11996 May 01

I walked through the front hall of the large house. The plaster walls were painted cream-orange, and the wood trim was dark brown. The door and window arches were in a modern Victorian style. The nerds ran the house. They had gotten several attractive women for their party. They were happy that they could get some women. I walked out the front of the house and around the circular drive. It was a very large circle, and the far end curved through a stone archway by the bushes. The glass in the center of the walkway was trimmed. I walked around the outside of the walkway, toward the gate. There was a horse on the path in front of the curved row of old buildings. The buildings looked like European cobblestone houses. The horse was facing the old mansion on the other side of the circular lawn, where i had come from. It was bouncing a red gym ball with its hind leg. It dribbled the ball on the ground as i approached. I remembered that $F14 was here earlier. She tried to get the horse to dribble the ball, but the horse would not do it. Then she walked into the old mansion. I continued around the circle of the drive, toward the arch. I looked back at the horse. It was running around in the field. It jumped and shook its head as it moved. I stopped at the edge of the arch. I waited by the arch, looking back toward the house. I thought that there might be someone in the window. I could not see anyone because of the light reflected in them. Then $F14 came out of the mansion. She was upset and wanted to be with me. I felt strange. I thought that our relationship had been over. She was upset and fell in love with me. Someone had attacked her. It was a man, and she was crying and nervous. The police were out looking for the man who had attacked her. I walked down the railroad tracks on the other side of the arch. People were out searching for the man. There was a large grassy field on one side of the tracks. People stood around in the field discussing what they should do. The police stood by the track, along the far side of the field. A small yellow car drove down the tracks. It would help with the police search for the man. I followed the tracks as they went through the woods. There was an embankment of crushed stone on either side of the tracks. The woods parted for a stream a little way farther up. There were people by a crossroad as i walked down the track. There were chanting the name of the person whom the police were looking for. They then started throwing rocks at me. I was walking alone on the tracks, and they thought that i was the bad man. I ran down the tracks to get away. The woods on either side of the tracks got thicker and got closer to the tracks and path. I was running on. I ran past a deer, which was standing on the left side of the tracks. Then there was a car sitting on the left side of the path as the woods started to break. There was a girl sitting in the front of the car. I passed the chain-link fence on the left and curved to the left. Then i stopped. There were no longer tracks under me. I wondered where i had gone. I looked around the area. The sun was setting over one of the hills behind me. I was by the back side of the factories, on the west side of $P3. I had come a long distance from $P14. I wondered if i would be able to get back before the sky got too dark. I could not think of where to go.

11996 May 02

There were maps on the wall of the house. They were contour maps of some lakes and rivers. They all fit together to show a single area. My grandfather was trying to assemble the maps onto the wall. I noticed that two of the maps overlapped each other. One was a very detailed contour map, bet the other was white, with black outlines of roads and blue shading for water. I had these maps on my computer screen. I could easily cut and paste the maps to fit together. I got up from the computer and walked around. I was at $K6’s house. I could have printed out the map from the computer, bet we were about to leave. My parents were there, but they were not ready yet. We sat in the large living room with the white furniture. The furniture had wooden legs and trimming. Then everybody got up to leave. I had to go to the lavatory first. I quickly walked into the large room at the center of the entry hall. The room was very wide, and narrow front to back. There were many stalls along the back wall. I could see the urinals in the last section, to the left, just beyond the toilets. The walls of the booths were dull brown, and the toilets were pale blue. I walked into one of the urinal booths and tried to urinate. The urinal was actually a bucket on the floor. I was having trouble urinating into the bucket. I kept missing. I wondered if i was in the correct area for urination. I backed out of the stall and started across the room. I was in my parents’ house. I was packing to leave. My parents were already packed and ready to leave. I gathered my clothes together. I needed my loafers. I could not find them. I wanted to pack them. My mother told me that i should bring my rubber boots instead. I told her that i would bring tem, but i needed my loafers for afterward. I thought of them as “my flats”. We collected our things from around the room and got ready to go. We were heading to the northeast of $P25 or $P146. That was the area of the map that i was working on on the computer. We were hurrying to get our stuff together. I turned off the television and the lights. I flipped the switches o the wall of the small square living room wall. They turned off the lights. The walls were white and hade worn trim of a deep olive green. The switches were new. They were not as they had been before. I left the lower switch turned on so that there was some light in the house. I walked down stairs and into the back room of my parents’ house. They were sitting on the couches along the wall of the room. I sat in the chair near the front of the room. I slouched across the arms of the chair. We talked about cats. $X4 moved from the ottoman. I had disturbed him when i sat down. My mother said that she would like to get a new cat for when $X4 is gone. I asked her “What about $X5?” My mother said that she does not like $X5. We got up to leave. We were ready to go. I started talking about sleeping out in the sleeping bags at $P25. We could stay in a lean-to. My mother said that it would be too cold. My father said that he was not sleeping with her. He was joking about the situation. He did not want to sleep with her if she was going to complain about the cold. We headed out the back door. It was time to go.

11996 May 05

I was in the small bathroom. I had a bottle. I was drinking from it, but i was not sure if the bottle was open. I thought that i might have been asleep. Then i realized that Beta does not get up on Wednesdays.

I was driving down the road to $P153. I was on my way to a running event. My parents were at the event, and many people wandered around. There were others there who were blind. They were wearing collars around their necks. The collars acted as a sonar device so that they could hear where they were going. I walked into the lavatory. I realized that it was a women’s room. I came out, but i had missed practice.

I was with my parents in the hallway of the large building. My mother and father were discussing the lecture in the hall next door. My mother did not want to go in, but my father insisted that he did. I walked through the doors at the end of the hall with my father. There were oddly coloured telephone booths along the left wall of the hall. They had pin-hole metal wall covering on the sides. Small wooden desks were set up along the outside walls of the lecture hall. My father and i walked around the corner of the room and sat in some of the benches along the left side of the hall. There was a man up front giving a lecture. The room was both decorated with classic wooden furniture and designed with 11960s architecture. My mother was already sitting near us. She had come inform the side doors. We listened to the lecture. I looked over the book that we were discussing.

I drove the car down the dirt road and into the parking lot. The ground of the lot was an ashen-tan, and had grass growing up around the edges of the dry dirt. I walked to the gate of the amusement park with the rest of the group. I walked into the queue switchback and started to step onto the boat that was on the small canal. Then i realized that we had to enter through the booths to my right. That was where we would pay admission. It was three dollars. I went into my wallet to get the money. I pulled out a dollar and looked for a couple others. I had larger bills, but i could not find my singles. I searched through my wallet. Every time i found some singles, i could no longer find the ones i had already removed. I was frustrated that i could not find the money. I moved to the side and let the others go through. $A223 was standing to my left. He watched me with concern. I decided that i had to go back to my car to see if i could find the rest of the money. I put everything back into my wallet and headed out across the parking lot. I was parked pretty close to the entrance gate. I walked up the wooden ramp from the class-enclosed entrance booth near the mouth of the tunnel through which the canal ran. I got into the Cadillac and started to drive down the grassy dirt road near the side of the park. I stopped at the edge of the field. I would eventually go back to the park, but i had to get things in order first.

11996 May 06

I was in the back wind of $P7. I walked down the stairs on the northern side of eth building and walked out into the old gymnasium. It had been arranged like a test was being given. I found out that all of the young children were being given standard tests. I had to get some thing from the gym. I stood in the stairwell, looking into the gymnasium. There was another room to my left. It was full of chairs and students. I looked at the television in the wall at the end of the stairwell. Then $A62 walked out of the old gym. I greeted him. He recognized me after a while. I looked into the room on my left. I saw $A38 sitting at the end of a table. He was getting ready to take one of the tests. He was very young, and wore glasses. There must be a study hall about ready to start. I must have been late. I walked into the old gymnasium, but there was no one there. The tables were all empty. The others would come eventually. I would have to wait for them.

11996 May 07

I drove up to the front of the large mansion. The driveway ran parallel to the front of the house. The house was on my right. I drove up by the front door and stopped the car. The X-Men were inside. Some of them were outside. They stopped me. A girl stood in front of my car. They wanted to search my car, but i would not let them. The car was a black sports car. The girl held out her hand and froze the windshield. It cracked. I could freeze it as well. I held it together with my powers. I was just as good at using power as any of them. I went into the house to look around. My mother was outside walking the dog. I was on the wrestling team as i walked into the large gymnasium. I had two matches. I pinned the other wrestler easily in the first match, but i lost the other one in the championship. I was up near the end of the tournament. The others started to leave. I wanted to play some music because i was not in a good mood. I picked up some of the CDs and put them back into the bag. I wondered if the song i was hearing was from their new album. It seemed familiar, as if i had written it.

11996 May 12

I was in the suburban house. I was being held there. It looked like the dining room of my parents’ house. There was a door at the front of the room, and the walls and ceiling were painted white. It looked very ordinary. I was being held here by the gangsters. I wanted to leave, but they would let me. Something would happen to me if i tried to leave. I watched the men talking. They were wearing dark business suits. They walked out the back door of the house and got into the car. They drove away. I felt very frustrated that i could not leave. As i watched the men go, i wondered if i could escape. I thought about running out the door. I realized that i was not wearing any pants, however. I would have to find a pair to put on. It was one way they had of making sure i did not escape. I knew that there was still a guard in the house. I peeked into the kitchen to see what the guard was up to. He had put down his automatic gun and was preparing some food. He was feeding the dog. I ran back into the living room and decided that i could escape through the front door. I started out when i realized that they were holding a friend of mine. I could not leave or they might hurt him. I walked out the back of the house and stood in the parking lot. There were buildings on three sides of me. The white building with the flat roof was in front of me, and extended to my right. A taller brick building was on my left. I felt restrained here. The lot was old and gravely. It was in the middle of and old suburb.

I was running through the subway station. The others were trying to catch me. They would kill me if they did. I sneaked around at the side of the white tile tunnel. The roll of newspaper i had made me invisible, but it would only work inside of the terminal. I could not pass through the gates because the scanners will detect me. They would set off the alarms if we were not visible. I got $Z so that we could leave together. I had a plan to get out. I handed the paper to $Z and became visible. I then walked through the gate and $Z tossed me the paper. The alarm went off as the paper passed through. The gunmen saw me and started firing. I grabbed the paper and ran into the stairwell. I was free of the terminal, and the others could beam me up. I held the paper and vanished just before the gunmen rounded the corner.

11996 May 13

I was walking through the halls of $P7. I was in the basement. It was very early in the morning and no one was in the building yet. I walked through the halls. There was a television in a door on the left side of the hall. I was headed for the cafeteria from the north wing. I turned the television on and watched to see what was on. The X-Men were on. I looked behind me. The fluorescent light to the bookstore was lighted. Early morning cartoons kept showing on the television. I had to open the large wooden doors to continue down the hall. They were stained a dark colour with a hint of red, and were arched across the top. I realized that all of the doorknobs had been moved to the top of the doors. I even had trouble turning on the television because the television had been placed high in the door. I had to reach for the knob to open the door. I continued down the hall. I did not want to be seen watching the television. I walked upstairs, into the main hall. I could hear the television upstairs. I passed some other people on the stairs up to the second floor. They were wearing white uniforms. I mentioned that i could hear the sound of the television.

The ground was flooded. It had been raining for quite some time and all of the roads were flooded. The area was hazy, and the ground was muddy. The road was closed. I tried to continue down the road toward my parents’ house. I came down the hill from $P109. There were orange emergency cones across the road at the bottom of the first hill. I walked down the path to where it was washed out. There were blocks of frozen snow across the brick path. The bricks had fallen into the stream below. There was an apartment complex to my left, with brows shingled buildings. I crossed the stream and came to the boxes of supplies. They were from my apartment. I could see several cases in the waters. They had been taken out in the flood. I was upset that everything was all wet. There was a man and a girl who crossed the stream just behind me. I was mad that everything was ruined. I could not salvage it. My tapes were all water warped.

11996 May 14

I had built an electric car. It was a small black car, shaped like a VW Rabbit. I had designed and constructed, and was in my parents’ garage. I showed the other person the car. I opened up the hood and showed the person the batteries. There was no engine in the front of the car. The battery was a slight raise in the center of the hood space. There was nothing else around it. The motors were in the wheels. The outsides of the wheels were the electric coils, and the inside of the hub was the main motors. There were black coverings over the battery and the circuits that led to the wheel motors. The rest of the hood space was white. There were computers on board by the front of the dashboard to control the rotation in the wheels. I was going to take $F11 for a ride around the block to show him how it ran. It ran pretty well as we cruised up $P59. I stepped on the accelerator and we were pushed back into the seats. The electric engine had a higher acceleration than a gas engine. We drove back along the dirt road, dust billowing behind us. We made it back to the house before it needed a recharge. I walked up to the garage. Someone had left the car out. It was a small dark-green car, shaped like a Rabbit. I pushed it back into the garage. It was partly disassembled. $A397 was near by. She was wearing a yellow T-shirt with a blue and yellow license plate on the chest.

11996 May 16

I walked through the thick woods by the edge of the reservoir. It looked like $P159. I followed the road across the water. It was partly washed away because of the heavy rains. The sky was very grey and hazy. I walked along the shore on the other side of the reservoir. The ground was muddy, with no vegetation near the water. My mother was with me. She was taking $X3 for a walk. We wanted to cross the reservoir. The ferns were thick and green along the ground. There were snakes in the woods. I could see a large constrictor moving over a log. An old man stood by the shore of the water. He directed us to a safe place to cross. We walked through the deep mud and into the water. The water was still, and it was only five or six metres to the other shore. It seemed as if we were in the deep woods. The area felt like $P24. We came to the other shore and walked into the woods. There was something strange about a certain area of the woods. It seemed to be out of place. There was a bluish-grey illumination from the air around some shrubs. This was a temporal disturbance. The elevator came up from the forest floor. It was dull metallic grey with yellow and black striped banners across it. We got in and started heading down to the city below. The city was hidden in the future. The others got off of the elevator at an upper level. We had to stay on until the lower levels. There were small square openings in the walls below. They were about a half metre on each side. The Nazi guard stood waiting for us. The openings were holding cells. We were prisoners of the city and had to be placed in small quarters. I would not go into the cell. The space was too small. I felt afraid. I remembered the holocaust and what they used to do to the prisoners. I talked with the other people, who were sitting around the large wooden table. We had to clean up the area. The teacher was watching us. I did not feel right. I was angry and did not feel like doing what i was told.

11996 May 17

I was riding around on my bicycle, through the city. $F1 was with me. We were on our way home, but he wanted to stop at a store in town. We rode our bikes up to the sidewalk and got off. The store was in a typical city building, with a stone face and many levels with old wooden windows. The place used to be a warehouse. We walked into the bookstore. These were all used books, and they were very cheap. I walked into a record section of the store. $Z was with me. There were bins of albums around the walls with two islands of bins in the center. One of the islands had a rack on top of it that came up to my eye level. $Z looked through some other section of the records. I saw a bin with sheet music from Billy Joel. I thought that it was rather typical and boring. They also had a collection of Rolling Stones’ bootlegs. One of the albums was a boxed set, with the group on the front in a black background. $Z found a collection of rare hits by different recording artists. I looked over the record as he read the back. There was a picture of KISS on the cover. I was handed the album. I looked it over and returned it to $Z. Then i looked through the bins again. There was more KISS stuff there. I laughed at the outdated quality of the records. Then a man came up on my left. He had been walking around the room. He was one of the employees. He told me that the store was closing soon. I put the albums down and started to head out. I had a book that i had decided to get. It was a collection of “Goosebumps” stories. I wanted to look through the used CDs, but there was no time before the store closed. I went up to the counter to pay for the book. I asked the clerk when they would be open on Saturday so that i could come back for the CDs. He said that they were only open from 12:00 to 13:00. I said “Well. I guess i won’t be back then.” I was disappointed. It was very hard to arrange my schedule for a single hour. I would also have no time to look at anything. I gave the cashier the small-hardcover book. I read the back cover as i placed it on the counter. There were thumb tabs on the book, which were yellow. They marked the individual stories in the book. I read the tab index on the back cover, which opened to the left. The first story was “The Werewolf”. The other stories were of Frankenstein, vampires and other basic monster stories. I flipped the pages and watched the ink tabs roll by. There was a woman standing in the exit door, to the right of the counter. The shelves of the store were cluttered with books. I started out the exit hall of the store. It was a plain cement hall that was somewhat rundown. I noticed an elevator against the left wall, just outside the store. There was a chart on the wall explaining where the elevator went. It was a cross section of the building, showing the elevator shaft. The first elevator stopped at the first, second, and fourth floors. The third floor was vacant, and the fourth had clothing. The second floor had more books from the bookstore. The other elevator went all the way up to the thirtieth floor. The offices were up there on the thirtieth floor. I looked through the CDs again in the warehouse. I did make it back on Saturday. There was a lot of sheet music there. I thought that i should see if they had any Mannford Mann CDs. I was interested in anything with the song “Mighty Quinn” on it. I looked around the section for other things as well.

11996 May 18

I was on the bus. We were driving down a side road of the campus. The road was wide and curved. The new bus route was marked with blue stripes on the road. It diverted the bus up the sloped road to $P39. $F13 was with me on the bus. He asked about the new bus route. I looked out the window. I could see a square blue sign over the top of some of the buildings. It was part of a new bus route, but we were not headed there now. W would have to go there later. I got off of the bus and walked across the office. I looked through the bags that were on top of the desk. I was looking for the papers. Then the other person told me where they would be. I searched the office. The others were leaving, and i had to go as well. There was a dull-red binder in the cabinet behind the desk. I had to deliver it to $P39. I could stop in $P39 on my may. I started to walk up the sidewalk, on the side of the road. I was in a partly urban setting. There were thick trees on either side of the road, which hid the faces of tall stone buildings. $F13 got in the car with the other people. I wanted to say goodbye to him, but i kept walking. I crossed the street toward the park fence. I knew that the car would have to pass me on the street as it left. There was a dirt path leading along the side of the fence to my right. I crossed the road again near the intersection of another road. I would have to take a left. I was still on the right side of the road. I walked down the sidewalk that curved with the road. The car drove past me and i waved to them. Then i came upon a small picnic area just off of the sidewalk, to my right. It was surrounded by tall pine trees. $G3 were there, and they were having a picnic. $A223 talked to me for a while at the end of the picnic table. Then i noticed that a spark from the fire had set one of the pine trees on fire. It burned for a moment before breaking off. The branch fell to the table near me. I did not move. The fire was put out, and i just brushed the ashes off of my clothes.

11996 May 19

I got onto the bus. I gave the female bus driver five dollars. The ticket was not that expensive, so she should have given me back three dollars. Instead, she gave me back five five-dollar bills. I told her that she had made a mistake. I waited for the correct change. I had to get off of the bus at York. I realized that we had already passed York, so i would have to wait on the bus until we rounded the entire loop. I sat down on one of the sideway benches. A girl sat next to me. She started talking to me very loudly. I was not interested in talking to her. She just seemed obnoxious. The bus headed down the hill. There was a second driver standing in the aisle. The drivers switched places. The new one was wearing a brown loose-knit sweater vest. I changed seats. I had forgotten about the driver by the time i had to get off.

11996 May 23

11996 May 28

I had an appointment at 8:00 at the doctor’s office. I might have been late, so i had to hurry. I drove my car down the street of the city edge. I did not know where the doctor’s office was. I had been there before. So i should be able to find it again. I drove $X3 to the vet. I had to drop him off at 8:30. I turned left, down the side street. The roads were all familiar, but i could not find the place to which i was heading. I had to be to the doctor’s office by light, but it was already 8:30. It would be 9:00 by the time i crossed the city. I was mixed up. The times were not correct. I dropped $X3 off at the brownstone building that was set back from the city street. I should be at the doctor’s. I walked out the front of the house and sat down by the picket fence. There were a couple of guitar straps hanging by the stairs at the other side of the yard from the house. There was a blue guitar strap in the garbage pile. They were getting rid of it. I thought about taking it for by guitar. I also noticed the pair of plastic silver shoes. I tried them on. Then $A186 and $A187 showed up. They were in the process of moving and were cleaning up their things. I put the garbage back and talked to them for a moment. $F4 was not with them I had to get back. I rode the motorcycle toward the dam. I passed the dam slowly. There were people there on skateboards. I ran past them and headed into the forest. I came out on the street of the suburb. The buildings were old multiple-story buildings. There were a lot of open spaces between the buildings, as if the buildings that were there had been demolished. Rough grass grew in the spaces. I flagged down a bus and got on. I needed to get to the center of town. The bus was turning left ahead, however. It would head around the block and then head toward the main street. That was not where i wanted to go. I was on the wrong bus. I got off and crossed a block of worn grass, which was dead and dry. I crossed the lawn and walked through the graveyard. There was a rust-stained cement building running along my right. It was the back side of the buildings on the other road. For a moment, there were railroad tracks that ran in front of it. It seemed like an old factory, with a dirty white exterior. There was an abandoned wooden boxcar on the tracks. The light shined through its loose boards. I walked back across the graveyard. I was inside an old barn. The wood of the barn was deteriorating, and i could see through the spaces between the boards. There was a collection of old gravestones i the barn. The barn had covered the plots. The air around me was foggy, and i thought that the scene looked very interesting. I decided to take a picture. It had nice colours and composition. I moved around to see what other angles looked like. The gravestones in the barn were very interesting. There was a new white church to my right, at the edge of the cemetery. The sunlight was low, and shined orange upon the church. I watched the church through the sagging trees by the edge of the barn in the cemetery. I looked at the sharp shadows in my image. Then i realized that the sun was in the east. The light in the east must have been a nuclear glow. We were in trouble. I left the cemetery and went into the house. It was my grandmother’s house. No one was home. The house looked as though it had been deserted. There was debris on the floor. I turned left and headed into the kitchen. I would need food. I looked through the refrigerator to see what was there. There were several cartons of eggs. I would need to take some food with me. Outside, there was a man with a wagon. It was being pulled by a couple of horses. Some people killed him and buried his body. I filmed the whole incident. I wanted to keep a record of what was going on. There was cheese and meat on the wagon, with several bottles of olives. The people started to drive the wagon away.