turn around and head for $P51. $F7 would be able to find our house without me.

11995 May 18

I was on the bus as it drove through the halls of the elementary school. We drove down the long hall, and then turned left and then right. We came out the other side. The next time through the school, we had a new bus driver. He drove through the tall narrow halls of the school. The halls were cream colour. The bus went through the arch at the entrance of the red brick building and down the hall. The bus passed the first left turn down the wide corridor. It went through the old brow age-darkened wood doors by the gym and down the thin passage. It had trouble making the corner because of the narrow passage. We told the driver what he or she had done wrong. He or she drove around the right, into the main corridor and through the inside arch. The group of us then carried the door up the grassy slope. The bus driver led the way as we carried the heavy french door up the hill by the ties. People started walking out from under the door, however, and soon i was felt carrying it by myself. I though, for a moment, about bearing a cross. The driver soon directed the people to help me again, and soon we were all carrying the door again.

11995 May 19

I was in the museum of alphabet art. Everything was shaped like some letter of the alphabet. We were driving out in $P29. My mother wanted to turn left at the edge of the grass. We did and ended up going through the wooded area. There was a small camping trailer next to us, which we pulled up. My grandfather was driving and wanted to pull over to rest. I walked around the silver steam-lined trailer before going in. There were couches along three walls to the left of the entrance door, where we would be sleeping. It was very dark inside, and all of the walls were dark brown. We made sure that the doors were locked, because we could see people moving through the shattered windows near the ceiling.

I was in the large boat with my father and the rest of the family. We were sailing down the narrow river. The boat was about seven metres long and three wide, and had wooden sides. The sails were flapping overhead as we tacked into the wind. Then we came to the top of the hill where the stream came to the intersection with the road. I wondered what we would do now that we had run out of water. The boat, however, continued on. It lifted onto the pavement and over the crest of the crossroad. It then continued down the gentle slope into the country valley on the other side. We then took the sails down, as we did not need them any more.

11995 May 20

I walked up the stairs in the great hallway. They ran against the back wall, and were made from white stone. They were broken in the center by a two-step landing. The hall was very large and open, with glass for its front wall. There was a narrow section a little way down the side of the building before the hall continued again. Some of the students from my high school were gathered at the party that was in the hall. The walls were light red, and the floor on the bottom level was black and white stone. I walked around the balcony that overlooked the room. It did not have any handrails. The balcony was carpeted with a teal and light-red pattern of squares and triangles. Then i saw a man fall off of the stairs to my left. People on the lower floor rushed to see if he was all right. $A164 looked up at me as he stood near the fallen man, who just lay on the floor in his tuxedo. I thought that there should have been a railing on the balcony and stairs. They should be aluminum, and have flat tops. I turned and walked away from the balcony. I pulled the car into the parking spot and put on the emergency brake. As i let go of the regular brake, the car started to roll. It was on top of a long grassy hill with several bright-green bushes at the top. The lot i was parking in was gravel, with a wood log as a parking stop. The car was a red Rabbit. I could not get the brake to work. The cable must have been broken. I wont around to the front of the car to try to keep it from rolling down the hill. Then the wild man started charging up the hill toward us. We were afraid that he would attack us, but stood ready to defend. I was not sure whether he would actually come after us. He charged us and $F7 pushed him. He pushed him into the dressing room on the left, and i closed the white slatted door. I leaded up against the opposite wall and pushed against the door to keep it closed. The wild man kept kicking it open a little way before i pushed it back closed. I was waiting for $Z to secure the door. Then i noticed $X6 barking at the man. She was trying to get in the dressing room to attack him. I grabbed her by the collar to keep her back. As she backed away, she got her hind leg caught on a nail. It pierced her lower leg and stuck out the front. She tried to pull away, but was only pulling on her tendon. I grabbed her leg and helped her lift it off of the nail.

I fell asleep on the couch in the television room of $P19. The room was facing the opposite direction it normally faces. I woke up in a little while from the tan fluffy sofa to see $A424 and $F15. I spoke to $F15 for a little while, but the conversation seemed strained. He was not too interested in talking to me.

I was in the car in the parking lot when it decided not to run. I knew that there was a problem with the manifold. I pulled out the steering column and saw the back of the engine block just behind it. I could see where it was cracked. It was coated with orange rust powder. Then i noticed that the dust had gotten all over the inside of the car. The engine pieces were lying on the driver’s floor in disarray. I got out of the car and walked around to the front of it. The other man approached, and i told him what the problem was. Then i looked back at the car. It was a yellow Rabbit, and was propped up on cinder blocks. The hood was open and the engine had been removed.

11995 May 22

I pulled the handle on the slot machine and a bunch of coins poured out. I sifted through the coins. There were several old coins in the tray. I found an indian-head nickel, and one that had some strange pictures. There were even some ring coins that looked like washers. I started dumping them all into a small plastic bag without even counting them. I walked past the conference room on my way out. It was empty. I realized that i should catch the bus home. I had to pick up all of my stuff. I started packing my bags. I looked at the clock. I still had some time before the bus came. I got on the bus and we drove on. I looked out the window. We passed by a park. I could see a golden retriever running around on the grass. I was sitting on the bench as it ran by. Some other people started to come up toward the bench, but the dog growled at them.

11995 May 23

I walked through the house. It was not mine, and it was decorated with darkly stained wood and maroon. It was very antiquated. Then i saw the man. He had a pale-yellow mace in his hand with a blade-bit cudgel at the top. I had a short sword with a broad blade, which i had taken from the shelf. I blocked his attack and stabbed him through the chest. He fell to the ground. He was dead and the woman was gone. I stood by the glass doors that led outside, to the deck. I walked over by the grandfather clock and picked up the black receiver of the telephone. I called the police and told them that the man had been murdered. I told tem that i did it. Then i left the house and went home to sleep. I did not feel good about killing the man, however. It worried me. I wondered what the police would think of me not being there. It felt like it was all a dream. I started out the door, but got wedged in the doorway with the red mat. It was wedged between the opposite door frame and me. I tried to push it out of the way, but it kept bending straight against my chest.

$A221 and $A218 were wrestling. I stood by watching them. Then $F7 came over and i started wrestling him. There were alumni coming into $P19, but we did not mind.

11995 May 24

We were driving the car down the steep hill. The car was a road jeep, and went easily over the bumps and water gullies. When we got to the bottom of the hill, we were at the edge of the parking lot for $P27. We drove over the bump on the south side of the lot. Then we turned around and started heading back up the hill. It had rained, and the water gullies were overflowing. They were running across the surface of the hill, flowing slightly up hill. The jeep bounced over them with a bit of difficulty. I was wondering why the water was flowing up from the gorge to our left and across the hill. I figured that it was because there had been so much rain. I looked down the gorge to the left to see a gradual stepping fall running up into the woods. There was a large white stone mansion to the right of the gorge. It was designed in a Miami style, and had aqua trim. I walked up to the edge of the white roof and looked over the railing. My father stepped over the railing and climbed around the round section of the roof. I was uneasy of being so close to the edge, but followed my father anyway. As i rounded the top of the black cast iron railing, i realized that i could have reached this spot by simply climbing over the silver railing from where i was. Then i remembered that i had realized this before, but had forgotten. I climbed over the edge of the building and started down. I stepped around the round oak table with all of the family pictures on it. I walked across the long narrow room toward the stairs at the other end. I looked around the parking lot but had not seen anything, so i walked back into the restaurant. It was dark, and decorated in a deep red velvet and black leather. The two people were talking to the waiter, telling her that i had just gone to look for someone. They left. Two others then came in looking for them. The waiter tried to point them out, but they were gone.

11995 May 26

I was driving down the road in a car. It was a long straight road that went up a hill in the distance. I kept trying to spin the car so that it would go in reverse, but it kept sliding sideways. I tried several times, but the tail of the car kept sliding out to the left. I had to be cautious of on coming traffic. I rode up the hill on a bicycle and rounded the tight corner at the top. I tried again to back up the bicycle to se if it could be done. I realized that if i had horses, it would be easier. So i pulled back on the two horses and they reared up under me, allowing the car to go by. I then got off of the bicycle and looked off of the mountain. There was a deep valley below me, and a lot of pine firs along the tan rocks. A John Denver song was playing on the radio on my bicycle. I turned it down as the boy and girl walked by. They might have thought that i was strange. They were wearing overalls. I waked up to the building and knocked on the door. As i stood on the porch, a boy watched me from the window to my right. The window let into a staircase. The woman watched me from the doorway. She was wearing a red housedress. I looked inside her house to see the kitchen just to the right of the door. The wall of the kitchen over the sink seemed too far into the room for the stair to be on the outside of the building. The window where the boy was should have been in the kitchen, but he was on stairs going up. The woman asked me how i was doing. I asked her about the stairway, and about the apartment up stairs. She talked wearily. Her children came up from behind her and started listening. I pointed out the boy in the staircase. The woman was surprised that i could see him. He was a ghost. I pointed out that the stairs appeared to lead up through the kitchen. I went up the stairs and into the long room on the second floor. The soldiers came into the room. They were supposed to clean up the situation. Some of the soldiers were hesitant to do what they are told. The commander insisted, and they were upset and nervous. So the commander shot them. The troops had to dispose of all evidence. Then they started to leave. My father threw some things into the fireplace on the right. He asked me to keep throwing the papers in. I started to, but wanted to know what they were. I pulled out a piece of paper and realized that it was my artwork. I pulled the rest out of the fire and scattered it around the room. I patted them until they stopped burning. I picked up a brown book from the center of the pile that i had scattered across the television room. I flipped through the pages. It was filled with artwork and photographs. I stopped at a charcoal drawing of myself from behind. The paper was brown, and the picture was in black and white chalk. I was upset and scattered the things around the room. I found a brown folder with stuff in it. I was worried that it was my good artwork. It was only a blue bag with some art supplies in it. They were melted together. The agents were there to clean up the incident. I realized why the commander had shot his troops. If they were unstable, then they might have been a security risk, so the had to be killed. A man helped me past the troops. They would have killed me as well. We walked over to the couch, where i sat down. The boy was related to the Roswell incident. The troops left, so i asked the man about Idium. The man was quiet and was unsure if i knew about Idium. I actually knew little about Idium, but i told the agent that Idium was from Roswell. The man seated me in the couch and said that i should ask Idium myself. He walked over and talked to the other agent. They moved to the couch. The other agent had thinning hair across his forehead and thick bushy eyebrows. His face was very angular. They both stared at me.

11995 May 27

I trapped the wings on to my arms and tried to fly. I sailed over the trees and things. It seemed very difficult to fly with these wings. I entered the house and found $A436 talking. I wanted to say “hi” to him, but he was talking to the two girls. So i left.

11995 May 28

I woke up on the floor. I had been sleeping on the heavy oriental rug. I felt something underneath me, so i pulled off the down quilt and rolled over. There was a bright-green snake on the rug. It was a python. It was not poisonous. I left the room to go downstairs. I heard music coming from somewhere. I looked around and realized that it was coming from the basement. I walked down the stairs and over to the back window. I could see some high-school kids sitting out by the back of the house. They should not have been hanging around out there. I went back upstairs to get some utensils. I was going to get the snake out of the house. I went back up to the bedroom. I looked around the room, but did not see the snake. Then i noticed that it was underneath the rug. I patted on the edge of the rug to try to get it to come out. A stake poked its head out the side of the dark rug. The snake was thinner and had a rounded head. I could see the yellow slanted eyes on the snake. I jumped back because i realized that it was poisonous. I quickly tried to grab the snake with the tongs. I grabbed it by he midsection from the lower edge of the rug. It started to bring its head around. I quickly grabbed its head with my hand so that it could not bite me. I was scared of getting bit.

11995 May 30

There was this temporal disorder. It was very much like a gravity ripple. There was this very large flagship that came through the ripple. It attacked the Enterprise. The Enterprise was broken into pieces. We were all in the cargo bay. The people on the large ship were sorry for attacking the Enterprise. I could see a large C-shaped piece on the floor and left wall of the bay. It was the engine coils and the part of the ship that holds them. I thought that this could not be Enterprise. It was too small. I told this to the part of the crew that was examining it. We kept looking over the wreckage of the ship. The C shape was outlined on the floor in yellow. I was unsure whether it really was the Enterprise, because it seemed too small. I decided to start cleaning the new house. I noticed that there were no Pop-Tarts on the white shelf. Someone must have taken them.

11995 May 31

We walked down the steps in the atrium of the university. They ran from the surface level with the big glass walls and white and steel striped walls toward the lower level. The stairwell went down in the center of the front hall, and was very large. I helped my mother carry the boxes down to the lower level. I recognized the symbols on the wall. They were red triangles, with words across them. This was near where my mother used to work. We reached the bottom, where everything was cold. There was frost on the walls, and ice on a column in the center of the well. A man in a business suit passed us on the stairs. He was going up. He watched us with displeasure as he rounded the stairs going up. I put down the box and started to chip the ice off of the buffer. Then we were on the parking level outside. I flew over the parking lot. I noticed the open holes in the floor of the parking lot. They had no railings, and i thought that a car could fall down hem. They were more than a story high. As i looked out the window of the airplane, i noticed that the pattern of holes matched the sidewalk pattern across the rest of the university. They were alternating triangles and hexagons (polygons).

My father drove the car into the parking lot of the store. The lot was fairly empty, and my father pulled the car into a space by the door. The tires screeched as we swung around into the spot. We sat in the car for a moment before pulling out of he spot. As we drove to the exit of the parking lot, we noticed the fire trucks driving to the house across the main road. We had heard on the radio that there was a fire. We turned to the right and started around the parking lot on the main road. We took another right. To our left was a small set of houses around a cul-de-sac. We started talking about how everyone was starting to expand their businesses in the country. If you wait to be successful in business these days, you can not stay where your business is, otherwise people will think that it belongs to you. The object is to create a product and let it bring the customers to you.