11997 May 02

I was riding down the road when i saw the piles of clothing on the right shoulder. I looked through them, wondering whether i should collect any of them. Then i recognized some of them. They belonged to $F26. I remembered talking to him earlier. He had been down the road behind me, sitting with $A83. They seemed happy at the time. I wondered why he had left so many clothes lying around on the side of the road. Then i realized that something must have gone wrong. He must have gotten into an accident. These clothes were remains of the car. I was suddenly worried about him. I was afraid that something bad had happened to him.

11997 May 03

I had to work at the construction site again for the summer. It was how i was supposed to make money. I was not happy and felt uncomfortable being here. I looked at the workers on the top of the building. They were digging along the front edge of the building. They seemed to be working together as a group. $A84 was the foreman. I felt strange to be here, and very uncomfortable. The building was only a metre or so out of the ground, with a taller wall along the back side. It reminded me of the gothic design of a cathedral. The workmen were lined up along the outside edge of the building. They were digging a trench right in front of me. Then i noticed that the men to the left, along the side of the building, were starting to prepare the hole for concrete. I realized that the crew was going around in a circle. One group was preparing the way for the next. I looked over to the far side of the building to see that they had already laid a block of concrete and were moving on down the far wall. The concrete was lined with rebar and had a metal mesh lining over it. I did not want to work here. There was something dangerous about it and i was worried about getting hurt. I had been told to be here, and i never really wanted to. I wandered down stairs as the work crew worked on. There was a large open room below, where one of the workers was hanging out. It was the bathroom. I pretended that i had to go to get out of working for a while. Then i heard the whistle blow. It was break time for all of the workers. They would all be down here in a little while. I wandered around the open room. I was not going to go back up there to work. I did not feel comfortable there. I was hoping that no one would notice me down here. The men were back on the upper level working. The room i was in had old wooden floors and plain brick walls. The windows were very long, and came almost to the floor. The light coming through them was bright and soft, and had a fuzzy yellow glow to it. I wandered around the rooms, feeling uncomfortable and worried. I hoped that the foreman did not come down and yell at me for not doing my job. I wandered out towards the front of the building, where the drive ran across the lawn towards the main road. I sat on the bus as it drove down the drive towards the main road. We were going to take a left and head towards $P9. I wondered whether i was on the correct bus, but i knew that it would eventually head to the college where i was supposed to go.

11997 May 04

I stood just behind the theatre curtain in the back stage area of the large theatre. There was a large crowd gathering outside in the wide open dish of the theatre. The curtain was a yellow or pink colour. I had a small part in the play that was being shown. The other man was not there, however, and i would have to take his place. I knew that i could do the part easily enough. I walked in the back stage area where we kept the costumes. I would have to wear the ragged clothes that the man had worn. I had a dialogue with the lady from Waiting for Godot, who was also dressed in rags. I walked back and forth by the metal frame chairs in the down stairs waiting area of the play. Then i suddenly realized that i should start to memorize my lines. I would not know them before the performance. I suddenly became worried and nervous that i would not know my lines. I did not have time to memorize all of the man’s lines before i would have to go onto stage. I wondered whether we could abridge the section of the play that i was to read. I flipped through the book looking for the correct lines. Then i had to go out on stage. I walked behind the heavy yellow curtain on the side of the stage. I wondered whether we would be cutting most of the dialogue. I was only supposed to do the first section of the man’s lines with the lady. I wondered whether i knew what the first section was. I did not feel that i had memorized enough of the lines to know the part. I wondered what i should say if i got out there.

I sat in the back row of the lecture hall with the others. The room was very large, and there were people crowding in. I spoke to the three people who were sitting in the next row. They had asked when a lecture would be, and i knew the answer. I then thought that i could tell them about the lecture in the future. I wondered whether they would question it. I said that they were probably thinking about the AIDS lecture which would be held in Canada in 2007. That is when it would happen. I then left the lecture room and walked down the highway. There were quite a few people crowding around the dark streets near the edge of town. The police tried to keep them back. I rode my bicycle up the curvature of the on-ramp to the highway. It was my only way of getting home, but it was too dangerous to be riding my bicycle this late at night on the highway. My mother walked near by, and i knew that she would be worried. The police officer then started waving a yellow light to direct the traffic around the accident which was on the inside curve of the ramp. The ramp looped to the right, back to the main road that i would have to get on to get home. I wondered whether i should ride my bicycle on the highway or not. I knew that it was illegal. Then i saw $F24 ride his bike down the road. He was on a motorcycle, and would not be as disturbed by the traffic, though i still thought that it was dangerous. I worried about what i should do.

11997 May 05

There was a flood in the city. I walked across the parking lot in the center of the city block towards my car. A sidewalk ran along the outside edge of the lot, between the lot and the street, with a small strip of grass between the edge of the side walk and the city street. The front of my car faced the sidewalk and there was a large puddle on the parking lot just to the right of my car. A police officer walked down the sidewalk. I remembered that no one was allowed to drive their cars because of the flood. All of the streets had been closed. If anyone was found driving their car, they were to be shot on sight. I opened the door to my car, and then wondered how i could get it out of the city to where it was safe. I would not be able to drive it because someone might shoot at me, but i had no other way to escape from the approaching flood. I wondered what i was supposed to do. I felt very uncomfortable and unsure here. Then i looked at the man approaching me from the other side of the lot. I suddenly realized that it was $F8. He looked very much like he did in high school. I waived my hand in front of him and said hello. He reacted with a sudden shrug and smiled, saying hello back. He was surprised to see me. I walked with him up the stairs on the outside of the house. This was an old apartment of his fathers. It was empty now that the city was being evacuated, but we would be safe here for the time being. The stairs went up along the side of the building, with the building to the left of the stairs. The building was in the shape of an L, with the stairs going up the inside of the left wing. We walked into the apartment through the glass door. There was a large glass window to the left of the door that looked out over the stairs. The apartment was furnished in an off-white colour, with puffy, early-eighties-style couches. There was a pine tree in the center of the room which was lush and green. Then i noticed the stack of presents behind me as i faced the tree. I looked them over, reading the titles of the books, which were stacked in a pyramid on the floor. I walked around the stack of books in the parking lot of the fraternity house. The girl came from the other side of the room. I read the spines of the books. They were in Greek, and i realized that the one on the top was the Odessy. I asked the girl if her father spoke Greek. She said that he could speak both Greek and Latin. I was impressed that he had read the books in their original tongue. I thought that it must have been very hard to do. She said that her father spoke the old languages very well. She picked up one of the boxes from the pile and showed it to me. There were pictograms which looked like hieroglyphics on it. I knew that it was a form of ancient Greek, but i did not know what it meant. The girl asked me if i could read the text. I told here that the characters were familiar and that i could probably pronounce it, but that i was not able to figure out what it meant. She placed the box back on top of the pile. I walked across the living room and towards the fraternity house.

11997 May 06

I walked around the edges of the lake. The scenery around me was a deep red, with black and grey swirls. The sky was smoky and dark, and the entire landscape was barren and ragged. The lake was a deep grey, with various shades of grey swirled into it. The students would always come here. Someone told me that as i walked up onto the wooden bridge, which was a very dark brown. I could see a man with a black beard moving the tip of a paint brush around on a pallet that he held in his left hand. He was mixing several shades of grey together. This is where the students came to collect their paint samples. It was the perfect area for getting certain colours.

11997 May 07

$Z was with me when i ran into $F20. I said hello to $F20, and he replied to $Z. I suddenly realized that $Z was also a bass player, and that $F20 and $Z had been playing together. I was suddenly upset that i had never gotten the chance to play with them. I walked away from them and down the hall of the house. I walked into the middle room, which was between the two hallways and started banding on things in anger. I wondered whether i would injure my hands by hitting things. I was very mad, and i wanted others to know. I then noticed the round, wooden tiles on the floor. I picked one of them up and started pounding it into another. I was furious and wandered the room smashing things. I would have to pack my things again as i walked into the old bedroom of my parents house.

11997 May 08

I was in the hotel room in the tall building. I felt angry towards the television and wanted to break the screen. I hit it with my hands, but could not shatter the glass of the screen. I then noticed the flames out the window of the room. I looked out the window of the tall white building and down into the alley between the hotel and the grey building with white ridges going up its side. I could see tall flames and heavy black smoke coming out of the hotel from one of the lower rooms to my left. There was a fire in the building. I spoke into the telephone, asking the person at the front desk whether there was a fire in the building. He said that there was, but did not seem panicked. I said “okay” and hung up the receiver. I then pulled the plug from the rear of the cream-coloured desk phone and hit the television screen with the phone. I wondered whether i should have unplugged the telephone, as the desk person might try to call me back. I hit the television screen again, but it would not break. I thought that the telephone would have been heavy enough. I held my hand behind the phone as i tried to punch the telephone through the screen. I had to be sure not to cut my hand on the glass. The glass would not break. I was frustrated and dropped the telephone onto the floor. Then i noticed the small hammer on the floor. I quickly tried to puck it up, but missed. I was aggravated and furious at the television. I picked up the hammer again, thinking that the metal head would be able to break the screen. I stepped back from the set because i knew that the picture tube would explode when it was ruptured. I threw the hammer at the screen. It cracked the screen and went through the glass. Most of the screen remained in tact, with a small triangular hole cracked through in the lower left section of the screen where the small hammer had entered. I would not be able to get the hammer from the set. I realized that the set did not explode like i thought it would. Then i realized that i could still see the green glow of electronics coming from the inside of the television. The television was on the opposite side of the room from which it had been before. It was still running. I knocked the television over onto the floor, where it continued to glow along the edge, where the electronics could be seen through the vents. I could see the chord running to the left of the television, swerving back and forth across the floor, and curving back towards the wall. I could not smash it while it was still plugged in. I then thought that i should just toss the television out of the window. I lifted the television back up onto the small wooden stand, which seemed to be made of a cheep plastic. It would not be latched onto the stand any more, but that did not bother me. I then stood back and opened the sliding glass door which led outside. I pushed the television out. It fell backwards. I could hear it as it shattered against the ground. I had finally broken the screen. Then i walked down the stairs and into the lobby of the hotel. There was a fire in the hotel, and no one would notice that the television was damaged. I walked through the corridor that led into the lobby. The main desk started to my right. I realized that i was only wearing my house coat. I pulled it closed over me to keep me warm. Then i saw all of the people coming back into the hotel. There was a large crowd pushing through the door. An older woman at the center of the crowd stared at me questionably as she noticed that i was only wearing the house coat. I rounded the corner to the right and walked out into the main lobby. The crowd had passed me and was heading down the corridor that i had just left. I turned to the right and asked the clerk at the front desk about the fire. He said that it was over and that everything was now safe. I headed back up to the room. I wondered how i would explain the broken television and the missing radio. I had thrown both of them out the windows. The hotel would make me pay for them. I would have to lie to the hotel about what happened. I walked back into the room and acted surprised when i realized that the television and the radio were missing. Then i noticed that the furniture was a light cream colour, and had been cleaned up and arranged in different positions. I could use the excuse that someone had gone into my room. They would not know in the confusion of the fire what really happened.

11997 May 09

I was running across the field with $F8. We were on a very long run. I realized that my foot was bothering me, but i did not want to stop the run. I felt very tired from the run. We passed some people to our left as we came to the edge of the field where the tree line was. Then $F8 slowed to a walk. I wondered whether we were finished running. I was relieved to finally stop. Then $F8 mentioned that we would drive back home. The car was to the right of us. I did not know that he had a car here. I told him that i thought that we would have to walk back to the houses, and that i was relieved that we would not. It was getting dark out. I asked him to wait a moment while i ran into the house to get something. It was already night. I left the car and ran into the side door of the large house where my parents were. I would have to get my things together. My parents were in the living room downstairs when i came in. They did not expect me to be going back out again, but i would be going out with $F8 as soon as i collected my things. I had to go upstairs to get my shirt. It was a pinkish sweat shirt. It was getting chilly outside. My mother was impatient with me and wanted me to stay at the house. I then remembered that $F8 had been waiting out in the car while i hung around in the upstairs of the house. I quickly walked down the back stairs where the plain-walled room led out to the back of the house. My parents called me into the living room. There were other family members there and they wanted to talk to me for a little while. I was impatient because i had to get going. I walked across the living room where my family was collected. We were in a library, by the long wooden tables in the center of the large open room. The ceiling was very high, and there was a card catalogue off to my left. There was a dictionary on the stand in front of me. The stand had several lower shelves which contained bibles. My grandfather pulled one of the bibles from the shelf. It was the leather-bound family bible. He recognized it. I realized that it was the bible that i had given to the library. I suddenly felt insecure about leaving the book with the library. I should not have given it to them, and felt as though i should just take it back. My father opened up the front of the book and found that the family wedding tree had been removed. The white pages were loose, and slipped easily from the book. I was upset that it was in such poor condition.

I walked across the lawn behind the factory. The main road was to my left as i walked towards the edge of the pavement that was the parking lot. The factory was to my left, and seemed like it was in the area of $P38. I had just finished writing in my notebook on the grass when i walked over to the edge of the lot. The grass just off to the side of the lot was tall and tan. I wondered whether i was allowed on this property. I hoped that no one would mind. I picked up the pieces of the canister that i was working on. I should get back in my car and go back to the fraternity house before anyone finds me here. Then the man walked out from the factory. He told me that i should not be trespassing on the property. I told him that i was sorry. I collected the rest of the pieces to the bomb and poured them into the small metal canister. Then i realized that the rope that i had coiled into the canister was glowing red. It had been ignited by the flame. I was anxious for a moment, thinking that the bomb would go off. Then i realized that the bomb was not that strong in power and simple turned away and continued to collect my things. I acted like i was not aware of the bomb’s existence. The man watching me was unaware of what was going on. I would have to act like i did not know that the container was a bomb. I collected my art board and started for the Honda. Then the bomb exploded. I did not feel the blast, and it did not seem that loud to me.

11997 May 11

I ran into the man in the group of people in the public place. It was $A85. I said hello and we talked for a moment. Then i followed him through the crowd. I called him Tom when i said hello, then wondered if i was speaking to the correct person. I remembered that he had a twin brother. He corrected me and said that he was not Tom. I apologized for mistaking him and told him that it had been a long time. I remembered that his name was Dave. I looked at him. He looked like $A58.

I walked down the street with $Z. We were at the intersection in the middle of the city. The buildings were all made of stone, and were several stories tall. There was a truck that had just crossed the intersection. I told $Z to hold on because i thought that the truck was a money truck. We would be able to get some money from the truck. Then i saw two large carrier trucks pass through the six-way intersection. They came from the left and crossed straight through the intersection to the next street over. They were yellow with large red letters on the sides. I pointed them out to $Z and said that we would be able to steal money from the bank when the truck stopped to pick up. We walked down the other street to scope out the bank where the truck had stopped. As we drove, we watched the buildings on the left side of us. As we passed one of them, we could see the trucks backed into one of the store fronts. The inside of the store was a pale yellow colour. As we drove by i realized that it had not pulled into our bank. The bank that we planned to rob was two buildings down. That was the bank for which we had access codes. We would not be able to get the money easily from this other bank. I continued walking to the back of the store, where the counter was. I decided that it was time to leave. I would have to get back to work. I asked the woman to ring me up. The man wrote up the receipt and showed it to me. It was for fourteen dollars and some cents. Then the woman came over and told him something. He took back the bill and showed it to me again. It was for thirty-eight dollars. The lady said that i had ordered a sandwich for lunch and that it should be on my bill. I told the man that i did not eat any food, but he insisted that i pay the full bill. I told him that i would not pay it. Then i walked over to the front counter of the store where the lady was. They refused to recalculate my bill without the sandwich, even though i told them that i did not have a sandwich. They then went in back to the other register to talk. I waited at the front counter. I was upset that they were charging me for food that i did not eat and wanted them to show me proof that i had eaten a sub sandwich. I wanted to see the receipt. As i stood at the counter, i noticed a man trying on some clothes with his friend to the left of the counter. I thought that the man looked familiar. He had red hair. He suddenly walked out of the dressing room and looked in the mirror to his left. He was wearing a pair of tight black shorts. He turned around and looked at his buttocks in the mirror. I realized that he had very nice legs and a well defined buttocks. I hummed in interest. Then i realized that there were two men standing just to my right at the edge of the counter. The man in front heard me and looked over to the man getting dressed. He turned to look at me. I apologized and felt a little embarrassed. He said that it was all right and that he agreed with me. I laughed suddenly. He turned to me and smiled. I then thought that the two men near me were rather nice as well. They were both wearing blue denims and white tee shirts. I tried to stop smiling when i suddenly remembered about my bill. The man had not come back to me. I wondered whether i should just leave the restaurant without paying. I would not have to take the cables i was going to purchase with me, so i would not be stealing anything. Then i thought that the man might be calling the police to settle the matter.

11997 May 12

I walked around in the water with the other two. The water came up to our waist as we walked near the beach. There were some other people in the room, sitting in cushioned chairs by the table. I found the small white shell fish in the water. The other person there, who was female and seemed like $K1, warned me to be careful with them. They did not bite, but they did jerk around when you capture them. I saw the cylindrical shell fish under the wooden dock. I tried to catch it in my hands. $Z told me to be careful of it because it was very rare. She wanted to catch it and save it. I lifted it out of the water, but dropped it again. It started to sink back into the water, so i spread a piece of white sheet that i had under it to catch it before it floated to the bottom. I stopped it from falling and brought it to the surface. It was a small white fan-shaped shell with red and pink highlights. It seemed very fragile and small. $Z tried to pick it up, but it slipped out of her hands and started to sink again in the water. I tried to catch it again with the sheet and bring it to the ground. The shell fell apart, each half drifting separately to the ground. We were unstable for a moment, and $Z walked around where the shell had fallen onto the rug. She accidentally stepped on one of the pieces to the shell. I heard it crunch. She backed up for a moment and looked at it. I picked up the three large pieces that were on the carpet. I already had the other half of the shell in my hand. $Z started crying over the broken shell. She was upset that it was ruined.

11997 May 13

I stood outside of the large stone building on the college campus. There were several other people with me. We were watching someone speak. It was final exam time. It felt as though i had just come out of lunch. I turned and walked across the $P39 toward the large building along the back side. There were several people gathered outside the building. I could head the sound of rushing water behind them. Then i spotted $F19 in the crowd. I walked over to her and said hello. I could see the waterfall pouring into the pit behind her, near the side of the building. As i approached her, i could see that the waterfall was actually water pouring out from a large pipe into a hole in the ground. I said to $F19, “I wondered where all that water was coming from.” She turned to look at the pipe for a moment, explaining that a water main had broken in the building. I could see where the outside wall of the stone building had been broken away by the leaking water, which roared from the pipe. I realized that the water must have traveled down the wall and broken out through the reddish plaster on the outside. Then the students started heading back into the building. It was time for the final exam to start. I would have to go in as well. $F19 entered the door of the building, just to the left of the hole from which the water was pouring. She turned right and headed up the stairs that were just inside of the doorway. I would follow her in, watching the water damage as i passed.

11997 May 14

I walked down the street of the city on the right hand sidewalk of the road. I turned into the old theatre where the others were hanging out. I spoke to some of them as i entered the old theatre. I remembered the place. It was a beautiful theatre, but it was now abandoned. I looked across the inside of the theatre as we entered. The place was decorated in black, which was slightly faded with the years. There were large silver flourishes in the center of the room and around the walls. It was all part of the black and silver decoration. The place was very elegant. We walked through the theatre as the people started to collect. Something was going to happen here. I spoke to $Z as i walked across the open space of my new apartment. The apartment was on the upper floor of the building in the city, and had large windows overlooking the street below. I spoke to someone as i looked around at the decorations in the back part of the theatre. Then i walked down the alley where the people were fixing up the old building. There was a factory to the left as i walked down the dark alley. I noticed the large metal canisters which were stacked on their sides on the side of the building. They were gas canisters. I heard a sudden hiss from one of them. I wondered whether the gas was leaking out. I thought that it could be dangerous to have the gas leaking, but i was not worried about it. I walked down the side of the grungy building to the bay entrance to the factory. There were wooden storage shelves inside where people would stack scraps of metal. I heard another hiss from one of the canisters. There was a leak in one of them. I looked back down the side of the building to where the canisters were. I could only see the tips of the canisters which stuck out along the edge of the wall. They were around the corner from me, in the alley to the right. I could see a man stacking something together with the canisters. He seemed to have heard the hissing, but did not know what it was. I wondered whether the canisters would ignite. There was some kind of flammable gas in them. I read the red letters along the side of the dull metallic container. They said “HYDROGEN ARGON”. I realized that it was a flammable gas and wondered how dangerous it was when it was released. I walked across the large open room in the upstairs apartment. I looked out the window at the side of the building. I could see flames coming out the side of the building below me and to my left. The fire in the factory was spreading rapidly. I did not expect the fire to grow so quickly. I would have to get my things out of the apartment. I quickly ran back to the closet to get my guitar. I thought that i would take the blue one, but then decided that i could probably take them both. I also wanted to get my box of tapes out of the apartment. I looked for them for a moment, but remembered that they had been moved into my new apartment. I would only have to rescue my two guitars. I could leave the bass and all of the clothes that were in my closet. There was really nothing else in the apartment that i could not replace.

I walked into the large room with the others. We were here for the wrestling match. There were many people already seated in the arena from the previous game. They started to get up as the game was over. I spotted a young boy in one of the chairs just getting up to leave. He was wearing a red and white jacket of the team’s colours. The chairs were facing to the left, down the slope of the arena stand. I started to collect my things from the chair that i had been sitting in. I picked up my jacket and tried to collect some of the other things one at a time. There was a man waiting for the seat, and he became impatient with me. He wanted me to move quickly so that he could sit in the wooden armchair. He pushed me and knocked several of the things out of my hand. I thought that i would not get mad at him, but simply pick up my stuff. The man grabbed the armchair and pulled it. I had my foot under the bottom rung and caught the chair. It tipped over and dumped several things over the floor. I was disappointed and started to collect the rest of my things. I folded several of the clothes over my left arm, including my dark blue, heavy knit jacket. Then i tried to pick up the other things. The man tossed some more of my things onto the floor. I would not get mad at him. He dumped the silverware tray all over the floor. I bent over to pick up the silverware. There were several forks still in a row near the white plastic tray. I picked them up and put them back into their place in the tray. Then i went after the butter knives that had fallen under the chair. The man started yelling. I realized that he was making no sense and that he was simply deranged. I decided it would be better not to talk to him because he was crazy. I picked up the knives and some spoons from the floor and started to place them back into the tray. I worried about the knives getting contaminated from the man now that they were on the dirty floor. I put them in the tray anyway, which was now sitting on the floor to my left. I stood up and looked around the grocery store. I would have to finish cleaning up the aisle. Then i noticed $A23 standing on the other side of the low freezer case. He recognized me, but did not approach. I felt uncomfortable about saying hello while i cleaned up the mess. I looked around for a broom to clean up the broken bottle on the tile floor. Others people were in the grocery store. I wanted to say hello to $A23. I knew that he had come to watch the wrestling match as well. I walked down the end aisle of the store looking for a broom. I got it and started back, glancing to my left to see if $A23 was still there. I had to finish cleaning before i could go greet him. I placed the broom by the side of the broken glass and followed $A23 down the aisle towards the back of the bar. We passed through the main dining room, where people sat around round tables in the western decor of the room. The walls were a dull yellow and there were wooden beams on the walls and ceiling. The room was up one step from the part i had just left, and a wooden railing stretched to the left of the step up. There was a round table with several people around it just on the other side of the railing. The part of the room that i could see was L-shaped, with a wing extending towards the back of the bar on the right. On the back wall to the left was a doorway framed with dark-stained wood which led to the lavatories and the back rooms. I started to follow $Z towards the back rooms. Then the woman who had been sitting on the swivel stool on the right side of the step stood up. She turned to face me. She was the woman who played Xena on television. She was wearing a plain black, knee-length dress. She smiled and said hello. I said hello back as i started to pass her. Then she apologized and said, “Oh... You’re not who i thought you were.” I chuckled, thinking that i was very relaxed around movie stars, and said, “Actually, i am who you thought i was.” I thought that she knew me from the stage when i will do music. It was one of those times when people tell me that i remind them of someone famous. I smiled and continued on towards the back room. Out of the corner of my eye, i noticed that the woman who plays Gabrielle was sitting to the left of me at the round table by the stair. She was wearing her orange and brown costume from the show. I walked past her and into the back room. My mother came out of the dressing room as i entered. She was wearing a dress that was made out of brown leather, with leather lace along the upper torso and cuffs. It looked like a design from the middle ages. I looked down the front of the dress, which was a single leather piece. It had leather webbing across the shoulders, with a wide leather strap around the back of the neck which supported the dress in the front. I thought that my mother was not in as good a shape as she was when i was younger. My mother mentioned that she liked the sleeves. I looked at the lacing along the ends of the sleeves and said that it looked nice. The dress had a white cloth skirt. There were two other ladies by the mirror near the dressing room door. They had been helping my mother with the dress for the festival.

11997 May 15

I walked to the locker, which was on the left side of the aisle. It seemed like a gym locker, but was in the general locker room. I had not been here in a while. I opened the door and looked for stuff. I was not aware of what was in the locker. $A85 and $A86 were getting things from their lockers to my right. I was partly facing them as i looked through my locker. I then noticed that the lock on my door had a diskette inside of the metal box which surrounded the lock. I reached for the disk with my left hand and tried to pull it out of the box. I could not. I then realized that it could not have been slipped into the box from the back side of the door, where the box was. There was not enough space in the opening of the metal box to slip the disk in. I looked on the outside of the door to find that there was a small slit where the metal of the door had separated. I moved the disk with my left hand from the back of the door until i could get it to slide out of the slot. I pulled the blue disk out and read the white label. It was a disk for astronomical charting. It had a graphic design that suggested that it was for children. I mentioned the disk to the others before placing it on top of the lockers, which was at my eye level. I then noticed that there were several more disks on top of the locker. They had all been abandoned. I wondered whether i should take them and use them. I decided that they should probably be left on the top of the lockers. It was somewhat dusty there. I then turned and walked down the hall of the $P7. The school was empty. It was an alumni weekend. I walked down the hall of the first floor. The chapel was to my left. There was someone in the hall who greeted me. I spoke back, but didn’t get into a conversation. There was something going on in the chapel, but i headed upstairs. I walked up onto the third floor and looked around. There were a few students walking around. They were in the middle of their final exams. I felt uncomfortable and anxious being in the building again. I noticed that the door to the gun room was open to my right as i left the landing from the stairs. I wondered whether $A87 would be in there for the open house. Then i remembered that he had left the school. I was relieved, because i did not want to run into him and have to listen to his ridicule. I noticed that the room where the gun rang had been was now an office. I walked over to the door, reading the yellow sign with the white letters. It was the office of the upper school councilor. I looked into the square room of the office. The room had tilted ceilings, where the roof cut across the sides of the room. There were windows on the three outside walls of the room, in small alcoves that cut into the slanted roof. I could see the distant city building through them. Then i saw the councilor walking out from behind the window alcove on the right side of the room. He smiled as he noticed me. I did not want to interrupt him, so i walked out of the door way and to the right, where the small lounge was. I noticed how they had decorated the area, which used to be empty before. There were brown leather couches around the walls and yellow decorative things hanging from the walls. I thought that it looked rather nice, and was happy that the school made the change. I then turned around to head down the science wing of the school. The councilor came out of his office and greeted me. I said hello and started to follow him down the science wing of the building. The students started to come out of the rooms and wander around the hall. As we approached the end of the hall, a boy walked towards us and greeted the councilor. The boy was young, and had a pair of brown, plastic-rim glasses. The councilor stopped him before he could pass us and told him to remember to wear his hat outside because it was getting cold. The boy paused and smiled, telling the councilor that he would not forget. I thought it was nice that the councilor was so close to all of the students. It seemed a change from what i remembered. A teacher then came from the left and walked up to the councilor. I wandered to the right, looking over the new brick wall at the end of the science wing. It had been recently constructed. I had remembered it from before, but it seemed slightly different. The wall had brick columns and high arches up near the ceiling. The students were filling the halls as they came out of the classrooms around me. I wondered whether $A88 would be in the music room. I could make an excuse of seeing him as a reason why i was wandering the halls. I looked through the glass of the white door on the end of the hall just to my right and noticed that the room was dark. I then decided that i would look around at the brick arches, pretending that i had never seen them before. I knew that i had, but i had to have a reason why i was wandering around in the halls. I felt out of place here. The students must have thought that i was very old. The age difference should be very noticeable. I turned and headed back to where the councilor was. Then i noticed the small hatch in the ceiling that led to a room above us. I remembered that there were stairs here last time i came. It was familiar, but i remembered that it was different than it should have been.

11997 May 16

I was on the sidewalk in the middle of the city. There was a dark coloured van to the left of me. In front of me, the three super heroes were fighting. Batman and the Flash were ganging up on Superman. Batman punched Superman several times in the face, but did not seem to do much damage. Superman was very strong, but he had become old, and was no longer acting as one of the good guys. Batman was trying to stop him. He punched him several more times in the face. Superman started to waiver. He was no longer as strong as he used to be. His body was becoming feeble. I walked across the book store and into the living room where my parents were. There was a large bug crawling on the wall. I warned my grandmother that it was there. She drew back in fear of the bug. I told her that it was just a beetle. It was black and had spines on its legs.

I was in the hotel room with my parents. We were on the trip, and were getting ready to go. I had to collect my things. We walked down the sidewalk outside of the brick building, with the building to our left. It was a one-story building, and looked somewhat like an old dutch house. There was a canal to my right. The water was splashing up against the side of the walkway. I looked down at the brownish, churning water. Then the wind started to blow. There was a storm coming in from the ocean. The hurricane must be coming ashore from the ocean. We ran into the house to hide from the wind. I looked out the side window of the house to see the water churning up from the bottom of the canal. Then i looked over at the corner of the house. I wondered whether the water would wash out the foundation of the house as it came in. I was not sure whether we would be safe here. I looked down from the corner of the house and could see the water running under the corner of the house. There seemed to be no dirt near the edge of the house. I remembered that the water flowed under the house. There was no basement. I walked into the center of the house, into the hallway between the living room and the kitchen. My father told me about the water under the house. I pushed on the walls of the hallway and the boards of the floor slipped apart. I thought that the house was pretty poorly designed if the floor could be shifted around over the water. I thought that someone could easily fall into the water. The boards of the floor were not aligned properly. My father tried to realign them so that people could walk on them. My mother asked me why i pulled the house apart. She was not happy about it. Then i heard a door close down the hall to my right. I opened the thin white door, which seemed like a cabinet door and peered down the hall beyond. The paint on the walls of the hall was red and flaking. I could not see anyone in the hall. The person just down the slope of the hall to the left must have slammed their door closed. They were disturbed that i had pulled the floor apart. I then closed the white doors over the entrance to the hall, realizing that the doors did not close easily due to the misalignment of the house. We should pull the floor boards back together before someone fell into the water.

11997 May 17

I was at my grandmother’s house, sitting in the back corner of the dining room by the door. I felt uncomfortable and looked around to my right at the royal-blue cloth wall paper on the wall. I then noticed that it was covered with small white bugs. They were elliptical in shape and crawled around in a large swarm. I then looked down at the royal blue jacket that i was wearing. I noticed that there were several insects on it as well. They were the cloth bugs that had always infested my room. I walked into the kitchen, where my mother was working in the sink. I told here that the bugs had infested the house again and showed her the side of my jacket. She flinched and said that they would have to get rid of the bugs. I took off my jacket. It would have to be washed. Then i walked back to the wall to look at the insects. I could now see ladybugs and small carpenter ants crawling over the surface of the window. They crawled out from the molding and over the window glass. I wondered whether these larger bugs would eat the small white bugs that were bothering me. I watched the bugs crawl around, and was agitated that they were not attacking the smaller bugs. I could only see a few of the smaller bugs in the window, but i wanted the larger bugs to eat them. I then noticed a ladybug attacking one of the ants. Two of the ladybugs had captured an ant and were eating it. I wanted them to eat the small white bugs instead. I then looked over to my mother, who was watching television on the porch. The cable lines were down, so she had to watch the broadcast stations. There was only one which came in, however, and my mother was frustrated with the television. There was a storm coming in from the southwest, and it had taken down the television lines. My mother complained about their being nothing on the one channel. Then it started to rain. I walked under the wide tree, which was to my right. There were no leaves on the tree, but it had a wide base and many thin branches coming out from larger limbs. It was covered with a very dark coloured bark. I would still get a little wet, but i did not mind. My mother wanted to get into the house, which was just north of us up the stairs. My father was sitting on the right edge of the couch near the tree. I sat on the arm of the couch near him, and leaned back over the arm of the couch. I hung onto his arm as i flipped over. I was quite small, and liked to fool around. We were not concerned with the rain. I then pulled myself up and looked over to my mother. She was walking back across the sidewalk towards the house. The water from the rain had gathered on the sidewalk, and she had to wade through it to get back to the stairs that led up the steep hill to the house. The water on the ground was up to my mother’s knees. She was wearing her blue, red, and yellow flowered knickers as she waded across the water and headed inside.

11997 May 19

I was in the hall of the building. Oscar the Grouch was with me. Something was not right. We could not let the cameras see us as we moved through the building. The people were after us. I spoke to Oscar about the situation. We ran across the parking garage to get away from the people watching us. We were in some other country. We would have to abandon the cars because the others could trace them. We would have to leave them behind so that they could not follow us. We ran into the fancy marble hall of the hotel-like structure. It was very bright, and the walls were a cream-yellow. They were smooth and very tall. Then i noticed the front desk of the hotel to my left as i faced back down the hall to talk to my father. He said that we should check into the hotel. I noticed that it was a McDonalds hotel. The idea sounded bad to me. McDonalds was always known for their poor quality food. Now they were into poor quality hotel service. I wondered what it would be like to sleep in a cheap room. The front desk was very fancy, with brass rails along the outside of the desk. The people behind the desk were wearing white shirts and black vests.

11997 May 21

I followed the $G4 through the woods along the back road. Then i drove my car down the road from where they were. I thought that i should bring my car back to the start of the run and continue running with the hash. I did not want to miss the run, however. I could see the people in white tee shirts running across the field. I drove down the dirt road, trying to get back the main road, which would lead towards $P4. I did not want to drive my car all the way back to the beginning of the run, because i would then have to run all the way back out here to catch up to the $G4, and i would miss much of the run. I also did not want to wait at the finish for the $G4 to get back. I wanted to run with them, but i could not leave my car out here. I would have no way of getting to it once the run was over. I wondered for a moment how my car had gotten out here if i had been on the run. It did not make sense, but i drove to the right at the Y in the road and came back out onto the main road. I thought that i should simply park my car somewhere in the area and pick it up later. It would be half way between the $G4 and the on-in. I pulled out onto the main road, making a right at the corner to head back towards the $G4 a little. I quickly pulled off onto the shoulder of the road and tried to park. I realized that the shoulder here was not wide enough for my car, but i could see a wider area just before the bridge across the small creek only a few metres ahead. There was already another car in the area. I thought that it was probably someone down in the creek bed on a nature walk. I pulled up and pulled off into the area. It was where the construction was. The shoulder of the road was dirt, and there was a large yellow crane standing near the edge of a series of reddish steal beams, which were protruding from the ground. I thought that my car should be safe here, as there should be no construction on a Sunday. I got out of the car and started up the road when i noticed one of the construction vehicles moving. I then noticed the man with the red hard hat moving towards the crane. The construction was just starting up for the day. They must be working on weekends at this construction project. I would have to go somewhere. I wandered up the dirt road near the fields. It seemed, for a moment, like i had taken the bus to get here. I remembered being on the bus when it was getting dark out. I sat in the wide back seat of the bus. The driver sat quietly in the front seat, but he kept looking back at the man who was sitting on the right side of the bus in one of the benches ahead of me. The bus moved around a corner. It was now dark out. I could hear the $G4 coming towards me from down the dirt road on the other side of the corn field. I headed back towards the corner of the two roads, following the outer row of corn stalks down the side of the field. The $G4 were coming in from the dirt road to my right. I would get to meet up with them again. I wondered what they would think of me waiting for them here. I then turned and headed back down the hall and walked into the lavatory. One of the hashers had just left and i had to go. I sat down on one of the toilets which lined the wall just to the left of the door. Then another person came into the room. I did not know who he was, but he had many tattoos over his body. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see the coarseness of his skin, with the messy tattoos scattered all over his torso. He then walked over to the toilet on the back wall of the lavatory. I could see that there was a large tattoo of greek letters on his back. The three letters stretched vertically, the entire length of his back. The letters were for the fraternity Pi Lambda Beta, of which he must have been a brother. I thought that he had a pretty poor build, as if he had been athletic in high school, but let himself go in college with too much beer. He then cussed at the toilet and flushed it. He could not urinate there because something was wrong. He looked around the bathroom quickly, but then left. I pulled my feet off of the toilet to my left, where i had them as i relaxed on the right most toilet in the row. I thought that the man could use one of the other toilets. As he left, i realized that they would do no good. The toilet next to me was labeled “gopher:”, and the third one, at the end of the row, was labeled “telnet:”. I realized that i was using the “www:” toilet. The others were all older formats, and not that useful.

11997 May 22

I was in the dining room of my parents’ house. The room was in shambles, and still under construction. There was part of an old wall running across the center of the room. The room seemed dark and decrepit. There was a thermometer control hanging on the left side of the dividing wall. Something was not correct with it. I walked over to look at it. The wiring was not correct. It would have to be redone. There were several wires coming out of the small utility box. They were thin, low power wires, and ran up to the ceiling before turning right and heading for the wall. I decided to pull the extra wires from the box so that things would work better. The others were worried that i might get shocked. I knew that the power was not enough to hurt me, but i hoped that nothing went wrong. I looked at the two screws at the bottom of the box which held the wires in. I would have to unscrew them to remove the power from the box. I looked to my left where i could see the orange handled screwdriver sitting on the counter. I thought that the blade might be a little too big for the screw i was working with, but it would have to do. Then i noticed the smaller screwdriver with the yellow and black handle. I reached over to the counter just to my right, stretching to grab the screwdriver. I picked it up and tried to unscrew the wires on the box. There were many wires twisting around inside the small metal box. I realized that some of them went nowhere, so i did not have to worry about them shocking me. There was a small knot of bronze wiring that wrapped over the top of the other wires. I used the screwdriver to try to pry the wire free from the rest. It broke off and i pulled it from the box. I stepped back from the box and followed the thin white, dual wire up the gap between the half wall to the ceiling. I walked back around the partial dividing wall and looked at it from the other side. It was a short stone wall. I stepped back from it across the driveway. I stood on the other short wall that was across the narrow drive. I wondered how i could hop across without touching the drive. There was a building to the right, connected with the short wall. The wall was made with large stone blocks, with a rough, rounded stone cap. I leaned forward, catching myself with my arms on the other wall. I jumped across the gap and looked at the window on the side of the building. I was very high up on the thin wall. I remembered crawling across the ledge outside of the building before. I was trying to sneak in through the stained glass windows, but i could not let my shadow fall onto the glass, or they would know that i was out there. I thought that i would have to sneak into the building. I was after the man inside, but he was ready for me. I would have to crawl across the ledge on the outside of the building and try to get in through the stained glass windows. I walked along the narrow stone wall, looking down the narrow ledge that ran to the vertical column that ran between the two windows. I thought that i could crawl on my stomach across the ledge to the other side. That way the shadow from my body would not fall on the red and royal blue stained glass of the window. The man inside would not be able to see me. I decided that i should just jump across the gap and land on the ledge that ran along the vertical column. I would pass the window quick enough that he should not notice me. I thought that he would not be watching the window. I jumped quickly over the gap and stood with my back against the stone wall on the opposite side of the window. Then i realized that the light was still casting a shadow of me onto the glass. I turned my face away from the window, so that my profile could not be seen on the glass. I thought that if the light did not hit my nose, but came across my cheek, the smooth round edge could be mistaken for a natural shadow from the building. I could hear the man inside, however. He knew that i was out here. I could not hear him talking, but i knew what he was saying. He was amused that i had tried to hide my profile so that he could not identify my shadow, but it did not work. He knew i was outside of the window. I stayed still, unsure what to do. I wondered whether the tip of my nose was casting a shadow over my cheek. I could not tell as i stood along the wall, facing away from the window. I stayed there for a moment, listening to the man’s amusement with my plan. I then turned around to see if he really knew what i was up to. I could see vague images through the wavy blue glass of the window. I could see the man walking down the right side of the chapel inside. He had seen me and was coming towards the windows to laugh at me. I saw him pass in front of the window. He was walking to the next window over. I quickly jumped across the window again and landed on the small wall on the other side. I could hear the man opening the window on the other side of the vertical column. I grabbed onto the corner of the wall and tried to swing around to the other side. I could see the tip of the man’s head as he poked out of the other window, calling for me. I then realized that there was a set of stairs just around the corner of the building which led into the chapel. I realized that i could sneak into the building this way. The man would not know that i was coming inside. He would think that i was still trapped out on the ledge. I swung around the side of the building and jumped down onto the stairs. I ran down the outside corridor and into the archway which led into the stair well of the tower. I thought that i could hide here and attack him from behind. He would not expect me to be here, as he thought that i was trapped on the outside of the building. I looked over the red door that led out into the small room at the end of the chapel. The chapel was to my left and back, through the small room and around the corner. I could hear the man approaching. He was Sean Connery, and was the bad guy. I thought that i could wait in the small room and jump him when he came in. I could grab him from behind and break his neck. I looked around the small white room, but decided that there was no place where i could hide from him. I would not be able to surprise him. I stood at the doorway to the chapel for a few minutes. I thought that i could surprise him as he entered the small antechamber. I quickly ran to the right, into the small room off of the chamber, where the red wooden doors were. The doors were made of thin wooden boards which were aligned vertically. I could wait for him to pass me and then grab him from behind. None of my plans seemed to be good. Something was wrong. He was too close for me to move from my hiding spot, so i slid back behind the white partition in the small chamber and hoped that he did not see me. Then he turned around and headed back into the chapel for something. I quickly ran out of the chamber and into the stair well. I would have to grab him at the bottom of the stairs. I jumped down the first flight and into the section of the stairwell, which was made of old dark wood beams. I dove head-first over the railing at the bottom of the flight and fell down the wooden set of stairs. I hoped that i would be able to control my fall so that i would not get hurt. I would have to grab onto the wooden railing and swing around to land on my feet. I hoped that he would not see me from the top of the stairs. I also hoped that my footsteps were quiet enough that he did not detect my presence. I knew that he was a very good fighter. I jumped out of the stairwell at the bottom and waited for him. He walked out into the library and i grabbed him from behind. I twisted his neck, but did not manage to break it. He stumbled for a brief moment. The people walking around the library turned to look at him, wondering if something was wrong. I helped him over to the area under the platform, which was part of the stairs leading up to the next level. I then grabbed him by the throat and twisted his neck again. I still could not break his neck. He choked and vomited mucus onto the floor. I would tell the other people that he was having a stroke. I acted concerned so that it seemed that i was trying to help. I dragged him out of the library, trying to make it look as though i were trying to help him. Once outside i tried again to kill him, but i could not. I walked along the cement sidewalk under the arched corridor. There was a person walking just to my left as i dragged the man out. The man started to struggle all of the sudden. He was a small white goat, and he waved his front hooves at me. I noticed that there was a single nail sticking out from the end of each of his hooves. He swung them at me, trying to stab me. I pulled back, afraid that i might get hurt in the attack. I then pushed the goat down the sidewalk. He came at me again and i grabbed him and threw him down into the deep cement pit which was just in front of us. It was part of the construction project. He would be killed by the fall. I then walked away from the pit, acting like the man had fallen into the pit by accident during his stroke. The police officer questioned me on the street. He asked whether the man was dead. I told him that he was.

11997 May 24

We looked out the front window of my parents’ house. We could see the cat on the other side of the road. It had a kitten in its mouth. It was trying to cross the road to bring its kitten to the safe side. We were worried that it might get hit by a car on its way. The cat had a black and white marble pattern in its fur. The cat made it across the road and ran past us in the open area of the lawn. The kitten got away from its mother, though, and started to run away. We were still worried about it. Then the kitten ran towards the door to the house, which was propped open slightly. We did not want the kitten to run into the house, but it sneaked into the door. We walked into the old house. It was a run-down building with sparse furnishings. It seemed like it had been closed up for several years. We tried to find the kitten under the furniture. The couch sat against the back wall, covered with a dull, dingy yellow flowered cover. I looked under the couch for the kitten, but could not see it. The mother cat was also wandering around the apartment, looking for her kitten.

11997 May 26

I was riding my bicycle down the steep hill when i came to the edge of the building. This building did not used to be here. It was constructed recently at the edge of the hill. It made it difficult to get bikes down the hill. The other person rode ahead of me, squeezing his bike through the crack in the wall. I got to the space in the old wooden wall and had a little trouble squeezing through. I was on my mountain bike. The handle bars were wider than on my ten speed, and did not fit as easily through the wood opening. I tipped the bike on its side and slid it under the fence. There was a long grassy slope beyond that led down the steep hill towards the yellow and white gas station on the corner of the road. We would be approaching from the back of the white cement building of the station. As soon as i got to the other side of the fence, however, i found myself in a sticky kind of mud. It was part of the construction project. There was a large square patch of this mud, with wooden stakes around the outside which held up a yellow plastic ribbon around the border of the area. I realized that there was something corrosive about the mud. I wondered whether it was simply some kind of cement. I thought that cement might be bad for the bicycles. It would make them rust easily. I slid through the dirt and found myself airborne on the other side of the hill. As i flew, i realized that i had jumped further than i usually did. I could see the row of buildings below me, on the left side of the road. Those were the buildings that i used to climb down before. I recognized the multiple-story building with the white wooden balconies on the front. That was the building where i used to land. The balconies made it easy to climb down the front of the building. I was soaring over this building, however. I remembered these buildings from someplace before. I had always used to climb down them when i was younger. I started to fall down onto the white and dark grey victorian house on the corner. I had climbed down this house before. I reached out for the rounded roof cone of the tower of the house. The roof was covered with dark grey shingles and had a weather vein on tip. The side of the house was covered with wooden paneling. I grabbed onto a section of the house to slow my fall. Then i started to work my way down the side of the house, grabbing onto several features of the four-story house on the corner. I used the balcony and the awnings to slow my fall. I remembered doing this all before.

11997 May 27

I had been sleeping at my grandparents’ house at $P12. I woke up and walked down the stairs and into the living room. I could see down the hill into the back yard of the house. It seemed dark outside. I then turned and opened the door between the two houses. The neighbours from next door were there. They had two dobermans. The dogs barked and moved towards the door. I walked over to pet them. The old lady, who was their owner, watched on as i spoke to them. Then i heard my grandmother walking though the apartment. I turned around to see her walking down the stairs of the house and into the living room. She turned towards me and headed into the kitchen. She was wearing a bluish-green dress with a dark coloured floral pattern. I thought that it was strange that she would be walking here. I walked down the hall towards the kitchen. I was in the $P7. All of the other students were wandering around in the hall. It was exam time, and people were heading to the exams. I wandered through the chapel, not quite sure where i should go. Something seemed out of place. I could see several people preparing the stage in the chapel for something. I then thought about lunch. I realized that i had not brought my lunch for the week to school. $F4 was near me as i contemplated what i should do for lunch. I then thought that i could walk up to the end of the block behind the school and eat at the restaurant. I did have some money with me for the week. I felt excited about eating out. It seemed like such a mature thing to do. I started to wander the halls again, thinking what i should do for my lunch. I remembered that i was a senior and could leave the school any time that i wanted. I could simply take a walk down the block to get lunch. I should go to my classes, but i did have to work this afternoon for $A14. I started to get confused. I walked down the hall, but the place did not look familiar. I could not remember where my next class was to be. Exams were going on, and i would have to get to one of the exams. I did not feel ready for the exam. I realized that i would not be prepared for the exam. It had been such a long time since i had studies for these things. I looked into one of the doorways and could see $A89 standing in the audience of the chapel below me. I remembered that i would have to work a half day for $A14 while i was here. I would also have to go to my class, but i did not want to work at $G2 at the moment. I then thought that i could work for $A14 in the morning and go to my class in the afternoon, when i got back from lunch. I paused as i wandered down the hall. I could not remember where i had to go to get to my job at $A14. I was in the hall of the class building, but i could not remember which room i was supposed to be in for my work. The other students walked around me, heading to their classes. Then i looked out the side door of the building. There was a small switchback of stairs to my right leading to the outside door. I remembered that my office was across the street in the other building on the campus. I was simply in one of the buildings, and i would have to go to $P40 to get to my office.

I stood up at the back of the class room. The teacher said that we should all move to the front and right to fill up all of the chairs in the room. We had to get as close together as possible for the class photograph. The girl in the chair next to me started telling me that i would have to move to the chairs on the right to sit down. She was trying to tease me, speaking down to me as if i would not understand. I could see that all of the metal armchairs in the room were arranged in a tight square in the center of the room. The floor was covered with white tile, and the surfaces of the chairs were made of a glossy pink ply-board. I realized that i had to walk to the opposite side of the square from where i was, to the left front corner of the class room. The teacher watched on as i walked over to the chair at the left front corner. I could see that the chairs were packed quite tightly into the square, and that i would not be able to squeeze into the desk on the corner. I had a chair in my hand, because the one behind the desk was trapped between the desk and the chair behind it. There was a boy sitting in the chair just behind. I sat down in the chair. The teacher started the test. I looked over the sheet that i had in front of me. I did not know the answers to the questions. It was a test in chemistry. I had not been in high school for quite some time, and did not remember much about chemistry. The other students were almost done with their tests. I looked over the test book. I could not understand the first question. I was distressed that i was not able to complete the test. I thought that i would just have to hand it in blank to $A90. I spent so much time answering the personal information section that i never got to the questions. The other students started handing in their forms. I looked back to the front of the bubble form. I had figured out the first question, and thought that it would be the only question i would be able to answer. I then flipped over the bubble sheet and looked at the first section. The bubbles in the first column had been filled in, and i was starting on the second. I had answered more questions than i thought i had in such a short time. I wondered whether i would finish, but decided that i would not have enough time. I wandered around the gas pump, which was part of the laboratory equipment. It was a tall red pump, with a white angular stripe along the left side. It seemed like an old gas pump from the fifties. The ground around it was dry dirt, and it seemed like i was near some other building. $A91 walked around the pump on the opposite side from me. We were both taking the chemistry test, and the pump apparatus was part of the test. I removed the handle from the side of the pump and looked it over. It was one of the old wide-nozzle handles, and was slightly tarnished with age. $A91 spoke to me about the pump. I felt relieved to have him there, even though we were still taking the test. He then started talking to someone, who seemed like his girlfriend. We both walked around the pump, looking over the equipment, and trying to figure out the questions on the test

11997 May 28

I was riding on the bus. It was very early in the morning, and it was still somewhat dark outside. It was gloomy and raining lightly. I had to take the bus to work. I sat on the right side of the bus. I could see the driver sitting on the left side in front, wearing a black rain coat and hat. I picked up my guitar in the black plastic shell-case and slung it over my shoulder. This is where i was supposed to get off. I stepped onto the curb, holding my guitar vertical in my right hand, the head of the guitar up over my right shoulder. I then noticed the other people on the sidewalk, playing guitar. There was a young boy playing a rosewood-covered acoustic guitar. He looked hispanic, with black frizzy hair hanging down to his cheek bones. He was playing a fast bass rhythm with a floating melody. It sounded like classical spanish music. I shifted my guitar so that it was behind my back. I was worried that they would see my guitar and ask me to pay with them. I did not think that i could play as nicely. I walked by the boy and the people watching him. I noticed that many of the other people watching also had guitars. I listened to the boy’s music as i passed. I thought that i probably could play it. It did not sound that hard. The only difficult part was the fast, repeating bass notes. I stepped up the cement stairs of the elevated sidewalk along the outside edge of the plaza as it curved slightly to the left. I had to get to work at the store on the end of the plaza. I did not feel like going to work at the moment. I was not in a very good mood. I came to the door of the store, where two of the janitorial staff was fixing something over the door. I then realized that the door would be locked this early in the morning. I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed that the hands only said that it was just before six. The store would not be open until seven. I wanted to get in early so that i could leave early, but i had to wait. Then i thought that it was Wednesday, and i was really supposed to work at $G2 all day. I did not really need to get into the store. I could go in early at $G2 and spend the day there, which would allow me to get out early.

11997 May 29

I was in the office looking over the computers. One of the main computers had gone down and was being repaired. $A92 was there with me as we looked over the silver box on the desk which was the $G2-1 machine. I leaned over the machine, which was on the table in front of me. I could see the three plug sockets on the back of the machine. There was a piece of white plastic around the plug sockets, and labels above each one. I could see that the one on the left was for modems, and the one in the center went to the drives. I thought that the modems for the machine must be internal to the machine and that it probably had several, as it was accessed quite a lot. It was rare, however that the modems were used, as the machine was used on a network. I thought that the modems were simply an older way for the system to communicate, and were probably used when the machine was using telnet connections. For a moment, it seemed that i finally understood how the operating of the system worked. I discussed it with $A92. The machine had been shut down, and would now have to be restarted. I had an understanding of how the main platform of the machine operated, and how the shells were constructed on top of it. We would have to copy all of the old shells to get the computer running again. Then $A92 asked me whether we would have to reboot each of the programs once the machine was finally up. I told him that i did not know the answer to the question. He told me to go ask the other person. I stood up and walked into the other room, where the man was sitting on a lawn chair with the other people. I asked him if the programs needed to be rebooted separately. An expression of absurdity crossed his face and he said, “Of course not.” Then i rephrased the question, realizing that it had not been clear the first time. I asked him weather each individual subprocess would have to be rebooted once the main platform is up and running again. He said that they would not have to be. I turned to my left where the group of people had gathered around the picnic table for the party. I wanted to get my bottle of root beer. Then the people started to spread out and head into another room. I realized that $A93 had taken the bottle of liquor that i had placed on the table. He did not know that it belonged to anyone. I called out his name, but he did not hear me. The other people started to wander around to the rest of the party. I yelled out $A93’s name. As he turned around, i threw a piece of bread crust at him and hit him on the side of the face. He spun back around and complained. I jumped up over the table and flew over the small wooded section just beyond. I came down against the back wall of the room, on the other side of the forest, where $A93 was. I told him that the bottle of soda had already been opened by me. He apologized and handed the bottle back to me. He then wandered off into the party. I walked into the back room on the other side of the glass wall from where the people were. I noticed the small living room area. It was in the basement of the house, and had black leather couches and a tall wooden bunk-bed-like structure in the middle of the far wall. A television was on a shelf to the right. I tipped up the bottle and drank some more of the root beer. It was flat and cold, and tasted very good, but there was not much left. I held the bottle up and drank the last bit from the two-litre bottle. I then saw the record albums on the floor. I could hear the music from the stereo. Someone walked by the door to the room as i bent over to look at the record covers. They had a drink in their right hand as they passed to the right to head back to where the rest of the people were. I looked over the bright blue album cover that was on the floor. It was a Rick Springfield album. The picture on the front of the album was a photograph of a man surfing on a city street. The wave went down the street, in front of some brick buildings. The man had his arms up in a typical surfer pose, but he was wearing a dark business suit. I had never seen this Rick Springfield album before and wondered whether it was the one that had the song “Human Touch” on it. I flipped over the record and read the white letters in the center of the album cover. I did not see the song. The back of the album was also a photograph of a city street. There was a little old lady in white in the background in the center of the frame. She was wearing a white knit jacket and was walking her dog. I flipped the record back over to read the title on the front of the album. It said “Rick Springfield’s 25 Golden Hits”. I wondered why “Human Touch” was not on the album. Then i saw the other album on the ground to the right. I placed the first album on top of the other one that i had looked at on the left side of me. Then i picked up the double album. I realized that the cover design was from the seventies. It was a black album cover, with illustrations of the band members in white disco suits. There was a picture of the planet in the upper left corner of the cover, with the band members stepping out from behind it in a musical action pose. Then there were four monkey heads across the center of the image, with some other drawings around the other edges. I realized that this was similar to many of the designs of the late seventies. The monkeys were from Planet of the Apes, which was very popular at the time. It was a type of parody. I flipped over the album and noticed that there was a second cover just like it still on the floor to my right. It was a double album. The back had similar designs as the front.

I was on the hill outside of the fraternity house. I was playing frisbee with the other brothers. Someone threw the frisbee up the hill at us. I caught it, but then i heard someone fall behind me. I looked back to see $A37 on the ground. He had fallen against the house and hit his shoulder on the small cement ledge that was part of the foundation. He rolled around for a moment in pain. I bent over and asked him if he was all right. He groaned and held his shoulder. I remembered when he had gotten hurt before. I then thought that i might be the only one who remembers the two other times that he had gotten hurt in the exact same way. $A37 sat down on the lounge chair to the left, just past the columns that held up the overhang. The other brothers were crowded around him, talking about the accident. I felt left out. It did not seem that any one cared that i had been there as well. I was worried about $A37, but i could not ask him about his arm, because the others were keeping me out of the conversation. I wanted to say something that would let them know that i had helped as well. Then i remembered that i knew of the two other times when this had happened. I was probably the only one in the room who could actually remember accurately enough. I got discouraged, and turned to head away. I looked to my left at the three women on the lawn chairs who were sipping champagne from fluted glasses. I knew that the drinks were poisoned. $F14 had come to this place with me, but the two other women here were into bad witchcraft. I would not take the drink. The lead woman stood behind me to my right as the other women started to drink. Two women sat on the couch on the left wall and one sat on the section along the back wall. The woman who sat in the corner of the two couches was one of the bad guys. She smiled as she watched the other three women drink their poisoned glasses. I thought about the poison making them slowly fall asleep. The three women were drinking in celebration. Then the woman on the couch in the back said, “What the hell. Let’s finish off the champagne.” She drank the rest of the pale tan liquid in her cone-shaped glass. The other women did the same. I did not say anything. I knew what was going on, and i was very uncomfortable with the situation, but i did not say anything. The woman behind be was pleased that the others had taken their drinks. $F14 was standing near her, but was not part of the plot. I watched as the three women smiled cheerfully, and i wondered what their reaction would be once they realized that they had been poisoned. Now that they had finished off their glasses, the poison would act much faster. I started to leave. I did not want to be around these people any more. I walked down the hall and out the door to the right. I came outside near the end of the $P41 and started walking back along the side of the building. I thought about the lady inside. They were vampires, and would surely come after me. They could not have me wandering around freely. I thought that i could run to the other side of the building across the parking lot, but then i remembered that she would be able to sense me telepathically. I knew that i had telepathic abilities, but knew that the vampires were much stronger than me. I thought that i would act confident against them, making them think that i was not afraid of their powers, but realized that they would be able to read through me. There was no way that i could stand up against that much power. Then i thought that it would probably not be that bad being a vampire. I thought that i would have eternal life, but it would not be so good because i would never be able to come out in the day light again. The i realized that the women could come out in the day light. They must be the type of vampires who were not affected by sun light. I started to fly down the side of the building. I would have to escape from the woman before she came out of the building. I watched the power lines to my left as i flew out across the parking lot towards the building on the other side. I turned around to see the woman coming out of the building after me. She started to wander to the left, not knowing exactly where i had gone. I felt that i could stand up against her. I flew back across the parking lot towards her. I kept low to the ground so that she would not see me until i was very close. Then i soared upwards and headed down towards her. She looked up at me as i came down toward her. I landed and spoke. I challenged here, and said that she would not be able to have me. She was unsure about me and asked about the three women that they already had. She said that she would kill them. I told her that i knew, but that it did not happen like that before. I realized that i had just hinted on my powers of temporal viewing. She would not understand how it could have happened differently. I remembered it happening differently. I had won a mental conquest with her, and took off into the air, soaring high above her in my escape.

11997 May 30

I looked out the window on the side of my apartment. I pulled back the curtains and looked down at the street to see the approaching truck. It was a tractor-trailer, with a large flat bed in back. There were several crates stacked on the back of the truck. I told the other person in the room to my left that they were explosives. I was worried about them. We would have to do something about it. I pushed the object up over my head. I had to keep it from falling into the stream bed. I lay down at the edge of the stream. I looked off to the sides of the stream where the dangerous animals were. I could see several scorpions and some poisonous spiders. They were illuminated by red, yellow, and orange lights. I was not worried about them, though i knew that they would attack the object i had in my hands. Then i realized that i might accidentally back into one of the scorpions. It had its tail up, ready to attack. I was suddenly afraid of it, worried that i might back into it and it would sting me on the right shoulder blade.