11998 May 02

I walked around the outside of the lawn, which was bordered on all sides by white houses. We seemed to be in the back yard of a house in a crowded suburb. There was a mountain lion in the center of the yard. I was not afraid of the lion, but i thought about it attacking. I knew that it could not hurt me, but i knew that it would try to grab on with its claws and bite at my throat. I wondered how i would get it off. I knew that it could not kill me, but i knew that it might keep trying. I thought about how hard it might hit me if it swung its claws. The impact might be heavy. I thought that we would have to get the lion some other animals to eat. It was a pet, and we would have to find some way to feed it. I then thought about the rats that we had been introducing into the pen. I looked at the pen from a higher angle. I could see that it was enclosed with heavy bushes. The shrubs were well trimmed and formed a maze inside the yard. I walked along the outside of one of the shrubs, watching the mountain lion walk through the bushes. I knew that we had to get it some food. Then i saw the large rat run through a section of the shrubs. The lion ran after it, but could not make it through the shrubs. I knew that we could fill the area with the rats and they would last for a while. It would take longer for the lion to catch them. I then jumped up on top of one of the bushes and started to walk along the side of the pen. I watched the lion on the left sided of me as it stalked the rat through the maze of hedges. I then wondered whether it would see me on the bushes and try to jump up itself.

I was standing in the marching company as we stood in the area. I was near the front of the line. The seniors stood at the front of the company, controlling the files. The company was four files of men wide. I felt uncomfortable here, and was weary of the older boys, who were teasing me. They tried to act superior as they gave their commands. We stood in marching position. I was in the second row from the front. I was not allowed to lead anyone. The boy in front of me turned around and spoke to me in a snide tone. He was trying to be degrading so that i would follow orders. I stood still. I then noticed that the column that was on the right side of me started moving forward. The leader of that file was giving commands to the students to march. Everyone seemed sloppy in their marching. I then noticed that there was an officer standing in front of me. I had to look straight ahead. I ignored him as he yelled at me. Then the older boys lined up at the front of the company. The company was five files wide. Someone then commanded us to march. There was a wall in front of us, and i did not think the commander had time to have us turn. Then i saw that the company was turning in a column to the left. They did so without a command. I wondered how we could have been allowed to do so. We then started marching towards the center of the room. There was a pile of shoe boxes which formed a mound in the center of the room. $A105 was watching us from the center of the room. He was skeptical about having us march up the stairs that were formed by the shoe boxes and then jump off of the other side. It seemed like a cabaret act. $A105 did not object, however. He seemed to find it an interesting choice. I wondered whether the boxes would be stable. I knew that they were not held together and that they might fall apart on the high side of the mound. I kicked over some boxes in front of me as i started up the stairs. The boxes were a bright pink.

I drove the car up the empty country road. I was talking with someone about the towns in the area. He mentioned that there was something in every town, but i knew that one of the towns was so small that they could not have it. I mentioned that i used to live in $P10, which was a very small town. I then mentioned that there was another town just this side of it which was only a few houses. I told the person that i understood what small was. I pictured the house. There was a grassy hillside which sloped up to the north, at the bottom of it. The road turned off from the main road that i was traveling along and headed north over the hill. There was then a smaller dirt road which turned right from the smaller road and ran to the east, parallel to the main road. At the intersection of the two side roads was a small collection of old houses. They looked wooden and somewhat run down. This was the small town about which we had been talking. We passed through the town and ended up on the long road which ran up a hill. There were deciduous trees on both sides of the road. I then pulled into the driveway on the right side of the road. I was dropping someone off. $A148 got out of my car and walked over to the fence that was blocking the driveway. She was on a unicycle and wearing red clothing. I started to turn my car around in the driveway when i looked in my rear view mirror. I was waiting to take her somewhere as soon as she changed. I could see her standing with her back to me as she fiddled with the lock on the large gate of the fence. There was someone else walking from the driveway. I looked down the road to the left. I could see the man on the bicycle as he rode past me. He was on the forested hill on the other side of the road, just across the drainage ditch from the road. He then tried to ride the mountain bike over the ditch. His front wheel dropped and he tumbled forward onto the road. I looked to the right to see that $A148 was riding her bicycle up the road. She was not waiting for me. She was riding the bicycle across the road, and she was still wearing a red shirt. I realized that she was going to take the short cut across the fields. I was disappointed that she did not want me to drive her to where she had to go. I knew that i could fit her bicycle in the back of my car. I then pulled out of the driveway and headed to the left. I saw the two other bicyclists that were riding down the road. I passed them on my bicycle and started to speed away. I wondered whether they would be able to pass me. I knew that the one man was on a racing bicycle, and that he should be able to pass me. I tried to pedal somewhat fast without making it appear that i was racing. Then i heard the second bicycle coming up along the left side of me. I realized that i was leaning too far forward and that my hands could not possibly be on the handlebars. I tried to lean back more and relax, to make it look as though i was out for a comfortable ride.

The teacher was talking about the music that we were listening to. I recognized it. It was a Beatles song. She was talking about the mixing techniques that could be heard on the record. I knew the song. It was a bouncy tune, but it had several unique sounds in the background. I thought that it was a smooth flowing melody. I knew that it was from their album “Yellow Submarine” and wondered for a moment whether it was “All Too Much”. I realized that it was not. The song seemed like “Tomorrow Never Knows”. Then the teacher mentioned that there were two other songs that had a similar mixing technique. She mentioned “Hey Bulldog” and “Tomorrow Never Knows”. I thought that the song had a very trance-like quality to it that i liked. Then the teacher said that she wanted us to create a mix of our own using spoken words and parts from the three songs she mentioned. I thought about the mix that i had made some years ago. I thought that i could submit that as a sample of something i could do. Then i realized that i might have to remix it with the three songs that she gave us. I wondered how i could do it.

11998 May 03

I was sitting at the picnic table with $F20. He sat on the opposite side from me. We were talking about the band that we were putting together. Then $A149 sat down to $F20’s left. He started talking about how he wanted to get the band together. I was interested in the idea. I had a large white cup of something in front of me. I was talking to $F20 about it. I told him that i would go refill it. I stood up and walked into the restaurant. The restaurant was a very large, open, white room with a dark stained wooden counter in the center. I asked the man at the counter for a cup of tea. I thought about filling the cup with the new tea, even though it was only partly empty. The man walked to my left on the other side of the counter. I was standing at the counter, facing the door in which i had come. I held the white cup in my left hand and opened the metal can of water in my right. The metal can was about the size of a soda-pop can, but had a narrow neck and a twist off cap. I thought that i could add the hot water to the tea to spread it out more. Then the man returned from the other side of the counter. It seemed as though i had been impatient with him. He placed the tray of food down on the counter and looked at me. There was a plate of bagels on the tray along with a small glass of something black and foamy. There were six halves of bagels on the plate that were toasted and covered with a red jam. I looked at the small shot glass to the right of the plate. It was trumpet shaped and had a dark liquid in it with brown foam around the top edges. I thought that it looked like espresso. I told the man that i had ordered tea and not coffee. He looked confused and picked up the glass of coffee. He headed back to the left. I was frustrated with him. I had only ordered one bagel from him. I did not want the entire meal. I was getting impatient to get back out to $F20. He would want to know what was taking me so long. I then realized that i was on the inside of the counter. I looked to my left to see one of the female employees getting something from behind the counter. I tried to squeeze through the gap between the end of the counter and the wall to get back to the other side. I knew that i would be late. The others were waiting for me. Then i thought that $F20 might be annoyed that i was buying bagels from this bagel store. I knew that he would prefer bagels from the other store.

I was driving in the car with my parents. We were on the road which led out of the city towards the mountains. I knew that the house to which we were going was very nice and had a scenic view. Then we turned off onto the road which led up the small hill on the north end of the valley. I realized that the view from the house was of the mountains on the south side of the valley. I had not thought that this was what the description of the house meant. We drove into the wooded area at the top of the hill. I knew that the houses in that area were expensive. I remembered them from before. We were going to visit someone. I looked at the wooden houses that were hidden among the tall pine trees. They all seemed to be stained a dark brown colour. I then noticed the large brown building on the right side of the car. We were walking past it at an angle as we walked towards the house on our left. I recognized the building. It was a restaurant. I remembered that we had visited $K6 when she had rented a cottage up here. We went to the restaurant for dinner. I remembered that it was a very expensive restaurant. We were up here to visit some friends of my parents. I thought that they actually lived here, while my aunt simply rented a cottage here for a summer. My father mentioned the restaurant, and said that it was very expensive, and that we should not try to go there for dinner. I reminded him of the time we went there with $K6. We then walked into the front room of the building. We were in the restaurant. I remembered the front lobby. There was a small lobby that spread out to the right of the entrance door. On the opposite wall from the door was a set of lightly stained wooden shelves. They were decorated with books and other paraphernalia that was for sale from the place. To the left was a doorway into one of the dining rooms. To the right, at the back of the small lobby, was an opening into the front-desk area of the restaurant, which had a fireplace on the west wall. The lobby had a red leather sofa on the west wall, and the entrance door on the north. I started to walk into the room where the front desk was when i noticed the woman stacking books onto the shelf. I recognized the cover of the book from when i had been here before. It was a brown book with black letters and was some kind of cook book. I had purchased one before, and mentioned that to the girl as she shuffled some of the books in a cardboard box that was on the floor. The box was in front of the square coffee table that was in the lobby. I then walked into the room where the front desk was.

I walked along the front of the lecture room. There were rows of chairs leading up the slope of the room to my left. Someone was standing at a desk at the front of the room. Someone had been talking about the New Kids on the Block. They mentioned that Leonardo di Caprio had been one of the New Kids. I was unaware of that fact, and tried to picture them. I then saw the old poster of the group. I was having difficulty focusing on it for a moment. Then i watched as the New Kids on the Block walked down to the table at the front of the room. I looked at their faces to see if i could recognize Leonardo. I knew that he would be much younger then. I then remembered that one of them was Donnie. I recognized him as the one with the bleached blonde hair. I noticed the one with the long face and dark curly hair. I did not see any that looked like Leonardo. I then focused on the young one. I realized that his face might be Leonardo. I turned to my left and started talking to $A14. I was listening to music on my walkman. I liked the music, and thought that it sounded like Dead Can Dance. It was very trance-like, and had smooth flowing melodies. I spoke to $A14 about it and let him listen through the headphones. I then realized that the song to which he was listening was not as classical as i had hoped. It had a rather modern beat to it. I wondered whether he would like it. I wanted him to listen to something which sounded a little more like the folk songs that Dead Can Dance does. I could hear the music as $A14 listened to the headphones. I thought that i should play him the first song on the album. I listened as it started with a high chant and faded into a nasal music sound. I walked to the front of the room. I was going to set up the stage for something. The woman placed the black and white braided carpet on the floor in front of the white porcelain sink which was hanging from the wall. The sink was a large, deep, square, kitchen sink. I stepped on one of the tassels of the oval rug and heard a high-pitched yelp. I knew that the mat was alive and that it would cry out, but i did not let the others know that i knew. I had to act as though i was unaware of the rug. The person to my left, as i faced the sink, held some small rectangular mats in his hand which were made of the same substance as the one on the floor. I acted as though i could not figure out where the sound was coming from as i looked curiously down at the black and white oval rug.

11998 May 04

I was at my parents’ house. It was dark outside as i wandered through the upstairs bedroom. I was headed toward the kitchen. There seemed to be someone outside, but i had something to do in the house. I walked westward across the long narrow room of the elementary school cafeteria. There were long narrow tables in the center of the room which were set length-wise north to south. I walked on the north side of them as i headed towards the cooking area. There were several other children with me. It was after hours, and we were not supposed to be in the cafeteria. I rounded the end table and started to talk to $F12, who was sitting on the bench on the end table. There seemed to be cooking utensils hanging from the ceiling near the end table. This place was a classroom where cooking was taught. The other children were fooling around with things. I was here to cook something. Then i looked around to see one of the children trip over something that was sticking out on the south wall by the floor. There was a hissing noise as gas rushed out of the broken tube. Then i saw one of the other children yelling at the first. He was acting foolish and banged on the bottom of a pan with a spoon. I could see a yellow spark flash from between the spoon and the pan. I quickly laid down on the table as the gas caught fire and exploded. There was a loud boom and a gush of air. The room seemed to get darker. I laid down on the table. I noticed that there was a gap in time between the spark and the explosion and wondered whether that was the length of time for the ignition to get back to the pipe. The children started to run out of the room. I quickly looked around for something to help put out the fire. I looked into the cabinets which were under the counter upon which i had been lying. I wanted to get out the fire extinguisher, but the power had been turned off. The explosion must have shorted out the power. I tried to pull several things out from under the cabinet when i looked up to see a small flame burning on the other side of the counter. There was not much of a fire at all. I leaned over the counter and looked down through the metal brace that was hanging off of the counter. I blew out the glowing embers and small flame. I then started to look through the counters for something. I wanted to find something so that i could get going. We had to leave the area before someone came to investigate the explosion. I looked under the counter and noticed a cheese grater sitting on top of a cookie sheet. I thought that i should take the grater and funnel to do something. I then thought that it would be stealing, and that i should probably leave them here. I decided that i should get out of the room before someone came. I started to the east end of the room, where the exit door was. I noticed that there were quite a few small cameras around the room. They were small grey boxes which sat on all of the counter tops. I realized that we had been watched and that people would know that we were in here. The cameras should be inactive now because the power was out. I thought about breaking them so that no one could see what we were doing, but then i realized that the film was in another room and would still have everything up to the explosion. There were several other children running in front of me as i stepped outside and stood at the corner of the tan brick school for a moment. I did not know where to go. I knew that i should run away, but i did not seem to want to. I felt very strange and sad. It was raining out, but i was not concerned about getting wet. I turned away from the direction in which the other children ran and started across the college campus. I was wearing a black plastic trench coat to keep the rain off. I knew that i looked somewhat scary. I started to walk across the muddy ground, through the old dormitories of the campus. Then i noticed a female jogger in front of me. I was not following her, but seemed to be behind here as i walked. I knew that she would be scared of me. There were several other people walking across the campus, but i was ignoring all of them. I looked across one of the wet quads and opened my arm up. I knew that i could float and that it might scare more people. I looked at my dim shadow as it fell across the ground under the leafless tree that stood against the stone building. I started to fly across the small court on the side of the building. The girl walked up to the door of a dorm. I was not following her and walked past the stairs up to the door and towards the bushes on the side of the building. I knew that there was no place for me to go on the other side of the building because the ground dropped away. I thought that the woman might be concerned about me wandering around in the quad. It was like climbing on the outside of the building. I walked along the narrow ledge of doors that surrounded the side of the building. There was a steep drop off in front of me with ground shrubs growing over it. Then i noticed the lighted area ahead of me. There were several white stone structures on the ground below me. They seemed to be a formal entrance to the side of the building. I thought that i could climb down them. I knew that it was dangerous to climb down the cement entranceway, but i was feeling unfocussed and did not care. I thought that the white stone was a modern tarp over the entry corridor. I climbed down the first level of the stone and stepped onto the large white disc. There was a maintenance man sitting to my right, reading a magazine. He looked up at me as i climbed down past him. I jumped on top of the illuminated white surface and landed on my knees. I hit my hand on the surface and heard a dull drum sound. I realized that the white area resonated when it was hit. I hit it again, noticing that the round white section in front of me was shaped like a large turtle shell. I realized that i was on top of the white disc which hung over the new auditorium in the entrance way of the building. I looked around me at the balcony which surrounded the lobby. I then realized that i had climbed out onto the swinging light. There were wires attached to the sides of the white disc upon which i was sitting. I noticed that the disc was swinging from when i jumped to it. I thought that i should climb down. I reached over to the marble wall near me to slow the swinging. I then looked over the edge of the disc so see the marble stone of the lobby below. There were several people walking around in the lobby. It did not seem that far down, and i thought that i could grab onto one of the metal bars that ran along the bottom of the balcony and swing down. I grabbed onto the metal bar near me and slowed the swinging. I then looked out into the lobby. I noticed that the man who was sitting at the security desk had noticed me. His eyes looked up at me and his expression seemed impatient. I swung my right leg forward and started to go over the side of the disc, which was raised a few decis. The man immediately picked up the telephone that was on the desk to his left and started to call security. I thought that i would have to jump over quickly, but i was having difficulty getting over the railing.

11998 May 07

I was in the house when i heard the chirping noise. It sounded gruff, and i did not know what it was. I walked down to the door that overlooked the back porch of the house and looked around. I thought that the sound might be from some kind of bird. I could see a large bird out on wooden deck of the house. It seemed to be a raven, or some other large bird. As i approached it, it flew away. The siding on the house was a light blue, and the roof was covered with asphalt shingles. I went back into the house when i heard the sound of the bird again. I walked back out and saw that the bird was sitting at the edge of the roof near the door again. There was something strange about the situation. I started to wonder whether the bird knew where it was going. I thought that it wanted to get into the house. I looked at it more closely as i tried to sneak up on it. It seemed to have a face. I then realized that the head of the bird was brightly coloured. It was not a wild bird. It seemed to be some kind of parrot. I realized that it was the bird that had run away from $A29 a long time ago. I was in the dining room of the house. I told $A29 that the bird that he had lost had flown back to the house. It had returned after all this time. There were several other people in the room, who seemed to be $A29’s children. They were happy to see the bird. The bird started to fly around the wooden ceiling of the room. We had to catch it so that it did not get away again. Then i noticed $A31 as she entered the room. She did not know what was going on, and seemed uninterested in the bird’s return.

11998 May 09

I was at the theatre, practicing the dance moves. I seemed to be at the $P55, just outside of the dressing room. It was somewhat dark in the hall. I lifted my right foot in the air while balancing on my left. The person, who was standing in front of me and to my right, commented that i should have my toe pointed more upward. I realized that he knew how to do the dance correctly. I only knew parts of it. I tried to keep my toes pointed, but could not balance myself properly. I mentioned to the person that i had not actually been doing the move as a dance but as part of an exercise. I said that, for the exercise, the toes were supposed to be pointed down. The man asked me to demonstrate. I suddenly did not feel confident in doing the move. I knew that i was not that experienced with the exercise, and i did not want to do it incorrectly after i had told the person how the dance was supposed to go. I started to do the move, but relaxed and shook my head, telling the person that i did not want to do it. I then walked into the dressing room and started to set the rugs down on the floor. $A152 was standing in the dressing room as i placed one of the oval rugs down on the floor in front of one of the chairs. There seemed to be some purpose to the rugs. I then started talking to $A141. I was interested in the conversation. I liked talking to him, but i was still in the process of putting the rugs where they belonged.

11998 May 10

I walked through the lower floor of the large house. I had just moved into the house. It was one that i had bought. The house was old, and had very high ceilings. It seemed dark and run down, but there was something sturdy about the structure. The walls were covered with pattern-stamped tin that was painted yellow. The patterns seemed floral, but were arranged in geometric shapes. I thought that there was someone on the other side of the house. I seemed to be keeping quiet, but i did not want to do so. I walked through the hall of the building. There were things scattered through the building. It seemed that the old tenant did not move out. The bottom of the walls and the floor were painted black. I walked down the hall from the front room. It seemed that $A16 lived in the other side of the run down house. I turned right, into the side bedroom. It seemed that i had more than enough room to do the things that i wanted to do. There were still furnishings in the room, and there seemed to be a lot of junk lying around. I knew that it came with the house and that i could do with it as i pleased. It seemed that the previous owners did not clean everything out. I wondered what i should do with all of the items. Then i noticed the small radio that was playing on the shelf at right side of the back wall. It had two separate speakers that were sitting next to it. The speakers seemed to be fuzzy to look at. I could not focus on them. I then realized that they were playing heavy bass sounds, which made them vibrate. The vibrations made them hard to focus upon. I thought that it was good that i got a good stereo system which was very small. It seemed to be raining outside. Something about this place made me feel enclosed and depressed.

11998 May 11

I walked into the large open room in the modern building. It was a classroom. The floor and walls were made of tile and were an aqua green. There seemed to be large glass windows on the outside wall that looked out over the city. The room was oddly shaped. It had a corridor which came into it, and which was separated from the room by a wall. The corridor came into the room from the east along the north side. The windows were on the south and west walls. Outside were the buildings of the city, which seemed like Eurivvonerga. I sat down in one of the armchairs in the classroom. $A104 was standing on the northwest corner of the room. He was lecturing to us. I was sitting in the tan arm chair which was at the edge of the wall by the corridor. The other students were in the west part of the room. I was not paying attention to what was being said. My attention kept drifting around the room. I looked through my bags, which were on the floor near my chair. I was very distracted by something. I then noticed that there were other students in the room. They had been brought in by the other teacher. I sat listening to $A104 as the female teacher walked into the room from the east with the other students. They lined up around the edge of the railing that ran around the center of the room. On the inside of the railing was an opening which led to the lobby below. The new students seemed disruptive. I looked over at them and noticed that one of them had a large portable stereo over his shoulders. The music seemed soft but i knew that it was disruptive. One of the students was $A150. I realized that they were all students from $P7. I then saw $A151 sitting in the center of the crowd. He had a large grey stereo over his shoulders. I knew that he was just trying to be cool like the rest of the students. I tried not to listen to the music as i walked over to my desk and started looking through my book bag, which was on the floor. My desk was on the southeast corner of the room. I could see the new students through the large glass window which was in the center of the wall that separated the corridor from the room. I had to find something. I was ignoring the new students, although i knew that they could see me through the window. I then got up from the chair and started walking through the lower levels of the building. I was in the gym, and i was looking for the correct room. I did not know what kind of workout i wanted to do today. I had asked the person at the counter for a bag so that i could either go swimming or running. I walked through the aqua corridors looking for the correct place. I then came into the pool area where all of the children were. They were splashing in the small pools that were set into the floor. I thought that these were not the correct pools. I had to get to the large pool where i could do laps. I walked over the blue tile floor of the pool room to the stairs on the west wall. The stairs led up to the south. I climbed them and saw the larger pool. I then realized that this was the normal swimming pool. I realized that i had simply come in from he other side of the pool. I thought that i normally got to the pool through the locker rooms, but, this time, i had come up from the outside corridors by crossing the smaller pools. I then noticed that there were people standing in the pool. They were not swimming. I looked to the east, to where the lifeguard was. I was still dressed in street clothing, and knew that i could not go in the water like that. I had to shower before i entered the pool. I then realized that my hair was wet from being near the kiddy pools. The lifeguard should let me walk along the pool thinking that i had already showered. I then noticed that the people who had been standing in the pool were getting out and that there were men walking towards the pool. The men seemed well built, and i realized that they were on the swimming team. The pool was opening for laps. I walked around the south side of the pool when i noticed that there was a tan section of floor which extended across the width of the pool. It was covered with the same small tiles that the rest of the floor was covered with. It shortened the length of the pool. I knew that it could be taken out, and one of the other swimmers motioned that we do so. I did not know how to get it out, however. I walked around to the other side of the pool, wondering how i could swim laps with the bar in the way. Then i heard $F11’s voice from the north side of the room. I looked to the end of the room to see the tall black lockers. I knew that he had entered the room with someone else and that they were talking. I could hear him as he replied to the other person. I called out his nickname and walked around the black lockers to find him. I could still hear him talking, but i could not see him. He must have walked around the opposite side of the lockers. I circled the lockers, trying to find him.

11998 May 12

I walked through the living room of the cottage. The place was decorated in wood. I was on my way to the basement when i heard the sound of the dryer running. I then remembered that i had turned the dryer on the night before to dry some clothes. I was suddenly worried that it might start a fire. I had forgotten that the dryer in this place does not shut off when it finishes. I walked down the stairs and into the cement basement. There was a light bulb on the ceiling which lit the way. I walked down the wooden stairs which faced the north as they came down in the northwest corner of the basement. I stepped off on the west side of the stairs and crossed to the southeast corner of the basement, where the green dryer was running. I lifted the lid and started to putt the clothes out. They did not feel that hot, but i could tell that they had been in there too long. I pulled out the large white sheets, which did not seem to be affected by the heat. Then i noticed that a pair of my running shorts had gotten in the load. I pulled them from the sheets and looked at them. They were faded and were sticking to the sheets. I knew that the material melted easily. I was upset that i had left everything running all night. I then thought about the black letters on my white jersey. I was piling the clothes on the table to the right of the machine. I looked back into the dryer to see several pair of white running socks. The elastic on them had melted so that the necks of the socks were very tight. I was then on the south side of the dryer as i pulled the long pair of running plastics from it. They were worn through in several places and faded. I knew that they were ruined. I thought that i would have to tell my mother about everything. I thought that i would have to order everything new. I knew that it would cost over a hundred dollars. I thought about talking to my mother on the telephone. I would have to tell her that it would cost almost two hundred dollars to replace everything. I knew that she would complain and tell me that i was paying too much for the stuff. I piled all of the clothing in the center of the white sheet and started to wrap the sheet around it. I listened as my mother told me how much money i was wasting by getting the clothes from the catalogue. I was in the car with her, and we were driving to the east down the road. I knew that we were heading towards the place near the mountain, out in the country. We drove down the hill and through the intersection of the small town. There was a tractor-trailer in front of us as we passed under the traffic light. I suddenly realized that there was a large factory complex in front of us. The buildings were large and pale orange. They were very plane and had no windows on their smooth surfaces. I suddenly wondered whether the road continued on or whether we would be stuck in the industrial park. The truck started to turn as we crossed the parking lot. We tried to drive forward, but we realized that the road ended in a small docking bay on the near side of the building. I looked around and wondered where the road went. I hoped that it did not end in the factory. We turned through the small parking area and started heading to the south. The main road seemed to turn southward along the outside edge of the parking lot. There were signs to the shopping area of the complex. I thought that the buildings had been converted into a factory outlet. I could see the yellow sign with the red letters advertising the mall. We headed along the buildings as we approached the corner where the road turned around them. I then realized that there was a booth on the left side of the car. A woman was standing in it looking at us as we drove slowly past her. I wondered whether we were supposed to pick up a ticket for the parking area. I knew that, if we did not have a ticket, we would be charged a heavy price later. I then looked through the driver’s window on the left to see a short dead end alley. The entrance to the store was on the right side of the alley. It had metal railings out front and a large glass window. It seemed like a cheap five and dime store. The rest of the alley was dirty, and seemed to have little place to park. We knew that we would not be able to drive through to where we were going. We started back out of the area when the woman from the booth came to talk to us. She was in the passenger’s seat of the car. She asked us where we were going. I told her that we were heading down the side of the mountain to where the trails were. I did not want to tell her specifically. I felt uncomfortable with her around. Then she started to ask more questions about where we were going. My mother then started to mention some of the trail names along the road side. I was glad that my mother was being vague as well. I started to imply that we were heading down the road for camping or hiking. I thought about the open desert country on the side of the road.

11998 May 13

I walked through the aisles of the small office. There seemed to be several cubicles in the office with orange walls. The ceiling was very high, and there was a balcony which looked down over the cubicles. $K5 walked through the cubicles to ask me a question. She needed my help on something. I walked into one of the cubicles. There was a board on the far wall of the cubicle with a picture of three dresses on it. Alex Trebec stood to my left, looking at the picture. Someone was drawing the third image on the left side of the picture. It was a long dress with dark flowers sewn on in a line from the shoulder down. Alex asked the other three people who were there what the special name for the type of clothing was. They were naming brands and styles. I thought that i knew the answer. The question was actually looking for the general type of design. I thought of “evening gown” and “muumuu”. The other three people were women, and were guessing more specific things about the pictures. I ran several other possibilities through my head as they women tried to guess the correct answer. I thought of “blouse, evening gown, muumuu”. The man then asked me what the answer was. I started by saying “blouse”. He quickly said that i was correct. I did not expect that answer to be correct, and was confused for a moment. I had thought that one of my other answers was correct, but i wanted to start with something simply to show that i was guessing. I realized that i had guessed the correct answer on the female part of the show. I felt suddenly strange as i realized that i had been asked to answer the female questions. I knew that it was inappropriate of me to do so, but i felt somewhat defiant. I was weary of how the others might react to me being part of the female quiz section, but i knew that i would ignore them. I looked down over the cubicles of the office. I seemed to be on the balcony. I knew that i would have to get back to work and go back down into the offices. I walked down the stairs and into the basement of the building. I placed the bicycle back where it belonged. The basement was small and made of cement. $A53 was walking around the outside edge of the small square room. The ceiling seemed rather high, and it was somewhat dark. The other person said that there was actually a passage behind one of the walls. I remembered it from before. I told $A153 that i had seen it, but that i had never been in it. I did not know where the access to the passage was. I knew that it was hidden behind one of the old walls. We were in the basement of $P19. I walked with $A153 as we searched the old wood walls for the entrance to the passage. I knew that there was a large open area under part of the house which had nothing in it, but we could not find out where it was. I started to walk along the back wall of the building with $A153. I then noticed that $A53 had bent over and crawled into a small hole in the side wall of the basement. I did not want to go into the dark space. It seemed too small. I looked over the back all with $A153, hoping that we could find a larger entrance into the secret room. Then $A153 walked back along the side wall of the room. He bent over and started into the horizontal crack that $A53 had gone through. I was hesitant to follow. I was afraid of the cave-like hole. It seemed very dark and very small. I hoped that there was an easier way to get in. I then followed them in, hoping that $A53 had not gone too far ahead, as he had the only light. I was having difficulty seeing the passage. Then i was in the large, empty room. It had been sealed off from the rest of the house. The walls of the room were damp and made of cement blocks. They seemed dirty, and there were cobwebs on them. The floor of the room was dirt. I walked around the room with $Z. It seemed exciting to find this place. It had been closed up for many years. I knew that we could use this room for something. I thought we should open the room to the rest of the house so that it could be used again. I then started walking along the outside wall when i noticed the brown wooden door. The door was made of vertical wood boards that had been painted brown. I pointed it out to $Z that this was the door that we could see from the outside. I knew that it came into the basement, be we were never really sure where it came in. Then we were in a long narrow room, which seemed like a corridor. It was part of the basement that had been hidden. I knew that there were several rooms that had been closed off long ago. It was interesting to open them. I was excited about opening them and making them usable by the other brothers. We then walked up the stairs and into the room. The room had wooden floors and was decorated. It was the room of one of the brothers. I knew that we were in the upper part of the complex. We were in a cabin that was up the hill from the main house. I told $Z that if we redid the underground passageways to use them as rooms then the one could serve as a corridor to this room in the winter. I spoke to the two people as i looked out the large window on the front of the cabin. I could see the slope of the bedrock as it led down to the main house. There was a path worn over the rocky surface through the moss. There was another cabin to the left, which was another brother’s room. I then looked to the left to see $F4 standing on the wooden deck outside of the cabin that i was in. I was still talking to the people in the cabin, but i asked them to excuse me while i went outside to see $F4. I was excited to see him. I ran out the door and over to him. I was very happy and started to hug him hello. He put up his arms to stop me. He seemed annoyed by the closeness and did not want to be friendly. I was disappointed and hurt that he did not want to talk to me. I walked down the hill toward the main house. As i came to the gravel driveway, i tried to stand the blue bike up on the ground. I was having trouble getting the kickstand down. It kept slipping in the gravel. I finally got it to stand. I then grabbed the handle of the green lawn mower and started to drag it back to the shed. I was still upset, but i had to get all of the tools put away before it got too dark outside.

I was in the basement of the house with $A103. I was talking to him about the secret corridors that led through the walls and into the unused rooms in the basement. We were standing at the bottom of the stairs near the washing machine. I knew that the wall through which i had walked earlier was on the east wall of the basement. I told $A103 about it. Then i walked over to the old section of wood wall that was to the right of the washing machine. It was made of old wooden boards which were aligned vertically and painted dark green. I grabbed the edge of the old wall and pulled. I realized that it was an old door which led back to the empty part of the basement. I acted like i knew that the door was there, even though i had been unaware of it. I opened the door and looked down the corridor that ran along the front wall of the basement. It wrapped around the side of the basement and ran back to the large open room that i had been in before. I started to walk away from the fare and headed down along the tall wall of the prison. There was an open grass lawn to my left and the red stone wall of the prison to my right. Several other people from the fare were walking back and forth to their cars along the wall near me. I looked up at the wrapped razor wire along the top of the prison wall. I realized that i was walking in some place that most were not allowed. I knew that they let me into the yard for a reason. All of the other people were walking along a path on the other side of the field. I passed the edge of the tall prison walls and came to the area where there was a shorter chain-link fence on my left. It was black, and had a thick edge along the top. There was a parking lot on the other side of it which had no cars in it. Ahead of me, there was a gate and booth in the fence, facing the main road. It was the main entrance to the prison, and there was someone watching me from the booth. I knew that i was allowed to be in here, but i knew that the person in the booth would be suspicious of my actions. I bent over to pick something up from the ground. I then noticed that the lights on the ground were not facing the correct directions. They were small black spot lights that pointed out over the prison yard. I rotated one of the black lights to get the light to shine in the correct direction out over the field. It was dark out, and the light illuminated a man who was walking along the path to the fare. He was wearing shorts and seemed cheaply dressed. I then realized that the lights were alternating. One was aimed upward, while the next was tilted down towards the ground. I realized that half of them were facing out across the field and half were facing in across the parking lot. I stood up and continued towards the main road. I turned right across the parking lot and came to where our truck was parked. It was on the near side of the road. My parents were still at the fare, but i wanted to go back to the truck. It was daylight. I then heard talking behind me. I turned around to see the art deco design on the front of the large stone building. The building was the museum. I listened as the people were talking about their rights. I thought that it was another political speech, but i realized that the people were talking about racial rights. The museum was a native-american museum. They were talking about the use of their land and how it has been taken from them. I looked into the front of the truck. I had to get something. I reached across the driver’s seat, looking for something on the floor. I looked on the floor in the back of the truck, behind the passenger’s seat, and found the box that i had earlier. It had tipped over and all of the small pieces of jewelry had fallen out. I started to pick up the jewelry as i listened to the people in the museum talk. I thought that i should go visit the museum again. I looked over my mother’s jewelry as i picked it up. Some of it seemed native american, and i knew that we purchased it at the museum. I wondered whether the people having the talk would be upset if they saw it. There was a large necklace which had square copper plates along its length and which looked mayan. It had a green stone in the bottom. I placed it on the front seat. I then realized that the box had contained many small beads and stones. I had no easy way of picking them up. I reached down with my right hand and scooped up the corner of the box, trying not to spill any more of the beads.

11998 May 14

I noticed the small cloud of steam rising from the ground where the rounded stones were. I knew that this area was volcanic. Then i saw the sudden streaks of steam burst from the ground. The black soil started to crack. I realized that the volcano was erupting. I watched as the ground started to sink and crack. Steam kept hissing out from the fissures. I thought that i was with $F12 and that we had been out camping. I imagined that we had climbed the mountain and now had to get away from it as fast as we could. I scrambled up the inner slope of the crater and climbed to the top. I then looked back. I could see the valley from which i had just come. It was not far below me. It was now peaceful. I thought that we would be too close to the eruption to stay here. It would be better if the valley were a little deeper. I started walking on the edge of the steep hill. I noticed that the ground was very spongy. I bounced on it and looked over the grassy mound. It did not seem right. I spoke as i thought about the situation. I mentioned that the ground felt like some kind of clay, but there should not be any clay on the edge of a hill. I dug my fingers into the side of the hill and started to pull the soft soil apart. This was some key to discovering that we were on a volcanic hill. I easily pulled apart a section of the soft ground, leaving a hole a few decis deep. The ground was made of soft ash and had many grass roots running through it. I started to mention that it was spongy because of all of the roots that had spread through the ash soil. I turned around to start to talk to $F12 when i noticed the deep hole that i had created. I could see tree branches deeper down. I realized that the ash was covering old bushes and trees. It was spongy because the soil had never settled. This confirmed that we were on a volcano. I then looked to the west. I could see down the long desert valley. There were red and ashen buttes and tall stone needles on the south side of the canyon in the distance. There was a tall red cliff to the north. I thought that, if we were going to be on a volcano, the volcano should be part of a larger mountain chain. It should not be in a small valley in the middle of the mountains. I wondered if the mountain that we were on could be part of a larger chain. I knew that the mountains ran north to south here. There was a tall mountain to my north that had snow on its peak. I looked down the canyon to the west, however, and realized that i was not really on a mountain at all. The red sandstone cliffs ran along the north side of the canyon to where i was standing. The range could not be east to west along this cliff, however. It had to be north and south, which meant that the mountain range crossed the canyon. I looked to the west again at the dry pointed rocks on the south side of the canyon. Then i looked to the south, to see whether i could follow the line of the mountain. I saw the square features of the old town. The buildings were adobe and very large, as if part of a city. I thought that they looked very good against the blue sky. I then felt frustrated that i did not bring my camera. The city scene would make a great picture. I would have to get it before the sun went down. I thought that i could run back to the hotel and get it in time, but i decided not to. I would have to take it later. I looked at the mural of the old buildings. I thought that i would have to bring my camera back to this restaurant some other time. I had left it in the hotel room with my parents when i came to dinner here. I stood up from my table and started to wander around the restaurant. I looked to the east to see an empty area on the other side of a short white adobe wall. I looked over the short wall to see the red marks on the floor. I thought that there used to be an exhibit here which was not over. There was an older man in white coveralls cleaning the ground. I remembered that there had been a festival here. The space was narrow and oddly shaped. It started on the left, at the edge of the high wall and ran to the right, out of view around the curve of the building. It was defined by the outside wall of the building and the short interior wall, which ran to the right a little ways before it met the full wall of the corridor. There was a woman to my left who was hanging out with another party that was on the other side of the high wall. The floor was higher on the other side, and there were tables of people gathered. The woman was in a white shirt and had a flourished spanish dress. She leaned over the wall to the empty space and looked at me. I felt somewhat uncomfortable and started to walk to the right. I looked to my right as i moved, back across the restaurant at the mural. The waitress crossed in front of the picture when she mentioned that the piano was in tune and had all of its strings. I knew that she was talking about the blue stand-up piano that was sitting against the wall to the left of the mural. I did not think that the piano would be playable as it was painted blue with yellow decorations. It seemed as if it were just a decoration. She told the customer that it was used for certain nights. I walked through the corridor and came into the entrance foyer of the building. I did not know what else i should do here and thought about going back to the hotel room to get my camera. I pulled on my jacket and started out the door when i realized that i had not paid my check. I turned around and started back down the corridor when i was met by one of the waiters. She had a round face and dark skin. Her light coloured hair was pulled back and she had sparkling yellow lipstick on, which looked good against her complexion. I mentioned to her that i had forgotten to pay my check. Then my waiter rushed into the doorway. She was tall and thin, and had the same dark complexion as the first waiter. She was wearing a loose white shirt and had long brown fuzzy hair. I walked past her and back to my table. I felt uncomfortable that i had worried all of them. She thought that i was going to leave without paying my check. She asked about the check and i mentioned that i had been waiting for it and had forgotten. I walked back into the dining room and noticed the check waiting for me on the table. I was going to pay for it with my credit card. I thought that i would have to calculate the tip.

11998 May 15

I watched as the people moved across the grassy field on the path. There was an outhouse in the middle of the field. The woman opened the door to the outhouse, which seemed like a locker. There were several things inside of the outhouse on a shelf. From the pile of red clothing, the woman pulled the pocket watch. I knew that the watch belonged to the rabbit. There was something about the watch that was important, but i could not remember what it was. We looked at the watch in the middle of the room. Then the telephone rang. Someone was calling about something significant. I did not seem engaged in what was happening, but simply amused by it. I then realized that i would have to get my car. I walked back across the field, driving down the highway. I had to get to the town to do something about the rabbit’s watch. As i was driving down the road, i suddenly realized that i missed the exit. I stopped the car and tried to turn around in the large parking lot. I ended up turning onto the grass. The ground was still wet and muddy from the rain and i hoped that i did not get stuck in the mud. I was driving my red car, and my mother was watching me turn around from the bottom of the hill to my left. I started to drive the car down the grassy hill to get back onto the main highway. I realized that i would have to cross several lanes of traffic in order to make it to the correct exit. I realized that i was near the cemetery. Something seemed wrong about this place. I knew that we were allowed to be in the cemetery, but not after dark. No one should be in the cemetery at night. I then walked across the front room of the house and out onto the front deck. Carol Bernett was standing on the deck, leaning back against the wooden railing. She started talking about the time that we found the watch in the rabbit’s out house. I remembered when she found the watch. I knew that there was something special about the watch that she had found.

11998 May 16

I looked at the logos that were on the wall as $A103 described them. I knew that he was working for the radio station, and that the radio station had a contest to design their new logo. I had entered the contest, but had not heard back from the radio station. I was standing in the green room with the wall to my left. The logos were pasted to the wall. $A103 stood in front of me, holding a copy of the logo in his hand. I asked him whether the station had picked a winner to their logo contest. He did not seem to understand the question. He mentioned that there was a logo. I knew that i had entered, but i did not want him to know. I simply wanted to know how the contest was going. I did not want him to consider my design in any special way.

11998 May 17

I walked into the large public area, where everyone was gathered. I stood on the edge of a balcony, looking down into the lower level of the large center. There were many people gathered there, and the walls of the place were bright white. I was with several friends, and we were running some kind of obstacle course. $F4 was in front of me as we ran through the course. There were several strange machines what we had to figure out. I ran down the stairs to the lower level and started to follow the people on the machines. I was excited about it. There was a metal structure in front of me which had a coiled wire sticking out from the top. The wire came up from one end and then looped across the top of the structure before dropping back into the other end. The loops were arranged like an induction coil, and were made of a rainbow coloured rope. I climbed onto the rope and started to climb across the machine. I quickly made it across. I then looked back and noticed that there was already someone climbing on the ropes. He must have been behind the machine as i was climbing across. I then remembered that there was a section of the loop which dipped behind the machine. His weight must have been pulling it down. $F4 was annoyed with me, and told me that i should read the signs before i climbed on the machines. I knew that i had not been reading the signs, but had simply been doing the course. I felt bad that i had been rushing through things. I walked off of the platform to the right and looked at the sign at the beginning of the next machine. It was printed in helvetica type. There was a short sentence at the top of the card which was in bold, and read “02b-c”. It was the part of the course that i was on. I realized that each machine had a number as part of a sequence. There were different parts to each part of the puzzle. I decided that i could not continue on to the next part of the puzzle unless i went back and read all of the previous cards. I ran to the front of the room. There were some people standing in the line which led between the two railings. There was plate glass below the railings. I quickly pushed through the people to stair the course again. I wanted to read all of the plates. I then realize that my foot had gotten stuck in the moving platform that i was on. I was on an escalator. I worried about my foot getting jammed in the end of the escalator when i reached the top. I then saw the top coming. I quickly tried to pull my foot out, but it would not come. My toe then slid into the metal panel at the end of the escalator. The machine made a loud grinding noise. I managed to dislodge my foot and jump off of the machine. I looked back at the grinding escalator. I had damaged something. I could see the brass plate on the floor where the steps dropped back into the staircase. I realized that the teeth of the plate was smooth and lined up on the set of stairs to the right, but they were crooked and bent on the one that i had just stepped off of. The escalator kept making a grinding noise. I watched the steps slip under the uneven brass pieces. The security guard, who was sitting on the left side of the stairs, looked back at me. He did not know what was going on, and wondered what i had done. A woman came up the stairs and seemed startled by the noise that the machine was making. I told the guard that i did not know how safe the machine was. I then continued climbing up to the top of the course. There was something strange. I moved up the side of the wall. I could see the dark sky on the other side. Then i came over the top and saw the storms moving across the valley. There were several tornadoes moving over the valley. The view was a very dark blue, and the tornadoes seemed striped with blue and white clouds. I thought that this would make a very nice picture. I knew, however, that it was much too dark to actually take a picture. I would never get a clear image from the tornado. I then realized that i should not be looking over here. There were too many tornadoes in the valley. It was not natural. I realized that they were artificial. They were being generated and destroyed by a man-made device. It was some kind of secret project that no one should know about. It was being held a secret so that the wrong people could not get the technology. I slowly slid back down behind the wall so that no one could see me.

11998 May 18

I sat at the table in the dining room of my grandmother’s house. We had just come from somewhere, and we were eating a meal. I had a large plate of scrambled eggs in front of me. They did not look right. They were all connected, and looked like a giant mass of organs. They were bulbous, and had reddish veins over their surface. I tasted them and thought that they were horrible. They had a very harsh, dry flavour. I told my mother that i did not like them at all. My grandmother seemed disappointed. She was upset that i did not like her eggs. I kept moving the jelly-like mass over the plate and telling the people how bad it tasted. I felt bad that my grandmother was upset, but i could not help complaining. I did not want to eat the eggs.

11998 May 19

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. I was very upset. My parents were on the other side of the large public bathroom, but i did not want to talk to them. I was very angry and wanted to get out of the place. I walked into one of the bathroom stalls. I felt very destructive and started hitting things. Then i noticed the object that was hung on the ceiling. I pointed the small pistol at it and fired. The pistol was an automatic hand gun, and fired several shots into the ceiling. I did not care if i destroyed the room. I then decided that i had to get out of the house. I ran out the back door of the house. I remembered doing it before. I had run across the grass and into the woods on the other side of the tracks. This time, there was snow on the ground. I sat on the back porch of the house as i slid on my boots. I thought that they would be able to see where i went by following my footprints in the snow. I knew that they could only follow them up to the edge of the woods, though. I ran across the yard and came to the woods. I ran through the tall field grass that had grown over the path in the woods. I seemed to be in a small section of woods that was surrounded by open wetlands. It was somewhere downtown, near the highways. I turned right and headed up the trail which ran through the gorge. There were cliffs on my left and all of the trees had thick summer leaves.

I was at my grandmother’s house. I was upset and needed to go out for a walk. I remembered that i had gone out before. I walked out the front door of the house and looked at the hills to the west. I then started to feel cold drops of drizzle on me. I looked up and noticed that the sky was grey. It was starting to rain. I thought that i would not be able to walk, as i had wanted to. I was upset about something, and did not want to stay here. I turned around and walked back across the front porch of the house. My grandfather was there. He was getting very sick, and my parents were talking about him to the other person. I knew that my grandfather could no longer take care of himself. Then they started talking about the other person in the picture. I knew that he was the director. They said that Hector would make the final decision. I looked at the poster of the three men. Hector was the one in the middle. He had a narrow face with short, dirty blonde hair. He had a goatee that was shaved somewhat short.

11998 May 21

I was looking at the words on the paper. The word “colour” was written into the space. I knew that the words fit into a pattern on the paper and that the pattern was a clue to discovering the bad guy. I then realized that the word was spelled in the traditional manner. I wondered how it could have fit into the pattern on the paper. I knew that i was one of the only people in the office who spelled “colour” in the old way. It did not make sense to me. Something seemed wrong about it.

11998 May 23

I talked to $F14 as i walked across the large field towards the barn. We were in the countryside, and there were many trees around the fenced in yard to cast shade on us. The surface of the yard was tan and dry, and the fence was a wooden post fence. We walked into the barn, talking about something as we walked. It was darker in the barn, and there were some tan and white cows walking around. We talked about the cows. I felt a little strange around them, as if i were unfamiliar with bovines. We then started walking from the main room of the barn into the side corridor. The main room was to the north as we walked down the corridor. One of the cows was following us. We were going to take it outside for something. There was a large barn door on the west side of the corridor. $F14 opened the door and walked out. I started through the door when i looked back at the cow. It seemed a little bit scary to me. I was unsure of what to do with it. Then i started to go outside. I looked to my right as i walked out through the door. There was another section of the barn enclosed behind a door. It seemed to be an inaccessible room, but i knew that what we were looking for might be in that area. I could see through some of the cracks in the boards. There were pieces of farm equipment inside. I started to feel along the side wall for a door. I then opened up a large door on the side of the barn. It was very dark inside, and i did not feel comfortable near it. I then looked to my left, to the west. There was a corridor formed between the barn wall on the north and a tall wooden fence on the south. The passage between it was dusty and seemed like an alley. Then i noticed the wild cows coming down it. $F14 had called them in and they were charging down the alley towards me. The cows were a dark brown and white, and galloped unevenly as they came. I realized that we did not want them to get into the wrong section of the barn. I walked back into the corridor where the other cow was waiting and pulled the large barn door closed behind me. The charging cows would run into the dark room on the north. I could hear them rounding the corner outside. Several banged into the door that i was holding shut. The door pushed in slightly, as though it were made of cardboard. I hoped that the cows were not able to break it. The noise outside stopped, and i opened the door up again. All of the cows had run into the room to the right.

I was with the others in the large room. We were having the meeting. The room seemed like a cafeteria, but there were no tables or chairs in it. It was a very large, open space, with wood on the ceiling and on the supporting columns. The columns were square, and the wood was trimmed with a dull yellow paint that matched the ceiling. The others were scattered around the room. We were supposed to be having a meeting, but i did not know how it was going to be held. I seemed to be the only board member present, but i did not know what was being discussed at the meeting. I sat down at the end of the square table and looked at the others. I realized that they were arranged on the other three sides of the table and that i was sitting at the head of the table. I felt a little strange being at the head of the table, as i did not feel that i really knew what was going on. I was the only board member present, though, so i thought that i should probably lead the meeting. Some of the people were wandering around the room, however, and everything seemed very disorganized. There were large windows in the room which let in the bright light from outside. I started walking around the side of the room near the large fireplace. Then one of the people asked about some function that we were supposed to be doing. He mentioned that $A154 knew about it. I remembered that i had seen $A154 in the front lobby of the building as i walked in. I had just entered the room for the meeting, so she must still be waiting out in the hall. I knew that she did not want to come into the meeting because she felt that she would be interrupting. I told the people in the room that i would go get her and bring her in. I walked out into the front lobby of the old building. The lobby was long and narrow. It stretched along the length of the room, and had its other long side on the outside of the building. There was a great deal of hazy light filtering in through the opaque windows of the numerous entrance doors. I told $A154 that the people in the room wanted to see her. She walked away from me, towards the room. I looked across the street at the small shack that was on the other side of the road. It sat in the middle of a gravel parking lot. I remembered that it used to be some kind of pornography shop. They used to sell dirty videos. It looked like it should be a road-side ice-cream stand. It was a small wooden building with curving features. It was painted a deep green. I felt strange about being near it. Then my father walked up from behind me. He asked where we were. We had come to the small town and were unfamiliar with the place. I felt nervous about the small green shack, which was now vacant. I remembered when it was an ice cream shop. Then an elderly man came up to my father and me and started to tell us about the old restaurant. I looked at the car wash just to the right of it. I seemed to remember being here before, but it seemed like a long time ago, and i felt uncomfortable telling people that i knew that the green building used to be a pornographic book store. I hoped that the man did not mention it. He then started talking to my father. I looked around the area. I felt very strange and unfocused. I wandered back towards the road, across the grass. I moved my arms, thinking that i should fly. I was walking towards the front yard of my parents’ house from the neighbours’ house. I kept moving my arms, trying to push the wind past me. I remembered that i had always been able to fly in my dreams by pushing the air past me, as if i were swimming. I wondered how it actually worked, as i could not be able to push enough air past me to lift me from the ground. I walked into the front yard of the house, pulling my arms down in front of me. I remembered flying high over trees in the past. I then started to lift from the ground. I turned around and started to walk back into the side yard. My mother was nearby, and i told her how i could fly. I kept pulling with my hands on the air, lifting myself. I then realized that i was rotating slightly to one side. It seemed as though i were catching more air with my left arm than i was with my right. I tried to pull evenly, but was having difficulty doing so. I then realized that my father could see me from the large window of the family room. I kept trying to fly. I remembered that, in my dreams, i used to be able to fly very high over the trees. I wondered whether i could go that high again. I moved my arms and watched the tall locus trees that were in the side yard. I then hit my head on the ceiling. I realized that i could not fly any higher within the room. I dropped down to the floor and sat down at the table. The others were still talking about things at the meeting. I sat down in the chair at the end of the table. Everyone was talking at the meeting. The person on the right side of the table asked me if the meeting was always so disorganized. He did not know what we were discussing. I told him that everyone always talked out of turn, but before i could finish my statement, $A60, who was sitting on the other side of the table on the left, scolded me for interrupting. He said that we should only have one person talking at any given time or it would be chaotic. I felt defensive that he was scolding me when he had interrupted my explanation to the other person. I spoke back to him in a harsh tone, telling him that i thought the meetings were always disorganized. Since he was the president of the organization, i knew that my words implied that he was to blame for the disorganization. I felt angry with him. He was mad by my reply, and said, “And don’t you tell me that you don’t drink, ’cause i know that you’ve had some stuff.” I thought that he was referring to the fact that everyone seemed to think of me as innocent and clean, but i knew that i did drink alcohol on occasion. I did not see what was wrong with it. He then said, “For all we know, you’re a heavy alcoholic”. I knew that he was incorrect, but i did not know how to reply. I was supposed to be taking minutes for the meeting.

11998 May 24

I followed the other person down the street. I felt happy. I was having fun. We were running in the suburban area, and it was dark outside. The woman with me then veered off to the right and yelled that she was hiding. I knew that it was a game of tag, and that i had to find her in the buildings. I was humoured by her game, but did not want to run back to find her. I continued jogging down the street, thinking that i would confuse her and make her come looking for me. I crossed one of the side streets near the large red barn and slipped around the corner. There was a brass pole in front of the building on the corner that i slipped behind as i passed around the corner. I looked back down the street, but could not see the woman. The houses were very close to the street, and there were some shrubs growing in the short yards in front of them. I slipped back behind a building and though about sneaking up on the woman. I then started floating over the houses that were in front of me. I thought that i could sneak up on the person. I looked down between the houses as i flew back over the street. I kept the street to my right so that i was not flying directly over it. It would make me less noticeable if i flew over the houses. I could see the cars and trailers parked in the driveways as i looked for the person. I could not see her. I then noticed the large red barn in front of me. I looked up to see where the top of it was, as it was much taller than the rest of the buildings. As i looked up, the moonlight shone very brightly into my eyes. I could not see the edge of the barn for a moment. I then saw the pale edge of the black tar-shingle roof and the pale blue siding below. I thought about walking over the roof since it was so close. I then thought that it felt strange to fly again. I wondered whether i would be able to just jump off the other side of the barn and fly again once i stopped to walk on it. I seemed unsure about being able to fly once i had landed. I thought about sneaking up on the person. I realized that i could land in the driveway behind her and sneak up as she was peeking around the corner of the silver camping trailer to spot me. I then realized that this was all some kind of illusion. I was sitting somewhere thinking about grabbing the girl from behind. I knew that it was not real, but imagined doing it anyway. I then looked across the store. I was watching the one man grab the other from behind. They were fooling around, pretending to wrestle. The others were standing with me, watching. I thought that it was amusing, and wanted to be involved. I then mentioned that the man behind grabbed the other man in a certain move. The person to my right asked me whether that was the real name of the move. I knew that it was not, but i did not know whether to reply to him truthfully. I looked to my left. I noticed $A23 was leaning over the top of one of the white shelves of the store, standing next to the person to whom i was speaking. I knew that he knew all of the wrestling moves and knew that i what i had said was not a wrestling move. I told the person that i was not being realistic. Then i watched as the other two wrestled each other. I realized that one of them was $A155. The other man dragged him to the ground and held him in a headlock. I was humoured by the scene, though i knew that we should not be fooling around. I knew that the department store did not approve of the rough housing. Then i saw the manager come over to us. He was wearing a dark blue suit. He placed several light blue, foam bundles on the floor near the wrestlers. I realized that they were sumo suits. He was trying to subtly hint that we should not be wrestling in the store by giving us safety devices. He was hinting that there was a proper place and time to fool around.

11998 May 25

I walked onto the top of the hill in the suburban area. The place seemed like a park. There was a plain white building on the right which was shaded by several wide trees. The hill was very steep and covered with grass. It sloped away to the left. There were several police gathered around the crest of the hill doing something. I had been riding my bicycle and had just come to the top of the hill. There was a man on the top of the hill fooling around with some kind of machine. It was a large grey box that had a tube pointing out over the hill. I knew that it was an old military gun. I knew that the police did not know that, though. I was worried that the man would be able to get shells into the gun and start firing. I tried to tell the police that the man was preparing a gun, but they did not seem worried. They were unsure whether the shells he had were active. I watched as the man moved around on top of the grey gun. Then i saw him pick up a shell and place it into the barrel. Everyone then knew that he was going to fire the gun. They started to get down onto the ground. I looked to the left to see out over the steep valley. There were houses on the hill across the valley from us, scattered between the many trees. I worried that he would be shooting at them. I then thought that the explosion would be rather large, and that we might get caught in the blast. The hill on the other side was close to us as the steep valley was very narrow. I then looked back to the man as he fired the gun. I saw the cloud of smoke from the top of the howitzer and a white stream of light from the front. I tried to turn my head away from the explosion, but there did not seem to be any noise. I looked to the left, out over the valley, to see a small puff of smoke rising from the opposite hill. It did not seem like any great explosion. I thought that he must have head an inactive shell. Some of the other people were talking about the explosion, though. I could see a pillar of smoke rising, and i thought that he might have hit his target. I was confused, and could not figure out what had really happened.

I was in the living room in the basement of the house. It was somewhat dark, and there were others with me. The walls of the room were covered with brown wood paneling. I turned away from the others, who were on the west end of the room, and headed towards the counter which was along the east end. I started playing with something on the counter. My mother was in the room talking to the others at the party. I was playing with a wooden object which seemed to have several small wooden trays which were stacked vertically. The trays somehow rotated over the top of each other, as if on a ferris wheel. I moved the top tray down, noticing the wooden shape of each tray. Then i noticed that there were small objects on the trays. I looked at them closely and realized that they were small carved animals. The one at the bottom was a crudely cut dog. I played with the trays for a little while.

I was with my father in front of the old brownstone building. There was some kind of meeting about to happen, but i did not seem interested in it. I walked through the front door of the tall building. The entrance way was white, and the hall inside had a set of stairs going up along the right side of the hall. The entrance door was on the left side of the wall, centered with he lower corridor in the hall. I knew that this was the general layout for all of these houses. The door was on the left so that it entered directly into the lower hall, while the stairs came down in the center of a blank white wall. I looked at the white wall on the building as i entered the front door. I knew that there was a name for the piece of wood that covered the front section at the bottom of the stairs. It had a special name because all of the old brown stone buildings were made in such a fashion. It was some custom of building. This special wood panel had decorative designs or carvings on it which would special to the house. I was outside the front of the building looking at the blank side of the entranceway. I thought that a window could also be put in such a place. I mentioned to the other that i thought that the name of the area was “stairwall”. I was not sure whether that was the real name, however. I looked at the printing on the front of the building. It was in silver letters. I knew that the building was being prepared for the meeting. I thought that the letters of the two lines of type should be changed to all caps so that it looked more formal. The type seemed to be a copper-stamp typeface. I then walked into the building, noting how the stairs went up on the right side of the corridor. I tried to remember what the name of the wall was called. It seemed significant in the design of old buildings, but i could not remember what it used to be called.

11998 May 26

I was happy to see $F12 and hugged him warmly. I had not seen him in a very long time, and it was good to see him again. He was very happy to see me to, and hugged me tightly. I felt very good. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine as we stood together, and i remembered how ii had missed it. I then wondered how i could feel the solidity of his body so clearly. I looked down as we lay on the edge of the bed and noticed that he was not there. I had been dreaming. I wanted to go back to sleep and feel the sensation again. I missed him and wanted to be with him for a while. I then realized that the others were with me. I started talking to them. It was enjoyable to hang out with them. I had not seen many of them in quite a while. $F4 talked to me as we gathered on the ground. We were all huddled together as we lay around. I looked at $F4 as he spoke to me. He leaned across me as we sat on the ground. I then thought that it was rather strange that we were all gathered like this. It felt very nice to be that close to friends, but i wondered whether someone might think it was too sexual. I tried to relax and not think of what others might think. Then i woke up abruptly and noticed that there was no one in the car with me. I wondered where everyone had gone. I was still a bit groggy as i looked out the driver’s window to the left. I could see the hazy scenery passing. The man in the driver’s seat told me that everyone else had gone to the lecture. I thought about $F5 going to the lecture, and felt somewhat disappointed that i could not go with them. I then noticed the scenery. It looked familiar. We drove across a section of highway and entered a sunny city. The man said that he wanted to take the scenic route up the coast. I asked him whether he meant route 1. I then thought that it might really be route 101. I could not remember. He said that it was route 1. I knew that it ran up the coast from Los Angeles to San Francisco. I recognized that town that we were approaching. I told the man that it was Monterey. I had remembered it from when i had driven up the coast. I was happy to be back. I then looked ahead to see the city streets ahead of us. I wondered where i could go to sight see while the others were in the lecture. I remembered that there were a lot of nice places in the San Francisco area, but i could not remember what was here. I looked down the wide city street to the north. All of the buildings seemed low to the ground. The street seemed to intersect the cross road at a strange angle, and i could see a large cinema on the left side of the street. The placard on the front of the cinema was a dark grey and seemed to have narrow lines across it.

I walked out of the office and through the narrow halls of the maze between the cubicles. I had just woken up from a nap. I did not feel well, and need to get some more rest. I thought about the small area in which i had been sleeping., It seemed like a secluded cubicle. I then realized that i could not sleep in my cubicle, as it was exposed to the rest of the office. It was not a good place to sleep. It would not be dark enough. I wandered through the halls of the office, wondering where i could fall asleep. I knew that i needed rest. $A156 then passed me in the hall. I said hello as i stepped to the side so as not to run into him. I needed a place to sleep. I felt very bad. I then stopped outside the door of a cubicle. I realized that i had walked back to my old cubicle. There was no place to sleep here, but i was too groggy to realize where i had been walking. I thought that i would have to go to my new office. I wondered whether the new offices would leave a place for me to lie down. I knew that the one i had did not. I then looked over the papers that $A14 gave to me. I noticed that there were several inconsistencies on them. They were manuscripts that i was supposed to do something with. I looked them over. There was a series of letters printed in the center of the documents. The letters were in bold, and were sans serif. They seemed to stand out from the rest of the text. There were three letters in all caps that spelled out “DUN”. I knew that it was missing a letter. I noticed several instances of the word in the text. There was something wrong with it. It did not make sense the way that it was. I knew that i would not be able to do anything with the documents until i could figure out what the correct version of the word was. I had to find $A14 to ask him. I walked across the narrow hall of the office building. There was a woman speaking with $A14 as i walked into the room. I knew that she was the one who had written the original manuscript. I could ask her the questions. $A14 asked me why i had come, and i told him that i had some questions about the manuscripts that he had handed me. I looked at the stack of paper that i had in my hand as he waited. I pointed out the symbols that were on the front of it. I realized that the symbols were from different groups. One of the symbols was the crest from $G3. The crest was the first on the page. It was on the left side of the page, with an accompanying paragraph to the right of it. I realized that i could have figured out what the documents were without asking for $A14’s help. I had to ask him a simply question. I made a statement about the documents and asked him whether they were true. He agreed with me and waited for a more substantial question. I flipped through the papers, but could not figure out where the mistaken words were. Then i realized that he had the rest of the manuscript with him. It was in the bulk of the manuscript that the errors with the one word appeared. I told the woman that i would have to get the manuscript. I the picked it up from the desk in front of $A14 and flipped through it. It was very easy to notice the problematic words. They stood out from the rest of the text. I pointed out to $A14 that some of the instances were spelled “DUM”, and some were spelled “DUN”. I knew that they should all be the same. I hoped that this was enough of a problem to justify me asking the question. He did not seem too concerned with the errors. I remembered that there was a letter missing from the end of the word.

11998 May 27

I was in he small house at the end of the driveway. It seemed like a garage. I knew that there was something wrong with the world around us. We had just finished digging a trench across the center of the garage. There was another man there who would be upset. He would not be able to use the garage to store his truck. We had to build the trench, though, because the war had ruined the environment. It would no longer be safe for us to drink the water around the world, so we would have to use the trench as a well. I knew that the man with the truck would be upset. Then he drove his truck into the garage. I was surprised at his actions. He was going to use the rest of the battery on his truck to run a pump which would pump out the surface level of water which was filling the trench. I realized that he had decided to help us. He felt desperate, as if he did not know what else to do. I thought that we would have to use the pump to remove the first levels of water from the trench, as they would be polluted. I watched as the man stopped the truck over the trench. I then wondered how he had driven across the trench without getting the front wheels stuck. I thought that there must be a metal bridge over the trench on which he could have driven. I then walked out the front of the garage and down the driveway. I thought about the water that we would be dumping. I felt somewhat in despair. I then started to look at the chipping paint on the front corner of the house as i lie on the bed. The paint on the eves of the house was cracked and flaking off in small pieces. I started picking at it, thinking that i would remove al of the paint so that my father could paint it with new white paint. I had already removed the paint from the left section of the main roof and was picking at the middle section. I wondered whether my father would be able to paint it right away or whether the water from the rain would wet the wood. I hoped that the rain did not ruin the roof. I then looked down and noticed the trash that was under my feel. I picked up the pink laundry basket, which was full of trash. I started looking at the things in it, wondering why it had been dumped on the side of the road near the creek. I then heard a car coming down the road. I ducked below the tall field grass so that they would not see me picking through the trash on the side of the road. I stood up as soon as they passed. I pulled a metal tag from the pile of trash. It seemed like an animal tag, and had the words “CORNELL VETERINARY MEDICINE” across the center of it. The top and the bottom of the silvery tag were sliced off. I tossed the tag back to the ground and continued to look through the brightly coloured items in the round laundry basket. I then realized that me father was driving the truck near. I ducked below the edge of the road embankment and into the tall green grass. The creek bed seemed to be running along the side of the road, and was filled with a pasty mud. I watched as the car turned around it the field near me and then started down the road. I started to relax when the car turned back around and parked in the field. I could not let my father see me here. I felt uncomfortable and had to sneak away. I looked behind me to see the dark culvert. I could not go through it, as i could not see the other end from where i was. It was too dark. I had nowhere to go that my father would not see me. I then decided to walk up the side of the hill and walk home. I stood up and waved to my father as i climbed up to the road. He seemed confused, unable to figure out why i was there. I headed back into the house and started climbing the stairs in the main section. I realized that i had not been to the upper floors in quite some time. I realized that they were all very old and that we rarely used these places. I then came into the master bedroom and noticed the staircase that led up to the third floor. It was a hared staircase to get to, as it started from the north wall of the room and ran underneath a low ceiling. I tried to climb onto it, but was having difficulty getting onto the stairs. I looked down and could see the open stairwell below me as i tried to pull myself onto the stairs. I knew that i had been up the staircase many times before and hoped that it did not fall down the stairwell this time. I finally manage to squeeze onto the stairs and climbed up to the next level. There were two rooms at the top of the stairs. They were mostly used as storage, and had old furniture in them. They seemed antiquated, and the white paint on the walls seemed aged. There was a small bed in he middle of one of them with some stuff piled on it. There were orange and pink bundles around the room which had been placed here for storage. I realized that $F12 and i could live in this room for some time. It would be necessary now that it was dangerous to go outside. There was something wrong with the outside air. I knew that it was bad for us. I walked to the east, into the other room. There was a green chifferobe against the south wall of the room, and a white bed against the north. I looked out the small window on the front of the house. It was only a few decis wide, and had a very deep sill. I realized that this was the old fashioned way the windows used to be set into the houses in the upper floors. It was very hard to see much of the outside world from the window. I felt strange about having to remain in the room because of the danger outside. There was something that felt uncomfortable about it. I kept thinking about how i would be staying with $A12.

11998 May 29

I was outside of the small house on the lawn. The grass was getting long, and i would have to cut it. I was not looking forward to cutting the grass, but i knew that it was my job to do so. I started the red push mower and started to move along the cement path that was in front of the house. I found it hard to push the mower. I looked down at the front of the mower. There was a small black cylinder attached to the front of the mower with a long red arm. The cylinder acted as a wheel which was supposed to pull the mower forward. I found the mower hard to push, and realized that the wheel was not moving fast enough. It was hindering me from pushing the mower at a regular speed. I was getting tired of moving the lawn, and suddenly wondered whether i should be using the green drive-on mower to do the majority of the lawn. I looked around and noticed that the grass was fairly short. I then realized that someone had already cut the grass short over most of the lawn. The only things that had to be cut were the edges. I started moving the small mower around the edge of the house, noting the circle of tall grass around the small tree in the front yard.

11998 May 31

I walked into the large room. There were small tables scattered across the room, and the place looked like it was in disarray. This place was a cafeteria, but it had been reorganized. It seemed as though someone had changed the arrangement of the cafeteria, but had not put it back. I thought that there might have been a party here. I started to arrange the tables along the far wall of the room. Another person started to adjust some of the tables in the room. I mentioned that the tables that they were arranging were too small. I wondered whether the people who changed the room had taken the larger tables apart. I thought that all of the tables should be placed together in sets of four, to form a larger table. The small tables were square and could only fit four chairs around it. The medium-size tables had rounded ends, and were probable four of the smaller tables put together. I started to collect some of the chairs so that i could set up a table. I then walked out of the room into the adjoining room. I could see several tables scattered around the long narrow room. There was a large plastic bin on one of the tables. I picked it up. It had kitchen utensils in it which seemed clean. I started sorting through the utensils, as though i were looking for something. There was a white can opener and several white objects with rubber stops on them, but i could not find the object that i was looking for. I then wondered where the utensils had come form. I knew that they were not used during the function. I picked up the light blue plastic bin and started to carry it back across the other room towards the kitchen. As i walked into the kitchen, i noticed that the room was not clean. There were many dished that would have to be washed. I thought that the utensils i had were for kitchen use, and should not be placed with the general utensils that were used at the tables. I knew that there was a special wash bin for them. I remembered that the kitchen knives were always kept in a special bin so that the person who did the regular dished did not cut themselves on them. I walked to the right side of the room, where there was a wash sink. There was another bin of utensils to the left of the sink into which i dumped the bin that i had.

I was on the second floor of my parents’ house. I heard the sound of people in the front yard. I looked out to the street and could see three boys walking from the creek. I thought that one of them was $A23, and i was happy to see him. I then heard a thud and thought that one of them must have bounced a ball off of the front of the house. I ran to the back door of the house, to try to catch them as they walked up the driveway. I knew that they would be headed up across the field. I burst out of the back door and looked up the driveway. The two young oriental boys looked back at me. They were wearing tan shorts and shirts, and were holding a small red ball. I realized that neither of them were friends of mine, which meant that $A23 was probably not with them. I then heard the sound of the ball hitting the front of the house again. I started to walk out front. I had thought that one of the boys had just bounced the ball off of the front of the house, but now i knew that someone was playing a game against the front of the house. I walked around the front corner of the house to see a young oriental boy playing with a ball. There were two old women sitting at the near corner of the house in chairs. They did not seem to pay any attention to what was going on. I called to the boy and told him to stop throwing the ball against the house. He was wearing blue shorts, and seemed slightly overweight. There was a dog with the boy who jogged around the front lawn. I told the boy to stop throwing the ball. I remembered that the noise had disturbed me earlier when i was in the house. The boy held the ball under his arms and walked away. He went around the far side of the house and towards the back yard. There seemed to be some old structure off the front of the house. The porch was missing. My father was still repairing the house. I then looked down into the dark space under the rotting wood structure and noticed that there was a pipe that was coming from the ground. In could see water dripping from the side of the pipe. I looked closely at the pipe and realized that it was part of a tap which had started to leak on the ground. The water was just starting to wet the ground along the side of the new cement wall. The wall ran away from the house on the other side of the pipe. I then noticed that the water was flowing in a stream along the brick wall, and i worried that it might start to erode the foundation before we get the structure finished. The dirt on the near side of the wall sloped down away from the house. I thought that i should tell my father about the leak. I looked again at the edge of the wall where it met the ground. There was a heavy flow of water over the uneven rocks that ran along the base of the wall. I could see the mortar what was used to fill the seam between the ground and the wall. I hoped that the water did not wash it out before i could tell someone about it. Then i looked closely at the pipe. I realized that there was a small square peg off the right side of it where the spigot used to be. I tried to turn peg, to see if i could shut off the water. It turned rather easily. I did not know which way to turn it, so i tried one way. Water started to pour from the threaded mouth of the tap. The water was dark and black, as if it had coal soot in it. I quickly turned the peg the other way to seal off the water. Then i looked up. I was under an old wooden structure which used to be a porch. I could see the feet of the boy walking back around the house. I knew that he was coming back to bounce the ball against the front of the house. I looked toward the front of the structure. There was a arch-shaped section along the bottom of the wall where the wood had rotted away. The ground level was near my shoulders, and i could see the boys legs as he walked around the front of the house. I tried to watch as he started to walk back to the wall of the house where he had been bouncing the ball. I was mad at him, and wanted to yell at him again. The boy paused as he approached the front wall of the house. He looked cautiously around the corner of the wood structure to see if i was under the old porch. He spotted me, and quickly walked back towards the front of the house. I knew that he was simply being defiant. I started after him. As i rounded the corner of the wood structure, i lifted my left arm out from my side. I then caught a glimpse of the boy throwing something at me. The rock landed in my outstretched hand. I threw the rock to the ground. The boy suddenly because frightened, thinking that i had caught the rock on purpose. I stormed after the boy as he ran away. I then noticed the brown case that was sitting on the ground at the front corner of the house. I realized that it was one of my tape cases. I wondered how it had gotten outside. I then realized that the boy had dropped it. He had gotten into my things. I picked up the tape case and realized that it was empty. I walked after the boy. As i rounded the corner of the house, i could see the boy walking from the shed. He had gotten into my album collection and was taking things from it. He was hurriedly trying to carry a large rack of CDs from the shed. I yelled at him and ran after him. I thought around hitting him across the face with the tape case that i was carrying in my right hand. The boy dropped the rack onto the ground and stood looking at me. I grabbed him by the shoulder and dragged him back into the shed. I told him that he was going to put everything back in order before he left. I wanted him to place all of the CDs back in their proper place. I pulled one of the racks across the table of the shed and told him to place everything back the way it was. I then noticed that the rack was full of phonographs. They were not in cases. I thought for a moment that the boy had taken them out of their cases, but i then realized that they were 45s, and that i had never had the cases for them. I noticed that there were larger records inserted between the 45s. One of the larger records had a black Decca label. I moved the tray on the table and grabbed another with my let hand. I was holding onto the boy with my right. I then realized that all of the racks in the shed were of phonographs. I asked the boy where all of the CDs had gone. I thought that he had probably taken them all outside already.