11999 May 01

I walked along the sidewalk in the small town. There was a strong wind blowing. I was in a shopping area, with small stores on both sides of the street. The street itself was blocked off to traffic. It was covered with sidewalk. There seemed to be a lake to the west, at the end of the street. I walked down the sidewalk to the east, feeling the wind blowing past me. There was a metal post at the end of the sidewalk, where a street ran perpendicular to the shopping area. I could hear the wind hum around the sides of the metal post. I thought that it was a very strong wind. I turned around and looked out over the lake water to the west, at the other end of the shopping area. I could not see far over the water. The area seemed grey and misty. The coming storm seemed dangerous, but i just thought that wind was nothing to worry about. I bent over and caught the wind under me. I lifted from the ground slightly. I realized that i could fly on the wind if i just angled by body correctly. It was a strong wind however, and i thought that it might lift me very high from the ground. I bent over more and was lifted high into the air. I looked ahead of me at the black power lines. I had to make sure not to hit them. I wondered whether i should go over them or under them. There were two people on the ground to my left who were talking. I moved to the west as i flew. I landed on the ground again. I thought that the wind was very strong, and that i should probably be careful. I then realized that it was still lifting me. I crouched down and held onto the brick wall that was to my right. I realized that the winds were too strong, and that they might suck me up. I knew that there was a tornado near. I ran across the sidewalk, to the south side of the shopping area. I asked the other man where we could hide. There were no storm cellars in the shops. We ran into the large brick building, which seemed like a school. There was a strong wind in the hall. I knew that it was the suction from the tornado. We had to get to a safe area. We turned to the right and headed down a small flight of stairs into a small room. There were some other people following us. They did not agree on where to go. The wind then started blowing through the room. I realized that it was the suction of the storm. The other person, who had been standing in the hall of the building, was sucked back into the hall. I told the man with me to grab onto something so that we did not get sucked out. The storm then passed over. I stood up and wondered what to do. I looked to the north, out the large window to the room. I was worried about my car. I had parked it in the parking paved parking lot just outside the building. I hoped that the storm did not bother it. I was not really concerned about it, however. I could see the broken branches of a tree hanging over the parking lot. I wondered whether it was pulled down over my car. I looked out the window at the parking spaces and noticed that my car was not under the tree. I then realized that it was not in the parking lot at all. I wondered where it had gone. I thought that the storm had taken it away. I was not really worried about it., but i wondered to where it had gone. I walked down the road of the city. There seemed to be several damaged buildings around me. I looked the left as i traveled north toward the city. There was a large car lot on the side of the road near what looked like a car dealer. I thought that all of the cars in the lot were salvaged from the tornado damage. They were all damaged and recovered. I thought that my red car should be in the lot with the others. I walked over to my red car. It seemed undamaged, but i knew that it was only the exterior. I looked on inside of the car and could see that the interior had been broken and reshaped. The dashboard was twisted and deformed. I did not seem upset about the damage. I thought that i should get a new car anyway.

11999 May 02

I was in the small house with the others. The woman was taking care of the baby. There seemed to be no furnishings in the small room in which we were standing. The floor of the room was wood which was worn and dull. The walls were a dark brown colour and also seemed to be wood. It seemed as though we were in a small cabin. I walked toward the door on the north wall. One of the woman in the cabin walked to the door and opened it. She was holding the metal screen door when she turned around to look at me. She seemed like $F19. I noticed that there was something outside which was twisting around in the air. I thought that it looked like a tornado in the distance. The woman seemed concerned. I could not see clearly, however, because i was looking through the glass of the upper part of the screen door. I asked the woman if what i saw was really a tornado. She said that it was. I ran past the woman and out the door of the cabin. The sky was light grey with scattered dark grey clouds on it. I could see the medium-sized tornado to the east of us. I looked around and thought that there was a storm all around us. There were several tornadoes in the area. We had to get to shelter. I ran back through the door and came out the other side of the building. There was a man who was walking toward the house. He seemed like a good friend of mine. I told him that there were some tornadoes coming. He seemed concerned. I asked him whether the house had a cellar in which we could hide. He said that it did not. I stepped off of the porch of the house and looked around the roughly cut grass lawn around the cabin. I could see a vary large tornado to the southwest of us. It seemed as though it was moving away from us, however. I was worried about the ones to the east, which seemed to be approaching. There seemed to be a dirt road which ran east to west, to the south of the cabin. There was a line of short plants to the west which ran north to south. I knew that the line bordered a small creek. I told the others that we would have to hide in the drainage ditch. I hoped that it was deep enough to protect us. The three of us ran toward the ditch. The man was in front of me. He I seemed concerned for him. He laid down in the ditch with his front down. He was to the south of me, with his head pointing south. I started to get into the ditch. The woman was worried, and i told her that we would be safe from the winds as long as the tornado did not pass directly over us. I laid down in the ditch facing up. I wondered whether i should turn around to hide me face. I thought that the debris might be bothersome. I then sat up. The woman was laying in the ditch to the north of me. I looked back at the cabin. I realized that the baby was not with us. The woman had not taken the baby with us. I wondered what to do. I ran back to the cabin to see if i could find the baby. I imagined that it was still playing on the floor of the cabin. I looked past the cabin to the east to see the approaching tornado. The tornado did not seem to be there anymore. I could only see a thin wisp of a tornado. I thought that it must have been a spin-off of the one i had seen earlier. I thought that the entire area around us must be full of tornadoes. I wondered about the baby. I then saw the baby crawling across the dark surface. It was night out, and i seemed to be on a beach. There was a young child near as well. The woman was to the north of me, on the beach. There seemed to be a brown rock cliff to the west. I thought that it was a good thing that the baby was not with its mother at the moment. The woman on the beach was the baby sitter. I told the woman that we should get back to the cabin. I looked around and realized that the storm had not reached where we were. It seemed as though we were quite a way to the northeast of the cabin. The woman collected the baby and we started down the beach toward the south. I wondered how we would get back to the baby’s mother. There was a road running north to south near us. I could see the headlights of a truck approaching us from the north. I thought that we could try to hitch a ride. Someone then told me that the roads were closed to the county to the south due to the storms. I did not think that it would be easy to return.

I was standing in the front lobby of the building with someone. The lobby seemed to be a club of some type. The front wall of the lobby was glass, and i kept looking out of it. We were expecting someone. The man seemed like $F31, and the club seemed to be a homosexual dance club. The window seemed to face to the south. There was someone who was coming to join us. We were expecting him to arrive, but we were not sure whether he would really come. We knew that he would be arriving on the bus, if it actually came. There were some head lights outside. It seemed dark outside. I then thought that i had to urinate. I did not want to miss the bus, however. I looked to the north, up the road, to see if the bus was coming. It was a grey day. The road dipped into a small valley and ran up the hill on the other side. I had to shift my position to see up the road between the leafy branches of the trees. I thought that i would sneak back into the school building before the bus came. As i started up the slight slope of the curved driveway toward the brick school building, i peered over the tops of the trees to see the yellow school bus coming from the top of the hill. It was driving through the streets of the small town. I told the other person at the bus stop with me that i had enough time to run back to the school. I climbed the white stone stairs in the front of the school building and walked into the front hall. There were some teachers talking in the hall as i ran into the first room on the left. It was the bathroom. There were urinals on the right wall of the room. I used one, thinking that i should hurry. I really did not know how long it would take the school bus to descend the hill. I imagined that i would run out of the bathroom and out of the building. The school teachers would yell at me for running in the halls, but i would make it to the bus stop before they could move. I then thought that they might think that i had done something in the bathroom. I hoped that nothing was wrong in the bathroom. I did not want to get blamed for it.

11999 May 03

I walked up the dirt road toward the small set of trailers. I seemed to be in the middle of the woods at some complex. It was dark outside. I walked toward one of the dull yellow trailers when a man called to me from my left. He was upset that i was trespassing on the land. I felt unsafe and thought that i should leave. I was here to see the woman. I got into my car and started to drive around the edge of the complex. The man was still watching me and i felt unsafe. The woman was near. I thought that i should stop at one of the large buildings on the side of the road. One of them seemed to be a bowling alley or other public building. Instead, i kept driving down the road which led away from the complex. I was afraid that the man would be following me. I pictures the dirt trail which ran through the woods. It twisted back and forth as it climbed up the mountains. The woods around me felt very dense, and the area felt special. I pictured the turn at the end of the road. The road seemed to be run through several switch-backs as it climbed the rounded hill. I focused on the corners of the road. They seemed to have sections which turned around on themselves which allowed cars to change direction. I thought that there were really ramps on the corners of the turns which could lift up or drop down, changing which road the car would end up on. It could switch between the upper road, which would allow a car to continue up the side of the hill, or switch to the lower road, which would have been the same road on which the car had come from. There were loops which led to the ramps on which a car would change direction. I could see the model hovering in the air without the mountain in the middle of it. I was trying to make sure that it worked. Something seemed wrong about the flow of the traffic. I had to make sure that traffic could flow in both directions on the road. I also had to make sure that cars could turn around and flow in the other direction easily. I was in the large room as i looked this over. I then noticed the thick plants in the next room. I started to wander out into the next room when i noticed the large snakes on the structure in the center of the room. I knew that the one snake was a large anaconda. There was also a very large boa in the tree in the center of the room. I walked out of the plant room and back into the conference center where the others were. I was nervous about being near the large snakes. I then walked back into the plant room to look at the animals again. The large anaconda started to slither up the near railing of the stair in the center of the room. The stairs led up into the tree. The anaconda was mostly a dull white with red and black crossing stripes. There were other large constrictor snakes on the stair case. I could see a vary large python on the other side of the stairs which was a pale green with dull red lines over it. I looked up into the branches of the tree to see a very fat boa. I was afraid that the snakes might drop on people and attack them. I looked over the ground and i walked back toward the safety of the conference room. There were two large salamanders from Japan sitting in a small pond below me. There were also some large frogs. This place was special. I walked back into the conference room. $A14 was there. I spoke to him about all of the animals in the room. He said that he had a small collection. He showed me the small aquariums on the bench in the hallway just outside of the room. He opened the one on the right end and pulled a small frog out of it. He pet the frog. There were some students in the room who were interested in the animals as well. They were familiar with them. I watched the dark green and blue frog walk along the outside of the aquariums. I asked $F14 whether it would escape, but he said that it would eventually come back. He then said that $A136 took care of the animals. I thought that it was typical that $F15 would have $A136 take care of everything. I watched the small frog closely as it climbed to the left along the outside of the other aquariums. I pet it with the back of my fingers on my right hand, and the other person next to me had done.

11999 May 04

I was taking a test in the mall. I knew that the others were out in the parking lot. I was confused as to what the test was asking. I stood inside of the glass booth, trying to think of the answers. I knew that the answer had something to do with the word “shear”. It was concept that answered all of the questions. I told the instructor what i thought.

I spoke to $A146 as we walked toward the stairwell. We were in the middle of a lawn and it seemed like a sunny day. The stairs seemed to be surrounded by a thin cement structure which did not seem to be part of a larger structure. There was some building to my right, however, which seemed like a house with green wood siding. The stairs descended into the ground. I followed $A146 down the stairs as we talked. It seemed good to speak with him. We were talking about something which interested me as we walked down the cement steps into the hallway. This place seemed familiar. I then mentioned to him that i wanted to practice Tai Chi someplace. He was interested in the fact that i had studied Tai Chi. $A146 seemed like an old friend. I looked at him and he seemed very old. He had long grey hair and a long scraggly beard. He also seemed thin. He sat on the floor with his legs crossed. It was how he wanted to do the Tai Chi. I felt unsure about it. Something did not seem correct.

11999 May 06

I stood on the side of the pool with the rest of the class. There were some people in the water, fooling around. The instructor was female and she stood on the edge of the pool with us. It seemed as though it were one of the last days of class and we were allowed to do as we pleased. There were several people in the water splashing. I thought that i should go for a swim. I realized that i was fully dressed. The instructor then said that i should get some exercise in the pool. She said that i was a good swimmer and should be doing laps. I thought that i would and started to get undressed. I walked along the edge of the pool. There was not much room between the pool and the wall of the room. The wall and the floor were both covered with cream-coloured tiles. I then realized that my grandfather was being helped out of the water ahead of me. He had tried to walk along the edge of the pool but had fallen in. I knew that he was having difficulty walking. He seemed confused, and i thought that his alzheimer’s disease must be getting bad. He did not seem to know where he was. I thought that i would have to lead him down the narrow space between the small wooden table and the pool. I did not think that there was enough room for him to walk. I knew that he did not have good enough balance and might fall into the water again. I was worried about him and wondered what he was doing here. It seemed that he had come a long way to get here. I thought that i would have to call my parents to tell them where he was. I felt upset. I helped my grandfather onto the bench which was against the wall. I told him to sit there while i went to call my parents. I hoped that he did not move. I thought that i did not have any money and wondered how i would call my parents. As i rounded the far end of the pool to head into the main part of the building. I thought that i could call them collect. I remembered the television commercials for collect calls and thought that i should call them that way. I wondered whether they would prefer that i call them that way. I headed out of the pool room and down the short flight of stairs to the south. The stairs led into a lobby area. There was a pay telephone on the wall to the right of the stairs, but there was a man talking on it. I thought that i would have to find another place to make a call. I flew into the small living room of the house, looking for another telephone. I then realized that my mother had arrived outside. She had driven the car up the driveway. I told my parents about my grandfather. They seemed upset. My mother was in the car on the other side of the lawn from me. The lawn had a round edge to the south of me where the driveway was. The driveway was below the level of the lawn, however, and i was unable to see the car. I walked toward the driveway. We had to get the car to bring my grandfather back home. My father was walking with me. It seemed that we were heading back toward the public building. I led my father up through the trees toward the back entrance to the building. I remembered coming to this entrance when i was very young. It seemed as though we were heading for the entrance which would head into the dark lobby where i had seen the young man on the telephone. I came to the large doors of the building, however, and they seemed to be sealed shut. I knew that this place had not been used in a long time. I remembered being able to get into the building this way, however. It seemed as though i had come here long ago with $F1. We seemed to be in the middle of the forest. There were no leaves on the tall thin trees and the air seemed yellow. We walked under the overhang of the building to look at the door. It seemed as though we were slightly above the door. The entrance had been sealed. There seemed to be a small piece of the door which was loose. I wondered whether i had crawled through the small space before to get it. It seemed too small for a human to fit through. I wondered how we were going to get in. It seemed as though the door was a little lower than the ground that we were standing on. I wondered whether a platform had been build around the door which had an open area below us. I thought that we might be able to break into the area below us and get into the doors. We had to get my grandfather out of the building. I then thought that we should simply go around to the main entrance to the building. It seemed to be such a long walk.

11999 May 07

I was talking with the other people. I had known them from a long time ago. They were from $P31. We were sitting at a table. I told them how i had slight difficulty speaking. I knew that i was a better writer than i was a speaker. I said, “When i was brought up, i was taught how to read.” I thought about the books by Tolkien that i had read as i grew up. I wondered whether my statements were accurate. I continued, “I never learned to speak.” I then noticed that the conversation in the room had quieted down at that point. I wondered whether people at the other tables had heard me. I sat, listening to the others talk. I then looked out the window of the airplane. I was sitting on the left side of the plane. I could see the water passing below. The others had been talking about old times. I wondered whether i should ask them about $A1 and $A58. I had thought that they had been killed in the bombing of a plane a long time ago. I wondered whether i should bring up the subject or not. I could see the shallow water below as it passed very close to us. There seemed to be some kind of sea weed growing in waves under the surface. I then looked forward. It seemed as thought the plane was flying very low. We started to dive toward the small school in the center of the city. I thought that the plane might crash. I warned the others in the cabin that we were heading down. I watched the cement playground on the back of the school get closer. It seemed that we were not pulling up from the descent. The plane then turned from the school and started over the roof tops of the buildings. It seemed as thought the plane was moving very fast through the streets of the outer-city area. We then turned onto another street. I no longer thought that we were going to crash, but i wondered how the airplane was able to fly through the tree-lines streets. I knew that we were on a full sized airplane, and i wondered how the wings fit between the trees of the street. I then noticed a car coming toward us on the road. It seemed as though the plane was slowing down. I realized that the airport was on the other side of the houses from us to the left of the plane. I could see the runway through the spaces between the buildings. I then noticed the small red plain lifting off from the runway, heading toward us. It was very small and had a very blunt nose. The plane was a deep crimson and the face seemed to have art deco patterns on the front of it. I could see the large propellers spinning on the wings. The pilot of our plane then slowed the plane to a stop in the city street. I realized that we did not have enough room to take off again on the street. The plane would have to turn around. The pilot then asked us to get off of the plane. Someone asked why and he said that it would be a very dangerous landing at the airport because of the other airplane. I looked forward to see $A66 standing in the aisle in front of me. She seemed to be talking to the pilot. I turned around and pulled by backpack from the back dashboard of the car. I thought that i should have carried my CDs in the car with me. I hoped that they did not get lost in the crash. I knew that i had just recorded some of them and that they would not be easily replaced. I stepped out of the plane.

11999 May 10

I was driving with my grandfather as we headed back from the place. It seemed as though we had been on vacation somewhere and i was heading back. The road was long and flat, and it seemed as though there was a beach or open sandy plain to the right. I then turned left down the narrow back road. The ground was sands with thick green patches of grass on it. We drove around the back side of the barn. I thought that the road might be too wet for the car to travel on. I remembered this road from before. It seemed to be only one lane wide. I came to the end of the road in the swampy area. I suddenly remembered that i was supposed to take the left just before the road had ended. I must have missed it. The dirt road seemed to end just ahead. There was a puddle to the left of the car. There was a sandy mound at the end of the road with a small wide tree to the right of it. The tree seemed bright green. I turned the car around and started back. I looked out the right window of the car at the water that had collected from the rain. It covered the sandy ground. I mentioned to my grandfather that we did not want to get our tires stuck in the wet sand. I could see thin reeds poking up from the sand in the shallow water. I drove back down the road only a little way before i came to the right-hand turn. The road went up over a sandy mound. I hoped that it would not be too wet for us across. I started to go over it, but the car began to slide. I thought that we did not have enough speed to make it over, so i backed the car down the slope and across the road. I hoped that i did not back across the other road too far. I then noticed the green bushes around the car. There was a elderly man walking on the road who seemed like a farmer. He watched us as we backed out. I then noticed that there were several cars parked along the road. There seemed to be a large red barn to the right, on the corner of the two roads. I started toward the mound again, but realized that someone had parked a dark grey car at the intersection of the two roads. I would have to drive around the back of the car. I hoped that i had enough speed to make it over the mound. It seemed wet outside. I walked across the sandy bank as i looked at the ground. I turned around to look out the window on the east wall. It seemed dark. I looked out the side window of the apartment to see the hill. The land around me was covered with thin trees which had no leaves. The bark on the trees was dark, and it seemed like early spring. I noticed that the ground was covered with water, even though it was a hill. The ground outside of the window seemed to be at my eye level. It dropped off as it approached my apartment. It also formed a steep hill to the north, which seemed to run to the east in alignment with my house. To the north seemed to be a large creek. I wondered whether it was still raining outside. I noticed the water flowing over the edge of the hill. It seemed to be a steady sheet of water. I thought that it must be raining pretty hard. I could not see the rain, though. It was grey and dim outside, but it seemed as though i could see clearly. I wondered whether all of the water might cause a flood. I looked to the north out the window to see the water flow down the hill to the creek. I then walked into the dark apartment to look out the window on the north wall. I could see the large creek that flowed by the house. It seemed to flow from the northwest. It made a curve in front of the apartment and continued to the east. I thought that the water seemed rather high. I was in a basement apartment, but the window was above the ground level on this side of the building. There was a hill which ran down to the creek, but it seemed a lot shorter than i remembered it being. I noted that the path along the shore had been covered with water. I thought that i had just traveled over it to get here. I wondered why there was so much water. I thought that such water usually came from the first rains of the spring when the snow melted. I knew that it had been warm for a little while, though, and that all of the snow should have already melted. I hoped that the water did not get high enough to floor my apartment. I thought that the apartment had been safe from the flooding before and i wondered why the water seemed so close to the apartment now. I then realized that i was having trouble looking out the window. I was squinting. I realized that the sun was stating to rise in the northwest sky. The rest of the sky was dark and cloudy, but the sun had broken through in a small area. My eyes had not adjusted to the light and i was having trouble looking out the window. I tried to squint at the water. I could see the current moving very fast to the west, carrying short sections of broken branches with it. My eyes were having trouble adjusting to the light. I wondered how i was able to see out the side window so easily. I thought that it might be because the light was more uniform. I backed into the apartment. It seemed as though $F19 were with me in the living room.

I walked down the road away from the event. I was heading west, down the road which had a few houses on both sides of it. I was heading to $P19, which was up the road and too the left. I then realized that i had left my car in the parking lot outside of the meeting place. It was not far for me to walk to the house, but i had to go back to the meeting place to get my car. The parking lot outside of the meeting place seemed to be behind me on the road. It was in front of the large plain building. It did not run at a parallel angle to the building. My car was red, and was parked in a spot on the north end of the lot. I turned around and started to fly back down the road. I then noticed the small jeep driving toward me. I was flying high above the road. I thought that $A221 was the person driving the jeep. There was a girl with him, in the passengers seat. I called out to him as he drove under me. I knew that he would not know who was calling him. I flew back to the building where the meeting was and floated down the hall. I rounded a corner to the right, pausing in mid-air so as not to run into $A130. He seemed grumpy as he left the meeting. I excused myself for almost running into him and tried to float past him. I wondered whether he would find it strange that i could fly. I then noticed that $A222 was with him. I passed them and wandered into the room to the east, on the left side of the hall. The others were collecting chairs. $F7 then asked me whether i could give him a ride back to $P19. I told him that i would. I thought that i would help the others bring the chairs back out of the building on my way out. I knew that the main entrance was to the northwest and one floor up. $F7 grabbed some of the folding chairs and started toward the door. I grabbed one of the wooden chairs and started after him. I then thought that i could grab some of the folding chairs in my other hand. $F7 collected a handful of the folding chairs and i walked up to the row of folding chairs, which had been folded and stacked against the edge of a table, and tried to grab a few from the top. As i grabbed them, i realized that they did not go to the same place as the wooden chairs. I knew that the folding chairs were not ours. I wanted to tell $F7 that he should not bring the folding chairs up. $A223 was standing to my left. I asked him whether the folding chairs should be brought up or not. I could not remember where anything came from. He said that they should not be taken up with the other chairs. They were not ours. I remembered that we had rented them. $F7 put the folding chairs back down as he stood in the doorway of the room.

11999 May 11

I was in the small room with the other man. He had taken the snakes out of the bag before and played with them on the floor. I remembered that the snakes were dangerous, and that they might attack anyone. I was weary of him taking the snakes out of the bag again, but i felt somewhat prepared for it. I knew that i had to be careful around the snake. The man dumped the large snake out of the cloth sack into the center of the room. I stood behind the man, on the elevated surface. I felt uncomfortable and started to get scared. The snake lifted its head from its coiled body. I did not know what kind of snake it was, but it had a hood like a cobra. It also had very large white eyes on its head. I knew that i was not supposed to make eye contact with the snake, but i kept looking at it as i paced behind the man. I was to his left. I started to feel frightened of the snake. I knew that i should not feel fear because it would attract the snake. The man looked at the ground as he prepared to control the snake with the long stick. I knew that the snake was watching me, and i was afraid that it would come after me. I reached the two long fingers of my left hand in the white jar of cream that i was holing in my right. It was a special cream to help protect me from the snake. I shook my hand at the snake, splattering a dab of the white cream onto the chest of the snake. I thought that it might make the snake angry with me. I remembered that i was not supposed to get the cream on the snake. I rubbed the rest f the cream nervously over my eyes. It was protection from the snake. I was frightened that the snake would attack me. I hurried across the room, trying to get away from the snake.

I walked own the narrow stairwell of the house. I was returning with some things. I had been in the house with the others earlier. I remembered being in the basement room of the house. the outside wall was stone, and seemed like part of an old university building. I had felt uncomfortable leaving because we were not supposed to go yet. It seemed as though i was at $A42’s house. I started to head back down the white stairs, back into the basemen room when i realized that there was a white net stretched across the edge of the stairs. $A42 was standing above the stairs on the right hand, looking through a window, pulling on the net. I tried to walk past the net, but realized that i could not make it all the way down the stairs. I tossed the badminton racquet, which i had been carrying, down the stars past the net. I then thought that i should toss the second object down as well to get it back into the room. I felt nervous about leaving so early. I turned and headed back up the stairs. I walked across the basement room of the building. The windows on the outside wall seemed to have arched tops and stone sills. There seemed to be a college quadrangle outside with manicured green grass. There seemed to be old stone buildings on the opposite side of the quadrangle. $F7 and $F4 were with me in the room. I had to get going. I started up the stairs which ran along the plain white wall on the back side of the room. The floor seemed to be made of finely polished wood. $A184 was at the top of the stairs. He was trying to carry a large guitar amplifier to the door. It way my amp, and i thought that i should help him. I then thought that i had always been able to carry the amplifier by myself. I told $A184 that i would carry the amplifier myself. He was unsure, and told me that it was heavy. I walked to the right of him and grabbed onto the amplifier. I lifted it up and started toward the stairs which led out of the room. The stairs descended, and seemed to me made of polished metal. I was worried that i might miss some of the deep steps and slip. I carefully carried the amplifier down, thinking that the stairs looked as thought that were part of some stereo equipment. There seemed to be control knobs on some of the steps. I moved awkwardly down the stairs, trying to keep my balance. I started to turn to the left to follow the steep stairs the rest of the way into the paring lot when i noticed that there was a set of white cement stars in front of me which seemed shallower. I decided that i should use them. The cement stairs turned into a sidewalk which ran along the right edge of the parking lot. I turned to the left and started back along the slope of the hill to my car. There seemed to be a house in the side of the slope to my left. Part of the house projected from the hill. The curb of the lot extended with it, and there seemed to be a garbage dumpster within a tall wooden fence in the small projecting area. I crossed over the edge of the grass that poked out into the parking lot. It was worn in the center where others had walked over it. I continued on down the road. I was driving my car, looking for the right-hand turn that i would have to make soon. I then realized that i was heading toward the arching brick structures ahead of me. I remembered them from before. I had been driving down the road of the tourist town, coming from the brick structures. The red brick structure was some kind of aquarium on the edge of the water. There was a high-arching bridge which ran over the inlet to the island on which the structures were. I was driving back from the island. I had to get back to the house. I suddenly realized that i had missed the right hand turn as i approached the bridge. I would have to turn around to make the turn. The only place i could go from here was onto the island. The person who was sitting behind me and to my left then warned me that i was traveling too fast toward the bridge. I looked out the front of the car and realized that the road made a sudden turn upward as it hit the first arch of the bridge. I could not stop the car in time, and it hit the bump at full speed. The car left the ground. I thought that wee would jump into the center of the bridge, but the car started to rotate in the air. The nose of the car rose until the car was up-side-down. I thought that i should tell the others to hold onto something so that they did not get hurt when the roof of the car hit the ground. I thought that the roof of the car might not be strong enough to support the weight of the car. I thought that we could easily get road burns on our heads.

11999 May 13

I sat in the passenger seat of the car as my mother drove across the town. She was asking me about the job that i had applied to. We drove south on the west end of town. My mother asked me about something which referred to the ends of town. She used the directions north and south, but i knew that she meant east and west. I mentioned to her that it would not be north and south, because the town was not that large. She giggled, and i thought about how narrow the town was. I said that it did not extend that far in the north-to-south direction. I knew that there was a river on both the north and south sides of town. We seemed to be near the south river. I thought that there was actually part of the town on the other side of the river, but it had no houses on it. I pictured the wide green water tower on the shore. I thought that it might be part of a factory. I knew that we were traveling on the same road that i had traveled when i was heading for the job. I thought that i had started on the north side of town because i was looking for a specific road which i knew was on the north side of town. I had not realized that the job was on the other part of the road, however, which was on the south side of town. We followed the road as it made a fourty-five degree turn to the east. We were on the south side of the town, and we got out of the car in front of the bar. I knew that we had come up to this town to see $F15 play with his band. I walked toward the bar with my mother. She seemed interested in hearing the music as well. We walked into the bar. There was a small square stage that was set into the north wall of the small club. $F15 sat on the west side of the stage, facing east. He was playing as we walked in. He said hello to me, though, and smiled. He was wearing a dark blue shirt. I walked to the west side of the bar with my mother. I sat in a cushioned chair in the center of the room. $F18 was there. She was talking to me. She seemed very happy and cheerful. She then walked to the west, toward the couch against the north wall of the room. Her friend was reclined in the couch. $F18 sat down on the couch and suddenly kissed her friend vary passionately. I thought that the action was strange, because i did not think that $F18 would actually show affection to her female friend in public. The woman on the couch had long, straight, blonde hair and seemed to be slightly overweight. She told $F18 to stop, but $F18 persisted. I realized that everyone in the bar was watching them. They were making a scene. $F18 then stood up and looked around at the people in the bar. She told them that there was nothing wrong with what she was doing. I thought that she might be drunk, though i did not remember her drinking anything. She them referred to me, telling the others that i had the correct idea. I felt a little uneasy, but i said nothing. She said something which justified her actions. I knew that it did not make any sense. She was getting upset with everyone. I thought that the people in the room would be uneasy with her. She then became upset. Her eyes started to water. She ran from the club. I walked in front of the stage. The band was standing on the stage, watching her in confusion. I saw $F15 standing on the edge of the stage. His lips were moving as if he were still counting the beat. He was watching $F18 through the large glass window which seemed to be on the front of the bar. I was about to tell him that he could stop counting the music when i realized that he was counting something that related to $F18. He then mumbled, “Please, don’t let her return.” He seemed to be wearing a dark blue hat over his head which partly obscured his eyes. I walked out the northeast side of the bar, following $F18. I was worried about her. There was a parking lot on the north side of the bar, with a steep hill to the east. The parking lot connected to the road on the north side of the lot, where the road was at the level of the lot. The road went down hill to the south. $F18 walked down the steep hill toward the road from the edge of the bar. She was heading toward the main road, which was to the south. I called to her. I was worried about her. She yelled back up the hill that she would be all right. She then told me that i would have to call her. I said that i did not know her number. I then realized that there was a woman to my left, who had just come from the bar. She was a friend of mine, and seemed like $F18. I remembered that she had the telephone number and i told her that i would have to get it from her. $F18 then tried to yell something up to me, but there was a sound of a large truck starting up and accelerating. I could not hear what she said. I told the person next to me. $F18 then turned to walk away. I felt concerned for her.

11999 May 14

I was in the parking lot of the large mall. It seemed as though we were in Texas. I was talking to someone by the car. I then heard $F11 in the parking lot behind me. He seemed to be panicked. I turned around to see the small tornado moving across the parking lot toward us. It was barely visible, but i could see a faint trail of dust moving up the funnel. It picked up a red car near where $F11 was standing and tossed it. To the left of $F11 was a small wooden shed. I thought that he could hide in it. I then thought that the tornado was lifting off of the ground. It was jumping over our heads. I grabbed the person to my left and ran between the cars in the lot. We crouched down. I then saw the tornado hit the ground on the other side of us. It had hopped over us. I wondered whether we were safe. I thought that we should run to the side of the large mall which was to the south of us. I thought that the building might protect us from the wind. I ran to the corner of the brick building. There was a small notch in the building where we might be able to hide against the wind. Thought that it was not really safe from a large tornado. I left the wall and walked down the center of the mall. There were many stores on wither side, but it seemed as though i could not find what i was looking for. I thought that all of these stores seemed old fashioned. I wandered through the mall until i came to the door. It led out onto a small patio. The cement ground seemed to be cracking and old. I was standing between two of the old buildings of the mall. The place seemed old and run down. A woman walked to my left. I asked her where the red section of the mall was. I then noticed that there was a patch of chipping yellow paint on the ground on the far side of the small courtyard. She said that it was in the basement of the mall. I followed her across the courtyard to the door on the other side. This place seemed to be an old factory that was no longer in use.

11999 May 15

I walked out of the small store. The others in the store had been talking about someone who was outside. I walked down the street of the small city. The street seemed to run northwest to southeast. It seemed as if there were mountains in the distance to the northwest. It was sunny outside. I wondered whether i should have left the store. I thought that the people outside might notice me. I was standing in the middle of the street, on a small cement island which separated the traffic lanes at the intersection to the southeast of the block. There was very little traffic. I was watching the two people approach. The people in the store had been talking about them. I looked at them. They were both women. They were wearing dark blue wool coats. They looked as though they were from the fourties. I noticed small name tags on the left breasts of their jackets which were printed in blue letters. They said “IBM”. I thought that these two people must work for the company. I turned and started to head back to the shop. I pointed to the store with my right hand and then floated across the street toward it. I thought that the two women approaching might think that it was strange that i could fly. I then realized that they would be interested in my ability and might ask questions. I was not supposed to let others know. I flew back into the store. The man inside told me that i should not have flown. I felt as though i were being scolded. I looked out the large window of the store as the women approached. I knew that we had to leave. My mother seemed to be there. She was collecting things and getting ready to leave. I looked around the crowded living room. There were shelves in front of several walls which were filled with random items. I looked at the north wall to see the grey metal shelves. I looked over the things on them. There was a small white box on them that i picked up and looked at. $A139 was standing next to me. It seemed to be his apartment. I asked what was in the box as i opened the lid. It was an empty box from what seemed to be a modem. There were only small white connectors in it. I noticed that one was a converter for 10-base T ethernet to some type of multi-pin plug. I then thought that i probably should not be looking through other people’s things. I closed the box and placed it on top of the small television that was sitting on a table against the north wall. I told $A139 that there were so many small white boxes in the room. I knew that i should not be going through them. I felt uncomfortable there. I knew that we had to leave, though.

11999 May 16

I wandered from the hall where the others were talking. I seemed to be in the building of a university. I remembered this place from before. I remembered being here. I wandered down the stairs to the north until i came to the bottom. I seemed to be in a dead end corridor. The stairs were wide and black, and i knew that they ran between two lecture halls. I knew that, on the other side of the north wall in front of me, there was a corridor which ran along the back of both classrooms. I looked to the east. There was a narrow space between the side wall and the back wall through which i could see part of the lecture hall. I could hear voices from the room. I looked into the lighted room but could only see the front end of the room. I then thought that the students were probably taking their finals. I moved closer to the crack to see if i could see the front row of students. I then noticed the lecturer standing in the front of the class. He was talking to the students, who were taking a test. The lecturer was wearing a white shirt and brown pants. I decided that i should not be seen standing in the hallway, so i climbed back up the stairs. As i did, i could see through a window in the east wall over the stairs. It looked into another lecture room of the building. The students seemed to be clustered in the chairs at the back of the lecture hall in front of the window. There were getting ready to do something. I then noticed $A224 standing over the students. She was with the other lecturer. She suddenly became cross with one of the students and accused him of wearing a jacket in the classroom. She told him to move to another location. The student did not know what he had done wrong. The lecturer walked up behind $A224 to see what was going on. I was annoyed with $A224’s actions. “She’s such a bitch”, i mumbled as i continued up the stairs. I remembered that she had done such things in the past. I came to the bottom of the stairs and walked through the hallway to the east. I was behind he lecture hall. I then noticed someone whom i recognized. He had a round face and light blonde hair. I noticed that his hair was spikes slightly. I did not remember him having hair like that before. I Called him by his first name. He looked at me, but did not seem to acknowledge my greeting. I then asked him about his last name. He did not seem to understand and said that i was not whom i thought he was. He continued into the elevator on the side of the hall.

11999 May 17

I was driving south down the road through the small town. It seemed as though $F7 was with me. We spoke as i drove. I thought that i had to get back from someplace. We had been heading through the small town, but i thought that we had to return. I sat in the passenger’s seat as we drove back. I tried to think of the route, but i could not remember from where we came. I knew that there was a turn to the right ahead, but i did not know where it was. We then turned right onto country road which left the main road as a fourty-five degree angle. The area around the intersection was covered with dry field grass that had green stalks growing up through it. There were woods beyond. I thought that i should have remembered this turn, but i could not distinguish it. We drove on, making several more turns, before we came to the house. My father seemed to be there. We stood in the driveway, talking. The house seemed to be my parents’, but the land around it was very open. I then heard the large truck coming down the road from the east. I was focused on the truck. There was something wrong with it. It had a cab like a tractor trailer, but the back of the truck seemed to be attached to the cab. The flat-bed truck had a large black box on the back of it. I thought that the box was dangerous. It sped past the house on the road to the south and started to make the turn in the road. The road circled around the house on the west side. I watched the truck as it sped around the turn. It seemed to be going too fast, and i knew that it was carrying something dangerous. The back end of the truck skidded to the outside of the curve as the truck rounded the corner. The truck continued on, past an oncoming car. It circled to the north, where it drove off of the main road and onto a dirt road. The truck must have belonged to one of the neighbours. I told the people with me that the symbols on the truck warned that the truck was carrying radioactive material. I could not actually see the symbols, but i knew that the box was radioactive. We drove around the road and onto the dirt road that ran behind the house. The truck was parked in a house on the right side of the road. I watched our car approach from the other direction. We spoke to the man in the driveway near the truck. He told us that the box on the truck carried radioactive material. I felt that i was justified in my beliefs. I was concerned about the material, though. I knew that the man could not bury it in the back of his house like he had intended. The material had been classified as low quality radiation so that it could be disposed of easily. The man then told us what element it was. I was unfamiliar with the element. I thought that i should look it up. I thought that it would be dangerous, though. I did not want the man to bury the small box in his back yard. I thought that the element would decay into a gas, which would be dangerous. I tried to tell the man as i wandered through the large room, which seemed to be a cement garage. I looked at the small black suitcase on the floor as the others walked around. I knew that the material was dangerous. It would decay into a gas that could contaminate the air. I thought that they had to get rid of the material.

I was in the front room of my parents’ house. My mother was sitting on the northwest side of the room. It seemed as though it was a living room. The front door of the house was open, and i was walking through the room. I noticed that there was a woman outside. She walked to the large front door of the house on the stone path. I told my mother that there was a woman at the main door. We never used the main door, so she would have to come back to one of the other doors. I wondered whether i should call to her. I then walked into the back room. The woman had come onto the back porch. I opened the back door as the woman got into the white van in the driveway. The van was facing down the driveway, toward the street. There was a very young girl in the passenger’s seat who look back to see me on the porch. She told her mother that i was there, but the mother did not stop the van. She continued driving. I looked behind the door to notice that the woman had placed a flat, square block on the porch. It seemed to have carvings on the top of it. I reached behind the door to pick it up. It was a small blue piece of wood which looked as though it were the corner from a larger piece. There was a rubber stopper on the corner of it. I through that it was part of the molding of my parents’ house. I wondered whether it was from the trim over the front door. I then thought that the black rubber knob which was used as a stopper would not be on the trim. I realized that it was the broken corner of a shutter. I brought it back into the house and into the kitchen. I told my mother that it had broken. I then told her about the white van. I remembered the young girl in the front of it. ,I wondered whether i would remembered the details well enough. The young girl had a round face with long red hair. She seemed to pout a little as the van pulled away. I thought that i could remember such details.

11999 May 18

I was on the bed in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. It seemed very early in the morning, and i thought that i had not been feeling well. I was laying on my stomach, facing the feet of the bed. It seemed as though i had spent a lot of time reading various books. I knew that i was supposed to have read all of the books over the summer for high school. I put down the tan book and sat up. The book seemed to be the Bible. I wondered why i had to read it for school. I stood up and walked to the other bed, which seemed like a bunk bed. The top bunk seemed rather low. I was sitting on the top bunk as my mother walked by the entrance of the room. I realized that it was time to go. I put down my guitar, which was at the head of the bed. I thought that i must have been playing it for a while. I knew that i was done with the reading. I looked at the small red book in my hand. I knew that i had finished all of the summer reading, but i wondered when i had the time to read. I did not remember reading the books. I supposed that i simply did it while i was waiting. I had to get ready for school, however. I wondered what i would do with the books. It seemed strange that i was prepared for class. I sat at the long table at $P7. My mother had brought me to school. I was in the meeting with the other students. My mother sat to my left at the long wooden table. $A175 sat across from me. He seemed to be running the meeting. My mother sat to my left. I felt slightly out of place. It seemed as though i had not been here in a while. I then noticed that all of the students were wearing black sweaters. I felt that i was no longer in uniform. My mother even seemed to be wearing black. $A199 was sitting on the left side of $A175, across from my mother. He made a few jokes. The other kids laughed. I thought that it was very uncontrolled for a meeting. I looked at my mother. She seemed uncomfortable in the meeting. I wondered whether she was annoyed by the constant talking of the students. They did not seem to be paying much attention to the meeting. I knew that high school students were always like that. The students then started laughing. $A175 called to one of them, “Hey Alfalfa.” He was joking with one of them to get their attention. The students then suddenly started to get up. I thought that the bell must have rung. My mother stood up and started to leave. I was in the hall. I thought that i would go to get my car. I thought that i had left it in the parking lot the night before. I had not expected to leave it overnight, but something happened. My mother walked to the front of the building. She was going to a meeting. I thought that i would need her for something, but i realized that i had my keys with me. I the thought that i did not have my leather wallet with me. I only had the cloth wallet, which i used for work. I would have to drive without my license. I stood for a moment in the hall, trying to determine what to do. I seemed confused. I eventually started to walk toward the back of the school. I thought that i should see whether my car was still in the lot or not. I thought that the office people might have had my car towed for staying in the lot overnight. I thought that i should just see if my car was in the lot, that way, i would not have to walk all the way out to the lot and then back to the office if my car had been towed. I realized that i did not have any money to pay for the towing. I tried to look out the back window of the school, but i could only see part of the lot at the bottom of the hill. I knew that my car was on the north end of the lot, which was hidden from view behind the west wind of the building. I would have to go to the back of the building to check on my car. I walked into the main hall and then turned left down the hall toward the back of the school. The area in the back of the school seemed dark. It was very open, as if construction were being done to it. I thought that they were remodeling the old locker room. I thought that i would go up the stairs to the gymnasium and look out the large back windows to see if my car was still there. Someone was moving to my right as i walked into the large dark room. I thought that it must be one of the coaches cleaning things up from one of the supply closets. I kept walking toward the stairs. I then hears the sound of basket balls dribbling on the floor above me. I thought that there must be a class of younger students in the gymnasium. I knew that i would not be able to walk across the gymnasium if there was a class there. I then noticed the window on the back wall of the floor that i was on. I remembered that there was a set of stairs and a shower room which was against the back wall of the school. I thought that i could walk into them and look out the windows there. I was then standing by the large pool which was behind the school. It seemed to be outdoors, and was shaped like a ring. There were strange cushions on the turn near me. I was floating on the water. I then saw the others approaching me. They were on some type of hovercraft. I realized that the styrofoam cushions on the corners were to help the boars turn, since they did not turn that well. I started up the boat i was on. It ran into the cushions and started around the corner. It seemed to move very well over the water. I was then headed down the west side of the pool, which was one of the long sides. The four people on the hovercrafts, which were only about the side of surfboards, rounded the corner in front of me and started toward me. They were standing on the boards, as if riding surf boards. Each of the boards had a white box which was attached to the back of the board by a long white pole. The box was the main propulsion fan. The four people were lined up as they approached me. I looked down at the water as i rounded the corner on the south side of the pool. It was the first corner that i had rounded. I then wondered why the southeast corner did not have any padding to help the boats around it. It seemed to have a cement embankment. I knew that it was the point where the boats were loaded, but i thought that it would be a hard corner to make without the cushions. I was then on the northeast side of the pool. I rounded the corner to the north side, rubbing against the green styrofoam corner. I then stopped suddenly as i saw the other two boats coming toward me. I thought that i should probably not be going in the opposite direction from everyone else. It would be better if i could turn around and head in the same direction. I would not have as great a chance of collision if i turned around. I trued to turn the yellow raft around as the others past me. The raft was inflatable, and seemed to be very narrow. It had a pointed nose. I had been standing on it like a surf board, but was now in the water behind the board. I knew that the boards were driven by the wind, but i was having trouble angling the small sail to catch the wind. The sail was nothing more than a droplet-shaped flap that lifted from the back of the yellow board. The sail was orange, and seemed to have ridges across it. I tilted it to the west, to see if o could catch some wind. The board started moving, but it did not seem to pick up the same kind of speed that it had before. I wondered what was wrong as i sat on the board, trying to adjust the fin behind me. I thought that i did not have it tipped properly as i approached the southeast corner. I then realized that the board with the woman and the man were approaching me from behind. I wanted to keep up with them, but they had lapped me. I knew that the were racing with the other two people. I wanted to get my board moving, but it did not seem to catch the wind properly. I was in the water behind the board as i tried to adjust the orange flap again. I looked down at the nose of the raft. It seemed flimsy, as if it did not have enough air in it. I then realized that i had been on the raft when i was moving swiftly before. I wondered why i had gotten in the water. I tried to get back onto the boat. Using the boat seemed complicated. I then thought that i should probably be cold from the water.

11999 May 19

I walked down the street of the small town. There seemed to be a body of water to the east, and i seemed to be on the sidewalk which ran parallel to it. This place seemed to be a tourist town. I stopped in front of one of the stores and looked in. I had been talking to someone who had continued on down the sidewalk. I was facing west, into the building, when i noticed someone approaching from the north. I looked to my right and immediately recognized the person as $F2. I said hello. He looked very much the way he did when we were young, but he was an adult. He was wearing a dark red jacket. He said hello and smiled at me. I then remembered that i told him that i would call him a long time ago, but i never had. I turned around and asked him how he was. He said that he was all right as he wandered into the building. I started to follow him. He said that he was looking for the local blood donation organization. He was trying to do something with the other people. I knew that he was looking for the charity organization so that he could set up something locally. He wandered out of the building and walked around me to the north. He then walked into a door that was in the wall of the buildings. I followed him, interested in his quest. I asked whether he had checked one of the buildings which was to the southeast of us. I knew that he should check with the Blood Donation Center, which was in the large building downtown. I motioned to the opposite side of the dining room in which we stood. The Center was out the large window on the side wall of the room. The walls of the dining room were a medium grey, and seemed to have red details on them. The others in the room were sitting around the table in front of us.

I walked into the center living room of my grandfather’s house at $P12. My grandfather seemed to be in the center of the room. My mother was also there. I felt disturbed by something. I knew that my father’s mother was sick, and that she would die soon. My mother had come to the house to clean up some things. I walked into the kitchen to look around. The kitchen was narrow, with counters on the south wall. I noticed the large cast iron pans hanging on the lower section of the north wall. Several of the were rather deep, and i noticed that there were some skillets. I thought that they could be useful, and i wondered if i could get one. I knew that my mother was cleaning stuff out of the house. I hoped that she would take the skillets so that i could get one. I then walked back out into the hall. I turned around and seemed to be at the top of a set of stairs. There were several pictures to the west as i looked back down the stairs, to the south. I asked my mother whether she wanted them. She was standing to my left. She did not know whether they were anything important. I reached for one of the pictures and pulled it forward from the wall. It had been resting on the floor in front of the wall to the right of the stairwell. The picture was actually a serving tray made out of wood. It was painted with several images of cats. I knew that my mother would like it. Behind the large picture were several other small pictures with the same patterns on it. My mother told me to lean them back against the wall. She did not want anyone to thing that she was just scavenging through the house. I thought that she would come back later for the picture. I stood up from the top of the stars and turned to the east. I was in the middle bedroom of my parents’ house. My mother walked over to the closet to clean out some things. There was a large skirt on the bed. I looked at the skirt and asked my mother whether she would take it. She said that she did not know as she brought a purple sweater from the closet. She asked me whether the sweater was nice. I laid the sweater on the bed and looked at it next to the skirt. The skirt was yellow, and the sweater had patterns of various colour, including yellow near the bottom. I placed the sweater at the top of the skirt and saw that the dull yellow in the skirt matched the yellow of the skirt. I told my mother that the sweater that she liked went well with the skirt. She smiled as she came to the bed. I then noticed that the skirt was made with two layers of cloth. I lifted the upper yellow layer and noticed that the bottom layer seemed to be made of wool. It was light brown and dark brown. I then realized that it was part of a crocheted throw blanket that my grandmother used to have. I told my mother this as i looked at the lining of the skirt.

I was in the room where several crates were. There were other people around me. $A62 was standing to my left as i looked at the boxes. He was joking to someone. They were talking about the large boxes that were stacked in the room. $A62 was surprised that the other person could not do something with the boxes. He said in a joking manner, “You pussy.” The other person became angry. I knew that the other person was $A226, and that he did not like anyone using language that he considered foul. $A226 started to lecture $A62 in a stern voice. I sighed, feeling disappointed that $A62 had gotten into such an argument. Now we would have to listen to the long lecture. I looked over the black letters on the side of the box as i listened. I did not want to get involved in the argument.

11999 May 22

The room in which i was had blank white walls and long rectangular tables in the center. There were two tables, and they seemed to be assigned to different sexes. The one on the east end of the room was for men and the one on the west end was for women. I did not understand why it was important to separate the sexes. I thought that it did not matter people would sit. I had come into the room after most of the others were seated. The only seat left was on the north side of the women’s table. I sat down. I did not feel out of place because i thought that the division was arbitrary. $A191 sat across the table from me. The women at the table were drawing pictures on pieces of paper. I wondered what to do. Then a woman walked up on my right and leaned over the table. She had a stack of pamphlets that she placed on the table. The pamphlets had bright coloured pictures on them, but they seemed like colouring books. The women at the table started to sort through the booklets. They were each taking one. I thought that i would wait until most of the people had taken their books before i took one for myself. I wondered whether there would be any left. I noticed that one of the pamphlets had a black-and-white photograph on the cover which was toned with pale green and yellow. One of the women then told me that i would not be able to get one of the booklets, as they were designed only for women. She said that i would have to get a pamphlet from the other table. I was disappointed and stood up. I did not want to go over to the other table because it was full. I was on the south side of the table. I looked at the large drawing that someone had done. It was in black crayon with dark designs in red and blue. I muttered “Kthulu” as i looked over the image. It seemed to be a representation of Kthulu from roll-playing games. I wondered whether anyone had heard me muttering. I thought that i would tell them what the picture was of. No one seemed to respond. I wandered along the south side of the men’s table. There was a man talking at the northeast end of the table. The others were listening to him. I looked down at the table to see a dark picture of another demonic image. It had bright green highlights and seemed to be part of a video game. I decided that it was part of a computer game. I them noticed that there was a computer terminal across the table from me. I could see the back side of it as the other person sat in front of it. He was watching the man talking to his left. I stood up from the table and walked away from the group of men. They were talking about something. I then realized that they were playing volleyball outside of the room. I seemed to be in the pool room of $P19. I thought that i could be with them, but i did not feel like being a part of the crowd. I listened to the joke. $F13 was outside with them. He made some joking remarks as they talked about the game. $A197 then made a comment, “Get a strike!” I knew that it was a joke. The others giggled. I knew that one could not get a strike in volleyball. It was a bowling term.

11999 May 23

I walked into the house. It seemed as thought there was no one home, but i knew that $F32 was in one of the back rooms. I walked into the white kitchen, which was on the north side of the apartment. There seemed to be two younger people in the apartment. I thought that they were related to $F32 in some way. I walked over to the refrigerator, which was in the center of the north wall, and got something to eat. It then seemed strange to me that i was acting as if i was at home in this place. I wondered whether the younger people would think so as well. One of them was a woman, with long blonde hair. She seemed to be wearing a tight pair of blue jeans with a white tank top. I suddenly felt uncomfortable with my actions. It seemed as though i should not be eating food and wandering around the apartment as if i lived here. It was impolite. I wondered whether $F32 was actually here. I thought that i should wait for her to come out. I then knew that something was wrong outside. The girl mentioned that the tornado was coming. I looked out the window to the north to see a very narrow funnel cloud moving towards the house. It was no more than a few decis in diameter and seemed to be very dense. It moved across the lawn and then hit the wooden wall, which ran from the side of the building just below the window into the center of the lawn. The tornado chewed a narrow path through the length of the wall, sending small particles of wood scattering in al directions. I turned away from the wall and started to the center of the room. I thought that we should find shelter. I then heard the tornado cut through the side of the house. There was a rush of wind. The woman panicked and then disappeared. I knew that she had gotten sucked into the store. I wandered into the center of the apartment. I was in the small living room which was to the south of the kitchen. I wondered whether $F32 really was home. I started to think that she might not actually be here. I thought that i should not have eaten the food from the kitchen. I moved to the east end of the room, towards the short set of stairs which led up into the back end of the apartment. The living room seemed to be white, and the stairs were black. I crept up the stairs. I thought that i should not make any noise in case $F32 was here. I did not want her to think that i had been making myself at home in the apartment. The hallway ran east to west. It had clean white walls, but had no light in it. The only light came from the windows of the rooms to the south. I thought that i should float down the hall to make less noise. I thought that i had always floated so easily in all of my dreams, but i then remembered that i was not dreaming at the moment. I did not think that i could really fly. I then decided that i should be able to float down the hall. I thought that i should have enough energy to float down the hall, even if i was not in a dream. I knew that i could do it, but had a slight bit of doubt that i had the ability outside of my dreams. I then started to float down the hall. It seemed as though i was putting my feet down every once and a while to keep in the air. I did not want to make any noise. I thought that i would peek in on $F32’s bedroom to see if she was there. I had thought that she would be coming out soon. I looked into the large white room. There was a bed on the right side of the room which had black sheets on it. The bed was not made, and i thought that there was someone in the shower in the adjoining bathroom. I thought that i should have waited down stairs. I felt bad for eating the food and wandering around the house so freely. I started back down the hall when i realized that i would have to tell $F32 about the young woman. I suddenly felt sad. I imagined telling her that the woman had been sucked out of the house by the tornado and that she was dead.

I was in the library, sitting on the long wooden table. There was a magazine in my hand which i kept looking at. $A166 was standing across from me as i looked over the book. There was someone else in the room with us. The magazine had green pages with white type. There were lines used as decoration around the type. $A166 then asked about the magazine. It seemed as thought the three of us were discussing the format of the book. I knew that i had studied design, and thought that it was interesting. The man was referring to one of the articles. I remembered reading it before. I told $A166 that i had read the short articles. I was about the make a comment on them when i leafed through the magazine again. There was something about the book which was important. I looked over the pages. I noticed that the back page and the inside of the back cover had a brown layout. There were two cartoon figures in the center of the layout. They seemed to be sports figures drawn in thin black outline and filled in with white and a few other colours. I told $A166 that i had not read all of the magazine, but had finished the short editorials. I then wondered whether that was really true. I was unsure. The man stood in front of me as we discussed the magazine. I flipped back through it and noticed that there were different sections in different colours. The center sections seemed to be green. It was only the back that was brown. $A166 was to my right. He pulled a large book from the shelf on the wall and walked behind me. He laid the book on the table and opened it. It seemed as though i had pulled one of the books from the shelf as well. They were large black volumes. The were about as tall as a sheet of paper, but were longer horizontally. The black covers were hinged at the spine, where the pages could be seen pressed between them. I remembered pulling one of the books from the shelf. I turned around to look at the book which $A166 had placed on the table. He then walked back to the shelf and put the book back as the other man talked about it. I watched as $A166 slid the book back onto the shelf. He had placed it on the shelf incorrectly. It did not have the spine showing. I thought that it was too hard to read the way he had placed it one the shelf. I was standing in front of the shelf. I pulled one of the books out. I noticed that several of the books were placed on the shelf in such a way that the spine could not be read. $A166 was looking over a book on the table with the man. I slid my book back onto the shelf in the proper manner. The green spine had gold horizontal stripes across it. I thought that it was the proper way to reshelve the books. I hoped that $A166 would do the same with his books.

11999 May 24

I was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the night club. It was late at night, and i was trying to sleep. I felt tired and did not want to leave this spot. Someone warned me that it was not safe here, though. I felt as though i should leave. there was danger near the club. I got up and left the area. I then walked back to the front of the club. It was the next night. The club was set back into a narrow alley. The walls of the alley were made of grey brick and seemed dirty and damp. I thought that i was here again. This situation seemed very similar to the previous night. It was chilly out, and i was waiting in front of the club for something. I felt defiant and thought that i should not leave until i got what i wanted. I listened to some of the people outside of the club talking about the different types of music that were being played. They mentioned that the music was being played in sets. I felt uncomfortable here. Something was wrong. I decided that i should not stay here and started to leave. As i walked home, i realized that the police were following me. I felt worried and knew that they were just trying to harass me. they did not trust me because i had been hanging out in front of the club. As i reached my car, the police started to ask me questions. They then went into my car and started searching it. I felt annoyed and did not want to deal with them. They kept asking me questions and expected to find something illegal with me. I knew that they were just trying to find an excuse to harass me. One of then came up to me with a set of keys in his hand. He had taken them from me. He demanded to know which keys went to the car. I did not feel like telling him. I knew that he was abusing his position as a police officer. My father then came back to the house. He had just come home from work. I wondered what he would think of the police being at the house. I was then back in front of the bar. This was some sort of movie scene. I remembered it from before, and i was supposed to run through it again. I stood in the alley. This time seemed different, though. I walked into the bar and looked around. The place was not crowded like it had been before. It was still early in the evening, so i thought that the people simply had not yet arrived. I remembered that the bar was always crowded the other times i had acted out this scene. I thought that the people would arrive once the show started. I wondered what i should do until the performances started. I decided to sit down and wait. The room was dark. I walked to the side wall of the bar and sat down behind a round wooden table. I was then aware of a man that was sitting next to me, on my right. I felt suspicious of him and wondered whether he was aware that i had seen this scene before. I decided that i should order something so that i did not look out of place. There was a plate of food from someone else in front of me. It seemed rather messy, with food scattered chopped up and scattered over the surface. I decided that i should not eat it and looked back at the menu which i was holding in my hand. I looked over the pictures on the menu and realized that they only served french fries. As i read, i realized that the plate in front of me was really a sample platter. It had four different kinds of french fries on it. I looked at the plate again and realized that it was divided into four small trays of food. All four sections had cubical pieces of food on them. they were the french fries. They were cut differently in this place. It was something that made their fries special. The trays of food were on top of each other and were suspended by a metal rack. I knew that the lowest plate of fries was barbecue flavoured. A man in the bar then announced that there was a problem with one of the cars outside. He said that it was a “double-back Audi”. I realized that it might be my car, so i stood up from the table and headed towards the door. As i walked in front of the bar, the oriental man who was tending bar told me that the car was parked on the curb. He had black hair which was combed back, and he was wearing a white shirt. I thought that the car could not be mine. I did not remember parking my car on the curb. I still thought that i should check on my car. I looked out the window but could not see my car on the street. I started to worry that it had been taken. I then noticed that there was a set of fire stairs which was blocking my view of the street. I thought that my car was simply behind the stars. I walked to the left, trying to get a better view. I could see my car on the side of the street. I walked across the small parking lot which was wedged between the tall brick buildings toward the street. I then realized that i was not wearing any shirt. I wondered why i was not feeling cold. It seemed that the night was very cold, but i did not feel cold. As i approached the street, i realized that my car was parked in a no-parking zone. I remembered that the police had been here before and decided that i should move my car. I thought that there would be many cars coming to park here for the night. the area in front of the bar was empty of cars. I thought that i could move my car into one of the empty spaces to give the other cars a place to park. I walked to the west, down the street towards my car. As i passed the large parking lot that was to the left, i noticed a large white camper. I could hear music coming from camper and thought that there was a party going on inside. There was a man standing outside of the camper as i passed. He seemed older and was wearing rough clothing. I thought that he must be a traveler. He asked me where he should go to hear the performance. I pointed back down the street to the east, toward the club. I then noticed that the music coming from the camper was similar to the music that i could hear coming from the club. I tried to listen carefully to the two sounds to see if they were playing the same thing at the same time, but i was having trouble hearing both at once. I thought that the music was performed in different sets. I walked to my car and started to move it forward. I then got out of my car and looked at it. I noticed that the blue car in front of it was very close. I worried that it might damage my cr. I then noticed the white car behind my car. It was crushed and had it from end crumpled in. I wondered whether it had hit my car. I asked someone about the white car as i walked toward my car. I hoped that there was no damage to the back of my car. As i approached my car, i noticed that there was a shovel on the roof of my car. Something had happened near me. The man then said that the white car belonged to a woman. He mentioned her by name. I asked if she was all right. The man then shrugged and said that he did not know where she had gone. I wondered what had happened to her car. I walked toward the white car to get a better look. $F10 was standing near me as i looked over the crushed front end of the white car. I then looked at the back of my dark blue van, which was parked in front of the car. I noticed that the back window of the van was cracked. I moved close to the van and looked closely at the crack. It was very small, and did not seem to be that bad. It must have happened during the accident of the white car. I said that it was barely noticeable. Then $F10 pointed out the fender on the near side of my van. It was dented and crumpled in over the tire. It was bad enough that it might make the car difficult to drive. I felt upset that the woman had damaged my car in her accident. I then thought that the damage would probably be paid for by the woman. I then remembered that the woman did not really cause the accident, but the man in the blue tow truck should pay. I thought that probably damaged my car when he came to tow the other wreck away. I walked into the building near the cars. I wanted to find someone to tell about the accident and damage to my car. $F10’s family was in the large room with the rest of the people as i entered. A woman then wandered past as i was looking around. I thought that she must be the woman from the car. I wondered whether she was all right. she waddled slightly as she walked. She was short and fat and wearing a dark dress with a blue jacket.

11999 May 26

I was in the laboratory with the other person. It seemed to be late at night, and the room was very much like the front room of my grandmother’s house. I was aware of something that did not seem to be right. I walked to the east end of the room and started down the stairs. I came into the large super market. The place seemed old and had a cement floor. The walls were a pale green and seemed old and dingy. There was a large freezer display in front of me on the west wall. I felt as though something were wrong. I had to stay out of the staircase that led back up to the lab.

I walked to the southeast down the dusty dirt road. The land around me was uneven and covered with grassy dunes. I was on the farmers land, and i thought that i should leave. I was looking for someone, but i knew that i might get in trouble for being here. There seemed to be a wire fence to the south which ran along the main road. I knew that it was the edge of the land. The dirt road would curve to the south and cross the fence. I was a little way from the top of the hill where the road started to curve. The tall thin grass which grew in patches over the sandy ground was dark green. I looked around as i walked. It seemed as though i was looking for someone. I then spotted the large orange sign on the ground on the right side of the road. I walked over to it as i passed and read it. It said that foreign skate boarding was prohibited. I wondered why anyone would want to skateboard on a dirt road. I then heard a truck coming from the north, behind me on the road. I looked back to see small pick-up truck coming down the road. I felt as though it might be someone who owned the land. I then noticed that there was a person on a snow board to my right. He seemed to be moving parallel to the truck. I wondered how he was able to move over the dry ground. I then realized that he was being towed by the truck. I felt as though i should not be on the land. The truck drove past me on the road, and the man on the board passed on the other side of me. I looked down the road to the southeast to see that the red pick-up truck was turning around and heading back toward me. I was worried that they would be mad at us for being on the property. I started to the south, directly toward the fence. As i looked down to the ground in front of me, i noticed that there was a thin green nylon rope moving over the dusty ground. It was the tow line from the truck. The man in the truck was trying to wrap us up in the line. I jumped out of the loop in the line and ran toward the fence. The fence was low and made of barbed wire. I tried to crawl through it quickly, but snagged the back of my shirt on one of the barbs. I hurriedly tried to pull myself through. I looked down to the ground on the other side of the fence. The fence was on the edge of a short drop off. Below me was an old shed with a green plastic roof. I pulled myself from the fence and started crawling carefully across the old wooden roof of the shed. I tried not to step on the green plastic sheeting that was in the center of the room. There seemed to be green leaves hanging all around me.

11999 May 28

I flew over the short buildings on the outskirts of the city. The place seemed like the north side of $P3. It seemed grey out, as though it were a cloudy day and the sun was setting. There was then a flash of light from one of the larger buildings to the southwest of me. I glided over the buildings, which seemed far below me, and noticed a thick plume of black smoke coming from the factory yard. There was a large label on the side of the building, but i was having trouble reading it. I knew that it did not say “IBM”. It was the factory of some other company. I then realized that something had gone wrong. there was a red dust falling over the city. I was lower to the streets now and could see the factory buildings just over the rise to the southwest. I could see the red dust falling through the air. I became very worried. I knew that the dust was dangerous. I thought that i should not land here because it would be dangerous to get near the dust. I then wondered where i would go. I knew that i could not fly too far away. I then realized that i was flying through the dust. I hoped that it would not be able to get into the airplane. I moved slowly over the city, wondering where i could land. I felt that i had to get out of the sky and get to shelter. The city was in trouble. I had to warn people. I tried to read the writing on the tower of the factory, but was unable to make out the letters. I felt worried. I wondered where i should go. I then decided that i could fly to the small island nearby. I knew that the dust could not travel across the water. I thought that the island should be safe. I flew low to the ground and into one of the large white factory buildings that were to the north of me. There was a large white truck just inside the opening of the building. It was a factory truck from the mainland. I thought that it was probably carrying the people from the mainland to safety here. This place was a shelter. I thought that i had to get back to the mainland. I had to do something important in the city where the danger was. I decided that i could get a ride back on the truck. The truck was already starting to pull out of the building, though. I tried to catch the driver’s attention, but i could not do it before it started to drive away down the street outside. I felt disappointed and wondered what i should do. I had to get back. I would have to wait here with the others until the next truck came. It seemed as though it would come in less than an hour. I looked around the small room that was the shelter. There were people sitting throughout the room. It was somewhat crowded. There was a woman to the northwest of me, sitting on a bench against the north wall. She was round and fat and carried a baby with her. She was wearing blue shorts and was holding the baby in her arms. I then looked to my right, along the east wall of the building. There were two doorways to the outside. They were labeled as “D” and “E”. They were the docking ports to the building. I thought that they would have to be fixed so that the people could be moved in and out of the building quickly. The place now seemed like an airport. There was a large window between the two ports. I could see that it was not raining outside. There seemed to be something wrong. I knew that the crisis in the city had cause a blackout. I looked out the large door of one of the ports and could see that it was raining heavily. There was something wrong with the image. I could not tell what was real. I knew that it had to be raining because the rain was causing the problem with the city. It had picked up the chemicals from the factory. I wondered where i should wait for the next bus. I had to get back. The woman then asked whether it was fair that they were stuck there because of the problems with the factory. I told her that it was not fair. I told her that the buses had even stopped running because of the emergency. I walked away from the door and into the center of the room. I noticed that the people in the room were all sitting in white wooden chairs which were all faced away from me. A man near me said something about a fast driver. He said that the driver threatened everyone. He described what had happened, acting out his words as he spoke. He said “can of mace” as he moved his arms in the air in front of his face. He then laughed. Some of the other people laughed with him. A small group of people them came into the room behind me. I turned around to look at them. They were all wearing blue and white striped shirts. As i watched the people, i noticed that there were patterns in the stripes of their shirts. The stripes were not uniform. They had breaks where the patterns formed. The eleventh man in the line seemed to have an arrow pattern down the front of his shirt. I looked at the strange breaking in the patter of the striped. It seemed to almost create a three-dimensional effect.

11999 May 29

There were bees swarming around us as we stood in the open place. I realized that they were killer bees and thought that we should kill them. I thought that i could use the light sabre to kill them. I placed it on the surface near me and turned it on. I thought that it could attract the bees, but, once they touched it, they would get evaporated. I watched the sabre for a moment, but noticed that it was not attracting enough bees. It would not be able to kill enough of them before they stung people. I then saw the man flailing his arms as he ran through the bees. He bumped into the table and knocked over the sabre. I felt frustrated and wondered how i could get rid of the killer bees.