12002 May 01

I passed over the others, heading down the city street to the west. It was warm out, though everything seemed to be brownish-grey, as though it was late winter. I came to the corner with the traffic light and turned south, into the parking lot of the small restaurant. I thought that this was a fast-food place. The others were there, sitting on a red table to the east of the entrance. The south end of the room was blocked off by the long white serving counter, which bowed out into the center of the room. The place seemed very bright. As i sat down on the northern end of the table, i looked over the plastic menu in front of me. I made a comment about the chicken. The waiter was standing to the west of the table, just behind $F4. She wrote something on her tablet and then confirmed that i wanted to order number fourty-three, the squid. I felt confused and told her that i did not order the squid. I thought that she must have heard my comment and misunderstood. I looked over the menu to pick something, but i suddenly could not remember what i wanted. $F4 was watching me impatiently. I thought that i wanted something with chicken in it, but i could not find what i had seen on the menu. I felt pressured and started to feel flustered. The waiter then started making fun of me for not knowing what i wanted. She seemed annoyed and started to bother me about the order. I felt insecure. I could not decide what i wanted to order, and i did not see the chicken dish that i had wanted to order. The waiter picked up the plastic menu and held it open in front of me. The menu had small plastic containers of food in it. I saw a packet of stir-fried shrimp in the lower left corner. The other items in the menu all seemed to be fish as well. This was not what i thought it was. Something felt confusing here. The waiter then started pressuring me into making a decision again. I felt confused and angry. I suddenly turned and ran away from the restaurant. I headed down the city street. It was late at night, and everything was closed. I thought that i would not be able to find anything to eat here. I then found myself in the large capitol building of the city. The stone halls were large and well maintained. The stone on the floor was tan, and the walls were dull white. I turned to the west and came into a long breezeway with arched stone ceilings. The building was being closed for the night, but i did not care. I felt angry and did not care what others thought about me. I turned to the east, into the darkened area. This corridor had already been closed for the night. I then came into the large room with dark wood walls. I turned into the small white music room, stopping suddenly in the doorway to avoid running into the woman. She was startled as she saw me. She was on her way out. She had been closing the room. I walked past her defiantly, feeling angry. I thought that i could play one of the instruments in the room to get my frustration out. I entered the room through the entrance on the east side of the south wall. There was a small rounded stage on the east side of the room which faced the chairs of the audience, to the west. I knelt down on the stage and started to chant. The sound was very tense, but it felt good to do. I did several chants as the woman watched me from the doorway. She seemed confused, and i knew that she did not know what to do about me. She wanted to kick me out so that she could close the room. After i finished the set of chants, i started again, impressed with the sound that i was producing. I was surprised that i had finished all four chants so soon. I thought that i must have been in enough of a trance that i was unaware of time passing. I concentrated on the first of the chants as i started again. The music sounded like strings, with a tinny piano mixed in. As it finished, i drifted smoothly into the second chant, which sounded like brass instruments playing up and down notes. The notes bounced from octave to octave as i sang a melodic scale. My throat wavered on the strong notes, not sounding quite right. I thought that my voice sounded quite nice in this room, thought. There was quite a bit of reverb. I then started the third chant, which sounded very indian, with blurred and trilled notes at the beginning of the measures. I added in a few words that seemed to be from the city. There was some importance to all of these chants. I thought about the sound as i sang, aware that the woman was still watching me. I wondered whether the singing sounded good to her.

12002 May 02

I had been traveling to the east, through the country. It seemed like a rainy day out, and the land around me seemed fairly flat. There seemed to be thick woods to the south of the road. The trees were grey and leafless. I looked to the northeast to see the intersection, where the smaller road ran to the north from the road on which i had been traveling. There was a patch of woods to the east of the other road. The open field to the northwest of the intersection was covered with damp dead field grass which had been chopped near to the ground. I saw the small group of people standing on the northeast corner of the intersection. They were waiting for the bus. I was glad that i had gotten here before the bus came. I thought that i had not been able to catch the bus where i lived, so i had to come here. I turned my car onto the smaller road and drove to the north. There seemed to be a parking area to the west of the smaller road. I felt glad to have reached this place before the bus got here. My butt felt sore from riding the bicycle. I slowed down, thinking that i could leave the bicycle as the south side of the driveway to the west. I pulled the metal stool through my legs and tossed it onto the side of the road. I felt angry and thought that i could show it be being destructive with the stool. The stool had a red round cushion on the top of it as it bounced on the dirt across the drainage ditch from me. The woman, who was standing to the west of me, seemed concerned that i was being so rough with the stool. I had to act as though i did not care about it, and i told her that it would be safe there for the day. I thought that i should lock it to a street sign, but did not. I turned to the west and walked into the small bedroom of the house. The bedroom seemed to be on the northwest corner of the first floor of the house. The bed was against the south wall. I started to put some things away when i noticed the storm outside. I looked out the window in the north wall to see a bolt of lightning flickering in the sky. I thought that the single bolt was lasting for too long, but then i realized that it had struck something on the ground. There was a large wide tree to the west of the house across the street, to the north. Through the branches of the tree, i could see a large branch from the struck willow tree fall to the grassy lawn. I turned and started to the south when i realized that there was no longer anyone standing at the corner to the southeast. I suddenly realized that i had spent too much time inside. I wondered why i had been fooling around with the things in the bedroom. I had missed the bus, and i was mad at myself for going into the house to take care of things. I felt angered, and i thought that i would now have to get to work by myself. I tried to get my bicycle back up. It was to the southwest of me as the car pulled in from the north. The man in the car was trying to impress the rest of his family by showing that he could pick on me. He drove his car very close to my bicycle, which was still locked to the sign. I tried to ignore him as i headed toward the bicycle. The black metal rack on the front of his car touched the side of my bicycle as he made a comment about my wheels not being detached. The front wheel of my bicycle fell off, but i grabbed before it fell over. I had flip-release bolts on the tires, so i thought there really was no problem. I was now on the west side of the bicycle, and the man started to drive his car forward again. There seemed to be a bicycle attached to the front of the car, as though it was being towed. I kicked the front tire of the man’s bicycle, knowing that it would turn the bicycle away from mine. I then lifted my bicycle up and carried it to the east, around the back of my cars. I was going to put it in the back of the large blue Cadillac. I then noticed my blue Audi to the west of the Cadillac. I had brought both cars here. I realized that i would not be able to drive them both to work. I had driven one here, but i already had one here from before. I remembered that i had bicycled there before when i had left one. I felt confused. I did not know how i was going to get both of my cars home. I felt depressed and frustrated.

12002 May 04

I walked down the hill, following the road to the west. I had just left someplace and was on my way home. I felt as though i was traveling to my parents’ house. I had done this once before, and i was trying to think where i had gone. It seemed like a very long way to travel from here. I had to head to the south. I saw an intersection at the bottom of the hill. It was a sunny day, and the land sloped up to the east and north, covered with think pines as it rose. This place felt like $P24. I looked through the thin line of trees on the south side of the road to see the houses of the country town. The second road left the intersection and traveled to the south, along the east of the houses. I thought that this town was $P51. I knew where i was and thought that i should cross the road and follow the other road south a little way. I still had a ways to go before i would reach my parents’ house. A small red car approached me from the east, slowing as it came around the corner from the northeast and reached the bottom of the hill. I hurried across the road in front of it, not sure where the crosswalk was. I could see a thick white line across the road to the west of me, just to this side of the hanging traffic light. I started toward the houses of the town, which were sitting on the western shore of the small lake. I tried to remember the lake in $P51, but could not quite picture it. This place seemed familiar, and i knew i had come through the town last time i walked this way. As i started down the other road, however, i realized that it did not run along the houses on the west shore of the lake. Instead, it seemed to turn to the east and run along the north shore. I thought that i must have flown over the water before to get to the houses of the town. There was a narrow strip of land on the west side of the road which seemed to be swampy and covered with thin reeds. I started to hover over the ground, wondering if i could make it all the way across the water to the houses. I wrapped my arms tight across my chest, holding on to the duffel bag that i had been carrying. I then looked to the south and noticed that the road over which i was traveling was muddy and worn. This place seemed abandoned. I looked to the west again to see that the houses on the shore of the dirty lake were old and decrepit. The faded wood siding was cracking and rotting away. The water looked cold and swampy as it lapped at the broken-down stairs which led up to the front doors of the houses. A layer of mud had caked itself around the crooked platforms that acted as porches to the houses. I thought that this town must have been an old mining own that had long since been abandoned. I looked back to the east, thinking that the water covered what was once the main street. The houses to the east still seemed to be in use. This place felt awkward, as though the people living here were weary of strangers. There were a few muddy trucks scattered between the weather-darkened houses of the rest of the small town. A blue pick-up truck headed to the north, over a muddy section of the street. I turned to the north to follow it. I felt that i should leave this place, but i headed for the large building on the north side of the cluster of houses. It seemed to be a bar. There was a man walking toward the building from the east. I looked at him as he passed me. He was Randy Quaid, and he smiled jokingly as he said something to me. I stayed in the muddy parking lot as he headed to the front door of the bar. He continued to say something to me as he walked in. I wondered whether i should enter the bar.

12002 May 05

I walked along the battlements of the old fort, looking to the south, into the stone courtyard below. Tourists walked on the large flat tan stones which covered the ground. There was someone else with we. I looked at the curved indents in the half wall that i had been leaning on. The stone of the wall was rough, and its sharp corners had been worn away by the weather over the many years. This place was roman. I noticed a small brass tube lying in one of the viewing areas on the wall. I thought that it must have been here since the roman times. I picked it up and looked it over. It seemed to be part of a small telescope, but all of the pieces were not there. I then noticed that there were a few more pieces in the next break in the wall to the west. I picked them up and looked them over. The first piece i had picked up was a thin tube that was narrower at one end. The other two pieces were shorter, and i thought that they did not seem as complete. One of them formed a semisphere, and the other seemed to be a broken piece of the main tube, like the one that i had from the other window. I picked up the rounded piece and attached it to the wide end of the tub from the first window. I thought that the two pieces formed a complete telescope. I thought that this must be one of the earlier forms of telescope. I thought that the Romans probably used the scope to view sporting events from the stands. I looked through the scope to see the people in the court below. The view was foggy from the crude optics, but it did work. I thought that this must have been one of the earlier attempts at a telescope. I had not thought that scopes existed before the Arabs created them for use in the desert. I felt that this was a rare find. It seemed strange that everyone had overlooked this artifact, but i felt as though i had to preserve it. I knew that i should not remove it from the old building, but i wanted to keep it. I carried it away from the wall, wondering how i could sneak it out of the building. I tried to casually slip it into one of the pockets of my pants. I then remembered that my pants had long pockets down the sides for tools. I looked down to my right leg as i slipped the brass scope into the long pocket. I then wondered whether there might be security cameras in the room. I felt as though i should leave. I turned to see the young boy standing against the north wall of the room. My mother was sitting in a chair against the east wall. The young boy seemed to be in trouble, and my mother was lecturing him. He seemed to be $K2, even though he looked nothing like him. The boy was very upset that he had gotten into trouble. He had a round face and straight blonde hair. My mother sounded disappointed as she spoke to him. The woman the seemed like $K3. The boy looked at me and made a reference to the scope that i had in my pocket. I realized that he was trying to divert the accusations from himself. I decided that i had to leave before the woman figured out what he was trying to say. I headed out of the building, finding myself on the south side of the city street. I hurried to the west, along the sidewalk in front of the old buildings. There was someplace to the west that i was trying to get to. The street turned slightly to the northwest. I stopped at the intersection where the street turned, letting a man pass me. I thought that my mother might call to me from the old building, so i had to get back to the safe place to the west. I crossed the street and found myself in a dark room. There were a few single beds on the north side of the room. Someone was standing to the east. She told me about the beds. I could not concentrate on the situation. I was then lying on one of the beds. I pulled the light-coloured wool blanket up to my neck. I did not seem to feel well. The beds had been moved, and i felt confused about what had happened. I tried to sleep, because i could not concentrate on the events in the room.

12002 May 06

The woman drove the car to the east on the street of the small rural town. We were near the bus stop where the murders had occurred. The woman mentioned something about the bus. This was part of a horror story. I knew that the woman was a vampire. She told me the story of the man who had been found murdered on the bus as she drove the red pick-up truck down the road. She acted as though she did not know what had killed him. She said that he had been found with two holes in his neck, and then she asked me what i thought could have caused the wounds. I knew that she was simply playing innocent. I told her that they were most likely puncture wounds. We were then in the house with the old woman. This had something to do with the story. We had stopped here, at the house on the north side of the road, just to the east of the intersection where the man had been killed. We said goodbye to the old woman and started to walk to the south, out her living room door. The living room seemed quaint, with yellow flowered wall paper. As the truck drove out of the living room and started to turn to the east, heading out of the driveway, i noticed the plastic bowl sitting on the wooden end table. The table was just to the south of the driveway, just inside the door of the house. The old woman had given it to us to take on our journey. I told the woman, who was driving the truck, that we had forgotten the bowl. She shrugged, saying that she did not care whether we had left the bowl behind. I thought that the old woman would be disappointed to see that we did not bring it, and i thought that there was something in the bowl that i would have liked. I told the woman to stop. I felt annoyed with her dismissive attitude. I left the truck and headed back toward the house. It was now very dark. I could barely see where i was going. I knew that the house was in front of me, and that i was standing in the paved driveway. I thought that i could simply sneak to the back of the house to get the bowl. I held my arms up in front of me. They seemed fake, as if they were part of a robot. I could see the shadow of a wooden stake in each of my hands. I started to swing my arms up and down in front of me, as if stabbing something. This was how i could fly. I lifted from the ground and hovered over the house. I floated over the house by cranking my arms up and down in stabbing motions over my head. As i reached the back of the house, i realized that i had to come down slowly so as not to hurt myself. I was now facing south. I lowered my arms and started moving them up and down below the level of my shoulders. I felt a little light in the stomach as i started to descend. It suddenly seemed very dark, and i could not see that well. I remembered that the bowl was in the front of the house, so i would have to make my way back through the house to the front. I tried to fly again, but was distracted by someone in the back yard. There was a man walking from the back door of the house, out into the yard. I walked into the now darkened house and told the woman about the man. I asked her whether it was her husband, but she said that it was not. Something was suddenly wrong. I felt threatened in here, and i thought that the man was really the murderer. I screamed in aggression suddenly to try to scare the man away. I was looking down the white hall to the east. I saw the man run from the bathroom down the hall and run across the kitchen toward us. The kitchen was on the northeast side of the house. I started to swing my hands in a stabbing motion again, blocking the man, who was attacking me with a knife. He was stabbing at the air in my direction as he approached me, much the same as the motion i had been making to fly. I backed up, knocking over the kitchen chair so slow him down. I was suddenly tense and frightened.

I looked around the room of the sleeping dormitory. We had just moved in, and i was thinking that we needed to rearrange the furniture to make it more livable. This room seemed a little like the room ten in $P19. $F4 was with me. I said something to him about the room, and then we started joking around. We started to wrestle for fun. I joked with him as we grappled on the floor. Me grabbed me in a scissors around my waist and started to squeeze. I managed to flip him over and tried to get a half nelson on him. I was trying to roll him over on his back and pin him. We finally stopped wrestling and left the room, heading to the east. The hall outside the room was narrow and dark. I thought that it was a basement corridor. I followed the narrow wooden stairs up through $P19 to the first floor. The passageway was then someone’s room, and i was climbing over the chairs and furnishings to get to the east side of the room. I knew that this room belonged to $A36. I stepped up over the grey metal desk at the east end of the room and through the small doorway above it. The doorway was framed with unfinished wood which had been darkened by age. We found ourselves back in the dormitory room again. The beds had been moved again. This was not the way we had left the room. I realized that $F5 had been in the room and had moved his bed to a better location. He had moved his bed to the south side of the room, where it was separated from the desks and workspace. I told $F4 that it was actually better to have the beds in the back of the room, to the northeast, where it was dark. It would be easier to sleep in the dark section of the room. I was then in the living room of $P19 where the others had gathered. The room seemed dusty and run down, with pieces of old furnishings sitting around. This part of the house was rarely used. I could barely remember what it used to look like. The other talked while i stood on the north end of the room chatting.

It seemed that i was at the summer camp on $P22. My father was with me as i stood in the center of the large field. I thought that i would have to ride the horses with the rest of the children in the camp, but i did not feel like doing it. I walked to the south, across the rocky beach. It seemed as thought we had just finished some kind of water sport, and now we were getting ready to do other things. I felt distant and wanted to get away from this place. I turned back to the northeast and headed to the cabins. $F4 and $F5 were with me. We walked over to the small area and started setting up the small table. We had to get ready for the performance. There would be a play, and we had to create the set for it. We inflated the small brown table and tried to stand it up in the center of the area. The rubber legs kept bending, though, making it hard to stand the table upright. When we finally got it standing, we started laying out cards. This was part of the play. The cards were from a tarot deck, and we were supposed to be acting out the prophesies. I kept moving around the area, thinking about what we were supposed to be doing. I started to set up the table again, aware that $A228 was watching me from the east. I felt a little nervous about her being here. I continued to set things up. I was now the only one in the room getting things ready, and i felt annoyed that the others were not helping me. I could hear the others talking in the hall outside. I felt frustrated. I would have to finish here and still get dressed for the performance. I decided to start changing my clothes. I was now in the small bedroom, where the inflatable table had been set up. I took off my pants and started to change my underwear. I looked at the underwear as i removed it. It seemed old and yellow, and the material was thinning. I felt embarrassed to wear them, but i knew that i did not have any other clothes. I could hear the director talking in the room next door. They were visiting the rooms to make sure that everything was ready. I was not ready, and i felt rushed and anxious. I still had to memorize the rest of my script. I then heard music coming from one of the other rooms. I walked into the small bathroom, which seemed like the bathroom off of my parents’ bedroom. The bathroom was white, with a shower stall on the north wall and a counter and sink on the south. I had entered from the door on the east side of the north wall. I could hear the music louder in here, and i thought that i should turn it off. There was a small jukebox on the floor of the room. I turned it off with the small black knob. The jukebox was new and shiny. I thought that $F5 must have purchased it. I felt annoyed that he was spending money on things that we did not really need. It was more of a status symbol to him. I was then aware that $F5 was in the shower, to the north of me. I talked to him through the curtain, but he did not reply. I started to feel that something was wrong, so i pulled open the white shower curtain. $F5 was standing against the east wall of the shower stall. His body was white, as though covered with makeup, and he was partly embedded in the plaster wall. I felt suddenly upset, knowing that he had been depressed about something. I put my hand on his chest and tenderly told him that he should get down from the shower. I was afraid that he might try to kill himself. He looked at me, and i could tell that he was very upset. I then noticed the rope around his neck. The other end of the rope was wrapped around the shower head. He was planning on hanging himself, but he could not yet do it. I felt upset, and knew that there was something very wrong with him. I turned and walked into the kitchen, trying to think of something. This seemed like the kitchen of my house. I felt very upset. There was a small hole in the white linoleum of the kitchen floor. I thought that $F5 had cut the hole into the floor in order to get the new refrigerator into the kitchen. I felt suddenly annoyed with him. I thought that it was very inconsiderate of him to simply cut a hole in the floor without asking us. The hole could not be fixed, and i wondered how we would tell the landlord about it. The floor was simply ruined. I then noticed that the refrigerator on the north wall was now made of cinderblocks. It was very heavy and dug into the floor where it stood. I wandered what had happened to my refrigerator. I felt very frustrated with the others. I did not want them changing things without telling me. I did not feel that i had any control over the situation here.

12002 May 08

I came to the western of the building on the college campus. It was dark out, and i was talking to the other person about the sorority. I could picture the building in my head. I was trying to find someone, but i could not understand why he would be in a sorority. I felt as though i had discovered something, and i had to find this person. I looked back down at the white floor plan in my hands. It showed a rectangle in the center, which was the main part of the sorority. There were names written no the map. Two trapezoidal shapes fanned out from the long sides of the rectangle. They represented the underground rooms of the house, but i knew that there could be only one underground room which was exposed to the outside. I knew that the woman for whom i was looking lived in one of the rooms in the basement of the sorority, and that her room had a large window on the west wall. The building was to the east of us, and i could see the large window of the basement apartment. The names on the map, however, showed that two men lived in the room facing us. I felt confused. I wondered whether there were two basement rooms on opposite sides of the building. I thought that the house might be on the crest of a hill, which would allow there to be two basement windows with large windows. I decided that this was the best explanation. I turned to the south as i started talking to the other person. I was standing just to the west of the college dorm. I noticed that there were necklaces scattered on the damp grass of the ground. I noticed a silver necklace in the center of the other necklaces and bent over to pick it up. $Z stood to the east of me, speaking to me. I told him that the silver necklace was interesting. I said that it did not belong with the rest of the necklaces. A woman then approached us from the west, from the lighted paved path that ran across the rolling grassy campus. She said that she had lost her necklace, and i knew that the silver one belonged to her. I handed it to her casually, making it seem as though i had known that she would be looking for it.

I tried to ride my bicycle to work, but it was not working properly. I felt frustrated with the bicycle shop that was supposed to have fixed the bicycle. They did not fix it properly. The black plate that covered the rear-top of the back tire was still loose, and i was worried that it would fall off.

I hurriedly looked out the back window of my house. Something seemed wrong, and i thought that the strong wind from the storm must have woken me up. I remembered hearing a loud noise outside, and i though that the large tree in my back yard broke and fell over. I looked to the ground below me to see a large bow from a pine tree sitting near the back of my house. It seemed to have fallen on the back deck, and i was worried that the deck had been broken. I shifted my position in the window to get a better look. I could now see all of the deck. It was not damaged. I felt relieved, but was still worried about the fallen branch. The passing storm must have brought some really strong winds.

12002 May 09

It was early in the morning, and i was still sleeping in the living room of my grandmother’s house. I could hear my mother and my grandmother moving around in the kitchen. They were leaving the house to go somewhere. I was on a large mattress which was on the on the floor in the eastern side of the room. After they left, i shifted position and wondered whether i should get up. There were two other men sleeping on the floor near me. They were both very young, and i felt somewhat interested in them. One of them started to joke around with me, jabbing at my side to wake me up. I pushed back and started to wrestle with him for a moment. I liked him, but i thought that the other man might be jealous of our interaction. I had been sleeping on the floor with both, but the second man seemed to be quieter. I felt sympathetic toward him. I tried to talk to him, so that he did not feel left out, but he did not respond. I then touched the other man on the chest. He was nicely muscled, with smooth skin. We started to poke at each other, and then started to wrestle again. I liked wrestling with him.

12002 May 11

I was in the large empty room of the house. The walls of the room were bright white, and this place almost seemed like a corridor. There was someone to the east of me, speaking to me. I looked down the hall to the east as the woman spoke. I then noticed something at the eastern end of the room. There was smoke coming out of a heater vent on the upper part of the south wall. I said something to the woman about the fire, feeling suddenly worried about it. I said that we would have to get out of the building. I, however, was interested in finding the cause of the fire. I thought that there was something burning in the heating system. I ran through the corridors of the house, noticing more and more white smoke coming from the vents. I knew that i still had time to make it out of the building safely. I came to the center of the house and opened the cellar door. The stairs leading down to the cellar were old worn wood, and the stairway seemed dark and unclean, unlike the rest of the house. There was steam at the bottom of the stairs, and i realized that the white clouds from the vents were not smoke at all. They were just steam from the heating system. I would have to go into the cellar to turn off the broken steam pipe.

12002 May 12

I was walking across the graveyard with the other people. We had come here to do something. I looked up at the long twisted branches of he trees, which were silhouetted against the grey sky. There was something about them which made me feel cautious. I told the person next to me about my concerns. He seemed to be Chicote, from Star Trek. I could hear the branches cracking, and i said that we had to be careful. I thought that we should get out of this place. Someone then said that the branches were coming apart. The main part of the branches was separating from the other part. It was described as thought it was light. The main part seemed to be a wide band of red light. I could see it against the black background. I then saw the smaller part of the falling branches as a batch of blue light against the black background. There was same importance in the blue light.

I carried the sword into the bare white room of the house. As i entered through the main door on the east wall, i said something to $F10, who was standing in the center of the room. I showed him the sword on which i had been working. He agreed with me that the handle was a little too long. I looked at the decorative handle as i described it to him. It has a swastika in the center of the hand guard, and i thought that the other decorations, which were carved into the handle, might be nazi designs as well. I pointed the sword down, to the east, and gripped it with both hands, showing $F10, who was standing to the northeast of me, how much extra length there was to the handle. We spoke about the sword, as i looked it over again. The carvings in the gold handle were shadowed with red and black. I thought that i must have bought the handle in a craft store and used it when i assembled the sword. I knew that i would not have crafted the metal myself. I rotated the long sword in my hand, looking at the carvings. I was glad to realize that the carvings were not really nazi. They were mystical symbols. As i rolled the handle in my hands, i thought that the swastika must then be the indian symbol for wisdom. I tried to find it on the handle again but could not. I then realized that one side of the hand guard was missing. I turned the sword to the side where it would have attached, thinking that it must have broken off. There was a small spot of silver where i thought that the hand guard might have attached, but the silver seemed to be part of a decorative pattern on the sword. I then thought that the sword might have had only one side to the hand guard. I felt the other side, thinking that the hand guard might double as a pickaxe. I felt the wide flat tooth of the handle on the bottom of the sword. It was just the right shape to be a chipping axe. I rotated the sword and gripped it by the handle with the blade pointing up. I said something to $F10 as i felt its balance. I then saw something. The blade of the sword was thin, as though it was a ceremonial sabre. The bottom part of the blade was blue, and seemed to be a separate piece of metal. I remembered that the blue separated from the rest of the spectrum as it traveled. There was something special about the blue light. The main part of the sword was dominated by the red part of the spectrum, but it was the blue light which was important.

12002 May 13

I walked down the secret passageway between the old houses, heading to the west. I used to use this passage all the time, but it now seemed like a very long time since i had come here. I came into the room on the second floor of the house. The room was small and square, with cream-blue walls. The wallpaper on the walls seemed to have black and silver decorations on it. I glanced at the large card table that against the south wall as i headed to the door in the center of the north wall. I spotted the space toys on the table and stopped to look. Many of the toys seemed to be from Star Wars. I then noticed the toy of a Cylon Raider on the east side of the table. I pointed out to myself that i had one of those in my house. I then noticed that there were two Colonial Vipers piled on the table as well. I was amused by the toys and chuckled as i headed out of the room. I came into the hallway, which ran north to south. The hall was open to the floor below on the west side, a thin railing running along the edge. A flight of stairs ran down in the center of the hall to the large room below. I wondered whether i should really be here. I felt someone walking to the east across the south side of the room. This seemed like the house of $F5’s parents. I thought that this house felt like an old english house. There was a room on the south side of the entryway, at the bottom of the stairs. I walked to the east, into the small television room. $F5 was sitting on the south end of an old green couch. He was playing video games on the television, which was against the west wall, just to the north of the entrance. There was a second entrance to the room on the south end of the east wall. I knew that $F5 was very upset, and i felt very worried about him. I sat down on the arm of the chair, which was to the south of the couch. I held the piece to the video game behind my back. I had brought it so that i could play the games with him, but i did not want to make it seem that i had only come to play games. I asked $F5 how he was. He seemed calm, but very depressed and upset. He asked me if i had brought the camera for him. I pulled the object out from behind my back and held it up. It was a white Viewmaster. I told $F5 that i had not brought the Viewmaster for him. I looked at it as i held it up. There did not seem to be a chord attached to it, yet i knew that it was a controller for the video game. There were suddenly several other people in the room. A woman said something to me as she walked to the north, in front of the couch. I spoke to $F23, who was standing in front of me.

12002 May 14

I walked up the hill with the others from $G3. We were doing something that seemed to have a purpose. We walked in a single-file line, up the sidewalk on the south side of the road. We were heading to the east on the steep street. One of the men in front of me was wearing a red dress. I thought that this was part of the special event that we were doing. All of us were wearing joke clothing. The man in the dress then cheered, as though trying to call attention to himself. I thought that he might actually be trying to say something about himself. I wondered whether he really was trying to tell the others that he was homosexual. He turned toward me, stepping out of the line, and started running down the hill, waiving his arms over his head as he cheered. There was a white feather boa around his neck. I thought that he was amusing, but i could not help feeling that i had an understanding of what he was doing which the others did not have. He circled to the north and started back up the hill. He looked very familiar, and i thought that i probably already knew that he was homosexual. I turned to the north at the top of the hill and started heading down the street to the northwest. I was now on my bicycle, heading down the slope of the suburban street. It seemed dark out, but i knew that there were small houses on both sides of the road. I then turned my car to the west, onto the small side road to the right. I was unsure where i was going. I thought that i should pull over so that i could look at my map. This place seemed familiar, but i did not know where to go. I pulled off on the left side of the dirt road. There were buildings around me which seemed to be businesses. I was standing outside of my car when i saw the man ahead of me. His small blue car was parked on the side of the road ahead of me. The man was bald, and had a round body. He was wearing a dark jacket and blue denim pants. He lifted the large rock from the hood of his car and threw it through a window of the large blue house. The house sat very close to the road. I could see a silhouette of someone moving around inside the house as the man ran to his car. His car was now parked with the front facing the house. He started to back away, the sights on the car sighting. I thought that i should get his license number so that i could tell the police about him. I realized that the people in the house might accuse me of throwing the stone because i was standing outside. Looked at the license plate of the van as it backed up, but i was having trouble seeing the entire plate. I looked at the three letters at the beginning of the license, but i could not make them out. I could see the four numbers at the end clearly. The van pulled out onto the road and headed to the east. I pictured the license in my head, trying to remember it. The license was “GHB 2731”. I thought that i would have to remember it when the police came. I saw the shadows move across the yellow drapes. I thought that the people must have reported the incident to the police. I would have to tell the police what i saw.

12002 May 16

I was traveling north on the river, heading through the forested country, which seemed like $P24. The land to the west of me seemed flat, but there was a tall rocky mountain towering over the tall pines just beyond it. The shore to the west of me had an ashen tan sandy beach at the foot of thick green pine trees. The sand of the shore was rippled from the flow of the water and seemed to be scattered with small bits of driftwood. I watched the waves to the west of me as they rolled to the south, down the river. As i moved, i saw that the land to the west of me was really a narrow island, with a narrow sandy point on its north end. I stopped in mid air over the water and turned back to the south, watching the river below me. To my surprise, i spotted a large dark-coloured mass moving through the water. I thought that it might be a dolphin, but soon realized that it was a whale. I was excited to see the whale in the river, and wondered what it was doing this far from the sea. I knew that the river was fresh water. I then started to feel that something was wrong. The whales were rolling over each other in the water along the west shore of the river. I remembered that tidal waves from the ocean could travel up rivers, and i knew that this river was still tidal water. I worried that the great disaster in the Atlantic Ocean might cause a great tidal wave which could come up the river. I started to feel anxious, and thought that i would be in trouble if the water came up river. I then saw the water to the south of me rise and wash across the land. I felt scared and wondered what to do.

12002 May 18

I moved quickly down the corridor, following the person down the narrow stone-walled alley. I had special powers which would allow me to blend into the shadows of the alley. I slipped across the narrow passage and under the stone archway, delighted that i was able to become part of the shadows. It was an ability that would hide me from the others, and not let the man know that i was trailing him. There was an arch across the corridor from me, to the west. I thought that the west side of the passageway would need to be secured.

12002 May 19

My father was driving the car down the highway to the northwest. The sky seemed grey, and the land around us was covered with dark green grass. There was a policeman on the left side of the road, standing just to the east of an intersection. The land on the south side of the road rose steeply from the road near the intersection. It was covered with grass, and leveled out a couple of metre above the level of the road. We slowed as we passed the police officer, who was looking at a car which was embedded in the dirt embankment. Only the tail of the small yellow car was visible. The officer was wearing a black uniform and white helmet, which made him look like a highway-patrol officer from television. My father said that his uniform did not look correct, and i thought that he might not be a real police officer. I thought that he might have had something to do with the car being in the dirt hill. I started to feel unsafe and hoped that it was not obvious that we were suspicious of the officer. We had to act casually so that they did not stop us.

12002 May 20

I was walking through the city with my parents. We were heading to the east along the wide street, which had green trees growing on either side. I jumped into the air and floated to the white terrace of the large white and grey building. The building was massive and seemed to take up an entire city block. As i approached the building, i started to have problems controlling my flight. The wind had picked up and was pushing me along the side of the building. I started to worry that i might crash into the building. I also thought that someone might see me flying. I did not expect to spend so much time in the air, and i did not want someone spotting me. They might call the police on me for doing something that humans were not supposed to be doing. I was floating near the second floor of the building, but it felt as though i was very far above the ground now. I quickly reached out for the red metal railings around the balcony in front of me and started to myself onto the building. The railing shifted slightly with my weight, pulling out of its mountings. I quickly pulled myself over the railing and landed on the balcony as a very strong wind then hit me from the side. I had to grip the railing tightly to prevent being blown away. This building did not feel as safe as i thought it would. As soon as the wind died down a little, i ran through the small apartment and out into the hall. I thought that i should get down to the ground floor and meet my parents. I had to hurry, because i was afraid that, if anyone saw me flying into the building, they might send people after me. I could not be found near the apartment where i had entered the building. As i ran through the halls, i could hear the strong wind outside, and i could feel the building swaying slightly with the force. I ran down the cement stairs, in the stairwell with the white cement walls. I thought that i could hurry to he main lobby and lose myself with all the others. The officials would not be able to pick me out as the one who had been flying. As i reached one floor, i looked to the east to see an opening in the wall which looked out across an outdoor hallway. The light from the sky came in from the north. I rounded the stairs and started down to the next floor, but i suddenly realized that the light coming into the corridor might be from the first floor courtyard. I stopped on the stairs and tried to figure out were i was. I did not think that i should be on the first floor already. It seemed as though i was very high in the building. I looked down the stairs to the east, wondering if they really led to the basement. I felt confused and could not focus on where i was or what i was doing. I decided that i should be on the first floor and ran out the door and into the small gift shop of the building. My mother was standing by the front door of the store, to the south of where i had entered. She asked the others in the store same questions about the merchandise as i walked through the round racks of tee shirts and gift items toward her. I felt impatient, thinking that we had to get out of this area before the others came. I wanted to go out into the courtyards of the city. This place seemed like Eurivvonerga. It felt as though i had not been here in a long time, and i remembered that there were beautiful courtyards in this part of the city. I walked quickly down the corridors of the hotel with my parents. I tried to think where the courtyards would be. I then looked at the tan map that my father had in his hands. It showed an aerial view of the city with the tourist areas of the city marked in red, but there were no roads map, so i could not figure out how we should get to the nearest courtyard. There was a red line across the map which showed the route a person on foot would take to tour the famous archways of the courtyards, but it was hard to tell whether it corresponded to a road or not. I looked at the orientation of the archways on the may and thought that it should be to the west of us. The path across the map seemed to run through an area of the city where there simply were no roads. I thought about this for a moment and decided that it sounded correct. I then looked up from the map, looking across the open courtyard to the north. There were old white buildings on both sides of the long city square. I then noticed that there were white stone bridges arching over a small canal at the near end of the courtyard. The bridge had tall spires on either side of each end. The canal was the main river which ran through the old city. I realized that this was the beginning of the tour walk. I then remembered the people who had been following me. I still felt weary of them and thought that i would have to lose them. They were interested in me because of my flying. I wanted to see the sights of the city, but we had to get out of the area for a while. We turned to the south and headed back to the car. I then decided that i should separate from my parents and fly away. The people would not be able to follow me in the air. I started to fly, thinking that i could meet my parents on the south side of town. I would be able to lose the others in flight and then sneak back into the city. I thought about the city as i flew into the air. It seemed that this place was on the west side of a lake, with the main part of the city to the southeast of where we were.

I turned to the east, noticing the burst of light in the dark sky over the narrow valley. I could see the rounded green on the opposite side of the river valley to the east, and there were some trees just across the road from me. The trees seemed to be apple trees. There seemed to be a small river flowing just beyond the orchard, and a thick row of trees beyond that. The fireworks were coming from the farm to the east of the trees. I looked to the west to see the small white farm house, where i had been staying. The glass on the windows of the front porch reflected the light on the fireworks as a second burst of sparks lighted the sky. The others with me commented on the display. I thought that it must be coming from $A352’s house. I knew that he was having a party and that he would be setting off some of his home-made fireworks.

12002 May 22

I looked out over the muddy waters of the flooded river to the west of me. It seemed as though it had just rained, and everything was flooding. The river seemed relatively shallow right in front of me, where in flowed over the rounded rocks and small boulders. I then noticed the black SUV drifting down the river from the north. It seemed to float slower than the rest of the water. I thought that it must have fallen into the river farther upstream. I felt very concerned, and wondered if there was anyone inside. A young girl then crawled out the passenger’s window of the truck and stepped onto one of the large rocks in the middle of the stream. As the car floated on down the stream, the girl seemed to be looking for a way out of the water. She spotted me on the shore of the river and started moving toward me. I knew that the water just off the rocks in front of her was very deep, however. I tried to yell to her not to move, but she jumped into the water anyway. It was too late for me to help her. The water was moving too fast for me to do anything to try to save her, so i turned and ran to the north, for the emergency phone. I thought that there would be a phone on the side of the river somewhere near the foot path. I thought about what i would say to the people on the emergency line. I knew that it was already too late to do anything to save the girl. The current would have dragged her over the waterfall downstream. I considered telling the people on the phone that the girl would be in the canal downtown, at the bottom of the waterfalls. I then wondered whether it would really be worth it to dial 911. This was not really an emergency any more. There was nothing they could do to save the girl. She would already be dead by the time they got to her. I walked into the room of the house where the telephone was. $F13 was there. He seemed upset about the girl. I wondered what i could do to help him. I then noticed the woman to the east. She seemed to be looking for something in the house. The young boy was with her as she searched. I felt bad and knew that i had to tell her about the girl. I wondered how i could say that the girl was dead. I thought about how i could comfort her to help her feel better. I thought that i should probably hold her to make her feel better.

12002 May 24

I walked through the forest with the other person, down the dirt trail. The ground of the forest seemed damp, with right dark soil, and the rich growth around us was dark green and lush. As the trail rounded a large tall tree, i spotted an old white door an the side of the trail. It seemed strange for a door to be in the middle of the forest. The white paint on the wooden door was dull and cracking from wear. We stopped and looked around the forest. There seemed to be something special about this area of the woods. I started telling the other person about the brightly coloured frogs in the area. I had heard about them through my job as an editor, and was amused that i had some knowledge of this area. I looked around at the small plants in the area, wondering whether i would actually see a frog. I then spotted a large red and black frog on a rotting log. I pointed it out to the others who were with me. I was interested to see it. As we got closer, though, we noticed that the frog was not really that brightly coloured, but was surrounded by brightly coloured loops. I realized that the rope-like loops were really parts of a snake that had wrapped itself around the frog. I felt concerned. Then, the man with me reached out and tried to untangle the snake from the frog so that we could all get a better look at the frog. I felt suddenly distressed and tried to caution the man, but it was too late. The snake bit him before i could say anything. I knew that the snake was very poisonous, and i turned around to get some help. The man and i rushed back through the white door and down the trail the way we had come. I asked the man if he was starting to feel numb. I was afraid that the neurotoxin was spreading too quickly through his system. I came to the small aluminum-framed store. The store was pale green, and looked like an old grocery from the fifties. I walked into the store and asked the people inside about the snake. I wanted to know whether it was really poisonous. The woman and man at the counter did not seem to know what snake i was talking about, so i tried to describe it, trying to remember the multicoloured design on its body. I told them that it was a red and yellow design on a tan background. The woman in the green grocer’s apron suggested that it might be an anaconda. I remembered that anacondas were known to bite and release, where as other poisonous snakes might hake locked onto their pry until it was subdued. I then found myself in the back room of the store, thinking that i had to get something for my friend with the snake bite, I felt that something was not right. This was not the right place for me to be. Something had changed suddenly, and i did not remember how it had happened. I looked out the window to the east to see that it was raining heavily. The thick green leaves of the forest around the building were drooping from the weight of the water. There was an old house just at the edge of the woods. I remembered the old house from someplace before. I looked at the map that was in my hands to see the floor plan of the house. I had walked through the house sometime before. It was an old abandoned building, with dilapidated walls of worn wood. Someone mentioned that there were ghosts in the house. I looked around the house to see nothing but empty rooms. The old wood floors were covered with dust and debris. I did not see any signs of ghosts in the house. The man then described the kitchen as being the strongest area of ghosts in the house. $Z and i walked into the front door of the house and passed quickly through the empty rooms. I was looking for the signs of spirit life. The house was different, though. The floor layout did not seem the same. I looked at the floor plan on the map. Something had changed, and i did not know exactly where i was in the house. The map coloured with dark shades, with thin black lines marking the features of the walls and rooms. The paper of the map was dull yellow, as though it was parchment. I was looking for the kitchen and thought that it might be along the back of the house, to the east. I started to the east, walking into a room which looked familiar to me. I wanted to stir the ghosts into action so that i could view them. I crossed the room and came into the kitchen. I was surprised to see that the kitchen was nicely decorated, as though it was still in use. Something was not right about this place. This place had been redecorated for the tourists. I thought that they had made this place nice so that people could come in to see the ghosts. I thought that there might be cameras watching me. They would be set up to catch images of the ghosts, and to watch what the tourists do as they pass through the haunted house. I felt disappointed in the house. The ghosts would not get mad at me here, but the place was no longer nice for ghosts.

12002 May 27

I passed through the dining room, around the east side of the long wooden table. The other guests were gathered around the table already. As i reached the northeast corner of the table, i noticed the brass lamps which were hanging from the ceiling. They split into two branches which curved back up to the ceiling. Each branch was topped with a wide flower-shaped glass bowls. As i looked at the bowl of the light near me, i noticed the shadow of something in the bowl moving. The others in the room were then looking up at the ceiling as well. The head of a snake came over the top of the bowl and started down the branch of the light. I backed away in surprise. The other shocked guests started to get up from their tables and back away. As i looked around the room, i could see that there were many snakes hanging from the light fixtures of the room. They were adders. I felt that i should get out of the room.

I walked to the south, toward the elevator of the hotel. I seemed to be working here as part of the catering staff, and i had to go down stairs to get something. $A283 was with me in the hall as i pressed the elevator button. The door of the elevator opened, and i stepped in. The door did not seem to be working properly, though. It tried to close as i was stepping through. I remembered that the elevator was not working properly. I stood against the back wall of the elevator and watched the doors close. There were two sets of doors in the elevator. They did not seem to be closing all the way as the elevator descended. I felt nervous having then remain open. As the elevator reached the first floor, the doors opened and i quickly stepped out. I was then in the elevator again. I had gotten the thing on the first floor, and i was now heading back up. Again, the elevator doors did not close all the way, and i felt nervous about being able to see the wall pass outside the elevator. I could then hear voices from one of the floors as the elevator continued to ascend. There was something wrong. The voices were plotting something. I then realized that one of the voices was from $A283. He had a gun and was going to do something to the people on the upper floor of the hotel. I stepped out of the elevator near them. They seemed surprised to see me, and i tried to act as though i had not heard what they had said. I could not let them suspect that i knew what they were planning, or they would shoot me. I had to get out of the area, though, before they started killing people. I walked down the hall to the northwest, not looking back at the men with the guns. I had to get out of the area before they realized that i knew what they were planning. There was an open doorway to the north of me which led into the large lecture hall. The walls of the hotel’s hall were cream orange, and the metal door was painted a dark colour. Once i was in the lecture hall, i was out of the sight of the men, so i started to run to the back of the room. The center of the room was filled with chairs and sloped to the north, toward a small stage. There were a few people in the room, but the conference had not yet started. There was a rounded dark-skinned woman near standing near me. She had seen the gunmen and called out for help. I nodded to her, letting her know that i was trying to get help. I then started running through the black chairs of the audience toward the bottom of the auditorium. I thought that i could run out the back door, which was behind the stage, and call emergency. As i ran, i noticed the emergency doors to the west, along the side wall of the room, but i continued to the north, toward the stage. I could hear the people in the room behind me start to stir as if they were becoming aware that there was a problem. I passed through a black curtain at the edge of the stage and out the door in the brick wall at the back of the theatre. I was back in the side hall of the hotel. The white corridor curved along the side of the auditorium, leading back to the main lobby. I turned to the right, thinking that i could make it back to the reception desk in the lobby. I tried to think what i should be doing. It was dangerous to appear hurried. If one of the gunmen spotted me, they would know that i was trying to call for help. I thought about how i could run into the lobby and use the telephone at the desk before the gunmen realized what i was doing. I knew that the gunmen would see me in the lobby, though, and felt nervous about going there. I was then back in the auditorium, just behind the black curtain on the stage. I ran through the exit door again, but, this time, i turned left. I was trying a different scenario. I ran though the narrow room of the video arcade. I knew that $A283 would follow me. I walked out into the narrow brick alley to the north of the building and started heading to the west. The arcade machines ran out the door and along both walls of the alley. They were plain black boxes. I had to find somewhere to hide. I wanted to be out of sight before $A283 came out of the door. I did not want him to see where i had gone. I spoke to the other person as i ran back toward the door on the tops of the machines. There seemed to be a metal walkway on top of the machines were i could walk. I remembered this scene from before. The scene had been set on top of the walkway earlier. I remembered that the person in the film had hidden by laying down on top of the walkway where the other man could not see him. I mentioned this film to the other man. I came to the end of the walkway, on top of the last machine, just before the door bark into the building. The gunman came out and looked around in the alley, but did not see us. I made a joke to $Z about the situation in the movie. We should be very obvious from where the gunman is, but he did not notice us.

I was wrestling for fun with $F12 when he grabbed me around the torso and tried to squeeze me. I rolled around so that i was on top of him and tried to get out of his grip. I then managed to grab him in a scissors hold with my legs. I squeezed him back as we wrestled. He seemed to be enjoying the competition. I was happy that he enjoyed the sport as well.